r ,35eefclij (prison jat5man THE CITY AND COUNT. i i'S i A Discovery of Silii os.- Some time, we iliink,, last year, iUna)wrv of electro-aili-''i! was niVte in Pi ilk coiiiitv, by Mr. Al. Buckingham Hiu ill quantities ot it were rested, hut we are not aware that anything was done at tin time V render tao diacov try of practical value. Lately a small lot t it wu tested at tueOrqgouA California llailruul car simps. The Chief Engineer at (.tire yinmouuutd it an -silent polishing inatcrutl. and stated to ol r informant that if. uiKin further test, it should prove as Rood as he then believed it, be should awtodiate ly order a larsi-r quantity for staple Use in the shops. We have since learned toe En-Kints-r did order a considerable quantity, and iliat be has exprewd the opinion that the deposit will prove valuable to the. owner. We lave not been able, to interview Mr. Buckingham in regard to it. Lodoe Anmvkks.uiv. lliemek. ta Lodjje N'o. 1, I. O. O. Y. was the first lode of Odd Fellows itistitnted In Oregon. Tonlaf it reaches the 20th annivcrsjrv of its orptnii iition. and the occasion will lie celebrated by .1 lv-uiijon of the fraternity, at the ball, commencing at half past sevJn o'eloek. We are informed that the exercises will be somewhat varied, and we need not remind any Odd Fellow that thev will be exceed- mikIv inUTctiii. Since the organization "f t hemektta Lodge tliero have been won derful changed in S.dcm and many sad ones anions; its charter and older members The Matuties and jierhonal reminsccnes of this pioneer lod'e would make a verv interesting chapter, in tin mselves, of the general histo ty of Oregon. Ora -VtivuErrsERti. In order to: get the Presiden'w Message, entire into so small a paper as the Daily Statesman' we are com piled to net aside for ono day a broadside ot advertisements. But we trust our adver tisers will not complain of the otnissioD. 1 he President' Message only comta nee a v.i It. 41 . . . . - i . . t. .. . : . : . .. . i . iif an achievement to eet so lenethv a dix-u ment, so promptly into a daily jujier no j '.s-" whin uje rr.vriYA. - FKRS4 AI . $ I j ; i- Dr. Itiehardsrni has entirelv pven tip his 'utention of removnig to Portland and will ontinue tin; practii e of Ins profession, at Salem. Wo refer to hi;; card in thir. muin ing's paper. 1 r?' i Grand Master J. T. Apix?rson, has been in Salem for the las: day rr two. Wednes day evening he mad.) an official visit to Cht nieketa LodTe. We presume ho will b. present at the anniyirB.iry celebration tbt tveaing. Tiif Ncit. We nnderatand that thi great dog case will come on to-day. Tliii eas has exeited mor- interest than anythinc else on the diickisSr There are a pood" mam vitnesses and nearly everybody in tlii neighborhood whence, the case came up veems to be interested in some way upon one side or the other. There will lie a full lobby when the trial begins. Fr.vEE.vi.. 5'ie funeral of ' Levi Don thi it took place yesterday afternoon. The members of "Olive Lodge took charge o: the hrxlv npon its arrival, and bnried it in OiM Fellows' Cemetery according to tht f-.ii'zos and ceremonies of the order, f s, i I Coi mty Commis-sionekh. Tliiscourt was in ression aain yesterday. About the only item of business of spublic importance to 1 mentioned, was the rerif Tia.1 of the licenso t the Salem feriy. i. j , 'irci it CotRT. The case of tho Stat of Oregon vs. Tiie McMinnville Water Ditcl V Mainutacturing Co. dragged its slow length along through tho entire sitting of tin ('ourt yesterday, aud was tho occasion also ler an evening session. At Sii.VF.nTov. A correspondent at Sil vertou says : '-Iiusiuess is prettv good here, and a great many goods are sold." Silver ton has always been a very good business point. For Washington. Mr. A. B. Meacham. ho was selected by the Electors as Messen ger to carry the returns to Washington, will start next Tuesday overland, by way ot lioise and Kelton. " Frnm Daily of Saturday Dec. CHEMEKETA LODUE. Celebration of the 20th Annlvemnry of the Ixxige Sntltte' ltterw From old .Tl embers Aldre by j l.rHii'l Mxster Speeehenfroin hnr- 1 ter .Vlruilxr-t .Mmir I.iutrb, Etr. Last eveuing, Chemeketa Lodge "iid. 1. I. O. O. F. completed its twentieth year. The occasion was celebrated by the Lodgi arid sister Lodges, at Odd Fellows Hall with ctTemonus that, to an Odd Fellow, were full of deep interest. The Hall waa fill! to nearly its carncity with brethern wearing the insfgnia of the Order Grand Master. 1'ast trrand Misters. Grand lieprcsenta tives, Past Grands, Officers of Subordinatt todges, etc., etc., down to the sinple wlufc apron of the initiate ; and a great numbei of laUes. members of Robekah Lodges, wives and daughters of members. THE OI'LVINO EXERCISES Consisted of a call to order by the sitting Noble, Grand, Al. Croaaman, who smtfd tht object of the Assemblage ; sinping of the "Opening Ode." bv the choir and audience; prayer by Ii.-o. S. bowers. Pastor of the M. r'. Church, rUlem; muio by tho choir. Then came ' h 8TATIHTIC8 or THE IX) DO 8, Prepared and read by the Recording Secre tary, J. Henry Brown, letter from E. M Barnum, and other Charter or pione.. members of tho Lode. from thus php-I iirepared by Bro. Brown, we obtain the fbl lowing items of interent: ORGANIZATION OF THE LODOE. A warrant was issued hy M.M.Moore.Iiighl Wortiiv Grand Sire of the Grand L xlye o. the UriieilStatf. AUKOHtilUtb UX tto t!;t follcmiiiR named brtiieru autlioriuii'tiieri uri-uii uien A Salem : El ce. XienL . tii. arid tf. to form a suliorilinate Lodse at Salem : -V. Barnam. Kdwin N. Cooke. nanling, Cj nis H. V. ood'.rortii t'ulnti r. in Hiomi nay mail cor.imnnicu tioa vet slow, ami the wurrant did not ui rive here till tho first of Deeemlx-r. folio inr. Monday tnuiiiK, le-c. 6, 1852. rS above namtil perxona met in tho third stor of Rector's hniUUng, on Commerei.il btixe and organized Chemeketa Lodge. . i Benj. F. Harding was cleoted 'KoM Grand ; E. N. Cooke, Vice Grand ; C. b Woodworth, Kecordinv; is-cretary ; and Jo. Palmer, Treasnrer. .Ture,ajSuerwte in stalled by Eli M. Barmitii, whi was n mtt. in the warrant Di:paty Urandiira, for tn purpose. THE FIKiiT rVBSOS IMTIATED Was AU Zieber who now resides in roet land, bnt who retains his membership wit, Chemeketa Lodge. The Lodge entered a. onoe upon an active career. It was frequently visiu-d by menirxrs of tlie Order livin" in other parts of the then Territory, ad mnch interest wag awakened. On the 8tl of April 1So3, riamaritan Lodge No. 2 wa. orsranized at I' rtl ind, by E. M. Bamnm On the eveniiiK' of August 18, 1S53, tho Aral meeting of the DACGHTtBSOF RKBEKAH Ever held in Oregon, met, the following named sisters being present : Mrs. Barn 1 It. Thurston, Mrs. E. X. Cooke, Mrs. C. A. lid, Mrs. Hamnel E. ilay. Mr. J. A ltipperton, Mm. E. M. Lamina, and ilrs. Wiley Kenyon were present as visitors. f A XEW HA1X. The Lodge fi ttel tip and moved Into a new hall, October 3, 1S53, in the "heal quartors" building, which stood on tlie siti now occupied by I. add A Bush's Bank. EMETERy. Iii July 13o4, the Lodge in conjunStiOn with tlie Masonic fraternity purchased part of the grounds now used as a cemsterv. Afterward the Lodge b night lha Masonic intercut a cost oi per acre. ' . TETE FIRST DEATH. Julv 10th. 1S55, brother D. C. Ravmond died, his being the first death of a member ' of tho L id;e. Hj was bnried with tht. honors of tlie frateniitv. April 21. the Wlge ansisted in a Ixxly, at tliepublie funeral and burial ol Saniuul It. Thurston, who died at sea, oil Aeapulco, on hi return to Oregon from Congress. TKK LOlx.i; MOVia AOAIN. Iiewmhor 1, 18t7, the Lodpre moved into inid oeemned a hall built by the ilasmns and PrOtoitaut aletiKxli-ta.; Tbis: wm the hnildinff limv used by'" tlio Sisters es a school house. A" year r.fterward the present hall in Holman's building was leased hy the Ixign at a rental Of 875 per quarter'; bnt it did not occupy it till Jan. 1, 1W), siive which tinv it has met in it, every Wednesday evenin:,'. : J . XlJ?B!tTIOS rEIICATtOX.f April 2Gth, lo.3, the Lodge Ukly Cele-hi-atetl thf 40th anniversary of the introduc tion of the order into America.; May 5tH. fH5S the (iiund I.odire assisted by this Lixl,-e. dedicated re thld Fellows' liunil Ceniutery. ori-snooTs rcox cni".;ixv,TA. Chemeketa is the parent of' two other Uslg.