The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, December 04, 1875, Page 3, Image 3

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f 'orrertlon.
Bnoanan vs. Bucannn, in tl-.o Oresoninn of
yesterday morning, means James rUiotnan 8.
ilary Bncamm.
ISIter Sow.
Tho WilUnuU-e Chief r-.iswj up lic ,ivtr
last night, leaving portion of her cargo at tie
Farmer' warehouse. She returns this evening.
Harvoy W. Scott, Eq. so tho Oregoimn is in
formed, recently tmil-red his resiRnitio-i as
eneof the Jirc;or fir tho m Central R.
R., which has been accepted.
S. B. Starr, tho insane man sent to the Asy
lum last week in chargf John Pearson, made
Ilia escape from the Itit-hrtr j; i , in which he
had bien yractd for safe keci inp:, was re-eaj-tnied
near Albany last Saturday.
Prof. Day's Grand Soiree last Thursday night
was lur-'i Iv attended. We learn from eye-wit
nesses that it was a sneeess. This evening the
Trotssor will asrain giva lessons, and hereafter
it will ba on Saturday nights.
November Cist, 173, at the residence of Solo
mon Smith, by R.-v. John F. lK-miey, Mr.
Marsliul D. B.unsby and -Miss Sarah Smith, all
of Marion coonty.
Tickets to the Fair, to be given by the young
ladies of the M. E. Chnreb, on the 25th and
2Gth inst., have been laid on onr table. We will
endeavor to do jnstice to that splendid snpper to
be served or, that occasion.
We are pleased to we onr old fri lid and fe!-lew-townsman,
D. D. Orton, again on onr
streets. Mr. Otton, it will ba remembered, is
the gentleman who was aceidently shot by VYat
kms in the court room in this city, a sin r:
time since.
We see by yesterday 's Oregonian that Mr.
Jam?s Buean in of this city, obtained a divorce
from his wife in tho Circuit Court of Multno.
. man connty. Tilmon Ford. Eq., did the legal
work for our land-lord of the Benet Hon-e.
Til knows how to do snch business in "ship
shape." -.
One Mors TKTOnTTrXATE We clip the fal
lowing from the Times: -Dudley Hillitry,
of Applegate, was examined before Judge Wat
son by Dr. Callender, on Tuesday last, and pr
nonsevd insane, He was so violent that it was
deenaed necessary to put a straight-jacket on
him. Dr. Jackson end Alvin Caldwell took
him to the Asylum on Wednesday.
In a late issue of the Figaro we find the fol
lowing in relation to Prof. Hermicn of whom
we have made previous mention:
Eaily in December, Professor Hermaun, un
der engagement to Mr. Tom Magnire, will set
out for a Winter tour through Oregon and
British Columbia, nnd-r the management of
Mr. Sherry Corby a. The Profess ir has been
doing wonderfully well at San Jose, and indid
in every town which he has so far visited.
Steamer YaUini Suntc.
Telegraphic intelligence reached Portland
Snndav of the sinking of the O. S. X. Co.'s
steamer Yakima on Satnrdav evening. The
Yakima was descending the river from Waliola,
and while crossing John D ij's rapid j struck on
a rock. A large hole was stova in the Lull,
causing her to sink in a very short time. She
had on board a full cargo of freight. Full par
ticulars have not been learned of the disaster
but is feared that both steamer and cargo wit
prove a total loss.
Ran m Aeeirt "tit.
A son of Mr. Wm. Cole, night watchman at
the Willamette Woolen Mills, met with a vi-ry
severe accident this morning, while sawing
wood for the mills with a buzz saw. His hand
came in contact wirh the saw in snch a manner
that it went between the third and littl-s finger
and cut along thrnngh the hand nearly to the
wrist, leaving the little finger and side of the
hand hanging by the skin only. Medical assis
tance was at once obtained and the wound
dressed, but it is doubtful if the finger can be
OcJil Feil.Vn h Library.
The f llowing is the list of books received
sin 33 onr last report:
Fleasnre and Profit.
Htllawr's Mi. Idle Ages.
.Little Prattler and Littls Tatier.
Smith's wealth of Nations.
Swift's Xiuios.
British Drametis to Canterbury Tales.
Boswell's Life of Johnson.
Popnlar Delusions.
Curiosities of Literature.
How He ) t tererel.
The Daily Bee puts it in a mild form, thusly:
Wo. V. Diekerson is bis name; his home is in
Illinois. He came to Oregon to lsk f .r land,
aud fuund a lottery game. Tne game has !een
running in Estes A Simpson's block, crnner of
Front and Washington streets, as several suck
ers taken in yesR-nUy and to-ilay testify. It is
r.on est now, however, as the- operators have
hepn ealied awav on business counected with
the poliiie. Diekerson was returning to Illinois
for his family, and while waiting here for the
next steamer, engaged in seeinc; the s;g its.
Some volnnteer friend "Bteered'' him against
the game, and he is wiser by $240.
fenttuni'il rlK-
Capta'n Tj.h Jljuntaiu of the Portland Light
Batterv, Bays the Oreg itiin, has given ordeis
lor a lar'e !l i,' tiutt is to be nude in Sn Fran
ciso and which will ba completed in time to be
displayed on the Fourth of July, 1876. It wiil
bo, when finished, among the finest tiigson tl e
coast, being 103 feet long and 50 wide. Messrs.
Noreross & Co., of San Francisco, have the or
der for mannfioturirig the fl ig. This il ig will
bs displayed from the summit of a lol'ty staff,
200 feet high, which is to bj erected expressly
for the purpose, on the one hundredth anniver
sary of onr nation's independence, The colors
are'to'be 100 feet in bagtli in order to repre
sent one foot for erery year since the adoption
of the Deelaratios of Iadependenc3. Caplain
Tom has cooimeneed a long time ahead in r-1
der to have everything retly for the notable
A tine crop of wheat was raised ia the lowtr
end of the county the pust season, already 20,
0j0 bushels have been shipper from Br.tteviUe,
mostly to the. Imperial Hiiis, O.egon City.
Butteville supports good schools, one church,
two stores, ap;ie hriiidy distillery, champagne
eider and vinegir f.ietory. Granger's Lodge &nJ.
debating club, with now and then on amateur
concert thrown in by way of variety and some
70 Chinamen are grubbing new fields in the vi
cinity. On the whole that part of the county
seems prosperous to the tjaveler, or one who
lias visited the locality before.
The Chump g Mills carry two run of burrs,
which enables thrn to supply the home de
mand for flour and ship a large amount of tiie
staple article for Portland.
The viiiag.; of Ciiampoeg advances but slow
ly, like many other towns of Oregon iu the in
terior, the main business of the place is done
b-fov. The merchants thereby one general
store and warehouse have already shipped 25.000
bushels of wheat, mostly to the Imptriul
M lis, 1 ut "fll mme is in the bauds of
farmers wasting bettor prices. The mill
H-:bool, store, stiop and K rrigan's grocery
constitute tiie nucleus of the village. Kerrigan
is one of those ver.-i-atile geniuses that can use
either hand to write and does it equally well
with either. His is a much frequented corner,
especially daring election time.
At the store was shown an egg packing de
vico, made of tulu instead of the common paste
board, tho most complete thing out.
On the fine farm of Win. Case, Esq., some
throe miles from Ciiampoag. from 150 acres
iu wheal which heretofore averagi d about 4,000
bushels, this time he obtained only 2,800 hush
ols, owii:g to the hot dry weather uf July, tas
crop bemg spring wheat, did not stand such
season aa '.vt.ll ai fail so.vj grain.
airs. Fauuiu Morel? It I. wife of 8. A. Moveland,
E-.q., ot r-rtlanJ. (one of the OregOuiau staff),
is epjiidmg a few days at her fathe. Mr. Wm.
Case, .Eq.
'1 he iiuU crop is abandant in this part of the
couuty. A large supply of vogerab s aud po
tatoes are also reported ia this vicfoity.
I.pjf Breken.
