SALTlM, TUESDAY. OCT. 22. THECiTp From Daily of Saturday Oct. 20. Jocrr Convention. Decidedly the rich tut affiur if the se-amm fa-stevi'iiing at thu legislative Hall. Inareoriliiiitt- with the Joint ltexolutiuo adopted by lxth branch- eif the Assembly, riri-jjAratuius were made in tlie Him' for the exitrvettiing of the Joint Convention. The House met at 7:15 o'clix-k. and after tratisautiiiK aome minor busine-i), "tdjonrnid for tiro minute to brins; in chairs and prepare tor the rvrrption of the Se-nate-. Hi-auwliile, in the Sciiato Cliauilxr, the members werec aveueel in little knots, eon vonsini over the probaliilitu s of the result. The i'retiidelit was. busy in looking up his Authority for the courae lie and his De-mi eratic frieikhi had purmed, while the lte pulilican members a eje fathered in the hall and lobby coimTsrirg in low and determin 1 tones, fully resolved to go into Joint Convention on the Uingth of the resolu tion panned in the fcfteruoein authorizing them so to da A soon m the llnusc came to onler, uSlfi tlie rocen, all of the lk-pnb-lican Senators with the exception of Mr. Ilrown of Marion couutv, appeared at the tlonrof the Legislative llall and were an nounced hv the Doorkeeper and ten Sena tor!) tiled into the Uali and took (heir seat. It m Doticed that t!ie President nor any of iiis subordinate offic-rs were among those who came into the Hall. The question as to who should preside tilled the minds of some, "but the (juiet demeanor of Mr. Mal iury, t;ie fHjaktc f tiie Hoiue, as be called tlie Convention to order, convinced every one that he. at least, had no misgivings on that BUleci. The Convention was called to order, the roll called, and a quorum found present, after which Mr. Buroank offered a resolution tliat they now proceed to busbi'S and et. ct a titate Superintendent of Public SclioeJs, aeveTai public Ceimmisttionurs, State Lilwarian, etc. This resolution pro-lm-ed a tan motion anion); the Democratic xaenbort win, until then eonsdired the whole.-affair a farce, not for a moment im aKmiiiK the Republicans would insist on tin triiMMiction of business. Mr. Crooks an nounced his protest asjainst the whole action An did L. low of L matilla county, wlio nrpiirmed aronnd in a style only excelled by the Kyrationti of tirot iaipurtant ?)peTHoi ;e, U Date in. of Baker euunty. The last iiainel individual grew (eroeinus and looked -daKUer at the presnmptioua (?) Senators -who had lared to invade tlx- sanctity of the House, after a motion had been maele and carried by the Senate to adjourn. Several motions were made to adjourn, but were doun in regular order. Mr. Burlnk was tailed to tflo chair, and the Sjieaker took tlie tl(Mr and flung law and gospel at them in a ri-dlsit iivianor. He didn't want any julinurnUMJit in lei. Mr. Dolpk and Cor nelius also protested at;aiiuttaiivtliiuK"f tlie wirL The .Democratic members of the House tiiwhng they they were getting the worst of tiie argtiment. had snddeu oulls ontsidi', and answered them one by one un til none were left, not "even a vestipre of their former frrandeur." The Republicans had it all their own way then, and proceed-e-d to utiininate candicUtes for the office of Statu Superintendent of Public Schools. Itev. I. a. Knight and Rev. I,. J. Powell of this i'iiv were iiejuiiiiatul. Mr. Cales then moved U ueijourn until this evening at T:30 o'clock. MinK, ns k tatel, to the apia reut trouble they were in, the Governor he feared, -would fail to rn'ogriiiee the Consti luuojiahty of their pn iceeiliiiKs and he had 1m ii awsnrrtl the Senate would meet with them to-uih'ht- A rwiii vote carried the motion to tlie tune of H to l'J, and tlie Con Ten lion ai!jonrncdto"meetupon the level." If the Sesxte. There being a tie Tote in the fcienate on all political questions there is unusual interest fe-lt in its proeeodings by tlsxe iki the ont-ridu. The lobby baa lx-cu almost constantly filliil during the whole of tins week and an equal amount of interest shown m its transactions with those of the House, although perhaps the Canal and Lrn-k Hill did for a day or two attract the largest crowd to the House. Yesterday afternoon tlie Senate was for sometime dis missing business of local interest to Salem, in which, if course, the citizens of the place feel a lively iutereat. The location of the Capitol linikluiff wiu what ailed Umto and Jfr. Fay with his usual zeal ofnamed it with all his power and prac ticed all the dodges of padimentary law in order to delay the matter in such a'manner that the bill raiglit die in the hands of a committee or else be laid upon the table beyond all redemption. But through the ?ersistet efforts of our worthy Senator J. . Munres assisted by other friends it was referred to the committee on Pnhlic Hnild rngs with instructions to report at 10.30 o'clock this morning. Mr. Fay and others oppewed tins motion to the bitter end, un der tlie pretense that it was not allowing them mtncii-at time .) make a report ; but again Mr. Moores came to the rescue, and savid the defeat of tlit I5UL There are arveral Senators that now use their utmost mdi-arors to retard the erection of this building and who beat around thu bush in -very dira-tion to dodge the main qcestion. Again on the question of going into joint convention for the purpose of electing Com missioners etc. The House Joint Jlesolu tion agrtjng to go into Joint Convention l;ist evening was setit in fur the action of the Senate. Mr. Fan opposed the passage tif this Ri-soluuon bm it prevailed in spite of his etfoits. tteveral motions to take a recess were voted dowa aud finally amotion was iuade to adjourn which was carried. Democrats claimed that this motion knock xl the-Juiut Couveution Resolution ontof time and were rejoicing wer the fact. But when we left the Republican members liad resolvud to gu into convention anyway. A Crfkl Joss. Jet .Scrilier, the well known dWiverer of messages in the W. U. Telegraph oflice in tliis city was ywterday made the victim of a cruel joke by George Richards. Manager f the same otKce. He handed him a staled message directed to Adam (iixxlstll and tuld him U deliver tlie uame. Jeff, with his a5enstomed promptness Rtaru-d out in search of tlie individual in question. Both hotel were visited and in quiries made. He asked everylxsiy he knew and visited both Houses in search of Adam. He ran around town about two horn's in search of him, but Adnm was not to be found. As a last resort he came to ua and asked ns to give notice of the message in our local column. This we promised to do and have done so in spite of the assurance we received from liim last evening tliat it would be neulls to mention tlie fact, as lie had treated Ueorge to the cigars and bad ac knowledged it was Adam CioodselL Thk FKitBE-s. Tlie Reception Committee received tlie sum of Jo in subscriptions and paid out tlie following : J. H. Haas, music, RUey A Lippincott, supper. 5450; J, W right, candles, champagne ice etc.. $195; E. M. Waite. printing, $41 : C A. Reed, room rent and transparency, S-70 ; O. A. Brown, collecting, $2i ; C. . Hitrrows, gas, $15; L. Byrne, wine, 2; J. jMatterson, current exuensfs, $t2 50 ; Gill Steel, paper etc., $8 75; Laborer, $5 ; R. M. Wudc 4 Co., candle holders etc., S6: Weatherford A Co., wax, $3 25. Total $'M2 5tl. leaving a deficit of 75 which was made up by the Committee. Pehsoal, Connt and Countess Pourta les. son-in-law atwl daughfa r of li n Holla day. Esq., arrived in this city Thursday morning, and are at present stopping with Mr. Holladay at his private resilience. N Front huilyof ,S'umlt Oct. 20. The Senate Chajcber. Another day of political wire-pulling and sharp practice has passed with its usual amount of interest pro and con." From the time of conven ing yesterday morning until six o'clock in tiu- evening it was, as one might say, a con tinned struggle lor the ascvtidam-v; and all manner of subterfuges were in by which private interest might be promoted let the consequences lie what they might to the State. ' Uwing to tlie weakniisof cer tain Republican members the Democracy have had full sway on evrtain questions of momentous importance, but tliauks to those who are true blue, tlie yeas and nays were demanded on nearly every question, and their record stands as a living monument to blast or brighten their political earner, as the case may be. The Canal and Lock Bill came up in the morning, and no sooner was the new s spread that the Bill was nndercon sideration than lobbyists began pouring in to the hall nntil tlie re was scarcely standing room left Several well known ladies brightened the otherwise gloomy aspect of the room by their cheerful faces, while members of the House who were friends of the Bill were rushing in and ont of the room, whispering and button-holing in the most approved atyle. Certain Republican members appeared to be more confidential than usual with members of the other side of the House, The reason of this was apparent when the roll was called on the adoption of certain laudable amendments offered by Mr. Dolph, and the vote stood 13 to 9 in opposition to said amendments. 