The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, October 08, 1872, Page 6, Image 6

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elopes shal I be known ai " stamped envel
ope ,'' and sha. I be sold, us nearly as may be,
ai tliu e St ol iroc.iring thi-m, the a tdi
tton of lhe vh ue ot" the pos.a-ce-s:amp iin
rireel thereto; but no siani'ed envelope
(Urnished by lhe gouernmenl shall ,-ontalo
any iitlio-rrai'hiug or engraving, and no pviut
iiigexoeit a priuiei rei-uest to return the let
ter 10 the writer ; and letters and papers In
doped In them (the posi-ure-stamp in every
case being 1' a i-'e i -rainali n rulUjient to cov
er the pue.age properly chargeable thereon)
shall pass in the mail a prepaid matter.
Sec. 170. That to tael Hate le.ier corres
pondence and provide lor the transmission i f
lhe mail, at a redifoe I rate of po tn-re, of
md -sages, orders, notio. s, tin I o her -t'tiort
comm. luicatinus, either piuue I or written in
pencil or ink, the foam-aster General shall
Ik., and he is hereby, authorized and directed
to r.irnish aud issue to the public, with postage-stamps
lmjiressed upon them, "posial
i-unls," mai Ufa tured of paper, of
' Mi. h quality, lorm, and size as he shall deem adaited lor general use: which cards
nhall be used as a means of postal intercourse,
under rules and regulations to be prescribe!
by lhe Postmaster General, anil when so
use 1 "hill bj transmitted through the nulls
at a postage charge of one cent each, includ
ing the ci 01 1 heir inaumactiire.
Sec. 171. Thai tne Po.uiaster General
may, irom time to time, adopt such improve
ments in postage-stumps and stamped enve
lopes as he may deem advi-ab'e; and when
any such improvement lslij-toJ it shall be
subject to a'i (be provisions herein respecting
postage-stamps or stamped envel 'pes.
.si-x-. 172. Thai sn.age-s amps and stamped
enveloj-es s! a 1 he lunil-hed by the Post-mi-tei-
General o all po-. oia-Heis, and sliall
be kept lbr ta e at ail pos.-ollices ; and each
posiinisit-r thai i-e he-d accuiiuialre lor ail
such stumps and envelopes fuml-hed to him.
S. C. lol. Tiiat p ta 'e-s.amjs ai d stamped
enve.opes m iv be i-olista iilscount to cer
tain ile-igna eil agents, who wid agree to sell
a tn in xu. limit Ui-i-mint, under iu cj lobe
prevrihed by the 1'ostmtisier (General; but
the qiun.l'le r.f each sold to any one agent
at any one timj shall not exceed one hun
dred dollars in va ue, and the discount shall
not exceed live per centum on lhe lace value
ofthe stamps, nor the same ifr centum on
the current price of lhe eiive. opes w hen sold
lu less t-uan.i.ies.
Sec. lit. That Ht:ige-,tampi shall not be
sold for any larger stun than the value linll
ca el on their lace, nor stitmj-e.leiiveiujie-- lor
m re than is charged therefor by the i ost
O.tlvie Leiar.meiit nr like -iianthi ies ; and
auy person conuecle I wlih lhe Ksial service
who sua I ri iate this provision sLail be
deerae I guilty of a ml-demjanor, and, on cou thereof, shad be hue 1 in any stun uoi
less than ten nor more thau live hundred dol
lars. Sttc. 17.". That paslage-stamps affixed t all
mai. matter or the siampe t envelopes in
which the same Is tnclo?ed, when depositing
lor mailing or delivery, shall be delated bv
th.) ji-.stni.i-iei at the mailing office in such
tuaniieras ihe P.istnia-ter General inav di
rect: and If any maii-maiter shall lie' for
warded without the stumps or envelope
being so def ice I, the nost master at the ollico
of delivery shall deface them, aim report the
de iiiqueni poslmasitr to the Postmaster
Si-It. 17S. That inT lrnn pmnlni-orl in mnv
branch of ihe postal service who shall xvlif-
inuy ami mi aivluiiy runove Irom anv mall-
matter any posiaire-s.amp nfflxeil thereto in
payment of the postage shad, on conviction
thereof, for every such oiTense, be lined not
mire thau one hundred dollars, or be im
prisoned not more thau six mouths, at the
ui -ore. Ion of I he court.
Sec. 177. That any person who -hall nse or
attempt to use, in payment of ihe postage on
any mri'-matier conveyed, by null or other
wise, any osbige-stunii or stamped euvel-
oc, or any stamp cut rrora any such slnmied
enve oiie, which has been liefore used for
like purpose, shall forfeit and pav Bl'tv dol
lars. And any person who shall "eoum'erteit
the frank of any person entitled to the frank
ing prlvi'tg or wilfully titter or use any
uounterfjli fraik with the Intent to avoid the
payment of s(agj, shall, on conviction ihcre
of,1e deemed g uuy of a mi -demeanor, and lie
punished by a tine not less than fifty dollars
nor more inaii Ave hundred dollars, or by im
prisonment n-i less Hin three months nor
more thai, twelve mm ths, or by both line ai d
impii-suim...... iu the m cidion of (he court.
Sec. 178. I hat any person who shall lorgeor
counterfeit any postage-stamp, or an v stamp
primed iiisuianvsinmiiedeuvelnpcpostal card
or any die. plate; or engraving therefor:
any person who shall make, or
print, or knowingly use or sell, or have in
possession, with Intent lo Use or sell, anv
such forged or counterfeited postagis-stamp,
stamped envelope, postal card, die, plate, or
engraving; any person who shall make, or
knowingfy use or Fell, or have in pos-esslon,
with intent to use or sell, any paper bearing
the warer-mark of any stamped envelop pos
tal card, or any I'raiidu'ent initiation thereof;
any person who shall make or print, or au
thorize or procure io be ma le orprlntud, anv
postage-siuinp. stamped envevelope, or postal
card, of the kind authorized and provided bv
the Post-office l'epartmeut, wi hmit the sie
cial authoiuy ami direciion of said Depari
ment : any person who shall, after such ost-age-slnmps
stamed envelopes, or postal cartl,
have been pruned, and wi,h intent todefiaud
the postal revenue, deliver the same to anv
person no; authorized bv an instrument of
writing duly executed under Ihe haiid of the
Po: master General and the seal of the Post
Office Deianmeut to receive them, everv
such person shall, on convi.-,ion
deemed guilty o felon-, and bo punisherl bv a
fine not exceeding Hve hundred dollars.'or
by boih tine and imprisonment not exceed
ing live years, or bv both tine and imprison
ment, in the discretion of lhe court.
Slc. 179. That any person who shall lorge
or couiiiet fi , or knowingly niter or use any
forged or counterfeited postage-siamp of anv
foreign goveri mem, shall be deeuieif tnilltv iif
a le oii, and, on convi.tdon i hereof, shall lie
ptuii-hed by imprisonment of not less than
two nor more i nan ten years, at the discre
tion of i he court.
Sic. It-o. That ant horhy lo frank mar-mat-ter
is co.if -rre I npoii aud'limite I to the lol
lowinir persons:
Fir-t. The President, by hlmse'f or private
secre ary, to cover all mail-maiier.
Secoint Tbu Vlce-Presideut, to cover all
Third. The Chiefs of the several Executive
Fourth. Senators, Representatives, and Del
egates in t'ongress, and Ihe Secre ary of the
Sena e and Clerk of ,he Honseof KepVesenta
. lives, to cover ihelrcorrespoiniende,all print
ed matter K-ued by the an horiiv of Congress,
and all speeches, proceedings and delat es iu
Fif h. Snch princi).tl officers of ihe Execu
tive lcpartmenis, being ha is of bureaus or
chief clerks, as the Postmaster General mav
by regulation prescribe, to cover official coni
mtmica jons only.
Sixth. P.nmasters, to cover offi.-lal commu
nications to other post niastersoiilv.
S-'ven h. A-sessors and collectors and their
assistants nod deputies, li.r the interchange
of official commttnica ions onlv.
And no person eulitied by !;iw to the frank
in; privilege su i 1 exurciso sail prlvi ege oth
erwise bv His w ritten autrgiuph igi a
tnre on the matier franked: and all mat -matter
not thus inn ked -hall be charged with the
legal rae of po age Ihereon.
Sec. HI. Thai the franking privilege of
Senators, Hepresenia ives, and lelega es in
Congress, and the Secretary of the Senate and
Clerk of the II ue shad commence with the
term for which hoy are e ec.e I, and expire
with ihe first Monday of leeember following
such tet-m.
Sec. That all books or publications
which may be procured i t puh'ihed bv order
of Coi gress -hall 1 con-ldeied a liuljtlcdoc
uments, niul may be hai.keil as such.
lsa That maximum weight lor frank
ed and free mar-maiier shall be lour ounces,
6 cu to Congress, congressional n n-1
cxecn. lv pub'ic documenis, periodical pub
lications in erchanged betweeo pub'isheny
and packages of seeils, cutling , roots, ana
scions, the weight of whi -h latter mav be ilx
ed by regitlailmi of the Pos mas,er General.
Sir. 11. That the following mai -matter
sha'l he a lowed to ass free In the mail :
First. All mill-matter sent to the Presi
dent or Vlce-Piesiilent.
Sjco'id. offi ia comm inicatlons addressed
to chiefs, heads r.f bureaus, chief e'erks, or
frauki ig officer ol either of the. Executive
'Ihlr l. Letters and printed matter sent to
Senators, liepresenlatives, or Delegates in
Congress, the Sjcretarv of the Senate, or the
C er of iha II nij of K ;pre l a.lves.
Fourth. He I ions to Congress.
Flft h. ( tom m,'lar in ihu T iKi-a rlon rf
Congress, ti niarked on the package "copy-
ri.'ht matter.'' ,
Sixth. All pub'ications sent or received bv
the Smith:ila.i I is.itn.lou, marked on each
package. "Smlihsoniun Kxchange."
SevantU Xewsiaers. periodicals, and mtig
azlnes reciprocally Interchange I between
pub ishers, and not ec-eding sixteen ounces
in wight ; to be cunUue.l to a single copy of
each pubtk-Tioii.
Eighth. Weekly newspapers, one copv to
each ac ual subsjrllier within ihe couutv where
the same i printed and published ; but car
riers shall not bo required lo distribute such
papers unless postage is paid upon them at
the usual rales
Ninth. Notices to Ihe pnb'ihers of the rc-fu-al
or nea'ect of subscribers lo take news
papers, magazines, or oilier periodicals from
Ihe post -office : to lie sent under such regula
tions as the Postmaster General mav pre
cri lie.
Ten h. Dea l-letters returned lo lhe writer
thereof .
E erenth. Ma lals, certiU- ji es of thanks, or
other tes.imo'.na s. which have l-eh, or may
be, awarded, by the legislatures of the several
Slates and Territories. I o the soldiers Ihere
of : to bi sent hv thi a hit. ant genera s of said
States and Territories tinder such regula
tions as the Postmaster General mav pre
scribe. Age- Si. That all m ill-matter to aid from
Miry Lincoln, widow of the la'e President
Abraham Lluco n, shall be convcve.l free,
during her natural life.
Sec. lsi. Tha a-l mil'-matter not hereinbe
fore special 'v mide free mast bo prepaid bv
SiJ. Hi. Taa; If any ron, having the
rlihl to re,-,eiT .enters free, shall roceive In
c isel to him, any let eror packet ad Iresseil
to a iwrson noi having that right, it shad lie
his diitv to return snch letter or packet to the
p -iffice, in irking therein the pace from
whence it canu, ihai i. may be charged with
X age.
Sec ISA That tlie Postmaster General mav
direct lhe publication of the list of noiwle iv
erl letters at a ly by a written
list posted In some pub ic p ace, or, when he
sha'l deem i for the pnb'ic In erest, he may
direct the pub lea, Ion of such lisc l.i the dai
ly or weekly neusp.iier published within the
p isi-office d'e'ivcrywnich has ihe largest, cir
culation wiinin nch iletiverv; and where no
dally piper is pub ished within the posi-iffice
dedvery, n;h iist mav be pub llied In th
daily new-p.iper of anv a joining ileliverv
having lhe largest circulation wi.hui the de
livery or the post-office pub ishtug the lis. ;
an I in case of dispute as to the circulation of
compe.i. g newspapers, the pwimaster shall
receive evidence aud doci ie Uon ihe lact.
Such list shad be pubtlsheil as lrcqueully as
the Postmaster General mav deem proper,
bill not oftener than once a week.
Sec. 1SS. That the list of non-dolivered let
ters addressed to persons foreign-born mav
be pub ished In a nevrsnaivr printed in this
language mos: nscd bv them, which shall be
selected lu the manner prescribed in the pre
ceding section.
Sec. 19D. That, under such regulations at
the Postmaster General mav prescribe, ail
los,mas.ers are hereby authorized lo regis
ter, lu the runnier prescribe 1 bv law, bul
wi.hout pntmeut of any registraaou foe, all
letters couiaintng fractional or other curren
cy of the dined Sxates, which shall be by
them sent by mall to the Treasurer of the
United skates for re lemp.ion; and it shall be
the duty ol the p is. mooter at ihecitv of Wash
ington, In the District of Columbia, to register,
in like mannei, wi.hout charge, all leuers
con: anting ne currency returned ff curren
cy releeme U which sha 1 be received bv him
from the said Treasurer, in sealed jiackages
marked wi.n the word regis er " over lhe
official signature of the said Treasurer.
SC. till. Tiia: every pos. master shall post.
In a conspicuous p ace lu his office, a copy of
each iist ol uoiwie.ivere.l letters inuueuiate
ly alter lis publication.
Sec. 192. That the compensation for pub
lishing -he list of non-del '"red letters shall
lu i ocase ex. esl onectu tyt each letter so
Sec. 193. That all letters published as non
delivrst shall be charged with oi.e cent in
addit o.i t the regular po-lage, to btaccoiint
e I for as iiart of the poeial revenue.
Sec. 194. That lhe Postmaster General may
regulate the jierlod dining wblch undelivered
letters shall remain In any post-office, and
when h -y shall be returned to the ilea "-letter
otHce; and be may make reguta'ions for
their re urn to lhe ilead-letter office to the
writers, when ihey cannot be delivered lo
the parties addressed.
Sec. 193. That all domestic letters, deposi
ted at any posi-fllHce f r milling, on which
the ) os! age is wholly unpaid or p,u 1 lesMhau
one full rate as requited bv law, except let
ters lawfully free, and duly ceit lle l lutiers
oi soldiers, sailors, and mariius in the ser
vice of lhe (."lilted .-tales shall lie s.T.t lv the
jmstniasler io the dead- e.ter nUice in Wa-h-ington:
Prowled. Thai in large cities anil
and a lja.:ent dl-tricls of dense i-opulallon
having two or more post-offices within a dis
tance of three tn'les of each other, anv let
ter mailed a oi e of m h offices and address
ed to a locality within the delivery of another
of s ich offices, which shall have" been inal
veitantly prepaid at lhe drop or local rate of
postage mil), may be forwarded to its destin
ation ihrongh the proper office, charged Willi
the amount of the deficient postage, lo be col
lected on delivery.
