The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, November 20, 1875, Page 2, Image 2

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A MIMnkr.
Ofi'ieor McCoy brought op last night Mr. Geo.
Crawford, chargiii with larceny. The charge
was not sustained anil M r. Crawford came 08'
with flying colors.
The School Board of Directors of the city
have )ut completed their regular annual round,
tUiting all the schools of the city. A regular
report will probably be published in our col
umns in a short time.
ITer. IT. P. Peck, of St. Louis, arrived in this
city on Thursday ntrht aud will take charge as
pastor of the First Presbyterian Church,
preaching lib first su hton on rtnuday morning
next, as will be found in our church directory.
A " ratitk-ation " meeting was Ueld at Pete
Emerson's ou Thursday riutit. Ho was not
jollyfyiug over tha Kopnblican victories in the
Eist. but had a veritable rat, in good health,
which his d.g "Jw" dished tip in good sliajie in
short order.
A fine gold breastpin containing a photograph
of some young lady's 'feller'' was found ou the
Fair Grounds and left at this office. It can be
had by paying one dollar fov this notice and
identifying property.
Articles of corporation were filed on Wed
nesdav in the ofiiea of the Secretary of State
by the Italics and Deschutes Road and Bridge
Company. The imvrporatois are C. H. Miller.
J. B. Condon and G. V. Comm. The capital
stock is $1,000.
Trof. F. M. Day met his rMlveiivn dancing
alass lat night. He ha alxiut titty lire pupils
at that place. The attendance at the Opera
. Houso to-niiitit will not likely foil short of
ity. The Professor is Terr popular as a
teacher of the Poetry of Motion."
Daniel Clarke. II. X. Hill. Kobt. Clew and
S. W. Brown ou Thursday liltd articles of in
corporation for the Oregon State. Grange in the
office of the Secretary ot Hrate. The capital
stock is $7l, in shares of SI each. The princi
pal ortice of the company is to be located in
If there is a whin? woman or man iu the city
doing washing for christians, it should lie
made known thron;:h the columns of the
Statesmax. The ahnond-eyed and pig-tailed
Asiatics who generally do the work are not reli
able aud are not the class the people desire to
Judge Harden, a regular active transitive
Democrat, is considered a G rover man, but it is
evident that he prefers that Senatorial light
ning shonld strike clear to him. If we were an
ranging a Congress suitable for a pre-historic
are, Mr. H. would make a good member.
How about the resolutions of "179s."
Riser evti.
The steamer "Alice" is making the first trip of
the season. Capt. Bell is iu command ana Dr.
J. V. MVCully presiding st the purser' desk,
of old. She passes down this morning with two
hundred and twenty tons of wheat w bich goes
into a ship now losding for Europe.
The regular meeting of the teachers of the
city last night was well attended and considera
ble interest was manifested. Miss Josie Me-
Seil, of Dallas, and Prof. Haze, of Gervais,
and others were visitors. All friends of educa
tion are invited to visit the schools and
attend the "teachers' meetings" on every other
srxi.a."s Ferry.
Mr. A. Spong's ferry, sir, miles down the
river, is in good working order and the travel
ing public can be accommodate,! at all times.
"Safety, celerity and dispatch" is the watch
word of tlie concern. ''Phil" has been run
ning the machine for a year past., but has
moved to Saltro.
sfititnry Sotes.
In accordance with the provision of para
graph 1, general orders X'o. 42, enrrent series, '
War Department, cn the recommendation of
the poet commander, the ration of bread st
TWvitory. is increased j
Jers, No.
relieved; this
'a-rival of eotsipanv
la Wails.
riniiued a witness r
an I was taken aback
by the wttrh-sa tvss B j&nK individ
ual from up tlie Ssnaam, and distressingly hon
est. Ia testifying euttotrmiig a hhtsttliig affair,
he took the TndV' walking stick and placet! ij
to his shoulder, like a nn. in order to answer a
question as to how the shooting wss done, an.
were,l, '-lieua :.luut zt far oft as the Cnp
tain in the pulpit," pointing to th bridge on
the bench. The J;t.lg- denied beimr a ."Cap
tain," and declared his bench was 110 "pulpit."
The witness is f-tiil in a quandary as to signirl
oaliou of tc-rm, and the jury had little confi
dence in his inteliiLice.
Uterpool Wltfit
Tha following i? tl;-; Or-gun:uN
cablegram of wlies ,;.r.t.iti-,r;. d;r.
l.r.Liiiooi., S"V. !
To-day's I.ivrrK.l wheat Distrkt t 1
follows: Oregon -wheal, t-x ttiirehouse,
3d to lis 7d i?r cenul: California clnl.
t tiom
. is;;,. '
fl'om lla
ex ware-
house, from lis 4d to lis Nl rxr cental; Oiv-goL
eargoes, afloat on tlie psNhagc to the United
Kingdom, offers at lis 1.1 to lis :Jd percental.
Market fallintr. llENtty Ji mpa S,
The above ii0rures indicate a general decline of
2C;3J per cenial on all classes since last week
The annual meeting of the Orphans Aid Ro
cicty took place at the M. E. Church in this
city on Thursday la:-t and electe! tiie following
officers for ioe ensr;ieg j-chi:
President, Mrs. J. H. Moores.
Vice President, Mrs. Dr. Carptnb-r.
Secretary, Mrs. A. W. Kinney.
Tressiuer, Mrs. ci. W. Oray.
Board of Managers. Mrs. Leo Willis, Mis.
Wheeler, Mm. (i. W. Gray, Mrs. J. H. Mix.res,
Mrs. J. Minto. Mrs. P. L. Willis, Mrs. A. A.
McCnlly, Mm. T. McF. Pattou, Mrs. A. W.
Kinney, Mrs. Dr. Caipenter, Mrs. J. F.. Ptar
tey, and Mrs. J. E.-S'.pvnj.
The ofticers elect are amnng Salem's best la
dies, and we liespeak for the Orphan's Home a
liapjjy year.
trt ATSf.
E. Statesman : Miss Somebotly writes to
the Collegian:
All things-that exist or have axisted eive evi
dence of the march of that great Destroyer, who
is ever on tlie watcn lor new- victims, irenera-
tion after generation have passed awav, as regu
larlv as the s inter succeeds the summer, and
still another generation is following in the foot
steps of its ancestors. Ecclesiastes said truly,
"The thing which hath been, it in that which
shall be: and that which is done, it is thatwhich
shall he done; and there is no new thing under
the sun.
Ia death a great desrroyej? Or, is lie a fellow
who only brings about a "change" in the form
of humanity, without destroying identity ? Is
Mr. Death not frequently a welcome visitor?
When youth is affected with incurable disesase
is it not relief for Death to call? When old age
has dulled the faculties and worn out the ma
chinery of the body.Death is greeted as a friend
Is not the idea of f ar of Death a relic of ages of
. superstition and ignorance? Will somebody ex
plain? TuiXKEE.
Tlie Kwiablc.
Kotwithstanding the unusual severe inclem
ency of the weather, Hie attendance at the so
ciable on lawt eveniu. the spacious
parlors of the Commercial Hotel were
literally crowded with the elite of the city and
social enjoyment reigned supreme with all. The
hours sped pleasantly along and as strict form
ality was thrown a.iio, the participants could
not help enjoying themselves. Mrs. Wesley
Graves, ably assisted by her daughter, Mattie,
assumed the role of hostesses (nttne evident sat
isfaction of every one present. The programme
of exercises included music, social converse and
refreshments, the latter being served with luvinh
hands and in great variety. As usual, tbe sup
per hour was the liveliest of the evening and
mirth held high carnival for a sdiort season.
Jokes were freely cracked and as grucefnll; ac
knowledged while old hearts for the time being
aud young hearts fairly overflowed with wirth
fulntss. All iu all, the occasion was one to be
remembered by those present as doe of the
Fort Wrangle, Alaska
cases in tbe dert ef lite.
rasslnr Sold Fields.
The Oregouian of Friday contains the follow
ing in regard to these mines: "The steamer
California, from Fort Wrangle, arrived at Vic
toria en route tor Portland on last Bunday,
bringing 180 passengers and at least $250,0U0 in
Cassiar gold dust. E, A. Booth, of Victoria!
brought about $7,000 obtained on Dease creek.
Other miners had from MOO to $6,001) each.
There was no "broke" men on board. The now
discovery on Bayyca creek aud other tributaries
of the Deloire are attracting great attention,
and will be tha poiut of attraction next year.
The Discovery Company on MeDaroo creek
brought down about J1.8U0 to the share. The
new strike ou Thibert's creek promises largely.