11 of the former being Democrats, and tho re maining two what? Why, Republican (?) Sternberg, of course. The bill was again brought np as the special ooler at 3 P. M., and further consideralion again postponed. Points of order were raised on every imag inable score and Legislation delayed in dis cussions that were at times more than un necessary. Bui "any tiling to get the Lock Bill through." With 13 members for it, the opposition could not help themselves, although they made a gallant resistance. As usual the motion to adjourn was quar reled over for some time, but they finally effected an adjournment until 10 A. x. to morrow, although a special order of busi ness had been made for an evening session. "For ways that are dark and tricks that are vain." the Heathen Chinee is less peculiar than he was. A Worthy PrrrnoH A petition was be ing circulated yesterday and receiving the signature of .nearly every person to whom it was presented asking the Legislature to locate (lie Capitol buildings on the grounds already owned by the State en W Olson's Avenue. The list of names was very lengthy and the petition eemed to be fa vored by nearly every one. The Sew Law. The 'Governor having .1 . 1 . .. Dunnnirfifnimant Mill it kail SlgneU (IIC 1KJ'1 k.',... uu . uaM, nun become a law. The Legislative Assembly ... . u k. . ...... f f.i m.Tibt. nr ti i n. tv mfiinhm divided as follows : 60 Representatives and 30 Senators. Of these Marion county is en titled to three Senators and six Representa- UVLS. On thk Sick List. Quite a number of the Legislators were on the sick list yester-' day afternoon. In one or two cases they , are coutiued. to their rooms. Me-ssrs. Cra-' nor and Cooper of the House were both ab sent from their seats last evening during the exciting contest over the Canal and Lock Bill. Yesterday afternoon a lounge ; was brought into the Senate Chamber for the use of the President, Jas. D. Fay, who was indisposed the most of the afternoon. The Honorable Senator could recline at bis ease aud vote for or against a measure as ho saw tit, and towards night when a motion was made to take a recess until 7 o'clock, it was reallv surprising how inauv of the Sen ators were unwell. Mr. Hoult arose and laving his delicate "tin" over his bread bas ket complained of sickness in piteous tones. Mr. Brown of Marion had his bead over a spitt-sm mid ill a pleading manner asked to bo excused from voting for a recess. Mr. Brown of Baker tottered from his seat, unci in hollow tones assured the Senate that he felt a goneness where he lived and would be unable to honor tlie evening se-ssion with his benign countenance. Mr. Fay's emaci ated form spoke volumes in a iiiiiimer moie pathetic than words alone could do. Mr. Tohn lookeel ill and no doubt he felt so. Mr. Myers felt ill although he elid not lisik so. MY. Myers looked as though he wanted to be sicker and Mr. Mourou wished he w as, while nur obese friend Stratum really im agined be was sick. But tlie whole Dcmi cratic force really were decidedly down in the mouth about 9.30 o'clock after tlie de-fi-at of the Canal and Lock Bill in the House. Fihally Paid. Mrs. T. J. rhillips, who for many months past has been tndeaveir ing te sei-ure the iiiaurane-e due her em the death of her husband has, we are informed, riuully met witu success, and her claim lias been paid. Appointment. The County Commis sioners have appointed Irwin B. Uleason Justice of the Peace for Sublimity precinct. From Unity of Tuesday Oct. 22. Tue Senate Chambeh. The week lias set in under the most favorable auspices, and, although the time allotted by law for tlie Legislature toailjournisup. still there seems but little like lihood of au aeljournmeiit in this, the uppe r house. St tialc 1U solutions and innumerable House bills still UckkI the Secretary's table, through which it would take a week of legislation to wade success fully. The main bill of local interest con sidered in thisbody yesterday was the enti locating the Capitol "grounds. A strenuous; effort was maele to effect the bs-ation eif these builelings across the e reek, but the committee to whom the matter was referred, af ter a pe rsonal examination of the se verm locations propeised, decided in favor of the plot of ground alreaely owneel by the State, on Willson's Avenue. It is preijsweel to fmrchase a block of ground udjace nt to this oc ttion, and present it to the Stale, which will make ample room for the buileling and grounds. Messrs. Fayand Hoult opposul the measure with their usual pertinacity, bnt their votes were not sufne-ieiit to defeat the plan. The tug-boat question elicite d a bvejy discussion, and whether or 110 Cant. Flavel's contract with the State should Imj cancele-d. was uneler consiile-ration for some time, but the Senate linallygrauted its con sent to the rescinding ef a contract which,' in our humble opinion, should have bee n alloweel tei remain in feirce. The appropri ation bill having been delayed leiiig enough to suit the Democratic side eif tlie bisly, itwaa magnanimously (?) allowed togo through by a unanimous vote. It being "breael ami butter" for the members uotloubt led to this condecension on the part oftlie Demo crats. But as usual they refuseel to go into joint convention; neither would they vote for any definite day to adjourn sine die. The Clerks were however provide d for by a resolution that was passett granting them compensation for titty days lalsir; but tho Senators are compelleil to purchase '-hash and roost" at their own expense. The Sen ate having become wearied in well doing aeljonrned at 6 p. M. without an evening session. ' The Methodist Citrncu. The well known fact that the newly arrived minister wniilil preach at the alsive uamiil church, filled the house to repletion eluriug lmth tho Sunday morning aim evening ae-rvie. Mr. Bowers, we are pleased to say, has made a favorable impression on his 'congregation, and has entered upon his Conference ye ar unele-r encouraging auspices. An Indian minister freim the Warm Spring Reserva tion, preache-d a se-rmon to the Inetians in the afternoon, which, we are informed, was listened to bv quite a concourse of "ye reel men of the forest." Almost a FrttE. Saturday night a cotinlo of boys employed in the W illamette Woot"ii Mills were scuttling to gain possession of a broom, A sudden meivenu nt em tlie part eif one of them wrenched it from the hauels of the other, causing tlie handle to strike a lamp that was burning over their heads. knecking it down upon tlie flisir. where it w as breikcn into atoms. The oil caught tire, and a conflagration of immense magnitude; seemed imminent, bnt witli commenelafre presence of mind, a quantity of dampened wool was thrown on, which smothered the flume and save d the probable loss of life as well as projierty. Lost and Found. Saturday about noon a three-v:ar old cherub of Jack Math ews, of South' Salem, was missing, Search was immediately institute el, neighbors in terviewed, eiuthouses searcheel, wells inves tigated. and etceteras attcinle d to in search of the lost child, but without stuitss. The parents by this time were thoroughly alarmed and sympathizing friends tnrneel out en masse U find the child if possible. He was finally tracked down on ConiniiT cial street." founel on the bridge near the Willamette Woolen Mills anil re turned to his almost distracteel pare-nts. To Leave l's.