Sttc. 19G. Thai dead-letters containing val
uable ioclostirea shall lie registered m Ihe
dead-let.eroffiee: ami when tliev cannot be
de ivered to the par y aJdres;j Mr to tlie
wnier, the coieeuts thereof shad be uisjsiseil
of, and a caiel'eul account ehan be kept of ihe
amount realized lu each ca-e, w hich slutd bt
subject to rec auialioii by either ihe party ad
dressed or the sender, for four vears Irom the
registry thereof; and of a II other leilersof val
ue or ol importance to the party addressed or to
the writer, and cannot bj returned to ether,
shall be disposed of as the Postmaster Gener
al may direct.
Sec. 197. That the action of the Post-OffiVe
Pepitrimenl respec.lng foreign dead-etters
shad be subject lo conventional stipulations
with lhe le.-peclive foreign administrations.
Sec. 198. That when the writer of any let
ter ou which the postage is prepaid shall en
dorse upon the outside thereof his name ami
address, such letter stiall not be advertised,
bin alter rtmaudug uncalled for at lhe office
lo which il is directed thirty liu, or the lime
the may direct, sh ill be returned to
luni without addidonal charge for postage,
and if not then delivered shail be treate I as
a dead-letter.
Sec. 199. That prepaid and free letters
shall he lorvvai'ded from one post office to an
other, at the request of the partv a Ldrcssed,
without additional charges lor postage.
Sec. 290. That all the waters of the United
Snues shall be pott-roads during the time the
mall Is carried thereon, as provided in section
two hundred and uieeieen.
Six;. -01. That all railways and jiar's of
railways which are now' or hereafter may lie
put lu 'operation are hereby declared lo be
Sec. 202. That all canals during the time
Ihe mail can led thereon ale hereby declared
to be post-roails.
Sec. 203. That all plank-raids during the
time the null is carried thereou are hereby
declared lu be (Kist-roads.
Sec. 2(4. Tha Uhe road on which the mall
is carried to supply any courl-liouse w hich
may oe witnou, a mail, as proviiusi m sectiou
two hundred and sixteen, and the road on
whU-h the mall is carried, under section two
hundred and tweniy-one, providing for ex
temling the line of jxists, shall, during the
time such ma.! is carried theieon, be post
ruads. Sec. 20."). That all letter-carrier routes es
tab ished in any city or town, for the collect
ion and delivery of .nail-matter by carriers,
are hereby declared to be post-roads.
Sec. 200. That when there is more than
one road boiweeu places designated by law
for a posl-ruail, the Postmaster' Genera! may
direct which shall be considered the post
Sec. 207. That Ihe Postmaster General may
change lhe terminus of posl-D-a Is connecting
wither Intersecting railways when the ser
vice can be thereby improved.
Sec. 2IW. That whenever. In the opinion of
lhe Piistniaster tVenerai, the jsistal service
cannot be sale!) continued, the revenues col
lected, or the laws maintained on any post
roads, he may discontinue the service on such
' road or any pari thereof until the same can
be safely restored.
Sec. 209. That the Postmaster General may
" wheu he deems it advisable, contract fir the
transportation of the malls to and from any
post-office ; out where such service is per
formed over a route not established by law,
it sliall be his duty to report the same to Con
gress at Its meeting next thereafter, and said
service shall cease at the end of the next ses
sion of of Congress, said route is established
a Jiosl route by Congress.
si EC. 210. That the Postmaster General
shall arrange the railway routes on which j
the mail j scurried, including tho-e in which j
the service is pan ly by railway and partly by i
steamboat, iu.o three c.a-ses, according to
the size of the mai s. the spee I at which they ,
are carried, and the freqitt ncy and ltnixin-
ance of the service, so ilia each rai wav com !
pany shail receive, as far a- practicable, a j
proportionate and just rate of compensation i
according to the service iierfonued. j
Sec. 211. That the pay tor carrying the j
mail on any railway of the tii st c ass shall i
not exceed three hundred dol'ars per j
mile lier annum; on any railway of i
the second ctass it sliail r.ot exceed !
one bundred dollars per mile ier an- t
num; and on any railway of the third c'ass i
it shall nol exceed til. y dollars per nu e per
per annum; but ifonc-ha f the service of any
railway Is require! to be ierforme I iu the
night-time, lhe Postmaster General may pav
twenty-live per centum in addiiion lo the
above maximum -ates.
Sfc. 212. That if the Postmaster General is
unable to conn act for carrying the mail on
any railway-route at a compensation not ex
cee ling the maximum ra es herein provided,
or for what he mav deem a reasonable and
fair comensat ion, he may so( ava:e the letter
m ill from die mher mai'. and contra. -i, either
with or without a iver.islng, I'm carrying such
le.lcr-niait by horse express or otherwie, at
the greatest iq-eod Hint can reasonably be ob
tained, and for carrying Ihe other mail in
waaons, or otherwise, ut a slower rale of
Sec. 213. Thar everv railway com'inny car
rying the mall .-hall carry on any train which
may'run over us road, and wi hout etra
cliarge therefor, all niaiiab'e matter directed
lobe carried ihereon, with the jierson in
charge of tlie wmie.
Sfc. 211. That all railway companies to
which lhe 1'iilted States have ftirni-hed aid
bv grant of Ian Is, vlht of way, or odier-wi-e,
-hall carry lhe mail at such prices as
Congress may by law provide : and. until such
price i fixed by law. the Postmaster General
may fix the rate of compensation.
Sec. 211. That the Postmaster General
shall provide for carrying tlie mail on all
post -roads estab l-hed by law, as often as he,
having due regard to productiveness aud
oilier circiim-lanees, may think proper.
Sec. 21ii. Tha' the Postmaster Genera!
sha'l cause a mall to be carried from the
nearest jiost-ouice on any estah i-hed posi
road to the court-house ofany county in the
United Slates which is without a mail.
SEC. 217. That the postmaster General may
contract lor carrving Ire man on the navl
gab'e canals of the several r-iatcs, when. In
his opinion, i In public interest or conven
ience req Hires il.
Sec. SIS. Thai the Postmastei'ltlenera! may
road V
for , aiTving the mail on any p'ank-
Ihe Inttetl States, when the public
Interest or convenieifcte requires It
Sec. 219. That the Postmaster General may
cause the mall to I carrier! iu any steam
boat or other vesi-1 use I as a packe: on any
of the waters id' the Uniiel Stales.
Sec. 220. That the Postmaster General
may, if he deem It for the pnb'ic Inlercsi,
make contracts for any period not exceeding
one year, for carrying Ihe mall in steam-hips
between any of the ports of the United States.
Sec. 221. That the Postmaster General Inav
enter into comracs for ex:en tinir the tine of
posts to supply mails to post-offices not on
any establishe 1 route, and, as a coniiionsa
tloh for earn ing the mall under sn. h cnr.
iracts. may allow not exceeding two-thirds ol
the salarv paid to lhe postmaster at such
pecial offices.
Sec. 222. That the master of any vessel of
the Unllisl Sates, Ixmnd from any port
therein to any foreign port, or from any
foreign port toaav port of the United s-tates,
shall, before clearance, reelve on board and
securely convey all such mails asthePost
Office Deiiariment. or any diplomatic or con
stitar officer of lhe United States abroad,
shall offer: and he shall promptly de'lver the
same, on arriving at Ihe port oi destination,
to the proper officer, for which he shall re
ceive twoccnts for every letter so delivered ;
and upon the entry of every such vessel re
turntnc from any foreign port, the master
thereof shall make oath or affirmation ihat
he ha promptly delivered all the mall placed
on board said vessel lefore clearance from
the United Males; and if he shall fall lo
m ike such oath or affirm itioii, lhe said ves
sel shall not be entl led to the privileges ol a
vessel ofthe United States.
Sec. 223. That the master of any steamboat
passing lietween ports or places in the United
Sta es, and a rivlng at any audi port or place
where there is a jx'Si-office, shall de'iver to
the postmaster, within three hours after his
arrival, if in the day-time, and If at night,
within two hours af or the next sunrise, all
letters and jackets brought by him. or with
in his power or control and not relating io
his cargo, addressed lo or destined for such
port o place, f ir which he shall receive fimi
the isisimasier two cents f ir each letter or
packet so do ivered, unless the same Is car
lie! under a contract for carr)ii g lhe mail ;
and fir every failure to so deliver such tet
ters and packet-, the master or owner ol stnl
steamlioat shall forfeit anil pay one hundred
and Hfty dot tars.
Sec. 224. That the PostmasterGeneral may
pav, to the master or owner of any vessel not
regularly emp oyed In cnrrvtng the mail, two
cents for each letter earned by wuch vessel
lietween ports or places in the United States,
or fn m any foreign port to any port in Ihe
Uni'ed S ates; but all snch letters shall be de
posited in the post-office ut lhe port of arri
val. Sec. 221. That any person who shall pain',
print, or lu anv manner p ace u-mii or attach
lo any steambuat or oiher vessels, or any
stage-coach or other vehie'e, not penally
used n earning the mill, the wor s 'Jnltc'l
Stales inni'." or anv words, letters, or char
acters of ike lmiort : any -iersonwho shall
give notice, by pub'ishing in any newsjaper
or otherwise, that any sttamboa or ether ves
sel, or anv stage-couch oroiher vehicle, is
used In carrying the mail, when the samel
not acMmlly'so used, every person so odend
lng, or willfully aiding or abetting therein,
shall, on conviction thereof, for every such
olfense, forfeit am! pay not less than one
hundred dollars nor more thau live hundred
, 8 it. 22S. That every ronle-agent. postal
clerk, or o-her carrier of Ihe maid sliall re
ceive any inall-matier presented to him, if
properly "prepaid by stamps, and deliver the
fame for mailing at the next post-office at
which he arrives ; but no feus shall be al
lowed him therefor.
Sec. 227. Tnat any person eonccrne 1 In
carrying the mail, who shall collect, receive,
or carry nuy letter or packet, or cause or
procure the same to be done, contrary to law,
shall, on conviction thereof, lor every such
offense, forfeit and y not exceeding fifty
Sec. 528. That no person shall establish any
private express for the conveyance of let
ters or packets, or In any manner cause or
provide for the conveyance ofthe same by
regular trips oral stated periods, over any
posisroute which is or may be established by
law, or from any city, town, or place lo any
other city, town, or place between w hich the
mail is regularly carried : and every person
to offending, or aiding or assuting therein,
hall, for each oflense. forfeit and pav one
h indre I and Illty dolUirr.
SEC. 229. That the ow ner of every slage
coach, raiiwav-c-'ir, steamboat, or other e
hicle or vessel, which shall, with the knowl
edge of nuy owner, in who e or in part, or
with lhe "knowledge or connivance of the
driver, conductor, master, or other person
having charge ol lhe same, convey aiy per
son acting or employed as t private express
lor lhe conveyance of letters or packets, and
actually lu piissession of the fame for the pur
pose ol conveying them coulrarv lo the spirit,
true intent, and meaning of this law, shall,
fir everv snch ollense, forfeit and pay one
h mitred" and Ufly dollars.
Sre. 230. That no person shall transmit by
private express or oilier unlawful m-atns, or
deliver lo any agent of such unlawful ex
press, or deposit, or cause to lie dewited, a!
any apointed place, for lhe pin pose of being
Ira'tisiniiled, any letter or p.-icke, and for
every snch on'ense lhe iarty sotifieiuiiug
shail forfeit and ay lif.y tlol.ars.
Set. -Xil. That no Ntage-,:oaeli, rellway-car,
steainleiat. or other vehicle or wrssel which
regularly performs trins at sta'ed (leriisis on
any p'-st-route, or Irom any city, town, or
place lo any oilier c ty. town, or place be
iwecn which the mail is regularly carried,
shall carry, otherwise than in the mail, any
letters or lacket", excipt such as relate to
some part of lhe cargo oi sach steamlioat or
other vessel, or to some artlcte carried al ti e
ame time by lhe same si age-coach, railway
car. or other w?hi de. except as provided l i
section two hmidreit and ilurty-r.i iet an I lor
every such otleioe the owner of i f the st i;e
con. ii, ra.lwa -car, steamboat, or o. her ve
ld., e or ve.tae: sliall lorn 1 aud uty
one hundred dol ars; an I the driver,
conductor,, or oilier perso i
havli g charge tlienof. and nol at
lhe nine ow ner ol the who'e or any par.
thereof, shall In 'Ike nuno' e forfeit and iy
for every such oflense fifty dollars.
S.c 232. 1 1. a. no pi i -oii shall carry any or ptickei on board any vessel whi -h
carries the mail otlur.w-e than In such mail,
except as provi.Usl in section two liuiioieo
and thiriy-nlne : and for every such olleure
the luii'iy" otl'eiu 1 ig thill foiieit and siy fifty
Sec. 233. Tliat no vessel departing from the
United S ates for any foreicn port shall re
ceive on board or convey any le.ter or ackct
originating in lhe I ntied .-ta'es xvhlch has
not been regularly received from theposl
effice at lhe port ol departure, and which
does not re'a'e lo the carge of said vessel, ex
cept as pr vl led in sectiou two hun Ire 1 and
thirty-nine ; and every collector, or other
officer of the port enqsiwered to grant clear
ances, shail require fn m the master of such
ve--cl, as a couoition of cleai uiice, an oath or
affirmation that he has nol received on board,
has not under his care or control, and will
not receive or convey any letter or ockel
contrary to the provisions of this section.
Sfc. 231. That no vessel arriving within
any port or collection-district of the United
Sates shall lie allowed lo make entry or
break bulk until all teller on Ixuird are de
livered at the nearest post-office, aud the
master thereof has signed and sworn lo 'he
following dec'aration, before the eolle -tor r
other proper cusioms-officer :
"I. A. 1!., master olthe , tivi' i;r;
from and now lying in the p- r. f
, do solemly swear (or allini i!:at 1
have, to lhe best of my knowledge an 1 be
lief, delivered, al the "sst-ol!ice at .
every letter, and every bag, -ticket, or pnvi-l
of letters, which were on board Ihe st.l.l io
sel during her lin voyture, or which weie iu
mv jiosscssion or under inv power of control.-'
And any master who shall break bulk be
fore he has de'ivered such letters shall, tin
conviction thereof, forfeit not exceeding one
hundred dollars for every such otlense. oih
Italf to the officer making the seizure, and lhe
other to the use ol the I nite I S ates.
Sfc. 23"). Tha: any special agent of the
Post-Office Department, when instructed by
the Postmaster General Ki make examina
tions and sel.ures. anil the codec: or or oilier
ciistom-i'tlicer of any port w i hour -oxvial
Instructions, shall carefully search all ves
se's for letters which may lie on board or
which have been conveyed contrary to
Sec. 23tj. Tliat any special agent of the
Post-Office Department, collector, or other
ciistonis-ofiicei. or United States marshal or
his deputy, may at ail times seize all letters
and bugs packets or aive!s, containing let
ters which are being carried contrary to law
ou board any vessel or on any post-route, and
convey the same to the nearest post-office, or
mav. by the direcion ot'tl.e Post master lie n
eral or Secretary t f the Treasury, detain
them until two months afier the tinal deter
mination of all suits ami pnveedhigs which
mav, a a iy time within -Ix months after such
seizure, be brought against any person lor
sending or carrying such letters."
