The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, November 19, 1872, Page 1, Image 1

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    afar ..-iiS.j
' 'I
CP. C RANDALL, Proprietor.
The Weekly Okfoon Statksmaa U
published even- Wednesilay morning.
Contains a summary of ll the telegraphla
llpatclies and all the current Stale and Lo--,-al
news, editorials, correspond'ei-ce, mlscel
lany, poetry, etc., from TilK DAILY STATU-
A First-ttlass Weekly Newspaper.
Terms. S-t.OOperyearlnalvanre. 93.08
for six niontlis l)i advance.
Advertisements at literal rate.
Astoria ..
r.KK. V CitV
Bridge pout
llrowifc-vllLt'... .
Hiii-aa Vis
Kell A Co
G. E. Gctchell
--L. Aiinlegale
J. McClure
-.- 1 . SI in (won
VT F. MeCrenrv
J. (1. HawleV
-J. H.-lllusheni't
W. H. Kirk
-W. W. Bench
1). C. UudeTwood
Cottage Grope.,
Crair.rille P. V. Crawford
-an yo.ivil le e-rf . . .Postmaster
hi-ion ......
...J. Cresswell
..E.O. McCandlish
Delta, W T Wiu. Smith
Dalles S. L. Brook
Davton. C. Taylor
Dallas J, L. Collin
Eola J. Vl. liay
EutTene I 'ity.. - Postmaster
I'-ni'me Citv tUuner t Wlnclies'.er
Ltleiisluirg. -.. A. Slim it
Grand Sonde U- C. Litchfield
llitl-l.rv... ....
Harri -tew jr. . .
ldh. City. I T.....
Jacksonville . .
Kcrbywll. .
LnbyeUe -
JLinc"lii ...
La Urantfi.....
at. F. Spencer
OciMillA Clement
. l5.;ieaMm
W. I. Hare
Hiram Smltli
U.K. Plowman
J. Somerville
Mar 5fulliT
..H. A. JoIiiimiu
. Postmaster
. 1. 1. Aiilegate
Abramp ft t.'o
M. Cakor C'laiigiiton
1-tiik liirer Riii.ljue
New pert
Oregon Cily
' I'ort UrT.iril
ltosclnrrg ....
, St. I,!lfS
Summit. ...
i-ulilnni'v. ... . . .. . . .
-ieo. Nourse
Po master
V. Vaierhonne
. Poai inaxcr
RkVlwin ft Casett0
M. Lamb
S. U. Elhann
. J. M. Bacon
X. W. Crooks
C F. Yealon
O. C. suntoii
J. I. Tavlor
J. Siatiffer
..!. Hatlianav
K. S. Pnarta
-"Smliii ft Cnwn
. ...riu.lcrJt RlchariUon
, .J.Tlllotwn
'Tnri'i'''M.. .
.'B.Snipdon ft Co
T. J. VanebM i
PlJ. Coojier
R. R. rttE- C II. 1IALU
FKICrJ - Xo. I, Moores' Itac.k, Saletn,
y I vewMi.
dr. rAisE, noMitjp.vrmsr.
I efti.-ient method of trea'weat will UikI
I'r. Paineat ls ot1i. in tne )ra House.
Vi Stair. Saturday noruini;iiieAl advice
mid treatment will be given free of charge to
thoe initble M pay lor the perrh-e if a
lihysw.usn. " mrr.SIdftwtf
IK. IU 1. 1IASE,
Vol. offtce iHirbln's Vilott, upstairs,
itestilrnw. C.ran.oroial street, lent, Uretron.
Mar.-JiW, Ti.illf.
Consa lung anil Operattng Surgeon for
all diseases of the Eve and Ear. Ofilc
liooius, S and 3 SLarkeySi Kik, Saleta,
Clrepou- . mohlJ
. UesJdence on Liberty street, oea'j H,l'e
site the CongregaUnnpl Church-
SalcBt,.V. I!lLh,;i. tf
(i. W. LAWSOS.
OFFICE iuCouat I tons j, Saloa, Orison.
ovl:T2t t -
Sewing Machine.
II at llcrnandea' UnoksturK, I am now
Vieied to furnish Macliine at Piatlaml
I'rices. Allilndf of Needles n hanfl and
i.) Machines of all kinds repaa-ed awl war
Vsl. All ltJ late liuproveiaeuts
.iiieo!. ivle lliw shuttle iiir the
doual xr tee of live dollars.
Agent at Salent.
Oot.tst. ijCtlaa r.
AS0 ' -,-.' ; ''''
13 a. til XLoxaaj& I r
HAx leased The barrer
Shop atUe lHst to the Cheaoekeia Hoiel,
I rei:tliilly alt a share of the publk: iat
rouae. Warm and Cold UaliM at reduced
Shaving Saloon !
(Stewart Klock,Coamierctal Street
ITot nnd Colli Baths Always Ready.
Salem, ae ba CFIJEDNtl!,
OT The Best RcMetly rr ParifylHa;
the Bloo.1, ftrenirtheiilng tlie Netves, Ho
fctornif; lis-lo-l AiUHMltc, Is
It is tiels?st preservative a9ilnst almost any
sickness. If iksmI timely, (.tiimiswusl .tf lerhs
only. It ran 1 irtven saftdy to infants. Full
directions In English,, (rt.-rmsn aud
S..inlsi. with everv jsk-kaue. TRY IT!
For sale at tlte wholesale aiul Ketall Drug
Store. And (.risserlee.
h MIL FUESE, WTlesa!e Drnjcglst,
Sile Agent, sK Clay Street,
bail Francisco.
ovtZ-trsartitw v
All Kind or Feed
For le by ,
3rL- XT. PHI033,
ttT HtntellMreSft.AoleiBi.
American Exchange
(Corner Front and Washington Street,!
qCDIBY & PEEKIXS, rroprietors.
Free I'onrli aad fracu the House.
StTt. 7, lSTt.Uwtf
Has just received a large Invoice of
His brands embrace th choicest
z$3 Be mire and "-
will make yoa fotl at liacae.
Webfoot Market I
MaHory Brick, cor. State aad Liberty Sts.
has constantly on hand Meat of all kinds,
which will be sold at tiM Lowest Market
500 Larcn Hoes, for the purpose of packing.
Oct. li lS72:illwtf
-aw i .-r a m m fc-i
VOL. 22 NO. 14.
Hi iveptre i a raitle.
Hi" ilirone his moihfr'p arms;
lie rt in a iny tyrant,
In all hl 'liinp'eil cliarmx !
Yet mum! hl royal pre--ni:e
mr loving hearts entwine :
Ilktaior of rhe cradle.
And king by right illrlne.
Whatever be h"l maiKlate,
No ivnirllers dare rrliei :
His mother's chief of the household,
ikrinut niiiiister as- well!
In v n iream)iulatnr,
lils downy car Jif ettev
ExsiMln)r. rosy nfonan'h.
What trluinphon Mm wait!
In pnrp'e ea"e and splendor.
Long, lonjf he seek to reijtn :
All hints of nose disjt inte-l
lie mi'es at wl'u ills' lain !
A'as! that royal greatness
Shou'l ever le dl-owiifl ;
Herecomesa tiny MraiiKor
King HhIit Is d'elhrone 1,
From the AMine for Xovcinlscr.
It i. slid of 'rhoiii)-:oii'. wit that it
swam noros a w'ulc riwr to gvt a
drink of water; nnil theiicefortfi it
was reckoned (he ne jtlux vitrei tool on
mxird. Hence, "as big a fiol as
Thompson's colt" js consiilered as ex
pressing the charge of foilv in the
iierlatiTe degree. It Jia.s remained
for this year of 1S72, however, to pro
duce fools, compared with whom.
Thompson's colt was a prodigy anil
paragon of wisdom and hard hor
sense. We mean tin; Democrat w!n
swam across the river ;blowtlr chasm)
Horace Greeley after a mp of De
mocracy, and are now gravely contein:
ingthat "the deteat of Mr. Greeley
U by no means the death of tlie .De
mocracy ; and that the Democracy
ma-, can and must gather uj its
scattered torccs and strike for "victory
in 1S78." As well might a market
woman look for her basket of eggs,
after its contents had been distribtiteil
among the several planetary orbs by
Uie combustion under it, ot a barrel
or two of giant powder. There are
hon t three or four of these donkey
Democrats in Oregon ; and by some
inscrutable l'rovideuee they are per
niitted to edit ncwspiijiei-s. It is per
haps well enough that this is so, dur
ing the dull Winter months the peo
ple need some amusement in the ab
sence of the circuses, the "winged
calves,"' the "living wonders," tho
sword - swallowers. snake - charmers,
contortionists, and other side-shows ..
and tliesv fellows will serve us to
laugh at.
