The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, December 31, 1872, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon hitman .
N tlml in tlie Herald the follow
ing pnragrapli : Mlovernor Whlteaker
tiinl lion, fl eorge li. Helm, apjiointeil
hy Oov. drover to examine anil ae
iviit Uk: Canal ami Locks at tlie falls
of tlie Willamette, under tin; law au
thorizing the construction of the work,
arrived in the city last evening. We
understand tint they will examine tlie
lock? to-day."
The law requires the appointment
of three Commissioner, but we are
not informed who tlie third man is.
The appointment n above strikes us
as singular, in two respects : I. Both
the commissioner named were mem
lier of tlie Legislature of 1870, and
were both strong advocate.''' of the bill
granting the Lock Coinany $200,
IHM, as against all propositions to get
tlie. work done for less money. A de
cent regard lor appearances ought to
have kept both of them on" till Com
mission. The men who put the job
and tlie plunder Into the Company's
liamls ought not to be also tin: men to
jiuljiii finally wlicther the job lias been
lroperly completed.. If. Xeither of
tlie Commissioner are engineers or
men who are by experience, compe
tent to decide as to tlie suflicicucv of
the works. We doubt If either one of
them ever examined similar works, or
can now tell the names of lialf tlie
parts or appliances of tlie Locks. Tills
Commission tcexamtae and accept the
work is a very .important one, and
should have been composed of the best
engineers of the State. A man may
lie a very sensible man. successful far
mer, highly respectable gentleman
and a good tiddler or lawyer, and yet
be entirely unqualified to judge of
- siu-h great prices of engineering as
Locks and Canals. The appointment
of these Commissioners certainly looks
more like tritling with the Interests of
tlie State, titan anything else.
The Modoc Indians do not seem to
be in any immediate danger of being
annihilateil, or as Roaring Ralph Stack-
polo would put it, "teetotally chawed
np ami explunctitled." Tlie military
authorities are still busy with '"notes of
preparation,"' but nothing more
Tlierw has been no fighting except
wlieu tlie Indians to relieve tlie tedium
of inaction, come out of their fastnesses
and fire upon tlie soldiers or a Com
missary train. Within tlie last few
days, we have Iieard some silly twaddle
about starving tlie Indians out as
thaugh the Indians, having tlie free
range, of the wltole country could
not provide for themelve as
well ns tliey liavo lieretofore done It!
Tin- country is getting to be suspicious
tli it tin-re Is either utter inefliciency in
tlie iniHlih-t of tlie canita!gu. or that
t)$-r' is some sort of an understanding
riU-it I,'- finiri of the commissary
.hhI jpsrtertiinster' bills, which are
! !Vt I by-nud-bye bv the State
ami gMHTal Jovernnients. Wliili is
We liave noted with pleasure, the
movements in several parts of this
State to form local agricultural socie
ties. Tlie growing sentiment both in
this and foreign countries seems to be
growing In favor of these local socie
ties as against the more cumbersome,
more pretentious, and less useful
mammoth exhibitions, whose field is
a whole State or half a dozen States.
These latter are too often run by rings
tor one purpose or another, and for
advancement of the interest of some
chosen clique. The people from whom
support must come are learning that
they best subserve their own interests
by encouraging the neighborhood and
district gatherings. Let. them do
what they can to build tip these, and
there will lie little occasion for any
thing better.
lust now. tlie subject ot lire-proof
buildings is .one of almost universal
interest and very genera! discussion.
I lisou-sing the subject, the London)
Engineer, a good authority, s-iys ;
"Tlw only way f ronstntet a build
ing which shall bis as nearly tiro-proof
as possible js to reject iron, both cat
aud wrought, as a constructive: ma
terial, except for doors, and to revert
to the u-e of .brick floors, supported
,y jjroineil :i relies on brick pillars.
r.nt siu-ii hiuliluii's are at once enor-
lihxi-ly exx'nsive. and to the last de-
;nv unhandy."' It also observes tliat
although it is easy to make a building
lire-proof, it is usually impracticable
to have its ordinary content fire
proof, and this is the reason why so
called lire-proof mills and stores are so
often burned down.
Bulletin's commercial article
avs: A earelnl estimate shows that
the money actually received lu the
State for wheat and flour scut abroad
during the present year is about f 1,
100.000. This, in connection with es
timates of those, well posted in the
uuatter. that as yet not one-lialf of the
wheat crop has left the hands ot ibe
iroducer, will, when, this year's crop
s fully disposed of, swell tlie amount
of money received in exchange lor
nautto nearly, If not quite, 000,000.
Tbe result is a good one for a State as
yiuj; as Oregon is in agricultural
(n 1S.-)S, says tlie Marysville Appeal,
tin- Western Union Telegraph Com
pany paid a dividend to the stock
ImldiTs of tour hundred per ceut, and
iulSttf, only six jeara ago, paid a
stock dividend of forty five per cent.
It capital stock lias been watered from
.J7e.tH)0 to $41,000,000. In considera
liou of tlie unprofitableness f its bul
ih'ss and its extreme poverty, Mr. Or
ti slKJiild present a relief bill to Con
gress. The Whang-doodle and its
subsidized allien would n4oatbtfld!y
advocate tlie passage of ueh aliarit
.l)le measure.
,Wc observe Uat tlie Demoeratlc
mmriapers, generally, sjcuH tin
sail of the corporate nionepKe In
the n.M.ter of the proposltiou ta pw
arlk'tse ant attach the telegraph lines to
r.lie rst tfRtic. iJepartmeut. Tliey
lisavea jKwi-ful dread of soulless cor
.Mntions! y.'roiigress in ,i,.5iny years lias had
so iny -elected ninlcrs as the
Ltd, whiA ill eonie. In fter March
- tli. If cxperteuce Is worth Althing,
i; wisdom of tins next (.'Pijftess
niiefit to he exceptional.
tfimife Myrtle Miller arrived At'
liicago, JDec. 2.1d, under engagement
-1o lecture in that eity. In an inter
view with a reporter she stated Iter
iitention to lecture as soon as tlie cold
weather should alia te.
It appears froui tlie Yreka Journal
that the correspondent or tno i. i,
fhmnicle lias been sending to tliat
paper, Modoc news tliat is entirely
ensa( iouai'and false.
the ai THonrrirs dikaurkk.
The Menury explained, once upon
a time, that in all eases the
Governor had made new appolnUneutJ
ot ljtigant organs, tliero had'lieen a
cl'ianga In the proprietor ot the news
paper aflected or a failure n i tlie part
of the proprietor to comply ith tlte
law. The other day. tin- Mercury
speaking of the recent lcveti-
ture of the l'olk county 1,
engcr of Its litignut TrancM,
said tliat tlie pnper had changed
hands : tliat the original proirictor luad
given his personal lionds as nH'ired
by law, but tlie new proprietor was
not held by such lnd, etc.. Iwncc the
lie" appointment of a litigant organ,
Now comes tlie Republican, tlie
new-Hedged litigant organ, and
defending the Governor from a
"false and foolish squib," says : "Gov
ernor Grover lias not taken tlie "liti
gant franchise' from the Messenger,'
for the simple reason that It never ac
quired any "franchise under the
law." Aud tlie reason why tlie Mes
senger had not acquired any franchise,
says the Republican, was because it
had not complied with the law, or in
other "words, the proprietor had not
given bonds. Really, In rases like
this, where the Governor requires his
organs to defend him, right or wrong,
lie ought to stuff tliem all with tlie
same sort of gammon. They ought
to agree, at lea-t, as to the facts in a
case, whatever may la; tlieir belief
as to tlie soundness or emptiness ol
their master's legal opinion of the law.
