The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, December 11, 1875, Page 2, Image 2

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rfflclnl ' Paper ef the United States.
A man was recently found dead in Rhode Isl
and with three pairs of breeches on. There is
reason to believe that he succumbed at the end
of a determined struggle to prevent his wife
t.-ora wearing the brooches.
H. Gale, formerly editor of the Itoseburp
Ensign, is to start a paper at Canyon City next
spring nndor ths auspices of a joint stock company.-
W may look for a lively paper from
that camp and country.
Dr. tl. H. Davis has located in Scio. having
jast returned from California. The Dr. goes
there with the reputation of a first-clans physi
cian and will doubtless build tip a good busi
ness in a short time. WeeomropncI him to the
citiaem of Scio and anrronnding country.
Decidedly In Lark.
0 A. Brown and E. 0. Norton were the
lucky individuals at the raffle of Thanksgiving
night, for John F. Miller's fine trotting horse,
valued at $350. They are in a quandary as to
which would be the better course, to sell the
horse or bny a buggy. They both feel that
Dame Fortune is on their aide and will try their
luck aain.
Terrible Fright.
A couple of timid yonng ladies were terribly
frightened two evenings since by the appear
ance of a man going in the same direction
which they were traveling. They were breath
lessly rushing for noma haven of secnrify
when the pursuer's voice assured them he wag a
friend. Back streets and few podestria ns otten
bring about very ludicrous events.
Ura Soiree.
Prof. Day gives a grand soiree at the Opera
House to-night A large crowd of the elite of
the city will be present and a general invitation
is extended. His schools have established his
rettti"i as a most -"- uan"
kiug. Our young and middle aged people
should take advantage df this opportunity to
study the "poetry of motion." Admission to
the soiree to-night, only seventy-five cents per
River Hm.
The steamer Alice brought down from Eola,
on yesterday, one hundred tons of wheat for
the Salem Mills, and will take on one hundred
tons of flour and fill np cargo at Lincoln and
Wheatland with one hundred tons of wheat.
The Champion passed np last night.
The Bonanza also passed up in the afternoon
The Willamette Chief passed down in the
The steamer "Citv of Salem" will be here
this evening on her way to Harrisburg direct.
Ttie Weather.
The 0. 8. N. Co.'s telegraph furnishes the fol
lowing weather report from points on the npper
Columbia yesterday morning:
Wallula Weather clear; thermometer 24 deg.
Walla Walla Clear; ther. 14 deg.
" Cascades Weather clear; wind from north;
ther. 35 deg.
Umatilla Cloudy; ther. 20 deg.
Dalles Cloudy, no wind, cold; tnr. 25 deg,
Froze hardest.last night of the season.
The Revesae fatter.
The Government vessel being built at Albiua
is progressing slowly toward completion, says
the Journal. She has now the skeleton, keels
on, ribs, etc., in foundation and firmly fast
ened, and is eertainly very staunchly construct
ed, as fir as completed. Persons unacquainted
with ship building, will not regret having vis
its! and examined Una pie?e or wort.
t artain .eettire.
A little incident occurred at the Ladies Fair
at the Opera House Tuesday lflght, which was
amusing to the listeners and instructive to one
of the parties to a conversation. A good look
ing gentleman engaged a beantit'nl youn lady
in conversation, under the shadow of the cur
tains of the "Art Gallery." Our reporter only
canght a few words, which fell from the lips of
the little girl and ran like this "Yon consume
too many cloves, my dearand I fear they have
an intoxicating influence on yonr brain." The
gentleman readjusted his cravat and went down
atreet to commune with nature.
We learn from a Victoria piper that last Sat
urday, about noon, a decit hand employed on
the steamer California, while in the lower hold
assisting in unloading the ship was struck on
the head by a boi cf apples which slipped from
the slings, and instantly killed. On examina
tion it was fonnd that his neck was broken by
the shock. The Superintendent of Police held
an inquest, and the jury rendered a verdiet that
death resulted from accident and added a rider
that the secfLd mate, who was working with
the men, shonld superintend iustead of actively
helping operations, so as to lessen the pmoabil
lty ot a recurrence ol tn ;h accidents.
Wreeh of the Sunbeam.
An extra Astorian of November 233,' gives
information that the drifting hull of a vessel
first seen from Cape Hancock Lighthouse on
the 20th, and which subsequently washed
ashore a few miles above that point, has been
ascertained to be that of the schooner Sunbeam
built at Coos Bay this year. She had made her
first veysge to Ban Francisco, with lumber, and
flailed from that port Xnvt -mhei 3d for Coos
Bay with a cargo of merchandise. Mie was
commanded by Captain Bennett, an txpuueed
seaman and good man. It is hardly prsihl
that anv on boajd were saved.
Tte Siew Telejreaph.
A dispatch from Mr. Platte Jiutr, Lee's En
campment (on the summit of the Blue Moun
tains), Nov. 2 1th, to the Evening Journal, says
"We pass here to-day. The other party are this
sifle of Baker City. We ought to meet at La
G'-ande by Dec. 1st." Should the meeting be
efictad, the line will be ready for thorough
communication, and Portland will then have
two lines of telegraph to connect with Califor
nia and the East, and connection also with
Union and Baker c unties and Southern Idaho.
Oregon is spreading her wings.
The Oregon Steamship Company's steamer
Ajax sailed from San Francisco for Portland
Wednesday forenoon, bringing the following
Eev G F Plnmmer A M iss Anderson,
family, Miss Kate Mountain,
Miss E Armstrong, Miss McDonald,
Mrs L Patterson Jt 2 ch,J K Howell,
J Healy, H Appel,
C J Moslev, L Sohns,
R O Sanfley, Mrs W B Morris,
D P Hammond, Mrs B Finrey & sister,
Mrs H Hyde and child, Mrs i Maver,
E R Parker, J M Carlton,
I B Rapp, T A .Wood,
C Pierce, . J Kiukead,
A S Farenhson, T) Dasrleish,
J Carlin, Mrs H Parkhnrst, neice
8 W Harper and tarn, and 4 children,
B 8 Cook family, C Cook,
W Langley, J C Ball,
A K Pennington A wf, J Dehrling A family,
E M Johns and wife, Mrs M J Cox A 4 h,
A 8 Dudley and family, Mrs O Hare and child.
Mrs H H Spring, Mr W B WellB,
Mrs M H Dobson and R B Knight,
child, H E Compton,
C Hixh and wife, W A Dans and family,
John Robbing, wife and E Bieloh, wife and nine
13 children, children,
A Bieloh, wife and seven children.
Livery Stable Hurucd -Thirteen Haines
In Hi- i'lamea.
Afire broke ont tbCH,t2 o'clock Thursday
morning in Marshall's livery stable at Albany
and although the Fire Department were
promptly on hand and worked heroically, the
building with moist of its contents was in a
short time entirely destroyed. There were
thirteen horses in'tlie stable at the time, nine
belonging to Mr. Marshall and four transient,
one of which was a valuable race horse from
Walla Walla, brought in by a man named Har
xii only tnree hours before the fire broke out,
all of which were burned.
There were also a number of buggies and
covered hacks in the stablo, nearly all of which
were burned as well as a large amount of hay
and grain. Two meu who were sleeping in the
stable awoke just in time to Rave themselves
It is not known how the fire originated, but it is
supposed to be the work of en incendiary. The
loss falls Heavily on Mr. Marshall, who had
nearly all his available means invested in the
business. Nearly a theusand dollars were sub
soribed Thursday forenoon for hla relief by the
cititsens of Albany.
At one time there seemed great danger of the
fire spreading to the adjacent buildings and the
contents of Cannon's livery stable and several
other buildings were removed, but by the exer
tions of the firemen the conflagration was con
fined to the building in which it originated.
This is the latest news we have fjo til Si
uawmmijfiiitmm i
In this city, November 25th, to the wife ef E.
D. Williams, a son.
The total receipts at the Ladies' Fair, which
closed Friday night, foot up throe hundred and.
twenty dollars. The expenses are to be deduct
ed, but a nice sum has been realized.