Sec. 237. That every package or parcel I
seized by any special ajem ol ihe Post-office j
liejwriment, cellector, or other ciisU-iii
officer, or United State marshal or his iiep- :
titles, lu which any letter Is unlawful 1 v con- i
cealed, shall Ik- fo'rlette 1 to lb Uriel states, j
ami the same pm-eeiting- inav lie had lo en- :
force the f ortei lire as are authorized in re- :
spiv' to goods, wares, and nieivhandise f r-;
feited for vlola'ion of the revenue law s: and !
a!l laws for the benelit and protection of
cttstom--otlicers making seizures lor viola:- I
intrsidd revenue laws shall apply lo officers I
nuking seizures lor violating ihe !
laws. I
Site. 23s. That nothing herein contained
shall l)e construed to prohibit lhe conveyance
or transnii.-sion of letters or i llckets by pri-i
vale ban is without comjieiisation, or by :
special messenger imployeilfarihentrltcular
occasion only. i
s i:c. 231. That all letters litc'os,-! in stamp i
ed envoloiies tthe (ios aae-staiup In every j
case being of a denomination sufficient to '
cover the postage Ihat wiMild be chargeab'e i
Ihereon it the sauic were sent ny mail, may
be sent, conveyed, and delivered otherwise
than by mat', jriviied such envelope sha'l
lie duly directe.l and proper.) sealed, so that
the letter . annot lie t iken i herefrom without
deiacit g lhe envelope, and the date of the
letter or ol ihe transmission oi receipt there
of shall b-writtten or s'amped Uoii the en
ve'ope. But the Postmaster General may
suspend lhe opera'ion of this section nisiii
any mai. -route where the pub.ic mieresi may
require such susiH'iision.
Sfc 2i0" That when the amount of mail
matter to 1-e carried on any mail-route i- so
great as lo serioii-iy retard lhe progress or
endanger the security of the leuer-mail. or
materially ii.cren-e the cost ot farriage at the
or.imary rate oi speed, the t'ostm.ister Gen- j
er il may provide tor the sep-irate can iaire of
the lelier-niail at tlie usual rate ofspee I; but
Ihe other maii-mattcr sitali nol lie delayed I
any more tlitin is .iii-o!uieiy itecessar, httv- :
ing due regard to thecosi' of cxpcili ion and !
the at his di.-posal for efl'ecUug lhe I
Sec 211. That any person w ho shall know- I
ingly ni.d willfully oh-trncl '.r retard the j
pa-ai;e ofthe nniiu or any carr.aive, hor-e, !
driver, or carrier carrying ihe same, sha't. '
on conviction ilu-reof, for every su,:Li oil"cn-e, I
forfeit and pav not exceeding one hundred I
dollars. !
Sfc. 242. That any ferryman who -hall de- I
lay the passage ol the mail by wiltlul neg'ect
or relu-ai to transport the same across any
ferry sliall, for every ten minutes srch mtiil
may be so delayed,' forfeit ami iiav ten dol-I
Sra. 2 Itk That before making any contract j
forctirryuig ihe mail, otlier ihau lhos:: here-( eceii!t: I. tlu Postmaster General '
.-hail trive ptiliiic notice bv a Iverti-intr once a '
i week tor six w eeks in one or more, not ex-
eooing live, newsiuiistrs pubii-hed in lhe
rs.ate oi- Territory w here Ihe --ervlce is lo in-
erforme ', one of w hich shall lie publi-hed al ;
seat of government of such Mate or Territory; '
and st'ch notice shall describe the rouie, lhe I
time at which the mail is to Ik? made up, the'
lime at which It is io lie de'ivered. and the I
frequency ofthe M-rvice ; and til Pos-ma-cer '
General .-hall direct, by sii.vlal order in each '
case, the newspaiers in which mail-'citings. !
or other proKisals relative to the Intsine-s of I
his I)eiai'lment, shall hi ndvcrii-ed, and no !
publisher shail 1 iald for such advertise- ;
ments without havum been re--nested by the j
Post master General to publish tlie same.'
SBC. 244. That proposals lor carrying the
mail shall tie delivered sealed, and so ktqit
until the bidding isclosed, and shall then le I
n-ieued and marked iu the prc-ruce ol the 1
Postmaster General, and one ofthe As-lsiant '
Pos. master- General, or of two of Ihe Assis. j
laut lostina-:ers General, or ot any other !
two olllcei's ol ihe Department, lobe desig-j
na'ed by the Postmaster General: and any
bidder in iv wi.hdraw his bid at any lime be
lore twenty-four hours previous to' Ihe lime!
fixe I lor I lie opening of profHtsals, by serving '
umiii ihe Post master General, or the Sts-ond '
Assistant Postin ister General, notice iu w rit- i
lug ol such withdrawal.
Src. 211. Tha everv proposal for carrvi-tg
the m li 1 sha i l be a.-. -i.niiiiniel by a written
guarantee, signed by one or or more respon
sible person, a ud iinderlakini; that, within
such time the bid is accepted as the Po-t-niaster
General ma y prescribe, I he bidder wi 1 1
enter into an obiiidii! ion. with gooil and suffi
cient sure ie-. lo ierl'orm tne service pro-po-ed
: unci no prnj-osnls shall be con-; lered
tinle-s ii.conitnied by sii.-h guaranii-e.
Sec. 21(1. That each Lid for carrying the
mail shall hereafter have affixed "to it the
oath of the bidder, taken lief ire an officer
qualilled lo administer he has lhe
abi Ity pecuniarily to fullil his obHca'lons,
and ihat the bid'is made in good kuili and
wi.h ihe Intention to e.iier into contract and
pel form the service. In case his bid shall lie
arceied ; and thai the signa.uies of his guar
antors are genuine, and that he Ix-lievcs said
giiara'toiK pecuuiari'y rcspon-ible for ami
able to iay all danntges lhe Unite 1 States
shall sutler bv reason ol the bidder's failing
to perforin his obligations as sucii bidder.
Sec. 217. Tha' any postmaster or other
officer of the Po-iAuiice Doiartment who
shall affix his signature to the certiil -ate of
sufficiency of gt arantors or sureties before
the guaranty -t.ui. tract is signed bv the
guarantors or sureties, or shaii knowinglv
make any false or illusory certificate, shall
lie forthwith dismissed from office, and shall
be decine! guilty of a misdemeanor, and
shall, on coavictlon thereof, be punished by a
flue not exceeding one thousand dollars, or
bv Imprisonment not exceeding one year, or
Sec. 24,1. Tliat the Postmaster General
shall have recorded, in a book to be kejit for
that purpose, a true and faithful abstract of
all pi'ois.-als nude to hun lor earning the
inttii, giving the name ot the -arty oilering,
the terms of ihe oiler, the sum to be paid, and
the lime he contract is io continue; and he
shall pi t on file and preserve the originals ol
ail such proposals.
Sec. 219. That all contracts for carrying
the mail shall bo in the name of the "nlunl
Suites, and shall be awarded to Ihe lowest
bi lder lending sufficient guarantees for iiutli
ful performance, without other reference lo
the mode ot transportation than may lie nec
essary to provile for the due celeritv. cer
tainty, and security thereol ; but the Post
master General shall not be bound to con
sider lhe bid ofany person who has wilfully
or negiigeutly t'aliel to perlbrm a former con
tract. Sec. 250. That no contract for carrying the
mail shall lie uiaile with any person who has
entered, or proposed lo enter, into any com
biuatio.i io prevent Ibe making f any.lii l for
carrying lhe mail, or who has made any
agreement, or given or --enorined, or proni
ised lo give or perform, any consideration
whatever to induce any otlier person noi lo
bid for any such contract ; and if any person
so oflumUng is a coulractur for carrving lhe
mail, bis contract may be annulled ; and for
the tirst oflense the jierson so offending shall
be disqualified to contract for carrying lhe
mail lor live years, and lor lhe second oiTeuse
shall be forever disqualified.
Sec. 251. That after any regular 'bidder or
eouiraclor for the transportation ofthe mail
upon any route shall have failed to euter into
contract, and commence lhe performance
thereofas herein provided, llic Postmaster
General shall proceed locontract with the
next lowest bidder for such service, who will
enter inlo contract and perform the same, un
less ibe ; Post master General shall consider
such bid' too high, in which case be sliall re
advertise such service. Ami in all cases of
regular contracts hereaflcr made the cou-
tract n-uy, in the r tion ofthe Pos master I
General, be continue! in torce beyond i.s ex
pre-s terms for a peiiisi not eveedii g six
months, until a new contract with ihe same
or other conlrac.iors shall le made by the
Postniaster General. The Postmaster Gen
eral mav contract, without advertisement,
for a iieriod not to exceed twelve iiinuthf,
f ir lhe carriage of the mall on such rouie
during the lime dial -hall nece-sari y u'upse
bjt wee u lhe fill, ire of either of die accep e 1
bidders to eiuer into a contract and the .inie
when ihe next accepted bi ttter undei the old
or a new advertisement shall eiuer n-uu lus i
contract; and the difference between ihe
iiri.e in-oiised In Ihe acceu e I bid und Ibati
put f ir tuteiniedriieserrlce shall be charged
M the f.iidng bidder or ladders, and ma v lie t
recovered in ihe name of tl e United s ates
for the use of lhe Post-Office Deiii'liiu-ni.
In an action on the case. And when the con-
tract shall lie made and concluded, Ihe differ-
en,-.e oei ween tne accepwu mu ot meiu
ladders and the amount livable under the
i Irat for Ihe service ol two years sna l be
forthwith charged agaln.-t the fai ing bidder
or bidders; and an action for such sum hi the
nature of liouidated damages shall a.-crue lo
the Unite 1 S ales for the use of the Posl-otlice
is. jiarlineiit inline lU ely upon the execution
of lhe final contract. Aud lo;h causes ol ac
tion mentioned lu this sec; ion may be Joined in
oue suit.
Sec. 252. That no bidder for carrving the
mails shall lie re eaed from his obdgation
under his bid i r proiosal, notwithslitiuting
an award made to a lower bidder, until a
contract for lhe designated service sliall
have been duly executed by such lower bid
der and his siuelte-, and necepted, and lhe
service entered upon by the contractor lo
lhe satisfaction of tlie Postmaster General.
Sec. 2 -3. That hereafter all bidders upon
every mall route for the tr.'isMriatlo!i ofthe
m ids iisn the tame, where the annual con-pen-a
iou for the service on such route at the
lime exceels lhe sum of live thousand dol
lars, shall accompany their bid-with a cer
lilie I check or dral,'iayab!e to lhe oierof
the Po-tmasier General ii)ii some solvent
naiional lank, which check or draft shall
not be less than live per centum on the
ani Hint of Ihe annual iv on sai l route at
lhe time such bid is made; and in case of
new service, not less than live per eeiilutn of
the amount of one year's pay promised hi
such bid, if the bid exceed five thousand dol
lars jier annum, lu ca-e any bidder, on le
Ing awarded any such contract, shall fall to
execute the same, with good and sufficient
sure ies, according to the terms on which
such bid was ma le and accepted, and enler
ii-ion lhe pertnrnviiK-c of I he service lo the
satisfaction of the Postmn-ter General, such
bidder shall forfeit lhe amount so deposited
to the United S ales, and the same shall forlh
with be paid into the treasury for the use of
the Post-office Department : but if such con
tract sliall lie duly executed and the service
entered iqsin as aforesaid, such draft or
check so deiiosUed shall be returned to lhe
Sec. 251. That any iK-rson or persons bl l
ding for the traiisjiortatton ofthe mails iqsoi
ai.) route which may lie adver i-ed to 1 e lit.
ail r.'.-et i'li; a i ttwaf.i of 1',- contract fill
s'. ,li .-ci'ti.-e, w no l, a .r-. ..(' ;' refuseor
!:.; to enter into d.Hra.-' the Post-iin.-'cr
I .-iii-1 i! i i d ie io; iu. a 1 1 p. i-form the
s.-:i e d.-. i ite l ii'. "i , too r o. 1 or propo
tii , sha I l.c ttcv lin.d cm iv oi ,i no- lemi-tltlol-.
aoO. on i'i'i l. 'don iLerjot, b.- ;...i.i,hed by a
line not lii.g tie ttioiisin i dollars and
I- iinpu-ouitn-.i; tor a term no. exceeding months.
ski. 255. 1'hal the I'os.iuasler General,
whenever he may deem it consistent with
the public interest, may accept new surety
iihii any contract existing or hereafier
mide fr carrying the mails, in substitution
for and release ofany existing surety.
Sec. 25ii. That no contract lor carrying the
mall shall be made for a longer term than
four years, and no contract lor cairying the
mail on the sea shall be made lor a longer
term ihan two years.
Sfc. 257. That whenever, by reason ofany
error, cml-ion, or other cau-e, any route
w hich sboiod properly lie advertised for the
regular letting Is omttttd. it shail be ihe
duty of the Postmaster General to a Ivertise
the. same as soon as the error or omission
sliall be discovered, and the proposals lor
such route shall lie opened as sisui as pos
sible afar ihe other propo-ais in the Fame
contra.1 .-tv.i'.n : and die contra, t made un
der such supplementary auver. 1-s ra-ui shall
run, as neariv as si!,sib!e, from Uie liegin
ning to lhe end of i he regular com ract term,
and, during the time necessarily lost by rea
son of such error, omission, or other cau-e,
the Postmaster General shall provi ie lor the
carrying ofthe mail on ,sm-h route at a slow
rale as possible, without advertising.
Sec. 2)S. That whenever It becomes nece-
sary lo change the terms of an existing con
Iracl lor carrying the mail otherwise than as
provided in se-t.o is two hundred and sixty j
and two htiudrcu and sixty-one, notice there-
of shail be given and proceedings ha l thereon
lhe same as at the letting ot original con
iracts. Site. 259. That no person whose bid for car
ryinir the mail is accepted -hall receive anv
pay unlit he has exe.'tiie l h'.s contract ac
cording to law and the regulations ol the
Sec. 2ii. That compensation for additional
service in carrying Hie mad shall not be in
excess ot lhe exact proposdnn whi.-liliie oiig
iuai compensation bears to ilie original set
vice: and wiieii any such .'eldiliona! ser.-i. 't
is ortk-red, lhe si.tu lo he allowed thereli.r
shall be expiessed in the order, and entered
u-Mn the btsiks of the Depart incut : and no
com; eosation shail 1 e paid tor any additional
rexttiar service leudeied tielore ilie issuing of
such or ier.
Si-y. 231. That no extra allowance shall be
made for any increase ol exjiedi.ion iu carry
ing lhe inaii unless therby lheeniplo)ment id
additional slock and carriers is m'eie nec
essary, and in such case the additional com
pensation shall hear noj-rcaler proportion p
lhe addi. lonal shvk and carriers nece-'sarilv
employed than the coinjiensatiou in the ori;;"
nai couiracl liears to the stivk and carriers
necessarily employe I In itsexecution.
Sfc 2ti-J. That the Postmaster General
shall deliver lo tlu Auditor lor the Post-ot'-lice
Deitrtment. wi hin sixty days after lhe
in iking ofany ,o uract for carrying lhe mad,
a duplicate copy thereof.
