The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, October 29, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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From Daily vj "Yedn-$dtvj Oct.'-Z.
Tr Bshats Chakbeb. Another day of
irranKling and duipute inaideof the bar:
another uijr of outDnreto of poiwion, toned
down by an ooramonul exchange of wit and
nod humor; hi a word, another day of
ctri.ilatKin and tie rote im a few of the, po
litical qtievtiona of the day. Would that we
could nay we liad a tie Tote oo all political
questions, but owing to me- or two weak
kneed oms on the Republican side of the
Imhikh, it givea the Democrats the upper
hand on all question" that most intemit the
public mind of Halt-m and it immediate
vicinity. ,Va heal the question asked on
tvtry side-, when are tbxy going to appoint
the Capitol Commissioners ? Wo can an
swer thu question in but one way. The
fault lies in the Senate. It remains with
them to ' eonsent to go into Joint
Convention and elect the officers in ques
tion. But for some inscrutable reason one
member of the Marion county delegation
refuses to go into Joint Aweiiibly, which
gives the party to whose interest it is to re
main ontxide, the majority, and blocks the
wheels of legislation in such a decided man
ner that unless due care is taken we cannot f
reap tlie. benefits of the niuninceut appro
priation granted us to commence the erec
tion of the capitol building. The bill
granting a $3,000 appropriation to the Or
phan's Hume of this city passed yesterday.
Mr. Fav, as usual, objected to the p-msae
of tlie bill, but we are pleased to say he was
, 1... nnA ukn rnhJ a ... Mist it IT, til.'
upper House oi me Asaemuiy. xcnu-iuuv .
was a buxv day for the Senators, and they
passed a large number of bills and gave at- (
tention to a still larger number tliat passed
their nrst and second readings. An eilort I
.1 . 1. 1.. V . 1 I
was made to have an evening session, but
the Senators don't like to work o'nights, so
they adjourned at 6 p. m.
1),... O'er . Qtiv PniviTRa Mr
III'AU -.j-. ... . - " ' .
Howell, the County Boad Supervisor, ha J
for some time past been huuting up the J
voung bloods around town who are liable to
a poll tax. Hoeing quite a number of stal- ,
wart young bucks at work iu the State
Printer's office, he concluded to call on them
for a contribution. He did so, but the boys ;
couldn't see it, and failed to come dow:i
with the kale seed. Mr. Howell served the
customary notice on them, and they were
notified to appear at a certain secluded spot
on a given d!av, with pick and shovel attach- ;
iuent, and labor for the county's good for ,-
short time. The bovs turned a trifle pa!
around the gills when thev heard these o ;
de-rs. but with an amazing signt oi cnet
have "stood Howell oil" so far, and propis
lighting it out on that line. Hut won't it I
a jollv sight to see the boys start out wi.
Wilbur Cornell at the head, and Uu
KcbwalkA and Curry bringing up the real
Carter, poor fellow, would have to use
.lm,0-har.llA.l urtia.l,, (irclw drive atl OX tt.-B
for a dav or two. Bora, when you start o
be kind enough to give us notice and v 7
will give you a "send off." I
8econd Qkowth. As a general thin
fruit-growers are content if they can j-ui i
one good crop a year from their trees. B
A. B. Cosper, of this city, has a pear tree
the Bartlett variety that has exerted its E
somewhat this season and matured a seeo .
crop of fruit. When he gathered the cr i
from the tree this fall he noticed a bunch ; '
Hears, five in number, which were at tl
time about the size of hickory nuts.
.vineliuled to let them trrow and see
wi 1 1
they would amount to. He gathered thi 1 1
yesterday, and presented one to us al t
the size of a goose egg and perfectly souw ..
This we consider an exceptional case.
As Accident. H. B. Myers and E. Co j -cr,
of this city, started from home last M i
:lay mornin"for a day's hunt. They ha 1 a
tw' !iore waifon and while down j e
Butte Creek Hill the harness broke and e
horses being balkv commenced kicki i :.
and in making a sudden lurch managed
turn the wagon over, throwing tne
enpants out. In the fall, Mr. Myers
ceived some severe internal bruises, fi
which, it is feared, he may not recover,
was hrottghtbaek to this city, andsinee tl
we are are told, has been lying in a pre j i
onsconditioa. Mr. Cooper escaped wit i a
few severe scratches, but his injuries an i.y
no means of a serious nature. Con -ide, J g
the dangerous condition of the road at ).is
point, their escape is almost miraculous.
8hf.ep vs. Doos. An amusing time us
had in the House yesterday afternoon 'er
tlie passage of a bill to protect sheep id
exterminate dogs throughout Jihe HtaUi. It
provitb-g for a tax on every cauine, rig; Id
less of sex. Mr. Onstien, of Baker cou-sjy.
was immensely interested in the bill, lid
voted for or against it just as it happei.kd.
His speech caused no littlu amueement. al
though it upset the gravity ot that usu 41V
sedate convocation. It failed to pass fid
was on motion reconsidered and passet by
. a handsome majoritv. Although the t.u
suluration of tlie bill was of an amui lug
character, it has it merits. I
Bbick-Makh by "Trusts." We 1
that a seven tv-arch brick kiln, at the P
tentiary was cioseu yesteruay ai iu o ei ...a,
after having been burned 10 days. We ire
informed that Mr. Watkinds gave the u
trol of the burning to two life-time priaoii rs
Mat. Bledsoe and Wm. Mclntire who ,.re
experienced, brick burners, and perfe
trust-worthy. The officers of the prison
that thin is the best burned kiln of the
son. We have no doubt the brick will be
used for building the State Capitol. ;
Broke Awat. Yesterday afternoon w lie
some workmen were engaged in lifting 1 le
gate at the dam near Mr. Myers' Agri'1
tural Works, the pressure of the water Vc
came so great as to tear away a large ;jr-
tion of the lower part ox uie aam. fii
upper portion was only saved hy a coupj,
strong iron braces being inserted. We
not apprised of the amount of damage 6
in a pecuniary point of view.
From Daily of Thursday Oct. 24
Th Last Dat ot thr Seshios. Yes
day morning when the Senators filed )( to
the Hall it was pretty generally nnderst ( al
that it wai to be the last day of the sew a,
and those having pet measures that w re
lvmg on the table were on the qui vive to
bring them up for final action. Among le
number there were -some that of coi
were of no inconsiderable importance to
certain portions' of the State, and the m Li
bers that represented the different locali' es
were desirous to have them acted nj n,
fearing that their constituents would sex - se
them of neglect on their return home. I r.
Strahan especially, must have feared this le
sult regarding one of 'his pet measu
namely H. B. No. 118. The bill mf ' es
certain provisions for the construction e ' a
railroad from Corvallis to the Yaqnina I y.
We can, however, inform our readers in I at
section of the State, that it was not r.
trahan't fault that the -bill did not pass. Iu
made at least five different motions ye' r
terday to suspend the rules and take the ! ill
from the table, all of which were v eil
down. The merits of the bill were f ot
thought sufficient to carry it through. ' w
Governor's veto of the Portland Police ,,11
paused considarable flutter among its
friends, and when it came tip for final to
tion Mr. Dolph made one of the best spa 'V
ra of the session in favor of it, as did ' r.
Watson, of Coos county. But it was do til
ed to die ; the bill failed to get a two-th Is
vote. : Heveral efforts were made to go i- to
Joint Convention, but Mr. Brown of
county, would not consent, and the result
was the non-concurrence of the 8eiitc
in all ioint resolutions of this natu e.
Mr. Fsv's vote occasionally made a stand IT
to Mr. Br ,wn's : but this afternoon w en
the President's vote was most needed, it -as
given in favor of the opposing party. E !ii
after oar Bepnblican members Inuf ooiis-Alfred
to elect the Capitol 'Commissioners i id
Bupt. of Public Instruction alone, the Di n
ocrats (Mr. Brown with them) would I ot
consent to joint action in the mutter. A ' ill
to appnipnate ten per cent, of the proce' Is
arising from the sale of swamp lands to ' ie
common school fuud. was put through oy
the exertions otJlc. CrstJ. Mr. Fav g- n
as his season for -voting against the bill, i at
according to the Treasurer's report tl re
' was only about $65.00 of-this monev on
hand, and he did not think that $6 50 "it
of that fund would help the school ftfcd
very materially. Am effort was made in ie
afternoon by certain indnstriiius nsslxw
to reconsider the vote by-vrhieh an hour of
adjonnuneat had been greed upon, but it
was voted down, showing very plainly tl at
the Oregon - Henators had grown w..ry
of working for glory alone. Besi js
that the . moat of them had already e
ceived then: emnpensation, and were r , w
ready and willing to flit away home. Bi o
lutiont bad been passed providing for w
pavment of certain contestants. Mr. Most cr
with unexampled cheek, claimed corup i
sation 'for 4h whole session, -but his In le
arrangement was vwy soon upset, and .ie
was shown tliat thbngh he had been she n
certain Oonrtssies, he eould not pull ie
wool over tlie eyes of all.
As Exonsiow. The members of : e
Oregon Legislator passed a joint rcsot i
tion yestesday accepting an invitation ; t
tended Ihem by he President of the 0
gon Calilornia Railroad to take "f. e
ride." They agreed to start this morn) 4
at nine o'clock bat which way they prop- e
going we have not been informed. V :
Holliday was notified of the acceptance a i
a train will be placed at their dispos .
Knowing Mr. Hlday liberaliry bn -casions
of this kind we have no doubt t s
trip will prove a pleasant one tn all 1
participate. Full proceedings will be giv 1
our readers on their return.
Held fob Postaoe. The following 1 1 -dressed
letters are held for postage at ;
post office iu this city : Joseph Delore. It .
Hood. Wasco Co., Oregon ; Samuel Mar .
Habtey, Oregon; Dr. A. J. White, SlUPej I
street. New York City; 3. Waldo, Housfc
Texas : Joseph Watson, 85 Water St., B . -ton,
Hasff. ; D. W. Litchenthaler,
Grande, Oregon. They will be forwarded '
their 11 ddAmKYfp" M '
cent stamp. T. B. BlChLl, 1. M.
Geo tAtttmg. of this city, is ihe 8ak ;
correspondent iff the Oagonian, and his 1. ;
ters aro highly spokta of. .
Governor 0 rover was busily engaged t
terday txniuiiug ldls transmittal lor 1
signature. Wawill endeavor .to keep o -re
id posted 011 ihose that receive 1 1
tanction. 1
1 '""'From Tlni!y Friday Oa. 25.
