The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, October 15, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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Uccefp 'gre'g'on gfateman.
OCT. 15.
From Daily vi Wednesday Oct. 9.
A Ijirpe Crowd in Attendance In
teuae utbuiHkiu.
Notwithstanding the delny in securing
the ball and tbe brief space of time allowtrt
for cin-nlatinp tfao announcement, Heed's
Opera House wan well filled la-st evening tt,
lis. ten to the address of Got. Bennett of
Idaho Territory on the political issues ol
the day. In Uie lower portion of the hall
the g-ata were all occupied and persons
coming in late were compelled to stand,
and we also noticed a large number in the
ralkry. The ladies as usual graced tbe
aie-tiug ly their presence, and evidently
look no little interest in the proettdingu.
Ctov. Bennett was introduced hy Hon.
Joteph G. Wilson, Congressman elect from
this State in his usual, flowery style, after
which the speaker proceeded" to propound
Republican doctrinu in a plain straight
forward manner. He traced the record of
the party during the pant few years, paid a
handsome tribute to its acknowledged lead
ders. showed up the Iemocratic reform (?)
in its true light, delivered crushing blows
rf scathing rebuke at tiie bulwarks of the
Greeley supporters, touched lightly jut in a
conclusive manner on tiie attacks mode by
Democrats on the personal cliaraeter oi
Gen. Grant, and in a general way, knocked
the props from under the so called '-Libera!
reform movement, and snowed tiie iusidt
workings of the machine in anything bm
an acceptable manner to the friends of tlu
"Old wnite hat." Gov. Bennett has a pleas
ing manner while on the stage and a con
trolling power over his hearers that showt
itself in the close attention paid to bis re
marks. His remarks were interspersed
with an occasional comical yarn that served
to keep the audience in excellent humor ai
the same time being well adapted to tin
subject in hand. Taken altogether tlu
meeting was a grand success and proved
more tiian ever that tiie popularity of tin
Republican cause in Salem would make it
selt more than manifest in the coming fal.
election. Keep the ball rolling and on tin
evening of the 5th of November next wi
will surprise onr Greeley friends by tht
majority we will roll up for Grant aud Wil
son. A Dabiso Robbery. A tin peddler
named Wallace who was here during tin
lair, was robbed of S2M in coin ou the loau
between Dallas and Monmouth yesterdu
ft.renoon about eleven o'clock. He a
driving his team quietly along the roaa
when suddenly two men closely masti.
stepped out from some underbrush and pre
senting tircarms told Waliace to fork ovei
his loose cliange, which he proceeded to d
with the bast grace possible under the cir
cumstances. The men decamped as sud
denly as they appeared, and Wallace drovt
back to Dallas and placed the aflkir in tin
hands of the proper authorities who an.
now in search of the robbers.
Ax Extra Session. This question fee rut
to bo agitating the mind of parties inter
ested just at present. Can the Legislative
Assembly transact its business in the time
prescribed by law, or will the Governor bt
compelled to call a special session for th
purpose of -numbing up. Ths meuibcd
tiave entered into the work since the Fan
closed as though they meant to get througi
anvwav. But there is an immense amoum
uTwork accumulated, and many doubt tin
cbility of the present session to walk tlirougl
it all within Uie next ten days. It remain,
to be seen.
What Next? Nowthaifthe State Fair is
over and the Legislature drawing to a ciose.
the question arises what will we have next
to keep up an excitement. We have be
come so accustomed to exciting (trues dur
ing the past six weeks- it will come rather
rough on us to settle back into the old
groves again and run on in the natural
course. But what we have done we can no
doubt do again so let it come.
Rushing Business. Beed's Opera House
was in excellent demand last evtutng. Gov.
Bennett commenced speaking at 7 o'clock
and continued for one nour and a ball" after
which Waldron's Theatrical Troupe plaved
their regular evening engagement. Two
performances in one evening at the same
luul is something unusual for salem.
Orr tor Gsaxd Rosdk. Mr. D. P
Thompson and B. P. Earhart, Esq., started
for Grand Konde Indian Reservation yester
day to complete the allotment of lands to
the Indians. The work is nearly completed
and they will probably return to too city
within a few days.
Malheur Ixdiax Keservatiox. This
new Reservation, selected in August last by
Superintendent T. B. Odeneal, has been ap
proved and established bv order of Uie
President. This will no doubt prove of
great interest to our readers in luastern ure-
Pebsoxal. Dr. Wm. B. Caldwell, of
Portland, a young physician of rising fame,
has been appointed attendant physician at
Grand KonOb Agency, anu wui stun to-aay
to assume the duties of nis new position.
Special Notice. The annual meeting of
the Oregon Children's Aid Society at two
o'clock p. M. at the M. E. Church to-day.
All members arc requested to be present.
From Daily of Thursday Oct. 10.
A Printer's Experience Daring
'1'nuutler storm,
We hare often beard of the timidity of
some people during a thunder storm, and
we have a case in point which is so amusing
mat we cannot reirain ironi muuig j..
Some time since a printer employed in one
of the offices of this city, went home early
to the boarding house in which be liad only
recently taken lodgings ; and. retiring to
bed early, be was awakened near midnight
by the noise of a violent storm. He there
npon got np and lighted the lamp, and then
sat down on tke bed in a perfect tremble of
i fear.
Meantime the landlady, hearing a noise
in the adjoining room, and forgetting about
the boariler, wakened her husband up and
told him there was a burglar in the bouse.
He jumped out of bed, and seizing an old
rusty sword, which hung on a naU in the
wall, he proceeded to search the premises
for the supposed robber. Coming to the
door of tue boarder's room, he saw the
light, and at once made up his mind (not
knowing that his wife had taken the printer
to board) that a struggle would be neces
sary to secure the intruder. Mustering all
hi courage, therefore, be rushed into tbe
room, sword in band, and demanded thai
the frightened printer should surrender 1
Tue see fie was no lest startling than re
dicnlous, and the feelings of the innocent
printer can better be imagined than de
scribed. He proclaimed his innocence in
ntanter, and announced himself a genuine
boarder and no mistake, which explanation
molined and disarmed the landlord, and es
pecially so wben the printer's story was
confirmed by the landlady herself. Tiie
printer was then questioned as to the cause
of bis bains op at that time of the night,
wben he replied that he was frightened by
tbe thunder and lightning 1 A good hearty
laugh ensued, and a fcw momenta later the
printer was toft to his own reflections for
the remainder of the night.
The GovEBBom'i Receptjos. One of the
principal events of Salem's greatest Mason
the Legislative session wsa the recep
tion last evening, by Gov. Grover and lady
at their beautiful residence in South Salem.
All the notables of Oregon, incloding the
creame de la creme of fashion were there,
the throng being a particularly brilliant one
for even the Capital which seta np these af
faire in better style than any of her more
pretentious- neighbors. Of distinguished
men there were a greater number -than of
ten fall to'fhe lot or any one in Oregon, to
entertain together ex-Governors, an ex
Benator -a Senator elect, Secretary, Treas
urer, and other dimitariee of State.' State
Senators-and Bgprosontaavsa, Judges of the '
Siiitreine Court, etc, etc-, almost without
limit ; and a greater number of beautiful
and richly dreawd ladies than we should
dare to attempt mention of. The Governor
and bis accomplished ladv did the honors
with a simple democratic grace and ease
that did them immense credit and won the
hearts of alL The assemblage did not fully
disperse till a late hour, and we are sure 1
no one left without a sense of having spent
an nnusuallr oleasant evenine.
Two Torso Rascals. On Monday morn- '
ifig ot this week the thieving operations of i
twp young boys, both of whom were under '
twelve years of age, and if the boys bad '
been taken before a magistrate they wonld i
in all probability have been sent to jail for !
n iew uays. une amy ism weea a gentleman
borrowed a fine double barrelled shot
gun wotth about Hi which ha set up in the
corner of Jiis kltohea until he had use, for
the same. The boys who had noticed the
transaction through an open door watched
rheir chance and secured it with a lot of
hunting equipments that were with it.
They took it home and hid it under the
house. Snnday morning they took it ont
and started jar the country to enjoy a days
sport But their joy was turned to grief
before night, for on their return in th fit
they were met by a gentlemen who recog-
nasad 'the fowling piece and asked the J
ooro wnere taey got it. Tlwy were so ter-
rilled that they confessed their guilt and i
surrendered their fire-arms without further .
ado. We withhold the boy's name simply J
on account oi tne mother who has done ail
in her power to make the boys repent of
their thoft by administering to them a so
severe punishment-' - i . . ,
list iTEEATsaOwiag to other ettrao
tieoia the audience at the Opera House last
exening Is the smallest that has greeted
Waldron since tho season opened. Bnt we
are pleased t say that it nude no differ
euce in the m Miner the piece was put upon
tbe stage. Hd the house been crowded
"Enoch Arden" 'vrrald have , been no bet'
tar rendered. Tue management show no
partialitv lu sucli a caic. T j.-.-at co.u -dy
of MntT" wiil lx .l it 1 t ils uv. ni ,
forth- first runoff .- T !' tttt : JZ - - :! e 1
vi, k.r''--r, ' ; ... ; :.
class theatrical entertainment.
