The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, December 31, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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.mte lifty Jr-tirs :to, ,rf"rfon
'-Mr. (IcWiininatMl "The (''raw-Walk,
ini Itttttitvu," l'll h idoiniiu'iit posi
iin:i in this tfmiitry. They were n
tivek. law-nbidin iK.')ile attends)
V AIs tbtMUiH. id'Oiil fcot
wiM trYinhle f hmttW tmir a bent
1 1 1 1 r of oilier.. Yet, huilJiw. ilioy
had iiieiumtyljp ijiplca-uiv of y'olonel
' 'I'UU Colonel lr:i 1iflekinitli. :iih1
lived in a prim cabtu, near tlio linppn-
nKirrr lull, where. Tor aught any-
wit" Kiifw: w 'Kvpr near nna now,
iihI luimt Bengal lliUts, in hU lire
.l:nv. or lfpt on the bones of liU ene
uiii. Iff? was ix fpet fonr inche in
Ui, ,-UM-kuigK; llio integument Hat
iivHv liisvbone wa hard' and hi
i,.iiiv .n a vralwliell ; Ins hair and
I :ml were liko tint primeval lores!
ilii-v liatl never been cut, coiiineii.
iiieiiilrtl nrtrlmnml lie I mil nrltlicr
v. iii or relation, vliiek nor eliiltl.
'Un i t' were only two thing roiiirni
isf'JtRinn whidVmrt mifflil, .r1ilrany
ii fi aiuly, rxnathto - viz., that lie
liki'iV ruiu. raw, 1iU'1i he ilraiik IB
latw iiiuuititie. without, even .vink
mt or gttiiiK intoxicated ; ami that
In' lulled the Uraec-M alWing Brethren,
tie l.iitot tliem fiercely and iiuplaca
lil ; Ik: raved a-runst them hi tlrinW
iiy bars, lie called them opprobriotu
name in tlie l lift-anil Hindu it hU
invariable frtre-lValker.'' ns "lie
termed them, who paswd iLs rriltny,
a fearful and liuoiUiiitinj; L eating. His
wrath being thtr nppeasetlr tie mined
a Mile into Silas B. Powkey's tavern,
hut. !H'r-.irlnr, and larlgued, and
i In on In j iii huge leathern strap on
tin; loiinter. and cjectins a powerful
j ream of tobacco juice, shouted out,
Siinire! Strnttr.ed another (Iraee-
Walker. ItunL'S
Walk in grac.w'titfwas wont to
-a.vW 'fill'laiinpk'uj! U iieavlws but
llekeif ye'niust be. ' till your toe nails
drop (ill-, and your noe! bleed blue
ink!" And licked they were atvovd
inirly. Ms t t
l in'io wu a meeting of the Crace
U'alklnjj lhiptliivn to arran;e who
should go bnfthflvnsiilii" Spring tlr
in'w, jtint as Judge arrange who nhall
t:o a banging, and where. Tle Kap
imronrer circnit w dinenssed m
-olenin tonclave. The brethren, one
ami all, were naturally avwse to that
(.iitii ular eiraiit. Brother Brown
inhii would rattier no Brother Kear
i'ul had a bad cold. Brotlier .Slocum
ire a more ilelinite reiiton tlum any
of iIk- nuiiilx-r ; he mid he would
!'iiiMderaWv Ticked if he'd
i au-e be wa sure of lieing awfully
licked If he went. Brother Zedekiah
trnkdoliier, a long, loose-limbed
. . brother, with a face wimewhat like a
iiiinee three parts withered -a brother,
i.t wImiui to tell the trutli. a mUier
mean opinion wa held. ttr he was
uivi'ii to -tainiiieriiij; and hlu-liing.
'nil 'einetl Ui po-Sess no particular
:iii oiiiilishinent Kive tlie. fiH,i-tionable
of-ihuMiiisr one eye when lie. ex-
Mi-ri-aied, rose up, and thiw ad-.ln-s-4'd
tlie assembly :
. "nrefberen. a man's skin was not
meanr to he tlayerl off him, like unto
iii'' hide of a wild cat; tlwrns isn't
(il.-asant, liandliug, nor is llwstk s nico
worn next to the skin ; but if Brother
r.rownjohn will lorn me his boss. I'll
.onl'ioiit tlie inan-evcnJoliabtMiag!!'
("riving said which the devoted brother
-Win one y and expectorated The
iiMM-ting tumerl its rjuid and expect orat
.'d :il-o. but without shutting; its eye. .
'the long brother's proposition was
.i.-vitHt tm . - '
Tlio tire blazed, and the fpnrk Hew
ip Iho chimney one fine uvt'hinjx in
April, and Colonel tiiaKgand hi anvil
were In fierce dispute Hooiit r rel-hot
horse-slRie. Suddenly, Zeek. the lanky
lK'llowH-blower, wlio, through a Iiolein
ih smiUtf-.walL'.coiild perceive any
one conunz down the hill, cried out
1 ,nliel.iiiierTlN!iil !'
IJivk-k,. 'He,') Raul tlie colonel. The
i!c. or oil being brought, he proceeded
llicrewith to anoint an enormous
lea$lirr stnitt a trifle: larger- tliau the
inife2 for'-v cK-liore. 'Twankey
dillo L.Twaidve.y UuloJ ; be4touteU as,
grasping the" weapon in his mighty
hand, he strode out of the smithy door
He Mw, t-oiiiing towards him, a tall
m m il reused In bfaeki mounted noon a
Iniig-Uiiled white horse. Jl bad but
one sour, on the left foot, the rider
liad, wl i 1W 1 anl lie carried a little
doss-eared book
lie was slnjrin? a verse of a favorite
hvum quite aoltly to himsejf, Quar
wa4d imitil ;lie' w ass fpjlto'
tiiu-bed, and tlien called out to the
stranger in a tliiinderins voit!e. "Hold
Joixrevening. nrotlicr. and jieaee.
retiUi-d the Kev. Zedeklah Stockdolll-
"r. tor it wes iiuleed he. .
' For, pie matter ot (Kit. rot !" "re
l.lietTtll'bTotieJ? "hndget onf o" that
hiws!" Htrrtlier?"?. interrognted the
ijet out o" that boss, ye long-tailed
hl.'ickhml ! get out, leg and feet, 1
Tin brotlier Mid. rather tlum get
t he horse, and as lie did so, he shut
one eye and expectorated.
-Now. tlien. 'aid the . 'oIoiihI. i
i-Jtiug himselt on a block near his I
'We, ,;uu briugiugdown his strap . on !
t tm criMuitl 4tu. a whack: tliat. mailal
iIh- (teblile dance; whar d'ye hail
i";Frota Kapptvroarer city, brother
fwliatare rgohr' forrodu lr
this location?"
f.'oing on Lord's busiueJ, broth
er. "
Npw, .look ye here I there was a
brother came this way on Lord's bti'i
ii, . last tall : he passed this edifice,
he did; he met this strap close by
here, and it made hint tla ore. I ike a
shaker, and feel uncommon like a bob
j iileil bull In fly-time."
At this suggestion, tin', clergyman
vi iggled, uneasily.) " ;.' ';
Now, I (lit hope, Drother,' contiri
fied tlie Colonel, -tliat you ain't of the
aanw? persuasion as that batieof grace
' V ?1 F1?. itls1rar) wlien lmvas rld
Sng ; his persuasion was the Orace
Walkinp persnasioii, and that persua
sion I allay licki." , , . . .,- , 4
."Ji,hrother!r:-;!J:! J.-,.'."
-Yes, lick with straps, dreadful I"
"Colonel fiollah Quagg." responded
the miuister, "I am a inanot peace,
and don't go raging about with sword
and buckler like unto Apolyon, or a
-orporal of the Pitchfork Tigers ; but
1 am a member ot tlie Grace-Walking
Sleet liren. humble, but faithful. I hope."
"Then," replied tlie Colonel, mak
ing n ironical bow, "tills is tlie strap
with which I am a going for to lick
ymi Into sarse."
' "ItrotUer." meekly responded the
ininLster, flay thou hand if thou wilst
upon The coatter ot tlie plough, the
la miner of thy trade, but take not
hold of sword or spear, or strap of
lead rn hide, for. from the uplifting or
down-CiIlinjr of those wicked Instru
ments came never good, but blows and
bruises, misery and death.'
"Xow, look ye liere: talk' as lour as
ye like, but talk while I'm a llckin' of
ye. cause tuae is precious and musn t
in; wxsted nohow'. Do you mean ta
take It. flghtin' or. lying down, only
juake naster '
-Yon are bard on me. Colonel, and
teU the truth; I would much rather
,x4 i.'.ke it at all.'-'
"Bt't you must !"' roared tlie black--inKte
"pltkled alligators, you mast 1
MotikWa h riz, and makes will wake.
I'll knodc ye Into horao-oboes and then
5rH horwail II ve keep me waittrw
:'riw, Is ttiflxhtiir or lying down?"
-H ell, then, i n take it fighting."
t; he man of nrnce replied.
