1acciifiT"Soii Salesman. SALKM, TUIDAY. DKC. THE CITUND COUMTY. Fran It'iii'j .T" .v.ifi.- (''.'. 'C. 2'.). Itl ItNIMi OF THE OI.I M il. I AM tru: imvuimiv. Aliont lialt-pa.it i-li-v.-n o'clock last ni"lit tli" cilil I'niwrsity lmiMin on Wilson Ave n in- was discovered to Ik; on lire by the ninlit Kilico. The alarm wa given and in a short spar-i of taint' tin; tiro department was iiiKin the KroiuulH ; Imt re tliat time the ImiMin' was soi.m shkkt of rn:K. ' , As it stood cimsidinililc distance from oilier building, it was finally doomed ad isalle to let it Imru : ami the streams of water were tiii ie il from the l.nniinK ruins iiN.n t!nl-aiitiful shade tri-cs that stood in losi' iroitnity to the luiildiiiK. to saTe, if joonihle, tin-so' sln-lurs of many a graduate w ho is now launched noon the liiisv scant' life. 5 ' " - Till. OIIIIIIN OK TI1H Vllir. ' Is unknown, it is urulouhttslly tlie work of mi inreihliary. as the ImiUhiig has not U-eu s eujiii'il for years for any pui'isise what- er. The Trustees, a fow eveuingH since, hail divided to have the huililing torn down shortly. Some one eoiiizaiit of this fact, and thinking, in their ow n minds, that no harm would result from, it, has net the building on lire. Tins h. -ems to lie the general iiu )ression at least in the public mind. Hut more of this anon. thk "iu" lUII.I'IXO was cn-cted in 114. and is now 2S yrsruokt. Since Octolier, lt;7, it lias stood i(ll -tltt i.ew I'niversity being occupied at that time. Instu.i.a tion of Offickbs. Multnomah llovul Arch Chapter. So. ti, Salem Lodge, .So. 4. A. V. A A. M.. and Pacific Lodge, No. .V). A. F. .1 A. M. installed tliejr offletri last evening for the ensuing term. The in ru)Iatioii of the latter Lixlge was public. Thi" following aro lists of the officers : .Ml l.TNoMAH It. A. ('HAFTF.n. F. J. Bal- cook. II. I'.; .1. F. Miller. K.; E. I. Bloat, s.; D. II. Murpliv, C. of II.; B. F. Brown, 1'. S.: S. V. Chadwiek. It. A. C.; J. McAfee, ti. M. ;td V.; A. Kcllv, (i. M. 2d V.;T.McF. 1'atton. (1. M. 1st V.; 1!. 1'. F.arhart, Secre tary ; J. U. AlU-rt. Treasurer; J.J. Mur phy. Si n. Vi ifii' Loisif. No. 5(1.. John Orav. W. .VI.': .1. A. ltichardson. S. W.; T. H. Vann, .1. W.: li. F. lirow n. Seen-tary ; I). Fleisch Inan. Treasurer: V. J. Ualicock, S. 1).; W. li. liarr, J. U.: J. F. Miller, Tyler. Sai km Iiisik. It. 1'. Farhart. W. M.! E. N. (lillmuham. S. W.: A. H. Wiison. J. W.; Vreil F.. l'almer. Secretary; J. II. Allrrt, Tr- asurer: M. Chainnan. S. !.; C. M. Mil 1. r. .1. I).: II. V. Wilson, Tyler. r.Ati.ROAn Srrr. The psso of Simon (1. T'lliott vs. The Oregon C'entral Itailroad Co.. and Ben Hollailav, was opened yester day Is fore Judue Bonliani, sitting at cham U rs. It is a suit, the hearing of which may iccupy si'vnral days. Only a preliminary motion, relating to the pleadings, wan ar Kiied yesterday afternoon, when the Court adjourned to o clock tins morning, t,. It Shattuck and Mr. Eppinger appoaml for the plaintiff, and J. H. Mitchell and E. O. J:iinaiiL'h for the defendents. The fcaaring i xi ites more tlian tlm ordinary interest in this community, as was evidenced Yesterday by the large attendance. The proceedings take plaiv in the State Library room. Ni Ff.iuiv. The Salem ferry has not U-eu running for some days on account of needed repairs to the lioat". We hear that l aUi's ferry, is also laid up. We met a Kentleiiien yesterday who had been waiting here suveral days to get across the river with a team, to nialu- a visit only a eonple of miles from Salem. Not wishing to go to l'ylk countv bv wav of Oregon City, Port land or Corvallis. he is here vet, waitin for the Salem ferrv Isiat to be reconstructed. 1KRSAI.S. Hon. J. H. Mitchell, U. S. Senator elect. arnv.sl m this city, yesterday, on profes sional niismess. l'uv. (i. Mines, notwithstanding his se vere illness, attended Uie funeral of Father Waller, yesterday. Mr. Julius Stratton, formerly a typo of tne statesman office, nut now a Unit) ol the law at Eugene, is making a holiday visit to ins menus in mis city. Mr. F. G. Schwatka and wife, who have Ist'ii visiting for some months in the East ern States, arrived at San Francisco Bee M, en route for home. They are expected here next Wednelay. - . Ffxeual. The funeral of Father Waller as attended yesUrday bv a very large con course of citizens. The sermon was preached by Itev. S. Bowers, pastor of the Xt. E. Church, who concluded with a bin graphical sketch of the deceased. lSemarkt were made by Revs. L, M. Nickerson, J, L. l'arnsh and (lustavus limes. Tho Her vices were unusually imtiresalve. The re mains were followed to their reHtiug place ny a large procession, . KvrnBTAnmBXT To-Nioirr. This even iug. at the Otiera House. Mr. Utephen Mav Is II, the Oregon Ilxirer-lViet and Humor ist, will amuse his audience. We ga for home consumption of home produotM, and we arc therefore In favoc of giving cmr (iiiiie-1K't an audience that will not only l-linoiirage Ijut pay film, : IsTOfMsn. The Halem Flouring Mill not having len constructed for mibtarrantefl si-rviee. has suafiended work, till such time as the Hi ssls shall abate. It runs by water- power, but it cant get away with tho whole illatnette. Still Rlsino. The illamette -nvar continues to rasio and to rise. B!katr. now stands in Mill Creek alnivo the long bridge. ' Insane.- Capt. Scott, Sheriff, went to FAst Portland vestcrdav with an tnsane patient whoso mime is withheld, at present ! icijijesl of frle.Uii. . t i . A ltAt.K-Misr'.-Tlie Htate House flag was at halt-mast through the day yesterday, in resp.-et to the memory of Father Waller, From D'ii'J " Svmtny Uc 2t). Mvi.n.L'sExTF;iirAixnKXF..-SteplwuMAyl Is II the voung On gon Lls.rer-Poet, intro duced himself last evening U a Salem au dience, at the Oiiera House, in tlie charao :.r ,.r i.y-t. ivaileav and humorist. Ho H little 111 iiucoiith in some of his dramatic ren- ditioiis. but he wrtall.jy has the sw bilt he wrtalli y lias uui soiriv oi . . : .. 1.: . . .fi. .n mil.lilm j.itf iMniuiieliur,oi.luiiiiii"'';-r"il"rV"":" l.'piatetit!v witnontenor jo -n i"" filangliii' Yol hit auditory. 'Maytl s.iven trie and 'in that respect would be all.il a genius, something wocall everybody t-.i... u......; ami tickles n with oddities. He lias wit. and that is his own. Some of his eccentricities are his own, too they ncy. , r could have Ish'h learneil-whllo . oilier !. ..,:.Lnik n, -,, inred and used as the play- L lot UH.1t his arlitices. this is entirely le- Lnid KctiTes, gruitonaWa of the pt.. ! , ' i ttntwM have not time to Uu- t MavUll. and ri he is not pro- 1 1.', i,iv to (siciipv tlie dissecting ta- Llo. Hiuliio it to my that ho o. thorouuhlv amuse tiu aumcnoe. ine tieople in front laughed enongh, ap platidel liberally and went away with broad L'rins on their faces. Maybell. when he Pliall have hail experience and training will succeed in ins new line, no (," v,.i,i this ulace ill a fewilavs. ead- ..;',, iieiirhlsirs to co and see him when ; api-ai-s in public. They will enjoy his melange. Tut- Bit.- FLorniNO Mills. The Port land Commercial lteporfer give tlie follow- ' ' kilum Mills- "1 he tmlaaa Vfcr.i-itic Mills arc situated in Halem about J., . lniiiiiri Yards- from tlie -Willamette iL..r . hut h means of an artificial canal f.situ can' reach' it at an ordinary stags of ttie water. The dimension of the main ' building is eighty feet depth by sixty feet vwlrli with height of six floors, inclu ding cellar. The granary attached has a storage capacity of 1 .U50 Urns. Wheat from jK-iats is received by means of a sack ele vator1 fifty tons an hour is the usual rate x. .. i.i. u Ut cut be discharged. Boats k ,' leaded by means of chutes or slides, atcr 5u the river. - nugons, uringiiis ihrat -gre4 nnloarled at the rate Of J,8lO 'JT..:rino Vt) hhH. There hut been go as The ilvWVWV e.Ui .J tiun put toMpf at . . .. ti I bis, tor the season. 