The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, December 17, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    28ed?fy prefion Statesman.
. - .j. i.;1.1 .- -
Shot Wisoaws. i person can spend a f "rrrT.-nr etreeii present a very quiaA
Fl ow Daily rf .S'UnnH'-M hc. H.
- -
was iintf. iu Oregon, lu u in case of an
Jmliau war, or a "nix-cV of. war," ,tho Gov
ernor wnald baHij-ulu, Ui pfgiastui, and
with saliri! and pwtol aiul sincli, anil trusty
carbine, niul blanket attachment in the
ivr, wouM cU forth, lus hrsvu volunteers
and mllr forth mi-what .waa the matter
with Hannah. With what nrpUing pride do
we rrinc-niUr how the gallant Jo. "the he
ro nl" - - woiM'tliiiij; iliiwu in Mexico,
ukisI to 1111 the. land with the echoes of hm
(Lirmn wurilx on occasions when ihe Kava
liatl lifted out liair too many for t'ait
eunaui vaUoiioiv AVith, a tin UI of martial
KloruaisnMw. do we still rjaieriiber how the
ancient Jow.'))h wd to Ro out and look sav
ajsi' at savage who looked savage in return:
liow hp uwhI to asstnro thorn unon Km licit
and spur and all that wirt 'nf thins;. that
if they didn't lay down their arms and lie
come 'a "man and a lu-otlior" with the
whiten, he would netul even- hloodv-inindi'd
liuliall on me eonnneiH win uujai'viii in
lands, to Hades for lii-eaklaiit; how,
a he spake Unix he wonld stuml Mix
feet, two in his utm-kings, with head erect,
nostrils dilated, and pound a tattoo upon.
Iiix Htomach, which to an Indian means
Big Indian, me. yon bet !" And the an
cient Joseph used to fetch the ensued "chil
dren of the forest" to time; and the dwell
er iu the land straightway Lad peace. J And
later, we remember that when war'a alarums
Hiilit our ears, the Governor bolted on hw
.inch and cttlWl forth the State's militia
heroes in Ktrj,txun apparel to parade on
the Fair Ground. Bnt now, how changed.
The ferocinii Mmloc. hanehtflv aiicaka
throngh his native rules, or rashly prowls
in ainliunh behind tho impregnable
rocjw ot nil , own ipcrwm rwasnntain
Uit,: in , 'the vBaefiifiM''; ,4i Klam
ath, while -the 'Ukmrnnrwita eosilv
entrenched in his carnetted Executive other.
Iilh headiiuarteni in a big arm-chair, deeply
xtudyins; tlie mysteries of swamp lands or
the t'-ehjik'aliriea if westitarc or iWestiture
of litigant fraaxittistrf. .sThen Id.
arc they Where is A'olonel
Jo. TetU ? 'Where ' are .the wagon
loads of aiiiBuriitit'h; with, which ho was
wont to start iiwtaubir upcu the breaking
1 ! iiuuau DumnKn inu catue ram lies
Where ik the Adjntant tfeneral, with his
siiotless stand-tip collar Col. Dennison, of
the Governors staff? Where is the. martial
figure or Brigadier denerai Martm au Bu-
reii Brown, of the Governor's staff? Hut
why ennaiurate '! Why uk wlunre are they?
Ah, wo know tliat, if not "ten ; ttionsaiid
iniles away," they are as near that 'distance
from the scene as tliev can make it conveni
ent to lie and remain. And all this while
the Modoc roams the deserts and the eayote
liuniH uilldilK uie sae-uriusu. -uu a. liungs
are not as they used to was. Valor hath
Almost a Case of Poisosixc We heard
yesterday of a ease in which a couple of
young parents came near seuuwg tneir
nrst ami onlv, to clorv with couirh medi
cine. Thev had, some time ago, occasion
to give the child somecongh mixtnro ob
tained tv persenptton at one of the drng
stores. Tlie base of the mixtnre was, of
coin-He. opium, as in most all cough medi
cines. It was all right when used at ttrst.
but since tliat time the mixture had stood
- in a phial a long timo, losing a considerable
tiart of the tlnid, bv evaporation. In short.
it had become boiled down, or concentrated
opium. The parents, not aware of this,
fave the child a full dose, aucording to the
original proscription. Ihe effect was visi
ble verv shortly: but. hannilv. tlio tmrents
had presence of mind enongh to send for a
physician and meantime, administer coffee
as an antidote. The child was saved, but
the physician savs tliat twenty minutes do
lav would have linen fatal. Moral Use
only fresh drugs; at least, we supposed that
is wnai me moral is.
pleasant half hour in examining the many
curious tovg and novelties displayed in' the
windows of the various stores and toy shops
in the citv. so arranged as to attract the at
tention of Christmas present-hunters, and
tho young folks in general. Among tlie
painted wares can be found toys made ou
scientific principles, and worked aa if by
band of .uiaic , The store of Air. J. U.
Wright is elegant, and well stocked vith
new tovs, as his advertisement will Viow.
that being an indicating Tans to every wide
awake businessman.
and slow-going appearance, on account of
the miserable condition of the roads, and
the cold and disagreeable weather we are
kamie. r lttw are therefor scarce in pro-
iMBtiant tod U vooll require a nan with
lour pair 01 spectacles on to nnu an incident
or stray bit or news of sufficient ; thickness
to weave nun scmi-eensaaoaai ueiu. ,
Tebt Usivtk. We were yestenlay (shown
one of tlie neatest and handsome-taxlor
ornaments we have seen for some time. It
consists of a fish-globe anil bird cage, and
their ombinatum is tralv ingenious, and
as follows r The fisti-glolieV nA it h a
hollow sphere inside and open at the bot
tom so as to allow the bud to enter it,
where its feed ami water is kept. Wls n
1b JHHEloh ts ttltoa widi VRtartlpide
sphere ln-eonies invisfhle, inaVing It appear
s jt tli canary Ur.l and guld lish lieil in
tlie same limpul element. Mr. Plamondon
is the tmssessor of this lieantifill noveltv.
, i , . ... i - - -
Paimi L Ar-mv.jiT. SI r. f'harles Rhodin.
tlie Architert, while engaged in repairing a
break in tlie nume at the Agiifuftural
Works. vsti nlav. met witli a verv lminful
ao sli nif lie was enruog away ajiortionof
the limken tituu r wneu the natchet glanced,
striking him cm tlie knee, inflicting a horri
ble gash. Me was immediately carried to a
housr near bv. and medical aid summoned.
ttiftf rd tflat hi- wiU k4 tut' tiMjgf his
sni aaogeuier.
To Ministers. (Christian t'hurchi'
tlirotighout the world are reiUestiil to ob
senre Jan. 5 to 12. as a week of prayer. All
ministers in Malem desiring to engage in
Union services during said week are re
quested to meet at the residence of, Jtjfv. M.
Bowers to-morrow (Hondav) at ll. &lock
u. , t H. T. Henderson,
Li. L. lfowland,
W. It. Ku wai t,
Stephen Bowers.
A New TrxK Kcfpeb. We have no doubt
that many people have wondered at the fre
quent ringing of the Factory bell, the last
two or three uiglits. Vie can tull them
wnat s tne matter: xtio ueu is rune Dv or
der of the Superintendent at 9 o'clock P. M.
and tQereaiter tnroBiUM niit, ooop an
hour strilaug the hour tfll working time
next morning. The bell tints serves, prac
tically, the use or a town civk. tvertlsxly
We SUfMBMK'i - -
To tiie maimed, the halt, the weak, the
MitlM.ttt hiliiA th nervtwt the
a'iatetl.-thp" Htrrmff. tre-,'pnrrr,the
whinev.'' the gosl-looking and the uglv-
grerrlngT' 'or alltrn His that tleah is heir
to. go to the isitmlar Drug house of Wcath-
erford A To. for jmre tntieines knil every-
liiing in tne drng hue at the lowest prices.
VIoWo'WasT.- Xr. V..1,. Apr.lect, Vbm-
niissione( orlatiiUsTratarn will start to the
lew lia IO livilire on Oregon.
J-st in a
ts climati
this State have in their representative an
ahli ailmeati- of their many nalarat advAu
ta;T and fnrnre prosjiects.' '
Fbom I'iiktiaxd. Sheriff Cavwond ar
rival on the train yesterday from Portland,
having' m custody one Oetil Steiner, who is
under sentence of imprisonment for one
ear lor grand larceny.
Biver Nrws. The steamers Shoo Fly
and Hiicrens tonched at the w hart few Biiu
ittes yesterday on their upward boona? trip.
Thi"i the first trip the-Shoo Flv has made
r . a- . . : . ,
nir ihiiiii- nine, n i me iiiTeitllon oi ine
Captain to i np as far as t'orvallis, this
FTrfKTAtvirEvr. Tlie Concordia-
rary Sis-ietv w ill give an entertainment
this evening at the dispel of the I'niversi-
ly. The eien-ises will conitm-nco at 7'
o'clock. Admission free. i .