With a wild yoM he now Infuriated
ft olonS nnhed upon bis Intended
Utl it rap fwa awhiglnfr in
tne an; autaxar canypu, aearj&Hdar,
i msine the antonLshruent of a sclipol.
tejicijer oanea ty nu own pupil; a
i; read way bondy4 bustled by a nej lv-
ii.ded Irish emigrant ; a general or
dered to stand at.etwe by a dm turner
t toy if you can, yoH may imagine
how Colanel Quagg felt when a shower
of blows, well directed and Incessant
began to fall upon htm, and that he
was hit everywhere, and that he could
not plant a single blow upon the body
f his opponent. A bob-tailed bulPa
-titterings In fly time wereja nothing
.compared to tliose of the bewUdered
v olouel. lie saw more stars . tlian
Herschell ever dreamed of; be felt as
:,r lie was an nose, ana mat a horrible
rW;c"ai'h4rWwin market is quiet, and Malwa
'nil and his blood came out ; at last he
went down 'all of a heap," with tlie
lung brother atop of hini, still pouud
ing away with all his might, and
singing a little-' hymn aoftly tojiilmi
. , m : -
"you do:rt want to kill tne. do ye,
By uo means," m tlw reiily.
nevertheless biu:;;iinr down his li-i
with a tremendous ba-h' ihmki tl"
ColoiudV hows tkmt; bo aw a tly
tlM-rc and wi-1mmI to kill it ; "but, said
he playfully, kninkiiig away one ot
Id adversary oos! teeth, to make
his mouth look neat and tidy, "I want
you. Colonel, be ori J Je ive off lmm
ineriug of your btxly, to roiuise me
two little, thuigs i vUnJou uia-4 give
up drlnkhig of ruuw w 'Jcli Ls penli
tion aud A snare, siaa on the trunk Hue
to destruction. Vou must not ill use,
by word or died, any member of the
Grace-Walking Bivthii'iu and you
mutcometoour next camp-meeting
clean-shaved, and with a contrite
"t won't." iiiiilli ri'd ihf i!om l.
"not for all the tobacco in X'irgluny--not
for to l jxsttnlster."
Tlien I inu-t ing another little
"immediately the helpless Colonel's
torments recommem e I, All he cou'd
see was tins tall man's arms whirling
over him like the sails of a windmill
all he could feel was the blows of his
adversary, or rather , of his (instigator,
deepnQing-' npoh his already fright
fully bruised ImkI.v, as he sniillled. w ith
an tweasional stammer, the words of a
popular hymn.
"I du give in." faintly whispered
tlie expiring Colonel.
"Happy to hear it. Colonel," said
the Kev. Stix'kdolllger. rising, "jier
haps you will kindly look to my hore.
which, cast a sIhk; jitst now."
The Col. shod tlie nag as well as his
brui-Ml arms would permit, aud
the minister gravely handed liim a
coin, mounted his steed and rode
At the next camivmei'ting Colonel
tuagg was wen seated on the neo
phyte's seat. A brother rose to ad
dress the meeting he was a long,
lanky brotlier. with a face like a
quince, three parts withered, lie Niid
how happy he telt. to have been the
mean- of the conversion of 'Colonel
Dnacsr.' lie confessed that he himself
had been as one of the wicked ; he
confessed tliat lie lind been a prize
fighter, but. having liereerved the or
ror of his wavs. had reformed, and
joined the (iraeeAValkiug Brethren
having said which tm; h-roie parson
Colonel tuagg disamled rum and
clergy-licking, and is now, as KHler
tjuagg. a shining lighting light among
the tii-aee-Walking Brethren.
I'.V llt'.MJV WAK1 l'.KKCItr.i:.
People who tlo not know how to
laugh are much to be pitied. Xot
everv one who laughs knows now to
laugh in tho highest sense. An irradi
ating smile Is line : a small sough, that
glances iqiou tlie face like a meteor,
come and gone the same instant, is
better than nothing. But laughing.
like poetrr. unisic, invent lmif oratory.
is given in its higliest forms to but few.
We havo a relative, a lady, who Ls
gifted in a high degree with the genius
of laughing. )ne should see her when
an exquisite story ligtit up the inner
soul. Unty the other mght, three ot us
sat togetlier. One told an auecdote
that started; another tUE like pigeons
in a w oou, uey jjoureii out in nmais.
Soon all were iii paroxysms. There
was no boisterous roaring.' Kaeli one
performed with lelineinent, but all
were "clean gone. l ne einesr. nas a
continuous roll that goes on without
check till the breath is gone, and the
lungs fairly mn down : but gathering
a long breath, he dashes down the
Same roll again. Hut soon the mus
cles ache : with hands abdominally
i!ac?d. and weaving from nde to Ride,
lis eves streaming with tears, he at
length gains sufficient control to escape
from that eddf wliirii ltea been whirl
ing him helnlosslv around
Anotlier ono laughs by a series of
short explosive tusillades, recurring
rapidly and continuing in what seems
likely to be an endless series. But the
lady aforesaid lieghu in a gentle w ay.
as if controlling every movement. So
have 1 seen a gay rider, ambling at
first, tlie 1 1 moving off at a trot, brenk-
Ing into a gallop, and tlien carried off
at a dashing speed in a real runaway.
It does one's heart good like a medi
cine to see aud bear, such n charming
performance so hearty, so natural, so
gently furious, so possessed with a de
mon of laughter jthat win not be cast
out. 'You stiall see tlie' beginning of
flic laugh carried well along till the ex
cess, ol it seems to disturb her. mod
esty. She covers her face with a news
paper, and some would think tliat she
was resting. But look! No sound.
Only a jelly-like trembling of the
whole body! ' On: on ' till In desper
ation she. rum from the room. Ah,
there is goodlionest heartiness in such
an experience, and an overplus of
pleasure ; the highest pleasure reaches
the edge ot pain.
It 19 impossible to discriminate be
tween the wit that produces nhr pleas-
1 lire of thought, and. that, which pro-
Mitees pleasure ot laugnrer. a very
sitK-iie incident, narrateu strikes tne
palpitating nerve of laughter to the
surprise of everv one. Some things
end tht'.ir pwer by onee telling. Others
are never failing. Kven to think of
tliem sets one oil". We wake tip nights,
and liaiiitenhig to think of a good thing.
bring down censure on our heads for
untimely ontljtirsts oflaughter, "when
all honest and solier people should be
asleep !"
One peculiarity ot laughter is, that it
rages fearfully when you feel In your
soul that It is wicked! It Is "in meet-
ing" tliat the dauger is the most alarm
ing. Oil. there are some things that
one should never think of in church.
Resistance would be in vain. AH that
could b done would be to stuff one's
mouth with a haiikercliie.f, and smoth
er all sounds. : .. 5 V ..i
Xo man can explain to another why
he langlis. . There is nothing more ab
surd than tor ak a man what there is
tunny about tlie story. Stories, like
percussion bombs, must explode when
they strike, or they are good for not li
ing. Stories that don't go off are poor
There is one story which we never
tlilnk of without a smile and never
tell without a rush oflaughter. Indeed,
we are sliaking now ; but very likely
our readers will see nothing in it. A
good deacon had the bad habit, of mak
ing very long family prayers. His
wife was hard of hearing. One morn
ing, for some reason, he prayed short,
audihen went to the barn to milk. On
returning, he found his wife still kneel
ing, with closed eyes. - He stepped up
behind her, and shouted "Amen !"
w hereat she very quickly rose and
went about her work. ou don't
laugh. Well the spark is there, but
your powder Is not good. Xew York
Ledgorv ,.;; '
The Sandwich Mmtda Without a Kov-
Sas Franqsco, Dec. 2G. King
nameiiameiia tiled atitonoiuiu, iec.
lith, about 10 o'clock a. M., altera
brief iluiesg. lie has named no sox
cesser and tlie re is an interregnum,
during which trie oeople are sovereigns.
The legislative assembly will meet in
January when It is expected a new
successor will be appointed. The Ja
zettec favors a free constitution and
thinks tills a proper time in which to
move tor one.
la central Kentucky there lias re
cently been discovered an immense
hole in the eartli, circular in form,
sixty or seventy feet In diameter, of a
tunnel shape for twenty-five or thirty
feet, wben.tbe diameter If diminished
to tea or twelve. feet.H ' Belowi this
point It has never been explored, and
sinks to an unknown depth,. On
throwing a.tooe lata this hale rf Kink,
its ring as It strikes the sides gradu
ally dies away wlthont being heard to
strike an v bottom. It U sunoosed that
vUitrS have already thrown t more
thai) one Hundred car leads -or rock
into it. ; . ; ; ' .
liie following is said to be an au
thentic copy bfa circular issued by
commercial firm in Bombav "tien
tlemett, wo have the ttleasure'toiuform
you that our respected father departed
this life on the hist, lib business
will be continued by hw beloved aons,
1,600 rsi per chest. fOh, grave, where
Is thy sting ! Gh, deatli, where k thy
grave ' We are, yours truly,
Franco discards , Chrlstma trees.
They are of German origin.
Tlie CirecIcV; WUI
Responsibility of' Postmasters.
in the Eastern
States --i "i i j a f i
1 1
GRSS. . - . !
XToi't-iifii lut elli-rt'm'o.
t.ASTKR Xmvx.
Tribune Moelt NkIpm.
