The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, November 19, 1872, Page 2, Image 2

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, ijjuua exro.
W miW Ceii ; frwdenjd It itfe
flinamottm Stat would etw learn
that they, quits It much U anyWdy
'eUe, tUnd in tl light ot Ihelr $v
best tuteretts. We tow d then
tnet rtk HM who Meats to thorough-
Jy ttndetaUttt UU, but Ven be ucks
"tn txtttftge t act at once upon hj
tonVkMonaV, be he hw njr .
I doubts xTectncMotMs views
,but Wa'uW of WMrtffense " dtflktttty
whUk tie httewist wnccmntCT, 4h
the et Wcta Vk twaets
wkb WW to ucAi an extent as be of
. V . W JW I. .... -
taet wltliVVafr lntelllgeitt tttmor of
Polk county who wa depltfrtng the
,artAeM prtrer Indlvldaaltry of
the JkW-l&io. toul Uck ot
.'Intercourse hd mutuality Inter
' eata, notwtthftandlng the fact that
ihey mf tt Stand or fall together as a
claw. He Uought ofrritlng some
rtJcles to tanners, Wr the Statks
v HAN and we uureseTvedly pledged
! Vnthextse wtamu. for that
purpose, assurtng Wtn that ourAillwt
sympathies largest InteresU were
with the trodudi!g and laboring
classes; yet, we bare not since beard
tram bhn. We suppose be was dls
coamged before lie began hU task.
ThU Instance was Identical In It
malu. features "with" a doaen or more
with whkh we have met.
tow Inat the winter Is upon to
tha ftrmers' leisure season, why should
not the tanners of ttata valley who
appreciate the Yttue of associated ac
tion, nuke an effort to organize their
neighbors Into cftu? We beg leave
to suggest that tliere might be one
or more clubs organized in each
county or convenient district, with
stated meetings and discussions upon
lire subjects. These clubs should es
tablish souse easy means of commu
nication with each other by delegates
to visit each other or to meet occa
sionally in general convention for
consultation, and mutual advice. By
being . persistent in these organiza
tions in a year or two the association
of the fanners of the entire valley up
on all general mutual interest,
would be easy. The utility of it can
require no argument. There are few
farmers who know so much, but tluit
they can learn much ot their nelgli
bon, even In the modes and means
ot farming- But tlie paramount good
to arise from such an association,
would consist in tlie power which it
would rive the farmers over the mar
kets. Let the farmers understand one
another and stand together, and the
speculator will stand stripped of the
advantage which he now uses so incr
cilewly The -buyer bow goes into
the market and takes the farmer up
on the hip, becanse tbe latter is un
prepared for the contest. The buyer
knows every feature ot the foreign
markets all about the crops, the coiu
pirative yield, the toul amount
wanted, the quantity surplus or to be
aupplied, where there Is demand and
where supply, cost of transportation,
etc There are few farmers who know
about these things. How then should
they be equal in the contest with the
speculators? It is Impossible. The
firmer can only protect himself by
making himself tbe equal in tlie
knowledge of these things, of tlie
buyer. ThU can be quickest and
moat thoronsrhlv done in some such
7 w
way as we have above suggested.
The total losses by the Boston tire
do not probably exceed $90,000,000.
The district burned over was not
more than about 70 acres. The num
ber! families burned out are inconsid
erable compared with most of the
great fires that have occurred ; and we
are informed by telegraph that there
will be but little suffering or destitu
tion. All this compares with the
Chicago fire as follows :
At the great tire In Chicago, October
8, 1671 ,: tlie total area burned over, in
cluding streets, was 2,121 acres, or
nearly three and a half square miles.
This area contained 73 mile of streets
ftul 17,450 buildings. The hwses by
this flre were :
Improvements (building, et-.
Produce, eu
Oi htir bonlue" projierty
Personal effecU...
Mlaoella neons
' Grand total
.. 13.S..0
. t,4 10,1109
. SS.7 10.000
At the late election in Idaho, the
Republicans elected one member of
the Legislature in Ada county. Tlie
Democrat-elected tlie rest of tlie
ticket. In Boise county the Republi
cans elected tlteir members of the
Legislature and probably their Sheriff.
In Owyhee eounty, the Republicans
elected a member ot the Legislature,
and several of the county officers. In
general, the Democrats were successful
on local ttikeU, and elected Ilalley to
Congress by at least 700 majority.
The Wtlla Walla Union Is disposed
to be cheerful under crushing defeat.
It says after recounting some of il
Democratic successes In Walla Walla
county: ' AH things considered we
have no cause to complain, and teel
that we are gradually crawling up on
tbe Democracy. We beat them for
some offices and scared them terribly
for the otliers." This seems to us a
good deal like trying to get np a sweat
in a snow-bank. '
The centre ot Uie leatlier, hide aud
wool trade of our continent is Boston.
The great warehouses where were
stored.. Qiese i,, articles, v togetlior with
boots, shoes aud clothing, were la the
district destroyed. It Is estimated that
sixty percent, of the personal property
b'jrned Is In goods of this description.
Tbe telegraph Informs us that all these
line ot goods bare advanced, since the
flre, very considerable per cent.
:, Tbe Itoseburg Plalmlealer lias sense
enough to eschew politics in its last
Issue. Mosber don't see anything to
talk about. lie, evidently, Is not
quite so sure as some of the younger
Democratic editors are, tliat tliere is
any Democratic party to make a fuss
;,bouM -'--- '
Tbe call of the Republican City
Committee, for a Republican conven
tion to make nominations for the sev
eral dty offices to be filled at the mu
nicipal election, Monday, Dec. 2d,
will be found elsewhere in this morn
togs Statesman. Let Republicans ex
amine &.'"- r ' -
-. Flfteea vewela are reorted now on
the ay u Oregon from foreign poit.
Flv of these are from EuglUh jiorts.
Six are from Chinese or Jnpanese
ports. The others are from Ilonolui
Australia,'8vutli America, etc.
X' ".',' :. ' f -" .
' Tbe 'reVOrr 'from Idnlio twie 'h'
Joh't Haiiey, fJrw.ncratic t ,t;..atc 1"f
L'I Vi,''" " '...'-! w ; I ; .
a . out seven Iv. . - - ' .
Nov. 5, a long memoranda which ap
pears to be debris dug up In the office
ot tbe late Secretary" ot tbe National
Liberal Committe. We trust that we
do not need to remind our Oregon
readers that "the late Secretary" is no
less than our own "J. W. Jasper
Johnsons!." The document it auems
to be a letter to somebody written al
ter the October " elections -details tbe
quarrels, squabbles. Jealousies and in
efficiencies which had racked the brain
and shattered the nerves of tbe "great
leaders" at tbe lieadquarters, and then
goes on at great length to state tlie
situation as it then presented itself to
the comprehensive mind of our Jasper,
'tho late Secretary." We must give
our Jasper the credit ot saying thst
be forecast the result very much as we
liave seen it worked out. The general
tenor of it was "the jig is up." He
enumerates State alter Mate as against
Greeley, that the Tribune claimed
"dead sure." The letter is pithy,
personal, pungent, and spiced with a
sort of grim humor which must have
been excessively amusing at "head
quarters." It acknowledges, all the
way through that the "Democrats
won't vote for Greeley." Here are a
tew extracts :
"Fenton, with greater elements of powtr,
s lesn, spur Caanius that thinks too much,
smells defeat afar off, and has left the ship
to steer itaelf."
"It's no use. Our causa is hopeleaaly lent
lost through Ptty suites, and unlearn and
jealousies, and intmcieucy and fully, if not
ue corruption our own people.
"Carl bchurc and Bill Orosrcnor creatiT
injured the cause of liberty when thT made
it impoaaible - tor us to nominate Orati
llrown, who would bare been elected, and
made a lire, reliable, and worthy Fren-
Nevada has mines : and miners who are
Democrats are noted lor Bourbonism. and
the Bourbuna are notoriously against u :
and with tlie Facdic Railroad against us
we must expect to lose .Meraaa.