A Lively Fbacas. The streets last eve
ning were alive with rumors of various
kinds eonceniinT an encounter that took
place on the corner opposite tae Ctierneketa
Hotel. We made several inquiries but as
is usually the case in instances like this it is
aluiott impossible to make any reports qf
the affair agree. Every person we futer
viewed last evening gave us a different ver
sion of the story and we can do no more
tuan give the facta as we heard them. The
participants ra the affray were Messrs. Lap
peus, Fay, Semple and Trevitt. It seems that
Mr. Sethple was coming up Commercial
street behind Mr. Lappeus when the latter
wheeled around and struck him with a
cane. Mr. Seniple drew his revolver and
his first impulse was to fire but he changed
his mind and used the bntt end of the
weapon as a means of defense. Jlessrs
pay itnd Trevitt happening to come alung
at "that time and seeing that Lappeus was
getting the worst of it pitched into Semple
aud the three got away with him in a haty
manner. it seems to uh as though the
emits were rather large against 11 r. Sample
but as we were not an eye witness we may
not know all the circumstances of the case.
From Daily of Friday Oct. 11.
Grand Jubilee. The citizens of this
place are maaing extensive preparations tor
a grand illumination and reception to be
held at Reed's Opera House next Tuesday
evening in honor of the Legislative Assem
bly, aud an a token of appreciation of
favors granted our city by that body during
thj present session. li will in fact be a grand
jubilee over the passage of the Capitol Ap
propriation Bill, and it is the intention of
those having the matter in hand to make it
the grandest affair of the season. It will
end up by a grand ball, and the music en
gaged tor the occasion will be the lxst that
can be stcured. Everything will be ar
ranged in first class style, and a good time
be indulged in by everybody regardless ol
party, sect, or cretd. ft will be an occasion
lor every one to rejoice. Over $o00 has al
ready boen raised to defray expenses, anu
mucli more been promised. Invitations
have been sent abroad, and there will no
doubt be a great number of visitors pres
ent. Look out for a brilliant displsy ol
"fair women aud brave ineu" to say noth
ing nf other attractions to numerous to
mention." We predict that our little cin
wJJ jiL-rt "spread" herself on this occasion
and show Uie outside world tiiat we still
'live and move, and liare our being" not
withstanding the occasional slurs thrown
out about our lack of public enterprize.
ENCoinAcrMo Immioeatios. Two very
important Bills to tiie people of t.iis Stau
have just passed Uie Senate aud will be
brought up in the House- to-day for further
action. One of tuem provides fur tuo ap
pointment of a Board of Commissioners ol
Immigration, whose duty it shall be to col
lect and dirr'use information regarding th
soil, chmaie, reaomct, etc., of Oregon, by
the publication of reliable statistics. Tht
gentlemen mentioned as members of said
Board are well known throughout the StaU
as trustworthy and competent. They re
ceive no salary, only necessary travelling
expenses, their headquarters to be at Port
land, where an office will bo opened. Ttti
Bill is well guarded, and should it pass will
prove of untold value to the entire State.
Tne other bill authorizes the appointment
of Gen. E. L. Applegate, ef Lane Co.. as
Commissioner of Immigration. He will,
immediately on receipt of hid appointment,
proceed East aud scatter information abroad
in his own inimitable style. The apnouit
ment is an excellent one. Mr. Applegate is
a gentleman well posted in the affairs of tht
Suite, aud by his efforts the pjpulation ot
the State will no doubt be greatly increased.
These bills are not of a political nature, and
we h pe to see them go through with flying
Special Ixvitatios. I he editors, re
porters, clergymen, Professors of Colleges,
teachers of astronomv (either visiting or
residing at Salem.) State officers and mem
bers of both Houses of the Legislature, to
gether with their lady friends, are specially
invited to assemble a't the Court House at
7 o'clock this evening, to witness a trial of
the 'Planetarium and "Revolving Planis
phere." An opportunity will be afforded
fur asking questions and'making investiga
tions generally. Bhoulu Uie visitors uesire.
Prof. Clianey will "cast a Horoscope on a
blackboard, so that all may see, and mal e
such explanations as may be desired. To
do these things, visitors should be prepared
with dates of birth, giving hour an minute
as near as possible. Please be prompt, as
the doors will be closed at half past seven.
X. B. The general public is not invited,
but will have an opportunity next week, as
trvot. Clianey will commence a course ot
seven lectures next monoay nignt.
Rettrxed Home. Messrs. D. P. Thomp
son and R. P. Earhart returned to Sakm
vesterdav from their trip to Grand Ronde
Asencv, having finished the allotment of
land to the Indians, and closed np business
in that line, car less dimculty was met
with than was anticipated in the choice of
lands, and peace and harmony reigned su
preme during tne aisposai oi mis
anm-ooriate government, gift to the
Indians and "Lo" was as a general tiring
highly elated over the posession of real es
tate, it maxes mm icei morecivinzea man
ever, and before long he mav look down
with silent contempt upon the "poor white
trash." Excellent results are looked for
ward to in appreciation of Uncle Sam's gen
erosity. This Evksino. C. A. Reed has extended
an invitation to the officers and members of
both Houses to attend the theatre this even
ing and witness the rendition of the great
Shakesperian play of "Macbeth." The in
vitation was accepted and we may expect to
see our distinguished visitors on hand to
night in goodly numbers. The piece is a
popular one, and Mr. Waldron's rendition
of the leading character is equal to the best.
We hope our citizens will turn out and give
him a full house. He has done much to
ward entertaining us and his financial suc
cess should be made sure. This will be his
last evening with us, and we urge upon our
readers to give him a rousing send off. Re
member that reserved seats can be secured
during the day without extra charge.
Tbe Appbopbiatiox Bill. This, which
to SalcmiJes is the most important bill be
fore the Legislative Assembly received its
finishing touch by that body yesterday, hav
ing received the signature of the presiding
ofheer of both Houses. The "one thing
ne.-dfur" now is the signature of the Gov
ernor, when it will become a law. This
b.U huR received a very liberal support in
bjth H rases, and now that it has passed
througa "the fierv ordeal" we can but con
gratulate our readers upon the final success
of the enterprise.
The huxceb pbovokixo otsteb is again
t'tnpun, the appetites of all lovers of the
bi valve. By the way, Charlie Hellenbrand,
on Commercial street, has a knack of get
ti xg ih in np in styles to suit the taste of the
most dainty epicrue. Call in and order a
dish, if you "don t believe it. j
Bad Isteujoexce. A private dispata-1
was received in this citv hist evening an"
nouncing tiie death of Hon. Wm. H. Sew
ard, Sec'y of tiie State Department at Wash
ington. He died at bis residence in Au
burn, N. Y., yesterday. We could gain no
further particulars.
Bo cud Ovxa Wapato Dave, who was
arch ed on the charge of murdering hi
sister-in-law, has been undergoing a prelim
inary examination before Justice Coffey for
several days past, and has finally been bound
over to await the action of tlte Grand Jury
on tiie charge of murder in the first degree.
The case looks rather dark at present for
the prisoner, but a thorough examination
may throw more light upon it.
Beopexep. The saw and grist mill for
merly owded by William Lerwell, dece&std,
and situated near Parkers ville, has been
leased by J. H, Goldstein, who will imme
d ately reopen and place it in excellent run
ning order for the accommodation of per
sons residing in that vicinity.
Estate of An A. Flint administra
tion closer) and executor discharged.
Estnte of G. C. Valsiiitllngliam F.
Preeley appointed ntlmhiisti -itor.
Giiardiniiahip of Tims. R. Coon, a
minor license granted guardian, F.
0. McCoun. to aell real etat.
Estate of S. T. Church petition for
additional allowance to widow ffrnnteil.
Semi-annual account of C P. Church
and A. A MuCuily, executors, present
ed and filed.
Estate of J. B. Keizer vouchers for
distributing shares of tiie estate of de
ceased filed by Mary J. Keizer, execu
trix. Administration clod and ex
ecutrix discharged from further llnbil
Estate of Win. Levwell inventory
presented and filed. Petition of ex
ecutrix to elt personal property of es
tate era n ted.
Estate of Jessie ! McN'ary vouchers
ot the lieiN-at-law or the estate pre
sented and filed. - Administration con
firmed and administrator discharged
from furtlier liability.
A Bad Xame. They have a man in
Jxx'k Haven, tvhoe name i. bambini
His would be a uice name tor clituvh
deacon. For Instance, the preacher
would sav: "uauunm you pass uw
plate." It otind like " euviti." dna't
it ? If we were that tellow we would
have onr Gaudam name Immediately
changed to something more reveren
.TitE Wheat Ceop The wheat
crop ot California this year will be
much the largest ever produced in the
state. 1 he receipts, at San t raneisco.
from July 1st to August of the
current year, nave net-u 1.333.800 cen
tals, an acees 0f 1,000,000 cental over
tiie receipt of the corresponding period
nisi year.