In the Deloire country there are hundreds of
thousands of acres of auriferious ground not
yet taken up. The Colonist received by the
California a letter from Telegraph creek.Stikine
datedOot. 17, which states that the quantity of
gold dust passing that point in the hands
of Pease creek merchants during the
fall has been as follows: Wright Nel
son Calbrath about 3T-0 pounds
of dust; Gerk A Co. 200 winds; Foster, 100
pounds: Itlasa A Co., 150 pounds; Martin A
Hart, 100 pounds; butchers, saloon-keeper and
small traders, 800 pounds. Making in all about
1,300 pounds weight of gold, or $200,000 worth
taken, by a few merchants. It must be retnen..
hered that the above did not all come out of
Deae Creek, as those traders supplied other
small creeks who .have not population enough
to support a store. The same letter says: "The
I amount taken down by miueas 1 cannot give
you any estimate of; but I have not noticed a
single man going down without money. A
friend of mine informs me that a colored man
bv the name of Booth baa taken ont of a gulch
about six miles up Dease Creek $9,000. Tl e
Moore boys have made enough out of their claim
this year to build another steamboat to run
from Victoria t the boundary line nest season,
which we all hope will be the case. Thibert A
Co. are aaid to have struck, rich diggings on a
tributary of Thibert's Creek, paying front $30
to $100 per day to the hand. The Discovei y
Company, Mcltames Creek is paying 150 ouncts
to 250 ounces per week. Last week they had
2?0 ounces. The Walker Company, from 50 to
75 onnces; Black Jack Company, 75 t 100
ounces and several otbers paving well. It is
also reported that a lsttle below Meltanie'a
Creek rich diggings have been struck. In con
clusion, I have not the least hesitation iu saying
that I believe we shall have at least 5,000 men
here net season."
I From the Farmer.
Letter Irani IHtnlel Clnrlte.
Master of
the Mute truge
Salem, Not. 5. 1875.
Mb. F.mtob: Will yon please say through
the columns of your paper to the Pat
rons of Husbandry of this jurisdiction that
Brother Arthur Warner has resigued as State
Agent, having given the most entire satisfaction
to the Executive Committee, and that Brother
8. P. Lee has been appointed as hi successor,
That the State Agency in the future will be car
ried on with the utmost vigor. Bines the lata
meeting of the State Grange the business of
the Agency has increased very rapidly, giving
much encouragement for its future prosperity.
We confidently hope that all the Patrons
will concentrate their business there. All buai.
ness communications iu the future should be
addressed to S. P. Lee, Portland, Oregon,
Also p'ease announce that I shall start on
Monday next, November 8th, to attend the
Ninth Annual meeting of the -National Grange
at Louisville, Kentucky. During my absence
Bro. 8. W. Brown, of Vancouver, W. T., will
act in my place as Chairman of the Executive
Committee, having b5r elected to that posi
tion. All business connected with that depart
ment will be under his supervision, and all
communications should be addressed to him
during my absence. Other papers in this State
will confer a favor to publish the above.
Diwil Clark,
Master of the Oregon State Grange, and
Chairman of the Executive Committee.
Special to the Statesman.
The Oregon Steamship Company's steamer
John L. Stephens, sailed from Portland Friday
aftercooa at 3 o'clock, wife the following
Ben Holladav, Jr.
W H Trotter",
Mrs M A 1 rotter,
8 B Hendee,
Miss Anna Tuck,
Mrs. J. I). MeCurdy,
D X Jackson,
Wm Clark,
W X Wheeler,
T B Daniels,
E Stockton,
B L Morrison,
L C Hetirichseu,
C Derrick.
W J McConntll,
M Lichecs'ein.
Mrs Haines A child,
J X . ,
M G Jacobs,
E H Taj lor.
J Thwaiie wf A infant,
MrsHumpbreytiile aud
J J B.swell, wf A child,
M C Wetwter A wue,
T J Spratt,
F nmoud.
It f Sheridan, -
J W Morelami,
Mrs Dr J B McCurdv,
T Masou,
W H Heywood,
J F Ijosn.
Mi E Sullivan,
And 21 in the sterage.
J P Magruder.
Martin Campbell. Lindslev,
B Lew,
jas O Barrows.
J W Millar.
Miss Btmiel'.,
W W Stockton
Geo Averv wife,
Dr J L York
W W Hnaw.
M Barrett,
li Arrowswortb,
.las H--aley,
Jiiss Marth Constable,
Mrs O'Brien A i cuu.
Jss Alexander,
Jas Henilerson ,V wf,
Capt B R Bi i ile,
Mrs Mary Glenn,
ti r.hrens.
I -Mrs It B Armstrong,
j Mrs T A Dnrning, sis
ter A infants,
.! S Cobs,
j Mrs T B Sheridan.
! H V Qtieen,
lECGrd, '
I J McClnne.
Chss Hasselman,
li iiite,
( !io E Crawford,
The Oregon Steamship Company's steamer
Ajix left San Francisco Saturday with the
Hon L D Sbrover,
Col U Jones, l S A,
Itev J F Knowlcs,
T Heath.
Ir Gibson,
T H Crawford wife,
1 F Cal breath,
ti M Gowdv,
J C Kandali,
E Stnhl,
H Kahn,
J M Htrowbridce.
J C Ainsworth A
Gen John Adair,
A Van Dnsen,
J O Siel,
W B Barr.
Miss C Bmk,
W P Smith,
W J Hardy,
'A W Burnham.
C Dolph,
C H Ipham,
A iae.iiister.
Jirs 1. 1, w oodcock and Mrs M Massaer,
child, F M Carty,
Geo Brown, I 8 Rosenbaum,
J Hocking, B Williams,
W Smith and family, H Smith and family,
Geo Whiteaker & wife, J A Dodge A family,
i v ntepnens ana lam, .1 tddinRS.
L M Cox and family,
Mrs M Hyde and ch,
Mrs Atkins,
Mrs CC Hall 4 eh,
Miss L Moorley,
Miss Eva Hilton,
Mrs E Bormham,
Mis Atkins
Mrs C Morley A ch.
Mm D Grothgan and
4 cuudren,
1 JJueber and wire,
H. S. Parkhurst, Pennsylvania colonist,
5iew Boarder.
Fonr new boarders are sent from Portland to
stay with Mr. Watkinds for a term of three
years each. The Portland Journal says: "This
afternoon, upon tbe argument of the motion
for a new trial for George Connor, Willie Rey
nard, John Dougherty and Charles Carrol, coi -Ticted
of larceny, the Court denied the motion
alleging that the defendents had had an impar
tial trial, and were convicted by the weight of
testimony, and in opposition to the sympathy
which went out to them from the Tery first.
The prisoners were then callod up for sentence,
and having no reason to assign why they should
not be sentneccd, the court proceeded to de
liver sentence. He pointed out to them the re
sult of their waywardness and cautioned them
to so discipline themselves while in the Peni
tentiary as to be prepared when restored to
freedom to live an honorable and upright
life and live down thedisgraee they had brought
dewn npdh their own heads. He then sen
tenced each of the four boys to imppieon-
ment in the State Penitentiary for the period
of three vears.
An effort is making to get np a class of 15 to
20 persons to take lessons in phonography at
early candle light on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday evenings of each week. liev. Addison
Jones, who is accomplished as a short-hand
writer, consouts to attempt the instruction, and
those who wish to join such a clai-s can see him
or H. A. Clarke, who is attending to the organi
sation of the class. The expense will be small
to a class of that size.
. trull Iti-yiu.
We have examined Sam Claike's drying
macliiue, and pronounce it a success. It will
cure four thousand pounds, green fmit per day.
The machine is so cheaply constructed that it is
within the reach of every fruit grower in the
State. Mr. Clarke has the entire right to man
ufacture and sell in Oregon, Persons wishing
to see one in operation should call at the, r.
j rar offiae.
, Called.
Col. I. B. Moores, of Portland, called on us
last night. lie examined an advance sheet of
Brown's address on tha nbject of "Mound
Builders," and thinks the new theory tenable.
John P. Galloway sentenced for five ycara
and Tom. Davis sentenced for one year in the
Penitentiary, were brought in ou Friday by
Sheriff Eakin of Linn county and turned over
to the tender mercies of Mr. Watkinde.
Oct 28th, at the residence of the bride's nude
in Linn couutv, by Iter. E. A. McAllister, Mr.
W01. F. Siegle, of Polk county, aud Miss Me
lissa Beits, late of Quiiiey, 111. Herald, Quiuey,
(111.) please copy.
Far entsa .
Eighty cabin and one hundred aud twenty-
five steerage passengers left Ban Francisco yes
terday for Oregon. Come along, friends, we
hare the finest aoil on the Globe, and wheat is
worth H5 cents per bushel.
I'lae t rull.
It. B. Geer, Esq., who resides abont twelve
miles from tsalom, brought us a basket of splen
did fruit on Saturday. Some of the pears
weigh over two pounds each and are most ex.
cellout. Our neighbors further east would
smile to see this fruit.
On October 4th, a valuable mink fur cape,
somewhere on the road leading front the Peni
leutiary to the city. The Under will be suitably
rewarded by leaving the same with John Hol-
inan, at the Haiem Iron Works, or at the
8m'ESM.t! office.