8 here are live freifch mlji-sttme nseil.' fb water t'sivEESiTV Fibe. The btfrtiinft pf the o i uniefai; o,um.h t -. n r posed to have cnWled tw loss, a tiw mld f . old and abandoned. Bu we are in formed tut thure were in it ne!y f)Q worth of doors and windows, ach the Trustees had intended to take out and aave. There was also some inside lumlxv-srhich ould have been used. The bruk 'niM ..i r.r aiimo yalne for tire wood,' m which nse tlie greater part of the material fonld J, ,3 devoteil, livl it not hr S des- fTwl' il-.b itusii.' tne ue mty U; PU11 Uli llOUWf tea inoen- 3 PQW- ndijlnJrDnvf4U ln nrtjoh J& time titan tllu laiwr evmn in. , w uuuu , m.v killed or greatlv damagetl a number of ..v,t,.i trees stamhng near, and in tliis fact consists one of the most serious jtema of the lost. ' Krw Yeab's Eyn Balu The prcrpara- PPy"! R 9ti W-V L'fj jiang it Tkp atfaiapf j Wry best music to 1 hi j .wie (uj. mi:w pt.tho aeaiiou. llie hail.' has been en- feaged ; the hall will 1 taatefully Mid bean iriiilYdeeorated, andan pains or expense will be imared to make the supper a-success, satisfactory to everybody. We hear of very general preparations in the dancing community, to attend the .ball. , Thcj pro pose to welcome the 'new year, - " ' -Where vouth and pleasure meet, . Tochase'ths glowing hours, etc. , Last meeting of the present City Council next Tuesday evening. Mpvk thjsjcar 25 (WO l.bls. Flomf, . .'. Ji ilia demands of the season. LaJ last nu,ie icn orjer i niK.h'ahd'r'moVe ir, anit nat arpe Joimitbie-fcr fla''-iini6fW.'-i , Wateh Mains. Tlie SSalem Water Com pany lias recently laid nearly three-quarters of a mile 01 wooo.cn waier mains 01 ineir nvn manufacture lip Court street to m- r anil, north along V inter, to the liortli- rn iart of the i itv. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the water was turned into this line of mams to test the pie. Having the full pressure on, the pipe was found to 1 n-rteet every w nere. not oniy at an joints int at all the Ts. The company's -pu-ta- tions in ivgard to the snfiicienry of wooden pipes seem to lie fully realized. 1atii:-:r Late. We surname that iwiine of inr HubscrilieiN receivi-d tiieir fwiiwrs rn'lu r late yesterday naiming. Thy delay wS asioned by the sudden Uejiartiir.i of our pressman, tor the lire jnst before ri.wmg the tonus, ami lus suiiscquont latsirs at tne case setting up the aecoimt of it. the coin post tor having gone home. A similar de- av u not likely to is-mr again, and we pre sume our readers ran all atl'ord to forgive this one. The Jf.ffek.son School. The people of tl'erson are taking a lively interestin their school this winter: During the Christmas oration the school house will be painted and nicely prepared for the aconmmiMlation f students. The next term will connnence Ian. tlth. 1H7:I, with the promise of at least one hutiilred student. Mr. J. J". Bnvse is the Principal, and J. M. lluniphrevs, As sistant. Literary Soeirnr at Jkffersox. -Our ittle sisf r, Jell'i rson. is big enough to have literary rtneu-tv 'Too tranklm which is eonneeted v. itli the selcrt sclusd. It has wentv memls rs. The officers are ti. W. 'miser, l'n-sidciit : ltobt. Harrison, Vice 'resident: Harvfv nays.SccreUrv : Hmrh Harrison. Treasurer ; Frank Walter, Libra rian . Ax Er.iion. The irentleman of w hom we htiiined the data for our biographical keteh f Father Waller, committed an er ror in relation to his birthplace, l ather Waller was lsirn in Luzerne countv, reim- sylvania, and while he was quite young his parents removed to Elba, Gcncsscc countv. New York. Onu Ff.i.uiwm F.i.fxtiox. The following are the oftioeru of Silver Lodge No. 21. I. O. O. F., of SUvertou for fheensniiii; term : Willis Donncgan. N. (1.; W. It. uu!ar. V. William Simpson, It. S.; .1. M. Broun. P.S.; James Diar, Treasurer. Warren Crau- stonkW. It. Diinliar and J. 51. Brown. Trus tees. 1 ' i ..j : Gone Beixiw. Hon. J. 11. Mitchell and others interested in the great railro.nl suit before Judge Bnnham, went to Portland yesterday afternoon pending the eontinu- nce of tlie hearing next Tuesday. Hon. lien Simpson of Vaouina, also went down. I xst u.t.ATioy at Jefferson. Mr. S. F. hadwk-k. Past H. M. of the Masonic or der, went up to Jefferson, Friday, and in- talkHl the oltn-ers of the Jenerson hslge of Masons, returning yosterdaynioriiing. FMi.r.D to Connect. Tlie train from the south, yesterday, brought no mails from any jsiint Ik yond ltosehurg. We presume the connection waa broken by high water, or, mayhap, I nipqna mud. CinrnrH Cei j:tmATTON. Next Wednesday. tho first day of January, the Catholic C'hnrch will celebrate the octave of Christ mas, tho Feast of Circumcision and the Name of Jesus. Postpoxep. Yesterday morning the fur ther hearing of the case of Elliott vs. The ll&ilroad Companies was postiioncd till next Tuesday afternoon. Abvaiktso. Cfgal 'tenders wore nnoted at Portland yestcr.lav. at !HJ cts. buviug and 01 cts. selling. From Daily of Tuesday Dec. SO. The Salex Fibe Fiend. It seems to lie clear tliat Salem has a veritable "1'iru Fiend "not a personified thing, but a gen uine, living, personal devil that takes de light in flames and alarms. Tlie great num ber of clear cases of incendiarism tliat have occurred within the last two or tliree years, lead to this conclusion, and that the' fiend is a permanent dweller in the city. He. she or it, has a mania for setting tire to old vacant buildings, barns, woodsheds, out houses, etc. that stand isolated, as tliongh a nice calculation were made in advance, as to the danger of kindling a general confla gration, the fiend tiavine no di-sire to do more than petty mischief, and just enonuh ,r ; n i ....... :.. n ........ . I, ' ftCV IIHJ l"WJ D 1IU IT 111 n KU1UJ 111 snr-tremor. tt may l only that he, she or it has a passion for hearing the clang of tho tire bell at midnight, or for seeing the boys out with the machine at unreasonable hours, or for studying the picturesque groups w ho gather in lialf dress upon the street corners or upon front porticoes. No matter w hat the object may be, the fact remains tliat we have a " tire ttend that ought to be hunted (low n if possible and exorcised. Odd Fellows' Elections. At the regular meeting of unve ixMlge Ko. is, J. o. O. t, Salem, Saturday evening, l)ec. 2S, the fol lowing offioein were elected for the term ls- gmniug January 1st, 173 : u. W. Jtlusles, N. G.; H. H. Gilfrey, V. G.: A. N. Gilbert, R. S.; J. H. Howell, Treasurer; E. M. Wait P. S. Messrs. T. M. Gatcli, J.K. Hardie and J. Holman were elected Trustees. At the last n-imlar meetinc of Chemeketa Lodge No. 1. L O. O. F.. the followina offi- cers were elentee for the term beginning Jan. 1st ; Ezra h. Miller, N. G.; ti. II Price. V. O.; C. N. Terry. R. S C. S. W'oodworth, Treasurer. The election of P. S. ami Trustees was postponed till the next meeting. Anniversary Lodge no. 13 electetl last evening officers for the ensuing term, as follow. : W. J. Pollv, Si. G.; H. Cai-penter, V. O.; ,Ta (Toffey. K. H.; U. V. Brake, P.S.; E. P. Churchill, Treasurer ; Tniatees : Geo. illiams, Job. A. Baker, M. Htapletin. Cuu-lit, Covrt. Judge Bouliam