The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, November 27, 1875, Page 1, Image 1

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J"" THE.
Issued Every Saturday Kerring.
. W. WATERS, Busings Manager
Per year, by Mai' or otherwise " !
Per "six months, by Mad or otlu-rw: p..... - ' ; every hismiieo. to K, , j
Advevtlse.nen's inserted at reasonable rate J.
VOL 25.
ItS'ted Every Horninc, Excepl forcav
A, W. WATERS, Business Manager,
Served by Carrier,per weei. ....aSL'eKfi"
Rent by matt, ir year. ...... ........ ....... ..t-H
Sent by matl,fx months.... 5
Subscription by mall or express mult he p!l I ti
NO. f2.
in aw vai'.t
,t bad tin
The Oregomnn charges tbe Ptatlsmsn
with "pilfering"' UsfditotiaK becww we
did not credit that si wet with sum.- items
of records which could not ltavts been or
iginal, but it says nothing of appropria
ting to itelf editoiials (mm h exchange.
Better make a confession, and relieve
your mind of a heavy weight, bt J'111'1
abandon the old method of obtainw;; edit
orials let tha". second page ot 0,ir vlI!vV
be left not worth reading.
rBEXUHT MWiT t: thi: PAH'K '
The Olvnipla Transcript of ihe '-dth
Inst, learns that over ids;! !- thousand
pound of hop wore shipped on the ill
fated steamer Pacific by the firmer? ot
rnyalic.p valley, being about one-tub of
the product ot the valler for the present
vear. Mr. E. M.--Sleeker turrowlv es
1 j i. lwVrs ot ho'.w on bv,rd
for himself and iV !.:. m
storm prevented it tV.ive;
insurance) of $10,000 that
have covered the !o-
to be Ui'pnhiu ' ; ' v ' ' '' ''
severe attack oa Mr. Cl nn. e - 1 ' "
appointment as en. t irv ot !i.n ,i :
Of course the ma-- ! 'he jivi-V ks;-
Mr. CUawdJer, and no ' ; ' - i
resentatlon will induce them to UV,.u
him to be anything hi character loss thai,
an Intellectual giant, an uncompromising
defender of the light and an hottest man.
The Detroit Free Tress, ha .lUvays
been his bitterest enemy, say-:
, He Is universally recogniz. u a a i::.t
of extraordinary energv. nt-d !;' per
gonal honesty has never Im n .,-v-st'oi.ul.
It i to his credit that in a Onrcs-iona!
service ot " eighteen jvars. mitch 1 1 it
in a time whVn corruption msrimpant.
there was never the shghte.-t su-picion
that1, his hands were stained widi id
"otten sttins. AVhatever use he may
have made of his position however he
may have controlled Federal appoint
ments to strengthen him in his place, or
however ntisenmulous, as Chairman of
the Republican National Executive Com
mittee, he may have been in the use of
anything or evervthin: to win success
lor his party he has always remained, as
a Senator and a man, unpurchased and
nnpurehasable. As Secretary of the Inte
rior be will, if his past record him'.shes
any guarantee for the future, be thorough
ly honest bimselt and m-i-t ujmn hou. -ty
on the pnrt of his suhordiuat -. Wit"
him in lvlano's place there co:d a-
bly be no comphiint that the
the Interior is in league with j; i - o h -fntud
the government, r.or th;ti ttue 'uN t r
practices tor the enrichment of in.'stv, ti n
are winked at. Xorishts honesty ot th.
simple-minded sort which takes rvety
. thing as true. His is not simple and
coufldins nature. On the contrary, lie i
a man 'of keen compreltension, shrewd
and sagacious. Xo department under his
charge could be honeycombed with fraud
without Ids knowing it.
Science, as applied to the cultivation of
the soil, U slowly hnt surely revolutioniz
ing: the world. Where a country is sup
posed to a be desert, time enables the
inhabitants to understand the soil and cli
mate and utilize the natural advntnges
which did not seem to -exist on a carnal
view. The matter of growing cotton in
Wlu.t Mark Thinks of Poodles in
ernt, and of one Poortlr In Pirtlmlr
- Iltip nt!l Mishnp" of t onrllnu
Tonus I.iuty no'
0 ves ! I'd be a ptwdlB,
Vitli prettv silken cnrl,
And take mv dainty snpfK r
On tha laps of pretty girls.
1 am snre that they wonld love Hie,
And pat mv little head:
I'd frisk about tlie (arlor
Whenever 1 was fed.
Bard of Stlrerton.
f...tu miIcp. if vouare of the crino
line gender you must not suppose that I
,.,! i ' like to be a noodle ' so mucn as i
.i sr,, i:il nositloii that the dorgr oc
cupies, and were it not for wounding the
wlmo-s ot some forlorn, liyiiropnomo oiu
maid, I would so' that I positively hate
the whole lap species. ow, my utter
liarrtlSt for these canine pets originated
ftotn circumstances which liave thus far
debarred me from the enjoyment ot hy
menal bliss. Yes! even my beautiful,
dark-eyed Amelia Dobsln was mistress ot
., r.,l,i..,i!,l.. uristrwratic noodle she l-
' ways had one, always carried one; In fact
-it mania became so great for these seral-
; 1 nnn quat!rnpeU I halt ianeieU she was
!'- uieil;)on the subject; but, as her wht-
'.): smiles ar.d qneenlv beauty Itad awk-
, , , d a ternler tbord in "tbo-e heart of
j m'i!i" I iv-nid easily e-vcu-e till intle im-
jeitU-ro i i i her, and I n-ed to rath, r
j co .iipliiiiei.t Iter by saying that Flos (fi.r
that wa- her purp'- name; w is the br'lit
est jrwel that ever graced the heaving
bosom of . I wouid unillr have
check m-h etiphouious langmgw while t
t'te vry '.enith ot sublimity as it
we.H ivva: iahly bring nr Amelia
t tins. ami then Flo viuld
Tery I.nteit Sf Krporl.
An 0ler to Tit War Vl Tar Rrrvtce
lvr. ww to Mmuor. or War WHk
CHICAGO. Nov. 11. A Washington
a,.eiHl savs: Order were given at Hie
,. ,...,!. 1 ... ..... I I ne -' "in ...w, - - - . - -
navy yaru ye-u-ruai i..r , el f lt. ai ow stnml Seventeen
fitting out .of thtee vessels ..I war ami lie - j ,mI fi(.t nlKve ow water msrk.
facts made Known uy me rec i . ,,.,., mst two nights sever! shade
v . c.,i. V.-..)ti.. hint L'lven on: III" '"' , ....,.,.ii. .!,.!.. that in u.itl.iHim ate
Si st. amislng Slmontoii ot doctoring ills-
paicne auu eineriiiK niiu .
break the Bank of California. Homages
laid at t50.000.
Greenback 7o, buying; 8,Ho- 'Uhig.
The Rain Ntoru.
Sacramksto. Nov. 13. It mined lianl
last night and M mntliuieil thu tar to
day. The why! I still from the tmutli md
the clouds are apparently full of water.
The Saimnieeto river lias rleii live leet
ai d go tor me, and if I ihi not keep
in t
d 1 .
ill V.i,!,'ii
-d relative
California, is spoken w' editon:
Savannah. Georgia' Ncvsiii th
item ,
A lecture was recently tV:tvi
the San Francico l iilvtr-i-y.
; n ,t.,-iit i n or f-ii-'s were -;;t
to the advantages of vrtau districts ot
California tor pretlncing cotton. Experi
ments were made on tracts ot land ot
lorty to one hundred and sixty acres each,
the result of which was that cotton of
a peculiar whiteness and Unene-s ot
fibre has been produced at an average ot
ha t to one we oi i..i:.i..h. .
pounds of Hut per :tc
with the general e-f.mat
duction ot lint eoro;i in t
one hundred to two hi:;
pounds lint per neve th
fornia is double ; r '
to qn i!ity the r
ai! that could !
Cottou Brokers
Orleans and Men
frade it as -:'i
nounce it equal t t!ie
market. The cttittire ot'ihi
Wornia is mostly con lined i"
the price of lahur being t-m
the bottom lands free from r
ot injurious vegetation.
If "Coiton is king.1 it U now demon
strated that he does not reside in the
Southern States alone, but hi palace ex
tends all the way across a 10 .'h.eiit. The
uplands ot Oregon may yet Le four! to
possess superior qualities i'.iv ahie to the
growth of cottou, or many oih.-r tilings
not now cultivated.
. cep
. Will
a 'ii:si:iBi.i: 'S5 r(.::.
ortns.-inndeilt of the Off
A correspoiident oi tnc uivuman
charges the loss of the steamer racitic to
the effect of whisky, as consumed by the
Officers of that vessel. It is a grave
charge ngninst dead men w ho went down
withtheir passengers. If U he true the
tacts will probably come out. H--re is the
Oregonian's article:
New Tacom.v, W. T., Nov. 17, 1 -75.