PBRTTKr.s Baswet. Tlie printers and
newspaper men, now in Salem, wall a num
ber of guests outside f tlie craft, were
vntfcrtainid at the ChemeUtta Hoti 1, ;a.n
evening, l.y the Slate Printer, Mr. Eugene
Sample. An elegant supper was sot out bv
" unue host" Mr. W.lras. Mr. A. Bush
as thu oldesi newspaper man of tlie State,
presided. After going tlirough the reg
ular courses at table, regular toasts were
given and responded to as follows : Our
Country S. L. Simpson. The Press
C. P. Crantlali of tlie Statesman. The Lob
by L. l Mosher of the Pkiudealer. Uur
Isothermal Line Eugene Semple, State
Printer. The State Capitol C. (i. Curl.
Irish Potatoes Mr. Kvary. Tne Liu mtuie
of our coanuy S. A. Clarl.e of the Fanner.
Tue Ladies not prtseiii Mr. Seayrs. Mem
phis packet Mr. Semple. Af,'rioulture K.
M. WaiU?, editor of the Job OltiJ. The Art
Presefvativt iiuur Cornell. Foreman of
State Printer ' ollice, and S. F. Cliadwick,
rKcretarv of State. Our Host 11. Oil trey
l'rivato "Secretary of llio Ooveinor. Tne
Devil Steplit u Shepherd. Beside the fore
goiug, numerous volunteer toasts were giv
en and responded to happily. Wo are sorry
to say that tlie very lat lnmr at widen the
banquet closed precludes more particular
liieiilionot tliis leature of the evenunc. The
utmost good feeling and fellowship prevailed
throughout the evening, andwitaud humor
sparkled and frothed 111 every direction as
is the wont when print meets print at the
banquet board. We cannot lurcgo men
tion of the fact that exceedingly handsome
compliments wire paid to Mr. Semple by
his employees and to Mr. Wilbur Cornell,
by bom employer and the men under his
ciiarge iu tlie Suite Fruiter's Office. The
Chairman, Mr. Bush, was toasted as one of
the first newspaper men of the State, not
only in point of time but journalistic
ability and aivoiuplisiiuieuU, anil lie re
sponded in his habitual witty vein. It was
Jar in the "wee siua' Hours ayant the twal"
when the reunion brone up. The guests
will not soon forget tne nappy occasion
winch brought so many of the craft from
all parts of the State together and which
will, doubtless cement more closely thau
ever the proverbial good-fellowship of the
The Hay Afteb. Salemites looked nat
ural again yesterday, and the business
streets again looned iamiliur. During the
past two months our little oily lias looked
us though it was working hard. Yes, in
fact, it itxi been straining itself to keep up
witn tne times. Such activity is some
thing it is not accustomed to, and yusterduy
it gave as it were a sigh of relief and settled
Itself back into the old style as naturally as
though tlie "even u nw of its way" had
never lieen distitrtied I y the turmoil ami
s.ritu of a SJiatc Legislature. Our old resi
dents again put on their every day clotnes
and fell bacu into tiie old ruts to run tin re
in fur the next two years, it six ins natural
once mole. The Legislative Halls are
again under lock and key, and naught but
scraps of iaper with an occasional mucilage
Ixitue aim ink stand remain to mark tiie
busy scenes of the past few weeks. Empty
cualrs, monuments of the past, serve ouly
to remind us of the active brains or cou
sumate stubomiss that lillt el the 111 but a
few days since. The lobby is deserted since
the third house adjourned. Tobacco spit
and cigar stumps are all that remain to
mark the spot wue t at one time stood the
erowd to winc h in ny cases the memliers
bowed subservien Signs of departed
glory are on every nd, and nothing but
water marks retrain to lndicace where Int
lately swept a foaming torrent. But evtu
. witu tiiis strong .o,.t ast. our citizens art
without exceptio glad that it is ever and
are willing to see me crowd depart. '1 lie
e;ci emeut had gro .n mouotnous even to
ouu-idcrs, to say n tl iun of U.oso mot in
terested. Most ot the iiieiuljers went home
on the special train Thursday morning.
The few tuat remained over t4ok their
little carpe t bags in Hand and departed yes
terday. Lobbyists were scarce after two
o'clock Thursday morning as tin y t'Ki hied
away home at an early hour. The Oregon
Legislature to-d-iy is represented by only
the chief dirks and their assistants who
have reiuaiiu d to finish up tlio journals,
unless you take into consideration the bills
Iiassed'aud the debts incurred. The ad
journment of the third house was a marked
feature of the closing scenes being too
much mixed np for even the most graphic
disciple of the quill. The reporters are at
least glad that - ail o'er," and can now once
more attend to business of a diifeieut ua
t jre better suiu-d to Uielr tastes.
A ItEXAKKAftLE Case. Prof. T. II. Craw
ford, of the Willamette University, handed
us tlie other day a photograph of Jftss Cora
F. Daggett, of "BaiiKor, Maine, a young girl
wiio has become sometiiiug of a celebrity
011 account of a most remarkably constant
attendance at school. She is now a memlx-r
of the Senior Class of the High School of
liuniror, iiavins attended thu sclimil for
ight years and a half, without missing a
school" day r being once tardy. She re
ceived hoiioral4e mention in the last report
of the Commissioner of Education. Tne
case is notable not only for tlie steadfastness
of tlie vouiiL' ladv in her pursuit ot an edu
cation, "but also on account of the remarka
ble oontinuance of good health, which ena
bled bur to attend the school with such reg
ularity. Perhaps not another instance of
eight and a half years' constaut attendance
at school could "be found in the United
State. Prof. Crawford, noticing the men
tion of the case, wrote a letter to the Prin
cipal of the school, and in return received a
large pnotograpu 01 tne giri, oi wuicn ne
has obtained some copies. A largo picture
adorns tlie wall of his school-room in tlie
The Goat Trade. Messrs Bntterficld A-
Itussell. of California, arrived in this citv
about a month aco with over 80O head of
Angora goats, most of which were of graded
stock. A number of them were on exhibi
tion at the state fair, after which thry were
offered for sale. Quite a number of Marion
oounrv farmers availed themselves of tlie
opportunity to purchase and since that time
they have sold over 600 bead. Mr. Vocum
- of this eountv purchased 600 head and Dr.
Carpenter a drove of 50. They have only
about 200 left and these will be wintered on
their ranche in Columbia county, for which
place they will start this morning.
Badly 8ou. Quite a numbe r of persons
wen tup to tilt depot yesturday morning to
see the excursion train start off, and came
hack horribly disgusted with themselves and
"ye loeal" for sending tliem out on such a
wild-goose chase.- While we acknowledge
our mistake, we can only say in justice to that when the item was written tne
programme was arranged as published. But
during the evening session the time was
changed to this morning, and finally, jnst
before adjourning, the invitation was re
spectfully declined, owing to the universal
desireof members to reach home as soon as
possible. We trust this apology on our part
will dear our skirts of the suppow-d mis
take regarding the date, the fact, etc.
The Pages each received S 135,00 in gold
coin for their services during tlie session of
tlie Legislature.
The annual city election is already excit
ing considerable "attcn tion.
The ballot system will hereafter be adopt
ed at all the elections in this State.
Election hats are being staked on the
coming contest But we no
tice that Grant men are compelled to give
odds. , . ; 1
If you would know the value of a dollar
try to borrow one. Tliey are above par
then. -
The lister's School is progressing finely.
Workmen are now engaged in putting on a
substantial tin roof.
Twenty dollar gold pieces were very plen
' tv around the Legislative Hall yesterday.
Boarding house keepers and washerwomen
please take notice.
Father Waller is, as ever, emragwi in rais
ing money to finish the M, E. Church in
thu city. He now wishes to pay for that
extensive 'cart-wheel" window. Success
attend his efforts.
(Juite a uumlcr of our young men intend
to spend the wint-r in San Francisco.
- Now that the Legislamre has adjourn' d
wa will call on our friends for items of local
interest-' Please keep us posted.
The present winter gives fair premise cf
activity in the matrimonial market.
About twenty transfer of real estate were
recorded ill the County Clerk's office the
last three days of Uie preceding wck.
" A lady entered one of our drug stores yes
terday and inquired for a bottle of "Jane's
Some milliners of Mrs. Moxley's were re
cently badly scared by a chap a little the
worse for liquor.
Miles Miller is now at Bridge Creek, Ore
gon, and makes a successful sheep-herder.
The House last evening decided that they
were empowered to elect Capitol Commis
sioners. Won't the question bear argu
' meat f
Arrangement will soon be made for the
organization of a Grovo of Druids.
The Governor signed the Appropriation
Bill yestcrdny. and the minds of the numer
ous lobbyuts were set at case. -
A bill has recently been passed which will
greatly increase the fees of County Clerks
and Slieriffs. They tried to exempt Marion
county but could not succeed in so doing.
On the morniiir ot Tutelar. Oct.
1st, the Atlanta (Ga.) Herald, ii Gree
ley orgnn, had its xigf sprinkled with
paragraphs similar to tliii: "Imwsoii
A. Walker represent the men ' who
Hlw'uil in our overthrow. Vole
uitiust him lo-inorrow. j jVml this!
"Gov. Smith represents the men who
fought for Georgia liHleieu(leiiee.
Vote for him to-morrow." Walker
was the Republican caJKlitJate for Gov-,
ertior ; Smith was the flreeleylte can
didate. The re-eleetiou of tlie, latter
Is heraftletl by the Greelejits orsiw
throughotit thu wmntrt ns1- a great
(ireeliy victory." And that U ju-t
what Greeleyism me.-ius wiien you get
at the root of it. "Walker gloried 'hi
th overthi-o' t the relH'iiiou; mitli
represents the iiieu who fought for
division of tlie Union and Southern in
dependence." "i - - " '
HE LE.l!L.VriKi:.
I Salhi, Oct. 15.
- A e mil Killed.
"The House hill relating to fees of of
ficer enualiziiig fiH-s throughout the
State was lot by a vote of 10 to 12.
Kills Approved.
A message was received from the
Governor, announcing his approval ot
the lull creating tlie ollice ot .Mate
Koirister ot I.auiK and the Dill to pro
vide for common schools taught in the
German language.
4oupiltlloil of !l.