Tlie whole country was terribly
startled the other day. by the telegraph
ic news ot an immense conflagration
going on in tlie business heart of Bos
ton. A day later, the tension was
somewhat relieved by tin; announce
ment that tlie fire was tinder control;
and though tlie losses were supposed
to reach millions, the Insurance com
panies promptly announced their abil
ity to adjust and proceed with busi
ness." It was stiM further relief t
know that very fe'w, if any lives were
lost; that no families would be unpro
vided for more tlian a lew days, ami
that we should not be called upon to
witness a repetition of the harrowing
distress that fell upon Chicago last
year. The later dispatches greatly rv
dnce.. the estimates of -losses, but we
think from tlie cliaractcr of tho locali
ty burned, tlie last estimates are prob
ably under the actual losses. He t'.mt
as it may, it is evident that the losses
will be severely felt all over the coun
try, through the financial tlisturluinco
created. A panic in New York is
feared. One of the niost noticeablj
features of this great calamity is
it brings out again into active play
that noble generosity, Vhicli underlie
the natures ot tlie .American petp!e.
Already before the smoke lias began to
lift from tlie ruins, tlie people are meet
ing in the great western cities to offer
relief.' ;'f hese exhibitions of tender
sympathy and 'munificent charity al
ferd additional reasons for an almost
exulting pride in the character of Use
American people.
Of course the Sacramento Union ap
proves the action of our Governor in
tlie matter of the veto ol tlie Immigra
tion bill. It thinks that there was
nothing inconsistent in the veto, with
tlie Governor's recommendation in his
message that the Legislature should
take action to encourage immigration
to the State. California is getting
nearly all the accessions to the popula
tion of the Pacific coast, because it i
better advertised than Oregon. We
can tliereforc very easily understand
tlie secret reason of the Union's chuckle
over the veto; but what shall wetUiuk
of tlie Governor of Oregon who exer
cises his veto " according to the best
light California has atrbrded him " ( to
use the Union's language) to the detri- i
meiit of Oregon direct, and theadvan- j
tage of California, indirect?
lltere is a crumb of comfort for tlie
farmers. A San Francisco market re
view, Iov. 5th says: "The Produce
Market is rapidly improving, from
causes we have frequently stated would
effect tliis result. The supply of Grain
does not equal tne demand. i lie
agents of the Batik aud Friedlander
are scouring the country to obtain all
tlie outside lots hefore the advance,
which is now inevitable, commences;
1 7031 75 have been offered and re
fused for lots in store at Stockton, deliv
erable within 30 days. It is the gen
eral belief that choice lots of wheat
will command $2 within the current
nionth." Since the foregoing was
published, wheat has advanced in all
tlie Pacific coast markets.
One of our State Democratic ex4
changes figures out the "sure and cer4
tain" success of ihe Democracy in 187(1
on tlie theory that the soreheaded Re
publicans will then boo't tlie Democ
racy. e tail, to see, however, howl
the little weazened chap is going t
boost tlie. bis lubber, when tho bid
lubber failed so ingloriously in the at -f
tempt to boost the little, weazened
chap. Isn't this boosting business
about played out?
' Horace Greeley says that "he will
not be provoked to an indnlgenee in
those bitter personalities which are
recognized as tlie bane of journalism."
Alas, that defeat should so knock tho
spirit aad spice out of a man t And
so we shall no more iliid in the Tri
bune such elegant little pleasantries
as, "Yon lie, villain, you lie!" 4-0r,
"If you say so-and-so, you are a liar
and a Democrat!"
' Geu. Geo. G. Meade died oftyphoid
pneumonia, on the 6th inst., instead of
7th, as we stated thother day.
Tlie re-election of President Grant, j
in view of the past record of his ad- j
...:.... : n . ui.. i
l"""n"u""1' S,ve :"1 rcn-uuume us- ,
suniiicc of a prosperous business fit- j
ture and certainly of the steady
maintenance of the line of conduct bv
the Treasury, now so well known anil I
approved oy tlie country. It is cer
tain that nothing will lie done to im
pair the credit of the govennnr.iit, or
to give any sudden shock to the lnw
ness interests of the country. livery
honest Union man te:ls that the gov
ernment i-i in the hands of a party
heartily hi sympathy with his own
sentiments, and bound to sec under all
circumstances that tlie integrity id the
country shall never lie? questioned.
The re-election of Grant in-uivs the
temperate but imparl ial enforcement
of the recent amendments to the C'on-
stitution, and put an end to all fear
j or hope that tht y can be violated with
! impunity. It is the, strongest possible
j gtiarauti that our foreign a flairs will
he conducted with honor, with pru
dence, and with the aid ot the very
best minds of the. country, it gives
ugrouuds to expect greater progress
than has even now been made in the j
matter ot" civil service reform. It has 1
shown that crrupt polirica' -fcgtws j
cannot carry away the jndnn-nts of :
ute American people. Aiul it destroys
ti last organized oppositio;i to the IV
Miits of the .war. and paves the way to
! the most peiti-ct recouciliatiou of all
' Siv.tions of the whole country.
! , 7 : .
iw ranciseo iimincv ne-.iie-i n j
tihfiu ot the pre-ent e of bricks ainl
' 1 . i
! cobIe-tones in butter - brought uoni j
; tbe interior. A most ii:;re:ts..i,:1b!c lot
: of jvudtH-e dealers. An honest man !
' - . i i i- . -i...!
I csiii lie I n bis cow out with a snort i
j crop, by adding to her butter-yield an
; in&rocrut dornick that never did any
j holy :lny h-irui. without Imving an
oatcry about his ears from a kit of u;f
' sympathizing and soulless dealers who
never saw the cow in their lives, and
' who an-, therefore, totally incapable ot
realizing what wear and tear .-he may
i have la-en saved the transaction!
j Horace Greeley would call such men
' liars and eow-'ards.
1 Charles Clayton jtit e'eetet! tot oi.
: gress by the ll publicans of the San
j Francisco district, is u merchant, of
irreproachable chann ter. who ha
! HHiil several plait- of public tru-t and
i honor. Politics sceni to have U'eii rc
j formed in Sail Fnim i co, since it i
j known that l"iK"r. the Demot'i-tticcau-I
didate obtained his nomination by
purcliase. He couldn't buy hi way
j at the poll, and an honest, man has
j the place he had bargained for.
j Horace Greeley, in hi carl puhlisb-
1 upon resuiuing editorial charge of
the Tribue, i- as reckless as ever.
'Aithout n-gard to tlie stiqiendotis pos
l ible consequences, he submits the en
tire question ot "reconciliation" ani-
iesty, universal snil'rajje and "b'.oo.'iy
; hani," to the victors in the latestrug
.;ie. Horare will never have done
.vith rasliness.
The Bedrock lmocrat, whose editor
voted for a Jladicil KepWicau for
'resident, puts down the UT'onor i
'uen as "bolters," and has "marked j
; hem for future reference." We were j
Hitler the impression that the Demo- I
rats who voted forGrceiey were the j
tieu who had bolted tho Democratic;
. ;
A hard-shell Di-.ii
ounty explain -d recently
i:i I. inn
that he
oulil and did support titci-'ey. "be
ause he was the first man to advocate
eneral animo-ity."' 1 he ehctiouiu
leorgia, and r cent oectu renei-s in
Aiiii-iana. "ilissouri and eK-whore.
how that animosity i tin: wordaiter
A famous of
;ives it as bis opinion thai
ootic'' wiil gct'otit to O;
whnc. In tiiat e.i
-veil tor some of t In
. w ould it not be
i !- -;- ttic war-
.lorses to have a cire ': Ooiy think of
.lelin. Gates. Ne-tnith etc., v. it!i t'n-"Kpiootit-s
Iowa.' one of the stauiiciier ot the
Bemiblican State, ami one has
i been under Democratic rule, les, we
I ln-lieve, than an- other State, iscutire-
Uy out of debt, ami has a large ea-!i
bidaiiiv in tlie treasury,
"liadicai thieves."