Kd. Or.r."";iAx:-There si. cms to be
romewlmt of a mystery e iniieeted witli
the loss ot the s-feamer F-ieilie and
.,....;,. mi ...i r.r-n oi' ilviiiC si. ids. e-'i V
at a tToncr distance I would pro'mhly lose
a vest luitniiora quarter sect ion oi my
burnside whisker-. Xotwitb-t-imling the
green-eyed monster appeared when my
eyes met the earnest gaze or that oog i
strove to feel happy, for Amelia and I
were engaged, and with the exception of
this little spirit ot jealousy our love run
smoothly on without a ripple. We walked
and talked together, ate ice cream at the
fashionable saloons, drove shining livery
horses at a 2:40 speed, played croquet tin
the soft, green sward, while Flos, the om
n jMvst nt pest, would lie constantly in at
t m'. ince. and I really felt my patiei ce
,. .. , Ai..,t
g ve v..iy occasionally, aim
t -inpted to give him a kick or two oeca
s'.m idy. Wtli. a I said before, we re
sorted lo every imaginable sottree of di
vt -rshvi adipted to love-making. I i:idul
....l i.v i . v.m vthinr heeause It was a in
. . , . i t
mod.- of the tasmonaoie wonu, mw
thomdi I looked unen mv betrothed as the
wrr mu'.tum in narvo of all tnat as
o-ood and beeutiful,; to be honest, 1 often
craved some secluded corner with a dime
novel and a ciir. Thev wtre true words
thif nh-kens or somebody ele uttered
when he said that '-the tides of love never
run smoothiv long at a time." O, dreams
ot blissl Too bright to last! Whiie flatter
incr hone smiles only to cheat us in the
r, i
criil ThA snoiler came at last and
brought all mr future prospects to grief.
It was just a week before I was to lead
my charming Amelia to the altar and sac
rifice in v !' to her in the hand of wed
lock. She had invited me to a private
hu c'i- Onietiv seated on my left with
Flos in her lap, with a delicate blue rib
bon round his neck, which showed b au
tiful in contrast with the snowy whiteness
of his silken curls a splendid subject for
Baffal, thought I, and yet I detested the
beast because Amelia loved him and
I was to blame. Were not my grounds
ell founded whet
..... j -
I watched that confounded pood!
iiihhlino- the same slici that of eh -es(
that had twice before and afterwards vMt
eJ the cherished lips that I so oft had
pressed. The climax of disgust was
cached when taking up a silver spoon
t': it had been previously half way down
I'.ii little squealing throat, she dipped It
i ,-oa liow! til quince jelly and shoved if
.n.tler my uoe and a-ked me to tate tha'
-pVmlid Hide!,-. 1 n-tereil a few hrud
vn.f.iiinns w! ich would not look well in
in inf. and a t.iatik mark wonl.l destroy
t.ieir full force and meaning. It would
have been a sweet mor-elol revenge to
have made telly of that pup, and ! Ieliev-
en dd 1 .; ve done it and made my etenia'
exit from 'hat house with pleasure. I
Ihv iI in aiuhu-li near Amelia's bed room
d nt !a-t night, waiting for a chance to
setter tint dog'-glossy hairs to the four
wind-id" heaven. I had bivouacked for
three long horn's when suddenly the earth
seemed to reverse its diurnal motion and
slide from under me; the moon reeled on
her silvery throne, and the heavens ap
peared to be one solid constellation of
stars. The tins of old Dobsin's boot was
what was the matter. I carry a small
dcrrincpr now of very large calibre, and
if that" woolly oup ever makes another
tilt, at me I'll blow all the music out ot
him it it costs Amelia a pigein ull ot
tears. Mack.
now In progress between Minister Crush
ing aud the government at Madrid hi re
lation to the treaty of 1793, have been the
occasion ot manv wild rumors touching
the mutual relations or the nations. The
rumor has been seised ami exaggerated
by the members of the Cuban bond ring
until ir one-half ot them were, worthy of
credit there would be reason to tear that
we were even now on the eve of war with
SwIii. There is no doubt that our go v-
e nuiiet t long desired to secure a tiioumca
liou of the treaty of 17,.,3. Minister
t 'lishiug. U fore h: dep iriure for Spam,
fiee Iv di-cussed flu subject. !u couver-a-tiou
with a friend he hope! one re.-nlt of
his mission would lie to bring the Spanish
government to consent to changes in Hie
treaty. Ot course it 13 tmpus-ihie to lore
ieotton mat- vet lirutv "lit
fif the chronic tronbl In lutl. hut pei-
goiis who are well uiMrmeu w n "'"
reason to t"i- serious trouhlc than there
has H-m f T the hi-t six or eveii year..
........ ,1,-.. . v-wv rear Ihe iireseiiC coutli-
tion ,f ati'iirs "ib.itii.ue to Un.-o:ne , n
n-eater sli-ain upon our patience. J hey
don't believe there ill le 1 speedy n cog
nition of Cuba as a heliigereui. The pro
vision of the llvaty of 1795 gives Spiiiti
the riht to snatch Atuericnn inertia 'it
... a.o'T r.riitr;ib4iel ariieles. M 'believer
sncb itai-auition takes placet! ttouh! lie
an indignity which It would lie hard f- r
American to liear. Diplomatist have
long Insisted that t hi sect ion alone has
prevented ti e nvognitiou oi Cobn heblg
eiency by Ihe I'nlted State. S lon:t a
this section fiaud-. ' the I'nitiil Stnte
sbonld recognize Cub, eve-y American
merchantman w.nal 1- -nn IVd hy the
treatv to -libmit to the li.quMtlve sennh
ot Spatd-h frigate. It tins section sii.wun
hhnvrteil one sreat obstacle lo Ihe iec-
owniti m of Cuba would lie . nived. j
Tlie fitting out of ves-el .t ar just ai
this lime is probably ordered more lor ef
fect than twins? it's. expa.'ed there will
be anv Immediate ue for them.
OpfMPOUon Ihe HarltleyiaH "
Xv.w York. Nov. 13. The directors or
.1. nilmi'. their rT.wt'tl" n"
S-ilurtlay. unauimo isly adopteil Hie ivport
Ot Hie Special t-immmicc irviiiiim:"""'s
the pnrclmse of the ships neeessnry fer a
trt-mmitblv line connecting with the eimi-
riilUV s rsuwav net ween ( '
an Fnnciio,aini a line wmrai i annum
and Central America. 1 be committee
consisted of C. h. Oamou. u. rraiiK-
lin and J. M. Burke. 1 itey wereapoiiu-
el Oct. 27lh. to consider the matter, and
gave it eiose attention. In their retiorc
titer state ten steamers will be ncce-ary.
Three vessels are to ply lerweeii.ew
York itid Aspiuwall, five between I aisil
nia and San Fi-aiieiseo. and two lietween
r I rVitrral .mi-rini. The eistlit
-feainer on the tlmmgh line bet we .-n New
York and San Francisco ate to cost fii.y,-
WO each, and lie citb!e ot accimiimxla
ting 200 cabin and 300 steerage si-eii-
ger aiiU Z.OUU ion ini eneu Mramri . .
Panama and Ceu'ral America steamer
are to be small and to cost SiOT.uw. A
profit ol $ 1.800.000 per annum 13 expecieo
to accrue from I he u-e of these vessel. To
provide for paying tbe cost or the vessels,
it is rrmxsed ' i""p ft.OOO.Ota) In bono,
J..' t, 4()fl.000 of
uearing f i .... . -
the bonds to be made payable Jauuaiy I.
15) and a like m U il i-acb year after.
Tbe gentlemen ol tlie commit' e esptr-s-ly
state that the action l tbe eomimny U
in mMMiwrn of no hostile feetiug-to
ward the Pacific railway, but that tbe step
is In the interests of the Pauanm company
) l,.w.)ls from .1. Roach & Sou
and Wm. C ramp & Sons, ship and eugine
t,.,ii,iKi in to tlie retjort. The
L'll II". 1 . ... ' , '
resolution was adopted by the directors,
and tne commuxee i men i""1-'""
of tlie company iimi.. '
i7.l to enter into the nei-eriry contract,
m he aobniitted to the bmrd vf director
1'tH- ci tn in it tee hope ! be able fo make
one trin each mi n h on ihe new line on
and after next -lui.e; two trip in Sep-
iemU-r. and thiiv Irnis m i h-..-eu,iH-r oi
next vear.
Arfwurr In Otrrtfnrt t'r.-atl.
New York, Nov. 13. The tru ik line
have agreed to advance tlie rate .f frviirhi
West, on Monday next, on the basis of 30
per cent, above those of the past f.
months. The claim for th.s. as t,ut forth,
is that rate are nim-li lower than they
haw ever before 'n-eii at rhis seaso.i. ami
.vi:h tlie advance tliere is very liitle mar
in for profit when severe weadier -! hi
l' li f:h'W.ig an- adopt 1 i. scaeduV
ratns to the principal (xdnts of shipment .
Kirst Chfeagnw Cincinnati. 7o;
Milwaukee. 75: Pi;t-I uig. 45; St. lwk
7. . . . ,.,
Second Chicago. 50; Ciuetuinti. M;
,!;...... TO- i'it'd ti-!?. 40: St. I.o'.ii.
tree have been bh.wn down, and In one
hisiMiiiw did considerable damage to a pri
vate residence.