Mr. I'ii'tlwiii. troiu the .Iin'iciaiy
Committee, reported hack the hill pro
ruling tor the couipiliiur oi jaws hy ji.
1. i)eady. The t.'oiniuiltee ivcoiii
meiiiled the appointment of Syl. U.
Simpson as Assistant. 1 he ameiiil-
ments were ailopted, tne mil ny sn
K'iision of rules read third time, and
placed upon its tlual passage. The
hill passed hy a vote ot Is to 3.
ItMMMl of Hills, IlcHollltioils, etc
Tlie joint 1-esohition to provide for
adiournmeut at 12 in. to-night was
The House hill to confirm title to
ivrtaill school lauds sold to A. A. -lc-Ciillr,
was passeil.
The House joint memorial iu rela
tion to a port ol entrv at t. 00s lav. as j
In tlie atternooii session, tne House
hill to define duties and lix compensa
tion of State lVinter was po-ipom d
till 10 a. in. to-morrow.
Tin- resolution declaring Strnhau not
entitled to a seat iu the Senate as Sen
ator from lleiiton county was taken up
as the special order and lam on the fa
ille, liruwii of Morion voting with the
IVmocrats. solid.
The hills to amend the statute as to
quieting title to certain lands livid hy
Settlers, ami to organize tlie Oregon
Children's Aid Sicietv. wire passed.
1 he lull tu amend e.-nav law was in
definitely postponed.
lhe House lull to appoint a State
Geologi-t passed.
1 he Senate siieut a ginxi i :ih ot the
afleriioiiu int 'onuuiltee of the V hole.
ill consideration i f the llnuse hill to
regulate assessment aod eoilection of
The Senate agreed to llon-e iimcihl
ment to the joint resolution tis'u.";
i'oniieiisation of olliivrs of the Assem
The Senate adjourned.
YiirlotiM .Untteitt.
The House agreed to the Senate
atneiidnieiit to the Capitol hill.
The House hill to provide lor tin-
erection of an Insane Asylum was re
ferred for amendment.
The hill to improve State road from
Wilbur to Kosehiirg was passl.
A joint rcsolui Uu lo y;( into joint
convention at '( p. m. was adopted.
the House concurred 111 St-kafe
aineiidnieiits to the lliue hiil lo uu
vide for puUicatiein of laws.
The End or tlie Iam-U. Hill.
A motion to refer the Canal ;is.fl
Locks hill to a select committee 1
three was laid iijoii the table. 'I'M-
carried the hill with ir, and was pr.te-1
ticnlly a final sileiuvr ot the liill. t
The Hou-e ailjoiirned. S
Ai'ternooii I'roreeeliiiKst. '
The; joint resolution to jrive the 'lor-1
enior authority to ;iipoint C.ipilo!
Couunissioueis. was laid on the table.
A resolution was adopted to provide
for uiying expenses ot tlie joint com
mittees to vi-if the Insane Asylum and
the Canal and Locks ifS nt day.
The bill to provide for the huild'ng
ofan Insane Asylum was lost by n
vote of ii to 2:1. "
The House hill to encoiirriire the 1
rai-ing of sheep; the House bill to pro
vide for a road from l'ortland to A-to-ria
; and the Si-nate hill to provide for
a road from Washington county to the
Columbia river, were passed.
The Senate joint resolution rehiring
to sale of marsh lauds, was adopted.
The bill to provide for a wagon road
from Siuuuierville to the Blue Moun
tains, was lost.
The House adjoiined till " r. m.
All about kuIiik Into Joint Conten
tion Mr. Moores offered a joint resolu
tion to go into joint convention at 11
A. M. to-day. Struhan moved to
amend hy striking out "11 a. m.." and
also to insert "Capitol Commissioners
and SuiK-ruiteudenf of Public Instruc
tion and no other oflh-ers." Mr. Hoiilt
moved to lay the resolution on the ta
ble lost hy .1 tie vote. Strahau's
amendment lost by a tie vote. The
amendment to eliauge the hour was
lost hy a tie vote. Hoult moved to lay
the resolution on the table lost by 11
tie vote. Brown, of Baker, called to
the chair. Mr. Fay moved to make
the resolution special order for 2 r. 11.,
which was agreed to.
Per Dlewi and mieKe ot 'oiitetJint.
Strnhan offered a resolution irrint
ing Z. F. Moody and L. F. Mi s'u-r.
eontestonts for feats) in the Sn, ate,
mileage and compensation per diem
for the session. Cornelius moved to
amend by striking out the name ot L.
F. Mosher. Fay suggested to amend
to allow Mosher pay up to the time
his eae was indefinitely postponed.
Mosher was invited to address the Sen
ate. On motion ot Fay. the resolu
tion was referred to tlie Committee of
Ways and Means, with leave to report
at pleasure.
The I'ortlniKl Police Rill.
The Governor's message vetoing this
bill was rend, and the question heing.
shall the hill pass notwithstanding the
veto of the Governor? Mr. lo'p'i
said lie was greatly astonished at lhe
course taken hy ilis Excellency the
Governor. Two years ago the Legis
lature did by their action say that lln
citizens of l'ortland were incapable of
self government ; and it took from
them tlx; inalienable right of self-government
and gave the appointment ot
the entir police lorce to the Governor.
He was glad that certain Senators bail
been found that realized the injustice
of the proceedings, and had by their
votes passed a bill repealing certain
nets that had lieen passed hy tuat body.
It had lieen passed through by a vote
of 1(5 to 5. He now found that the
Governor had. bv a veto that was un
precedented in import, annulled the
act. and the hi!) wa again oil their
hands for consideration. He was not
surprised that the Governor had signed
the original bill, as the pressure was
strong iu its favor, although it was
his opinion that many of the ciiarges
brought then against the existing po
lice force ot that time were false. J5nt
lie was surprised that he liad not signed
the present one after rvuciviiig the e
citions that he had so to do. to say
nothing of the "present Assembly, that
had passed it by such a decisive vote.
He undertook to say that the Demo
crats desired to see the proserify of
their own party. If such was the case
tliey would rei-uke the present action
of tlie Governor, or it would forever
stand a u record of infamy for himself
and party. The right of self-government
Was a cardinal doctrine of that
party, and he now asked them to pric
tiee wha t they preached. Should these
citizens lie deprived ot the right of self
government? The document submit
ted hy the Governor was a remark
able one. He did not believe it an
original one. It spoke of suliordiuate
city elections. Could it le possible
that the Governor considered such an
election subordinate ? It seemed so,
and tlie teople were made subservient
to his will. The people were capable
of self-government, and lie. as their
Senator in this portion of the Assem
bly, demanded that right tor them.
He was sorry he had been called upon
to use such strong language, hut the
occasion demanded it. Gov. G rover
showed no constitutional reason lor
his veto ; it was an apparent act 01
weakness on his part. If such right
was granted him now what reason had
they 10 suppose he would not in time
appoint even county and precinct offi
cers. Why not use his jiower of des
potism stiil more. Again he urged
upon them to pass the bill over the
veto of the Governor.
Mr. Myers said he should sustain
tlie Governor's veto, having received
letters from prominent men of that
city nrging liiin so to do.
Mr. Baldwin replied to Mr. Dolph's
8!iceeh by heaping alwse upon the con
duct of the Republican party in 18(12
when the general government had
taken it into their lieads to appoint
even Governors. He then attetnpte i
to fasten a stigma upon the police j
force of 0 and '70. which Mr. Dolph I
very handsomely refuted.
Mr. Watson made at: able s)eech In
defense of the bill and the roll iK-ir.g i
called tho result was as follows 011
la-.slng the bill notwithstanding the
veto: Ayes Bristow. Drown, of Ma
rion. Cornelius Cowles. Crystal.
Dolph. Hannah. Moores. Patterson,
Powell. Watson and Webster 12.
Tlie balance voted i.ay 10. So the
bill wa-slo.-t. .
St ml ein introduced a resolution mak
ing tin- State irresponsible for Commis
sioners cnntiacts unless authorized by
Slate appropriations. Adopted.
Mimmvs introduced a resolution to go
Into joint convention, which was made
MM'eiai tinier for 2:.'Jl r. Jt.
11. 1. No. (VJ. relating to fee of offi
cers was reconsidered and passed.
A H. X. M. relating to tlie Dalles
and S. L. Railroad was concurred iu.
The Senate adjourned.
In tlie afternoon session an attempt
to get up the Yaqnina Hay railroad
bill failed absent. Urown of Marion.
The bill to provide for improve' lent
of the Stare road between Wilbur and
Roseburg, was passed.
A uie'4ige was received from the
Governor announcing his approval of
the general appropriation bill, and
The Houe joint resolution to adjourn
'lie. at 12 o'clock to-tiiglit was con
curred in.
The Senate agreed to give H. K.
llamnu live dollars per day as Judicia
ry Committee Clerk.
" The Senate refused to reconsider the
reoolution to adjourn at midnight.
The hill to remit to Curry county
ssPli. State tax. was passed.
'lln- House joint resolution defining
si Tie of paper to lie used hy Stale Prin
ter wa- agreed to.
A bill lo appropriate to the School
FuikI ten per cent, of the proceeds of
.-a ' of swamp lands, passed.
lis- House bill to create aboard of
E'-pialratioii was passed.
Another attempt to lake up the Ya
q!li:ist Yi:y railroad failed.
The. Senate concurred in ll iuse joint
resoltvridii accepting Mr. HolladayV
iuvil d'xni to take a railroad excursion.
The bill relating to opening trect
and nl'cys in Portland wa pas-ed.
Also, if m- bill lo amend charter of Last
A reoltitiivi was reported from com
mittee on Way and Means, allowing
'.. V. Mimdv and A. M. Withaiu. cou-ti-tanls
mileage and twenty days per
diem, and L. F. Mo-lu r per ciieni for
ten days adopted.
Anotiier 11.1-uivi'ssfu; attempt was
made to take up the Ya juina railroad
Tlie Senate took a ivcess till 7:.'!0 p.
l'r-ortffUiisr of i.veniiti; .Session.
Tlie Seuate joint resolution to pay
U. K. Hicks, jsj perday aseXjKit, was
adopt ed.
The expeiises of the lug-boat investi
gation wi re provided for by a resolu
tion, exe-cpt that Capf. (Jrav was not
allowed any fees as witness.
Committee 011 Public printing su!
milted a report, which was x-tpoiied
till K:;;i) p. in.
