The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, November 19, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' '
From Drilfaf Wtfiedi9 Nov. 13.
tjnt 1)r' Vwlm -Telebrntlon of
.4VatnUI AavriVerwri- - iiirt-i
(IHIiiii fwirsl.ier l ( i . f
I'bUThn E-pUttae--.
T'Oregon Presbytery met at 7 'dock
'Monday evening- for the purpose ofo-le-Jbnttint;
the Centenary of three great vuuta.
'occurring in the year 1572 tlu. duatli of
John Knox, the great Scotch reformer i the
massacre of Saint Bartholomew' eve ) aud
the ergamzation of the tirst Pr-t-sbvtery -jit
England. Interesting and feeliigad(irc.H
were made oa thane subjects by Key. Mr.
Thompson of Olympia. Dr. Geary of Albaiiv,
and Dr. Liadaiey of Portland.
WEBED. Tke Presbytery then proceeded to answer
the overture "from the General Assemnly i
he diamisiion of the ministry. Tbebnnliii
of the overture being aa foBiws: '-Shall a
- - . .t -1 1. I 41... 1...
HimiMOT OI IBIS coureu m 1VJ low UMl lie
has mistaken his calling, have privilege t
. retire from .the ministry, and shall the Pres
bytery by .tbe-.direction of the Synod de-
pnTH irvul.l4e'o vi wi iihiiii.1i . , n
minister who is not acceptable a sncb ?"
Answered tne affirmative.
On motion the Presbvterr adjourned till
half past eight o'clock "Tuesday morning.
, , ' 'Tuesday morning Presbytery met, spent
thirty minutes in meditMion andprarer.
Appointed Rev. E. R. Oeary, D. ., and
Elder T. M. Reed delegates to the General
Assembly to meet in Baltimore in Slay
The Presbvtery appointed Rev. E. 1!.
Geary, D. D. to moderate a call in the
Baloiii Congregation at convenience uf par
ties. Having finished all business on thedocke t,
the Presbytery adjourned at 10:30 w'elock
a. m. to meet at the Lapwai Ktaervatiou
May, 1873.
vxios or CHracBia thi bm war.
The reporter having interrogated Rev,
Mr. Stewart m relation tn thecatueaopcrut
ing to bring about a onion of the Lnited
Presbyterian Church, with tlie Presby-.
terians, that gentleman furnishes the fol
lowing !
The reasons why the United ?rusby terian
Church of thin place has gone over to tho
Presbyterian Church are :
Because they felt trammeled by sonio
rulea-of the United Preabvterian Church
such as excluding from their eommuniou
all persons connected with secret societies ;
protiibiting the use of ins trnmental music,
and all songs except the one hundred and
titty psalms of David from praise ; also be
cause of close communion. The cods ot
the United Presbyterian Church, pinching
them as they thought, the Pastor, session,:
and the large majority of the members cuu-;
eluded to join themselves with a more
liberal connection.
The Mails. "The melancholy days, Urn
saddest of the year" in respect of mails
are upon as. We do not, now, always
connect well with the other ends of our
various routes ; and we suppose that thu
people who fail to hear regularly from cm.
am inexpressibly sad about it. If there in
anybody in this world or any other, wh-.i
ought to be exempt from the commandment
against cm-sin", it is the newspaper editor,
when the mails are out of order"; for, then,
with him, indeed, "the times are sadly ont
of joint." His exchanges don't come, there
is dearth of everything, and then the mis
erable has got to make brains dy what
the cunning little scissors are wont to do ;
his own papers don't go worth a cent, but
complaints from subscribers do come, till
an Insane Asylum or the inside of a burglar-proof
jail would SK-in a retreat to Iw
prayed for. At such a time, 'twere well fi-r
the editor if he could be an "escaped nnn."
But we set out, merely to say that for
some time past the speedy transmission f
the moils has been a matVr of great diffi
culty on tlie Oregon A California route 1.11
account of the itogne river and Unipqtin
mud which sticlteth closer than a broiiier.
to horses' hunt' and coache' wheel. Tlv
Boseburg paper of Fnilay says : J'he :nail
from the Soutti arrive m-re alwmt 7 o'cl ick
in the morning. Tlie status have not con
nected with tiie cars for the past two wcikM.
and all the mail matter going north is de
tained a day at Oakland."
Thb Escaped Ncx Owing hi an extjn
sive repotation and judicions xlverlisuin:.
Beed's Oimtj House was filled to repletion
by a larg. and intrliig'-fit audieiuv iaxt
evening to litTi to Mts Edith O'Gormnn's
lecture on ' Life in a Convent." The lady
rather a vivacions little lady, and he'r
manner on the star is preposi ssing and
secures the undividwl attention of the audi
ence. -Her illustrations are well drawn and
her descriptions so-perfect that her hearers
can almost imagim- themselves within tho
convent wills. While we can but think
some ot her illustrations a trifle overdrawn,
still as a general thin? her assertions are
apparently candid. . Her gestures are ap-.
propriate and her sarcasms of the most cut
ting nature. An occasional sparkle of wit
keeps her hearers in excellent humor and
causes tliem to listen to her interesting dis
CHirsewith undiminished attention through
out. An overflowing bouse last event n:?
showed the interest taken by the citizens in
a subject of this nature. We have never seen
the hall as well filled aa it was, all the re
served sats having been taken during tlie
day. Miss O'Oorman will lecture again
this evening, and in connection with her
views on Catholicism generallv, will give a
description of her manner of escape, and
treat of her examination in the Police Court
at San Francisco. We bespeak for her a
crowded hoase for this, her last lecture in
fhis city.
Checkt-BS hi TelMBaph. -1-Telegraph
operators, like other people, have their mo- i
mcnts when rime hangs heavily on their
hands, and "what to do" is then tlie conun
drum. Chat and badinage by lightning
with other operators, is on of the pas-
times ; but that wears out after a while.
Operators must have something to do.
Paul Murphy playad chess by telegraph ;
why should not operator play checkers by
the same means? We nave an account
from a young friend of ours who juns a
machine in a neighboring office, of a recent
game of checkers thus played between two
operators who mav never, for aught we
know, have crossed palms, nor ever gazed
upon each other's classic brows. The game
was played between J. B. Thnrman, of Au
rora, and J. W. Kelly, of Cotnstock's Mills,
commencing at 9:25 a. V. last Sunday, and
eon tinning till 2:23 P. u. Tlie game wiut
won by J. B. Thnrman, each party having
made thirty-nine moves. ' The ustane of.
the players from each other wrs 127 miles.