Home atoM and Moved.
The dwelling house standing north of Booth-
by A Btapletou'i Pash and Door Factory and be
longing to the Balem Water Company, has
been purchased by Mr. Everett E. Thatcher and
moved across Front street nearly opposite
where it formerly stood.
Mr. John Miuto, Oregon's irrepressible sheep
grower, has just received four thoroughbred
Merino ewes. They came from Messrs. Sever-
ranee A Pete, of California. Mr. Miuto is a
wealthy farmer of Mariou conntv, aud has for
many vears been identified with the tine stock
raisers of Oregon.
We girt considerable space in this morning's
issue, to an address on the subject of "Mound
Builders," because of its aggressive style and
the importance of the subject. The author of
ti e address is a graduate of Vale College and
has given much time to the study of tlie "origin
id destiny of races."
fttlrklnt: lo the Text.
Mr. John Humphries, a wealthy farmer of
Marion county, has been a regular subscriber
to tbe Oreoox BrvrESHAS, through all its
changes since 1853. Mr. H. credits the States-
has with having carried Marion county for Mr.
Warren by such a large majority. Mr. Bum
phriea pays for the States iu adiabce.
A fellow who baa lately come front tbe San-
tiam mine save any d d fool can got meney
enough in the older States to get to this cosst
but he finds few with sufficient ingenuity to get
money etiough to get back again.
Mr. J. W. Hobart, ot Buena Vista, called on
ns yesterday, lie informs ns that the w ire rope
for the ferry boat at that place is now np aud
the" boat ia good running order. Mr. II. is our
a? Qt for the Si a nsVAS at that place.
Trrtf. Day givea a soiree at Hilrertoaon Fri
day night of this week. This is a fine opportu
nity for the young f.ks of Sjlem, who delight
in dancing to take a pleasant ride in the coun
try and have an evening's amusement.
Maj. Spaulding, ol the 7th C. S. Cavalry lain
the city. His reminiscences of incidents at the
second battle of Bull Bun are fraught with
much amutemant, when you consider bis man
ner. The "champion snorer" of the State, failing
to receive a premium at th late Btate Fair, for
that especial talent now claims that his face
will compare favorably with th best mer
achaum pipe the nssal protubrance takiugon
the same color as the smaller f atures.
I aore OntnoUwI.
W. R. Dunbar, G. W. C. T., on the 6th ibst.,
organized a Lodge of Good Templars at Mt.
Zion, Clackamas county, with twenty-two
Member, i. K. De Shiels, W. C. T.; Amanda
PinUcy, W. V. T.: W. H. Livermore, W. 8.;
J. D. Palmateer, W. M.; Uaus Delf, W. D. M.:
4. W. Palmatrer, L. D.
On tbe "th ef Xovemler, 187"), by Kev. Sam
uel Hv-iniager, Mr. Frelerick Hsmmack to
Miss Mary J. White, all of Marion county.
May your hearts remain united.
And from joy bo never blighted,
Till from earthlr labors fre,
i'ou nay ever happy be. 8. II.
Helen, little daughter of John aud Georgia
Berry, of this city, died yesterday at 4 o'clock
p. m., ared ten years.
The funeral will take place from the resi
dence ot the parents to-day (Tuesday! at two
o'clock p. M. Friends of the family are invited
to attend.
Miss Imogeae Holbrook, dramatic reader, pu
pil of Mr. Jaa. E. Murdoek, the great tragedian,
will give select readings from the Poets, in this
place in a short time. Her readings through
out the country have met with great success,
and received the highest enconinms from the
public, the press and professors of elocution.
Further announcement will be made in the
Statesman, soon.
A Shred from thai "Hlooily Mitrt."
A certain Capt. who had charge of an ambu
lance train during the second battle of Bull
Run, is now a resident of Salem. It is told by
a a old friend that he was moving bis train in
the direction of Gen. Lee'i camp, when one of
Gen. Pope's orderlies ordered him to 'halt."
The Captain said, "What for?" and was an
swered, "We are whipped !" Whereupon the
Capt. answered, "The h 1 I am ! I will take
this train to the batte-field or die !" He came
back to Washington on foot and alone.
Krtiool lter.
The following are the names of pupils who
have not been absent or tardy for the month of
October at the Central High School:
Emma Crawford, Mamie Langhead,
Emma Tupper, Lottie Hetzler,
Nellie Melten, Alice Hatch,
Minnie Fricsey, Olive Veateh,
Olga Bridges, " Alice Keid,
Henry Evans, Charley Raker,
Bartie Cromwell, Johnnie Coffey,
Seott Langhead, Thomas Cave,
David Sweitswr, Willie Hetzler,
George Shirley, Johnnie Peebles,
George Hatch.
Mes. L. G. Aoaib, Teacher.
An Important C'nae.
James Whitney, under indictment for burn
ing a barn the property of G. A. Cone, not long
since, has been arraigned and pleads "not
gnilty." A jury was empanneled yesterday and
the case oomes up for hearing this (Tuesday)
morning. Messrs. E. P. Boise and J. J. Mur
phy are aiding Presecuting Attorney Mr. Whit
ney; and Ed. Esom, Sep. Henlat and It. Wil
liams for the defence. The oth party accused
of the crime is supposed to have gone to sea.
The trial is important and will attract consider
able attention. A report of the result will be
given in tbe Statesman as soon as it is known.
Other business of the Cnm-i "binding slowly.
The Oregonian of the Btn inst. says: "To
day in the district court which is in session at
Vancouver, the case of John Hugill, who ia in
dicted for the murder of Lewis Miller, will
come up for trial. Hugill is a nephew of de
ceased, and during a family quarrel which oc
curred gome weeks ago near Ealama, he
snatched a Bhot gun from- the bands of a man
named Burk, and discharged the contents at his
uncle, killing him instantly. Burk, it seems, is
regarded as an accomplice, and has been Jointly
indicted by the grand jury with Hugill for
murder in tlr- first degree. Messrs. Gibbs and
Caples jf ihis city tave been employed to de
fend the parties. The case is an important one
and much interest will be felt during the trial.
Hugill and Burk, we are informed, have here
tofore borne good characters mfor peace and
Iu the Whiteman case, ia the Circuit Court
yesterday, a motion tor a new trial was argued
at length, and the Judge reserved his decisl n
until thiB morning.
C. P. Church, Esq., Superintendent of tbe
Oregon City Flouring Mills, called on us last
night. He reports ha town and ni l in gO-d
The following table is made up from actual
figure received from precincts heard from !
aker ,
Ben ton ,
"Claukamas , . ,
Grant . . ;
Jackson. .......
Josephine. . . '
45 ....
61) ....
tW3l 113
01 ti
Linn w
Multnoqrmb .
Wasco.- .
Washington. .
Lane's plurality, 2I.
colcmiiia orntAi..
Warren. Lane. Whitneif.Diliiick.
Srappmwe . . . . 9
13 -
Banvie's Island. 3
Union 14 2H
Deer Island 4 M
Oak Point 5 17
Kehalem 9 8
43 70
Haitiier uo polls epcocd.
line's majority, 81.
Theeonniyis reported to hare gi
Jority for Warren.
en 39 UK -
A 4 AK.
Ei). Statesman. I find the following item in
the Oregoniau :
Pischahoed fob Want of Evuk-ce. In Sat
urday's issue we made mention of the arrest of
a young gentleman name,! George -K. Crawford,
late of Salem, ou the authority of a telegram
from Sheriff Shaw, of Marion county, to Chief
Lappens. No warrant was issue, and Mr.
Crawford, rather than remain iu jail here and
wait for a warrant to be issued from Haletu,
proposed to accompany Officer McCoy, who
made tlie arrest, ou the aflernood eapress train.
This was done, and on arriving at Salem,
Mr. Crawford a as taken tefore Justice H. A.
Johnson for examination, tin being brought
into court, the defendant was almost im
mediately discharged, there appearidg no ev
idence whatever to sutatanttate tiie charge.
It was declared to lie "a mistake," and Mr
Crawford wss told that he was discharged. So
far as we have been able to ascertain, tlie whole
proceedimfi emanated from malicious motives
on the part of some persons unfriendly dis
posed toward Mr. Crawford. We submit that it
is a griat hardship to the defendant to be
charged with a felony, subjected to the indigni
ty of arrest, to say nothing of the expense and
delay, and all on an accusation entirely unsup
ported by ttatimonv. Hacu appears to be the
case with Mr. Crawford, as be was discharged
without going through the formality of an et
amination. lie returned to Portland on Satur
day morning with officer McCoy, and will pro
oeed to San Francisco on the next steamer. We
are informed that Mr. Crawfml intends institu
ting proceeding for damages against tlie per
aous who procured his arrest.