I From tlie oregouian, Iec. 30.
At present there are about twenty
miners engaged at John Day Rapids
on tlie Upper Columbia river, in blast
ing and grappling for tlie rock. Float
ing ice compelled a temporary suspen
sion of operations at Umatilla Rapids
and Devil's Rend. Unless tlie weatlier
becomes much colder, and the ice
greatly augments, work can continue
at John Day Rapids, until tl comple
tion of tlie contract. Immediately
following this, operations will be com
menced with vigor at the other two
points mentioned.
Kansas City lias recently voted to
exempt its manufacturing enterprises
from local taxation. We suggest tliat
similar action on tlie part of the peo
ple of Salem, would present such In
ducements to manufacturers to plant
their establishments here, as would re
mit In large additions to the wealth-
producing property and population of
tlie city, and thus more thun com
pensate lor the extra burden assumed
by tlie taxpayers.
Gen. E. L. Appleirate, Commission
er of Immigration, accompanied by
Jacob Stitzel of Portland, started Sun
day, Dec. 22d, overland to California,
en route to tlie Eastern States. The
general will devote himself while at
the East to the principal object of his
mission the dissemination of infor
mation concerning Oregon. It must
stand greatly to his credit tliat he
undertakes the business at bis own
expense, the Legislature, liavlng in a
spirit of petty trilling refused to provide
him compensation, after giving him
the commission.
The Chicago Times, which supjiort-
ed O'Conor in the presidential cam
paign, in a recent issue says : "The
Democratic party organization is a
dead body which nothing can bring
back to seccesstul life. The resurrec
tion of genuine Democratic principles
must occur 'under entirely new aus
pices, of which the played-out race of
political jugglers shall not be not the
engineers, or it is a resurrection that
this genora ion will not witness."
The occurrence of the late fire in
Portland, has revived the discussion
of tlie question of water supply, and
the proposition to iuvest in tlie Holly
system seems to he gaining friends.
The Postmaster General estimates
tliat 112,000,000 will purchase all the
existing lines of telegaph in the
United States. Outsiders think $20,-
000.000 will be required.
Tlie bonded debt ot Idaho Territory
is 77.'2.V, and her floating debt is
$.YV2:W more.
i I rem the X. V. Times.
North Carolina apjiears to lie in
danger of speedily having no State
Government, because ol the reluctance
of the Democratic Legislature to for
mally declare tlie result of tlie August
election, when, as is well known, Re
publican State officers were cliosen.
The excuse, is made that the returns
of certain counties have not been made
in accordance with law, and it so hap
pens tliat the returning officials of
tliese -counties are tnvariaDiy Demo
crat". Partisan feeling In the Soutli
eni States is allowed a latitude un
known elsewliere, but it I hardly pos
sible that it will be permitted to per
petrate such an outrage as seems to
be intended in this case. There i no
pretense made tliat the Ke publican
State ticket was not elected by a ma
jority of the people, and tlie consum
mation of what we fear Is the present
purpose of tlie legislature will be a
defiance of the popular will as un
paralleled as ft will be inexcusable.
The following is said to be one
of the most brilliant articles written by
the lamented Geo. D. Prentice :
The fiat of nature is Inexorable.
There is no appeal for relief from the
great law which dooms us to dust. We
flourish and fade as the leaves of tlie
forest, and the flours that bloom and
wither in a day hare no frailer hold ,
upon life than the mightiest monarch
tliat ever shook tno earth ith his
footsteps. Generations ot nteu will
appear and disappear as the footsteps
on the shore. Men seldom think of
the great event of death until the'
shadows falls across tlieir own path
way, hiding from their eyes the face9
offered ones, whose living smile was
the sunlight of tlieir existence. Death
is tlie antagonist of life, and the cold
thought of .the tomb Is the skeleton
ot all leasts. Wedonot want to go
through the dark .valley, although its
dark passage may lead to paradise;
we do not want to lie down ,Ui X.lie
damp grave, even with princes as bed-;
fellows. the beautiful drama of
"lone, iie hope of immortality utter-,
ed by tlie deaAh devoted Greek, finds
deep response t eery .thoughtful
soul. When aljout te j-ield.h young
existence as a aacrinee to rate his
Clautauthn askedft.they should meet
agaitu wldch he replied: ,"I have
asked (that dreadful question .pf the;
hills that look jeternal pf the .clear;
stream tbat fqrwsr of the stars
among whose fields qf jwro ,ny rais
ed apirit has walked In glery.- 411 ar&
dumb ; but as I gaze Aipoji thy lying
race, I feel tliat there U something in
the love tliat mantfet through Its
beauty that cannot wholly poriu. We
shall meet again, Clamaiitlia."
VtaityffjllfctcdaD arrangement to' club
the SrarwjrfjT jjuj Dkmorfst'h Mokth
i.y. For 15,1b iHWfJjij;, wilt semi tin
Monthly In one aiMrww flw one jenr. . Jhls
Is a goal opportnnity to got a borne newspa
per ami the leading Fashion Magazine of the
United States, at a discount from the regular
tubscrlntlon rates. Semi In yoor orttars, en
closing agreenhael:, or postal onter for live
All'Uiiv is to have a grand" New Yea)'
ball. " i
The Allan I..m1ki of 1.1.1 Ft ll.. have
got a uew lodge num.
Tn frmr ilava, emlidi! Pec. 20tli, Portland
had 7.05 incite of rainfall.
Tlie -J.illv Good Fellowa." "f Portland.
an going toliave a grand ball J miliary bth.
A party of twenty aoMiein arrived on the
Onflaa-iiM-. Wedm-wUv iiiumini;, iN-eenilft-r
Mr. 1'ernr Kaymoiul lum been amniuited
postmaster" at Alliaiiy, vwv FreeLiid 're
signed. Albanv has a fsiet whieh his name it in
Iong. He Lreatlitu sulplutrionslv aWnit
Mt. Hood.
Tlie Bulletin is of the opinion that :M1,
000 will cover all aotual lo by the late
fire at Portland.
The Paeific Christian Ailvoeate closed it
eighteenth volume, with the iwmeof Thunt
day, Dec. 2Gtu. j
Telegraphic news from Cmpqiia valley,
report heavy rains since last Suiiilay morn
ing. All the streams, are np.
Ileceipts of Oregotj Hour at San Franciaro
for the present vear. iamonnt to l'iO.Mi! lar
rels. Wheat, ubout !K1,0U0 rentals. Oat.
15,120 rentals. Salmon, 8.070 bhls. and
packages. Dried AppliK. 8.41W ekages.
ltipe Apples, 2S.C23 boxes.
Tlie following an oftieent of Ellison En
campment, No. 1. J. O. ). F., Portland,
for the next vear: i C. W. Parrish, 0. P.;
U. K. Hicks. 11. P,: E. H. Stolte, S. W.:
J. H. Lvon, Herilie : C. Hegele, Treasurer ;
J. F. Johnson, J. W. Trustees, A. i. Wal
ling, J. M. Cay wood and W. H. Uradeii.
The follow in? ai the officers of Samari
tan Lodge, I. O. U. b' Portland, for the
term begining Jan. 1st. 1M73: David llav
mond. N. ti.; W. U liraekett. V. O.; J. V.