-We notice that the firm of Lampson A Taylor have their good nust lv packed up and niarkeel to their aelelress a't Walla W alla, W". T., at which place they propesie to locate. These chajis are botii young men, and in this their change of biso we wish them abundant success, antl should they tire of that place where they "Walla" twice, we hope to see the-m return to this their old stumping ground. Fine Qbapes. J. Jj. Hoyt, of this city, vrste-rdav plaereel njmn our table as line a bunch of grapes as we have ever seen in the Willamette valley. They are styled " Hoy t s Seeellings," and, although the grape is not as large as some we have se-e-n, ye-t tlie-y are very prolific and of fine flavor. The bunch before us has ill the immediate nuighlior hood nf 350 gropes on it, and will pmliably weigh 2'i lbs. Every grape is fully matured, and the bunch a pe-rfn-t one. Mr. Hoyt has our thanks for this pet of his vineyard. AMfsiso. Pot calling kettle black is well illustrated in the present controversy between tin; Mercury and Herald. The loruier accuseil the latter of stealing loe-als from the San Francisco Examiner, and now the Herald retaliates by calling the Mercury "another," and quoted the St. Louis Dis patch as the orignator of that tale of horror alxmt the man being devoured by certain cannibalistic quadrupeds of the porcine specie. Go in gentlemen, its none of our funeral. LtMAL UZtKVIIlKS. Xo runaways to announce. It has been some time since we have lie-en able to dish up erne for the benefit of the Herald. Clotlies-lino thieves are around. Gather in your linen or it may tie done for you. Frank Wilson has charge of the tele graph office at Aurora. Egbert Brown is running on the Railroad as one of Wells Fargo A Co's messengers. Re-member Rev. T. L. Henelerson's ap pointment at the C. P. Church this morn ing. One year ago to-morrow since the Skating Rink si-arc at Portland. One rear ago this time every man, woman anl child in Oregon were dofng all in their power to alleviate the wisU of tlie Chicago sufferers. Our District Courts will hereafter be held on the 2d Monday's in March, June and November. A bill has been passed authorizing our city to iuemr debts to the amemnt of $5,000 instead of $1,000 as formerly. Instead of having funds left, the Recep tion Committee were compelled to pav a de ficiency of $59 75. N. H. Cranor, a member of the House from Lane county lias been sick during the greater part of the session. Rev. 8. C. Adams has been acting as As sistant Clerk in tlie House for several days past 1 Hon. Geo. Abernethy, the first Governor of Oregon is making s short sojourn in the city. - The New Northwest gives yo local of tlie Mercury a slight dig in the ribs this week. Hit him again. About a dozen members of the House en tered their protect against the Canal and Lock Bill last evening and requested that it be spread on the record. The overland mails are making excellent time at present, thanks to fast horses and faster steam engtnes. Grapes and apples are literally flooding the markets these days. An exchange correctly defines advertising a blister to draw customers. Too Late I How often do we hear this cry of anguish from those who find tnemsulves sinking fast under the pressure of disease, as they look back at the lost opportunities to regain their health. To all such we say, it is not too late 1 try Bristol's Sabsapauilla and P11.L8, they have cured hundreds of suiTer ers. Try them 1 try them 1 Colds aad r-otwln. Sudden (Tnuiren of climate are sources of Pulmonary and Bronchial affections. Take at once "Brown's' Bbonchiad TaocsKS," let the Cold. Cough or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight In this changeable climate nothing is more Important than dry feet; health and life rle-y-iirtnii it; therefore buy CAULK SCREW WIKE Boots ami Shoes never leik or rip. cx-u la, 7&tUwlm TEI II LUttlKLATL'BE. The Tug-Boat flatter. A nwjrtiity oftlie Special Conmiit toe to whom was referred the iiie'ino riul ofCapt. Flavel to bo releu!! from his cxiiitniet with the Stute, submitted a majority report in favor of granting the prayer of the Memorialist. A mi nority presented .111 atlverse; re-port. Itnth reports were subsequently referral. The Ntrnhan-Witlinni Cane. Mr. Dolph offered the following resolution : "Hesolved, that 11. !. Strahan is not entitleil to a seat in this Senate, anil that A. M. Vitham- is -n-Utlexl to a seat as tjeuator from llentou emmty," ami moved its adoption. Mr. lioult moved to lay f lie Uesoltitiou va the table. Mr. Strahan aros to the point of order that sucli a Resolu tion was not .-idinis-ih'c while the eae was jieuJiug before the Committee on Khictions. The l'resident was not fully prepared tortimouiii'e hisdeei-hm on the point of onler, pending which Mr. Hoult moved to lay the Uesolutioii on the table. Ayes and Noes called for with the following result : Yeas 11 X(H!S 11. The motion was lust. Mr. lioult moved that further consid eration he indefinitely postponed. Lost by a vote of 11 to 11. In orde-r to give the I'rcsitleiit an opportunity to examine further reganling the point of order taken by Mr. Krahan Mr. 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 moved that it be made the snjecial orderr of business for 2. v. 11. to-day. Carried. TUe Appropriation Kill. An amendment to the appropriation bill was adopted providing lor the pay ment of nnpaul balances due on war rants evt down by the Investigating Ceiminine--, lu-ing diltt-ivuee; !--tweeii the original amounts of war rants, .nnd amount allowed and p-dd"! on same lb" stun is.i.O.)-.! -Ji ami sl.(HM) iutere-t ; balance to be paid in all eases to prisons holding warrant at the time tin ? wen.- pii-se-nted and paid to the extent allowed by said t 'oui missioii. The Strntnua-tVitiiAwi Case Ax:l At the AjH-nuig of tiie afternoon ses sion, the lYedelit deeidi-d that tlie point of otVle-r rai-nl hy Mr. Strahan was not well taken, anil that Mr. llolph's Ti'sethsliiiu could 1m? eiitei tained. -)n nimiou of llrowu of lin ker the furt Ik consideration of 1 1 it- resolution was jo-tponed till Monday i 2 r. M-, llrowu o Marion voting with the lemo.Tats ' Tlie Tllj;-Bo-lt .tHill. The report tititl memorial in rela-! tion to the Tug-Utar contnut. were re--' ferix-i) to tlie -J-udicjary fonnnitti-e with j iusiniertions to re-sirt upon the le-gali-I ty of the commit. 1 Tlie Cannl nixl Ue-h Kill. j T1k Lacks bill was taken up and peniling a motion to Mipeud tlie- rules j and read a rlf-t time, by title, Mr. j Dolph moved its indefinite po-tpone-j ment lost to 13. The Senate re- ' fit eil to suspend the rules in order to reael by title, and tlie- entire bill w::S read. j Mr. Cornelius objected to the bill aud the question ivas taken on its re jection, with the following re-ult : Yeas CoriKflin:. Cnwlcs, Cry-tal, Dolph, Hannah. Moores. Powell. 'Wat-j son aud Web-ter y. N ays Bald-1 win. liristow. iJrown of Haker. Ihou u of Marion, ('niwtoriL. lloult. Lie-uaileii. MonriH-, Myers. Patter-on. Strahan. Tolen and Mr. President 13. ISiit.H I'usse-d, The House liill to jM-eviele fer the election of Judges in dUtinct elas-es was rejected 15 to li. The following hills were passed : Ilo:to bill to pro vide tor Common Sehools in (ii-nuan language ; Hotise bill to authorize pur chase of 2."i0 volumns Oregon Heports : House bill to provide for the- ediie-atiou of the blind; anil the llon-e bill to amend tlie charter of S.ile-in. A numlier of other llinie bills weie read and n-ti-ireel or placet! on the file. The Senate conciirreel in the adop tion of the llisise Joint Resolution fur Joint Convention at 7 r. M. alter de feating a motion by Mr. Kay to in definitely postpone. The general appropriation bill was postponed till 2 l l. to.uiorrow. Strategy. The Senate having agreed to go Into Joint. Convention at 1 o'eleiek, Mr. Dolph moved that the Se-nate take- a re tvs till 7. This was voted down. After a call ot the S-nate, moved for by Brown of Marion. Mr. Dolph again moved font recess till 7 o'clock lost. On motion of Brown of Baker, the Senate then adjourned till to-morrow , morning. This last movement, was i made for the purpose of di fe-ating the ; Joint Convention. l'.l."s j ieovm: or n:irti:vEXT.Tiv7. j About lieepiai; flic l.isun-. A joint ivsolution was nhVie-d au- j thiiri.i;:g tlier mvernor to ontract with Dr. (.'arienlerl!i- the keep: ;gand treat nie-iit ol ll- iu-.eiie at il 25 i-at-'i s-r wee-k. alter De-e-. i, IS. I iiiuei d ej by tnU'mg out tin- name ut Dr. Caqn-nter o a- to leave the contract ! oiH'ii fit couijNftitiuii ; andtiifi: the rcs eiiiitioti was jniil or. the table-. fo.tiit.v SiiiKin FundN. 