Of course each party had his own board, on
which he noted the move of his adversary,
and making his own move reported it to tho
About Isa!e Pbisoweks. Atxrat the
time Tompkins (on of the Bail robbers)
was brought up to the Penitentiary, it was -aid
that ho had manifested, for some days. .
svmptoms of insanity. We learned that
these symptoms continued till after he was
lodged in the penitentiary. Since that
time, however, he ha decidedly improved,
and yesterday he went ont to work with the
rest of the prisoners. His malady seems
to have been nothing more (ban acute men
tal distress, occasioned, of course, by , tlie
pew and awful situation in which the con
viction and sentence placed htm. We learn
that McFadden. sent down the other day
from Linn county, aentenced-for life for in
east, is in a most deplorabls state of mind,
bordering on insanity. Ha talks constanUv
of wanting to be r'd'of his life, and thoun'i
he seems to tia-ve moral sense enobgTl to n
atrain him from suicide, he is apparent!?
anxious for somebody to assist bim to shnf
fle off this mortal cotl. Yesterday nintnin
he imploredjlie physician in attendance l
givehun strychnine He has been placed
m the prison hospital for treatment.
PatetT8 CnEm, Bkiues or Books
Tlnrdiiy, the atauTljibriry received tin
63d volume of oSpeeiticatirins and T)raw
inRii of l'atoats." from tlie Pawnt Oftice ct
Washmirion. These vrrlnmes are issftnl.
one every went:, and diatributed to tlie sev-t
eral ntates. 1 uoy are about the aize m tne
bound volumes of tha Conrawioiial Olobe,
and average about 800 -page to the volume.
The aeries ilrevjv rr-oetved date from July
4, 1871 lnrj t.1872. Tbey contain plates
and detailed .uxplanation of every articln
for which a' patent ia issued by the Unih-d
States. . They an valuable acquisition to
the Bute Library. ,
, - '' ' .''
Pxrmosav Jtr. Ingle,' member of the
late House from this county, was in town
yesterday. He savs be is happy to know
that nine-teotl of his constituents approve
his course on the lock bill. .
ifr. Louis Westacott, of South Salem,
who was severely hurt by the npsettinp of
his wagon, dorinx the late State Fair, was
visible to the naked eye, upon our streets,
vWtrdaff.: H took the vane for wear,
but a trite able to stand many a bad spell of
weather, yet.
Ben Simpson, of Benton county, "the
pluckiest nun lira,' was in tho city yester
day, just from Yaquina Bay. He reports
erery thing lovely over there.
Srrrr BurrEunto. We hear from Frank
Wilson of Salon, now at Aurora, that he is
still having much trouble with his crushed
anklet It trill be j-eraembered that he had
it crashed several months ago, between the
couplings nf two cars on the Oregon t
California, laaT'W1- o Ha ha already sub
mitted to several surgical operations, and
now he writes that he has got to stand
another. Ouo of the. larger bones will
have to be cat off an it prevents the healing
of the wound which is still open. , ( .
Wkxsxxt, IvrrtAX &3T9 Brciaiw. Wa are
satisfied ouw that 'whiskey aad aa Indian,
together, can't saw wood half aa well as an
Indian, alniui W saw 'm try it, yester
day, and it was hard to toll whether it was
the Indian, the aw or &e bock 'that had
the B"l of it. It was plain ei..Ti3'i, how
cvar, that wMsLfy-'i-nl Vv. " AJ,fX.e
jhe w.-su' re ivajv. ' e 6t f .
-r .. i:... . ..I T.
a. w isus
'oaill nf i.-in.
Sail '. a- i Krk
; st 1 .. .
V. j i.i,
.-in n trot l
ot the K.c;.i
imjiort. - 'oi ..
blt'il. TT:"
of tiie dt..:s:i..
ii ".?ii:.
! onflle in
j Itvirtei-s i.
Tlio 15. -sr.'.
j tlie MUti. i i
JI.. f'T ; .:
t c..rfi:i'f :r.
! I,!-. . . . -
r tyit. j
i..' f.okV.. '
' ',!;;-1 !
' ' 1
t '
i III tUL -.v.. .- .
, S'.ean. '. . 1
acr;s of '. r. ..
he lx in;;
l4 tl.l- m
fur Plajiitiil. -
In tlu; c i
BriKks. c i:.'.
in levnr 11! ' '-
III the
Cnr,t -t I : t -
, favor of N:t.. .. .
, The IN.-a: , .
r?ota!i"in . :" .
, 0ru II-.!;.;
listen if i'A...
on -H.'-.. ::
: v( ro li.-tl r ..
i tiun liv .
j did not fca-k
j with that t' '!
! even with .J.:::
I fd iier t.irt !::..-.
liver her lit.: L.-..
th:a aft' niuvi.. ; '
llii-S ::C.
Ik, 11M.' t. i.
Itcarxa.v. -M:
the suti-fp t
Orel ed a ii I;.
iind she ear."
m.uiv t.f our :..
I5a!iik. i-: j"
ari aliliu'j.'!-i! ::
S.l!llUvl, ''."'
lhnl in tlie i,-:
id- a of t.te : 1 .
t'stix-rii." :J:-.
VVril;iv i''"
n t.i j.'ir 11 v
Sili-n:. .
H.l'llilt 1:: : .
Mill ROWo I. :'
tills i-rv. .'
Kaiiiu. ai !. . -
13:l-;ii:mi..lM . ..
with the V.Li,
named oirr. ar..l
tion. II v". 1
hi Due in Ca' '.!'"!
: ' - f
r. lii'.;i
Kbtcfn TO ! V
wrijjht, foru::Tiy
riv.;'d 1-.. iv v ..
j nuke Salem t'i:-
Rem bli'-.w t
a ni"ij"in7 or" '.' :
in tlii- STArfinu::
one mora r m-1.
then a re- i 1 ; .111
Two Unnr. S',
county, liirivi .! v.
convicts fur t 1 1'
and a Ciiiiu::ia:.
.o,i j) ,
'Xectvke t 7
OWUl tl ill'. pi-
;uid a iiai.'-.i'. . i
yesterdsy to tin
to "liulit s, i;.ii
stance exci-ediie
the v.-ry sevi-r
artist ( .h- il'U
Car. liev.T irnv.
told i!;e la.i: i .
brotherh'M.l nf
know. V--... u.
' i-ir-.i
:. ;.rt' .uur n;
t '..i ii fat"
!:-- ! ' '-
h:c:l 111.
. -i! 1 !:,( t
I '"?n;lit ni.l; '
j clnsi i- :hii: r-:-.:
1 w;.i-.r.ri:rr ::i
j "parn.-TS lit : :
j etir ntr."
' leerur-rs, s'.i. i:V
j to tliuik "t tV r
! ftiifi h 1 ; .
j of .nr;i'Ti! r .
, c-ii.l mil.. ?:i. -1
t--r liulv s u I' .
j Sc.nd.ler. Ui. -T. ' ..