Now, as 1 am the party who procured tlie ar
rest referred to, the statements natm.Mly affect
me and I desire to state tlie facta which are
known to Esquire Johnson and others, In or
der that the public may understand the whole
Mr. Crawford was in my employ and started
for a visit to San Francisco. After be had gone
I discovers 1 that some money h 1 been stolen
from tlie money drawer and believed him guilty
of taking it. On this supposition I telegraphed
for hia arrest and be came lack in charge of an
officer as stated. Mr. Crawford immediately
applied to compromise the matter, offering to
pay back tlie money and pay all coats. Having
no malic toward him and only desiring ,71 get
my money back, with the cjwt of tlie court,
1 settiAl tlie matter and the ptisener was dis
charge,!. J. C. Aukiks,
(Salem, Nov. 9, 1875.
Wetnnn'f Part la she On teunl!.
The ladies of Marion county who. are Inter
ested in the Oregon department of the coining
Ceutennial Exhibition, rre requested to meet at
2 o'clock, Saturday afternoon. Nov. 20th, at the
house of Mrs. J. H. Moores, Salem,
Committee of ladies in the d ff r lit conuti,
have been appointed to issue like calls and re
VJort results to the State Portland,
j of which Mrs. Duniwsy is chairman,
j It is hoped that this concert of action will ic-
snit in gatheiing a collection of interesting ob
jects. Belies and antiquated articles of any
S irt that haTe a history dating lack to revolu
tionary times are wanted.
A full display of the flora and fauna of Oregon
is desirable; pressed flowers, haves, grasses and
all plants common or peculiar to our comity;
mosses and ferns arranged w ith the artistic
taste possessed by so many of our ladied would
go far to show the cultivation of our people.
We are Msured by Hm. A. J. DntTer, Centen
nial Commissioner, that all articles loaned to
th3 department will l e faithfully returned to
the donors in due time.
It is proposed by the Stale Committee to ex
Libit the collection formed at a suitable place in
Portland before finally packed for -hipintr.t.
Mns. 8. A. Clarkk,
31 B8. John Minto,
Mas. A. A. McCri.LV,
M rs. J. H. Moonrs,
Committee for Marion Coun
Salem, Nov. S, 1ST5.
Tll lM.Matl.VlJ I'ltOf I.AM t IIO
Tha following proclamation by the (iovernor
of the State of Oregon has just been issued:
Iu becoming acknowledgment of the atwund-
ing blessings and mercies at the hands of an
Allwiso Providence, vouchsafed to us during
the year now drawing to a close, making all to
rejoice in seed time aud in harvest, preservin;
ns from tlie ravages of pestilence, lire, floods
and storms and metmg out to ns the full fruits
of all oui cemmon industries, as It wore to a
peculiar people; I do hereby appoint Thursday,
the 25th day of Xovember, 1875, to be observed
as a day of thanksgiving cud praise to Al
mighty Ood "who maketh peace in thy borders,
and flileth thee with the finest of the wheat.'
Given under my hand at Halem, this 5th day
of November, A. D. 1875.
l. R. L. F. Gbovku.
By the Governor,
S. F. CnADwrcK, Sneretary of State.
Itlver Ken. 1
The steamer Alice passed up the rivcr last
evening. Mhe goes to Uorvallis and will return
to-day and remain over night. v
The steamer City of Salem came down the
river to this place on Sunday and remained un
til Monday morning sho went to Portland with
two hundred tons of wheat. Purser Hatch
feels encouraged over the success of the new
boat and pleased with the liberal patronage she
is receiving.
J. A. Applegate, Esq., bought a residence yes
terday and will occupy it in a few daya. He is
valuable acquisition to the "legal fraternity" of
Mrs. Dr. MeCurdy has gone East and will re
main until after the Centennial celebration.
The Di . proposes to go next Spring and return a
year hence.
A man whose name we did not learn had an
ankle badly sprained by a ruaway in North
Salem yesterday. The team came off in good
condition but the carriage was badly broken.
The first Presbyterian Church has been with
out a pastor for sometime past, but the pulpit
will be occupied to-day by Bev. H. P. Peck.
The stage robbers lately captured in Umatilla
county, have been held over undor $2,250
beads, and will be brought to trial at an early
D. L. Biggs, of Salem, has invented a new
plan for repairing bells which is pronounced a
good thing. Gov. Grover certifies to having
witnessed the process, and calls it wonderful.
Frank McCully's many friends will be pleased
to learn that he ia slowly improving sfter a se
vere spell of lever. -
A Card
To all who are sutt'eiBg from the errors and in
dlscreitons ol youth, nervous weakness, early de-
oy, loss i nmnnooa, eio., 1 win semi a recijie
chat will cure yon, fkek ok charge. -Thisgreat
remedy was discovered by a missionary in Soiuh
America. Bend sell-addressed envelope to the
Kgv. Jobkpb T. JiiXAH, SMion l, Siole Iaute,
fftvi Xrk.
The People's Common Sense Medical Advi
ser, a book of about BOO pages, lllnstrated with
over 250 engravings and colored plat, and sold
at the exceedingly low price of $1 60. fcllsyou
how to cure Catarrh, "Liver Complaint," Dys
pepsia, or Indigestion. Hick, Bilious, and other
Headaches, Scrofula, Bronchial, Throat and
Lung Diseases; all diseases jireuiiar to women,
and most other chronic as well as scute disor
ders. It contains important information for
the voting and old, male and female, single and
married, nowhere else to be found. Men and
women, married and single, are tempted to ask
their iHtnily physician thousand of questions on
delicate topics, but are deterred from doing so
by their modesty. This work answers just such
questions so fully and plainly as to leaa no one
m uouni. n is soiu dv a cents, or sent by ma 1
postpaid on receipt of price. Adtlresa tbe author
. t. fierce, M.D., Wo
Vorld's Dispensary, Burl'a-
to, a. x .
JFrom the Lafayette Daily Courier. 1
Dr. It. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, distinguished in
surgery, and the general practice in the profet--siun
be honors, has made I valuable contribr
tion to the medical literature of tha day, In
comprehensive work entitled "The People's
Common Sense Medieal Adviser." While scien
tific throughout, it is singularly free from tech
nical nd stilted terms. It comes right down to
the common sense of every-day life. Dr. Pierce
is a noble specimen of American manhood. He
has sprung from the people; and, with many
tympatbles in common with the mast as. has
sought to rentier them a substantial service in
this the great work of his life.
It e v, P. 9. K.Nltiiir will deliver a course of live
Iroluie on the above sulject at the University,
beginning Nov. Id, at 7t o'clock P. M. A lecture
will bo given each Tuesday evening during No
vember. 1 .-.kel ir the course, 1 etl. Is be had of tlie
aiudeutattiid at the bookstores. tf
' Loot.
A gold ring ornamented with a garnet set in
tx-arls. A good looking young lady will suita
bly reward the tinder if the ring la left at tbe
Hrair-WAW eflire.
Beware of humbugs. The onlv place in Balem
to get first class Photograph and life size poa
Thaits is at F. A. Smith's, Commercial street.
3?" The National U iU Misial was awarded lo
Bradliy ltulofon forthebest Photon-apti Intbe
Cnlieil Stine. and ihe Vienna Molal for the beat
In Ilie woilit. Montgomery-si. San Francisco
Jotin liiav, the well-known furniture deader,
who has btuHntore occupied t he old tan.t of A.T.
l Mtmn. will mote his entire stock this Jv (Satur
day) to Imrian's Hlivk. corner ot Commercial and
Suite streets, lie will Alt tha new s and wiih a
full stock f r.ew gofnts, and ttvww destrjnit net
thing la his bus win i. well to give him a call.
A la-It nhohas lost three sons by cnnsmntitloii
wrile trom Hartfortt. Conn., to wit that her enlv
reiuainiog chilit, a Ha lighter, hat been saved, stii'
believe, trom a like fate hv the use of Uali'h
Pike's TtsH tutufae DroK cure In ens mluu'e.
1 have bought a ropy of the Tenrhrrt' BAite to
! auii bc, 1 think it well suited tot that style
of I . hrtt'tian warfare known as "hand to hsoii."
It It neat, a cmrwf, clear, portable, durable. If
It be title ihst "ihe word o tiol Is tbe swurd ef
the sdru." it bcuti nn tie hamper! In a cum
barstxne volume, with stiff b, ants at,.) jtolit Cla-.
r.very working Christian, like the a. gel of ihe
retaiators vision, fhmild hare "is am hand a.
little mK opr..' The Christian w ho would
ave men must larti to "opi le th'tn th Brrip
turr " This Teacher's llihle ojiens tlie mmt
conveniently, in a literal sense, at any book I ever
sun. If every active Chiistian had one of these
Hi!.le. ami would n It, not oalv la tils closet,
bin in his fUlly contact with the world, the day of
trinmjih fcr the cause of righteousness would be
nearer ai liaud. P. 8. EsiiiUT.
CoiigregaUoua! TaMor.