"If we hope to carry New Hampshire
because it is tfrueley'a native. State, we are
tools. '
In New Jersey we hsdasauabbls be
tween James M. Bcovilleand his friends
and Gen. Kil pa trick and his friends, aad
the teud cot so biK'that it seriously injured
our cause. Many people complained of
Scoville being on the Executive Commit
tee, and pour, silly, weakly, half-idiotic
lilliputian flippinsnsppers, with souls no
larger than a babe's rattlt-box puny pup
pet mat ruo against genuemen to give
them dignity called Jim pet names, no
matter what, and tried to get up by pulling
Jim down ; but the b'hoTs stiffened Jim's
"Oregon, my noble, energetio, growing
utue otate i wisn l could hope to carry it,
out h wuuiu De noping auainst nop", i
Know the elements of Oregon, and I know
my friends do not write encouragingly."
"We hare a fair maioritv of the DeoDlS.
and loee this time becase our leadnrs are
either knaves or fooli and our people are
disorganised sud scattered abroad."
niui uie nineai esteem ana consiaers
tion for you, Colonel, and a grand disgust
for the author of our ruin, I am, my dear
Sir, truly yours."
From all which it plainly appears
that "the late Secretary." our J. W.
Ja.pcr J., is demoralized and disgusted
to about the last degree, with tbe re
conciliation, amnesty, reform coali
tion ; and that he. as well ns that
honest man, Horace Greeley, is ready
to let the "bloody chasm go to the
' General Grant has been the worst
abused man iu the nation. He has re
mained silent, knowing that falsehood
would convict Itself. Without a word
from his lis, 'the loyal millions have
vindicated his private and official char'
acter. He stands to-day higher in the
popular estimation than ever beore,
The Oregon City Enterprise is yet
uniler the impression that there is
still a Democrat party iu existence.
The lesson of the late election appears
to httve been too great for the Enter
prise man. He evidently can't learn
anything except In a small way.
A San Franci co paper says there is
not a fire-proof building iu )hat city
We do not believe tliere is one in Ore
gon. Tenants are charged enormous
rents all becau-e the buildings are
called " fire-prooi." It is one of the
stupendous frauds of the day.
Chan Lai Sun. the Chinese Imperial
Commissioner of Education, together
with his wife, joined the South Con
gregational Church, in Springfield,
Mass., Nov. 3d.
The latest Liverpool quotation for
wheat U 12 Cd for ordinary, aud 13s
for club.
Now comes the La Grande Sentinel.
a Greeley paper, and bertow pity"
upon tho! n. i j;iiidi d men, Cim.
O'Conor find Brick Pomeroy. Keaily,
if tliis' thing go.-s on, we -liall liave ot
l.i ugh "right eont."
The Li Grande Sentinel viy tbat
Judge L. O. Sterns voted for Greeley,
having "cut loose from the Radical
party." Well, who cares? The judge
was always a little loose.
The Porthnd Commercial articles of
yesterday report a decreased demand
for coin for the interior to move the
crops. Remittances are also reported
It is said that Asodate .TuHice Nel
son will probably never again he able
to resume his sent en the United States
Siijut m'j Boiifh.
l:is. H. tiater. of La Grand, has
gone to Washington to draw his per
diem and mileage.
THE Ka.e"riO.H IS OHMiO.
Gmnt 77; Greeley 439; O'Conor 63.
Grouts plurality 133.
Gr.iut is reported to have a plurality
of 15.
Grant 1.831 ; Gnwley 912 ; O'Conor
19. Grant's plurality Old.
Grant 547; Greeley 339. Grant's
majority ls9.
Three precincts reported give Grant
77; Greeley 19; O'Conor 14. The
ve wss very light, tlie O'Conor
Democrats being the only ones who
nonnested any activity.
Grant 943, Greehiv 861. Grsntsma
jority, 82. O'Conor received 3 votes
at Hnlsey, 6 at Harrl&burg, S at Scio,
1 at Orleans and 7 at Albany Toul.
The following is a table of official
and reported majorities In tlie counties
lieard from :
Clackamas ,
Lane i. ..
Marion-, r;.......
Multnomah., . ..
1 anthill
Grant. Orttltg.
. ... SO
. til
. 126
... 265
... 23
.'.'. io
... 34
... 87
... 825
... 150
... 68
... 190
v Grant's net majority.. 3,J0i
An eastern man wrote to the editor
if a vv aldington Territory paper for
..formation. 11. id aked what kind o
niws tlw pwj-.V live In in VVahin
Wti Terrlrory. He was Informed that
t imn wei bit . al' t.-of or
,....- thi the
. ....v .1. . ti.e toor's.
We ftnd in ttfc New York Times ot
From Daily vf A'of u-c'aj, Xiv. 16 .
Mr. DraT bad his pocket picked of $100,
gold eoin, at La Grande last woek.
A Mttle daaehter of 3trs. Jaeper, who re
sides st Union, Union county, was scalded so
serertly last wees, that in a cay or two soe
tail week a Sir. Patrick, while working
In Red Quleh, r'ker eounty, met with a se-
rera accident from tbe caving 01 a Dana, Dy
which both bones of the right leg were
The Oregonian says: An old gentleman
named Wianlow, who hts in Oregon but
wu on a visit to Waahimrton Territory,
walked sixty miles to reach a Tutisc; plaoe
wtiere be could cast a tallot for Ursat.
The prospectus of the Newport C'lCo.
has recently boen plaotd in the London
money market. The Company pmcoees a
capital of !1,000,COO, half in r-nferonce
shares of HO each, for which sut icrivtiocs
are invited. The object ih to purcliafe a
eoal proprty at Coos Bar. in Oregon. The
price to be paid is Ii00,d00 cash and $S0O,
uOO in ordinary shares.
Albany quotations were ss followa, yes
terday: Dealers am paving 34c ir dozen
for eggs. Freah roll butter stiff at 30c per
ponnd. Wheat is legal tendor at 50c per
Albany wrjl have a municipal election on
the Sd Monday of December.
A special term of the Circuit Crrort will
be held in Linn eounty, Dec. 10th.
Father Herman is organizing Oood Tem
plar Lodges is Eastern Oregon.
From Daily of Sunti-ry .Vor. 17.
Tbe colored citizens of Fort'apd nn
to jubilate over the re-eli etion of twral
Grant, with a grand torch light irocscKn
urxi wrea.
Rv. Oeorse H. Atliinsor.. D. D.. uitir
of tho Congregational Church, in I'ortiaad.
dim ixen appointed ty tne Ainencan iiome
Misionary Soriety as missionary at large
for tbe State and adjacent Territories.
A number of colored men in Portlnurt
have resolved to form a military company.
Two sons tf the law H'm. Dirdr.r.T of
Torttand. have gone to Callacft l'ero. v u-
ter too survtce o: iiirrv Jie-g, tne Iiil
road King.
The Imperial Fire Ir.iotaiicc Coni'iiny,
which is Jvfrud m the Siatijiman, lit
only fiOO.OOO in the l ostcn lire.
Mr. M. D. Merrick lias for.e to California
cn business connected with the Chtmpioas
of tbe fiod Cross.
John Mortimer Murphy is gathering sta
tistics in Lattern Oregon lor MeCornuca'e
Bute Directory.
The steamship John L. 3'phfan w!ti
from Ban Francisco yettrrday, lor Portland.
Vic Trevitt has goreJ San rYanc:.9co.
Tillamook EiyiU s are now raising oy.Wrs
from artificial beJs.
The ladies of Corvalhs are preparing a
beautiful flag to be prtented totLe hrctnn
ot tuat place.
The bad weather of the lS3t few dxj baa
s. riontly interfered with the work cn the
Locks and Luna) at L'n goL City.
V.'orkonthe Albany and Santiam Cktchc
is s&U prTcss::i( wit.i vigor, and will be
pushed furward until it in completed milt sa
me nuavr raiiin anvuiu cause ae CiinuaBj
to overflow iu Liai, is now bOC 1lS
of ditch finishci, and 1,250 feet dug tu the
depth of eight feet.