James Bates, an old resident of Jefferson
and one of the oldest settlers of the -tate,
bi-ofee his leg while gathering fruit on Friday
last. He is doing well.
Luther Bosnian, Esq., father to B. H. Bow
man, of this citv, arrived yesterday, lie is now
74 years old and comes all the way across the
continent to pay a visit to this his only son.
The grand jury present d a tine bill of iu
d.ctmcnt against Andrew Harmin alias Dan
Smith, and Sarah Jane Montcomey, for receiv
ing and concealing, and aiding in concealing ar
ticles of value, knowing the same to have bet I;
i.ulm or embezzled from t!e TJ. S. mail.
At tho residence of the bride's father, by B.
Weisner. Justice of the Peace, V. T. Vonclavt
and Anna Binghman, both of Marion county,
Oregon. -
Our lonltln.
The population of Oregon is rapidly increas
ing as is sliowu by the voto cast at the late
election. It is well known thtt only half of the
actual votes in tho State were cast and yet it
shows about twenty thousand.
Three M.-ii ami a "Tl-er."
Three "budgy" individuals, not long since,
ire rejiorted to have "weakened" in an effort to the "Tiger," just about daylight and two
depo,i;c-d themselves on arable and the third
im a bench. All were a sleep in a few minutes,
and the individual on the bench rolled off on
the floor and as he slowly awoke, he drawled
oat 'Jim, did you mark the last 'turn?" Wt
suppress the names.
Siew I'alfiiU.
Through dispatches to Dewey A Co., Patent
Ag nts, San Francisco, we receive the following
advance list of U. S. patents, granted to Pacific
Coast inventors: H. Anderson, Vallejo, Cal..
mandn.1 for broom machines; H. M. Gray, Sun
Francisco, mstallic burial close; J. Enright,
Sau Jose, Cal., steam boiler furnaces; D. H.
Lafferty, San Francisco, batter feeder for cake
matting. .
The city of SaU-m is assuming the air of a
great commercial eity. On account of high
water there are only two wharves which can be
used, and boats have frequently to wait on each
other to discharge their cargoes.
The "City of Salem" passed np last night
and w ill go as far as Harrisbnrg.
The Champion is on the upper river and will
return with a cargo of wheat.
Tne Willamette Chief leaves for Portland this
morning loaded with wheat and flour.
Sab m capitalists control the wheat and flour
mr-vket of the State and employ most of the
f shipping which comes into the Columbia river
trom foreign ports.
cw Invention.
W. H. Lemingvr, Esq., of Salem, his invent
ed a new style of Sh lekl-, which bids fair to
take the place of ail that kind of "Jewelry" now
iu use in tSiis country. It is so constructed thai
the joints cannot be reached by either file or
saw and no hammers or other tools will enable
a prisoner to get it off. The best shackles now
in use are easily disposed of by very simple tools
but this new iuvention supplies the want of a
sure ehackl and wiil doubtless be universally
adopted when brought into notice. Mr.Leioin
ger is raanutacturing some specimens that the
invention may ba fested in different prisons.
We wish the inventor a fortune.
Silver Lodje Xo. 36. I. O. G. T. at S Iverton
last Saturday night, added six new members to
its list. A. A. Leonard is W. C. T.; Orpba
Craustou, R. H. 6.; E. P. Hicks. L. H. 8.;
Millie Miseher. W. T. T.: John Hicks, W. F.
S.; Rev, Ramsby. W. T.; Sal'de Meschcr, W. C;
M. Runsby. W. M.: Allie Mescher. W. T. M.;
Wilton Simeral, W. I. G.; John Mescher, W.
O. Q.; Dr. T. W. Davenport, Forrest Wilber
and 8. T. H brt. trustees; Hjo. W. Cranston,
L D.: and L. F. Mescher, D. D.
G. W. C. T. Daubir was making an official
visit to the Lodge on the night above spoken of.
A number of visitors were present from Abiqna
L d,'e, an 1 speeches were made by Davenport.
Wilbur, Hall and others, and a pleasant time
wis had.
B isiness i Sil verton is brisk in every depart
ment and bids to be fair the winter through.
Site tm mMuisl rmm ttnfknitiakfl; wurk t y
Hie tittHSte l ellnlr.
The steamship Gnssie Telfair, Capt. Gardner,
fon Victoria and Bonnd ports, arrived this
f n.noon, direct from Port Townsend.
Two days ago, after leaving the latter port,
the Tel air sighted the ship Coqnimbo, which
l albeen nm upon the beach last Thursday
night, during a snow-storm. A boat came
from the ship and got Capt. Gardener to tow
h-r back to Fort Msdison, whence she had
sailed with a cargo of 650 000 feet of lumber.
The vessel had lost her rudder and hai fen
feet of water in her hold.
The Telfair -brought 13S tons of coal and 63
bb's of oil.
A w I'hase.
The Oregon Seutinel says: "The proeenrion
in the ease of the State vs. David Briggs, which
has been on trial in the Circuit Court daring
ihe week, were considerably surprised on Mon
day last on the examination of Rev. S. Bkid
more, of Ashland, on behalf of the defense.
For the time being thev were at a loss how to
meet this new and unexpected argument ad
vanced bv this witness, which, should it be
carefully impressed on the minds of the jury
men, will no doubt cause the acqnittal o the
defendant. The strongest point in the evidence
of this gentleman was that being unable to dis
tinguish the right from the wrong at that time.
this vming man. at the command of his mother
of course deeming that sufficient fired the
shot that caused tiie death of his victim. That
iu his ignorance of the enormity of the crime
hj simplv obeyed her commands, not having
the slightest knowledge of the penalty provided
in the statute books. Whether such was really
the case or not, it must be admitted that the
evidence of the witr.oss in support of this theo
ry is veil strong, and will tend in a great meas
ure to au acquittal of the prisoner.
Br ots Station has shipped about 13,000
bushels of wheat this season and there remains
Mom.- 1-2.00J more about there in the hands A
Th new improvements about Gervais in
elude new Masonic Hail, 50x24 feet with store
Klow, four new dwellings, two blaeksmith
slums, one boot and shoe store and addition to
several buildings formerly erected, beside the
new Bail Road House, 40x40, with an L, 30x20,
the main bnilding with two stores below. The
of Mount Hood and Rainier from the
railroad depot, at Gervais, which has been ob
scured tor the last two weeks by cloudy
weather, appeared clear and beautiful yesteday.
the 23d, which they consider an index of good
weather, after so long a storm. With schools,
churches, 'a resident Priest is expected soon)
two large stores of general merchandise, large
ding store and several other stores. The new
Foundry Company are making kettle aud hol
low ware of varied styles of superior quality
nd other items of interest too numerous
to note particularly, indicate creditable
advancement in this vigorous young
city, which promises well for the future. Prob
nb.v the proceedings of the next meeting of the
City Council may furnish important develop
ments which w expect to be reported by one of
that honorable body for our local reporter
at Gervais.
Some 35,0 )0 bushels of wheat have been sent
forward by rail from lervais, and still a larte
amount remains.
From Woodbum, about the saaie amount has
been sent forward to Portland. Yet a large
amount remains in tbe warehouse and iu the
hands of farmers ill the vicinity. A new drug
store, warehouse, plough and furniture
shop, and the center of all, and
greater than all fot business, is the general
merchandise store of Hedses & Son, which sup
ply a large and flourishing f j-ming country.
A new steam flouring mid and hotel are talk
of, while the em nsive nurstry of Mr. Bettle
niier, near the station, affords an opportunity
lor all in that part of the connty to raise the
chuic st fruits.
A new church and sohoolhouse are promise
next spring.
Tiie music term for lessons on the piano
just diawiug to a successful close here.
On t'-e whole tUe future promiaes to be pros
perous Ut the ntrial in teres to ot Woodbtu-fe
A ehem is propon-ti for pn-veiitlng.tht
tilling up ot Coo Buy. ,
The weather remains very glonniy-
f.-eqiK'nt showers ''"t little Miii'iiim
in this part of the State,
K rsilroiNi U projected to Port Orflml
Residents '4 that place claim that It is th
st port on tho coast of Oiegon.
