VVtEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. SATURDAY, : NOVEMBERS", 1875. The Board of Managers of th Pioneer Asso ciation tif O.-uiWti and Washington met at this place yes:e.-d.iy and invited Hon. El wood El ans, of Washington. Te.-ritory, to deliver tbe animal address on tlic 15th of Juno nest. Correction. Ia our river news yesterday morning we men tioned the name of A. H. Herren, as agent at the Farmers' Warehouse. We now correct it y saying A. W. Herren. Fast Time. The steamer Alice made the trip from Inde Jwndeneo to this city, a distance of 15 miles, in just i3 minutes, bringing about 200 tons of freight. A passcngpr lost "some dings" on ac count of the rapid rate of traveling. Mr. E. C. Goer, & Wealthy farmer residing near Silverton, called on ns yesterday. Ho rep resents farmers in that section busily engngtd in preparing thoir fields for spring crops. Mr. 6. sends several copies of the Statesman- to friends in the East. Come thotind do likewise. lu Eugene City potatae are SI per bushel, butter 80 cents per pound, eggs SO cento per dozen. That ia in the country. We publish a communication, this morning, from Justice- H. A. Jjhnson, in which 1 complains of having been misrepresen ted it. an item which appeared in the Statesman on yesterday. The statements of the Judge can U relied upon aud we are ready to do him justice-, at all times. Two fine shepherd dogs amused a crowd yes terday while driving a flock of Angora poars through the streets and on to the ferry boat which carried them over to folk county. The eonduct of the canines tended to explode the idea that a line of distinction can be drawn be tween reason and instinct. At the residence of Eer. Pavid Brower, Daniel Boner, late of Eansai, where lie leans a family. Mr. Bower was 71 years of age. lrrtoiil Dr. It. M. Boyd, Sheriff of Baker constr cUled on ns yesterday. The Dr. comes on bus.- ness connected ih his office. Sailing: t'iMtponi d. The steamship Ajai will not leave Ban Fran cisco for this port until Wednesday next, and will not therefore be due mitil Hatuadav even ing- . I'll-r olumbltt Hirer. The mercury was down to 20 deg. at Wallala Saturday morning and an early closing of the npptiMColumUa seems probable. Tersons hav ing business in that direction should attend to tiuir trans) orta i n nt trw eirlii-st twssible da.i. rliarh s 51. Ila. ris, of E..la, called yesterday a id snbserii cd for t!,e ixsst weekly paper iu th, 8 ate the Statesman. He says the farmer of i'nlk county are putting in an unusual amount of fail giain, which will tell at the nut bam . An estr&y letter dated ai a beautiful little city in California, has fallen into our hands. It is evidently from a young lady to a lover in Salem. A description of a sea voy&ge and places of interest in the "Golden State" strikes Us as beautiful, but we cannot publish if be cause of the accidental manner in which it " came into onr hand. The young lady can cfc- i the letter by calling. Liverpool Wheat Market. The following is the Oregonian's special tele pirn of wheat quotations, direct from Liver pool: . Liverpool, Xor. 19, 1ST5. Oregoman, rortlaiid:-To-dav-s Liverpool wheat market closed as follows: 'Oregon wheat x warehouse, from lis 2d to lis 6d per cental California club, ex warehouse, from lis 3d t.. lis 7d percental; Oregon cargoes, afloat on passage to the Ciutcd Kingdom, lis tolls d percental. The market is'depressed. Hen-by Jrstp A Soxs. The above figures indicate a general decline Of Id per cental on all classes since our teletrram last week. Berlttertly Uood. a. meiy little joke is told of one of the old est steamboat Captains on the Willamette. Xet long since while his boat was "tied" up for the Bight at a small town, he concluded to taie a full nights sleep and retiredeaiiy. Some of the employees on the boat heard of a dar.ee and their wardrobes being poorly supplied for such occasions, quietly "captured" the elegant snii which the Captain had just hung np on the floor of his room and divided the several arti cles in such a manner as to make a well dressed party, of course with the understanding that the dry goods should be returned to their place before the Captain awaked; bet alas, human af fairs are uncertain, and the party getting on a bender forgot to return until a late hour and then to bng back the borrowed goods in a very muddy condition. This enabled the Capt. to get out of bed and leave the port. I'lioitoui nli3 I .sot nrrrrel. As a snffirirnt iramlsr of books could not 1 picx-nred in Sau Francisco, the coimm-nceinen of studies by the phonoirsphy class is nestvas rily deferred until books can be ordered fron Cincinnati, which will cause a delay of prrhapt t iree weeks. George P. tlolman, agent of the I'ionerr Oil Mill of il is city, informs the Morning Call thst he has nhxady contracted with different partiet in the State for the cultivation of about 2,00 aeres of flux for next season. The prodnctioi of flax in this State stems to be decidedly a su- -cess. The Rosebnrg Plaindealer says: "James, tlx second son of Mr. S. C. Moore, who reside some twelve miles south of Boseburg, was en gaged in hanling timber from the rrtoiiuraii side, near his father's rewdouce. It apprart that in coming down the wagon came uncou pled, throwing him from the load, breaking fci neck and killing him instantly. James w about 14 years old, a bright and intelligent la'1, well loved and respected by all who knew him. ' Woolen Mill nt Albitn The Register of the 19th, in speaking of tba proposed erection of a woolen mill at that plao says: "Last Saturday five of our most practi cal business men. realizing the necessity of im mediate action, drew up mad signed the nece -sary articles incorporating a company who pnv pose erecting and carrying on the business of a woolen factory. The incorporators are: Messrs. J. F. Backeusto, 8. E. Young. D. M. Thnmpsor, C. P. Burkhai t and Thos. Monteith. The capi tal stock of the Company is $12,000, divided into shares of $100 each. We havs Hfle doubt that the stock iu this enterprise will Ul be takers at once, so that the Company may be organized ana proceed at once to busmen. The enter prise should enlist the hearty support of every citizen of the city and county, as it is an indus try which, if prase cuted energetically, will aid m re than aay othsr single enterprise tb grovrth and prosperity of the city and county. 9 P.SKJtUt:R LIST. The Oregon Steamship Company's steamei Orirlamme sailed from Portland for Ban Fran cisco Saturday at i o'clock, with the following LIST OF PASSESOEB9 : 5ovt:nBi:n kiuiit. 01 all months throughout the year, none are more changeable than November. It nights of snow, rain and winds, are composed of snatches from every season. One day we have an inces sant pouring down of rain, and perhaps the day following will have all appearance of a June morning; then another night the silent snow winds its noiseless way downward, until the whole earth is wrapt In one bright glistening mantle of this feathery article. "Gently as lillies shed their leaves, When summer days are fair, The feathery snow comes floating down, Like blossoms on the air." Then the poet buckle on their armors reinvig orated, and dive into an all sbsorbins p era on "The Beautiful Snow." How anxiously the editors await this time. The poets become fully alive to gieat responsibility, and right royally & they perform their duty, as countless years have told. 