Johnson, It. S.; C."H. Perking. Treasurer.
Trasteui. J. II. Lynn, Y. II. Ilraden and
J. C. Kingslej-.
Tlie Albany Dennvrat Rays : Quite a lit
tle breeze was createil in our cirv tliis wH'k
by tlie appearand in onr midst of Mr.
Jacob Conner , of Jefferson, who offered 70
eentu per bushel fur wheat. In San Fran
cisco the price is $! pr cental, which cer
tainly justifies the payment of TOi-ents by
our local buyers.
The following are tlie new officers of the rity
of Scio: Mayor. Jlr. J. T. Martin; lte
coriler. J. T. Miller: Treasurer, D. P. Ma
son: Marshal. B.J E. Harria; Aldermen.
O. V. Kicliardsoq, O. B. Clunstie. l'eter
Bilyeii, J. 8. Morris, Kee Hancock, E. Loat.
The Bulletin has this item : It la a Utile
singular that for three consecutive ('hrurt-
mas holidays there baa occumi a oea'n in
the family of onr fellow citizen, Hon. J. I.
Biles. On ChrisrniM Day. 1H70, be 1t one
of his own litUe family circle. On CUril
ma Dav, 1871, Uia fatlier-in-law. i'taan
Kellv. died in Colorado; ami on VYninra
dav atni. Kelly diad in thia city. Thnw an-
welcome coincidences have mak Mr. hil
a house of mourning instead of one 4
on the recurrence of the umlwinb-r lr . l
the last three years.
From Daily of Sun-lay L. i.
Tlie Clarendon5 ITotel. P(lu.l w v
closed the last of Una month . rvf"
The Colombia, liver U n-pd fc
gorged with ice above the I J v-r i m,h
Niirht robbers and exnerto in ekW
inir sleepers are tlie enaUoo rxtm r-r
Tlie Colnmbia river w rrpt
rapidly. Thursday tuKA U n '
the Caacadea tiirec feeC
A petition is in eirmlafu I' J !
asking Congress to apor "yna! tZ '
uie uuprovvineni ui uie immr.ui i t
The Summit Ixjdn If ine of I o
is reported to tie yielding vrrv pn4
It is owned priiKHlly by J. IL r it
Work in the channel of U VHIunrif
river below Portland liaa lirwti n W-i
for the year, in conseqneiice of lit;li t r.
A package of half-bnmed paper. fru
Walling' job office, wan carried seven miWn
from Portland, over lieyond Mod sloti(?i.
on Colnmbia river bottom, at the time of
the tire.
There will be a meeting of the (In-gon
State Horticultural Society in Tortlaud
Thursday, the !Uh of January at 11 o'clock
a. M.. fbr th purpose of arranging and
claasifving the premium lint for the next
Bute Fair, i
The following are officers of Hassalo
Lodge So. IS, I. O. O. F., Portland, W the
term bennning Jan. Int. 1873 : TA. H.
Htolte, N. ti.; James A. Smith, V. G.; 8.
Harris. B.H.; E. D. Backenstos, Treasurer.
A. O. Waliinj. J. M. Williamson and An
drew Hill, Trptteea.
Mr. O. W. VtaAn. who is the owner of
one-fourth of tbe Woe ground burned over
on the 22d inat.. at Portland, has ottered to
give the city good tide to it for the sum of
$27,0110, provided that the remaining block
and a half is purchased and the whole kept
open for the ae of the public an a levee.
On Christmas, gays tlie Enterprise, C apt.
Isaac W. Smith, t hief Engineer of the
Locks, was presented with a line gold watch
by his assistant, E. O. Tilton, on behalf of
the workmen and other friends, as a token
of their esteem of him as a gentleman, and
for bis many courtesies and general good
treatment toward tlie men who hive lieen
so long in his employ.
The Oregouian says : So far an we have
heard there is but one voice among our citi
zens in reference to the purchase of the two
blocks on the levae ta the burnt district.
The unanimous feeiioeaeemsi to t that the
city should purchase the bioeks if there are
no'legal objections, and throv them open as
a public levee.
From Daily or 1 vulmj Dt.Zq .
Steamers are again running Ixtwecn
Portland and Cascades.
Total number of arrests in Portland for
the year was 1,623.
Tlie Bedrork Democrat thinks it has di
covered a volcano, about thirteen milea
wsit of Baker city.
Hit is said that Lvenrgus Vinerard. of
Polk raiiiitv-, has fallen heir to H)A.I left
Inm by hu grandlatlier.
I IMr. Georse Swift, who live on Little
Birch Creek, ia Umatilla county, had his
ieet oauiy irozen a l w weeks ago.
Ut. A. H. Brown, ii Baker citv, lias been
appointed as agent of the Centennial As
sociation to receive muiMmptiow fr suick
in Eastern Oregon.
Thomas Harkharu, of Chehalum yailet'.
lias been arrested by the rikeriff tti VamhiU
on a charge of be ing implicated iu burning
Danl. Chaolin of La Grande has gone to
Washington to look after the intertvts of
tlie Portland A Salt Lake llauroad, iu C'on-
gresH. He u one of f he Directors,
llenntv U. 8. Marshal. Dexter, who has
been in Eastern Oregon, for a month or
more, telegraphs that he "has arrested
another depredator upon the U. 8. Mails.
St is reported that last Saturday evening,
about 10 o'clock, there waa quite a severe
shock of an earthquake experienced in and
around w,jpo:, on tne txiiumoia river.
It is repented that Mr. Trullinger is
building a warqQouge at Centervule in
Washington county, and also a small
steamer to ply on tlie waters af Dairy creek.
Sunday, Dec. 29th. the Portland Literary
. . . . , ii .n : .
ASRoeianon eje uni mo iuiiuvik ouivi .
Sam Simon, President-; jjouia jBiumauer,
Secretary; Benj. Mayer, f're8ivcr. Sam
Beck, Manager.
A Greek scholar in Baker county xpunt
tliat "epizoottc" is from "zeo," to live, and
"eoi." around. Hence a disease that lives
or eoes around. Such are the resources of
.tome Indians are reported to hare lieen
killed tr I be earthquake near Wliite Bluffs
qn theiCcMmbia by the rocks shaking loose
and rolling 4own into tlieir camp, which
va aw the jblulX-
The iBeptoip Dcmcerat says: The late
rains having wojlen Alarr; river, a num
ber of parties spent iCUnfttniaa day in
scooping np (literally) thovufanil ,W brook
trout near Hie dam. The fUji at
tempting to go over the dain, and ,y ere
taken in acoop nets, by tlie baxket-Cull .ai.a
Corvallis has a Library Association, with
the following named Directors: J. B. Bayley,
Emery Allen. J. H. Babcock, John Burnett,
J. 8. Palmer, W. T. Johnaon, B: W. Wilson,
M. Jacobs and D. K. Neabit. The capital
stock liiw 11 tod at $5,000, divided into
one bundniA Stock hooka will be
opened in a few (iijs.
At a regular meeting at fiu,latui Lodge
No. 6. A. F. 4 A.M.. held at Hjlbcro on
St. John's Day' the following penona Kt-e
installed to act as its officers for one year :
W. D. Pittinger, W. Mj B. ScboUieia. 8.
W.; H. B. Morgan, J. L Seriah Stephens,
8. D7: F. March, J. D.; W. D. Hare, Treas
urer';1I. C. jfjTaond, Sec'y. '
'heoypprinctsa suinmaiy of tlie
Land.QftjQesncss,U7insace(l .iathe
Bosohwrg ilqd iQ$a during .the
month of Ijbe
Tjind sold for esMt. t,m
liomestead entered, 3.240 aere( IhiA
liomestead f certlmates issued, 218
acres; A. Vi Scrip locations, 4 SO acres;
pre-emptions filings o.GOO'aeres. To
tal, 11.0.W acres.