Hon. W. It. Dnnbar delivered a lecture at
Zene last night. There are a largo number of
followers of Father Matthew at that place. Ho
is a very popnrar temperance lecturer.
New Moods.
Look ont for the new store in Gray's brick
block on Btate street. Mr. A. Friedman
will epen out an immense stock of fancy goods
on Monday, 29th inst.
f harmed With Iunillly .
Martin Whitlock was brought into the city
last night, on a charge of insanity. An exam
ination will be had probably on Monday.
Teatch keeps the necessaries of life at his
grocery store, and you can get them cheap for
cash. He wants it understood that cosh on the
block is the rule. He pays .no regard to your
religion or politics, but will give you good bar
gains for cash.
Urnud Bnll.
The ball given by Prof. Day, last night, at
the Opera House, was a grand success. A large
crowd was in attendance and a pleasant evening
spent Haas and Hernandez furnished, the
music and the Prof jasor the management.
The hollow-ware foundry at Gervais mannfae
ture all their ware from Oregon iron, made at
Oswego. The company claim it is more ten
eions and works more smoohtly than other
varieties, which you perceive is quite a tribute
to the quality of Oregon iron.
Messrs. Terrell A Gillingham have removed
their extensive stock of goods to the store in
Moore's block. Commercial street, which they
have had fitted up in elegant Btyle for their re
oouuun. Their numerous customers will
please make a nete of this.
Sile Present.
Al. Croasman and Mart. Chamberlin received
a box of nice articles, lately on exhibition in
the "Art Gallery" at the Ladies' Fair, which
articles can be seen at the store of Murphy 4
Croasman. Tbev do not know the donors, but
suspect some young ladies who were connected
with the Fair. The present is fully appreciated.
Hove Spirit.
The seance given by Prof. Jacobs last night
was well attended by a very intelligent audi
ence. Considerable confusion in the audience
prevented some difficult tests which he intend
ed to have given, but the performance was good.
He will meet a few inquirers again to-night at
the same place.
The Alden Fruit Drying Company has erect
ed a building, in addition to what they have
b?en using, as the demand for the goods re
quire more working room and increased facili
ties in every way. Col. Patton is managing
the business and is determined to make it one
of the most important institutions of the State.
onr on a this.
Miss Liunie McCullv leaves home in a few
days to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs
W. B. Crane, in Virginia City, Nevada. Her
many friends in Salem and Portland will cer
tainly miss her and anxiously look forward to
the date of her return.
Hilled by Railway Train.
A half-breed was killed by the evening train
last night near Gervais. We could not get
his name, but learn that he left Gervais about
half an hour before train time, and pretty well
illed with bid whisky. We obtained the above
facts from Frapk Wilson of the Chemeketa.
Tne ity Hertien.
The citv election for Salem is close at hand.
The Chairman of the Kepnblican Central Com
mittee should look after the matter of a conven
tion and see that the party is protected by se
lecting the best men for the several places to
be filled. Put none but Republicans on guard,
should be the watchword, and the coming city
election should be thought of beforehand.
Robbery unci Arrest.
City Marshal Smith yesterday arrested a man
by the name of Autoine Miller, on a charge ot
having stolen a coat, some money and jewelry
from a bar-keeper in the Congress Hal! Ssloon.
Some oi the jewelry was recovered but the coat
could not be found. An examination of the
ease was had before Recorder Hvde and the
prisoner" was held over to the Circuit Court. In
default of bonds the prisoner was locked np.
Through dispatches to Dewey ft Co., Patent
Agents, San Francisco, we receive the following
advance list of C 8. patents, granted to Pacific
Coast inventors: S. Bendt, San Francisco,
sofa bedstead; I. B. Dillon, Visalia, Cal., sheep
scratch box; H. G. Livermore, San Francisco,
ore roasting furnace: W. H. Masterman, San
Leandro, Cal., wheel hnb; W. C. Nelson, Sac
ramento, windmill; A. Ryder, Oakland, Cal.,
coupling for train telegraphs; A. Smith and J.
S. Roy, Sheridan, Nevada, washing machine:
O. Taber, Santa Clara, Cal., horse hay fork; J.
D. Clup, San Felipe, Cal., curing tobacco and
cigar mold.
Mr. Stroud, Conductor of the Albany express
who has of late been suffering under symptoms
of billions fever with occasional shakes of ague,
has a farleugh for a few days and Mr. Wilso,
takes his place as Conductor,
Business in Portland seems very dull just at
present, but there is considerable travel
enough to keep a good ran on the principal ho
tels, while most of them seem to be doing
fair business; none are doing better probably
Uian the St. Charles, owing to the popularity of
the landlord and the very reasonable charges.
The Commercial Hotel lately opened in Port
land on the plan and price of the Commercial
here, is getting a merited ran, and still another
h.Jtel building is being put up on First street by
a new comer, Mr. Qu&ckenbush. The main
building, is two stories 90 by 24 with 50 feet
front, to be ready about the 1st of of January.
It also will be conducted on a similar scale of
prices aB the Commercial, under the name of
"Iowa Hotel."
The steamer Ohio, haying been thoroughly
overhauled, during this week after a year of
hard service, is expected to be ready for service
and probably come np on Monday, while the
City of Salem" is advertised to reach here
at 5 o'clock to day, and gon up to Harrisburg,
These two boats seem to be growing in favor
with the people, as they form an independent
line, carrying at low rates, accommodating the
people in picking up freight or passengers at
any poiut, and affording the comforts for a trip.
The same may be true, to some extent, ot
some of the other boats, now plying on this
upper river, would be pleased to say the same
of all, were it merited.
A heavy wheat dealer from Yamhill predicts
mat wtieat will go no lower, ana tninks it will
be hrmer again soon.
lint Sight
The Fair held at the Opera House Thursday
evening, under the management of the young
ladies' Gleaner Society of the M. E. Church,
was a decided success in every particular. The
fair young managers were indefatigable in their
efforts to malic the evening pass pleasantly to
all those in attendance, while at the same time
manifesting a, laudable desire that their funds
should be materially increased.
The display of articles offered for sale were
very creditable both as to quantity and quality;
that of needlework predominating.
One feature of the Fair attracted the univer
sal attention of the numerous "little folks"
present, and that was the "Little old woman
that lived in her shoe," and had "So many chil
dren she did not know what to do," personated
by one of the little girls dressed up in "mother
ly" style, seated in a mammoth shoe improvised
for the occasion and literally covered with a
profusion of gaily dressed dolls, mounted on
wheels, which was drawn around the hall fol.
lowed by a troupe of happy-faced children. The
"Art Gallery" was the popular favorite with
children of older growth, and "drew" im
A list of names of articles under the head,
"Department of Literature, Art and Statuary"
was placed in the hands of each V'sitor and it
was amusing to see them marching around and
comparing the numbers on the printed list
with those on the labels of the curiosieies. The
last night of the Fair our reporter remained to
a very late hour and compositors became
"tired" and we leave a general review and giua- I
hubs up el ivnaJw fw Svufri Kf4is.
Horn, '
To the wifo" of D. H. Wagnon, on Saturday
evening last, a daughter weight niuo pounds.
The Oregon Steamship Company's steamer
Orirlammc sailed from Ban Francisco for Port
land Sunday with the following
S L Stono, wf child, 3 Graves, wf 4 3 chn,
Mrs E Kcllv nnd ch. Mrs L Ash,
Mrs J Johnson,
Mrs M Hutchinson,
A 11 Wass,
Miss S Lcuimont,
.1 D lliggs,
Mrs E Johnson,
Mrs C M Lockwood,
W Weatuerbeo and wf,
Dr W C MeCay and son,
Mrs It H Brown,
A Forbes, wf and ch,
C Lenimont,
C Johnson,
L H Lockwood,
F O Hathaway,
Iee Sam,
Eleven Indians,
On the 28th of Nov. 1875, by Rev. Samuel
Heininger, Mr. John F. Cooley to Miss Sarah
E, Cole, both of the city of Salem.
It is not good to be alone,
So said the great and holy one,
John thought that this was very true,
Sarah replied we will be one and no more two.