Last wdek, a large amount of frtudt
pused over the railroad for lite aiuutih
ladian KeEervation.
The Plaindealer sa- j : From Mr.
Moore, who left Linkviile on the b,h. we
Kara that as yet there liu been very little
now, and tnat the stock aru fat and "iu hxn
condition. ulnin-3s genera!!? is brisk.
Tne new Land o3ice hid coinuionecd bonir
ness. Grant bad a majority of about twen
ty in that precinct.
Win. Cannon his sold his interest i th
suge line between Corvallu and Albany Ui
Sol King.
The Corvallis Gazette is trettinc ut aa
almanac for 1873.
Last Eunday, says tho ria:.cdea!er. a
heavy land-shoe occurred on the lace liill.
about four mils north of Oakland, in
Quinn's cat. Tho earth still continue to
slide and tbe mud is so tine that it is te
moved with difficulty. A large force is at
work, which will ii continued until the
track is cleared. At prtS'.nt the passenger
train is met ci tho ehue by theronniruction.
train, which brmgs tho paits- ngers aul
mails to Kosebarg.
From D'jiiy of Tiittday 2i'vo. Vi.
The Albany city election comes off De
cember 2d.
A special term of the Circuit Court lor
Linn county begins on the ICih of Decem
ber. There art now three male teachers and
two female teachers in tne Ongon City
John Burnett husbocn appointed City At
torney of Corvailie.
One sleigh turned on! in M:Mmnviilelaat
week, on tne aj'pearencii of tae snow.
The sfe-anier Albany, cn hex trip to Ccr
valiis Un week mot with ai: accid tit to her
machinery which nt-o saitaud tier laying up
at Fairfield for rupairs.
The Bt- Paul 1'nss of the "ih in... puts
Oregon down among tlie Suv a that nave
"gone for Greel' y." oiie has "pone for"
him in away tact hi don't admire.
It is reported that owing to the ui.s- ttlud
condition cf the track bt Emit, liill,
six miles this side of Oakland, pan' r.ger
trains will only run to that point t::is win
Hr. Pilbean, of Yariuina K17, duriug trie
season juet clostd, catipiit b.-iwet.:t i.C-OO
and 4,0tX) salmon. H-j ctpttiTed ovt r three
tons in one niUt. TM: salmon t.aon is
only t-f three LtK3 duration.
A couple of IVnton county famr rs have
raised tnis year vi-n ton of hfyt on mi:e
acres, one-half of that an a only produeing
half a crop. The tstimatetl vahie of the
hops is $8,000.
All houses in Olympia liave
Tbe tug-Vjat Black Diarrsvnd is at Olym
pia. A blind prof.vsor of muxic is t. aching at
towns on the Sound.
If. O. Btrnve hfca entfrcd upoa his duties
ae Hecretary of the Territory.
The San Juan v ttl';r will hav 1 jubilee
when the ielir.d u liaaikd ever t- Uncle
A wagtn liid 1 f apples ak.d .il ali 11: jht
on the stretts of Oiympia, and wre it
stolen ; they were severtiy tasted, tiiough,
tbe Courier sayd.
George Copnc, thr Olympia mail curri-r.
was saviipely attached by "a man naun d Ma
graw, at Hodgdtn's, a few days ao. H i
recoverini; from his wounds Jtagraw has
not yet been arrested.
Seattle Bhocld be ashamed of some of its
people if the Dispatch is correct in saying
this : "Bin, in its most revolting forma,
stalks rampant through the streets in op b
day, and d eency and good order are appar
ently forgotten."
l our hundred bead of sheep were shipped
from Olympia for Victoria last weli. Xney
wrre raised in Oregon and driven from this
Bute by Mr. Jackson. Manv of them were
ef the Southdown breed, and all were in ex
cellent condition.
An Episcopal Church is about to be
f reeled st Deer Lodge. It is to be cslled
"Bt. James," after 3t. James Church, Buta
via. New lork, wliich contributed $1,000 to
build it, and is to be a memorial of the
Her. Morelle Fowler, formerly Ecotor of
St. James, Brtavia more Utterly s mis
sionary in Montana and who with bis wife
and three children perishtd about two years
since on the Hudson River Kmlroad. The
Rev. Mr. 8tov, formerly of Portland, ex.
pects $1,500 help from "the East to build
with, and has opened a subscription at Deer
Lodpe With a VIAW nf raiatno 0. V1 wnr.wm
snd has slresdy s jcured over 1.SC0 of this
The E3eeUvn.Beporiei jsisorltlee.
The W.ishtiigton Territory papers
trive the following tsnle of mnjorities
for Garflelde nnd ML'Fadden. respec
tively :
Uirfiel'U. M'Fculden.
Cowlitz ,
Island . .
Jefferson. . . .
tutaap .... .
Bkamasia . . .
tiuohomish. .
Walla W alla
SfcFaditn's net majority 831
Here w have a good eiample of
Ftench wit: "A' doctor, like every-
oiy else r rh' ' aoii. went out for
t ilars j ort. si .nnp'aii ed of bav
iig klllexl -otbi. g. I t's tl-ecnnse-'irrup
a." I , ' -e-' yrur llisi
ne.,' objtrveM wife.''
As Bfimrm corne anit ticaons go
We mark ttieir pagem tluiii
rlrpt omiIk, thn eaiaite. trmiiige. enew.
And so the ove'es round and grow,
And maik their sum on us.
Ay, at! the !g that hove flown
Since Aciain saw the un,
Bave 'ai'l their impren o.i our own.
And we when liable are fulinrgroww
1 ban he when life etiiea done.
And horn Into an older world,
A philosophic ra.,
We hnvc Tim.', .-.111...1-,,.. . r T l
Kent Earthnreen veil wilh tears impearfel, ,
VVe say thtve wrlnk'es represent
-tans of ne gnre;
nd In our wtti ra self-content.
Proclaim h w vaia rrtt anil rent
Are birthdays stamiwd In stone.
And lm! tra.;in(t ha. k the growth
Of his terriicuenn fnliere-
1 It forye'fiilivew it ninth
That mKe' u ypar'y row more loth
1 o count our birth day here.
Ah, no! In ymh ve pprare to greet
Each hirthdav as it came.
rtntll n-a nrl'y c mple'e
Tfears teemed to run i'h flvir.g feet
Aud bear a cross of Came.
We fed not, whl'e tresh feasono pass
Their fnotstenx 'n nnr brow.
Vntl' iHvne clear, nnfla'ierlng p and
l'.e'ea'ihe wrji k. whtoh.
Are furrowe,! bv their plow.
Anil a fhee rurrows im!lca-e.
The thrr- of srnfs or putn.
The heart that i vnu'h e'ate.
In age bends Ve uh ion( a l a weight
Iu lilrth'tays io su-tain.
What marve' vt pam m'-mnifutly
Hfmnihian.e of cart.
Epochs of m i'Hl.i'i v.
Of iia' K'lne, utrlfe. orfigciiy.
If such ot;r bir' Inlay were:
OVlll Tin: HAY.
A h "me over the wv
F ow.-r b'i"mi"g I'tivrhtty,
S ni-ing, nd-ltnc lihily,
Win 'n.-1 flititiir
Whl e a id nw about;
Brlglii Is e mi'inK.
Sm'l i'lmfll inu lit a:.d otit,
I. w-vri,s"I pii'irlrg.
Hipp ing 'fl:igh'er,
P 'a-a:ii wor ii.
Ri mi mbcred lora, long af er.
5i;ri-l,ine orr tv bav.
A'i I a (ttiumr p a ipei',
Tb sity.i'g 11.- 'h.-ii:
Tones 1.0 i.ole 111 a tne?.
Tiie.'i nigtu r.vcr ihe "'fly,
A huitt and awe In tbe dawn,
wwe: i.-ivu i;o mine 'm"Hg itie iaies.