The suit) of 201 :( was allowed by
resolution to pay expi n-s-s of Claika
inas contest
Mr. Moo?v ollered a joint resolution
einHwering the Governor to appoint
wCapitoI Coniiiiis-io:i'i-: w.;i adopted
by a vole of 12 to S. J
A resolution to di fray rxpeny of
the 1'ughoat inve.-tlgul ion wasailripted.
A Coilllllitlee was imiKOllllisL-t,, :iit
on the (foviTnor and iii!y,m I nn
the readiness of the S-nate lo ad
joiiru .-hie i'ir.
1 1 ie-. bill to allien! tne charier
Portland was pa-s-i.
A motion lo take up the Yaqnina
Uay railroad bill was reja ateiily made
and lost. It was finally indefinitely
lieport of Committee on Printing
was referred to a -spt-ci:il committee,
and thus -mothered.
A long list ot other bills from the
lloil-e were, iuilelinitely postponed.
A resolui ion of thanks to the Presi
dent was ailopted.
The vote accepting Mr. Ilnllailay's
invitation to take an excursion 011 the
railroad was reconsidered and the im i
tation declined with thanks.
After the transaction of some other
unimportant bu-ine-s the Saiate ad
journed nine iiir.
1101 sr. or iti;ii;EVETATiTi:i.
A message was receivi-d froin"the
Senate requesting the return of the
S-nate hill relative to lees of ollh-ers ;
ordered returned.
Tiie Senate hill to authorize the sale
of lauds, granted by Congress to aid
in the erection of a Capitol building,
was passed, without opposition.
Tlie re-olutioii to provide fir a joint
convention at 11 o'clock a. in. was
taken from the table and adopted.
A resolution was adopted to adjourn
.sine die at 12 o'clock to-nibt.
Tho Senate joint resolution submit
ting amendments to the Constitution
w as coui urri d in.
The Si-na-e joint resolution locating
nil public buildings at the capitol un
less otherwi-e provided by law. wa
The Senate joint resolution empow
ering the ( iovernor to appoint all 1 .11111
inissioiiers provided for by law and not
vlectcd at this ses.iou was lo-t bv 1.'!
A resolution was adopted tli.'iiikinir
tho Speaker for the able and laithful
uiauiier in which he had perti lined his
A joint resolution acn'pting the in
vitation of the Pre-ident ot the O. it
'. iiailroad lo take an excursion 011
the road, was adopted, and Thursday
was designated as lhe time.
A resolution to pay lor newspapers
furnished during the session was adopt
ed. Senate bill to pay contingent ex
penses of the I,eg!-l:iture was passed
under suqiciisin:i of the rules.
.Mr. La Dow offered a joint memorial
to Countess for a grant ot laud to aid
the Portland. Dalles ot Salt Lake Kail
road ; adopted. '
Mr. Siinp-on offered a joint resolu
tion lo go into ioint convention at 3
o'clock ; adopted.
The joint resolution to restrain olil
cers from makingexpeuditures beyond
appropriation was adopted.
lhe House adjourned till 2 p. in.
Afternuoii Pros'ceiiliiKH.
Tlie bill o regulate fee of oilicer
was received from the Senate with
amendment which were agreed to.
Mr. Caples introduced a substitute
for t Im- Portland Police bill, giving the
appointment of Police Commissioners
to the Mayor, subject to the aptiroval
of theCouneil; read three lime under
MisjMjiision ot the rules ami passed.
A re-olution was adopte I n-fusingto
receive any turtlier business front the
Senate till the Senate should rescind a
similar resolution in respect to receiv
ing business from the House.
A joint resolution to appoint Capitol
Commissioner with the names of ,1.
C. Carson, of Portland, and W. F.
Boothy of Marion, leaving tho third
name a blank was offered and post
poned li!l 8 o'clock p. m.
- The House adjourned till 8 p. m.
Evening fc-xlon o Qaornin.
At tlie assembling of the Houe in
tlie evening, not a Iemoeratiememler
answered to his name; and they all
remained absent during the entire
! session, except two who came in just as
tneciocKwat upon the stroke of 12,
the hour for adjournment .fnc die.
Tlie House was 'therefore without a
quorum and 110 business was transact
ed. At 12 o'clock Mr. Mallory. Seak
er, made a handsome speech and de
clared the House adjourned.
The Uoitt.owiNo Fkiemk It is
not jxissible to ask a man to return
borrowed goods, books or anything
else without i.uttinir iu neril the In-au-
tifill friendship on 'the strength of
winch lie lleeced yon. He was a wise
man who slid to hi friend wishing to
Ikiitow : -You and I are now good
friend. If I lend yon money and yon
do tiot pay it, we shall quarrel. There
are two chance of a quarrel, and I
think I will lieep tlj money rather
than run the risk of loosing it and
you." lie had in mind the old saw :
I had tnv money nml mj- friend;
I lout inv monev to my friyn;
1 nskci my in-ncy ot my frit-nil ;
1 lost niv ni e- 'a I m v 1 . le ml.
The Anieruau Oti.iil nt Swato.v,
China, has fined Otto Wunuirh. an
Anieric m cifi e 1, for I avi ig
been implicated 1 1 the coolie trade.
The case of "Boss Tweed."
0!iio Election Official Reiurns.
Accident lo the President.
The Indian Po'.icy to be Revised.
( tiiensv lai Torres the Nnndny Inn.
t'HK'AdO. Oct. 20. Ill accordance
with a notification of the SujHTiiitenil
ent of l'ol'n-e all li pior saloons, save
three beer place, closed doors from
midnight on Saturday until Monday
morning. Those violating the Sunday
ordinal ice will be cited to apear tv
lore the 1'olice (.'oitrt to-morrow. The
number of arrests for the day are
A e iiiclictim-ul HnliiHt Tcel.
Xkw Yoi:k, Oct. 21. It is under
stood that the new indictment against
Tweed covers a new charge, a witness
having been found who could swear
positively to a division of money le
tweeii Ingersoll ii:id Twei-d. It is
stated that it wasdillicult for 'lwid to
obtain itail. now that the indictment
against Hall covers sevemy-viglit
Arrest ot'a tJerumn t'orjjer.
The I'nited States Marshal this
morning boarded the steamer lle-r-mauii,
Inuii lireineii, and arre-tcd
I.udwig lulius August Kel'i itpiKi a
warrant issued upon application of W.
liach. ( ois(ii of the (ierinan SCi!iin
at New York. He i charged witii .
fin-gi-ry com. nitted in lireineii. He was
coiiuuitteil to tlie Toiulis.
Onticiiil 1! . ti-i 11s l tl-e JSio j;irrii-i.
t 01.1 Mill's. (.. t)ct. 2. OllicUi 1
turns tor Slate olliivrs : Fur Si-cret n-i
of State. Alien Wickoll". 11.0.V) major
ifv: for Supreme -Indge, lub.i Welch.
lD.l s'.i majority ; tor .Mi inlu r ot liner. I
of Public 'ork, II. I". Foster, t . W.
majority. The total vote cast tor Sec
retary of State is R2tl.U:57 the larg.-l
vote ever ca -t iu Ohio for any
Inlert-st tu b - E'aiti.
YV.v-iiiNr.Tox. ( ,-t. 20. TU Secre
tary has the Assist i; t
freasurer to eomnience the
of i;itere-t maturing iu Xovcuitsvr 0.1
.Monday the 21st. wilhotit reUUe.
Accii.etit lo Civ 'rcsliUui.
V .sii;t 1?,', Oct. 21. TU.- l"it-i-deiit
nu t with an ywi-fvnl '.
which at one time proiiiisetl ii. be ni
lehileil Willi eriois rcsliits. He was
driving a pair of colts, and m.e st,;rd
violently and broke the poK;. lt'.h
I lieu beeanie so uiiUianagcabie- that tin?
I'li'sideiit was eonipelied to jump In mi
the carriage lo bold tlu-ui. Jlrann Idle
they kicked the buggy into a rev-k.
The Presiileiil and Mrs. (,r-ii,t go :o
New York to-day lo weUoine Nell:,-,
who is expected on the Scotia In -morrow.
Nkw Yi:k, tk-t. 2!. Wm. Cnlk-ii
Ilryauf w ill deliver .111 oration at the
ui.'.iiliiig of the Walter Scott nionit
nieiit hi t 'cntral Park Sunday.
ilAl.i.t.sT. Oct. 2U. tin- aiiic-iid-uient
prohibiting an increase in the
Sijte debt has been ratilicd by an
ovei w lu-liiiing vote.
Till svil.1.1. Oct. 2(1. The decrva-e
in lhe pro! m i ionol petroleum for Sip
leiuber is 2,2." ! barrels.
A lu-111, in tlie Im'l in I'olic- .
Nt.w Y i:k, (k-t. 21. A Washing
ton special says it is generally belie, ed
that a change in tin- Indian policy is
impejidiu-;. Although it is unknown
what the President may recommend in
hi-me-sage. there are outcropping
that .-iHo'-l a cliK' lo lhe system pro-pos-il
i I.,- ii.triHliHvd. The new iml
icy. il rightly apiireheiided. pnpo-es
to deal n ill) lhe Indian as a i;i .n en
ilowed with the po?.s-s-ii;i of nil iIm-vici-s
as well as virtue native to hu
manity, and will lie dealt with on the
same- principle as a 111:111 in a i-iviTi.-.-d
community getting punishment l-.r
misdeed ami protection for indii-try.
l he policy of ca joling and coaxing is
to be abandoned.
ro;ti...; - ..
I xeltcmeiil lo Kriince roiirernliix ttie
4-iiitsi-41- l-ill wnr -.a-4r
i.od n;.fM-iil- l".ir Ml.f vt- "tiie ..-..tsi
jH-uali.v ;n .sp.iiu.'ls. Oct. 20. A (lisp-ncli say '.la
public has U-eii aroiised lo a high pitch
of excitement oyer the coining investi
gation concerning the late war with
I ieruiaiiy. It is believed it will be de
veloped 1 bat the war was the result of
the rash, luad-tiong policy of tin- l 'a ti
met then in 1 lower.
Pai;is. Oct. 20. Prince Najio'cou
lias appealed to I 1k- Procurcur-l e:i-nil
of Fraiu-e for redress against the Min
ister of the Inferior. Pell'ect of PoiilV
and others who took par; in bis ex
pulsion. M.MUilK, Oct. 2U. A bill has lieen
introduced into the fortes aiio''-hiig
thedeith penalty for polijn al tille.ise-.