held a spectat sltnng vntenlay, at Wfncn the fol lowing business wa; transacted : C. B. I'pton rs. ,T. B. Hprenger, L. Bes-. ser and W. T. Gillihan ; suit to foreclose chattel mortgage; snbmitted upon demur rer to complaint, witliout argument. C. li. Ppthn vii. N. It. Packard, J. B Sprenger and W. T. Gillihan; sae t alsive. J. B. tipreiuter v. A. Taylor, 0, 0, Wav and C. B. I'pton ; suit toenjnin foreclosure of loiegoiug mortgages ; arguett npon ite nmrrer to complaint, ami submitted. lliealwive causi-s were all brought linn: from MultMnmah county and are all fonnd- I titKiii niatU-rs connectoil with the busi ness of the Metropolis Hotel, Portland. Bvbiilary ani Fire. A few " evetiincs since the house of Ilcv. Mr. . Htowart was discovered by a lusudibor to be n fire, hrr inj? th alxefieo f the family, at chm-eli. The lire which bed r.o', Kaiiuil ktM trrtu way as sihjii extinl;triilieil; : I'lsin the r- luiil oi jir. nic-niu., an c.aiiiiiiauuii in tne premises1 discloseil the fact tliat tlie house had heeu bnrrlarized and robbed. Mrs. Stewarts" watch and somo other articles were gimp: It is probable that the thief being alarmed, droripeda burning candle or torch in tlie house ami thns fired i. i i - . ' "N'EW YpB's ivs B.li Mr. r-eil, ho lias charge of tho preparation fi.r Hm- 3 rand New Year Lve Ball to take i.l tlie 'Opera House, to-niyht w isttuiuC t'" nan iiitti CK'naui aia rosninie. minnir of persons were at work all ily vr-trr-Wv and wiH tie similarly enyajji-l twut in iV tincnntue iteooratuina. Mr, leeVs taste in luatkr of V,& l wul not need to be Vila Uat v lu both brilliant and Uwuuful. hear we think thu auianc ii t j tiallv larve, and tliere ran l - AM 'i ! the dancers will have a Kiy and hTT 13 ' EXPtASATOBY. Tlu ia Ivw tW !-' reporter of a Metropolitan duly !! n "Transferruia the cmmUmis. ietl walls, charred timbers, half nx lu-d eoinnins and doors, which mark tlie somUr KiUn of tlie burnt district, to paateti1, 'homtrH' the scientitle rrc8jer. c(i chenTrtn ti ifitervorition Of ratnera clxcura. Ttse reportT aimply means that an artmt a engaged in taking a photoffraph of Ih- Lurut (1111CI, AxoTiTKa EsTRBTAtNMEXT. We hear that a variety entertainment in on tlte tains for Saturday evening, Jannary 11th, at lieed s Opera ftonse, AcconlinK to tlie intima uons we Lave, there will be reauinca, vocal and instrumental music, inclndins senti mental and comic songs, duets, quartette- etc., and something in the amateur dramat ic line, fctyephen Mayliell, the "Orepoji Boy" and a-nnmber of qther local perform ersand few frhta Portland are mentioned in connection with the affair. - Usitorm AssfSforeicrs. The Board of Equalization will complete its labors, prob ably riCit month: There is touch yet to be dene to finish the arrangement of stap's,tij!8 and tabjes. rpon which the (ieiks are en- cageu. e learn inai mo uoaru are nre- paring forin an4 rules frfr tfie gdyernment oi cmuiiy assessors, wiiu a view 10 maKing future' assesiqent8 tniifornl andeqiial in all the counties. ' ' ISSAN'B PATtKST.-Hheriff poiuilexter, of Mne ponnty. passed doT on the train of nnnoay, tiavuig In custody an Insane pa tient, a Mrs, Slicppard, who was plad iu the Asylum. The unfortunate patient re sided 30 miles south of Eugene City. Her age is about 30 ; cause of insanity, domes tic troubles. She U the mother of several 0hildren. , In fob Omf Yeab. IWrmtv P C. Mr ahal Vf. F,. ViUiaoi,d,ronit np fhnn P6rt latirl,"iirincr4y;'j jbri6ner nanierl' Che-los-kin, aententsed by Jttdgs f)early to oheear'a w.u,.ivi.i;ii. .I, wi L-uiiL-iitiurY ior seiiiiu; Honor tA f lU Un'fi' ' .' - " ( it r" rtsntwi ; ... .- Fan TR" Monoe CotTNTBY. A detach ment of aoldlera of the 23d U. 8. Infantry went np the railroad Snnday, en route for ine mouoc country. FosTStAKTEB BiMioNKDr Mr. II. A. John son havuig removed from Jefferson to Ha lem, has resign ed the ofine of poetriitvst thatfiace; Iflil Hr-bjftiffi fjair Vvn'.K-Cfi.nV T.ewotau The Overland Store will lie moved and will be open for the New Year, Hi the'storn lately occupied by J. A. Ripper- ion, next cioor vf nermann a iliracn. . m Jnst received at the Overland Store fine heavy purple, warlet aid velvet Ordered felt skirts and whfto sk'r-:; 1 .-Uao .rjew pique aprons,' jtxHrv :attr.otlicr'''giMI cheaper tnan we cneapesw New Lard at $1 60 a can at the Fulton and Union Market on Commercial atreet. A CARD. roiiTLAXP, Dec. 24, 1872. The Oregon Boy : Bear Sir : On account of catching a severe cold daring the late the I cannot sing, and I therefore withdraw my a-ceptanee of your challenge, as I do not want to sing. ' lours Truly. Paul Phillips. In answer fo the almve withdrawal, I will inform the public that the arrangements for a Grand Concert to take place in alsiut a week, in this city, were completed. As to the severe cold. Mr. Phillip cannot have a more disagreeable one than L If at any time before my departure lie may fi-el re lieved I will gn to Portland and sing with him. Meanwhile I do claim the Champion ship of the North Pacific. "The Or.F.oox Boy." I.'C.2S,,72:I)1U INM RAXCF. FTd. Salem. Dec. 2l'.th. 1X72. i C. A. BkhI. Esq.. Agent l'bo m Fin- Ins. , Co.. of Hartfoid, Conn.: 1 ie:ir mr: aiiow me to niiuer m you inv i hearrteft ttianKs tor yrmr prompt. liU ral ! and cheerful action in adjusting and payiuv; j the policy on my dwelling house and furni- j ture. which was' destroyed by tire on the j Wth inst. In be made homeless and desti tute in mid winter by the destroying ele ment is a tearful calamity, affd must lie tx ls,rieneil to ls realized. To lie thns iromtly id my jsilicy will enable me to place my family again under shelter, and convini-ei) me more than ever of Uie Imai uess mlicy of insuring in a prompt, reliable ami able company. l'KRItY Vatmix. 1Xv.27.72:D1w. Gkeat BAitiiAixs.- thving to the delay in transirtation, the immense wholesale stock of fancy goods fir tho Holidays, re ceived by J. G. Holhert, too late for his wholesale trade, will Is- retailed at whole sale prices. Parties wishing liargains will do well to call at once, as tlie whole stock must !c sold as sashi as possible. J. G. Hof.RF.RT. I.O l. KHt:VITlIi. Salem has now al had it-; big tire but it "asks no i-liaritv. The river is falling again. C"ld weather Ill the I'.iolllltailis. Frost will lirobablv ! aliont the next thing in the weather line. It now takes two poles to m-ach liottom ill some of the rural-suburb mud holes. The hunters did not assemble at tho Mercury office, Friday evening -no L'aino there. j Almut half the lieople of Salem knew nothing of tho I niversity tire (ill they read the account of it in the Statesman", next morning. Tlie farmers in tho nchrhliorhood of Ra, lem are beginning to make a fuss alxmt the freipient mistakes of our Capital sports, by winch domestio ducks find tlu ir wav into city-made stews. , In the epizootic regions the paiers now frequently rnntain items Is-ginniiig like this: "A large ami powerful 'but skittish young man, attached to a band-cart, ran away on street, yesterday forenoon, to tlie great terror of a nuinlier of ladies on the sidewalk." Measles an- so light in this city as to fail to command common respect. , There is talk'of organizing apotht r lodge of Good Templars in this city. Everybody has liecn invited to the New Year's Eye ball, at the Opera House. Charley Weisner. next ibsirto Flieiluei's, dishes up fat oysters at redueid prices. Some delicate attentions haw liecn paid, of late, to the cross-walks. Approved. All the interior paiers except tlie Stuks man are thin, or out late this week, on ac count of the fire last Sunday at Portland ! The petition for the pardon of Mat Bl.il soe was signed by over four humlriil k-o-ple, including the jnd.;e and jurv ho con victed him. The Democrat, speaking of tlie pmsjiec tive Match Hunt, U'tv.neti thu Albanians and Salemih-s, intimati-s that the f inner know very well how to thin out a hen roost. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. LETTER HE1A1MJ I 4 4I.I.t:l Sir in aalem PostoiUi-c, lec. w, ls7i. Atkinson, Edward 4; Allen, Harvey; Al bright, Jos, . j Bagley. Kenton 2; Jtwis, ojivcr; Bur roughs, Mrs Sarah: Biirnai, Muir Teeora S: Itushnell, Wm; Kain, ,1 M: Bngg, Miss Ei leii; Burrows, MrsliX; Butler, il L, Butts, !W. S Cannon, Augustus I,; OartwrlirHt. I li: Caloway, Thoi; Chambers, ltnbt; t sii b, Geo S: Cook, Louie; Cocker. Sam'l: Cartwriglit, James; Oahlwull, K T; Clark, John A: (.'line, Jas; Coflln, MrsLih-lrsl.t; Cook, Jijlin Henry; immiu"s, mss aiary, naniebi, Mrs O F: PeCralT, Jas: liufTv. T If; Jnitted. A M; Dent. Kb: liehiunir, Mr; l)uneld,AM. j Kptey, Mrs Anna II. . Uallaglier, M A: iJrant, James Win: Gris Iiam. F 11; Galligher, Miss Alary; Airlffith, L C; Gooillow, Sarah Ann. ( Ilavden, J It: Hamilton. Bvron W; lfnr vey, Jans-: llehiliv, Iavli; llawlev. Will; Haiil'onl, John; lie Id, Louis; Henderson, Key I T IL ! Jury, Miss Mary; Jehiison, R M. Kays, Andrew J; Keene Miss Matc'le; Ktrkland, John; Kavs, John; Ki-eiding, Cal in. IjkIiI, T B; Lewts, Ll.zie; Lowroy, J B. Jlnllory, titit L ft: M-her, Mrs Marv; Murphy. Miss Klsle; Maylleld, Kcv J II; Mil ler, Alexander. Xelson.Thos; Nott, MlssSnrali. Ogle, Mrs Martha S: Ogle, Miss P May. Perin, Mrs Marv I.; Powtll, John W; Pet. n.-l, Plain.; PlimilK,.r, A K .lii.nlsoii, .! II; Ttupert, J 11. : Wea.nis, I.ovftl B. Mpeneer, Peter S: Staev, M V II: Htnrr, G II: Nwoltrd, Samuel W: Smith, Miss Kll.i :t; Krgent. Ahraliani: Sln (rr. Win If 2: stirr. l'ntliarte It: siewart, harahM'; Smlih, MNs A Ifcennra. llioma', I-elloj. Ilachcl: Told. David; Thurston, Vttnf Heave, Win li. j Wnlkcr. Ml llann ih: Walker, w-s v-h-. Wadd e. Mis V ji: Wai-n-r rc.vif'i: Watt, J Wi: William- .1 V, lylier, IV( r ; W T soii. S i .- I'ersnnseamn-j llir any of the.ilsjve letturs will iileaw'stiyiiifyertiscil" j T. It, RICK V. Y , P. M. OKHMX AMD M ANIIIUTV. - i lnUrn Otvon Malli- Proposed IMMtotloii Cm- UrrgtMi mid tle TfrJ rltorlra - oiuIhhIIoiin miU 4'onflr. Hlnttono - IVrNOHal. i ' ;Vni Washington HKv. lUh.ll t'orros-poiiik'iv-e State Jounvdj j-tTucs,lr,y, flee- Ktlli. wlieit tlie sriuiio reaiJied the hill on the calender ! the rclb-t uf t'. M. I.ot.-kwol, for rum lnj Hh nnlM between I'matilla aid li Lake, reporteil Ltst session rnna ttw ciHiimittee on I'ostoffioes by Mr. KclU y. it wag passed, over, with-it any Billon being taken, at the re-cj-irt of Mr. Kelly. It proposof to 8r ITrlte about ltiU.OtK). U shieLiy tho bill Ui repeal section of tl ait to provida a t?mjKrr.ry' lioYcrnment fbr ashUito'ii" Tcrii- tory w i vvHd over Oil the objection of Mr. tVirtieet. 'I'lio sanie cWv tlie bill to extend the time tbr the nelec tioti ohWmp ami ovorflowetl lands in ( IrtfiJj wus pas.(l over on tins objec tion ot Mr. Morrill, of Vermont. The same day the House bill to donate- the military reservation at Fort Steila cootn to Washington Territory lor an insane asylum was passed over on tlie object ion of Mr. ( 'asserly . J.at eonesiliiy .Mr. Corlwt mti'C- duced a bill hi tho ipn,U5 enable. Jaeph I'a to niaieappluattmi to tlie CominUloner of I'ateht? for tlie exten sion ot letters patent for a machine tor tnaklnK crackers, which was referred to the Committee on Patents and or dered printed.. I.ast Thursday, the 12th, the Presi dent nominated and tlie Senate con firmed Air. Bark, late Governor of Idaho., to, be postmaster itf Cnattanocjn. 'l'l. .1.. 4 1 ' h 1 Alexaniier Knovyles, .fssooiitte - justice of the Supreme Court of Montana: Henry O. btruve, Secretary of j Wash- lnaton Territory, lesteruay (Friday 13th.) the President nominated and the Senate confirmed James Wrlidit. Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Montana. Several other nominations were sent In. Aiwi'iS & nuTibet eoul1ri..fcd is X. S; 4yhri. IniUaa Agent at KlaOiath. 'Oregrrtti, nud .Mihe Winr, .agent a yaWiflhj VihWtu.( Temtoh-. .. " 4'i TlthlPS W. rrew. well known lit Uiugon, lias arrived here front Utah and tafeen rooms on l.'Ult street, where he expects to remain during tlie win ter. Wm. Orlswold came with him, and went on to New York, intending to return In a few days, t'f.l. Huckoi V.r- II l-Miil-i-. Iia-H' ; M--e mil, i v' -ij; 1'Utl ,7 Ti-'i Tlie San Francisco Bulletin' Wasli Ington correspoinlence of Dec. l.'lj'coiK tains the following item : The bill extendhisr tho time for the selection of swamp lands iu Oigao, utKler t'e tcf Marth 1 a,rtGO.- went j wrv in wniiivilLW III liUJUCtlUll iiuiue by Morrill ot Vermont, who intimated that Senators Casserly and Stewart would object to its consideration if they were presem."' TELEGRAPHIC. THE sTORM-Ki; PAT. RATI- The Stokes Trial New Evidence. WOMEN VOTERS BAIL. HELD TO A SNOW AVALANCHE ,IN UTAH. Several Men Buried Alive. KASTEmi M WS. llcnvKuitnnl Nrvprr Hrathrriu llM ElMt. Xrw Voi:k, Dec. 2i. A heavy. liiftliiff snov storm coiiimenccd earlv (his liluriltll and tt ill coat iu ucs with srivattury. Sttwt enr travel greatly obstriK'tctl. I)ip4itches l'roiii tlie soul h ami east state there was the se-M-ifst weatlier yesterday and last niglit known for many year.-. The thermometer i-iitel Irotn ti to 4" be low zero. Xkw Yohk, Dee. 27- Tlie streets to-lay arc luinketl with snow. No such snow storm lias been witnessed in thi- section for npwarils of twenty year.. J-ast night tlie streeLs were ileserted trom an early lnmr n the evening, and business wa mostly sns jK'nilwI. NoK:ron ventiiretl out ex cept from absolnle' necessity. Tliou sands slept down town at the hotels or their oftlce, owing to tlieir Inability to reach home In the upper parts f the city. Tlie therinonieter toilay stands on an average with yesterday 10' above ero. Tlie storm toJd heav ily upon business, esixiciall' in tho tie lay of mails. There was no mails yes terday except thoe sent early. Tlie postmaster reports that uo mail arri ved here since yesterday noon. The snow yesterday prevented the search for tlie girls burned in the Central street tire. Tlie Superintendent of lluilditigs, in a card to-dav, tays there are thousands of buildings iu the city more dangerous than tlie one burned in Center street. The report of tlie loss of life in the Center street fire is confirmed. Six girls and one hoy, known to Ihj in tlie building nt tlie time of the tire, linve not since been bean I of. The ruins are covered with a mass of ice which renders search for IkhI'ics impossible. Watkktown, Dec. 2d. Tlie St. Lawrence is bridged with ico lietweon Cape Vincent and Kingston, Outaria, a distance of twelve miles, and b ains cross with satety. Sas FnANC'lsco, I ec. 2J. Advices from I'hiladelphia, llaltimore, Ihitlalo, lloston and many Northern eilie. re ixirt the storm of tlie 2th and 2ith as j iinpreetMleuteil in tlie History of flu; j country. I Tlir Trlnl or Make f !. ! Xkw Yokk. IHo. 2C In the Stokes c:i-e lixlay Mrs. Mary llissett, a new : w itne-, ti'stitieii tluit slie lives opitosite i the residence lately occupied by Josie Mansfield on tlie iUI iust., tli.it on tlie i day of tlie shooting slie saw Fisk's car- rtage, iinoccnpiisl, drive up and down i