The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, October 08, 1872, Page 5, Image 5

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    i ... J' V y
- J t
(Supplement JXo. 11.
.-indir.ifor o'Lerwi" a'tovt' jf or iiniairing i
ny otler of the articles of Una convention, j
Akticle J3. I
Tlutconvention 5lrall take eEeot from the!
da e of the exchange erf ratifications, and -had
comtnuein torcu until annulled by muiita'
GOnenf. or until one vear from the date of
notice Eive 1 by oue of the two departments to
the other of tti desire to iermii.aie the tame.
This e"onveution shall lie approved and rati-1
Ceil in the maimer and tonn prescribed by -UTssOt .... i
the constitution and laws ot each of the liiKh
contraciiuff parties, and the exchanire of rati-, From ncter to Lima I reek. ;
ficatlons nail WarMiucon fix i From Kaltf n.ia, via Jametnrn. 1 iar.c
monhs after the 1 ratification, or -MM-aer, if ! Ili-nebe, J'oches Mills, and Overton, to
liOSclOie. in pel ,
from i.ieeuu; e to l' .i in.' I"1 rk.
Vmin I'jirtrsvil p. Via B Hl.t Ml
tons and Hicfcorv f a.. -, M Marie'.'a
Tum i ,i.i w.iiwi- via Tai-.ur Siore
Tin i. a B uff.
Frcin Shiib!a. to Urr"Ki"'f .
t roiii Heri.ando, via F.:.di.ra, to Pe N'.o
From Inka to Pikevll'e
F m Fan dli g, via Eta'acma and Lac::.a,
to Tsvlorsvl le.
Frr m Vernon via Ww!binc, to s.arar.ia.
Front Morton to Po! kvi 'e.
From Bolton to Brownsville
Gl ll.e .-f-sieia'.i: e; iiine.-; ore tro : an
1 twou:
list:- ;
.'iti .
Mi l he carpenter, one t iiou
a::-1 til", y-t vv., .io: .ar:t :
t'l ibe li.s-.s.a.ii. cuid-cr.tei, one til"-. i: an
ell iiremc.ii ai;i U.a.Muith,
diet dohar-;
oi the ilr li.eii, seven ir.ueclre"! and tweaty;
" i,,:iia';i l.tie..;ei--, four hundred aui.
evilly i.OI a:. t-K.i.
":-.c. j. 'l't.ii- lil.-iostir..t-ter iienerai Mia'.'
p'.OC-:".rc HUll CitlM. lo be i,i"p. ll :'eiu Kr ll;.- l t-
par. men:, w iacii - i.;-.:! bt: u.ii.'.e t .o a 1 1 -..ii.-
ir.i-riin 6 '1 p'jiLii-a-i;! :u.u ittitcr.-; an
( i- of a-iy .Mty. any jnS.-e f !!' ! -a
tl.c indue" f :it'V -';iv? ffrtvord. iivtv a
i-U-V iiMi w .VVn'tv.aM-i in rr1 :r i---i '
f;:!Tr;i! aii"i; aTtd !'Vi.?:r i t "' '
o'Mmniiitl to the --Va: irij fi' r:!d
If any ; ,.:ri-or. 'na'1 ki ru'it.iitv -Vifc.;
l:l'J I C,,l:l3" a-V t' olliil" '-'V "
f. or '.'aim iii C.v.vr of or atraii..-
lj ir;moTi:. I'c .-li til. i''ivv!i n t'
everv -n.-Ii iiIitMij-o. t'rf U K;id v
t' tw'i moiir:h: (if.iitir?;. ai.d ! in! :almr it i x.-eo'ir.,1: live v.
0'r'Ji:;i :o 'he itT:?vali';!t i.l thv I:
Sec. S. That ii f i'ht-r It'C P'S ii'.'
eni' i r jrs.n i!i.''e rv-oi'ms );
1'C di-fa'isi:t) vvi'i' H
u.-.'l j miMlt of
.i I
:'ti.-iv-. n nt
. in i-'t-i r a'.
. l.-v
M-rvi.-e-. to I.
itr-r, ai 'l i ! .'I'
ll m'!!i. h -1 -.-"1111 .
- i . (ii-i.t i-i! in-j-.
1 I
i;:u la.'
1' 11
1 .-
mi tin-
-. tii.-': in
i I'm
::!v:n'j:it .
-. ;w-
1 1
,t I'm.' Ihrm
.....':iu-: lull s :ch
a i-'acio:: . I'
i.i. iv'tii 1 nvi- K'-u
it ! s
lid .Uid'.t'T. ho mav. v;l:in
'ipiwai:o tiiu ri": v.ntvT"
.-li.-iil be li:
The nnitornitmori .nhn t r . m
Ameri., In virtue rf the rovrers vpsted in
, nim br 'aw, anil Antonio Flore-, mi-i er of
ivW' iv- oi lioiiamr at Wa hint! on, in
jne name of hi (rovemment. and br virme of whk-h he nas f"rrnnl1v'preenied
, iJuJ1. eff'Ct. have agreed upon the following
An exchange of mills sha'I hereafter takn
I place between the Ui ited s;a!es of AmerU a
I and the Republic of Kctiador. hv the ordita
ry means of commiinLatloii via' the Is hnms
of Panama, Ihe Government of the l iilteil
plates to be at the expense of the tra"..porta
tlon therein between New York and Panama,
and San Francisro and Panama, to long as
direct service by L'nlteil S.a ea Meamers in
cluding the lslhiniix transit. In mamtaineii
under rxwilng conditlonH : and the govern
Bent of Ecuador to be at the expoiiH; of the
transportation .heri'ot' lintwp'. Pnnm.a .