-s in Kalein. April 26. 1803, Anniver sary Lodgo No. 13 was organized, of mem iTs who had withdrawn lor that purpose. Jan. 14, 1MB, it was thought advisable for the old hive to swarm again, and Olive - . 1 ,1 A, t J.dgo:No. 18 was orgsnizeu. these Lodges nave woraeu in psieei iti- mony and with the lx'st results, eaca nc:ug . now in good healthy eonuiuon in au re- pec:. i VplKlE HATlhTUS. Mr. Brown's staterdent shows tho follow- ic : bincj the orcanizauon m we wiava i.. : ..r ,u r T-.l Y 1352, the imniU-r of persons Initiated into membersliin is ICO : admitted bv card. 79 ; admitted as Aueieot Odd, Xellows, IG ; number withdrawn to Join other Lodges, 105: ceased membership, 40 : deceased, a present number of members mgood stand- ing; 76 ; mimber of Past Grands, 25. i The Lode nas expended for relief of m mliers, $W 7t-fur nuns for the I k, MM 50 ; j JiTk-ian' bills, (100 ; burl j al. S-liO ; bv General Relief Committee i and donation. K10; total, $4,091 25. i .,;.! ffcowtaiirntEoitftEB. , . ,- j ..Twenty years atjo Chemeketa was the i only LoJg in what was then Oregon j Territory now there are in Oregon, ulono, I 41 Lodges and 3 Rebecca Lodges, besides several jcaipnviuW with a membership of 1.556. In the jurisdiction which in cludes Washington tnd Idaho there are 53 Lodges, with a membership of 2 0S4. The aRrcjate revenues of these Lodges iu 1871 4l 6C0 81 : and for the first half of 1872, it was SM W56 . showing a healthful ineresae of wealth. Many of the Lodg s are the owners of considerable property, which doi-s not figure ia tno statement of re Term ps. A TjELEOttAM From the Portland Lodges, was reail congratulatory to Chemeketa Lodge, -preoive of the brotherly ftcling of Port land members of the Order, and regretting their inability to he present at the celebra tion. AJDI(ES BV OBAXO M.V-Sli:B Grand Master, .T. T. Apprrson. then di lixored an addrem, reyiewin? !-ri llv tho origin, gvowth and history of Odd Fellow ship in Oregon, giving comparative facts illnstrativn of its rapid advance in strength and well doing, ana a statement of present condition. He also reviewed in a similar manner, the history of Odd Fellowship in the tinted States. " Bros. E. X. Cooke r.nd Crms S. WwkI worth each made rer.iar:. crrittg many interesting luwiliifeenci.:" of the old time" in connection with I'heincVeta Lolge. They wt re the only Charter .Mem- b-ini 'present and the only oin s now residing : at the "old camping ground." Al. Ziebvr. ! the first initiate of the Lodge, was also present. After these proceedings, lunch was served, and the balance of the evening, till twelve j o clock, was swiit bv thn a-.. c:rU I I pleaaaut social intercourse. Eeliekah Degree l'.ge No. 1, I. O. O. V. Icc. W. 1872 Wnr.r.EAs: It lias pleased Oo-l in his ia scrntable wisdom to n move from ottr midst ).,. Hi.A.ni. hand oi'il' ath. our i cloved sister, P. F. Crofc- Itesolved. ti.st t de eply frl the severe loss which we have sustained in the untime ly daath of otirsurtcr v hi. though gene to lier ehmal home. y mill lives In tliflienrts of the poor, the suffering, and the orphan to whom she never turned a deaf i ar. nor a c Id heart. - i rtesolvfd. t':?.t we t. n.l.-r t:r l:ia-t-fili ! symp.it.ii s t- fie bereavd bnkmd am! ; family. w...-l.ms. thn-th iit pirihl". and : cmsing an -ching void eac- h'r. w'i j recognize 'h will of 'ffiin who d e h all i thing well." Besohredi tliat tn -Secretary dlncUHl to furnish a coppv of tJfe r fletinns to the afflicted family, and also to caoli pf the journals published" in this city. Ot.ive Ktaxton'Ex.tjsd, Amavtm . WrrFE'ja, S.BAH itUEPHY. Committee. Novtjtber Weathxr. Mr. T. P arce of Eola f'trnishes ns l:;s nsnal montidy record for November. The mean temperature br the month was 3H decrees ; the' highest was 55 defrrees, on the 'Jth : the lowest, 87 'letrrees on ths 13frinn6M4th. On the' 8th. there was hail at 2 p. M. followed hy snow which melted as it fell. On the 13th" there whs sleet in the evening, conrinning al! night till 10 A. M. the next day. when it turned to rain. On the 24th there was light now atJQ a.:, The month had ten days entirely'eTear anctlnitrW. 'and thirteen dvw daring" which there was some rsin. Tlie do-fall foe the month, was 3.59 inches. The wind was northerly 15 days, and south erly 15 days. During November 1ST!, there were 11 rainv dnys. with 4.87 inches of water fall. 3 char, 7 "cloudy and 2 foggy davs. The mean temperature for that month was 41 degrees ; highest. '55 degrees, on tl:9 22d ; and lowest, 28 degrees, on the 29th. Rorra Salem The people on the other side of the bridge aro awful proud of that new sidewalk just bevond tbo foot-bridge ; md they have a right to bo. as the old ono had given them many a jolt. Morris has done the handsome thine We are in formed that the Water Pipe Co. have got their machinery to working finely, and that they are turning ont per day from tlnrty ! five to forty Iots. eight feet long, with sij- j inch bore. It's the greatest bore in that,1 ( section of thecitv. CrRcrrr Court.- The cao r.f tho Btate vs the cMinnville Water Ditch A Manu facturing Cn. was submitted to the jury at 11 a. x.. yesterday. The c-me of Gnyan Oibson ys. P. K. Feed, n action to reeoynr damage for the killinc of a do?, by the latter, van tried in the af ternoon, and snbmitted iu the etTiiiii. PERMALK. We are informed that Mr. B. C fiiuipf.on will leave for -Portland tixlky. to tike a position on the editorial stafl of the Bullr tin. Mr. 8. G. Elliott, who has lieen for sev- e -al vears "wraHlin' " with tho Oregon ,t j California Bailroad Co., u in town. ; A HEATMXt CarvT.E Srr. Shrrifi' '"aywood of Mnttnomnh. Wetlnesday. bronght np Chine Moe. a '-Heathen Chinee" sentenced to BsiByear'cjimprisoarflent in tho l'eniujntiarv.. ! 1 .! . , , From Daily f Kvndtrp Dec. S. DrvoncM Hade :Est. We have re ieved a letter from a r.-tJounsellor at low" -esiding in an Eastern city (not Chicago) vho requests us to publish-an advertisecieut for him, which assures, the great American rablic that he; can with superior facility md the most absolute certainty, procure uvorees Mr anybody that wants cm. lie pledges his f.rofi ssSonal honor to furniiiii uch an article of divorce as will stick in myJtat.todiitv, nt't munteitiaiitv a hiSHrr'!of tVi.f..- tnresanot fail To g-vo utiKiaction to tlie wornt marn-d iieople 1:1 lie world. Hi-i si" k on h itul cm ui "he varieties, from f.-l -my down to, ind peneral niuronutici, and he ' - iMiM ililtiri l''. I'llllfj umselt tliat heean lntKiioeii tae i '"fitfmeh eelefityfis'wllllrl fr emnetiHnn nd c'uftUenife ad'jitration, t'mele.r his ' - nign administration people who re audiet- .1 rt in," nni.ir r.T 1111 ,.-.r 1 l to the habit of getuiiif married can j.mt. i ill tlirouh ttie gamut, with new wife wery blessed dav in the year. This Conn- j lelloria evidently the King of the divorc- ; unin-s-i. u :t upon tlio w:ioie, Tre don t link we bi a'i piibli-i! his a lr.'rti-enien'; t beeauHe he may he an niitnitiKavd hils ho would nover nav a (K-nt : a i.l 2.1 he- j -anae. if he wore turned mo-. n-ii'! of n j "ould be certain of remaining mrrkl for twenty four hours ; and that would be j not only inconvenient bnt unpleasant for j some of us. ClKt llf t Ol'Ui. BMhaai . Jatfare -tnrtin Doc. 7tb, IS72. , Wm. D. Prettyman ot. al. . Uoo. F. Wren et. aL, motion to suppress d.T'-n'n f Wren .f Hill overruled Butte of Oresron vs. C. K. Reed, indii't- neat for malicious kilhns of an animal, tl e property of an other; triod vt rditt ;i'.H!v .