Io i .the Colorado is the latest luxu
ry. Anct d4 locality is only twelve
miles from Fort Yuma, which is ac
knowledged to be tlie liotti spot on
the top of the earth. The miner wlio
went below Ibe surface sent hack for
his blankets.
Dive it t Ion f I lu In ens Attitira Con
tinued former atient He levied.
' ft4T w, Dec. 2s, 1ST 2.
Eihtoi: Statesmas : I wish to re
fer to " t itlzen'sw article of tfie l.'rfh
Inst and also to "Another Citizen."
of the lth Inst. The articles are
worthy the attention of all who are in
terested in the future weltare of Sa
lem. That we need maniifactorieaud
concert of action i beyond a doubt,
ami tlioso who undertake worthy en
terprises sliould receive tlie undivided
support of all well wishers to the
prosperity of not only our cltv, but
tlie entire State of Oregon, j have
faith in tlie good intentions of Orego
niaug, that wlteu tlie Hubbard or any
other machine U manufactured here
tliey will have tlie preference over
Kastern manufactured machines at
tlie same price. First try the people,
before passing judgment, lu regard
to home manufactories, purchase of
goods, etc,, I ask "Citizen," have yon
practiced what you preach, or Is
it easier to preach than to prac
tice ? Some ot our citizens wlien
at Portland purchased supplies
amounting to several hundred dollars
and at higher rites than the same ar
ticles could have been purchased at
home, thus depriving our merchants
of tlieir just dues. And yet many
such parties will cry relorm. Now a
lew words in regard to the article of
the isth Inst. "Citizen" says that
not a brick building pays six per cent,
per annum clear profits on its first
cast. If " Citizen" had said twelve
per cent. I think it would have been
nearer tlie mark for the majority ot
brick buildings not including the ho
tels (as a general thing hotels do not
pay in any city in comparison to store
rooms.) In regard to the "spirit of
?4'J and '54' to get rich rapidly, In
cluding business men, clerks, wood
sawers, etc., 1 cannot agree with " Cit
izen' tliat high prices are paid for
lalior of all kinds, including clerk hire,
wood sawing, etc. In no place on this
coast are there as small wages paid, or
goods sold at less profit tlmn in Oregon.
And In regard to boots. I have seen
boots tliat were made liere at eight
dollar, aud good boots at tliat. I say
shame on the. man tliat wislies to grind
tlie face ot the laboring poor. Lai?,
ihiht. Ot what I speak I know,
haying lived mi this const over twenty
yers and visited all the principal
plaW mi tlie coast ; and 1 think If we
do W oir 1'urUand friends do, toot
orii lrn ami talk of our future
y?wo and prosperity at liome aiid
I. nn tlw ran and elsewhere.
!rsTT hard times! Iiard
1 ' we ttull get along well
Mil i Avmiku I'rriKN.
trill fitmoxAl.
w 11,1, uhi corrvs
lUf ( lec. l-'ith.
r - r
n ii-s mention of some
f fin4. at TH"ahington :
l Uike on tle Avenue
i-h Imt be bt ilota iiere I
, fcw iii-1 speiMiingiMtuuic
mrifji it tie Senate ralletT,
! ! m-n mot aur dav
'. t tn-u a couple of
f 4nr. .-cifnM. sun lias sliowu me
i ( m whleb lie proposes to
uf4i-iiri iii .New iork.
I.i.i 1 srmr. fornierly of your city,
U i-i. ami i enjoying good health.
Iutt WbitT. bv lucks stroke of tor-
tune, Karrar became possessed of a
very large sum of money, which, as I
unucr-itanil. be lias judiciously lu
res ted.
Mrs. Attorney-General "Williams
gave a reception and dinner party a
few evenings since, which was at
tended by tbo members of the Cabinet,
several Senators and Congressmen,
and a number ot Uregonians.
I have not bad tfiu pleasure of see
ing uotonet Hetiv, out 1 expect to can
upon him on to-morrow, lie resides
on Capitol Hill, and during his short
resident here lias made a host of
When in New York a few days
strae, I met Colonel Ruckle, who was
looktoe poorly. The Colonel has
been ouite ill of late, but is improving.
IteiSry (Outnnnns, formerly of your
Mate, lias ) olUce in nail street,
Xew York, but what he is doing
hare no klca. Ue talked largely
about a certain raikoad of which lie is
at tlie liead. I asked bug where the
road was located, and tongy surprise
he pointed to a huge map tiiit svjorns
one of the walls of tlie ofike. The
railroad Is, therefore, on paper, and
so far as that is concerned it is a big
Oraaniantlon of the I'll iou I'nlverslly
MManauea mt EJitftva aity
Frotn the Guard Pw. VJ,
TJmrsday evening, 2Sth Inst., the
incorporators of the Union Univer
sity Association held a meeting, and
tlie requisite amount of stock tiav-
ing: heeu takeu they proceeded to elect
a tfG&Al of Directors, as ionowa:
W. J. 4, S-xitt, W. II. Abrams,
J. .1. Walton Jr., 13. F. Dorris and J.
M. l'hompson. A Bwcsting was held
yesterday, at which the persons above
named were sworn u neriorm fwe uu
ties of liirectors and then pioweitl
to orsranize bv electing Hon. J. AT.
Thouiiisou I'n-sident of the lioanl. and
T. ti. Hendricks Njcretary. A resoiu
tiou was adoptel creating the ofrlce of
Tcnasurcr and .1. II. m tung was
cho.u as that ofllcer, J. M. Thomp
son. J. i, Ualton Jr., and . J. J,
Scott was Mttsen as a committee to
prepare by laws, gnlesfand regulations
for the eovenimeiM, oi tne organiza'
tion, after which tlie bord adjourned
until fltonuay evening, ;wni inst., at
PoHtoffirc JHllahel - OOieea Dlw
rontbniAd-JPoBMters Appointed
The following J'ost-ofAue changes
were tuwte lu ue Racine bwios &na
Territories during Ute veejf ending
December 14, 82 1
rosT-cTJcss EFAUWsnw. South
Mountain, Owyhee fmvtf, Idaho, T.
J. Vlnfon, P. M.
Ofviceu DiscoNi'Kt). ifoeksoe.
Yakima county, Wastiington Terri
tory; Sherwood's Mills, Mason coun
ty, wasmngton Temtory.
rosTMASTEKS Appoistep. Albany,
Linn county, Oregon, Terry If.. Bay
mond ; Fort Colville, Steven county,
Washington Territory, William A.
Hubbard : Tulalip, Snohomish county,
Washington Territory, P. C. An
drews; Tumwater, Clark Biles;
WrodArd s Landing, Chehalts county,
WUlngton Territory. T. Kecd Soule.
The Xew Ycai Herald, December
14 th, thu3 eondsejy ges the condi
tion of the English whecuaod :
England will want in tjte twelve
months between September, ISJi, and
September, 1873, one hundred (Billion
bushels ot wheat from foreign fields.