At Oregon City, X.weinhcr 22. 1375.
Miss Mnry Ann Keller.
lion. Ben HoilHtlay passed fontii by
(.eelnl tra'n yesterday on In way to N'ew
York mid Washington, bevem! gentle-
nliiti accomp-tnied him.
IVor. W. it. I'urker is teiieliiug peu-
nmnsliip in the city a ml has the reputation
of being a first-class te.iehor. Onr young
people should take advantagu of this most
excellent opportunity. For terms see ad
vertisement in another column.
H. Tull, Estj.. has pre-vited the mana-
agerot the Statesman with a very tine
walking stick, a a lhiiiiksgiviiig present.
It Is made of two piece the main Mem
of Oregon crab and the head neatly
carved from what is known as Indian
,lu Want.
There is a widow in North Balem who is re
ported nick and iq want. She has three chil-
Jien. none of whom are old enough to provide
for themselves or aid her. She is sn industrioi a
woman but is placed in her present conditio. i
through sickness. A Christian people like this,
surrounded by plenty, should not allow such a
cose to go unrelieved.
THE td'.tor ol the Com Cottdty Record
has visited some coal mines on the bay
only to be shocked by profane language ti
the part of workmen. He speaks of rumb
ling ear and says:
The very air seems blue with the pro
fanity of mule drivers as they apply scrip
tural epithets to their patient animals.
Dr. J. B. of Corvallis. called on ns
ye-teniay. Ih: is a member ol the St ite
Senate and an unflinching Republican.
3:ich men a Dr. Lee are the foundation of
this Government, and on them no must J
depend tor the jierpunatioii of onr Repub- j
itcau institutions and free sc1kk!.
River ili'Si,
The steamer Aiice came down trom
Eola last night with i'20 tons of wheat and
took on ix ton of hides at this place.
She t:ike 120 ton more wheat at Wlieat
bniti. which oomph-tr her cargo.
Ste-tmer Bouanzi passed down yeter
il.y. tailed
Dr. D. M. Jones, ot Albany, menilier of
the Medical Faculty of the Willamette
University, called on the Statksmas yes
terday, lie reports the people of Linn
county "distressingly healthy" foi doctor.
Dr. Jones is a reliable Republican and of
Csor a Mend to the only Republican
illy paper in Oregon.
Iptnred for Theft.
Deputy Sheriff Barker arrested William
Marshall on a charge bt stealing $100
cni, one giin, so ne clothing and jewelry.
om Mr. Piet ot French Prairie. The
theft was committed some time ago and
the arrest was made yesterd v. The
young man has been in that c.muty botrd-
ng house before.
A Joke.
A sensation was talked up late !at
irht which excited all who heard it. lint
it proved to be a canard. The story ran.
ih.i iv.itini h-nt two bii! rait nt iail
and was trving to escape. "e fouinl the
prisoner safely lr-ked np at a late hour
.d ;b .,, nn Kn.wt. tt
The "champion snorer" of Oregon.
failed on securing a prize at the late State
air,and Decommg Iignsted nitlitr
want of appreciation on the part of the
Boani.has turueil his attention to adjusiii g
a '-flashy" necktie, 011 which he hetow
most of Ins time. This is a pecuiarity uf
this great genin-.
Tkce to its natural instim ts the
tain Sentinel attacks a good citizen
aiding in building np our public fchonK
Ot course that pajwr has no sympathy
witn public school anil we cannot reason
ably expect it to avoid an attack on eveny
convenient occasion
The iieonle are on
the other side of that fight, as
will be
c'early shown at the next election.
At the Boise races last week a gent!
man who was greatly indignant at one of
tbe decisions from the judges' stand re-
marked in a pretty loud tone ot voice t at
JohnHalleyappiojiclied hi in and
ited that amount of money, asking him if
be "meant business." He was taken
aback and ,ned ,0 have forgotten hi,
threat jut tDout that time.
f'npt. Unwell and the Pnrlfle.
We copy- from the Orcgoniitn an in pr-
eniiig article on the subject of the condi
tion ot dpt. Howell of the steamship
Pacific, when it put toea 01 its l ut voy-
azei. t ne report tnat ne was .mi'iK is ut
nieil. and the evidi-nce on both sids of
the twtion. o ftr as wc hive obtiinci!
it, has apj3-Hrel in tl.i psper. The m it
ter still remains unsettlwl. Further testi
mony will proha'iily be brought out.
I'he Illinois papers tell an affecting rory
of a lurge and 'sigaciou Newfotinillaml
dog that walked 500 miles to get back to
h'r old master, and then died. The coun
try through which the faithful beast had
traveled was a somewhat desolate tract, in
which there were no shf ep or stray chil
dren, ami it happened also tint he hadn't
had a taste of letter-carrier tor some
A spiritual seance' was given at the
office ot Judge Lawson last evening, at
which most wonderful things were per
formed. The medium brought aliotit
results which were new to mortal eye as
unaccountable a many of the miracle
reported trom former ages actually "ma
terializing" spirits, or making it appear
so. He gives anotner perioriiwn e to
night, to wl.ieh thinking people are Invit
ed. Admission tfl.OO.
C'-oroner'a luquet
The Coroner. I):. Fi-ke. summoned a
jury Wednesday forenoon to hold an In
quest over the remains ol A itoiue Kleber.
They rendered the following verdict:
We, the jury called to examine Into the
cause of the death of Autoine Kleber.
found dead in hi bi tl at the Bumeit
Hone, this 24th day of Nov -mber. 1S75,
do hereby certily that to the nest ot onr
knottiedire and belief, and in accord nee
with the testimony given to u-. the de
ceased mine to his dearn by excessive u-
of intoxicating liquors).
I.F.o Wll.f,
John litKKY,
0. A. Kfeu.
J. M. aTT.'
J. M. Pattf.kcon,
In reply to a young writer wlm wished
to know ""What maitaziiie will give me
he highest position onicky" a cotempora
ly advises: "A powder magazine, if you
tan contribute a tu-ry article.
Honest and courageous people have
very little to say about either tnei
courage or their honesty. The nun
has no need to boast of his brightnef
nor the moon of bet etruigeuc.
We give lielow the latest retorts by f-et-Kraph
and mall up to tbe bonr or going
to press. We confine our report to thor
stapfes proilucel In Oregon, in which our
people, are esjiecially interested. Out
markets depend largely on the productions'
of other countries.
The Mark Lane Express1 weekly review
of the corn Irade, of November 22d, says:
Rain has Indefinitely postponed much of
the autumnal sowing in England, with
the bad condition of samples ad continued
iargp Imports. Many markets are a
hilling cheaper, but farmers are re
I ictant to accept lower prices ex
cept for poor sample. When for
eign arrivals slacken, a soon they must.
iikI rents are paid, better trade at more
paying pHie seems more than likely. It
appear that French report have been fa
vorable. No sowing lias been done in
some district. This has hardened prices
ot wheat in Pari and the provinces, al
though flour is somewhat cheaper. Prices
in Belgium are firm and In Holland sta
tionary. In Germany the markets are in
active ami generally unchanged, though
at Dazing ami in Hungary quotations are
lower. The Russian markets show no
The followlngaretheqiiotaitousof vege
tables at retail at the preseut time:
Wheat S7,t4C per bushel,
liny fl6t'20 per ton.
Potatoes Firm at $ 1 per bushel.
Onions $131 25 per bushel.
Carrots 50 cents per huhel.
Tarstiip $1 25 per bushel.
Souaklie 75cl?l pw dozen.
Cabliagc 75c'3$l perdtKe.i.
Apple 50c per bushel.
Pt urt 73c per bushel.
Kulf r, tw,
Kj;g Scarce at 37 er dozen.
Butter Market fairty supplied at 50c
p.-r pound.
Lurt! 1 A3 20c er und.
Chickens f-J 75-53 r dozen.
The alsve are the prices at which the
article mentioned sell to tln consumer.
Urorertea, Etc.
Sujjtmr San f raucisco refined V bbl.