1 amde'ishted wish the Teacher's Bible. H is
In every repe-t I'm'wi as tsl a Baviar's bst
hitherto acknowledged as ihe bet In the world -anJ
iu some rejecis ii Is bs-tter, having sonieva).
liable he.s not foiiit! In Baxter's while ihe
nrice is HUM1 a lis 1 est. Br all mMtM buy
Ti-acher's Bihle-1 have besifht one ftsrraraelf.
Mr. Dver nrorswts lo sell them as cheaply w ihev
can tie had iromaay Slier murce, and will be
conferring a bisine upoa auy person slwrn he
can rsuaie to purvnase.
AnrLscin Johm,
Pastor of BaUist L'burch.
1 heartily endorse what Rev. A'Hlaon Jones bas
sail! io reaant lo ihe Teacher's ttible, aaa gladly
aii!:nue lor a ,-opv uivseii.
SAaciL 11 Bijftwn EH,
Pastor LvangeUcal Church.
Ma B. H. Pteu, Dear Sir: -la refrrenee to
your reqmwt. allow me to fay tha Teacher's Bible,
published by the AoirrlcaB Tract Society, upon
examina'ton proves to lie the ei best ia itse for
those who have not a-ces large libraries. The
Mitaitfy of the paper and tHmling 1 really irst
claw, ami will last for a lifetime of constant wear;
bent of linen ,a it: silk sewed, and tbe best
KilUucs tioumt in nexinie. Levant kkl hum env
era. The division of ihe proof texts between ibe
verges iexireie!v sunestireni i borough crlts ai
Mudr cmiiina S'riplure with ss-rlpiMt. The
verv full aiits u simty. consisting of over iron patres
ol tmieseo texts, eronisi toeetiier evorv iniiHirtau
'heme ef thought In the word of i,od. This fca-
tare alone is worth mute temettiao a retstrat
large Issik cosime I, .S3, to whK-h I naveconstant
Iv iu ref.-r. l,eeiee Uiere are over a ttozen cotn-
pl"tew;a;s ef Bib e countries and ci'tes, ;b t:i
loeical sab e. liarmmy ,,t tbe triKpel, iiames an
itiU's ot" Chest, tables' or eiirhts. rueniires an
niitiiey. lit 1'irt, it coutah, in small csjinpass
tn .ssen'mi conteuis oi geveiai large atio expen-
X,-i,nl,1 w!-li u .-i;,v vrcicin Hie hands ol every sih-
baih vhool Teacher and Hihie wiMleut In tbe
minrv. fKWAhD W. istRArroy,
l'atof Pre!)Ttet1aii ad t .oicn ysilousl Chun
Aibaui . Orcjtou.
Having carefully examined the Teacher's Bible,
I in! tnai-alv endorse all thai Is said in regain
t'itbvPiot P. f. knight, and Itevs. Addlsou II. . Siiattou.
PiiaMr Christian Church, Salem, Oregon,
Mr. II. Dyer, the agent for lhis excellent
work, hands its the fallowing tetlmonials for pub
lication, signed hy several of our well known cit!
1 have etaminod Zcll's Encyclopedia with seme
core, I notta ti iincny, and consider liac"HUiel,iliii!ii
of mure varied and nefttl iuliiiniaiion than any
work ef eiiiial Lze and i rice I ever saw. At oik's
a dicitotoirv of art. -leuee, history, blncranhvaml
langnaxe.H tills, lo a great exieat, the place of
V eiter and Appleten t ene, aud canuot tail to
tie useful to the tudent, the r-ro!eslonal man. or
any la mil y desiring to culiivale general know!
edge. l" M. ix.NiuitT, iong. rasior.
In our tn-!erevsiiilnatiin of !hiwork, all things
consider!. f Hud 11 t he without a rival iu Its
L. J. I'on ri.i,, A. U ,
I.. I.. lt. Wl.AMl, M., M. I).,
T. At. (j.AII H.
Pres'l Wlliaineite Colversiry,
I lave used this wondetfnlly full and compre-
lieuire vvoi-K ir lour rears, and have louint it
the most sail factory and convenient book or ref
orenc to whk-b 1 have evi r had access, both as a
illotlunary of the KnglKh language and a cyclone
ilia ol literature and science. xo work aoinpnses
more, or Is more accurate. For convenient refer
enceand sailluciory Information 1 regard 'ell
as a icn-at destiemtum to all protessioual men.
could not well do without it, and hoy. am pleased
Willi t lie oj -on unity of subscribing lorlhc nipple
meal, I luarlllv commend It as inol va'nshle
lo every student, and all who eeek lo lie well lu
furnwd. Him-Aimn. OfeARY,
Factor Presbyterian church.
The very brief eAaiulnaMon I have liecn able lo
make of I his work, has Icit upon my mind a con
viciiou nt its groat vvorih, aud leads Vue tooiidrai
me inise oc.-snweil iis,n ll tn ineso isiecs.
Tiio.mawv.uMsi-, Statu ideologist.
ot-reioxnor the Fact i.ttot pacifictjmivbr-
Some book of reference to which Inoiiiiina chil
dren c.-in iro lor iiilhrnutHou is an almont indisiwn-
"able liisirnuient of ediiciulon in the family. ! roni
Us repuiaiion rather than from the cursory ax-
aunation tuai l navoueeaauie locivo it, l ue-
liuve "7-ell's Kncyolouedia" to be the best adauteo-
to meet, ins waut. b. n. ai akmi, ii. ii.,
Frestdent ot Faoltlc Lnlversity,
Having examined this prospectus with some
care, I judge the work to lie a valuabio one, and
lor those who cannot afford the exienslve cyclo
pedia like 'Anp.eloir6, ' or the "sntanuica,"
prolably as good as they can And. It appears to
be ace.utate, ami, tor Its size, very complete.
OAS. VY. -MA HUH, A. Al.,
Prof. Latin and Ureek, Paciflis University.
Kavinfir had an onmrtnnitv for a short examin
ation, I concur tulfy in the above.
Prof. History aud Rhetoric, Pacific u Diversity.
The aarent is now canvassinr the city, and we
commeiid bun to the courtesy of our ciuzers.
Balbm. Oct. 4th, 1875.
Having examined Zell's Popular Encyclope
dia, I have no hesitancy in saying that it is in
deed a Universal Dictionary, combining all the
hiet excellencies ot vveoster s larce unaoriag-
ed Dictionary and Appletons Wew American Jin
cyclopedia. It ought to be owned by every stu
dent: and no scholar can afford to be without it
because it is in ltselt an invaluable Horary ot
polities, law and Uorernment, science, art ana
belles lettres, philosophy, astronomy aud histo
ry; biography, language and literature.
Look Here!
is alive and kicking, ana ready to you
with all kinds of
Salem or East Portland.
Shop in Ralem on the lot where I built the brick
on Coinniertiial street. Shop in East Portland at
the landing . f the Siark street fcrrv.
fci All work warranted ol the best, lemni
Lots in North Salem.
Salem, lower than have been offered since
1830. N ow la the chanos lo secure a home. Fer
terms apply to J. B. WcVLAX J
marnftsil . .
Obstacles to Marriage.
If anpr Kellel fur YiintiK Men rrinn the ef
fects of Errors and Alin-es In early Hie. Man
hood restored. Iniis'dlinems In Marriage remnved.
New melh sl nl tren'iiicnl. New and remarkable
remedies, fhniksand Circulars sew free In sealed
envelopes. Address, HoW Will AsWol.I ATION,
19 N. Ninlh street. Philadelphia, I'a. -an Instl.
union having a hijth retiniailon tut hunrble con
duct and professional skill, sepi:.lm
w. WEATHfntKonn.
i j. w. wrXTiieitrnRD
' P i- i- M
- t 'e
Drugs, Faints,
O I Ij S ,
Pur WhifH fil L.itMrf
For Me-lical f ure.
6BfM9llclneCompoiuidi! ami Press -iptleci
Cotmoercial Slreei, Saient
Jones & Patterson.
SECsOTi vrt: lo.ixs,
!1 1 14 Iv I'OLI, i: CT I O X 8.
Union Fire Insurance Company,
of Pan Francisco; and
Mutual Life Insurance Company,
of 55 ew York.
Salem, Oregon.
We Have for Sale
xoo .v. ix nvr s ,
Ami will U t jr low.
A Larf Varirtjr at CUj Tropertj at Bar
We fthrtwft'l p, whore irit'Un reaclu W
iiir nair who will show it.
We tti inirtxiiK'e pMrvtafters to the owner ol
the prawTtv, ami e&rr twm free tomake !be beM
lrg&in they eau, witbmit ny iuif rlereoce on our
All letter of Inquiry prtHn0y and foHTaii-
We tore man t applkAt!onii lVora f ol. prompt
pnTing men, who will par li f percent, for nwmey,
ml jftre firm e.s iersM.tnI nr resl etnte evo
rltr.and iav H ttte tKnw ftUtMvlii.g hia king
otit the i-iaier A . ttrvtt; tnwr tci
hsna wlil do r-ii to a pt.iv to tis Iwiore U
e!.-whre. We l a re if.s iVn-ier? !vhmg for
ourerr.e: th brrw-f . Entire -.-
tufeefl'ta fflrn rsar-tit.a ti. aer'tii. ies.