E.:na lor so long as the present or oilier einii
Hor arranirement for the o.-ean mail service
between Panama and Ectia lor is crnilr.ued.
The correspondence so exchanseil f La!l com
prise :
1. Letters and roannscrlnto stiliject bv the
'i w of either countrv to letter rate of nost-
i. Newsrarersand pilnts of all kinds, In
sheets. In pninphYts. and In Imoks, sheets nf
music, engravings, llrhioirraphs, photocraphs.
drawing-, maps and p'aii. and sn. h corrp.
pondence may exchanged. vthe,lii'rori"ln.i
'iiiKioehhi'rof said .oimirios and i!ostinel
tor the other, or orlKina'ing la or deti'ied lor
foreign couniries'io wl i. b iliev m.iv lesnec -lvely
serve an InteniK'diaries. "
Article 2.
Done In duplicate. A' thi city f t' a-tii.ijr-too,
thi ninth nay of May, in the yeir ofoi'tr
1-ird one thousand tih: iii:ii''tri.l "anl teven-t'-nce.
' L. s.; .JNO. A. J. a: KSWELI-,
Postmaster Ueneral ol the I niii d stales.
I hereby approve theaforcsoing convention,
and In lesiliuoiiy '.hereof I have caused the
tal ol'the Uiilied Siaies to be aiUxe I.
1 1., s ) U. si. (irant.
llv the President :
IAM1I.T. Fisa.
Seer, larv of ate.
'VASUI.'Gu, May 'J, 1.-71.
Having seen eximme l the al'orppoinT
jx-isuil convention. H hl, h has lieea approve 1
tiy the legislative decree of the 1st uf the
present month, and In exercise of thii sil!i
H irlbiile ol "the sixtieth arlic'e of the . on!i
tuiion. 1 have raiilied ii, as bv the present I
do ratify and dec'aie it accepted. roi.Hniie;'..
and on r-a!ory in all ami each ot its c'anees
and s filiations contained In sal Iconvention.
solemnly einzalnir aiul ptedrniK lor Us faith
fal a 'd exact i b-erva ice on ihe ( art uf Ecua
dor the national fai h and honor.
In futh of w hich I liave caused the pre-eni
to 1 e i reiafe-.l, signed wlih niay hand. !-ea':el
villi the seal of the republic! and counter
signed by the secretarv ot Mate for foreign
in atka-, at ;nlto, ihe' thlrtle h of Septein
ber, euh.ecii hundred and seventv-one.
L. 1i ii. (.JAECIA MuRLXO.
t kacisco Javilu Llc'.
We. John A. J. Creswell. I'ostmas'eritifcii
eral of the Fi ite I States, an t Autonia Flores
minister of Ecuador to the Foiled Slates,
certyl'v that on this date we have procee lin
to ;'rf rui the exchange of laiilicatioi- ol Ihe
0ta conveniloi: which was corclud;ii
iwe a the I'nitel Sates and F.cnador at
W.n-hington, on the inli davif Mav, A 1.
Ijoiic !n dup'lca'e and at Valiin;.
to;. this t;ih i av of Itevettt'oi'v. t. 571.
, L. s.; J. A. .1. l i:KSVKi.L.
I'Osiinaater General ol tilt- ( tuie 1 --.;ite-.
Fr. in Come'.ia. vK nurrnett's S ation, to
Vlns tor.
From Xvada to Xfo-.m-lvitli'. i
From Linn, via Mount Ariel, to Owen's :
M' is.
Fmm Little 0age. via Metz. Prior's Crct U ;
and l)tiu--i!i. To Iarrevi;le. i
;'i-. in 't':il,.in tiiWi'tlL-lmrir.
From V e'.Uburg, via to :
O1 i .'.Imin e. i
From New Hope to Falujotttli. j
From Georgia, via G.'iitbureri " Mlner.--vii'e.
From Willow Spilnss, via KtchviUe, to Bui
fa'o C'nv. ' j
From C'olnnil ia. via tS.enlietts' Store and ;
MHIeri-brrp. to Fn'f. n. 1
From Iberia to Dixon.
From We: Pains. ii sp.ei s Mills, to:
Gntnt'si l'H-. i
From West P'ains in Mountain II' in.
From s I'u-ni. vis. Cariieiuer-vi: lo. Summons- ;
vlile. H'-'i-in's .Mi1!-. Cross Uuads, and Lao j
Store, lo ll't-' Plains.
From Mawville to Rochester.
From Franktort. on St. i.ouls and Keokuk i
Raiiroud, via Speucersburg, to Curryville.
x i:w York.
From Kolhir-vi'l to New H"i t.'.
Ffin New Breineu, via Reaver Falls, to
From Frank!lnvi"e to F'gin.
Fri m P-ii.ama to X ort h iv.r.
From Ile-'gevl;Ie to Kathbtinvitle.
From Ma-onvilie, via Ea-i Masouvillc, to
Sidney t'iMUre.
Fn ni am ( Vnuo to Jew-pit.
From E"e;ivi:ieto DrownM Lands.
From Maytield, via Kranberry Creek, to
Norlhvilie. "
From Harrlsville. via Po: Keene.