It pasi-d the iiisl, reading.
Dan;c:ous I i I n ess of rdrs. Grtc'ey.
Financial matters utah i
?r,: r tt:., to. rv,.l
ia.eiii ui Liij uiuuli ir0n vii-
(A l; 7. :;:; : v isvxtc n vx.
IForne lisenc in Sew Vnrh,
KiK-.llKsTKi:. Oct. 22. The horse
ill-ease is on the increase. There are
few horc in the city not ail'ecb d. The
street railway have suspended opera
t'o I, as all tiie horses are sick. The
livery stables and express companies
have aNo suspended, and hardly a
h rse is fo he seen on tlu-sf reefs. There,
is not a farmer's team in sight.
M1--1. IJreeley nt tltr rmlut f n-alJi.
Nkw Yoiik. Ocf. 21. The wife of
Hoiiu-p Greeley ha been lying at the
point of death during the past week,
and miuiot possibly survive more than
a few days. Her bitshand is constantly
at her side.
Vtnh Knnk Eatahlbiheil.
AVasiiix;tox, Oct. 21. -The Acting
Controller ol Currency ha authorized
the establishment of theleseret Na
tional Bank at Salt Lake C'i,y, Brig
ham Young, President, with a capital
or 1200, ooo.
Itoiitweira policy In i-rynrd to Hie
Iteiwrve l'uiid.
WAnrxGs-)X. Oct. 22. A Washing
ton special say it i stated at the
Treasury liepartment that the pnlie-y
of Hour well i not to issue one dollar of
the f44.000.000 reserved, although it
has lieen decided that he ha a right to
do so if he chooses. leading New
York bankers have entered a protet
against disturbing the financial condi
tion. The delegation announced to
visit Washington from Western title
to urge : different policy, will lie refer
red to Congress for relief.
DNlriliutton of the Unirva Awnrd.
It is uinlerstood that Omgre will
early iu the session appoint a Commis
sioner to take evidence with regard to
distiibution of the Geneva award
among claimants who .siill'crred from
losses by Ai:glo-(;onfederato cini-er
during the war. Many claimants ap
pear to ti ar that the fate of the French
spoliation -claims ot 103 would "over
take them, but .there is no Inundation
for apprelieiis'iou.
I'reneh ImmlKTiintii.
Two hundred families from Alncc
and Lorraine ai-e pn-paring to settle In
the neighborhood of Alexandria. Ya.
Since the lt of .biiiuary last between
0.000 and 7.000 Alsatians have arrived
in New Xork.
Rnilrond Accident Low ol Lire.
P0ItTSlOlTH, N. II., Oct. 22. A
Pullman train on the E i-tem H ailroad.
' enc- or i!o-ton at fhn-e o'clock this
tnoruitig, tan into a train at Seabrook.
It is ivportefl that a nniiibcr are killed
and wounded, including the engineer
.-iikI tin-man on the Pullman train.
L.vTElt The accident was caused by
a misplaced switch. The only person
killed outright was Capt Kichard Nor
ton, of ISriiuswick, Maine. Lieut,
seiulmrn. mail asient, is badly injured
and will probably lo-ea leg. The as
sistant mail agent is seriouIy injured
siad will probably die. About fifteen
jsiTsous are reported iuiured. none of
wlxnu were iu the Pullman train. The
"-ggage car of tho Pullman train wa
telescoped into the smoking car. The
-ugiu-er jumped of!", but the tireman
truck tu lii jHt. Neither was much
injured. The wouud-d were tnos-tlj
taken to Newbury port. Two hae
iuo; di-d-
I tloii I-cxue MeeliiiK.
At a meeting of the National F.xecu
tive t ominittee of the I nion League
of America to-!ay, political reports
were maile -ofan eneouraginii character.
Tl! NatiiMial Coiiiiuiitee of the League
was nrrWeil to meet at Washington pli
Uie 3-1 of .March next.
roitt:i;j niKws.
XMmiton wh - mciiier'N Vfovcinf-iit
niurr ot II n s-pnili lii-tii)t(eiilK -Aiiicrimn
.nvtil OllicerA ho!-itoi
nitti Im.jhIIj.
Lomx Oct. 21. The pre gener
ally praise the effort of the American
IVwrd ot Trade to procure reciprocity
in trude with 'anada, and are of the
p5niMi that the success-of the Tn-aty
of U'xsliiigJsn had led to this action.
Win. M. Kvert and .Miss Neil-tin.
opeTOlie sJimer, sailed trotii Liverpool
for New York last Saturday in the
Atmirrd Cochrane, of the Koyal
N ivv. dV-iJ l ist night.
P.IV-'s. 'k-f. 22. Senator Smniier
ye-ti-j'day visited ex-M h i -ti-r Motley.
Suiiun'v -aii-s fu- New Vo l. on the
l llh f N ocelli! i r.
M Al-:;lt. let. 21. The Insurgents
v ho c s. ji)-l from Feri al tied m ail di
n clii:s. Troops ui-siieil them, and
,'lliOUt .Vl v. . ie ("lilt I lied W iihoet blood
shed, ristln v (Mlert d no rcsist-ii,-,.
The nii!iiii!i-i' have disappeared in
I he,l-W!is.
T fstvs. Oct. 21. The American
"': ! 1i day for ( aili. l he Kb g
a d '.-l en visited the licet on S1I111
d iv a,pl hnn.-hed on board the tl ig--I'lp.
O;' Ssi -ilav Admiral Al l.-n :i:nl
iiu i-i; fn;. . of I he spiatiroii dii.ed at
! pT :Ce.
Ki t . Ot.M i.
A iti-iMiiur ' tt-.ilut' tout "i.nieii
4Mivui-?- luli'.e I .fin f Aiii.exp.ll4iii 4f
S.x i"l.AM l-C'i. 'let. 22. -A larg,
niei ti:i of -ii (i.i.toMi I ). inner it iv-i-held
in 0.ik!.ml'l.i-t niht. ( apt. P.
S. Wilcox presnled. I In- niei-ti- g wa-aildre.-ei!
bv M on! I'lum-ry. one oi
t he I "l 'onor a ml Adam- (!-('. r:. and
-lu l-n- W. l. .sawyer. Mr. Met "ai-Miv
.-nid 1 t'h-r. The tireeley wii g
tiie I i ie iaity I ;:ive I ' Vet
In'ii aliie 10 .-t up a iiiiH-i i ,. 1 ak-
W oilli-u h-.velakeu totbe 1 .11- I.e.. ot
.-.ii.vassir.g in behaif of l.ile In-iiiance
Co.' in tiiis city.
I.a-t iii:;lit t lie Young Men's t lui
tiau Assih ialiou so ainendt -d its t.'on--tiliUio.i
and chaiiitisl its name in to
IH-rinit wonieii to I come iiieml t i s of
tin- organi.atiMii.
An election was held in the town ot
llrooklv I! yesterday to dcriiU upon the
proKi-ition 10 aiim x t hat innuieipaliiy
to the city of 1 l.ikiand. The proposi
tion to annex wa- carried by more
I hau I wo to one, and lhe .--tab' has now
on-ton n Jess (bin, it bad vi-st-rdav.
TIIMiitAns Sr..-Ki.
n:ltK to ' .
The Sndians Hear Some
Plain 7a!k.
SPillMi) OF THE l:0!:si: iI.-E.SK.
Et iti:t-r:ti;:. lUr Z:tiiiit s if I
tilt- sniiilr.
PtaEQriAL ENTiGfi.
GUN. A Court Hnso R Mvi of Accounts
a id Vouchers.
c;:t:i; i t;.li.k;i. i:.
l VM! tl f VVi.
I'l.'lill iulA t':i-
AstllNt.iUN. Oct. I 'oioiiiissio!;, !-faii-s,
bad acouti rclico w
22. I .
of Indian Af
ih the Kiowa.
delegation of
and A pad
Indians !o-oay. ami in plain language
iiiloilli.-d theui thai the Ooverinueiit
had eea-ed m aeei pt mere rote
(f I'rii-iitlsbij and ,mm! t'.iith. ! ; now
reli'ued - iilenii-!' Iheir bone-ty of
puipo-ein ligard to the teniis ilic
laled. 'Hie !Ioi-M" Uisrne svttli s-n-i(lliiir.
Nl w Hi. k. n.-t. 22 'l he ( ai. nllau
l.o--e i Ii - i - h i- apj- I'ei! io the -t.-i-bies
ol the Lr-ftikl'ti I Ity Kai.road.
r.n-H. (:. J2. - The horse di-ca-v
ha - .i on: here.
I. I U no, I h t. 22 I'he hor-e di
i ;i-r i. i- In I i conic a public calaui
ily. Many branches ot bii-hiess are
sn pi'o.lcd (or .nil of animal-. Street
rii mi) ate ru n.i.g hall I be
lorn- ai.dcxp'ct lo -o)i cutlrvly in a
davol'IMo. l he oiiiuil Us eoiiisiiiies
llae eulirely -II -pi lilicd btlshu All
stock are -ii k. 1 he ca.,a! horse- until
I o i lay esea pel I . Now the disease has
broken Kill aiuoiig thcin. and I'ouiuier
ci il men aii- alarmed.
Nl.w Y1;K. 2:. The hor-e which i- nghig itt Western
New York has broken out In re i i
Brooklyn with great violence. Ke
porlers who b.ivc vi-ited most of the
princinal -tables -ay that 7,( ('0 hors-s
were a Heeled up to last evening. The
4ls,:is. sjireads with terrib'ie rapidity.
It. I staled that iu one of tin- huge
stables, in four houratter the lir-t ca-e
;ipeared. 1.000 horse-s were attacked.
There are tiie di-ean
will spread -o a- to materially inter
rupt lhe means ot traliic thiougliout
the city.
Washington. Oe-t. 22. Attorney
Ieiier.-il U illianis hasgone to irgiuia
to participate in tiie campaign.
II. I'-d. Plait. Chief of the First,
lliploiuafie lhii-eau of the I lepiirtment
nf State, has re-igncil.
Xkw Yoiik. Oct. 22. -The steamer
Sintia. from LivernHil. reached the
!(Kk lo-nighl. Among the pa-engers
Mi-re Miss" XeJJie t'raut a. id S-erclary
Boiie and family. The i'resi.lent and
n iiumher of friends boarded tlie
tf earner behuv and welcomed his
slaughter home.
lolni McKeon i s;tid to have deter
mined to withdraw as senior counsel
for Slokes.