1 The vote !.y which was In t the hill; to jirovi-le lor enmity i:ikii:g fiiiid. was ri-conside red, and the nil! u.i-, passed. j ,i:!jtiri:me;i t Kim- ;iii, The Senate Joint jniini .- "7 at 12 iv-iriirin 1 In ael-o'i-Ii'.'k . 1 r t : t -1 m v iiignt, was ameu'ii-i ty m:e:-::ng Wcehiestliiy instead of S.ilui-.ia. anil then laid on the lablc. Pending the question 011 the passage of tin- hid to provide for a railroad from Corvallis to Yaquiua. the House took recess till afternoon. Afternoon -Hills S'enseel. The hill toai'l tho Divgou Children.s Aid Society ; to provide for the purchase- of 250 copies of Oregon Iieports; to regulate the times of holding courts; bill to establish the boundaries of Grant county ; hill for the relief of Baker comity : bill for the relief of fieo. AlK-niethy ; bill for the relief ot Curry county; bill relating to roads and highways; bill relating to appoint-me-nt of road supe-irisoi-s ; and the bill relating to election, salary, etc.. of Register of Land. The House adjourned to 7 o'clock., Oct. 19, 1S72. ITS Tlir SENATE, Ttlsei llnneouM I'roreedlnsv. The President lieing indisposed, Mi-. Crawford was called to the chair. A resolution was adopted authoriz ing tlie Secretary to have printed 1.500 copies each ot the election and reveuue laws feir distribution. Mr. Baldwin introduced a resolution to authorize the Governor o fill any vacancy 111 any Board of Commission ers that might exit at the close of the session. Mr. Dolph moved to indefi nitely postKme the. resolution; lost. Further consideration was postponed till Monday. A bill to my the exiienses of the Yamhill contested election ease of last session was passed. lhe Jlessage trom the Governor. announced that he has sirnetl the re apportionment bill, aud the; bill to ap- point au immignilion lommissiouer j (Applegate.) Tlie House bill to prevent the snrcsd of contagious diseases, passed. Tlie t'aual ami Locks UtII. The bill U lease the Willamette Canal and Locks was read second time by title. Mr. Dolph moved that the biil be referred to a select Cinmmtttee of three. Mr. lloult moved that the bill be made the special for Monday at 10 o'clock ruled out of onler. Mr. Baldwin moved to refer to staneliiig Committee on Bonds and Highways lost. Mr. Dolph s motion was lost 9 to 13. Mr. Dolph moved to adjourn lost by 10 to 12. Mr. Doiph offered the following amendment to the last section : "Aud also to convey to the State of Oregon in feu simple, tree from all incum brances, the said Canal and Links and the land upon which tlie same is sit uated, and that said bonds be given in the KUia of $1,000,000. with sutlicieiit sureties who shall justify as bail upon arrest." Mr. Dolph made an able and clear headed argument in support of his amendment. He said he saw there was an evident desire on the jiart of the friends of the bill, to rush it through without the customary reference, lie offered his ami'iidineut to supply an important detect in the hi I. He had examined the bill carefully, and he had found that there was no' provision in it, by which the company would be compelled to give bond to convey a lerlcct title to the State; at the expira tion oftlie lease, lithe State prooses to give Sl-0.iWK lor souwtniug, it is worth while for the State to know w hat it is buying, and how it is to get title-. A an attorney, he knew that certain laud claimed by the Company is in litigation;; and he thought it .hut an ordinary bn-ii.cs precaution" to provide- for securing a good t tie-. He; ca!!ed upon members to support the amendment if they would deal fairly . by the State. 'Mr. Hoult was called to the Chair. Mr. Watson also made a son ml ar gument in favor ot the amendment. He thought members ought to act for the- Sta'.e with the samee rliscn-t ion. judgment and cauriou. as they would exercise in the-ir vn private business. On motion ot Mr. Kay the bill was made sjieeial orde-r for 2 v. M. The Se-nate took a recess till after noon. Tlie Approprlntton Itill Was taken tip in the afternoon as the si(-ei:il order. Mr. lloult moved to further postpone till Monday ; lost by a tie vote. The bill was read third time. Mr. Myers moved to postpone till 7 o'clock this evening ; agreed to, 13 to . S'vernl House hills were then read lir-t time. The House Joint Resolution to au thorize the Secretary to purchase; two large tiiv-proof saies, was cone 'ted in. Tlie Senate alo coneurii-il in the 'House" amendments to the Senate bill, creating a Register ot St;ite Lands. The t'minl aiiel Ixx-k Itill Ajrutii. Mr. Fay moved to amend Mr. Dolph's auii-ndiiii'iit by striking our, $1,000,000." and inserting $50(l.(inu. Mr. Fay wilhilrew hi .imcinrmeiit and tillered another, to strike out all afti r the word "situated." Mr. Watson iippo-cd ihi. amend ment because it lett no stated amount for the bimd. It tuh an iinmen-e amount ot money is to be raised by taxation and paid to a company, he wanted that there should be no loop hole of I'se-api" from complying with their part of t hi' e-ontrae-t. lie ile-sired that Miliieient guards he; provided in the bill. Mr. Dolph said the hill had passed the I louse- n il hour provisions for proper security for the convevaui-e of title to lhe State. Tin- Commission. e-i-s were; not e-vi-u re piire-d to give bond though their responsibilities are great enough to demand it. Why ve-n- they cmpowcr"d to he the judge of what -inn should Im -ullie-ient .se curity? What security i there that the pre-se-nt stockholder will be in the State tit the end of the term ? Me con sidered tin- aniendnn-iit ofletcd by Mr. Kay, a dodge to throw dirt in the eye oftlie oppeinonts of the hill. Mr. Mve r saiil the gentleman hid intimated a lack of e-oulide-ne-e in the Coniinis-ioiii-r. He thought that, when elected they would prove honest. If the bill w as a gooel one. the amend ment hoitld not lie adopted. beeviUM" it would retard it pas-age. There be should vote, against both ame-nd-llients. Mr. Dolph said that even if lhe pur chase; were a good otii" for the State, that would constitute no reason why the lights of the State -Imll iiot he prope rly guai-il.-d. The Senator enuM net conse-ientioiisly vote tor this bill when fully convinced that the pur chase' w ould not be a safe one, bv rea- ; son of 1 he title being imperfect. The j people wouM not support the Legisla i tun in such a proceeding. Mr. Wat -on imule a second appeal ! hijfavor. of Mr. Dolph's ainendine-nt. i si towing the- bill a it passe-il the Hmi-e ; did nor protect the State. Spe-i che wete inahe by Strahan and ; Mvi-rs. upHirting the bill, i Mr. Kay's amendment was veiled down. 13 to il. On motion of Bri-tow the' further i conddi-ritioii of the bill was po-toom-d I till 11 A. M. Monday. ! The S'nate. without transacting further business of conseiiui'iicc, atl i journi'd. j All further proceeding in the matter oflhe ane-t of mcmN'r. ordeied last ; night a dispcuet with. A resolution wa adopted amenda- tory of the report in the Clackamas j cae. Kills I'usseel. I Bill to ame-nd the laws relating to Ifi-rrie-s; Si-iiate joint n-olutioii au ! thorizing the printing of 1.500 copies j of re-veuui' and election laws ; House ; bill cre-ating State; board of eiualiza I tion ; House; bill to prevent the spread j of contagious diseases ; House bill te ! regulate amount of bonds of county and precinct ollieers ; House1 bill to ipiiet title to certain land in poi' sion of se-ttlers ; House bill to provide for survey and sale of salt marsh and tide laud. The Committee appointed to ex amine the I look oftlie S-crctary aud Treasurer, submitted a report," com-piime-ntary to the' ollieers. The Portland water bill was report ed hae-k by the Multnomah delegation with amendments a majority and mi nority re-port. Pending dicusiou and various motions, the whole' matter was laid on the table-. The House adjourned till afternoon. In the afternoon the lfone bill to provide' a reim-dy for the evil of in temperance, was reported hack from committee with amendments which we're aelopted and the bill ordered en grosses). Amotion to take up the motion to reconsider the vote by which the Locks bill was passed, was dee-ided out ot order by the Speaker. The House sustained the decision. Kills 1'iesseei. The House hill to amend the rode; of civil proe-.