Foom Mull Store to Ilappv Home.
From 15 River Chapef to Kelly's Cove.
ti aoiueiHicii.i.' ail nan cupie titil
which mav i.a re'i'.nroiS ir. in Ins l eiir.ti:ci.;. ; the J n a-'.:. '-. wiio-i:
Srv. il. 'i'hat ihe i'os. nian. r Gct.cia: oliail i an l coi cln-iv
i.-lali.i:kl Ulnl ul-coliiiuue pvi.-t-uliices ; l.istrilcl
all itci'soo to the i-ervlco w:iU ie;i ;
eiice to their liuties; ilcci'lo ou Hie t..rm.-,
oiai 1 oiii.-i,ii papere ; ptc.-cnl.v the liittn or
ol' keel iiiK ol i-o ttccotili.s : c il t' uce ihe
pioinpt let.duioti il l'e.iirn-re a.ive lo cai I
account;-, coiiiio', accordi;: lo sul
jecl lo Hie b.'ti.euieut of the Aw'i or. a 1 e
iieiiMts iucwlem to die .-ervice 1 1 ih l.tpar -ysirtliii.-ol
: upelllltellll ttie in-im.-iuoll oi iiie
liiouei s ol the lc:arin:ei)i : oirccL iiie maii iii which ba ances shall be paid over;
K-tte ni-rianis to cover nn ne. J nlo the irea -ur,
tind In jay out iiie same, and central.
MMioriiiti-ti'i ll:e b.isitie;. oi iiie lle'.ar.tuein. e.e.iii.e u.l laws i ejaile to the p.istai er 1 eltrht Inn tl 'i-d do'lars each: anil two hniulre 1
ioi ..-ii -, noi;i iiii:;ii iu euie ui t.ii'i c.i i t.. .is
i as
fie .
i to . n.e.
Sm.1. i t. T!i:il i '-e S-s-retarv ol Ihe i -'ca-i r'.' ;
nviv np)s iet in the i lli.-e ot ih-- .Amiiior f-r I
the Po-:-":l!.-' I'epJiitment i.po , l i, i' ,
I i ii' e'erksef iva four, fori v-four clerk-' of i
c'a-s Ihree, tt-l'onr e'erks of ivo. ,
!hir:y-aevc'i cloi ks of e.'ass one, one r.i s-,--mr.
Hue assistant messenger, and eleven ia-;
hirers. ;
Skc. -27. That the annual s;i'arl'- !' the Au
ditor for the Post-i mice I'e'.-ir no tit. aitd ;
I he e'erk". messen ger-, and lubi.-rers in hi of
fice, shall be ns follows:
Of Ihe Auditor. Ihree tliotand dollars.
Of Ihe chief clerk. Ixvu lhou.aiid dollars.
t.lf 111-.- e'erks ifcliiss lour. o: e Ihoil-.-ird :
ell .
a Iii i-
,:ave 1-i-eti attowi
c.i-i-- w hero l.-e
been .i.d " nr.
f.-Mldllie:.! n pre
, o! i-l on. or n;.
o l':el- elilp'owv
lo-un.sier i-ei
b:..rcl.t P
e h'-
tl t ii hen'
vt.e ri.-t.ta;
a' ;i i'oWir c
i.t iii a vv. i:i
1 i!,eri''.-ir. a:
y of iiie In-
i.-r-i'ii i:t
e t:i-!!' ' as '
c i'..-vfiice t
l! a' .-ervi.-c i
v. hen, in
nil. ova i . 0 !
v -.-:ti-n-1: 1
- e, ,-i-ii i he 1
ri-" oi the lir-st. mvoihI. at.d third c'as ;
shall 1; ui ever, lii'iriie is ol i.ol av"; e the .
l'ltiri h -a-. i- i.-c '-. u..'-- o:' liuilar: atid of
tie- li'th in '''' n't-- ';i:-.
":'. M. Tlni at a 1 .' e1 ib i-lfd o;i- ,
c- -. tiie P.-siniH-1 eriiei.ertr mav ti-upoiari-1
ii the .,llav icilil the ivturi: of -uch "I
11. -i sii itl i.-ii to proi er'v a ott-l t!ie
-nine. llll. th -ei liliieesiitton j-l..'lll in l:o t-:l--
I e tempi iti: i y IKe i .-n more th.iu iiie '
:a tiry of an ott.ce of tin- lif'h c a-.
sr'. Tliat ,ii.i s.i:n:-ii- if pi-masters
s! till K re-a -.--.I bv i-.e I'o'innv, i lieiiei
at orce it; i "j f-a:--. ntid In ca-esast
Iti'tch - f.etle'.' R: he n.av 'p'Olll Ox --!i ."-11: t V. hen 1
a-vi iiie .iii.-tr.erie le'ton i ;' anv in -(rna-K-r .
r.aroe ami k idi .:,- f ibe unv a Hie ..r iiini-.c.-ea wlili any n,-h matter anylhtng
- paid, tlieam - ui'. ."it't tl o rit e v np-n wouia auniorize
,:iVi' I 'alio:." sliall
ii.i-:i'r r-eiviug
!'o:iu:i-;cr i.en- l I" !- !
i t a ;i;i ii' !-' i ; an I all s.uc.
i...- I'ti-s ru- I I iv Iii--
the;. i '" ; --i . Il ti.i: a- tac
, itil le i- ;'. !
si -. 1 i.r : . vli ii the Po'ra-'ii'rGei'eialrl'.a-l j
l'uri i-o nione - riier i t'.ice- w i h pinned or j
ii:..el tort.i-i l r lno.uo-ir.lei--. and mi
,ir'i-i' hall le valid nine-.- il be iliawu upwu I
Mt.-h f -tin.