Bnllronil Coiislrnrtion.
SllKEVKHOItT Tkxas Oct. 22.-Work
lias commenced on three divisions ot
the Texas Pacilic road from Dallas
east, lrom Sherinan east and from Long
View west. The shops at Marshall are
getting rapidly under way.
Vourltcr mid ncnniiil Molen.
Y'nitK, Pa., Oct. 22. Last week,
soon after the Legislature apjiolntcd a
re-auditing committee, the court house
here was entered and all the vouchers
that could implicate any members of
the ring were stolen. Lat night the
uourt lioue was again entered and the
Treasurer's account for the last six
year stolen, with the record of notes
"issued by the county and rc-nuditing
committee". report whlh wa to have
been filed at the November term ot
court, and which contained evidence of
great fitiud.
I ORt.lliX stws.
Ir. I.lvln-ttou- A B inquct to Stnn
Icy. Lonivix. Oct. 22. Miss Ague
Living-tone, daughter of Dr. Livings
tone, lias publi -lied a letter from her
father, in which he says: " I have
written two letters to Mr. Bennett. I
mean to keep my materials to myself,
but the e-teditii)n wa exier:ive. I
gave Stanley what would help him to
write a took. In hi hand It is harm
less, for the Americans are my good
and generally generou friends."
I'he Poiy.-iftteographic-il Society gave
a ban piet to Stanley last night. Many
of the nobility and a iiwulier of Amer
ican gfiitiemt'.i were present. Among
the latter was Mark Twain, Moraii,
United States Changed'Aflairs. replied
to a tosist in honor of tlie President ot
the Unhid State.
The Tiller's government tw resolv
ed to bring iniie.ichmeiit against tin;
Ministers or the Olivier anil Palaka
llendcr-oii. the American arresu d fn
Cuba on .suspicion of In ing in leagne
with iusurgeiits, ha liei-n released by
ordi-r of the Captain-dencr-il. Jleu--dersou
is a reporter for the Niitr Yost
The San Pranci-co Fire In-nninve
Co.. the llr-t comjiaiiy formeil iu Sim
Fram iseo for iii-ui-iug agamst ISre. has
disii.e-orporati d. iu wiiidiiignpitstais
inessii dividend of sf2.'5t) per rLarc lx--inains
for stock-holder.
A commercial rcorter gitrs cur
rency to a rumor that a milium iu gold
specie is to be si-nt out to the Pacific
coast from tlie Last to loosou tle mon
ey market.
"Since .Ian. 1. 1S72, at tlirK-wi Fran
cisco Ciistoui-lHiuse. tisuauti "-jive
U-eii received lordotic.
An outbreak among the Iiuluns in
Idaho is inimiiieiil. -Naicv.-e.Chk-I of
the Piutes, will endeavor juvveiit
There 40.025 names on lb- Great
Register now N-ing juii ted Li San
Frani-iseo. The eit of preparinj; and
print t.ig l,.1(!0eMpiesi will !r:tk. 413,
00(1. There are S2 ve-s-s, n ies-iiliiig
SO.ikiu ton-, uu tin- way to !-,,, Krau
cisco. Ail are under charter fo lend
wh.-at for Kuiope. at friiui Ct to .1 t
A very sharp .-htck of rtluiKW
wasfeltin l'i taluina veste-rkT iiuii-
i 1 1 iT - 'I'he shake was harder tbnn tfcat I
of October 21. lS'iS. The ou of SiaTi- J
Uafael wa also .severely -hni. j
A letter -a : Alining tl Hws af '
religious lilierty by -the IVii-m-rckkto S
I overimieut is an onk-r it- I
ee-sions in several towns iu the lUivii-
l-h provinces wln-re. simif tnoe Bn
iiiemoiial tlwy iTti.keil foreiMM .tuvnitg
the favorite i n t uns of t he -oJ. and
where the siippre-sioti was -me-Hi ix
eite great 1 Mil il al! ion.
-In Ig" Loii lerh.ich. of Sail Fraiwi-vo.
Iiold- chicken thieves as burglars.
it is -aii that Apu-lns are laving
their own way -incc lien. Howard
Aeiit to Arioia. While he jiks I
,h ace witli so. lie oftlenl : r-lid is 1I-
ing tu . w ith piv-siiP. of fcvr- f
in- -i; y I .-ui -elves witii the pasfinnc ot f
, I.i -g w bite men. stealing stock, vtc. 1
fvveid fails to appear, though his
Viend coiitinlic to say he is reai . J
lie has probably lied lhe country.
Prairie lire west of Omaha for the j
p.i-t two days have de-troyed an im-j
nieiise amount of hay, grain, and ina-ij" t
houses and felavs.
A -an l'raiiciseo -timates
that the entile cost ot preparing tlie "
f ;reat l.'cistcr of lhe city and holding t
the election w ill Ih; $12.000. or -qi-f
wards of 2 for each vote that will be
A Committee of the IJeforni (i-
veutiou of New York wailed in. ton
Win. 1'. llavemeyer and tendered him !
the nomination for Mayor. H.-ire- I
nieyer agreed to give an answer to- j
inoriow. i'
Karly on Sitonlay morning wlifle !.
the -Ijiop Mystery was going into Viv- I,
toi ia harbor from Sin .luaii Island. Mr.
Kieiiard Pearce was struck by lb
boom and knocked overboard. '
( apt. Swanson. for many years tp-'.
t.iin of the steainer I-jiteriirise. plying i
between Yicloria and New Westmiii- ',
i-ti r. died Monday morning, altera i
lingering illness. '
W.-TJ. II. Adeimon, EnugruJiVxi :
Ciininiissinuer for British Coliuiif ci.
has opened an ollice iu San FraiiiA-tio. j
Mr. C. P. Wood. Washington Ter-v
ritory. and Mr. Maggie Miller. Ure-
gon. weiv overland pas-s-nger ier
Pacilic Kailroad, Oct. ri'iiL '
i aptaiu Thomas Bnlkley. from. Ari-,-oi.a,
has brought with him one nHir-j
dn-d hiuikIs of diamonds and niWc-s. ?
A cargo of 22.400 seal .-kins ardrvd j
Wedue-slav at Sa:i Fniui-i-e-o fro-m i
Alaska by lhe brig Olga, for an Auuttn
ican company.
five or six vessels are en tht- mv
from Chinese nrts. in baliast, tolkiid j
beat tor Liverj-ool.
C.-iiiibruia llmir i-ells in Hong Ksxig I
at v-"' ""'di 00 n-r cental. i
S-vetal .laimneH' youths, -Jri-ting
education iu llie Hiiglisiriaiiguac-. ar- r
rived on the Colorado, eu route teethe ;
Va-t region of territory in Ciina
have U-eii iiiiiuilateil. In souk -s-is
lions the roads are under walfr lor !
tl tt v miles.
A. B. Cornell has resigned thr Sar
veyorhip. of lhe Port of New Yerli to
aci-ept a iioniinatioii for the As-iniNy.
Special from St . Louis repH'se-U "lie
mall-pox a raging then' fea rtnllj.
and -tate that -flic number of i-n-sr in
the third" week of OvloU-rwa vnr
Mr. I-ichartl-on. lhe geologi-t. atxl
asi-tant. tiigcther ith I r. C. T.
Paine and Mr. .1. Adam went owr
the new trail from Ouail Call to AI-
U-riii a f w days ago. The rotl is-J
getting blin ked by fallen timber. AE j
Allierui the Indian were druiik ainl j
-nicy. -
The receipts at tlie late Csiltwlir 1
Fair, held iu Sin K-a;:ci--o, werir f!k-
1 27 .ill.
Incnrablc Case!
AftT t n vram trtnl tn th-iitCcwsc hnn
privrn ftr t-nTy MT.ttv." iu ft r ltaui riaM
nf Jt pr .:tuiiwd by luidH'tl l-rtt-t:Qu&-
rT Chani-n lirst nn pH-ond st.k-h. S.'Tr--m
tlv U' KHtr It sly; s ro l-r. FyH. Nm.
C p-K-r-rul ir d VA n, Hyi l.ihtin 4'i.ti.rrli.
I-i-..--. -! Siln, tn l : 11 priuiitry frrmH i f lhe
iliK- a- hn.rTni n bvi hiLh. 1'tKc, irUt.
tlf, or twu tir $J.
Dr. L? Riga's C3LEEN BALSAM Y.c.2
niivs T'Ttiarr, Mfr-'uriul, Byphihtic Jil.ruiaa-ti-m.
rams iu h Bm.n. Vmi kof thoNn k, L-crrat'-d
S-iro Thmtt, ISyrhilitic harh, I.: nrpt
nrl intracted C'rdfi, MitTnim of ihn l.iint-.
mnd oriuli.-aU- all dim aiMi frcm tLi-fj tt i
whether c.iiw-1 by iinhturftif ii cr rHitc f
mpr ury r aving iho WoihI piirp aud LcuMy.
Pri.:e, f5 )tr btittlo, or two fur f U.
ti lote, for the Cure of Gouncrhopm, Clrrt, Irri
tntlon, Omrrl, laid U I'nuary rr GefiiUj
ditiTing'menU. Price, 2.M j--r bottle.
Joc-tlon, wtah nd !nj ertion fT peirre ran
o! (ionoorhroa, Inftammntury Gl-ft. filrirtim-ii.
sod all illva' ot the Kidney ud ilul4t.
Prii-, $1.50 put bottle.
TILLS fur 8niiiinl Weakmw, ts'ii:lit miV
Muni, Irapoti-ncy, tnit atl aru-inK frr-m
Masturbation and ixresslve linw-. Trier. $3
vr bottle. The c nnino fiouiui BauaM la
put up only In rouil bttllii.
On re"..-iit of pri- Uicm tnrdicini- -rflt
W ' iit to alt partn-rt the country, br i-ipn-wi
r mail, (u-f-ur. ly parked aDd tree from cbatr
vaiHin. Hole Agents,
A1.oIi-Kml and KeUil ImiRirti-ta and W
CliL:miKtv. H WF. ror. Clay k Sanaome iffiaa.
SnvcU, San FraneiKO, Cal. mf m
II O 51 10
Mutual Insurance Company.
CAPITL. $ 1 ,000,000 !