She is now receiving five million
bushels per week, of which a consid
erable share is from France, where the
crcp has been excellent. Our own
broad elds will do their part toward
mating oed tip English deficiency,
and w'kufibLS iuMlt we can count on
our wheat tor the paying the
value of much of tjiose -goods and
wares wiui wuu:u cuguit ,ei
aud industry supply us.
Adam Bede had not outlived his sor
rowhad not felt it slip from him as a
temporary burden, and leave him the
same man. again . Do any of us ? God
foi. It would be a poor result of all
ourangiiisli and our wrestling, if we
won nothing") c Jf old selves at tlie
eud of Ittf we SouW cfnrn to the
same blind tods,1 tid"l& telf.
confident blame, Qie same Jig'at
thoughts of human suffering the Same'
frivoiotu gossip over bnghted human
Mvf , the name feebta sense ol that nn-knoft-h'toii-ftrd
wbich 'we'hate' sent
forth Irrepressjbto cries In our loue
llness Let us rather ehankflil tbat
our sorrow lives In us as 4'rt lnesact
ible force, ohly ' changing i f ortn;' as
Jfc'do, ahd piissIn'g from riaift'into
syii4thebn' poor" wood AVhleh
indicates alt WiS&t insight au4 our
best love. ' - mi i
Trnthfulnnss is a corner-stone ii
character, and if it be not firmly laid
in youth there will always be a weak
spot In the foundation.
Windsor county, Conuetlcut, lias
granted 300 divorces since 1810, or
about 11 annually.
'Latest from Uie Modoc foiuitrj .
Vnmi twm-. r.Froni Alex. Wo-
i a iwirHn. who iustar-
riveil from Hot Creek, we get the i fol
low ing : ( n uit Mituraay, me ii".
wa'ou witn supplies irou
wefi to Captain Bernard's camp mi
Iist river, was attacked by nity-s'x
Indians. Two soldiers were killexl
and scalped, ami four Wounded, and
live mules kUieu, wnen ui Bigut
camp. The maians were iy"s
ambush. Tlie t apiam immcu i
tbelr assistance, but betore readiing
tliem tlie Indians escaped to the rocks
and got away witliout robbing the
wagon. Tlie Modocs arc gradually
being reinforced by stragglers from
reservations, and it is believed some of
tlie l'itt river Indians nave joineu
tliem. Tlie time of the Oregon volun
teers has almost expired, and tliey
will soon be mustered out of service.
There are 2S0 soldiers in tlie Held.
Taking those required for guard and
escort dntv, leaves only 175 for light
ing, WblCU IS ICS lliail Uie lmuans
now number. There are only 14 sol
diers at Fort Klamath to guard 2,500
Indians mi tlie reservation t licit,'.
Should the tight linger along for some
utne there is danger oi tneir nreuuuij;
out and joining the Modoos. It seems
a dllUmilr. nniWf.iLincr to (ret at the
Modocs in their rocky retreat in the
laya bed. H learn tnsic .uni oonios
and ottlinanoe have been sent for,
which will be something new for the
Indians. A meeting of the citizens of
this place was held to-night to consider
the propriety of asking for volunteers
from tlie State authorities, for a com
pany of voluutcers to protect the fron
tier" settlements, letters were read
from General Itoss and others in the
Indian country, urging this action.
I'. A. llorris was uepuiizeu ou ocnau
of the citizens of this county, to pro
ceed to Sacramento and conler with
Governor ISooth, and will start to
Ike MMtoe War- A Train Ambushed
wiitl Ureal into by IimUimin.
Jacksonville. Dec. 27. Informa
tion was received here to-day tliat the
infantry train was waylaid and fired
into on Lost river ou Saturday last.
Two soldiers were killed and eight,
others wounded, l'art of Col.'Koss'
volunteer force were sent to the west
side of Little Klamath Lake to rein
force the soldiers. Further particulars
expected to-morrow.
Tin: hixks or oitixjux.
(from the Bulletin, llec. -'!.)
We liave often wondensl at the lack
of enterprWe sliown by our business
men tbrHigtiout this portion of our
State regarding the mining facilities of
F-atern regoii. It is a well, known
lact tliat iik t of the mines worked in
Oregon are under tltc control, and, iu
mist eae, owned by Califoruian cap
italists. Oregouians sevm fearful of
mining stock, and will not invest,
while a genuine Califoruian asks no
better speculation than uu embryo
mining company. Tine it is, fjiey of
ten prove nought but a bublilj' ami
burst in mid air, but as a geiuval
tiling mining pays, ami usually nn n
f euergy, pluck and nerve manage tn
eke out a good livelihood and often
times tau out'' an iiulcpeudent for
tune. This iu.'t has been lorcihly iv
callod to our mWJ by meeting W. 11.
Paekwood, a geniV'Uiau who iu all
probability is as well fiosted in the
mining facilities of this SfcutJ as can lie
found anywhere, lie is en route to
California to organize a stock coinp&uv
for the purpose of making further de
velopments of Summit Mine, near
Bilker City. He informs us that the
well known Virtue Mines are turning
out much better tlian was ever expect
ed of them.
Superintendent I). II. Jackson is
now working about 40 men, and they
are able to take out enough rock for a
20-stamp mill. The mine is owned by
a California firm and is paying hand
some dividends. It is tlie intention of
the company to erect a 23-stamp mill
at tlie ledge, and thereby save an ex
pense now incurred in hauling tlie ore
a distance of seven miles, to I'.aUer
City, tofore it can be worked. The
cost of tawling Is about $2 M a ton.
which wfcU prove unite an item if
But the mines Ut Mr. l'ackwood
is more particulariy iufjrested iu are
the Summit and North iu the Au
gusta mining district. "iVe JU;ye had
under inspection somc'speciuic,')s of
Ujfl rock brought from there, whle'li
appw unusually rich. The ore con
sists largely of iron and copjier pyrites,
and wUl rn front to ffGd jicr ton,
with a general aroragfl ot over 20.
This yield U gattiered 6,ef .the rook is
worked in an ordinary W4y with
stamps and copper plates. Were con
centrators and pans used, tlie yield
would at least be increased from 5 to
$3 pr ton. They have two stamp
ntflfg One of them owned by Merrick
& Wtt, and the other by l'ackwood
& Co. In tne Summit mine they have
now readied a Uupa; ,ofl.j0 feet from
the earth's surfai-e, and "Jind Jbe vein
to be from six Inches to four' feci iu
width. Levels run Summit mine and
tap the North Star mine about 1(H)
feet below the surface, showing a
splendid vein about two fix-t thick.
Tha yotfh Slar rock that has been
worked in an opHnarv wav has turned
from 15 to $4 pV fQU. " TIm- facili
ties for working tfie n,hvc imc . excel
lent, I'lrntyof wooti and miiw'atv.
neurathaiHl, and fan be i,i-,l . i li
mit going to any great trotibhi or ex
pense to get them. Wlteu w; con
sider tlie fact tliat all the gold taken
out is clear profit after paying per
ton, we can but think the mines are
paying ones. Mr. l'ackwood savs lie
has already taken out about $20,000,
and he is fully satisfied tliat there is
filenty more where that came from.