T:w Yi:k. loo. W m. Oilon.
after considerable negotiations, has re
sold to Whitelavy lteid fifty sliares out
of one hundred, constituting the capi
tal stiK-k of the Tribune Association, at
a larjie ad vault! on the price at which
lie last week purchased it. lie retains
one share, and It ls further agreed that
he -hall lie elected a trustee ot tlie
association, fhns securing for it the
benefit of his wide iullueuce and abil
ity. The Cireley Win (tMtwl .
N'KW YoiiK, Pec. 2.1. Further pn
ceMllng' in the t Jreele will at
htf Plains by'gertf nil consent lmve
been jiostpoiied till .laniiary 18th, be
fore which 4iinetliecoiinsrl rotainetl
by a uiimlior of wealfliy gentlemen of
this city in tlie Interest or the Misses
ftree.lty, expect to eflipct an axljnst
ment whii the manageVs of the Chil
dren' Aid Society, wh appear to lie
the contestnnU of the wllL , ;
A Cannrtl on IotaI Aff.ilrx.
Xfav York, IVc. 21. A special
says the Postmaster General is conid
en;My amuseil at the discussion going
on in the newspapers about the sup
poed (lecls'wn of the: IJostofnce ie
partment totheellect tliat Postmasters
are responsible for tho loss o( regis
tered letters.' He s.avs no such lecls
ion has been made, anil that neither
Postmaster nor the Postofliee 1 Apart
ment are resjiouslblo In any w ay for
the loss of such letters.
' Beaton "EJewtKMi.
Boston, lice. 24. Full ivjiort of
the Committee tor recounting votes ia
the recent municipal election, confirm
tlie election to iienry i.. i icri-e, as
Mayor by "9 majority, j
Barniiai'n Xnmin Barant. , ,
Xkw'Yokk, Dec. 24. Hamum's
lus;ant ?oii Fotfrtenfuj street- jws
burned this niorning. ..Particular not
yet obtained. j
Church Binil.
. kw YoitK, Dec. 2j. The fVntral
Presbyterian Talieriiachi .Brooklyn)
of which Kev. T. D. Hewitt is pa-tor.
was burned this morning; , ? t
The Kelan r Winter. '
Mkmpiii-. lec. 24.--To-tlay is the
coldest kuowu for year. Tlie rivyr is
full ot Ice. and navigation Is rnmvly
suspended. "
I Mit.WAiKiK. Dec. 24, The weather
to-uay beats the memory ot the West
inliabitant. When ;io lxlow zero a
woman named Keyosli was frozen to
CitiCAi.o. Dec. 2:1. The weather is
colder to-uiglit than ever. TherBiiom
etcrs mark from 30 to !i2 belm .J Ac
counts from all portions of the iiortlr
west state that the present cold sk-11 is
unprecedented in severity.
CltiCAtiO, lec. 24. tast night and
this morning was the coldest of the
season. Thennoiueter at the Signal
Office 20' lielow zero, at (i o'clcn k this
Bath, .Me., Dee. 2."V.TIi tnentirv
is ."IS degrees below zero the coldest
dav of tl
le season.
'oNr)Kit. X. 11., Iec.2"t. Weather
cold.' Thermometer ,'M) degiw below
zero. j
The Slukn Trial.
Nk.w YoitK. Dec. 2:1 .Indge Kul-
lerton, in the conclusion ot the Stokes'
case to-day, drew attention to the law
lessness of tlie- titnos, yuid-iald tlie
(piestiou now premiuejit , in the com
munity was whether criminals should
be arrested? whetlier they shall be
punished aud stop this bloodshed?
Bad men regarded tlie- law punishing
murder with death as played out. If
this state of things are permitted, we
shall soon lie in a t-tatc ot anarchy.
WMlUiialoa 5nm,
Washington, Dec. 13. A dispatch
says tliat Speaker Blaine expects re
election by next Congress, but good
deal of w ire pulling is, likely to take
: Freeman Clarke, of Xcw York, Is
mentioned as a probable candidate for
Speaker by Southern members. Hor
ace Mavnard awl Fernando Wood will
be candidates of the Democrats.
Oluev w ill be dronped as Sergeaut-
at-arms. Also King as 1'ostinaFter of
the House.
Boutwell will probably kave the
Cabinet this year and run for tlie Sen
ate in place ot Henry Wilson, ?
Bixmark Relieved from Couiirll of
Ura MJnlatry News trtum the pe
rttood Hope rrewli Sf', Dec. 23. Tlie Cross 3a-
zette published the following addressed
to Bismark. "I relieve you of the
Presidency of the Council of rintstry,
vou will retain the Ministry ot Forelwi
Affairs for the Empire and a power to
vote In the State Ministry through the
President of the Council. Heir Del-
bruck's premiership devolved npon the
senior .Minister.. t
Loxr0K, IXic. 23. A mail steamer
from the Cape of Good nope, arrived
bringing intelligence that the first
mcnt will be formed at the Cape. A
diamond weighing 288 carats lias been
found In the diggings.: There Is no
complaint as yet ot tne manner in
which justice is administered at the
diamond fields. ' v -
Paels Dec. 23. Porterln, member ,
of the Guard, w as tried by Court Mar-,
tial and found guilty of delivering the
Mayor and other inhabitants ofSofssons
to the Prussians by whom they were
shot. He was executed to-day at
London, Dec. 24. Minister Schenck
lias returned from Italy.
Home, Dec. 23. A Consistory was
held to-day 22 Cardinals present. Tlie
Pope delivered an. elocution. In which
lie said the church was MM sorely
prosecuted. ;
IndiiM Anjslm TeiM rimI fitrine
Kallrnd-UoverMr t Inwer 4 nll
loreia DleTerjr CCoal.
Ix Avklks, Dec 22, Arizona
Miner f Dec. ICthsays: "Geu. Crook's
scouts are now ia the field from Date
Creek, Camp Whipple,' Camp Yerde,
Camp Apache, Camp Midavel and
Camp Grant, are all moving towards
the countryof the Tonto auJ Apache
Indians. The Cava Indians are useful
as scouts aud traitors, j The Miner be
lieve hostile Indiana bar tbenu llelr
tents on upper Verde when found
were abandoned aud destroyed."
San Diego, Dev. 28. The Texas
and Pacific surveying party under
Crawford arrived yesterday from Fort
Yuma. This party had just finished
running lines from San Gorgenio Pass
to tlie Desert, and from a point in
Temuca Valley intersecting the Fox
ltne to Fort Yutpa, passing through
San Gorgenio. The' party in .charge
of Mt. lie no have finished running a
direct line from San Diego j Fort
Yuma, and are now engaged retracing
the sanw porUana. 'Iliepwty have na
aouot out uirea tines win oe aaopted.
Senator.' J. E.-Vallajona arrived
here and remained yesterdav. cn
roots to San Antonio, Lower Califor
nia. He supercedes Senator Kejo as
Advices from. .San BeiuardinQ ,sayA
fliers U great etithnias(ii oVor railroad
projects. There Ls a reported discov
ery of coal near Temecula. Several
specimens shown ftre of superior qual
ity. This discovery l;on the direct
Hue of the San Gorgenio and San Ber
nardino Ballroad.
' " i ..
Itie lqjeet or(erectlijg a monument
to fieueial Meade ou he battle ground
of Gettysburg is still agitated. Tlie
nation will show itself ungrateful tnd
tlie State as lacking In appreciation ot
the dead hero's worth ifttie proposi
tion 1U1I.
ATREWKSDOIS ltH. , i s '
1r n
Tr'tnottlMm Morj-'Take Ii or
lA-ne t. k .
Iii 17-J awlialcr aured Dr, wc
diaiir that lie had found in tho mouth
ot a whale a tentacle t wenty-'ven feet
in 'length.- The report was iiiMTted irr
a scieutilic journal ot tlie day, and
there read by Deny Monttort. who at
onoe determined to obtain more ample,
information on the subject. It so hap
pened that just then the French Gov
ernment liad sent for a number f
American, whalers, in order to consult
with them as to the best means by
which the French fisheries could be re
vived. i -
These men were staying at Dunkirk:
and here Montfort questioned them,
aud upon inquiry -it was found tliat
two ot Uterahad found tee!ers,or horns,
of such monitrous animals, lien
Johnson saw ono in tlie mouth of a
whale, from -which it hung to the
length of thirty-five teet i and Bey
noltls another, floating" n tlio aurface
of the aeaj lorty-tive fiet. long, and of
a reddish brown color. But of all the
reports which lie heard, tlie following
is the most minute, and yet tlio most
extraordinary :k : 1
Captain John Magnus IH'Un a Dan
ish sailor of high character and cstalt
lislicd uprightness deKsed that, alter
having made several voyages to China
in the service of the Gottenburg Com
pany, he liad once found hlmsell le-
ciihiRil in tlie Alleeuth degree ot south
latitude, at .some distance from the
coast of Africa, abreast on St. Helena
andCaie Nigra. Taking advantage
of his forced inactivity, he had deter
mined to have liis ship cleaned and
scrubbed thoroughly, and for that pur
pose a few planks were susiwnded on
the side of the vessel, on which tlie
sailors could stand while scrubbing and
caulking tlie ship.
They were busy with their work,
when smkletily an anchor roll so the
Danes call the animal rose from tlie
sea. threw one of its arms around two
ot the men. tore them from the scaf
folding, and sank out of sight in a mo
ment. Auot lier feeler appeared, how
ever, and tried to grasp a sailor who
was in the act. of ascending the mast.