Sec. 2i'i3. That lhe Postmaster General, af
ter adveri jsmg for pro-sisals, may emer into
contracts or make suitable arrangeir.e I- lor
tr a.sp rting the milt llirouh uuy irt-utt
country, be. ween any two Miints In" the Uju
tisl Slate-, and such iran-p irlaiioii shall bv')
the spee liest, -tiiest, and most e -oiionn'v al
route ; and all contracts ther-for nia Is- r
voked wlu-oever any miw i-..a I or c inal -In I
lie opened atl'.-riinig a -s-edier. inoie e.-on.'in-ical,
and eqiialiy stile tianss.rtation U'Iuhm
the same poiiii-; but in case ol ihe r'v.,-.i.
tion of ai.)' such contract, a lair ludeinuuv
shall be awtir led lo tin; contrtn-oir.
Six'. 'Jid. Tha! the Posimastcr General may
couiracl wnh I'm; or nia-ter of any
stetunbotit plying upon the wa ers of th e
l imed s-tates, or of any steamship or
other ve-sel phing Is-tween ports t.f
lite Uni.el state, p.r carr) mi? the
mail lor any length of time less "than four
years, aud without advenising lor projiostiis
iheteior, wheiu-ver the puliiic. Inlerest and
convenience will thereby Is promoted ; but
the price p-ild for such service sliall In no case
be gix-ater man the average price paid under
lie ta-it preceding or then existing regular
contract on the same route.
Site. '-i5. That the Postniaster General mav
enler into contracts for carrving lhe inaii,
with i all" ay comj anlos, wlihout advertising
for bids thrrelor ; and i he Pos, mas er Gener
al may allow any lanroa 1 comiany with
whom he may contract for the carr intr ofthe
United States mail, and who furnish railway
post-olli.-e cars lor the transportation of ihe
mail, such alditional I. n beyond
that now al lowed by law as he may thiu'k lit,
noi excet-ding. however, lllly pek-ontitm of
the saul rtttes.
sir. -Mi. That the Po-tinaster General may
make dednclious from the ptiy of contractors,
for failures to jierform service according to
couiracl. and Impose Hues upon them lor oth
er delinquencies. He may deduct the price
of the triii I" all cases w here the nip is noi
4-rtonip-d ; and not exceeding three times
the price if the failure be is: asloned by the
fault ot ihe contractor or carrier.
M:c. 2 'i7. That the Postnia-terGcneral may,
after advertising ibr proposals, enler into
contracts for ilie transportation ot the mail I
lietween Ihe United S.ates and any foreign
country whenever the public Interests will
thereby be promoted.
Site. 2BH. That the m ill between the Uni
te I Sta es and any foreign port, or between!
ports of the United States touching at a for
eign sirt, shall lie tratisiorteil iu steamships;
but tne Postmaster General may have such
1 r.-i importation iierfoiined by siiiliug-vessitls
when lhe service can beiactliialed lUerebv.
sk-. 21.9. That fortr.-in-isirting the mail be
tween the United States and any loreigu port,
or U;Lween Mirts of the I nited Siates touch
ing at a foreign jiort. the I'osi master General
inayaliow as comien-a!ion. If by a United
States steamship, any sum not exceeding ihe
sea and United scales inland jsistage, aud if
by a foreign steamship or by a sailing vessel,
a iv stun not exceeding the sea postage, on the
tii.ul so tiansj-orted.
-ix'. 270. That the Postmaster General may
imH)se lines on contractors tor iruusp'.riing
Ihe mail between the United Nates and nuy
foreign country, for any uureasiuiible or mi-neces-iry
delay iu the dep-irtnre of such
mail, or ihe i-erlormanc.- of the trip : but the
line for any one del'auti shall not exceed one
hall lhe contract price lor the irip.
FC. 271. That no contractor for transport
ing the mall within or between the United
state--and any loreigu coiinirv shall assign
or transfer hi- contract, and ail sin h as-iu-lueuts
or transfers sbau be null and -'old.
Sec. 272. That every contract for tvans--siriiiig
the mail between the United siates
and any foreign country shall contain, be
sides (hi- usual stipulation for ihe right of the
Postmaster lieneiai to discontinue ihe same,
I he further stipulation that it may be termina
ted by Congress.
Sec. 273. Thit the Postmaster General may,
by and with lhe advice and consent ofthe
President, make any arrangements which
may lie deemed just and expedient for allow
iug the mails of Canada, or aitv other coun
try adjoining Ihc United States, to Ik trans
piiried over ihe crriiry of lhe United States
Irom one point in such country lo any other
jsiint to the same, at the exiieiise of ihe coun
try lo wiich the mail belouiis, ujsin obtaining
a like i nvllt'gc lor the tiai p r.atl n of the
United Stales mail through lhe country lo
which the privilege i- granted ; but such prlv
i'egemay at any lime be iiiinulled Jiy lhe
President or Congress from and after one
month succeeding ihe day ou which notice of
the act of the President or Congress is given
lo the chief executive or nead ofthe posM.I
ilce dejiartmenl of the country whose privi
lege is to be annulled.
Sec. 274. That every foreign, mail shall,
while being transported across the territory
of the United Stales under Ihe provisions of
the precedm-; section. Is deemed and taken
lo l-ca mall of the United Stales, so fir as lo
make any violation thereof, or depredation
thereou. or offense in respect thereto, or any
lari thereof, an offense oi the same grade,
and punishable in the same manner and loihe
same extent as tl-.ougli ihe said mall was a
nun! of lhe United States; and in any iudlct
meittlorauv such o lie nse. the said mall, or
any oart thereof, may lie alleged lo be, and
on the trial of any such indictment it sliall
lie deemed and heid to lie, a mail or part of a
mail of the United Slates.
Sec. U75. That lhe Postniaster General, or
the Secretary ol State Is herehv authorized to
empow er the consuls or the United Stales to
pay the foreign jH-stage on such letters de
stined for the 1 nite r Stales as may be de
tained at the ports of foreign countries for
I he non-pa) ment or postage, which postage
shall lie by the consul marked as paid by
him, and the amount thereof shall be collected
In the Uulted States as other postage, on the
delivery of Ihe leuers, and repaid lo said
consul, orci-edited ou his account of the State
str.c. 2io. That the Postmaster General, un
der the direction oi the President ofthe Unit
ed states, is hireby authorized and cm
powered io charge iisui. and col lect from, all
letters and t llier mulable matter carried to
or f rem any j ort of lhe Uni.t-d Slates, in any
f. rjlj;Ti picket-ship or other vessel, the tan e
raie or raies oi charge for American -Kisiagu
w hich the government to w hich such loreigu
packet or other vessel lielongs iuijio-es upon
leuersami otnei maiiuoic hwui-i ,.',...
to or from such foreign country iu American
packets or other vessels as the wstage ol such
government, and at any time to revoke the
same; and it shall be Ihe duty of all custom
house officers anil other United Sta i uguut
designated or appointed ler that purjiose to
enforce or carrv into effect the foregoing
m-o-ision. and to aid or assist luttiecoii
lion ol such postaee: nnu to mat enu it snau
lie lawful lor such officers and agents, on
suspicion ot fraud, to open and examine, in
she presence of two or more respectable ier-
sons, being citizens of the United Kale's, any
iticktwre or packages supposed to contain
in il able matter found on board such packets
or other vessels or elsewhere, and to prevent,
if necessary, such packets or otlier ves-eis
or making
clearance until such letters or other mailable
matter ure duly delivered into the United
Stales post-office.
Six. 277. That all letters or other mailable
matter conveyed to or from any part of the
L lilted States'hy any loreigu packet or shli),
except such sealed letters relating to sai.i
ship or vessel, or any part ofthe cargo there
ol as inav be uirecleil to the owner or ow ti
ers, consignee or consignees, of said ship or
other vessel, shall be so subject lo pos,ai:o
charge as more-aid, whet her addressed io any
nom eim-nn, m,..,,,,. .......
person ill Hie I'lllicu (-umc ui oocn iieic,
provided it Is done by lhe packet or oilier
snip of a loreigu couiiiry Imposing postage on
letters or mailable matter convoyed io or
from such country by uny packet or other
ship oil he United stales; and such letters or
other niai.abiu mailer carried in foreign
iacket-slii)sor oiher vessels, except such un
sealed letters relating lo the ship or vessel,
or any i-art of lhe cui'iio thereol, as may be
diree'ed to the owner or owners, consignee or
courlgneea, as aforesaid, are hereby required
lo lie de.ivered into lhe United Mates jsist
olli.e by lhe master or coiimiauders ofall
such packets or otlier vessels when arriving,
and to be taken Irom tt l ulled suites post-offii-e
when deariiiig, and lhe postage juid
thereon justly chargeable by this act ; and tor
relusing or laitiug lo do so, or lbr conveying
said leuers or any letters intetnled lo be con
veyed In any ship or vessel of such foreign
country over or across lhe United States, or
any portion thereol, lhe parly oilendiug
sliall, ou conviction, forleit and siy not ex
ceeding one Ihoiisuud tloliurs lor each ol
fense. SB'. 27-. That any person who shall wil
fully or maliciously injure, defice or destroy
any niail-uiaiier, dL-jKniued in uny letter-box,
pii'tar-oox. or other receptacle established by
aaihoriiy ofthe Posunaster General for the
sale deposit ol mailer lor the mail or tor de
livery, or who sliall wilfully aid oras-ist In
injuring such mail-inatter, shall, on convic
tion thereof, lor every such ollense, iorl'eit
and jiay not more than live hundred dollars,
or be imprisoned nol more than three years,
ut the ducrettou of the court.
Sec. 279. That any person emploved In any
department ol the postal service who shad
secrete, euiliezzlc, or destroy any letter,
packet, bag, or mail of letters Intrusted lo
mm, or w hich sliall come Into his po-sessiou,
and which was intended to be conveyed by
mail, or carried or delivered by any mail-cur-rier,
liiall-inessenger, roule-ageut, letter-carrier,
or oiher person employed in anyde
iwrunenl of the postal sei'Mce, or forwarded
through or delivered from any isisi-ollice or
branch po-t-ollice established by am homy of
the Postmaster General, aud which shall cou-
lain any uo.c, bond, draft, chuck, warrant,
revenue-stamp, posiage-suiuqi, slumped en
veine, postal card, money-order, ceruliciie
oi stock, or oilier pecuniary obligation of se
curity oi lhe government, or ot any office or
li-sT'ia-zenl thereof, ol anv description what
ever; any bauk-noie, bank posl-bilt, bill of
exchange, or Hole ol assignment of sbvk in
lhe luiiiis; any letter ol attorney torieceiv-
ing ttiinuilles or ilivrlciuls, stlling stiK-k in
the funds, or collecting lhe interest thereof;
any letter of credit, noie, bond, warrant,
draft, bill, promissory noie, covenant, con
tract, or agreement, whatsoever, lor or re
lating lo the iiav incut of monev, or the de
livery of any article of value, or tlie icrlor
niaiice ol any act, matter, or thing; any re
ceipt, relea-e, acquittance, or discharo of or
from any debt, covenant, or demand, or any
art thereof : anv cop oil lie record of anv
itidumeiil or decree m anv court of law or
chancery, or any execution which may havi
issued ihereon : any co y ofany other "record
or anv other uriicie of value, or writlnu ivp
resenting the same; any such person who
shall sieal or take any ol the things afore-aid
out ofany letter, jacket, tmg, or mail oflet
lers which shal I have come iuio hi- posse
sion, either in the regular emir.-- of his otli
cial dunes, or iu anyolheriuauner whatever,
and prot ide-1 lhe same shall not have lieen
delivered lo lhe party to w hum il Is directed,
every such person shall, on conviction lliere
of. for every such otlense, l-e nupri-one.l at
hard labor not less ttiauoiie nor more than
lie )i ars.
six.. 2s'i. That the fact that any letters,
iiacket, littit, or mail of letters shall hae
lieen dejMi.-tted in any post-office or branch
po-;-.iili,e established by authfiriiy of lhe
Po-iniasier General, or ill any oi her author
ized deisi-iiory for mail-malu-r, or in char-re
oi any postmaster, a-sistanl, clerk, carrier,
agent, or messenger employed in any dcurl
luent ofihe s!ai service, shall be taken and
held to lie evidence that lhe same was in
tended to Is-conveyed by mail" within lhe
meaning of this statute.
Sec. 2sl. That any por.on who shall steal
lhe mall, or steal ortake from or out of any
mail, or po-i-ollice. branch Mst-ol!ice, or oili
er am hori.ed tle'wiMlory for mail-uialter. any
letter or packet : any isrson who shall take
the mail, or any letter or packet therefrom,
or irom any isistH-ffice, branch po-t otlice, or
oiher authorized deinsitory for in:iil-ni;i!ti-,
ilh or without lhe consent of the p.r-ou
having custody tbi-reotl and oien. iMnls-zzle
or destroy, any such mail, le ter, or jtackace
which shall contain any note, Imud, draft,
check, warrant, revenue-stamp, o.-tago-stamp,
staniid eiiveloM., money-order, cer
tillcaic of stock, or other pecuuiarv obligation
or stvitnty ofthe government, or of any offi
cer or fiscal iitreiii thereof, of any description
whatever; an) liank-noie, bank po.-t-bi!l, bill
of exchanize, or noie of assignment of stivk in
the funds; any letter ol attorney fur rev-eiv-lng
annuities or dividends, selling stock lu
the fund-, or collivting the interest" thereof;
any letter of credit, note, bond, warrant,
dtalt, bill, promissory note, covenant. con
Ira, i, or agreement whatsoever for or relat
it g to the jst) ment or the delivery of any ar
il, -.eoi tame, or tlie ierli)rmance ot any act.
lnitter, or thing : any receipt, release, acquit
tance, or di-c barge of or from any debt, cove
nant, or, or any i,arl ihereol ; any
. i'I'v ot ihe re,-ord ol any'judginent or decree
in an) court of law or chancery, or any exe
cution whl.-h may have issued" thereon; any
,-.pv of any other I" rd, or any other article
oi ahie, "or any billing representing the
same : any person w ho shal 1, by fraud or de
cepiiooj obtain from any -s-rson having cus inereof, any such mtiil, letter or packet
coni-oiuiig anv'such article of value afore
said, every such per-on, not lieing employ, d
In any deiartmeiit ol lhe Mistal service, shall,
, on couvicilon Ihereol; lor every such often-',
t be iinprisoneil at hard lalsir not less than one
I nor more than live vears.
Six. 2s2. Thtit any person who should
lie accessory afler the fact to the of
lense of stealing or taking any let
ter, (sistal card, or other mall-niatter,
or any lnclosu re therein, or lo any other of
fense against t he -msta) laws, shall, ou con
viction ih.ireot, forfeit and ay not exceeding
one thousand dollars, aud lie imprisoned not
exceedin-r five years ; and any such accessory
alter the fact may be tried." convicted, and
punished In the district in which hlsotleiise
was committed, thou-di the principal otlense
may have lcen coinmiut-o in another dis
trict ; aud such trial, conviction, and punish
ment may be beiore ihat of the principal of
fender, when such prlnciial offender has
tied from justice or cannot be arrested to be
pal on Inal.