12.4S134 f Bs; Island. 11312.
syrup-? gal. 8011 00.
T,.n la pan, f ii. 50ai 00; Imperial.
1 25-31 50.
OftCosta Rica, f ft. 23c; Java. 35e.
Salt Carmen Island, per cwt. 1 Of;
LivtrMKl. ciiarse, 1 0i); dairy. 1 75.
Coal oil 3594oY.
Ma t'ranrnra 3frkrt.
Bas Faaactsoo, Novembers 3.
Flour Market weak, and decline probable;
extra jobbing, S5 "56 2S, with liberal dis
count for hi ping lot.
Wheat-Market qnkt at $1 S01 95 for
go si average crop.
Barley-F d in lota. SI 20l 25.
OatsFted. il 761 93; will cover all feed
Potatoes retaliima, $1 051 40; Salinas,
$1 50I S3; sweet. S2 50.
Corn-Market firmer, say flS2Hl25 fer
large yellow, and $1 274 for small round yel
Rye $1 40(3:1 46.
Hav G od volunteer whett, $16.
I From the Oretoni.
. . - -i-. . i.t: .t...,l
1 A letter irom - ew meum. hkj -
few day ago, stating that Capt. Howell,
of the Paclhe. w as intoxicated w hen lie
sailed on his lat voyage, lia1 caiieel
from the ssreiit of the steamship line
following letter, in w hich he gives
the othkh side or the Stoht.
i Nkvt I acoma. ov. 21, IS10
El. Oregoxias: Your occasional cor
respondent at this place has foully slan
dered the late Cant. J. D. Howell, in hig
....KlialMMt in viuir tsaiu ftt the Slttll
,iat o Sunday, the 3iHh of Ortober. the
stmship Pacitic arrived at this port abotit
12 M. Within an hour after her arirval.
t :ipi:iiu noneit went up mc 1 uiiim
valley on busiiiei connected with the line,
tin his return. Mr. W. H. File, a resident
of thU place, met him upon the railroad
wharf, entered into a convervalion with
htm In reirarrl to business matter, att-om-
naiiied him aN Brd the shin, where they
met a lady and gentleman waiting to -e
i:nt. Unwell. Mr. Fife thereupon bill
the- Cantaiu eootl.hv. ami came ashore.
This was after ilatk, probably after G
o'clock. I saw Cant. Howell (Kiaune
allv during the evening, and net ween
" an" 10 O chick nau mvaNuu 10
e-o to Ids room to
c1nii'i- " 1 1 11
him about matrt-r-s connected wiih
the inter t of the line. I spent probably .... !.,.. M-til, lit,,, milt I iloutr mn-t
..., ... Howell was intox-
icated on that evening. I have no l-ita-
lion in saying that, though mf a total nii-
sttuance man. t.npiain iinni icm
:. t.i lidtiifj Aa rvimrds tht'
'.,,., wlth'to the lite Imats. I
mVe onlv to say that tiie ship had not
oyer six ami I think there were not over
"L' S 'rIr
at lesM two ol them ware sjifely IihiiicIimI
and tilled with people, but innneiliatelv
afterwards swamped try circumstance be
yond the control ot any man. I have the
testimonv of Mr. W. U. Fife and other,
who have made file trip to San Francisco
and return on the stenmrr I'avitie. that
Optaiii Howell and hi otllcers were un
tiring in tneir attention to the wants ot
their passenger, and to their duties on
lamnl the ship I trust tint you will give
tin deiil il of the falsehood of your Occa
sional Correspondent, as an act of jusnee
to a aoie a seaman as ever waiKeo me
ihi k ot a ship. l$y ao doing you will re
ceive the approbation of number, who.
like myself, know not bow well tliey
loved the man until death taught them
how he had endeared hiniclf to ns.
Agent O. X. & P. t. Co.
1. furtliermort! ask that now you
wiil reesll the remarks made in your edit
orial columns in connection with the letter
of vour Occasional Correspondent mile
lie can inrnisii tne prooi as uk i-mmi n
be able to do. I have tiiquireit ii:t mt
matter and can nor find a man here who
will substantiate his statement to any
wav. S-AV...
Ami also thei i-omes to the stirfaoe.
with a little nior.- evidence of imlignitioa
than of either discretion or literary tul-
Xk.w T acoma W T Nov. 22nd 1875
Mr Editor Sur: I see in your Issue ot
the 20th a correspoiidsnce from here gign-
ed tioi-tstoiiel the statement 111 tnat arti
cle J de-ire to contradict. 1 say they are
talse 111
as Cant Unwell Took supper at the Ho-
rell 011 Ihe Hill with me on Sunday pre-
vi.iiis to Desaster I accompanied htm W
II Fife and one W F Wright to the bill p
Laving at the Wharf heri iiiit liim xgree to.
lake a certain Lot ot tjtnve Holts lor the
sad Mr F and from my own knowledge
I say it t W holey untreti and the Oivgou
iau will be held responciblo until the name
it the Wrigbter is published.
the evidence of all those who knew him
s;fy tha' more officiant or better Qualified
officer Doe not Live It was pronper and
well said When God poots hi Iland on
man all Sivelized Christians Should take
theirs ff A. J. KpWAKES
I'he proprietor ol the Grand Hotel tie
(me. Berlin, one of the largest and finest
in Germany, was formerly a servant iu tl 6
establishment. While linsmotobte
or head waiter. One ot the iru ot. a
rich widow, fell iu love with him. and 01
course they were married. lie bought out
his master forthwith, went to flglit the
French, was brave, decorated by the Em
peror, and came with the other "Johnnie
marching home covered with iurd:t4 and
importance. Now he is a very tieivy
Prussian swell.
Two thousauJ u. rra. ji oysters from Shot -watet
Be,y, aia to U plntt4ifjut8.y,Cr
Plie Iti'intsMr learns of a number of se
vere cae'of tliptliPJht on the Lncklahiute.
One famlljf (rive lot two children aud
have four sw hers dangerously ill with It.
Another lias IWur children sellout v ill
with It. -
It U nrcttr cold tm In Moiitan t now and
the I llooll ke'-is have illreHily big III to
guw their whisky Into bit chunks.
The Jacksonville Srntluel Is InfuriMeil
that 1I111 lug one of the violent wind srnrtn
which have prevalleil at illtlerent limes
(luring the past neck, a tree full Into a
cninp ot China men who have been at work
!m1lliii2 the dlicli of the Kugli-h Hv-
(Iranllc Xliiiiiix t.'onipauy at Oalice creek.
killing three Instantly and dangerously
injuring the fourth.
Tins superintendent of tho Oregon
Quartz Mill ami Mining Company, on
Oalice creek, report over 4.1)00 tons of
paying ore In sight. I'he hew mill Iml
comuieueed erii-liliig. ami would reduce ID
or 12 tons per day. It U estimated that
the ore will work Ironi $20 to $33 ht ton.
The company expected to mak the fir-"t
clean iii) annul tune this month, ami wobIo
forward bullion as stage travel would itr
mit. We clip! the following items from tiie
Jacksonville Sentinel :
We have been told that during one of
the violent whrd storms which have pre
vailed at different times during tins past
week, a tree tell into a camp of Chinamen
who have been at work hiiililinga ditch for
the English Hydraulic Mining Company,
at Gain Creek, killing three instantly
and seriously injuring a fourth.
A little daughter of W. E. Dyer while
accompanying her futher to ihe woods,
met with a svrious accident by the falling
of a tree, breaking one f her legs in two
places. She' was getting along niejly at
last accounts.
The English Company at Oalice Creek
have about completed the ditch to thrir
eravr! claims oil tialice Creeic. ami win 111
a short time, no di ubt. commence work iu
the mines. I'he niiu of the past few
week liave more or les tilled np their
tllfch bv Hit' caving in ot the banks at
iHfteraut taces. win, h atti-r the loose earth
tM-coifre Iwfttenettj t -not tikeiy to occur j
again; 1
Ct. B. B. tlrifi'e t yestenlay killetl a
line large hear iloe tftTlils Nncli. It was
Hue ami fat ami we are Imb-Ofed to him
tor a liberal share of it with one of the
feet for show. lie weighed upwards of
3n0 iHinmls.
rrtcfila Aslitt I nllra-ly and I'nrnir
SrwpHer illlclMS'i.