1 dulcinoas as .'is ;.
I awayfrnmns.
! and we. pow .' '
tin ixO
ofi'ia Fiv-
,! S-v, , t! m ;
T- r To
: i.-.i-. n. ti ::r
oijs ..f Am r:.
. - :rt Iv.itf'iiis."
.:r.r? t Indi.-s
:n 1! "ii tois oe-
:-ir iiih?
.- .:iv--;:tm --
:m.T' i
t-p t:ik M. ST
; . i'.'is ad
. to i.i b,-
Opera Houst-4 ; ui
them tali, iiVm" tie;
How thy tour
Anl then next, A ti
oniy No u.-ut!.' p
easion." IIoiv wiii .
"WtTTTIitT 1 i;
MK.NTS I (1.11 I ?!.-.
-KY (iPH't t AT I
HEKS."- B-inm'n.
HD.ini) OF l, '- .
; t: - 1. i.Ii)Xt i.".
Inj"H J'iix-.
tan t C11. --, : - i!i-:Mr-
' Bonrd of ( o ;,
o'clock. Nov. H ; '.'.-:::
A.R. Flint vs. ..;
on evidence am! .1 '.
the proper apfli .iv. 1
In tlie case ot' A. !'.. i
case heard. dci-:c!
Case of .las. D. Fa .
to Si'ttle ri'.'ht 01 ni:r n.
lands in .larks' .:i , r
Df f. lOih 1XT2.
Sam Culver vs. ! 1 ;
trmine who i r: 1
State lands in J.ieVo
till se:ond Tui-s.Ih, i .:
In tlie case o! J: ...
fiing. as to who is ; .
tain State hums in 1
poned to complft. til
After transact lug a
a miscellaneous e:-: ri
journed over one is: mt
TnF.KK s no int o
WHLI-Sl STAt.N .11 , :
Next Lecttkk-i.-'"
will eseatn: from S - 1
:i. t at 10
ii?' -ca-'
d ii- :.i
lill A'l .
--.Ml S'Mlilil
-.: :i .1 i:i.
.1 .
ti) (!e
:rra:n v ,. lr.-
ly: jiot--:;:ii"iiy.
liSllH iK of
j-.-an! nii-
.'iti'-'fi i::
:;;id will 1,
or. 1
t A!1m
:. Ilil.i l;J f.
tare at Oregon :
vent Life. Si:- v.V.
next Monday ni :!:;.
gene city TueMiay or o
ter tliat" slit will i'
deliver her fiire.uu
Her success in S,i! ..,.
been treat. II' r - '
r 0--
I tract the attention, us;
1 ant community, v,-;-1 1
J the propriety" of s i
i handles her subj. els
j -shrewdness and 1 si 1
:i roii st-
. ot
- st in
i'. r tn
v,t a
all tliat she hits to .
i x'
; i'oi
escaped nt:n." :. r
Motlier Superior! i- : -
i-r- t. t!'irf
r iUi O'Uor
. Our "ivn
I'ucl.ti'cUi very
ii::. tasiiittl.L
: ... v. is, it is
re, sav posiriveiv
man's statements r
impression is that sue ;
liighly colon-d and !
public sensational u .-.
worth while to li r n.
"HEWHuiM'ifT-.i NC!. :.:., 1: : Bo- -yEtsKSHoiLD
i.-.vm v.. r ti.r- : a.
VEnnsiJi THAr i:t,ri -to."-.!. 'V. Si-tv-ari.
He Ocoft to Km v.-. V-o.
aniusiag biaisilr :i. Vf;l . of.
tiling SaletnitKi -rh' o
ta.unfC care nf in! : " .in
Eiotuer 1 turn, liv.;.; e oi l
x r.-.nce' vras
yimwruav Ly a fond
:; wiiii
siie laat'ui a
' ,. finer Aimt
S' t UC
..; r.citw-ith-::r
' Lira a-few i vtni'i
i Call on a nei,'"': 1
1 tae door bt!..;:d i
i a torrifie yll iro
' standing cur w.; ., 7
! biby ttuii ao it the r
i pper table h.-id t-t 1 -' ' -j
thought srmcV. .
Svizinir the trx-!;. i-
--''V Tli
in,., i
i ci'. ard a
ou;.g men.
::-.:; i lk
iter, tdkiuf;
i:.t;i at'i tl.e
j poor biWs liiiL.'s .0..1 : u.:
; a pivn nf cLii!
u ai..e; i ii'o;
; swive sprinhKU a t. w ,, : i. . i t:;t ii.oias-
j ses, and a.t tile child r.:i tli-.i t!-jor to atuuna ;
! itself by picain; t!.cn l;:.i oi:o !:iid only j
; to stick titt-m ou t!iJ other. Tj pkn
j worked aqiazinKly wi 11. &aa tie ciiUd both- j
! ered him no more. , 1'cqu mo:I.trs having t
mioutue prouiirs s i" ia -v. care ot nuxut I
take a "leaon" froaa tin Proitaaor. !
TIMXU IS A SfKt: 1'IlUi.i l;.
m--phtm Gtrard.
10 .VE.Vi.THo'
To Leavb Us. Wo are infnm..-d '1st our
friend Tom Buford hsa of li:s in
terest in his barber siioo on CMumtrctal
street to Ben Kdey, vi.o v"iii iiereAiterrun
the establiihment on hi. own hook. Torn
will move to Portland r.est Mov.tlay, where
he has accepted a positron ia tl ' "t;,r.sorial
rooms formerly by C .a'lie V. ie-
gand. Wo wish botii sueivas ,
in their various busiiitiii ciitxrpnses. Ver- j
ily, business cliaaiges tie taking place j
among our young men. Sa!c-n: tvill loan :
quite a Bumber this wui:.r ; sut Te Should I
not be surprised to see th?m all return with :
the 'flowers cf Spring." ths wir.Mra of j
Marion county not a6Tming with their del.- 1
cate (?) consututioni:.
Aw hrvr-
WiTil A OiMPrrrr.:-
To Claimaxts AoAi:-.r
following circular iiotxo ;
hoUlera uf claims
were 'scaleU"l)V tho I:v,s
- 'l- n :-.'i-il ?i
i-at.i. v.l.Vit
siou :
THEitrt.RR'a CrncE.
.Sii.tJi. ;Cov. ISiq, 1S72.
Bit:" PTeaseto call s.i this o r.oe to rcjfard
to ths State Warrants . ur: c ,: - v. d 1 y j-fu,
which were cut down In- tbe Iuv-.-3ti-jatxng
Commission, created by S .iute Joji, Reso
lution. No. 27, of the -4i la;:'.,u Ajs.irr.hl;
of 1870, and Te-tymttAti lr fcv Sonate
B:l, Ko. 60, of tho'La;, Utive Anedhly of
187 J.. .. Bo,.ctf- -
.. Sssis TrtuT3r.