several times. Slie afterwards saw a I 'eonce,' suppos'l to lie Stokes', stop j at Miinslield's house. Mansfield came to a window and looked out. A man got out of tlie carriage and got iu again, tlicn drove away. New and j startling evidence was given this after- noon. Andrew I'arker testified that some six weeks prior to tlie murder I ol'Fisk, lie was intnuliK-ed to Stokes, ! who in conveisation with witness spoke - of liavlng been retnoyed by Hske j twin tlie hotel w hich lie was "keeping I tor the Frie Comwiny, at Meadvllle, I'ennsylvania. They also spoke of ' trials between Stokes nud Fisk and their progress. Stokes said Fisk was i a damned blackmailer, and lie would shoot him. He said he carried a pis tol. Stokes resrted thrioc that Fisk was a blackmailer. Stokes became very much excited and rose up before he could be prevented, saying this is false, all false. Some.addftional testi mony was otTered, but nothing new elicited. The evidence for the prose cution closed, and Townsend opened for the defense. The Wouanu Voter held to Ball. Xkw YoliK, Dee. 2C In the case of Susan 15. Anthony and fourteen other women, under examination for illegally voting. IT. S. Commisioner Stores to-day rendered a decision hold ing each to bail in the sum of $.",(MX) to appear at the V. S. District Conrt at its next session in Albany. The In spector wlio received the votes were also lield to bail. ITAII TF.RU1TOHY. A Iteatraetlve Know-Slide. Salt Lake, Dee. 27. CoW and raining. Three days' heavy snows in the mountains. At I i;;U (Ottonwood, near Central Ctiy, a terrible snow slide occurred to day. Six to eight feet ot snow litis tHllon in the last two days. About 2:.'I0 this afteniion an ava- laticlie 000 feet wide and about 12 feet deep, came down, crossing the stage roan uiiu carry ui an n iruiu eini, iay, ten teams and teamsters, backing Utei'n LofKlfeet across CottonY-mf" Creek. Thirty teamsters. vc shoveled out alive but hfi'Jy bruised. Four more ivi hoi. MH'iiVe'red. It Is thought ini pViSslble to find thctn ls-fon; snring, although 200 men are tit work shovel ing. All the teams in the line of the avalanche were swept away. 'tut. names of the men arc yiknp,w;ii. F.ighty mules we iigo stnp dVad,' others sceeiy lfo'Sl- C.yi.lF9lI. - J T Sax Fuaxceo, Dw. Governor Bootli has giWtvJ AYtllwnt IVmovan a reprVyO VH Junwtry M, 1874. He was to have been executed at one r. m, torday, Tito extension of the Ex ecutive clemency has given f Hmovau's ft'lends new hope tliat tlie (JOTcmor may finally commute tho sentence to imprisonment lot'liib. Sax FJUKCt!x, Dec. 27. Dr. A. J. llnivlo, a well known physician of tb,js city, is reported in a dying iopi,iiticp at his residence on, !rOJktoii sy;eet' 1 TtERAPHIO. Tho Trinl ol Htoiiow. RESIGNATION OF THE INDIAN COM MISSIONER. California Swamp Cae. I .a til SIXERS. IIE.U.TU Plstt,AUOl'S. Ill-jLffll IlttllirIlOO. MEXICAN AND CALIFORNUA NEW Thy fctVe. Trla Ilia TmtHaon jr. Nrvv York, Iec. In Stokes' case to.-day tlie prisoner told his story of the slipptuig ud 4uMCl he shot FisVi H M c4 inteifd to kill Wry,- lie ayws tut tho sliootlng was in seJOucfense, Fisk having drawn a pistol to sltoot him. He had been, he said in constant fear of an emissary ol Fisk. Stokes contradicted the evidence of Parker, given yesterday and denied that he had ever called Fisk a black mailer or threatened to shoot (. New York, Dec, 28. Stokes vas to-day crass-e-a-n-.'aieci great fength. At Li icrtnet tdial' hot was. not cross- ehtriined a,t all. .The prisoner's state met?V, co;uaui nwwpa fiaMitalty pe. fJm twtii occasiofis tlie cauuKi 't either -side indulged In snarp passages. .Stokes again denied tliat lie ever made threats to shoot Fisk. Jaa. II. Itamsey, of Albany, President of the. Susquehanna, RaiJ roau, tesuneu concernu.ty c acter. .lonn i ,. .m-.tv, u ifir 5S. Kicim. H-.IV, OiOTi itUIIU ldft-1 Knfus B. Anctvfiau wl ftnltSl, Uvn. iemni. Jolin.il. llourv-auJ i E, Bai ' ' The Vik Market. Xkw YfltK."t)ec.' jfr'.' Thirteen bids amouuttd-t.hree' million dollars to day. Government selling oi(o tullli-n at 12 MtAOO and 13 3-?0D. Wuilor Wfsin.r, l Tio uam are almost without ex ception behind time. Tlie express due at 5:.'M) r. M., yesterday arrived at 11 to-day, and the Central Itailroad Chi cago trains due yesterday morning ar rived to-day. - The Washington road has come in on train time. The weather is clearing up. A few local trains Irom the immediate vicin ity hi Xew Jersey arrived sine" 10 o'clock by tho aid of several extra loca motives. Death of it iieII-knou Citizen Kdward C Bates, a ivell-kuown Bos ton merchant, dieil at the railway station at Swamp Scoit. last nighr, of liea rt disease. ItntiKiiallon ol luJlMii oiuiuLv.loiirr. Vasiu(;tox, Dee. 27. (Jeneral Francis A. Walker has tendered tlie Tres'ident his resignation as Commis sioner ot Indian All'airs, to take elleet on the 1st of January. It is under stood hi resignation has been tufcjMed. hut his successor will not lie npioiuted until alter the return of Secretary Ie hmo from Cuba. Alnbaaun Roiitla to be Offered tor Male. Monti ;oMniiV. Iec. 27. Michael A. King, Financial Agent ol tlie State, left Ibis city a few days ago to nego tiate l he bonds issued by tlie Court room Legislature. It is thought lie will not. stop in New York, hut go to F.urope. A 4(iienlloii or Ksniup I .a ml. WASiiixfiTON, I tec. 2S.-Commission-er of the flenetal I-md Ofllce has written Surveyor General llarden burgh sharply, reversing his decision in the Mountain Meadow land case, which is baed on tlie argument, tirst: That the altitude of tho laud is so great tliat it cannot be swampland. Second.that if the overflow was kept off by drainage or embankment, irriga tion would be necessary iu order to render tlie land productive. Tlie ques tion of altitude which was also raised by ex-Congressman Janiu in the Sonoma Valley case, but not then passed uKn. is held to be wholly ir relevant and without, bearing. The only iiestions considered bv the Gen eral Iiud Ollice iu swamp hind cases, as to the character of land am : First, U tlie laud swampy or overflowed? Second, does the swamp or overflow render it unfit for cultivation ? ProtuMtlit for Mail Service Invited. The l'ostoffiee iuviles proposals for carrying mails over all the new routes in California, Oregon, I' tali. Arizona and Montana Territory, that liave been cstnblislied during the juist year, for one year from the first ot July next. l'roosals will be received un til the :td of March next, and decis ion announced on or before March 2oth. Health or Nruator Nnutuer. X Kvy Yohk, IXe. 2s. A Washing ton sjiecial savs Sumner's health is pi-ecarious. i'hysiciaus are visiting him twice a day. Two .Hen SraMed to Death. CrsfixxATi, lHc. 23. At the iron works at Ironton, Ohio, yesterday, Kllis Moore, Jas. Venters and An drew lilcs, entered tlie boilers, which had Ihh-ii disconnwted from the rest of the battery for the purjiose ot cleaning them. They oened tlie mud valve and allowed' the water to escape and neglected to close it. Tlie engineer, who did not know of tlie connection lictween the valve and one attached to the battery, turned on steam from the latter, instantly filling the empty boilers through the connection pi. Venters and liilos managed to crawl out, but so bably scalded its to cause the death of lioth iu a few liours. Moore heard the steam coming and re treated to the further end of the boiler, escaped unhurt. MlsK-ellMueona V, New YoitK, Dec. 28. A new char ter prepared bv Republicans, is