And now since yon are both agreed,
Thus to be one in very deed,
May heavens choicest blessing deign,
In your domestic circles to reign.
Nov. 2!th, 1975.
IuMrtllt lloclimriit.
In compliance with a request of the Mayor of
Oregon City the chief of the Indian Bureau
of the Field, O. A. Brown, was necessitated to
pay his respects te the good people of the oity
aforesaid. Jim has leen disturbing the people
and it requires Brown to arrange the little
"drubles." In his absence his Leftenant opened
a telegram from Major Boyle, U. S. A., and In
spector of Indian supplies, which explains
WAsnrsoTOK, D. C, Nov. 17.
ToLifxt. W. H. Boyle, U. 8. A.:-TU
Tm yaatfrAar- to Agents Fairohiltlft and Litch
field are withdrawn. Notify them Hint owing
to lateness of the season Alsea Indians will not
be urged to move Until spring.
El). Smith, Commissioner,
The Hall Treadle Seutnjr M irhlne.
To obviate the disadvantages and fatigues ex
perienced by most persons in operating the
sewing machine has been the object of many
devices to improve this part of the machine
The best one thus far, and acknowledged by all
to be a perfect success, is the Hall Treadle,
which has been in the market and in use long
enough to show its undoubted merits. It cam
not be described in a short article, but the
principle upon which it acts it is engenjous
and sciedtinc and with this treadle six stitches
can be made to one with the common crank
movement and it can be worked for hours in
succession without fatigue. It has been exam
ined and improved by the highest mmlica! an
thority. li can be applil to any machine a:ui
it is not too much to say that it is an indi-pens
able attachment. See advertisement in to-day's
Killed ty Hntlwny Train.
We mentioned the deatli of a man near Ger
vais, on Saturday night last. The following is
the iinding of the coroner's jury :
We, the undersigned, a jury summoned to ex
amine into the cause of the death of Joseph
Jodtan, who was found iviug near the railroad
track in the town of Gervais, at fi:30 p. ai., Nov
27, 1S75, do hereby certify that to the l-t of
our knowtedge and Wlief, from the fact pre
sen ted in evidence, a can-ful exarnnatir.n of thf
body and the place where the sceii'tnt occurred
Joseph Jodt-an came to his deatli by falling
through a cattle guard and aero-y the track of
the railroad while attempting to cross while in
an intoxicated conditio nJaml'nas run ovev bv
the approaching train.
W. S. DrsFjruERY,
J. J. W II.I.IAMS, i
E. fl. Stec.e,
J. T.
Jos. Morr,
Mr. IVhon tested bis new thresher a few ti3y
since, and those who witnessed the work
pronounced it tiio lift uiaehiue in use
vie give Mow a ptatement of Mr. A. J.
Fowler, well known in this Htate. The work he
speaks of was dune with a 3-ineh cylinder:
Eveeobees, Maich 1, K"5.
l purchased and used fur (wo years past, one
of Pelton's six-fold horse powers, with no eot
for repairs so far, and the gearing show no
marks of wear, being now. to a!! appearances,
as food as new. I use U horses to run a se pa
rator, and have given the power some very se
vere strains. My common rrmniug i l,4i) to
1,500 bushels a day, and my largest day's run
was 2,075 bushels. I find this power more eco
nomical than a steamer, while 1 get ample pow
er for threshing without worry or distress to my
horses. In comparison with the Fitts' Power, I
can do from 30 to &0 per cent, more work, with
a lighter draft fur my team.
A. J. Fwi;n.
A new anil iwful improvement on t'te
river steamers i; the head light for night
travel. While parsing up the river on the
"City of Salem,'' in the thick darknes? of
a rainy night, thce reflecton throw
a light forward over the water? and near
shore, scattering the sleeping birds with
terror, rendering night travel on the river
quite romantic, while it assists in receiv
ing and discharging cargoes at the various
The "City of Salem" took on a pleasure
party of ladies at Salem on her last trip to
Harrisburg, rentlering Hie darkness and
gloom outside light ami gay within, by
song ami mush: on the fine piano, and an
occasional waltz throw n in to keep the oay
variety, the purser assisting with violin in
solo ami in chorus, to amuse, while other
duties were not pressing. So all were
happy without a marriage boll. Above
Coryaliis, in daylight, the ver is divided
and snlxliviiletl in m many chutes, chan
nels and cut-offs that any new navigator
m:ght take one, thinking he ought to have
taken the other, and wishing he had be
fore he is satisfied lie is in the main river.
The Government pulled some snags from
this part of the river, hut their number is
legion yet, and they come and go during
high water - like birds ot passage.
It might be more serviceable to navi
gation up here to have finger hoards
placed at the numerous forks pointing the
pilot the main channel, or one through
which he could pass, without cutting over
hanging trees that were left after the "one
hundred tons of brush" by government
last summer. See government report of
last summer's work.l
River has iallen eighteen inches since
last Friday, but likely to come up if the
rain continues. The City ot Salem re
ceived a cargo ol wheat at this point and
Monroe, with other freight and passengers.
There are some shippers who appreciate
tlie advantages ot reasonable rates of
freight and tare on the river, well know
ing that a combination of the lines mean
higher rates, and perhaps no boats at all
for two years, as it was a short time since.
The Independent Line, you perceive by
ad. in another column, propose to make
regular trips and go to any place on the
upper river, when business calls and
weather permits.
At Harrisburg improvements arc going
on. Jew Odd Fellows' hall, Hiram
Smith & Co. have improved their corner
with a two-story durable store, a gram
elevator, several dwellings, another hotel
and several additions to note. The late
high water carried away the darn, but they
saved about 1,000 barrels of Hour.
Two colored citizens had a little
trouble at the Postoffice.
Sir, I Btigmatize you as a false-
hoodfier!" exclaimed the first.
"And you, sir, a cantering
hipelcrit!"' replied the second.
"Ati! talK away!" growled the first,
' but my character is above dis-
"And your influence don't detach
"uiu my icjiuuiubu viie lowa!" glOTl
1 me otner.
And thus tliey jiai ted,
A Model tJ-rfronlnn. y
Gardiner, Nov. ii, lS75-4
Ei. Statksman: Most o your readrfs
have heard of the typical Western man,
who, hent on going West, crossed the
plains with his ox team, to Caliloryitt
struck the ocean and traveled up the cfast
a hundred miles to hunt a ford, but haf to
give up going further west, lie is iffiae.
Your correspondent has had the pleasure
of an interview wit! lilm. Startled by
the information that that remarkable man.
is a resident of this part of the country, I
set out in search of him. The streams be
ing swollen and the roads nearly Impassa
ble, In consequence of the heavy rains, 1
ha4 some difllculty in reaching his place of
residence. The worst obstacles in my
way, were trees fallen across the road,
which constantly impeded my progress.
A tlr tree a hundred yards from the road,
falling directly towards it U sure to reach
across it. But 1 put my horse through on
his best speed (a borrowed horse), jumping
him over logs, climbing around them
and squeezing under them, I ariiyed hi
good time. Found a well cultivated tarm,
good house, barn, fences nnd other Im
provements, splendid orchard, shrubbery,
even giapn vines, strawberries, etc., giv
ing the place the appearance of compe
tence, thrift and comfort. Such I found It.