Some mrtaM.
r-- . ....., t.AH IT . A 1 1) Mt'tVinnbl
trial to-day S. 1. Thorite teflfled thut he
was storekee iier at reter umm s uimi
lerr, and while flare SIcDoitald told him
to see that It was tutming Hecordbig to
law. It any Violation occurred lie Wiaild
Mxe the place. While at CMnfeau's dls
tlllvrv. Joyce' told me tbe house had to
make crooked whl-ky. and Hie money was
made to pa V him ( loviv) and to pay no at
tention to McDonald's instruction. Tin
n.ti,,,,- c.ii.l nliniir SO barrels of" entoketl
whisky were made weekly at Jaunt's at
ffiil per Inirrel. that being the assessment
made on that distillery. Sitine week that
iio.oiiiit couldn't tie wade, and then Joyce wnit for me and demand reasons
!i,r tUt lieHmarncV Jotee told wituni
he was takinir fire ot odiocr hi W'H-hing-.....
iLilj t; Iterc uiiil fitlu-r. ' and the
' HI, . . , . t. . -
rlniiev w;.- belli" l'l for ltlU1ll piefi-
: . . . .. i i ..... i...
e. ovc). w MUiii cinii ammei bibi '"
H-C'-.l .lS-!lll-tlis. Kl II I11HI II I.K-
..'i c. i.i,,-.n, iii,Mier :iitil mii-f
have it. tie aeei witue otvsi'viRy
i-100 for tbe bAk t Washb gHHi. : Tbe
parties named by Joyce a rvedving iiHHiey
ben- were Distfict Attorney INtrU. U.S.
M,,--t,.,l V.lI'Dill.ll. (iiMtre MelMHialil.
Main.- eiiliither. Fitzety, t hief clerk In ll
ir. S coll"-tor's .!lce, W. McKi. of tlie
Ololte-liemocrat, ami tonsfauliii Ma
euire. I. S. oolleetor. H itness did not
know l ow tbe tno.iey was dlstrlbutJ after
it left hi hands.
The ehlef eierk in the asseaors ofllee In
l;7f. Joseph M. Fittewy, test t fled t a
convertloi held with Mclotiakl. In
which he (McDonald) said be wanted
5.000 to remonerate some parlies In
Washington, for Infiwmatlou from tltcirf
U ltnes raised tne amooiii ami urrew u
over tlie transom of McDmaldK room a
per agnt-meot. This occurred lo 1S73.
t ltoes liati a wmrrwuwi wmi mdnm.
aid In regard to hi testimony before tl
grand ltiry last night. McDonald told
him he mut siann nrm; uiai it -oum not
atmnint to auvthins; that thev mnt siand
by each oilier. k' itties told McDonald
alter he had testified that he had failed to
recollect considerable, and some thing he
ilil not know anything about. Both Mc
Donald ami Jovte said it was all light.
ST. Lot IS. Nov. IS. In the McDonald
trial to-ilay. B. H. r'ngal. rectlrier, testl
tled that Joyce has told him repeatedly lie
eonli! iimiiu'actnre crooked whisky and
would tie protected; that Joyce urged and
encouraged him to make all he could han
dle, lie was alwav notified I vNts
Iroui Washington officials. Avery nsed
to send tlie desired Information. Joyce
said his Iriend Babeock wrote him tney
.'.ere in trouble and must get out. Wit
.:. .oil .lbii I lavennort two assessments
for wtut was called tlie campaign of
Hutchison, of the sixth ward. The hind
that a lecture bureau !k formed and com
mission appointed to inveMlgiite aim re
port upon fhe use f liquor and that the
ass'iciathMi be. Incorporated. Mm. Frances
Wlllard. Correoiiding Secretaiy, repmt-
. n.t )..d .tvi.rl U,l)l
CO Z fiaie auxiliei ir nignm...,.
guar adviii'(metif In every deHtrtment
of work. Some aoo ilelegate. represent
ing 19 States, were present hi the convention.
Woman Snffraarr Amtorinuon.
NKW YOhK. - Nov. 17. The American
It'.,!.,!.!,,' Knll'miM" Aso'iatlou convened
to-night at Sfeinway Hull. A huge an li-
ence wa present. : isispop uuixn n"'i
presuH'O, hiki maue me opening v.uic-o.
speeche were made by Antoinette
Brown Blackwell. Lucy Stone and Chas.
Bradlauah. The proceedings were of
marked Interest with a prospect of a large
increase in morrow.
Report of Ihe I i.mmlwion A pool led to
I'i rrliiwe the niek inn.
CHICAGO, Nov. 13. The Tribune this
morning plihilsbes In full the report of
the eominlsslwi,, iippnintid to ncgoliite
With be Sinus nation for the Bcqtiisitbm
ot the r.huk Hlllrf. The doctimeiii i or a
bighlv hitere-'ing am' iiMportnnt cha rac
ier, not onlT giving a history of fhe futile
attempt to" or purchase the region,
but pivsi'iitlng for Hie cousidi-ralioii of
Congre-s it t'liiiH'ifheiNive ncheme for the.
hdvano loeiil nf the Mimx by making the
education of ll !r ympn 11 nulanry and
irutil'iui.' aitu't It d' ! pernvrtn Itilmr
us n coi.iiltiiv... t-'teir iJj..l. .-j
rre it ak'wl to at
fur eqnivaieitt for tin
air! ?f.T'ii'Yr,i'"
ii .... .... - ,
utilcli umnllll! illl!l C'll-iuire .1 o
tbe t'li tl rnpVrwl lo'-urr; iit Hieiu-gs-I
ion lit the ihiiiiiImiiI A fmilier rec
omttieiidithiti Is fhti every Indian lai eii
couiiii.eil in tbeticq ii-iti'M nnd protected
in tlie po-esio!i ft prime pmperty.
The lodiiMis iiow in the northwestern part
i of Xelwa-ka arc to t iimvi-d to I lis r-sT-
tio;i e-t!l.iHie! by tin-I leafy nf tsijs,
win-re. laml tor Mtirii nil me can be louuil
ami suppiie furiii hni. Supplies hereaf
ter stroll be luri.l-hiii und.-rsiiK-rvisl.i ot
ofticer of the aniif . A wise recomuien
dntioii 1 tht the nn-i-iit ageiiele be abol-
Ished. nnd tha win' le si stembe reorgan
iwd so far a relaie- lo fhe loiix Indians,
autf Unit sui couiM-iis:i!l n lo officer ami
agent lie prfavsded a w in command tuin
jb ami mmn.'i. iicr. The Indians are to
he notified rikt such force a may lie nee-
xsre u ill Ik. usi-d to eiifon.-e COillldiHtie
..on ijilicv nf the eoverniiieiit. To
the end tliat file liidtaiis may become clv
ni,...l o,,.l wli.iintifirtiiii'. the eovertiment
..... . -...-I .
i.tu uM,:. it.lf rite ihuv ot navlugt
the Indians a fair and piivalent price tor
i. m:i3 'l..l-... It,... iiishlir-i:litl all
1 117 UlilS, iv.s ...... -
ririiimsiaiiee. and such sum to be psid to
become a part ol ihe fTitid uiiuired hi the
general plan to educate a d civili Hie
Sioux. .
Priest Submit to Itie
A Berlin tiispr.teh sny ov.-r a hiiinlred
priests and cainms of Itbbielatid have
given rotice of their submission to tla tc
cJesiastieal laws.
poioia Rpiy to ni !i- ?8o.
Nrw YK, Nov. 13. A Heralds
WasWngton special, dated yesterday,
savs the reply of the Spanish Government
to" tbe note of Minister Cushhig was
promptly transmitted hy caWe lo the
Slate Department and deciphered Ihic
.1.1 mnn.itia Ir nmTis to lw a itinified
n spouse to tlie ilemands which our go v-
enituent maoe in tne innerii nmrrn.n
i..., ,., ., . 1.- I I... ..I ..i ( nli i null will, il
reached a.OtlO. and all were required o I u believed, dissipate all lears of trouble
- -. .... I' . , J .1 -1 . a . mim. I . . 1 .. . .'. l. I .'..-...,
fieiween ftin mhu iw . n i. .
Tbe lone of tlie reply 1 firm but very
vtmlntnrr. TIb iu-tVe of our demand
Is not igtnweil. Tlie coulu-imi ot atTairs
In Cuba obin lets the exer. i-e ot an im
partial and pmnopt admiiii-trarlon of the
retiuin-meiils of the treaty ol 17U5. .Swui
Defend Iter rilrtit to malnfuiii omrt mar-
i.u I., i ie,u ii'.d eirs In snuiiorf
ot hr posttloti on the question that the
t.iiitt'! rotate, tnirinv hi:u h ,ig
sii!,m-i t lo the late war of secession.