'Hark! whence comes those doleful sounds, Tha- greet my listening ear? Be still my restless soul, Tin only the dirge of November winds, B -ginning the winter severe." A .:ain the poets have a ciiai ce t tVsplay the r Mien s on "winds," winter winds," etc. But af . r all the winds seem to be an inex1 a ismble tie I for pts. The lolh.wing extract is exactly to t o winds of this month. Xi.w screaming on their rage, now shouting prima, ?!ien auraiiing as in pain, at war's aiaini; iiu ii M'ttly sobbiug to unquiet !rt. . in it wiiejy. tiarhly. breaking tin til again is if in n.om at having been reprint, vViih warding swtep caret ning o'er the plain Anon. Miss Landon has perhaps expressed some of a- r sweetest thoughts iu poems on the "winds The follow ing i a prrlect gem in its way: nd pti.-es to gather its fearful hrt-atb. Mid lilts up its voice- like anantttl of d. ath, auu me unions leap op when the summ ills tnt-y near. nd the snip Bus away, as if wmgi-d wrh fear. .nu me uucoui.1 creature that dwells in tLe deep, star s up at the sound from their floating sleep. And careen through the water, lise clouds mrongii tne uignt. To shate Ji the tumult their iov and delnrht And wtien the moot) rises tlie ship is no more, n i.j.o inu its wrnin are vacisiied and oer, lud the fierce atorm that li-w it h fnrt.t . Like the dream that flies from the light of tie Miss Landon. no vaunoi out snuuder while perusing fie above, for to our imagination visions of the wreck of the "Picinc" ari so vi idly portrayed many-very many teauliful thoughts are compressed in 'his stanza. Jiovtmtxr also has its calm, still nights as well, when pale Luna gently mounts the sky; t it bright little watchers peep furth one by oue f urn the Armament above. All :s goMle: naught Stirs rudely; but coiigenial with the night, Whatever walks is gliding like a spirit. Eurapt lie gaze; silence leigus supreme." Oh! that all nights might be as the pale si lent rioveniber night. All is so still, so silent tnere. That one migni hear an angel wing tke air." EtAOT. E-RUGS AND DRY GOODS. Auctioneer and Commission MERCHANT. iinilliflll TO BUSINESS IT IS THE INTEsTiON OF S. FRIEDMAN TO CLOSE OUT ALL DRESS 120(108 Xlil Semen, K-ritrlle ofCuxt W. VCATBKRfOltD. J. tr. WIATHEltrOED rEATIIERFORD & CO sai hum m. .ttt w .int. wwr-iiji'iui MHCELLAXEOUS. JUST OPENED 1 PiOriEERBAKERY. C'ominorfial Siroct ni!e Ihc MtiK-xmuii OJHec. nn-l co'mny ir Vr asi.('ak (in -i-uni trade liakt-d io or!er. Sif-K!4ANTAI. 'Kt?.v l.ir Wei-tne. . mU'es. i ioi.Vsi. e c . lakcd h.iri n.-it- e MEDICAL. 1,000 RfP INCURABLE CASE. si $1,11 s GOLDEN BALSAM. Aller tun eai trial im Inii, cjat ra proveti il sell tlie onii citnttirc in a .-eriain oiaw.cf'!:ease pronomiewl hy nw lk-al iira.:liiinoi 6 t luiirublt. Or. LeRchau's GOLDtN BAlfJ No. I, ,'.uri -'!;jtii'lire tlrst nnil s?,.iii ,i.-iLre- Hires m i tie l-egs or l!n.h: ;-oiv Kars, ho, nrr, l opi.r-o!ore'l lilot. hr ., Si philll'V si; tth, I -us-ea,ed .Scalp, anil all primal' lorr.1 ul tle.'itcat Known as hyphf!!!!. Frlce.'.'. ici !-,l t i. or t we n-r wf. DR. W. K. DOllERTY'S AND .Surgical Institute No. 649 Clay Street, Between Kearny and Montgomery-sts SAN FRANCISCO. J. il Dr. LeRichaii's GOLDEN BALSAK No. 4, .tiirw Ten litre, Vercnria:. i.m:ii'v Mtiwojittsti H psi lAII C3 ' "line- in lie mit-, isa,-. m .tic ,., Jti-iia-ei le?f hb i E fiS WT Thronr; M .,iliiie. l.-:li, L:.rnj. lli.l on- W1 B 1 1 1-T If! I ! '"""si i".ls. Surt..!-.-. ,1,.; l.m:l,-. ie.H-ra.lt CIS loillB B I 1 ues all di-ea-cslr..in tlie Mem. . hell er .aiosei K lit! tie, n I t'ALt.S ATTKXTluX T IAEGE m V:i L SE; EiTEC STGCK i4 tnt'Trit it iti k th Kt 301 F Freeman, wife and child, Isaac Kay. I S Itosentwram, CMC ti;.ar and wf, F Matse!ek, W C WaJl-.c. W R Tun, bnll, Mrs M C Butler, and ehilil, Mi-s Lotiie Boward, Dr Bldin. H S Ii Tinsr, Another Fnuny Incldeiil. . A Di-ision of the Great American Xasal As sociation was formed in Albany night before last, in which an old resident of this city was elected President on account of the immense proportions of his probosis. Beinsr coii!!tm- bly pnffed with pride on account of the pre ! U.rman D ','is. l, ment, after taking passage on the good ste mrer i L J,lnw.. Ahoe, threw ont a challenge to all on board ai d the rest of mankind, to measure noses. Ti e afable Purser, Dr. J. W. MeCuliy took the pn posed bet and the two agreed that Capt. Bi ll should act as umpire. Thereupon the Parser invited J. A. Wright, the polite steward, to step ont alongside of 'President,-' in -rtew of tlie ';man at the wheel." The Captain immediak ly decided the contest in favor of the unassuming steward. The President" was fearful that would be shorn of hi3 honors and finally in- dnced the Captain to decide that while tile suc cessful contestant had the "longesfcoe of a man in the United States, that the 'Pre-Md;t' had the "reddest and flattest" enout of any man i in the world, not excepting tlie inhabitants vt j Central Africa. i j Held tor I'ostace. j The following letters are held for postage in j the Balem postoffice. The writers will call aud j prepay tlie same or they will be Bent to the JDead Letter Office at the expiration of one week's time: Wesley Allen, Oakland, Oregon; Fred Graff, Albany, Oregon; Messrs. Goldsmith ft Lowen berg, Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Mary Wifhrow, Eugene, Oregon; Julius F. Hyde, ferownville, Oregon; Will Enbatira, LaGrange Centre, Ind.; Charles E. Wilson, Clinton, Mo.; John .H. Ktone, Portland, Oregon; Miss Inez Adair, Sa lem, Oregon; C. P. bhrum, Forest Grove, Ore gon; Mrs. Julia Jackson, Mt. Pleasant, Oregon; David Campbell, Hillsboro, Oregon; Joseph Oaston, Hillsboro, Oregon; Juiios Bornecker, Eugene, Oregon; Mis3 Josephine Cosper, Jef ferson, Oregon; Martin Coleman, Xo. b39 Csii fornia street, Ban Francisco; Mrs. Mary Cart wright, The Dalles. Oregon; Eugene St. Clare, xaiias, uregon; no address, Hewanknrn, W. T.; William T. Campbell, Eugene, Oregon; Edwin wvruo, fcJHICHl, ViegUll. David Cmmvine, wife and child, Mr Kahn. J'nSH Kearnev, J M Swigart wife and Child. John Irvin, A W 8pn, wife and chilitren, E D Farmer, Col R Junes. C S A, f Kh veridge, WJ Hanlav. H Hopewell, Henry Myers, ! con. n. -Mrs L E Knowlton and Mrs A D Smith. danhtvr, Mrs Nrank Falr, W "i Diokinsoti tnd dr Th Cuuninghan, P Sin. Ids. r.rl iofant, Geo is-i r. A-H Chase, la- Williams, Jos H-vlladav. G W Oipp. " arreii, A K Co'Lurn. h H Patterson. Mr. SI Tiiiuiisij. R Adam-, AJKamoc. B Bt L'ia:r, And 40 in tlie teeraf.'e. I Ijve b.mgit a cope of ihe rtrArj Wbf- to -! an mr. 1 think i! well sniut r.irihat stvle nf "hl-tisn lart:ire known as "-ha-'d tn h'!i"'t " it is iH-al.