-elure in justice's courts; House' bill to appoint a financial ex-aiuine-r in each county ; House bill to amend the law relating to incorpora tions ; House hill to regulate hall al leys anil billiard room; Houe hill to provide- for codifying She laws; Hou-e liill to deline power and duties of grand juries. The bill to provide for a Board of Immigration was lot by a vote of 23 to 25. A motion to reconsider was made and i pe-nding. The House- adjourned till 7 r. M. TSte Irfx-le. Air iln Tlie Hill Ile li'nied. In the evening the motion to recon sider the Vote by w hich the Links hill was passed was taken up. The friends eif tin; bill fought with splendid pluck and persistence to stave oil the direct vote, but the opponents were e-ptally plucky and i-e-rsistent. There w-ere motion to adjourn, aud motions of all sort, almost without number, upon each of which the yeas and nays wen; taken; hut the opponents of the hill fought it. straight out on the one line which they knew would lead lo vic tory and they won. The Houe was finally brought to a vote on the bill and it was defeated by a vote of 22 yeas to 25 nays. They nays were the same as those who voted against the bill originally, reinforced by Messrs. Collier anel Stott. The vote being an- . . . rs nouneeu, 3lr. ration moved to recon sider, with the iuteutioit ef also mov ing the clincher, to indefinitely post pone the reconsideration; but a mo lion to adjourn intervened and was iigre-cd to. The House adjourned. Salkm, Oct. 21. 1H72. IX THE K.K.V4TE. Stnte liilversiiy Dlrertors. A message was received from the Gov ernor appointing Directors of the State University as follows : M. P. Deady, L. L. McArthur, John M. Thompson. T. G. Hendricks, Geo. Humphrey, and re quesing the confirmation try "the S-nate. The eoinmuniention" was made special order for3 i. 51. to-day. Power and I'ntronetre for the Uov t-rnor. The 5Kcial order for Ibis hour being the Kesolu;ion authorizing the Gov ernor to appcHbt-auy ollieer or vacancy in any Board ot Commissioners that may exist at tin; c!oe of the session, the resolution whs adopted by a vote of 12 ton. The Tnx-Iiont. Hill. The committee on .Judiciary made a majority and minority report imS.J.K. No. 21 relating to ste am tug Astoria. The majority recommended the adop tion of the Joint Resolution rescind! ig the contract between the State anil tug boat at the mouth of the Columbia. The minority reKrt recommended tk-it the Kesolntion be not adopted. On motion, the majority report was:idn) ted ; anil then the Joint Resolution was adopted by a vote of 12 to 10. The ('mini nnd Loe-le mil. The hour having arrived for the; con sideration of the above bill it w;is taken from the table. Mr. Dolph arose to point of orde-. that as it wa reeonsielered by tlie House- and it was not tiofore; the S-nate. The President declared that the point was not we-ll take'ii.a the bill I ad been reconidered without the return nfthVHill. At this point a message was received from the House requesting the return of the Bill. Mr. Hoult moved the postponement of the further consideration of the bill in iiuestion until to-morrow at 3 1". M. The question being, shall the S-nate return the Bill to the House, the roll was called anil the motion was lost by a tie vole. Brown of Marion and Bris tow voting against the return of the Bill, and Kay and Stratum voting for the return. The balance of the vote was strictly a party one. A House' Resolution wa read re questing the fttnru ot the Bill. Dolph roe to points of order first, the biil had ln-e-ii asked for by the House; second that the bill at present before tlie Sen ate' was not. the one passed by the House'. lacking several important amendments. He there-feire considered further action on the part of the S-nate illegal. Again the point of orele-r was not .sus tained by the Chair. Mr. Dolph ap I tea led fioi'. the de-cision of the Chair. The- decision eif tlie Chair was sustain ed by a vote of 13 to il. Mr. Strahan moved that the request of the Mouse; he complied with. Car ries) by a vote of 14 to S. The S-nate adjourneil. MiItol Location -Aeljonmment, Ktr. In lhe afternoon, the1 House joint reolulie!i in relation to location of Capitol building on grounds already owned by the State-, wa adopted. Mr. Dolph moved to concur in lotisi joint resolution sotting the. time for ad join nment at 12 to-night. On molion of Strahan. the resolution was laid on the- table. The appropriation bill was taken np anel ri-!'erivel for amendment so as to provide- for paying cxtvenscs of the Yamhill contested ele-etioti case- ol 1 sTO. lii-soiution wi-ri- introdue-ed to pro vieli' tor paying 11. K. llanna. I. K. Hie k and D. W. Craig for service retiiii-ri'd. Mr. Moon- o:b-red a joint n-ohstion to go into joint e ouve-nliein this even ing to elect commissioners ; lot by a tii- vote. The Railroad ( 'onimitte-c reported adversely to the Corvallis and Yaquina railroad bill. Itill l-nsxMt. The House bill to provide for a wag on road from Sandy to the Dalle-; the Si-n:t:- general appropriation bill : the Hou-e bill for the- n-licf ofCe-o. Aber ueSlty; and Houe bill to deline hu'lu dary ofCttrry county. oiiflrinilieiiK. The Se-nate' confirmed the following appn'nitini-iit by the Governor: I'ni vi r-ity Director M. P. Deady. P.. s. Strahan. L. L. MeArthur, .fohn M. Thompson. Tho. (i. He-inlrick and Geo. iluurphrcy. t'oinpensntion of Oilie'ers. The ('otiimittee of Ways and Means reported a resolution providing fir the following compensation lo ollieer: l'hie-f Clerk, sfs ; A i-taut. t'b-rk. -i'i ; Committee; Ch-rk. -rl ; S-rgeant-at-Arnis. iS5; Doorkeeper. $1: Page. s?3 ; and n-i-onnni'iiding that the 'lerks be a!!owe'l U- (la v's time after the ad journment to complete the journal. Adopted. Tin- Senate adjourneil. iwisi: of itj:iMti!;r.TrVK.. The lioe-k Kill -ISeeerl 2Cxiiiieel. Mr. Simpson niove-d toexpunge- from tlie- record all that part of Saturday evening's proeee ding relating to the I 'an il and Lock bill, oil the ground that the bill not being in pese.-ion ol the House, the action was inoperative. A motion to lay Mr. Simpson's motion on the table- wa negatived, and bis no) ion wa then agivi d to .'11 lo 17. Mr. Paltou oll'cied a resolution that a i-onimittee-of three be appointee lo request the Senate lo return tin- bill for ; to which Mr. Simpn ollere-el au anii-nihnent to strike out conimittii'" and inert "cle'rk." w hich was agreed to. ami the resolution was adopted. The Immigration Hill. Mr. llirseii moved a reconsideration of the vote by which S. B. 4-. lo en courage immigration was lot. which carried by a vote- of 2 i to ' 22. The question being shall the bill pass, the vote stood, ayes 27 Hoes 21. The Insine Asylum JIrtter. A resolution was adopted diive-ting the committee of Ways and Means to re-port forthwith upon She bill provid ing for the construction et an Insane Asylum. .The House adjourned till afternoon. Ajoii.t resolution was aelopted to adjourn iuo die to-night at 12 o'clock. The vote by which 11. B. 52, relating to the- increase- of se-hoeil fund was re-considere-d and the bill ai-d. II. B. 57, appropriatiugfunds for the erection of an Inane Asylum was put in it little 1h-i1 until next, session. S. B. Xo. (iO. authorizing S-e refary of State to employ clerk, w as passed. The resolution providing for the leasing of convict labor wa tabled. Mrs. M. P. Sawtelle.s Immigration Bill ; S. 15. No. 5 !. to pay of delegates to the Centennial Commis s;on '; S. B. No. 42. for the relief of Linn county ; S. B. 5s, regulating tee of ollc -r ; were all passed. After adopting a resolution fixing the compensation of the eill'iivr of the House-, a recess was taken until 7 o'clock I-. M. Tin; House' met at 7 o'clock and took under consideration the- General Ap propriation Bill. The Lock and Canal iiie-u e-nde-avon-d to tKwtpone fhial ac tiein on the bill, but were misni-e-estul anil the bill finally passed by a vote of 311 to 8. " The House adjourned. Ilntesto Oet. tJ). The Treaury Department has re ccIvih! to-day the Cuban Hag taken trom the privateer Pioneer, forwarded by tlie captain of the Moccasin, which captured her. The ship Southern Cross, twelve hundred teins burden, arrived at Sin Francisco from New York, 122 days out. She. has been chartered in ad vaunc for a load of wheat for Liver lool. Walcott. of the Texas Pacific Kail road Survey, left. Camp