II AKI.1 K. MOBY Km-ret-ry
It. WlDV Mnrluo SiMisrtnry
I. II. mUEUW....Ueneral)annaj(sar
P. Waw-ternaiia., B. laoldaaaltli,
V. II. Lln. D. Ixcleay,
Lloyd Brooks.
1-iii I- F.OroTr
rXtlii-41 I'reitch
Albany J. A. Crawford
Uwhtsn J. Iwrnbcn(
iiencml At ut, l'ortland.
Ajceut nt Sitlem.
Vinegar Bitten are not a vUe Fancy
Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whisky, Proof
.spirit and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced,
and sweetened to please the taste, called
"Tonic," "Appetizers," "Restorers," Ac
that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and
ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from
the native roots and herbs of California,
free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are
the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving
Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invlgor
ator ol the System, carrylnn on" all poisonous
matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy
condition, enriching it. refreshing and tn
vtirorating both mind and body. They aro
easy of administration, prompt In their ac
tion, certain in their results, safe and reli
able In all forms of disease.
No Person a take tlic-w- Fi't
tcru according to directions, unit rciiiulu
long nnwell, provided their Initios are not '
destrored by mineral poison or other incuns,
and the vital organs wasted beyond tlie 1
point of repair.
Iy upepoiu or Indifteatlon, Head
ache, Pain In the Shoulders, toughs. Tight,
ness of the Chest, Dizziness, four Ena-la-tlons
of the Stomach, Bad Taste in l!ic
Mouth, Attacks, Palpitation of the
Heart. Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain In
the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred
other painful symptoms, are the odsprings
of Dyspepsia. In these complaints It has
no equal, and one bottle will prove a better
irimraniee of lla merits than a lengthy ad-vi-nlsetnent.
I or Female C'omplalnla, In yonng
or old, married or single, at the dawn of
womanhood, or the torn of life, these Tonic
lutu-ra display so decided an Influence that
a marked Improvement Is soon perceptible.
For In fluninim lory ai-ad Chronic
Itheiiniaitin and Gout, Dyspepsia or
indigestion. Bilious, Remittent and Inter
ml; n ut Fevers. Diseases ot the Blood, Liver.
Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have
iKt-ii hiost successful. Such Diseases arc
jused by Vitiated Blood, which Is generally
prodnced by derangement of tho Digestive
For Skin Disens-es, Eruptions. Tet
ter. Salt Klieum, Blotches, Spois, Plinpli-s,
Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, King-worms,
.scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch,
iseurfs, lLscoloratlons of the Skin, Humors
r.nd Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name
r nature, are literally dug tip and rarru-d
out of the system In a short time by the use
of these Bitters. One botUe in such caes
-will convince the most Incredulous of tlitir
curative effects.
t icanae the Vitiated Blood when
ever you nndluimpuriiies bursting through
lhe skin in Pimples, Eruptious, or Sores:
leanse it when you And it obstructed and
lucfTisU in the veins ; cleanse it when It is
i ul ; your feelings will tell you when.
Kci p Hit; blood pure, and the health of the
-system will follow.
Pin, Tape and other IVoruja,
Varking tn the system of so many thousands,
lire effectually destroyed ami removed,
.-lays a distinguished physiologist: There Is
.M-arccly an individual on the face of the
'urlh whose body ls exempt from the pres.
ace of worms. It is not upon the healthy
elements of the body that worms exist, but
upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits
iliat breed these living monsters of disease.
'o system of medicine, no vermifuges, no
tinthelminitics, will free the system from
worms like these Bitters.
.T i--Iiuti ic I Iieie. Persons cn
;?:ied lu Paints and Minerals, such as
Plumbers, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and
Miners, as they advance in life, are subject
to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against
tins, take a dose of Walker's Vinegak Bit--.-kks
twice a we;k.
Itiliouv, Keraittent and Inter
mittent i'evera, which are so prevalent
in the valleys of our great rivers through
out the tufted States, especially thoseof the
Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Tennes
see, Cuiiilierlaud, Arkansas, Red, Colorado.
Brazos, Rio Grande. Pearl, Alabama, Mobile,
Mavanuah, Koanoke, James, and many
others, with their vast tributaries, through
out our cutire country during the Summer
and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of nnusual heat and dryness, are in
variably accompanied by extensive de
rangements of the stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscera. In their treat
ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful in
fluence upon these various organs, is essen
tially necessary. There is no cathartic for
the purpose equal to Kb. J. Walkkk's Vine
i;ak Hitteks, as they will speedily remove
the dark-colored viscid matter with which
the bowels are loaded, at the same lime
i liiiiulating the secretions of the liver, and
generally restoring the healthy functions of
lhe digestive organs.
Scrofula., or Kinga Evil, White
Swellings, fleers. Erysipelas, Swelled neck.
Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent
lnilaiuinuiious. Mercurial Ariectiona, Uld
Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes,
tc, etc. In these, as in all other constitu
tional Diseases. Wai.kek's Vinkoah Bit
I'Kks have shown their great curative pow
ers in the most obstinate and intractable
II.. Walker's California Vine.
par Hiltrra act on all these cases in a
Minilar manuer. By purifying the Blood
tliey remove the raiise, and by resolving
nwny the effects of the Inflammation (the
tui-erciilar depostlsl the affected parrs re
cede health, and a permanent cure Is
The Aperient and mild Laxative
properties of Int. Walker's Vineoak Bit
i:hs are the Is-st safe-guard In cases oferup
: ii ins and malignant fevers. Their balsamic.
Iiea'.ing, nnd sisithlng properties protect the
liuinorsof llio lances. Tiieir Sedative prop
crtieji allay jiaiu in the nervous system,
sloitiai-li and bowels, ritlirr froui iuflaniiua
tion. wind, colic, cramps, etc.
Direction. Take of the Bitters on
ITning lo Is d at night from a half to one and
iiie-tialf wine-glassful. Kat good nourishing
rood, .such us beef-sieak, mutton chop, veni-:-nn.
roast beef, and vegetables, and take
ouMloor exercise. Tliey are composed of
purely vegetable ingredients, and contain
iu spirit.
It. II. ncDOXALD 4fc CO.,
Druggists 4 Gen. Aets., San Franclsi-o. Cat.,
k i-or. Wusliinton and Charlton Sts.. N.V.
(Ii3 Iv'eai ny Street,
Correr Commercial St.,
Kstab'islicl In for Hie treatment i!
!s4-nal S'liiinal such as i.Anur
iliet, i,'ei". -S ri. tiire. -svphllls in all- its
tonus. Weak.n-ss, Imjiotency, ele.
M.i.1 lii-iaes of ears' siaudli g and L'lcvr
uled Lis-s siuvessfnlly ireateil.
Veiiiiiiol Weakuewi.
i-.-minai (-missirtii tin- c.(nscfii(-m'e of simi
.-ibii-c. Tliis soll.ary vice, ordepraveil scmuiI
ui.lii'-n'iu-i'. is pin. liceil by Iho youth l ltli
SUM'- io.itt allllo-I tl 11 1 lllli -r t cvlcMi, i-itetllcini'
Willi uii-ri-inu.'i-riaiiity, lhe following train ol
in m IiiiI svniiioni. mi ess ,-omliatc.l by s-.l-itntiH.-
ii)iiii,-:i! in. asiiri--. viz:
s.i!lfw cimiiti-tiiiiice. dark stviTs under Ibe
fm.-. iiihi In the lie 1. nmrliiii in the ears.
iiniso like I In- rtist inn of lenves nl mi-
t.iui; ol cbariois, iiiRiisiiit-sf aismt itie
lot ip. .-oufn-c I iI-i.mi. b cnit-l lnietit-t,
los- ol'eor,ti lL.ii.-c. -Iiitidcli.-,- in A ppro.l.-lting
siraoers.a dislike to form nctt a,'4iialmiiik4-s,
n (lisp is it imi to -iiim MS-let y, bi.s of mem iry,
lie. tk- il.i-ltes an I v.i.i nir eruptioiisalsiiit llie
l uc, iiirre I tongue, f'llrt brealli. ,-onghs -(n-s'lomtloii.
oiirbl sweats, moiiotimnia ani lii-.
iitietii tusjial.v. If re.iel lie ni obinlaisl.
llie stitrmer sir 1 1 ! I ;:! . uniiie'iiatciv. in ir
sou m- by U-itcr, a. id have a cure elfiv i-i by
bis new An-I ct,.!i'in. ino-le ot irenllng tills
(llseasi-. w hl.-b iiee" fails ol i-lle.-lioi: tul.-k
mid rndl.-al cure. I r. will biiii oi. htiiv.
ilri-d dol'ars io ,-i iv jh-i-soii who will tirove
s.-i'lstii.ti.d-i'y to In in dial he was ,-in-isl oitliis
-oinilaint liy (i.lnr oi lhe .iu Kimt.-l--oo
Cured nt Home.
IVrson al a distance m-iv m- t'l'IlEn AT
IIDMI-;, bv aidr.-ssiac a let'terto lr. (.Ibl,
stating case, symptoms, lenili ol time the dis
ease liii.scoiitlniieil.niHl liaveimslkdne promiU
Iv lorwanled, free from danuige andciirloKlly.
to any juirt of the country, with full ana
ulaiii directions tor nsf.
I'ersons writing to tho Hoe tor will please
state the name ol llie paper they niw this ail.
vertlscment In.
Itv lmdoslnir 310 twin, in reaistcred letter
llirough the Post OtBoc, or Ihroiigh Wells, Ear
go A t o a ackagc of medicine will be for-
warned many art or the I nlon.
Atl corresooiiuemve strk-tlv confiilenlisl.
Address Hit. J. E. GI11IUJN. i Keamv
street. San triineisco. I'ostotUee llox 1,937.
reu in noo.i: ii-
American Exchange
(Corner Front and Washington Streets,!
UIM3Y & PERKINS, Proprietor-.
1'ree Coneh to nntl front the Honae
Sei. 7, 187ilwif
A Boarding and Day School for
-At It ot September.
Earl.r apilkttnn fnr Boanlen cbmiM be
HM'le in iilSS BODNtV, or to Hisilul
.utnius. augo'i
Boots and Shoes
Arc Selling, from Maine to
c-vor'v---'"-:- ii-i
Oct. 10, 1872:tUwlm
fiaflway's W'WM
u fbom osE to TWEjrrt MuroTEs.