-mii-ael. trlear, t-ortjib'e, dim-b e. If " e irm- irmi "inenonini ni ,.f he soirlt," it should not le harnjiered in acum her.me volume, wi-.h stiffthantsairtl Roldclasta. hvery worklnc ChrlMian. like Ihe ai.frcl of the rsmlators vision, should have "is his hand a LirrLt book opes.'' The Christian who would save men mn learn to "oie te thrm th- Scrip hirrj." This Teacher's Hible opens the most onvenicnt!v. Id a literal sense, ot'anv book I evtir saw. If every active Christian had' one of these Bibles, and would use il, not onlv In his clotw, bat in his daily contact with the wnrld, the .lav of triumph for the cause of righteousness would" be nearer at band. P. S. K.vight. Congregational Pastor. I m .'e ieh'el wl h the Ten-.her's Bible. It is in eiery resp-vt a most a? a t as Btver' hirrn-rto v'kiiow!Hlctil s 'he lx i in ihe trofid -.-tn.l ii. sormr nsift:ij i: i- btln-r, bmltisr -nieval-n!i e be ! ih ioim1 m Paver's whi'e tl i i.e is some-hat 'ess. l!v all mians htiv a lea -her's hit lj I have bought one f rmvilf. Mr. )verproi.pe in sell them as cheap! itslhrr cn lie hat frr-wtany wther wMir.-e.au.! will .or.f.-rrlni a tik-s-inc hi on nv irst n wtwm he in l)etiia !e to itirc!ia,-e. Anns, n J ms. Pastor of Bal'.isi l l.nrch. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Empress, Delaines, Me rinos, Plaids, Alpac cas, Laces, Lawns Linens, Ribbons All these goods mutt and will fce sold. Also - CROCKERY & GUSSto ARE. Will bo clwed out regardless of cent. I have a full tine of SILK VELVET RIBBONS All oolors and widths. Also a tins lot of SILK BLONDE LACES And Hnlioncttei Lace, So cheap that It will pay dealers taeemeaad tmy. IF YOU WAHT TO BUY c T T.JB.JRICKET, P. M. IXPLASAl'OKY. Saleit, Xov. 19, 1875. Ed. Stateskas: I see an article in this morning's Statesman taken from the Orego nianm regard to the way Rockwell A Co. were treated while in this city, which reflects some what on the court over which I have the honor to preside office at the Court House with tl e Sheriff. Instead of fine and costs being S, 0 the fine was $20 and the costs S13 75. Instead of the person assaulted being an old coachman he was a young married man from Polk conntv by the name of J. K.Conner, of respectable lam', ily. The evidence showed conclusively that Conner did not call Cole a d d liar, but on the contrary it was shown that this was a mutual mistake. Cole claimed that Conner gave him a $2 50 piece and Conner claimed that it was a S10. Witnesses testified that it was a So. Wit nesses testified and Cole admitted that as Con ner and wife were leaving the tent P.ockwell struck him (Conner) aud then he (Cole) ran np and knocked him down bruising him badly. But for Cole's own statement I should only have fined him $10. Of the other affair I know nothing, but presume it was humbug. H. A. Johnson. JScw Books Kecclvel by the Odd Fellows' Library. Mrs. Oliphants' Days of my Life, The Hons, on the Moor and The Laird of Xorlaw. Miss Thackery's complete works. Black's Princess of Thule and Three Feath- i ers. ' McDonald's Annals of Quiet Neighborhood, j Jagors Travels in the Phillipines. Macready's lieminiscences. Havens' Our Next Door Neighbor. Nordhoffs Commiinistic Societies of the Uni ted States. Latonche's Travels in Portugal. Caton's A Summer in" Norway. Higginson's Young Folks' History of the fril led States- Bigolow'.i Life of Franklin, 3 vols. Prescott's Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols. Cm qnestof Peru, 2 vols, and Ferdinand and Isa bella. Sheridan's complete -w orks. Stowe's My Wife and I and We and Om Neighbors. Vogel'a Chemistry of Light and Photogra phy. . NordhofTs Politics for Young Americans. Abont's Notary's Nose and The Man with th. Broken Ear. Abott's Christopher Columbus, Chevalier De LaSalle, Paul Jones, Captain Kidd. Miles Standish, Peter Stnyvesant, Daniel Boone and David Crockett. Stoddard's Thaekery and Dickens, Moore and Jerden, Merimee, Lamertine and Saad.Chorley, Planche and Young, O'Neel'e, Kelley and Tay lor, Knight and liaikes, Barham, Harness unci Hodder, ana the G viiie Memoirs, i h- lrn-r. Toe roiiowing le'tt-r will best explain itself . i "is tin- purse given bv the people or Wil Wai'a. at the races eoniRenrinsf on the 27th ' this m nitli. for ?o 0. hnng t xpress-iy for Fo-t. ami OiiO-nla. and Foster's own race 2 m.t heats do cot seem larare enough to justify H owiirrs to take him there. I wUl make it at obj.ct for them to go; first, will pay hisn trauce on the pnn, and nill bet them $1 IXW or 2.000 more that Oceola Ix ats him bio nwi race (2 n.iie be.iM, aLd guarantee t&y emu win til the monty they can bring home ii tlay can beat him. I am hire and ready ti put up cue half of the above arneont, and the -balance ti e morning of the racv. Come ai d s..-c me. bev,-ral have aked roe, aud doubtles will, the ressou Osceola did not meet Fotter at the State Fair. I will explain: The Union Co Fnir, where Osceola lives, came off the eatsi week of the Stare Fair, and the purses weie Detter mere trnm at saiem, I had quite number of oti.er Lot ses to run for other pursrf. and stallions to exhibit, while the farmers aid breeders, who patrotize them, had a right o demand their presence at their own Fair, fe skies, I was luf nned that Mr. Bingham wrote a letter to Walla Walla stating that if they (the members of the Walla Walla Agricultural doeietv) had a full meeting and hnna no a go,id purse he would bring FosrU-r there and compete, which they have done for his benefit. and believing that he woold be there Osciola tame over to Wail Walla and is there now waiting for Foster. Geo. Cckksax." Tl-e following dispatch was received at Port- land nday from alia Walla: -Track good and races sure to come off. Monte Cristo is waning orders. The Boise horses are ail bere. Hoi-semen will pay for Foster's entrance. Tnere is an opportunity to make money oa an other race if Foster comes." ftOTEs) BY THE WAY. Citizens of Hubbard Station are canvasring some if the advantages of their location, and Snd it quite fe&Mble to construct a mill race ironi l'nddiiig livir and thus bring the v.a.- i six miles aud connect with a creek near the sta tion, producing cheap water power for mills and machinery needed to develop a large and prosperous town. No station noithof Sa lem has a more prosperous farming region tributary than thin, and of its size on the whole length of the road enjoys a larger coun try trade. While most of our readers are posted on the varied eteriniw s carried on at Aurora and in the colony, some, new comeis, and perhaps others, may be interested in a review of some of the 1 -ading ones and the late improvements. Among the late improvements the most no ie.1 is the iu w store with Pioneer Hall in sec ond story, and new postoffice below. The building is 82x28 feet, two stories, the lower ttinrshed with elegant shelving and Spanish ctd-ir counter top, manufactured in S.lem. The posroffioe haa 11(1 holes and 20 elegant ioxi s. Also, a new Turbine wheel in the mill, i 6-hoise y .wer engine, machinery for the wagon factory constitute the leading new me--l.ameal improvements. Nearlv everything for use in tlie colony is nrodnefl hir - i. I heartily er flora- wha R.