General II. V. Boynton writes to the
Cincinnati Gazette as follows concern
ing Hecretary Chandler:
Unlike many of the President's Sec
retaries; he needs no introduction to
the country. It is even possible that
he w ill need none in England, for the
lion of that hind lias been swung
around by the tail iu the i-enate ouce
or twice too often by the present Sec
retary of the Interior to justify any
a til-read Englishman in asking who
ia this Mr. Chandler. His woint ene
mies, and those who write most
severe! v about his nomination, muC
all admit that in tiie course of a long
Congressional career, which from first
to last lias been one upon which the
eye of the public lias been constantly
fixed, no charge! of conniving at fraud
or of aiding Iraud have been brought
against him. Aud on this account
when his sel-ctioii became known al
most the universal letnark was :
Well, one tiling can le said for Zaek
Chandler- lie's iimn-st." Aud in lhe!e
times that U much to say. It is cer
tain lht lie won't sleal himself or
allow those under linn t do so. He
is full of activity and energy, and
will, without uoubt, give his time
faithfully to the work lie has in
hand No forty -l wo per Cent, of ab
sences will lie scored against him. No
one will ever have tne remotest ex
cuse for passing the criticism on his
administration cf the Department
which he hurled at tsecrttary Co
when advertising the removal o.f the
latter, namely, mat he was running
the Interior as it Sunday .School. .Mr.
Chandler will certainly attempt to do
its business promptly ami honestly,
but at the same time will probably
aim to make everything coutriOute as
far as po-sible to the ends of the party.
As to reforms in ttie Department,
these are further along. In these
matters the new Secretary has his
; reputation to make. In worn phrase,
He Is to tw thearebtteetof his own
fortune. He has sixteen months in
which to impress himself upon the
country in capacity of a very impor
tant Cabinet office.
IHE KU ! E 11 ISiSlA
From Sci ibner's Monthly.
A m licit more (deasing performance,
and one which liiigtK perhaps better
have been mentioned in connection
with the exploits of the jugglers, is
the "egg dance." This is not, us one
might expect from the name trivet) it,
a dance wiih these fragile objects. It
in executed iu this wis: The dancer,
dressed iu a corsage aud very short
skirt, carries a willow wheel of modi-rate
diameter fastened horizontally
upon the tp of her head. Around
thia wheel threads are fastened,
equally distant from eneh other,
and at the end of each of these
threads is a lip-ii"ose, which is kept
open by a glass beafl. Thus equipped
the young girl comes toward the spec
tator with a basket full of eggs which
she passes around for inspection to
prove that tliey are real, and not imi
tations. The music stt ittes up a jerky,
monotonous strain, and the dancer
begins to whirl around with great
r apidity. Then, seizing an egg. she
puts it in one of the Blip nooses, and,
wiih a quick motion, throws it from
her in such a, w.ty as to draw the knot
tight. The swift turning of the dancer
produces a centrifugal force which
stretches the thread out straight, like
a ray bhooting front the circumference
of the circle. One after another the
eggs are thrown out iu these slip
nooses until they make a horizontal
aureole or halo about the dancer's
hean. Then the dance becomes stll
jiore rapid, so rapid, in fact, that it is
difllcull to distil-gtiisti tne tenures ui
thetrirl: the moment is critical; the
least false step, the least irregularity
in time, and the eggs dash against
each other. B-it how can the dance
be Btoimed ? There is but one way
that is to remove the eggs in I lie way
in which they have been put in place.
This oneration is bv far the more deli
cate of the two. It is nt-ees-uiry that
the dancer, by a single motion, exact
aud unerring, .should take hold of tiie
eirir. and remove it from the nooe, A
single false motion of the hand, the
Ittitott, interference wun one 01 me
tin-pads, ami the rreneril irrangement
is suddenly broken, and the whole
nerformiince disastrously ended. At
last all the eiriiS are successfully re
moved: the dancer suddenly stops,
mul without Beeininir in the least
dizzied by this da-ice of twemy-flve or
thirty minutes, she auvanoea 10 me
spectators with a firm step, 1 nd pre-
Hots them the eecs. whi-li aieimme
diately broken iu a flat dish to prova
that there U no trick am ut the per-
Pull-backs, tin y do say, are i.-s aggra
Large pelisses with deep fur border are
iirciiiiriii!' to ratte: braver is the lavorite.
Hlue satin nil I brown velvet are the
mo-., for confections.
Very long ringlets are worn; braids arc
replaced by twists; no catogims auoweu.
elderlv ladies are forbidden curls.
rriniM-s and braid-, but not a bead of
let this season.
Seal brown and olive green, two colors
lu-i'oiniii-r. are t ishtonable in silks
and Indies oloths.
The color now mot worn in contrast
art blue and maize; blue and shue; red
and black; white, brick and graen; gold
vt,lli.vv tttitl violet.
" The hat mot in fivor is still the
rimuied front 'which shat'es ti e forehead
in,! stands up behind above fie chignon.
The novelties in lingerie are abbe gal
ant lappets worn on tbetlroat instead of
square scurf ends tied in a bow and the
Auyergiiat cap made of n uslin a kind of
mob cap with large sqna e crown. .
J.. Ber a rehir 1 eta Portland lait
nigt! wiieie l iiu r .vi - lp 4
, , , UMAf. XOTRI,
J. 0. Wright is basy these timet attending to
8anU Clans' affain.
At the Overland Store Ton g t more than
your rooney'i worth.
Booth Jk Boon have all kines of vegetable
and provisions cheap.
Meyer 4 Colin can make yonr eyt butig oot
on good cheap goods.
Murphy A Oroasman are the Arm that mutts
gent' clothing a specialty.
Herrman A Hirsrh should be visited before
all those fine bargains are gone.
W. L. Wade's North Salem store ia fast be
coming popular with the ladies.
Wrstherford 4k Co. have one of the finest
drug houses north of Ban Francisco.
The Balem Drug Store is as popnlar as ever
with tha city and conn try community.
Josephns Holmes ha tome of that fine Dia
mond L Tea left. Get a drawing to-day.
Mr. Moiley's Bazar of Fashion is the place
to get your dulcintu a flue Christmas gift.
A. N. Gilbert Co. can fit yon t; 1 nica boot
or shoe, which will indeed make yoa thankful.
The variety of waterproofs receivf d at Brey
man Bro.' are ahead of anything ever brought
to Salem in style and quality.
Just receiving at Conn's Dollar Btore one of
the largest and finest stocks of Holiday goods
ever brought to Balem, to be (old cheap.
Bvron Boon, who has been ick for some time
past baa gone to Portland to rusticate a whil-
Hon. W. B. Dunbar, O. W. C. T. of Oregon.
lectured to a crowded house last night in East
Bliss Bickey will l?ave for Fan Francisco the
next sailing of the Oriflamme. He will attend
a Commercial College and spend the winler
Wm. Smith, of Brownsville, list week lost a
fine ppan of males by having them drowned in
the Hantiam, while coming over the mountains
from Oclioco,
The Msg over the office of the Secretary of
State was at half mut all of yesterday, tt e occa
sion being the death of the Tic President -f the
United Butes;
Major John Foy, the celebrated compounder
of cocktails, can be fonnd at the Capital saiooB
and alwavs ready to minister to the wants of
early callers.
Remaining m tbe P.tofflce, fa'em at this dale.