A Ballard cnribty, Kentucky, man
gi very urn in o i bad . wtuskev. ami
went to s h-p i i tiie woodi. liurinj:
tin? nigl.t n pour, dein.k-d; Wttlesiniki
cranve-l slyly .tot,.- di ink'inl. til
li'i.i. and , .'1. 'Ihe Jii-.i :i !-; ;;ii:0- as
could be e .e.ed. "
J Salem, Oct. 8, 1S72.
Senate met at 2 p. m.
The vote by which $. B. Xn. 3S
granting financial aid to Uie State Ag
ricultural society nan oeen oniereu
engrossed lor ir third reading, was re-
couSKIereii aim tne inn aineoueu uy
the insertion of 2.000 in I he blank
siuice left for the amount of llie appro-
1 . . ... .1.1.. i
pnation. It win come up lor iw unni
read ins to-dav.
Report on Cnnal and Lorlie,
The siiecial Committee appointed
to examine the Canal aud Locks at Ihe
Willamette falls, made the lollowiug
reiMirt which was adonied.
Air. rresiuciit : 1 our committee 10
whom was referred the examination
01 canal and LtocKsac tans 01 uiarn
e;tj have vi"lted the same, and report
that the work U being pushed forward
with great enemy toward completion.
Your committee cannot speak in too
great praise of the stone work of the
lock, as it is of a very la-avy a .d
durable character; bein-; built of very
large stones, mostly brought from a
quarry 011 Clackamas river .-nine ten
miles I10111 the canal. Uioiigti some
small poitiou of the stone work has
been made from a (iiurry at the lower
end of the canal. There are five locks
in all, each ot whic'i is 210 feet in
length, by 40 feet in wtdlli. The
lower one is 40 feet in depth, the sec
ond one is 30 fet-t. the third one i 20
feet and the fourth one is TJ feet in
depth. The u;per or guard lock 1200
leel. above the fourth one 1 also li) leel
derp. The third and fourth locks ore
bni.t. partly, and the last named al
most wholly of solid masonry, tih
uo.iow quoins being supported by
com ter forts of solid masonry 12x10
leet at the top and ldx23 feet on tin
ned rock.
The breast walls are built of very
heavy stones six feet long in the niul
ille of the arch and decrease at the hi
low quoins where tncy rest against
the natural walls of the cnnal. or coun
ter forts to and 4 feet, in thickms-.
a .d are of sullicient strength lo re
it any pres-ure ot" water vl:eu ihe
gates are clo-ed, iiowcvt-r givat it
in.-'y be. The division or section ol
rhe canal between tiiu fourth anu
guard link- has a solid fiu.ulnttou
iiuilt of ou the bed rock, ami
rising to within o;ie foot of the bot
tom of tie canal, on which is to In
built timl er work and securely fastened
by iron rod-to the Ix'd roek. the roti
to be iu--erte-d two feet deep, the lowei
end being split and an iron wedge in
serted securely fastening the sane
when driven to Ihe bottou of the hole
drilled in the rook lor that purpose.
The timber work is to le f.t'td on
the canal side with four inch, and 0:1
the river sii'e with tnrec inch plank,
and tiie insiile or crib is to be filled
with stone from the work.
The upper ami hit section ot 1.U00
feet in length above I lie guard lock i
nearly completed, and h built of tim
bers as just, described, and is built oi
various sections with dilt'erent angles
MKti to be ou the best foundations, :iuil
give the greatest resistence lo the wa
ter. The upper jMirtion of wliicii
about 400 teet forms a kind of basin at
the Hpper entnince, U-ing in whltli
from i:(0 to 300 feet. Tiie excavation
save the last 100 teet at the lower end
of the canal is m arly completed. Tbe
engineer employed ou the worksetios
confident that he will complete all tin
work above the fourth lock by the 1-t
of November and complete the locks
by the 1st of January next.
W. W. Bkitow Chairman.
JOHN MyeusCoiii. on part of Senate.
Bills Iutrodu-ed.
Mr. Crystal introduced a bill for rhe
relief of .lessc B. Stump, of B:;ker
county; Webster, a bill to amend an
act to provide a code of civil proced
ure; Str.ihau. a bill to protect the
forced sale of homestead property, and
Mr. Cowles a bill to incorporate the
town of McMinnville. The latter one
was read second time by title and re
ferred to the Commiiteeou Counties.
Bills Read .Vecond Time.
The following bills were read the
second time : The bill relating to the
taxation of torei'jii incorporation';!
providing for an asylum tor the ileal 1
mutes winch was reierreii to t tie .Judi
ciary Committee; to amend an act to I
provide tor a code 01 ctvii procedure ; j
iiuthonzlng the state 1 reasumr to con- j
vert currency into coin and pay oft the 1
Lock houds, referred to the Committee ;
on Ways and Means; to provide for j
paying Slate rriuter lor publishing i
laws, referred to tiie committee on ,
1'riiit'uiK ; to appoint a Board of Com
missioners of Immigration ; to amend
an act incorporating the city ot Poil-
lanu ; providing lor the reapportion
ment of Senators and Representatives.
referred to the Committee on Counties;
to provide or a wagon road from Cm-
- - i
bla river, in Columbia Co., referred to !
the Couiiniltee on Koads and Hig!i-i
Bills Passed.
The bill authorizing the Governor to !
appoint E. L. Applegate as a Com- ;
niissionerol Immigration passed the
Senate ; aUo the bill changing the time !
of meeting of the Legislature Ironi
SejitemDer to ueccmncr ; aio tne luil
tiroviding for an election in Union
ounty regtirding the ro-locatiou of the
County Seat.
House BUN.
Jfo. 12, contracting for the construc
tion of certain sections of the l 1). oi
S. L. iRailroad was laid upon the table
to await the further action of the
A hill for an act regulating enclo
sures was read second time.
The bill providinji for the purchase
of 100 copies of Deudy's lleport pas-ed
itv first reading.
II. J. R. No. IS. providing for a
revenue cutler at the mouth of "tiie Co
Iiuubia river was referred to the Com
mittee 0:1 Commerce.
The select con init tee reported back
H. B. Xo. 5. to iiion-porafe th-j town
of Jacksonville, aud recommended its
Contested Feat.
Mr. Dolpli iiitrofluced a resolution
Instructing the Committee on elec
tions to report on the case of Withaui
vs. Strahan tn-morrow, wiiich was lost
by a vote of 11 to 11.
Senate adjourned.
House met at 2 p. m-
A committee of live was appointed
to investigate into certain charges ot
bribery relative to the passage of the
Canal ami Lock'Bill.
The bill relative to Women Suffrage
was reconsidered aud the amendment
allowing them the privilege of voting
on till temperance questions was
adopted. The bill as amended was re
ferred to a select, committee of three.
The bill providing tor the incidenlal
expenses of the Justice of Supreme
Court was referred to a special com
mittee. The Bill relating to the Canal and
Locks was taken from tiie table and
again referred to the select commit
tee. The joint select committee appoint
ed to examine the Canal aud Locks
presented a lengty report which was
laid upon tiie table.
The House resolved itself into a
committee of the whole and took into
consideration the Bill granting boun
ties for scalps of certain wild anim iK
Several amendments were made and
the bill reported back to the Senate.
A memorial relative to the lack of
harborage on the Xoith Pacific const
was read; Also a bill asking aid from
Cougresn in the construction of a wag
on road and telegraph line from Port
land to Astoria.
Bills Passed.
The Senate bill relative to the rights
ot married women in tiie possession
of property ised the House.
S. B. Xn. 22 requiring the rcconling
of patents, decrees conveyances of
real estate ete pass,rd the House by a
vote of 43 to 2.
II. B. No. 50. for the relief ot Dr.
J. C. Hawthorne, was reported hack
by tlte Committee ou Claims and made
the special order of bu'lness lor Thurs
day at 3 p. M.
Several committees made their re
ports, and on motion the House ad
journed u;:til to-dayat 9 a. U.
H. B. Xo. 71, tn p-ovide for f e
clect'oi; of n Bo.-ir,! , t Ortipinissioii m
to stjperint'.'i.d t: c t ree ;o.i of an n-s.iiii-A'yi
i.i! wii- retl-rr d .oas ecal
ci:n..iitti;.- of tiiive.
Salem, Oct. 9, Ks7i.
Senate mot at 10 a. m. Prayer by
Rev. A. F. Wailer.
A invitation was accepted to visit
the Willamette University next Fri
day afternoon.
A petition was read lrom the citi
zens ot Coos Co. asking for aid in con
struction of a railroad from Coos Bay
to" Corpiille river, which was referred
to the Committee on Railroads.
Keporta or htundlni; t'ouiuiltleett.
Tiie Committee on Ways and Means
rejiorted back the Bill authorizing the
State Treasurer to convert currency in
to coin and sell Lock bonds, with la
voiabie recommendations. Read sec
ond time.
The Committee ou Corporations re
jmrted back the Bill amending an Act
providing for the construction of a
steamboat canal at the Willamette
FallJ, with favorable recommenda
tions. Passed its second reading.