-; i , s . Hiyden L Cartwright, taotion to atril.e out answer sustained. The following jurors wrra excused from furtiK r attendance at this term of the Court: V. V. l'rooks A. Smith, and D. M. Hall. The rest of t!i pitiel w-re digchargixl till Monday morning at 9 o'clock. . Marqnis I). L. Keiz-irvs. W. II, IT. Kei zur, adminLstrator; relerees appoint JJ!i di vide, land. i . Court a Ijonrncd till Jiomlay mor.i!ar: at 9 o'clock. A New Haerow. Mr. Jas. F, Gazley brousht down v.ith him, tho model of a harrow, of his own invention, and on which ho is preparins to apply for a psrtnt. ' Mr. Walton is making the iiecwsary draw ing for hira. Tho harrow is carred on : wlieels like a seed drill. It has arrange- i ments by which" it can bu in-ttantiy sautd as to depth, or raised iiitaut!v over low j xtumns or other obstnicrionii.' 'The driwr i I rides in a seat rigged on the axletree. as in j ; thocaaoef gang plow, aad from this seat I ! manages tlie team and machine, with easy fa- j ciliry. Mr. Gazley has used one of tLein . I oa his farm in i.'miiua, about a year, and ! i says ho would not jittempt to carry on farai- l uig without one. All tloes, roots, straw i ' etc., can oe cleaned from rom thetectn without toptriw: tbe team or liftin-a Bound. Anv boy who drive , team, can manage the mJ- clunA. Mr. Hav.lftv v ih ivmi nf tlvrt ,.n. ! bro outfit is abotit'S7S. Tlie same axle mav nave rigged to it, a seed drill, or a fanvrnke. '. at small additional cost. : Fratekhal Greettno. During the cele bration by Chemeketa Lodge of its i!0tli anniversary, Friday evening, tlie following telegram was received from Hitsclo Ludge. then ia aestion at Portland : , -jo iuer, u., ouicers and memiK-rsol , Chemeketa Lodge, No. 1. Halem. Oregon : ; Tho officers and members of Sainaniau ! Lodge No. 2. and Hassalo lodge. No. li, iu i ; joint meeting, assembled iu tueirhall. send ', you kindly greetings on this, ilm twentieth ; auivcrhary of tlie organization of vour ' ' lolge, aud rejoica with von on tlie Hif ! ; of our Order ttren jho'tt" via? tip cu.' Pfssi Ixw. Fr ihy afteTrnooa, or even-i ; ing, Jlr. 1 J. Wiloox lost a purse a buck-1 , k;u iack-Btainiag a gokl pitco arid, a '; imall sum of silvr. He think hedropped i , it at or ntar tho Court House. i!r. WUeox i is a poor man and a cripple, and the loss to I I him ls a severe one. If the finder will leave : "'m to UlATMUAN tiftico he ivilL" muiVr ' r- great far irpoa the loser.- " -' - Bouat Kcaooi. Cosum. Th.. w r Pundav School will pive a free concert nut WiautusOaTtiuditat ti.a Mtithudiat Chnreh. I "ruai twuu ini hiivw ? ct. ottniigeri and : HiMMiKi-rs enerufrn in tlit, nlf tir wr i,it,v ulllluL'l.r, fintiillMl ,t, ,lw. nO..M ..... .1. : -i -f. ..c mui u I will be tlrstclss enfeTtatnttient. j Tue Valve or a Don Tno jury in tie case of Gibson t Reed, action to recover damace for the Klliiait of a deir. belonirine i ta the plaintiff, returned a rerdict for i plaintff, aaaestias tha dunagt it WO, -: From D i' of Tvesdnj, Dee. 10. Dwixlxno nocsE BrBED. The dwell ing house of Mr. Perry Watson who Uvea about six milui south of Salem was entirely destroyed by fire., at about S o'clock yester day morning. The circumstances were such su led to tho belief that the fire wan tlie work of au incendiary: There had been a disturbance about tile house only a short time before the nre was discovered and Mr. 'Watson had got up to see what was the matter, but he ruule no tascovery ana returned to bid. At the honr above me n tioned h? wan arouixl from sleeo by tl cries of bis daughter v.ho occupied a sleep- j in g room m the upper Ptory. rnocaiiej out to In r father that the hoiiso was on m. Tho famdv was. of course instantly aroused. but nothing could be done to save the house, as the roof was already falling in at the two rarbecet where a corner board had been knocked off. ! This fire had climbed between the outside '. weatherboards and tho inside ceiling to the roof. Another nre had been started in a store r.jim at the onposite end of the house, aim tins al' had cdmbed to the roof, but at the time of discovery thero was no connection t betw'-en thn two tires. Mr. Watson atsd fimilv apT'lied themselves at once to saving j their In-deling, clothing, and furniture, bnt j owing to the aavancea stage oi tne nre ami its rauid progress, they succeeded in getting out only a small part of their bedding and a few clothes, thegiraterpartof everything in the lioue being consurmd. The youngest child, a babe was H-scned from its ted. af ier the ceiling of tho bed-room had falli n in npon the foot of the bed. and the bed cf' ithes were in a blaze. Mr. Watson lost all his papers. The lo is estimated to b: U-twten ,j()0 and S3 000. on whk-h tliere was an insurance for f l.KH) in the Phtrnii Insurance f:mpany. We are informed that there were prowlers around one of the neichlviring hotline?, the same niht. Weeobv iU Corvalli, iiaper that Trof. L. .1. Powell ot ibis citv is cipected to de-, livi r a U oturr r.t Cofvallis neit Friday j evening, for tho b neAt of tho- Ncrrth ltil- I lie tjchool. Mi!;- M. Miller, tcrmerlv ,oeal rfjwrter i KT tile J1MCU1J, u.iv il'J. I'll eelllli months, lia been ''the boy thai tends the j sheep." in F,ustern Oregon", arrived home ! Saturday evening. He reporw everything 1 lovely in tho John Day region. i Tho other day we said that Mr. H. C. ' Kimrson wss going to Portland to take J said 8. L. Simpson or Sam, stead of Svl the lawyer. U.1U JHt-i III- ( 3Ir. H."W. Bcott, editor-iu-chit f of th" Uulletiu. paid a flying visit to Salem, yestei dav. on bnsimss cuiiwctcd with the paper, coming up in the morning and returning in the afternoon. A Nakeow Escape Feom Firf Wo learn that at about balf-past nine o'clock Sunday morning, the dw lling bouse, form.Tl' Wv ennied by W. H. WatkiniU near the Pi-ni- bntiarv. but at pnsent occupied by Mr. J.. nh'Osbnrn. was observed to be on fire. The alarm was given by Mrs. Osbnrn. but not r.ntil the fire hsd "burned through the rooi Ul two places, i urue ur lour ui uiy j inianls rushinl to the rescue as SDetdilyas ! Eissible, nd with ,ilie assistanee of Mat. iedsoe. Wm. MclnUre. and three or four other trnstiea.soon succeJed in ntinguish ing the flames. An eye witness says it wai amusing to see the women folks hustlingrmt furnittii !, feather-beds, milk-pans etc. Not much dania je was done, beyond the di t truetion of a few shingles ; but the alarm was very timely, as, in a few moments more the" fire must have been beyond con trol. A Veiit Seriocs Accident. Mrs. E. Bbeppard who lives abont four miles east of Salem met with a wry severe, and it may j be, serious accident. Sunday. 8he had just , hitched up a team of young horses which j became frightened at something, before s;ie had yet got into the wagon, bhe tried to , hold them, but tiiev became ungovernable, and as they started to run. one of the wagon wheels struck her violently, knocking her Hnvrr, t-niit in. tir ivwietif?rrihlv- tlr. TMvt.in va fill! tn nih-nA lu'r. nml Vti, in- I forms us that he found the pelvis broken m i and honor bun because he was fcome two places. It cannot yet be definitely j thing more tlian a professional ruau ; known how serious the hurt may prove to he was a man so good and noble tliat bo, but the chaucts aro that it will 1 i h few compeers. For thiny dangerous. . V(?ars ,je buUt of himseit no outward tv, t.v snmrv-Th.r,! uiouumeiit nor state, but to-day, be tli "Woman Question." which was to have come off next Friday night in the benate Chamber, was postponed on account of the celeoration new riy tne umi reiiowg en tnat I eyening. The disenwion will be held nut I Wednesday evening, beginning at 6:M o'ekx-k. and will doubt! ea be of conidera- ; ble interest. Our citizens are inyited to at- tend these debates, and we hope the infant Society will receive duo enconrocement. I Bv a vote of the ttoviety ladies are particn- , larlv invited to be pirseiit tu Uo nut mating. , I . : . . ! andnTsnvlr? 1 requested to meet at the office of Dan Mur- i r.hv in the Court Ilouxo. next Katurdav evening for the purposo of making arrange- ' meats lor a grauo num. 10 come on at some and the two side to compete with each ' '. otiier in tlie 'number of scalpd, the losing i party to pay for a supper for all. A gener- i j al inviutson is extended to all who may I wish to engage in the content. ' f IlE.TAM.iHwCHOtcr.