Ie ts going below on the next steamer
to interest capitalists iu the Oregon
mines, and besus with him letters of
introduction to most of the heavy
dealers In mining stocks'. C'f Jifbrnians
will In all probability invent lu ttyj en
terprise and reap tlie benefits' thereof,
W$y would It hot be a good idea fqr
more .Oxeonlan.s to try ,the mining
busitess a little, and see if l,t ilout
"pan.ont" v;ellj'
COSSOLUsG 0 S.MOK. Jn a letter
ou (the tob?iy o,uest'w.ii, the J,pinn
Lancet says
To the poor man working hard aud
living hru at tlie sanje fjuje to the
soldier, fatigued, cold and ill fed dur
ing a cam )lgn tot ncco is, we be
lieve, betb uselul and comfortiqg. It
sooths some excitable men, and ena
bles many others to cotmatnU their
attention on subjects requiring
thought. If tobacco be poison tliat iu
enemies declare it to be, it is eminent
ly slow In Its action, for every work
house, lunatic asylum and charitable
Institution lias Its gray-haired votaries
of the plpe.
Granger, Hampton county. O.,
cllrfmedTjo be the banner township of
thd X?WW because she gave Giant
179 votes, to Jt' Greeley, but Massa
chusetts is heaid rU as follows,
and Granger takes a ba& '&,: Bojjt
well 552 Tor Grant, I forGieetey'; Hoi-,
den 125 for Grant, 0 for Gieey:
Pemboke 130 for Grant, 0 for Gree
ley ; Acushnet 122 for Grant, ft lor
Greeley ; Boylston 122 for Grant, 0
ft Greeley.
An old l.ldv. tin enforincr t store
tfy ether .dy, said : "Why, it can't
hl that VnYl- l pfn fliU Btnro vr I
Deinaij; ecp mts Biore, jet: l
tbowgut yov psffOTne out of bussness.
I nAn . A .!.. . 1. !
about your- store in jjie poftcu" jc over
a year, and everbodf Jn owr p,eikQftgr--
honn rhinka tnn hti muiji mit nf Hm
bnslness. 1
An enterprising plirenologlt one
rrote a note to the Lite l'liark Iii'k
t:lng jiertaLspioii to make an
esaHMnW&v.V fcU cranium. Hickeii
replied "Dew'TSir; At thi time I
reiiire tbe use of pffjwil, b .t as
oon aa it shall be at kimre 1 4 nfvUj
Ingljr place It at ywir dlspo!.
''liej-o are "00 Jaiianese sj.1iUfi1.t4jn
TaHoua ij'ools and coIlce in tlus
coiintrjO' ''
1 li,. : ,
A prominent member cf the statf cf
Qrti. alofib.F OtiHnjr'tfie civil- war Is
now on die staf of the Cliirtigo- Inter
Occan, where h present pen is uiighti-;
er tlian hla former swortf.
AVliUkr is said to be a born of Dlen-
ty, because it will corn you copiously.
riFAxriAi. ami ki.
Salfm. Die. .10, 1ST2.
(iolii in New York Ill's.
Legal Tender iiiot.ilioiu w.i-.i buying,
'.Hie ae'ling.
As the day tpprnaciH fur clusing up eth
aeeount.i of the year, the pie-vsure in the
innney market is more severe than before.
The. inability to meet bills is not confined to
the extravagant, reckless or Unl niaiiaRers ;
some of the bent men in the country arc
frequently compelled to ask indulgence.
There is however a hopeful fecliiii; growing
ontofthe improved prospects for wheat,
and a general impression prevail that the
market will ene up, after New Year's.
Liverpool Wheat, lis 4(tf 12s till ; flub,
pobtlasd l-nnm i i: maekit.
From the OreoHian, Dec. 3U.
Wheat. The week now closing has lieen
almost as a blank in the market, transac
tions having Is-cn almost entirely cheekil.
There is no doubt but that the trade will lie
livelier in a few days, should we have any
thing like fair weather. The rise in the
river will enable boats to reach much grain
which liefore found no way to reach tide
water. In the meantime wo have intima
tions that the market in California is weak
er, while our LiveriHiol quotations are a
little advanced. We we no cause to cliange
onr quotations of SI OTiliil 00 per cental,
with poHxiUy an advance on large loti.
(lats.- We note considerable receipts, and
prices remain as at hint report. The steam
er to sail to-iiiori ow w ill curry a large lot to
San Francisco.
Flour. - The California market aps arsto
lie taking a downward tendency. Ours is
llarlev- lint little is ottering. (Quotable
nominally at SI 4liftl .10 jkt cental.
1'otatiK-s. Ijirge nivijits have wealx'tied
the market, and we quote jobbing lots at
HXtii't cents per bushel.
recti. - Hum is no great amount on
hand, and prices are stiffening, owing, per
uana, to aiiviince oi tn
lie ruling figures for
butter Then' is but little activitv in the
market, and tlx- tendency of pruts is
slightly downward, though choice is in fair
demand at our former quotation of M(aYi
cents per Id. All other qualities are dull.
Wool.- Our market, in sympathy with
tliat of California aud the East, presents an
active demand, and prices aretirm at:tOfrt.:U
cents er ll. The .Montana, from San
Francisco to Panama, to-day carried over
2:1.110 tons. There is but little coining to
s.N I RANI isso ll.uo.i is.
San FitANcisco, Hec. 2H. Value of ex
ports during the week, S4:t0.(Km. Tlie im
jMirt tra.Ui during the wi k hxs U. n fair.
Flour yniet ; 75'G
Wheat -lliftieu It to get over 2, as the
demand is nominal at SI WO el Ol); sale of
200 sks fair, SI W71,.
JJarlev -Hull at SI Sufid Sl't : lav,
$1 .'ITf.Cl 4.1.
Oats-Jobbing, SJftcJ 2.1.
llav- $lGfi('24 will cover the market.
1'otatiKS-lUd, Kirl 2.1; IlmtiNddt,
$1 12.
Fruits- Apples, ,10ed.$l OS : tsars, T.VGc
S2 uu: Imix oranges, atlKVi On thousand.
For the 4 vmiuK llvlidaja.
IIkkyman Runs, are now i u rn e a Hoe
anil selis'iitt st.vk of Furs of .',iiUcriiltoiis,
oiiisting of
Mink, Fitch. Alaska and French Cony,
All of them will In sold low. Comc:nl -ee
betore yon piiii ha-.
lA-i:i:iw HliKV.M VV l:l! is.
WjJIamette University.
Tlie lu-it Term will bejrin l-.-. HI. Is7.'.
in eiHme. le.u Hie Normal Iewirl
meiit a
tor primarv ii,ilK will W ,9,.e,l wiih
MIS l.l.'.IK ltos.E as Teacher, twoniii
liri'iiarv studies, ST no per term of tlurtii.ii
weeks.' lNov3ii'72:tUw-4w
On Marriage.
Ilnupy ItJief for Tomiir Men from
tlieeiiivlr. ot hj-ror and Abiie In 5irly lite.
Manhooit restored. pedfrmntu to'Mai
rlatre removel. New juetuod of treatmenl.
New and nuiarkable riniMMliei. Iiok.4 and
C'lrvtilara .sent free, in seaiiilcuveujts.
Addrnsn. 1IDWARI) A SSI M 'I ATfoV. K.l.
I. R,uilh Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hit In- ,
tfitiiuoa having a high ri'piitalion lor honor
alilevuuijikt vml prole-ional -kill.
auic'l "7dAwi;ra
Kir The llet Kfiiifr thr Jl'urlfj tng
the Blooil. Strengthening tixe NUit'S Jti
storing the lost AjUte, br
It if theliest pre-ervativeaiiit almost any
sickness. If used tlinely. t'lniMMt1.! f herlis
only, it can lie criven safely to infant, t' 11 1 1
directions In Knglisli. Fre'neh. ierin and
Spanish, with every 4ka-re. TltY IT!