The Committee on Commerce re
ported back the Joint Resolution pro
viding for the location of a revenue
cutter at the month of tbe Columbia
river, with favorable recommendations
and the same was concurred in.
The Couiiniltee ou Mining reported
back the Bill for the protection of mill
ing claims, with favorable recommen
dations. The Committee on Printing report
ed back the Bill providing for the pub
lication of the laws, willi favorable rec
ommendations. Reail second time.
Alo the report of the Kx'rt as to the
amount due for printing I lie report ol
the Investigating Committee appoint
ed at last session. The amount re
ported as justly due w as 701 75.
The Joint Special Committee ajv
pointed to investigate the books, pa
pers and accounts of the Penitentiary
all'airs, presented the following reort:
Td the Ihmnrahle President and tSuwit:
of tin: Le.iiisbiiive Assembly of lie
State of Oregon :
We, the undersigned, your Commit
tee on Public Buildings, jointly with
the same Committee mi the part of tin
House, in accordance with the Joint
Resolution requiring us to examine
the accounts of the Penitentiary Build
ing Commission and also those of I lie
Superintendent of the same, beg leavi
lo make the following report.
The Committee having secured the
services of Mr. II. M. UcFratice; Pres.
blent of the Commercial College of
Portland, a competent book-keeper,
as clerk, proceeded to give the books,
eXjK'nditurcs and accounts of the Com
mission and SujKTintendcnt a thorough
and complete examination. The re
port ot Mr. De France ou the correct
ness of the vouchers issued and the re
ceipts for money expended, agreeing
with the books kept, is herewith an
nexed. Your Committee have personally
ex.imiued. fii-sr. tbe outlay and expeu- J
diture of the $50,000 appropriated by
the last Legislative Assembly tor the
coi'structio'i of permanent Peniten
tiary building, and find they have
1 sec u characterized by carefulness ;u.l
exactness. Secondly, that the Super
iutendei.t of the Penitentiary lias fur
nished, as pjr printed report, mate
rials, caJi and convict labor to ti e
amount of $3-s,0l3 .'10. all of which lias
lieen appropriately and advantageous
ly expended.
Your Committee has particularly
examined all the outstanding indebt
edness of the Biiiidhig Commission,
which we find to be Ihe sum of 51.
07vS IK), as jier page 1'2'J of the printed
report, for which there ha been issued
vouchers No. 1 to 45. inclusive. The
prices paid foi each article of merchan
dise or labor Ins been the subject of
critical examination, and we find
theinio be the lowest market rate bli
the quality of goods purchased or labor
performed, and that the purchases
have been made with a view to saving
to tbe State as much as possible. That
ji large portion of the same article
could not le purchased to-day without
a material advance upon the juices
Thee outstanding vouchers we
would report perfectly correct in each
iiuii every item ol" the amount charged
id would recommend their payment,
together with such legal iuten-t as
wi'mM be due thereon had State war
rant been issued instead ol vouchers
ami tliat such appropriate legislation
be huJ a may be necessary to elicit
tlii irpose.
We liave alo examined, in the same
manlier, the books, papers and ac
iiu its of the Sui'criuteiideiit. of the
Penileiiliarv and liud that vouchers
a. id receipts ore duly tiled, and all I be '
eXeiK!ituro have been made cconom- j
ically and with dm; regard to the in- j
teresfs ot the State. 1 h it the delicien- j
in this dcKir4ment amounts to j
tylS.OlT 25. as ht page 4. printed re
port, which amount we recommend to
be paid.
A. W. Patterson. R. S. Strahan and
T. W Cowles, Committee on part of
the Senate.
William Dart, Robt. Grant. A. R.
BurlKiuk, Committee on part of the
Mr. Dolpli. from the special commit
tee consisting of the delegation from
?dutiomali Co.. to w hom was referred
II. B. Xo. 3. a b.U to amend the char
ter of the city ol Portland, reported
the Bill back to the Senate with rec
ommendation of its passage.
Ill I is Introduced.
Mr. Crawford intioi'itced a Bill to
provide lor defraying expenses of Com
nr ssin.ier to the Centennial Imposi
tion, provided they do not exceed
l.o00 a year, which was read first
Mr. Watson, a Bill to appropriate
proceed of sale of tide and swamp
laud i:i Coos county for count' pur
pose. Uend lir-t tune.
Mr. Monroe, a Bill amending an Act
regulating the salaries of otiiccrs in
certain counties.
Bills I'.uwil.
S. B. Xo. 2t. relating to tiie taxa
tion of foreign incorporation ; S. 1'..
Xo. 31. relating to the appointment of
a Board of Commissioners of Immi
gration; S. 1. Xo. 43. authorizing the
Mayor of Portland to act as police
Judge during the absence of said olli-ce-r
were ali read the third time and
passed the Senate.
S. B. Xo. 3J. granting aid to State
Agricultural Society, was lo-t.
II. B. Xo. 3. repealing the Portland
Police Bill, passed to its thud reading
after n few amendments.
Senate adjourned.
Senate resumed at 2 r. M.
Mr. Fay presented a petition for a
wagon mad in Tillamook county.
A petition was read from citizen' of
McMinnville praying for Incorpora
tion. Referred to Committee on Cor
poration. Also one from Umatilla O .
asking for an appropriation for a college-
at Umatilla. Referred to Com
mittee ou Education.
S wit in I mirts.
A communication from the Governor
announced that the iiuuilx-rof applica
tions for Swamp Lands were 382. Ag
gregate number of acre selected 174.
21!,97. Amount sold 70.40.75.
Amount received for swamp lands
$15,897.95. Expenses of surveying
and selected $15,837,53.
As several tracts of swamp lands
are covered by or 4 applications,
the amount applied for greatly ex
ved the actual area of swamplands
in the State, and will probably re
duce the amount full three fourth;
lu fact the actual amount of swamp
land In the State not disposed of by
the United States will probably not
exceed one million acres. Ou motion
of Mr. Dolph 100 copies were ordered
i House Bill
read first time were as follows :
The Bill to protect Incorporated
towns; to provide for the construc
tion of a bridge across the Unipipia
River; granting financial aid to Trask
river wagon road Comoauy.
The Houe Joint Memorials asking
aid from Congress to build a break
water at Port Oxford, and also in the
construction of a wagon road from
Portland to Astoria were unanimously
XMicm-red In.
Tbe Capitol Appropriation.
H. B. Xo. 21. providing for the ap
propriation ot $100,000 for the erection
of a Mate Capitol building, was read
the third time and put upon its final
passage. After a brik ril"cuIon. In
dulged In bv Mesrs. Morre. Do'ph Fay, the Bili pac--l the S'nate
' --iiliout an ante ;d uei t. rln- yi i i -2
t , Hjim and iVcii vothi;- nga:. ft
- lJiii.
Mr. Fay moved reconsideration.
Mr. Dolph moved the reconsidera
tion be indefinitely postponed. Car
ried. Senate adjourned.
House met at 9 A. M.
An invitation was accepted to visit
the Willamette University Friday at 3
o'clock P. Si.
A number of hills were read the sec
ond time and passed to their third
reading or referred to appropriate
m i u puswi.
A bill to protect incorporated town;
a bill to aid the Trask River Wagon
Road Co. in the construction of a
wagon road in Tillamook Co. ; and a
bill to aid in hniMing a bridge across
the Ump pia river passed the House.
The House adjourned.
Houe resumed at 2 P. M.
The hill granting aid tot lie .Iackon.
Grant and Baker County Wagon Road
Co. passed the House by a vote of 43
to 3.
II. B. Xo. 23. providing for the ap
pointment ol a State Geologist, wa
lot bv a vo-e of 23 to 23.
The P. D. & S. L. Railroad Bill was
again brought np. and Mr. La Dow
moved to indefinitely potKnc tht
motion to reconsider the vote by wliicl
the bill was passed. Carried by a vote
ol 2i to 24.
Hills Passed.
Tiie bill relating to the sale ot the
Statu Agricultural 'College lands wit
read third tune and passed the House
by a unanimous vote.
II. B. X(.. 54. to encourage immigra
tion, was made special order of
for to-morrow at 10 a. m.
One hundred copies of Governor"
report on Swamp Lands were ordered
11. B. Xo. 2 (o provide tor Ihe elec
tion of Supreme aud Circuit Judges in
distinct classes was made special order
for Friday at 10 a. M.
S. I-', Fo. 4 relative to the incorpora
tion of churches aud othi r religion or
charitable .societies was read third lime
and passed by a unanimous vote.
A Bid to incorporate the city of the
Dalles, and a bill to regulate action by
or again-t. private incorporations
were introduced.
The House Adjourned.
SALKM. Oct. 10, 1S72.
Senate met at 10 a. in, Prayer by
Rev. Father Got ns.
Kepurt vf '..iuiult;ei.
II. B. Xo. Hi. providing for the pur
chase ot 100 copies of DcadyVs Report.
S. B. Xo. 13 prescribiim poni-hinent
for di tructioii of railroad property.