Persons calling for these letter most give ibe
dale on which they are advertised :
Abtwt, HP M il'er. Miss Wary E S
AkirWh. Smle i.'anln. f rnrence
B!- V, Mrl Debomh Mil er. Iwvld H
K'.nck. 1 nM Martin. Jtw'i
lie,!, Miss Amanda Morrison. Mtchaga
Kali, Anpist McKern, Beery
Benttev. lie" W McfnsJ. Prof V 1
ItaMwin. Mrs KlUabetliM.-t am. Mrs Sadie
Homier. Jack
Bina, Mis Kannle
Bowers. Xavid
. lark. Nancy
Clark, John 1
t ''ark , Abe
C'arke. llerpe
t reswetl. Mrs Mary
C-le. Miss srok E
I'nrtts. L' man
C'-overt. W J
Mt lellan. C W
M. I-mia d, lnu ean
Met-ain. Jba
Neat, Jhn
Nlxan. Mrwi
SHm!. J S
S.a .f S
tt, A P
-wens, Hnrb
Olniecr, Miss P, Ml.-' Kate
HreMiaw. R; i
l'erty Henrv
P rlln.E r
Probrt, Mr Margaret
Powell. Mi us Mary
BivJ--r, Henrr
Ka Bionft A K I
K el', Wm
8 ape. W H
n m-s , M i- ?n h
rnder, M1sE' rfl M
f-hi c'- lwl. Wl'ej A
f .arr, Ml- En-ma
S;tz. A drew S
smither. J W
fcnib, r an-i, Jr4m
f-m.ih. Mis Lou
Sa iih, A?ni
f ml tl. Mr? Emma
Smith, Hn'rtsh B
mi b. MIS
Pmiih, Mis EKta
Vlcrien. Jt epli
Wiili.ima. Mra Addie
Wsnn, WES
Wann. M'.-s Sntlte E
w.-n. Prof w E
VI h'tare'k w H
W are, W B
Whi-.emsn, C H i
w ht'. Hl- Mtry J S
Wiblams. H l
Wrijtht. Miss Sttte E
Wills. Wi!!tem
Van H-r, Isaac
Vo limi-ht. arl
lxi i j. Vi k
1 arts, t rti Henry
t.iurs. Mrs Mary
1 avis, Frank
F 00 1, Jh nl- s
Font Mis Hrra
tanlcg Ada
t rem e nnrg. Avery
Feior , I. W
lirni, Witliani
lirwn.T W
tiev. Mahlon
Hendrioks, Hiram
Hendrtck. Kllis Mrs
Hits. n. Albert
Itayen. Thomas
fUnia, Willi UB
Ilarrts. w W
Ha-k'.ns. JnoH
Have. MIm Mirervsi
H milmo, Joenna
llewi-sba. Jubn
ll'S-t, Memlrick
Htiite. Charlie
J.mes a A and S w
Jnry. Mrs Jane
Kttnger, joba
Rrigoii. X J
Kinmil'er, Mn TAS
Keen. Ml Mar.b
Leffe!!, J to
Ijibon, E B
l.vonp. J W
lesli-y, IJeo J
Lairver, Slfss siatKia J
lr.;fr. W 1
Woe i, Mrs M J
iiitcbell, Mias lotneia
T. B RICSEV. p. 1.
Sot. M.
Xot manTvears since certain miners
working far underground, came upon
the bodv Of a poor fellow who tiatf
perishetf in tbe suffocating pit forty
years before. Some chemical aeentto
which the body had been subjected
an ajrent prepared in the laboratory of
nature had eneciuaity arrsiei uif
progress of decay. They brought n
up to th surface, and for a while, till
thoroughly expsen totnesimospnere,
it lay the imape of a hue, eturny
young man. 'o convulsions had
passed over the face in death the
features, were tranquil; the hair was
as black as jet. No one recognized
the face a generation hatf grown up
since the miner went down into the
shaft for the Iat time. But a totter
ing old woman who had hurried from
her cottage at hearing the news, csmi
up, and she k new atrain the tace which
through all these long years she had
not forsrotten. I he miner was 10 na
been her husband on tbe day aftei
that 011 which he died. There wen
no dry eyes when the gray-headerl 01a
pilgrim cast herself upon the youth
ful corpse and poured into its deaf eai
many words of endearment unused foi
fortv years. It was a touching con
trast; the one so old, the other s
young. They had both been younp
these long years ago, but time had
gone 011 with the living and stood still
with the dead. Lioimou nerain.
A writer on agriculture says of
them: "Whether at defect or not, 1
believe white feet are an indication of
IiUmhI; and if vou look at the Trottint
Register, and Forrester's Horses 01
America, you will find out of twenty
five plates of horses, twenty of then
have more or less white about theii
feet. Such hordes as "Pexter," 'Lex-
igtnn,' and "Pocahontas" have font
white feet: "hthan Allen" three.
While visiting the extensive breeding
establishment of Mr. Steele, iihh
Philadelphia, whre is "Happy Med,
um," one of the best stallions thi
country affjrds, I noticed in oiie yiin
of about a dozen colts, only one with
out white feet." We quote this in or
tier that our readers may form theii
own opinion as to ils value, but w,
must object to the following ironi tli
same authority: "The be-t remedy
for an interfering horse c tnnot cnini
his limbs if he naturally interfere
The worst though not the most in
Vetera te in erferer I ever knew was
cured in a month by regular use anti
high feeding." We have aJways re
garded interfering as a defect in Ui
form or structure of the animal, bir
must admit that it always seemeo
worse when the animal is tired from
a long journey or a hard day's work
Among the famout comic repot ts of
the Detroit trre frjss occasional -yap
pi ars a picture tbar is really pat net ic.
Here is one:
An old worn in. whosm fad w-t full
of time's reve.nieful lin.'s, ubo-s: hair
was white as .-mow, wnose sight wa
hardlv strong enough to enable her ti
see the desk belore which she tremb
lingly stood. And His Honor said,
"God help such as you when second
childhood robs them of strength ol
mind ! Poor old woman, you may
i?o !"
She hesitated, and seeming to feel
thill some explanation was necessary.
she replied,
'It was either drink or drown mi-
self! My troubles are too much fat
mv old heart !"
He pointed to the door, and softh
"My heart aches to eee one s aged
and weak, and tender, brought here
f f vnu have a home, go to it. If your
heart is tr ub!ed, sit down, and I wil
talk to yau after the court closes."
She wa ked feebly out, tear in he
eves, aud whtu "Jim Fig," the news
bov. oiered her a si:oro of penuie.
hoping to lighteu her burden, she
ahook aer head and said,
It's my old heart '1 1 aches, aod
money can't etua it, L rd blet you
" . .
Counties. t 2 .S
,5 3 2 .3
. iS J g Q
baker 13 2S0; 10 ....
II. mou - 4!9! -Sit; 6i 4
Cimjs 3f:! 450 6 1
Ciirrv 75) 3
Clataop 219 23 2 8
(slambia 43i 7B; ;..
Clackamas 541' 5tM', 3(1 22
Douglas.... 6021 531! J: 6
Grant.. 176 147 1 31 la
Jackson. 3 Jo ,5'2ii 27 6
Josephine 110 14H 11 1
Uka 05 50: 1 1
Lane C'B OKI1 113, 6S
Linn.. m mm- -a. ts
Marion 1227 82 1 65 32
Multnomah .14111 1075' 23 01
folk 8,1 i 312i 107 2b
Tillamook m 47, 2
Union.. I82i 27H; 12 7
fmatilla 213 4St 12 6
'Vasco 200. S55-' 8S! 6
Washington 3261 191 j Pi; 6
Yamhill 554 2Sj 7
HI 06 6373 ; 837 ; 215
Lane's majority, over Warren, 207.
We take tbe follow ing from the I-hiily
About half past one this afternoon a
youlig urn ii iiamid Johui y Jones shot
iiimself just alKive the lieart. He called
into Ki ck's gun store and asked to look ut
some pistols. The clerk showed him one.
and at Jones request, loaded if. While
the clerk 'sateuth ti w.isealli tl tosometldng
else, he fired the pistol as above stated,
and fell against the counter.
This youiij; man has tieeu until recently
employed at Quoin's fish market, ami bore
a jrood reputation, until. It is said, had
company K't the better of him, ami he fell,
into vice from which he undertook to thus
He was taken to the St. Vincent Hospi
tal by Iiev. Mr. Chaltiit, where be will re
ceive all possible intention. Another Mil
warning to tlioce who would follow in the
road to ruin and disgrace.