Btrso Kkpatekd. The Salem forr boat
presented a very comical appearance yes
terday while being beached at tho foot of
ferry street to receive some much, needed
repairs, w e lis.k forward to the time when
a substantial bridge will span the Willam-
riueu ouiwucu tius tnry'aiui coik conntv.
aud the slow-going ferry ls-achi d, to lie
lanneheil no more. J
C'huistmak Scppkr. We learn that tlie
H. K. Sunday School have decided to give
their scholars a Christmas supper, ft has
been referred to a Committee who lias
learned by experience how to suit the taste
f the young folks, as well as the old,''
Street Crossings We called attention
some days since, to the miserable condition
of our street crossings, hut the "fathers'
have made no rewponse. If the city author
ities will not do tins, we trust that mer
chants and others occupying aomo build
ings will find it to their intarests to take the
matter in band.
Sick. We regret to learn that two of our
veteran minister Rer. J. Hints and
Father Waller, are quite ill. Fears are en
tertained for I Kith, bnt we trust a merciful
Providence may spare them yet longer.
tiBciiT 'omr
Ronhnui Jnitxe Friday Dee. 13, IS72.
Wm. MoCraita ts.'A. Pwarte et. al.:
jwlgmentl'.ir plaintiff, to which defenilant's
attorney took exeeption." j '?
Stato vs. McMmiiviUtj Witor; Ditch (
fannfctnring Co.; jurlgment for forfeit
ure of corporate rights, and that tlie said
corporation lie declared dissolved.
State of Oregon vs. 8. K. Mav, Powell e
al., sureties; continued by stipulation of ihe
State of Oregon vs. 8. E. May, Orange,
Jacobs et al. sureties; same as above.
A. I. Xicklin vs. W. T. Wvthe et al.;
continued till next term as to defendent K.
L. Wilson, and time extended for taking
testimony till three months after the first
day of the next term of Court.
Court adjourned till to-morrow morning,
lOo'cliK'kr. . , ,
. . ' . v "7 - , i i
' Tlsirons rao Bsx6tr.V'Wef Am't mean
' .; Jrom the "LoiverBegioni" wluro'TDblins
ilanined'-'hold hlgboarsivsl, bat from the
? lower Willatnette-ri.ver. W learn that the
'Tock and Dva Companv are (raring to
pass a boat through, tlie Imcka wnd Canal
, ' abotit Christmas, amltbat tt first boat will
s irialte a surtnf trimipbal rrirj -the river
board. ' n steamw ("Carrie," a little
stern-wheel that used k ru bet ween l'ort
r laud and everywfierelse,lji. ieng pre-
- uartu ror uu ww, namm np wevpie wionK
,'t)0, it ariTl ie ia -imW' -ktttnit , tlieir
V banaers and kiot thtar Wren, If will be
' 'an era in the nnMgatson et Willamette,
i' Cul Teal wall -make ,',," .characteristic
f" speech" at cb of theprinobiai piwns and
V wood-yard, , , ; ' ji-
wbokt of the lour, four ami t bali and
five per cent, funded loan for a cora
aiUsion of two nitd a lialf per xht.,
leaving' t tie Tre.tMtrr free of nll rx-
Denth or Ed win lor rest.
I'JULAiiEU'HiA, Dei'. 12. Edwin
Forrest, trawdlunlWl Oend thi- -5orn-ing,
while (lreiiiir, atliUliou vAorth
Ertad street.
' Tlie I tat in ii IininigrrMnt Kwlutllr.
Xkw ToitK, Ie'. 13. Tin swindled
lLilian imniinints at Castle Garden
amvtirj riesUtlite. v It pppears tliat
printed kind-bills had heen t lrenl.ited
by einifjrant agents all over Italv. de
mTibhi"; America ns a country of fabn-
lnn twealttu Many of them V hit
resoai-ces etc. Tlie people of! know whether tliey are In New York
or liueiiiK Ayreu. Aeting ou tlM- re
port, of tlie Italian official at Cantlo
i.imen, the Commissioner ol i;liariliei
iummiinlcatwl with Webb, Secretary
of State, reqiieatlng his Immediate olli-
ei:il act lull.
Jones A Patterson are authorized to sell
the Oco. tiav farm. 2fO acn-s well im-
proved. with brii'k dwelling, at the verv
ow iiriie of $4..ri00. iHie their column in
our Weekly, farm No. SH. . -
New Iard at $1 .r0 a ran at the Fulton and
Union Market on Commercial street.
Special Notice. UoikI KidGloves. beau
tiful color, at 73 ct. per pair, just received
at tlie Overland Store; also some splendid
JNew Hoists lor tne Mondays, tall at the
Overland Store, tliev want to see von.
ForTuk Holidays, J. 11, Haas.1 Jew
eller, State Street, Salom, has Just received,
a new stock of goods in hi line, embracing
many beautilul articles- useful and orna
mental - just the things for Holiday pres
ents. Call and examine them.
; rv
The Chuisti n Mkhskxukr is a first-class
family newspaper. Sent to anv address un
til Jan 1, 1Mi4, for S'2.
Addrc-ss Wells Ururv, Publisher,
Monmouth, regon.
Kov. 29. "71, tin. ,
Fbaxk Bewlf.y keejw the l-st market in
Salem, Commercial street, next door to
liillie Stanton's. !
Kvening irtics ,-i
ipx'le mi-
A large Eastern mail was rec ivisl at the
Postothee yesterday. ; - '.
Weather exceelingly pleasant. Streets
still fordable in places.
That which cannot lie counterfeited The
character of a gentleman. -t ; '
Sometliing more touching than county
school tax Attaoks of gout.
sutrmtoasl Froeeedlair. e
Wasiiinc.ton, Ieo. 12. Tlie Sefuite
was eneagetl iu ttinsideratioti of the
bill alxllhing Internal Jtevenne Av
The bill placing colored arsons ulm
enlistel in the army ou the same foot
ing with other soldiers as to bounty
ainl laiHli paesed.f ' ; i " L: 1
The hill aiitliorizhi: the AettltMiient
and claim ot tlie estate ot tin; late Ad
miral Dalilgren, pusseil. , j
- The bill establishing on -a-wjiy oflii-e j
at Helena. Montana, also passed.
In the House Dawes, from the
Committee on Ways ami Means re- J
ported the bill authorizing the Seere- j
tai'y of the Treasury to issue coupon
bonds in exchange for registered
bonds, tlie expense to be paid by the
owner. . ,
After some discussion the bill passed.
The French Spoliation bili was post
poned. The House went into Committee of
the Whole on the Indian Appropria
tion bill, and alter tlie usual annual
debate on the Indian policy ot the
Gorerntnent, the committee arose and
reported the bill to the House, and it
passed by 111 to 4.1.
Xosatnationa . Contt rated.
Tlie Senate in Executive session to
day confirmed the following nomina
tiens : W. Hunt, Associate Judge of
the Supreme Court ot the I'uited
States, vice Nelson, resigned ; Samuel
Phillips, Solieiter General of the
I'nitcd States, vice Bristow, resign! ;
Koliert II. Bristow, smeller and refiner
at the assay office in Boise City.
Consul L. Fairehild, Liverpool ; S.
W. Dobney, Fayal ; Ixrenza llretano,
Dresden; Richard Beardsey. Agent
Consul General, Alexandria, vice
Georgia H. Butler, suspended, aud a
large numberof Postmaster. Solicitor
i General Phillips has assumed his du
ties. j FKAM '..
Kxeited Frocvedinira In the ntlonnl
bill, - Rejected, ayes 69; noes A
subetitute offered by, Jlolman, was
adoptol, JO! to C2. ,
Bill amended and passed. 118 to 55.
. Tlie. biU i iwssett allows bounty,
;liid lanuht to be entered i the name
of tlie soldier or hi widow In )erson
or bv agent ttndev Mick- regulations as
flieecretarr of the Interior mar per
scribe ; but jwitents shall he Issued
only to such soldier or his widow or
orplian children, but no sale ot such
land or any interest therein, or power
of attorqentlip?touc!i sale or
other contract or agreement in any
wise atlecting !e concerning such laud,
made prior to tsMtlngbf jialeuts there
for and delivery of Ihe same to the
person to, whom it shall be assigned
shall l of any effect whatever hut
Klwll ba null and void. ..... w
The IMlieiency Appropriation
was reported. It api)rnpriatestl.73.i,
000, and Is made tlie special order for
the Pension Appropriation bill.
Garfield gave some statistical inlor
mation in regard to pensioners, stating
among other things a furious Lie,
tliat of tlie widows of Revolutionary
soldiers, who are ou pension rolls, less
than ten per cent, had died during the
year. Ot tho :i3,000 person put on
pension rolls during the year, 17,000
were soldier of it War of 112, and
some9,0n0 were dropped frem death
and various other causes.
Malinn immigrant indie.
The CeuRrH I air.-
-It would be difficult
to sneak in fa-rms too hizhlV ctmmenlatorv
of the fair and entertainment, last evening,
Riven under the management of the ladies
of tho CoiiCTegational focitty. Every
thing, including the $ew England Kitchen,
the Old Folkt Hajne, tba Oid Folks' Song,
the snpier, the bazaar tables, the decora
tions, etc, etc, was exceedingly well man
aged. A very larjre audience was in attend
ance, and we doubt not the -fair managers
realized uanilsomely. Notliing in the fair
line was ever attempted in Salejn . on a
larxer or nnrv nlb irate sea le, . and no
rntertainraent of Uie kind was, ever; more
niirelv sneeeKsfu. . ll'rm was nnnomr
mate tai't displavcd in tl le whwlATmbrammc.