Sfc. 2s;-. That any person who shall buy,
receive, or conceal, "or aid in buying, receiv
ing, or concealing any not', bond, draft,
check, warrant, revenue-stamp, jKisiage
stainp, stampcd-envelo-ie, -Misial-card, niouey
onler, cerlllicate of slock, or oilier -eciiiitai"y
obligation or security ot the goverment, or iif
ony officer or fiscal agent thereof, ol any des
crlirtion whatever; any bank-note, bank" posi
bill, bill of exchange, iir note of assignment
of suvk in the Hums; any letter of attorney
tor receiving annuities or dividends, selling
stock in (he f inds, or collecting the interest
Ihereol : anv letter of credit, note, bond, war
rant, draft, bill, promissory note, covenant,
contract, or agreement whatsoever, for or re
laling lo the pax meiu of money or the delive
ry ol any article of value, or ihe perlorm
auce ofany act, matter, or thing: any re
ceipt, release. acitiltlal, or dls harge iif or
Irom any debt, covenant, or demaini, or any
lrt thereof; any copy ot the record of
any Judgment or decree in any court of law
or chancery, or any execiuion which may
have if sued ihereon ; any copv of nnv other
record, or any other artk-le of value or xvrlt
ing representing the same, knowing anv such
article or thing io have been stolen" or emliez
zled from the mail, or out ofany His;-offiee,
branch posi-othcc, or oilier authorized deposi
tory for mail-matter, cr from any erson hav
ing custody Ihereol' every such person sliall,
on conviction ihereol, for every such oflense.
forfeit and pay not exciishng two thousand
dollars, anil be confined al hard labor not ex
ceeding live years ; and such oilender may be
tried, convicted, and punished without "the
piiuciial oilender lieing first tried, when said
principal oilender has fled from justice, or
cannot be found to put on trial.
Sec. 2S4. That any person pinploved In any
de arlment of the postal service who shall
improperly detain, delay, embezzle, or des
troy any newsjiaper, or 'lermit any other per
son lo detain, iielay, emliezzle or destroy the
same, or ojien, or jxrmii anv other person to
iqien, any mall or ackage i f newpaiers not
on ecteu to me onice wnere lie Is empioyeii,
shall, on couvkiiou theroof, for every su,-.h ot
lense, lorfeit and ) not exceeding 'fifty dol
lars. And if auv other person shall o-ieii,
cnilK'Zzle, or destroy any mall or -u-ckage ol
iiexvs)iaiei-8 not being illnvted lo him, and
not being authorized lo ojieii or receive the
sHme,very such person shall, on conviction
thereof, lor every such ollense, forfeit and
pay not exceeding txx-e-nty dollars. And any
ju rson w ho sbull take or steal any mail or
package of nowsjmiers from anv ios4-offi,-e.
or from any person having cusbsly ihereol.
every such person shall, on conviction ihere
ol, for every such ollense, lie imprisoned al
hard labor nol e.xeoediiis ihree mouths.
Sec. 2S. That any person who shall rob
any carrier, agent, or ot her person entrusted
xvi'th the mail' or snch mail, or any l-art there
of, sha'l, on couvicilon ihereol'. lie Imprisoned
at lL-ird lal-or not less lhan five nor morethan
l en years; and if couviclel aovond time of
a like oflense, or if, in effecting such robliery
Ihu first lime, the robber shall xvound Ihe per
son having custody ol ihe mail, or put his
life iu jeopardy by the use of d-in-terous
weapons, such oilender sliall be imprisoned,
at hard Jalsir, for ihe term of his natural
Sec. 2SS. That anv person who sliall lie ac
cessory utter ihe fact to any robbery ofthe
carrier, agent, or other person entrusted w it h
the mail, of such mail, or any part Ihcreoi;
shall, on convk tlon thereol, i'or every such
otlense, forfeit and piy not exceeding two
thousand dollars, ana be imprisoned at liard
labor not exceeding ten x ears; and such ac
cessory alter the fact max be tried, convict
ed, and punished without the princioil oi
lender lieing fli-st tried, when said principal
oilender has fled from justice, or cannot bo
found to be put on trial.
Sue 937. That any person who shall at
tempt to rob the mail bv assaulting the per
son having custody thereof, shoollug at hun
orhishorie, or threatening him with danger
ons weapons, and shall not effect such rob
bery, shall, on conviction thereof, be Impris
oned at bard labor nol less than two nor
more llian ten years.
Sec. 2t8. That an y person who shall have
taken charge of the mail aud shall have vol
untarily quil or deserted lhe same beiore he
lias uellvered It inlo the at the ter
mination of the route, or to some known lnail
cariier, messenger, agent or oiher employee
of lhe Posi-Oilice Department authorized lo
receixe Ihe same, shall, on couviction thereof,
for every such olfense, forfeit and iy not ex
ceeding live hun Ire 1 dollars and b"; linpn-s-
onjd not less than ihree manth nor more !
t .an one year.
SKC. 2sii. Tha: all
ment for deprc
laws defining puni-lt-'
coiuinitied upon .lie
mail snail ex. end lo and have lull lore
lhe Itid.un cotunry.
sec. 290. That anv person who shall, ste-i
jmrloin, or emlx zzie eny uiaii-bair or o.ner I the next succeetliug term,
property in use by or be.onglng io ti e 1W j . . B'ovaim foracredlt shallbe
o-hce Deijui-tmeiu. or xvbo shad, lor any lu- i , , i ',,,,,-. i ,,, .,. ,i, .r iielin
cre. gam. or convenience, i.pproprlate any j ' "'' "'f 'Ter ?Ll-tTr
stich pro,,,-,)' , hi-own or ifny other thai, XTZiVM-
us pr-qs-r use. or wno snau. loi aux mere or j
gain, convex axt.iv anv sii.-h proiiei'tv io ihe
ntiidiauce or oetr incut of the public -ervlce ;
t-ver such er-on. ids aidor.-, alienors, anil
cniiese ors, shall, if! ha xalue of lhe property
be twentx-live doiiais or more, be deemed
gnlti vol lelon) , and, on .-onvt.-.lioti thtreof,
lor every such olteti.-e. shall l-e linju lsooett
not exceeding lliiee xears; and If III. value
oi lhe iioitv be le-s lhan tweoiy-hve do.'-
lars, u.e niv Htlctidiiig shall be imprisoned j
not more than one year, or be lined not less
than ten nor more ti.ati two bundle 1 dol
lars. I
sec. 291. Tiutt anx" s'rsoii who shall tear,
cut, or o.h.-rw i.-e uij.lre any iiuul-'.iag, ixiucli,
or other thing used or designed for use. iu lhe
c inveMiucc of the loan, or who si alldraw or
b:-ak anv sttifi'.e, or loosen any tait of any
lock, chair, i r strap al.ajhtsl ih.rcti, with
1 ileal lo ron or sii.-ai anv such mail, ol io r, u
tier the same insecure, shad, on conviction
thereol, lor every such olfi use, forfeit and
pay not less than one liuii'tred nor more than
live hundred doi.ais, or be uiipri-oiied at hard
iab'.ir not less lhan iie nor more lhan three
years, at the discretion of the court.
Sk-. 292. That any person w ho -h ill steal,
put loin, emlx-zzle, or obtain by any false pre
lense. or shall ai.i or a--i-i In su-a. ing, pur
loining, einlK-zz in-;. or obtaining by any l.iise
preien-e. any key sttt.e.l lo any lock adopted
by Hit Post-bHice l)i ai iineni:a!id in u-i on
aiiv ofthe mails or bags thereof ; any srson
xxho shall knoxvii'y-i) and iiulawlitliy make,
forge, or counter!' -t. , or.-au-eio lie uolaw
fiidy made, loigel. or cotiuiet lilted, or
knowingly ai l or a-sl.-l iu making, forging, or
coimterleliiug. any such kev : any (s r-on who
shall have l.i hi' poss,.,,i.n any such mail
bh-korkey, xxiih lhe inleni unlaxvliilly or
iinpropei'lv to u-e. sell, tn- otherwi-e di-pose
of ihe same, or to cause the same lols in: law
fullv or lniprois-rlv u-ed, s.)ld, or o!herwi-e
lisjNi-ed oi ; any person engaged as contrac
tor or otherwt-e lu tlie manufacture ol nnv
such mail bk-.ks or keys ulin -ha! I detixer. or
cause to be belivered. tiny llui-hed or iniiln-i-hesl
luck or key rstsl or designed lbr u-e by
said Dep'irlinent. or the inlerior jiart ofany
sucii lock, toanv iK.'i'-on not iiinv auiuoii.e.i.
under the ha-d ol the I'o-lina-'.er General I
and ihe seal of Ihe Po- -i)llice Deiartnieni.
to receive the sanie. tuale-s Hit ierson re
ceiving is the coturac.or tor furnishing the I
same, or engagi-d in the luti iiulactut e Ihereol I
In lhe iiianner authorized by the couiracl. or I
the agent for such manufacturer, every stich i
peson shall In- deemed guilty of felony, and. !
on couviction ihereol. shail le imprisoned
nol excelling leu xears. I
S:to. 2113. Tliat any peu-ori xvho -htn 1 forcl
blv invak Into, or alteinpl lo break inlo any
p isi-oilice, or tiny bunding used in whole ol
io o in a-a po-t-iifllee. w-itli intent to commit
llu rein larceny or other depredation, shall,
ou com i.-iioii tl'.ereot. Is lined not more than
one ihoii-and dollar.-, and inipri-oni-d at bard
labor noi more than live year-, according to
the circiinis:ao.-cs and aggravation of lhe
case, in the d'.-cretion of lhe court.
Site. 2ti I. That If any person or r-ons
shall l-iisely make, alter, forge, or coupler
lelt. or cati.-o or procure to lie lal.-ely made,
altered, lorged, or cottniei'Iei sl, or willingly
aid or tti.-t in the false making, alter. ng,
forging, or, an) bond. In t,
iiroim-al. guarantee, security, official 1" ml.
pub.ic record,
lhe purpose of
aili.lavit. or other writing lor
defrauding the United Mates:
or sliall u '.ter of pti'nli-h a- H ue. or cause to
Is uttered or ptibll-htHi a.- true, any -uch
f.i!-e. forge 1. a.P i'e l or couiiti-rlelteil Ihhih, ;
bi I, proiKisal, gu.ira-.iiiH. seeiii'ity, official
bond, public reeoni. ailidawt. or ot tier xx i it - j
iug. for tlie par,.--ofdeliaitdiug the United i
s. -i!.-. k now ic' i la -time to be, lorged, I
altered, or coiiotei in el ; or -hall tran-iuii 1
to, or pre-. it at. or c m-olo pr.v.ure lo be di
..... .... i ,. i.. I ut in,. i' i
ll.lii-iui.o-' . , i ' - -
auv olli.-er of the Unite I Mate-, any such I'-e. lorged. altered, or eotiiiterlciled b..nd. j
bid. pioisi-ai. guaraut.-', seciirii). olti. ial ;
bond, pulili.t us oi 1, nil. lav:;, or other writ-j
Ing. know lu tli' -.Hue ! be false, forged, al-
1,-1. d. or coiiVi'.-ri. li d. lor Hie purio-e of di- .
lrauding ill. I mo- I .'-' '-. e ei y such per-
son.-tialt be .bs'tn.- teaii'l a t.i idee l gui'ly ot
lelotix. and. l-.$u Ihcri'ot dtny -oox i.-te 1. ;
shall Ik- s,-n'e:i. i-1 lo Is- i inon-oncd, and kept j
at hard labor, t -ra period not evee Hug leu ;
elir-, or be tin 1 u n e .-.e'-. li ue one Ihou.-aiid
itoilar-. or I. en -.1 sai l piiiii.-luiit-ni, lu the
dierciton of the court.'. Tnat 11 any ofleu-e -hall Is com
mitted in anx p'ace wiiieh ha- bi-eii, or -hail
hereafter be", cede i lo and under t he jurisdic
li ii ol the- Cured state-. XX hich otlen-e l- not
).rouibr.e I. or i lie puni-linn-iit Ihereol :- nt
-eial'v provided t v bv any law- of tin
I lilted Stan-, such otlen-e, shall, upon eon-xi.-tion
in any court ofihe United S:ates bav-
Ing eognian.e thereof. Is.- liable lo. all-Ire-ceixe
lhe -ami- pnnl -liuienl a- lhe laws of the
State in which -such place is or may Is-sit
uated, i ow In force, provided for the like
iensi when conniii.ied xiritlilii tin uinsilicllon
of such Sate: and no siib-eqileut apieal of
auv such :a!o law shall atleci any prosecu
tion for such ollense luaiiyof the courts of
the I nite I t-ialos.
Site, it' I. if any po-tnia-tei. oroiher
lersou aitthoriist by iln- t'ostnui-ti-rlieneta!
to lis-eixi-lhe Htage of loiter-, -ball li.iud
uleiillx or receive any rate ol s-l-iige.
or graiir.:)', or rexvard, other than i
li'iovnlol by this act, for the postage oi 'let
ters or packets, ou convieiioii thereof, he
shall forleit, lor every such ofu n-e. one hun
dred dol'ars.
Sl.c. 297. That ifauy jpi'i soii einp'oye-i inaux'
department of the sst -otlice esialiii-hment
of ihe U idled siuies shall, wililully and
kuowiuglx', u.-e, in- cau-e i Ik u-cl, in ire
I'lvnii'iit "of po-lage 'amp, osal card, or
staiiipod enveioK- is-ue I, or xxhi.'li may liere
atter lie issued, by authority oi any act of
I'ongress or of the Po-tma-ler Geneial,
which has a Iready Ikh'h once nsd foralike
purpise, or shad remove, orattemiii lo re
move, I he canceling or detach. g mark- iroin
any such o-iage-siamp, or si:iuissl envelope,
or postal .ar l, with inteni to u-e, or eau-e
the u-e ofthe same, a second tune, or to sell,
or oiler to sell, the same, or sh.dl remove
Iroin letters or odu-r maii-urilter depo-ued in
or received at a -i-offiec the stamps at
tached to the same in payment fp.iagi,
xx i t li Intent to u-e the same a second tune lor
a like pui'os,', or to sell, or otfer lose!!, the
same, every such oll'endcr shall, iq-iu .-nut )c
tion llieriHif. Ite deemed gu: It) ol te.onx , and
shall be imprisoned lor not less one ear
nor more lhan three years.
Sec. 2ttS. That if anx person not eiuoloxel
in any department ofihe h.-i -otlice e-ialili-ii
men; U the I nited State- shall commit any
of lhe olio uses .le-crilM-.l in the pl'e.'e.iing sec
tion, ever) such js-r.-on shall, on coiiMclion
thereof, lie deeuusl guilty of a ini-deineau if.
and Is punl.-heil by itnpi'isomue-jt for not le-.-lhati
six luoiillis nor more than on )t-ar. or
by a line of not less than one hundred dollars
inn more than live'liuudred dollars, for each
ollense, or by both such line and imprison
ment, iu lhe tilscrolton of tlie coin t.
Sec. 299. That the Postmaster General of
the Uniied Nates may empower, by a letter
of authorizytlon under his hand, to Is lih-1
among the records ol his 1 lepartment, any
sectal agent or ol her ottiecr ot lhe ol-ollice
establishment lo make searches lor mailable
ma ler lran.-srted in violation of law : aud
that the agent or so authorized may
open an search, an) car or vehicle -Kissing, or
lately la-lore having passed, imm any place
at xi hich there i- a post-office olthe lulled
states to any other such place, and anx. box,
lilckage, or luickct, U-ing. or lately Is-fore
pax ing IxH'n, in snch car or vehicle, and any
siore or house .other than a dwelniig-housei
us-d or occupied by any common-carrier or
transistrtation comjiany in xx hich such box,
package, or p-tckel may lie cuntuined, xxhen
evt r snd agent or officer ha- rea-on lo Ih
llevethat mailable m u ter. tran-(rted con
trary to law, may therein In found.