-v. VM!-on J..ne has -aid in resari tml e T-a. her"s IMble, ami g:afli 1 scribe tor a copy m. f. SAKI F1. HplMXOFK. I"as,er t.anitc i -al i limvh. i Mi:. S. Ff. I vir. lear -ti-: In n-f.e-, c to ' reonesl, ait, im siv he l,a.-(it r Hiti'e. i ; . .... it,.- j.uit', -i;'...ni(Ki jxur.iii.a s..r noe-1.. Oe l,e vn bt t iu ii, i .i 1 !.' wrm .tae ,-cvst large litnuri-K 1 he ! ,n. r.y of he pa-r an I bin.!! .g is r.-a;!v fl,, a. ai.( mi ias. ir a :if,r imeo c nslan.'uear J -en cl ii.CTi !-a-r: k -?.,. am hp I - i l o s l.ioi.! i Htvilir Urrant kl'l lt.ie.lcnr j r Trii-.tut i.a ul ,he IV...H' teI-ie ween .he . erst-.- i- e..l-eaie s5;tn.e iivt-o. ih.intllsrn i:r:i!,-.i j o-y-o ii.!wnt.s cn-i me h nil sctrp .-re Hi..' ; .1-1 r'oi aols .o siu.(v, cot..-I-:ll i;.n ..ier-.'0l.lj:iMe ... l, it. .el ex;. itno.ir.Kvt: net- rtwt tmiv-r ,-iiu i heme. I -hooghi lu :ht- n.,n! o (,,i Thi f a ; 'i!(i.f is wonr. rsio.e n.meihnn a -enite 1 j atjtft bt cos ii b J7 .v. to winch I itaiecn-ian - J : ... relet-. KeM :-s lheie xvk over a ii,,Ze . com- 1 : ..! tiii t Bib e is-ntri s ami ci k-s. eti n j , -.k-a. ai. e. uaim.H.v ofihe ii-.-pi-i, names an.l ; i i,;ei-oi Chr.st. lab e oi eiKiu-. tiMatsun anl I j m.rtiey. 1 1 thort. ii con.ati.s jn -ma t wniass . - i e en ia! c.-ntt-ms ot -evcia tai-e ae.t exjtn-1 it u . ks he-i tr-sa tirsi-rale iel'erei-e IJIbie. Ii : .-on..l vvihacouv nwt-iii il,- I.m.hU m v, i-.l, I , h;h S.-to..l Ttact-er an.t ltt. e stu.lt-nl in lb; 1 .-.Miiirri. HUAkDW rAm. ! fast or Ire?by:er!an ant Coi gn- a ionai thurch, 1 Aihati: , iireyou. ; Hat tug carefnMv evamini"! he Teacher's Rib'e, I m . h-ar lly eti.lorsv a'l tha. Is -.-il l in rt-uanl t it hy I'rof I, s. Ki.l'li!, ai..I Ilt-vs. Ao.ison jo esanJ H. W.Strauoii. L i.. Rowland. Pastor dinstian Church, c-ak m. Oregon, itu.s i-.n vi i.opF.iiu. Mr. S. H. Pyer, ihe agent for this excellent work, hands us the following tcstimoriaisforpnb ication, signe-J by several of onr well known eitt-ren-: 1 have examined ZclPs Encycloperba with some are. ibotiifh briefly, and .xmsl ler ii a compendium n more aneu an.i ii-eiuu:iioimaiion than anv i work of eqnai size ami price 1 eer saw. At once a !icti"r,ary ol'art, ecie.K.-e. liis.ory, bfographya..! wt-tleraiMt Aipt-ton af on. e, aiet canmK tall lo be useful to ihe stuflenf, the mfessienal man, er . ufiiii.t ufsjriitjf io ciiiuvaie general Rnowi e 'ge. P s. Kmuht. conn. Pastor. , In our brief examination olihL-. work, all things v..-...-. ,i. weiimi ji to oe itiLroui a rival iu us lepannientp. I, J. Powfll. A. M , L. L. KoWla.nd, ... V., M. D., T. M. (iA-nit, Pre&'t Willamette University. Ihavensefl this wondei fully full and t-ompne-hensive work tbrhMir ears! and have ton n.i tt the most isaiistactory an.t convenient inrok of ref ers, io lo which 1 have ever had aocs, both as a ilcliona v ofihe Knp.lsli lan)cnafre an.l a .-.vctpe-tiaot liierai'-t-fanM e. leiwe No wurk .mirtes mi.i-e, or U moi-e ac urate. For convenient reler e. ceawi raliste-iory Infoim.ilion 1 repird 'Zeil" asa gna. .letlieratiin) to aii pro!es-i-nal men. I con.-. lno: tvell -lo wlili.viii il, and n.-v. ain pleafted wi-h i'ne owsi--tuniiy ol'snbscribh-g lor tile supp e metil. i li.aruly commend it as m va uah!e io fcteiy wu.ieni, an I al! ho eek . b well tn torme 1. Kdwahu R. Ui ahy, Pastor Presbyterian t 'hur. h. Tue vory brief eam:iiMil.,ii I have been al!e to make of llils work, has lelt upon my mind a con vio.ion ol Its great worth, and leads tne toenderae the praise besiowed upon It in these pages. Thomas Cokdon, State Ueologist. OPINIONS OF THE FACULTY OF PACIFIC 17 NIVER 8ITT IK KO'EEEKCl TO "HELL'S POPULAB BKOYCLOLPKDIA." Ton 111 nod It to your advantage to buy at S. Friedman's. I have a grmd asenrtraeat of Brussels, Two-P1ti and all wool In- graio, and Hemp and Burlap OATIPET.- Sty carpets were bought In flrs hands in Poi'a de! h'.a, ami can be Mid very le&sonab'e. I bare a food tine f Salem Clalh, Flaanrls, Blanket: A food a-sortmeol TOBACCO and CICARS. HATS, for Menandltoys. The nest stock of CUL- LAHsa,,,. boh Sin the market Be sure to buy ym.r f I V K eHRTS 8X"Ks an.1 t M'tisii tax m t Kiiii-3i.t.. Ifv.m nrt anvihtnc In the tine ft KirTttlK fr 111 a !!r i fj-ln. , ,a 1.. ttc ami 3 IU1II linn ,1.. tn Kit! MJi '. Yon wilt Bn l it to yonr i'sn'sj 'ritKivall yoi:rsi Ar-i.K t.KO'.hltlt-. a riClfci'MANX While 1 am eff nrg mr po.s at gn a-ly rctucefl raivH, i. n wi) a.-n nn! m the Kim j b it dtnj; the Salem Drug Store, AMI MR. T. C SMITH, WUOLWAI.K AKn ItF.TAtL hFAM'lo IN Drugs, Faints, OILS. Ci PATEN1 MEDICINES, TOILET GOODS. ET J., ETJ, Pure WIiiph una JL.ip un Foi Me Ileal pnrsea. 6aT"Medicln Compoondc-I and Pie 1ul.ni Filled, - WEATHER FORD JL C V, MovlidawSml Commercial 8. rue . Sa . m Glass ii i ... j i . i i l i ? 1 1 H I a !i ! Gb h a Ware, GiJlLEHY, ETO. mi:K' ! far!, GIVES PERFECT SATIS FACT Oil FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. THE SHINING RIVER For High and Grammar Schoo'a THE HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR. Tne former l bv 11. S. W. (V Pr-kina .nl sells for & cents per eopv in ifwrdo. ami :) per I-soel on t a lew 'w-ks since, hot the .nl Ushers are showered alth ,-m-ri.i..!m.,rv l.-nn and Its praise are founded evervwhere.' It wld prorea-SHi.MKii rivkk" ol b.nu and melodi in hndreil n homes and Sahlatli s-jmn The latter Is late mil. and i a hiu.t ffhl h in Teacher can lai: to admire and Introduce. It will be a decided e'ernem ia the m-isicnl advance of the tiiDo. Sells for 1 Oo, or 9 00 p. r d.-ieu. JSTOW BEADY A WW COlliVtio! ff mnl iamtlllfnll tfrM.ta Tunen for Prmte Mrtinp, Prayer 'M'rting WA I ft. RAWHIDE BO, .Uf1 CHAIRS (. Kt" 11-I X .l 1 AT V VI Its' .' r'nriil r .. nr. ,,i v. ,.i, ;. nllr.ell'la, si reel. Ii S arli.1 I: ... k. The Best in the State. A ; J wi k 'vjfnuiittMl. t ali hi 'i I", I- SSLEffl FLOOR Bvt isH 15. n iruni'Tt stiii tit ."niw -i!k-I iuFem.f! ea!thy. Dr. LtRichesi's GOLDEN ? PaNiSH AN ndoie. ).,r i he Cure -.1 t;-.ti.orhea, J.'lcel, Irranm. liravet. an tall t'rnarv or lieni'al d "arrange mem s. Price tl M r Iwitl 'e. Dr. LeRichau's GOt L'EN SPAf ISH IN-I'leis-.ii, ii wai.ii and ir-jeciion tor seer-j caws o 10. niiorl.oii, Iiijlhinmaiirt (.'c t. licai -i-canda' es..! ihe K:'iiiev(.:ihil IS.adder. Y ice. tl rr raatle. A!k.. Aa.-.iid lor l it. I.t i:i i!Al S jil.HK 11 1. J. lor .S-miil.-i! VV.-aki. fss, Nti.t i :in:ssl,.m Im.rfiien. , an I a!,' dis-aseail-iug fr.iE Jlastn l.a ion an.l cx-e.sivi. ahnses. 1'iice. 43 ci titt t The uc-niiliu (i. LKi h Halham i. a : or.l 11. r.t:,t:,l l.ules. i m r jc.-i,i oi price, I! ee meci .-ui.'sMill ln--i:d lo r,!l j arm ! it.e -J m.ln, ! express ..r iraij. secure tcckcd am! tee "fr.-f f tiM-rt .-iii..!,. 's-.'e agents, t;- r. Ri'.'HAr-i a ;i., WhiieMt'eand Kciait lii;:B-ts and : lnnii.'r W. tiorncr ;!ay and saiiKi-i-e S:ree!., wW Fnirf-lfc-.. iini74:-lrt lv JK to fHi 'JHronrutTAii tin. CIEK.V!. I .ii.'