:.' ;),, " i 'i. ,. i i I
IlXiI.ttiUP TtVK;Tho Oternn T Caliror
uiii U.C. trains arc running now to BosehnrR
muI t a new timo m liwhilo : but lie latter
is i')t o ilittereuU'rvia th-oW,one, tkat we
nerd to fret about is. : Thawp train from
Portland arrives and departs about three
minutes later, and the noon train about
five minutes later than!befort.'!" This Rives
the yonng lailtes Just exactly timo enongh
to kiss each other good-by, uch way three
. minutes to Albany, EHp -M,, and live
minutes tn Portland.-. ,-i .
From Daily of Turitday Dee. 17.
Saleoi BeeocnizeJ Ihe I nweteouie
YUltmtloi- Wla-bt Ktaoek Ueiicrl
Eartbquake Statistics.
, Step by step the western wild hag moved
onward, torever onward, since itsmseoverv.
From dense and unexplored forests tahardy
Dtoneer's cabin, from cabin to village, from
village to town, and now oue by one do airs
and ways and styles metropolitan grow up
amongst us. lhb iiauromiB, jiaimiactones,
artd vsnou s-ara!)ieit of innirevxnenta on
the old way have liecn founded and proved
successtul, ont never tne uiscoverv o:
the cave by Joe .Mi-ek, whereon Mt. HiskI
now stands, has such a thins as an earth
quake been indulged in until last Saturday
eveuuiK alxint nve niluuus alter ten o clock.
The shock was slight, and but few persons
felt it. A lady who Itau experienced imite
number of shocks in !S.m rraiii'Mii, Mas
stopping at tlie
rnr.5ir.KFTA iioty.l
feuliug the first shock, she immediately
lookeit at the carthcpiake indicator the
chandelier- which was making an effort to
copy the style of the clock pendulum. Noth
ing wore was needed to induce her. to ko,
neitlieir did she delay upon tlie ordot of go
ing, but went, ins tauter. She ran into the
hall, but, finding nobody alarmed or turn
ing cart-wheel down stairs, she soon calmed
herself and returned to her room. The
Chemekota is a four story building, and hail
tlie shock been long and severe enongh the
results might have been attended with seri
ous consequences. Portland folks boiled
over and ran out doors without regard to per
sonal appearance. The shock must hare been
a great deal heavier than the one felt lucre. but
it is notliing more than right as tliat is the
Metropolis. The following accounts from
the Upper Columbia have been .received :
Waixfla, Do. 15.
Capt J. C. Ainsworth : At twenty min
ntes oast 9 o clock last eveuine we were
visited with quite a heavy shock of earth
quake, lasting aiirmt fifty seconds, I should
judge, followed by live lighter shocks at in
tervals of about fifteen minutes, after which
a heavy, rumbling sound was heard as dis
tinctly as a heavy peal of thunder. The
thermometer fell from HO degrees to 2G de
grees. The shaking mania that had at
tacked terra flrma continued at irregular
periods until four o'clock this tnoming.
Although the first shock was violent enough
to shake buildings and their contents up
pretty lively, yet no damage or injury wns
susUiined by any one, that 1 am aware of.
December 15.- Weather this morning
cloudy ; no wind ; thermometer 30 degree.
W'ALi.n. Dec. 15. Weather elouiH and
Vki&ailles, Iec. 11. In tlie Na
tional Assembly to-day, Gastoude ex
pressed a hope tliat the Assembly
would not dissolve before it had in-
The first boat will pass throngh the Locks ! unreel the complete liberation of French
The sound of tlie steariilxat whistle is
often heard in tlie land now.
at Oregon City about next Friday.
Leap Year is drawing to a close,
your courage, maids and maidens.
Contentment is the true philoaopls-r's i
stone neitlier has ye been discovered. j
The examination at the University closed
last Friday pupils lutppv. New term com
mences to-morrow. j j
The Congregational Fair was a grand nf-1
fair, as all of Salem's fair daughters fairly j
bloomed with merriment. I
iM'veral loails of wooden water mains ;
were strewn along Court street yesterday
near the Plaza. This resembles biuim-SH.
The prevailing dis-.- among tlie vouth
and beauty of our city is Kvening Parlor
Entertainments until "daylight. A single
couple tills the bill.
.T. (i. WRKiHThas a lengthy advertisement
this morning, telling all about what he has
to sell for tlie Honda vs. etc., and what luir
gains he can oner. Vi right's is a good place
to go to, for holiday nick-nacks.
Brkvmxs I!kos. have anice lot of fnrs for
Holiday presents and winter wear. io aud
sec them. - N
Walter Jackson is successor Id Gill.
Steel .t Co. in the line of iiooks. Htationerr,
Musical Instruments, etc. Place of busi
ness on Mate rit., next door to Terrell 4
Uillingham's. The CoinrKariAt. Bfpobtui, an' inde
pendent, bold and reliable" commercial
newspaper, published at Portland, Oregon,
bv Col. J. It. Farrish. Hnbscriptions only
$3 per year. A good rr for all business
men. " 1 ' .
W. II. WaTkiXDs VCo., Saddlers and
Harness Makers, Salem. See their card.
It. 8. Hers apdez-.New Book Store, on
Commercial street, in McCully's brick.
Keeps all goods in that line. . .
territory. The I )enuties of the Right
Stir no i submitted a proposition assigning Sat-
l i- ..'. ..... .1., .it l...: ..e
uma iical mi ine tii,SHOiiiiiiiii in liie
Assembly. Gambetta tliereupou as
cended tlie tribune, and speaking with
great tire and decision, supixirted tlie
proixisal, and concluded by saying,
"On bclialt of the Left, our impa
tience for dissolution equals yours.'
The Assembly adopted a motion aad
Axed tlie debate for Saturday, amid
profound silence. The members of the
Lett have since expressed regret nt
their participation. It is improbable
tliat the Left Center will support tin
movement for dissolution, which can.
It is now believed, obtain scarcely 250
Iu le Atl-
The Difficulties in the Southern
.'. States.
very severe shaking lat night A-O.A ! :,
No damage.
WaLua Waixa. 1)ec. 15. Ttrtf heay
shucka were fult lvre last night, t lis-ks
skipjieil at HI minutes ln-fore ID.
Cmatiula. Itn: 15. Weather cloudy ;
tliermoraeter IU degree ; liad aartliquake
last night : three shakes; no damage.
Dalles had four or five shakes of earth
quake last night, n
Affairs in Louisiana The President
will Sustain the Slate Authori-
r.ELKiiocs NoTirx. Kev. tor. Dawne will
preach in State Library Boom to-morrow at
IDS o'clock A. u. Lord's Suppar'at same
hour, ijecuire at t o ciooit r, M. nntiject:
'Die Demoniac of Gadara.". Beats free.
KTRrKrnoi,r Bkactifol. We have just
lieen informed f a new (?J method of se
curing admirers lately tttnecived by 4 Port
land lielle, and is the means of making her
company exceedingly pleasant to the nu
Tnarous tie krharr strains wh fall victims
before her new f?) Inveftftotf. For some
time past she has been envied bv a great
. jnanv voung lailioson account, ot .so much
; stteiiti lmint; ald t her, Imtt aa tho "cat
is out of the carpet-bag, she is no longer
the subject of jealous hstred. This is the
newwuv:, AfU-r attending a portv, socia
hle or tlieater, and (hiring thowallc home,
to be affectionate, and tender is her chief
motive, until arriving at the door, when the
climax is capped bv a good-night kiss. Tlus
is the secret, and tier invariable rule, and
being argument sufficient to make an iron
fence wilt, much, less Portland "Nobs."
We imagine success awaits fts introduction.
We refer it to the consideration of the Sa
lem girls, when, if accepted, wo may have
a clmnce unest it rj personal expene;
'ExpKDiTtots NcpTiam. We have just
Istin informed of a rather romantic plungs
into the Is mils of matrimony, at a party a
lew evenidgs since, in the vicinity of Silver
tun. It scums that the voung couple had
U-en schoolmates tojretlier, bnt had not
i;i for several years, tho young, wan bav
in been engaged m business in- Eastern
Urefiv. At first sight of each other Osmlr
whisWtil his shining arniw to his bow and
ent it loursing on its mission. After danc-1
ing and.htting for some time he laid aside
tiis cloak ot' liashfulnesa,. and poured soft
sayings in iu-r ear. At this juncture the
arrow pierced iwr heart, and senttv whis
pered "all right." The host was lmroedi
atelv sunimoiied -he being a Justice of the
J'eace and preparations made for the cere
tnmiv, which toi.k place a few hours later.
.titer tlie happy twain were made oue.
Jam-in was resumed, just -ho same as if
inttiuig nappenen.