S. JWR., Xo. 0 amending tiie State
Com dilution, werere al. poi tell Lack lo
the Senate with favoiab.e considera
tions. The Joint Special Committee to
W.ioui was referred 11. B. No. 1 re
peaii.ig the law prottcting Litigants,
reported the same l ack with sundry
a. in n lu. e. its and recommended
its iiusaj;u. Also presented a report
on that portion ot tbe Governor's Mes
sage relating to Immigration. Both
of which remained o.i the table.
An invitation was accepted to wit-lie-s
tl.e I eiidition of ".MaclR-th" thi
evening by Waldron's troupe at Reed
Op ri House.
Mr. Dolph gave notice of a bill m
proveut Mate and Municipal ollicer
Ironi using deadly weapons upon each
other and to detail a Millicieut niunber
of Portland police to pre-ci ve order in
Silem tlui ii ;g the session of the Legis
Si. B. Xo. 5D providing for the
of title and overflowed lands, was re
ferred to the committee on Public
UI1U Iutroducitl.
Mr. Moores introduced a bill grint
ing the Stale Secretary additional cler
ical aid.
Mr. Dolph a bill to amend law relat
ing to street.- and alleys.
Mr. Coriicliu. a bill providing for
the construction of a wagon road from
a-hington county to A-tovia.
Mr. Si a bill to amend the
CtKle ot civil procedure, all of which
pa -scd to their second reading.
Sicoul IttncSin.
S- B. Xo. ol. to pntect lioinr-tcad
property Ironi l'ol'tetl s;i; in certain
cases, and was reierreii to a Select com
mittee of three, consisting of. Me?sr.
l'aaer-on. llnuit anil Crystal.
No. 5 for the relief of tlc'cgites Jo
Centi n iial Kxp:sitinn. referred tocoiu
inltiee ou Ways-mil Means.
No. 57, appropriating the proceils
of the sale ol swamp and tide lands in
Coos county for home improvements.
Referred to commute) ou Counties.
Xo. S. regulating theees of celi.iili
cou.ity otiiccrs referred to same Com
mittee. Itilli Tassotl.
S. 15. Xo. ?yj anieiiding a.t act pro
viding for a steamboat ia.ial at W il
lanicite Fall.
A bill granting the State l'riiiler flOO j
tor the publication of the l:.s pas-vd I
the Senate. I
Purllaoil I'olit l- IlslS - '
At the close of the morning sf-s-ioii
tiiis bili was In lore she Senas and im
mediately alter ic inning luiMues in
Ihe afternoon it was placed tipi-nii- fi
lial passage and went thrtKigli by a
vote of 1 7 to j.
11. B. Xo. OS, authorizing the par
chase of 1U0 copies Deadv's Rep-rt
was, by sll-peii-lou ol'the ni!t placed
upon it rinal pas-age antt lost bv
a vote of 12 to 10.
to tiie t-Mc
S. J. R. Xn. fi. as reported luck fu
tile Judiciary Couiiniltee was i-ad by
section and adopted. Thi bill fiXe
sal i l ies a fo' low : (iovt i nor. $2,500
per am. urn. Stale Secrelary and Treas
urer. 2.000 each. Supreme and Cirvrril
fudges. 3.000 each. It providV for
the election of these .Judges in
clashes. All public I uiidi.igs nut t be
at the State Capital miles othenvi- i
ordered by law. Public pr'n.ti.i to
l e let to the lowe-t ivsponsihle biiJtVr.
Provides for special session of Lr-is-liture
aud fixes i'llt. pay of inembi r- i.i
attendance at (5 mt diem, and olliivrs
$7 with a mileage of $3 fori very 20
mile of travel. Xo general session of
Ibis body shall exceed CO days, and i.o
special session 40 day.
The report ol the Committee ou
Printing, and the special Committee
appointed to examine the Penitentiary
accounts were accepted.
The Committee on Ways and Means
were instructed to report an appro
priation bill.
Several House Bills were read the
second time aud passed to their third
Holme Kill Passed.
Xo. 4, to protect mining claims ;
No. 5. to incorporate the town of lack
aouvil'e ; Xo. 24, relating to trespa-s
bv caiile, and regulating fences in
L'nvtrilla county, passed the Senate.
Senate adjourned.
House met at 10 A. M.. with several
members absent. Journal of yester
day was rend ami approved.
The House accepted an invitation to
attend the theater on Friday evening.
The following bills were introduced
anil read fiist. time:
A bill regulating the salaries of Coun
ty Judges aud county treasurers.
A bill for an act to snpprcss gam
bling. A bill relating to Stare militia.
A resolution to amend tlte Constitu
tion as to time of holding general elec
tions laid on the table for further con
sideration. A bill lor the relief ot Curry county.
A bill to create Donophan county.
A bill to improve State road in Doug
las county.
A bill requiring the fencing ot rail
roads in this State.
A hill to amend an act to prevent
A bill regulating charges on freights
and passengers on eteauiboats and rail
roads. A bill relating to reduction of pilot
age, etc. on the Columbia river.
A bill to create a board ot County
Commissioners in Tillamook county.
A bi l to amend an act to prevent
and pu lislupmibling.
S. B N'o. 5. for the protection of
came and rtdi was, on motion, taken
t" Ui ' the fable :i:.d read third
time. A motion to re-refer to a Select
committee with Instructions lo amend
o a to make the Uiv iuieratlve as to
Indian Reservations was ItJst. On tiie
final passage ot tlas bill the vote stood,
ayes, 32 noes. 10.
On motion the House went intocom
inittee of the Whole on II. B. Xo. XO.
relating to c mmou schools. The bill
being "considered and one or two
amendments adopted, same was re
ported hack as amended with recom
mendations that it pass. A motion
was carried that the hill he considered
engrossed aud read third time now.
H. B. Xo. 114 was introduced au
thorizing county courts to levy certain
taxes in comitic.
Hou-e adjourned to 1:30 P. II.
House resumed at 2 p. tit. and pass
ed II. B. Xo. Mi, relating to common
S. B. Xo. 32, to appoint a commis
sioner of Immigration paed the
S. B. Xo. 40. empowering the May
or of Portland to act as Police Judge,
during the absence of said ollicer, pass
ed the House. ;
Tiie House concurred in the amend
ments maik' by the Stniate to H. B.
Xo. 3. (the Police Bil ).
S. B. Xo. 4J. changing time of meet
ing of the Legislature, passed by a
vole of 3'.l to (j.
Senate liil 24. 2(5, 40 and 45 were
rend tiie first time.
11 J. Memorial asking Congress to
aid in the construction of a Military
-ad from Klicnsbiirg to Roseburg;
adopted. Also one K.'titioiiing Con
gress toaid in the completion of the
mint at The 1) dies.
Hou-? adjourned.
alMlt faille ! a(itl.
iiii: M.U'.KLT.
E'xc'ilciiK ni AlMiut Uie CItf
iioii. 4
Jill! .JlIIlll CIIOM-
i ion.
LD. Salt ol Colli to e:it- the Market.
Xew YoiiK. Octolier 0. With the
view ol e.i-iug the money market Act
ing S-i-retary Richardson has directed
the As-i-tar.t Trea-mvrto buy j-oAKJO.-1H.I0
in bunds and el 5. 000.000 in gold
to-morrow, iibjeef to the ll-ual condi
tion of Ihe monthly purchase of bom I -and
sales of gold.
Xew Yoi.K. October 7. The an
nou,, cement lrom Wa-hington that the
Treasury Department would sell live
millions of jxn.d toslay and buy live
millions of lx: ds creates a stir in
financial circles. ,a-t eveiiinga large
emwd ol Wall street operators were
coi gn gated al tbe Fifth Avci. lie Hotel
:ii-it: ing the gold iiue-tiou. The
liiues says it is now understood iiou
IiMdi and well ii, formed aiitbor'.ty that
tl.e ' 'Vt -rumeiit w ill jiiaceat lea-t ten
millions of dollars in gold upon the
tnarkcl. to be s(,Mfr the benefit of
tho-- needing coin to pay dues and
Iran -act their Inreign bu-iiie-s.
Tae 4-l.Ie.- i:i.etioii Treuiendoua
l.veit. met. 1.
ClIl'"A,t. Oct. ". A Washhigfoii
sjntial ate that inlert-t in the elec
tion to morrow i-so great that biisi
i.ess I- marly at a star. d till. Ad
vice from ln-ad -piarter of boih politi-.-i
I jiarties in Philadelphia .-how both
c piaily coi.fideut of victory in Peuii
sy.vania. 'J'he Republican Congres
sional Committee here claim a major
ity o! 12.001) for llartraiu'l in Phila
delphia, and from 3.01X1 to U00 in the
Stale outside the city. Senator Cam
eron claims 10.000 majority for Hart
ran ft in tin' entire State.