Su'. lit). Tl.tit tl..- poina
uioi.e' -oido-c -hail -eml ano;
iii'j is.i-iiiki i'er ta
! Ird.f'iiir
h. i.r lil" licav
s liceuly per
l I ti.ii- o
i. eiH'ral shall
ri -a-
1 oil.'
.n! P.
'tit l"l:-.
Ii k'.-t I
,l:e i.o
itch n
r hi the nil
,-r or
. I'-e
to he
lll!'. Ill
1 ' j
In in :l:
b.'eli I'e
Si.i'.i j rat n ca-e
or ;Joe!:ce ol ihe i'o
i:!'eiff ai -i 'ituies
being, en the It irs-t A-
M.c. s. Thai the I'o
make Ihe l niowing
eacti a iiiual se.-.-loi. t
A repor. olaiicoiiini
nmle w uhiii
cife Ihe name oi the couliaclir
ilttra ion ot the con,r.!c' ; t;.
Itierci't, wi.U ll.e leeiii ol' t
f She dt-ti'h. rev.giuijion.
i luaster jeiier:ii, ail h i
:ii oevotve. lor ll:e tiu.e j
,i;iiit i'o.-imaii:r Gsn-
tma-ie:' Gereral Mhu'd
.-juris iu Coi:i-i e, ai
Is lorctiri yiii
K yiar,i:ivii:
die Hate and
..le. ;.iL.ia..l
acn : n.e i.uie
i arrival a.iu i.e:arluie a; the enus i-i eacn
1'jiue: the mode ef tran?', o.'.a'iou ; and u
price io h.' pjii l. li-jjei'icr wnh a copy of the
recorded aLtr:ici 1 1 u 1 prep .-ais twi- carr; -ing
lite m.-iil;-. as piovi leu hy .-ec.iou iviu
huii'ii ed and lor. -. idit.
A report nlatl lai.iia-d water uitiiis e--ta!ili-l:e.t
or or lere I wi.hin Uie precee img
year, odier than ihose ie. io coiiLra.-t ai Ihe
arnica! leiin.g. gi m. iti ea.-ii ca-e lite ruuie
or water-ouui.-e on wi.ich iiie iiLiii i.s eiali
liheo. ; the lauieefihe peicoa einploie.i lo
tran.-pori tt : lite moiie oi' ; iiuisju.r.a i"ti ;
Iiie j.-.-ice to be litud; auti ihe dura. ion ol tile
order or coiuracl.
A rersrt ol ail allowances made to ,:on
traclor. wi.hin Ihe prece uu; ear;iboe tin.'
siim uriiiui i :y siipu.aie.l in liieii' re-peclive
coiuiaci.-. ami the lva-ous fn- lie' same, ao.i
of all order , made whereby additioi at e-.-l-'eis
iticurrc l on any routtt beyotid Iiie
oiiiiia' c. nr. l;:c. t'.'tng in tacti ca-e
ihe rout-.-; the name ut ihe cotrra.-o-r: iiie
orieinal -et vice pro, i ie.l f. r be iiie C'iitr.ict :
;t' ioi. li, to i r
bur-iiu' e'erk
Ol'lhe e'erks i.r c.'ass three, one thoti-and
si hundred dollar -.'leh:
Of the.t erk ol" e a-s two, oae tliniisaiul
four liiit-.di e l dollars ea.-h: '
if tin. clerks 1 1" c'avs one, one thou.-and
lvo hundred dio'arsreaoh:
oi the mesnenger. eif.hl hundred and forty
of Ihe assistant meiucnger. s:ven hundrcil
Of Hip iiitmrers. -ix huni'.rod d"'l:ir- ea -h.
Sio. -2S. That whenever ihe o'li.-e ol a.iv
pi'simas er ha'l liecome vacant iiv iea i el
H'I't l"l Ol
ia;--. f ir:;, per
sand fotir 1 mi
I mo. And in i
oi ine po-.a
dcalh, re!i?n;ition. -lls,l'll-;i1! or bv thoev.
1 iration et" tlieconinti.-sion of a po-'mater or
hi-reiivtion bv the senate, or lev the ii-lee'
A-:-iio to l i
an t .l.e a
me a iiiitiouat sir', lee .
L'ii.iouai tillowauce :iiei
, ia A.laa. to to
New York and San Francisco (shall be the I
office" of exchange on the i le of the Fnlted i
States, and (iiiayquil and Manta shall be ihe I
the ofiices of exchange on the side of Ecna-.
dor. lor all mails transmitter! lie'wcen Ihe:
two countries under thiM
all mull matter trtn-smitted in ehher direct
Ion lietween the respective r lUees of exchan
ge shall lie forwarded inclosed lxig or pouch
es under sea', addresse I to the correspond
ing exchange office, and ihe mill's so dis
patched irrru ei her coui ti v to the other shall
be forwarded to the Ciu'edS a'e consul and
resident mall agent at Panama, who is here
bi deslaua ed as ihe agent of the twogovern
ments lor receiving 'he hags or pouches a'
that port fr(m either dirccton, and for rils
pa chlng the same io ihetr resijective ultimate
desiina Ions
The two Post repartmenrs mav, at anr
time, dlvoniinue either of saU oflice3 of ex
change or es.ab idvo. hers.