ready for presentation to the Legislature. It is Teported tliat Count Certe, Italian Minister at Washington, lias been recalled. If true, there will be a vacancv in the British American Mixed ( '-oiiumssiou. A social says Wheeler, of Xew York, lias witlidrawn iu the contest for the Speakership iu lavor of Blaine. Halifax, Dec. 23. The small-nix imjiorted from Boston is spreading in the country towns. In Yarmouth all the churches. schooLs and other pub lic resorts are closed. FORF.IU XEWK. KjixlUh-t.ermMn Relation In Ala- Nwltrrlniil tmilu ith tto Vati ran. n IxxirN, Iec. 27. A spectal from Berlin says the British Ambassador at St. l'etersburg delivered a aot to rrince GortscliaKotT intorm'uij him that Kngland will abstain, from inter fering with Husskn progress in Ceu tr.il Asia if it dotNS not threaten At glianistan. ttte thousand live hun dred KUiieis troops arc now besieging tba- Russian forts on Euba river. Au othor two thousand Khives are depre dating on the IttLssian tlslieries at the mouth of Euba'. Ileinforcementshave lieen sent to the Kussiau troops Itxtikiit looility. Tlie Ministers ot AusUlai tienuany and Russia, at AjUajs, acting on in structions from krieU- respective gov ernments, .Ipimly advised the Greek govertitit to end tlie difficulty about ti Mnwrien silver mines by conceding the demands of France and Italy. Thirty persons were lost iu tlie steamship Germany. Twelve were passengers. Bf.unk. Dec. 27. DirAojtto rela tions lietwecn the Sav1 xvornment and the Vaticivyk MiV- bi-oken olf. The Papal .vsiB 1 1 ai Luce n ve w 111 prob-ab- uMvliedk the ClutrgetPAfliiUs :i,iiij;attaelips haying Ix-en rer.illedi, KVeUM WMMNtora. "SI vv KA, 1 2S The eleetlon iw mmuvipai onieers at tamnico is iTpfirteil very disorderly. I luring the counting ot tlie votes" a disturbance arose. Kight were killed and wounded. Great excitement prevailed, Itoth parties claim to have won the election CALIl'OBXIA. A l ooa Bay Coal ''WYjf"f ratnhi d -A 'ata Kaottnc AflaVo. SAS FkCVi Ppc 28. It is stated tliat a poecu4 cornjw,ny has been or ganised aei-e toJnxport Large quantities Of coaj from Coos Bay. Extensive purchases of coal at the mines for this market are reported, and that it will be brought here in steam vessels. San Francisco, Dec. 2(). -Wm. Donovan, the murderer of Mitchell, was taken to the State Prison to-day, to remain for the terra of his natural lile. Visaija, Dec. 28. Another tal shooting atTrav hits iust takoa aluee in this city. (J. F. liUc. ui old and prominent eit,la, vi;as shot by Eras- tus n. elsuei three o clock thisatter- . nvcu. the latter was also shot, but by whom Is not yet ascertained. Rice is shot in the region of the stomach and will probably not live many hour. lesner is snot in the back, but (twill not likely prove a dftngeotv wowd. a ttitm miut m. isiEcies lias just beeti attested on the charge of alioptiug 'eLsuer, Rice's dying testi itiony is now being taken. The affray seenvs to have arisen out of IHmlly dif- ttctuties. Much oxwtement exists In towtt, Hm Art is IlAiR-CuTTrso. A traveler in Paris, havine occasion lor a hair-cutter, sent for one. At the appointed time, an elegantly-attired person arrived, and the gentleman sat down before his dressing-case to pjer pare tor inc operation, 4IK lain walked round liU tlienL" otKr'ot twice, and, flnaMy, UktoLis sa,ni at some vUtaiva, attentively sultutewi ,M'tiimV vUft of a coiitiotsseur looiASH pwlure. ' -VU"-W the traveler, ''when fi$ vMt polng to begin ? ' J."Pardon me, sir," was tlie polite reply,' "I am not the Operator, but tlie nhvslojfnomUt!" "Adolnhe!" Lb urledout; and a sleeved mtd. fcrioft". barber entered from taa virgin" vnnpiiapcMfl9iltrectlon as tti i,uo mrjPSrtet he aenfKi manViir- was to b? aivsiuswd, Hie a.rst reifiaV. '" -i This story toKlota fktl"Kr who was 61 le evening teaching his little bov tJ recite his Suiitlay-school Ipsswi. ft was rrfctn the tbnrtecflta chaptw of Matthew,' 'jfheei. i," Tel.(w ' the' Iiqrtttve cf 3i tnr.litlon mtilvuiual who went tbtrttloVrtil trir. ' V.W hat in a, tat Tlr mp, niy gou.'what a tare Is' saul Old anxious jiarciit. "You liatl 'em." 'Johnny, what do yon mean?" asked tlie ttther, opening 1U eyes rather wide. "Why, last week, when you didn't come home for three days," said Johnny, "I heard mother tell Aunt that you were on a tare." Johnny was immediately gent to bed." Walte n, SL'X FjW B TO CILL, STEEL & CO., Htat Street, (Patton'i Block) Kaleaa. BOOKS, STATI8NERY, axi Musical Instruments. AtiKNTSKOlt CHICXERINQ AND EMERSON PIANOS. b MUM ZyIiikou mil I la in li it, And Taylor Jt Farley Organs. w hieh I offer lor Rent and Sale on Monthly Installments. A full lin uf fcruool and Miarrtlanrou ltooka Constantly on hand. Call and examine inv stouk. lK.viS7.i:ll' FOUNDRYMEN, BLACKSMITHS and Carriage Makers. Selected old t uupany'a IfalKh (al. JnrkHuu t'rk, 'ak auk Bnlk Cnmt berland l'tl. Hard and Kofi PI Iran. lielnjt a snvialtr, tlw shove are apleuteil Willi great care fur interior coowinenk J. K. DOTI.K. 41 3 ami 41a Pa.-IUo Street, ami 4i0 Kast Street Wharf, U-tween Jaekism awl Pacttle, Sun KrancU-o. (N'orSViUwl v FOR KALE AT a jrrcat lmoraln UxHii feet of gmunil, with a ff"l luiiiso, .sontaliiiiig A rooms; fin ni-lnsl with wnler, ooiI-Ihhiw, etc,; kllu ated on Slate street, between Libertv ami llilth, niiosiie Mr. Mallory's brick. Terms, cash, 01,300. lniiire of JtSKI'IIH:KAXI. I)e,l:lin . IT. UHOWN, COMMISSION BROKER, Will Carefully attend to all matters intrusted! to him. Ciillivtimn allemlisl toaml returns prom fit ly iiunle. Also AliKNT for lli I.IVERPdOI. ar t'ire luitnum OFFICE WITH WELLS, FARGO &C0., fulfill, . - Oregon. N'ovlH T'Jff LIFE POLICY PAID. Salem, Oregon, Xov. 29. 1872. To A. A. ir.-Wx-r miif VW Aornt t,- 'ft V. TI.XK.XTAr. LI Ft: J.XStHAXcE CO., lyf Aef lent.- I TAKE this oinnnnnltr of thankine von ami vnur Cflrainnv lor the Bmnni honorable imymnit irf (tie lUU i, of Life lnturanrr on the lilenl'niy late husband Win. Johnson of Salem. - KI.IZABKTH JOHNSON. iHslilra THE TESTIMONY OF ALL SILVER TIPPED TheOnlv Shoe for Children NORTH SALEM STORE ! W.L.WADE AT Tilt OLD (JRKEX STORK Has inst receive.! , A FULL ASS0RTMEN1 - OK 1HY ;oois. ;UH'KKIKS, Kin ITS SHOES, cixrrniNo, Hardware, Gern( Merchandise, Cak-ulateil for City and County Trade. nought M low, ami will he mid at a email a profit as those who wll at i-ost. CfGowls ilellverert to any fart of ttie Jty I n of chance. il A w NOTICE. g -RKfiOX CAUrOKXLa XAILBOAD Cnmiany, Larvl IHAnaMat,f rUaad, Oregon, April -N !. 