Grant. Ari zona, last week, to survey the Ameri can Valley. A Viali,i. California, dispatch says': Col. Kewen's (Dem.) speech last night was principally a eulogy of Jeff. Davis, Gen. Lee, Be-aureganl and other rebel leaders. At the conclusion, a call was maele for cheers for Jeff. Davis. The response was very faint. S. X. Goodale has sued the St. Louis Globe for a hundred thousand dollars for publishing a dispatch from Boston funiisheil by the American Press Asso ciation, in which Goodale is said to bave been suspected ot being engaged in the assassination of Charles Lee at Dorchester, Massachusetts, on Satur day evening. Four inches of snow felt on the west branch ot tlie Penobscot. Maine, on the 17th. Roundall Palmer received $30,000 for Iiis services before the Geneva tribunal. One mile ot grailing of the Pioche and Bullionville raifi-oad has lieen completed. The entire road will be finished before January 1st. Caleb Cushiiig gives the opinion that the British counter claims will not ex ceed $2,000,000. The Kio Grande Commission repre sent that lhe tnitli of the disorders on the Texas border is not halt told. Mexico in every instance is the agres sor. St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Richmond. Staten Island, was burued. Los s2li.(ii')0. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY THE SOUTH CAROLINA ELEC TION. WM. II. SEWARD'S WILL CONCERNING QUOTATIONS OF WHEAT. Rumor of a Cabinet Change Masonic Grand Lodge of Ohio. FRESH KU-KLUX OUT RACE. Exodus of French Citizens From German Cities. E.lSTKKJi MOWN. The uth Carolina I.lcctlou. COI.l'MlilA. S. C, Oct. IG. The; State cle;ctiniis look place to-elay for Governor. State ollieers and live Con-ix-ssnieu. The only decided opposi tion olU-red by the Democrat was in I lie south elistrict. where 15. F. l'erry, ex-Provisional Governor under John son, was nominated to t ii;res.s. It is thought he is e-li-cti-el. defeating Wal lace, the present ineinlier. It is gen erally coiie-eeltal that the regular Ke-publie-au ticket, with Miws lor Gover nor, is elected, d-featiiif; what is known as the holte-r's ticket, with ToinliusoiL as cantlidate for Governor. Win. II. N merer M ill. Auia KX. X. Y., Oct. 1G. The will of Hon. Win. IL Seward was opened by the; lamily to-elay. It is a clear and Micciuct elucume-nt, singularly tree from h'jpil tec!iic.ilitit;s und written entirely in his own bind. He bc-iiie-aths his late home at Auhurii, with all contents and Mirroundiugs to hi I luve seiu-, by one or more of whom it will U; occupied and preserved intact as far :i! po-s:hli'. io iu iirc-Hait eiindi tiou. Iiis own proK-rty, consistinij in part of se-curitii-s and real estate in Auburn anel vicinity. he-divide;s in four e-ipial share's ainein hi-sons and adopt ed daughter, Olive Kisedy .V-wanl. Two of his sons, l'icd aud William, arc deputed executors fortius provis ion. No other legacies or lH-.piests are made-. The property has ueit ye-t lie-en appraise'd. anil il is impossible to siiy precis-ly what it amounts to, hut probably will not he tar from $200, 000. Aliunt Wlient tnetatloiM. i:w Vm:k. Oct. M. The Liver jumiI j;rain qnotatiiius furnished the e alif.irnia Ass,n-iate-d I're-ssaud iilblic through til.; Gold and Stock Telegraph e'liiiipauy aii' those ot the; Xew York Associated I're-ss. 'l'lie- standard quo tation is that of California. The aver age of wlie-at aud prices given are su l.iined by the Liverpool weekly grain i-irciltars. The- higlii-ripiotatioiis ii-oni the Mark Lane Kxpress evidently give pr'ui'S of California chili wheat, which is not ri-gariled, either here en at. I.ivci piMii. as so true- atcritcriuii eif the ni irket a the avenge wheat. Signed,., .I. W. Simoxtox, (ieneral Agent. Kiimor of ii limine In the Cnliiiel. Xf.w Yeu:K. Oe-t. V. A Washing ton s-cial says then- is a report that Willi:iiu iute-uds to retire-from the Cabinet after flection, and that he vill ! sue-ce-e-ded by Gen eral Uri-tow, of Kentucky, the; pres ent Solicitor Ge-ueral. In such an event it. is thought Williams will In; a-ki-d to serve lor the invse-ut em the commission fir the adjudication ot the Alabama claims that Congress is ex pect eel to establish. M.immis eif Oliio. ' Oe-;. VI. The- Misonie; (rand Lmlge; nf Ohio to-el iy e-le-eted t harle- A. iMMhvard. of Ste-ube-n-ville. ( .r ind Ma-ti r. and W. 1 1. Calel-we-ll. eif e 'iiie-iiiiiati. niuel Sce-retary. l'hi-y deciih d thai the next iiii-e-tiug shall he held on the- third Tuesday iu November, ls7:i. Iti-2iIiiY Oiitrnire?. S.WAXXAII. Oct. M. I'lilleT t je Kll Klux laws, 1. II. tlarreill. of it.istou, (ii'ingia. is held in the- sum of $."0.tMHI. charged w ith going, tlisguised, with a doen others, to the h"ii-e- of a negro iiame-d .lami.-s Hall, and killing a e-ol-iiri-il iii.-ia anel un:iii-ix-ifully liL-atmg him. ioicki. ii:ws. I epii::itieii of (.eruinu i l'.lo. Xew Youk. Oct. !'. Mail aelvie-es from Alsace- and Lorraine represent that the exodus will almost de-populate those countries. Large iiuuilK;rs left, taking no mon- than a part of what In-longs to them. A still larger num ber h-ft their hearths anel houie-s with their clotliT-s hung on the end of a stick t''i- wife carrying the youngest of the children, and tin; rest trudging behind. In Met it is said that only L recruits are remaining. At Ot.i-rinaii, Alsait- ;l town of li.OOO inhabitants only .Tl wen- ipialitied fir service. It is al leged that during the last fortnight ls.OOi) pi'ople left .Met. leellH'ing the pojiulation ot the; town to lO.OuO.'ex-elu-ive-eit 2.1.01KM J -rnian treHips who keep watch and ward over them. In Havre; the; liutnlM r who e-hos(. Frene-ll ne-iittality reai-he-s 1 1.000. These fae-ts evide-ntly make n n impression on the Germans. WILLIAMS WILL REMAIN IN THE CABINET. Liverpool Wheat Quota tions. NATIONAL BOARD OF TRADE. The Secretary Asked to Buy Bonds. ANOTHER SUSAN EXPEDITION Snnlh C'siiMIiia llo ( ion. APPOINTMENTS UY THE PRESI DENT. FOREICN INTELLIGENCE. EAvrr.KT .m:vv t ieliliie't ICiimor t'ontrndirled. WAfiiiN'iTON. Oct. 1". Arton ley Geuenil Williams authorizes au au thentic denial of the statement that he intends to retire irom the Cabinet after the Presidential election. His witli drawal from the Oregon senatorial con test was for the purpose ot remaining in his preseut position. It should lie stated on equally good authority thit Col. liristow. Solicitor General, has no ambition to be Williams' successor, it being known he will soon retire from that office and enngage In other pur suit. Liverpool tuol(tlen of Wheat. N'kw Yokk. Oct. IS. Though onr quotations of California average wlieat for Liverjiool have been accurate, as there se-ems to have ben a demand in California for club wlieat quotatienis also, we propose to give both hereafter during the shipping scaon. (Si"iied) J. VV. Simovtox. Gen'l. Agt. Associated I'ress. Proreedln-j or TCntlonnl Board of Trade. Xew York, Oct. 17. The National Bewirel of Trade to-elay, after an ani mated discussion, adopted the report ot the special committee condemning the system of cornering markets and calling on banks to diseourahe loans to parties so engaged. The committee which conferred with the Canadian delegates reiorted a resolution that tlie Executive Council should metnoralize Congress for an appropriation fur a conmiiseiou to act iu conjunction with the State Department hi negotiating a treaty with Great Britain tor recipro cal trade with Canada on a liberal ba sis, which shall also include enlarge ment of Canadian canals by the Gov ernment of Canada, and right of American vessels to navigate said ca nal on tlie same conditions as Cana dian vessel. Tlie resolution was made the order of the day for to-morrow, and the Board adjourned. A ' bamber of f'ouimerre Aka the keerrtnry tu buy Bonel. rniLA.itn.rniA. Oct. 17. At an In formal mii'!i!ij ot merchants in the Chamber of Ccmmece, the following resedution was adopted : Jletmlred. Tluit a meeting ol mer chants aud Itnnkers be held on the 21st intermit- in tin. Chamber of Commerce. to consitler the expediency of petition ing Secretary Eoutwell to relieve tlie money market by purchasing $44,000.