Src. .'loo. That lhe Po-tnias erGneral may,
tisni evidence sall-laelory to bun that any
N-rson, firm, or corisn'itilon I- engaged in
eonducliiig anv fraudulent, lottery, gill en
terprise, or scheme lor Ihe disiribiilion ot
monev, or of anv real or js-rsonal properly.
bv lo:,' chance, or drawing ol anv kind, or in i
conducting anv other xheme or iteviee fort
obtaiiilug nionev through lhe mails by means
of l'alse or fiaduleci pretenses, repic-ciila- j
lions, or promises, forbid the jmxment bx any ;
ssiiuaster to an) such ieron, linn, or cor-I
point 1011 ofany po-ial nionex-order draxvu to I
tin- oilier or in iavoroi hun or of ihem. and 1
may provide by regulations for the return to
lhe" remitters' of lhe sums named In such
in -nex -orders. And the po-tina-ter General
mav also. UHn like evidence, instruct iost-nia-lersal
iiny-olhcos al which rcgi-iered let
ters shall arrne directed to any . ucb i-rson, ;
linn, or cororaiion. to return all snch reg-j
i sterol letters 10 lhe posima-iers at the otli.-os j
at xvbich Ihey were originally niaili-l, xxith j
the word 'fraudnienC plainly wiiiteu or j
stanqied upon ibe outside of saiit letters; and
all such tellers so returned to such po-t- j
lna-ters shall be by Ihem returned to lhe
writers thereof, under such regulall ns as Ihe
Po.s. master I'eneral may prosci-il : Pro-
vlded. That noihing in "this aci coutaiti(-l
sliall be so construed as. to authorize any
-postmaster or other icrsoii to open an)" lelier
,no addri'ssisl to hiuiseir.
sec. :jol. Thai il' any person having le
visesl or Intending to tlevise any scheme orar
Itlicc to dctrnud, or beelltvtisrby either ojien
iug or iiitending to open corresiHindenco or
commu uicaliou wlihauy oiher jK-rson, iwhet li
er resident w itbin or outside of the United
States,) by means of the post-office establish
ment of lhe United Slates, or by Inciting such
oiher jierson lo open communication with the
per.-on so devising or luiendtng, shall. In ami
lor executing sucfi scheme or an nice, 1 or at
tempting hi io do,) place any letter or packet
in any iosi-officc 111 the Unl etl Nates, or take
or receive aux therefrom, such j-erson, so mis
using the jMist-ofiico establishment, shall lie
gin. ty ota misdemeanor, and shall Is: pur
istic.' xxhh a tine ot not more tlian five hun
iinsl itoliars, wilh or wlihout such iinpri-on-inent,
as the court shall direct, not exceeding
eighuvn caideniuir inoiilhs The indictment,
iiiiormalion or complaint limy severally
charge lo the iiiillils-r ol'lhriH xxbeii
coimiiitle,! wilhin the same six calendar
mouths; but the court thereiioii snail give a
sing e sentence, and shall proportion the lain
Isiiiucul esMeially lo the degree ill which lhe
Ihe utilise of lhe is'St-oUic; establishment en
ters ns an instrument Into such fraudulent
ts htiiie and dexiee.
Ski. SKi. That all letters, packets, or other
manor which may be sclzou. or detained lor
xiolo.ion ol law shall Ik-returned lotliesiwu
n or sender ol the same, or otherwise di
js.sed ot as the .l'ostmaster General mav di
11 el .
SKC. 303. That alt suits arising 1111. ler the
iostai laxvs, or the regulations ut ine Postmas
ter General pursuant 1 hereto, shall he Institu
ted iu the name of the United of Auiei-
ie.i, ami the ocmamts in such suns slut 1 1 have
nil lhe privileges aud'pi-ioriilesiiiadjudic-itloii
and pawnem secured by laxv 10 oiher claims
ol the Culled Stales.
iu'. .304. J'lial all causes of acliou arising
under the s.m;tt laws mav Is- sued.andail ot
lenders against the same may t-e pi-oseeine!,
before the circuit 01- uistiict conns ol the
I nited Slates.
Sec. 3uo. That al 1 cauis of action arising
under ihe posuil laxv., may Iw sued, and an
otteii'lei against the same may be irosecutei,
beiore lhe pi si ices of the ace. magistrates,
or other jm.icial courio of 1 tie several Nates
and leriitones tiax-ln--; competent juiiMltc
iioii by tlx laws ihcreoi, l the trial 01 claims
and itcmands ot as great value, and of prose
cutions where the punishment., are of as
great extent ; and so. h justices, magistrates,
or junlctarx shall take cognizance thereol;
and prts-eed lojudgiueul aud execution as lu
o. her cases.
Sec. 303. That in all suits or c.iuscs arising
under the law the court shall proceed
to I1i.1l uiul rentier juiigmeui lhe first lenn al-li-r
lhe commcnceioeiH of still ; but whenever
service ol process shall not be made at least
twenly ilaxs previous to iliu return-day of icm. iiie ilefetttlaiit shall be entitle! 10
one couiionauce. u' ou his suttemenl lhe court
shall dcclil It expe llellt ; anl 11 sal 1 1 It-lend-
ant shall make affidavit that he has a claim
again-t the Post-Otli.
ce Depart ment, which
and disallowed bv lhe lsm siibmi'td lo
nu litor for id lH'partinent. and shall spvei
1'.' such claim in lus allitlavit, that lie co ild
not Ik prei-areil lor trial at such term for
want of evidence; the court, neing sa'isneu iu
these respects, may grant acouiinuaiK-e until
n, , r;. ,.,ro,.,u unless the same shall have
1 ecu piesente I io the Auditor lor said De
partment and bv hun di-alloxve-i, iu xvboie or
iu pan, unless it sliall be proved, lo the sall
1'ic.lon ol the court, that Hit defendant 1-, al
the lime of trial, in possession ot vouchers
not Is-fore in bis power to procure, an I that
be was preveute'l trn ehilUtng lo lhe said
Auditor aclaiin for such credit by some iiua
x oi'hible accident.
SKt. 3t)H. Shttt in all suits for liuluiices due
the lo-'.-o(li.a Dt al-tnient, interest ihereon
sha'l Is recovered Irom ihe lime of lhe de
fault mill! lawnent at the rate of .-ix ier
cetiiuin jR-ruiuiiiiu.
Si;c. 3.s). That in the prosecution of nny
suit for ini mey due the Post-cMlice De-ai-'-meiit.
lhe United States attorney shall oUv
the directions which may be given him by the
liepartweiH f Justice; ant immediately al
ter ihe end of every term ofany court lu
which any suit has been pending, said auor
nev .-hall forward to the l'opailuit'ut of Jus
tice a s'.-pem nt ofany judgment or order
mailt, or s.ep taken in the same, during sti.-b
term, aceonii anled by a ceriiii.-ate of lhe
clerk, show i ng tlie parties lo and amount of
every such judgment, xvi h such oilier infor
mation a- the 1 leparimcn! of Justice may re
quire. An I the said attorney shall direct
spec iy aud efleetual exis-nttou ujsm stildjudg
ni' iil, and the I'nited Slates marshal lo w hom
the same is directed .-hall make returns of
Ihe procissllugs ihereon to ihe Dc'cirimcut
of .Justice at -itch t.mes a it may direct.
Sec. 31ii. That whpn pro.-eediiigs at laiv
for money due the Pust-i 'lliee 1 o-jclt't im-i.t
shall be fruitless, the said Department of
du-tie, mac direet the institution of a suit in
chancery in any United stale.- district or cir
cuit court, lo set a-ide fraudulent conveyan
ces or tru-t-. or attach debts due the defend
ant, or obtain any otlier projier exercise of
the powers ofequity to have satisfaction of
any judgment again-: such delendani.
sec. 311. That lu case of delinquency of
any postmaster, contractor, or other officer,
agein, or employee of ihe I'o-t-Olll.-e Depart
ment, in xxi'ieh -nit may Ik brought, the Au
ditor lor stud Depirtment shall lorxvard t
the Depirinieiit of ,)ti-ii.-e .-erluieil copie
oi all piiers lu his office tending to sustain
lhe cliiiiu.
M.i. 312. That coiiles of ihe quarterly re
turns of s-t ma -ter , and of any jutpi-r.- jer
tattiing t o ibe a.-.-onni-. iu Ihe' oilt.-e of ihe
Auditor for the Po-i-otllee I Mqiart ment, and
t ran-vtl-qS from tin mouex-order a.-.-ount-book-ot
-aid olhee. when ccrlllied bv the Ail
ditor on l r tin- -ea! ol Ins ollici, -hall U ad
iinti-1 a- "'l to. tee in he court- of the United
Nates both iu criminal and cix il ca-e-.
si.e. 31.1. That niallsiiiis for lhe reeovery
of baluuce-dtie Iroin potiniasiers, a copyd'-i-ly
certified un'er the seal ofthe Auditor for
tin I'osi-ofiiee Depariim-nt, oi the staieutent
ol any nst m.-i-fiT, sjss-ial agent, or other
person euioloxed by the Post master General
or the Auiiilor for ihat purpose, tha' be has
mailed a letter to such delinquent po.-uha.-ier
at the iMi.-t-otli.-e xvbere lhe iudeiiidne-s ac
crue 1. or at hi- !a-t usual pla e ofalside;
thtit a sufficient tiin-has elapsed for-sai'l let
ter lo have reached its di-.-tinatiau in the or
dinary course of lhe mail : and Ihat payment
of stt.-li Iw.lance has not Imhoi rvsu-ivci widiin
the lime designtiifd in his instructions, shall
U received a- sufficient evidence in the courts
of tin; United states, or other court-, that a
demand ha- been made Uoii the delin-pieni
)'-! master : bin xxhen the account ol a
late i..-ti!ia-tor has neon once adiu-te 1
and -ett 1,-1, and a demand hl.-l'een nta le fir
lhe balance appearing lols due. and after
ward al lowaii'c-are made or credit- enter
ed, it -hall not It neees-arv to make a f.n-
I her
leuiand for the nexv balance found to be
t-i.e. till. That the Pn-tuia-ter General lnay
dl-,'li:ii'tte from iiitii-i-onin-nt tiny person cou
liued in iad on any judgment in a civil ca-e.
otcailie 1 in in half it lhe Di-oratini li: if it be
made loaopeir that He- deiendant hi.-, no I
proieri-.- of any de-crip: ion ; but Mich re-j
!c:i-e .-hall n. .1 bar a suti.- -ooeiit execution i
ag:iin-t th
pr.ip..-i'ty ol the iteleii'lant ou ;1
same jtidgiin-iil.
M' 315. That in all ca-es xvle-Te a iudg- '
inen slnill btive !sen obt.-ui.e I lor a deiit or j
ilam.iL-vs due the Post-office 1 ewin nicni, and
11 shall sa'i-f.ic oriix-aoneir that sticli iud'-
inent, or so inoch ihereol a- remiins utip'l! I, '
cannot I... .-..ile.-ted by 'hie pnvess of taw, 1
the An lit. ir lor the '-aid IVpariincm mav. t
x ith the w rlllen consent ofthe !'ovtin.t-ler '
I .eni-ra'. eompromi-e sti.-h jiid:uiint. and n.-- I
cept in satisfaction le-s thaii the full amount I
Ihereol". '
t-l-i". tll't. That In all cases of fine, -lenattv. !
foileiture. or lis;t!ii!ity. or alU gi-d iiahi'iiv
for any .-tun of money ity xnv of damage- or I
otberxxise, uinler anv i rox i.-iou ol iaw in re-
, lation lo the olfie.-r-, employis--, opi-iM!ioii-, ,
I or bu-iui-s of the w..-;ai servic., Ihe l'.i-i-
I master i ,eneral may prescriU such general j
rules and modes ot pris-i-eiting as shall ii-
; jiear Io be exis'dient, for lhe got eminent of)
i he Auditor l..r the l'o-t-Oili.-e l-i-partinent,
f in a-eer.aiiiing th.-fa.-t in ea.-li -;t-e m xvbich ;
. sai 1 Auditor .-hail certily lo l ini tha; the in-
I lerests ol the l'l-pai'iineut probabiy require !
i lhe exercise of U.e power conferred by this!
' and the preceding section ; and iqs.n ihe la.-t '
. ls-ing as.-,.ri.-iiue I. sai 1 Auditor inav . xxitb tin I
1 xvrilieu .-ons,-ut .f ilie i'o-l nia-ter Genera',
miii.-.te or reini; such line, jri-naily, or foi-
li iiure, remove -ueh dtstihiiit), or coitiproin- j
i-e. release, or di-.-haige such claim for such
: sum of mono," jni ilamagi-. and on such I
terms a- the stiid A'.ldilor siiaii di-ein just and
m c. 317. Tha! one-half of all pecuniary j
js'iialties and forfeitures incurred for thexio- ;
la'ion of any laxv in relationtothe osta! ser- !
. x ice sliall be f .r il.e iis-i't' the jierson Inlorm- .
i iug unit prosecuting for the same, and the rl j
, er tor tin use ot ihe United States, except .
i where other disposition thereof is .-js-cial:)- I
- provided. ' t
i M:r. 31-t. That in all ca-e-xvlu-re dtbls are
due from defaulting or delinquent po-lma i
I ter-, contraelors, or otn-r otlicei's, agents, or ;
; enqilo ees ..I ihe I'o-t-otli.e 1 'ep.-i ri inel t, a'
xiarranl of attachment may i-tie agam-t '
I all real and per-oi al propeii) ;ind legal and I
equltabte ruhts belonging Io such olVieer. I
; agent, or em lo ee. ami hi- sure. ies, or either j
I ot ibt'in. in the ;
Uirsi. When -neb otli.'t-r. agent or einplo- :
: ee.and his suie:ie-,ir eillu r o." I lu m, is a !
non-resi.ient ol ihe district x nere -ik.i oili- .
I cer. ag.-nt. or einpinvco xxas apOinied, or I
i ha-departed from such di-tri.-t tor tin j.ur- j
- jwiseol permiiiu'iitl) r'stding out of tee same ,
. or of defrauding the United Males, or of!
a oidlng ibe service of cix d process.
! Nvond. "hi-n such officer, agent, or em- !
; pl.oco.and his -uretle-, er eit her of them, i
lias conveyed aivny, (r is a's.ut to convey j
away. In- projieri v, or any pari thereof or ;
I ha- removed, or i- about to remove, the same 1
: orany (.art thereol, Irom the d:-trict where- j
! inn is situated, wit'i intent to defraud the I
I lhe United Stales. j
And xx hen an) such pro) x-rty been r-1
I lien i-l, .-ertiiit-i copies of the xxai-rant may!
i be -ent to ilie mar-bal of tin: district inlo j
I into xvhtcli Ihe same ha- lsen removed, under
xx hl.-h eer.iiied ciqiies he may seize said pl'ojs I
I en) and convey it to some convenient point
; xvit'hin ihe juri-di.-tnin of the court irom
j xvbi-h Ihe warrant orlginailx is-ued. And ;
: adiis warrants may be issued in such c;i-es I
iqion dm application, and the validity oi the j
i xxiiirant lit-si i..neil shall continue itiitiltbe
I return Max thereof
' Site. :!lt. That application for such wan-ant
! of attachment may u- mri'ie by any district
or asststaui district attorney, or b any o;h
I er iK-rson ant bonze 1 by the l'oslmaster't.en
! oral, before the judge, or, in his sb-enee, ls
; lore the clerk of and conn of file United
I Nates having original juris.lic.llon el the
, cause of action. And such application shall
! be 111:11 lo upon tin affidavit of lhe applicant,
or some other credible person slating the ex
! i-tonce of either of the grounds of att.-tch-
I ment enumerated in the pnveding section.