From the Missouri It.pnllican (St. Loois.)
CESS. Among the notable prolesionai men of this
conntrv who hare achieved extraordina- v nie
ce is Dr. B. V. Pierce, of Enffaio, S. ". Tbe
prominence wtucb he. baa attritied baa been
readied throngh strictly ieiritimate meaop, and,
o far, therefore, lie deserves the enria-ble repn
tatioti which he enjnT.5. This lar;u meanre of
stictess is tne nsult f a tnorotigh and careful
preparation lor his Ciliin?, and extensive rtad
m! during a long and usually largo practice,
which have enabled him to gain high commen
dation, even from professions! bretfaern.
DtToting bis attention fo cer:ain speciahies of
UiC science he has co carefully hiTeatijfaud, he
has ben rewar ded in a remarkable degree. In
theae apeciallies, he has become a recognized
leader. Nt a few of ttte renitdies prescribed
by hini hare, it is asid, been adopted and pre
scribe i by physicians in their private, ptacttce.
His patuplets and larger works have been re
ceived as useful contributions to medical knoa
itlge. fie ba. recenily ad!ed aniaher, and p,r
baps mere important work, bcanse if more
general application, to the list '1 pnblished
nritiupi. This book entitled, "Tiie Fepie'n
Common Sense Medical, Advir," is designed
to enter into general circulation. E'r Pierce
ha nceired acknowlednients acd honors from
minv wmrees, and ep- ciallv acientitic decrees
froai two of tne first metiicjd iustiiaimns iu tbe
Tse whole i-ctm'e n wi h ore mUt, unw'alnt
ll.ui' ll.-s .y .'k lli,ani.i.n ! Tap. ihe
M-sreim and mlal'il-V reme ly lV-r ''iub-. 'o l
fosl a'l llr'Xie'-iMl i?n,-n'Iws. ' It ia ihe Na:iunat
Sil-ec fic for pi 1 oorxrr disease.
I'l - I - i.. -h- . ro cie tn one minute
la engage.! in teseb!ig Fensytnfhap at tbe
Central Iligli Stliool,
oa Me-iday and Ihorsday ereoingof each wei"k,
an-i at tne
Xorth Salem School IJtiiltiins
Wcdnegilay an-1 Fri-iay erening of r.-wh wee k.
Three ftallnn for I'ifu-en
Person" rieirtit-ff to
Ht'if Peioransb p
sb'Uiii app:v iranseibatet v.
Estray Notice.
ina al-ont three allies i.'-r,b-ea-H of ho a.
Pt-!lt cotuily, ijreaon. on tiie 20;b -lav of Septtm-t-er,
17. one bar bors, miymi J.-'i h-ni'l bilii
hai some white ei.llai and tttd'lie rosrks, au.l ihe
rigltt hind foot wnke: ?jipoe4tot-el5 to is yens
ol 1; s.ti t burst is breacb 5.
nei5:3 WM. ff.iNX.
Woodbum Nursery
C tf 1'ara eent on app'tcJirioa. Woxxiburo.
B. ALLEN', agt.-nt lor Sa'em. 23:3m
Notice! Notice!
iiKteb ed to ihe Jate firm f ttx A Bef.
nrnpclsf- pita come f"r-art aistt -Hsttle
i.h K. B WilHaniN at bt i ufarein t.riswwidV
B uvk, or wti!i me perst-naiiy. al nave co?t,
t. n . H'A,
Late of the Jirm ol Cox A Belt.
Beef C&ttle for Sale
25 or 30 Head
At Turner's Stat:on.
eeiitr:il mewl'iiiiili at Aum-vi ie, w.-is ill--
snlv. it bv mii'iui consent on tbej. iut. CiKtom
,jrs are coriiiatly in- t;etl to cotu'.-Hie thiir itrro. -teem
the --m! Vtrtii. The b-iiHt-.-i- vr i J I l-e.-oi-itnie-l.
an-i ali c'ain.sanit iii-iebitstiie-p eiil--t b
ho iimler.-ipift. A J L-1.M.W 'HTIIY.
Ai'msvillc, M:-ii-. Co.. oy li. 17 - 3-v
Hil-i-t ihe .stsh or rc.i ly pay system An
vrson- imleoirxi I" me iil plea-e cili an;l .-ettk-.
ttelleVlrsr thi-- Ihe onlv wav lo sell ct:e.t! hii-.
keep h l'o H -tiv.k. I trust mv o:-l cnst-mier- wil
silsliiill ne In so -.loins;. T. B. HI, V. KKHH Y.
llveriOK, Ojtn., Nov. lb. lS75--tt
Administrator's Notice.
!nkrsijfnet! tusleen 'luty .".(tpoi'e i a !nii i
f W-isliinjjTon Terrltvv. !:CHei ny ihe
;iuiuv Court of M -irion Cotm.y, Saie n
regon. tron i'vJebVt! to the
;-tate are voonestei! 10 make imr;i-ll;i'0 jflynvm.
nI aU iers4ii9 lifivinz c'aim- njr-iMirt ih-.t smmi
riil present tiu m wi h proper v -iioiu-rs ;o mu a
uy r6if)etMH! wear V.Hlhuri., Jn li e a'mw.
mmiv a v Krale. wiibut six m-m hs ir-'int ii ia t
BENJ.M:N Ml -WV, bnbii f;n-r
Obstacles to Marriag .
ISj3.V .ili-t utr ,H-- rm iii-et
-tviswi Kvr !. an iAhi c i 4?m r !i.e
:i teiofe-i. t liinptur in MitrrM-fv rtriivrtfi
ew nn:;'iio-i tii'ira: m.-ii. Sow a t it-m irsahu
enwlifti U Hk-a:t i 'n:--.t'nri m -m
. .veip-. Alirs, !!.V As. iv 1 A'i'ltjN
tli N. Mn h ttivet., HliUa-lc-Mi-t-i - Ins'i
u;ion h tvini; a hisrU tv; ua ion f r titwiuibU-coii
Ground Oliartres Coffee
ww artu-.'es, uii'l wb aru ,-.'nrt lent itny ea.i
not Im- siu-jvissg,! or oven e r'-i'ul tv anv ,it
dealer In lins i!at. J. VERIUEK .t t'.
irri, I i -v,rv day.
Liberal Terms to the Trade.
tH vi-il"i;i n aud Sm'smm.
cc Jppoi1 Beniwtt Htrss.
- Farm for - Sale,
c,.nsl.ilnft of fifiT ,;re, a irwsl h'-nse and
liarn. 1 h-j loca ln would make aiielra!i'"horne
rora hnetness mmtn taJern, or lor a farmer de
siring a small p'aoe.
Tertno. rioinble.
App't n he tirenittcs to
i1(:lm HPAtl. r. P05D.
Stark scree.', between First and Second,
Portland, Oregon,
ler than any i thcr fa. 'ise In tbe city.
Ourirg My Absence from the State,
Steamer OHIO.
euve 1'ortland lr Salem imSZC
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
of each week.
Vp Freight, - - 82 50 per Ton.
w-e4:lm 1. B- .8'JOTT. Master
Idaho Saloon.
Fine Wines and the Best Brands of Cigars
A jtond Kitlinrd Table, f r lovers of that math
email-rat a;.t beiiliMiit Karne.
tilve l he 1 1 'AH' a call.
' '"iMmtrcial -tret, uextdoortolbe Statesmas
Offic. J. C. ADKIN8, Proprietor.
Ji sice's Conrt. rV--iiu:t of Jcaerwn, Connty of
Marlon, tj ale of Oreg-m.