,.il FtiW. twii Vears succeeding to
.r..sril the iiKsessuidit when tlie markrt I ,,.,, then, under tlie mild
wastrUk. He pai.1 3o i-eiits a gallon lo l , , i heir. made use of similar
extnordiiiary trihunals to deal out justice
iril.iiTM Knur, 1ST5 tlie rlmr ut com
posetl ot McDonald. Joyce, Fitzeroy, Me
Ciee, Mtguire, P. Newcomb. and Gresve-
nor, of tlie Demia-rat - ine latter got
f 10.000 to let up on Maguire wlien he was
Seeking niiuiuatioi( for mayor. Witness
received a It t'i r from C. W.'Fon! with re
gard to certain marters. It was umler-
-ttWMl that f 2U.UW nan tieeu raieo nir
caniia;gn pnrpo-es in 1S72. For! closed
his hoo-e Mr t tvo nay in I sis. aim men
w-.s alii.wi-d li prottreil. I lie fot-mao of
t-..t.. .11 ,!!!... tui i tlil tl,. .fun. tras
t inn cii ii-..ii,-i , ...... ...v. I rir. two tei
w II posted as to the iiwrk.t prlei, ainJ in- I ,jie trtat?ITr tlie reimblie over ln om-
c:l l
U..L- ni Ik l
1 an li'.'.d
ud tin
.i(.n it is known that -lie . .lite boats and
tiiuTit ot the disaster was
erii.mnratiwiv clear, yet not
boats was cleared and although
..hirisr-d between the colli.-io.i
siukiiif . Was it because the offlecr wi-re
inthe"same condition that the Captain
W3SOU the Sunday previous to her sink
in" tlie night she Jeil Tacomay So intox
icated that he htul to he led on board by
two men and who. on getting on board
gave orders for the boat not to leave
until he awoke. The steamer did not
leave until 1:0 o'clock and it was
reported that other odieers were in
a similar condition. Fur them 1 cannot
vouch, but as to Capt. Howell I was an
eye witness, and can prove my assertions
by titty good men. 1 do not allude to this
Circumstance as agai;i-t Capt. II. hi a dis
position to expose this personal foible, as
the poor fellow has shared a common bite.
with others in tin; (head.caiamity; but 1
--...,;ri that this monster of stronsr
drink has crent over she better judgment
of "ond and brave coinuiiiutier-. um, ha
if. ,i.n ..amp nt sendd!'.' mr !! .-:.-1 - ili'1
urcii v.i.. ui" ----- ....
neighbors to a watery sjravo tm-i sowing
tlistress broadcast. Tile i"s of our nci
1 1. 'i- is irreiiaral.'lc toNocl-
, uiii, ei. 1. .mi. .. . ... 1 ,
u on n, iiU vvii',. in.d eisrht en
.!'..?'.... ih-it ..f s.-vr-ral others from
niirii, .1- iv .......
mii.t.m-n nfi vi.-.iti-tv. i a so mourn the
1...., ,.t Vi,.n.!- of Pnifiand. whom 1
bad become somewhat acquainted wiih
dntui'i- his stay at Tacosna. As I shook
l.ic li-.nid nn the Sunuav lil'dit Ot his UC-
111 my lireasi
the crttdttioii
. w. Mr. !-;d-i..-i,t
oi tacts,
:l;t; sMipi "ii'v
Pilfll. lis
part lire, I felt a i
for his safety, on :
of his ship's com'
itor. I give you
that may cxpiai:
displayed hy tin:
I -an iittrtliute i
Let tiiis exam:
!, ,;:( i-.ui -oh, i .
tie: liv ii.i-l .
soaie (
icers of
S A I.EM. Nov. 20. 175.
The Board of Directors ot the Oregon
Pioneer Association met at the private oi
uV. -of Sit-retarv of State, and was called
to ov'er l'V lion. 0. it. tiiim, iv.-mivhi,
and tit.. foiSowiug members present:
ii f. v. Grim, President. Hon. K
X. ('..ok. Vice President, Hon. S. F
chadwii'.-. W. J. Herren. Esq.. and.).
Henry Brown, Secretary; also several per
sons bv special invitation.
The minutes of previous meeting were
read. A letter from Hon. M. P. Deady
was read: also one from S. F. Chadwick,
in selecting the 15th of June in each year
ns a dav for re-union of the Association.
On motion Hon. John Minto was added
to the committee on printing, which now
of Hon V.. X. Cook. Hon. S. F.
Chadwick. W. II. Rees, Esq., and Hon
.Tnhn Minto.
lion. S. F. Chadwick presented to the
Association a neatly bound manuscript
copy of his address delivered at the re-un
ion ol' 1ST!, which was accepted.
Hon. EHvood Evans was selected to Ce-
liver the annual address lor the reunion to
La liidd on the 15th of June, 1S76.
Moved and carried that the Committee
(,;, printiuff be instructed to commence
printing the minutes, addresses andothtr
matter that thev may select.
On motion, the Association adjourned
to meet at tlie Legislative Hall at 2 o clock
i. m., on Wednesday, January 1A iso.
J. W. Grim, President
J. Hlnky BnowS, Secretary.
IVSTKl't'.-" . - "
The number of a-yn.ui " J:
the United Statu-, U 2s, in . . , '-,
ers. The number of 'liin.-ue i: .m
aj;ructiou dnrinjj the year was l.Siv.
c -
MlS ACNES ALICE Beckwith is a ht
e duck of a girl. She recently swam
.rout London Bridge to Greenwich, a dis
nice of live miles, performing the feat in
in 7m 45-. Her fatigue was scar, ely per
cepuim. sue was aimed in a s immlng
e ,,. I.. 1 . a trim.
.- i.-tuiiie oi iijiin ros. ,111 . i- "
UH..K wuti lace ot tuu eaiuo ,vjor aua i
, w liifc pi aid.
Tlnrl Chicag-t. 60; Cii'cinnati. 52;
Milwaukee, 70: Pitt-burg. 35; St. Louis.
79- ....
Fourth Chicago, 4o: t. u'cimmii. o,
Milwaukee. 43; Pittsburg. 30; St. Louis
61. . ., .
Kneeial ( bti-aaa 3o: ci'iciuiihu. oi.
Milwaukee. 35; Pittsburg. 20; St. Louis,
49. ... . ' ....
It i understood tbeahove anvauce na
i. ;,l n.vr U it in anv Way con-
111,1 i-r VII V n u - v . . .
netted with the late compact tietwi-en tlie
Fort Wayne, Lake Shore and Michigan
Central railways.
. x-1 1 The Seeretarv ol
the State Board of Agriculture publishes a
. .i j. .1... .a... I ,-.., .11 1 a .
statement SllOWlllg mm me n.ini ''
fion of tbe State, from the eeti-ti of the
1st ot March last, was KW.S37. This doe
not include six fionti-r counties, from
which no returns have oeeii matte, nm
where the population is estimated at
i 7ir. irl-.i.-h would make the total popu
lation of the State on March 1st last, 543,-
203. tftiAtiarM.
Washington-, Nov. 14. Established
VVms,v iTOintv. Oieeon, liol-
rr. Robinson, postmaster. l'ostmasier-
tppointed Ezra Poppteton, Bickreal.
I'oik couutv. uregou; jicmy nf's"'
.Voodbiirn, Marion county, Oregon.
Politic "1-
p,.,m;i,i K.-oiihlii-jus of Virsinia an
...... .o,i in tii effort fn reorsranize and
...-unirrtioii the Rennhlican tiartv in that
k. n ii. sition ot the lieliuoil
Dime f.) ,.,.....-.......'. - ,
cans and Independent Conservatives who
, - ... .1 TO Kll..n..a
lately actea wun inettvepuuinan-
n-v-l Note.
The IT. S. Nnvv is in cood condition,
:nn t.- ).;.. n,au wit h the iron
ewiieciitiiy is niis .ii -
. -.a .. .. . I . . I . .Malinrfnthai, O.H.
oiaas, a or n oi wmcn iciivSi...v.
worthy. It is tiecioeu tiiai nuwicu uc
are to be supported by Iron, and substan
lial repairs made in oilier particulars.
More Miliiwrwa".
'-h RritNh shit
Astrlfla. from thU nort for the Unitnl
States, has been lo-t off AadrosU and
iAn.a. Vm nf fli ertw were
drowned. Heavy weather continues, and
Tdoyds to-day report a number of wrecks.
The tide in the Thames this morning was
the highest on recoru.
lbs Kamslna Bear UrewllnE
St. Peteksburgh. Nov. 13.- All troops
.i. ennth well a three divisions in
til .m w---i .
this military district, are said to be mak
ing ready tor active setvice.
Murda-n-ni ondi nined
r,...- Vri- is Cni-ioni. Frelata. A''-
..Dti "l-'isnia and Morelli, charged with
complicity in the murder ot uanaei 1,011
. ..i;... ..r I .. c-jiii nlr. have beel
"",,...,,1 tr, servitude lor rte.
KIIKH.Vu ... I '
Searpetxi was aoquitteu.
uniniiiOB Miea b Alia for MSm-1
ATC F HI V .IP XT. X. ' t Jl . ...... - - - 1
Simonton. agent of the New York Asso- j
ciated. Pre, unit pttrttier Ol 1 Ucb & Pick-
n . ! M it-Tin, ba- filed a eom-l
,, fr lib- njiainst the pro-i
A.m. lb- coiiipauit f
He nald 33 i-eiits a irallou lo
the ring, and when It raised to BO cent.
thev demanded a cents, which uw umu
lers" refused to pay.