Lavd Tor::.
it.. I .. a
;;. a im.S-
- .: 1.1-1 .tut
;.r -..
' f. Vfv;'.-. vr--: .. :t:
CUCUTh in S)1U0 C.--'ji: n
- I
eei.'s per pi.uc.
tly ch;.. t' i.i itc 01' u'--..
"My m ' "r- i .ts
TV .n a;' -. i:
(!: .. . V-.r ;r.
,',eoaiii.M iff i-iiv. v I.
T., a: s;ivf rt-ii. Or- f
lit.: IS. '. Ai:.- '
I'.ivi V. .
:. - ; .. i:-.c
.4 i-: -
I -Y." Oi'.'t.'lO."'
lVlliI iTtillV
V,':.trrr. '
r .1. v
. nd ' 'itlit'.v-0r"?-(ir
-iiiiii ry.
ii tl-ili s,
11 sncii v.i.-i
.liv.'l ii.S i-
e!ni .1 r'.vt
Well! u-i -1
itiiti- -n. I"-.
We l::u!
..:'. .
Tin' i
tip t:n ;
X I:'.
.Il t
Mil ii'i
Sill-.! .11
'U ittsai.. .vv:
C;:: 01.:.
as tinv :i:.'
!.av i v. i! .
i' I.ll ...... -A 1
! t'l.:-0-.-V.:
T::' il-. -.i .-
Loci: on:
f v.-.
.21 1:;
Mr. T. - !.
a ;Iyi:o; : i--.: : .-'
Tiiis : , ;. -
i-i. to tin- v!-:r
.Ui exchai 4 a-
". ... I ."O . . ...
our character.
Chi s "s'.r.r.: "
Ill'TltS 'l.'Tu "... . a
6 .t r.
i ';:
1 u U 1
Ori5 .
r- ...
O l l iic'l.
Anot'atr d.iy 1
Tin fact is. fo(j
that the Guv- r.
lit. enn Sii'! .il.
ADVENT!:.; ."T
i' .r m
arv ; :
Allen, y.
Kc-kvr. Mr
I'liiker -m''. :
u-oil, Mil'ln i:
K'l: I'.u i'e:-. .1
i Lir 1. i i-ano:.,.
vi '.; Ciy. it . :
ir.'.ii; ' a i
t ofiln. Wi
i .III '
llvgv.l.'i'. il.'ilii-.
1 lovvge, .onn...
Ij'le." rum:;
ti'Tley, Z
lill). Miss Jin
Hay. Ion. '
li.t-iii.ioii, ."I .
I'li-isre. ij .: ..'0:1 1
.sou, liit'unr.i i: .
Kamliiey. (' T;
Willi n-, .i.i.ii. -..
i..e. Wm A: ;
Jli- s:.-.:-. .M.
Mu:;o'u ,
ln Mm-tn.-o:
n, Mr
Moil us, Tioi,i.i-.
Xi!, Win;;
l;i:te:r, ;C: !:
Siir.-ili A 1 1,: . ,
Hurt; i'
1111, 1,
Ik'V.I'.ri.:!. Tl.lll.
Martuk-W. I.: Sor
Mi. Mo"i. ; ,
Sim m. .J w: -, e ,
s e.inrt, V v; :;,,
Thi niiwo-. I. T
Vii;n:h i, Eiv;
r I.
1V:.;-. I',.:-;
tleo ii: NV;'j. er,
il ; Wiinoi i
Mrs Msv'v: V:
S tee- U V, ,i ;
.I .ii i' I W.i . .
Wet !, Wi;:
P. . he-, -r:
please say a.iu.i
;'-. - K:
J M: r;
TEIXUiiAJ'i-i IV ilXi.
Cates, ?. 10 IU73.
A few -11 :pe!!'.o,i.; i;,. Xow Yo"'
HOtHl. Fe:irsti!"a ;:.,ic are .v r
The fu.icr.'.i ni Gou. ji ;ii!.
place ilt PUl.liieiiMii;!, Mi,;i,l:iv.
uratir s ni.'ijcr.ty v.i :-n i :
is 605 ; C'.tyto'ii's .i'.jr Co.igre-
.!": 1 1
. I.,.",..
Tiie titiwiis tifS;ilt f. hki :i
fu-nii for the oi't-i.-trs.
f rai-!':cj
-a si:f;'.!--
! Si low Iw. l":tlIott c:i i.:i ot:
j Use vicinltr of Yr.kt tot;.
i from tivo to ten inh.-.-;.
A man iiMiticil V
blown to atoms by t;
dmrge of a hhi oa
the "Xev.-oafciit pit,
.v.-r -t
' ' l
"iiif- 1:: v
Vni. Adnm,
o:i boji nl 11. li.
iv;ts iiis'ai.tiv ;
p.n ci-.'iui
s. Simt.
i!h-fi l y
.'try Fesrr;i-;i
in Victoria.
li'Yf.;t lro::i
; below. f.flJ
" i::ii c,-,,'-.
.'-ti st .: is
the maiii-vard on the ri.-i
i Itis stated iii;ii a ival .i
lasliet:! iliscd-vvr'.-t! ncn:
: isriii.-'ii OiiiitnlnH . A iai;
( riiitiici tho:-e. iv;:'
' Fr.uuv-i-y.
i 3I:oy" of our yoitt;;r i.i!iti
i port t"i;.:ir;f frof.v I 'a
j ihat they pvi Vtwivt vhvKirvr
r:- (.ech't'i
limn they
i? Pii.t-
i-ili liave tlietn tisiiut !:e;e.
Cnstor gioyes nve :.o.v t
thins tor fceiitle-ri. i)' xv!
illilliesst;ci kills fo; i:.:hcs.
Xeclj-tTes if vory gty i more tii-hionahlc.
;ir ,i e
. oplfp.".
tl Mtlf.,
It i- caitl that thp
Jisfet- 'iv. :ro it-.
; -tr. ;r- :i; s ..
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1 -If. i iit'il :i VS I ii.-
-itri'ii.;'; cO'itpa ii-.- ' .iv.
:o i. .-Vi r i rn it
iv -. .-vl ;m i:i!or- 1
lo.ti in- -oiiig ! K-.s-lii j: i-i-'i!-i;i oi'i
ci'is t --'hir ;!:-.' -t;t. ,o...t - i- u.
tli"t :tw iv'i-i Wiii ' 1 '. "' iiii t . : 1
i;i 1: )!. , l'r-'a -.'.w:Ki5; ; 4';i;saf:eH.