Eliza'f. Plamttr, vs. John P. Myenl l
lefnlant. Ajhtr teerecovermmiey. :
'I'O JOIK P. iirtfili, DKFESttAf
ihe i.ama of thestalof Urea-m, y-
lieret-v ri-n.itet t'-at-i-ear beiown taiarles 5fil"r
Jii-n.:ef-f ihe Peaou. an-1 ,t.iwer -tbe eooip-aint
nl the above namcl p'stntilf, against Ibeilefeml
ant, tiie I in ihe atve enruted mill, following six
weeks publlcati'm of this gumne-ns, to wii: On
M'Hifjr.e, 'l.iy of No enilwr, ls75. If yon fi,lt
to an-v.-er ibe alw-ve snrnin-ins the palntin" will
leinainl ju-lsment in ih- sum of otic hnndredamt
rhiriteu an iSi.lW 113 M HJO! dollars, gold coin,
wi:h ci sts an l ii. burs:in,nts ol said suit.
n-9:f,T Attorney or Plaintiff.
School Books
Misceliaaeraa Book", Fancy Goods, Piaaos
an-1 Organs.
nd irrrtKR siiicai. iNTErMFyr
2"Patto 's ''of , .rp .- c, st !es,jOTgon.
erl-'':-l A v 1 v
iy 1st the &ce. ana one sorrel Lore
m;h three white Jeet, Ut .1 xud a btiavT lial-
itrr:hve bwn tak-n ftphy liiu nTKMr4sraed and
are now ia hi pof4-ii. awHlnnp; cla:maittt.
The owirci ! art? rttt eH to rwe prrrpcr j, pay
chargatid :ake he a'.l bor? away.
i.fcril. Kli. f.
li rrE 'ea cual of Salem.
just mm-n edition.
K. ie V. Cl KTI-s. n. D., Et
A MH-r1 e-ar on tbe can? awl ewreof pre
m J cre 'Wline ia man. s-boaing how health Is ksi
buw resingl It gvez a c.ear tvnnpA f
ibe j.mef1iOTeis i marrisre, the trt-a' mt-nt of
n-rv.'u-: ani physical de'ii'Jty, exhan-?e4 viraliir,
and aJ! of v?r niJt apertalr.h8r tlrer-to; Ihe re
gait o twenty years nv&p-f::l jnu-ike.
Ci"Ti3 cn M vNUoi'D."-Tbere is bo mezB
bir of vJeiy by whom this bTok will notte fnnw1
K-ef.t:. v. ber he he pareut, preoeijr or ctergy
kb. Li'jndtjn. Tim.
Ccktis on Manhood."-This bo-: sn'fl
be reti1 Dr the yonnf r in?iriH!!ion, and by the
a.'Wk-! for reef : ir VlH inmie no tne. IfedwtA
Tim sawi Oxz- ttc.
I'ru-e -One ftoilar, fr xnAhl or exprew. A1
lrerheauihor, rR. CC'ETIS Su:ter sfreei,
or P O. Box 337. San Fran-d-p, C al. angViy
4 There M m:jnes4Wnabtv no other remlT
1 so.-er aln In 1I efff-ts ASTHMA. WIN
of h THKOAT ike yield to k influence. The
h!ghf t toeik-nl la-timoDV states ni t-tter cure
for twee .-.nj rr.iiuis t xUfs '.now prove t bv over
ha'f .t .'tiiiiir'y's cKi-erieno.). Thi.-y consl t w
-ii-inm. ni.-rplii.-i ora:-v violent -true. KKATIMG'S
i uliiil l.oZEX'iE'S. j-reinrert by THtiMAS
KK TiNI, Brf .tin, m-efolitbv ail fn-'w-iM.
Ai-nt- f-rthe PadljCiw. litlil.vGTON,
H(.s r 1 1 TtB & C' . an Prx neteco.
AdirrinUJrator's ."otiec.
riu.v anuoiuted Ailrrini-ftraor of the
irj( of Altairkr MoOork.e, lat of MnriB
.o?i -v. (ie-easel-, therefore all persons havinr:
c aitt ai'l eate wiil prewnt the same t
h .'.n lersineii wi:h tbe pmper viKhers,at h
rp.-'rj.'r'C'j ' !'i Pitil caH!.ityf within 1tc
month? lrm rbi? .-.h"e; aivJ a U" persons kno-wing
herp-!vof Ke-l to sail estate wii! make tin
ntetliate tavroeRfc.
C.C. LYOV, Afl nil Mist rato
Kiiot'er 175 -4w -
mW i-t nort: v ot the Lejrisisture. 8275.
f00 in h-Ii Prlt 1 hnite In 5. I irk
1 eeta, or 1) f r ieavinff $S to bed
iiHtei from ibe prize, after tbediawinj. Fort
pjnkuarrset tree. Ailresf
J. M. PATTEE, LiramieCity, Wyoming.
POSa'S EITBACT The preat Teretble P.ia
iMrrer. lias oeeii id bh; over KBirvr
yeans cl for cleanliness and prompt cara
t;re virtnes cannot be excelled.
CHILDREN. 'o family can afford to be without
Vonri's Extract. Accidents Brminea.
Cantaaions Spraina, are reliered
rlmost instantly by external application.
Promptly relieves pains or Hum, PSeiatds,
Exeoriationa. baAncs. Old tore,
Boilis I'eloan, Corn, etc Arrests in
flxmatiOE, rednces swellinpi, stops bleeding,
removes disrolorationsand beals rapidlv.
FiW&LE WEAHJliSSES.-lt always relieves pam
i u t Hi t-ac k and loioa, fairness ana pret&ing pain
in the head, nansea, vertigo."
(J) IEU6DSRHCEA it ham no equal. All kinds of al.
ceratinna lo which ladles are subject are
promptly cored. Fuller details in book accom
p3nTlng each bottle,
PHt3btind or bleeding meet prompt relief
aud ready core. Tso case, however cbionic or
obstinate, cm Ions resist ita regular nse,
VASI50S! VEiSS. It is tbe only sure care for
i Jiis di5M-e(4in? and dangerous condition.
DISEASES. It no equal for perms
rent cure.
GIEE9INS from any canee. For this is a spe
citic. It hns saved hundreds of lives when all
other reme lies failed to arrest bleeding from
nose, atomaeh. lnnir and elsewhere,
Larale tre au aliKe relieved, and often per
manentlT cured.
PKYSICIAXS ot alt schools who are acqnainted
with f end's Evtraet of Witch Hazel re
ommenditin their practice. We have lettersot
commendation fnan hundreds of Physiciana.
many of whom order it tor use in their own
practice. In addition to the foreeomg, they
order its ne for svrellinss of all kind.
tiuliiKV, Sore Throat, Inflamed TsbhiIs,
simple and chronic Dlarrhira, Catarrh.
tor wnicn it is a, specinc, l nnuiainn, t-Twu.
ea I -eet, Ntlncn el Jaseets, iMeattes.
tc. Chapped Hands, fc', and indeed
all manner of sktn diseases.
TOiLET BSE. Removes soreness; Reach-ess,
una smarting i heals fat's Kruplions,
lind Pimples. It reciva, invigorates, and r.
freshet, while wonderfully improving the
Complexion. a
T3 URMEBS. Pond's Extrwet. No Stock LiveryMan can attord to be without
it. It il need by all the Leading Livery Stable.
Skreet Railroads and first Horsemen in New
Y orlt City. It ha no equal for Sprains, liar.
nsM or Saddle .'banner, Stillness,
Scratches, SweUlnKS-C'sta, Lar-eratioaa,
niesdins, Pnramonia, Colic, Diarrhoea,
('bills, Colds, etc It ran ire of action is wide,
and the relief It affords is so prompt that it Is
Invaluable tn every Farm-vard as well as ia
every Farm -bouse. Let it be tried once, and
von will never be without it.
riDTiQU. Pond's Extract has
Tne (tannine article has the words Pond's K:
"tract mown m each notlle. It is Dn-nnmt hv
the only persons livinawho ever knew how
to prepare it properlv. Refuse all other pre
parations of Witch HareL Tbjs is the only
article used by Physicians, and in the hospi
tals o this country and Europe.
in Pdasrrilet fonn, sent free ou application ta
pMil 8 1ITBAET COMPART, Ktidsm,
ea;, iir I wiil xeak of exceUcnt