-AVe aro inform - wroeeurT Pnldie. atmliM to tl.e tWiwrnor for a re- : nrwal nf Iiih Comnnejion. Ho has not. however, heard from be Governor and has j eome to the roncluaisn tl.at hu application has been vet;-. d. It is Uie underniimdinf; ! ; in Dayton that the Governor is lookinjr fur ; i a Deuioerat wlio cau read, to inane hixn I ' Notary in plact of toqniro Caixy. . t ArMorRNFP. The Board of Equalization ! adjounud last Saturday evening for ten j i days, to give the Clerks umo to classify the ; i statistics of axscsniueiits. for further use. i j This was found to be a work of and requii-ig the a:l:i:.ef some length ' e of another clerk; so nhile the clerks ciplar out from tlie imt-sment rolls, tho information wanv eil. tlie meml'er' of the l'niar'il hav taken a spin horck till Tueii-T thn 1 7th. S. -.;,., ,.n',.i :.L i., J..-.J.I- f.-.,i i hriitii'i" VViiliam tj. S;ui Mn, lorin'-i-.'v nf ,(.w Ti wv,j .-e!."1ed wita our un'e . VVi'TIT, VV-i,L;n.la ii, f lr. . in ut,. tin I r". henl t-t ttI " T irasiri N w Oi leans. I 11.,,,,.. t ru.i l.i i itY.f-. 4 -T. i "i . ' AU Umtan tiapet will wli-aw cj.v. Hemov.vl MeHsrs.Uiil.St'M'l ft(.o., h old or.t t!ieir bookstore in Sal'.'Ui to Mr. Walter JaekFon. TIk new pronru-tor Texterdr.y. engaged in removing the toek into the store on httte Htf .et. nut door to Terrell .1 Oillinhatp'o. ' I I.Asn CoxxissaoNEas. Trie Board of fitate InndCoaimiHionfn will meet to-dny, j prirsiunt to adjonrntnent. last month, to cxaraiuo several oases of contested claim". J JCjnn-siONF.R ok Deem. Got. Orover ims up;oint'.d I. N. Ril of Walla Walla, to bo Gominisi!Trier of Deeds for Oregon, to r?sidi at Walld Walla. Tor Toe Holibavs J. H. Haas, Jew- cller. Btate Street, Halein, has just reoeiyed, a new sux-k of good in hi hue, embracing m inv beautiful article- useful and orua- not I' m 'iital jnst the thinpi for Holiday pres ents. Call and examine them. Ktjj rr betoiue tut people ! that the Overland Store haa lust reoc-i ved a beanti- ful lot ot Goll and Oreide Jewelry, brace- ! leta etc., appropriate for Holiday gifte; also j Warriroot Astraehan cloth, cloaks etc. at very low prices. lOd I Fravk Br-f. '-tv kps the best market in i Sil-m. uotnmcrcai Ktrwt, nest door to Uillio StanUiu's. . . . . The Chsistlm Hfasesoer is a tirst-cinns family iiewsnsper. Hcnt to any address ttn tilJaa 1. 1874. for ?2. Arl-Iress Wells Pmry, Publisher. ' Monmouth, Oregon. Nov. 2?. 72. lm. Icw Lard at $1 50 a can at tho Fulton and Uuiou Miket on OiuniLrcial street. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. T irrrriw ntntiMMi rxrAiXED Do.". 9, 1S72. AliboCl. Eiratij Armstronir. ti. Ualtlmore. C; Career, Wm: Ba'es, Allicrt; I Rarmjs W T; Beantslev. MIm M J: liailey. 1 V"sTr';."' ? '' Brown' ! w,k"1' """ ' Cnnrn. AiiffTirirs t.t flnrt. W T: rhanw I hers, E J; Cook, Miss Lottie 1. Darle, Mi Arrtlla; I)!..-kinon, Janv. Ya'v, A I'; Eairer Ln:hiT. lleU'lier, Miss Melvina; Funton, B. tierny, Charlie: Urecnman. L .i. Howard, llrs Pernielin; Haw ley, Mrs A; I 1?.,1,1ti,.,ii. .XmLLLai lluli. JuIUjC. Johnon, Ili.-liar't Kirkian.'., .;ii,n. iwis.. l.!zn: i.u;!i!i.:).'er, w r: L. . i on Railroads. Sherman will be Chalr dr.n. vnincy c. t man of the Committee on Private ?t:.ivt Veis-r.: Aisviieid. Mis. MaMto; j L1 'laimi. Casserly goes on the Mi-ieri ir W ii' iie:a, Ker T 11; -Mo- Committee on Kngroetl HilK Wis- Kiinwy. ,Swx:i, livin. Poner.Jwrtar.'" nons. J; Bemsn, K A 3. tsr'j. l,surr.: Kiv.igi-, Mi's luanohe; Sii' uer. .viiiir!cr K.'anur.ef. aims r.ii.t i rn. A: Miref, Mlm Isrrle: t-na h, John: f-lirum, llei.rv: Miijtu. E .M: Sn.i lu 1 avid S. ry; Mnltb. L M Taylor. H'uj; 1 b irbun.. W"ni. """""" j ' WPkins. : .V: Mi'.te. h Jw. Walling. B ! !u v? ' v'I'- " K: Wi g i:, Jlin P; ( wartibam. L. - ! i P. S. M hen csTr'uf; f- niwve le'.iers, n:fi.n mv (v. , I An . , i i-n- a ni- and 0co ;ate. T. II. RICKEY. P. M. ..., . .. ... , , ,. t 'Ulvtratuio; a nian Iromw piece I 18 th esternism "for pttttHig a liead ! 011 ay body.. When will the present j of sltug ba ctm? TELEGRAPHIC. MINISTER WASHBURN' E'S RECE7 -TION'. Greeley Endowment Fund REDUCTION IN PRICE OF IRON. Oreclcj ' Funeral- -Beechcr's Sermon. Commission Meeting. MDC HORACE GREELEY'S WILL " nunf4wt Un&SAfcl 9 It ILL EASTERN XF.WH. MoMhbarne's neeentlon-Tke dent return to Wsbliif;tQ. Xf.w York, lKe. j. Wnshbivrno's reception last evo,ninr was a complete ! uect's in every way. Among the iiersons who Pent letter- of ii'ri't and liability to attend were eeretnry YUh, Routwell. Vict: Pie-ident Colfax, tlio Japanese Minister n:id President Grant. At the time the reception was proposed the PreMdcnt was very anx ious about it, but yesterday said: '"I bad better ro to Valiington now; I came lien; really to attend Mr. Gree ley's funeral. I do nor want tnUap lirehenHon about it. If I staid here to Mr. AVasIiburne's reception it mi;ht ,JU ' "ciew. Henry Wilson s:ud lliu 1 tvMdent wanted to compliment his old friend Vaihburne. but he lelt depressed by tlte occurrences of the day. After tlie pre,ulent returned from the funeral lie declined to see any visitors at his hotel, and atlialf pat eight was driven to the depot for Washington. Tlie fcirelej Fudowiueut Fluid. 2v EW Yor.K. Dec. 5. Ben Wood of New York subscribed $1,500 to the Grssiley Press Fund. Other subscrip tions oi smaller amounts a e also n ported, iiickuliug one from John Mudelev of the Metropolitan Recon', oi ?i.ooo. Diaastr on tbe I.tke Itetlaetlon In Price of Irou. CHICAGO, Dec. 5. A Detroit dis patch fcives accounts ol nu.i'croiH di.s-a-terson the northern lakes. Sail ves-sel-i and propellers were caught hi a tearful storm and froze In. Many ves sels are lost, mid it is feared there U a i..,.. jb loss of life. PnTSBChO, Dec. C At a meeting of the Western Iron Association, held in this city yesterday afternoon, the price of Iron was reduced $10 a toi:, and the price ot nails fitty cents per keg. The recent decline in the price of pig metal accounts tor tlio.se reduc tions. Horace Oreelej-'s nueral IJenry , Ward Bmbcr'ssernion. Xew York. Dec. 41. Rev. Henry Ward Beeclier's remarks at Greeley's funeral were quite brief. He spoke of the deceased as one w ho for thirty years had tilled the land with contro versy ; as a man of war, yet dyiirjj with civil lionors, bnt as one whose memory sliall live forever in tho an nals of his country. To-dav all men fornet the recent strife ot opinions tween the oceans, there is not a man who has not felt the effect ot the labors of Horace Greeley. CentennlHl t'emlMlou imi .nn im Dee i A .eneial 1 HliADU-AUIA. IKC. A gcntiai mcetimr. ot t Centennial Commission was held to-day. Commissioners were nresent Irom all the States'. Little im-dncs was done. ' ; j j Sfrs.reelej' WUI. j s ew i okk, lJec. i . Jir. uieeiey s appointed her hund executor n'l lr daughter Ida excx-utrix. She beoneathed to her hu.-band all j herji)ictures and statuary a valuable j wii c jaaua lnstrlH t U Id l to app! 0. of some additional ninmcntoes for her : hu-iliaud. In aim of Mr. Greeley's j iloath or second marriage her real ""- t:ite wa not to be sold.'nor the irint-' ; pal of lier property to do n-eti rv ) eitb(ir of ber J.udreu, rvitliout tho' Vf Vt 1 M". OfWll'V had a policy Ot tell Or twrntv thou-atid dollais on hor lm- band's life. It is also said he owned waie Tribune stock and oilier stocks, besides real eetate. tnmbettn Snpportt Thiers. ! New Yokk. Dec. 5. A Paris let- i ter give a rejK)! t of an interview with j Oaiuoetta jnst before thr re-opening j of the National A'seinhly. It reptv- , sent bim as beinc a supporter of the ('oiistrvativc and Prt'siileiit Thiers. t'...i. ..n...i:,,.. r ,1.:...... LuZX;.7tZ etilive, and arj willing to tholMieHt. though they t nil of hw view. give; Frunee to MOf l-Srlit NOivliNATiONSBY f H E PRtS!-' DET. Tna Senate Committees. CONGRtSalONAL rK0v,ttUINU5. Lively Time la Lonlslana. . i c i U. S. TfOOpS Occupy the State . i House. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. I.ASTFJl SEWS. VvialiMttous Sent abe Hettate. Wasiiiscton. Doc. 5. The PrcA dent sent to th S-mite a largo number of iiRmes for various civil and military officers, appointed duritig reces-s. Foi !ow!ug are the tno-it iini-taut : H. V. Phillips, Solicitor General, vice Britow ; O. II. Fairinau. l'ostmaster of Philadelphia ; vice Bingham : Brlz- i adier Crener.tl McDowell to be Major General; II. kuowlestone Justice of' the Mupreme Court of Montana. The Senate CtoounlUeea. The Liberal Repnbllenus are cau ctisin to determine wliat course tley will purfiie lu regard to minority rep resentation iu tlie Senate Committee. The Deuiocrats are also eaueiisHiif for the same purpose. The majority leaves onlv one vacancy on the Foreign Relations Committee, while the Dem ocratic and Liberal Republican Sena tors have agreed among themselves to name Sehurx ns the minority represeu- i tatlve on that cotntnittee ; lliurmaii j for the Jndlclarr, Bayard of Finance j Casserly, Trumbull and Feiiton rely i inz respectively ou majority repre sentationsleave only one vacancy on each of them to be filled as before by the opposition. Edmunds becomes Chairman of the Judiciary Committee vice Trumbull ; Hamlin, Chairman ot the Mining Committee, and Carpen ter, Chairman of the Committeo on Contingent Expenses, vice Feittou. Casserly goes off the Foreign Relations. Committee entirely. Iu order to allow j Schurz to remain. Fenton, who goes j off the Finance Committee, b noinl- nated by the opposition lor the Cotn ; mittec on Territories. Truinhtill goes i on tlie Committee on Privilege ami hiectiona, vice bberman, who goes on ! that Committee but remains on the I Judiciary Committee. Casserly w to j be made a member of the Coin mi tree , rolu succeeds C4irrcuter as Chairman j , of the Committee on Enrolled bills. j ASHGTOX, iAsj. O. Ill tlie iSell- ate, on motion of Freylinlingsen, the ' rule reoniriug the election ot tlie - ' Chairmen of Ine Stanrling Committees by ballot, was siH)eii(lpd. The Staml liig and SJet-t Coiuiaiiu ei werts tlien elected. . A riDSBCll lflOTilry A Bill to Itie ficiiae with Mereno Aaaeeaora. The Finance Committee was iie- fttrtieted to Inquire and report as early a praeitnble, wlmt lt-cislatioii Ls nee- essary to relfcye the strlugeiuy of the money market, and tbe propriety of Issuing idditional legal tenders. In thu House, Dawes, from the Com mittee on Ways ami jllcans, reported a bill aboligiliig tb fffivw of Aims sors and Assistant Assessors of Inter nal Kevenue, arid transferrins their duties to Collectors. After tte bill was read, LMwes oflerel an 'om i inent for It to go Into operation Julv ' 1st. ' In r..,.,- .. I Troop liuiea iisSa KrqnMtlaii. New OM.rA Dec. G. About Vt d. . 'rtlf.,1- .1.1 , . vi j ootupanles ot tln Hrt Artillery. 1U t led states troops, under directif" ol tlie Deputy I'nHnl States ATshal. took possession ol) the Stabs House. Part ot the tnpops were quar tered in the SeuaN Chaaidier. and tlie DejKity Unitetl JkaflTM Marshal took lossession of the House of Representa tives, while the officers and DeiMiry Tuited SWtes Marshal took op their quarters In the Governor's ante-room. Tlie doors were clo'cd aud guarded and egress and ingress were denied to all extent tlie otlieers of the State. The authority bv which the United States ,xt 1 -7 C tlta (Vuir. , . '. r...l v-...ll 4 riotise ls an onier irom uiiu ic ui tbe United States Fifth Circuit Court, in the case of Kellogg vs. Warmouth which recite that the proclamation ot Governor Warmouth yesterday, declar ihg the result of tlie canvass, a made by the Board of Returning Officers, was made in violation and contempt ot nr.strainingonlerlntheca.se. and declares that it i calculated to disturb (he public pence. Tlie United States Mardial called on fieneral Ktnery for trofins to evecute the order of the Court, and thev were immediately fur- IlislKtl. A Time's New Orleans dispatch states that Judge Durrdl. who will probably deliver the decision In the case of Kellogs: vs. Warmouth to-day. has received several letters threatening hi ML-, and that he will be assassinated if he decides in favor of Helloes'. The better class of citizens reprobate the course ol Warmoutli, fearing it win precipitate a conflict with the Federal officers. rOREIUS XEWK. IVestrtiotlve luiimtdatloii In Italy Mnltera In Frnure-'l hlrm IH P. obnbly Keaiiru. Turin. (Italv Dec. 6. Tho Arno, as well as the Po. Is overflowed. Many bridzes and crossines are swept away The communes are inundated.aud tliere is great destruction of pnijierty. Paris. De-c. 6. -ihe Government situation at Versailles unsettles busi ness of all kinds throughout the couiv trr. The Committee of Thirty tonrttd yesterday by the Assembly is regarded as ho -tile to the Kemitilie. The Reuublican journals of Paris declare that tlie Assembly does not represent the wi'l of France, and de mand its immediate dissolution. Thiers is exiiected to resign, and will nrobablr make a statement at the session of tlw Assembly to day as to the course he intends to take. DY STATE TELHiKAPH. (jater Nrm front Klamath-Two mo murders reported. Asiilami, Dec 6. Joseph Beach, witli express trn Klamath, has just arrived. Left there yestenlay. He reports two more men killed on Lost river Geo. Fiock and Chas. Monroe. They had gone out after some sheep belonging to Flock, and were at tacked bv the Indians and killed. Captain Kelly and men arrived at Linkville last night. The troops from Camps Warner and Bidwell were ex pected also to arrive last night. There was still great uneasiness and appre slon of danger by the citizens. Disabled Soldier' Asylum. REPORT OF THE INDIAN COMMIS SIONER. ' j The Muddle ft Louisiana. 1 JTDUE BIUH1X FOP. A FOREIGN MISSION. The Survivor of tho ' Disaster 'Missouri" FOREIGN INTElllSB&L A inserted Oregon Girl. A3lnm for DinMbled Koldlen. Tk I'oard of Managers of the Nation - al Ayhim for disabled volunteers held their "annual meeting In tlx: Surp?oii- Genertr olfleo to-dav. President Grant. Gen. Pntler, General Martiu - dale, liovernor I . hmitn, Lewis a. Gunikle, General Thomas O. Osborne and General Woleotr were present. Report from tlie various aayluma fhoweil that the few regular buildings are fuller than ever. Nearly 4,000dis ablel soldiers are being provided for In the various eyh'.m. After the neees- Board mllotmi. ed until the 4ih of Mardi. Ia'!inu t'outiuliwloum Report. j Washington, Ike 7. Following I a synopsis of tlie fourth annual report j of fiii1 Hoard of lndi.-ui Couiuii.-tiouerg: I After ihtv; years' wnrkinv; of llin iRHi.u ii:'ii. thi? Ilivird Mud eJii- for : t.iugratulatiuii in ttuit their Hiitieipa- , 1 Ui; ' i the attempt to civil- , ize tlm trihtH liavf Un so lar fultliled , oj,jwt m viewU Ijciiig rapidly attained 1 and nearly tivtviixtlw ol" the Indians of ! Uniu-d Statw are uow eitler oivil- ized or partly civilUed. Variou-i fraudulent dealings which iigencies lor- merly made ourwi from which large fortune were rapidly made, areneariv i HlMiidoncd. lustead of laying for j thirty-six ier cent, more thau is receiv- eil, (Jovertitueut receives the full aiuou.it of niouey appropriated and tlie Indian get all lie U fairly entitled to. the Soux and other, tribes ou tbe Northern Pacific Railroad are general ly well disposed. The Indian Territo ry having a smaller area than any of tlie other Territories, has a pojHilatlou exceeding any with tlie exception of New Mexico and Utah. It has more acres under cultivation than any other in the United State. This In effect, hilly disposes of the, statement that there is considerable land idle compar ed to other portions of Uie United Mates. Tlie Board deems It a matter of congratulation tliat public opluton in tbe country is so rapidly crystulLzing into purposes of justice and humanity. Wa?hisgtos, Dec. 7. Telegrami are received here to-day by a IxMniana member ot Congress from officers of tlie Government giving statements from both sides. Private advices con tain substantially tbe same information already conveyed, though each side de nounces the other for having usurped possession of tbe State, in violation ot all right, and request the points of their respective Statements be laid be fore die