SUUIe and fit? a Ferry Street,
Pos!iJflcf IUork
ffcU Y.. 1 Kit AND WAtinxs FOR fMV
M.J tug all k'ndi ft uy t-nr e; .tn!gi'ment
receivefi sum tciiusM to j?pl irt ot sbecftv wito
di'-.pat.-h. I'a Mo. i'ltiin hH and their
loriit upintrtM irx-v. ,ni.Mwiti, i-ajri tiav ani
tMraw kei on haud and de-iveretl t?-order. Coah
and rab to ait rsi-roi.t tmin. I liave tbei
itmiout inthecMy .m i am mHv t.-t!ii ft!! orders
to train, sie.tuU,ar art wtvl-Jin, plnftnre
Twtittc or c Li'.., !ay -r i ht. b-ft at the
(nnnn-n-tit H-j-el, Fi;i!re. f 5f1;ct er with d-mr
wiil b proiriTi-: fy !--dt-l ui aUo in -e9d)ns
fur tune rale. .ivtul--' 1. I,. t.RKKNK
Livrrj, Sale ard Tetd Mablff
Corner CatTifverci 1 and Sate Streets.
i:j:V. I'rop'rn,
CoiiManily oil a wen w.'lcv;qJ tx-k of
At lo w rn :c.
Cood Horses and Carriages to
IIotscK Kt-ji ou Livery,
Xov. I'Mrf.
New No. 6 and No. 7
Rotary MotionNo Shuttle.
95 Third St.. Portland.
For High nd Grammar School
The former ia bv H. 8. W. O. Perkins, and
sella for 33 ocnls per copy In Hoards, and $o0 per
1(10. Issued on-y a few weeks sme-e, but ihe pub
lishers are showered vvlth .onimeudHtorv letters.
and Its praise are sounded everywhere. It will
prove a -snixiNn kiver" oi ueamyanrt melody
in hundreds ol homes and Sabbath SohooiR.
The latter!. just ow. ami is a book which no
TeacUer can fail lo admire and introduce. It will
be a decided element in tiie mimical advance of
the time. SelU for tl 00, or $S IK) lier dozen.
A new colled ion of most lieai'.ilful Hymns and
Tunes for Praise Meetings, Prnier Jlretings,
Vamp Hirelings, Ac, iic, enliilert 1.11 1 U
For Praiso Meeting
For I'riijpr .leilinsf.
Vow trlve new tile lo the slncimr in Tour eonirre-
gatlon ly iiiirodnciug a lew hundred, copies of
this delightful woik.
Soeclmen conies of Uvina Waters, Shining
River or High School Choir, sent, post-paid, for
Retail prica.
711 B'iwiy, w rk
- -j - -,.7
Surgical Institute,
No. 649 Clay Street,
Between Kearny and Montgomery-sts
IR. lKJllERTTBlArgeanl fitraIHy Inrrwu.
lug Prm-tUw, whl.h has contftntly kept ce with
the mifxaniplffi imri-flH ami menniy yrowtti of the
lmirt;OjHt, .iidttce! it( rfnu)a frora hU long
MhMfhHlAtif well-known qtmrt-orA, on the cor
ner ol Sacramento anJ lil(?sIoriT streets, fn till
city, to more cfmrrKwlions and eligibly Jew -.ate I
apartment , at No 649 Clay Street, where he
has a Hpaa'lous uit ol iiaii(f7niH'iy-inu-t up nn
5ntVrjnieiitly nrrn(rel fcxsmlnatton and OmuU
tation KofiiH, (M:iip,r.tif the whole of the two
upjipr sii n;; whi-h jiatir-nts may at all tiiBenvmit
aii't onty m-f the LNx-tof arl hts "apl4tant.
W it h the rntwt (tramftil cfntiinentu oi tkbt1 ftT
the liberal pat ronair. bestowed on himforihe)H
thirteen jean, at Uln oil ofHc,
DcfireRtoJiiJorm thetieueral rnbllt;tiin-leitie.laU
ly allthowe taiforitte tindnr ail lot mi of (Jirmfc
CnidplHtHtJ, that he ran le wmstiffwi at 649
Clay atrt every -sriwy ot in-n-nae il tiie
l7tu.M, JJvur, Kwhiflj, l.,tfv and ;itlu
L'rlnarj itrw- f hik! ail
Of which the Mt l niitm'roig, and whlrli ar more
cte.y viMinex'ed with iw )fwn health mn
the majority of itpie Hre aware. Unhappy Inva
iUit lOr yetim trlt In m-eaiinjf their Vomil
tton trom a motive originating' in mftrakf'n f1ei!'a
ey and sutler in Hllcnt e until th'-tr miseries U'
itme lof nvttte to Ije refiree"l, or haotntwi a
form that render healing both difHeiilt ani ex
iientive. This latter tyue ot atHh-tion nanileMn
Upirin th etm plaint irofe-iona Hy kntiwn
8 phi 11, In all H foriKH aifl atHnen; tkxnlnml
WeakiteH1, aii'l all tiie iittro-4ins lcrru of JSeJf
Ab'tfie, or u.Htijfm ; tmorrhoa, i!el, StrHrtore;
Not'ttirimi Bn't Irttirnal Knnt-wl'pns. Sextutt Ih-Mli-
tv, I i3tt:'s nf tite ta-k andluiiiH, Inflnirinuttl.m tf
tiie Bladder Hud Kidneys ete., Uj. Tiie nmober
o( perwaja MHlfrii fran iliese horrible Jibea
in wrhfim the Itoi-tor has e0eiwl a rilial ture
van he eounUfi by tiiethmiwand, a ad th?ToluiitarT
trtiflt-atefl In hl.i Twm-i m. rf.-eH -! from person
h has relieve!, are etim.jrn to try all that the
tmctor' skill io tb treatment of (heW affectitiTii,
enables him tocureali .:nntbieta-e,awi in every
1khJiu give rehel. Irteaw which Jurmerf?
bartieJ tha mefltal skill of the znot learnei awl
eleriem:ei I'ractitlooers of the heaMna art, and
wrre repaid! by the imaj'trlty of 1 h .tlt iarn a
utterly Incurable, wm yield u twern remedk,
when preirribed by the iniellijeeiit Fra;titioer,
who makef. the hufnan r-ytiiem, and thee -pe.-ia!
ai'meRl, Uisconiiant Mitdy and ?ibjej! of obrr
vat ion.
In no trte Iff emiiue-! eiEt.i at tbe
expres wl-h n the patiem ; and the lfcr-tor ionii
tiently trust that hi ionsrexpenenve andstt:?.
fii! iifa.-tU-e will I'iMditiue to injure him a ttlferal
hare of pibti.; iatrtit.ft(f. Jiv the pra-ti.: o
many ytr? tn Krofe aiwl tbe t'rd el Siates. be
t enabled t apply tiie mot efltcietd aiel s.-ers-ful
remedies again dl-eae of alt tindfi.
Hecnre without mercury, ehorre moderate
(eesi, treatrt hi. itients in a -4rfvt awl bonorabie
pray, and has reh'rem-es of ttnfifetitm.-:bie rerav
tty,frm men ol know rei-tahi lity and h.jrh
standing in snt.'iety. All person wlio may con
sult him by letter or otherwi, will receive Ibe
bet ami genUeM (realm nt.
To FemjLlM.
When a female is amt ted with difieae, a weak-ne-8
ofthe ba.-k and limbn, pain in the bead, dlrn
neia of Right, Io uf mutscular power, palpitation
of the heart, IrritablHtT. ner mtnnetR, derange
ment of digeflive fiirk'tfona, general debility, ail
iieases m the Wftnih, hyTiaj sterility, aiiu all
other thieae peculiar to fiajafe shebould go or
write atoneeto hit. W. K. 1KHKBTY, at, hia
Mnllcal ln'ititnte, andtshe will rewire eTery pos
sible relief and help.
Let no tab delin-ffcy iirerenl too, but apply Inv
OM?iJaielv, ami save yourself from puiirful suffering
ami premature death.
To Correspondent.
Patient imaie or fr-mate; retdinc in but part of
thecfrtimry hewerer distant, who may desire tne
ojanioo and advve of lr. fmherty In their respetv
tlve rae, ami w ho think prnper'to wtl.a!t a writ
ten statement ot sik-h. in preterem e to boidjns; a
peronai interview, are refe;tftii!T a'snre.1 i iuit
titeir t9Tmmmioa!ior will le held inort sacred.
The !-tor i? a reifUtar aradiiate, ami may be
con B,i lied with ererr cnfide-e.