New Yoi.K. Oct. 7. Pools were
sold on Saturday night on the October
election, the Republican giving the
odd ou I'eniisyivauia anil ou lll.OOO
majority in Ohio. Betting ou there
suit in Indiana t very quiet. Iulerest
iiHhis citv in tln;e "elections i great
among K)iluian-, but there is little
lietting aial a marked abcuee of ex
citement among ieople generally, who
are too bu y to devote much time lo
Truulile .iprebiiled in ; t orn In.
New YoiiK. Detolx r 0. A special
from ICuowille. l'enne-ee. say seri
ous trouble i apprehended between
the authorities of Georgia and the
I'nited State Marshal.
Tin- San Jimu Arbltrntion Etc.
'Vasiiisc.ton. October (5. Tiie only
oiucial iiiJ'ormatiou concerning theNin
Juan Arbilration is tliat the decision is
to Ik; made thi month. Xo appoint
ment of a Minister to Sweden is con
templated until (he Senate shall be in
session lo coulinii it.
Drntlior.'t DlHlijic'iislOHt Priest.
Bo-tox. Oct. 7. Rev. Geo. F. Ha
ting, an eminent Catholic prict. aud
fou'ixler of the Ai'g-I Guardian Home
of RiKkslauy, died lure yc-tcrday
'll.c Icnitu Bvnlrr Question.
'Xew Yoi;k, M. 7. A Washington
dispatch -ays our Government will
shortly take rigorous and decisive ac
tion for protecting our Texan boun
daries lrom incursions ol Mexican
smugglers ami robbers.
Salo of Cold at New York.
Murderous Affray in New
AFFAiKS IN 11.111 TL'.1I;T0::Y.
":il i Jt)i-ni: IiKnt !tv.
The fcnlo of ;lit Active MrxM-nlatlon
i.i StoeK.
N'r.w Yoijk. Oct. 7. The action ol
the Trea-ury Department in selling
Told here to-day can-ed buoyant spec
Illation in the slock market. Price
opened at an adv nice of half to one per
cent, from Saturday ipuyatiou. and
jjolil tleclinnl 1 1 s per cent. Then
were some forty bid for $5.1M)0.(XIO.
aggregating over seventeen millions, at
11 toll 31 100. Oll'ei-s of bond ag
gregate nearly l?7.000.0UO. at 112 74
100 to 112 75' 1(10. Gold opend at l.'l
aud declined to 12J. It afterwanl
advanced to 11'4'.
TbeEleetioi Report, f om I'cnimj 1
VH..IN, Olilo, te.
Cincinnati. Oct. 8. Tiie election i
quietly proceeding throughout the city.
A very inrgc vote i being polled. Cu
ll li.i 1 precaution has been taken by the
Mayor in the Sixth ward, the scene of
lat night's disturbance, to maintain
IlAnitisri m;. Oct. 8. Returns from
twenty-eight towns show eighteen of
them to be Rtjpuhlit-au by an aggre
gate majority of 2.1'Jl. Ten give an
aggregate Democratic majority of 807.
Pll!LAlKI.rtlIA, Oct. S 2 r. M. Ill
thirteen wards during the first hour
liaitrantt was 2.031 ahead of Bucka
lew. ami over 1100 ahead of the Repub
lican city ticket. This is an indication
that the vote for Hartrauft Will exceed
the. ret of the Republican ticket, aud
not fall behind as was supoed. The
second ward will, it I by tbe
Kvt nlng I'elegraph. be carried by the
Republicans for the first time in eight
years; alo that the Republican candi
dal for State Senator will lie elected.
. X F.w Yokk. Oct. 8. A Philadelphia
special says up to one o'clock the re
sult wnas follows: In the otli. 7th,
9th. 10th, 11th. 12th. 14th and 22d
wards, Hartrauft was 2,723. Buckelew,
1,21)2. The Republicans have a ma
jority in the lower wards. Hartrauft
leads the ticket. Thoe wards are
heavily Democratic. Scratching which
has taken place is only in the Central
wards. Thus far they have been very
flight. The negro vote amounting to
nearly 6,000. has nearly all been cast
and were iolled solidly for Hartrauft.
Ci;tr.r,o. Oct. S. Private advices
lrom -tate that Ihe election i
prog't-s .i ,ir .piieily. Then? is no n:i
preivde.ited'y large vote as in Peun-
sylvau'ia Both sides are confident.
A Murderous AiTrujr all Rouutt.
New Okleass Oct. 8. A Shreve
port dispatch of the 7th savs R. J.
Wright. Clerk of the District Court,
and brother of W. X. Wright, Ivputy
Sheriff, was killed this morning by
Chief of Police Sberrad and police olli
cer Shephetd. The friends of Wright
armed themselves with shotgun, found
and killed Shepherd, and are searching
in every direction for Shcrad. All con
cerned belonged to the same political
An Filler wnrtMtlte.HorinoiotntrloMt
-iitllK hrl.ooh Masonic Urnud
Salt Lake. Oct. 8. Elder Rich
ard, in the Mormon Conference to
day, cautioned the people against tiie
wiles of the enemy of the kingdom, e
liecially against their schools anil ad
vised them not to send their children
to Gentile schools. Brigham Young
followed, saying he differed with the
speaker. He said send your children
to school when free. I thank all sects
for establishing schools, and heaven
will rewanl them.
R. II. Robertson w as cleceJ Grand
Master of the Masons of L' tali at the
installation of officers of the Orand
Lodge to-night. The fraaternity is
in a flourishing condition.
Ovi-rlHiitl ArrivitN -Mitpplntf 3few
41rnnl E.iMlj Mhoii - lli-Kt mMi
1 lour Mliiients -ioM Kluir Oper
ators -Li vertwol Wheat Market.,
San FltANCtsCO. Oct. 8. Arrived
overland. Mrs. .fno. R. Foster. Mr.
W. P. Dolaud. A. Reed, W. Diltnl.
Sax FkaxcisCo. Oct. 8. The steam
er A-toria arrived to-day autl brought
Captain .Jones and crew ot the schoon
er Lewis perry, lost at Stillwater Bay.
The 23d Annual Convocation of the
Most Wor-biptul r'i-ind Lodge of Free
and Accepted Maons of California
commenced its -session to-day.
During the first tliree quarters of
the year tliere were exported from
Ibis port. 22, 000 barrel 'of flanr, 2.
;75.0(lO centals of wheat and 140.000
cental of barley. ,
Tbe ship Golden Hind from Xew
York. February loth tor this xrt. wa-!o-t
on Charles" Island, off Terra del
Fin-go. and 12 ot her crew lierished.
Dale of disaster not pi ven.
Arrived Steam. :r Olympia from
Portland. Oregon.
The Gold Bluff 0erators who came
back here to have tiieir apparatus re
paired, w ill sail for Gold Blutf to-uior-row.
Wheat in Liverpool, U,1.
A Frenfh Supreme 'oiiI of Wur
AlioEtiou ol slavery iu tb-
lluininion Asked iiir lu tli- rl--Anoilier
Attack upu tlte imukib
Paius, Oct. 7. Tiie Journal Official the appointment of French
Supreme Supreme Coll. icil of War. Ilie
inenibers ot which are Marshal Mc
Maboii. Marshal CannJrt, General
La'Adiiiirault. Due iH-'Aumale. and
General De L'Aronii-elk-. CiMint Yon
Lormiii has notified IH- Reiiuisat that
all citizens entering German territory
ou and atlrer Xovember 1st, must be
nrovided with ianort. Gambetta
arrived in Pari this evening.
MaHKIP. Oct. 7. During the discus
sion of the n-plv to the address from
the throne, in the lower branch of tiie
Cortes, on Saturday, an amendment
wa moved, asking for the abolition of
-lovery throughout the Spanish Do
A from Madrid savs thut last
evening King Aniadcii. while walk
ing in tiie Plaza del Orient, two men.
concealed liehiud a statue, threw sev
eral large stones at him. crying -Viva
la Rcpuhiiea.'' The tlesperailoes tied,
pursued by a uumlier of policemen, but
esc-icd. The King is iiuliiiir, but the
occurrence causes great excitemeut in
Pennsylvania Republican 25,000 !
The Returns lilr-ed, but Favorable.
Republican Gain in New Jersey.
.Mormon Conference at Salt lake.
The i:iielltit Pciiitsvl vuiiln Repute.
lien ii lij probably 23,000.
rniLADKLriiiA. Oct. 9. The total
llartraiitt majority in Philadelphia is
15. 01 0, with two wards to hear from,
which last year gave 1.044 iH inoeratic
majority. The Third Ward of this
city srives liuekalew 4.2 minority. I
Twenty -lifth Ward gave him (J2J. I
Total majorities in the city foot upas
follows : 'llartraiitt. 11.-J0! : HucUaU w.
3.3SS. Hartrauft majority is 15.SS3.
As many as .15.000 pi-rsous were
present at the I'nioii League JJonse
ia-t iiiglit to hear the the news of the
election. MtC.ui-e and the Liherals
give up the light at S o'clock, as they
-aw that the Jlepuhlicaii majority in
this city anionuteil to more than they
could hope to overcome by the total
Ihickalew majority in out-ide cou itie.
The crowds in tiie streets are euthii-i-astic.