So much for
The following is the telegraphic
quotation for wool. Nov. l.'th : On
account of the lire, in Boston, all or
ders from that city have been can
celed. Prices in New York have ad
vanced 10&12c. Market there quiet at
IGitilc for best fall.
N'atlianicl P. Banks, who went over
to Greeley, jnt to be amiable, though
he really didn't want to do it, ob
tained a nomination for oiigres. for
his apo-tney, and now he lies buried
iiiider C,000 majority votes ca-t by a
disgute.l people against him.
Oats arc quoted in San Francisco
worth more per cental than wheat, tlie
figures ir the former being $1 65a.
$1 fi7,'2'; the latter bcinjj. Xov. 13.
41 57ti-il- O'O iK?r cental.
Horace Greele', since the election.
promises that he will never again lie
a candidate for anv ollice." Can wo
trust him ? If he will swear that, we
are willing to let him go.
We understand that Judge Sliatttick
is under the impression that "reform
ing polities" is not his forte. He is
disgusted with men who wont sec
when lie shows it to 'em, pl;;in.
Greeley's next book is to be entitled
"What I know about going up higher
than a kite." It will be :t stunner
when lie comes down, at the end of his
One ot our Portland exchanges
says : "If you have the rheumatism,
consult Dr. Brown." Our advice is,
stick to your rheumatDia ; let well
enough alone.
The .-astern newspapers have got
hold of Judge Oustciu's speech on
dogs, delivered in the Oregon Legisla
ture, and now they have forgotten,
Joaquin Miller.
Tlie latest mail, as well as telegraph
ic, advices from the east, note an ad
vance in the price of wool and all
woolen fabrics.
A Republican Legislature was elect
ed on tlie 5th inst. in Missouri, though
the State at largo went for Greeley.
")it D ti!'jnf 'fl'cOurfihiy Xov. IS.
The storin vvhicli v initt-d tjiid sei'tion if
the State, Moudav, pri vailtd tvtr where.
fl f ,
... , , ,
Oakland bdvs: ' Tho
road between l:i re and liomjbnr l)as been
I rearlv inipassabl.' for stau'i-s. Colonel
1 tr....!.. )..u iii-.t a,'...t V.., ..ntli
tniinr to lmn v ui tiiiiijrs so ttiat the mails
will come t!irnU!;li
riier. Tlie Staia- will
connt ct at Koseburj!
witli tlie construetiou
The storm of Monday evening Itnoektd
t!ie- ulegraiili line- down t.m;t!i of Yieku.
Work on the custom' 1 ouso at Portland,
lias Ittcii siispeiiiii'd on aee-ouiit of the iu
cli mi my of tin- wi a'.ht r.
Stephen 1. lli' is the name of a
I'uruand man arn sttl, and held to answer
for the crime of iin'ist with his own daugh
ter, a'ed about fourt- n viars. Hefornier
ly lived on French Prairie, in Marion coun
ty. Circuit Court, Jndije Pr:m presiding, be
pan in Jaev.soii county on Monday. The
tiocket of casea for trial was small.
Two and one-half inches of rain fell at
Ilosebuzg iluiin' the nionth of October.
Information is wanted of Jaraes W. Smith,
who moved to Oregon in 1H.VJ. Whin last
lioanl from he was living in Wasiiiijf'ton
-ounty. Any information concerning lii
wlien-ri bouts will lx- tiuinkfiilly nctived by
j SS. J. Foster, Iluthlam, Ivmisas.
I'ortland had two iiieliea of snow. Mon
dav evenitn;. Tliut Ixats us bv ont inrii
and 98-lfK)ths.
Frt iIitin;,' nj tlie
ported very active.
rtvf r is re-
r.-.iitir A'"-. 14.
The San Frat!i-iANpri.-rs n'ltethe arrival
at tiiat city .f Hon. James K. Kelly and
Joseph G. Wils.i!,.
,Tud;;e A. K. Wait, of Portland, is goin
t Houtheru California to establish a Winter
A man named Smith and aifirl tiiauii not
given I sixt- n years i1 a-e welt arivsU il on
Joi.n L. St, ph. i5!-on h. r ari-ival at San
rranciseo M.;n.l.iv. Snutli i accuset ot the prl'ir..:.. Porllam'..
:(L j. j M,k. , Washingi,,,, .tmnty.
better known as -old Ji Meek." will start
for the Kaj-ti i n Slates iu a lew iUivs.
While ,T. li. liint;l;ain. of the tirni of Cor
nelius A B::!ij,'!ial. real i state ait. iits att or
lielius. was r. tiirmn hon-.e from
on hist Monday i v. mi::;, rl-uam v;lucii tie
was ilriving ran auay .i:id thi w '.litii on tiie
j;roiu.d, one wlml of liic- wauon runiutiir
over him. The team had not been luard of
wlu n tlie cars left liillshoio (he next lav.
Three divorces were- kimo:
cult Court fur Movunbcr lor
id by the Cir
Douulas couu-
It is caid that coal can K- laid on the
wiiai f at Portland, from I oos 15..V, for st-vi n
to fiht dollar l'. r ton. Taen w,.y not do
,,TheK pul:lic;'!i majority in Clatsop comi
ty is one hundred ami twiiuy-.six.
Snow fell ai the Cascade. Jlonday uijht.
lo tue depth of six inch...
ii. .lit. S. (l.imMe. Mipi rint 'U.leiit of the
Western I'Uion Teh rajiii C.iniiiaiiy. is vis
it, ii;; Or,';oii. lie i.nivid at Portland
Tiicsduv c iiiii.
The iiSHiU ot tin- .iiiVirim insurance
companies in Portland have 1'e.ct ivi d orders
Ir.iiu the compHiii. s tiny represent to ad
vance the rat. s of insurance from oin-ijuar-te;r
to oi:t-iiiill pir cent.
Tin- vVet r-'ide Tlailrnad was c ivcred with
a land uliiie t-j tho ieiuh of wverul feet,
Monday Lii,!::.
The snow storm .ui Monday was so seve- e
on the road l.'al'es and Cany, n
City t: b st,.p the stage. The snow v as
tw. Ive iiichi s lit 1 1) Tuesday iivri!i tnd
still faliino.
T!:e President of the- I'nitcd States hi s
ri-eogni.-d John Wilson, iisq., as Vice-Coi -s;d
of 11. r lintannic Maj.stvat Portland,
vie. J. i. Flow, rd: w, d. c. astd. Mr. Wil
son is a nie.niKr of tlie- iirm of lleweft,
Wilson & i o.
;o .i L li'ij ..' .Vor. In.
The Herali'.'s c niiiiiercial article of ; -ti
rdav say: '-The Wheat mai'i. t ilunt;,'
the w.t-k has been quite active so far ; 8 the
.lofitaiad wu concern, d. l.;:t the hulk con.
in. forward is iiardly iqual to the r. qnire
lueiits of . xportcrs."
On-.ohm Tribe No. i. 1. O. 15. M.. will le
instituted at i'oriii.n'-.' with full and -pria.e
.r.ii.iiiii:si;ii l'ri't.iv i-veinng. No"
A surveyint; party of the Northern Pari o
liailrua 1 have brou.iit a line of surs y
.i mn ttii'tl'i'un siOe ..r tin- Columbia to
t o! Sandy riv. r, Multnomah com ty,
where the party have now es;a'..h.-la d t e.r
camp. The line crossi s the Sandy I clow
H.ciiliif s fi rry.
The I'nitcil Stal. Disii ict Cei.rt 1 as U
fnie it seven indii'tr.n nts for si !li:i;T liquor
to Indians.
Portland has .t i
w.aiine' nonse.
whi re people can wait as long as they like,
,'ltllout charite for tlie f. rry Isiat.
The steamers will herenl'ti r tnal;r regular
trips to Corvalh if the stage of water will
pel Ulit.
Put. Smith, tin1 owner of the noted trot
ting stallion ' Patl.tiiid.. r." lias refused an
olfer of e-hiinu to sell tin- animal.
Mr. I'liderwisul, Postal Agi nt. is sloshing
round anions the- mail root.s ;nt 1'. 51.' ,
, which .s Postmaster! in the northern tart
of The State. Ben is wide awake.
TEES. Ti:i"lUIT01iEB.