The following resolutions were .adopted
at a regular meeting of Olive Lorlge, No.
18, 1, O. O. F. held on Saturday evening,
December Htn 18T72. ,. V '
Whebeas, It has been the will of an All
wise l'rovidenoe, to remove fronionr midst
by the hand of death, onr beloved firotlier,
P. tk Levi Donthitt, a member of this
lodge and we recognise in thi thspensa
tion of his power, the will of aiv Almighty
God, who drs th all things well ; .-Therefore
Resolved, That in the death Brother
Levi Donthitt. the Lodge has lost an active
and faithful member, one whose works of
charity and lore stand as a bright monn
ment to his memory.
Kennivad. 'max lus devotion io ue cause
of the order and his labor for the advance
ment of the principles of Friendship, Iove
and Truth are worthy the emulation of all.
llesotved. That while we mourn mr loss.
we bow in humble submission to the will
of Him who ntleth almve ; and wY tender to
the stricken wife and family, in iis. the
bonr of their irreat affliction, our heartfelt
svnipathies.reniinding themthat SlJie tilings
that are not seen in this world, are eternal."
Kesolved. That in resnect to the memory
of our deceased Brother, the Charter (if
tins Lothre Ik-draped . ia niourniiig for
lirty days,
fTtHJ. SW'tW'tne?it resoln-
tions' be spread on' the tnitnrtfsv of this
Lodge, and a copy be forwarded under seal
of the Lodoe to the familv of the dcedased,'
and a copy furnished each of tlie newsps-
pers of tius citv for pnnlication.
' ' " A. H. Gilaebt.
; ' i. O. Wujtosl,
i v - . --A. L. Sttwion.
mmmmemmamr.:mt.iii u:m'w Com.
German Bankers ready to take our j
j Loans. I
Dcalli of I'.tlwhi I'orr'il.
The Latest From France.
Aajrrrrro. We learn by a (Vntlemau NEWS.
TUr AlnbAinn sad Ionliuiun Ktaic
MONTI iOMK.KY, 1CC. 11. About Olie
o'clock to-day, while the Capitol Leg-
isiature was tn session, Mienn stoo-
bacli appeared and slid he hadji war
rant i rum itovernor iewis to iukc.
possession of the Capitol. The Sen
ate ordered the Sergcant-at-Arms to
arrest the Sheriff for etintempt and
hold him In custody forty-eight hours
Iroin noon. The SSheriif did not re
sist his arrest, but explained, tliat he
was merely acting under order. On
apologizing to the Senate he was re
leased. For a few moments tlie ex
citement vtfu's Intense. Tlie yedernl
troops stationed near the Csrpftot got
under arms, but sio necessity for no
tion apnearhur. lispers!d to their
quarters. Tlw .S'tiate autliorUed the
Sergeant-nt-Arins to Summon a posse
of the military guanl ot tlie Capitol to
act against the Federal forces, and ad
journed. The Sheriff appeared .be
fore the door of the House, but tlie
Sergeant-at-Arnu refused admittance
escept to tho Feilernl .lorccty and the
Sherin witlidrew.
AVasiiinoton, Dec. 12. The At-torney-tJcnenil,
with the approval ol
tlw President, proposes a plan ot set
tlement of the dilllculties iu Alabama
by the resignation of tlie present Gen,;
end Assembly, and nf re-organization.
who came down from Eugene Citv, vesfcM WjflitttoDrivdC!jo' of tltowlng each
ofi-u. Jaiuer tor tne rbnihili of the Loglsiati
Appointments unri ( onflruia
lions. ";-
t'vlorado Wants to bo Admitted.
Washington, Dec. 13. Delegate
Chaffee ot Colorado appeared before
the House CJommitte on Territories
yestenlay, and urged the reporting ot
a bill for the admission of that Terri
tory Into the Union as a State, claim
ing tliat it liad population, resources
and stability enough to entitle it to
full representation in the Senate and
House. Tlie bill has already twice
passed Congress, and was vetoed by
Andrew Johnson. No attempt was
ever made to pass it over the veto.
The committee does not seem lavora
alile to the measure, while there is a
teeling generally among members
against the admission of new States at
1 pitsent.
Abomt tUe Iiallaa Iiuuiitf ration.
Nkw Youk, lec. 12,, Continued
arrivals of destitute Italians, victims
of eminent swindlers resident in vari
ous cities of Italy, is causing increased
alarm aud anxiety, as nuotlier batch
arrived to-dar and a largo number of
otliers are being shipped. . The Con-sul-General
of Italy said, in regard to
tlw i flatter, that the luggage of only
one person was sent on. lie was de
tained in prison in Paris, aud w hen
he finely readied here found that the
steamer for Buenos Ajres, with his
luggage had gone. AV ith regard to"
the attitude ot tlie Italian Government
in the matter, the Consul said that
July is essentially a liberal Govern
ment, and site has no right to check
emigration. It she did, it would ex
cite irrave complaints in tlie American
press. All that can be done is to mod
erate emigration iu an administrative'
legal way. Xo passport for the Uni
ted States is given any man who can
not prove he has sufficient means to
sunnort himself for some time, or that
he lias relatives here who are In com
fortable eircusmtanees. Tlie necessity
of passports, even the destination in
mssnorts, is easily eluded-at this time,
In fact, nianv ot tliese people have
passports far Buenos Ayres, ami they
come feet.- - w , -
, run im:m
Washington, Dec. 13 Forueroy
introduced a bill to re-Drganlze the ter
ritory ot Ok lava ma, and to consolldat
the Indian tribes and carry out the
provisions of treaties with certain
tribes, Referred.
( handler introduced a bill to pro
mote immigration to the United
Stttes, and creating a Bureau ot lm
migration, providing for tlie comfort
and protection of immigrants in many
wav while aboard shin and after
landlug. Eeferred.
t'ragan, trom tlie Committee ot Na
val Affairs, . reported a substitute for
the House bill authorizing the construc
tion ot six steam vessels or war. i
The Senate confirmed the nomina
tions of the following Indian Agents:
Benjamin M. Tliouias. for Southern
AiMiehe Agency, New Mexico: .1.11.
Wilbur, Agent of Washington Terri
tory; L. s. Dyar, Klamath Agency,
Oregon. W. I). Motliers. Moquis Ptte-
titi 1 m.iur ArfYOtitn- .Tfioiea Wrlcrlit
Supei?ntendent of Indian Affairs lor
Tlie House went iuto Committee of
the Whole on private calander and
took up tlie bill reinibiirsing the Wil
liam and Mary College. Virginia, for
pi-om-itv destroyed during the rebel
St in Its oflen'd an ameudment pro
viding llint no money sliall be paid
until the College be declared open for
admission on equal terms ot all per
sons without distinction of color or
After a long debate the amendment
was adopted T9 to 71.
Tlie Committee arose aud reported
the bill to the House.
Sliank's amendment was agreed to
80 to 70. The bill was then rejected,
the vote standing, aves. :fc ; navs,
The I Ion-' took up the Senate
amendment to the House bill abolish
ing tlie oftkes of Asses3orj and Assist
ant Assessors of Internal Kcvenue. It
occurred iu all tliese that were merely
verbal without questiou, tlie only Im
portant one remaining being that of
authorizing the appointment of 25
treasury agents. Alter a long debate
Die amendment was rejected.
Washington, lec. 14. Tlie pros
pects of the Australian subsidy ore
better In the Senate than, they were
last session. WeIU who is here, says
the new opposition company organized
at Sydney, has purchased the steamer
Syracuse, dispatching lier to Australia
to initiate a rival line from Sydney to
San Francisco via the Fiji Islands and
Honolulu with 20,000 Australian
The Presidio park bill is strenuous
ly opposed by Senator Kdmunds.
The Goat Island bill Is allowed to go
over in the Senate under authority of
rule. . .. .
Billy Carr and otlter railroad lobby
ists are liere ready for duty. All are
reticent as to the purposes of tlie bill
extending the time for the completion
of tlie Atlantic aud Pacific Kailroad,
which was temporarily postponed on
Cole's suggestion.
Forreal FimcraL
Nkw York, Dec. 13. Tlie funeral
of the late Edwin Forrest will take
place at Philadelphia on Monday
Nkw Yguk. Iec. 13. Professor
Stowe. husband ofMrs. Harriet Beech-
er Stowe. is very IB-
Lout la si Jale.
Wilmington. Dec. 1,1. Yesterday
sfteriKWtH Muring tf gale, fire pilots
lett MiutJiviue, tnirtv-nve miles nclow
liere, lit a "pilot Twt to board three
vessel in. the ofi'mg. After getting
well out to sea, the pilot boat disap
peared. Nothing lias been heard of
them since. Two of the vecls
reached the city last. night, and re
ported that they had seen nothing ot
the pilots. - j . -, - -
Later The 1'mted States revenue
cutter Sewardva steam tug and pilot
Leak fcttet cru&tajaf tbe coast nearly
an (lay in searen or tne missing ooat,
gave up the seareh as hopeless. There
is no doubt that the Ave pilots perished
, . Free Sew Orleaaw.