Louis Tichno- testified that Joyce told
bim to make thirty or forty barrel of
whisky for the ring. Witness m-tde trmu
twenty five to fifty barrel of rr.oked tt
m i k. Pbe agent ot Bingham Bros, tes
tified that Joyce hail notified him of the
coining of an 'agent to examine the distil
lery. Jovcv claimed to have letter from
Balieoek. He also read part oi letrer
rrom iheTreas iry and Ittvenue Depart
ments. Have seen letters igneil by
Avery, Holland & Rogers. Their object
was to show me that the thing was under
stood at headquartei-s. Witness raised
uiomy for Hogne and oflier. fwrt nf
w lecii he understood, was to go to Wnsh
ii epm.
Ihe tax on whisky was then 50 ewii
j." gahuu. and witness collevteil alnrnt 'CO
I .-er j;:ll'i''li. Il wa- lliiuer-i.hj i
he jujiervisot s otllce that the snire Ki p
t r. gtiiiiteisi and oilier subs w-ere to 'vceiv--from"
$1 to fl 50 firr barrel. Inn Leaven-
.1 .!.....!.! ...nM U'iIihuOiv.L
.l l il anniinnt .,iii uiuic. ....... ......
immev to mail to a member of fhe Super
visors, and there a no particular dis-
sui almut bis delivering it. lie mi;,
et a-nle part or Hie money, part oi cue
time $100 per week, and part ot tbe time
300 ir week, for William O. Avery.
.-niuf . erk of tlie internal ltevenue mi
reati at Washington, this increase was
made at the instance )1 Joyce, wlm came
from Washington nce ami nam Avery
complained ot not getting enough, mottey.
1 t 'a i O- ir-j . wuLr
Hence we im.TPase n w tow i-ci " s
Ourine crowt-exiiiiilnatiaii witness o-
knowkMlgeu liarmg ueeti niutciea mr un
f "hil tVnreer tt. S. iraiiffert. bill
denied the charge, and said a nolle prose
qui seoniu nave writ ciiw:iru. .v
.1..,, id hut arraiiwment bv which the in
dictment will be dismissed. He had heard
he is included in an oinmut liiiiicniieiu.
i,i, r on ennv had been served on him. He
i-ould not state the amount realized out ot
the ting here, t hought SjU.000 to st'iu.
000, nearly all of which he lost in stock-
in New York. Charles w. mid, .1011:1
Leavenworth and b inley KoDii. mtntioiieu
as having received mmiey from him, hatJ
since died.
l'liompon, distiller, testittea tnac Joyce
permitted him to run an extra tube or two.
He paia ,ioyce kjou tor services nt.
inofon, that he nude from as to oy per
ci nt. on the crooked whisky.
A bred Bens lestinea iimt ue maue
crixiked whisky with Hie Knowledge oi
lovce, and McDonald paid from f l.ow to
:U)00 l-r week to Magrue; paid Brashet
1,000 a his share; $3,700 was demanded
bv tlmt omciai. tt lttiess iiiouin, 111-
iniiise paid 75,000 to f 100.000 in fourteen
mouths; was in the collector's otilce when
ihe records were destroyed, which was ar
ranged bv Jovee and Camion the latter a
chief clerk hi the collector's office: had
been shown letters by Joyce purporting to
. . t... .1. .t... n..i
come from a very nu sauwi, mo if
dent and Secivtary. On cross-examina
tion witness said he had talked with Mc
Donald about whisky, and .McDonald sain
everything is an rigni, go aueu.
Woiaau Muffiaif-e S'onvenlloii.
New Youk. Nov. IS. The Conventioi
l the American Woman SutTrnge Asoci-
!...,...! tflu . iKvwral alllll'ese
moil coiiiiiii""
,i.. .. ,..i u luno-thv series ot resold
were iiiiv - - , ,
tions read reaflii inii.g the principle of the
. .. ,1 ...)!..., vin-l.tJ
Association aim ueuiniiuiii wiu...
Great pmminetice was given to petitun
. i .'. .,.-.. T . . .-. i r-1 I ii mu tn nahlK WO-
inir nits "-"'" , . T .1 .
men to rote at tlie Presidential election of
Powder weru itiowo ipi
GOKHAM, Mass., Nov. 18. The mixing
mill of the Oriental Powder Co.. Soutl
Windham, was blown up tin niownng
just before tlie employees beiran work,
ooiist-queiillv no one wax injuied. ine
aecidei.t wiil eause a temporary suspen
oou of work.
Woim 1emp!raee rnlon.
CiKCiNNATi, Nov. 17. rtiesecand an
oual convention ot the Woman's ren per
atice Union met this morning. Pre dent
4r. Weittenmeyer, t Philadelphia, in
he. elmir. An address of welcome ov
. r.- f ....;t .t4s,( to DV
nr. n. n. ij, ii . ii . - e -
.in. i v. Mi iliii". of Hihioi. 1 1 e Ptes-
hi her a uu il d.lres -fa ed that
fir in) I f.HUi 1 ;'Hr ft riV-HVt! c VWU
t pnblie inii civil enemies. In tlie cae
..i i'miiiv these tribunals sentenced to le
slait or transported to Cayenne, over 1000
per-on, yet lliese tnntuiai exerci-e.i
!lie I'm .i i ions Oer the f!,se of the war.
...i,i ti4rlviit of .tHHiib ! i ce. There
fore. Spain, in the iui l-t o! her war ill
Cutis ii,:l!i,t'lil.e t!:eli:shl ol Using CINItt
ni-tiils !o irr offeiidei ai' her law.
hut readiiv initkes ,he t-ninessioi;S that
Anierieau citizen can hne liM-ir advtt-
.t-i iH.nitiinii.rii mill firiMluce witnesses
th-ir us-ii lii baif i iiutoriiiiiblv to the
.i.... ,.i- arti. 'i. 7 of tlie treat r of 1795.
m.rl .iiinlin.' to i be reeular eotire of
pmcetlure in -neb ca-e. and give guaran
tees nf such a in. le ol defense. CM eniire
to file ea-e of Spai 1-b -nhieeis no excep
tion ill be made bi.h will allow them
I... u, aVm.ieol of tbi-advaut:i're in defend
I.,., i ,.i-! e a lain st urns, rtitii'it bv
.Kc,i-h utttl omie-. l or their o-!les
in llie t-Hes the ailviHttfes will be desig
liafeil bv fhe chief m'ditaty authority or
i... iv..'tH!.. 1I.........1 ,i-tti ..i.iMihir them.
i or v. ii. in . i, . i i"-
file ali.ive i a full synopsis ol the answer
i of Uierpani n goverumeui m icpij n ...i.
'.iclii.i.r ami liiu liei-ii deemed satisf.ittort
eninia'i to warrant the counfHrmiiudiur of
tsleis originally given to put our navy m
,....,umtim. r..e cii.'ll H .'1,1 .1 1 - iiri'l li'V US A
misimderstaiiding lietweeii the two goveru-
- rrtchtro; Hallwaj eelitet
' Atornt. Hn, Xov. 17. A frlilhtful
n..i.i,,.,. ri,.neoii nlirlit on the Char- Vi.'V,. ... - -
Imte, Columbia and Augusta railroad.near
lMnc Horse, al-out 25 miles fnnn Augusta.
After the regn'ar paenger train b rt t o
Innibla. vesterdav afternoon, for Augtita,
it was to'llowcd by a tinln of euifrfy ears
torAagusta. The two trains toliowttl at
about 25 miles per hour, one following
! ..l i,, o ii tin. ntbor. The nassetnicr
train had just reached the siding of tlie
track and was about to stp when the hind
train came rushing along and the engine
relo-cnped me tauie passenger car. nn..-.
it ttm citiokiiitr inr from the track
A "terrible scene followed. The ladies car
.vaa filled with tiassemrers. Men. women
ii. 1 'i-liilflrt-ti wpre ianniKMl together.
ivomided. t'tusbed aud bleeiliua. Afer
a few moment's contusion, windows and
doors were broken open and the paeii-
ners carried out. But one lite was lost.
. xt- I. l. i,i. of tlie IT. S.
. cm v. ' - Kiirrev. who was in the smoking car.
rw-Hislv hurt. Gov. Chnnibel'lalii. of
On..lli Piipnliiifl teas nmniio the itassetitrers
i tti- nnrwaiil train from Auffusta, iiiul
wua dinniiir tli ,):issellirel on the niitwaul
rsatn from
mica rfiirni(I with the wounded, some of
whom prove to have but slight injuries ol one Peril Into Another.
BnisTi Xov. 19. The third trial of
rnnn sLtiai.liiisdoii tor rnbhiiur Wells.
illlllUII .,ir . ....... "is
Fargo & Co.'s treasury box in 1S 1, closeil
tvorlo-aiiuv nvimlncr. alter ii three weeks'
II 1,UIIW-M'.J I ,
Thu ini-e utter helliw out tlltrtV-SlX
ours, returned a verdict at 10 o'clock to-
lay of not guilty. Immediately after hi
:i charge from custody, Detective J. B.