A t am attach, d to a hca y wagon In ran e
frightened at Kali. ma last Saturday and ran
away. The driver, a man named Mctiinuis,
was thrown htadlon to tlte ground, and ti.e
team and wagon wheels pass-al over his
body, i'.oth ins l.-gswere broken . one above
atltl the other is-lmv the knee, and other in
juries received.
McFadd n's majority in Washinnttn Ter
ritory, a far as heard 1mm, is hlil.
Colorado bus caught the-diamond fever,
and prof. ss. s to have tliscov. r. d a dep. sit
of the g"tns which rival the famous L;a
nioiid Valley of Sudani the Sailor.
Recent geological Hiirveysf flu- Territo
ri. s of the far West have reveal, d the ini
portai t fact that the known coal deposits . f
the Kocl.y Mountain region T.tcnd over : n
area of upward of two hundred and filty
thousand square miles, in strata varying
from five to thirty-live net in thickness.
The Olympia Courier says : On YV dm k
day evening of last we. k'a fatal stalling
allray took pliu-ent Port Towiisend. Is twt. n
John- Quad, known ;;!J ov. r tile Sound as
"po'.ii r -Jack," and John Thompson, of Poi t
Pi.-covcry, whi.'h v, ,,i:!:cj iu the ditttli of
the latter.
0E.0' SWA til It''ls..
Does tlie Stt own them An Impor
tant suit pending In tnmiiill
(From the Herald, STov. Hlh.)-1
Two cases pending in the Circuit
Court of Yamhill comity.- upon demur
rer to the complaint, raise the impor
tant, question whether the State of Or
egon is the owner ot the swamp lands
withm hrr limits, by virtue of the net
of Congress passed march 12, 1800.
Ih fendants claim that she is not. be
cause they were not segregated within
the two years named in tlie act. The
plaintiff claim" that the act operated as
a present grant and absolutely ve-ted
the Government's title in the State,
t he question is one of great interest,
and was lully argued before Judge
Bonham on yesterday. Win. Cullen
Gaston, Esq.. appearing for the plain
tiff, and Benton Killin Esq., for tlie
defendant. The Court' reserved the
question and ordered counsel to submit
written briefs on or before December
J'neimi '.
Antoria ....
Nchalf m . .
Wt.sfport . .
(rani. Grf l- u- (J'Vunor.
. Ul
. L!
. 1".
Grant's plurality, 126.
Precinct. (irnnt. Greeley.
AlU 23
Butter Creek , 14
Lower Willow Creek ... '2
Meadows 8
Pendleton . 24
Umatilla 2
Upper Willow Creek 17
W alla W alla
. to
Greeley's majority
I'rowis of IIm- PixwlMTtlBS' ""Siaf
Wurk in 'outi-mplitlsu for .tlie
Winter aad Sprliijj.
;Kroni the Oregonlan, 'v. li.
Mr. Levi Knott, one ot the principal
owners in these mines, returned to this
city la-t Friday after an absence of
several month-." He informs us that
work Is going on at the Bohemia quite
lively. When he left six men were
employed in sinking a shaft. Most of
the machinery lor the quartz will had
arrived on the ground and been put in
running condition. Owing to the late
ness of the hour operations will be
suspended until spring, except the
-inking of thu shaft. The alia ft in
question is 10x5 feet in the clear inside
of the tiiuliers, which are placed
a row ml the edges all the way down to
pn-veiit caving in, fallinj: stones, etc.
U'tieti Mr. Knott left, the sliafc had
reached a depth ot 11 teet, and was
being sunk as rapidly as tlie ditlicult'.es
attending tlw work, would permit.
The whole distance of the shaft so far
has been made through the hard,
solid quartz rock. Every inch of pro-
,rri.c iloii-nvvsril leis llc-o .'Itlll must
i be aivom:lislicd by means of bl-ting.
Work under s-uch circuni-tances pro
ceeds slowlv. intention is, to sink
j the shaft lot) f.-ct this winter, atnl
have everything ill readiness to proe-
ecute the work with renewed mW i
i the opening of spring., .Tlie sh.if i
! nut tx-i ieudk-Wte. ntt inclines at an
ailoh. oftwo i'M-l'es to the lineal fool.
; s-ix!V ki of lihtstiug piiwder were
j r.-cvivci! at the mines i short time la
1 li -e the departure of Mr. Knoti. but
j this .m.tiitil v i thought to lie i:i-u!':i-j
ciei.t to aceoniiiii-b the proposed work.
1- ire or six blasts are made ready at a
tins,', when the men cMmb out by
means of bidder, and touch all olTat
once. To prevent any accident result
ing from falling stone or the giving
jiwsy of any portion of the wall.
I statsiM-h timbers 12xr.i inches are
i plaivtl nt re ptired intervals vhlcb
i s.i.-ur:'ly brae" the whole shaft. About
j two weeks ago. snow fell on the
oowiriSaiii around the mines two fiet
jdnep; but diil not remain on the
I ground but a few days. When Mr.
J lv:o!j left, tlie weather wa cold aud
liricins. bur not disagreeable. Snow
u -a
l ills to -o,i;'le tteptliat
the liohemia
during tl.e winter
inoiit'a-. Tiie-e mines are
t y n.oiititain t 'asi-tde.-uiili
iit heat ot I'n.-nc
situated in
about GO
the mt in ( in itis.
irn 'i Uvy will lx- In M I nil -r
iifw !.-. .
j F'rsf ;,.',-,''. Fi the county of
I . Josephine, on tie fiurtb Monday of
'ti.-tober: .lacUson. second Monday of
February, .lune a id November.
.v.r ,tti in-iirivi. Douglas, third
J Monday of GctolM-r and second Mon
j day of May : Coos, fourth Monday of
i May and s, cond Mouilay of Sepleni
ilur; Curry, lir-t Monday of .line:
Lane, third Motnlav of April and
; lir-t Monday of N ihvihIht : Benton.
s.-cenl Monday of April aud thinl
i Moud i.c in XovembxT.
7Vi .' !.' '. Linn, fourth ?doii
i day of March and second Monday ot
j October; Marion, second Monday of
i March, .lune and November: I'olli.
s.-coiid Monday of .Mac and fonrfli,
.Mon.l tv of Novem'x-r ; Yamhill. s,.
j o iil Monday f April and fourth Mon
day of ( l.-tober ; Tillamook, second'
I Monday of -Inly.
i '.. i rt !t Jjixtirt-'. Clackamas, fourth
i Monday of April and September;
i Multnotn ih, second Monday of Febru
! ::ry. .tutu- and O.'tober ; Columbia.
! s.-eon 1 mil ay of April: t'!.i-o;.
: . coll 1 Tuesday of Allgu-t and Suu lli
1 Tu.-s.lav of .lanuiry; Washiugion.
i tourtli Monday of May aud first Mon
I liny of Oclolicr.
I Filth J)i.-lrirt.W:iea. third Mou-
day ot Juno and second Monday id
I Novi-mlM-r; Crant. iirt Mond ay oj
! .lune and third Monday ot September;
! Baker, third Monday of May and f";--t
M nuda v of October; I'nioirJ first
Monday of May and third Monday of
Oe-lols-r; I'mitiUa, )at Monday ot
April and fourth Monday ot Oetohrr.
Tho Act. :ilo provides that the
County Commissioners shall meet on
Wednesday next succeeding the !ifsj
day of each term of the County Court.
The supreme Court is to he he'd ii
the lirt Monday of January is;;j.
and thcr.-afi. r on the second Monday
oT December of each year.
1.1 E.
Siirvc; f tlie t'iiinlio- - I.nncS Ynlne
1 -Hu Ciret lor lUroziii-r.
The Yreka Union ot the 4th inst.
ha the tollowing: "A surveying
party was fitted out tisf summer.'' to
-ui-v.-v the coiti.l rv U-tween the ninth
j standard on the south and the Calilbr
I iiia aiul Oregon tine on the north, and
I Little Klamath and Tide Lakes on
the west and ( loose Lake on the east.
; Jlr. lugills hid :t contract Irom the
i -Juveriiment to survey this ili-tlicl.
Mr. "iIcKav, otic of the party. In
bfi slopping in Yreka the present
week. From him we learn that the
job has been completed and the iniu
pjy di-banded. It, is proer to re
mark that the belt of country initn!i
atrly to the west of Goose lake for a
breadth of about. 20 miles, known as
tin' Devil's Garden.' was sectionizeil
ms-t year. The int of this js per
Ivvtly worthless, even lor pa-tnnige.