A half-past eleven. Met hire and
Forney conceded 15.000 to llarirantt.
SK'Cial disiatches intlicate the inainr
ity for Hartrauft in the Stale at 15.000
to 25.001). Keturus are awaited in
this city with great interest, lu tile
evening, crowds as-einlileil at the po
litical headquarters anil hotel-to hear
the return-.
i Shoemaker, lleptibl'ean. i electid
to Co.nivs from the Twelfth Di-frict.
ttliio Id piiblieaii by 1.1 OOO.
' d-t. 0. The State lle
pubiicau Commillee claim thev have
carried Dliio by 15.000 to ls.otio. The
Denioci-ilic ('ominittee conceded be
tween 10.000 and 15.000 to the l'cpiib
lic.iii. "The Itepiilwican Committee
also claim to have elected twelve Con
gressmen ccrlain. and more than a
fair probability of two more. This
gives the Democrats seven Congress
men a gain of two in Hamilton
coilhly. 'l lie Democrats do not con
cede the '.ith and 10th District, but Fos
ter, of the 10th. telegraphs to his
friends that he is urely elected by over
5.0110 majority. Thi is tin- lirsi lime
the licpuhlicaiis have ever carried Ohio
without tiie aid of Hamilton county.
Indiana In.llrntionv Favorable to
tiie Iti-piiblleuiiM.
CliiCAttn, 2 v. M., Oct. !!. -The pn-ss
di;atches from Indiana give only
scattering returns from townships, aud
pariial ir-turns from conn tie in vari
ou parts of the State, -bowing alter
nate Kepublican ami Democratic gain,
though the former aiipear to predom
inate. Cincinnati. Oct. 0. A Gazette In
dianapoli special sjiys 171 townships
gave a net Kepublican g;iin of 1,723.
ebra.ka Bepnbliraii Mnjorlly of
a .ooo.
OMAHA. Oct. 8. The election passed
off quietly. A 'full vote"" was polled,
and the Kepublican State and Congres
sional tickets are elected by about live
thousand. This county, which may be
considered a Liliera) stronghold, gives
n Republican majority of 100.
yew Jorwy Rpmbllmn Jln In
Xewabk, (X. J.) Oct. 8. The char
ter elections! resulted In over 2,000 ma
jority, a gain of nearly 1,000 over last
year's charter election.
The amriil Rranlt.
Xew, Yokk, Oct. 0. The Tribune
nays: We have been cheated out of
Pennsylvania; have made some gains,
in Ohio, but not enough to carry the
State, and we have nothing discourag
ing from Indiana.''
A siieclal to the Sun says the Kepub
lican gain a Congressman in the 6th
ami 21st districts and one State Sena
tor aud two representatives In Pennsyl
vania. Chicago. Oct. The Tribune says
the reults of the elections yesterday
may be summarized by stating that the
Iicpnblican have carried Pennsylva
nia. Obl'K Indiana and Nebraska. It
adds; "Jreelcy's defeat is doubly aj-und.
Special dispatches received here add
nothing to the t u ts already telegrapn
ed with regard to the elections yester
day. The Tribune concedes Pennsy'
vaiiia and Ohio to the Republicans. It
claims Indiana which is doubtful.
Connertlcut Towa Elections.
Haktfohd. Oct 8. Of 120 towns
out of loi towns in the State l eird
from, ai elect the entire Republican
ticket. In 24. the officers arc divided
between tiie two parties. Tiie Denio
rrafs gained eiglit towns, which were
wholly Republican last year. Tbe
Republican gained eight towns which
were Democratic lat year.
O't unor Continue to Il-liii-.
XewYohk. Oct. .). The llerahr
Rii:hiuoud lipatch lias a letter lrom
O'Conor to James Lyons of that city,
dated September .'10th in which O'Con
or says he has not indicated any altera
tion in his resolve not to be a candi
date, as set forth in hi communication
to the Louisville Convention. lie
atlds : It may be true, as you suggest,
that the people will not vote for any
man who will not announce in a pub
lic manner tliat it elected he will sc-rvi ;
if so. they will never vote for me. 1
should regard such announcement at
one mode of soliciting their suppor.
If the Southern eople. did not know
Itefore I said anything on the snbjit t
that one of the candidate i a in. in of
transcendent ability tley are singi -larfy
slow of apprcheu-iiiu. The des
olation of which they complain i at
tributable to him. fhe io,;g nod dis
astrous war that folia wed hi bloody
chasm with fratricidal slaughter in
volving the whole country in debt and
(k'tnoralizatiou i due to his unequalled
Doings of the Mormon Conference.
Salt Lake, Oct. 9. The Mormon
Conference is still in session. The at
tendance is large. Br'mham Young.
Jr., s)M)ke. He predicted that the
growing habits of young men wonld
eventually result in tln-ir leaving the
church. Apostle Smith sjmke en
dorsing Celestial marriage. Brigham
Young, Jr.. was elected propliet. seer
and n-velator unanimously. Oilier
officers of the church generally were
re-elected. Thirteen mi ioi.arie
were i:ppoiuted lor Europe and Ireland
Brigiiaiii urged tiie necessity of tith
ing or tbe Lord would chatcn the
Tiie British Revenue ship Sparrow
liawk is sold at auction Xov.
11th at Victoria.
The Mormon Conference at Salt
Lake Saturday night was largely at
tended. The Mimiuie Grand Lodge of L'tah
convened in Salt Lake City Sal unlay.
India n-Agout Dodge arrived at Salt
Lake City, Saturday, with a delega
tion of tiie Ute I idiau. He reports
all quiet on the reservation.
Tiie following steamers leave San
Francisco this week : Idaho, for Hon
olulu; A. L. Stephens, for Portland ;
California, for Mexican ports.
Tiie claimant agilnst the Mexican
Government lield a meeting in San
Francico MomLiy night, to look out
lor tlieir interests bjfore the joint com
mission. Mrs. Ianra I). Fair, pending pre
pnTuiiinary arrangements in lier law
suit for fc'UXXJ against Mrs. Lane, her
iiiother-iu-law. slati-d in Court that
she had released her claim thereto,
aud tail! the same over to Judge
A ga jet wa struck by a man sev
enty feet under the ground at Saliua
4 ,'ity Saturday, which flows from the
weil with a force of one hundred
square inclie. It is inflammable, and
throws out etones and earth. It will
be utilized to light the city.
C'lliCARO. Oct. S. Special d'upatebe
from Pennsylvania and Indiana state
that tbe election excitement exceeds
auytliing ever known. In Philadel
phia and Pittsburg the feeling U very
liitter and nil accounts aree that the
vote will be the larjje-t ever cast at
any election. Keturus from 2S towns
show 18 of them to Ik Republican by
an aggregate majority of 2.191. Ten
give an aggregate IJeiiioeratie niojori
ty of st;7.
Pnn.ADEi.rniA. Oct. S. At ln-ad-quartt-rs
of Republicans Slate Central
(.'onunittee tlicy are calculating on a
large increase, of the Republican vote.
Rciorts from various wards warrant
the lielicf that Hartrauft 's nia'oritv
wiil Ih- at least 20.000. At the Lilieral
and Ik-mocratic bead jil .rtcrs tliey ain
jn-ar equally conlidi-nt though they tin
not t-xpi'ct to effect much in the citv.
l.ATEit New Yokk. Oct. S.-'-Ad-
vitt-s from I'ciin-ylvania are to the ef
fect that Ilartnnft is elected by a large
majoritv. Phii.idelphia is claiuicil by
hi til by "over l.l.OIK).
STU.I. I. ATElt Pennsylvania is gi
en up by the l.ilierals and the RcpuV
licaus now claim llartranfl is elected
by 30.(100 majority. Sc-tttering returns
from Indiana iiuliciite large Republi
can gain.
" V lvernsinp Is the oi: whic'.i wise men jail
n Iheir lamiis." ilvtt. i n J'rov.
Merchants' Exchange,
t .liifiil Ilia Streei, San Francisco.
solicits Advir'iHineiiis and Subcrlp:lnn
for ihe iti ih . sr vr-s-Ai a.n .ii for i.-ipers
l-Oi i-ht-I it; C.-i'ifornia. Orczoii and Neva in;
Wa-hi"n o. , I'l.-th. Mai,n, n an.i. Co oia
dj.. Ari'ii:i, a'l I -i '.i.-tceie Tel li ! : Saml-wi.-li
I- .-ni'l-. the Kir. i h l'-is-e ion-, a:
New . :i;i;:d mil .lit Ausir.vl c. Co'. -in-;
Mevl an rorl-. Nic.-irai a. I'll laii'.-i. V.-i'pa-raiso
and JajKin; ihe Allan, tc t;aies and
Has croa'ed ni mv a new hn-i-ie-s ; j
llanen'aivtol nauy nn old lr'-lie-s;
Hi revived nvoiy adal! lt-l e-;
Mas re-s:nel many a lost business;
lias itaveii ntany ? t'.tltlr fm-lnesi. :
Has preservt-il 'many a lare bnsineits ;
And Insures, a sn.vrss in any hu.-iness.