Seeing two men butchering a hog, I rode
towards them. They were just in the act
ol hanging it on a peg nearly ont ot (heir
reach. 'R.t,-, .ferry, rar," were tlie first
words I heard as I approached them, when
the old man's foot slipped and he, hog and
all fell into the mud he and the hog side
by aide on their backs. The young man
to save himself from lulling nport them,
stumbled astride ot both, making a pic
ture which only Nast could render ridicu
lously nasty to truthfulness. I sat motion
less on my horse uncertain whether to
laugh, sympathize or assist them, but I
said as the old man made a motion to rise,
"Good evening, Gentlemen." He said,
"Good evening. Sir," in a cheerful, gen
tlemanly style, half raised from his ridicu
lous position. 1 then Inquired if "this is
where ('apt. West wood lives t" "Yes,
sir, 'light," was his prompt reply "that's
what they call me, d n 'em. I was only
captain of one wagon across the plains,"
Willi a comical smile. 1 alighted, tied my
horse and assisted them to hang the iiog,
by which time there was a general uproar
ious laugh, which Introduced the interest
ing interview of the evening. The butch
ering being soon over, and having told my
name and business, he said, "'iS go to
the itoue. Jerry, put the giutleman's boss
up." He conducted nm to a good, sub
stantia!, plain tarm residence, introduced
me to his wite and two daughters all as
gnod tiatureil, genial and happy as one
could find in a day's journey. In cxpian
lion of how he got so muddy, he gave a
humorous account of his fall and introduc
tion to me, causing a hearty laugh all
round, in which his wife and daughters
participated, alter which he exchanged
clothes and we were ensconced fur the
evening lwide an old fashioned lire-place-with
the clock on the mantel between
flower-yases and statuettes, picture? on
the walls and piano in its proper place;
larer in the evening baskets of apples and
pears and a pitcher of cider were
added, iiy the way. a mug ol that
!astis not bad to t ike. After a supper that
would do honor to a culinary artist and
charm the pallate ol a King, the object of
my visit to see the country and ilnd out all
I could about it for the lieuelit of immi
grams, that subject wag discussed at con
siderable length, giving information Of
importance to those seeking homes on
public lands, interspersed Willi anecdotes,
hunting adventure, narrow escapes f&iu
Indians, privations they underwent on
their settlement here twenty years ago.
The Captain gave a brief but thrilling ac
count of their journey across the plains.' I
regret my inability to condense into one
newspaper article the details ot this even
ing's conversation. I w ill give hut one in
cident of the plains. One drizzly day
while traveling high up on the Platte, in
company with other teams and a drove of
cattle, coming to good grass they conclud
ed to camp early. They drove their teams
and cattle across a small tream to camp
on the opposite bank and were alsout to
corrall their wagons when the storm in
creased, accompanied with thunder and
ligotning. Ail were across except the
yner of the drove, the recognized Capt
ol tlu train, who sat on his mule on the
opposite bank and bad just given orders
to corrall the wagons when a lightning
hock prostrated the whole company, hor
ses mule', cattle and moreover 500 head
of stock and thirty men. A tree close by
was riven into splinters. Soon they all
rose, but two never; one ot whom cried,
put me in the creek, I'm burning up.'"
They bathed him several times the other
also, but he was dead, the former recov
ered siifiieient to be hauled across to Cali
fornia wherejie died that IU1I. Some will
read this who were in the train at (he
time, participated in and weie ohserveis
of the awful pheiieenina. A singular in
cident connected with this is (he fact that
a young man who was driving a lazy calf
about half a mile back on the road was
prostrated by th3 same shock and the calf
killed. The man was left to tell the (ale.
After the Captain's brief narrative of
the plains Mrs. W., by way of sequel,
continued it with a briel ideal pictute of
their journey up the coast limiting a ford
across the Pacific. On inquiring I learned
that the story was originated by himself
n a letter to friends in Missouri in which
he said he had crossed all the way suc
cessfully, had got as f;r west as he could
go lor the Pacific and had traveled .100
miles up it hunting a ford, hut when he
struck the Umpqua and could not find it
he gave up, he would have gone, further,
but he found a country that just pleased
him, that he did not intend to go further
nor move again. He is not tired of this
country yet. California he thinks too un
certain, on account ot droughts, for sue
cessful farming. Nothing here but bad
fences endanger crops. lie gave me a
description ot I.oon Lake and Ten Mile
Lake and their surroundings. The for
mer is about 15 miles south of Seottsburg;
the latter half way between Winchester
and Coos Bay, near the coast. These
lakes are surrounded bv good land for set
As a fit termination of the evening's en
tertainment the Captain suggested that we
have a tune or two. I seconded the mo
tion, whereupon after a little persuasion,
the elder daughter gave us a few tunes
on the piano, finishing up with "Home,
Sweet Home," the best I ever heard it.
Indeed, 1 seemed to hear it lor the first
time. Such soul, sentiment, pathos, I had
never imagined could be condensed into
that piece! It was simply played, not
sung. It touched a cord in my soul, and
tears filled my eyes, .and I could imagine
the feelings of the homeless, wandering
composer as he incarnated and imiiiWtal
ized in that tune the sentiment ot the most
exalted of our race, but never before him
given utterance. Little was said after.
We quietly retired for the night, 1 think
ing, musing, dreaming of "Home, Sweet
IYieltling next morning to pressing invi
tations I consented to remain until a'.tr
dinner and take a stroll with the Captain
ab out the farm. We saddled our horses
nnd went In all directions, about as far as
we could for the brush; finally on turning
a point ol the bluff that jets out into the
valley, right above us on the point was a
lear in full view and easy range. The
Captain without a word raised his Henry
rillo and fired. The horse gave a hinge
side wise and backward and the Captain
was thrown into an old fir tree top and his
horse left in lull .speed for the house. My
horse tried to run also, but I succeeded in
turning him and saw the Captain hung up
on an old dry limb p.nd the bear coming
down the hill directly for him. 1 halloed,
"the bear Is coming," yet at the same
moment thought my companion was
pierced through by one of those sharp
bayonet like limbs, but before I could do
or say anything more the bear had struck
him and were both together. I hurried to
the center of attraction and round the
limb had only run through his clothes and
up his backf making it next to impossible
to disengage himself, but had succeeded
by the time I reached him. The bear was
dead, ths bullet having passed through his
brain, and he rolled directly past the
Captain, whs like a fowl on a spit before
the lire, awaited his approach. "I knew
I'd killed it," was his first words, "but
d n that horse, If I'd had my spotted
Cayuse I could a set and shot all day,"
and he jumped on the bear and transposed
a dozen texts of scripture and part of the
catechism, and wound up with: "Well, I
don't care tor nothing else, but Us ruined
my new pants. I couldn't run from this
bear, could 1 ?" I pinned up his clothes
as bet I could and we went to skinning
the bear, but before it was skinned Jerry
had arrived with his father's horse, ap
prised by the horse's return that some
thing was wrong, and he caught the horse
and brought him back. . The Capt. showed
his clothes as evidence that he had been
near a "bar." We left It and went to tiie
house. They intended to return with the
team for the game. Wc arrived in good
time tor dinner. The Captain's encoun
ter with the bear and hi nar
row escajie engrossed the dinner hour.
I have but one more Item to pen, leav
ing unsaid much that would interest the
readers of the Statesman'. We had green
peas.cncumbers and tomatoes picked right
Irom the vines that morning, cooked and
prepared in the usual way. Xo frot to
present date, things green and growing.
The Captain followed me ont as I left ami
lu a co'itidential manner said: "Now,
come up the first time the weather is good,
and have some more fun, if it is at my own
expense. I'll take you to the elk range
and you can kill your first one and may be
1 can kill another bear. Xow. come." I
promised him 1 would. Pionek!!.
I hsve bought a copy of (be 7Wirfi-r,t RV to
krt p mi I fur. I think it well suited fortliat stt te
ni l In Mtm warfare known a "hand to hand. "
It U npal.,-(mipa.-t, ,-tear. porlab'e, ltmstk. Jf
It tie true f hat "tlie word ol t;il Is the nwrd ot
llie enitH," it slioukl nit be hampered in a ,-um-lies-me
tnme. wi'li t!ff D'ani-aml jM-la-i.
Every working Christian, like the ar.p-l of the
revalators vision, Miii!-t hate "in hi hand a
unit B'XK tfis." The Christian oho would
ave iwen nmt lesrn to-o H f- thin th Scrijt
tr." ThH Teacher's tiihle ier,s llie ni',sr
omenieiilly. In a literal eeu.-e. of tta l-,k I ev,r
aw. IT etery s.-iire Christian ha f one ol the-e
Kihles an. I r. "ill. 1 use t(. mis oniv hi his clostt,
htu In his itailj .-outset with the wnrl.l, tlied-ij cf
triumph fur llie caue of righteousness wouKl he
nearer at hand. t. S. KMKSIIT,
Congregational I'a-lor.