-slj I It-.tt:-. Iliiktr'' ; x.sa x. t!jt-i l:i:v itistl Ut uliaiii, !!!s!!i!!. Bran 7 t'ni!!inj- The Ml.o-f 3- Irt!e 30 1'tBU. For Praise Meetings LIVING WATERS. F.r Prayer Meeting. BY . r. Hodges. Now rive new HrV to the slnn. in rmir i.w.nk gallon hy intro.Iii. ing a lew hundred copies of this delightful work. Specimen copies of Lit ing Water, Shining Jorrror Utah S-honl I tmr. .m. rvi.i,l for Retail prloe. THK hest Price In Paid for Wheat at all Times! A. IT. KI.WET, T l"'"' AeentS.F. M-Co. DISPENSARY, 623 Kearny Street Co.'ner f oniitn" --rail H'. SAN FRANCISCO. r.siat. i.'ie.l tn s4. fr the trea'm. nt of 'ev i' and sin! al ieam. such an I nrrhpi. t U'vut. SirH -nre, fr.bilis In all Its fonts, t Sermrs! Weakne-s, lniK.lw.-T. etc. Fktu ifa Itlld iir:.. "r..,1f.' 6"" Llce-ue-i I-- Sinninul WeakneM, Seminal emission tha ironaeonen,.. miui nsc. This solitary vl.vu or denraved se:ial Indat NEW ESTABLISHMENT! A tieiiersil .4 sort ment or IP1 TJ -JES. X T TJ JTL J3 1 1 K?pt Constar,t!y on Hand and UPHOLSTER! FJC In all its Branches Done. n9. n nr! ! a k r tmk rv n s irw f. st rwi. ami wilt comb. tit f!u bti ihvo.d 8 ami. ivy one w;tiiiig aiiyrtirns: jn t!;e rurciiiire or I p!io!(rj Line j I" Rive money It g.ri. ff him a cat. and ini.jj hi g- -ls a.-i i-n.-cs IsK.rc ir. elH. here. Ill- mo do i-io eam- ha-il.g . I geru-e, la pracci.-el bv the vonth of Ixrta to an almost unlimited extent, prod a ;inir with unerring certainty, the following train ol morbid symptoms, unless combated by scienti !c meiilca measures, vl2: saucwooanienance, aarK spots trnat rtheeyCSa pain In the bend, ringing In the ears, noise JlkJ the matting of leaves and rattling 1 1 ehaSot uneasiness aoout the lo!ni, confueexl vli km, blunt ed Intellect, los of confidence, rtitHdtoce iBa proachmg Tirana srers. dislike to form r.e' r acqtiaint ance, a diyoftlon to hnn soclMv, lo of tnea ory, bec'lc (usbesand rarliasrrnritiaa aham ih j flic, fiirre.1 tongue, let Id breath, oo igl.s, con. I sumption, nicht sweats. monomaBlo and fra quent inanRy. If relief Vie not obtained, the sufferer should aj!v immediatelv, it persoa or I by letter, an ! have a ei:re effected bv h's new an scientific mode of ttiailn? this diseue, whirl netur tails or effo.-tinp a uric and radical enn I r. ti. will jtive one hundred dolJt.rs to am i person who will prove KtiiMaciorilv tu hlra tbi'i he was cured of thi c.implainl bv o tberottlw San Fran,a:oijnacks. j "nrel at Horaf.' p-tws a? a n-ran- rrav oe CI EET) Al HOME, hy addressing a letter to Ii -. Gibbon ft .Tins c-fe. s-rrnotoms. lenith of time 1 ne diseaw ha .-Jiittir-tied. and t ave medi -Ir; procTitty tot w.ii.ic... i.tft- iii'm o.-irriae an.i cunop iv, to aoi part of the conntrv, with full ant plain di recimns for tise. ! f'eraons wrltJr-Btt the Hoi-tor will j eaw siati the name of tlie ii;ier tbev saw this ah srtteernent rtv 0UTEK DIT30I CO, Bsiin. 0. H.DIT80H 4 CO. 711 BMwsy, Sew Turk Sell Cheap as tlie Cheapest bt-pao ins a'l kttt. i- .! t o,rf( rr..rk at.d t ' pn...-l ,v done In it.t- liesi nmnti. r. rlr-et s s.. !,-ti-d. I.'e rmnilr the .'a,-i reM t...r t M.ir In A Al !' iitt':m Eureka iiee-l. d the nselv We w.U numerate some from na.mi.n. -rn. , I tDaiiufiiuture here at Aurora or in the colony, : .lour, lumuer, leather, cloth, wagons, plows, ! ial !)ess aud saddle.-), ho its aod shoes, clothes, , niriiitni-e, split and rawhide chairs, tin ware, j .voodeii ware, barrels, iron work, make cider. kiout. apple hntier, pear butter, butter ; mini milk, jdiie-t, etc., ruu the railroad dinin, ; i-.smi and hotel, drug store, store of geD ral I niercliaudise, postofflje. teletminh ofn-;i. rni. .mni'iiise quantities of chickens, keep hogs, cat le sheep and horses, for the colony, licsides, buy produce tu seud to Portland. All areiu-j .iusirious, fe.v hick. Come to voting, theirs is i kv Johei-h T. Inxas, SMwn V,B!t Hum-, ine Damier prociuct of the State. Had they all voted the vote would have stood about 93 Re publican to 3 IVmooratic votes. Fo.ir of the liVmocratic votes quoted for this pre'-inc were from other points two from Balem and two from Clackamas county. Thereare other inter estiuj,' features here, as schools where both EngUok and German are taught, churohes. no saloons, a well known and popular brass band, I etc., besides many others which tim and space i luruid ui tu not at ft Hat. 8ome book of reftrenoe to which Innnirinr Mill. dren can go for infoi-matlon Is an almost indisjien- uunnv cviu.itioi. in iiieiamiiy. r rom Its reputation rather than from ih . nrtm-v - aminailon lhatl have been able to Rive it, I be- leve -Cell's rtr.cyclopeIia" to be the best adapted o meet the want. s. tl. MARfcH. D. D., President ol I aodic L nlversity. Having examine.) ihis pmspe.:.ns niih pome care. I judge ihe work lo lie a valnah: one. and lor those who cannot afford the expensive cyclo- !ia like -'App eion's," or ihe "Bi ltamiic.a." is iirotnblv as goo. as ihey can tind. I apais to beacdutate, and, for lis size, verv ci mpiete Jas. W. Maksh. A. f.. Prof. Latin and (ink. Pacific L'niversiiy. Ilavlne had an opiioniim'v lor a short examin ation, I concur tully in the alio e. IIokaci-: L mas, A. M Pr .f. History and lthetoric. I'a -ihc Ui iver.ity. The agent is now eanvassiug the citv, and wc c-TOinei d him to the couriesv ofo.tr c. i.ens. Salem, Oct. 4'it. 1875. Having eiaminid Zrll's I'opular Encyclope dia, X Lava no hesitancy in sa.itij,' that it is 1 tt deed a Cuivirsai UiciiJnary. combining all the l-.ef -act llencies of Vebs'ter's iai:e Unabridg ed Dictionary aud Appietoiis New American En-c-eli.pn!in. It ought to be on.d by everv sm d. a:; and uo .scholar can afford to be without it, because it is iu itself an invalnablo library of politics, law and Goverunu-i.t, science, art "and oell.-s ietu-.-s. philosophy, astron,,iny aiitl hisio rjl hiofeTaphy, language and literarure. .T. Qnyv Ti.qhktox. j A Card Tn ai! who are xiimtrtug from the errors an.l in-di-.tre:itt sol tomb, nervous weakness, enri-. dt-c-ty. lo-s of manhood, eic. I n il .end a rec!e ibal wl 1 cure you, rstn cKCHAKUl: Thisgreai 1-eine.iy a- .liscovere.) bv a mi.si..n.-irv lu Souih meric-i. heart a se'l-adtlressed t-nveione lo Hie New YiA-k. The Imgirisi. m-t, a itttl line of the PCREST I tti(, and . II till' W.-i ever oflered to the piitntc. Also an end ess variety f PERFUMES & TOILET ARTICLES, of the finest qna'tty. EST We make a TKt.TAl.TY of the fB- .'RIPTIOS Bl SI.VEMS.an perw.au may AtpmA on having Medicines compttunded corraotly ana oi ma ruKEST LP.VUS. We also keep a full line of -Patent Medicinoa, Bitters, Cordials, Pure Wines and Liquors, Oils, Etc., Wa . b are at) sold cheaper at the A1 EM Im?G air .KB, tnan any otner p ace la r-alen. HOI SE PAINTER 1KP PAPER HAKOKR. Ki'soratntt r also done. Work so'.tei'ed antl aatis&ction ruaranreatl. ltf. NEPTUNE BATHS AUD SHAVING SALOON. Stewart'a Block, Cmm,nlal Stnst. C. Fliednar Prop'r TJATHS HUT AI COLIX RKADT L. always. Vplrttl North Salem Store ! W. L. W A D h IV B iN'SBRIt K,etPPt.ntl'ETHK FACTOR! Hi itt-t nrceived a fitll assorlntenl of Ceneral Merchandise, Dry Coods, Croceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Clothing; micnlatcd IYr th rily mm mntr trne. Booeht as low, anil will be sold at as atnail ainxiei as 'hose who soli at cost. Csiriioo.ailel1end to v nart nf tne cttv irw of ..,iv Aprfo f wlf PRINTING OF ALL KINDS arsei IK1NE V.X WILLIAMS & GONOVEB, Commercjil S ., S tilpiti. I'rcprit tor. .