For sale at the wholesale aifl Itetalt Hrng
Stores, and ( irCH-ories.
FMII. FRKsK, H'holeta!p Iimgglt,
S.le Agent, ::J1 flay Street,
San Kranci-co.
Startling, but True!
The Biler' workings of these reinwlies,
I!riur KnniniMirllln null are
Irnlv wonderful. From Vuiui, iregon,
we liave the report of an extraordinary cmv
nf l.: Iceroits, eat I ne discs se. hi h. H tier ilel'y
ing all other t real 11m nt, su. c.umhod to these
two greil r-iieihes. I'll
For 4'ohkIi nnd Throat MlMMHtero,
use fc tii nrit'.i Itrnm'hUtl 'i'rtchr.i.' ' tiav,ng
w tl t hei r etliciency t.y a test of iKtny ears.
If on desire r-v-y checks nuil a cotnplcvlon
fair ami free I'roiii 'iniiile. I'.lotclie and
l:riit ion, pnrifv vtinr li taking lir
Pierce's I'olilen Meitical liictoery. It lias
n, for liiis nio;io-e.
A lirotmdiicj 1- r,n a siuliih 1 1. '' 'ir
TKrttiinir alwun nt:,llh Mi'ui ..tiiori. s..'l-:ii
'I'l Pl'l'.ll s lutv- ticcr Hr,l r' llie
Kor -ale hv all I m'el . 1
N,.v ll: lio
A sine lliiiii.'. I Altr.K St'ltKW WIP.Ei
llools and Shoes will not rip. leak or come
aiiart. aiil are Ihe easicj ever wttrn. Try
lii ttf. A II ln'ar tlie Patent s,'ainp. " j
.yvlti llUtl
Olive Ill!e, IH, l.r,r. V.
fleets everr S;ilnnlav evenlnir at 7:AI e. M.
Visiting brothers are invllisl to attend.
Sept. 7:1 1'
U. A.H.Ituwll I'ont, 0.3,..A.R.
meets Friday evenings of each nwk. All
Comnulen in'gixsl nC'indiiig invited toattentL
Itv order.
Aplli'Tit f. COM M N'l iKP. JlFXIRKK I.OllT.K Oill
FeilousJlall the jst 'int;iv evening 01 eocn
month nt oVlm-.k. All llrlhron, with their
wives, in good standing, aremviled lo attend.
Bv oriler of X. ti.
Salem. Jul v 4111.1 -If
Annlverry IxHl)ge, o. 13,).O.V.F.
Heziilar meetings MoniUiv evening" ot each
weok at o'clock p.m.. at I Kid Fellows Hall,
earner L'ouunerclal ami Ferry Slnts. All
lirot her ill good Hlinliii are invited I In atj
lenil. ni iinirr . u.
Chemeketa Lodge, No. 1, I 0. 0. F.
T Klili'L Ait MMUns Wndim-dav evenings
M of each wuk, l 7 oVlik v. M.. at i)itd
t'eiiows Hull, coiner Couuueryial and Fttrry
streeti". All Hrollit'is Jn giH fU'iHnur iinfl-
1 to attend. Jiv orV'r o fc-ii-MeiH-lT-ldlm
XWIIInuiette Enrnaipment
2. 1.O.U. F.-Meeuon Ihe id.
and th. Tnewlav eventna of each
month at tld Fellows Hall corner
Commercial ami Ferry Street. All
vojournlng brethren In good standing are In
vited tn al tend. lly onler of '.'.P.
' aoll!7?tf
Ojktera In nil 11 Ie,
Everything Cooked Jo Order,
J-.lllI'll", '. CtK,
Fishes. Soups. Pigs-Feet. Etc., 25 Cts.
t ii.vs. w:lssv.r."
Prewery ltefjot.
Persoiuj to uooiu j .Lic'jlnd ai
Vil'Jlocallattdjjii H'ejj, '"'-i. . d v
are In-
Practical Watchmaker
J E W E L ir A C -i.Zr-
fv ;
-nailer ln- ! ' " ' '
1VuU-liON,CIorkN, Jewelry, .
. W allies nad Jewelry HrpolmL.
jeWelry madk to order.
f3fi-A 'gnod axmrlwnt of GOLD and
SIL VilH WA TCHKS cmulanUi ,n luiml.
Uv27:tr ,
Important to 'Everybody.
if. G-. WltlGIEET
" ILL, display his Immense
the Pioneer Store, commenc
ing Monday, December 16th,
1872, and will continue until
all are sold.
Fancy Glass and Shell Boxes, Ladies'
Work Boxes, Candy Boxes, Tool Boxes,
Match Boxes, Shell Boxes, Rubber Rat
tles, Rubber Balls, Ass't Rubber Toys,
Hot Air Toys, Ariel Globe Tosser, Steam
Engines, Iron Banks. Tin Barjks, Shell
Whistles, Tin Whistles, Wood Whistles,
Nine Pins, Drums, Children's Knives and
Forks, Fancy Candle Sticks, Spring Tops,
Toy Castors, Hand Vases, Vases all
Sizes, Fancy Spoon Holders, Toilet Sets,
Motto Mugs, Motto Cups and Saucers.
Small Dressed Dolls,
Cilt, Wax, Walking,
Crying, Rubber
& China tall sizes'
Doll Heads .all
sizes1, Doll Shoes,
Doll Cradles!
LntUt'i' AVork Rit.kel,
rioucr ISaktal,
( liilJi en's llinuer and Tea Sots, Toy
Hcd-deaiK Toy Tulil-, CireiiN Itlders,
Shell Pin i iisliions. Senlnir Itlrds.
l!otiiitet Fun, llilMi . Fine
NH'dle Ciws, ()M-ra i lasses, Atror
deims, Coneertiinis, Toy Siid-irous,
Toy iirooms, (Iiest Men, I'herkor
M Wax Candles, Kitchen Sets
Parlor Sets French Harps, J ! m-jt
Jacks. urJiTh , Tea IMIs, faji Pis
tols, Pop tin us, Toys, Toy
li . M M KUS.
Trumpi-tk, AVIiis'l .s, Elorscs,
Ikn, t'als, Wagons i'arl,
itujfr, and TIioumiikIn nroth
vr TOV tin 11 11 uu-poii o
AIo a Good Assortment of
Crockery mi Glassware,
Cutlery, Etc.
Corner Front and .Morrison Sts.
Illh.i 4 N'H, --. - OKKIiiN.
rjsllK iindi'rsliir uii,oiin.s tliat ho lias
I lea-cd the rfhoi e IkiI.,1 Jiif a IfiTO) of year.
and willcondnct tlw same asa tfrsl class house.
The prices have lieen Teducftl its lollons :
Httfiflfu nfiff Itonrtl, per d,
Hlj, H 'f lj. ' ' NeMla, $0U. .
The s, :twi ii.5 1 n;; h ill coiijey iseii-;
gers In and from the hotel, tree ii cliarge. !
Tlu iilui of the proprietor will lw to svnre i
tlie I'onit'orl of his (incsts in every nianner; J
and he trusts. Hint with Iheahoic itdviinnnres
an lloA riles, the imii'lo Miil f uel him ith
a - ii.irc of jiiroimL'e.