Fortunately, the man could hold on to
the rigging, and as tlie long feeler be
came entangled In the roites he was
enabled to escape, though not without
uttering most fearful cries.
These brought the whole crew to his
assistance. They quickly snatched up
uarpoons. cutlasses, anil whatever tliev
could lay their liands ou, and threw
them at the hotly of the animal, while
others set to work cutting the gigantic
feeler to pieces and carrying the poor
man to his berth, who had swooned
from intense fright. Tlio monster,
with five harpoons thrust deep into his
quivering flesh, and holding the two
men still in Its huge arms, endeavored
to sink; but the crew, encouraged by
their captain, tlid their utmost to hold
; on to I lie titles to v hieh fin- harpoons
were fa-toned.
Their strength wa-. however, not
siiflkk ikt to -ii nggie with the tnarin?
' giant, and alt rhev could do was to
t make l'al tlm lines to tlie ship, and to
wait until the forces of the enemy
should l:e oxliau-teil. Four of tlie
ropes sua t ied. one after the other,
like mi re thread-, and then the har
toons of i he fifth ton' out of the Itody
ot the monster with such violence that
the ship was shaken from end to end.
Thus the animal oscnjted. with its two
victims. The whole crew remained
overcome with amazement; they had
lieard of tliose monsters, but never
lielieved In their existence; anil here,
before their own eyes, two of their
comrades had lieen torn from their
side, and the third, overcome with
fright, died the - same night in deliri-
'lWtelerwhk'hbadbuiFejmr;d9.lSTEINwAY PIANOS, BURDETT OR
from th hixiy.'reimiiiiinj; on board as 6ANS
an evideiiiv tliat the whole had not
Iteen a frightful dream; Ir. mcnMirvd at
the base as many inches as their
inipeii-inast. was still twcity-flve feet
loiig.uud nt the end provided with a
number of .suckers, each as large as a
spoon. Its full size must ha, o lieen far
greater, however, as only part of it kid
been cut off, the animal never raising
its head above the surface. The ca
tain. who had witnessed the whole
scene, and liad himself thrown one of
tlie Iiarpoons, ever afterward consider
ed this encounter tho ; most remark
able event of 'his checkered life.- and
calmly asserted the existence of the
krakeo. "Odd Fish," in Dublin I'ni
versity Magazine.
'Mister Klein" writes to the Port
land Herald, under dale Iec. 20th, a
follows :
There have been' several familiar
faces on the street in the last few days i
among them Mr. Halsey, of the rail
road company, who has gone East.
Captain Thomas J. Stmnp, tlie Xapo
leon of swift-water pilots, who came
down here intending to pay his rela
tives in Tennessee a visit, has been
very ill, nd will return to Portlaiiil
by tlie ateamer to-morrow. I regret
it Tery mncli for he ha been on this
coalt twenty-one years and may not
liavo auollier as good diance In some
time. Victor Trevift, looking as
"happy as tlie big sunflower," can be
seen on Montgomery street at almost
any hour of the day. J.. S. Wilde,
who was paymaster on the Oregon &
California Itatlroad all summer, is
operator in the ofllce of tlie Atlantic
and Pacific ; Telegraph Company.
William Xixon came down on the
Stephens and goes to Los Angeles for
his health in a lew days.
Ifctore closing this letter I wish to
warn Oregonians against the high
wayman style of charging at some at
the hotels that advertise their terms at
3 per day. , A lady from the Dalles
nut up at the Lick House with her two
little children (tlie eldest ten years),
and was $112 for eight days in two
little rooms one size larger tliau prize
collar boxes. A sick man. who never
ate two meat a day, was fined 64 for
being found in tlie same aristocratic
den for eight days. So if your friends
don't want to be swindled, let them
stay away from there.
In . some cities it is the custom of
the hnsband to receive his friends on
Christmas day and tlie wife on Xew
The general custom of decorating the
churches and houses with evergreens is
descended from tlie Druids. They
believed that sylvan spirits would
dwell in the evergreen botiglis and
garlands until Spring and protect the
House irom evil spirits.
The Puritans of Xew Knghmd, in
their opposition to all churcti pas
times tortXKie tne ouservance ot
Christmas, and even to this day the
Middle, Western and Southern States
indulge in more unrestrained festivi
ties than the dwellers In Yankeeland
Xcarly everv country has its own
mode of celebrating Christmas. In
Italy, feasting and singing is the order
of the day, and, as the sliades of night
fall upon their ltrvely towns nninbers
of innslcians go forth to celebrate the
one who lias most merited tlieir es
teem and approbation tlnrlng the
past year.
Long before the birth of Christ the last
days of December were ueaicatea to the
"Feast ot the Sol." The Scandina
vians watched the declining sun ftam
June to December, and as soon as tlie
first shadow of its retrogade course
was noticed they danced and sung and
inaiisrurated a week of festitiyes and a
season of boisterous revelry.
It is not wondered at that both poets
and artists have devoted many of their
best productions to the honor of
CUristmag-tide ant its festivities. Cel
ebrations, (com the peony candle and
sprig f green in tho 'peaennfr'hnt to
the eortreotu and lavish display in tlie
Dalace. hare 'all had their sturo of
representation all taeaibing the same
spirit f bappine and joyous ftcogni-
uon 01 me granu union 01 ueaveu aim
earth; '
In the northern counties Christmas
Ls a season of more festivity than in
those tropical lands where palms bask
in tlie sua aud gorgeous flowers are the
story ..of tho -whole', year, Coming
just as Winter has commenced his icy
relgn, the Inner warmth, and glow,
ami comfort make a deeper impression
on the sonl, moving It to thankfulness
and rejoicing; and branches and
wreaths of evergreen form a more fit
ting decoration in honor of our Savi
our's birth than all tlie wealth of
tropical flowers, which blossom only
to wither and perish In an hour.
I'liblKlml b 1. Smmifl,
, l.Jf 1-fi'i.i; .'nil if, !IS Vi-vnl N! rrrt.
t K 1 Jt M A X 1 'I I. A It STOR K. ii. l
ii-i. iiiiniers ami jonwrs
, Te i i' ki'ry tilasswari'inni
V'llll'' (Hi'
1' lute. I Wurt
k Hoiiv. KiiM Si., tN'twcuu tfeikawl
Jk.- line J-.vui ylliUijf m-aU B. L. Limtrli l-
llV , l'l'ujl.
isooiis sTiTioxr.nv,
k ;;, nisi Streff Pudhiiid.
nriiinn.'llieonlr Mirtvt inn inner en mm
iiiff. &c. ,-or. Kront & w itliinl"ii n
Iirgest SKvk ill flirt Liml.
-Yii. " 'iii.J mi l .Y.. . tt'tiiu'iimjli.n h-
BK K,W ll.I.t.M Jt Sl. till t rout St
lniiurlersaiHt dmlcnin
(iiiiik, HllleH null Itevolvrr
of every ileHv'riiillon.
FiliiiK Tai'kle, Kunvy I-, l!r;i Is. liirC
.'ajri,, )iakels, t'rcniirt (iunie- ami
Ruby Carriajres.
Apents Sir lb "i'aliturnia l'owiler Work
alo, lor tlie "Wheeler Jc Wilsnn se
injf .Mafhiui's.'
Bc k. John A., li Frwnt sireel. praolkal
Watrlmiaker ami Jeweler. Wuikiiiine
fcr the Trailc.
BtXlK AX1) Jolt 1'UINTKKS. HimOS
A Bacheldor t'rmit .-ireet.
BriKlunn .V lii'iulutrt, First Mni'i, lietwren
Onkamt I'nie. liiiiriei -ol'Movi', Knn
Kiiolieii l'teitsiK
Bili-liuiwn, W, A.r. s. . eiir. t'ir-t .V Til lor
M. .'lie.iH'st Kiiiiilliue lliiiwin l'ori
? ' TL lL! W AI.'IKII " itltiis.
LAr 1 O"" 'mut !trw!L
Clark Itcniler-sin ,V "t'ik. SI A nr, first St.
lti-alersin Urv tJ,U, Fma'V Millinery,
A.-. A '
ATlolin A Ues'iil'elit. 1 IS Ki'Mit Ki
I .mnui-
-ian .Men-lul
t'lillt'iirnia PrfHtir
riiiii!!ti'. J. 1... inainiliii liiri r mvl
lenler in
41 I !, Hantes, iiml Sn1itli'i
W HIT. '.Mi 1- runl St.
CiiriU'i-. W. A '., licl Frunt -livet. Mer
.'.luml T:iiliirs A t 'lmliier-, Hair, Fiirii-sb-
lliy 1 imnis.
I.nilnmlU AOHtnnn, frj rmnl street.
Ki':t! K-'.itle Aeiil1,. liiuni-v Kiuneti
Imiww t'l'nli-U
DENTAL G00DS; :,od-
Inl r-rmil street, l'onlaiwl.
I'. II. WiMnlanl A Co.,
lot Kront l. tnlerh
Inun ant irtlm el (he state nr '1 ernlorlee
a rein I lllll l nmil or 'in-.