,'''' ":'n--,.:ti.-.n uf :'.-o:i t:, vt-ix T, e 5r:ti ;t ::-.? .'t.if-ftr-.l' s. nt a met-
Co.iii.M'i -s is It.voiv.: ., j -1 l : i- J". i. ; 1 1 t . insj to- !;T. n -il;. tri fl o:ti'iiitPi t-
i,. o;;!: th:v-r ..1. :".ii.' -v: it : ...;,- ;;! mi t',? rjo', .:.:?!' - jit. -t !.ir!l
-"!V.:i.;o j.'.r.y hci'ev: ti.. y : ti -,Y. ;;:, ( x-- .-. :, ,. t.- J.i-io'u-
;..'"':. o, !;;: with :i :t--..; ore li i vi:: i l:rirrer-
: aw.-lti.i a. 1. ov. li. h iie ; i ".. t : j. ;,. bTt.-lsit-- t
!W, i-. 8 ;-triiir;r ' ' -. .': tl ' ho:--.
-''' !: - - r v.- ;., At :t , ret.
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c. :;.!:. .:: nvo;-l.itlf t ii.hioo: i.!o':;i;, ';y ( i;.ttr:;h ' ;:!. iiops -j..,,; ttwo.iliiiir-i
t;. "i.-f,i, ;.v. Tiie Dtrieiors );jv,; ; thftf! :v-' :tao.:vi rofifi;.
i.: JOttou-s .. r.-i e- :-it;-v.i
o on-!.. o! l -i r. XiK-
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:,. r - .t; . .. : 1:1 I'uii. i !n? li.i-t.Mj f!.l- i
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-v. ' - n r rA a )'. o'-g
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S i;i.-I' ''.ve-.."i c-iir-r.'.; aril -"-vlw.-roi'iotif!
v ' : - -"-.i.-.-MX- .i.i.l I' r it.r..
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; a i. et i-i--? liifi -l 'y :i'- 1 lonn to lie the !
ii.-!! ri 1 --i on -!'.--.. n-.-i :lu.
. n.'ll ?-i... l'":-- e';innen.e lt:i. fi;
,: -ni- ... ....- !ii.r-.s,.-.t i- -e:i lari
1 . 111 a y - niv h;i.!ie-s
0 f----';iv.! i..a:, --i.w
...i li.l:.nirL'iv.i;l'limvi.!ii.t.
.ViVf'lM l'.i:r Ititli-i-N.
: Vnr " -.i.e t.ol.ire tlx 3ntlic.
- . -.:- v.ill fii-iiren
! oriitnc.
jtlJ -oi. i
t: ; ;:i;.is.i ii .'i-'H. Aiii rsiw.
Zt'n'.-i, i JSriaii, .'.iltel tie.
vv-i he twiii -!,. .:t inh Y'TiT. "'"T"
ti- ii.- ire e 'lie 11 o i!-: inri lji --vl.ti tletier-
i:r. ::;nl th it nin ; (1 ,.4 . :t ... . iver;'.-l'ic
Tinm ins I'jnJ !:j:iraae Co.
.'ihtnLSNhedin isax.:
Anc'ts Jmr-iai'v 1st, KZ, over $356,
OOO Cold-
Ti.'5-wo-::-1 -.vitli tlie 'a;e;ri- tn i-'itii
;rian.:e v. i!;e l.ius oi tli. a.a:c
Loscos Fslriy A'ljuotod and
Property PaicS.
C. ti. TSHRY,
Agk'ut l' r iji'.um aud vicinity.
G. F. C?ANT, Portland,
luii h:i Oregon branch.
itM'lr it'iii ' tin-on s-, srer their e.ttire
sr.-k for r-a'e a: ooift.
1 .invuite U0I11113 toeu;-a;e in iho l"tir:il-
, 11:10 It i-'ine". Itii-Isa nre c) :i,-i.
Tl-e i-:ock mnt N. .t hi iv. lr. a;ii
be. " t n. ."., (V,r ,,h only.
tl hi. l Hmnli'm'. we mean lit!les-.
, Ali pef-.n-tnleli ..4 ,., ,,ai0 re,Iv.:,n ly
: rejit.-.-..e 1 1". atl mul -et'e.
1 .u; il. . 1 1 1. J IIAIU "H i,
i- r-:n e reiivis.
Siiem. 1 u:rn. A u. ".. ii. IsTi.
v-.-. r jr, H'T'OtlOn 1
Ki i ;jn I Winter 't'r!,,
. :( .1 c I't-uiiflniiriH'W
; .i t siik-.
j n. . iis i t :tll olorit.
'f ..? ; 2tmMirt4 S'tatba.
ilk 'iiiH Clottuv,
;? .;: j'o-jUtit..
r-.-i ." J-.;f;.
', a .r 1 . rtvrtr-r- t.$sa
i:.i.-, lli-t-. Ijiriit:-, e;.
Al-.i J ill ! : :.i '!
1. i:: r.' iaIs'P.i;-.
'. :;.. 1.1 'kks iv .vu. ;ouit-s.
M Al;: il N AN: SKAI.t I.oril a-Uh
-ih.ui. i imnii. .:-t't in-.iivh.
i ; im:c .well ljvn:
'.'xi i,..-f.vel .111 -:i?irelv aevr
r .-:!.: ! s .1,1 lit tiue tame- cl
yo: a', nne doltap?r Pair.
i ! t- i - ol't .('itrvivl Boys'
1' ;r..i-!ti.': l. vxi- ()f all lccr1i)Tm
A tii.iiti a iri j r.'.e .t-.l siock t"
i:i.';;t.i: .titrutr;
i vt. A:t:,t;r.
. -'. M, r. it,
' i . . ii-.;;. i: .
v .i:;i -, e..
I- - 1 ! '. .-ll'lH " i'f tfir !.
W .i . ..- a .'ii'. v -- a
i. ll !)! i'IJ'.i.
tt.. A :t:. !-. tic
. ' :-. . . .1 ir.-.'vk f..! ea-h ax ::
i'. .1: .1-a 1 N York, wu are enalait li
-'' ' oi"- '-.' - ' .1 ' I rellle !"W H'i.-i-s awl peo-
i.,-v.-i u; -.i t 111 .iiii'tiiir iiieoolnl.iif Kaar wllL
1.. v .' ..a, oca.
.;. . .'.
:ii-;t:h ;.ad Wealth is
:3oot3 c&3 Slxoes
-. I :...t -.-.e.-ir tiiron-li m Hie Ti-
.-:. I . is7.:.:.. I in
' '
U'oia?:;iT, niUMJ &. co.
ll'-'oltTl.l'.-i OK
Heavy and Shelf-Hardware
.,,,q -rmt Q
- A- - I O S TOOLS,
x cs.xa.c3. Stool-
Av.uu f..v tho sale ol
dj?s:t3 cu powder.