1 am ile'itrhie'l with Die Tes, tier's Bible. II i
In every reseet almost as ct a liaxterS hest
hitherto acknuitleitget! s th be-t In llie Wiwhl -at'l
in sroe resvi? it Is better, ha-tn eme val
uable he! net laum! In Il3-s?ers vtst!- the
prL-e is les. Iiy nil mean !mr 3
Tea.-her'! itil.le-I have t.m!it ime f--r mvscli.
Mr. l'ver tiriM5e in sell ihem a i-heav'y a lliej
can be ha l lr-msy other source, anil trill tie
eontevriiiK a htey-inir upon any tei,n lKm he
can peruaie te pnrchae,
AliMsejr JoNt s,
PaH'ir 01 I!aUii chinch.
I hear!!!y en-iorse vfliar Rev. A-M!on J, me im
paii in reiranl to the Tea.-lrer. llil-le, an.t g'a.tly
siiiwk-ntK; lor a cejiy nu rtf.
Pastor hiaijjej,-a! I lunch.
Mr. 5. H. lYKB. li-ar Sir -In reference tt
tonrre'U'e!, allow meto-say HieTea -her- Itihle.
jmbli-heit by the American 1 ravt sociely. uimn
exaiulmi'lon j-.rme to W ibe vei y let in use lor
ttioe who have acce. t large hbmrie-'. 1 lie
quality ot ibe ,at-r biii.tii! is ri-ailv iio:
class, ami wilt lal liira liieihne.ccrtnt-tant wear:
Ixnng ef lineu air: i!k M-wei, aifl llie t'-i
editions bnuuil in Beihle. Levant Kid line,! cov
ers. The lllviiiB of the ,rnul texts Iwuveen Ibe
verses is extremelv s-niri;eiiveoi (hnrowgli critical
s!mty-coini!tnr Scripture with ScHpiHre. '1 In
very Till! aitls to feliMly, eunsiti:ol over K!i"-s
ot lmtee.l lexis. proisis toe-lhei- everv iiniwirmul
theme of thought in the nop! of Wtf. TiiK fea
ture alone, is worth more to iae than a ser:ile
large book costing IT SO. to which I letvec. instant
ly 10 refer. Hesi le? there are over a dozen com
llele uftj f Rihie countries and cities, churns
epical lab'es, liarmony oflbe iosuet, names and
titles of Christ, tables ol" weisrhts, measures ami
money. In hort, it contains" !u small
ttio lissenlial content of several large iuvI cen
wve buok. besides a llrst-rate reference lilble. 1
could wish a coiiy were in the hands ol everv Sal
ItfMh School Teacher and llible student in ibe
country. Howard W. Str ArToN,
Pastor Presbyterian and Church,
Albany, Oregon.
Having carefully examined (he Teacher's Bible,
I most heartily endorse all that Is said in regard
to it by Prof P. S. Knight, and llevs. Addisou
Jone and H. W. Stralton.
1-,. I. ROffLASD,
Pastor Christian Church, saleiu, Oregon.
xi.l.l.-N l vi l.uriuii
Mr. 5. H. Iiyer. the aireiit for Ibis excellent
v(k, ban!8 hh the riillowhi-s: tttstimomaig tor (.nit
licAtioH, 31111 by scr'nil otour well known clii-
1 have exsmine l Zcll'e Encycliintilla Willi :iiie
caiv, ilumgli briefly, aii'l ..oiipiltr i! h ciHrHimi
oi more viirii auti iis-iim iiinnnmMiii i n.-i n nu
w.trk of equal size anl prK-e I ever haw. At mu
a tlicli'i,ary of art, science, lii-4orv, biviai'tivii
lauenae, it 111 U, to u great e.xieut. ttte ,l;i.-c t
HeWerand Atmletnii at -once, atj'l cann.t irtil i
lw Huetiil to the simleiit. tlie vrofriwlniial niRii. (
auy lauiily duslriiig to culiiv.Ke general kimtrl
e.i(te. I'.s. KMiiiir, Cong, factor.
In one brief examination ol'lhuwork, all tilings
uoDMerel. we una it ut be uithonc a rival iu
i.. J. Powh.1,, a. sr..
L. L. Rowland, A. Ji., M. D.,
Pres't 'illamotte University.
1 Lave inw-'ti llila Tvomlertullr lull ami comitre
liensive wvk tor lour Years, and have fount! it
llie most satisfactory and eobv-enleiit liook of ret'
erence to xvlilch I hare ever had accer-H. tioth a
uciionarv ol the knuiisu i?DU.tfre and a cveioite-
uia oi iiierniureann science. o worK notnprisei
m'e. or is looi-e arv.ui-ate. t or convenient reier
ence and satisfactory iiiforniaiion 1 retard "Zeir
an a eivat ilepltei-alnm to all nrofessional men. 1
etfiild not well do without it. and inn? am nleaaed
vviin ine oportiiuuy ot suiwcrioinglordie .iipl
inent. I lieanily commend It as ino.-t ralualiie
to every student, aud all who peek to lie well in-
Kirnieu. jtnw aiui k. wkart.
Fastor rresbyterian Ctiurcli
T'ne vry brief examination I have lieen able to
makeot this work, has leu noon mv mind a con
viction ol its great worth, and leadline toeudorje
im piaue uemowen upon u in tnese )nti(ei4.
Thomas Condon, ytale ueologist.
Some book of reference te which Inquiring clill
dreu can lr information is an almoHt iudlNpeu
ble instrument of education in thefaHiily. F roui
Its renntaUBii rather than Horn thecur-ory ex
aminaiiou that. I have beeu nblo to give it, I be
lieve "ZelTa Knityolopedia"tobGthelKHt. adapted
to meet m want. s. 11. marmh, i. .,
(.'resilient of PaclUc, l ivlversity.
Having examined this proppecliiB with Fonie
Cine, 1 jimij;. llie nuik lo utrii Tjtiiiiotie uuv, tin,
lor thoe who cannot ati'ord the expensive cyclo
pedia like "App.elon's," or the "Biitannica," is
proliahly an good ns they can find. It appears tc
tie ao-.utjite, ami, fur its size, very complete.
J AS. W. MABH11, A. M.,
Prof. Latin and Creek, Pa,-illo I'niveralty.
Having had an opiortnmt.y lor a Bhort examin
ation, I concur lull v i 11 the above.
Hohace Lyman, A. M.,
Prof. History ami Rhetoric, Pac.illc. fjiiiversily.
The agent is now canvassing the city, and we
coimueud him to ttie courtesy 01 our citizens.
Salem, Oct. 4th, 1S75.
Having examined Zell s Popular Encyclope
dia, I have no lienitaney in saying that it is in
deed a Universal Dictionary, combining all tfca
;h.ief excellencies of Webster's larga Unabridg
ed llictiouary and Appletons New American Ku
cyclopedia. It ought to be owned by every stu
dent; and no scholar can afford to be without it,
because it is in itself an invaluable library of
politics, law and Government, science, art and
belles lettres, philosophy, astronomy aud histo
ry; biography, language and literature.
J. QriNN Thountox.
Eureka Market !
II. E. BKHCRIS, Proprietor.
Keeps Constantly on band a full
Assortment of
STATS STBEET, SMtuii Oregon.
Auctioneer and .Commission
Till fU'Mftwti, JS'KitrH'4 ofi'ost.
Empress, Delaines, Me
rinos, Plaids, Alpac
cas, Laces, Lavns
Linens, Ribbons
All the? miiei an-1 wiH ! hoM. A!s
Wdt lie ,-lnwl cut regardlesii t e-t.
1 let'. ? a f'lS! Hue or
All colors met .idths, AV'in flue 1,4 f
Sochenji Hctt it r,iH ay dt-atcr- in c, irw-ai;l lrtiv.