1 barabygtrati that a rtifurguf urewvutton will aa laatttatad ir.Hnsl iMJky aaI every liersou w tiolresasjiei ii)iuaaji Knilmail IJiml. hr unttlni; awl re nliittiiirtBerei'nini bil)ro the n in umm.u v oi toe i oniMuy ami f All) nut. All vacant Lamt In ikIiI niiml)erisl soclUin, wtwthr niirrevfHi or iitmim-pvnL within a ilkstum-e of talrly miles from llio Unit ol Uio road, U-lmvi's to the ( ikiiiuiiv. I. U. M(REN AlMMDU ill hi: Hit. Ijinil AgeuL OPEltA KALOOIS, Commercial Hotel, Court St, kaij:n, ... OBEUO&. O.H.SMITH, Proprietor The liest quallt y of W i nca, Li,auu.. vul O pira always on haml. BILLIA.RBTABIES! Of the Latest ao4 3ot AiummtwI PaUerns. Coco XwKt. aueT'73-iUwtf IDAHO .SALOON, MT. V. PETTTJOH!, Plprietor. (Stewart's Brk-k, Commercial H.i The best of Wlnw ami Ltunorm Choke n saraand Tobacco, always provldeil for cus tomers. Drop In oix-aslonally. lunlK GREAT EXCirpSENT FRIEDMAN'S. Lailiea and Gentlemen, ilo yon want fa M rk-.h. Jnst come to Friedman' ami vuur VtaVuctii fiHch; Or, it you hare Cash, ICt a fuotae yaur But ter, Ami the wav 111 relievo yau U1 naJte jour hearts timtw. Do Ton yiiHnt Dry GnaU. Groi-erleg or Shoe ; A fvuff ol ToMooo, or a paper of fvrews: A Hut or a Coat, or rooo tthaker Bonnet; JrtiM irVve me a call anil you'll II ml 1 am on It, Pitoliers and Picks nd Shovels and frock, Cotreand susar. unit Yarn to make Sock: Barn Ulngea and Hammers and Kerosene Chines Liniment lor ciirlnjf the cramps; Tea In abundance, ami Sfiiu for you all; Clothlnff for babies commenolns! to crawl: Pitch Forks and Pupwr, and little Dutch Toys; PnttT and Glasa. ami Axes (or ben s: Wood Saws and Mallets, Kat Traps and KnlTpR Thread, Buttons. Drees-Trimnlit$e an ?4 for vour wives: - Soap, Matches and TVk &f ' 1WW Vcnioo A x-Rftm Ml i)t aptta and Steel; Silat Vgn-iilar t per to. write ta yonr , AadfilwAker fooH H-r making amends; Clyster aid JiUU HImI Mne .salera Flannels; Beni h-fV-rw, Kails and ailaiMnt Cawlles. Ifoafc Uie above, we're man r thing more -in abort, anything kef In a nrsUsbus store. All oX which, ior ('ash or fur Trade, I u ih to tlixpvac (, at alrrady tattl. ntirli" market price paid tor PfviVKt, w all eooils in my Hue asclicUiM tij rne.Vi"H. tilv re us a call. , '..'-..... Forwarder and taipiif All Jtviml5 Vrtill'n, UtP. city dope af &Itp iwiA-e aivT on reasonoie lerms. Ciil-T sages' 'oohst rev phstfitfers At leges' oobstantty in att'lan.;e o-a jo cars or uonts Vi va) imve SALEM IRON WORKS. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor, SAL.EH, OREGON. Stenra Engines, Saw Mills, Grist Mills Reap, ers, Pumio, and all kind of styles of machine , mU loonier. Machlnerr rem! red at a short notice. Pattern maklngdooe la all Ha various forms, and atl kinds ot uma ana iron Castings lurlnsDed at snon notice. lleblOuAwtCl I - ( J UKAI.KItK IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Fancy & Toilet Articles. Physicians' Proscriptions fid Family Recipes Made Specialty. Canin.fr. Ul Street, ofiposiipt nrmt-Lt-ia.IIitil. Nov2!7ll' W. WEATlirKtliKn. I. . VKATHHI VEATHERFORD & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRUGS, Paints. Oils, Glass, Chemicals EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY. Patent Medicines & Proprietary Articles PI BE WIWEft AND IJtlOiK, lor Medlciual 1'iirfioscs. PrfSfnptions Filled md Mmm ConiKiandfd. WEATIIKnFOBD i CO. Ajir472:il4wtf SALEM DRUG STORE 1 J. W. Crawford & Co., DEALERS r Drug, Chemicals OII, anl PATENT MEDICINES, PEHrrXEBIES, toimtt aktht.es ami kotioxn. Pure Wines and Liauors. PRESCRIPTIONS AND Fanillj' PropurutioiiM CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED At all hours of the 'lav ami night, liv a Competent Druggist. Pattas Blar, Ntate Ntr-t, NNlrn. seplSlf CHAS. E. Dubois, FURRIER. PIONEER MannCk'tun-r ol sihI ttli.ilt-K.-ilc ami retail (k-alerin - FURS OF ALL KINDS, Cor. lMil'llnn:, First St., onfdeor ISflS Wash ington, ioituiua, iiregoa. Ladies, and Gents' Furs on hand and madt to order. Highest cash (irk-e jiaid for ail kiwis of Fore. Rpirin; ooatlv none and all orders promfit- i num. Fittintc Gritnrmtitootl. no-2m QKO. II. JtONKH, J. t. PATTFRHON, Keal tsuue Mrnker. Xotary Public. JOMES & PATTERSON, Kel Katatr Bnkm, Insnrstsire mmi t'llertloai Ajreate, OPF.KA HOVSR BLOtlt, SALEM, ORKOOS. &rvj rowrt; bought and sokl. HOVURS and STORES LEASED. Farms ami Wild Land for fssU". tST Special attention Rivrn to Financial Xegnttat ion a. Conveyancing, and GKNEHAX AGESCT BCSIXESS. CT" Amnts fhr the sale of a 6w Slisres of St.K-k In the IIKAVKK HOS1KKY MAM- FACTURIXi COMPANY, of JelTerson, that hare not yet been disposed of. The Factory is In a flourishing cowlitlon. and mrtles dty strtna: to nmke a safe and prolf tble lOTOst tarat would do well to give them a a early call. 5AX1) 10 ACRK lots wtthln nnrmtle of thi Conrt House ; rich soil; )irk.-voto tils) per acre. AprlBT2:dlr WANTED, AGENTS! TtlKDlSAMVKRF.U TW MTwUnres of a most Adventurous Life. TIhj Stanley-Livingstone Expedition fa Africa. Ijiiye oi-tavo volume, just issaed. Conuiius Inci'lents of the Wonderful tkreer of the great Traveler, the Country, Aahanls, natives, liunung. etc. run asvount 01 mis most Interesting part of the glols. Also to sell our Sew Work. PLAIN HOME TALK AM) MEDICAL COMMON' SKSS. Xo competition. There-never was a hook Sibil shed like it. Full aarticulars by siia.il. ate book wanted. A, U BANCROFT & CO., Xo-27:wtt, San FrancUvo, Cal. STRAYED. "KIHOM A. P. BEEBE (XEAR Jl'DCE -l mnso'si in Clackamas Co., one red roan cow, one red and white pieried w, and a red two-vear old heifer, all inarkeii with two umk-r-blts in the right ear, and one upper-bit In the left. Alsoono u-hite cow, and a small pale-red cow, with large head and neck, branded O on the left kern. There was a bell oa one of then whea they st raved. Any one giving Information of their where abouts will tie suitably rewarded. Aiklress A. P. ileebe, Oregou City, or T. B. Wait, Salem, Oregon. Dec ?o, DatWlnic. DISSOLUTION. THE pnrttiershlp heretofore existing un der the name of Davenport A Woltard, at Si lverton, Oregon. 1 thlsdav dissolved ov mutual eonscnt. The business will be hem after conducted at the old stand by J. C. Da venport, who assume all liabilities and to whom all debts due the Arm will beral. Those indebted will please call and miS im mediately, as we wish to uluae- u the firm business as soon as poaslUe. Ui iAYENPORT, . WOLF Alt D. lverto,.ti3.S4, fisS. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. CEO. A. PEAS.r Success? PROTZJ ClljUHAN it CO., vt. a trai sumI Wprrlaai Mreet, Part MS, The only Retail house in tlie Hi ate 1h.1t (lilts direct from the Mast. IWOKiIlt rinPTtma oaths i VaMH V UtV Efiiectste tti Rt Eatrhquake. gaiety vi-tft cfuednee; W. H. WATKHtDS I CO., Kit I out, Oroi;on, ManufactarerV ami Importers oV Haniew, pHMtrflea, RrMXK WW Also a large and Well Selected Stock of Hardware for the trade. Deoim Great Attraction! Fresh sriival of SeawnaMe fiooils at OREYMAN BROS. We are now opening and dally receiving newRiKxis for the Fall and Winter Trade, ami invite esperlal attention to our new Press tiootta ol the latest Atshions and styles such as Blaeb find tlred Mltia, Japaaee NUaia la all fstora, Tanslae mn Botabaalaw 1 11 ha. SUk ChatM Ctotbs, BrrV Popllao, IrfaOi PopUaa, Tilack ami lore. Alpacas, FignmlanIStrip cu vncuiuis, iu-m, r.niiress, .-. Also a full line of I. A DIES CJAMKIXtiS, FIXE AU.S1I.K. VELVETS VELVETEENS IN ALL X)IX)E-S, ASTARf HAX AXI 'SEAL CLOTH WUh suitable 1 riiniiiiiigs to iu;iti-h. We also invite attention to our w'll known ANCELE'S KID CLOVES, f which we liave rivelved an eulirely uew . 1 uiiir,, siuines aiiu ni iiw fauiu ohi IIHT. ALSO - Joseph Kid Gloves at one dollar per Pair, A flue ami selected stoirk of icnisiiil Bovs' Clmhiiid. esieci!i!lv m.nU- to order for our ii wie, ami nave a fnnrer stock lliis f.l Hian ever ueiore. Also the well known HTAIl KIIIHT. Gent? fiimisliing gootls of all les,;rlptlons. HA.TS CAPS. As usual a large selected stock of IXURAU t'AKBETS THREE PLY CARPETS, BODY HaUNKELM CARPET. Taicstry. Oilcloth 4-t, S-4, 6-1, S-t. Ifemp Iloiieanil Clialns, Matting, Kugs, Olul Window Curtains, etc- Ami evervthiRgierlaliitngtoHolSE FIR N1S1IIXU tiOODS. Brerman Itrns. Iieinir still .