""mil, lxtwi'it-leiii A '". Kiirnliui'e ami
1.J lr.H
intnenlrr- -line- trmii I.H tu I X
Kirt '4 reel.
iKei'.. Witlieiflt A llol
nutiv, u 1 n
utii, MU r imil street. 1- uriu-ii all miku
nt he!!.
l.venliiitt A Iteetie, in Knm; .-tree,, t'oin-
MlA mis-cim Men-liam .1ml ilenlev- in Do
uielic Fn.ltire.
"af.ashion l.ivcrv Staltle, corner Ktrsi nut
Salmon trts., K. t orltett, I'mjinetoi'.
tiitoil turn-iiHtsaluat s on haml
".lixltel A Itotiev
l-'irst anil Wlt-liiiwc
t Imhini. F niliMiiiii- liixnU
The larEeHMl'4., llmi-r.'B lliet'on.
. 1.. Hi l'l! ANS. Mintapcr.
Asiit waniet.
I a a- lnu A Sovme. (Jnver- an 1 -lejlers in
mm nil of neols corner 1 ir-i iim
M:iill -1-.
t ambnroer. J(.,
Kir-t stre. uitrii'r
m m
ih1i'. I). II.. Pliotonnoiliic Ani-I. .
crniT Flrt't ami Mvnon streets, t tni-
:n lttctBrtM fnvtnltv.
"Jenrich-eii, 1.1', A Co. lftU First unit.
11 Mantilaotureriiand tlealers In Jewelry,
Vt ntchej Ac.
a ilrfwril. tii-o. 1... as front xtrert, liolo-
Knletlealer in tJrooeries, lVtors WasD
Material. Ac,
HmlpS alef A t o., " Krtmt -1 reef, whole
sale dealers in ltrnps 1'aintS Uile,
t;U.-s t.
1 I? Sewing .Mik-liine, strailtlne'-
ri W 111 I'J ille. under feet. "loci. -I it'll.
( omjylilion challengei). ti. W. Traver, II
r rant mreet.
I 1 itrcrpn A Shirnller. o. 1 to 1.2 trst
XI ImKtrter Furniture. IU-1'liny. Ac.
Tnternational Hotel, citr. Front ami Morrl-
M. on sis. M. liudoliih. rroinietor. Free
Hum atteutU ttteainers.
IT ohn. J. A Co.. 1 Front street, wholesale
J aL ami retail ilmlr iu Fine t'lothuirf. Fur-
iilliinK (,!.
"HValson l)oree Hestaunutt. private rooms
1M. ror Fanillie. cor. lit and rine streets.
y. Voos, Proprietor.
laVartin! K. A tlo.. wholesale itealer In
I" J Wines and Liquors, O. s. N . :' Hlnck
ami sun r runcisco.
1l eler A Schmeer. Ill Front rfreet, wlmkt-
lyJL Kile anil retail Conftvtioners
m tiler, John B..;t First strift. Watch
IT B maker and Jeweler, ofl'ers to tlie im
a nneaiwortment of Watches, l'!ockaim J
m Woe 1 1 it. A Co.. Front neurC. street, "leal
iTJll ers in nativo ami foretKn W ines Uq
nors awl t tyara.
IfcTorthrtin A Thomnson. HRPttvart'
X Steel, llulw, Suolu'A, llanlwout Lumber.
f "accidental Hotel, cor. Flrrt ami Morrbam
hU. Smith A t'ook, Proprietor.
Tlarrtab. Watklna A Cornell, ltenl Kstate
M. AgentH, HU Front mreet, between AUli!
ami wyninpon.
Photographic Goods, ar,
101 Front Mn
11 Wood-
ard A Co,
C, Real Kutute ami Money Itro-
her, W Front atreet, rortlanU,
ottenbaum, I. 8. 4 Co.,
Toliaeooniia tm
f Ktmoataj Llqior
porter, of Foreign an i
Row Ilonne, Front atreet. tin First Clas
Prtnetplea, Tho. Ryan. Proprietor.
Clierlook, A, 1 Front and fii Firat. t..ileal
er In Harnewi, 8iitiUery, and S'lddlory
Simon, J., .V Front street, dealer In Iionr,
Sath and RlludM, Window and Plate t. last
lrtshetmer, H., 157 First street, Imjiorter ol
Ptanoa, Ortfana, Sheut Music, Musical
and Atothecry, a largo stock of Pertitm
erv and Toilet Articles.
Drugs, Points, Oils, Window Glass, Per
fumery, tfc.
3 injrs. Frames, Artists Materials, Drawing
Smun, l ui, nroker, w rronistroei, jnuier
. In I-eptl Tenders, liovemment Jtonds
ami tiokl Dust
STOXC B. No. 107 front .Street.
Watchmaker and Manufacturing Jewel
er, Is appointed agent for the Waltham,F.lgtn,
E. Howard Co., Chas. E. Jaoot,and theCai
ilorniawatubes; also, for all tbe production
and imports of the California Jewelry tTompa
nv, 8an Francisi'o. Send for a circular.
Watchea repaireil tn the very best manner and to live gatiiifitutlon.
rWerrT Bros., So. 178 First street.
B. turers and dealers la Furnluire,
uiny. Lantets, tc.
f lieClothlni Store, 11:1 Front street.t 'loth
JL Inr, Farnisuina Goods, Boots awl Shoes.
Mann a I'rnyer.
raXuUle, 11. UL, 142 1U Front st. Lieaiur
JL in Wagonsaad Agrk'iiltnrallmplementi
t Vne, u-t"' v- l'or' First and Uitt sts.,
dealer tn Tine Brandies Wines, English
Ale and Porter.
re"yler, J. A., H7 Front street, wholesale
JL dealer la Butter, Kggs, Cheese, I-ard,
Baron, ic,
Wiuiaujs A Myer 5 Central block. Front
street, GojunjlHislon Metvhanls and
dealers in Produce. .
TT nish otir citizen with Lumber and Ex
press Wagon, and forr sin-tngCarrtages. As
we employ none but the beat workmen, ami
nse tbe very best material, we eau warrant
our wagon" lc be all we represent.'NXliiUHAM 4 CO.
PFJt DAV. Aceut
wanted! All classes
of working ivinnle. Af either sex
young or
olit, make more meney at work lor us in
i their
spare moments, or all the time, than at an,-
Hiutit else. I'arucciars tree. Aaiiress,
Portland, Maine.
R. R; R.
Afar rtjUioK thi &drrtlMont tas ou
It u th tnt ko4 to '
That fcrrtaatty Mpa ikm Meat rxmtimUmg pim, aUv
lnflajmnft4inn, and oam C'nraikuiis( woeibvr 4 i'l
l.unjpt, BuweW, or uttiEi (1ui(i or vrMis, ty witv
Km nfttf bow wil r vxmcitlhtf h yiu tic
KHKLMAT1C, ruUleu, tsBrm, Cripple, Nt-rvMio,
Jsuralgir( of proitrst wtth b- autfr'r,
rm.AMMATioK or thk kidxets.
nftlnauuui wiibLnii -in.
Tf tpplmtloxit lb, RCAOT RELIEF u it
Mrtor pvu ,bm u fmia or iBcnu-n,u win
TwtBtr drotM ia Mil ft toinnirr oi win in i.w
BomuU enr, CRAMPS. SfASMS, ixiun n lu v . n.
blCK Hfc.AUAl.lll- llMiviiniW'. i.iftnnin..,,
Tnnlm tkamii lwm,l emiTT bdU. of Um4-
war'a KMdr KrUf lt t". A few dt..y hi
wur will iDl iuahi nr pa. frara ctlqi ol walr.
FEVER AND Attl'K mrtl tor tty etrnti. Thrrt i
let ft rvtneitial grmt In thU world tkas win cure rv
and Ana. aad ail otber MaJartova. Biiwaa, Rrtn
Typhoid, Yellow, ud otbsr evrr (aided by KAU
WAY A flLl) to tjoirk aa niirnru hiaui
Kfc.UK. Hay cent par botila. bold by
JtKAtlUtL toMi'LtAlON bi-tUhlillOALL.
SOQlilt K, Stl RAPID Altt TIIK ei! 1 Ml.
Or THli 1HLLT WoMjtKkLU iltlilCiNt,
Every Say an Increase in Flesh
and Weight is Seen and Felt.
Every drop of U EARSAPARILUAN RfcSOl.f-
KNT ruciimnnirfta ihroagb lb Blood. &wttt, L'rtn.
maA OlhT fluid ud jolceaof the inM lb Tifo
life, tr H rpain th vtitn ot thm body with aw xi
oud mtrUl. SU-rofula, Sypkili. C'9tianuo, Olax
4ulr diMax, I'lcm im hm Throat, Mouth, Tunxr,
odn im lb ultid mnd oinr pmrU or Uie ayairat, Son
K.TT1, Stramoni D(chmra fron the F-ra, ud tb wor t
firms of Skin diaa, EraptioMp Fr Reno. SrmJd
Hftd, RiBg-Worrn, Skit Kh-m, Erysipcl. Am.
BlM-k fcpob, Vonu ia tht leib, Tunort, Caaem tu
Ibe Womb, ud all wtvknia( and pakafml diaebjuc-.
N ifht 6nU, Lom mt yrm, aod U wmtdoi of thf
hi prinetoU, tkr wlUia lb cvrauro rrncf of thia wm
dr of Modern ChcmUtry.and a iw dmj' km wrtl prvve
to ny prraon a!o it for ellbcr of tb fortua of Hkx
Us potnt power to cttro lhara.