Mr. McKay it. firms us that but little
of the imi.itrystirve.ved has any value
except lor pist'u-e, aiidj-i great ileal of
it but little value tor that. On the
1 orders of Tule and Clear Lakes there
i some land that will produce grain
susd vegetables, but even that is bet
ter adapted to grazing."
s)4ltei.-l From lame and lloniflns
um: cor"Tv.
Souili Eugene . . .
North Eintene. . . .
Camp Creek
Willamette Forks.
trrOH;'. fr-:T.Vl.0-r-;)V T,
...121 ; 4
. ..1IJ7 11! i
... Ki !
...30 J
1G 13
i!9 13
Junction or Lancaster. 103
Long Tom
Cottage Grove . .
Coast Fork
Pleasant Hill . . .
Lost Vailev
Fall Creek"
Hazel Dell
. y 38
. 8 66
. 12 11
. 23 20
.100 43
. 2S Tl
. 26 1(1
.20 7
. 26 2
. 11 1
815 561) 3
Grant's majority over Greeley, 216.
Prrcincts. Grant.Urettry.O''Cvir.
Cow Creek 21 11 7
Canyonville 79 B9
Jf mle Creek 29 70 "
Beer Creek 188 124 28
.Mount Scott 18 11
Looking Glass 17 33
Ten Mile 30 11
Camas Ki 5
Cole's Valley 38 19 .'.
Willwir 22 10
Callipooia 172 111
Yoticalla, 58 24 '.
Elkton 2. 11 '..
Scottsburg 17 1 "
Gardner. 37 6 '..
771 506 35
Grant's plurality, 265.
-OI-4 TO Kit
liie .( 1 o: k Home .lourtrtl li.tu
tliorlty on all such topic, and it says :
From ti reliable source we learn that
Lieutenant Fred. D. Grant, son ot
President Grant, will be married early
duriiiK the corningyear to Miss Wright,
daughter of tho fate General Wright,
of tlie United States army.
.fl ' -;- ... . ..
Drev vests are now cut with but a
single button.
A watch, chain and locketare out of
place for full dress.
Large pearls are the correct thing in
shirt studs for full dress.
on: i:iEMAi. expisiti.:.
.eetlnjr of Itoiird of Fijinn.-e .
5rasiiri- lor tun-urinif Hubert iiKiuiis..
! From the Oil-Etonian, Miv. ISth.l
A tuectiiigol the Centennial Board of
Finance, for the State of Oregon, was
held at the office of ex Gov. Gibb. to
make appointments of the agents of
the Commission, for securing subscrip
tions to tliL stock in this State. Tim
following persons were appointed: C.
C Beekiuan. .bicksonville ; W. S."
Latltl. Bank of Oregon: Henry Fail
ing. Fir-t National Bank, and" A. If.
Brow it. of Baker county. The agents
will-receive subscriptions of stock ot
the Centennial Board of Finance. As
has heretofore lceu noticeil. the o!
ject ot this corporation i to provide)
for celebrating the one htindreilfh an
niversary of Aiuerican Independence,
by holding tin international l-'xl.ihi-t.on
of Ai ls, Manufactures and I'nsl
nefs ot the oil and mine, in the city
of Philadelphia, in the year 1-OJ.
This Board acts in harmony, and co
operates with, the Commission created
by act of Cougrvs. March, ."id. 171.
By thai act. -ianies W . Virtue and An
drew .J. Dufer. are Commissioners tor
On'gon. And tlie tollowing uatueii.;
per-ous were appointed the Board of Fi
U.niie for this st;tte. by act of Congn-s.
of lune 1st. 1 -".!: A. B. Mietichaiu. S.
Ells-, on h. T. McF. Pat ton, L. V Lane.
A. C. (;iiib :k.J A. il. Brown. T'i.i
Sjj.are-. of t"ck ure, to isl(l eat lis al
lotted to e;i. !i State, t.ccording to p;i
illsli.ii!. I ho stockholders nil! ehvl,
the i.i-nnaa.'i I nilicers, and agents oi'
lb" co; n. i ,i ':o v'.'l i-.
bnihrn g at 1'iitl.iijcipbit:. a, ..I with ii.i
other t ominissloiis. will n guhite il..
pri.v of iidmis-iou. ai:. make ol her ar
rangements in detail for the iK.a-i.iti
Cert ill. sites of -lock arv to N-i-siied by
the Secretary of 'the Tn-.-i-uty of t: o
I'uited Slate, and furi,i-h-I to i-.u li
ub-cri!-t r when their t!i-cripti"ii-::r.:
paid. ,;vi-.!.i!:i! -tn k is v1,i,Ni.i,iki.
:IihI a tier to. t-xliiVit'ott is -iil.-d.
lt;iert v . U.. .-ei! of. Hal . I' 1 1.1 li.l- - -ci.ii.-I
nf.i tJ i- i.ipit .l :; (.
t a kji-i'.ier ui.i ivi-i iM- i. share ot
the pi..!'.:-, if J'i. 1 hu- hi
n.i i.:.:H.riu.ii;y t joiu i:!iln-r
State, in'ii.g this gn-at allui-v.-rsary.
and lii.-o - h i led to ie
ei ive u;-e ri p' l' ..i In I 1h- i apiial tin U.
iire wnrll.y of entire cot. li.
WlM'iiliwr t kikaiv r.-ci-iv.-d by
the iigeiit-s, a' m - n. lined. Wo u ill al
lude again lo t,..i-nil.i.rt i:.t sti'..j.'i l
hie susr.vti;; or imi'iiixv i.i:
..Max A'.el. r iii it.-' t';'t.sbai::,I.eaoer.
The iuexringtiish ible lurircd with
which tho poo;. tool Arin:. a regard tlie
Apache 1. .diatis. wa excited bv a -in-gu!;ir
ctrciiui-ta.'tv. M i::V y in s ;: go
a friend of our named Hopkiu. ie
w:is an cntl.u-ia-t upon ti e subject of
liiu-ie, conceived the idea thai l!.e ur-e-l
way of civiii'uig liie nd man
would be to ii iog hint under the sooth
ing inlhie.ices of the ilivhieart. ll-p-kiiis
conclui'ed that this could l-st U
do::t by (i ticlii::? cai-h i.itiivi.'.u il Ii:ii:,
:.n to pi ay upo:: in tr-;tn. -it.
he bought ;ti i lit sixteen hmidr -d
and started till' for Artitoua. lie sel
i li il down among the Apaches, v. ho
were much p!eaitl with Ilopki.i-'
filn-iile. So li-.pUins h -g-iu l. g ve
music le-o.i .i.i.l in a few w. r1,- m
had all tho-- tin!.-- -lii;loV .!. and fi e
-iieiice of the plains n is t i .!...--. he a
erfect cvcloiie of B-flats and ..atu'
:i!. The Indian wei.t inb the tlilng
with enthniasii.; Put the bite p-p!e
ill tiie iieigji! ..!i...i.l legar.'id the ber
l ible uproar u iih !iti-t. And 'i:a!
ineio.iinus cola- t :i Hopkins m.
t rush out v. sixteen bun. In- I bf ; v.
upon calm Sn.nim-r veuiti".-. ami
make tliein :-o-t aioi.g on a f.-n.v . .d
prtictii" their s-,;Vs in n..i-.!i'.. :r.o
hair of every white nrin in :ii.- neigh
borhood wa - -l!etelnsJ oi on i i.d.
Af.ra -.vhib ! lo
.I:;s t
1 ti,
ll) to try lo play " Alii. I I .ang Svi.e. "
anil the ;ir thos. abotahirtl w rfnii-ei-s
would s'.i.h- aroiiiol am in :lie
notes, fear up and thin u th" I ;r- and
inipinvi-e fStniordi-iary :ttnl:ip;: ;..
variation would have ni.n'.e m :i .in
Italian orgttn-gnuder it:it)tit nici.le.