Ntw OuXKAias,. Dec. 14. General
W. II. Smith of the United States
Amy, and Lieutenants Hays and
King of General Emery's staft, this
morning went to tlie State arsenal,
held by the militia, stating that they
liad iiwtroctlons from . Washington to
take cliarge. The militia at once sur
rendered the proerty and vacated
the premises. The officers retained
their side-arms, which were tlie pcr
soual property. ,
CiNrniNATi, Vec. 14. Wolf, wlto
killed Van Naum. tlie German butch
er, was to-day held iu $15,000 Imil to
answer tlie chars of murder in tlie
second degree-.
Washlnatos. Dec. H, .lolm (i:
NIcolay of Iinoi, lresldent Lincoln's
Private Secretary, lias tieen chosen by
the Judges of tlie Supreme. Court, as
Marshal In place of Parsons, resign
ed. "
The President lias received by tele
graph a copy of tlie memorial ol the
Citizens' Committee of New t trleaus,
setting forth grievances. The memorial
was given- to tlie Attorney-! General.
Information that the Committee will
start for Washington probably to-day,
was received, but, judging from what
was said this morning by Attorney
General Williams, their mission w ill
be futile, as the General Government
will Inflexible support Pinchbeck. The
Deportment of Justice is closely in
vestigating tlie fiicts. and is satisfied
with tlie course of tlie Administra
tion. General Emery last night tek'graph
ed the President that d auger existed
ot a collision between tlie police and
militia, and asking tor Instructions.
He was Instructed iu effect not take
sides with either party, but be In
readiness to preserve peace, and to
interfer only for tliat purpose.
OaJ set lost tm Htaalsr Pallsrsaai.
iTASnrNOTON, Dec. 14. Patterson,
Senator elect from South Carolina,
w ill find objections to bis entering tlie
Senate, made by Republican Senators.
The opinion is freely expressed to-day
by prominent friends of the Admin
Utratloa that the Senate Will not ad
mit huB. v
A Com arrest r.
Augustus is critical, classical, acs
thetical, metaphysical. A brilliant
woman, always demanding him to be
bis best and his brightest, would tire
hna to death in a week. He will mar
ry the average girl. Men ot his type
always do. It. is hardly in tlie nine
teenth or any other century that brains
will get the npper hand of beauty.
Yon are to work for some tiling more
than tliat. You are to read, aud study,
and think, simply because you are
bound to make tlie meat of yourself
tliat the stuff will allow. Because the
Tdace you want, and tlie place yon lit
your self for, you shall surely have.
If you want to become acting citizens
of tlie United States, qualify yourselves
to vote Intelligently. , Then . your evi
dence for Uie fitness tax tlie place you
aspire to will give unanswerable em
phasis to your demands for justice,
and may sliame that dim tradition, tlie
national conscience. Into compliance.
Tlie through business over tlie
Union Paeillc Rnilrottd. for tlie first
nine months of the present year, ex
ceeds that of tlie same period' last year
by over Rlx 'million pounds. There
has been sohiething of a falling off in
tea, hides leatlier, and general mer
chandise, but a marked increase in
wool, colfee. salmon, w ine and flour.
' 4Travc"you heard mv last speech J"
asked a political liari-aiigner-of a wit.
"I sincerely Hope so, was tlie reply.
fsaalM sa4 Cold.- Tlmv wlto are suf
fering ln,m I 'ought, I 'old--, Huni-sciie. Sore
Throat, 4c. abMikt try "Brown" llrou
rklMl TrwrlHu."
A sure thlii(r. r'ADtJC Sf'RKW WIRE
Boow and Wicua will not rip, leak or come
aiiart, and are the easiest ever worn. Try
them. All bear the Patent i-Hmnp.
NovlO lino
rABUSHETI.lSia. 'c
A Thorough TVewnpaprr.
Anotiifr Fbkik. Fashion has discarded
tlie use of cnngemcnt rings and siilwtirnted
braoeleU. 'Xlicy are made of a heavy gold
liaud. and aeenrelv locked on the arm.ot tiia
hriile elecL Um kev lieinff retained by the
masculine, similar to a HberiflaiMl a )ir of
iand-cnflii with a man in them. The lyase- .
y remains npon the arm of the lady Mill f
tcrdav, that the trial
murder of O. T. Hniith last summer was
accqnitted. For thres days it oecapied tlie
entire attention of ths Circuit Onurt, and
nearly all Uio bnaineas men ot that city,
eonseqnantly btuinens had come aimoitt to
a stead still. Daring the whole, time, the
Conrt Honrie was crowded to its utmost ca
pacity. The lawyers engaged foe: tlie State
were Messrs. Chenoweth, Capka Watnon,
Htratton and Htott, and for the ' ik-fense.
Messrs. Dorris, Thayer, Fay and, UiirncM.
After receivine a lenirtliv otiSrtm from
Judge. Thayer the jnrv retired tSatnrdiiv
Xeuinjz auii fniniinv mm nin., n Innuil a
verdict of not gu il ty .
i,r.w m Beitr,lv launched nnon the at;i
mairrricjiv. We snrmose the iiiea orisi-
aWTVr,j Hie song of "Ten Thousand J
Stilwi Axiy.:''n4 sliould I called a
eriiTUM Jtanil.-' Liad of from tiie novel
rd' "Breaking a hutt4y.'J ''
" ' -as - 't
LrAa RAfsnow. The eaMem sky pre
Mtud one of the most lieantifnl :ilustra
tuAin of tliiii rare phenomenon last Friday
Auorqing we have ever en. Underneath
flie bow, and extending to- rtie horizon to
veiied the 4pkett jet. while above it and
front north t nojjth, a clear sparkling
moonlight and nninetfti twinkling worlds,
- made a great fotra in 014) some. Fleecy
clouds lined with purest silvr 'ay floated
in the southern sky with Bsekgrennd whWh
nature alone can eolor or Ulend, Tasaiif
ihe entire panorama Into view, we ioiwi4er
it4;ncof the most beautiful and tty'ttlifisT.
diajifcW we ever witnessed., ! .
(Go-rasiTATWif. Vie are requested to an
not)& tliat tjiejotracted meetings at the
Cuniterland I'lbyt'eiri Chnrch will be
continued dwtjugthe cowiflg ft?- Kve7
tiodv is confcaily invited to at,tena.
- CARissini!i.One f ti iueatt mirt
W" jSlliW-Ueatertlw aU. ever (ie-
iiiiT-ii uhu jij reiiroaii ui tne I luted
Kingdom. JMii t'lajis in torwardinirlmlt-
.1 1.. A SJ W g XI - 1 . "
dav (ikiiLi to Mr, J. (1. WrKht w-nt several
lots ordered Iw JhtHSi arebanls in iim
htate. Mr. Wright intend to disixwe of
them al induced pn, and with tho im
ceeds poreliase a new otitfit of elotliing for
Hants Clans at the 'magnificent store of
n Bros.
Farmrbs kt WotK. The farniem throtiKhr
ont the valley are improving the line open
weitiUf m pioauig ami making pipr
tions for tlip coming sowing seasa. : A
larger amount t ffroin will be harveHted ia
Oregon next yetir tliofl rer before. Not
the farmers alone JOU e ine sxpgniisive
ones, but every nrancii oi Art, inaaitry
rade will move forward ia solid ranks.
onward to-ard the Roal nes oeeupial
the older Htafea of lie JEast, and inone of
afiiticfi iaporjance ae'irfht rs 'that eanuot'
irf oe fasUy nafara advantages.
Reward Offtwu), The Ageni
Balomon of Washington ferritcr y om a
reward of $100 for tlie capture of t'rstjk
McCann, lately of that Territory.
tire to deter
mine bv vote as to ineiuliers elected
from contesting count ios..
The Attnrney-4 lencrnl this morn
ing, in resiionse to telegrams from act-ing-'overnor
lMnchlieck of Toulsnna.
sent him the following dispatch : "Let
it lie understood tluit you arc recogni
sed by ,tbc I'rotijdent as the Lawful Ex
ecutive, and that the liody assembled at
the Mechanic s Institute Is the lawini
Legislature. It w suggested that you
make proclMin.-itiiHiy to that c fleet.
Also, tliat all necessary akUwill be
given you and the grslaturc ttidntfli
organ fzed to jirnici t the Hate from
disorder and vio!eiuv."t J
The tilth Ai.iiu- tfeel lire.
t iKW iHUi.. .Iec li-A fary Auu
Fagan, a victim of the'lh Avenue
Hmel1 rhV. dIM Iu great agony at
Bellevue Ilnsnltal yesterday. The
lire orishiated, TKVonliilg to evidence
before the Fire Miif shahlu the servant's
room, ou Hie third tsoor. . ver 2.000
persons weut to tho sjorgue yesterday,
llie sight there was ot the gliasillest
character, 'i'lie press of tlie city rails
tor "thorough investigation."; The
Herald licadia leading editorial, "The
Fifth Avenue Holocaust Was It
Cr)udnal Was, ft Murderi'" and n a
iengQiy a'tiyie nrhngly' eom
autlioilf fe of
i AlMbauut Jfitttcm.