President, aud that the action of the Federal Government stand upon fiicial authority. It U tbe intention of tbe Government to sustain the U. . Court. This has already been com municated by telegraph to gentlemen of New Orleans who requested official information iu the premises. ' NbwOkleakb, Dec. 7. Judge Dur rell to day issued a sweeping restrain ing order against Uo,ernor tVarrnouth and all otiier State officers, clerks of the House and Senate, Chief of Police, and others, preventing any interfer ence whataever with ttw assembling of tlie legislature, aud forbidding all per sons from participating as members of said Legislature, who have not been re turned as members thereof by the Cus tom llotie Heturnlng Boarxl, and wltose names have notoeen transmit ted by !co. Bonrte, SeTetary. to the Secret aiy of the Seuate and clerk of the IIoti-. A ttnrer Joarnallxtir Rni Xwt: Yokk. Dec. 7. It U roiMirtl that Mayor Hall will assume tho edi torial clinir ef the Herald on January 1st, as Bonnet will shortly leave oil a two years' European trip." Jaxtge Bincbauai CaHlaewed. Cuicaoo, Dec. 7. Tlie entire Ohio Rctmbliran Cotigrsssfmial delegation to-aay signified to the President a wil Ihietiess to tail on him In a botly to enaorsa Ju lee Blngliani for a rorelpi i Mlssio i. The President replied tlwt while I o w mid be jHud to ec tlie dele- Stlou pertwmliy, Judgo Bingham Deed .-d no recoinntendation. Bingham will u'o sibly be appoiutcd Miulster to Italy, th mgn tbe matter has not been dfftaittiy teitltd. "s f . . fec 5. Richard Smith Hjlvaxa. of tW steamer Mb anotber -unrL, ,t Nassau. Ue ls souri, has ar tbandoned Conway's f. am to tbe capsted boat 22?Lfe purpose of rlghtinR her. Coo way cut the painter connecting the two boat and flifey drifted out of slgnt of each other.- iShaithand Alfred Stew art drifted away with the boat, bottom up ward, tor three days at tbe mercy of tlie waves. On tbe foortii day they managed to right the boat, made a sail irom me preservers ana pruwwou. rbey landed at the western key of! Abaco. On the seventh day after, landing Stewart died of fever, produc ed by exhaustion. Smith canght a little rain water on the ninth day, and with prickly pears and soft shell crabs 5astalned himself until the seventeenth day, when he was taken oft' the island and brought to Nassau. He goes to New York on tbe steamer Columbia. rOKEIGX SEWS. Iran BerUnFreneh Affairs. Berlin, Dec. 7. General Von Rooti has left tlie office of Minister of War for an indefinite time, although he lia not formerly resigned. Pabis, Dec. C The Committee of Thirty had a first meeting to-day and organized by electing Baron DeT.acy as President, M. Pasiiier as Vice President, and Ifavru Ponrtales and llansmonvillc as Secretaries. They tlien adjourned to Monday. An official reception was given at tbe Kxeeutivc residence last nlaht. It was numerously attended. M. Thiers freely conversel with his friend on the political crisis. He regretted tliat the partial renewal of the Assembly seemed lm)os'-ible, and declared th-.t he was dcterminwl to adhere to tl e policy announced Iri his roessajre. Parts, Dec. 7. It ls reported Yu t Thiers and tlie Committee of Thirty will act lu union in elaborating a Constitutional code. Proposals are to be submitted to tlie Assembly for tlie appointment ot Gaulard as Minister ot Interior, Leon to lie Minister of Finance. ( ALllUK.flA. A Deaerted Oroa Vlrl. Sak FRAsaco, Nov. 8. Ellen Shadden, who ran away from Port land, t)regon. a short time since and came to this city with Pascal Smith, ha been abandoned by him, and is in a destitute condition. She applied to Chief Crowley for aid, and was sent to tlie hospital, where she will remain until Wednesday and then start home, the Chief having obtained a free pass for tbe girl. Site says Smith pawned everything she had except the clothes she wore ana left her without a dollar. THE OREGONIAN. DAILY AND WEEKLY. ESTABLISHED, 1950. A Thorough Newspaper. Hm AttMiMd m tMwr rimdaltaa laaa aar Jkmynp nsrtai i ron a bcsixe.is man Tbe Daily la a complete newspaper, and i entirety reliable in its Commercial fieiiartroeiit TU THE FARSTERS Tbe Werki y enntaina all the jretwtral infor matloD to he ileslred in a weekly newspaper. Fifty-Six Columns of Reading Matter, Coniprldng all the Telegraphic and Lo cal New. TEUXS IXADVAXCE: Pailr, 110 per annum, or (1 per month. WeeVly, 3 " " Six months, ti. tZ Jj Sample copies sent free. lmwideelO IS. IT. BROWN, COMMISSION BROKER, Will Carefolly attend to all matters intrusted! to him. Collctlent attended to and return prompt ly made. Also AliKXT for the LIVERPOOL A LO SIX)! ULOBE, l ire losarnnre OFFICE WITH WELLS, FARGO 4C0., Salem, - - - Oregon. Nov 19 Till' t j ! j I D , 1 OpBlaf Science Monthly. I'OSDCCTKD BY i:. .Vo. 7 We,, riFTr CEXTH i'onleaU ml Xo. 7, Sor Nveaber. PORTRAIT on STEEL of PROF. TYSDALL I. Tlie Studv of S-florv-OIiecttre lumcuitieo. ly iierLrx Mniier ' II. Kpliiemlo Uelusioiis. By Ir. Car-1 pen ter i IU. The l'ra.-t!cal Msn aan Ohstrucllvc Kr K. J. Kramwell, C. E. IV. Development in lew. By (ieo. II. Osrttin. V . mli(ibt, awl Sky: n Lto-ture to Wovklmrmeo. J'.v Wm. Null ' wottle, I . U VI. SmokeU-ss Uunpowder. VII. hi tlie Kuiv-tlou of th ttralu. Ily : Pri'resrtnr llaailo Benisnl. '1tl. On MeteorV Stoue. By 1'roL V. 1 S UHAeln. I IV Vien.-e and Relicioa. Bv I'roC Tvo-Ull. K. HjjoaiHtkeou, livneratloa. illlu liistriilell SI. Aimsan.1 lnMruwnt of hiini;fle Thouirht. By I' rot. W. Kindlon Cltffird. XII. ASkeohofProtTyndll. X1U. Sluor't Tabic.- Tbe Doctrine of rftrolmlon. Litrrary Notif; Sshellar1 Spe,v tnira AnalTlns."' Hi a ton's -LUb In Mature." Books Reoeived. 3ticHnny: The li round Cooda I non of LlirhtolDK-Kods -Foul Air arc less Irtsl nfeetloo Trees and Rain Poisonous Paper-!lanaina"s -Volcanic Dust-Transfusion of Blood --Hsbtts of tbe Opossum Iir. Carpenter against Material im ArtiBelal Butter Ventila tion and Warming Sardines, eVi, et.-. Sou. The Popnlnr hrlcnr Mwstbljr ls pub llabeil In a large octsvo, handsomely printed oDoleartvpe. Terms, rive Dollars per an num; or, Fifcy Cents per oopy, CLT7B E,ATS3S: Any person remitting Twenty Dollars for fuor year It subscriptions, will receirr an es tracopy gratis, or Ave yearly subscriiUons lor r 00. T"e Fopulnr ticienc Monthly and Apfic (on'f Journal, for ono year, $ti 00. D. APPLET0N & CO., Publishers, 348 tc 531 BreMMlwajr, !I. V. A. 1 BA5CR0FT t CO., ttmm Frtiirtoeo, OU. D:3Jm GEEAT EXCITEMENT AT FRIEDMAN'S. Ladies and Gentlerccin. do yun wan' to get rich. Jnet oome to Friedman's aad yonr Prodiu ts felony Or, If ou have Cash, irt as good as yonr Bat tar, And tbe war hell relieve yon will make yonr beans flutter. Do yea waut lry Goods. Orojertes or flboes ; A piujt of Tobauoe, or a paper of Screw a Hal or a Coat, or a good hlutker Bonnet; Jnet give aoe call and you'll I nud I am on 't. Piuibura asd Picks, and Shovels and frocks. I'BiTiwand iwr. and Yarn to make iVvks; Barn Hinges aud Hammers aad Kerosene CnMLlriient Jnr curing the .ramps: Tea in abon.Uince, and it.io fr ynu all; 1 Clothing for baiiNse commencing to crawl; Pitch Forks and Pepper, an I lutle Inuh Tiws; Pnttv aud (1 'ass. and A It boys; W.sl saws aud Mallets, Hat Traps awt Knives; Thread, Buttons. Drcss-Trimmlng"ar.d rr. for viier wlve; Soap, Matches anT- as. and pure LtDf Ax-Handles and Uope and Irot. aiat SMW; , slates. Pencils and Paper is wrtie ysir f;ionda, A nd hooemaker Tools fer mak! ag ajoea-; testers aud Nuts and Sne MlemFlaanols; Ben- h-Mcrews Sails and adanant Cmidles. I Beriiles the above, we've many Ihliigs biovo- , In short, anvthipg kept in a first s;las wre. . nini inr (ash or for Trailc ' wisAtodwposco, utclretrty tiiM. Illcbest market prl.-e paid for Produce, and all goods Li my line a. cbcajias Hw vbespert. GhDusacall. 8. FRIEDMAN. "ov4V7i:tr. 01YE3! 0IYZ3II 0HY3I! ALL PARTIES KNOWING THKM solves imlelrted to me will please walk p u the Captain's Ofllcc and K'ttle. Toliac cuiaod Cigars cost roonev and slock cannot n "epleutsbed wil ho it bullion. Please settle tod Jbllge, yours tru y, BILLIE STAXTOX. 