AfUr rMwlina Itt. fcdTWtlwmBt mM ur 4s
It wm taa IrM la
That I.1--1I; . tka m .tlll-M imla-, allay.
btenUM, .5 r,rm Co--tw... Til-.
Laua., Su.rn.fa,, w 4Skl Ud "-a"-, -7
appltcatl-B, '
in from os to Twcrnr minutes.
Kn mur fco vtotaane a---Fa.ian- U -k
RHEUMATIC, Bti-nMm, ham, t'SfrH
N..-al(1, ar rnunui wuktma, sr.
,RR THROAT. ?'AV,012T,
Ta. .pplk-aiooM la. BEAOT RELIEF M
a.rtw yru wan. la. -a-ia ar 414W.ll .ai-u will
.a-si u aS co-nC-n.
Ta-IT aro. ta hall a taa-blr ml nut will tm tww
7Tu Cramps. m asms, t-JL-t stomach,
M( K lll.AllAlllk.. HKAK ml RN, WARRHtA,
ma-WtKV.rilUl', l.U 1.N THK MoWkX-.,
ana all I.M k-RNAL 1'AlMi.
Tnr.ltn akcsald .IwaTa rarrj a fc"UU Ba4-Kl-aulj
Krllrl - A f. pa la
w.l.r will ..r-iol ltt4DMW aun. ff4H chaiNJ- m -ratar.
Il u b.iur Unas t faacli bnaia c Ritun a. a ilanalaau
JTCER AND Af.CE enred (or fifty mH. Tbr l
ct r nun-dial ftnt in tkia wwU tknt wiU fW r'-rro
m4 Ap , mnd mii vttva-r AU.mrioM, Bilitw, Scut !
TvpHoltl, Yellow, ud wUf Fver hr RA.
KtUtr. Utty cnU parr UtHtl. itj DrvmitU.
Every Day an Increase in Fieah
and Weight ia Seen and Felt.
ENT conununiratM ihrMih 11m Wooi, Swrat, VriM.
and etbr fluids mod juim mC Um ajiUtn tk vlfitr mf
lih, for it raaptt-n k waalcs of tht body with mmm mnd
Boaad mkUritvi. Scnfalk, Brptailu, CawuiptlM, GUm
dular diMAW. Utcm Is Um Throat, Mtmtb, Timi.
Kodaa i Ui Gltvads and mlbr part f Um tytUtt, mtm
Ere. Scramotu Dtackarf?M frota Um Ears, aad tkm want
fnrtK. ml Skla dlMiMM. EnpUoos, Frcr Sottm, Said
H-w4, Ring-Warm, Salt Rbaani, Erydpala Lcmm,
Black SpoU, Warms la Um rlb, TaaMra. liiim ia
Ut Womb, aad all waalwaiay aad palatal dlartMti-f-M,
irht SeU, Ldw of Svai, and all wiHw mf tb
UU prinnjiU, ar wtUtis tlM caratlr ranf of Ait woa
der of Mcniern Cbrtnitry, aod a few dajri in will ptwra
to any penoa warn; It for titaor ol taaso mw at awaa
lu potent power car taom.
If tb t-attont, dally ateoniinr rutaati dt tht waste
and dtcoo-potitkM that t roatinaally mnmymmtimg, wmt-
e4 la irmiuf uca wimm, rvptun u oamo
with nrw wiatrisl mad from aMltby blood aad tfaM
h HARHAPAKHXIAn will aad oom wran.
Not oaly doo Ibo SAMaraiLLiaH Ebmh. bt tzcol
II kaowa maodial aetata la tho car mi t'liroai?.
rk-rofaloat, 'MMttnUmal, aad Skia 4umt ; bat it la
tkm oaly potlUvo cur for
rrtaar and Voanb tflMaatt, Grmv1. iHaWte. Dtomt.
ls-iupjMr of Water. I act-alt boom of Urlwo, Brtt'aklift-
Cavr, AiiiBiniMrM, m in an caw wmt imirm mrw
brickdatt dr iu. or ta water U twrk, clondr, irlxra
witb wibttaacem Iik Um white of aa m, or tkwmmam Iik
white silk, or tb-ire i a morbid, dark , bilt-iMM apaoaraaca.
and wait bMwnaat aapoMUf aaa waoa tacr n a pnri-
iog, anrniBf MMtioa mm paanag wmt, ana ptua in.
turn feaioil of tk Hack and along tkm Lim. rrw. ai.W.
Tht ealv tta-wa ud aata Baaanijr lot WORMS
PIN, T A I E, ate
Tumor of 12 Years Growth.
Cured btf Jta&wvy'a JtnalvrnU
Perfect PoiatiTe Pills,
porfoctl- tasteloM, rlastly coated with owott fum,
parf, fmla, parlfv, rUofiM, and nrtmrtbea. Kad
wajr'i Pill, Wtacu'rf all dborttenof Um Sftaurh,
Lirr. BowW. KidiMV. filadtter. Nonou PticaMO.
Hradai'h, CoaatlpaUea, C-iwiWcaoM. ladbrtiat ly-
Dcpcia. BilkwOM. Hilioaa Kevcr. ln4aunua(toa of I
BowoU, P1ktv, afid all PraafiwaMU of ta taw-raat
ViKcra. Warranted to aflor-t a pouU-r rut. Parcly -Vitrubli,
caoUlolag M tnrtrurj, aiaralA, or dclo
r law
A tew duM of RADWAY'S TILLS will fro tfw
(tarm frowi all th abnr--aaind dtatdra. Frw, tm
omta per boa. SOLD BY lKriM4lTS.
HEAP ' fr'ALSE AND TltL'E." Stnd oo letter
stamp to RAD WAY 4 CO.. No. W Warroa Sta
Nw York. , iafvruiattoa worxk ihoaMuJi will b aat
nr. J. M. ralnm,
of San Krsiv-iiwii, aixl ae-er-5ml
i-mlncnt phi,.lans
of hurnpe have Ek-pd
njK-riitlngdnrlnit tlie pat
:voyorann exi"rinient
liitt 'in Imaiiltal rn-ikitlce
with the motilelnal prop
crtHsm ivmtalned In tlie
Eikalvnius ami the re
fnlta flwiw Hint aa a ,-nre fur fever and Aaie
it Is tx-tler tlian 4)ninlne, as In I IH teat
. where Otiinlne liai! been ctven nnsuw-
i-i-.stii!ly, ill were cured with Kucslyptna,
In the I . S. Marine Hospital where exten
slve exa-rtment wre made with lr. Iile
mair Kxtrii.'.i, every r-isi-of Fever ami Ague iMirel wllh llii-si-eiueily alone.
Il hua also been proven In the on me hna
pli.1l. Unit when prepared by Dr. t'olen-an'a
javuilar ppx-exii it I" a ittial Invaluable renw
Ivlorall disease of the Kldnera, llder
and Vrtnary Canal, and many tiaaea were
t-iire.1 with thla prepara'ion alone, thai hm!
lafi tironoutweil ln,.uraile, witn any other
known remedv. For I hemi dii-easea it can be
vonfiilentlv rellel upon a. Hie mof-t erii-
i-lotia rumeilv cveroflereil lo lhe pulillc L'la-
tiKe nioai omer vainao'e remeiiies. u laapiea-nnit-orillal.
and la not rea-eted hy the tmml
M-nsitlve alonvu-h. The popularity which
l olcmAn'R l'nniMUriil Extra. of Kikinlyptna
tins already attiiPMsiitMia (tiven mrlli toarTenil
lai-a lmiiatioua none but Colemao0 la genu
Dr. Cnlemnn refer lir permlwion to the
fnllowiiiK well known gentlemen In San Fran- ,
,-ls,;i, who -an toik-Ii for ita rffl.-acy, tnan
petxmal exiH-rlem-e am! knowleile.
. X. Aniinr. of J. D. Arthur A Son, Apri
.iilliiral Warehouse, cor. of California ami
l:ivi mreet a.
K ii. Matthewa, Grain Mer.ihant, 207 Da via
( ol. Wm. Wolfe. No. S3 Market street,
IVirmerl v ra.-elipcr Aent fr llie Cal. Steam
Xnv. Co.
Wm. H. Patteraon. Atty. nt Law.
For sa!e by HKI.T JOHNS, DK17GGIST3,
j ......r-1 . .
. ... II,' I HI
tr. Clay and Ititierr Streets, Sau Franuiaco.
ae il.V"2: d A I n
The Standard in the Van!
All otlior ( Tit in h VilaiL- TUw.k nf TrhilMar
-IrzftM? rv-tlftm.- are ref)-eotlUlly invited
t imii in me rear tn
thir New t,'oLi.iw-nix or Mcfttc ro
ClIOIBS, "i?VK!-TI)N and flNOIHO
fV ll.aM.s. Ituannotbe exlled In quality,
ami Intemla to leant In circulation.
Nome of the Merita.- Short Theorr.
Ahmalanl Matenn!. Nh-red and Sei-ular, for
practV-e. txoellent aet nf Tunea,
in Mrpe riVar print anti mrf rrrntrli : a
yreat advanlaire. I nii-nally roml unllei-tion
of Anthema, Set Plo-ea. Aj. The i-nmptlera.
Mesra.1. . KMKH-al.V, of Boatoti. and H.
K. PALMKR, of Chlmm, are perhaia In
moat skillful men of their time In adapting
music lo the wanta of the --alnifinn'' public
yv-irv, 1 .SO. Ppeeimeii t-oj.iua aent Kir tlie
preaeni, poat-palt, for 9 1.8-1.
A Perft-et armm ! Ttie Pi-lute ra mm
tkeeppnee wll b the deuaand I
, alitiaoai A C'o.w
It la a lanre b.nk rof tV pae. full "he-
miisi.- alue, flliei! wllh the beat SU-summ 3Hi
ate. Waltzes. I'olUs Wnawlri'lea, A., In
cluding thoe iierformed in thla iMiuntry, un
der the direction of the great oompnaer.
About S40.OO worth nf mtiaic are lix-lnded
In the HVem" which are, boweTer, sold fi
the diminutive price vf
8 a. SO in Boards, 03.00 In Cloth. Sent,
poet-paid, for the retail price.
C. IL DITs-OX A CO , New York.
Oct I&ll
lyvaitTKKS or
Heavy and Shelf-Hardware.
Iron a.n.3. Stool.
Agents for the sale ol
il and oo Front St., Portliinf?, 0z
Mar 2T:ilwt