. linn., arrnsted bi n Oil 11 reliu'isltloil from
. eu llnvi.miii ot Ort'trno mi a cllariTe ot
oeing implicated in a lohhery alleged to
av been committed iii that State. Ihe
ial has been a very interesting one.
.'hlntnriil of l'reuli Menta lo Europe
Piift-ADEhrniA, Nov. 18. The steam
i.:.. iii;,..i .vliieh s..lled for Kurooe to
lay. has a'mong her cargo 30 dressed
Uauui i dressed sheen nnd a larce
piantity of poultry and oyster, which it
i proposed to land in goou oruer uy
aieans of refniierators.
-w.brf nisiillerN t'onvleteil In Itrook
Xaw Yon. Nov. 19. Stephen Sim
nous and it man named Coombe. have
een convicted in Brooklyn of the mai.u
acture ot illicit whisky on evidence
i..i,ii l.e U tOu,.nt- Mnrshal. Silll-
iions offered him 5,000 to abandon the
a uud Thlnir-MHite It Ueneral
,iii .nr. V...i HI fiai.N.lnrv' BriotOW
ias directed that the expenses of the Cus-
.m houses in Cine igo, Milwaukee ami
i....u.... ait.i ii tu. ..or iiiiwn 1 n ner flent.
. i-.-w n.-i - " .. ........ -" i - -
I ni- i. to Ik- carried out by the Collectors
.s fhev si-e ni. II nicy desire to reoucc
... ........ 15 . er e. of I her euii do SO. OK T6
,f- iw - l v . - ,
nee srt'nrirs in liie -auie proportion, witD
tiumlier of Collectors have decided to dU
charge ihe requisite number ot assistants.
Iientli of Krnalor ferry.
Kouwai.k. Conn.. Nov. 21. Senator
F.-rrv, whoe health has been falling for
some iiioiiths, did this afternoon.
! Kspltwloa of n I'oal oil jtn.
TuKSTOS. N. J-. Nov. 21. A coal oil
lamp exploded lu a shoemaker shop kep!
bv Conrad Sereler last evening and in-
jiind nix per-iM I; o e named George Ab-
mer will probably "e.
PreCnni MrooklyH to Uolhuin.
New Youk, Nov. 21. Rev. Dr. Sort,
who has been called to a New York
church. to-dy aiinounrcd his Infeittioii ot
remaining wit his Brooklyn congrega
tion. Arrival of tlie BriaalMdrr of I lie Crew
John PanetiMl.
Boston, Nov. 21. The ship Victoria
arrived here to-day from Calcutta with the
oltleers and crew ot fhe ship John Pi
clial. of Biingor, Maine, which vesel was
destroyed by Are on tlie passage from Cal
cutta "to New Y'ork. A portion of the
crew were previously reported at riving at
Plymouth. England, and ' their statement
1 fully corrolairaled by the Captain.
A Mother ond Boa to he flung for Mur
der. Vtica. N.T.Nov. St. On Saturday
Lodivla end Albert Kreiidenbttrg. motlier
and soil, wete found guilty of the murder
of Orlo Davis, In Orayvllle. Herkimer
eomrt. In unet and Were entetieeil by
.fifwM..r.-tn to ho hamuli fin FridSV.
HIili'. tJikv inbef 31st. ai Herkimer.
st swfr i.d Knnltry at Philalnla.
'mi niviniii Xotr. 21 e'nllr 10.000
........ .1 ..I . -). fx f r l.rt 1 w i n-vll-fi
irt lull. m!rnM.. iflv.i ... . ... .--v - ------
setvice held fo day bv Moody and Satikey.
t ne tPrreis in ine t iiiitj iii"n
desDiieibe rain.
llnrry np thr I nines.
Order Iiava been :ven I lie eoiHinand-
ant at the rtuvr yard to hurry along the
eompMlon atKl equipment of the tiew
sloops of war 'lying In the Delaware, ami
to put a number ot monitors In readiness
tor service.
Brlek potfroy lx-nleo (hat lie lina im
pended. F.lJilRA. Nov. 21-s-Brick Pomeroy phb
Uslte a statement deuyiug liiat his paper
will I suspendetl. and propose to pro-e-cole
for libel the editor" who malicioudy
aiuiomite his fltiltire and suspension ot Ch-
. -.. -(t-i... .
t mOCt-tt 111 3ew lork. I lie ri-H.n .-
supeuiiu grew wit of I lie fart tha' it i
October lt lie appliwi to be relieved, a
the taw direct, from losses jiiistatneit ttir
or live years ago while running a d-l.v
pajier in New York, ami '. upon Ms
voluntary petition, adjudged a Uiiikruiit
tbat be ntitrhr ereace in act'V'- l-u-int. s
a aln. the ioner to retrieve hi lis es.
amounting lo 400.000. Incurred while
oiMiteiiding against what was then tbe
I weed ring.
Store Trouble oa ittr Itoraer.
W.ctifxoTiiK Xiir -20 I'lu- i o-tmasf-
er general teceiwl a lelegra-n from Browu-
Vllle, .eXB. lO-uav. reiliriliij; "imairr
ntnil robliery on ihe Corpus Christ! line,
upiosed by border 'IVxaus.
Treasurer Sew Bi-liDbntuN tlie diovrrn-
nl lor oftoletc .Money.
TI 3.000 stolen from goverttnient du
ring Treasurer New itifniiiii-traf ton.
$1,000 at one time and iOOO at a biter
period were paid info the treaurr soon af
ter the loss was reported, by Mr. Mew.
from hi nrifste resources. He has tit
ai-ensed anv n' ihe entiilores. Tlte ar
rangement "iu tlie treasurer's office gnard-
n ' ! 7 ; Itsss mv - (irirci " ' '
K ! .. I' (, ..-t a r-A .till I .1 1 1. .1 1 . ( 1 e fn
d.v. -" " . . . - " r, .
disetiver the tlieif with a view 10 arrest and
tMilnrnllr ftatlrnrtory.
Tk. ...,;...i ,,CI l.iut tn-li.u Whito 111 llis-
charaiti" Briiiham Yotmir for alk-jred coii-
tempt tf eourt for disobedience to tlie i
ordei of Judge McJean. requiring ; him to!
pay alimony to Ann Eliza, i satisfactory
to tlie government. It is tne opinion oi
Attordey General that the woman in ques
tion. In marrying Brlgham Young, viola
ted the V. H. t stole, and then-fore etiuid
not avail herself ot Iier own wroinr.
Tlte I nbmi 4itentnn oot la IsMie.
WASHlstiTOS. Nov. 9. It is said in Na
val eireles that tbe repair and preparation
or vesel have no more relation to Spanish
affairs than tboe ol any oflter country,
there is in) excitement coin ruing Swiu
or .Cuba. The President, some time ago.
while conversing on Culm n aftair merely
referred t wliat lie Iteretofore said in his
annual messase. bill tave no intimation as
to what he should say on tlie subject in his
next mesage to Congress.
The KtM.ii I-1. I'BBOsrtluii Coaarmed.
te . Diti.-nTnu fl Xnrwif hstmiri-
Ui, mam. in ilia ivinl r re it. ran tie nosi-
lively reasserted, on the best authority that
the 'snanLli Minister was officially ad
vise 1 Veterdav from Madrid tltat his Gov
urnii.Miit hml ivniilef1 thxt in future
American ciiiiens on trial m C-oba shall
have tlte privilege ot getting counsel for the
,l..r,.i. The Islet is eonrlrnieJ tiv infor-
tnaiion at the Department of State on tbe
same suntect.
ftiii..iik Vrtir 90 nnrermeiit has de-
teruiiiied that all toreiuiier tried in Cuba
for partlci)tiiig m the iii.urreelioii lie al
low ed to have counsel. LI Crnita says
tbe last dispatch Washington was
discussed at a Cabin t counsel yesterday.
The present satisfactory situation promi-es
ijiiii.uir aiiu tun v.. .iii. i.v '. ....
The Victoria Colonist, of the 10th
iimt., eaVH:
A private letter from Port Town
etid, receivnl in town, nta(es Unit
iK..,a fu u v..rv Htrnnir feelimr ftt this
11 vi,- '- t. J r -
dace gaiust.the Captain of the Orplie-
UH. i lie man, u& ine wnipo wneei
,.,t... thu Pui.tfin eollidi-d with her.
and four other men, have testified that
the Ktea-nsliip tiaiicu inein inree
times, ami each time the man at the
wheel said, "Captain, the steamer is
haillni' von:" and the reply from the
Captain was (J d- the suamer."