But Hopkins '-aid he felt encouraged,
and so he nvir.'hcd his ..n.-he-tra t .!. one evening frtbe purpoe if
serenading the Mayor. An 1 u ben the
pi rformei s hail wr. tl -d with that ton
tor iiUmt a quarter of an boor the cili
ze is forniiti a igibimv Committee,
ai.d hung Hopkins, while they -hot th.-or.-lie-t
ra aU to atimi and mail.' a bon
tire ol ilietinb-s. tb it time the
Apaches and Avazoni;i::- !-avc not Is-' 'n
on -j'akuig; term-: tiny bate c'cli
oilier li'-nvly. The- i- :i-i. of mu -.. -i;
scieiitv iiiis not fci-eiv. ii any attention
since then fr.un the Apaches.
T7J1' PJiIs...
i a popular notion tint ed-
i tor are
a iH-cuitanv. aini soinewriai
uniusflv favored i-l i ot being-'. Tick
et to everything, free passes to every
where: a perfect av dandle of gratuit
ous Si'wing-ni.iihiiii's, grand piamw.
and patent. lnMit-jack4 : giant qna-!w-s
aiul matnniotii eggs ;";a.u ny an eim
nent e'.tizen on our tabic-' . and a u;ii
vcfsal deadl.eadne-s tltrotigbotil the
realm of space thi i the meat on
which these Ca-ars Iced, that they
have grown so great. Theiv i- ,.-'
r ';. to the account, however, and it
is thus iircsented by a " -ctiihl( wri
ter." who i quoted in one of our ex
changes; The press endures intiirfion of
deadheadisni from the pulpir. the bar
and the stage; irom corporations, soci
eties and individual. It i expected
to yield it intere-ls : it js n-nu-sted
lo give stii'tiglh to the weak, eyes to
blind, c'othes to the naked, aiul bread
to the huncrrv; it is a a-ked to cover
inlirmities. hide weaknesses, and wink
at quacks, b ilster up dull author-, and
flatter the vain: it i. in -hrT. to he?
all things to all me-., and if it hs-.k
lor iay or rew irl, it is ilouoiiu.-ed as
moan and -or li.l. There is no inter
est under the ubo!- I . ,-vi n- fl at i ex
pected to give -o mu- ii lo ..h o-i v n i;)i
out pity or thi. :.. a t! ; n-.
.i:ii isf:
p tt ti lr
The S11 K-
2.1 ssj :
Tbr i-es-- t
p;,-. f -s 1 bf-ss.i. isf ftT.
. eru.i t;,t
. imai'n it
... , i4 - . ao r-
ap. ; , 1 '- ? " s -s , ' t 1 ,s,4
bss fl.' '. - r 1 - t ? I I, t .
'J h v 1 ? siT '- I "s a d
IVil-i'tl S ? ''.t i,t-r-
i-r. !!- j... . ?. e.,. ''. ..I-, . r-
vai.U. Ht.. ' e -ty tl.e
ii(i.u too 1 t 4 r 1 re-it
tl' Slit- Ui I .ii"t 't .' I "-'
to turn tin- . .- ( o !!; Ko.-r-a
11 linmiri'ii Co -l. Our
gnat want ! pte- i t 1 j'pti!.lMit:.
and vet we l u.' 11" j to Mipply
tiiat want. 1 1-Ci.tril I'.uitlc lwiii
road C'ompany ba ivrt.iiniy done its
duty lu this d'.n eiion. It relue'd im
migrai.t rates 011 the Central Pacific
roailto about one and twiMhinl cents
a mile in currency, and nlo Induced
tlie Union Pacific road and contiectiiur
Ka-iern line to do likewi-e. I111111I-
are brought here Irom .New
for S30 iu currency. Parti 's
wish to bring triends from E 11-
roe can buy tickets in this 1 nty at ii
to if 100 In currency. 1 neo uckeis
chide the ocean passage and till rail
Tin: i:!.T.ciio i- oiti:.i'.
I! 4 on:ity.
The r:tkcrCity Democrat of but Wed
nedav Ntvs:
Thc'relttrus from this county so tar as
we have received them, are as follows:
Baker Citv, 242 votes polled Gree
ley. 140; Grant. 102.
Pocahontas Greeley, 12; Grant, 16;
Bolters 22. ,
Witigville Greeley, 13; Grant, 10;
Bolters 3.
Auburn Greeley 3 majority.
From present ap'arances we do not
claim over 30 majority for Greeley hi
this county.
$3 00
ax addrksk by the l xrrE j
STATE t EXTEJisiAi. M3tlv (
To th J'en4" of fAr UniUil Stale:
The Congress of tlie United States lias
enacted that the completion of the One
Hundredth Year of American Inde-
j js-ndence shall be celebrated by an In
1 tei-natioual Exhibition of tlie Arts.
J Maunlaetures. and Products ot tha soil
! and mine, to Is; held at Phlladelobla.
; in 1S7IS, and appointed a Comuiis
; sion, coiisistiu' of representatives fi-om
each State and Territory, to conduct
' the celebration.
Originating under tlie auspices of the
; National Legislature. contnlled by a
j National Commission, and designed as
i it is to "Commemorate the first Cen
j tury of our existence, by an Exhibition
i of the Natural resources ot our Country
: aud their development, aud of our pro
! gress in those Arts which benefit inan
j kind, in comiiarltion with thoe of
: oliler Nations," it i to the people at
J irge that the Commission look tor tlie
. ii id which is necessary to make the
: Centennial Celebration tlie grandest
anniversary the world has ever seen.
: , That the completion of the first cen
. jury of our existence should be marked
', l.y some imposing demonstration is,
we believe, the patriotic wish ot tlie
people ot the whole country. Tlie
i tougress o! the United States has wisc-
lv ifecld. I ttmt the BirtMay of tlie
i.rerit KojtibhV tnle'raoei-. .
Cs-Tetirareil bv the universal collection I -
and di-iilav all the trophies of its pro-
gri's. It i designed to bring tojjether,
m ithin a building covering titty acres.
only I he. varied productions ot our
niiiie and ot the oil, but tyjie ot all
the ititeJlirtu tl triumphs ot our citi-:'..-n.
sps-eiiiieus of even'thing that
Ainer'n-a -n furnish, whether from the
br-iinsor the IluiiIs of her children, aud
thu make evident to the world the ad
vancement of which U self governed
s-ople is capable.
In this "C-elebnition" all nations will
!m- invitavl t partici.'ite; its clianicter
Is tag Inl.-inational. Europe will dis
play her art- and inaiiiilactures, India
ln-r cut i.sis fabrics, while newly opeii
isl China and Japan will lay bare the
treasure which tor centuries their in
genious pj-opie have been ierfectiug.
, Each land will compete in gencr.ius ri
valry for tlie palm of superior excel-
To this grand gathering every zone
wid contribute it fruits and cereals.
No mi.i-rt! -I. til be wanting; for what
the I. a-- 1 uks tlie We-t will supply.
Underline, root will the South display
in rich luxuri inee b'-r growing cotton,
ai d tin Noriliin miiiiitture, tlie iiase-1-ss
niachiin-ry of her mills converting
that ci!t ;i i.r cloth. Each section
of the gin!- v. i;i -..nil its bct offerings
to thi- exhibit i u. and each State of
tin' Uni -in. a a member of one united
body politic, will show to her sister
States and to the world, how much she
can add to iis greatness of the nation
of-wlik-h 1m- is a harmonious tmrt.
To make the Centennial Celebration
-u. i; a a the iitriotisiu and
the pride of very American demands
v. Hi re jitire tin- co-operation of tlie
people .:- tiie whole country. The
I'nited Si.ite- Centennial Commission
has received no Government aid, such
:i England extended to her World's
Fair, and France to Iht Universal F'x-P-itiun.
yt tlie laiiorand n?spoiisibil
ity iiiiM-iil it;sii tl Csitnmlssion is as
gst-at a- lit either of those tiudertak
. . ' . It is e-;iin;itcd that ten millions
.1 i,on:irs wiil Ik- required, and this
-r.n C.Mgvc has provided shall lie.
r - :i-. .1 iv -lock -ubsvripuon, and that
t;.e p. :..j. sha.i have tin' opportiinity
siih-ribiug in proportion to the
i.c 'i ali .'i .if their resH-clive States
a.'ii 1'erritorie.
-The t 'tuiiii -i-:i looli to the unfail
i: -g p iti i' im of the jieojile of every
-s :i in. lo s, ,. -hat eaeli contributes its
-oat e . th-. e.i. t-s-s. nud p'lt'ives its
- rir. oft'e benefits of an enterilie
ii which all a it -o d.-eplv liitereted.