Aeticle 3.
The ftan 'ard weight for the sli-irle rate of
po tatre and rule i f progtes -iin sha'l he :
1. For letter-, or maniicr!i:t suhie.-t It
iaw io le terra e ei pjstae, oje-bail
ounce, 'nvotrdonoi.)
2. Fora'l other correspondence memionei
In the -econd lara-rain of ihe lirst artlc e.
that win h each co'iniry sha'l adopt for the
inai'9 vr'.tlch it di-ivitchestothe other, ada;it
ed io the .-o.iveinen.-e and habits ut i s inteii
or a imi ilstration: but each countrv shall aive
no i. e to me oiher of 'l.e siar.danl weight 1!
a inp's and of any snbsetiiient charge ihere
f. The weigh' stated by the iiipatchlng ex
chan ire office shall a' ways be accet te 1, ex
cept in cases cf manliest error.
No accounts shall be kept be! w -en the Pot
Office L'ei artmems of ihe two countries on
the mien aiioral correspondence, written ir
printed, exchange 1 between (hem: but each
country shall levy, collect, and retain to us
own list the follow ine postal charirrsi. viz:
1. The pos aee io lie ehaiged and collected
in the United States on each letter, or maim- I
script subject to letter po-tane. mailed in the j
Unl ed -S a:es, and ad Iressed to any p ace in j
the Rernb ic of Ecuador, shall he twenty (2;i:
cent-. I'l iteilS a escnrr'icy.pereach weight
of ba fan ounce or frau of oance: aud
the postage lo lie charge aiTVJej'lec el in Ec
uador on eich efer. or numu.'i2p subject to
letter poo age, ma I ed H EcuTilor and ad
dressed lo any p ace in ihe L'niied Hate- ol"
America, slta l le two (2) rea's. or the tilth
part of a dot ar. (hard.) Ecuador currency,
the same to be in each case In full of all char
ges wha ever to the p'ace of ile-ilr.atlon in
either country Either country, however. Is
at lilier y to reduce ihis charge, but not to in
crease It wkhout the prewous assent of the
2. On all o'her correspondence mentioned
lo the second paragraph ol'the rirst article the
Post l.epar men h of the L'ni eii Siati'a and
Ecuador. may respecMve'y levy, collect, and
re'ain to their scpara e and exclusive use
uucli ra esof postage a lapte 1 to their interi
or administration and to the cost of scatraiis
poriatton as ihe shall deem advl-ahle. But
each office shall give notice to ihe other of the
rates tt adopts, aud of any subsequent cuange
X-ewsnajiern and other correspondence of
the class referred t In the pre. ediug para
eraph shall be seni in narrow ImiuU or cov
ers, open at the sides or ends, so t hat they J
mw be easily examinen L ana iiackagcs oi
such corresisindence fth ill tie to the
laws and reztilutinn of each country in re
gard to their liaU itv to pay customs duly, if
containing dmiable goivls. or to be ra el whh
letter-posin-re when containing wi itteu mat
ter, or for any o.hcr cause speclned in sai l
laws aud regulations.
Article 5.
Letters and o'her communications In man
uscript, which, from any cause, cannot be de
livered to their a.ldrsss, afer the expiration
of a projier period to effect their de'iverv,
shall be reciprocally returned every month,
unopened an I withoitl charge, to the Post uf
flee DepsitTiJnt of ihe dhpa'chltig country:
but new -.papers, and a'l -itier ar.icles of
pr.nted mat er. shall iiot he re nrne-!, but re
raair at the disp of the receiving office.
Lettrc eriiiieoiisly transmilted, or wroug'y
al-ire-se'l, shall lie promptly returned to ihe
lisiiatchln-: office wiihoui charge.
The Post Department of the Unlteil States
shall esiab ish, in conformity with the ar
rangement in force at Ihe lime, the conditions
uoou which ihe Post Deptir.ment of Ecuador
mav exchange, In on mails the
enrrespoudenos originating m Ectiatlor
an I desti ieil for countries to which the Unit-,
e.l S.ates mav serve as an intermedtarv: but
such correspondence shall only lie charged
wi h the iivernatioual postage established by
Ihis convei Ion, augmentel b the postage
raesln force lieiweeu the Uul.ed S.aie- and
Ihe countrv of de-ti la.ion, and any other lax
for exterior serviee-
The Pot Dc an went of ihe United states
sha'l f.unish the Post Hep'ir mnt of Ecuador
with a dt sta lug the foreign couuiiies to
which the foreign postage and Ihe snnoun.'s
th -reof must be alnlii:e y pre-paid, or can ba
Itf unpai l, and shall modify such list from
tunj to timu, as the exigences of its foreign
p al serii. e may re 1 1 1 ire.
la conl'orniltv to the reoulrnients of Ihe
preceding pirasraph, a tab e marked A is
beretinio annexe 1, einiumera ing Ihe conn
tries wl h which, and specifying the term"
and condi tons on which. Ecuador mav ex
change correspondence by way of the United
S ales-
Correspondence of Ihls.o'ass must be ac-
compatne i uy a ietier-ni i irom me uispatcii
Inn excliainz'e office of Ectia.lor. snocifvi.ii
Ihe amount due thereon to the United Siles
an 1 1 bd receiving exchange office of the Unit
e 1 S ates shall return try next post to Mich
dispatching exchaege office an acknoledgment
oi recei pi. mm iviiuiu ui uiuic'i, ..uinii ic-ter-bilis
an I a -.Lnoleiuemeiit of receipt shall
bj in conformity to the mode's B and C, here
unto annexe'!, ana snu i serve asvocnersiu
the "eitleinciu of ihe accounts.