! and ii'soi production of legal evidence of
i the debt.
sec. 320. That upon anv such application.
and upon due order of anx judge 01 thecouri,
or. In lus absence, wjihoiii such order, the
lerk shall Issue a warrant lor the alia.
ment 01 all Ihe j'roerty of any kind ln-long-ing
to ibe person sjiec.'illo.l in Ihe affidavit,
xxliich xvarrant sliall Is executed xxith all j:os
sibie di-jiati-h by the marshal, xvho shall take
lhe iroierly attached, if personal. Inlo cits
tisly. and hold Ihe same suhtoct to all Inter-liK-iitory
or final toilers of the court.
six. 321. That any time within twenty
davs Is foie the return-dav of such xiarrani.
the jiarly whose jnoisrty i-attaehi'il may, 011
giving lioti.-t! to the disiriet attorney ot In-'
intention, file a jlea In liH-ltement, trnveismg
the allegations ofthe affidavit, or denying I
the fwnersliiji of tlie proj.rly aitached to Is j
In the defendants, or cither of them, in which ,
c:se the court may, ujion apjilicalion of ei
ther partv. order ail iniiiusliate trial bv jury
of the issues raised by the affidavit and plea;
but the iiarttes max , by consent, xxane a trial
ln juix, in which case' the court shall decide
the Issue-raisl. Anx jcir'y I'iainiing oxx ner
shii of the ii'oerlv altiu hed, and a secillc
return thereof, sha'll beconilned to lhe rem
edv herein nfior-led, but his right loan action
of 'tre-iia-s. or other anion for damages, sliall
mt be imjialred hereby.
Sec. 322. That when the property attached
shall be sold on an Interlocutory order ot' the
court, or w hen it shall be producing any rex
enne; the nionev arising from such sale or
revenue shall Ik) invele i in securllles ol the
U tilled stale', under the order 1 f lhe court,
and all accretions shall be held subject to lhe
order of the same.
Sec. 323. That Immediately upon Ihe exe
cution of anx- such warrant 01 attachment,
tlie niar-hal " shall cause due puhllca'lon
Ihereol' to lie made. In case or absconding
debtors for nt ii months, and of nnn-residcnis
for four months. The publication shall
be mad In some newsptter published In Ihe
district where Ihe prorrty Is situate, and lhe
details thereof shall In' regulated by the or
der under w hich ihe warrant is issued.
Sec. 324. That alter the first pnhMcation of
such notk-c of att.-chmentasre iiiire l by laxv,
everv person iinlaltffd to. or having jioses
slon of anv projiertv Is Ionizing to, the sanlde
leixlanls, or either of ihem, and having
know ledge of such notice, shall account and
answer lor the amount of such debt, and the
v ilue of such pmperiv: and any illjisal or
atleno.l to di-sse ol' an v such propsrly to
the ioiiirv of lhe Unlteil siates, shall be ille
gal and void. And xvhen lhe ierson IikW-IXihI
to, or having jsissession of the pro)erty ot,
schilefendaius: or either ol" Ihem, shall Is?
known 10 lhe district attorney or marshal,
such officer sliall tv that ersonal notice ol
lhe attachment Is served ii-on such person ;
but the want of such notice fhall nol liixali
date lhe attachment.
sec. 32.". That ujsin application ol the
partv xx bos iroertv tut- been atlached. the
curt, or anv indue Ihereol". may discharge
lhe warrant of attichment as to the proi-eriy
of the apjilicanl, pr.vidl such npplicant
shall execute to the Uniied Stales a good and
sufficient Hnal bond, in double the value ol
the pruiieriv attached, to 1m approved by a
judge ofthe court, ami xvllh condition for the
return of said piiTly, or to nn.-xverany
iiidgiiH-nt whi.-h may W rcndensl by the
eznirt in the iiremlses.
Sec. 32i. That nothing herein containeo i
shall be construed to limit or abii.lge, in any
manner, such rights ol the I uile I states ,u I
liave a.-cnied or been alloxvcl in any ilisiru-i
under the former practice of, or the adojulou
orsiate laws bv, the Uniied states courts.
Sec. 327. Tliat 1 he following act and inrts
or acts and residtillons and inns of resolu
tions are herebx- re-ealeil, out such l-ejieal
shail not he construed to atttxt or extend to
anv crimes or offenses heretofore commute!,
and which are jmnishable under any laxv
lierebv repealed ; but all such crimes and ol
teuses sliall be prosecnte-1, detemniuii, awl
punislied acconling u the said laws, the same
Hsifthisact bad not pa-"''1 nor lb!iU m:"
i-e-al lie oonsiriiel io affect ai y aj)lntmeiit
lo otlice. or anv contract, delit. or demand un
der or bv virtue of the said laxvs. but all such
:ilrlnliiienls. contract-, iMH', awl deminds
shall have full f rce and effect, the Mine as
If this at had not passed. Tliat the refer-
,-nces to the said acts hereby re(aled are to
the sumo as contained In'ihe edition ofthe
atutes a' Large, published by Little,
Ilrown, Uml C'oinpiny, under ami by virtue of
the resolution of "llarch 'uree. eighteen hun
drtd aud fort) -live, nod the continuation
Act of March 3, 1791. chapter 23, volume 1,
j"ge -Jl-i, In iiart, nauielv, seel ion 2.
May 8, 1794, chapter 23, volume 1. page 3)4,
in part, nameiv. -ec'.loiis 2, 3, 4. 5, C, 7. S. 9,
1(1, 11, 12. 13, 14." 1.1. Hi, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 2.!,
21. 25, 2i5, 27. audi'.
.March 3. I7i)7. chajilcr 19. volume 1, pan'
MM, In part, namelv, sections 4, .1, 6, 7, 8, aud
Juue 22, K'.'S, chapter.");, volume 1, page
March 5, 17.)9, chajiter 4;!, volume 1, jitige
December li, IstKi, ch,'iter 1. volume 2,
page ss, in part, namely, sections 1 and 2.
February IS. lsui, chapter 3, volume 2, page
1311, In part, namely, m much as relates 10
franking and free mail-matter of Delegates.
May 3. 1S92, chapter 4S, volume 2, page
1st), in uart, namely, sections 3,4,5,0, and
March 21, l-Ml. chajiter 31. volume 2, jage
27.1, in part, namely, Mvtions 3 and 4.
March 3. Isu7, chajiter 43, volume 2, page
444, in inirt, namely, seclion 1.
April 3e, Jslu, chajiter 37, volume 2, page
danuarv 17, ls'll, chajiter 4, volume 2, jiage
Jauuarx 11. 1S13, chajiter P, volume 2. jage
February 27, 1S13, chapter 31, volume 2,
page ho").
July 12. H!3, chapter 9, volume 2, page 4.
Act' of April Is. 1M4. chapter "", volume 3,
age ltin. iu part, namelv, sections 3 and 4.
February 27, lsl", chajiter U"), volume 3,
jvage 220.
April 9, 1-Hi, chajiter 43, volume 3, jsige
March 3, 119, chajiter 107, volume 3, age
March 13, 1S20, chapter 23, volume 3, lage
December 19, 121. chajiter 1, volume.!, jage 1
0-ltt. j
May si, st22, chajiter 127, volume 3, lage
702. iii jt-trt. namelv, section 3. 1
March 3, 1123. chajiter St!, volume 3, page, j
7114. In part, namely, section 3.
March 3, Hi"), cl"titer 4 i. volume 4, jage j
y.i, in pari, namely, sections 2, 3. and 4. i
March 3, l2j, "chajiter i;4, volume 4, jiage
March 2, 1S27, chajiter 61, volume 4, page ;
231. I
March 2. 1S27, chajiter 2, volume 4, page I
2a. i
Mav 24, ls2S. cliajiter 99, volume 4. page ;
3'3. iii art, namely, so much of section 1 as I
authorizes th- emjiloyrnent of additional I
clerksaud fixes their salaries. 1
Ma)' 9";, chatir .v.i, volume 5, page 17. I
lu nan. nauielx. .-o much ofsiMlion 1 as re- '
lutes to thediriesof tlie Poamasier General.
July 2, lstli, chajiter 27U, voluinc a, jmge so.
July 7, ls:s. chajiter 172, volume .1, jage
271. In inn. namelv. section 2.
Januarv 2.), Is3'," chajiter 4, volume fi. jMge
Jtilv 3d, 1S!2, chaiiter HI7, volume .1, page
tin. In .ari. namely, section 1, and so much 1
of section 3 as auihorizes the eiujiloyinent of j
addi'lonal clerks.
August 20, Is 12, chaiiter 235, volume 5, jiage I
,'tl1, in arl, liamelv, st.-.tlou 1 I
February, 1"), 1113, chapter 31, volumes. I
j-age ijiiti. ' j
March 3, 1st"., chajiler 43, volume 5, jvige j
,3'J. 1
March 3, lslo. chapter (i9, volume 3, page j
March 3, lsl.". chapter 1 4, volume 5, Jiage
72. In part, namelv, section K.
M trcii 1, 1H47, ciiaptcr 33, volume 9, page
March 2, Is 17. chapter 37, volume 9. page
1"2, in i.rl. naiiielvl lhe several provisos in
-i-. .1. relating lo the coniivusaiiou of
lenit v ji'-tnia-ters and the franking privi
lege to Ihe same, and aillhorizing the eniploy
111 in ofthe A-si-lant I'o tmasters General as
special agenls, aud alluwingthem coinji-iisa-lion
therefor, and all of section 3.
March tl. 1-17. chapter i.ti, volume 9. jage
1, in i:tri. natnelx", stvtious H, lu, 11, 12, 13,
and It.
May 17, 1-ilst, chapler 43, v.iliiiue 9. utge
Mav 27. lsli. chajiter 47, volume 9, imge
i.'tl, ia jt'irl, iianii iy, -ec iou 4.
June 27, Ills, chiijiter 7.i, volume 9, jiage
August 14, lsi, chajiter 171, volume 9. page
3011, iu 1-irt, ntene'iv, seclion 3.
March 2, Is lJ, chajiler K. volume'.!, jmge
Mav 11, l.slu, ehap'er 19. volume 9, paie
423. In jnrl, nanielx. seclion 2.
-s-pti inlier 1 still, chapter 7.1. volunu'9.
Jingo 473, in ;an. ll:iiu.-iy. i-vImii 2.
March 3, H il, ciiajite'r 2ii, volume 9, jage
Ac! of March "
jsige .191. in jiart
1111. chaiiter 21. volume 9.
namelv. sections 2, 3 audi.
March X 111. chajiter fx. volume 9. jiage
7. in jiart, namelv. sivlioii 2.
August 311, ls.)2. chajiter 9i, volume lu. jage
August 31. H12, chajiter 111. volume lu,
jiage llo. in pari namely, sect ions 2 and 3.
Aiigii-I 31. Is12. chajiter Il k volume lu.age
121. lu jiart. nauielx , sections 3, 4, .1, il. 7, .1, 9,
and ID.
March 3, 1113. chajiler 97, volume 10. page
lsti, lu iart, niiinel). so much ol section 3 as
relates to clerks in the Post-office Dej.irt
luent. 1
March 3, li"3. chajiter 103, volume in. page.
221. iu I'tirt. n.-tiui-' , sections tt, 4, and 5. ' T
Mar. h 3. 1.113. chapter ltd. volume lnpag"
24H, in jiar!, uainel), sections 3, 4, 5, tl, 7, aB'i
s. i
Febrnarv 2, 11-11. cliapter S, volume lu, jvogc
Ajnil 22, 1S11, chajiler .12. volume in. jvige
27's in part namely' so much of sections I. 2.
and 3 as relate- to'tbe salaries of clerks and
olli. -er-of the Pot Office De3rtnient.
May 31. 1111. clmjiter mi. volume 10, jiage
29". in 1 art. namely, section 4.
June 22, 1114, chajiter Id, volume 10, page
Juiv 27, 1154, chajiler lul, volume 10, jiage
August 4. H11,clmjiter242, volume 10. jingo
Stii. 111 iart. namely, so much of section '" a
ju'ovides for aildiiional clei'ks to the Postmes
ter General ami the Sixth Auditor.
August , lsll, ch.iter 27o. volame 10, ivage in iKirl. nan.elv. section 4.
March 3, lll.l, chaj-ter 173, volume 10, jiage
March 3. lUS, chajiler 201. volume 10. page
1;-:'.. in jiart. namely, s v ions 1. 2. 4. and j.
August li. 11'. chajiti-r 129. volume 11,
jage il. In i-art. nauielx, stvtion 4.
Januarv 2, IS17, chajiter 2. volume 11, j.igc
Mav 24, ins. chapter 4o, volume 11, jiage
June 12. HIS chajiter Ml. volume 11. ltge
319, in fart, namely, section 12.
June U. 11 1. chajiter IH2, volume 11, page
337. iu jfcirt. namely, seclion 2
.In lie It. Ills. chaiter I'd, volume 11. jage
31'd. In jitirt, nauielx. stvtious 4. and 5. -
Aim I 3, IAW, chajiler 11, volume 12, page
April 6, luK), chapter 13, volume 12, jxtge
June 1.1. 11')0, chapter 131, volume 12. jsiae
f.7, in jiart nauielx, ihe several provisos ot sec
tion 1, and all of sections 2 and 4.
February 27. llid. chapter .17, volume 12,
page 1.11. iii jart. namely, sections 2, 3. 4. .1, li.
7. s. 9, in. 11. 12. 13, and 14, aud so much of
section 1(! a- rla s to the rate of -m-tage on
jii iiitei! matter ls'ixveen the Slates and 1 erri
lories east ot' the ltoeky Mountains ain.1 the
States and Territories on the Pacific.
February 21, lt"d. chajKer id, volume 12,
jiage 177.
March 2. lil. chajiter 73. volume, 12 jiage
2-"d. in jiart. namely, sections 2, 4, and ".
July 21. lid, chajiter 12. volume 12, jvigo
Januarv 21, lsWJ, chajter 9, volume 12, jage
t3 '
April IU, 1-W2, chapter .", volume 12, page
Act of April 17, li'.li. chapter .VH, volume 12,
page 3sl. in part, naus-lv. sts-tion 4.
June 2. Iii2, chajiter 91. volume 12, page
113. In part, namelv, sections 2 and 3.
Juiv bt, H'12, chiijiter In, volume 12. page
March 3, 1'3, cluip'.er 71, volume 12. jvage
71' I.
January 22, 1 sc. t, chajiter 4, volume 13, page
March HI, lftil, chapter 31, volume 13, pige
March 2.1, 14. chaj-ter 40, volume 13 jiige
3d. in part, namely. eel ions 1. 2. 4. t and 7.