L:g;u i ''i !i" m.iiv on tile lawn.
I ay dle.ll'. tonight,
A floi:' .je ! on i c wsy;
Spiik 'ow In tl.e rornlng,
I'eathV over tte wav.
W f:VIJM KI I .1J :i.
All unprt-crdtnti 'tonn-noieritl all
of, r tt.- rintry.
We do not n-meiTiber any siit'l
weather in tlie tiv-t bait' of November,
in the lint iweiitv yc-ir. hi Orejfon,
we linn troin Mnfl:iv the 11th. to
Tlitirlnv the Uth. ini-ln-ive. Our 111
torinatinii t t the etlett f iiat the storm
prevailed nil up and down the Pacitii
i-oast. ai.rt a corresponding storm win
cold wea flier oati'-mliii the Eastern
Strifes Hiid aero;-: the Atlantic. Tin
ftillowii g lisp:itcbi'S and notes of the
weather will bow 'oinethiirg of tin
extol. t and -ievt-rity.ot tlie storm.
Victoiia. 13. Tliermometor last
liiglit four degrees below freezing, and
colli iiit'reii--ti.g every hour.
L05 AnV'I.K. 13. For the ps" few
dHy the veidf!it of I.o Angeles ami
vicinity have experienced very cold
Fokti am. Ogn.. 15. TheO. 8. X.
("o.V telegraph line was down 3'estet
day between Portland snd the Ihille.
catt-eti by tlie rough weather and snow
in Uie mountains.
Mr. Qiih-k tf Tiihimnok informs the
BtilVfiu tliat wluti be crrnse-d thi
Ort Hang into Moore's Valley,
Yamhiil, ia feunilar, tne snow wa-
one fnof deop.
TlK- Oresronian of tne loth sav
flnw still liiiger-! on the street, al
though the temperature rose pel'ceptV
lily yet'rd:iy. There w-as a slight
thaw about nnon yestirdav, 1 tit a
cold, uiltlng. tiorincast wind soon
can il tlie fS-riiioiiieter to fall. This
instrument s follows ye.-'teniay.
7 A. M., 30 ; i v. M.. : 8 V. M , 32 .
From tiarfies ra-t vt the lTioniitaiii-1.
we learn th:it snow at Walla Wallw
a 1 id Walhila. U edne-d.iy evening, bad
fallen to tlie dentli ot tnnrteeii inches
Tiie weather wa very cold at that
place, with l ilt little indications of a
At the I:ille and vicinity, tbe snow
ws cix or -t ven inches deep. Tin
opinion of the "oldeJt inlialntants' 11
that section i- that ll;e mitor wiutu
will be f 11 in ual length and severity.
Salt Lake City, 11. A fearhi
siraw storm is prevailing in Littlt
Cottonwood milling district.
Bisfiov, Me.. Nov. 13. A heavy
gale cotnne; o i! lure last evenlni;
aid rngi d (l,roti lionr the iiuht will
treat fury 1 be -1 hooiier heraph wa
iiiown a bore. It is report-d that twi
rlirf others are a-hoie below.
lX)MON'. J'nv. 13. The heavt
ga!o on the IJriti-h coa-t yesterdaj
i-m ed the wrei k ot many vessels, in
finding tbe bark- Lirte and lliawa
thn. fifty livr knowri to be lo-t
A" I ii 1 iiin'nt t will ! i, l-r- a-ed by re
port- ot additi:' di-11 fer-.
The gale last night wa excedingl'
H Vere 0:1 the I't n -ian coa-r, at Stta
sand Twelve ves-els were su ik ii
tlie barboi . The town was inundated.
and while the storm was at Its height
a lire broke out among the. war.
houses, which spread rapidly anil i
still tairning. Several lives are re
ported Iot and many iersons injured
One inch 'jnare is the lsrre5t ad
missible center tor a lace handker
chief. Ornamental, but hardly tt-efn
Tlie war between Mack and whiti
welt-ties for full dress cniitiinies ti
rat'e. the whites having rather the bet
The milder form of classic music i
the rage ju-t row, and the ' Liede
"hue W orie" are practici d as:iluoti
The iiew Htissia leather lielt-bae
wim by isdtes are considered hy tin
(ickpnckt-t in the light of a "sjucin
t iie poi.derm-' opera -glasses
.vetity year- i:.w again eome int
t'asbWm. -it;er.ssi;g the delicate lor;
:ii'ttes we hare been used fo.
Candy-pn'ls' have litly bee
idoptetj by Xew York lionesses i
search ot a new eual ion in tlK w.n
of enlertaiiiiiK'nt. The idea isce.rtah.
ly a novel one for New York.
At tlie most fashionable dancim
parties thl winter rhe -arit will b
taken tip and tlie floors waxed.- Dm
tors have declared that the lint whlel
irises from linen ilancing-cloths 1
verv iniurioiis, snd socieft l,ns madi
up its mind not to breathe napkins nn.
table-cloths in a gaseous form ant
A Fox Talk. A rjimint. Scott I
iiiiiiister was "omewhat Kive.u to exau
irertitioii in the iiiilail. His clerk n-
niinded him of its ill effects upon tin
conirrecatioii. He renlied that hewn
not aware of it. and wWied the clerl
the neit titne he did it to make a cnngl
hr war of hint.
Soon after he was decribhig Kun
son's tying tlie foxes' tails logether
He said. Hie foxes in tnos oai-
wi'.re intu-ti longer than ours, snd tliet
had tills twenty fnt long.
Ahem .'" came from the clerk
That K" continued the preacher.
'accordiinr to fuetr measurement, rn
by ours they were fifteen fut long.'
Ahem " louder than liefare.
But as you may think this extrav
irsiit. we 11 jst say they were te
Sit :"
"Ahetn .' ahem ." sttil more vigor
The parson leaned r.ver the pnlptf
snd sbakintr bis fl iger at. the clerk
nid : "Yon tiiay cough there all night
lung, won, 1 ii nae take on a rut more
Would ye hae the foxes wid teel
at a .-"
A characteristic incident isrelafetl o'
Ben Wade, of Ohio, when he was sent
out hy President Grant as one ot tin
Commissioners tn 1803 to iiiiect tin
Paciiiv road. He was disgusted at tin
stgnt ot tne HiKHiine loruiattous. am
despaired of its rede.uintloii, when
rjsiilent Ivj-stander reminded him that
It woti'd he nice j lace o live in if It bflc ii e: t v of '. a:, r good
Cle'v.. "Idoi 't ' e t t." wsa :b
I: u "
f would be a gom
: .t Kid tl.e (am
London has raised cUntributtons for
Boston. " v-.
The horse disease is still rng'iig in
tho Eastern States.
Eleavv gdle on the English Coast,
night or the l'ith. Many vessels re
ported lost.
Cspt. Dwyer of the schooner Lisery
reported tlie capture at Bellinghatn
bay of the murderers of the late Mr.
Fuller ot Sau J 11:111 Island.
Tlie surveyors for the Texas Parrlc
Kail road are pushing work vigorously.
The sleamer Japan, thirty-three
lays from Hong Kong, arrived at San
Francisco yesterday.
The San Francisco Board of Com
merce nave, by, telegraph, ottered
pecuniary aid to Boston.
The Salt Lake Journal pronounces
the recent reported diamond discovery
to ne a humbug, and promises an ex,
pose of tbe matter.
It Is denied that a " nolle " is to be
entered in the Mavor II. ill ca-"e.
There is a lively wre-tle " for the
Philadelphia Po-tofllce.
Large flre occurred on the 14th at
Lawrence, Kansas; Missouri valley
function; Philadelphia; and Charles
ton, West Virginia.
Eleven lives me known to have been
lost in the iSo-tou tlie.
Washington City lias appointed a
lominittee to co 1 cr funds f.r Boston.
King Ainadetis, of Spain, is confined
to his (mince by illness.