'fhaacc .uiits to be kept lieiween the two Post
Deuartments uuon this c ass oi eorrosimiid-
euce shad be sla e I qnar.erly, transmitted
an I verilled as siieeiiilvas practlcab e : and
the amounts found due shall be iiaid prompt.
lv lo the Unlteil Slates office, under such res
u'laMons as the rcpec.ive Post Departments
m iv from t i in e to ti me preecri he. Such qnarrer
Iv statement shad In" prepared by the Lulled
s a'es oiii. e, ami sutui ionow me ioim i.
her junto annexes I.
Letters orlglna' In g In foreign countries and
altlre-se.1 to the United S ates or Ecuador,
respectively, on which the foreign and inter
na ional posal charges are luHv preiai l,
slia I, when f irwar le V in the mai's of ei her
oonn rv to the o her, lie de Ivered in the coun
try of destination free of charge.
Article a.
The ofBcial enrrsenondence between the
tw i g ivernmon-", I hit of e-icli government
vith its eg Ui iii near the her, a id of etch
le,-a io i wuh l.s, -hall hi co i
veved to Us destination free of postage and
with all the precautions which the two gov
ernments may Un I necessary for invio.aU.lty
aud sccurliy."
When In one of the two countries there Is
no legation of the other, the franking prive
legs of the vacant legation shall be tiaasterr
e l, in the terms ttip jlatod In the preceuding
arde'e, to the resi-ecllve coosnlata or vice
consulate at New York or Guayaquil
Ifeither Post Pepirtment shall be required
tode-lveraar artlc e reoeivel in the muls
the ci.cuiation of which shall bo prohibited
hr tne laws in force in the countrv of destina
tion ; and any article subject by "the laws of
el. her countrv to customs, initj , or in conns
cation shall, when received In the mai's from trea el in accordance with the
law of the receiving country.
TV ttrn Pnt. Tilnlrtmsnlll msV.bV mtltlial
agreement, provide for the transinlssion of
r.-e, iere-1 articitrs in me uiai.o caimuwu w-
iween ine inn tuuiiiriw.
The register fee for each article shall be
ten HOice.its in the united states una onc.i;
real in Ecuador.
Article 12.
fbe two Post Tiepartmcnts shall settle,
by agreement between them, all measnres of
lietail and arraugemeut required to carry this
convention into Ion, and may modlly
the same In like mannei', from timjto time,
as the eig mcies of the service may require.
Articles miy also, by mutual hi
am j.i le I, n I (e 1, or s ippres 1, according to
the retiulrineats of the service, wi.hout re-
AN ACT to establish certain post-roads.
Ui: it eiwc'etl hy the. Senate ami nfv
of lleiresenttUires ui the U itited Sti'ten
i4 Auierivt in ComjreM attneuMf-i, That
the fblinwiiirr be. ami ure hereby, es
tublisheJ as post-ro:u!.s:
From Mitchell lo Oswiehre.
From Jacksonville, via White plains and
E Iwardsvtl 'e, Ui Kemp' Store.
From Edwardsville. vi-t Itei'' Mills Arlw
coivliio, S ate Hill, and Wild Wood, to Wct
owee. From Pine App'e to Cokevitle.
From u.xford to Kenio's Creek
From 1 adeville, via Hownll's Slore, to M'e
trmpka, ARKANSAS.
From Taylor' Creek to Cherry V.-."ey.
Fr. m L' clsl-tirg to M.m ra! Springs. "
Fr. m lireen-is'i-o to Poivl.aiau.
From lliii Fiat lo Piuevi:te
l-'rom sycamore, via Tab:e Ho,-k, McCIure's
Mills, and li illaioCi'y, to Yelivtiie.
From Cotiiiiey tot ul man.
From I'a.Ies'via Eagle Gap, to l-acovil lo.
From Ba!e-vilie, via Black Uak and Mouui
OMve to Pinevi J'e.
From Antrim, via Oka'ona, Rome, l'.eech
Creek, and Red h;'.1, to Cam len.
From Fayeuevilie to ii.iia.
From Kearney Station, via Fori Kearney, ,
Reptiticau i. ity, in IIa "s City, 1
in Kati.-a. !
From North I'lulle, via StockvilH1, to Hay'. j
Oil v. in Ka ?as.
From lixeter, via Empire, Glentary, and '
Jersev City, tu Jlig Sandy. .
From Meshanie, via Allendale and Rock
Mi'ls. io lllawei.biirgh.
from Tiover lo Mi. e Hill.
From Wa'.iack to Erauchville. '
From Frazersbur.:, via West Carlisle, to
X 'v Gt i ford.
From Mount Aire to Xe.v IVilumore.
From Blue R.vk In Young Hickory.
From C'aiv to ( a'cn'la.
From Whipp'c to Ma;er:ou.