1 lie ttewar-i, tne writer sayi, tout mm
that they could see the lights of
the steamer twenty minutes af
ter they struck tier, and the stew
ard's wife says she could hear the peo
ple irotn tne sieamer cuiiiug iui
A gentleman walking along Beacon
Hill bencli on Sunday iicked up a
piece of painted board (evidently a
purtof the Pacific's wreck), "ii which
waa written In pencil then..- words, in
the position we have placed theui :
B. P. Moody,
all lost. "
At first it was thought that the in
scription was the result of a heartless
hoax, pen-trated by some jiersoii wl o
picked the piece p on the beach,
wrote the words, and threw it back
into the sea; laut the friends of fil
iate 8. P. Moody have Meimtiei the
handwritin as TilH; '11 ' htijiposeal
that when tha veswd was going ilon n
he wrote the Inscription o one of the
boains of bin rftate-roon::; with the
faint hope that tbe b rard would lie
fou ud iitiii liis friends informed of his
fate thereby. If such were his pur-
pose it has been attained by tlie cast
ing up of the fmuiueiit, after it bad
tlo..ti u nearly 100 mile, on the lueast
of the hungry aea, and reached the
biiiire within Htfht f tlte deceased
,!eman's home. The feelinys of it
j niKti takins leave ot ;ie unai-r b i. ii
cirrunustaneescau neuaeroe tut-tt.iii
itor described,
Tbe Viotoria Standard of the 17th,
wiys: "ine holy of the deceased J.
D." Crowley, wrecked on the Pacific,
was picked up mi Saturday morning
bv Messrs. J. Alortty and (.itrter.lio ti
ng iu the Kelp aua annuo ;ei
Hnllaiid Point, Beacon Hi 1. ..'Ihe lias been cohsideraoiv ui-mf
mei. in the evening me kiuc p-.i-tie-s,
who were, during the retwaiude:
.. n.r. nav. waiehiinr sioti' lbs- s- ore
Wishing to keep posted as to the
conditio" of the crops, and to ascer
tiii bow the farmera were gettina;
along, a reporter 8arted out on ap in
terviewir g expedition. He was fortu
nate enough to encounter a farmer at
the edite of town bringing a load of
hay into Ihe city. Burning with en
thusiasm, the rejiorter hailed him. He
halted, and the following eolloqay
took piace: ;
"I low are vou, friend V
"Tired." -
'What's hny now?"
:Sm me as it was before."
"What's that?1'
"Dried grass."
"What do you think of the weath
er ?'
"Thought it was damp."
"Didn't raise anything then, eh?"
"Nothing but an umbrella."
"What did your neighbors get?"
"Chilis atK."fever."
"What are you doing?"
"f itting out here in the nun, and
longing a chance to sell tbi hay.
Come up here if you want to talk,
Ihe reporter scrambled up to; the
side of his newly made acqua'ntaee,
and as they jolted on, he again pro
duce! his mite-btxik ami continued I
"What t!id the farmers do last
i-pring?" -j
"Kat: everything into tbe ground,
as tiutial.'
"I i:d v our wheat lo-yth!"tcr 1
',. .-..I, elie. m.v tolineeo now?
' Yes; do you want a chew? '
"Ilovv are the poiatoefc.-
"Under the weather somewhat, hut
aide to be cut."
Becoming the least bit dis ourage
Hie rei)rter asked, timidly: "
"Will you bring uiacy oeets to tht
city this year?"
"(Jot a go l load now," was the re
j itider, ais be checked his horse atei
said: 'aiurs vou bad better pla.if
what I've told you, and see vbat u n
yield. Here'a where you get otT."
itemeiuberiiig that it wa.s alxiut
lime to reirt at tbe oftice, ihe baffled
searcher after news climbed down the
side of the wagon, and, thinking that
a soft answer lurneth away wrath, ha said: j-
11 at's nice hay, my friend; where
did it come from?"
-"Timothy seed."
The iuu-rreeator crew faitt, but he
sutnniotiex! up courage to as.
"dead'boines which might
tin- MOV
i-oiue ill view. n-jK rl seeing aiiotner
ImhIv near McCati tiy's Poitu, u'oout '-W
yaids from the shore. Ir a .-o had a
life preserver on it. An inquest was
iieltlOU the body.
i 'imt-les Tiidd. Suiieriuteiident of 1 o-
lice, sworn Was present when the
bodv ot tue decease! wao 1-..---oil"
nrnduecd Papers from which no
doubt his name was J. D. Crowley;
there are several letters so auuresseu
amniiirst the pariers: also a telegram
addressed to J. L. Crowley, agent for
Rockwell Hurlburt. aua a earn nun
J. D. Crown-v, .Sau Jose, Cai. ' There
.....I.,...; ,,r iinni.rtanf found
n iiuiiiuij, . j -
among the pajers. Ihe deceasel was
.i.,m t fiirt v hit vears of acre. atout a
feeto inches high, fair complex oii.
with dark hair and saudy whiskers.
i'hs ltvward. sworn In eouse-
,,t ii.torniHtioii leceived, wit
uesss proceedetl to a little bay to the
east of a jmiiit frotiting the grand
Hill, and saw the de
ceased, whose name witness believes
to be Ciowiev, lying on me uau. uc.i
the water; Ihere was a life-preserver
n-iili tli inline of faeitic 1 Villi? Close
to: have no doubt but Ibal me ne-
..l u us 01. e of ihe nasseusiers on
the lost vessel, when she le t Victoria
on the 4tli msi ; was present mien
Ihe body was wsrebed by the ponce.
uothiug of value was found on it ex
shirt studs and some papers
. . i.ili.i
1 lie jury returned tne iun.i
the deceased, J. D. Crowley, came to
his death by drowning."
Tbe foiiowiiiir is liie sworn state
ment of tbecrew :
Chxrles Thonipsotl. helilg tuny
sworn, deposes and s:iys that lie is a
native tit oweileli, ageu vcbis, ..w..
that on or about the -Otti day of Oct.
1875, be shipped as seaman on ixmru
the ship Orpheus, of Boston, Charles
fsawver, master, bourn! for Departure
BavJ B. C, for coal; that on the 4th
dav of November, A. D. IS75, between
the hours of 9 and 10 P. M., he was at
the wheel of said ship, a'ld a light
was sighted two points oil" the pori
Imow, and he received an order lroin
the second mate lo Head lor ine life"".,
which he did, and a few moments al
ter this the Captain ordered him to
t the siiiii on her t-ourse,
w-hich be did. n.i after this about
th ree miuutf s,t he C-ipt tin oi dered h i m
to ict her iui!, which he did. And af
ter tuis the captain, Charles Sawyer,
stated ihat he wanted to speak the
vessel with the light, foi winch pur
WUat du you tniuk you'll gst for
Cash, of coarse. Get tip, Whity;
this fellow will taik us blind in a few
minute-, lie asks more questions
than a eatecb ism," and btiore the
discottr.gtd representative oi uiepre-t-i
couli recover irosn his sarprise. the
hay wagon had turned the adj ietut
corner. Kxe'iange.
From sl:e AJbacy Ds-;uoctU
Jolin ItnrKtiBrl AcqnittK! fcy the Jury
in Ten 1 i mi te 1 : uale Iifs XotSifitsr
icniust J. . I n.
For tlie firt th'ee days of this week the
i,,tvre-f of our cifi.'ens centered at the
I-..,., i House where John H. Burkh.nt ws
on tthl. ch(iig!-d jointly with . I. G. Evan,
with robhii'.g ihe sat- in tne toaiii3 cirra s
etRce. la-t jm:e. "I he Attorneys lor the
State were District Attorney Whitney, N.
B- Humphrey at d Richard Williams, ar:d
those for the defense were Messrs. Geo. It.
If.-iin. E. C. Bro'-aueh. II. Y. Thopmson.
Iu ti Havdtn and Powell & Flinn. Ahont,
tifteeii witnesses testified on each side of
the ease, tiieir evidence being wtoiiy
cirvfliiistantlal. The ca-e was argued, on
heh.-ilf of the State, by Messrs. Humphrey
and Williams, aid "f r the tiefensa by
Messrs. Bio.isugli aud Thompson- Jit'ge
Boiilnm's chaige to the jury was quite
lengtbv and embodied fnity iw j.oiuts on
tbeweight and importance of circiimstan- e vuieiH e. Alter iin iimwr iboi mini-bed
bis ef targe tlie jury retired for
cousultattqji. aud in ten minutes tliert-after
reftuuel with a verdict of UtaiUj!
Mr. Whifi'-ey District Attorney, immtdi
iiteiy aro-e :tnd asked that Mr. Joseph G.
Ev:ns. who had been jointly iiidicttd .vit'i
Burkhart. be discliarg.'tl from cn-totiy. '-as
the State had notiiiuir against him."
Tiler:? seemed to be universal satUfuvtion
among our ciiizens at the result of the tri
1. atid titeytMltii men wtre warmly con
gratulated on every hand. Ther was
absointelv no evidence adduced which
could by anv reasonable, tair (ier.on be
tortured "into suspicion against titlier of
the two persons' who were indicted, i.or
was tliere. to our mind, any evidence dic
ed which could point, with inference even,
to the guilt of any one. The robiiery c.i
lie court house 'safe . will mo-t ptohab.'y
forever remain veiled in profound my-
. .. - . . IIUI.11. - -.( J
uu: Sit'iu-ks m liie -auie proportioi), w itu Jwyr hall" the of bU Wr.
Wit dclsKf fog d Ti)e fcttauusrlr ?f
t I
With tbe Uuttt-d Sitates.