Yon will flii-1 U to pir a Irs-itage f- l-'t;" at
S. Xriecliriai 1'.
! lure a g'Xl ,1; onmelit ef
Brussels, Two-Hy, anJ all wool In
gTaiu, and Hemp and Burlap
a y c,irM-( were l,v,tciit in tlt l;,'ind to I'ldla
di li,h!a, :t:ui c.:,ii i -oUI vei j n a .o!,;c:e.
1 l-T " 3 ; (,f
Sakm Cloili. HaiHifR Blankr-iN.
A s-'"l ..itn!e!it
IIAT, t" r MS!!1!. '.
I.AKS aa t iio'.V-
1 '.
in i!,t in
TV t'i Ituv
VM't.liWKA Hi
wr FIN V. -mUT, K-aaJ
tui:i jus's.
Kymi want au ihii-c In tti- line -I NM'fOS
fr,.i:i :i (ti'l- cf 1 if!- ! ,,-i kl:ilc:u:d f -il, r,ot iil
tiiu! liii iii'ai 1 !:il.!iMAN''.
,ci wilt fin I it !,v ;ci- :.
1 .-1 x ri i;itii'F!:iKi
R'ilrt- t'i !' v :dl
Hiii.KMAX .
Vii:!c I sm ,.!l' r:' tin ir-.t-.t- nt irri-fi' ly rc,lucr-l
i :t;-, co vs ;! I rt!-o !i:d i ri the
s;tii-- lcii'iii-: the
Salem Drug Store,;
NiR. T. C. GilTIi,
Tie iM-.n-ai-t. wi'h ;rll'l Ime of the IH'KKST
I:U'ii5 and t HKMlt'.M.S i-ver .i!i-rel to the
liulill.-. ASi an 1 :i re-.- iaiii-1 nt
fcTWo m:ik( it SIM-CIAI-TV cf the PKK
St'HIPTH N kSnn jm n? may tlejif nd
ch) having Mji,-.itH r.n:p. nu-if j I'm rflly aifi
ol Ut 11 Rtr 1 ill'iis.
Vf J.tpp I line of
Bkttrs, Cordials, Ture Wines anil
Liquors, OUsf Etc.,-
Wlih-ti an n!l h vhrmer i! tho ?A! KM lifU'ti
I. W. WF Mil
O I Tj s ,
For Mlkal j't.rie 'Cfl.
Novl:ctiiv;lm Commcivla! Siroei , Snit-ni
Salem. Oregon
A. the Clieim.-l.ela ll-ilel, lias leasefl the
For a term of years, and has iv-litted and re-fur
nished the same, and will keep it second to no
houe in the State. He fim accottiodau one hun
dred aud til t v guests atVer hit old wtyk So yon
need noi n-ar lo ive nun a can, 101- uim muin wui
lie snnnlied with the best the country affords
C'bajxvs reasonable. Come oue. come all.
i'.r if
$1,000 R!MP
j im. li: hi 11 t s
Alter t 11 i-ais trial on inw oat nat proven
itwll'lhe onlr curative in a:'rf'iii) .;I.'(KhoT mtmmn
pi onounc!.:'i ly uui lUn ir;io1f mw rw tin tiioiirabf.
Dr. LeRkUi's GOLDEN BALRA W No. 1,
cllren 'hjincbri'h l!rt and Mvond I'tare, ivre on
tlie l,etfH or Bodv ; Sore Kar, Ken, Niw,
Copiier-colored l:htubr, S ihiiii.Ie, C'lte.rrh, 1-ea-ied
rtc.uli, aud all primal'v forma of tl e ;!
know n m hVlillix, Price., ' i: ;t bottls, or two
l'r (tl.
iir-T-H'lerfiary, Mr;tii ial, Syphilid, UUtumaKhm
(aiur in tin; Bomrs, Ba k of the Xtvk, i;i-r;ilw
Kftrr- Tfiront; .Syphilitic Jfash, Lump tnI in
fractal tUmt-K, hUtUn-hH oH!i UnitM, nl eradt-
bv iti'll-Htreiiou or :;tir of m:miry !etvbiK th
hlonl pmeani health'. Tilt , $r ir xmle, ot
two fur ft.
ii'Iotf;, for I fit; i ,'iit: 1 4 '.iifoi ho-a, iAt:ttt , Irration,
(iiavi l. an! a!! l.'riitarv or fitjiiiia! J sarmng
rwutH. iJii'-fc fl 60 per lxttle.
tecHou, a w.t.-li and injection lor nevere. eases ol
tjonoorlio-a, Innamnial'ircl ileet, Siriclucei-ao'l ail
di!a iwofttie liidiiey siind tsladiler. Klice, (1 50
p-r tMjttle.
A Iko Accntslor IH. LKRIfHAfS JOi.HEN
PlIXKlor Seminal ttraksw, Sis-dit l:ml -Ktoiifc.
lniiolc!i,;-, and nil d!easesariHing "from Jl.-ulul-h.'ttion
and ex.-Hiv atueH. Price, f:iier It'll tie.
'l lie genuine oMji-:- liAt-SAM in f.ut up only
liiraiind Itnlties. lii receipt itfiiri.v, ti es medJ
ciiieawill be wimI to all part of the c nnirv, s
express or mail, wvnrelj irfiekcd and ee 'from
Sole ajeiits,
;. r. ni ii A xi.,
Wholesale and Roiait lirey-id-.s and rb'-mitB
s. w. corner '-'lay and harmoine Mtreeti, tow V
iiiizu ilrdUniv r
623 Kearny Street
aincr f inmw ciul SI.
EHtitu.?lwri in far thf treat im nt of SfX-
ii t! uti'f S t,;;;;:! I fiwc., stu-h a,K imorrhf-a,
titrt, Sivunit,'r vphthsni all Irs forms,
t tl t lm)naciHX, e,-.. Fkin ln
miiiitl Tn neiK.
ir. I I.jx aolHarv vl --, or dt-pruvei nr. na 1 lniui
n , I- praoif -el h" the ymjlh of -x'b wxee
to an aimjst unhmitetl oxtVnr, pri-lt.h:g with
fiiirriiiiT crtiiiiirv. th ffIo!ntr train of innrbwi
?vmKoins, tiniest iTJiaitateti hv -ieuU 5c imedlca.
?iait w cfKinUnam, (lark pj'ifs cnU rlhecye
um in i nt- n-ni. niienie mum ar3, noi-e nkt
Um' rutlir.ff t-f Uttxtai ami rattling cf charfoU
linfiftmorxh aloi;t I tie loin, otifat vif itm, bhmt
rti iiiUriio-t, loifl of coiiii'!en-f, (litttdc nre inaj-
an i i-p u ii to ?bun fx-i-iy, la t l iwro-
t:t.-. iiirr?! !-iijri', tetwl br-ath, eo cob
sumption. n.'Ut sweaft. monornanic an4 fre
(iiiiu jii-Jini it re i if! be mE oMaine!, thf
mVrer hhonM applv irameUatefv, i r rteron n
aieiy, ir ffr
bv bis neTi
iv jTFer. ami nave a ciire envtei tiv ms new anc
jk.-w-T:t5fi mle ot trtasirte litis 'lisef;. yxhU-
injv-r laH f e'fl:rlr.g a ji't-lj anI radical run
i r. i. win eivt- one Miri'ire! to am
F-rmi trim wsfl trriTe .rit'a.-fifrily to him thai
ft- n'aoifr-'l oi Kdi o'inplaiiit b j & liier ol the
- n t iau xo jt a kft.
i tfrcd nl Mo i ite.
P'rns at a 1!-5jjn.e may fte 1 RED AT
u .!! tv a it! re?-snp a letter to ti ; i,ibrxn
st.iMng t-nse. ympt.fim'-, If-risrtii of time 1 e tlistea-sf
h; I r'Hji.rue t aii'l U:tve riiHiU-ifie fronptIy loi-
wapjoj, n et irom fiA-mapp ami ctino 1 . to an
p.trt of th4 cmiitrry, v.ilh full anc plain til
I'f f i!.- ritlTie in the Io-tor wi!! p .rase xtstc
the iiarm? if the sipT itn y thih a!T irustnuent
Bt if:!t.!r!r $fi rofn, in a rt-pHe ff letter
( n., a pac-kajw .!' nielu-!r.e will' be oi fanied us
any tsar: M the I ihoh.