From Salem Centre, vi s 1 anville, to Kygor,
.'penv;il?. i.-. Spve'i, Mills aud
or ref i-al . I ativ person to ra.-e e'arg-'
the iot-.fliee to which he is aptoint. d. -S'lall
l' theduty of ihe po-tira-ier (,ei,eiti! 1
or the 1'rc-iden't (a Ihe ca-e may lrf-: to -:n- ;
l lv such vaeancv withou' ile'av. at.d I' -hall
he the duty of the l'o--mater Goneta' ;
preniplly lo'noiify the Aiiditorol' tl.o clian.L-e:
and e'. erv lwislma-ter and his sitrclie-. .-iei'l
he re-i-on-il.'e uniler their Iw-iid lor ihe sal'.- ,
kiepi:.. ol'lhe public projerty ol'lhe po--;
ol;ice. and the dee performance of ihe duties ;
ihere.'f, ut:til li-eexj iration of :he eoitui!;- i
ion, (ir until a siicces.-or .-hall pave ls-e:i dti- ;
Iv appoiuie 1 aud uua'i'ie 1. a";l mti'I l-ae 1
lalecn H.,-c Ion of t he oil! -e: Provide 1 nev- :
erlh.-'e-. Tiitil In ca-es v. here il.i're Hiail he :
a ile'ay of -ity iiays in sup 'yi:' i-'lc!i v.'i- :
cancy. tpo -urelies may terminate llieir r - t
- pon-lioll' y Py civil e no-:ei-. in wrid-'ir. io
Iiie Po- liri-ter I o'M oral, --tlcii tenniuu' io'i lo
t'ike ell'ecl leti davs al'.er -u.licie'.'! 'iire -ha' I ,
have e'til'-edto receive ;i Ven'v 1V"H1 1 l.e 1''
r or i
e. thereon.
1. l'h.T ulieti li'o le-:iii;:ii riiei.or'iI
,ei tht t nioiiev or jii .'t eriv -in en
: it.-.i1. or ihe pro.-ee I - '.iie'eol, ha
eivid :. He I'.'oi-irir.i.'iit. l:e uiay.
hl-'li -a l-iac "ry I--I'ieuee .'. to Ihe ov, ner,
de i er 1 he --.lllli' to hinl.
... . .V'. Tha! the Auditor for the !'''-
mice iK-rar-.u eha!i state end ,-er.ily
o.iarii-r ' io ,le- l'.i-:n:as er o'liera! on ae
c'.ai.i i 1' iiie ioo.-m-' p:d i 1, po-!u::l-ters out of
1 -.e nve!pi of ih' ir oilice. and pnrsiuiut lo
l p.r I'llalioiis. on a -eouiii of II:e eif P-es - I'
i He .o- at ..'il lee. ...-1 lii.a' l-.t-.' 'hell
dev w hi -ti -n -ii pi i-.l Irs wci'f nrr
-le. 'i'1,,,1 :".i.i, th,. e-rtitii-d
-t'lU-i.i. i.i by ihe Att'i.lor P. i- t
I 'epar.m.-i.I f l ie: pa . nt.'tus li
mi ;..Vi..:ll! o! tie l.i.-fr't M-rvi e. tie IV
l:..l-t'-V I .i-:n: :i I -la.: i-'::-l:i- Warrant to 'lie ! tliodivr.
'i rea-i.r. r'i. the aiiioun'. to.i
. : Itii' po-ta. relelille- a. l-l to lie
It... )'..; . aporopruilioo- Upon lla
the All ,i'"V.
-: r. .".I, 'l':-:i ihe i..-':i-' n'V.'i "i'-. uti'i ali i
I'l-ot -.'., e ; h,.- l'o-t-i 'th. e l'epariittcii', -h.i'.i. ;
vis hoi 'ivt.-l. h' i.ii i in' , lie- lua-i-ry ot i
ll.e l ei eil Si Co-, loider tie' li'ree'l. ll of the I
l'.-'iea -lir i.-'ii.-la: ; a-.d 'he I re.i-iil vr. a-;
s.-.tln: ilea i tier, or .l-.-i-nat
el t ne
R'rv :illwe I
ir. u: i' would he
me P isiiiia-ier
Si-.'. '.. 'I h i'
a po--t m i-! i-i . t am
certain,"! by additiv. !
Irix-reni ,".u;liiii--i t
revenue- of iii.- ,-:li.-.
On the lirst o:.e h-in i-
.cr .'.'!! 1. 1: in : "ii a ii o er on,' he ti" r.
at'd not u.l Intir hitii.ired i.oilar-.
ce.-.tu-.u : on a l hi i r ! 'l:r hllildf
hai I he ;
.--.-tit l:m les i
i.-ad;ust ihe
.n- ther
nl:e Mil"
the lot!
hall U't
ihe- ,.'
.tie.' rao
if .
tl !
iter to ',.
l.i. !!--'
STTttC '
111. . hi-doilars.
i. ,l".s Itll-
t'o-l-' ji'iee.
llt.'l-tel- lo'lie-.a!
s'a e. U'.'ler tl'):
.T1 "! a- he ni :
c i -", ti e aitnoit
aui"!''.: ,,f tn.-.-i'.