51 ll!ri Front St., Portland, Oira.
i 17:.T.iv:
iD&O saloon,
' "IV. '. 5if:tTVJiJI, lroprlrwr
- lirl.-k, CiilllllH-rcUll tt j
T: !. - ..f Wli . 'i :oi 1 1.1 ilinr. ( ha-e Tf
.oi i Toini. -.-. a.wHys in-iivtdeil ir cus
lO..;. r. ova 'S..!Kl"y.
Cracker Manufactory
- IS'!!
i?S0V.3!3N STORE
Commercial St., Salem.
I !i;i. i- ' i,::int!y on baud
I'l'.-xr:. uostox,
i.t'ii'N ani JtNNYLISP,
; Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes. &c.
it :-... ; .! .v) '. r.i te pakties
Siif oli.-. I on Slmrt Xotics.
I iWA!! j.r.'inptly filled and rnodx
1 .!.-l:v-r. I t-i nil part of th" ritv Ytrr
j Cl.n'i; LEWIS bVR3IE.
! Maivii V IST.'itf
T IT AVli;'n-o:i.lati-I 1th our oiDte
tl 6 -:. k t .rinerly owne-i livJ.B. A M.
II I l,-i II, ir are now iin imred'tofurnistrwir
i" i i . . 1 1 1 e i' s lis iMi'ice an aftsnrtment ul
li.-nerai .Mt-i-.-ti-iii'li-ie a-eati be f mini in llie
,-.i.y. t iiir st U ol'iiiss'.s ,-onslstH, in art, a4
Hardware and Groceries.
A We.l Sile-ted St.vfc of
1 Men k Bovs' Ready Made Clothing
! , ., v. 1
I oon-tamly 'u.ha;.L
j , T .
(.aiieors, Manilas, DeLains,
7 '
and evot Miiir.s; usually found In a nrst
c u iry i oiikls sinn run be found
iii'ou our i-tielves.
I i:.OOty ! 33OCS,
oi al! varietia tn(:Bthjr with
AnJ a I.-1-rc f Woolen (Joods.
: We invite tlu I.a l!esof the city and vicinity
j to.-a'l in and evatnine Hir i-lo-k.
t.THo trouble to Show Goods.
VK AIM TO PI.K.s,anil will sell goods
at re inct-.l ni.i . to close out our Immeaso
' 'a 1 ' in a n1 see us before purcliatiiiir
j o.,i tietv.
j Remember the place.
! Hermann & Hirsch,
J - tomm.'rc!al Street, Salem, llregon.
i '
.lunel i;.i-'ni
For Sale.
11 meet 'I'l.-rv Hill) is oireTcd fnrsale
l.i.Kp lor ca-h Inquire at the Statkkman
onice. niig.29,f
Ji-ili i)jjr-,31iai4, Moldings,
Iirs TIC. aii all the late yle of Inle
an I outside ii .1111. ot the best qriaitty of clear
cedar ltimlier ever n.-x.-rl in Salem.
Srro!! Ketyini--. Siair Building and
doncTvitli tiivitnc.s and dispatch. Manutac
t n i er of t he e I curatcd
Boswe!! Fruit Dryer and Room Heater.
Also Manufacture tho RASKIN PATENT
SCHOOL iifcsjK.
fi-i,kl,y-,"n.'1 i"'i!'e'"''' Lumber
and Shlngies for sa.a cheap.
n ?t nt work at lowcftt Price
j der
f-' Please irive m a call. SEE OUB
iv. inarn our ptioes, and give us your or-
StEI7I. ATTENTION' riven to orders
froin fanner-. -i.l luterta,ioii freely given
ti!s to our mlronn
X O T I C E .
f I' nolloe.
The Steamer . Fannie Patton
Will havener iVick, foot of S;;te w.. cverj
Tuosday and Friday Morning
At oVivl A. M. f.T I'ortiaii't.
CiT Hei.ii.iii Hates.
J. I. 1III.ES, Arcnl.
Salem. ABgnt.. 9 Wli.
J. SETTLEMIRE, 1 : : Prop-
A eholoo .'eleLiion of
Fruit, Shade, Omamer.tal and Niii-bcar-ing
Trees. ,
A'..o a choice teleetlun of Shrubbery
1 11 -up.
I'.n-toRiire aililre-s, AV'-o:lm:-ii.
Xo Person can take these Bit
ten according to directions, and remain
long unwell, provided their bones are not
destroyed by mineral poison or other means,
end the vital organs wasted beyond the
point or repair.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head
acne, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs. Tight
ness of the Chest, dizziness, hour Eructa
tions of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the
Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the
Heart, lunammatton of the Lungs, Pain in
the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred
other painful svmptoms, are the otIBprrngs
of Dyspepsia. In -these complaints it has
no equal, and one bottle will prove a better
guarantee of its merits than a lengthv ad
vertisement. For Female Complaints, in young
or old, married or single, at the dawn of
womauhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic
Bitters display so decided an influence that
a marked improvement is soon perceptible.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Bhtnmalirm and Gout, Dyspepsia or
Indigestion, bilious. Remittent and Inter
mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood. Liver,
Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have
been most successful. Such Diseases are
caused by Vitiated Blood, which is produced
by derangement of the Digestive Organs.
For (sill. in ViM-aM- , Eruptions, Tet
ter, Salt KJieura. Blotches. Spots, Pimples,
Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring worms,
Scald-Uead, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch,
Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors
end Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name
or nature, are literally dug up and carried
out of the system in a short time by the nse
ef these Bitters. One bottle in such cases
will convince the most incredulous of their
curative effects.
Druggists A Oen. Agts., San Francisco. Cat.,
Acer. Washington and Charlton Sta., N.Y.
llKleC.3 1 2
Incurable Case!
AftT t n tp rs' trial on this ("oat ling
rroTrin itsoif t'aa onJyc urntivi in ft tct&m hs
of diw.iscs pr tnoauccd bnudic&l ructiuou
en as incurable.
Dr.LeBishM'iC-tBEH EAL.AMKc.l
crf Ciancr first iin-i inmd npf f. Sojfrn
the Legs or IkKiy; 1t. ICyt . Now;. Art.;
Cpper-,,oi'red Bluti ha, 8yjhilitic C.tmrh,
Di.stui -1 SoTlp, an I all reinjury forma 1 1 the
disease know a aa bypliUift. 1 'nee, $ j H.r buW
tie, or two f -r $J.