Washington, I)cc 1.1. The Presi
dent is in jiossessioii of a telegram ad- j
dressed bv Governor Lewis of Ala
bama to ex-Gov. W. II. Smith, It. M.
Reynolds audi". J-', 'orri. Commis
sioners to Washington, which reads as
follows : "In general the Assembly
accepts the Attorney -General's plan.
The Democrats are reticent. Remain
at Washington.'
, Attorney-General Williams has bef"
addressed as follows by It. X. Ervlne :
"Your proposals are received. The
Democrats will accept.'
Plurliberk Iwun n Proelanintlon.
Nkw Oni.EAXS, Dec. ' 12. Tlie
Eighth District Court has issued an
order for the arrest ot Pinchbeck for
contempt. Pinchbeck refused to rec
ognize the authority, ami was protect
ed by Deputy Marshals; mtewpt
was mode to use force in executing the
order of tlie Court. Pinchbeek signed
the vote yesterday abolishing the
Eighth District Court. Pinchbeck 1st
sued a proclamation to-day, giving fhe
disiKitui received by hliu from Attor-
ney-tieJicral Willlauis at Washington,
informing luoi tliat tlta Preident rec
ognized liiui (I inclilx-ck) as tin otilv
h-jiil Govenior of lAHti-iaua. :iu.L
counseling tlie people then-ton to M1
ngnlze hint as suth floVeriior. '
IimUiui AKent fur Mlcia.
to strbnglr erJnuemns tlie
i' f iJ , flP for Ihejr con
Wasjiixgton'. Dec 1J. It is said
Jtif fepregentatives of a syndicate of
German Ixuikcrs ate readj to take tfie
WrAsinxnTox. fit 12. The presi
dent has scut 'to tbe Senate tlie ap
lioiuluieiit of J. if. Fairohiid as Xgeut
of the S)let. Indian Ageth-y, ilregon.
I'osiimltsiil Proresstlaca.
Washixoxdn. )ec."i2. In Uie Scn
atpj in Exooutiyp session, t4ia..foljow
lug nominations were cohfiHiied :'4"ttS.
L. Oft, of StAtth larollria; Minister to
Russia; Julius 'While Of Illinois,' Miu
Isterresldehf'ot Argentine' Republic ;
Alexand'er Inpwle AssoclaCfe Justice
of Uie Sunreme Coiirt," Montana:
.lames K. Borifeit, Shrvej'orGfeneral of
New Mexico; Jl, V, Krhye Jsecrelary
of y ashingtpn Tprritort.
"Ihe 'Hmise took ' of Ihe Soldier's
Boantyact; ' Attr flebaW inofion
was made by Hawley to rwomrnlt tlie
UrecleyB WJU.
I - - -l J- . Til
N:w iDR. De ISTd Herald
nubl'tslies a card trom Samuel Sinclair
Ha says there Jr no truth in tbe. report
that a wish to obtain Greeley's share
in tlie Tribune stock is at the bottom
of his desire to see the provisions of tlie
will carried out. So tar as he knows
all are working in harmony. The
lrogatoctf ; Wlnelst! countv has
appointed John F. Cfevemhd adminis
trator of the ad litem estate of Greeley.
Ida lias deeded Gnbrlelle half . tlie
property left, reserving the right to
sitierintetid lier education and proper
ty until she is of age.
from Lonliuiiin.
Nkw ' Orleans, Dec. - 13. The
.fudges ot tiki (Seventh aud Eighth
District Courts have ordered tlieir
(Jour's to jadrourn foftf from ilay to
nay witnoni transacting furtiier busi
ness, until the present political tlifhV
culties close. Tlie Fnston Ieglslattire
adjoumetl until the regular session,
unless"? ooner convened bv tlie Governor
A joint coinmittee ha beeu appointed
Tanccomrmny tne Tfmefi scnnuiittee
U Washnjitou. . Xle militia refusing
to obey t Longstrest were ortlcrrtl to
surrender their anns. A hundred me-
troK)htau iwllce attempted to disarm
the uiillti:i, but finally withdrew. ' Tlie
militia offer to surrender to auv Fed
eral military officer, i
' Nirrmrd.
'New Voi;k. Iiec. I.I. The lionds-
nien or Colonel jBlood. iu tlie crlintnitt
suit of libel, surrendered his bail.
Blood was re-nttested and is now in
the Eklrlgp strrt-t police statluu.
Iti.llnni liania;rMMl-
Ni:w Youk. iht: 14. - Some of tin'
lately arriwii Italian iiumignint') ap-
peareti on limimvny to-ttay. au l pre;
MiJi(ii ,a iny4 .tjuLvT.djJc " -ujoctacles,
TlS Were MM itatalA-lUilii2,
anil looked st.-irvcd. nie cllv nuthori-.
tts'arleAi!ftfhhhtAl:ii tbe ar
rival of sq many of tlieiu. The ia
Han Consul hee mv all of i hem liw
pasiorfN frmii t bvit? (iuvemnieiii. hud
Wasiuncton', Dec. 14. Attorney
General OgdetH-off Louisiana, np
peared before Attorney General Wil
liams yesterday In the interest of the
Warraoth fiction, and in a written
argument asked tliat the President
suspend furtiier action in Jxmisiana
until thoroughly conversant with all
tlie circumsUnces. Attorney General
Williams courteously but firmly In
formed Ogden that all further argu
ment would be useless, that the Presi
dent had made up his mind to sustain
the U. S. Courts and that it was not
likely he would cliange Ids opinion.
Miaesllaaeosns liens.
Washinctox. liec. 14. vSupervis
ing ,i burgeon . , Woodwortb . reports
against St. Mary's t Allege for a marine
hospital, on account of locating and
expenftis foradapt-'itioti.-, Jle recom
mends a p'lvilion hospital on Angel
Island, costing $.VX00O.
Col ton introduced a bill enabling
pre-emptors to secure titles by (tepos
lting the expense of surveying their
own tracts. The present ruling re
quires an advance of Uie expenses of
surveying au entitle township.
osnprsMsliie la Alabota.
MovTtJOMKicf Dec 4. Tioth Leg
islatures will coinnromise on Attorney
General Williams' plan. They meet
TarkNn Mailer.
NKwYouK.Dec 14. Edwin For
rest's death brings great wealth to
lits former wife, Mrs. Sinclair,, who
loses none ot her rights by herdlvorce.
It is announced this afternoon that
Ihe lHcitlc mail mortage will soon be
officially promulgated. Keport says
that tlie mortage is to tie tor two
million dollars covering all tlie prop
erty of tlie company and having five
years to run. -Money realized from
tlie sale of bonds is to be used to re
place steamers recently lost.
Hartford, Dec. 14. uiakesiee,
who recently attempted to wreck the
New York and Boston express train
near Windsor Locks, was sentenced
to ten years imprisonment.
RsmII rx tas Bostoa.
Boston. Dec. 14. There were llftv-
one deaths from smallpox K during the
week. 1
BKi ssLijLDec. 13. A freshet on tlie
river Satnbrl caused a sudden Hood of
a coal mine while the miners were at
work. Many were drowned.
From Loaooa.
London', Dec. 14. Marine disasters.
attended with loss of life, caused by
the late gales continue to be seported.
ine steamer i narente, oi ine line
between Hull and Dunkirk, was lost
while en route for tlie later port Four
teen persons were drowned.
The ship itodnev, from Quebec for
Highbrldge, became unmanageable
and was abandoned. Seven persons
werewaslted overlwtrd and perislied.
Tfrasa Parts.
l'Aitis. Dec. 14. Heavy raias in tlie
Northeastern Depa-rtiueut liave swol
len tlie streams to an unusual tietirnt.
Severn! of them overflowed, inundat
ing the country". A part of tbe city of
Lille Is Hooded. Many factories have
closed, and seveil bridges entirely
submerged. In tlie adjacent country
the cronsare entirely tiestroyeti.
In tlie Assembly to-day Ducal assert
ed tliat petitions which were brought
forward for the dissolution' of tlie As
sembly were irregularly signed and
evidently the work of agitators. Gam
betta denied toe assertion. hi tne
country had given manifestations of
its dissent from tlie policy or tne as
sembly by returning republican can
didates it its recent elections. Tlie
crisis lust passed showed the people's
desire lor the dissolution of the As
sembly universal and inevitable. He
would refute tlie calumnies upon his
party. He defledjthe ntooarciiUU to
establish a monarchy, declaring that
neither would a king acceiit. nor the
lieople ratify him. Gambetta was
passionately Interrupted from tlw
Bight. D'Audlffect Pasnuidre fol
lowed with a speech violently attack
ing the Radicals. Tho declared hor
rors of nik-ot the Commune iu Paris
were the fruits of the application of
their principle of government.
Atalast a Large rirealatloa
laaa say Xowsaaprr Wort a of
baa rraarasea.
The HAtLT Is a complete newpaier. ami U
, entirely reliable in its Cimimeruial
The WkKLy contains all tbe general infor
nvuinn lo lie deomd in a wseklr
- BewppnjKr. -
Fifty-Six Columns of Reading Matter,
Comprising all the Telefrraplik'. and
al N'ewik
rA.'.v.v rx sWI'axce;
rtsily, 110 per annum, or 11 ier iiionili.