A. Hart, lor the murder of Levi
Fletcher, and Thus. Moody, for tbe
murder of .lolin Finlcy. were ye-ter-day
at i-aiia sentenced to be banged
011 the TMt ot Deiemlier.
A serious shooting affair took place
in a saloon at F.lko (.e. ye.-tenl.iy.
in whii ll a man named Golt vas,r.
tally w innided. and Wa ti r E. Price
and C. K. Heeves scrioit-ly w i.n.nk d.
The Geographical Society ha
sent a letter of thanks to Imues Gor
don Bennett lor the pan be took tietlie
li-wvery of lr. Livingstone, and vr
ed Stanley a ictot ia medal.
Advice' from Arizona rate tliat tlio
people are Universally opposeil 10 tlte
appointment of Howard "or any other
man " in place ot Crook. Tt is rvpi-rf-d
that thirteen of the thirty-four Imli
iiis known to have 1 een cngagiU in th
ate mucsncrc drew rations at lamp
lHe ( reek Hescrvation live day pre
vious thereto.
Not over three liund.icil famuks i f
Boston burned out.
Eighty nid'ion dollars is tfje Lslest
estimate ol the lo.scs at Bostim.
Warrants are i-s-tn-d lor therre-s
Susan B. Antlionv and fourtifii hrr
women wlio vtted at the recent rle
Gold liearing stones have Nrrt fon id)
icar lusppaliaimock station, V trginia.
Col. Bri stow lifts tendered bis re-ie-
iat ion as .Solicitor General. Phillip
f N. C. appointed in bis place.
The Columbus, Ohio. Libera? awl
DeiiHX'rats have rcso.ved I itaisilU
('has. Francis Adams is tn latex
public reception at yuiiicy, M.i-snthu-setts.
l'he epizootic is sprending at lire
Baxter is elected Governor of Ar
kansas by 700 majority.
The Hlcial uiajority for Graut in
New Jersey is U.50U.
It is reported that the I-eut-IItr-
p.'iidilig diamond field are near the
boundary line between Color-ulo.
Wyoming and I tali.
Pas;ti gers overland. Nov. l- 51is
L. llu t. Portland, and Mrs. W.
Uoild, Prince Ldward's Islail.
Infni in 1 1 ii ti has lieen n-i- ive'l at
Victoria of the loss ot the s,Hp I'hin-
iey at Ihceptipn i'as-. m a lieavy gale, last week.
The physician in attendance on
King Auiadeiis has isii. d a bulletin
statii g that His Maje-tv is sulltriug.
fi-um paralytic rhcuiiiatism.
Colonel Mct.'aiiicl of Xew York -ifv
nltir.s to match Ids stable for three
race against any liorses in the world
two. three or lour mile heutJ for
i 10.000 or $20,000 each raw. Ihe
races are to be run over the Sam toga
course at any time between the last of
July and the 1-t of October.
The President refuse to set aside
the rules of the civil service to a corn
mod ite the I'enusylvaiiialis iu the
mailer ot Philadelphia po-t ottice.
The Ilemocrat ot thi morning edi
torial y sivs it is advi-ed there will be
nut two changes iu the Cabinet iifb-r
the 4th or .March, next. There will
le the retirement of Secretary Fish
and limit well.
Harvard college suffered to the
iinoinit of 12.IMI0 by the lire lu re,
including the value of the land. It
v 11 co-l half a million dollars to ri -'uild.
Toward thi it ha imuiOO of
in ii I in, out of :;-Jl l.Ol.Kl. Ibe
otal loss i-thus r. ducei! to liUO.OOO.
The ship Scso-tris was wrecked iu
I lie North Sea during a terrible gale
on Wednesday last, and foiilteeu of
ihe crew pi ri-lied.
A dispatch from .StraNnnd to-day re
liorts that eighty ves-els were totally
wrecked by the late gale. 1 lie town
was considerably damaged by the in
undation. Tlie stone brought to Salt Lake
ility from Colorado have been de
clare! to lie gt indue diamond bv
Prof. Lasiy. aii expert. i.ftbeiu
veiglis three carats. A party i : tilting
ut to go hind them.
A OVi L 1)1 Jib.
Among tlie n-tniiii w'ni-es toiil of the
i-'riiiitn-l'iiH-iaii tv.iris tlie iia-iMh.t nf
i ciiriuu diit-l lift wii-ii ttv.i -uinlin-it-
iilliiii'J of tlur l-'n-iiili army.
You iiiti-utl ti ligld a duel, e-li
i-ki il tin-lOiiiiiiaiiiliii.t.
" Ve-i. Cnlo::fl. VVnni- l:sv Iji-1
vhii-li can only bo win-il out "itli
i:iiikI. We ilo.d tvni.'t to j,: as for
cow ard
i-ry u'i-11. yon shall fiirlit. hut it
iiu-t be in thi- way : I'.ikr your nir-iiiie-.
piaiv yimr-ieive- on a line laciiig
In- Mnliiiai.'oii wliere llm eiiemy is.
Voii will march ttjon their gartl on
with etjnal step. W hen sulliceiitly near
.heir pots you will lire upon tlicm.
. he I'rii-siaiis will reply. Y"U cou
iniie to advance iiiid lir. V ht.u one
fall the other may turn upon hi heel",
int! his retreat shall tie covered hy one
if my companies.
in thi way'" concliiili'd Uie c-oni-iiunilant,
"the bit ii ni which you hoih
demand will be sptlh-il w ith prutitaiu!
jjioiy, ami he who come? back will do
4) without regret, without remorse of
having killed or wounded, with hi
.iwu hands a Frenchman, at a time
when Fiance iiwil nil h r defendcra,
ind ml of her children. Ii you both
tali who shall say that you are cowards?
t may al-o add that I thu i.'ivi' you an
execdent opportunity for putiii.g a
Couple of Germans out of tlie way, s
service tliat will procure for you a ginnl
reciuiiiiieiidatioii tor reward and pro
motion.'' The matter was arranged as the
ctiinmai, (laid had dictati tl. At twenty
pints from the walls of Malinaison,
o.e of the adver-arie was wou.ided,
daggered aud fell. Thi; other ran to
mm. raised him up. and carried him
iwnv on his slinuidcrj amid a regular
.utilsiotiii of tails both, thenci tiirth,
eiititltd to the greatest honor audit--pecl
from the whole legimeut.
now to pay luixr.
A Xew Morjr with so old Title.
From ihe La Grand sentinel,
S. N'. iVashburtie, owned (as he sup
posed) a house and lot in this burg,
which iid house and lot was rented
to K. S. and J. T. ilcCoiniis. On
I'ue-slay last he sent over the rent bill
fur collection. His astonishment can
easily he imagined when lie was m
tnrtiitd hy hi. collector tl at someone
Itrtd enti rd his lot at the U. iS. land
titllce, a. d that he had no demand for
t". t ac.t. ., ,,!.
:e-tory f
to i- tar."
The Morns uutluoH - Kxtreinely
old Vtber Mow I lutHl mid
, T1.
Chicago. ov. 15. Dispatches
from various points In the West I
. r r . 1 1 ,
give account of extremely cold
weatner tor tins time 01 year, witn 1
COlisider.lble snow in some l.H-alltles.
At Spriligtteld (III.) six inches has '
Buffalo (N. Y.). -Nov. M. The
first snow-storm ol the season set iu
here la-st night. Suov is lour niches
deep on a level, and trains on the
Lake Shore and .Michigan Southern
Kailroad are M(ckaded at Iriving
Station. All the trains Rre now tie
hind time.
II A1M l;C. Nov. 14. A severe rain
and snow-storm, accompanied bv a
heavy gale, has prevailed in this sec
tion of (ermauv for wveral days.
l'he telegraph wires are protrated in
ail directions. The country is flooded
at Litbre. The cnstotn-iiouse and
tnntiv more houses are stiliinerged.