! V.OU..I further earnestly urge the
f.i-ni.itiou in each State and Territory
of a o-iit. i i, i.i! o.g-ii.iation, which
-l.itii in lime - tint cimiity as-ocia-i
: vis atr form. .1. that w lien tlie na
te.ns are g.ith. n-d toget!T III ls7d
" each C.tiiiuionw . iltb can view w ith
pta lelbe citt i' titions -he ha i4-de
to the national g'orv.
'iiiilideutly i. lying on tlie Zealand
i all ioli-in e r disphied by our jieov
jee in every initio' .al undertakiiig. we
; I 'dge ami p. ; !m v. that tlie Ccutcn
i,.;i! t'elcbra'' vi will wortliilv show
h iw great ne- . wealth and inteliigeiii'e
', c:;i 1- f-t. ivil by -uch institutions a
!!.- v. licit have for one hundred
y -tr- hks-ed the people of the United
Lewi. Wai.n Smith,
Temporary Secretary.
Itltl AlCV .-.CM A1U.
Just iiefiire Mr. Seward hauded over
ti.e Depitrttneiit of State to the Pre-
tnier of General Grunt's adiniuistra
! lion. I ciillcsl on the Secretary at his
ollii ial reside' ice. He was in line
! health and spirits, and spent an hour
I in chatty. conversation. President Liu
coin lieing the subject of the talk. .Mr.
Lincoln. h s.-iiih carried with him
, through his whole career as President.
the simple, habits. which marked him
; in his law practice in Springfield. If
he wanted anything of the Depart
i meuts. iuste-id of ringing his bell and
j calling a messenger, be would take his
hat and mu around from one office to
: another, just, as one lawyer would run
. round to the oliiee of a brother practio.
! ear. if missed at uight.tho-e in tlie secret
j could track him from place to place,
' and lie sure to come up to the President
.' iu some one ot his .favorite haunt0,
j He sitw.iio reason why he should not
1 enjoy himself as Presdent as well as
I when lie was plain Abraham Lincoln.
' The Pti'sident had tlie utmost horror
i of forms and red tape. He did not
I care how things were done' provided
' they were done. Adjubmt General
Tliomss wa sent out to relieve Gener
al Grant. Before he had a dunes to
serve bis patiers Vicksbure surrender
ed. Thomas did not dare to disturb
matters so became horoe to make his
lu-e with tlie President; tor he hud
violated orders. Ho went a friend in
, to sound tlw President ou his return to
. M ahiiiXti. The President was de
. bghted w ith the surrender. Rubbing
) hi, hand, be s ild : "Tell Thomas to
1 nine lu. He did ju-t right. He ought
to have been shot if lie bad obeyed the
One day a lady came to Mr. tie w-
ar i s ottice ami liauded him a scrap ot
s-er, on which was scriotilcd a few
' ii.KS. Tlie isirport of the uote was:
Let this woman liaveOOon account
of the secret Service Fund, aud send
m-r tin im'i mission." Tim note was
: signed A. L. It Is well known that
: t ougtvvs votes the President from fH50.
, uisj 10 -j.iuu.ouu annually as a scctvt
! sendee fund. Ot this the" Secretary of
1 iiie t ntooiau. ne must conn
I tersigu tlie President's order or not a
if. .liar of the fund can lie used. But
I alter the President receives tlie money
nobody can ask what he does with it.
I -M.r- --vard inquired of the woman
j 'y1,ilt ---H;ret service she was to peform
I that would jutity his paying her f 100.
" ell, she was going to England to
j of her country." The case was what
Mr. Seward supposed. The woman
j had been banging round tlie White
Ilou-e. botherii)-! tin? life out of tlie
i President, and to get rid of her lie
; propo-ed lo give her $100. "1 can
I g-c vim no money lor sucli .1 pur-
l p --.;. Nil-1 tuu secretary ol State.
I "Your ;rvices an? worth nothiup-. lu
London you would be a ilamacr? and
not a benefit to us. I can't throw away
the peoples money in tiiat fashion for
you." The ladv was not only indig
nant, but astonished. "So you refuse
to obey tlie President's order?" "I
ao. "And you are a irreater man
than Mr. Lincoln ; and wliea he says
iet nie nave 4-1 uu or his own money,
you say I shan't have it." "Well,
M-ulain, if the President wants to
give you 100 out of his own salarv
he has a perfect right to da it. But
per Annum in Advarf3
vou can liave no money out of the
Secret Service Fund for sucli a Tom
Fool's errand a you are starting on.'
"Giv" toe iny papers, sir, if you
please," said the excited lady, and off
he started to find the President. Mr.
Lincoln groaned as she crossed the
threshold. "Well; what now?' "Mr.
Seward won't give the money ;" and
she told her i-tory. "Well, madam,"
said the President, "I can do no mora
lor you. I told you I had very little
influence with this Administration."
Opera hats are now made mostly of
Pale amber is tlie fashionable color ,
in kid gloves.
Gentlemen's dress vests are very
much embroidered this season.
Ladies' umbrellas are now made
with a gilt ring on the ferule to fas
ten to tlie waist belt.
The Greeleyites have a new bond of
sympathy with the Southern rebels
both have a "lost cause."
National Business College,
t ;
T ' . !
A Model Commercial College.
The Education for the Times.
The Importance of a Practical
Education Was Never More
Apparent Than Now!
ol that as we Krow In prosperity we row
more nractlcal, and that It is required of men
that they educate themselves practically ed
ucate themselves in the lst manner possible
lo meet the demands of Ihe limes.
Yonnp men. the future welfare of thlsCosst
lK)ks t VH I Are lot prepared to meet
Its demands?
Demands of the Age!
The Thorough, P met V-al, awl ComJ
pre hen si ve
Tlie Course !s so arranged and Tausht as to
enable the Student to master It In
the Shortest Time Possible.
Kacli Student after )sslng tbrongh the
Book-Keeper & Merchant
whore. In the space of a FEW WEEKS,
be obtains Ihe experience of an
Tlie Telrarrapti lsefNU-tinent Is now flt
iel np with the be- ot Instruments, and Is la
ooraplet running order. j
Kor FIT.T. IVFt.inMATION.send forCOL
I.Ki.t I'Al'LK. fcaT Address:
IlcFrance &, James,
Has just received
OK i
Hardware, General Merchandise,
Calculated for
City and County Trade.
Bounht as low, awl will be sold at as small a
proilt as those who sell at cost.
CUmsisilellverwrto anv nart oftheltr
tree of charge. " dAw
Special Notice
Mission and Pacific Woolen Mills
Depot, Nos. 517 & 519 Market St.,
Offer to the trade
- i large isd wcll-slfctcd issortaciit ef
XII. Lb,
Consisting of
BLANKETS of every description ; HOBSK
and SLUICE Blanketings, various widths
an-l qualities; CLOTHS, CA&S1MERES and
TWEEDS of every description: GENTS',
SHAW in great variety; OPERA ami
PROOFS and REPELL.VNTS, various shades
and styles.
Kmt All-Wool and Merino Cxderwxar
and Hohieky for men, women and children,
especially adapted for the Pacific Coast.
Woolen Tarn In all Shades, by the package.
All Goods In our line manufactured To
order at short notice, and at the fairest
market prices.
Price lists sunt on application.
Mix-ion aad Panic Woolen Ma,
Depot, Nos. 517 St 519 Market Street,
1S3 Front St., PvrUaaMl,
C o m m i s s ion JVIerchant.
Oregon produce sold to best advantage In
Portland or ban Francisco. Dealer In
Conala-Bcaenta Solieticd.
Jan. 3J. 1873
. LAID, OBEwvi- v r7T
, 1 raHnH r m&mmmt
General Ad4riiin Jgrfft
FtrstStraot. toportert and Jobbwr ui
Fancv liooda, Toys, Crockery Ulaarwara aa4
Platsl War. , 1, ... -,- .
A mar House, lint at., aMw-setToakaait ,
2. Pine ETerythiuf seat. B. L. Lob 11- ' '
low, Prop. - - , , ; .., . .
m t .1 ii
' ' " '' '''' ' v : - 1
IVos. 75 k 77, First Stnet, PartlaatL .