June 1. 114, chajiter 102, volume 13, jiage
June il, 1H.4. cha)!er I V). volume ltk pagi:
111. in jitirt. namely, -ssdton .
.mix 1, ih.,4, chajiter itii. voiunM- 13, page
Juiv 4, ISf.l,
chajiter 211. volume 13, page
Hil, chapter 16, volume 13,
Januarv 20,
jiage 421.
February 23, 11''
cliajiter 47. volume 13
lige 4.r.'.
March 3, ln.", chapter S9, volume 13, page
March 3, 1H0.V, eha-ter W, volume 13, Jiage
March 3, 1". ch:titcr 97. volume 13, page
."ill. Ih part, name'v, sections 1, 2 and ,V
February 10, l-Wti, cliapter 9, volume 14,
jiage 3. '
Februarv 15, lsxtn, chajiter 10, volume 14,
page 3.
May lsk lwlii. chai-trr 85, volume It, page
4S, in part, namelv, sections Sand 4.
June 12, lHWi, chapter lit, volume 14, jiage
July 13, liSfi, chapter 14. volume 14, page
w-, in iwrr, nametv, -ection -v
July 2S. iHBii, chapter 297, volume 14, page
321. Iii part, namely, the proviso In section U
relating lo the pax- of female lolders in the
iiead-leiter oilier.'
January 22, 1M7, ,-liapter 11, volume 14,
juice 37s, "
Febniary IH. 1KI7. chapter 41, volume 14,
jage 3U3, In rsirt. namely. stxtion 3.
February 1.1, lsi7, chajiler 4.1, volume 14.
jiage S., In xin, namely, stx'tlon 2.
March 9. Inw, chaiter22, volume IS, pnge
40. in part, namelv. so much as relates to Ilie
printing of )os(a) conventions, and confers
lhe I ranking privilege on the Congressional
Juiv 27, 1KIH, chapter 216, volume 13, page
Resolution of April 3, IsHS, numWer 1. vol
ume 4, page 32i.
Januarv 13, 1131, number 1, volume 4, page
October 1-2. 1137, number 1, volume .V, page
June 1 1H4. number 14, volume 5, page
Februarv 20, 181.). number 4, volumo j, page
July 12, 1112. number 14, volume 10, page
174. iii juirt. namely, seclion 1.
August 6, H12, number 16, volume 10, Kige
March 3, ls63, numlx'r 33, volume 12, page
.nine u, numnt-r volume 14, page
March 2, 1KS, number 14, vohime 15, jiage
Act of March 3. Kl. cbajser 121, volume
16, JKige -i72, in jusrf. nninelx, mvtlon 4.
April 27. Is72. reiallng lopropostils and con-
fra ts fortransimrtation of the mails, and for
oilier purposes.
Approved, June 8, It'Z.
'tjrF.XrHAL XATlltr -NO, 141.T
ACT to authorize the sale of c
public property.
Be it eanci&l b'j the Senile ntid House
f HcprrscntaHrct nf the. ln(tl State
i-f Aiivric.i in Cti;rto anxanlJcl,
That Ihe Secretary or War lie, and ho is
hereby, authorized and directed 10 sell, lu
whole or in such subdivisions as sliall. In his
opinion, secure the -freatesi amount of moo
ec. cither by publk-. auction or by i'.vlting
proi-osals for lhe pnrcliase thereof, and in
either ci-e to the hlghe-t l.iddi i J,.iluinl-.lthe
and teneiaati bekngtn-t ffiMCnltiiri Mairs
" v 'ii c w tvri rc ic-cdi c- vciwvov, .
Favett.-viPe. "forth farohiTfioimt Vernon
Al ihsroa ! und CI att thooenee, Florida, bow 1 ,
or ht ietoforo used uir arsenal paruoses, and f '
kno. respei-tivelv, as Rome arsenal, Cham- '
plain arsenal, North Carolina arsenal, Mount
Vernon arsenal, acd Apalachkcola arsonal; '
also the eaptured lands and tenemenm be- .
longing to the United State at Bhreveport, .
Louisiana; Marshall and Jefferson, Tasaa; ( ';
and In Marlon and Davis counties, Texaa ; . ; ;
and a tract of forty acres of land, more or ' .
less, situated aliout two and ona-half miles : '
from the present United States arsenal at An- ' f(.
gin ta, Georgia, whk-.h comirlses the sileof '. - 't
I tie old Uniicl States arsenal and anv ad- ; ' ;
)h nin-c land purchased by Ihe so-called ""con-
federate states," which fell to the UuiWd .! '
Siates as captured property, and which has I
not hitherto been sol-", and all ibemaieruu i
anil buildings of tne powder-works erected f
bv the so-iiIled "confeilerate" goveTiiinent i
Ihereon: Provided, That ho sale shall h
made uuder this act nnlil the time, terms. . j
place, and mode thereof snail have been pub- ;'
n-hel in one of lhe principal newi-rper In - ?
Ihecitv or Washington, in two of the prtnei-,-pal
pa jiera printed a" the capital of the Hale,-
and one paisT printed in the county in which f-
he arsenal or lands to be sold are situatad,
for the sjace of sixtv davs prior to the sale. . .
If no newsjaier bi -printoil in the ooonty
where ihe propertv 10 be sold Is atuated, then
tl otlcehl be piibllsheilln a newspaper
1 r.ntid in auv a Jo nlngconnty. .
Sec. 2. Thai me letrn-i of payment Brtne
propertv alwve dlre.-ted to be sold shall he in
all cases not less lhan one-fourth cash ami
the remainder on a credit of one, tw, and
Ihree years, with interest at fix per centum
js-r annum, secured by land anil surety from
the jnirchaseror purchrsers; and the Sec re
larvofWar Is empowered and required, on ,
re.-eivlng .he imrchase-monev in ftxlj. 1" efcs. ,
cute all iie-icssarr deeds of said property to i
the purchaser of purchasers thereof on be- I
hall or the I'nited Mates. I
sec. 3. That the proceeds of said sales, a f-
ter laving the necessary exjienses thereof, I
shall, iijion receipt of the same, bo paid by I
the Secretary of ar inlo the treasury.
Approvi-il, June lu, ls72.
' G E.N'EKAL XATfRE-Xo. 140.)
AN ACT to autbonze the construction of a
bridge across the Misslssipjn river at or
near thecity of Ked Wing, in the State of
Minnesota, "aud to establish it.asapo.-t-road.
!r it (ilitctril by (Iif, .Seiwttiiifl lluux
of Jteprexeitlutir'rs of lite I'nited iStnle
nf Anu:rici in Vuiujrtsa uxxeiiiljled,
Tliat It shall be lawful for any person or
liersons, cointany or corporation, "being first
thertto authorized by the legisl.llures of Min
nesota and YVi-coiisii'i resjiecilvely, 10 build a
bridge across Ibe Missfssipl river, at or near
the city of lied Wing, iu the State of Minne
sota, and 10 lax I in or over said bridge rail-vxax-tracks
for the more i-rlect eonneclion
ofany railroads Ihat are or, shall lie, con
structed to the sold river at r ojij-osite said
j-otiii, under the limitations and conditions
hereinafter provided ; that said bridge shall
1101 interfere with the free navigation of said
river beyond x bat i- necessary .In oriler to
carry into etleoi the rights and privileges
nereoy giaoieo .41111 111 ca-s 01 any uiigaiiou
arising irom any obsiruclion, or alleged ob
! si met 1011, 10 lhe free navigation ol said river,
i the cau-e mav lie tried beiore tlie district
I court of the United Slates of any Slate In
I which any -or11on .of said obsiriicliou or
i bridge touches.
I Sec. 2. Thai any bridge built under the
I provi-ions of Ibis act may, at the option of
I theceimjuiny building the same, lie built as a
I draw-bridge, with a pivot or other form or
i draw, or w ith unbroken or continuous sjians:
I Provided, That if the said bridge shall be
' made with unbroken and continuous simns,
it shal I not Ik of le-s elevation, in any case,
I lhan lllly feet alsive extreme high-water
i murk, a understood at the i In: iif 1 -cation,
' 10 the bottom chord of Ihe bridge: nor shall
i the -nan- ol sai I bridge lie less than txvo bun
dred and lif.y feet id length, and the piers of
sai I bridge shall he juirallel with the current
ofihe rixer. and the main snail shall Is over
; the main channel of ihe nver, and not less
lhan ihree hundred feet In length : And pro-videdal-o.
That if any bridge built under
i ibis act shad l-e constructed a-a draxv
i bridge, lhe' same sliall Ik constructed as a
I ir.-ot d ra v -bridge, with a draw over the
main channel of ihe river at an accessible
and n.-nigtible iint. nnd xxiih spans of not
I less than one hundred and sixty l,et in length
in the clear on each side of the central or
I pivot pier of the draw : and the next adjoin
( nig sjian-to the draw shall not lie less than
1 two hundred and fifty feet: anil said spam
j shall not lie less than thirty fivt above loxv
' xiaier mark, and not less than ten alsiveex
: ireme bigh-xvater mark, measuring lo the Iwit
i loin cboi-.l of the brl'.'.ge : and lhe piers ol said
! br.dge -hall Is piratic! with the curreiu of
I lhe river: And provnh-l also. That said
i draxv sliall be ojiened promjitlv. ujxon reason
j able signal, lor the passage of boats : and In
I no c:e-e shall unnecessary delax occur In
I ojs-uing the said draxv during oral'ier ihe jtfve
! sage of t rains.
Sks. 3. That any bridax' constmcled under
i this act, and acconling tolls lllmltations,
j shall be a lawful structure, and shall be
; known and recgnized as a iost-route, iion
which, also, no higher charge shall lie ma t
fir the transini-''n over the sain a of the
mails, the troops. j Uu muullTuns of war of
lhe United s!-rujuJ",n t
1 the rate ner mile iaid
for their trail-Joriaiton over the railroads or
1 public higb-)ni s leading 10 lhe said bridge,
I aud the United stales shall have the right of
I wax for liostal-telegraph purposes across said
Sec. 4. That all railxxay empaniesdesirlng
j to u-e the said bridge shall have and lie en
I 1 lile. I to equal riglus and privlleizes In the
ici-sttge of the same, and in lhe nse ofthe ma
chinery and fixtures thereof, and ofall the
apiroaches thereto, under and upon such
ierm and cnditions as shall be di'scnliel bv
I lhe Secretary of War. UKn hearing the alle
gations and prools of the irlies In case they
shall not agree.
sec. ft. That lhe plan and Br-tvinVattoniv,
widi the ne.-essarv drawings of said bridge
fliall be sdbmittsd to the Ststretary of War
sir his ajijiroval, and until he apjirove ihe
I p'an and location of said bridge It shall not
I lie built or commencsl ; and shotib! any
change lie made In lhe plan of said bridge
! during the progress of the work thereon, Mich
i changes shail be subjeel lo lhe apjiroval of
i lhe s.v.reuiry os War: and all changes In the
construction ot said bridge Ihat may lie di
rected by C'ongres sliall be made al the cost
and oxjsne of Ihe owners thereof.
sk. ! That the right loaller or amend this
act. so as to prevent or remove all material
obstructions to the navigation of said river
bx tlie construclion of briihges Is hereby ex
pressly reserved.
Approved. June 10, 1172. -
illESKRAL XATl-BK -Nu. It".
AN ACT to refund duties nid on goods,
xxares. and merchandise remaininc In bowl
or store on the tint day of August, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two.
7V if mucin hJ the. .'srwite inn! Ilo'itr '
of Jtfprespatiitirt of lln- l iiiti'l Sti'tmof
America in Vowjrex iraxrnilJeil,
That whenexer it shall be shown to Ihe sat
isfaction ol the (secretary of the Treasii-x
that parties are en 111 led to refund of dm ies
paid on gixods. wares, ami men ha ndise re
maining in public stores or bonded ware
houses on the urst day of August, eighteen
hundred and seventy-two, under the pro
visions of the eighth soctlon of Ihe act; ajiprov
ed June six, eighteen hundred and sevenly
txvo, entitled " An act to re-luce duties on Im
H)rtsand to reduce internal taxes, and for
oiher purposes," it shall lie Ihe duly of the
Secretarv of the 'Treasury lo draw hiswar-
1 rant- upon lhe Treasurer, directing said
Treasurer to refund the same out ol any
money lu the treasury nol otnerwisc appao
priated. Approved. June 10, 1172.
lliF.NEUAI. SATVUE- No. 137.1
AN ACT relative to retired officers of the
)' it eutictfl hj the Senate '' House
of licjirefntntire of th Vnit'il Strttexof
America in Canrjres anxenilileit.
That all oilicers of the United Slates army
who mav herealler he retired shall li: retired
tisn Ihe actual jrank held bv them at the
date of retirement, and the thirty-second stv
tion of lhe act lo Increase and fix the military
pace establishment of lhe United stales,
ajijiroved July txx-enly-elghlh, eighteen hun
ilred and sixty-six. Is hereby rejieale-l.
Approved, June 10. Is72.
ODD ril.l.llWMIll'.
The Hitunl lo be Kevlied lTnn-lI
SI n lent ii i A pMln U-l onierrm ol
the G ranrt Ixxi-fe.
Bai.timoi!!-. Sept. 20. In theGrand
Lotlfre ot Odd Fellows, this morning,
tlie decisions of the Grand Sire during
recess were taken up. The action of
the Grind Lodge oilicers during recess
i:i granting warrants for the Institu
tion of Mibordinate Lodges In Germany
was confirmed. The report of the
committee on Appeals was considered,
amended and adopted. A large
a mount of neglected business was trans
acted. It was decided that it would
Ik; necessary lor only the elective offi
cers ot the subordinate Lodges to re
ceive the Rebekali Degree before in
stallation. It was determined as ex
pedient to change tlie tonus of suhor
ates from six to twelve months. It
was resolved as inexpedient to llow a
Milmrdinate Lodge to enact a local law
providing for the payment of a specifi
ed sum as dues and and relieve a mem
ber from further obligations during his
Baltimore, Sept. 2t. Tlie Odd
Felloxvs Lodge in seeret session hist
night instructed the committee on Se
cret Work to prepare a revision of the
Ritual and report at the next session.
Much ot the unwritten work was trsins
terred to tlie cliarge books. The
change takes effect on January 1st.
1S73. The Finance committee esti
mated the receipts and expenditures
for the ensuing year as follows: Re
ceipts including "the balance on hand,
.V49.003. Kxpendltures, ft;,915.2".M;.
The Grand Lodge adjourned sine'lic
to-day. Previous to adjournment the
new officers were installed and M. "IV.
Grand Sire Logan made an eloquent
address after which he announced the
following appointment ot officers of the. i
(irand "Lodge: Rev. .1. . enable,
of Kentucky, R. W. Grand Chaplain
Caleb Baud, of Massachusetts, K. W.
Grand M irshal; Albert Cohen, of Ar
kansas, R. W. Guardian; J. V. Hud
son, of W isconsin, R. W.Grand Mes
senger. Xo otlier city being designat
ed. Baltimore will be the place for tlie
next meeting of the Grand Lodge.
Tlie Labor League of London adopt
ed resolutions approving the award of
the Geneva Tribunal.
t -
; ,
-L-t :,-A