The Portland Herald of the 15th
says; "the wverdy ol tbe present
gale ha been keenly felt on tin
lower Co unibia and Willamette river,
its power being so great as to com-
1 1 tely nullity the etb'i't or steamers
anil steam tugs to make headway
agsniii't it. On Thursday tbe barkeu
tiue Webfoot. while in tow- of a tug.
wa blown ashore on the head of
Sauvle' Island, where she now lies,
and this morning the steamer Van
couver was blown a-hore while mak
ing a Ian-ling.
An exchange sav : "Xew Oilcans
i bidding high for the grain trade of
tin- West hy providing increased facili
ties, and is now receiving and ship
ping considerable coi n.
J'1AN4 1AL AMMOItl ItriAI..
HAi.rv, Nov. 18, 1)72.
G. ld i:i N'-w Y -rV. II'.'4,.
Ical T. n 1-r .i'io-iti.:.. $ 'ic buying
SS'.c v il.ii(i-
l.i.'hatie ,n Mjii FrnciKo from ar to
S i r cent. t-r. m. '! eKrai'ino Transfers
nn fan Pran '! H jro nt (mii; on
ior l I . ; r t ; r -m.
I n .V nn j M .r.t r : 4.:. In r -'. jfote
r r itI i. . i. ' . .1 ...::,:-- ;-r sivt
f cus, i"'i,M t:.-r. u a :., ;re j(. tttral
. !ai in t. f:t .r. -"!. in nt upn
t ' -r ; r -jt t r a ; ru'-f
Te I -..(. I ib isl l.i itnuurc 1 artirle
of t . .
f ,- jm . 1 tra-le far. -KSed during
t- j k ' i-iui' i" t" uiK lruiu
!a,i u..r.; - .n;d-r.:l lliqunv tvl
a. a :i 1 1 1U- eiillara
linn U-,i, r...,; I t r. 1 n nliaiic- in
t.iur iBi'l'lit 1.1,11 t.a II .lvi S Of tlie
it.Uh- m.i.c.i r .r . U tj," J lc . Iu
t.uf iiu- ol nr riiiiia ai;d I'ruvuiuns a
ivy Ui. .1 in ;ta t.: Cjui.Ut tut
of uk timun Uins aiij purls on i'ugit
h und. IV vuiui.'U' cf nuniu-s iu tnis
.Jipiutiu-nt slii'Wi, a tMirmo! advancu urLr
luaicl tin- saair p. rioJ ut year. Other
it parttui lit ot u.Ul- p port a vuy satibtac-
tuiy tiuMl u. and a le. hn ,; prevails
iii o'i ry nan l. IV- tall trade, whicb
0XDid undtr du':, in'tuapiciijus circuui-laii.-
s. has provd niori; unnO'tory
tue tn,il kiiiijjuim C iukl Lave hoped for,
and altUnuh an a w.iul-. tin volume is a l.t
ue ui jv tiiit ot list ysr. the busimss
done )ian b. ii pUcixi on a wife bu,-u, ap
priAi.'i,iiik' inur- it ii'iy to the cush syUiu
tus.ii iiul. Tin. ni ile yt m adopUi by
susiie of t.u- UicrrlMnts appears to wori
w 11. as ouftwii:' rs who. uiiU' r the oldrig
iiii,'. w re si .- in r. nuttiiiK. new tc 1 bound
w lienor t;.-,r p:ii r nt n.stunlv. and will
stri-U'li a i:iit lo aociiHiphhii it.'1
Tiu- l'-mlt tin says : -The toiinnye movt
ih nt fpjin New Vi rk to San Francisco dur
ing tlio niniith i f Oct-il r wh Urger tliau
expect-J at tin l quilling ol tin? mutith.
Tbe inen as d timcUris areounti-d for in
part by an im n astd osr-riug of lUdrt-ad
Iron, winch alioweii of vti 'm receiving
quick dispatch. 'The nam l r despatched
ilnriug tiie mouth of Oetob-.r agf;ngateU
six. with auoei ti d carpi siud one with coal,
ihitkins a total of 8 7.'6 tuns regioter,
against tlr.-e vcsel.i of 4.275 tons ngwur
for tin cornspoiidinir; uiontli of 1S71. The
total mi'V. in. nt duriii). the hint U u months
of tlie yisr agyrete 7- tisselaof SJ.C48
tons r-i;it r, airaiunt 51 v. bs. Is of 51 3U
tons n gi.b-r for the Bame tune in 1S71,
showing sui inert aa- t f -1 vi ss-As, equiva-K.-nt
Ui 23.317 tons."
Wheat in Livi rpool California average,
1'2 4-ltnl'i. CJ ; C luh. 13s 'Jd.
1'ui llimd I'rixtnre Hnrkt-t.
(Kriun .he Hailetln.j
Wheat V.'e mite tho usile of 1 200 cenUls
at $1 W haektd and dtlivtri-d. The de-
! maud apjsars al.tck. San Francisco ad
vices r port market dull at $1 CO alongaide
; f v. am 1.
! Fhiur The s.t. imship California, for Pu
j g t8ound and Virtiria. will take out nearly
! a full enroll of 1 lour, principally of stand
i ard brands. eipcrt ib m ind in Cali
I fornia coulinu-s languid. Our market n
; mains uncha-igi d.
I liarl y Tne tuov. tocnt in Man Francinao
still ciiitimiis. witn pric n firm at $1 30.
j Oat The steamship Onfialiimc, fer San
Franeiro, to,k ui TsjJ sacks. Dealers in
i tiie city off- r SI i'Vtll 15 p. r 100 Is.
' aav-kt d ; and job at 1 50 p. r luM Pjs. The
, Sun Francisco market is quoted at II 70'St
' 1 77 !.
D:ii. ins -The tt-amship Onrlamme took
out over IWJ faekis. Our marlj t appears hi
beeontroll ii by on-or two parties. Prices
uiii'liiing- ii.
M 'i'1-el firm at anothtr advance;
quotable at 55c pir d-z n.
P-tiiltry Hi i.ii. j iier dozi n ; llooBters,
Si 00'!t,l ."h pi r do, n.
Kit-on Tlie fust siiipnient of Oregon
packtd was nu'ietin the Orifbimiut- to 8an
Fraiu'isru by W. Oalhee. The Ham party
kcu to lurward by the Rteamer h aving
next wek eomt- Hams. Oregon packed.
Naleus tuot'itloiiH.
Wheat Intlieojxn nisirkitwe find the
. qiiotaliitn tiiV .m advjnct from lout
, w.-k. Tin- mill is offering C2c. for gooxl
mill.ntr lots.
I Flour 4 V.t4 75 p. r
O ils Hime an last weeK ; 3j37S
oordun; Ui (ju.dity.
tt.-tuil Hurl et
A; pi s V.7j pcrbwX ; I'oU'.oes 40 it.
rts. j.- r biisin 1 ; ( "5c i r D ; Co
M j. tc t r tti : 1 in, '.(K.-: llrnitfasi
battm -"0c ; Bidte ISc; Coal Oil lie ;
Suit It 1c.
In Ahain. As will be sn by liis
pri'ii htional nrii. in tiiis niorninc's States
man". L'r. N. II .ilr-i-H bns n ojuned bis oflici
:n S.i'.i Hi .ui l'r. Kli'hardjoti. His old
f i' litla and iain ns will !x- glud to know it.
To Scnsctii........ a.... Oreoo Bvl-
letin. Nm lnii abb- to obtain the list
from tin late turrit r wtt havebotn unabli
to supply tin- I'idli '.in for the p iittwo d.iys.
Subsi rilnrs v. ill yb use leave their turn- s at
Exon ss or Port OfftC: Si delay m future.
Salem, Or.. Nov. 12, 1S72.
Tbe following dii ipatch is jnt received :
'io ii. F. llrow n, Ateut of the Liverpool
A London & Globe Insurance Co: EnKlish
Dirtctors authorize the- New York Ajjency
. to draw on tlit-m for all Lkiston loss. Con
j tinue business. W . ii. Jou.sgos.
! Busim-bs w 11 go on as usual.