-. htnd a fuS! A.nwntmeul o! FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL MUncit CHiCKEfJS, : ? If C K u fj" E ATS. ETC. ETC lir itllll.t. .! ttirstm CCVTAjEBCIAL HOTEL, i HAROWAR , Ifi3s MiQ ill I, Oil ASH AFB E1CK0BT FtAL OKT!IRI l & Tlf, .I10. G s THK lite 'tttl t I, . ,, saicm. '. W I ! 1 -h tm-' 11 e Acjm 90 P.n Iai,.l. i.ire-.t.. Ch ' ae- rnw. ' VI, - M i.iiRll t F e. ;!..- - -l-fl nv.'l itMin ; i -ei'lt'I i o -:y;t. S" y n o't!j:irv aiTori j T IX X J filTrnrnpnv isn mr rn't WAAUUiU UiUtl HUH HiiU 'UiiiXAl Trucks and Carriages ARE ALWAYS Rfc..li ('K ltt-sM-v I.. S. slWTT. Prttpritlor. EATJES: CAtXJSO-rirst hour ...ji se ' Eaell Mle.-Mliri hour 1 Aft MnrO Per hour 2 .511 To or trom Trainsor -Stearatioals. . FOR rCNtHAL-w-A ha. k loo Keb?ii: a W. KIBBLE, M. D., EATS! All, rtl!R lPO A SEW PATHOI.iHiKAL Vlt-.W with a remit.! that SEVKK KAILS. ive iwcial aitenfion to diseases of women and children. lortstiluiig mora" wi h WE. SIIKLTetN. in Par rish's brick. Residence, e'otnniereial s...... xmib falern. senltttl t ki: inclosli.ff !fj cnin. in a r. 5.sif -ed !et throrh the P. Sce. or thrtrii i'el- s, rrp t I'o.. a iiaekarre of medi..-ine will lie foi vatded U arty oar? r-f ti-e I'mon. A il corresir.-n tenee srrl.-tlv confMnti. L Address int. J. r. ,!P.BON, Kit Kw nv Street, Sm Fraivi.-o. PrMtoSre Box 1,35,7 Fo'i in dt"rw!v YOUNG MEM Who nin -1 s-cfTeHns from tb' effect oi Tonth fut f'ti or ir.iiscrttop, vriil do well tea- si! t bt. m-e ye- o? rl.is, -ttest U-T.T, et et 'a:-i a. -r n t,-r ! -etrer r.tr ti' niani'e. r-E.fcPJB-FEY wCi f:j'Jn 10 t..r!ei foreveiv c it- " -.mitia we:iknes.er priva e di-eaise rif any kir. l r .-liarae er which be t.ndeMale a'-.tl iMi -roct're. I!r trntiiii lt.eref.tre sav te the nttf rttimie KiitTcrer who nriv read mis I.-tve. ti.-r y-..i are !re-dh' ronn tlanperor.s trr.;itn.; w'tert ton hinder de'ae ;n sf-eyi-.g r .( et re i.'y li r ..tr c ntp'aint. Yotrmay lv 1 i t ,c dr . s!j,,: rt-in-tl.--r rnttatp ai pf a.-h-re 'be 'as. If ctt are ls--v.'Snr!fpn If? a-;, awl are -ift.-rfe r.me or ad ..f i s ill eiTe-rs, reiRt-nil-er 'ha' II mi i erslt In pro i. us i.4j Mtrt. nrrrs ...it.e ttpn Ihe ra-i-l -kt'?l'tl nhr. i.-5:jn e; . tcn-U-r eon ro as--i-a.-s: wh-n he .t-s rofltoj e ,1 i ' liec'oed a.- itt-t - . ; '..-!. n . i-jtet "f merer can I..1 is- ion rs'i, r. tn tto.-i.s. b- ibedoctor I d ed -l snece. Then Wi not '.e--t ir trork no it netr t-nf.-ii a-i.ir. on? n-i' v..urs-if.( heltenefi i t'ir-it of Lit tree.: me i lofnre .'"" e '-e i- !..-tot d .re reach l iiie H -a' slil'. or Ikd'orc et in 'ta h it- rrit- v u to a eri-mt-t.ive s-rtt-.-c Ft"'' .-(ii-i-te . r ra men! 'S tl ce -dm -.ley !.- P ti- f order or Express tti h 1--'' de-ctin ion of case. C.n)'. -v t-tdress. x. DR. A . B SPINKET, I Kearny street, Franc sepiTco. w:v HR I-OnEKTr'SLnrjreand Steadily Increaa '? Vrm':lUv- aliich hasconwantlv kept )ce with t he itntxamplel iiuirease and steaily growih of the I'ticitle. w. Uiriiuu-d hl rem.-al trm his long ..ab ishodand well-known (jnarters, on the cor l er ofsacrainenio and Iidesdorff creels, in this by, to more c.nnmllrHn and eligibly located. . tar menu, a, No 649 Clay Street, where he tana "C!cl.itis(,ni,c M iaii.is.imei-tniej on and eonvenltnfy arnii ge l littamlnatlon and Conul-.-ttlon Itoonn, (oeciipune the whole of ihe two tplr surtw.) wh'ch a:ienis may at all times n.-it kii.i only see the lirvtor and his asMglanU Hi h the most enitefnl ifttrinvntcnrrnvnnifiw he titieral latroi a-.'e be?toWed on bimforihe past ; hirteen years, at hisold ofll.v, I DR. DOHERTT i I'esiretolnformiheJenera! Pnb'ic and epeclal j y a'l those laborh c under all n.rms of chronic ; mplai.d. that he can lie constihei) at 649 I -lay street- "n every varletv of I lsewe ol ;he (.u.-i;.. U.-er, Ktdnevs, J,'igjtive and Genlio Itrinaryurga r, and ad j SPECIAL DISEASES, j f which the list is tiiirnerotif., and hicti are more j -'ose ycoiinee el wllh the general health than I w m;'j "rily "t iwople are aware. Unhfipv Inva- ids lor yertr- errsl In concis'ins iheir ,v.inlt I io.i from a motive oriEinatlna in mistaken rtetlca 1 :y. aud stilter n. slieii.-- iintil their miserien be i totiie io.ii.eute lot rep-esse e, or fiavea-sumed a j form that renders hea'injt lioth riiSici.-it and ex j -er.stve. 1 his atier t ne of atTl.t ..n tnantfesis I -e'flu the .jotnp'aint profesiooa'tv known as j typhi Ss. hi all Its firms and stages; Semical j "'eaknes-, a.i l al! ihedistres-lna forms of fe f j b ise. ..r i.i,anism ; (Jo. orrbota, Oleei, "trtctiire- "itirt.at aito inttrnai r.misslons, Spxiw! IMiiii- , l.isea-ts. f the Back ami Loins. Infttimnvitloh i f he n a-d.ler and KidnetB. eie , e(e. The Btinibar I rsoi.s wiflerinir In m he-e bomb'e I'teeases, o whom the Ixvior Imr effected a radical cure, an be counted by t helhou.-and. a nd the voJamary rt!Hca-esirt his posset receiver! ft omprrstis e ha re.'ie- el, are enough to sa. isl'r all ttiat the :o-ior' skill In ilietreaiment'il ilieie afTecii.His. st ables him tocrre al! curable eases, and In ecrv o-an. eglte rt. u ldsea.es bteh f.tmeriv :ftVd !lw me-llcal ski!) ofthe moat Itemed and tx(x-rien,l Pra.--iriis.erontle hef '!ieart. and were mrai IH by the nwjuriiv of 1 -st.-iaii s itierly incurable, now Ueid to rooder.. remedies, hen prescrilie.1 by the tntellipsnl Praciilioir. b makes the bnman system, and these siwcia! ai rru.-i.ts, bis cons;anl stodv and sut ject of obser ve tiwi. In no case ! pttblad'y permitted except at the press wi-h of the paiient ; and ihe lioctor conC leutiy trusts that bis lorgcxperience and sticces .nl pnh-ikf ill contfmn: lo insure him a libera' share of pnrriic patronage. Bv the pracl tee ol nany years In Ecrope ami the t"n! ei .ates. he is enab:ed to apply the most eaclent and success ful remedies atralnst dtseaser of all kinds. Hecnrea witbont merton-, charges taoderate leea, treats hi patients in a corre t aod honorable way. and has references of unquestionable venw tly, fr-tan men ol know rrspeclabi lity and high ttandme in society. All persons who mrv con sult him by letter m otherwise, will receive the best arid gentlest treatment. When a female rs ami-ted with disease, as weak osm oi the back antl Umbs, loin in the bewL dim ness of sight, kis of muscular power, palpitation of the heart. irriiabiHtv, cervonsnesa, (feranae ment of dieemtve fllBctfaD general debilitv, a!! useasea of the w. nib. hvsteria, sterihtv, arid all other diseases peculiar to female. ahacoald eoor write at once to I iR. W. K. IroHfcRTr. at his Mwllcal Inatitate, and she will receive every pos sible relief and help. Let no talse delicacy are-vent von, bnt appiv ms raedialely. awl save yourself