-urents for the O. C. il'fg. Co. offer at Whulesal sale ami retail a new lot ot rWEEDN, II.AEI.K, HARDTniEN, VAMUtERKN, BI.AXKKTS, ETC. Having bouebt our stoi-k for cash in San Francisco ami New York, we an: enabled to sell our Roods at extreme low prices ami peo- Sle visiting Salem (luring tbewmiliitt Fair will owell by i-al lineal BREYX AM BROM. setil.Vtf STAR BAKERY, Cracker Manufactory AND FAMILY GROCERY ASD PROVISION STORE Commercial St., SaJem. I hare constantly on hand PILOT BBEAD SODA, li UTTER, PICNIC, BOSTON. LEMON and JENNY UNO, CEACKEES. ALSO Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes. &c. WKDDIXG ASD PR I VA TE PARTIES applied on Short Notice. CRACKERS AT PORTLAND PRICES. Iy-All orders promptly filled and foods delivered to all parts of the city Free of Charge LEWIS BYRNE. March 1G. lS72:tt AT TERRELL & GILLir.CHAM'S, A Splendid Assortment of Ladies' Fashionable Dress Goods, Consisting In jian of Blark and toUred Nilka, IrlMh and Frarta FUaa, Japaneiie Mlka, taana Clotb, Slack and Coloreil Alpacas, Mohair 11 ro cades, Tycoon Reps, Delaines, c. ALSO SEASIDE HACKEES, NII.K TIXVETN, V FXTETEEXN, RHAWU, Scr. A Full nud Complete Assortment ot Ladies' and Misses' Underwear, Hosiery, Cloves, Ac, Ac Sept. 1sTi:Sm. CHAS.CAXPBKi.1.. :. WIl.LtAHh. New Grocery Store. Fit ESI I Groceries and New Gooils at our stand on Commercial Street, (iive us a call and we will endeavor to plese von all. C.l AMPHEI.I. ft CO. JtilylftiUwlf BEAVER Hosier) Manufaclurin Co., AGENCY AT,"SALEM J JA VE conxantly on hand and for sale Gents' White & Blue Ribbed Wool Socks IAND Ladies' Plain and Ribbed WOOL HOSE, which we will seH at Manufacturers prices. They also have a lot of Rocks on ha ml to let for heeling and (oeinc, which can be bad on application at M. MEYER & SON, Agent B. H. Mailt Co,, Salem. Nov.KMm CHEMEKETA HOTEL, SALEM, OREGON. fWlO THE CITIZENS OF SALEM AND j. u the Public generally. I have leased this new and e taMa Hatel for a term of years ipJt scan assure my patrons that I am determined that it shall be second to nor. Id the Male for the comfort of guests CtWt3. REASONABLE. CiTFrce Coach to the Hisise. nov9if w. CRAVta,ey. II O M K uiiual Insurance Company. fire A:a nun: wwmzi CAP ITL, 01,000,0001 OmCERS: , jom H . nTTf-l 'WW Taasislaal . H. HMWARU u 1j ft Tnirir a 1 CHAKEEN U. NTWHT ... werrtiarjr H. H. EDDY II. If. BliiEaVOW. QlriH RANG Hi IJOBTLAXD : K. Wniiam aaaav. . C l. Eaarta. D. la., Ua j Breaka. I- V.ClMVM aauaa D. M. hiwli AlaaaT J. A. lawfard Eewlniaa j. Eawcaaera; HAavlETe)?! BOTD, tseaeral Agtmt, Fartlaaal CHAS. E. BVKDOWK, ilecH CHET.IEKETA SHAY!"3 SHCXt AND Batli HooruB I HAVTXft LEASED THE BARBER Shop attached to the Chemeketa Hotel, I respectfully ask a share of the public pat ronage. Warm and t'okt Baths at reduced rates. A. E. WETZEL. Salera, Sept. lSdOn SALEM FLOURING MILLS. Beat Family Flaw, Bakrfa Extrtt, XXX, fisipertba mm4 Uraauuat. BUddllnea, Bran and Snarl" CONST AXTLT ON HAND. eTHK.IIEST PRICE IN CASHJJ3 . PAID FOR WHEAT AT ALT, TIMES. It. C. KINNEY, Aicent S. F. M. Co. Nor. 2.Htf A SPL.EXDID OFFER. IT Is well known that the regular tnlecrtp tlon to 1kjiohft's Monthi-t Maiia- sixe Istti. Tliat we may bring oor Journal to every house in tlie place, we have msnie arrangements, by which we are enabled to send the Wekklt STATWJfAjr and Vr.u oBKJtT's Monthly for one yer for S3 cur rency. Dkmorekt's Ilhstratt.d Monthly comhinesthe most useful, comprehensive and complete Magazine now issued. It employs on ly first-class writers In all its numerous luparlinents, including Muxic, etorles, or. try. Household matters. Architecture and Gardening ; and Its Fashions are unquestion ably taruhead ofal! others both for beauty ana originalitv. Demokkkt's Mukthlv, for handsome tvunirraiiliv. hirh-toned litera ture, and lirstclais flliiKtratlons. fnHv en- tiuesittotlie claim or being the Model far- ior Hujazine 01 Ameni-s. nov27:7Stf. Popular Science Moithly. CONDUCTED BY E. L. VOLMAX. JVb. 7 iVfo-, FIFTY CEXTH. t teata af So. 7, Car Xavraafcer. POKTBA1T on STEEL of PEOF.TYNDALL L The Stndv of Hoclolory Otdectlre Difficulties. Dy Herbert Kpeaeer II. Epidenuc Dclosioua. lly Dr. Car penter III. The Practical Man as an Obstructive By F. J. Hramwell, C. E. IV. Development in Dresa. By Geo. H. Darwin. V. Sunlight, gea, and Pky: n Lecture to Workingmen. By Wm. Sjiottiit wooile.F. U 8. VI. Smokeless Gunpowder. VII. On the Functions of the Brain. By Professor Claude liernani. MIL On Meteoric Stones. By Prol,X. S. Ma.kelvu. IX. Si-ience anil Rellsion. By rroC Tyndall. X Spontaneous Generation. (lilu iiistratcdl I. Aims and Instruments nf .S-ientitL-j Thought. By Prof. W. Kingiton Clifford. XII. A Sketch of Prot Tvndall. Xlll. FMur't TaUet The Doctrine of Evolution. Literary A'oticrn: Scheltar's "Spetv tniin Analysis. "-Hlnton'a "Lift in Nature." Books Received. Mixer-limy: Tlie Ground Connec lion of Lightning-KaU-Fonl Ai - -Careless Disinfection Treesaur Ttutit--PotsonoiisPaper-lianguigl Volcanic Dust Transfusiou os Hlil--Hahis of the Ojiossuni f Dr. Carpenter against Material iin Artiflcial Buiter - Ventila tion aud Wanning - Siinllnes, etc., etc. Xute. Tb Pmalli Neieae MaMstailir is nub. IMieil in a large octavo, handsomely nrlnted on clear tvpe. Terms, Five Dollars j-r an num, vr, xiiiy uuis ercoiy, CIilTB EAT3S: Any person remitting Twenty Dollars for lour yearly situgcnptioug, win receive an ex tra copv gratis, or five yearly subscriptions for r 00. The Hiptilar Science ilvnthly and Apple tan' Journal, tor one year, 8 00. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, MS SSI Bra4lwajr,X. Y. It. L, BANCROFT k CO Cal. Dec.1:Im National Business College, PORTLAND, OREGON. EXECUTIVE aFIKXWl H.M.De FRANCE, - . President. W. S. JAMES, - . . HwrfUry. A Model Couraereial Coll(6 Tbc Education for the Tlmo The Importance of a Practical Education Was Navar Mora Apparent Than Now ! IT IS UNIVERSALLY ACKXOWLEIIG ed that as we grow in prosperity we grow more practical, ami that it is required of men that they educate themselves practically ed ucate themselves in the lieat manner possible to meet the demands nf the times. Young men, the future welfare of this Coast looks to VUl ! Are VOl' nrenared to meet Its demands? A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION! TO JtKKT THE Demands of the Age! The mo Thorough, Practical, awl ConiJ prehenslve COURSE OF BUSINESS TRAIN INK EVER INTBODUCED BY AST COMMKRCIA. OR- Busnrcss colleg::, COXBIKINO THEORY AND PRACTICE BT MEANS OF BANKS & BUSINESS OFFICES. Tlie Course Is so arranged and Taught n P enable the Student to master It Iu the Shortest Time Possible. Each Student after passing thrwig tbe- THEOllY COUHHK, BECOME AX ACTOJkb Book-Keeper merchant where, if the space U a FEW WZEKSty he obtains ta Aperiami f au OKDIXAKY LUrKTlME. Tba Teltgiaafc Ml pa. il at Is anw It tad np with UMbaet hMtrumeata, and is la complete tuontngaalm. For TViX KIOtStlTIftS, se LEOE. VAlraJC fegr Addam: si fhr(H StcFnuace Janes, rOKTL A N D, OREGO Jun-M'72:wLt A Good Bargain for Somebody. A VALUABLE of bv4 tr sal, Miles east of Us lem. Atssv ar wwsltiW cents a cord in tne treu. Fm tUMhat aank nlars, inquire at mv farm wm- mile, wl al Malein. S. SrUCrSEBD. Xov. salmi)! w COLUAlialCiAL HOTEL VElLa, BOWC BUM V, SALEM, OREGON. mi 4 PATTERSON, Projirtlbrr:. nmrrS Aouse will as kept in Srst -class or M. der, awl with attentive and obligmg; servants. VTt are prepared to funUh gsod aceorama pations to the traveling puwVs and will osa every endeavor to neas( the patroaagaafsMi-. old customers. Regular Boardiagat very km I can rates,. Nov. 12, 7tU. Carrots! Csrreta! 1EX (10) tons CarmtaJb sale by O.tMcku. I son. - Inquire aMtis Seed Store, opposite-aorta-west corner of Hartoa Squaw. Price, t20 per Tan. Xor!3Im