0i. Vt, J.C. WRIGHT, (Saecemor tij I'lAfuvaire & Wright,) PIONEER STOR BRALXR IS Family Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Cigars, Tobacco, Notions, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Soap, Candles Lime and Salt, 6y Anent tor Imperial r'!rIn -:i r.1 ihv t o., of London. CtOfMKliCl AL STKKKT, S.Vl.J.M. Mayl7Jtf A. Clialleiio:e ! ! TO THE FALSETTO SINGERS Oregon and Washington Territory : IHUEBV challenge any FalseUo slmter to contest for tbe champbmoblp of tbe North Paclfle, within the next UIT dura. TbeeontMC to ho invi at any of tbe rail road towns In thin Rtaw. If tbU O .alter. ge remains unaccepted fur (be above Mated time I wil claim the cfcarop(onblp ly Tlrtuo of non-aiMaptaaoe. All cnmmiirucatlons at drMt l -THE ORKSi BOY," care hTATEMAK Offlue. Nm-iilm DISSOLCTIOX. THE partnership heretofore erWinr on. V-r the name of DaTanport A Wo Irani, at fHlvertou. Oregon, ie tlildjijr dlMolyedb) rautiul ooa(cni. The baJtwn will be here anor conducted at the old stand by J. V. Da venport, who aMinoes all tiabtliUex and to whera all debts due tbe firm will be paid. Tho indebted will plcae call and settle Im mediately, An we wib to c!v e up the firm biiylness a soon as powible. J.C. DAVESPOBT, D. WOLF ABU Mlyerton, June M, 187i. JuiieTTxlttwtf O I 12 II A. NALOON, Commercial Hotel, Court St, ULES, ... OBBHOSt. O. H. SMITH, Proprietor. Tbe bex quality ot Wines, Liquors and CV gara always on hand. BILLIARDTABLESI Of the Latex and moat Approved Patterns. Open all Night. sag? 73-d wtf AG EXT OF THE PHCENTX:, Fire Insurance Co. of Hart ford, Conn. ALSO, At.ENT OF THE North American Life las. Co. OF SEW YOKK. AMD THE TRAVELERS' INSURANCE CO., or HAJrrroso, coxn. OFFICE-In tbe Opera House Bloc. K door to the right, up stairs. Not. 13, "Titf . - i J. X STAIGEK, CAPITAL E00T& SHOE STORE IKEEPeonsiantly on hand aa-ondaamrt ment ofCaUlornia and Eastern Boots and Shoes. Speoial attentloa jiaid to the manufacture of CUSTOM MADE BOOTS & SHOES Of every style. Pcia;cd, Sewed and aUa tne Celebrated Screw Bottom, M-ute to order. Work and llts gnaranteed None but tlie bc French hrand ned June7.tr NOTICE. TaREOOV A CAI.IKOR.VIA KAILBUAp W Conwsnv, Land Depa- j Oregon. April 4, 1872. -Notice i aereby ilvea nut, un 1 1' i iiruiiiBOTiiCHiiHii. luni i iui i ,t i ii. u .mil will w . mi 1 1 ni.. against anv and every person wbo trespasses npon any Railroad Land, try catting and re moving timber therefrom before the same I lttX"arr of tbe Company AND P AID POU. All vacant Land to odd numbered sections, wnetker sarreved or unsarreved, within a lUsUnee of thirty miles from the line ol tbe road, belongs to the Compa nv. LR. MOORE9, Aprtl 18 dlnvwtt Land Agent. chas. e. Dubois, PIONEER FURRIER. MnntiCtctnrer of and wholesale sr. -1 retail dealer in FURS OF All KIN2S, . Ilullal: i(, f ira St., n.-. ..lci? tvM VJaah m.'Kin, l'.rt)o LiTjr. Ladies, and Gents' Furs on haod &nd made to order. Highest cah price itd RT all kinds er Fi:rs. Refuirlcg neatly none and all orders prompt ly filled. Fitting? OuarantMst. nortn J. H. HAAS HAS M IIASD L.ATK KTTUS 1EWELHT -.AND- FANOY ARTICLES SOLID SILVER WAKE, WATCH K II A MB CLOi'K B3rRenatnng done, and satWik-tlon fuar anteed. PallMH Btoek, Matte Mives, ftalesa, wtehlO BOWIE WAGONS. TTTE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FCK VT nlab oar citizen with Lumber and Es urese Wagons, and fe nr spring Carnages. A we employ none but tbe beet workmen, and use the very best material, we ran warrant oar wagon tc be all we represent. T.CVKNDiUliAM . Utw j Dancing School. A FAVORABLE opportunity is now af- j forded to the lovers of Ter pst. bore. ! tbe undersigned having opened a school in ! the commodious hall of tbe Opera House, f where the oert of a.-commodatlons and ln ctruo to is will by afforded to all who may lie onroe numbers of the same. The hours of I tuition will he from hall-r ferrn to half- I paM uine: alter wbk-h nronusMKMis Dancing for I'rsctice, on Friday evening of each week. Also, on Ntturday evening of ea.-h week, commencing at half-past eight, a SOIRCE wil I he given for all wbo wish lo attend. Ad mission, l 00. '1 he brwt of raustc luroifhed for the occasion. Mr Mimbersol'llie School are entitled to admis.lon to ibe Solre fbr the ad-lHtoosl charge of STi -ta. J. J. ABM8TBaV, Prop,, KorMJf SALEM DRAY &HACX CO. Fortaartlrra anal Jshlppera," CITY DHATMEN & HACXMEN All frtHglitlng mthln tbe ettv dm nt Khori notice and oa reasonable ternri Carrtigws coa-untlvtn aitkio. to eon vey paspnay-r to ,t or inv- or nurty drlvu IKT li IS70. Iti CtfAj(.rs vrrri.1.. r-watf.ti.s. New Grocerj' Store. jvKEHHfn"r'.ssarl Ss.t (i1s st or Wl -tusl on Coianie.-s.isl siiwt. ttlvetisa. eall and w will :vleavor to ehv.-e vou :ill. t'.f AMt'Kf!,!. C. JlllrtWdAWff , , . ... ... FOUNDRYMEN, BLACKSMITHS and Carriage Makers, Reles-teel Old rosavpJMtaw kaUrai Ca Jneknoa Creek, f wk wk Italk fusa. . B-rlnMl t ml. Hard and Molt PUT Iraai. Being a specialty, the above are slect.-d u-fco grel iW '.or interior consumers. J. K. POTLE, tit aodtLS Pa.:luo Strent, and Kast Mtreot Whtrf, between Jackson an I Pacific, tea rfaaoiaro. (X0v:Uwljr . WKATHKKs OED. WEATHERFORD & CO. WbolecaleaudltvUll Dealers M Paints. Oils, Glass, Chemicals EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY. ', Patent Medicine 4 Proprietary Articles pi-re mstn a?to LiQrem, ,, lur Medicinal fnnx).' t PfKi'iij Pile1! tii Mk'm Hmiti. , , . W'E atdfj: FOIUJ & to. AprtTiTilAwTf SALEM DRUG STORE 1 rj. W. Crawford & Co.. DEALER.? IN Drng, C hemical", Oil, and PATENT MEDICINES, WJtri' JtEBlEH, TOILET AJtTKTJU AD KOTMSN. Pure Wines and Liquors. PREQCRIPTIOMO ' AKD Fnnmil- PrepHi-ntioiiH CAEITULLI COMP0U2n)ED At all hoars ot the day and iJtfbt, by a Competent DrngirlHt. Pa-tton-a Blaek, MM MreM, Milesa. sepl5-tf i MOUNTAIN DALT.1 COUGH JMTURE. WH. PARKER, of Jv k-wmHIle, Ore- Rnn, has dimorered a inrdUne r.oro pwelortbe extract ot Nosslali ctnlm and other Vegetable tngre-Uents sttaaob bldr fair to surpaM all Lana? Kefdsesi uow In exlatenae. It is a blood purifier, lnrtgorator, Appetizer and an AGUE PREVENTIVE, and is rood for all KEEVOC8 and BILIOfS alls. Dtrers testimonials might be produced sbowlna; tbe eCaoienoy of tbe Mixi ure, but deem It not aeeosnary, as tbe mmite will es UbUA It wbervrer It is tries'. Try a bottle. For sale evervwtoere. Preisurd by TV. H. l'ARKtR Jaaksonrille, Ogn. ikt5:??w3 OREGON BRASS WORKS (D Streot, between Front and FInt.l Manufacturers of all kind of BR ASS-WORK, fiTEAM FITTIXCS. COCKS, smP-WOEK, PLAJfEBi HEAPS, BELLS. Aatf lUl kia4 of Braaa Cmiiaisllak MM Metal, e. D. M. JIOORi Superintendent. rvt&72tf HEW TOYS I HOLIDAYS JV?T RECEIVED All the New Styles - or - TOYS, FANCY COOD8, Musical Instruments Violin Strings, Etc. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Hobby! Horses, Baaketware Etc. For tbe coming Uollilays, wluVb wo r.re of fering to tbe mule at tbo very Lowest Prices. The trade will find It to their advantage to ex amine our suv.k before pnrcbaslngelsewtMte. FELOBUSCH A CO., r IMPORTERS, 308 & 308 Battery, near Sacramento st flAS FRASasCO. Oct ITTItdlm oeo. at. JOKES, Ke a4 Kstatc Broker. j. M. i-ArrrioKiK, Notary Pnblid JONES & PATTERSON, Best Estate Brokers, laArsats arMt Coll rc tioa Afmt, Ol-VRA IV VKK fiiStv. Ollk11N. tiT C yy privjierty birhi sad sold. t'sna' ft W.1.-1 1-i.o.l i r .-;..-. tT Hr'lsl atWntlon V1ven t FliiaiMUtl Nsstetiat Uc C'oovT.vnr.. i awd (iLSERAL AfiE"CY BCHIXEt. Agents frsr the nlrtofa tw'Wiflrss of Mock tu the BEAVEtt BUSIKUV kLVXr KACTLSltJ COMPA"Y, of Jeoerscm. that have not vet been dUpowd ol'. Tbe t aotory lita a flourtsbiug omvtltlon, and parties (W siring to make a sore aud prodtaule ImTFt meot woukt do Weil to give ihein an earlr call. K AXD to ACRE wttkln oue mile of the Court House ; rich trs! ; ju-ioe to !) j per acre. AprlGTSdlr GREAT REMEDY ron KIDNEY DISEASES. -AIT- ICURE FOR FEVER AND AGUE COLEMAN'S COMP, EXT. of EUCALYPTUS. Dr. J.K, (otesasn. of Ssji Fntrv lsco. and sev ereml eminent ihyslcians of Europe bate liera on. operating during tlwt pnst iiji'.rnini experiment ing In hnsittal Tra,-.tl,-e wh the medicinal pmp. erttes i-oniauid tn Usi bu.aivSus and the re jiiltssbow lh.it as a-iire fr Fever and Agite It is fcetter thww lknfnlne astm II test cases where t Jul nlua bail le"n given uiwow astully. 