from painlhi sufferir and premature death. To Correaporxdent. Patients fmate or (tTteiie residing tn mtMnf the conntrv however distant, who mav rtesire trie oitoion and advice ol Dr. Dobertv tn their respeo tte cases, and who think proper to submit a writ ten statement oi ocb, in ireiereni-e to holding a iiersonal inierview. are resnectfnllv anttrM thu their corrtmanicat ions will be held most sacred. The Jioctor Is a rwmsr vradiuf. ,n,t n-. c- k eonn!ted with every confi.ience. it the disease be fully and eandidlv described, persona! communication will, in most cases, be inrecessary. a mstntc ions for diet, rwtmon nn.1 (tie teneral treatment of the case itself (including be remedies), will be forwarded without delay, and lu Micb a maitnerat lo convey bo idea of the tieris.rt l 'Ite letter or parcel so transmitted. Should your contlition rwiilre inrmediate afen llon, lend ten dollars In ce ii. or that ralaein cp; eenc.yi by Matl, or We'b, Farao 4 Co's. t press, ind a paetage of me.ti,,fnes wtll be forwarded to eoor address, wiib the teceesarv Instructioiis for ise- " tonsnltaiion". at the office bv letter FREE. Vodreas ft". K: InjHEETY, M. 1)., San Franciaco, P. S. -The I octor will send bis panrpblet on -Meeial Li-teasns. to any adtresjon receipt of ix i-eirts in postaper amp, f'-r retorn postage. may 74. Sheriff's Sale. sncfeco. I l KI. I'll 1 -a em i.-.r .1 m Mi'k tin . I k-.r. elt.e -.- ' I 1 1 I Ii Mis ,.R L wkws. ii. 1 n- tt 1 15 r ! ' ?o -be'-. tn . rte ci..- r ' - . 1't. rtrt- Jorfes oi. Hnttsrocn. I mi ESTATE AQEilTS. BOOTHS. STAPLETON. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moldings ETC.. .Tt- 1 liraceis and nil kinds of roil Sawing. OSCAR KILBOURN. action & .'oraniiMon itiercha't UriLL PUHTIAisK AND PELI. HEAL E tate. Fnrnhure. Ktc. Ki.t. osnsmi Anmi Natloual Life Innnraitui-t 'omttativ 1". st. tlanser ror eireaon. rnsr S'ieMt mm IIi, Sitrrsylf,, rVRliUD, URIUll. Atialtslawt SI'.TII R. II.V5IT1KK, Real i:-l(e Agi-nt, City SurTCj- or, CiTll Enginprrunl.o tnrj Public. -tMBetltti Palion's I rc ttnlldlna, up stairs, marc I 30'i l i ii i i Muasdi s j fTAVHHJ THE BfT FATI.ITirS AP 1 iiiiii. a'est !mprov,1 wooi-workine machicen i it. t' I III i ; I .- 101s ; to nrtnnvictnre Ihe alwee arlV'es. -..!! oOer in " 5H' -W.rAIOW, -I-.-emet.ts 10 citstomer-. Also woo. 1-tumirat m i a 1 its rarii' tcs. t-.r"rs rrom the conntrv u.r.Nis Kt! ! pnntpitv attended 10. (tffi.'saitd Mannfaotory e.'rtier 01 rruni fftn si:ire B-lrrrlM. . SAdlmwif f Dancing Academy. PKOF. r. M. HAT ASSISTED BY MRS. F. M. OAT, will onena .laneina school at the Opera House, commaneinK October 23. 1H75. to be continued on two evenings of each week through the quarter. Terms, t for thirteen lessons; pav able, one-half first lesson, and the remainder at tue sixtn lesson. Ladies free. ocr it NOTICE. Singer Sewing Machine Agency. Portland, Jfov. 10. wfls A VD AFTKK THIS IIATK. MR. P. a ... ,ootnc.h wi II conduct the acency for the .-tttirer .wanuiacitirntg i -timpany" in Salem. Ore- H'.n, ami ne is tn.iv a -smnnzed to reoi he and re ccipi h r monrv tlno the ( ompanv. (.'timedl THK SI2JGEB M AM'KACTrRlSii CO. W W. I'AKso.NS, Afrtnt. no14:lm NOTIOE. Okeoon axd Califokkia R. R (To, ) Ge.vekal fkkioht a.nd Pass, ofkick. 1 gKOM AND AFTEK lATE AND UNTIL turdier notice the rate of General Mor idian.ii ; sou.h wiilbeas ioiiow-: Portland to Sa'em, 15 cents- r 100 iionnds. K. P. K. a.EKS, Gem rat Fraiphi and Pass. Acent. Portland. Oteiro.., Nov. 1.1. 187. .-lm aug22-iim Cnusivn. Beware of hnmlnigs. The only place in Salem to j.e: hist class Pbotogriplts aria luv. size itm TiiAirs is at F. A. Suiiui's, Lommercial street. mptlltf KeThe National G tld Sledal was awarded to Brad: ty a. itulolsou f jrthe besi Photorraph In the United Stales, and th 1 Vienna Me-ia! for the best In the world. Mn j; mery-si. s,,,,, Franc iBco New Chair Factory ATSTAYTON. THIS FIRM TURKS OUT A VERY SUPE rior aualltv of raw-hide seated chain, m np to last, and ol fine style and linish -of ia tons IMUerns. ianv 1 noes. " LKIGII NKFF. Proprietors. Stayton, Marion Co , Nov. 1st. Irt7i,--u DR. H. SMITH, Awe 1 it ed By rr. t. snxzkv. S'PBIT.VL ATTENTION Is CALLED TO lK. SMITir new style f Paleiit Plate. Offlce, oppiwbe Breyman's new s;ore, Saiem, Oregoi . nol8:tf nr- iiir fumiranT. -I sat. r-.-it.eK-o: and V tioiiraace Company, of New.Tork. OPER4 HOUSE BLOCK Malt'in, Oregon. W Have for Sale IOO 3LT 2ET IMC S , Aud will sell very low. ALSO A Large Variet) of ( ilj Property at Par- We 1 "! i-opPM'. wliere within reai-h. or fflve kuiers -tl iiuri'ti.-Mmi r,, relfnlite ?rii8 Jiv tn near whv wi I show ir. We will in.r.iMu.'e iir-hastre5 to the owners ol the pnj?rry, ant iravc ibem iVts. i"make Hie Iwct 1 nrHiii i her can, wi,him any Sn.evsl-reTtce nur part. AH letters of linjiiiry jHtwinty and fnilyan We hare man ai'p'Kyitfnns liurn gKi, tromK K IHK niPIl, U !!(. nH1 !V1 V I '. JK'!' t'VI!:. !or IR.M'V, and (fivt iiist cinfi t re;il t-state tapctt- ' rHy,antl .ay aM thu eMKMise ftiUM.thnsr Bmking j out the imjievs, Prtrirtk's having mout-v jo ' html will o well to a),.;y tn heime jrlju-inp Ii ' c'-e where. We charge the lenders nothing tirr tnr service ; the borrmvei ny n- Knfirr tRtaeMon uiren retP-nlinu (ht n. ties. Dr. E. Y. CHASE. I1RRTET LT. fXL.. LATE PtrRRO?r TT. a 1 9 Volunteers. Office in Durbia's block up WHEELER WILSON, NOTICE. r. S. 1. i.Mioprx OKntios 1'iTV, tiresron. (At. : , IS GREENE'S HACK m DniY STABLE. Stable and Oflice on ferry S!ree. tm I'oa-iufilw Hi.c. HE P-'LLOWIMi I li-il'UlIlEll I. AM IS, " se'ecltsl li 1 lie sititc ..1 i i.-t .0, in tier the provisions of tbea.-i of r.n aivss . f M'liteniiier 4. Irtil, lor iule.rn:il it.ior..veni.'ius. l.'i.iir in evess ol llie q ui ni.y 10 w i.-li ii,.:;i el-e.iinie. I miller shi.I ae,:. li.ivinse Ii.m'ii. iM-i.-e 'ei bv i he t minis si.nieri. I'll. el.,.-, ei-tii I..-I...I mice, nietec is berebv iriven, Ibtl Ironi tin. I :il' er In- e j.ir.-i ii.iu 01 ihirtv il iys IV. 111 .hi ia e. ihe siim wi.i be iv..orl to seti'imeni rni'l :utii:I--n nn ieriliu im-einirion or b-'mcsuatl laws. 1.. wi : k i.h s w 1. 11 w 1 ofs ml iol 1 of st-c 3 in ' 1 11 r 4 tt iv .-I siv 2 4. 22 a- tl '. t:i Cl i'. r i w: ,',-, 2s: s J a. tl s ..j' n w I .-nut s v i ol' c j o -sj; s j Hi.tl -r j..;, j ..f st c s .- . .- ,- t (,fw 1. s 4 of II e J. 11 w I ol .. e j .1 . I .0: ! .(-,:: :, , 7 r2 w; n ,! iin.l se . -I'-ee i'l J, s. San-1 of sec 31. ai.U sCv, l.iu 20 In 1 , t t 1. .'vVEN W t'. lie-Kiev. T. I.'. i!.i!l:lS.lN, lee, iver. ocJfi:lw New No. 6 and No. 7 SEWING MACHINE, FOK '11 3 ATI I hZlt MORK AS!) T-ATXjiCjFtXl!rC3-. Rotary rV5otio-i--fc"o fhatfe. WfEElERAWIS(!Fs C)., 05 Third St., Portland. I RT vrf!T't of AM EXECTTIOK. ISPTED j -9 out ol the Honorable Circnit Conrt of tee I --atenri tregoi!. for Ibe conntv of Marion, on tne i ' h day of October. li-T.