Weekly, " M mumhn, fi. "
(ST Sample i
opies sent free. '
Important to Everybody.
jr. a-, whight
VlLL display his immense
the Pioneer Store, commenc
ing Monday, December 16th,
1872, and will continue until
all are sold.
Fancy Glass and Shell Boxes, Ladies'
Work Boxes, Candy Boxes, Tool Boxes,
Match Boxes, Shell Boxes, Rubber Rat
tles, Rubber Balls, Ass't Rubber Toys,
Hot Air Toys, Ariel Globe Tosser, Steam
Engines, Iron Banks. Tin Banks, Shell
Whistles, Tin Whistles, Wood Whistles,
Nine Pins, Drums, Children's Knives and
Forks, Fancy Candle Sticks, Spring Tops,
Toy Castors, Hand Vases, Vases all
Sizes, Fancy Spoon Holders, Toilet Sets,
Motto Mugs, Motto Cuus and Saucers.
8mall Dressed - Dolls,
Cilt, Wax, Walking,
Crying, Rubber
V China (all sizes'
D O L L8.
Doll Heads (all
sizes), Doll Shoes,
Doll Cradles.
Ladle' Work Baskets,
Flower DasktM,
Children's Dinner and Tea Set, Toy
Bedsteads, Toy Tables Cirrus Riders,
Shell Pin Cushion?, Sewing Bird.-,
Booqnet Fans Bell Rattles Fine
Xeedle Cases, Opera ('lasse, Aceoi
eons, Concertinas Toy Sad -Irons,
Toy Brooms Chess Men, Checker
Men. nax Candles, kitchen Setts
Parlor Sets, French Harps Jumping
Jack.", JewKhan, Tea Bell, Cap Pis
tols, Pop iJnns Mechanical Toys Toy
. . ..- ri
Commercial 1 Financial Nfws,
'- ' -'I-'' - k .1
f -It t . 9 1
it. . , .: ,
3fcrclian( , Furmepjlfn '"" " ,
lit.-.. IniiM imj In- uktoiil v.. ' '
The Prices Current
t'onlalii Biiini iliiriTt-ai Arlii'los than ever
UeUfi- Nili4ijirx (in lliUrttat.lii(il
liiieonivinl uwlly
Il Ik I'erfW-lly iliull.
The Ablest Commercial. Agri
cultural and Financial
Journals . .
To l' lit:iim-l In exi-li.iiijrr ir liy sulwiiii
lioii aic rn-i'lvdl, do that lli viry
l:iti't ;iinl moH rollalilp
Foreign Domestic Market Reports
can In iri von, lhnsllii,"pinonriili'i'tlicrs
well infirninl.
The Home TCarkrt noporta
Are-rpflly iropunl awl contain th )
til iiilinnulUHi in I Ik: day ul jtouij; Iu irc.-s.
S3 isr rmr lit Unan.
Col. James
I'm tlaiiiltOri-x"!.
fitoy's Ms BiM
is a curb roa itut fau.
It w tk Srrt ul it
Tsat lastaatly aoa tbt Btwat isiinliliar palas, allar
laflaaunaltttaa. aaa nrte Co&ftMtioes, Wootbar 4 io
IaaTua.ttsStasri( Jieyala, m ttm4i m my;y
N tBattvr how Tioloat or nrnciatitaf tba Mia the
RHXL BaATIC. B4-rwMM. htbrm. CtrtaolW. 1
irsTtcaict, cboup, diphtheria,
TWarrUaticaol tkt KXA0T RIXIKF u .
sutir pain whn the pua or Aianlty mxuXM
afford ease aa4 aaeaaort
TwaotT arwpa ib aalf a tarr-bler of water will la a few
Trsrelera saoald alwan rury bottle of ftatst
Wtar Batar ReUet wlU latta, A Ww 4n ia
water will pceToat ackaia or aoina froca casjafeof waUt.
It it Uex ibaa 1 reach Braady or Bitten ae a ttlKWlmat.
E V ER ANI AGtTC itnl for Sftr mb. Tbrra I
t iwurAIrl mfnl te tAu world thai wiB car r'v.r
mni Airu, nl all Uer Malarlou, BilMw, gcarl i
Tvhiid, Trllow, ul thr fimi aid4 T RAll
EKLIEF. FlflJ Mali par fcoUla. SoU 1
Los ANUKL,.lec. 13. Tlie stage
t'rouv PrescrtH nrrio4 last nighc
PiM-ncers eive tlie followlns iflia L
dctail'i of tvf I inllan campaigns :
Oen. (. rook a campaign ajptiust tne
Anachwi. wiio an- abwut from tlw re-
enrea in the northrii part of the Ter
ritory, I progressing ntpluly. Mnce
it coiumeiiorxrpw tnls of one limidrcil
w-tirriors ha ljfSi Jiillotl. sutl piany
more plaorti Imr l comfort. Tlie late
operations In tlw rldnlty of ttan Fran
cisco mountains aud Bei Rock coun
try, in which tliirteen warriors were
killed, winter stores dettroyed, and
those whose who escaped kept moving,
argues favorahly for tne futivre. Tlie
General and two of liU aid and hU
Interpreter, wore east of Mogollon
iiMMiuUim wlM'ii last beard from.
' Five different expeditions are now
operating in tlw mountains on tlie
west bank ot the Verde.
Captain Price with company and a
cnniiAuv of soot its organized .trout In
dians' latelv botlle. left PrrHCott on the
th- for the fli;Kl. It the vijroroti-i
iiKjaeires no' in progre-. outlnue
throtiglMMit tin: w inter, it is thought all
tlK liul'ian In the niier country will
wanf iM-Hiv hrtJire siiriiiir.
Th.- Camn limit AikicIic Ii :U
started hi afre-li. Tlieir latest irtlm
was a Mextrtiit !', Tliey now seem
lient on leaving the Kesemtlmi. 'hf
1 Aiiai-liv. luivu. rciVjtlX MlF "I.
lien. liatiS seni tnx'P- ikt hb- uiu,
Saisapaiiai Besolreit
Every Say an lacrease in Zlesh
anA Weight is Seen and Felt.
Ifwr rom af U HARflAPAIULUAJf lUESOLr.
EST riaatrilai throma Ue Blooa, Sweat, Olae,
aa4 esAar aaUaasijaiiite Ue jiiiem Use vigor of
fife, far M rriirt ik waataa of tfct WAy wltk sww w4
aaauUrlU. tWWala, 97kUa, CooramaUaa, Qlaa-
Wlar eliMM, Ulcf la tka Taroat, ifoatk. TwAore,
Nadaa la tbe Glaadi wn4 oiaT arU of tbe ryetem, Sara
Xtwh tlraroarn Dtocssatfac feoen tao Eara, aa4 tka want
loran a Rkla tlieeaaca, Ejt.Uobi, Tvwwr Rotrea, SreJa
Hea4, Ria Worm, Bait Raeam, Enralaelas, Acar
Black Spots, Wonn 1 Xht Una, Tatnon, Caocan La
tli Womb, asd all weakenlBc and ftAJafal alavllarfes,
ftweati, Loea of Sparo, tuxl all waetea C tao
life prlaorpla, are wlthla tba earatrr raafa of tbfe wm
e)ar of Madera CsTAOBtaistrr , a&al a few daya' a will areve
to aaj fafvaoB mg it far citber 4 lb form af atersse
hi powat vowar to cr tbem.
IS the paiieat,
a ad oVowbmIu
rsrm ra aiiaiiif aa wrassxs, aa rrpava va aaaM
vrtia w wtsUrisi aiade fratn aesJlov btooa aa4 laU
tba &AR5APAR1LUAN will m&4 doe aorara.
Not oary taeea tew tUaaaFtau.uaH Kaaot.rtrjrT errel
all kaowa radsai arwtt la tbe rare af Cbraaic,
rVroUloas, CoastitwUoaal, and &kiB an roan ; bat It U
tbe only paaitlra cure for
TJrtaarr aad Wotab olataaws, Crarrl, DlbtM, loi7,
Bieypaga af Water, laMttsewca af Urtao, Hrtfbt's lA
aaae, AiBaulaai-ia, and la all caa wbcra ibera are
bricUast sVpeeiU, or tba water is thick, rloody, Boized
witb sabstaaetw lib tba wait af aa ftn, or lb reads Ilka
wbtu silk, ar tbara b a anoraU, dark. biVstw appearaaor,
aad wblte bomadait deposits, aad wbra tbrra u a prick -Ine;,
bajraiaf; awsatlow wbra paatiaa; watar, wad peJa ia
lb fesoaU ei Ue Boms. aa sJoa the Lout. Price, $l.uw.