111 S"r cured with l,y'"slj'tiin alone, . ' ' ' 1 In thf r. S. Marine Rnspiul wbrne etten stvc eKperwoents- wee made with Ur. Cole man's a,xtra-a.vnry --of I evvraivl Agut was curel with this reasedy alon. It hs alw n.-en proveu in the mc Vis. plial, ths m pretstred liy lr. Cuuim w'. pecsiRat pr.ssll UI nwiM lnit'Uub'R rvr liy tor all iu es of the Kldtifts, B s t.k v and frtnarv Canal, aid mans ,sim m enred With tws errs 1 ;n atmv u: I una rTuamuoi Mwiiooe, an, oll:r:' I k tru r aift:l. I vr ttw ,liee It csn ls ! c'lofids'ntlv relVd txtn as ihf Itom eft.w 1 1S!- iv.'vlv ecfcr rflevl t.i ue yi.WV. t 1 t-tf c MKT T 1IWII e rSlt.-.uM, .lift S U-W- ' fsntcoUtl. and is ii r,Je.- 1 i -:...,! j n-4lve u sns.ii. Vi- fip:.!. wnv. t'iMfrS".t vr-iHI KMfam rn Kauil pti hi - alrrwt- ntritiwhaii irlwn Una is rvrl i imre lailtstiur;. ou L lit Ct-VnjnV ti .-in li tre. ' ' IK: Cirsn !-;- I,v i.ir.-.i- ,ts. Mknrimi wifll t.ivwBir'n:!. i -n ixm rr.- , YrtZ L, ! 1 iHillnml Waesi o'ie, jhii-. of Vi ifornct K'l j , I H I- ITTtP. L.. lUllut Wi', ( i"4la McT.-h-iW.Crr ' tn. "L Wm. Woil'e, Pwwerly Passvbirr S.-. .'."A Markfi Agent fw tuc ("a! Kireet. i . ri,-ui av. to. Wm. H. FaKerw.i, ui X au. Ft f,tt !n- BEI T A .IOIINS Plil f.l f.-ilero. CH.VJi. LANtiLKY A CO. tienural Aaenu. Cor. CUjr and Battery streets, aa Franclfco. tvcU,7S:4weavhi i PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS ; J - BUSISES3 DIEEOTOET OF POBT LASB, 0EEG05. PnbllsLed by X. Sauaaawl, General Adocrtiiing AoeiU, 93 Front Street. - - 'Trr. ACKKRMAN'S DOLL A K STORE, Xo. W First btretA. Importers and Jobbers ol Fancy t:oods,Tov, Crockery UlasswareaiHt PlatiHl Ware, i A stor liuQse, First M., betwenn Oak aud Pine Evervthtng Bent. ItrL. LonglPl ow, Prop. ji ' BOOKS, MTATIOXEBY, MUSICAL iNSTnUMCWTt Not. 7S 77, First Mreet, PortUusi. Tarman. tbe onlv direi-t Imnorter of Cloth JL liif, Ac, cor. Front A Washington si . chas. c. Barrett, WB0LK8AI.C BOOKSELLER & STAT.3!t, Largest fkock la Portland. .Vo. 73 Ixroti and .Vo. 5 WasXwioton ttrtH BECK, WTIJi AM A SOW, B Front St Importers and dealer in CnsasKaflM ef every- oeacrlpUon. ri-blog Tackle, Fan- (ioods, AVods Blr Cages, Baskets, Croquet Oaiaes and Babv ('arriaewu Aifentsfor the "t'aBfomia PosHer Works slao, (nr the "Wheeler A WUeoanew , i.'UacbiiMta.r Bock. John A K Fnast strrtituractL-al . U Ui lmkK and Jawelar Work done lr the Trade. . BOOK AND JOBPKXNTEBS. Himee A Bachelcler 98 Front At reet. Brtgham A neinbart. First street, ketwee tk aud Pine, iuponcrs of moves, Kan- ifun, ivticnen i iciu-w-. s. w. cor. Fir A Taylor st. Cheapost Fa raiture House In Porv Ami. CAFPEsTS" WALTER BROS. tetToot Street. Clarke Bemienoa A Cook, SI Ki First hk Dealers la ry Uooda, Faacy Millinery, Ac, Ac - Cobn A Boseoield, 148 From flc. Couuui. sion Merchants A dealers Is Oregaai and California Prodoce. Congle. J. B., manuhtcturer and dealer ia Saddles. Harness, and Baddlerv HaiU ware, W Front St. ' C sorrier, W. Cft, M3 Fnwt street. Mer chant Tailors A Clothiers, Kala, Furujiti- lng Goods. De Lastinmtt A Oatroan, i Front streeC Real Ksute Agents, looney loaned houses rented. DENTAL GOODS: C. H. Wbod ard A Co.. 101 Front street, Portland. DRUGGISTS. foiVo from any portion of the Hut or Territories carefully filled by mall or epresa. Emll, Lowenstetu A Co, Fnintture and Carpet dealers-stores from U4 to li' First street. Employment Agency. WHthetUAflol man, 80 Front street. Furnish all kinds of help. Even line A Bee, 10 Front street. su mission Merchants and dealers in Do- mestic Produce. . M,ashkm Livery Stable, corner First aad l1 Salmon tts., E. Corbett, Proprietor. Good turn-oats always on band. Wisbel A Roberts, ear. First and Washing ty ton na. Dealers and Uaantaoturers, Ciothing, Fumishing Goods. CRAY'S MUSIC STORE. The largest Music House on the Coast. STEINWAY PIANOS, BURDETT OR GANS, G. L. DeTBAKS, Manager. fHOL K AG ESTS FOB TUK ."HOWE" SlfflXe MACHINE. Agents wanted. JR Hachnev A Steeme, Grocers aad dealers id all kinds of Seeds, corner First and Maia sis. ambtirger, B., 1SS Frria street. Importer awl dealer in htaple Fancy try Goods, Millinery. Heodee, D. H., Photngrapbic Artist, tt. W, corner First and Morrison streets. Cbii- drennsctnres spsoattv. Henrictisen, L. C Jt Co., iti rim Majxiiacturersand dealers in Je Jewelry, Walcbes A. a moard-jieo. I... ws street, wnoie- sale dealer in uroneries. Doom. Waax Materials, Ac H dee, Ca f A Co., T, loot at rest, whole sale dealer in Drugs, raiut, ti-, ill U" Ma.ine, straight ne-. V) M rjdle, uoder rl. "lock sutch." CompetlOoo cualksiged. G. W. Traver, 11"J Front Street. 11 nrgren A ftbindler. Xos. las to ITS First I at. Importers Furniture, Bedding, A. International Hotel, eor. FVuoTaad Morrte on sts. M. Rudolph, Proprietor. Fto Buss sttouds s.eamers. K- ohn, J. A Co., 91 Proof stre, wholfeiile and retail doaer ta Fine Clotbinz. Vur- nli-bing Uooiis. Malson Bwee Kesiaurbat. pirtvute rtxra for Kami lies. cor. 1st aud Pine rtreol.-. t. Visx, IrotirietiJr. it.er.1.-in. k. a l o.. HKlt-sle iWuler lu IV M Wine and Llounrs O. f N. Co- Hlo-1. and fun Fraivl-o. Saw iStt t SchmT, !1 Fr.ut ill le and ntidl inlit:meT-. HUf, Johu ft., hj Ylr- stmt. Hm.- nsxrr a"d Jewnlvr, uatitu the puuo j a Hiwa!-rt!iM iu "tV ati ie-,Cli-ij-si' ; elr. "je7irierr4r.Fro"i 0iir"cr tanvt, !! XTi ers In native and torr-gn W Inv Li I nr aad Ciders. 'AToUhmr' A Tbomn.vni, Hanhvam, Iron, Steel, Hubs. hyv4s IiardwtKsl Luarbe -. ccldeotul U.HeL oor. F1r4 aad Monijoa . Stnllb A Cook, Prtofwletwrs. "crrliih. Wa'kbu A' Cornell. Real MT Agenta, M Front aUeet, between Asler awl W ashington. PhotographicGoods, WZZZ ' 1CT Front street. sler. 1. C Kesl Estate and Money Bro ker, 9J Kroat street, Portland. Roseahatim, I P. Co.7 Totesxsmlsta im poners of Foreign anri tometlo Lh.wr ipm UK nouse. Front street, tin Pint Ch MM FYlnotples. Tbo. B?-a. ProyrWor. GberlocV. 5.", 41 Front and 2 Ftrst sts-dost 7 ex in Harn rnes, kUery, aixl Saddlery Hardware- Simon, J., 56 Front street, dealer in lXwr.-, rtah al Bliods. Window andpuitetibus Slnslinsr7nTri3j Flr-t streeu importer ot Pianos, Organ i, beet Mnsie, Mu-u al Ipsmnnent. Skldmore. H. C... IU Irst street, innjxi-s ana Apothecary. a Urge nka-kof Pertuni- t-v and Tn4Us Artk-iert. ;i1,7l I rout Mreel. wboirsaV 'alnl Oils, Wtodow Ola, Prr- ftimerV. A f. SO dow A Roos,?jHrst-trvet,P-tiires.Mni'l-5 inga, Framvs ArUts Motcnaks lmwin;4 tn.-trunieul1-. mtth, Put, Broker, 9u Frsil stiwt, lealer tn LersI Tenders tiovernmeftt Bowl andtvoid Oust STOSK, as. I-m . 17 l-rMt Mr.. WatohmakaY and Maniifsctuiing Jewel er, liipatnl ed agent for ibe Wlthm.k.hr1n, E. Howard I o., Chas. E. Jseot.awt tbeCal ifornia wau-hes; abw, for all the iimductlrti ndinssuriHoi the (jtUiorwa Jewelry Comm nv, ra . Franeiwo. Send fir a clr.-.ular. Vl'atehts rep(iiTTlm the vptt beet manner ard WA RRAM T K U lo ave atisfccUou. r-rry Bros., No. 1 Ftrst -treet. msnnlar- at t tnrers aad dealers in FuruUure, Bed- dinf, I arrets, Ae- . . be Ciethmg Sieve, iia r r. iw ,i Ing, Ftiriu-hiiig li-sls Boots aiMwioe-. Ilsrrl s A Praerr. - f IVinleTH. H., Ut l frmu m. lwah-r . In Wagons airt Agrictilrnral Implements f a v ne,:. U, u. w. ir. Kirx sih iifcs., J "dlrrln rmeBrawheswiw, Knplirh A!esnd Pertrr. 7Tr J. v.. U: ITc.ft i trert, Whotemllt; m. tleirVr In Birttrr, t'r. Lar1, rUcon.s. Wu11uin A Wvers.it i l lun.-.k,r runt strwt, CorainWtt'JB Mer.uiaul. and dealers iti Pm-lnce. rlOCK filVEH FAFLul C'l SHEATHING, , Flaxteriii, soonso, CAKPET Xsinxxxo BsarpiossalOtrca. hue seat free ay H. 0. S8UUK. IS I t p 0 I K ft Oregon, Washlnay ton sod Idaho, nrruin, tttaag. WANTED Rdiabe dud i.iteiUprr MAN, kFri dili-CrS, to enirsse In ia ifnijt- sad luvnttlce lusiness. nruductiK ot lucratice tusiness. prunuctn ti vdlfl S.OOl t-r vi a -. Aihkress. J- B.FOKI A CO. Vew Torts or a?" Ktiamy tHreet, H riUAt. iJtrS;Oaw4wbat;ww