A-Vlre- I'l:. J. F.;fPUN UtrA Kear r Street,
V-o may ie fvfTrrwQ from fhffftvt oi von'h-f-ii
f-ln- .r irdi-rp-'fif n. do well loarsil
1 1 m-?T-. f tii'. the arryptc-st u tv-T isi!
at i)rf-aM:r i ufi-i nu lnnn:miv. I'B. 6FIK
if;yiiH e-;;;iu'ni! Ui i-.rU-U jrevwr
ca-- o Mmuiiti w?atiHs, or private of
;tuy k:ni or t-hanu-H-r wfnlh he r.inioi
ani t";ii!s it. -: t r Hi- 'wouJ'l ihfrt-inre fay to
ihe t:iiI'titin;He iiiferpr who may real Itiis
n-;iv-tj, t!at ou art :iva?fir.? uprm drtnerou?
jrrmm-i wijcn yon hMvt-r ilr'av in M-tvii.c Hie
rrff!ftr rta'!y i'.sr your cf nip?nint. YW mar
JUs in life rt si;; remt-mber vouareap
I'i.hiuK the la1;. Kyun are bfm)eiii ?upin
l!i Jf4. awl are fuflrlLi mme or at! i its HI
retfM-m?'?!- thru tl wwi-TS-ns ia iro
Jtcitiiiu H'C t;me mnst earn" wlifn the
nit st;!iHtl ftby-iiin c;t n rprt'lrr to no a-
, M-ie; when 1 be ihwiroi'lmi-e T,iH ec!or-l
;i:-titiH yu: w h'.-fi ito Hrirel of inor.-y cAn
?ri;:ir rtx n-Vit-i. In ito.-ttf h:t lUf1 !('!r
IhifiH ' t -;:. TNcti )et not .Jf -jsir tvnrk
jtji'.i; our imaiiiifiii !n, if!tt na'l y.-nrs?Tff
the tj: n-it'lof hi a !ratniVr t !-frc
ycnir i- K-ynn.j r-a. h of mfik-ai fciU.
r iNrfiire g-riiii tU-afh iiurrte ymi t jm-ma-tmv
sTttiv: FifH cmir- if tremmpm i' (til.
I tnnney hr Frtfoili.e Jmler or Eviire-s
v,i;h ftifl -iftt'ticUon f cae.
. U K.'ariiV siit-Nin I rauctPco,
Ml.SCEI-T.rAN Kors.
New No. 6 and No. 7
Rotary Motion--No Shuttle.
95 Third St., Portland.
HfftmifiiW urer ami Pcalor iu
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moldings,
ETC.. .TC.
Kmcki'ts'aml all kinds l StoI1 Snwm?.
llie Inust improvtt vcol-worl.inp niaoliinery
to inaiintat'.tnre the alKive artvlei, oflt-r iii-
iliu-.t'tnont to cirstonif rs. Alstt wool-tnrnins: In
alt it varit'lics. Urttern from ttte country
iirnmnth' atHnnit'J lo. Uflk-e ami .Mamifai'torv
loonier ol' Front mid Stale StrovU.
liTiil tnnvil'
Dr. E. Y. CHASE,
UK VET I.T. ('Ol... T. ATE SCRiiKoN V. S.
& o'linttiiM s. Oiih-e in hurbin'.s btX'.k up
slaiis ianti. ".'.!
JLook Here !
isahveand Ki.'Kiat and ready to lurn-sh yon
Willi all kimU if
Salem ox- East Portland.
sliop in SaU in on tht- tot where 1 1'iiUt llie Iiriek
on t oiiui; si leot. 8hop in Kast Portland at
tlie taiiilitiir T (lie .Siark stret t twrrv.
t-T All" work warr.inteil ofthe Ite. 0'liVitf
StaUe anil OHit'e oa Ferry Street, on
rostoM' Block.
inall kiti'l of eily earliliit; eonsimnentH
re.-eivett anil ilelivereil to all fiaris ot the eity witti
"lila!eli. Paekaijes lor ctmrelies and their mt
(or.-: itelivereil Ii'ihi. t'or"lwooil, ljuled hay and
si raw kept on liHiid and delivered loonier. Coach
and cab lo all rail trains. I have the liest
turnout iu the city and am ready lo till all outer;!
to trains, sieamlKiats, parties, wedding, pioasure
riding or calling.', day or night. Orders left at the
Commercial Hotel, etable, olliee or with drivers
will be promptly attended to: alao In readiness
tor luuerala. (auglS) 1. h. tiEKENE.
r raik-i.i
- 11
Surgical Institute,
No. 649 Clay Street,
Between Kearny and Montgomery-sts
IiH. IIIKi:TV'S Larfre and Steadlir liM-.rean-ir.g
rrn, tl.-e, wlii. li ,a" ...jii-lantlT kept )ce with
the iiiiexni,ieil ir-rease and uteady growth ofthe
I'aillc C'i, indu.-e-i tils removal from Ills long
eitalh'!il anil wit-lmown quarters, on the cor
ner orstb-.rainento and lidewlorffMreeti!, in lhi
f-itv, lo more :oitim'-'lioim and eligibly letted
apartment", at No 649 Clay Street, where h
haa a ftfiai.-ious goiie ol iiaiilM,ineiv-littel up anl
conveniently arranged l.aoiinall(,n and 'onnl
lailon Kooiuj, loi viif.Tins; the whole of Hie two
iiIr utrwn kUU-.U paiientu may at all times ri;it
and only see, the lo.:tor and his assistants.
W l!h the nwt jrraleful jentimentn of rejt'ir.l for
the tilrfral .atrooa'j;e hevt.,we'ii him for ttie 4.-t
thirttiei years, at hiold ofti.,
ItoMrttH to inf orm t he General I'ubli.:.anlepv!al
iy all those tailoring nniter all forms of I'hrorii,:
Coro)laiiit8, that he van be coiiBnltel at 649
Clay street, on every variety of l-dvase ol the
f.uiig-s l.iver, Kiilneyfi, lihestive anl fienlto-"
Urinary Orgar.H, ant all .
Of which the list i'miim-rons, and whk-h are more
iztoy-ey :omi(;oJel with the freneral health that)
the majority of h c. are aware;. Inhar-py fnva
lf4 tor vtar i;tMzX in ( orn'atin thc-ir condi
tion irorn a motive originating in iru-Uiken delica
(y, and gutter in Hiierh-e until tbtr miAerifl tje
fHT'e tfKi a.ute to lie rfiMtsMerl, or have assumed a
i'onn that T;df?r& healing rith chtfii-uit and ex
pensive. Thif iattc-r tyue ol affliction manifests
itelfin the cvimnJalnt profeiortaliy known as
vthiti:-. In alt ita f-jrnm ami ntage; rainaJ
rt'ttttifif-, and ail lliethtrfing lormp of Selt
Ahu.e, or Oh.'tiilfTH ; KoriorTha-aileei, ?trii;tiire;
Koi'tiiriial and Iiurnal fcmi.nions, Sf-xital ehill
ty, t i of the Iia-k and Lins Inflammation f
the B!adierarid Kidieys, ete., et;. The uumher
of frfnf Hiiffn'ring from thee horrihle I.tseae,
in v.i.otn the Itcvtor has efle:te1 a radical cttre,
ran he connted Uy f hethotfsand, and the vofantarr
c;ertin.afein his itosizesxivu, re.rJv?dfrofB perrsons
he ha retleeltareerKMiirh to satisfy all that the
iKictorV fekill in ttte treatment of ttiee affections,
enahle him tocnreaii vnrnhle cs&eHnti in everv
iiismm-c give re!i't. iMeasen which ftirineriir
i-afHe-1 the m!j.-al fcill of the iTKt learned: and
exjM?ri:;nd Pra:tiUjers ot the heaMnp art, aud
were resided by itie mfijority of J .--Laos as
utterly immrahie. now jiehl to riKuJern reroedifcs
when pre-rihed Uj the intelligent Iractititrer,
m inn Lt Th hit mmi wvtfm ami l tto ciiit
ailments, lii constant study and guhjeot of obser
vatfoii. In no .--n-e is T-iihlirity permiMe! ex.-ept at the
expre- wi-h oi tiie patient ; and the lktor conti
deniiy trust that his lotfgexperlen andfcoos
itii pra..:ii-? win c-onnnne tompiire him a unerai
hi are of ptihlie iatronape. hv ttie yractice ol
many years in Kurcjj and the 'United States he
is en&hJed to apply the mopt eftj. ieitt and 8uca-s-ful
remedies against ciiseases of all ktndi.