If the pnvtlctit, daily beeomlnjr redored tiy lh waale
nd dKotufM-titinti ibat la couttntwllr procrrotinr,
rt-da in orreattaff low wtei, mad rrpavira Ut afMiuo
with aew mteriil made fntiu bnUlbv blood -and tb .
tbe SARSAPAKILL1AN wili and dor w-ure.
Hat, oaly doa the H)rBiLt.iai Kiw vrrr erl
ktl known rrtucdukl avi ia tfc car of lkrt ,
tScrofaloua, CtmatitoUun-J, and SkiS diari ; but it i-
tbt only poaiUTO ran lor
triaary attd Wotnb dtaoatM, Gravel. Dtabta, Drop.)-.
Stoppage vf WiOrr, locuotiaaaca of L'rine, Bright ! Lfi -ttM,
AlbamloMria, and In all caoaa wrt there af
brtickdaat apit, or tbe woior ta ikrirk, elutvdy, nixed
with btaat-e like the white of an eint, or tbraadt ltk.
wbte allk.oe there ka aaornid, dark, btlioaj aopeamar.
aad white buaedaat dafMaiU, aad whea there a pru k
tD(, be mi ex teaaatioa whea paainr water, aad pe..n a
tne Urn ill of the ttaca aad aio&x tha Lotaa, 1'rw.e, f I .w.
Ta oalf k,M u4 auf. K-u.r-t ur Wi 'K M -
M.N, TATE, c
Tumor of 12 Years'' Grotcth
Cured by Madumy't Betolveut.
Dr. PaTP
PfilffiCl PipllTB PI,
pawieetJf awaataat, lopaatl aaaUd wlih iweet nm,
pmif, rnlau, panre, eionato. aad etrMfribee. Kd
way1 PilU, fae (he mmrm of nil dwerden of tba IStonkacb,
Livor, Bvwaie, Kidaeya, Bladdar. Nvrvou. piaeatre.
Headarae, ( onewi'attoa, Coativeatai, IndieHtioa, ly
pan, Kitloeao, rtli"i Feear, I BAaaiBtattoa of it
Beweit, Flea, aad ail I arm jrameote of Ibe I Ureal
Vtaoara. WarraDtad a emert a pneitira cave. Paraiw
Vefetaale, reaieiBtee; ao BMroary. or ark-
AlewLrdaaa of UDWAT'S will fre lb-
rrvteoA froae all tbe ahnt-attunf dieurdori. Prtoa, v!
OrmU per hei. tMU BT lRlUilTH.
BkJUHrAl AU TRI E." Head one letter
etaJiip to RAP WAT dt CO., Jl Warr-n Slrei,
New York, latwmalioa wtrth lAoaaand wl't tv tret
Dr. J.K. lenan.
if nan Fnttti'lMxt, attd ser
inntl eminent physicians
of p.tirotte have linen co-
oiierntiiig during the pnt
two veai'HuiKl experiment
ing "in liosiitul luactice
with the inclli'liuil proi.
ertie. contalneil in tlie
Kih-lviittls. aid the re.
stills nliotv Dial a-aciiti for Fever and .Vctte
It Is better IIihii tnluie, a,:n lis test
cae w here tannine bad boon Iven iinno
cesslully, til wrre cured with P.ticaK plus
In the 1'. S. Marine where evten
slve e.riment' wei-e tiinde with tr. le
man's Ktra..r. every case of Fever and AgU
wits cured Willi thi-W'tueiiy nlone.
ll ha- al-o leii proven in tlie same lios.
piinl. Hint when preirel by Dr. Colennn's
ia,'uli;tr prvell I. it most tnv.tlitalili' nine,
dv for all diseases of the Kidneys. Bladder
aitd I'rinary ( anal, and iiinv'rj-es were
citreit with this prei;tni'iou jilone, tliat had
lieen pronounced Incttralile. with any itther
know n remedv. h'or thsi'di-'ase it can lie
confidently relied epon as the mo-t elHci
clotw renteilv everotlereil to the pulilU.. 1 i
llke most otM-r vnluable remedies, It Is aplca
santconllal, and is not rejivleil liythentot
wnsltlve slonuu'h. Tlie iiepulaiity whk-h
Coleman's Compound p;vtract nf KiMnlyntus
has almaty attained has given birth to several
base iniualions - none but Coletnan's U genu
ine. Dr. Coleman refers tiv itermlssion to tbe
following well know n gentlemen In nan Fran-c.U-o,
who cau vouch lor its etlicaci . trom
personal experience nnd know lede.
ti. N. Arthur, of .1. 1. Arthur Son. Agri
cultural Warehouse, coi. of California and
Davis flreet.
K. U Matthews, t'iraiu Men-haul, 407 Davis
Col. Win Wolfe. Xn ." Market street,
formerly Passciiger Autut for t he t 'ul. steam
Kav. Co.
Wm. If. Patterson. Atty. at Ijiw.
For sale by BELT ,t JOIISS, DIIC;;IT,
tieneral A cents.
Cor. Clay and Battery Strwls, Su. Fram isi-o.
ll Street, lie! ween Front and First.!
Manufacturers of all kinds of
And nil klufl or BrnM -atluji,IUn
bilt Metl, ete.
li. S. IIF.RADi:Z,
Next door to Fitrrar Bros.. Salem, has Just
received a lare aetortinent of tiomls for the
Gift Books, Musical Instruments,
Photo. Albums, Pictures,
Fancy Stationery, Cutlery,
Gold Pens, School
Tok, Kim'. jfjjooUn,
AX i TOI r.KT AHTiri.KS,
in groat variety.
Also for sale
Geo, Woods & Co.' Organs.
rrc10;tf . '
American Excimnge
(Corner Front and Wa-hington Street-.!
(JI IJIIJY& TERKIXS Troprletors.
free loarb (a and from tbe House
lrt. 7. li-dawtf
Will cew eTerythlng needed in a family, from
tb heaviest to the lightest fabric
Than any other machine.
If there is a Florence Sewing Ma
chine within one thousand miles of
San Francisco not working well and
giving entire satisfaction, if I am in
formed of it, it will be attended to
without expense of any kind to the
19 New Montgomery Street,
Grjnd Hotel Building, San Francisco.
Rrud for Circular mnd wmplrM of
tlie work: Active Agtmtm vaitled in
every pi are.
Feb. 1 ilwlv
Ml.'.-. P.nW.M X,.1-i-ti-l lit Jll
IlKl.T, will o..-ii
Select School
.M..nd:i. ins-. 1
It, a! Ilie l.'),i-o;il I lillivll
t'himt room.
'I'l'i ni-. .T ipi.-ti'
i I I ft cite M-,'k.", Ki.
IIkavi i: llto!i.i:' n;.ru. r
yi l't i,at lrn :i;i;MiiiieI
I t 1 1 1 U i i he 1 ' n it
h"'n-li itu llwc ui i-itsi' l ;.( oiant klml
will h' rt.i-xnil ;t ...inline: 'n thvi 'ui)Hti
n ii i i.i t liv In tu -r iiiil-r in- ah! Ii'-i ii .
i:i:a ki; iuhkuv m.. .
I ;v ii; 1 1 : v'i:i.
Crystal Restaurant.
C-.' Meals at all Hours. -3
nr- norl li ol t lii''t ll.itel.
IVivult EttxiiuM lor I Jaallat.
I f. I- MKKM.N. rr.
Fire Insurance Co. of Hart
ford, Conn.
North American Life Ins. Co.
r m:w tokk.
or ii viri i-oKi, .
t IK PICK In I In' l. r:
,t.-.r u Ilic rlLrl:f . tip -t:ilr-.
N ov. 1'. "ilf
II. ill-.' 1st
Vinecar Bitten are not a vile Fancy
rtrlnk. made of Poor Bom. Whisky, Proof
Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced,
and sweetened to please the taste, called
-Tonics." "Appetizers," Restorers, " 4c.
that lead tbe tippler on to drunkenness and
ruin, bat are a true Medicine, made from
the native root and herbs of California,
free from all Alcoholic Stimulants, They aro
the Blood Pnrlllcr and a LUe-glvlng
Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invlgor
ator ot t he System, carrying off all poisonous
matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy
condition, enriching it. refreshing and in
vigorating both mind and body. They are
easy of administration, prompt la thetr ac
tion, certain in their results, safe and reli
able In all forms of disease.
So Person cam take theae Bit
ter, according to directions, and remain
ng unwell, provided their bones are not
destroved by mineral poison or other means,
and the vital organs wasted beyond the
pointaof repair.
Djrapepaia, or Indigestion, Head
ache, Pain in tbe Shoulders, Coughs. Tight
ness of the Chest, Dizziness, fiour Eructa
tions of tbe Stomach, Bad Taste in the
Mouth, Billons Attacks, Palpitation of The
Heart, Inflammation of tha Langs, Pain in
the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred
cither painful symptoms, are the offsprings
of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has
no equal, and one bottle will prove a better
guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad
vertisement. for Female ComplaUaUa, in young
or old. married or siugle. at the dawn of
womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic
Hitters display so decided an influence that
a marked Improvement is soon perceptible.