;iRAitn's Skcket. Slephen fiiranl lined
t say in his old ace: -I have nlwav? const I
erel a Iver llnir lilierally and lonu' to lie the
pront nieilliim of Micec" In hnslnesK, and the
pre'iidc In wealth. And I have made H an In
variable m'e Inadverlise in Ihe dullest limes
as well as the busiest, long experience havlnq
taught me that mnner thus spent is well laid
out, and by continually keeping my htisluetts
lielore Hie public- it hi cc.iired innuy ile
that I otherwise would have lost."
Advertise Tour Uuainess.
Keep Your "Vntne he to re the Pnbllr.
JiHtlrloai Artvertiilnir will Insarc
If Banlness In Dull, Adertie.
If Bnlneu to Brink, Advertbte.
CSiS-Theman whndtdnt believe in ailver
tislug ha rone Into mrtnershin wllh ihenlier
idT. and that nlBclal does the advertising.
Beat Family flour,
Baker's Extra, XXX,
MuperUne auad
7IltlIlliii;a, Bran anil Miortu
Asent S, T. M. Co-
Not. Mdtf
Chancerv, Ailiaity, Orejwn. L. FLlNN,
Nt,.arv Pub lo.
loi'ec.loua am conveyance promptly ai
teudedto. &wlt
Real Estate! Real Estate I
kers. ltoora on flrt lloor corner r ront
anil Wasliintou ttreeis, Portlitml, Uregon,
will atteud lulhe sale ami purcliaT nf real
eoiaie lu all pnrts of Oregon, tiicvlal
tlon KHen to the ! ol liumiiig laiki.
AiTll lu. ilAivtl.
UEO. 11. JO.N12. 3. M. PATTtHSOJ
Opera House Klock,
iALJltI, '. ORUO!.
C,', Attcatiwn u Called to (he fol
IjHiuic l)CKftitiou or Irorty
acre Si miles cast of Sublimity :
Jin a.: res in ciiaivation, HiHincaiui
Isiru. All umler lt n. ami
well wa.ered
wllh fine yrliigs. I'rw-e i,x)0.
til fibres 4 rallet north of Salem on
OA the State mail. Kino hmw and
Dpiemtiil orolianl ; nUimlaiue tt final I trull ;
tu b null lor guide. .mi; ami ciiwi timber. Frtce
Fi AND 10 ACHE loia within one nil'e of
-M ilieo.ui-l bout; rich soil; pritti f4 tv
lull tier acre.
ft fl ao-e. SJ mi es eat .r r.ervi, 40
mt :w-ru i:raim-, nh leih e i, area
.me 1 miber, ymil runun:g itattr lur al'jck ;
prlcu, f 10 ln-r a.-re.
i nn Knur'- Pmh-le. In Linn
VF'lJ' C'u.. till arre. ill ciillltaiioii. kmi1
11r.Tl.ar1l, hoiine aihl Utrn. ami p'a,-e well lin
lrove 1, ail leiK-ed ami wuil a;ere.l; price
11, wu, a Uargaiu.
acres on King's Tralrle, ine house anil
barn aua goou lmiirovemenu ; ince.
O I A Teres-, 9 ml'e ea-t of S in, Linn Co..
TV 4 i acres In ciil.ivai ion, houeainl ham,
-mail orcnanl, well waiereti; price, $L per
TaeresT mileeast of !alem, np'enilli
hnuxeaiiit barn, icnoil orclianC ahtin-
litihe if. small lriii .;isi-lnn ai the 1iim
an I pienly ol Muck 1i er, UK) acres untui plow
a:i' I, jo al-.res of line timoiliy uteailuiv ; price.
f i,."0U. A raie bargain.
I 1 Q acres miles eat i f Sakm. tw acre
TlO npen lainl, 140 acrei in ciitlitactoii, 2'
orctianlK, plenty tit H11111I) l'rul: ; goutl upriug
waier lor sovk; price, S.Ouo.
ACRES 21 miles north of Pherl-
XJ ilan, Yumhlil .hiihv, a clnic
iHrin, ru-u iit, uu-ler CinvI Icnce; l-'iti acres
ni ciiltivaiioii: hone ami ham aul i-nullnr-clianl
; ail pniliie exct pl eimugli nf liinliertnr
wikhI ; otTewl very cheap anil ou eay terms.
m A'.TtES one-lialf mile oii!h nr It. R.
,iL.p,)i m sa'em: well smteil lor gar
neiiing; prue t'0 )vracre.
-f ACHES f.Mir ml'es nnrlh f 'ak-m:
U V mall lmirnremenis; lanl well
l aicil and some line tlmln-r; pne lu per
ty M ACRES In lu!k count t: 4 ml'e n
It wof.aeni: iw .icr.-s In culnv.t
imn; K"i"l (Kock waierantt range; price f 15
per acre.
I-g ACKES In folk county, 1 ml w
m Vr tf Ni'em; Improvement goutl; 3t
acre in cultivation ; price $2,tAfO.
liiiler 1'eiK-e : irooil barn ami iniuso
coii.Merali Improvement; price til pur
ik-rc, in tinamUles in suit purchasers.
I T A(K1-s tj ml!e" Df,rln e,, r S--li
a lem, on Aliiiiia creek ; 75 acres
In cimivatlon : ft'l raufu, well watered;
price 11 per acre.
J f ACHES nf land 4 miles nonhcait cl"
f r t-ilverion, wllh Saw-mill on prem-l-sen;
price $12ou very cheap.
M-t A ACRES6mi:e8northweofSalem;
-"K: m. mr Iiki v-res in ctiliivaiiou ; p.l
range. Hell watered and good orchard; price
fit jier acre.
ir ACRES 12 miles east of Sa'em;
tJvOvF shvUI iniprnvenieuts; price .iiXI.
OfWI ACRES 4 miles nnrtheant of Sil
3 j W verion: valuable tarm; well lm
prnved : ((ooil new hout-e and barn ; 100 He res
In culiivalkm; price $UMX); terms eaxv.
Fi ACHES hall' mile west cfSalem: near
f W lerry landing; well improved; jirlco
ill ier acre.
"I f ACRES el).-ht ml'e south of Salem,
M. 9 .J ou the siae roa I. 40 a,-res under
cultivation; nearly all under fence; ordinary
house aud barn ; goed young orcluutl ; pru-e
if ACRES one mi'.o snuih-west nf Sa
O" lem, in Pn!k count)-. All under
h-nce; 2(1 acres in culiivalttHi : smalt house lam; g'vl yount orchard ; very de-ira-h'e
leva I ion for 'gardening purposes; price
OT 1 ami 2, Blivk s. Junes' ad lilloo to
d leui. Sm.tll houe; price, fl.oou.
tf I . feet f B':k Xo. 13. s.
4 IW V. cnriier J.tues'a.ldi-
tiou ioStlcm,wUh house and iinpruvemeut? ;
price, iToo.
IOT 4. 10o.-k -2."., citv ot'Si'em. fine houe.
J well ti.:i-he I, near the C. 1. Church;
price, ?;i,rino.
HOUSE and hall'binck In Jones' addll Ion :
1' .mry house well proiiiidn
well improved ; jirice J-M(K).
TT IJCTS 8 ami 9. block 4. Ueeds,' addition, va
Ji ofl'it and flue location ; price H"0.
I B CSE and 1 lols in Rnlert addition ;
! belnniiiK to M. It. Mmire; price tl-.).
prke tWM.
S. Pyar, on Capital Si.
L' vSJS ;r' " Ch"rch street
: g 9 KICK store, north end Slarkey'g h'oi-k
lire-proof; 8 room on second floor
in hrick wanhoiw; prkt JkiOO.
i 411VT.,; 1 . i v.
pnc.- JTOti; iuipiiVe ol Tl.inan
t A.iiany.
P B't'E an l.lot on Front street, near bu
E It. iuvNt pin of the cii) : now occujiietllr
Mr.-. J. L. S.arkey ; iirL e $ilcO.
TBOt SEand lot, Siuih SM'em: near rcfW
m A '"'eceotll. iiens; house unfinished ;
TUf Rentliiv mid I.eHliiK of all
kinds ot propenv, C'oilis llon of Claim,
Conveyancing, c, will receive prompt at
lentlon. Z.-ST For funhcr Information address,
Sa em, Uregon.
But and mi ImproTri
wood p i; m i
Sow la bm,
Far ralslnar water for
Danaeatle Piraioaf, or
for Barn or attx-k
Kverv man who has hail experience In tho
different war of rutsiiK water, know
CHEAPLY, and that there is no Pnmp so
dnntb'e, convenient and free from lmnartins;
nnheallbv element to the water as tbe plain
Mvoufa3tirre1 bribe
Salem, Sept. J, 1871. wif
tY. C. PinTTJOlIX, Proprietor.
(Stewart' Brick, Commercial fct.i
The lies nf Wine and Liquors, h ra f -mi-
ami Tobacco, always provide 1 i- r o. -lorn
Jiropln occasionally. (tals