B. F. Urown, Ag't.
t Salem, Or., Nov. 12, 1S7'2.
, Fkm Iiewi.f.v kei-ps th-,- Ust market in
Bali ra. commercial street, next door to
Bilhe fltanum's.
A sure llunfr. CB1.E SCREW WIRE
Riots and Shnt will rip, le ik or ci-ro,-a;an,
an t ai-e ihe eadt-st ever orn. Trv
them. All bear ihe I'aient 6 amp.
NovlO lmo
BLE.i.srn are they who seek re'lef from
'Liver rnpa(it." " Bi iiiisness," Ba I
It'oo I. Pimp es. R'o ohes. Krop.loi.s, Rnprh
Htln.a't Rheum, Kryipe'as ant Scrofulous
dieBie. bv "he use of fir. Tierce's AH. Pvt.
"r flo'den Me Heal IUsonverv. inr they shall
lie happt in k- otvlnpr tbu the cure is cum
p ete. So d by all Urupgists.
VhIukI'I" snd Itellnhle. " Brown's
Bronchia 'ins-he-r ate Invalnab'e to Ihose
epM.t o sti't'te.i t'.hsnres, adoruitig prompt
relief In Omith.. ( "Ids etc
ThUrl tlluod Ptirlfl -rs. Bristol's
ns f-Ji pa ri ' la ai. .MiffHr i ,si e-t Pi. Is are a
tire reroeilv lor every f irm i f Scroiula.
M-indre i "f .a-e ibat seeme I beyond hOw
I are Ikteii pennaucntly ami viinpieiely i-nred
)' l he Til. bU
I'oTHIrj r.i..,f. kill. ATl! If jotl
i re litre, h"e a .' -'-I. or a hard vtijth, ask
' our druggist f rill' ' Ii:n y f Hon hound
ltd Tar. Ink- nmhlng else. Ii la the one
iverctfcn ri nie-ty fiT a:l ci-mp amis t if the
irorii and lunjcs." i 'riiteiiiou's, 7t.h Avenue.
. old bv a : I liriiKx!:.
Pike's l oiiti,cliet.r"ps.-.nre In 1 minute.
Nori9 lw
A pro-ruding toe Is no: a J ghtly thing. ay
1 hliijt abnii heal.h a id comfort. SILVER
' IPPED.'hots ntver wear out a: the toe.
F r sa'e by all Dealers.
X. Ill D.'Olv, A. 3t.,
VSiCI Xan.lS:irien. Late Assls ant
m I 1 mv. ira,-e over
oot "v. ci rner tT I im-
er- -d i . ' a em, Oref n, i Ii
r. ' Laid . i. Fe 1 .eiice Comtne id
o.e. Novl77-2tf
for in. Salem Poatoffioe, Nov'r 17.1S72.
Alleu. Mrs. Hn'lle A: AUmii. Koodwin.
Arm-iroug, W J; Araeiit Rssei; Adknu, Misi
,,, . . , . . .
Haitissore, C: Bnehmer, Ij)in: Baaer,
Miss Emma; Brooks, YUJic W; Bil-, t C;
Jtnowu, n it.
SmubeW. Kloe: Ca,he!l. Jw
well, Carjri.i; Caatello, .ktmu 1; Crvswell,
U; Corn-r, K'.i,.r ; Creswelf, Miss Eva P';
Crow, Wiuit; Cooler, Mrs. iiBrnt; Come-
sa. Alu-aban.
Darr, Xrs. Aua ;
Deila Anna.
Dav, T X 8 ; Douthll.
Ektn, Me Marv; Eni)r!i. Lotiwr Elliott.
George IV; ijti'ity.iii, Jann; Eiiiltui;. Ji-hr.
Flynn, Patrick.
Sierr. L B; liamwn. MrSirj!i: rhart-
William H, oooiJIuw, J A.
Had Miss I.ibbic: Hall, H(i: Hswlc-r.
Will; Hinief.Sih ;Halpennv, S T; Heroy,
Misa Aii,x-; lLum ton, I I; sTusaphxev, N B;
H.navt. Mrs. M : llnukuu. aUla: Hold-
nain, Miss Nellie.
Jeffrey, Mrs. T C, 2; Johneen, Tetcr.
Kimball. Miss Leona ; Kfiitu Charles T ;
Kelly, J W.
Eawrence, William; Lalonretts. D T; I-e-batu;
Mathews, John A; Mavfle'.-f, Mapjie: Mills,
Charles; Munkerf. Jame: McAnbiir, Mr-. E.
E; McAllister, John; McCurauck, Joseph;
M. Willi, Lr. Wm.
l't rman, Mrs; Pringle, Mr. T T; Penter.
Sam':; PrinR e, LV.a; P.usaaier, Jobn W:
Howell, Fruuk, i; Punli.e, Jakie; Porter,
L T.
Itoe. Miss I.ora ; Ross f aviil ; Rodderv
Charies; lCultruon, Mrs. Henrieile.
Mreetf, Wm. J: Shaff. Char!-; S'avion, J
K; Sued, Jlr- ivlttard; SetUsmlie.' (i L ;
Kinniiins, am'l; s.arr. Lmw tl; Steers, H-,
Stamens, Ella: S een.L J: epheme, Saiiway
S. rocd, clias. H; S. wu, Mrs. a, V, barr. Miss
Tiilv; Newnri, Mri. Marv ; Smllk, H H;
Mm h, Mimi May; Smilh, Zt; Seolt, Jlrs. 1
H; Scovnle Mt'ii. Aim.
Tyrrell, George; Traoy, Jan; Tapcnpsonr
Van Den Bergli, Er.
H hue, H V: Wngnon, St-.s Annie; Will
Urnson, Mis May ,4; Warur,S fci Wright, J.
T. H. Ell KXY, r. M.
P. S W ben calling fr the almve lel'.rs
p ease say advertised, aid jrivoiV.
Mllvr 1txlue, o. Its I.V.I
Mroi.rverv Nitnriiay cven'.i. at 1:30 e. jc.
V ii mg brmbers are iini.vl te- attuuu.
p;. 7:u"
U. A.K. KiiwIirMt W.M.M.
in.t Friday cveiiliiy ol each week. All
ili mradef In rockI sumUnp isjviteil to attaint..
liv tir. ier.
A ilriTi: i f. KMSX A N L'Itt
RtEtn aii Pfx.iiLV tJat.s Meets at Qltt
r.- .iiwi Hill li e 1st neiav evening ufaacni
month at 8 o'clock. All Brethren, nub. Ihelr
itT e.n gmi s'.aucliiu:, areiuvUed to aaenil..
II;. or. ier of . (i,
a em, July 4lh, k"2 -tf
reels. Al!
rtj'iimin breihreu iu ffiod staailing are t
are la
C. P.
vned I" aiieud.
x? oraer al
apl 11 72 tl
Cnemeketa Lodge, Na. r I 0. 0. F.
1 EliULAR men sng We.lnesdai evenlnu
IV ote.'k-h week, al 7 o'o n-k i M. , at iMil
Kei.ows' Hall. comer 'CTmmer,.lal and Jerry
sireetr. All Hrotfcers hi irood aiaiutiair Invit
o I n. auend. Uywderof K.ti.
Aiuilteranry Ludce, X. 13, l.OJO.F.
tteirn'ar m, e inn Momlav eve ilr.mi ol cochi
week at 7 o'e ock P.M.. at C.Vld r'esTnw HaJI.
corner I'l.Tnnier.-ial anil Ferry SiTt etn. Ail
Brother-in K"ort siaudii fr are invited tat-ien-1.
By order X. ki.
Election Notice.
RkuuukerV Offici.
tFllON, J
14. TSJJ. y
JALIH, (Mitt,
TOTK'E is beret' riven that mi Monday.
il I e,-emlierld. s7l. an e ee'lon will b
he -I In rhe ci y !' .Sk env onrmy of MjvVki.
f:a e ot Oregon, for Ihe loiliiwii;g-cU7 otfuxrt,
to wi::
1st. Ttvo Cownci'mea for each ol tbe four
Wurtis ft 'he itv.