For Iaammat.ry aaa Cnroaie
Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or
. indigestion, IttUouaV Remittent and Inter
mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver,
Kidneys and Bladder, these1-Bitters have
been jnost successful. och Diseases are
caused .by Vitiated Blood, which is generally
prodaced by derangement of the Digestive
For ftkln Disestaca, Ernptions, Tet
ter, Halt Kheum, Ulotc.hes. hpots. Pimples,
Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Rtng-wonus,
Scald-Head, bore Kyea, Erysipelas. Itch,
hcurfs. Discoloration of the 8kln, Unmors
and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name
or nature, are literally dug np and carried
oat of the system in a short time by the use
of these Bitters. One bottle In such cases
will convince tbe most incredulous of their
curative effects.
Cleanse tne Vitiated Blood wher
ever joa find Its imparities bursting through
the skin in Pimples, Ernptions, or Sores;
cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and
sluggish In the veins ; cleanse it when it la
foul ; your feelings will tell yon when.
Keep the blood pare, and the liealtb ot luc
system will follow.
Pin, Tape and other Worms,
larking In the system of so many thousands,
are effectually destroyed and removed.
Says a distinguished physiologist: There Is
scarcely an Individual on the face of the
earth whose body is exempt from the pres
ence of worms. It ls not upon tbe healthy
elements of the body that worms exist, but
upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits
tliat breed these living monsters of disease.
No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no
anthelmintics, will free tbe system from
worms like these Bitters.
Mechanics.! Disease.. Persons en
gaged In Paints and Minerals, such as
Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and
Miners, as they advance in life, are subject
to paralysis of tbe Bowels. To guard against
this, take a dose of Walub's ViNBUxa Bit
ters twice a week.
Billons, Remittent and Inter
ntittent f evers, which are so prevalent
la the valleys of our great rivers through
out tne United States, especially tnoseof tbe
Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, Tennes
see, Cum Iter! and. Arkansas, Red, Colorado,
Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile,
Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many
others, with their vast tributaries, through
out onr entire country daring tbe hummer
and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual beat and dryness, are In
variably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of the stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscera. In their treat
ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful In
fluence npon these various organs, U essen
tially necessary. There is no cathartic tor
the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's vikk
gab Bitters, as they will speedily remove
the dark-colored viscid matter with which
tbe bowels are loaded, at the same time
stimulating the secretions of the liver, and
generally restoring the healthy function of
the digestive organs.
Scrofula, or K!nrs Evil, White
Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled neck,
Goitre, hcrofulous Inflammations, Indolent
Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old
Sores, Ernptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes,
etc., etc In these, as in all other constitu
tional Diseases. Waliib's Vinboab Bit
txbs have shown their great curative pow
ers ta tbe most obstinate and Intractable
! . lker's California, Vine
a Bitters ac on all these cases tn a
similar manner. By pnrlfytpg the Blood
they remove the cause, and by reaoiving
away the effects of the In fie mm alien tfn
tubercular deposits) the affected parts re
ceive health, and a permanent core la
Tae Aperient and mild Laxative
properties of Da. Waxica's Vim-roar Bit
tkrs are the best sate-guard In cases of erup
tions and malignant fevers.. Their balsamic
healing, and suet Wag properties protect the
humors of the fauces. Their Sedative prop
ctjee unty pain In the nervous system
stomach aoi bowels, either from inflamma
tion, wind, colic, crampa, etc.
Dirocttonav-Take of tjte Bitters on
going to bed at night from a naif to one and
one-half wme-glassfuL Eat good nourishing
food, such as beef-steak;, mm ton chop, veni
son, roast beef, and vegetables, and take
out-door exercise. They are composed of
purely vegetable ingredients, ana contain
no spirit.
Druggists A Gen. Agta., gaa Francisco. Cal.,
cor. V. aauiugton and Chart ton ata, S.Y.
i Sah Doors, Blinds, Moldings
I RUSTIC, aud all the latent Mylr of inMdo
mid omvtde ol tlie lav Mtutllty ol e'ear
: ixitar lumla-r ever itn-d ill Nilent.
Sent 11 SiMvinir. Slair Huiltlinr aud
done with iiratneiw ttnd ilir-iuil. il. Miiniiliic
t ut ers of tlie celel initl
Boswell Fruit Dryer and Room Heater.
AlsoManefcieluretltc RANKIN PATENT
All kind and qimUtkotnT Lumber
' Shingles r"r FaU' "iitp.
Itexloruorkal lowml lrie
f-l'U-ipe yivo it a call. SKK H'F
STt 'K. Itrji our pri.-e. .unl ?lte u your or
SIlKtlAL ATTF.NTION slven to nntert
frottt fHntK'r. nd inlorMt.ttion I'reely yltim
yi-.'Ui?, to our tiroit ..
TXXY "X'Jrl. US '
The only p:iier i:t ttri-jon devoleil to
ComuM'rf tail Financial News.
i.vtin iimiY iiiui.n .r ism 'it i up fur
.Mt icitunl , Faruter, MaanfiwiureiT,
Klc liould not I't without It.
The Prices Current
t oiii.iui more duTcr'Ul Artic!e than ever
l-fore pulill-lieil on I lib roaat, awl
in'innooritfleil weekly
It la Hcrfccll) Ucllakic.
The Ableet Commercial. A
cultural and Financial
.. ! oIK.iined In rvhanfrr or Ity aulwrlp-
tion sue nii'eiteil, no that llie very
litte-t nnd niovt rellxlile
Foreigni Domestic Market Reports
ran l- tciveii, ttiiii Weciinf( otir -til-rllr.
well iiilirme.L
'I'lit IIoum- Marka'l HrprU
Aivc.refnlly iirenurwl aad contain tlie
t,--4 iiil'nriiuill,Hi io tlit day itfjrolnK lopre-.
-..t t ter 1 ear In laltre.
Col. Jamea R- Farrlah,
' I'.irlliiiKl. Otxicpp..
A TUoroiigU ?iajirr.
Hum Atliliiaed Uitw IreulaAioat
ihi. any tiw-iMr Mruif
Mao i n
ThelMiLVlsa complete newspaper, and is
entirely reliable in it Couttnctvlal
Th W kkki.v contains all the general tnl'ur
maiion lo be hireil in a weekly
Fifty-Six Columns of Reacting Matter,
t'"iii;'risirg nil tlie Telegraiftie aad Lo
cal New a.
Hail v, lo per Milium, or 1 per month.
Weekly, fi - six luoutfrt, tit.
(ST Sample roer, sent free.
IU Front Ma., rsNrllaad,
C o m m i s s ion Merchant.
Oregon produce sold lo best advantage la
Portland or Kan Francisco. Iteaier la
ronaignawenU KaUeitea.
Jan. . ItSi '
623 Kearny Street,
Corner Commercial St.,
Established in .SV, A'r treatment of
Seusl ami Meniinal lncwsw, .-'t It asitouor
rhen, lilpet. Stricture, syplillo.jiY (II Jfs
forms. Serai ual Weakness, In4etwy, A,;
Skin IKseaes of years standing and I luer
atsd Legs sarar-sfully treated.
Neantaal Wi
Seminal emission tbe consequence of sell
abuse. This xolltary vtci', ordeprave,! sexual
Indiilgetu-e, i. practi,-eil by the youth of hotti
sexes toanalnsMt unlimited r.Ytent. producing
with itneriing certainty, tbe fnlktwlngtraiavl
morlild syni4ina, unlttM contbatrd by s-k-entiuo
medical measures, via :
Sallow countenance, dark sfmts nmler tbe
eyes, )aln in the lie .d, ringing In tlie ears,
ii'oIm) Kku the rustling of leaves and ra
tllng of ciw.liit?, uneasiness about the
loins, confused eio!!. hlnnted Intellect,
lo-s of cmtfidenee, dltfiilen ;n approasdung
strantrers.a dislike to fortn new' aoJi binta nces,
a disiosttloB to shun society, low of na4orv,
beetle fluslM'.aml vart-xi.eruiitioiuiabout the
face, furred tongue, fetid breath, cough, coo
sum pi ion, uigbl sweats, monomania ami fre
quent Insanity. If relief be not obtained,
the Htifferer shuuld apply Immediate! v. In per
son or by letter, and have a enre effected by
bis new and sctentlnV mode nf treating this
tliseaao, w ln-h never fails of effecting a oilcs
aud railk-al euro. Lr. ii. will givensshas
dred dullnrs to any per-ow who will prove
sallslacloi-iii to htm that lie was cured of this
complaint fir MlT ol H eon FranclaEO
(nreal at Hoane.
l'enons at a itlstan,-e mav ne IT'KiwO AT
HOME, by addruMrine a letter to Dr. I.IUssi,
stating case, symptoma, length of time tbe die
ease lissoottttaueil.and havemtslk-ine promM
ly lnrw ardeil, free Inn ilanWg-e and curiosity,
to any part or the country, with full and
plain directions for nse.
lersons wrltltw to the Poctor witl please
state the name of I he paier I bey saw tlus l
vertlsemettt is.
By Intkulng $10 coin, In a rrglslerett letter
tiu-otign toe vom iture, or t nrougn et is, far-
go Co.,
a pa-kaa of ipeiuoiue will be for
warded to anv uarf of tha I'nion
All eotresqunilcjOee stricflv cotfiIfint1al
AiWress 1 tit. J. F. tifKBOX. dS Kern
street, San Fram-ieco. Fostntnlee Box
Feb 1 deodlwlv ;
1 S 7 2 .
The shades of night were lowering dawn
As swiftly through a western tow a
St. Nicholas, wilb his rej ndeers eight.