J. II.M-KKMil H, l'rwiH-lelur. I
PARfVIJTf yt. B kjipf&CK, j
f. tneir retail i.iisiih ss, otin- tlc'lr entire
stock lor Mile Al cost;
To anyone w'islgng lo engage in the Knrnl
tmv fl list ness,' this i a rare chance.
The stivk ijinsl J. closed ly' M. t-t, and
v. Ill lie swld at cost, for ca.'4j only.
Tfcl;! js no If mill. uc. e mean 1'iiisjness.
All fi,is,ii. .miniisl to tin are resHv.tiiilly
re.11iesi1.1l toiM and '..tile.
I'AUMk.Nf Kit i Ti Alii'lX K,
Furnlturu liealers.
Salem, regon, A ng. "t h, 1S7 J.
.1. l NTAKiKlt,
IKKKPeonstantlyon band a "oi.l assort
meni ol California aud hasteru lhiM and
Sieclal attention paid to the manufacture
Of everv tvle. 'rggel, Sewnl and also
'' tlw
C'eelirtMejJ m,H liotlonm,
Made to ortler. Vork and fits gTurantenl
Xone hut the lie.-t French hraivln us
'MMIK FIltST tnd Most Ifeftlthfiil Tonic
M. ever introduced in tlie L'niteii Mates
I These Bittern have been
in the San Francisco mar.
ket for over twejitt
v ha Riband BotwttlusUind
Kig the manv new candid
ate! for public, favor, the
sales nave constantly in
creased. TAYLOR Jt BEX DEI.
,Sole Agents, 40U and 411
clay Street, San Kran;
About 3H0 pounds, but v ery little ned vid
almost as gnixl as wlien lirst thrown Into case
- - -
Al llhetal dtstoum lvau f Wltf ?. Jrfi
Apply at HraTRHilaW U.'('Fj ''"
MISSES XirKIJN A caMpbfxl hate
moved their Drem Making rooms to
Ken van's liiiikltug on State street, over the
New York Bakery, where they would lw
Blessed to nee their old ettstomors. and at
many new ones as may favor I hem with a
can. jseniemner uie piaee.
' evt'I.VIf
Dancing School.
A FAVORABLE opportunity in now f
lonleil to the lover of Terpxkhorv,
the umleri'igned having opened a in
tlie eonniKxlioiiK hail of the Opera Home,
wliere the best of s-:ororooilnlion nnl Iu
rtrik tlons will bv afforded to all who niar be-
enine members of the mate. Tim hours of
tuition will tw from hall-past men to linll
pant nine; alter wht.-h H-onil9citmiA Iiuiw.liig
for Practiee, ou Friday orenln; of eaeh week.
Also, on Satnriliiy evening of eaeli wk,
commenelng at biilf-pant eight, a SOIUKK
will lie given fur all who wUh to attend. Ad
mission, l 00. The beat of ran?l: lumivlied
tiir the OLvakn. Z&f Memlierxof IheSehool
are entitled to xhinnsion to the Soiree lor tlie
.vldlttoual ulutrge of H et .
It th City !iilcm.
fj Vn ls in Ihwl lTV for tale at the re
M. dn.-e prk c ,tt
('Mali dawa urnli Ike remainder
mt pleaware. The cause 61 dixpoiiiiig ta
etieaply H a desire of the owner to leave as
Minn ai possible. The jiernon pnrohang tlie
hImh c proierty, lias an offer of tM fur a Nn
gle lot.
Kor (nrti. ul;irs impiirent II113 ofti.e.
I'M nmG.
(Holuian'rt ItniUUa,)
Are prewired tod... ill ri., In the line ol
IMPK amtHXTrRGs . onsiitnilr 011 hand,
ml work doneut Hliort nolke.
alum. ::. i. 11,'L
P H Ch
fBIIIS S rri(M; OLD t.OMPAN Y having estahli-hcl the Oregon and Yashingto
riiory rtnin. li is how preivirel to issue Policies, li coinl.inos all the I'avorulile I.-:
" i'iT-i - nr.m.1 n ai. ami iiHtsi iiiHral.- nearl v all the Usual restric-lri.-tions
lN'ing removed frtnn its Policies. .
ltirl laaiietl ........ 0 OIW
Income SS.lS.Vtsi M
Hurpliu OVFJt all I.iobllUte JJ l!a57,iaa 77
V.. l', President. j, j-. bi-rn-h, Seniary
0HAS. E. BURROWS, General Agent,
'IT liloi k, t 'ourt Street, Mkn?
Oregon Branch Home Mutual Ins Co. (r'irc ami Marine) of Sim Francis.!. ( ai.
Uvt:.Uwtf) C HAH. K. BI RKOWS. AgernJiSglein.
li said t'oniiatiy ilctober ;ilst. 1H71, snhspqnent to the IIK At.O I IUK a- rei..rtr. to
the Insurance I 'oniBils'lotier of Ihe Stale of California :
Capital Stock Paid up in Cash, 83,600,000 00.
Total Cash Assets, 86,312,020 48.
e.Ln9Lease In Assets lno Jar. 1st, 1871, S49G,
5 I O 40.
C-rThls Company-8 business Is devoted exclusively to Fire iH-urnnce. and it is 11m- nnlvK I
glish Compnny represented in America doing a Fire Insurance hut iness, with an ample'-, n i
caiital and large a.vuintilateii fund ik llahle for Mfi- or Marine Lossen.
Iteneral Ageui lor the PacilW C.ubt. San Krancisco
vrriaTau krtlnna n M nxhiiUfto Territory.
Itf lOihc corner 1st A Asp Mi-;t. Portland,
.j. M. -LL4lJ , .1 .,.
1 rrv
r-. -
So well and favorably know, throughout Ihe West and Pacific Slo. Impmve.1 eHe, iallv
fbr th season of IKiiS, with patent coni-ave, lerl high lanUhle, Scotch eles an.1 high
atamlard. Sola AfenU tux tbe
kcw yiuh-s :vr, nr.: .iut, i?-j.
OLD YEAR fill AND NEW VEAR l ! ! !
Honorary Committee.
Gov. L. F. ;ikivkk...
.....Oregon C'ily.
. . . . Eiim'tie t Itv.
Mr. S. G. Rekd
Mr. A. Soltskh
Mr. M. V. Hkown
Mr. B. F. I'MiKnu-iaiii
Mr, F. A. CiiKNowKTii
Mr. L. F. Lank.
. ...I'orvalll.
. . . Itoxelmrg.
Committee of Arrangements.
A. 11. t'UUASWAN, 1.. S. S01TT.
Waltkr Jackson.
Committee of Invitation.
X. It. Kll -KIV, KlIiKNK 1IRI i VV,
J. li. Wmi.iir.
Committee of Reception.
Hon. S: F. 'h a iiwick, t'oi.. T. II. I'ann.
Ki Ukk ax.K., Ku iiAKia-,
f. A. Ut f li.
Floor Managers.
IlKXJ. HTKANil, A. . I 1 1.I1KIIT,
M. N. CHAPMAN, J. W. WKAlllKKK.iKll.
TlrketH. iHrliHllnir MipMr, - g.l
Webfoot Market I
MaJlory'n Ilrk-k. eor. Slate and Lil4rly S1-.
luts eiiil.inl ly mi lianl MeatK oi'all kind will l' ld al the lmel Market
500 Iiipi' Hng, lor Hie riirioe ol ji.-kUig,
at I lie K li 1 1 ff At A Iik KT.
O. M. PltlMil.K
Xt. 12. IHTf'Uwtr
on Ter
a 1 11 res
T '1