- ixhj ot the aeut witn a like amount of legal tenders retired by Secretary Boutwell. Anolhrr 'ubn Kxpedltion. Washixoton. Oct. IS. Anotlicr t'uluiu expedition is being fitted out on an extensive scale, under the auspices of the so-called General Jordan, who himself gives? information oflhe pro-V-e't. but it is stated tliat prominent Cuban patriots place no contldciice iu Lhn. Wontli 'arolla Klertlou. I'oiiMBis, S. C, Oct. 17 The Moses ticket is undoubtedly elected. Imi4;r, Elliott and Kaiuey, colored lte'lHibliesins, anel 1J. F. Perry, Demo crat, are elected to Congress. The bolter polled a strong vote. 'J'he Kemeicrats elected several representa tives in the legislature. Appointment by the President. WASHixejTON. Oct. 18. The Presi dent to-day appointed ex-Gov. Lucius FairdiileJ, Consul to Liveqiool. vice TIk). A. iJuiile-y. resigned ; Henry I. Strove, ot Washington Territory, Sec retary to that Territory ; and Win. PoikL United States Attorney lor IiacuLdi. i:oiu:iu. xem s. Iostal Trenty Iletwern Fmnee ani (lie rutted NtateM 'lhe Knel or tlie I-'erral Mevolt iu Spain. l'Aias, Oct. 17. The postal treaty between France and the; United States, reelne-ing tlie rates u;arly one-half, has been tipproved by the State Depart ments of tin- two counties and submit ted! to Hie French Minister of Finance. whe will cousieler the pecuniary fea tures of flic treaty, and Irom whom a f ivorable report is expected. After that au early exchange of ratifications is exw-e ted. Maikii. Oet. 17. The end ot the revolt, in Ferral is officially announced. The insurgents, fearing the result ol an attack, lie-gan to dijerse during lhe night, which was dark and stormy. Si inn- took retuge on hoard vessels they had seized and sailed lor Lego. About one hundred were eaptured. The (ioverunieiit fniw-s this ineirning enti-rctl the arsenal, meeting with no resistance. Four hundred insurgents reiuaini-el within the walls all of wheim were e-aptiire-d. Frauds in Building Contracts. THE MISSOURI STRAIGHT OUTS. AV lioi- iw Honm Tweed? FAST TWO-YEAU OLD TROTTEKN. UanSi3ih'lt BJIu-rtil oiiii nation. MISCELLANEOUS NEW YORK NEWS. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. EASTER XEWS. Illseover.r or franln in I'ublle Ilnlld Inar ontraet. Washington. Oe-t. 111. Tlie Treas ury I lepartini-nl recently discovered fniuds atte-!iiite-d by the Siipe'rinten dcutof the; .Marine Hospital at Chicago, who. it. was as-rtained. had ollered to ethtain contracts tor parties for a por evnlage on tlie saine;. anel that, in the case- of contractors for stonework on the ho-pital. if he was successful the applicant paid the Superintendent 5iXI. whie-h was to be elivideej iH'tween the Suie'rtntetiili'iit, Assistant Superin tendent and Clerk. As soon as these; facts were ascertained tlie Superintend ent was ri'tnoved ami a new man put in his place by Stiie'rintending Archi tect Mullett. The matter has been pul- lisH-el iu Chicago within a day or two as an astounding discovery, but the f ie-ls wen' all known to the Depart ment weeks since, and acted upon promptly. The Mrnfrhtoiitft of MUitoiirl. ST. Loos. Oct. 19. The Executive Sub-Committee. Straight Democratic State; Committee, will issue an aeldress to the people to-morrow, presenting to the citizens of Missouri, O'Conor and Adams for President and vice Pre-Hleht ; also a full electorial ticket, embracing the names of several quite prominent citizens ot St. Louis and the State. The address reviews the Re form movement and declares It a fail ure. It state there is no candidate ueiw Iu the Held who represents it or the Ih-tnetcratic (tart-. Tweed plajs Tweed-ledee. N'kw Youk, Oct. 111. It is general ly lieheve-el here; that Tweed has not actually fled. His escape was well ar ranged, and will soon occur. Mayor Hall said last evening that he heartl nothing of any new indictments against him. "The report that he had given bail is therefore false. It is itossible, be thinks, that olel indictments maybe omiiitiusse-il, as he himself wished the courts to make inquiry into his official conduct, either in the courts or else whe're Tweed has not yet put in an appear ance with his hail, as it was not prob i ble any Supreme Judge was to lie funnel on the bene-h to-elay. He will stay at Greenwich, Connecticut, where he is supposed to be, until Monday. Trottlii-r-Fiutt Time. Lkxix;tox. Oct. IS. In tlie trot ling nee to-elay the race for ye.irling colts one mile;, to harness, was re markable;, showing 9?i se-contls faster than ever before recorded in a similar nice ; won by L. Harris. Lexington. Oct. 19. In the trot ting race to-day. Price's black colt Dohle won the race of two-year olds mile heats, best three in five. In the first heat he distanced his only compet itor by making a in ile in 2:40?4, the fastest two-year olel time on record. Liberal Nomination in naatwebo act la.. Boston. OeL 18. The State Lib eral Committee decided to substitute K. W. ISirel in place of Chas. Sumner for candidate for Governor. Xew York ws. Xf.w Youk, Oct. 19. Mark F. Lan agan was sentenced to-day to impris onment for life for the murder ot his wife. It. is stated that ex-Comptroller Con nolly is at Isle of Wight, iu company with his wife. A Baltimore dispatch says that the second trial of Mrs. Whartein tor pois oning, will come off in November or De-eemtier. Tlie bank statement shows a gain of nearly four and a half millions reve nue. The failure ot Caldwell, Walker & Co., brokers, is aunouuece. At a meeting ot the National Board of Trade this evening, tlie Executive Council reported in tavor of Chicago as tlie (termanent place ot meeting ot tlie Board. FOREIUS M.VIS. Sir Ronndell Palmer, lianeellor i-'raneo-Aimerlean Foatal Treaty -'pltal puntalintent In Mpain jtnw ner vtsllM UamlM'ttn. London, Oct. 18. The appointment of Sir lionndell Palmer as Lord Chancellor is gazetted. Paris. Oct. 18. The Franco-Amer-Ie;in postal treaty will soon be signed. Goulard. Minister of Finance, wants the rates to be raised from forty to forty-five centimes for ten grammes. nnel differs slightly from the Postal Department, but Thiers Interposed to reconcile all differences. The Cortes lias voted In favor of con sidering the resolutions providing for the alnilition of capital punishment for liolitical offenses. Pakis, Oct. 19 Sumner visited Gambetta yesterday and expressed the wannet sympathy with tlie French Keptiblie Gambetta was deeply iin- prcsseei oy tlie interview. Henry A. Muzzcy declines-tho Dem ocratic nomination for Congress In the i -; ..i . t. x r . 1 .v. .J?-.. i.iiui J.assi.cill!eilll L-lsiriCl. , Judge Mike Connolly was nomlna- tei ny me iemocrats for Congress last night, for the Tenth District, New York. Internal Revenue Collector, II. L. Shoemaker, and ex-Mayor Louis of Scranton, Pennsylvania, have been arrested, on the charge of brilterv at the recent State election. MISCELLANEOUS. A protrneling toe t not n pretty sight anil fs nerer reen tvbere children wear SILVER TIPKED Shoe. They will save half your i'or gate fey all Dealers. "BILIOUS." If tou feel efoll, trrotrsy, debilitated, de upemdent, hare freqiieftt htaUache, mouth tauten b&elly in morning, irregular appetite and ton (tub exiated, rent are sulTerine; from Torpid Lirer or Bilieu-.tiefS;'' In many mum of "Liver Complaint" only a part of these termptonia are experienced; As a remedy for all such cae. Dr. fieree'a Gold en Medical Dinejovery lias no ena), as it ef fects perfect curts, leaving the liver strengthened and healthy. Isold by all drujjKists. NEW toys: HOLIDAYS JL'ST RECEIVE!' All the New Styles - of - TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Musical instruments. Violin Strings, Etc. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Hobby Horses, Basketware, Etc., For the aoming Hull Jays, wliicli we are of fering to the trade at the very Lowest Price?. Tho traile will And It to their ailvantage to ex amine our sto-.k before pnrvliaslng else where. FELDBUSCH &. CO., IMPORTERS, 306 & 308 Battery, near Sacramento 8t, SAX FKAXLlStei. ocl 177-2:dlm 1872. THIRD VOLUME. 1873. THE WEEKLY OREGON mjLLETIN. EXCELSIOR OUR MOTTO. 'MIK PROPUIETfiR OF THE PAII.V B ami We-akly litii ie-tiit, irmillUil with the; mu-.