-j. In favor of Tl. DnaH or Si-b.sjf ljin.1 ("ommissioners, filalBtiff. and itmtnst Mary Ann W bi e. defendant, for the nra 'f two hnnln! a..rl two awl 50. loo goU ciin. iih costs ami .iisbtir-ements. taxetl at $39 l.r.Hrlol ars. l.tte: her v-fth irrterest frera the r!ire of said le-ece nt the rate of te ) cent. )t annum and teeming costs, 1 have levitt np..n an.l will sell at nU:ic aitctinn on .sa:ur.i.iv. the 4:h tiv of I -ecefn-ier. 175. at or.eoVio.-k p M.. at tbe onn H.mse i.n-iniio c-nniyain! -.te. a'l the rnruMiile ml Interest of ibe sai 1 Mrv aiib Wbuem and 0 the f -illewit.g rrerai-ses. to wit: Lot .So. or.e li .i B o k eleven II; a s.-wa bv the' mwnieii p'at 1 the tcwii or' or.b Saiem in if arion conntv, .J.-vsou. T. '. PflA W. Sheriff oi Marion Countv. Nitem, 1'gti. Nor, fl. ls7-.-lw i Dissolution of Copartnership. I i. ail S4 iwiorn is my f ourem: VimtE H HEltEBT GIVE THAT THE Partnership heret-Horeeiisiinff and known .st'ov A B?it. imttnrists, intbecifv of (5Vm. rrejton. j ctire lay riissolve.1 bv mutual consent, :io will fcereaf--r tte oontirim! bv li. W. m. Ail ac-Hinls to be paii! n1 owtit to '-be saitifrat -f Vox A lielt will be settleil witfi l. W. fox. and til liabi iiies of ihe sai I firm of Cox ,t Belt wlI paitl and settled bv ibe sa;l 1. Vi". ( ra. i. w. cox. B. r BELT. Alt persons knowrnsr thomselves tn.lebte! to he firm ol t ax A Belt will please call and settle heir accounts and save costs. P.W.I ox. Salem, f k-:ober is, 1875. tw Citation, In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tha Conntv ef Marion. In the matter of the estate of James DeGratT, de ceased. P. L. Wibis, a lministntior. To Martha C. Kendall, Sfarv Ann Schweitzer, Oscar Dcf.raff. Abner lt aff. Janes F. De GrafT, Aivin liet.'ratr. Charles DeGraff, Marr (formerly Marv iieGrarTL and all un known heirs of said decdenc VOU ASP E ACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY tiled ami reatiired fo annear hotoro th above named Court, st the Conrt Hottse in Salem, in said Marion conntv, at 11 o'elock A. m., on tbe sb day of Heeeirilr. ls.75, to then and there j,...-. ir any e.OH, wnv an OTtwr .sbotltft DOC be made bv sani Court antborlzins' Kaiil tuintsu. traiorto sell the real estate of sai.1 tiecedeiit for the vavroerit of theeroenses of sdmfnirs,tion nd claims aeslnst said estate as peritkmed for bv sai I adminfstrator. Said real esi&tji is a.-rli as follows, to-wit: Bonaded bv bestnnintf at the N. K. corner of section 7. T. S., B. 1 W., ia Ma rion conntv. Oreiron. and running ibon.n SI .45 . bains; thence sooth 4a 00 chains; thec east 51.23 chains: t hence north a.00 cttains tbence west 20.00 chains to the pi.tc of tieLdnnimr. I l' II r . t- r o.-20:4w County Judge. Look Here! J. M. COULTER 3 NOT DEAD XOR 1 KT SLEEPIKG, BCT isullvean.1 kickinir. an.l mulv o, fiirn.uk wi;b all kinds of ' Cooper-Ware, t- IV Salem or ast Portland. shop m Pa'em on tbe lot where 1 1 nllt the brick oi v.nntmmiui street, fnop in East Portland at ne landiiijr ft he Stark street I'errv. aii work warrattreti of the Ix-st. feblstf Sherirt's Saic T VIRTTKOF AN KSECt'TI---)N. ml ol li e H.iiini-i Tlli 3X OX At'trn "v t'lis; .'!? i Oh. e ... i .iti. i.'c I'.if.-u t i :iM'iir at Law iii!r. up stairs. OKA TP. TKCCKS A Mi W Ai; intra!! kinds oi eiiv ejir ti.if : PlJlnre frame , . ad mat a to order at K...U. .ind size. or h n.d .ewt.?l"m",, 'r'',,;r?,,,,v: The nerves ara -i--" me oram; nut II the st..mach. Ihe great vltalizer ol (he system. Is dif ordered, the whole nervous oreaniiation is Tnai. tially shattered for tbe time being. m Tarrant's Seltzer Aperiet. works wonders In cases of nervons debi'itv aristnc Irom dyspepsia, by restoring-the atomacl toUi norma) condition, and keepm, h 'bnZXhel s.LP T AUt VKQtUTS. N FuB IH 'iii. pi.oith received an.l delivered lit a I ntu-is of :be .- v mi h disiaicb. Packages lor c: nrclies and ibeiV tts jorH delivered Hoe. irordwool. ba!e. hiy an I Mraw keis. ou hand a..d dttlivere.1 tooriler i 'oa.-.h and cab to all railroad trains. I have tl ebe-l turnout in the city and am ready to till aH or. lei to 1 rains, sleainUiais. panics, we I. 111. ir. pleastnv ri.llna or callii.e. ilav or l.inbt. ir ,ers li t" ttti Commercial Ho. el, Htali'e, ..flicooi- with diivers will be promptly atlen.iet to; aiso in rea-li' ess fortnnernln. iitiirlS) (,. (iKKhNK. A toe Farm cl frtt BA'. S CO Acres. fi.. AS Qf wATTLE. "a','(! ntj Ilridle T WIATEtf THE ABOVE -T PRIs-E FREE! Tim BOYS' O-VN -em FrtEE throne m -n h. A.liir.-s y MWH Im.'j9, H4im.ii, Mi. riii t;niit i- t ;i iti,. mi'i. a. A wi hi Ftr par oi: ar , ! ' ! w; hi-! ku fs.i tni i 4 cii ol. PHYSICIAN A.I .;.-. : rICB-ComtIlercla Hnte'. s:0in, o eson. (ee4:lfl Batt e eell.'t Fl; K COOI'l-'R. 'reek Lime Ki'n, I ' a. bums C , tj Wi" 1 so ni ' slou., Op tti !'1H ie.-n. ' !' 4- i t i.i. . . - i J- i i he east corner li'e " ircei- Court of Ihi ' ate ol (ireiroii. 1or the conntv of Manon, on lh. ! 22.1 .lav ol tx-tol-er. I.S7 ".. in iaeor ot A. F. I base. ' I plainiiif, anil tm.-tiiist llcin v S eper a' d Keb.vc i i S!(iH-r. his wit',-, iicten.l.inis. I'..r i lie sum of i we. - i i ty-lwo h wired nivi f . urn -four a Mil is.litidot'ai s j ( V . s. guld c. ii), and co-:s utei disbursements, j jtaelat :i'i to.iretlier wi'b ttrerest fr--m iht ' I da.e .'I'sai t d. c'-ee ;tt the rale of ten oer. cent an j 1 ac.-t-'jii-ft cos s, I have .evie I iijst . an.l will se!' a j i it 1 1 1 auction, on s-i:urlav. te 4 I, .lay of Ce-; ! eemiier. I87t. a: two 'cis-k e. At . at the Coin- ' j II us.Mlro-in stitleou :r-a d -:a e.a i tberisiii ; 1 1 ' ' e aii.i iniert si . f.-t.o -; i i i. nry s .,.. !tit Kc : btv.-a s. o e , !n"s -a iI'i-, in an.l .o lt,e lielon i ; freniises :.. wit: lie-.'.niiini.' n' (!te son-h-e.-isi cr iter of si c ton (It e in fnivits. ft ei e south, rariyr. one west of the Wi :iame te meritliHii. i.i Mario: cotnHy. sta e tif ui-' fton; Ihetiee t.or It iltree t un ; dr. -if an. I ..u'-et. ro is; i hence we-1 ore hun ln-d tti-1 thir-v-tH-n rtsis; iltenc.t s.ni,-1 tbr.e liuiinrefl a.i.i seven r.sls; thence ea I o;.e In'tvlre l ti'id 'l.in ts'oroisio ibe pace efh j;-;- i.iug.li .her ivirf ihe tenements, herediia-1!. ii- a .1 app-'r e a ce hereunto b-N.nsiiit; or i:. ;it.v wist., .-if str .-ti..i.ir t. ' . sir w. St .'i-tifofMation omit t Sa'em. Osrn.. . v fitb. liT.i-ln. ! COMMERCIAL jLirery, Sale and Feed Stable, j Corner Commercial and State Streets. ! SALEM, OKEGCS. 1 AVIISO. & BE AX, 5ropr. Constantly on hand a well selected stock of . ixoiSEa fob salei j At low rate. ' Good Horses and Carriages to Let. Horses Kept on Uvery, Nov. Kd t f. JAMES F. BROWN, Attorrey-at-Law andiotary Pjblic, Enfrene City, Oreion. . w miaW. y.Anrjt I'ublie. I (il.O WILLIAMS. SHVtrV I WiLLIfiUlS, Real Estate and Money Broke 'S. SHOUT I.OA.S MADE. j ear oOi-ce lu Moore leek, Salem Oregon- ?U BROS., WHOLESALE AJvD RETAIL SEOCESS, Corner Court and Commercial and Cor. Ferry nntj Commercial Streets. ov":if Tot Sale ! ! . HE FIVE KKSIPKS'CE.COtlSEROFCOM morela! and Livisj-in stree s, most eMgit.ly si.tm:e. with ho- st arge. wt-ll flnlsheii an-lcon. ve. ient'y arra.-jrel and ground- tasteful iv orea nf med. "ii tie sottl vkky l w and on acxxiM '? PATIN0TIB4H. Awl'- ro tK WILMS. 'C,Jm ration's S.ock, e.ate sUeeu