Veraionjr itl Ihe Oniennlnl .
BFJH.W. S. 1th Tiaj list of German
exbibilors at the Ceiilctmiil exhiniton at
Philadelphia Will number 1. 10. I be
Presidents ot Provinces, at tlie suggestion j t,j,,"haii not Fprung a Uak the captain
ol the r.inoress. are coliectblir all arii'des i - . , ..... t,.i. I),.r on
connected with tlie treatment ol ,bc
wounded hi time of war. They w i'.
exhibited together. One of tlie obi - .s ot
Ii,iUi.,.i u-tll lu. m i.imtili-lii Fed i o HlFi-d inlt.
exuicssly to transport the sick and wou.-d-
t'ollftpve of rl Ism.
Sas Skbastian. Nov. lib Cm-list G m.
Miici is iiigotiaiing w ith ihu autiim itie- o.
Puycerda with a view to bringing iiboiii a
I nice. All Intelligence receivetl heie mill
cates that a settlt ment ot Ihe war is u,. vi-
table. iu conseipieiici? of exhaustion and
disurganizat ion of Cat lists.
More MoraiS mid losa or Lire.
T .ivtiov Nov. 21 .The la-t storm was
..isr. ilisitsrroiis to sliinnini: craft, especi
ally on the east, coast. Fourteen lives are
already reported lost and many vessem
Another London special announce a
li-.-ister on the railway between Stock-
holtn anl Ma I mo, whereby 10 ears, were
comidetcly smashed and 00 passengers
killed or severely injureu. t m iasi, imv.-
uvus ihuv reiit'e ti tne nreviousiv reowri.-
ed railroAd disaster In Sweetleii.
(Juvrrnuieiit Purrhaalnff the Itallwajs
A sja'cial from Rome says the terms for
the purchase bv Italy of the upper Italian
system OI railways nave iieen tin.n i
ranged. They wilt now be submitted to
p.iriinioent. The amount' iuvolved is
abwit 12,000,000 sterling.
Ilrl lAtwlth oil on Hoard.
San FkassisCO, Nov. 20. Ihe brig
tvillimantic. Olsen. master, lett Huui-
i i.i. ii.. d tii.ti,lue 9flrb. News has i II t
I..,..!, se..ieeil that nor nous of her hull lias
come ashore at Goiu liiiiii. coining
heard of those on hoard, sue nau u crew
of" eight men. She Is supposed to have
foundered in tne recent neuvy gaies. oue
iinnmil to J. Kenttleld & Co uninsured.
She is an old vesnel and has been oa the
uoast since isoa.
Treinentloim Knln Storma -Henervolra
t'Hrried Away- iuiiiiw
Sokoha, Oal.. Nov. 21.-During ine
vii i Jih and ltlth about twelve inches of
rain fell at this point, which is more than
has fallen in the fame length of time in
this country since its settluinent uy ine
...I.;..,., lt..tli resei-vnirs on Sullivan
creek, owued by the Phcanix Ditch Com
pany, were carried away, UK lone; uiic
going first, tlie upper one ioiioiumr in
about an hour, carrying off bridges and
houses anu drowning several ,'""
All walls delayed from mesuay uu una
evening. :
A Louisiana per ieters ton cotem-
ponirv as "a sickly Ji'iicaw who euu
OF A w!I.J)
a i..iu.c -v---' - -tue jit-bt was Kept aooui uemi
landing tmiptioiis affecting our reb.ttoti , untU tne steamer hove about
two points oil' the starboard w,
wneii the Captain gave the o.der to
pun the helm nurd down, which oroei
vas obeyed, but too late to avoidj a
cc'lisioii. After ascertaining that tne
i-r.ii red the helmsman to keep her on
her course, which course was kept
about an hour or mote. The steamer
followed the ship and hailed Per three
..parate limes out no answer w i tr
im tied, t,ie "''P kt'l'' 'tT
course. After following tne ship a
fow minutes the sleaun r was uimbi.--o
keep up with nt-r ar.d dropped
nsierii. Fifteen uiinuu s nfter the col
lision all traces of the steamer had
vanishel, the ligh'S disappeared, am;
nothing more wits seen of her by Gi
shii. It was about fifteen minutes
from ihe time the light was sighted
until the c-.dlision. If the ship had
held her own course she would have
passed about two miles to the leeward
of the steamer. At the time of the
collision the ship was going about
cMit knots with a fair breeze, and
the night was clear, but during the
night it blew very hard and also ram-
...1 Csiiirili.ih r.ti AS. THOMPSON"
Wl- I ''f-' . . . ,
We, members of the same which,
witnesses to tbe above.
A CO. Haktwio,
Chas. Brown.
Alfred BriitE.
Subscribed and sworn to lie fore me
this 12th day of November, 175.
J. A. KiriTX.
Notary Public.
McLean County Oo.reopor.ik-riCB
Commercial. !
A very singular animal wa capfurco
fevv days ago. in tlii vieinur, by W.
Crwar. and hiving no name for him, ,
have called bim the -li!iir'.es borst
t lii .-. iierhaps. is oi e of the greatest f f
nomena the weter-i hemi-phere can
boast of. l'he animal was t'.ir. d in he
neighborhoo I of Grce.i river, seven n He
north of Calhoun. He was discovert d
scampering through ihe ivmnh, trying to
rvachsomeborses were grazing just
inside the farm and by opening a way for
him the animal was sson captured. On
examining him he was found, to lie en
,l,.ciinii nl' a sincrle solitary hair.
In color he is a beautiful glossy black and
ha the appearance of bci..g cast i.f India
rnbher. the skin is so smooth and dean
tliat any lady can rub him without soiling
the finest ki.l giove. It. seems that he lias
been captiired "before, and in a wiid state,
and still retains a 'portion of that proud
-pirit which caftlivity cannot snbduo. We
have no idea wheie lie fame from, unless
hee-capeii from some menagerie and we
have read of no such animal with any
lie is one of the most remarkable freaks
of nature that ever en me to tijjlit. occa
sionally to p.erplex the casual philosoplier.
and to piovoke the uiibcuiifitd astonish
uiciit nf il'-" W-holder
.Ait. it.ttbHAI-11.
A bah. iu Maiysviile, Caiiloruia, was
attended by an avenge of about ten men
to one woman: but the women ine.l to
have made up in vivacity what thej
hreked iu numls-r. Miss Lot fa Shonman,
attired In blue silk en train it bt pull-back.
o v-l,utf o,i kids and a lace overdress, wa-
prettiest and sprlghtliest. She had a qnar
r..l with her escorr. late in the evening.
and in her dashing way said: "Jest look
a here, l am t no sioucn, t m ..
am, and know how to behave like one."
Then she drew a revolver noni hit pta-Kei
, ,i. r.a.u ot her dress at. the hio.
i(llttMi iii. ."..' ' - .
m.d shot the beau, so that he is likely to
die. .
There are in the United States 10 insti
tutions Inr the instruction of deaf mute-
I'llU tllllll Iter of instructors employed in
tliem is 2S9. The number of inmates un
del- instruction in 1873 was 4.534.
A lady thinking it was time for her little
.iti-ntr ehildi-h thiiisrs informed
r, timt santa Plain was a "made-up"
person that there wa no such being at
all. Upon which the c uld, with tarcoiuii g
-nleiuuity. asked: l unma. nave tou
been fehfog me lies about Jesus Cl.f isr,
, I'rlslittnl Aeeitlen.
A in ANY, Nov. 20. While Frank ("hani-
ers was tufirlng a saw log this morning
ppoife this city, the prop sprang from it
iiio ing it to roll bitn. ci usbing his
ri dit leg and couiptessu'g ins tun) ue-
tweeii the log and a Hmb hi scc-i a man
ner as to fracture the pelvis and produce
-eriou ti ternal ltijuiie, irom which ne.
will probably die. Dr. Jones i rendering
medical aid.
Xo rain to-day. The river has fallea
ahont. two feet.
Fire -.! Alhany.
Ai rant, Nov. 21. About halt past 7
this evening a tire broke out on the upper
floor of the Democrat building, aud soon
the were blazing through the sides
. :;d root. By prompt etlbrtsot our firemen
and Ctzeiis "it was at once subdued with a
total loss to building and contents of less
than ylOOO. Insured.
A WO.WAX-., CXDl'UM'li.
-The Erie (P.i.) Dispatch relates the fol
lowing instance of wo H m's power of en
durance: A young woman, a few days
since, walked from U'arren to the House
Hospital, in thi place, and asked admis
sion. The Superintendent refused, her.
-die then walked, the same dav. sly-en
miles further, to Spring Creek, was d-dv-
ered of child when alone, wrapped if in
her apron, left it on the dootso-p of a
citizen of the place, and walked m ps
rance ot" seven miles to Corry btfore day
light the next morning. The g l ii u w
workin? i" hotoist Warren.
The Portland Bee says: ., .iiotu'it
fl-e Orejroiiian's article on the e'ec iou
p-etfv roiMl till we found ic i -i t Sa.i
Franclcco Su!Iet!a o aoem-lie-cat:."