Came down lo keep old Christinas atraianl.
He glided through tbe k-v air
I'ntil heren-hedtnectty fair:
Where dwelt Ibe happv trla and Boys
Who yearly get their brtatima toys.
I'll stop awhile, the okl man said,'
To rest m v old and shaggy bead ;
And while the people aa do sleep,
I'll quietly steal along tbe streets.
rntll I reach the PIOXF.ER STOKE,
M'here often 1 hare stopped before;
And here any Toys, gay and bright,
I'll leave In care of J. i. W BWUT.
With hint I always eave tbe best ;
ltear reader, if yon should Invest,
Just call n Joi.u and let him show
How much ot Clrrtstmas Le does know.
,. It - a
Awl If vou rfo nor warn to troy, .
I -all Yound and see hmr ..Ha for hlgu
For he has Wagons, Holts awlparto;
Ami Toys Swr Ute Hoy's sweetbtarts.
And now, dear reader, let me say,
As from this town I haste away -
For o'er this chilly earth to-night
I make my annual Christmas atglit.
Be merry, wben oa Chtatip.-u ttoe
The old church bells so gladly ciume;
For Christ mas comes but once a year,
Then use it well while ' here.
Now, old folks jonnf middle age,
All ve w ho act upon lite ' stage,
Remember now, as oft before.
They keep Christmas st the Pioneer Store.
DeclJrJw -
1., f
Opera IIotic Block,
um, -
6jr AMeutlou (m fnlleU to Hit- r.l
losina Dea4-rlp4roni ol Frnpfity
M d ucre 4 iiiilen r-nl or al-ni.
4:lJ VFllrick hniihc. Hue l'ninieliMrn.)ro.d
orclianl- lnoacn-s In ctiltlvntloii lalmtce
turenud limber -price jHOtri.
KLF.VES ANI HALF a.-re 4 Imije F.:i-t
of KtU'iit. viuall Immim", Hue .toll lor (Eimi'tin
prU-e l.""n.
0mt,d acre i'- nille "omit of ilvetntti.
. ZU lloii-e'nii l lrn. muII orclmnl.
Junacrei iimler fiiu-e. :0 ; in ciiliivaiioti.
well watered, :rlc V-'".
OAfc-rei. 3 niilenN. t.. of ftaiem. ne tne
Oil provements a" f.nllivati.u. clie:i..
I'rlc tiMu.
r M fm ncnt 10 mile. V K. of n'.em al
Amk3 1 mile !mit It of WlMll.tml. a l
ol the t,eo. ,av iiotwwtoti , -
pntveil. Price 4,.'itl.
OOAw! niiliK ii-t ol Siiblnuilt.
mAm" XUiimi c.mitilt, triat,l I'liiiii well
luiuruveit Willi line orchard, -' acrei" of jrnini
fown. 100 a.:re In in." I citltlialioii, well
walere-l, rl. U soil. Prk e
M s,-res 5 miles north of Sublimity,
mY T P stiKilt h'Htse, gMl or. h.ii'l. 1 40
a.-r's unties fence. Trice II.WKi.
Vi .
4rj4a.-res 4 mile, east ol Siililinilly.
JU B boose awl lorn, on hanl. gwl
water and good otHsLb' rattle for k, oK'er
et at a Inrgnln. l.u;ai.
-g - k nci-e at miles eat id1 Sublimity :
1"VF us, jcres in cttlliv.-ilion. leMiseaiMl '
barn. All iimler fence and well er.-t
with line springs. I'rWe tf4,0(k
.a-a-sl -j-re 4 miles north of s!eiti
1 the Stage road. Fine timin' at.
si.len.JSl orchard : abundance of small fruit
rlc soil liir garileiiiug and gil tlmlsr. I r;
fr 4M10 ACRE bits will. in one tulle ot
J the court botu-e ; rich mil; prue 4Sloi
fiuo ier -re.
fas m a,-ref. 2' miles east of ticttaii-. 4tl
mi .ir a.-res prairie, all fenced. Iisiucivs
Him-ttmlier. giHsl running water lor -Ji k:
place, ii St) a-r .v:re.
-ra-r-a.-res on King's Prairie, io I.11111
HlV Co,60a.-res 111 ctilliialion. good
orchard, bouse ami liarn. and pla.-e well, im
l.rowl. all fenced and well watered: price
$1,000, a bargain.
acres uu Kiug I mine, line non-c aim
ba i ll and good iniprotiwiani; pr-. .
l iAa"-res, 9 miles ea'l of Scln, l.liin t-.i.
C4U 4.1 a,-rtiiicitlllVBIson.bmtsest. kirn,
treill or.-b:tfl. well walere.1 : pric, t(M.
Q1aere7 niiln" e.-ist of Salem, splendid
I i house and lam, good otvluinl, alitin
. la nee or small fn-lt, good sirring at Ibe bull-
and litem v ot stwrk water, ia.-re gisslplow
land, iu acres or fine timothy nHilo : rtce.
i..'si. A ra re Imrgatn.
i HQ '-rs "u!ps nA 'ir ",l-"i- '"'
' "HO opi'ii bind. I4U ncri-s in cillliv:U.on, 1
I orchard!., plentv of small frtu: :gaal sprinit
j water for !cs-k: price, S,onfi.
; 17
: O f At'Rloiie-lialfinili' i-.'tiili"f It. R.
j O'-t depot at Saletn; well nitl lor gar
j ileniiiv! fHte tV T acre.
a ft .-RKfoiiru)tlfnortliof-salitii!
I aiW small Impt-rsieinetits: land well
I located ami some tine tiuilr: price l er
-a -t l'KFJt in ""Ik etimty. 11 milw w
M. H" of Kalemt iiiiirov,iii7nl'- gis.l: :H
biresiueullivatioui prUr i,Ut'.
K r Af R;sT nUlessottth of salisa : all
f3JVF under frifc-e: gtsl Imni anl lusi'O
cotiiU.-rtile improvement: price til s-r
sere, in qiwutjttJM lo auil pun-hnsers.
M-M ACRESC miles norihwrsi ijnl.11.1 .
JLdar lde acres in cultivation: ol
range, well wateml and good orchanl ; price
$14 per acre.
t ACRES eight miles south ofSnlem,
lOU on the stairs road. 40 acres tilxler
. KltJrHtion : nearly all tin. Irr fen-e; oniiiunj
bona suq l r ; s-d voting ore I tan I ; pra-e.
0"J ACUF-f one mile somh-wet or Ni,
Ol tern. In Polk county. All titxier
fence: 10 avrea in cultivatioii; small bouse
and lorn: good vising orchanl : very desira
ble li.alsiii for gardening purpow ; iirlce
rOT34. MiKb J. q,n nddLloti
A frame bouae atvl stat" Ik.ii. I'rjct; tf
IOT i Inblivl. il. gisul li.m.e and turn
A well anished. Prk-e tl.sui.
OT rt,lil.vk si. houeand other inipi-ove
itnenis. I'rk-e f.Hju alargaiu.
tto'V' 1 fltf'a l of Itl.v k No. 1.:. .
4 Jk. V W W. cs-ner Jone' .mIiIi
tlon tnalrMn "'Ij, "1,7 nse and linjirovements;
I'l.r, 71 w.
T OT 4, Block i-i, citv or Sa'i m. tine timi-e,
JLi well fitii-bel, near tlie C. I. Church:
price, MVsTO.
HOCSE and halfbla-k in .tones' addltlnti:
1( story house well fiol-tielanl ground
well improved ; prii'e (LTO.
IOTS ! and 9. blni k 4. Reels a WHIoa. va
A cant and flue local lou ; itl.-e tCitl,
HOL'SKand I4 lot's In llol eifs ld,ljnn;
Mougiug lo XI. Jt.' ,J: yi.-e imsi
I- OSS i and 6. bbvk i"i. on Church street
A vacant; price iVKk
2 LOTS in A Ilia n , bear the vnuit bou-e
iwire (woo; intilre of Thntnas Moulelib,
HtlfJSK and lot on Front street, nar bu
iness )rt ot liie'(.ilf ; now kviium l.f
Jit J. U fftarkey ; price iftl.'
rpise Mentlns; mm Ieauluai fft all
J- klnis of prOrty, 'Collection of Clalm-i,
Conveyancing, Ac, will receive pronin 'al'
For further Information adttreats
Salem, Oregon.
Ol alii kjH Isphntl
SfOK in nse.
For raising; nralerfov
Posses tie trnrnoa, or
Barn nr stcek
Kvery man who has had experience la the
different wave of raising water, knows
CHEAPLY, arttj tlht there Is ao Pump to
dftrautt'eofenleiitaad free tram Ihtpaniri
uttheatthy elentonti to tfte water asAbe plaia
MaDutactarsd by' the k . "
-- -T rvi waA
Satstn, ffc-pt, , lgj.- ' mf
Gchool Re-Opening.
".TIS8 FRANCE DCTTBAItwiH re-ors-n
if A her a-bool at tne otdteln-e oa PT
ill 11, Monday, December lSJi.-Ci. .
1 7
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