If the diftease Ije fully and camlidlv deribe!,
fiersonal communication will, in moVt be
unne-ry, as inst nations for diet, regimen ami
lite general treatment of tbecae ltMif fiin-ludlng
tlie reroe-iie-, will be forwarded wit hot tt deiav,
ami In m-h a manner at to eonrer ito iiea of tba
Ljarport M the letter or parcel o tranjerrfitted.
iiouid your condition retjtiire lnnnediate aUen-
Uon, cend tea dollar fn coin.tor that value in cur
rency,' by Mail, or Well, f argo Co'. Kxpre,
and a iiackage of roedhrines will le forwarfiei !
TMir atilrewH, with the accessary inetnjci.oas for
t.'ofijtilfationi at the o9ce by letter FREE.
Address W. K: DUHLRT V, M. f.,So t i
I. S.--The Hoctor wtli send his pamphlet on
special IhaJ9ea, to any ad4reon re-elpt f
six cents in postage Marat, for return portage,
may 2S 74.
llrar, lor I will ipcak xclJBt
PORD't iITReT-'-,r-. TfMU fSb
lrrrr. Haa been ia Bse over iblny
year, and for cleanlioeM and protujrt car.
tiv virtux cannot be cUd. -
CHRORl). fUr ra a (ford to be wttlxnt
feail'a Enrtu-I. iirMnu, BnbH,
( niuitn, at. H grains, are relieved
almost instantljr by extental applleatioe.
Promptlr relieve pain or Bau-as, tDemlU.
Kxrariativa. (, VM Warea,
Hails. Felaaa. Caraa. etc Arrasta ln
lUmatkm, redace swaJJicps, itop bleedicf ,
nmo 1iolomt!on ana heals rapidly.
FEWAl! WUKEtS(l.-It always rTpalD
in Ihe back and iouia,fnitneas and preasingpaia
In the bead, nanaea, Tertipo.'
IN lEUCOglHSA i'bss noronal. All klsdaef aU
trraliona towhk-h ladiea are aabjart are
promptly cured. Fuller details in book accotn
panylne eaeh bottle.
Ph.ES - alind or bleed lo met prompt ntirt
aiid ready core. No case, however chiocic or
obstinate, can long resist it regular ase.
VAIICOtf VEIM.-ftia tbe only tare care fot
this distreaouig and dangerous condition.
KIDNEY ISEAI.-lt baa no equal for perma
nent care. -
lLEfOINB from any rsnse. For this is a ape
cine. It baa saved handreda of lives when all
other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from
nose, atanacb, lnaars. and elsewhere.
Iu-ar he are aM akke relieved, aad uiten per
manently enred. ----...h
PMTSICIANl of all schools who are aoqnalnted
vriin Fnnd's Extract af lira liaxel reo
emmend it in their practice. We have letters ot
lommenaation trom nnndredsor fhvsicians,
many of whom order it tor use in their own
practice. In addition to the foregoing, tbry
order its nse for Kvrcllinas of all kinds,
(alnsjr, store Threat, laflasaed TaaaiU,
simple and chronic IMarrhaea. Catarrh.
Cfor which it is a specific) Chilblains, Freet
c4 Fret. Htlacs sf Inaerta, Meeqaiieee.
etc., happed Haads, Face, and indeed
all manner of akin diseases. ,
TOILET .St Removes Sasreaeaa, Bsatasfsj,
and Hatartlacj beaia t'ata. KraaUaas.
and Pimple. It raiiB, invigorates, and r
fraka, while vroaderrailj improyiiij; toe
('empleatea s.
To iIMEIS. Peed'a K-rtraetNo Stock Livery Man can afford to be without
it. It is need by ad the Leading Livery Stables,
Htreet Railroads and Srst Horsemen in New
Vork City. It bas no equal for SpraJaa, Har.
neas or Had die ChaslBca. MttaTaess,
Hcratehea, Nwelflnsrs.Catfi. lcrerm ttoa.,
Kleedlna, Paaaaiaaim. ( alic, Dlarrhe-a.
Chills, Colds, etc. Its range of action is wide,
and tbe relief it affords la so prompt that it it
invaluable in every farm-yard as well as ia
every Farm -bonse. Let it be tried onoe, and
von will never be without U.
CAtfTIOR. Feaid's Extract haa been Imitated.
The genuine article haa tbe words Vond'a Ex.
tract blown in each bottle. It ia prepared by
the only peraoBs llvlna who ever knew how
to prepare it properly. Kef nse all other pre
parations of Witch HazeL This Is the only
article need by Physicians, and in the horpi
tais of this conntrv and Karone. r
m pamphlet form, sent free on sppucation to
9s Kaidaa
In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon fir lie
County of Marion.
In the matter of the estate of James DevJntff, de
ceased. P. L. Willis, administrator.
To Martha C. Kendall, Mary Ann SchwelUer,
Oscar DeJran", Abner Detiraff. Janes F. le
UrafT, Alvin Detiraff. Charles Dednf, Mary
(formerly Mary Detiraffl, and all un
known taeira of said decedent:
cited and required to appear belore the
above named Court, at tbe Conn House in Salem,
In faid Marion count v, at 11 o'elock A. it., on the
Rth day of lieoember, 1875, to then and there
show cause, if any exist, why an order should not
be made by said Court authorizing said admlnis
trator to sell tlie real estate or said decedent for
tlie payment of tlie expenses of administration
and claims against said estate as petitioned for by
said aduilnfsirator. Said real estate is described
as follows, to-wti: Bounded bv beginning at the
X. E. comer of section 7. T. 9 5.. R. 1 VT., In Ma
rlon county, Oregon, and running thence 'Test
31.25 chains; I hence south 40.00 chains; thence
east nl.25 chains; (hence north 4 00 chains;
thence west io.00 chains to the place of beginning.
oc20:4w County Judge.
Dissolution of Copartnership.
Te all t ahoot II may Cencern:
partnership heretoiore existing aad known
as Cox Belt, Druggists, in the city of Salem,
Oregon, is this day dissolved by mutual consent,
and will hereafter be continued by l. AV. Cox.
All accounts to be paid and owing to ihe said Una
of Cox Kelt will lie settled with D. W. Cox, and
all liabilities of the said firm of Cox & Beit will
be paid and settled bv tlie said D. W. Cox.
1). w. COX.
All persons knowing thomselvea indebted to
Hie flrni of Cox A Belt will please call and settle
their accounts and save costs.
D. W. COX.
Salem, (k-lobcr'23, ls7. 4w
grev mare, 10 or 10 years old, collar marks
ou both shoulders, wart on cemer of breast, neu
lv shod forward. Information as to her where
aoonts sent to the STATEsMiX
thankfully received aad
IK. 1 ii ItlCIIAt '
Alter ten years tml on ttns west nai proven
itself the only curative in a certain elssa of diseases
prononnceii by meillcal practttleners as bieurabia.
Dr. LeRichau's GOLDEN BALRA M No. t,
etirefl ( 'httnctirM 0rt and ftfe-o&i utagen, tSoren on
Ibe Legs or ilody; Sr Karn, Eyp, Jfow, Ac;
Coppr-eoioreff liiotchf-a, HjplAlltUs Cattxrh
tmHw fV'-alp, ani all printt forma of it e C'
known a SyphiUrt, 5 per bott i, or two
"leRichau't GOLDEN BALSAM No. ?f
cores Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic rtbeiimatlsav
Paines in the Bones, Back ottlte Ne.;k, l;i,nited
Sore Throat; Svphilitie Rash, I.nmpa tnd Con
tnMitftd ('wla, Stlffnesa ol the Limbs, titwi eradi
cates ail diseases from tbe system, w better caused
bv iiwltscretlon or ,ause of merrnry leavhic the
blood pure and bealtiiy. Price, S per aoufe, or
'"Dr!' LeRichau's GOLDEN SPANISH AN-
tl'l'i, fiir the Cure l (i'mf-orlnwi, ;iet, Irration,
Gravel. andatJ L'r.narr or Genital U rrmugr
iWMitft, Fr-4? f m wr bottle.
lection, a w&U arwl hijftiHion for severe caitrti ol
thm noriMf, I n flamrnawiry i let- ftrrt tir?-ami all
dtiv4tJi m of lift Kl'(iH;and HitvhitT. Kl Ice, 1 60
tttr imttte
Also Agents lor IiR. I.K RVHAVS lOLDES
PH.Lf-for Seminal Wesknsss, M(f!it LmissKma.
ImfsiteiMy-T, ard all dlseasesarising from Mastnt
balionaml einjessive abnses. Price, 'llT bottle.
Tbe aennlnc iii.ipiji II A I Jt AM is put up only
rnraund liottles. un re,-o1pt of pri, these medt
cineswlll lie send U all parts of tiie cnntry, hf
express or mail, securely pa;keI awl ree from
bole agents,
V. T. EK-HAHrM! A .,
Wholesale and Retail IrKKiits and Lnetnlws,
8. W. corner Clay and Sansuine ft reets, HaaV
yraorjmvi. nn-tHfrdawlT
623 Kearny Street
Corner CemmM'cLal St.