2d. A Mavov."
.-H, A Itivtrier.
4 h. A Mirshiii.
5ih. A Treasurer.
The pollp vtTi tie njiened at nine o'ettx-ll in
the morninp and c'ose-t at four o'clock tu tbe
cveii-ga ihe t'oituwiiig p aces;
First Ward A' She'ton's school hoase.
Second Waril -At the Court House.
Thirl" Ward--At Reed's Opera Honse.
Fourth Ward At the In ion Houne.
Cliy Rtvorler.
A Rpobliin City Conyention will be
In Id at IVed's Opera Honse on Saturday
evening. Nov. 23d. 172. at 7 o'clock r. at.,
for tho purpose of nominating
One candidate for Mayor,
One candidate for Marshal,
One candidate for Recorder,
One candidate for Treasurer.
The Committee recommend that meet
ings be ht Id on Thursday evening. Nov.
21-t at 6 30 p. at. fur the purpose of nomi
nating two
in eai h Ward. Also, the following number
of dt legates to attend tbe
The following are tlie placis of meeting
and the number of delegates each ward is
entitled to:
lid ward 8 delegati-s; meet at Sheltons
bicliiKil house.
2tl ward 12 delegates; meet st Court
H Hist.
3tl wan! S deb t;aLu; in-et at Ox ra House.
4th ward 10 d. It-gab. s; meet at t'niou Ho
1. 1.
The following resolution asadoptel by
the Cominitttt:
ItEnoLvtD. That all pi rsons who voted
for Orant and Wilson are invited to attend
and take part in the meetings.
D. McCl'LLY,
B. F. Drake, Chairman.
Aboiu J00 pounds, but very little n-el ami
a'most as good as when first thrown Into case
At a liberal llscoun; from Foundry" prices.
Apply at Statesman OrrtcE.
Proclamation of
nAVINtt escaped
I lout of Chicago i
in-iired in the "
prepared to do
the terrible eondsmi.
snd Bouin, antl blng
rrrniciil. i am lullr
Book and Job Prinifng
of every description at as low rates as any
regular Job OtBce in the State, and as good as
any ou the co&st. One me a call.
Leiral BLaSKS oi all kinds at LESS than
Calliomin rtr. Don't foivet the place in
Uray's Block, Ststc street, Psli-m.
'llwjw Yankee Job Printer.
XM II In mm- tlelaeiiMninMtXst
2. 1.U.SA. .-M.eei uii the 2d.
and luewlay eentngs at each
mtmili ai lkUI k'etltms Uall corner
i i inineiiilal and Ferrv S. reels. Alt
Fire Insurance Co. of Hart
ford, Conn.
North American Life Ins. Co.
lKKIt'E-In tba Opera House Block, 1st
dttttr to the r;ct,l. up s.alrs.
Nov. 12, -72:tr
JONES & PATTERSON, Proprietor!.
'IIIS AousewiU he kept In firit-claw or-
tier, and wi'.h attentive and obllslns
servnins. "
We are prepared to fumt (rood aocommo.
'Io..b t the trave'lne ptihli.-, and will use
evenr i-ntteav t to nierl; :he patronage of our
'd c if. .nierM.
Ileg i ar ltoardi:.g a; very low low rates.
Nov. 12, 72:if.
Commercial Hotel, Court St.,
O. H. SMITH, Proprietor.
The lien quality ot wines, Liquors ami
irars always 011 hand.
Df the iJitcx 1U1J most Apirovud Patterns.
tipeu all Night.
A Boarding and Day School for
-4tli ot tSitoitler.
Kanv apii'U-atlon for Boarders shmtM bo
sie 'io ML"xS KOUNtY, or to UlSlltiP
Salem, Kov. 13. 1872.
1IIEUEBY announce nivsclf as Indeien-ileiitCainliilatef"rtheffli-.e
vt thy Re
corder, at the enneli r e'to i'-n, to be held
on ihe 21 Vvc. 1H7I, stitjeot to the decision of
voter- irr. of ptrtjr & OOTII.
rfvJIK ii n
derslfnesl, who f irmerly worki
M. for
In the city of Salem, has rammed and re
opened a shop near the
lie will do flrt-.-'ass
ralos. iJy21wtt.
or ami at reasnnalile
500 Reward Oirt-red.
I HAVE now 1-J8.000 of Ihe Ix-st liurnetl
briek that have tecn bureeil in Marion
omintv. I challenge all the brick yards to
dispute tins siuiemeni. And I impoie to sell
them cheaji as tbe 'heape-t.
Sulem, July Ti,
A Kild Comimny tlolnU r 31-1. 171. iilieo,uent i .lie Hilt, as repor.ed l
; the liiniian.-.e l. ot ihe Mate of California :
Capital Stock Paid up in Cash, $3,500,000 OO.
Total Cash Assets, 56,212,525 48.
Increase in Assets since Jan. 1st, 1871, S496.
,510 40.
', fca5Thls Company's bnt-lne-s Is devoted exclusively to Fire Innirmi.-e. and it l the only En
1 j; i-h Ct-mpaiiy repre-enie I In AmerKa cloieK a Fii-e Iusuraiwe bin ine. wi.h an ample' cai-b
' .-aoitAl ami iaree aumu.aied lundu not ilab'e for I. lie or Marine J,oti,.
General A (re n l.i lor the Pacilic CeuM. ."tan Francisco
t.euerHl AK'-nU lorOnttun mist Wnahlnirto Territory.
Nov.ltf lOITice corner 1st ft Ash isl reet, Porilaud, Oregon.
Sli-uttlo Sowing Mactiincs
Are more Flmp'e. run easier, rive better salinfjictlon in every partlcu'ar, he-ides Itelrr of
newer siy'e and I aving more improvement than any other Sewlruc Machine in this Market.
Are Firrt-C'as- in every re-Te;i, aim mane in
low price. On I
i trial, invariab'v prefi rn-i to
ily item to all vaiieiies of
or nv- i"U ; appiy
AiM-uriite, lrl't, 1 $ail iAil in I'r-inoilo.
J. W. Gilbert, Dealer in Boots & Shoes, Salem, Oregon.
. m
A f I s
Exclusive; Safe
lest cmuzlW
So well and favorahty known throughout the West antl Pacific Slope. Improved e-peclallv
'J?i f! w,h patent concave, steel high landslde, Scotch clevis and hiath
standara. Sole Agents for tbe
rt fl f---t " "
iz-r K art J
Real Estnte I Real Estate:
kers. It'toiaw nil Kral Itunr ct rntrr I runt
and Washington aireetn. Porll.iiHl, iirrgnn.
will aJiend to the oale and purelia-e
eKiate In all jnrts ot Oregon, f prisl sxiea
tlon given to the salirad tanning iarnu.
Aprti 10. dAtl.
May lie Itemed V? Uw
AT thi:
Souib Store, Uhenu-keia (Hock.
ForSaleand Madeto Order.
L. CllKiiSBKeiL-'iilt A l'(.
I KEEP constantly on hantl a(too
me nt of California and Eatiern ttoois and
Special attcnuon paid to tbe manufacture
of everv stvle. rVvxed, Setsrcd antl also
Cclcbrutcd tecreiv Itottoma,
Made to or.le-r. S'nrk and llts guaranteed
None lint the liest Kreneb brands used'
nlsh oar eltiui' wuh i.uiulier and En
press Wpini, atl'l I'-iur -iirliil'jtrriagt.'it. As
we employ none but the best workmen, and
use the very bent ma enal, we can warrant
our wagonii to be H.I w.e represent.
T. CC.N.Nl.Sl.lIAM A CO.
aM olhier M;i binei. Trv the ea-e and ranitlltv
fewing. Ill LIU CAPACITY IS WlUiut'T
me most nesiraoie miinner, and !um!heu si a
m 0zg4n.jbr&
.n.. t "
I f I F aWM
10, 187i. ly