Hetnret wittntt n-rourv, t harjres morlerate
iee treats Iii patients in a r-orrrvt and honorabie
way. and has references of unqiietiooahle vera
UyT frr. n men ot know reepewahihty and high
siandinfrln so.-iety. Ait perron who mav -suit
him hy letier or othervst-e, "ftiil receive the
bet and gentlest treat metit.
To Females.
When a female is affil.-ted wtrh di ai weak
ness ofthe U:k ami Inatr, fain in the hd, diia
nee of iarhrt lo of mn:wlar power, paipitaJion
of the heart. Jrritabihfr. nervonf-ne, deran
ment of diesiive fnn.j-tiVit, feeneral debilitT, aft
dieaw.a of the wmh. hvsteria, ateriiitv, and all
other diM?aM- peculiar to ft males, she should goor
write at n. e to DR. K. JxOHKRTY, at bis
ilwilktt fnj-tiime. and -he will reive everv pos
fihle relief anl help.
Let no taie defl-cy prevent roo, hiit applv Iro
raeitately, anl -ave yonrseii from nainfdl sn fieri ng
aisl jrerim.ture deaih.
To Corretrndcnth.
Patients (male cr It-male reading in ant part of
tlie country however distant, who aiay desire tiie
opinion and advH-e ol Ir. lrertv in their respec
tive -.aseJi, and who think proper to submit a writ
ten statement ol stvh, io preterersoe to hol-ling a
pera-mal interview, are repe;tfiilv assured thai
their eommnnScations will be held nit sacred.
The fJo.--i"r i. a rerfar gradnate, and may be
conilied with ev-ry coisti-ierk-e.
If Ehe dirsise lie fully and candidly described,
persmal communication will, tn rhoVt cA-sea, be
unnecessary, ac in.str:icUons for ciiet, regimen and
the gfnerai treatment ofthe case H!f (inlnihtig
the remefies , wifi be forwaniei without. deiav,
ami in mk-h a manner a to comey no idea of the
prp?rt jt the letter or arce! no transinirted.
ShiM vmir condition require inwnediat sten
Mon, cen-f ten dollar? in coin, (or thai value In cur
rency by Mail, or Wei!fT Farro ft t'oV. Espresso
and a cka'v'e of medicines will he furwarde'i to
your address, wiffa the nev-es?arv instructions tor
Vrnfuit-ition. at ibe office bv letter FREE.
Ahtreo5 W. K: XMjHtRTV. M. l.?San Francisco,
r. S. The f octor w!1! send h! pamphlet on
Special l'ia-s, to any adore' on receipt of
six: c-eiit? in positagesramps. fr retara postage,
may 74
Hear, tor I will speak of excellent
tninn." A
POND S UTRACT-ThereatTevetKblePala
Xesryer. Has b.-en in use over Ikirf y
years, and for r ;t-anl :nep aad prompt corm
t:re rirtfl enrtot be excelled.
BHUBREi. N .'amiix can afford to be wtthont
Pood's Extract. Aecidents, BnlMa,
ontHidons, C uts, Sprains, are relieved
slsoost instantly bT external application.
Promptly relieves pains or Hnma, S-alan.
xeoriarion. Challncs. Old Keres.
Balls, Felana, tarns, etc. Ama im
fiamatkm, redoce swelimss, etopa bleeding,
remove diwoioTstionaana beahj rapidlv.
FEMALE WEAmSSfS.-It always refieveapain
in tne back and iotna,fa)lnese and pressing pain
In the bead, nanaea, vertigo.
IR IEBGBRBHSA It has no enaal. All kinds of al
teration to whicb ladies are anbiect ana
promptly cored. Fnfler details in boot accom
tianying each bottle.
PlllS-lino or bleedina- meet prompt relief
and ready enre. No case, however chronic or
ooetinate, can lor:" resist ite regular nse.
VARlBOSE VEINS. It is the only sore core for
this oistressiii and danseroos condition.
KIDNEY DISEASES. It lias no equal lor perma
iient cure,
BLEEpINB fn any canse. For this is a pe
cilic. It baa saved hnndreds of lives when all
other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from
nofie stomach, Inncn. and eisewbere.
BHEHMATISM, HEDRA16IA, Taatfcarfce and
l.ararhe are ad tmke reu
; rekeved, aod often per-
inaneDtly enred.
PHYSI&IA RS of all schools vhn are acquainted
Kith Hnnd'R Extract of Witch Hurl rec
emmend it in their practice. Wehave lettersof
commendation from hundreds of Physician,
many of vbom oroV' it tor nse in their own
Iractice. In addition to the foresoing, they
order Its oe for Swellings of" all kinds.
Quinsy, Sare Threat, ialanei Tenoils,
simple and chronic Marrhra, Catarrh,
'lor which it laa rpncifl-.H'hllblaraH, Fra(
rd Feet, Stiaga af laseeta, Maaqaltoea,
etc.. Chapped Haada, Face, and indeed
ait manner of skin diseases.
TOILET BSE. Remove arene-ws Knaaharaa,
and Smartiag; beala Cats, raptiaas,
and Pimples. It rurjiw, inrvjorata. and r-fi-ahes,
while wonderfully improving tne
tompifiim. A
I ARM (It Paad's I'irrnet. No Stock
ftriwli.nn TJvArrlM.n dn nffnnl h withnut
it. It is nsed by all the Leading Livery Stables,
ftreet Railroads and Bret Horsemen in Now
York City. It has no eqriaj for SpraiaA, Haxw
nesa or Saddle C'-fcanaa, ettitfaeaa,
Heratcaea, SwalUBSa,Cats, laeeratiaaa,
nleedlag, Panimeala, C'alie, Iinrraora.
CMlis, CoMs, etc Itsranireof action ia wide,
and the relief it affords i so prompt that it ia
invaluable in every Farm-yard as well as ra
every Farm -honse. Let It be tried once, and
von will never be without U.
6AUTI0R. PaBa Extract has been imitated.
The groatae article has the words Pena'a Ka
tract blown in each bottle. It ia prepared by
the only persons living who ever knew how
to prepare it properlv. Befnse all other pre
parations of Witch fiazeL Thia is the only
article osed by Physicians, and in the hospf.
tale of thto conntry and Earope.
in pAmpniet form, eein free ou applicAiiou t
VCa.rW lort. '
Jones & Patterson.
I iiiou Fire Insurance Company,
of San Francisco; and
.Mutual Life Insurance Company,
ot New York.
Salpm, Oregon.
We Have for Sale
And will sell v'y low.
A I-arge Variety of City Property at Bar
We allow a.!! nrnnertv. where w ithin rmc.h. or
trive It-tiers ui introduction to reliable parties liv-
ne near wtio-wiit show it.
We will introduce uurchasera to the owners ot
ttie proiiertv, and leave them free to make the best
largain they can, without any interference on our
All letters of Inquiry promptly and fully an
swered. We have many applications from good, prompt
paving men, who will pay l'i fier cent, fiir money,
and jrive first class personal or real estate secu
rity, aud pay all tlie expenses attending making
out the liaiiers, Ac. Paarties having- money to
loan will do well to apply to oa before placing It
elsewhere. We charge the lenders nothing lor
our service ; the borrowers pay us. Entire eat
ist'aetion eiven reicariline the securities.
Rec! Estate and Money
gST" Office in Moores' Block, Salem Oregon. )yll