-esti already a. lui-vi-1. Is drlernilne-d to "till fiirtlier tniitrure the l'Ux-r,aii. lu ko ciire?l I'ur the etnsulHg ye-ar Ilt. A. J Dl Tl'Et TO WHITE I P AM AGRCULTURAL DEPARTMENT, III H SMALL, ESQ., TO WRITE VPOX THE RESOURCES OF OREGON V I. J. It. I' A K I S II Te HAVE CONTROL OF THE COMMERCIALDEPARTMENT. JAS. O'MEARA WILL HE EDITOK Ii CHI KP. The L'x-a! :ind Ni-w ("oliimn will be umlei the control of Wrtler- of ability. On the tlrRt of fve.,li,.r w will commence the publication ot A Sl'LKMllll STORV, ENTITLED AV It ALIA' .TO E, AN AUTIBIOGRAPHY Of the celebrateil Motritalneer, Trapjier, Fntle-rman and Itejfar, who invent iv rt-eMivi-i ed iroie-rty In Fori land. Ore-eon, vii'liiwl at llirei-.iuiilt;rs of a million dollurs. TERMS: Knl'r J10 00 er ve-ar. Wet?kly s em e-r iear. Clubs of live; 4 50 t-tk ti. Addrri-Oreiroii Bulletin. Anc. 12. T2. .'in Portland. Ore-eoo. SI OOO INTHUEK MONTHS Agent can make the above amount by selliug the Ore-atest Book ut tlio Age, tlie Struggle of '72. The !-iii; and Candidates of the pro sent Iiolitl-4il twnpalKn, Ilmtorv anil Platform, tevlew ol'eiranCB AHininlKtratiou. The Reo-flnlnl' Eve-rt-tt Cliamlier lin, formerly of the' Chicairo Tribune. The HiKtnitions are drawn cxpresslv for the -ork bv seophens. Entirely original. The 11 nest, both humorous and erave. If von want to make money send one dollar for outfit, and secure territory at once. Terms Ac furnish ed on application. Address, A. L. BANCROFT A CO., Jiilj-27iUtw:tr San Francis.o, lal. THE OLDEST AND BEST. DR. HUTeLAND'S CELEBRATED SWISS STOMACH PATTERS. riHIE FIRST and Vot Healthful Tonic M. ever tulroeluceel in the Unite-el States These Bitters have been in the San Francisco mar ket for over twenty yea Rs.and notwithstand ing the many new e-andtd. ales fur pulilic favor, the alew have eionstantly In creaseii. TAYLOR A BEX DEL ole Ag-eiHs, 409 ami 411 e'lay .sint-t, San Fran cincex A prl7T2,dft wlytn THE BISHOP SCOTTGRAMMAR SCHOOL. A Boarding and Day Sehool for Boys, Portland. pHE NEXT TERM WILL BEGIN ON THE S5rt of September. Fo,- Admission applv to PROF. R. W. LAING, or to BISHe ip Me 1KR1. aujrtt79-w2m THE HOME SHUTTLE Sewing Machine. HAVING ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY at Hernandez' Bookstore. I am now Pre pared to furnish Machines at Portland rice. All kind-of Needles on hand and old Machine? of all kinds rupalreid and war rant il. All tho late Improvementa atUk-he-el to the old style Home Shuttle tor tlie addi tional price eif live dollars. J. J. AK.tITKOU, Agent at Salem. 0t. 1st, 1872:ro NORTH SALEM STORE ! W. L. WADE AT THE OLP GREEN 8TOR Has just revelved A FULL ASSORTOENT1 -OF- I dry goods, ' groceries, boots shoes, clothxnq. Hardware, General Mwchanrjiie, Calculated tit City and County Trade. Tkteifrht as low, ami will be sold at aa small a prout as those who sell at cost. Cjrtiood" delivered to an; feat of the city tree of charse. j dAw CAPITALSAtOON. JOSEPH BERNARD, rBOPRTETOR. Ha just received a large Invoice of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS His brands embrace tho choicest varieties. ZSS" Be sure and IVE Hin A CAL,I, ' and he will make you feel at home. Jnlyg:d&wtf JA3IES COFFEY, , , DEAXER IS New and Second Hand Furniture. HIGHEST PRICE IN CAfH PAID K0E all kiwis of Seveind Hail) Furniture Stoves. l)ihe, :, Commercial Salem. o.?t"i-lin PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. B. JEWIT,'H. D. . OFFICE Opposite lhe Cliemcketa Hotel, with Dr. Payton. Ke-sidence ou Liberty Street, second bouse north of EvangellcM Church. ., apl:U 1R. FAIXE, HOHEPATirmT. rf"HOSE PKEFERINC; THIS MILD AND BL efficient metboei of treatment will and Dr. Paine at his office in tlie Otra House, Up Stain. Salunlav moTninirmellcl advice anil treatment will be given free f charge to those nnable to ity lor the service of fmystctan. aug.ITdAwtf DR. E. Y. IRAsE, BRVT LT.COL., LATE SCRGKON f. . Vol. office Imrbin's block, upstair-, Kcsldenere. Commercial street, Sak-ra,(mmn. March i8, li, dir. K. fllAS. M II.HOX, ' o iCtLKT AND AURIST. , - , , , 9 . ........ 1 ki ior fell TllMfesM Al I lia K.v L-aH . uii t 'Tt.& li.a- ,ml . t.u..,. ..... . . . lloOms W a'nrf 33, Storkey'a Block,' Salem. Oregon. mchu -. WIIXAnBTT raiYERSITY. C ALKM, OREGON, th oVfest ami Uroett O invn-ioratel Hchewl In the State. CiaslcjU Commeivlal, Normal awl Sclentfflc rour-esot slnely. For full InfeirmaUon address the Prcs lent. T. M. OATCH, Or C. N. TERRY, Bw. of Jra Trustee. Sept, . el&wly K. E. K. risut. O OFFICE No. 1, Moore' Blm-k. Rei-I. elence-Court Street, Opposite t'nlversny. octll DR. II. C AItPENTEK. pm'SiaAN AND SURGEON, Offli-eatlel J. Reskiene- on Llliertr atreet, nearly ojipe site lhe Ctmgrepntlonel tlhurub. fsilcm, Nov. ltftu. 7L tf 'APU nOBELASD, ATTORN ETS AT .AW, Portland, Ore gon, oilice, up seal rs S.E. ewrner Front ami Washington Street. Sept.21dAW MARY P. KAWTEIXE, n.B. ' OFFICE At residence, on Court 8 tree, nest door to the Court House. seiiS4:tf dr. i. n. SMtr, UEKTTIST. o OFICE-Over Iild Rush's n-nk a. lem, Oreigon. sep4:tf IT ALL THE WORLD RDOICE I IT IS A SUCCESS! THE (.BEAT WII.SO-4NrMI9IA. Iiine: Comuany, ef Cleveland, ehier, lias rilneel I lie victory hv making the onlv Elrst ass Sewing Machine sold for loss tha'n slxtv olliirs. Tbey n il) tin all kinds of work on ny kind of goods. PRICE, 8S0. For particulars address MIKK & PEARSON, 73 First Street, Portland, Oregon. 1 For Sale at J. A. HIPPER TON'S Store, I'-ininiercial Street, Salenn. Sept. 22, 1S72. ! Ix s. S. Cussie Telfair JUST RECEIVED 1,000 BBLS. MCAC lSL AND LIME, Which JVC one, n lots to stilt. EVERDINC & BEEQE, I O North Front Street, Portland JulylGnlAwtf DANIEL LOWER, 115 front Nt., Portland, C 0 m m i s s ion Merchant. Oregon prenluce sold to best adraotage Iu .' 'on land or San Francisco, liealer In CALIFORNIA & ORECON Ixoc3Lvico. AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Conslirnmenta Solicited. Jan. 'i. 187-2 Fine City Lot for Sale. ONE or MORE of those desirable anel va vnt leitie, adjoining Juelge Chadwick's resideoce, on "Piety Hill," for sale cheap, for c-ie-h. or time frlven a portion of the )Hirchase money, if desired. Inquire of O. F. DENNIS, At Sash and Door Shop of Cooke, Dennis A Co Juneilitf SALEM DRAY & HACK CO. Forwarders and Shipper, CITY DRAYMEN &HACXMEN, AU freUtitinf- within the city done at short notice ami on reasonable terms. Carriages constantly In attendance to con rev passe-iifrers to cars or boats or on ctty drive Sent 12. 1S70. dtf NOTICE. OREGON 4 CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company, Land Department, Portland, Ore-pin, April 5, 1872. -Notice is herebv given tliat a vigorous jirosecution will be InstltiUeil against anv anel every person who trespasses upon any Railroad Land, by cutting anel re niovlnetlmtier therefrom before the same i) HoriaiT of the Company AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land in odd numbered ions, wne-ther surveyed or unsnrveyed, within distance of thirty miles from tbe Una ol tho roail, belongs to the Companv. LR.MOORER, April 10 dlmrwtf. Land Acetit. BOWIE WACONS. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO TfR nish our vUixens with Lumber and Ev press Wagons, and fonr sprlngCai liases. Aa we employ none but the best workmen, and use the very best material, we can warrant our wagons to be all we represent. T. CUNN INGHAM CO. d4w:tf. There Is nothing like leather Shoes with & FILTER TIP for children. Trytham. They nerer wear through at tba Toe. For Sale by all Dealers. sepll'TSrwlm A Coat Found. A BLACK SACK COAT WAS LIFT AT f Ilrue-n's stand during the raejes, Fri day. Oct. 4th. The owner will And It at P. D. Palmer's saloon, In Salem. Oct.fttf J.C. WRIGHT, (Successor to Uzafovag A Wright,! PIONEER STORE DEALER nt Family Crocerles, Crockery, 1 Class ware, -Cigars, Tobacco, Notions, Sugar, toffee, Tea, &pap, Candles Lime and sat tST Agent tor Imiertaarire InsnraDoe Co., 01 lMKlem. IXlXM KRCIAL. 8TB1 r.SAUUt. MaylTatf HOUSE k LOT FOR SALE -AT-l Puttllo A. fiction. S FRIEDMAN WU-LVgELL AT AVC- tion on Monday, Out. 14th, at t A'oiouk r. M. a li story house auel 4 blewk of Usnel sit uated at the vomer of Llbeirty and Owena sti-eet, in South Salem. 81 x iooms hard nn tsl ml, front anel back porch, T good sell of water and a fine orchard arF anvng other advantages offored the purchaser. let. 8, 1H701. V i, WASTED. a GIRL TEN OU TWELVE YEARS Or J. XL age to assist la taking care of a child nine or ten months old. In a family of tlirea. (iood wages given. Inquire at TUB OFFICE. SerpUSJ,lg:tdlw. CHAS. CAMPBBI.L. x. wn.nm New Grocery Store. FRESH Ginneries nnd NewOoodsat otrr stand on Commercial Street. G1t a call and we will endeavor to please yon all. C.CAMPBELL 4 CO. JulylKlAwlf I