Tht ot.It Ywm ud nn Raardy lor WORMS'
fm, TARE, MC
Tumor of 12 Tear' Growth
Cstrstt try Jttuttcey'B geaslsswt.
l tea t, StlHp Wcw&inf nrtaraJ Yr l varus
omMlUovl Uua U roniunullr- pngrMliKi
Dr. Tt ATlTTTAfl
Perfect Pipflye Pi,
Ktrf SuSrliar, IrgssUr mill wttk ml tu.
irfalrlr, fmtfy, cImAm, mA rtirarl" B4-
ruW, it lU tin rA . ot U Sloci,k,
Unr, Smb. EMim. BkvMar. Mi
HrHrrrr, CaaHfUia,, IsAiirriUo, Df
rarl, Billfrnn. BtUora Frar, USr.rjinnltnn f t
Bmli, rilar, nl All Ciminiili ml Ik buraaj
Vtoerrr. WimatrA to aSVct m porlUvr ran. Pvelv
VarrttMrv nnliig a nasry, BuMtaU, or Ab
A kr 1 sf KADWAT'S FILLS wUI frrr li.
)il Inm all Ika ilimuail MiorAin. Trim,
W to KADWAT A CO., No. SI Warm Stmt.
Htm Tark. laAmaBoa wank llranali wUI ka raai
tliilt' there nre no tirijriiiiU' anion"
Varions miaj,
ffllie iiroiirletorA of Ik Fifth AVt-mw
Hotnl pttHisu a eara sa) Lng vhttt they
will' hear till (Fie en.ts of tho funeral
of the victims of tlie late, fjre, and will
reimburse the relative of the girls for
expends incnrml. J ' lh6 fnneral took
place this morning, frbin tlie ( 'liurt-h
of St. F,ranpW XAvter: The remafns
were renloVea tff Calvary 'eme;viry
iV Inf huai.r . r ' . . .
A Mefiilohho lato Kdwlt4 ' rorrest
j He lea all Tols estate- tBr tbe pa
(tome in
pose et aounuing an actor
CjSAi. FUAXtVCOv Irfi'. U. Ill till
3V si.iwrA are offering ? l"rg
lvtOt rttotvB WlieaE, aim i.w
havu been old atT that rate. . ' ; Dec. 14. lames Ken
nevan last night finUhed his feat of
daiwlng tntrty-ooe cotisecuwTe inni,
fliiishetiup1ths double quick fa.
Teney he ss as reii as v. -
hirtib to'the liteh. Fifty trans ih
arrive fr
stage, and
fq tpe lKUcr.
TruitiAts, IVliUil a, EIoraeN,
DopT, 'ut, WaKonft, Carts,
BUHrra, aud TbouMtniU ofotli
er TOYS too ntunerous to
AIo a Cood Assortment of
Crockery and Glassware,
Cutlery, Etc.
I 1 1 I f I
a. l. xmilXr
- ' l'l l1Sl
Onsraa, 'Waskiu
1 ?iiuu4,, rpu.
of ajiunltkin. to,
icramtSito; fcy to-nSgbt's
9f.avb Hosiery Trim. Co
Jiivriauioif, ifv' itVai.
U STlX'StC; luring lw amW'
aUnnc A Kent fur tbe Hrttrr
t lUfiCa.nrUi I'mliaar. nolk Ii
vtvtm tDat fa ranttacU ofasl liw
! rat-nriilzMaa blnlma on tli CoiliaaJ
lOBUf UT mmorumfT sis hi: mi 1. 1
'BElVKltUOSlJi'liY'UrU V0.
a -
Walter Jackson,
jv.:. , , ( ' SUCCIirlcjOlt TO j
frtate fltrcet, (I'attoD'i Blocl' heleasi.
r1u8lca! Instruments.
iJ v J
Mnwou find IlAmllu.
And Taylor it Farley Organs.
VTlupli I offer for
Rent and Sale on Monthly Installments.
A Hal line or
M-lMal WlBsrllia assfc.
t Constantly on haml.
( all ainl examine mr stnek.
and Carriage Makers.
Mertt OM Csinsaey's Iaiets Cetvl.
Jeehnea rrftk, flsvsfc essk BTfsdfc tmtm-
itera mm Wmtt rig beas.
BrtiiK a sprviaUr; the alxrrs are BpltMted wltii
great an- lor taterinr noaaoasers. '
413 A wills Tai'ltk', Kuwt, aad K Street
Whart; laoiei u Jatkua and PscM-, Kau
tTanclA-o. NorStKfUwly
. Oommercial Hotel, 0oor 8t,
SALKS, a ...
O. H. SMITH, Proprietor.
Th lost quallt) ot Wines, liquors and Cl
Xarn aly on haud.
Of the t .at oat and ssort AlfiroHl raUprui.
)n all Night.
2D H XJt3- OID Vm ,
1 .
Fancy & Toilet Articlea.
Physicians' Prescriptions and
Family Recipes Made
a Specialty.
Coinmervinl Slrm. 0)poltirh -nvekpfs H.iicl.
Ke FertrAm caa take these Bit
ton aooonuna; to direettsos, aad, remain
Ions; rawcll, prorWIed their bones are not
destroyed bj mineral potoon or otlier means,
and the rital organs wasted beyond the
point of repair.
STPPta or iBrdlfffistioa, Head
ache, Jaln in tba Shoulders, Coughs. TljrlttV
ness Ot the Cbest, DUzfeiess, Soar Eructa
tions of the Stomach, Bad Tasta la the
lioatb, BtUons Attacks, Palpitation of tbe
Heart, inflammation of tba Loan. Pals In
the region or the Kidneys, and a handled
other painful m&umm, are tbe otrwrfnjr
rd DisnMaata. In tbeae oomsUinu It has
so equal, and one bottle will prove a better
rroarantee of its merits than a lenftbr ad
Tertisenrent. -
jfetr Fcssaale CeearpiaOBtsw ta yotnnr
o oU. marrVad or single, at thedara of
womanhood, or the turn of Hie. these Tonic
Bitters display so decided an taltoence that
RlsrMiaaMtanM aad liout, DysDepsia or
lndlfesOon, BiUona, Hemrueu aaa inwr
rnattimt Persrs. Iismses of the Blood. Llatn-,
Udnm aad Haddet, tbeae Btttera bbt
sum moaA STMceawtuL Bach DUessts are
csaaed by TltiatedBtooe, which to jproiuctd.
tif silt Bheoro, Blotches. BoPtmpafs.
Pastnlea, Boils, Cartwaclj, Bisc-worriM,
SMid-Head. Sore Ksea. liiatnsaas. itch.
senra, DMosTittes of tbe sua, Muroota
aaa utawaeea oaaoe bub. cm voaxTer sue
or nature, are UteraUy doc an arjd.ramird
mat of tne irfftem ia a soort time by uie
mt latM Bltsera. On bottVs la eaoh cawa
wUI eoaTinc tM BMst tacredaloQa Of tUett
euraae eawta.
U. B. HcQtV AI4 COm
Praar 4 Cri. Ajrt., fn Ftsjic1oo, CaI.,
A cor. Whti(toa aad Charitoo. Ma., K'.T.
M'li'jlfsale ami Retail Dealers In
'aints. Oils, Glass, Chemicals
atent Medicines L Proprietary Articles
ii-r MftiicilUil Pliraa4w.
i'rtnplimis FiN ui Mnm ltofuki.
J. W. Crawford at Co..
KK.vLsns rv
Dru&a, t'liemiruls, Oils, and
axd Mt nous.
Wi iro ra
Fiimlly Prpnratione
At all hours of the ibtr aad niirht, by a
Couapeteal Drncslst.
Pattoa Bterk, MsM Mr, Navleas.
B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor,
Stp.'im Kiurlnei. Saw Hills. Grlat Mills. K(r
era, PitmiM, ami all klwinol riyleaoi ajuk-hiirS-
TYnwte to enlrr. Ata'hiarr- reyaiml al a
stnrt netk. fattera maklnff alnsll u.
T.trtmin firing anl all kimta T Omw awl Inm
CaaUngs furnirMKl at h't imtU'r.
The Onlv Shoe for Children
yt AlfE NOW I'liKPARKIl lt H K
II nir:t:iii wiih l.timU'r iit t-
ire! WwK anJ rr,rirfliitr.irn:ii.'o. A-
enin ui. mini- litit tin-li.'-t .vKim-u, ami
uw the vi'i y imir-n'. i- nr::.t
iisr wa-.'iir- fi .ifl arr i'i'i-nriii.
r.XNM..n ',H .
Kulcm, Orcifiin,
Maniilh-'inroi-i ami Impnrti'rvof
Ear. IA-.
K Good Bargain for Sorooody.
Uii-opt ia the tre, ' " w',
i . -a ' . w ur aaae aibcb isbi assw-
V w- rrm mat..-riu of
A!so a hrgs a.ij W:' it-be .JSlor'. of
ilardwa -i Ae'.adi''.
CO. A.
; PR0T2MAN, ClLtlHAN 1 CO.,
MtTlraM e:.torrtBaVH Mnrt, frl-
aTaia, Orattvu.
Thf il l!ta'vl hotHr In ittr Siatr thai
pmntlim i irorn iih- rWv.
.tlPly orairJ liyvA IroWfH:!
W. II. C'iV,trKEBJ.l'i
the opreor ' Ibis popular rhot.
tiaHerr. ami Is the sale oserator. AiS
Xtaa warranted to glya sailsteJlion. .t ,
Ue4:tf .