Established In VK4, fer the .realm nt of ren
nal ami Seminal Irtseases, soeh as 1 -oiiorrlies,
tileet, 8trl.;tiire, Syphilis in all Its forms,
Remiaal Weakness, lmitem-v, etc. film Jiis
eases o year standing anl L'le tlci Iv
tuessfull) treated
Seminal emisston the consequence ef self-al
nse. This soliiary vi(v or depraved ser ;nal Indul
er, is iiractk-ed b? the routh of 'nith sexes
to an almost unlimited extent, proile jtnir with
nnerrlna certainty, tbe following tralr ot morbid
symptoms, on lees combated by eulenti 5c ruedfca
measures, vli:
Salkw countenance, daratjiots nm rtbeeyes,
pain In the he.-.d, ringing in Ihe ears, notse like
tliernstHng of leaves and rattling f chariots
enea sinew about the loins. eonfuscivB km, blunt
ed Intellect, loss of conn'teniw, diftVkoee inaj
proa:hing stranagers.dlslike te form neir acquaint
ances, a disposition to sbiin srs:letv. lots t mem
ory, beetle uslies and varl-ms eruption sahaut tbi
face, furred tongue. fct!4 breath, eojghs, eon
sumptlon. nbt sweats, monomanle and fre
quent Insanty. If relief be not ottained, (be
sufferer should applv lrameliatelv, ip person or
by letter, and have a cure effected by hfs aew and
scientific mode of treating this ilisew?, whlcl
never falls of effecting a qchrfc and radical eura
It. O. will give one hundred doltnrs to an
person who wi II prove aRtislactorilv to him thai
be was cured of this complaint bj eMberellM
Ban Francisco onsets.
eauretf at Haaae.
Persons at a distance may be CT BED Al
HOME, by addressing a letter to Dr. Gibboa,
stating ease, vnptoms, length of time 1 te disease
bfs continued, ami have medk-Jne promptly tn
waried, free frttm damage andcunoatv. to an)
part of tbe country, with full and plain di
rectkmsfor use.
Persons writing to the Doctor will f eme state
the name of tbe pa per they saw this adt irUsement
By inclosing 10 eoin. In a reelste -ed letter
through the Post (nine, or tbrongh Well i, Fargo a.
Co., a package 'tf medidDe will be for rarded w
any part of ike 1'ntoa.
A II eorresoftBOnce strtctrr eonfidentlr L
A'Mreas VU. J. F. filKBON, 623 Keasey Street.
San Francisco. Pastomce Box 1.957.
Feb lo deod'wlv
Who may be suffering frora tbe effect ol Ton! re
fill follies or indiscretion, will do well to avail
themselves of this, tbe greatest boon ever laid
at tbe altar of suffering hnmanllv. DR. 8PIS
HEI will guarantee lo torleiti00 lor everv
case ot seminal weakness, or private disease of
any kind or character whi. h he nndetake
and falls to cure. He would therefore say t
tbe unfortunate sufferer who mav read mi
notice, that veu are treallng myoa'dangeroa-i
grovmd wnen you longer delsy ia seeking tite
iroper remedy for your oom plaint. You ma
be in Ihe r- stage: rememlier von area p
roach:ng Hie last. If you are bordering opon
the last, and are snfferlng some or all of Its ill
effe-'te. remeanber that It yoa persist In pro- .
cra-.timtion, the t use mt)4 eoroe wbea toe
mot -killlnl physkiaa can renierymt w
MHac when Ibe uVororhOj will becloee-1
2ain-t yoti; when no angel of merer can
bring you relief. In Ma bas thedortor
fellert cd suci-ess. Tiien let not de-iir work
Dp"n yonr imanaiion, lit avail Tourself of
the beneficial results of Ids treatniert
ymr .- is beyond the re-h of skill,
or before grim dc3lb burries v,,n to a is-eros-tnre
erave. Full course of treatment Ou.
fiend money bv Poet,.ftVe ,mkr or Espre.
wiih foil dcH-rinfion of case
t all, or address.
No. 11 hearuv street,.'-an 1'
Mannictarer and Dealer ia
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moldings,
ETC.. .T-
Crti kelsand all kinds ot Stroll Sawiu?.
tiie Istest impnv,-1 wesxt-working machinery
to manufacture the alove artvlos, will oiler in
ducements to ciisfomers. Also wotst-turning m
all its varieties. t-if-Orders rroro the itry
promptly aifeiwlerl to. Offi,- and Manufactory
Corner of Front aad Mate Mreeta.
Dr. E. Y
LATE CR;eoX 17. S.
m Volunteers.
Office in Uurbia's block np
ShcrifT's Sale.
out of the Honoi-al.le v'ircfiif Ctsirt of lrt
fttaie of tlregon. ihe countv of Marion, on the
21 day of tA-lolier. 1S7. in faror ot A. F. Chase,
plaintiff, and against Henry slojter aid Kebe,va
filoper. hi vi Ife. rtelentlants fonho tna ff iwm- .
tv-iwo htnvtlrcl ami foiirty-tour and dollars
V. S. gold coin, an t costs and disbursements,
taxed ai . 13 8.Y. together with interest from Ihe
dale of ?ai,i decree at tire ra;e of tea per. cent and
accruing cos.s, I hare levied upon and will sell at
-sibilc. auction, on ?aturdav, tbe 4(h ttav ot De
ceinlier. 17.", at two o'clock p. h., at tlie Court
Hunse d,xir in s-tid county a id iiare. a'.l the riffht,
title and interest of the said Henry Sloper and Re
becca !loer. his wife, in ami io the follewina:
premises t wit: Beginning at the soutii-east cor
ner of section three In township nine iontb. range
one west of the Willamette meridian, iu Marion
county. Stale of Oregon; thence nor h three hun
dred and seen rods; thi-nce wct one k irslred and
thirty-two rod then,-e seuih three hundred and
seveB r,ls; thence cal -one hundred and thirty
two rats to the place of beginning, together with
the tenements, bereiiii.-inients and apjiiirier.aiK:ea
tlierciimo bulonifin or in anv wise .ipoertaining.
Sheriff of Mariou county.
Salem. Pan.. Xov fith, l7x-tw.
Sheriff's Sale.
out f the Honorable Ciivnit Court or tke
State of Oregon, for the oouatv of Marion, on the
91 h day of October, 175, in favor of The Board of
School Laud Commissioners, plaintiffs, and
against Mary Ana White, defendant, for the sum
of two hundred and two and gcM coin, with
costs and disbursements, taxed at 39 15.100 dol
lars, together with interest from the date of aniil
decree at the rate often percent, per annum and
accruing costs, i nave ievteu upon ami will sell at
public auction on Sattirdav. the h day of Decem
ber. 17.5, at one o'clock P. M.. at tbe ornt Hon
door in said i-ounty and State, all the right, .itie
J.,11.1 1 ! 1 1, 1 V L W1U .'11 v II 1 IC IO tlHl
to the following premises, to-wit: Lot No. one ill
in Block eleven ill) as shown by the recordeiljplat
ol the town of Xorth Salem in Marion countv,
SheTiiTol Marion County.
Salem, Ogu, Xov. . 1875.-4W
Sheriff's Sale.
out of Ihe Honorable Circuit Court of tha
State of Oregon, lor the county of Wanes, on the
S3d day of September, 1S73. in favor of L. F. Gro
ver, Governor, S. F.Chadwick. Secretary of State,
and A. H. Brown, Treasurer of the State of Ura
gon, and rT-nffic-io Board of Commissioners for the
sale of the School Lands and tlie management of
the Common School Fund, plaintiffs, and against
John F. Chitwood and Jesse Chltwood, defend
ants, for the sum of Ave hundred and nine and
10-lOa dollars (w 10-lori, with interest thereon
from the ljtli day of April, lss7i, to tbe 2d dav ot
January, 1S73, amounting to tbe further sum of
one hundred aud twenty-four and 70-10U dollars
(1124 70-100), aud costs and disbursements, taxed
at $29 30-100, with interest at the rate of ten per
cent, per annum, and accrued costs and disburse
ments, I have levied upon, ami will sell at public,
aurtloo.on Saturday, the 30th dav of October. 1875,
at one o'clock p. M., at the Court House door in
said county and Slate, all the right, title and In
terest ot the said John F. Chltwood and Jesse
Chltwood in and totbe following described prem
ises, to-wlt: Beglnninr at a point where the pub
lic road leading frota Salem to Spong's Ferry in
tersects tbe north line of Donation Land Claim of
Cicero Keizur aud wife, said point being about It
chains northerly from the resilience of Samuel
Parker; thence west 15.7 chains to tbe Willam
ette river; thence south 7u, east up the east shore
of said river 7.14 chains: thence south 65 east It!
chains to the center of slid road; thence north 2.V
east doixji the centre tii'd 14.30 ehaius to
r ii t acres, do
Marion county.
v rs (9
oSaaV 'SimLel 1 V?,"2 T
i w v t u a U7 jfai as