' ' . 1 . 1 ii 1 . :t
Barman, tba onlr dlraut Importer of Clata. '
ing, Ac, cot. Tront 4 WaaMagtoa ata'r
CHA8. c. BAftnrrr,
Largest Stouk la POHtaa-L -
JVb. 7 Front ami Ao. VTauhingltm atii .it
BECK, WILLI All ' SOX, lwrront St
Importar aad deafen ta ' - -
Baas, aTtn aawa at-CTatawa j
of every dsauriptltw.
rishlng Tackle, Faner Goods, Beads, Hr4
Cares, Baaketa, Uroqaat Oaaats aatt
Baby Carriage.
Agents for the 'Calirorwa Pwwdar Warka
aUo, lur the "Wheelar ft Wilsoa orw
inat Uacalnaa,
Beck, John A., IS Front ttrwt, practloal
Watuamakar aa4 iUw-iaC, Work dona
lor me iraoe.
j at atacnaiavr. "- wv, ass
"rtT-nam tt BeMiart, First street, Mtweaa ;
ikand Pine, importers of 8tna, Kaw 1
ges, Kltoliea Utenala. ,
Buchanan, W, A, l. w. uor. First A Tvlor
sts. Cheapest Furnlrara House Id Port.
land. .......
r 1 13 l,"ri WALTER BEOS.
VjArrLllO t Front Street.
Clarke Henderson a Cook, 81 M Ftrst St. ;
Dealers In Drj Ueqda, I a but UilUnerj,
Ac Jtc
CSobn A Kosenreld, 148 Front Bt. Cowunla- '
sion lieruhanta t tlealere la Oreaoa aad
California Produce- -a
Congle. J.B., mantitaclurer and dealer In 1
Saddles, rTanwes, and fla-Ulary Hard
ware, Front tS. . ,
Clurrler. W. A C'o 108 Kront street. Mer-
chant Tailors A Clothiers, Bate, Foraaay. '
Ing Go-sis.
e Laahinntt A On Una a, Frnal street.
Iteal Estate Agents, money leaned '
bouse rented. - -
101 Front street, Portland. ,
DRUGGISTS, 101 Front St. Order '
Irom any portion or the Suite or Territories .
careluUy Cued by mail or -express.
Ijmil, Lowensteln A Co, Fnrnttnre awl '
-A Carpet dealers Mores from IS t US
Kirst street.
Employment Agency W'itbOTell-A Itol
man, 80 Front street. Furnish all kind
of help. .
Ererling A Beebe, 10 Front street. Com
mission Merchants and dealers in lo-
mestie Proilnce.
Aashioa Livery Stable, corner First awl
ar Salmon its., E. Corbett, Proprietor.
rtod turn-oats always oa han.l.
aishel A Roberts, err. First and Waahina-
" ton st. Dealers and Kanntacturers,
Clotliing, Furnishing Goods. ,
j The larsest Music House on the Coast. "
li. L. DEPItAN'5, Manager.
. -1 .
Asents wanted.
nachney A Steeme, Grocers and dealers in
all kinds of Seods, corner First and
Main sts.
Hamburger, B., 133 First street. Importer'
and dealer in Staple Fancy Dry Uootia
eislee, D. H., Phot ngraphio Artist, 8. W.
comer First and Morrison streets. Cbil-
.irens ilctures specialty.
1 enrichsen.
enrichsenTL. C. A
Co., 109 First street,'
mm Mann
Watches A
Manufacturers and dealers is Jewelry,
Nibbard, Geo. L., 9 Front street, whole
sale dealer in Groceries, Doors, Wagon
Materials Ac. . , '-
Hodge, Calef A Ctk, 97 Front street, whole
sale dealers in Drugs, Paints, Oils,'
Glass, Ac .
Hf 1 ', Sewing Machine, straight nee
J M EJ die, under lei lock stHch.--Comiictitioii
challenged. G. W. T rarer, 113
Front St reet.
tirgren A Shindler. Nos. 1S8 to 171 First
st. Imjiorters Furniture, Bedding, Ac '
International Hotel, cor. Front anoMoTrls
on sts. 31. Rudolph, Proprietor. Free
Buss attends steamers.
Kohn, J. A CoT, ill Front street, wholesale
and retail dealer in Fine Clothing. Fur
nisliiru: IhsxIs.
Malson Doree Restanrant, private rooms
for Families, cor. 1st and l'ioe.streeta.
Q. Voos, Proprietor.
1 Bar in. E. A Co., wholesale deaVsrU
IT J Wines and Liquors, O. a. K. Co's Block
and San Francisco.
eler A Schmeeir, 111 Front street, whole
sale ana retail (joniecuoners.
m filler, John B., 93 First street. Watch
1 maker and Jeweler, offers to the puhlki
a line assortment of Watches, Clocksand Jew
Moel ler, A Co., Front "near C. street, deal
ers in native and foreign Wines, Llo
mwsand Cigars.
orthntp A Thompson, Hardware, Iron,
Meet, linos, sjs.kes, uartiwooa Lnmoer.
iccidental Hotel, cor. First and Morrison
sts. amitn a coot, rroprietors.
Parrisb, Wat kins A Cornell, Real Estate
Acents, 90 Front street, between Abler
and Washington.
Photographic Goods, S2;
101 Front street.
ider, ti.C, Real Estate and Money Bro
aer, a ri-ont street, l'ortianq.
osenbaum, I. 8. A Co., Tolstooonlslt iav
porters of Foreign ana Domestic Liquors
Russ House, Front street. On First Clas
Prlm-lples. Thos. Ryan, Propi-letwr.
herlock, S., 61 Front and 81 First atadeX
9 er in Harness, Saddlery, and Saddlery
Hardware -.-
Simon, J., yt Front street, dealer In Doors,
Sash and Blinds Window and Plate Glass
Slnshetmer. H., 167 First street, importer ol
Pianos, Organs Sheet Music, Musical
Instruments. - -
kidmore, 8. G., 128 First street, llnim!
5 and A pot hc ary. a large stock of Perfum.
err and Toilet Article. 1
tinllilA Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale
9 Drugs Paints Oils, Window Glass Per-
lmel-y. Ae-. - .
now A Kiss-, 78 First street.PtcturesMold.
ings Frames, Artists Matoiials bra wing
- nmli, I'm, Broker, UU Front street. Dealer
In Lefral Tenders tMrernmant Bonds
andliohi Dust i 1 i
STOSfc, B. t, Ne. 17 Fi-Mat B-U-a-i-t.
Watclimakerand ManulautiiiiBa; Jewel
er, Is appointed agent for the WalthaasElglB,
E. Howard A Co., Cbas. . Jacot,aM the Cal
ifornia watches: also, tor all the prod notion
and imports of the California Jewelry Comps
itr, Saa Franolsco. Send An a circular.
Wntcbc repsire.1 In the very best manner and .
WARRANTED to give satUlaottaa. -
' a 'erry Bros., No. 178 First street, maautao
1 turers aol dealers In Furntuire, Be4-
dlng. Carpets Ac ' ' '
a -be Clothing Store, 113 Front atreet,Clot-
lng. Furnishing Gocsls, Boots and Shoes.
Harris A Praifer. "
hi lie, Ii. H, Hi V 1 Front st. Dealer '
i In Wat-ons and Agricultural Implement
, vne, E. D., n. w. cor. First and Oak sts.,
'ilenlvr In Floe Brandies Wines. bosUsb
Ale snd Porter. .
v!er. J. A., 147 Front street, wholesale
V "ile-eYr In Butter, Eggs Cheese, Lard,
Bacon. Ac. .
Williams A M vers, 5 Central block,Front
street. Commission Merchants aad
dealers in Produce. !
Will Saw, Dress, Tongne aad Groove from
6 to 8 thousand feet of Lumber per day.
Extra Steam :Capacity I.
. . ' . - . .-
BlacksmHh Tools, Line ofHhamns;, tlrlni
Ing M.t lane. Belts Sews Tools u, AW -
' - y s-,.J
K-v-ei--tliiMHr Complpie,
Time given oa a pnrtiea ot narcbase atoney
If desired. Enquire of E. b. TOWK .
' 1 - alem, Oregoa. ' -
Apply to Jones A Patterson, Real atstaui
Agents Salem,
Otit. li, 187dwtf ... -
, .. ... r
DrteM Ulaking.
Mitchell hare opened a Fashioaable
Dres Makliig Shop corner of State and Lib
ertv strouts -up stairs. Tber rsepsa-tfulty so
licit a liberal share of the public patronaau..
Ocf.s lsTidltB. -