Dr.L-jEicb.a's G3LCEN BALSAM II-?.2
rami Tertiary, Merrnrial, Bypl::lit: l:i.ri:nii
tism. rains in ths Bonis, Iiai ki f t), !. h, 11,
Ctil-ted Sore Throat, Syphilitic l.i sb, l umps
and Contracted Curds. tstifineM of tl.e,
and eradicatos all dis-as from 1LefyFtm,
-whether caused by iuil.Tetii n nr rl-iae of
mercury h-avlni; iho pure and .l.iiy.
Price, tj per bottle, or two for to.
tldote, for the Cure of GoiinorhM, Gleet. Irrf.
Ution, Gravel, and all Vrinary r Genital
disamntjements. Prior, $2.50 per bottle.
Joi-tion, a ash and injection frr severs esses
of (ionnorhi.B, Inflammiitory Glwt, Strictures,
and all diseases of the Kidusys and Bladder.
Price, $1. SO per bottle.
PILL3 for Seminal VialKiiew, Nii-l.t bniis
non. Impotency, and all din noi iruin freni
Matstnrhation sad nxressive sbuni s. Trice, $3
pfr bottle. The mi nine Goldkm Blsu is
put up only in r.' bottlt-s.
On re ipt of pri.-e, these m-di"n" will
li "nt to all pirts of the country, by expn ks
1 r 111.1l, -cur. It packed and free" from utiser
1 alien, taole Afleuts,
UTiolcnale and Retail Iru(ti!riFts mid 5r
Cili mii-ilH. S W. cor. Clay Sanmnue fymL
btn-cts, San Francisco, C. JZr y&k
Mavl7:dwlv ;
03 Ke-arny Street,
Corner Commercial St.,
Established In l!4, for the treatment of
Sexuai and Seminal lnseases -fitch a lii.noi
rlieii, lilect. sirl.-tiire. Syphilis in all its
form.. Seminal, lnitency, eic.
kln Ui-H-aei td' years.' Mandii ij and Ulcer
aicil Leg- succe'il"ui!y tretuexl.
(temiiiHl Wenkne-w.
Seminal cniislon llic c,.'ii"tH)ueuce of 6eil
iilitn. ThlK Military vice, ordepinveil scna I
iinliilirence, l-praciiccil by the youth of bolh
S4.'e loanalmoet unlimited extent, producing
with linerrinecortainty. the foliowtn-, ti-Hinot
inorlii.1 Hyiuptoiui., tin!efi.'c.onilated by eci
ont itic liKitu-al mea-nire', vl :
Sallow coiinli'iiaik-e. tlnrk cpfildtiiiiliirthe
eves, jiain In the he d, 1 iiili i.' In Hie cars
noise like the rilil.lnii ol leaves and i ii
tlina; of chaviots, lliiea-llie- ,-llMMit ttie
lotiiB. oonfiwl vi.-iou. blunted imeliivt,
loss of conli lence, iltlHdi'tice In appi',i,'k lun;
strtiiiirertMidl-liketot'onii ueivaciualiu.inces,
a dlsiitioii to -hun olety. lo- of niemori ,
hectic ivart iisi'roiii.ii-.-iiit the
l:u-e. furred tongue, fetid breal li. coughs cou
suinptlon, night i.ueAUi, mouoniauUt and irc
ipient lnsanitv. If relr-f Ihj not olHatnpil,
I lie sufferer should applylramediatelv. In iter
son or bv letter, and have a cure e..ed bv
his new and selentillc uni ie of irentlnp this
dlseiiw. which never lalltol eirivtlnj;a iiik;h
nml railkal cure. I r. U. will itivennc linn
dred dollars to any jierson who will prove
satisfactorily to him that tie was cured Willis
cm plaint by either 01 ihe San Kran.-lSMO
t'ureil at Home,
I'..,- ,,s ul fi .llstnii..,, ni'iv tu I'T'TtVll I 'I
lloMb. by aldreslni; a letter to lr. Inldn,... !
st.'tlln.' cum?, "MiiiHoins. lenirth ofilnie ihe di- .
vane lia.coutlmiel,and liavemwliclne pr..iii.
Ivlonvardeil, free fromilamaeandciirlori ,
iii any part nf tlie country, with full ai..!
plain illrucltnns tor u-e.
I'eiiwns wrltins: to .hu Iloctor will please
st.Ue the name ol the ier they haw this ad
vertisement In.
By tnclosinii 110 coin. 111 realstere'l letter
through tlie Tost OlUce, orlhroiijfh Wells, Kr
S" .1 I n, a l-A-k.Mieof medicine will be loi
wanlcrt to any part of Ihe Union.
All corre-vondence strlctlv conlldential.
Address lilt. J. F. ;illlt"()N, 6i3 Kearnv
slreet, San Francisco. I'onUiilice Bo i.9j7.
KeblU deotilwly
hum iz
Mutual Insurance Company.
C A P I T L , SI ,000,000 !
MOTCS II. RrniVUTO Pmldenl
WF4. II. HOU AKI Vice Pre-aMent
IIAHf. It. MOKV -.eeretnry
M. I.n .VI arine Verretitry
II. II. itlUE4W....leiierKl.1IanitKvr
P. WsnstmaB, B. UoMainltta,
'. H. "Upwla. I. M iwleajr,
Joyd Brooks.
Nlin L F.Uro-rer
nllei D. M. Frvneh
Albnny S. A. "rsiwfor,l
Iwlsten J. lyowenbern;
Uenemil Ay-eat, Portlnnd.
Aveot at Hnlem.
OE0. H. JOM3.
Opera House EMocIi,
KA-E-VI, - - - CUtMi-
Attention f to the fol
lonfnc ieTfH ai Proprrtrjr
.V. .'10.
M f acres 4 nii'es Kat of sa'em.
t"LF1."Bru:k honse, fire Irsmebaru, gooil
.r.-h:ird-HKi acred iitfn!tt a irtu ba.anoe pas
' lire and timlwr price K0.
ELEVE.V AM) IIAI.r m-re t mf Enrt
T Sa em. i-axkll bons. fine .li for (arleiiiii
j'l-loe $1,U(X.
tb atB d a.rrs 2 miles xitrili of Si'verion.
3 tp House au.l liai'ii. i-m I orcliar.i,
?iki acres umfcr lenee. 50a.rrcs In cii'tivHlion,
well watercsl. i'i ice W.-'iOa
i A acres 3 mites V. E.
of Sn'eni, flue itn-
Mr provemeuts. at 1 1 in -i;ltia;i ni,
I'ricc tl. 'ni.
240 n
aor- fi m t, v. K. sf Sa'em anil
mi ,-o oh of V!iea .t.i'i. a
nl t'ne (.. fi.-i" 'I Mil i o aim ivel. Im
lirovc.l. Price -7jr".
ie 7 miles cist rf imltv.
Marlmi iroimtv. csi I farm well
unprove! with fnieorchnnl, 27 .-its of grain
-own. loo acres tn gi coulvalkoii, well
wniereiL rich soil. I'i ice :i,eou.
tTm M g a ncni 5 mi les nnrt h el SnbTimity,
H-:t. W Finall bouse.
go., I i.rchnni.
acrub tinik-s feiK-e.
I-Yice l,iOo.
1 f acres 4 inilen oat nl Siilillmlty.
a W lioue ami kirn, orchard, gofiil
ivn'i'V atl'l gisst on.-Ule iiii for sio.-k, ort'er
e i ai a lurgaiii. tl.ii.sJ.
n- X; iri
1.1.1 .1 re- Ir of '-nliilinity ;
, t iciilioii, Uoii.e and well naeretl
V.'.l.1 If.
bat .1. All ifl .or ir i
w i ii tine --j.i-i..j-. I. ,.
r S io-ie- r l.ii'e- ii-ish of Sa'cni on
Syl i lie si.ue rl lie I. anl
U.lliili otviuii.i
i ;.-li sol; liir I'a.-
till tlt'lili'c
i Muall :
. l;.nner. I'l'k:e,
. ni'.; aisi
X 1 , ,ft I V I .. -
ii ii
i one in 't oi
prioi i f) lo
9 the c.jiin b.-ii-e ; ri.-
.)' 'i jruciv.
a i 9 .vn-, I'i i e-
"Bb iv-.r.:- tran'.e. ,
line limlier, goisl mum,.
pri,:e, Ji M per acre.
iH-t ..r ;n.ii". It
:i U.n,-el, luo acies
: ma er lor t.tis.k ;
f a,-res on King's Prairie, in Linn
Kill Co., Oil acres in .-iilllia ion. p.xl
'lrchar'l. house aii'l lmrn. an 1 p'a.t well Im
irovel. a I fenced ami well a.eie.l; price
i.W0, a largiiiii.
acreoii Kirs; s I'raine. nne notice antt
bum ami gnod iniiroveiaenit ; price.
f) J A acres, 9 miles ca-t of S, io, I.tnn Co.,
V 4a a.-resin cultivation, house and liarn,
i-mall orclianl, well waiered; price, r.",000.
O 1 acres 7 mi'eseast of SaVro. splendid
tj 1 I house an. I Imni. rood orclianl, aliini
. lance of small fruit, gnrnl sprinit nt the house
and pienly of stivk water. 200 a. re- gol plow
'and, fioai-rps ol tine timothy nuailnv; price,
"Cv'iOo. A rare larguln.
1 1 Qarres 7 miles eat of Salem, 2i0
- lO ojieii land. Itu acres m vtiltlvailon, 2
orchards, plenty of small triti: ; goisl spring
water lor stuck ; price. t".ix0.
' -V 'RKS onedialf mile son; b of R. li.
tJI'-Sr depot nt fNiVm; well nt.e I lor gtir
tciimy; juice fiO jier acre.
a f if AUKES four miles m.r.h of P.ilem;
1 WJ' Miiall Imjiroveinonls : laud well
located, awl some tine ilinlier; price ilO per
I -f k.CltES in Polk oonnty, li nilles w
I IVr of Sa'em; Improvements good; 30
acre-' in en!l!va:i"ii ; price f.'.OOU.
TLC Al'r;Es7 nii'e" south of Salem ; all
(3t3W tin ier fence : c""-l barn and houm
.-'nsl'lei-ab.e improvement; price fll per
vre, in iiiiautitle to suit purchasers.
1 -fl f ArKESfiml'esnortlnvestofSalem;
tb bio a.-res in cultlva:ion ; iroml
tanjre. well waU'tred and gooil orchard; prk-e
tit Ier
-g tr ACRES ehih: ml'e smith ofpalem,
JL 3 w on the sta.-e road. 41 acre" under
eulllvatlon ; nearly all muk-r fence: onbnary
h'Hise and barn ; gortt voutog orchard ; price
l,2i). .
Qf ACRE? one mile south-west of -r
lem. In Polk county. All under
fciu-e; 20 acres In cultlvntlon; small house
and liarn ; gooil yonne orclianl : very desira
b'e location for' ganlenlng imrposcs; price
OT.tA4. li!kk 4. Kobert's addition
i t i a ine bouse and smail barn. Price $100
" fT 2 tn h'ock i7. house anil barn
veil OnUhed. Pride $1.100.
T OT S, b!i:k 81. house and other improve-
. 1
I ineiiit. Price fWO a liargaln.
L3Wr t feel
, f.-et
of Ht.y-k No. 1-5
C5 4 J- I U : comer Jones' addi
tion to Sii lem, with house and iuipmvenieuls ;
price, $7oo.
f OT 4. llbvk Ti, city of xilem. line house,
Li well fiuisbed, near ilu C. P. Church;
price, $3,500.
HOUSE and balfblock In Jones' addlllon;
H story house web Unified and groiindu
well lmproveil ; prU-e
OTSSand 9. block 4, Ree ls' a Idltlon, va
4 cant and fine loca'ion ; price $150,
OUSEand 11 lots In Robert's addition;
.'V.wiliu L ,v. J1IH.1C, jJI ICC fldllO.
1 ITS S and 0, blo,-k Si. on Church street
d vacant; price $oti.
P IXITS In Alliani , hear the court bou--n
-as -jirice $i00 ; Inquire of Thomas Monleiili.
HOUSE and lot on Frout street, near bns-iue-is
rxirt of the c.ln ; now occuiiie.1 by
Mrs. J. I., .starkey ; prU-e $'luo.
rptt KentinK and I-n-slriK or nil
A kinds of property, olleaion of Claim-.
Conveyancing, Ac,, will receive prouu at
For further informal inn address,
Snlem. Oregon.
.JlIMt JiCCOlVI'tl
A Splendid Assortment of
Ladies' Fashionable Dress Goods,
Consisting In rt of
Blnrk and t'olor4 Mlka,
Irish sad frcnefe Poplins,
J.pMifa. Ktlka,
I-npma Ith,
B'ack and Colore.! A'caN Motialr Itro
cals Tycoon Reps, lxlaiia, Ac
Axao-. t
A Full awl Complete Assortment o
Ladies' and Misses' Underwear.
Hosiery, Cloves, Ac, Ac.
8e. -M. 187-i:3m.
.workingeople. or either sex. vou?
ol I, make more money at work for 11's in tbelr
pir moments, or all the time, than at any.
ihing else. Partioclars free. AiWress
Vov.l.t'-w P-TUand, Maine.
cial m cleanng the voice before SK akirR or
nnRiriR. and relieving the throat after any
exertion of the vocal nrcana pn. v!.i '
and Cokls tho ThUwt.touh''