UiiJ'tii 1
p.'.-laee i:u i . ,i-(
lor: Provide t. 1"
rea im of lie- e-.;
'lie;--, the h. '.-l
deel-ei-i-ii. t.e :'
low. olli of iii.: r-.-'lllleil-l't
In nia:'
he alilo.i;-,! at w i:
M- .tllo'i-aud lour ii-aiiore ! '1" -cea'
ii :n : on ail o-. er t w o lie 'ti-
1 dollars lifiivn iter c.".j-
or.ier io i:-cei ta!'.i I ii -aiiio.m! ; e.ieli otli -e, tin: !'?'!-
il.lll l
. at sue
!l! - r'-e
I ;!"d
toe p- !,-.-..-,.- to
lime- and loc shell
ln,c.'--a:;.' ia e.l'l'
i: "nue.c
un -ter
f. ed. I oi
I. .til l
'her in
.,' In
a i . '
ani'.uai o; .
inociii; oi'
!a:i e lint-
v. h va.-.or. hi 1
.' i
il v
i-Iua. ai i.enerai may .-il-eip.-.
of i eh utile!, a sum
tain tin -tiiat-i tin'i'.-iil' a.
eh it i been t:ed lieton-
u' I Sri-, i-1. Tt a'
.-lull maki.-all
"1 ihe -a'.,:,.--. I :
l e'o-i i Ik in h
iter-. :e
ni l--lo-
'"-tm.i --": General
-iiniag ol- ch:l:;j;!n...
i-i ui ii i iii ne. and re
nal, and ifv th.
r. . e: iu -u.'li pa 1 n.e:il -iia
p.r -ii.p ..-a e lee.ep -lh.":'eh
.-3 i'. .".. Tl :V all d.-p -il--
p..-lai service -hall I'.- h"."i :
111 v lie V. il lit i.i - of '.lie I'-'-t
courier. viied let Ih"
-i-.ei he a! ov.e I p." a 'V di; In Ik-ou i---:..-I.
1 i . .".-i. 'I llilt il l- l'o-!in..'i
r in 'iiev l'i-e.i"ei'.i: I
1 -.' l.e we Ml lie- 'I'll- l-lil.-r
give the dep'ei-
cti.i'ijre i" i he At'ditoi-: aa'! any cl'iiue lii-
itl -Pen -a'aries - htl 1 1 itol lake eih.-e: ur
the first day oi the itext I'll
.eel. ord. r : Providi!. Thai Pi ca-.-s
. - X ! raoi1 1, t'.ar '.' l..c ietl-o "i- d.-en.-t-e
l.:i.-:ee of any
i .euerai in.i a-i
I r al .-.icli .' si-
. tea 1 tea--
i :u. it :
1 i- i -. a
... a id :
: tie -at.
or I.i'
. lie-
:r. ie-,
.- el IC;
r.-il mav
ill- !
1; i
l) ihe '
'f !l
hi 111,- '
I" ot'.i -e. iii- I.e--nia:er
' the -a ar--" "l'ltie p.'-il:l:i-- ;
.tii.-.. lo i.-iie eili-i local ihe
.!;.' ot , a (,!.;..e'-or p- ii.-l ihe r.-iilni-Vlcei.
1 -i-lll ihe lei-is "1 1 e-a-1;.-: Tlieitt.
r. 'I'i.iit i". p. iin-i -:er .-i aii. under
'ieioi:-e vv ha' ev er, 1..1 v e. receive, i.r li;
.nr. for he a-"-::", in i he a-'.rre; ate. i-i '. e to u.
1 i: alai'il.h ol oi - -a iarv a ir . Ir cuiiiii .n
li ll.e lu.r.o',--.ilc:- b':.-;ne-- ;i.- l:..:eil!:!'..e."
t-e l ied.
-if. . Tier tie- Po liuti-t.".- i.eii'.' r.t;'
U -l'iiiale oia.-,' a- in... lii;e:-e.-l....Il i t i.iai
i i v.
auv i-Uel
rc-'r of ail cai-tailnieut el expen-e
a ..i ilia ttie piece in year, givihi.l
i-aliie. a.l"i.v:i::ais il.-, in lite pre-
i ;
,!l4 lej.'o
. l. po.i .
to. lil-c pi .V
From Hydevil!e, via Gibson's Store, Rib
inson's Store, Coutses Store, and Kickamakie,
to Round Valley.
Frm Reno. In X'cvada, to Greenville.
From l-.ide;e-iiic...-e to l'.,.-ep springs.
From llavoian, lo Mineral Park m Orizo
na. From San Bueiieventara. to Htteueme.
From San Ideso, via Sprin; Valley. Cai-in
Rancho, Yatle de los Yie'-'e?, ii:atary,
Stonewall Mine to Julian Mines.
From Merced, via Sue. lings and Coulter
vi! 'e, i.i Yosemi e
Iron' Clou" tervi lie to La Grange.
From San Louis Rev, via Faii vicw-, to Te
lmvu a.
From Independence, via To'l House, Peep
Si ring Valley, and Siala Valley, to imta
From Mo Icsta. via H urr's Ranch and Coul-lei-vilte,
to Yoseniile.
From San l -iei:o, via Pamil. Sao I'asc'.ta',
Mou".era e, WolFs Store, and San Jacinto, to
San Bernardino.
From P.allena to Oak Grove.
From Sauta C ara. li Lexington, Summit
House, San Lorenzo, and leiton, lo Santa
From E!k Grove, via Sheldon ai d Cocuni
nes, to Michigan Bar.
From Co'oraJo Springs, via Easton, to Co
mer's Mils.
From Puebla, via Huc-rfano.Tunoiinn, Ilags
vllle, ami Los Animus, to For: Lyon.
Frcm Yankton, via Green l3iand, Nebras
ka, to Cheyenne, in W Venning.
From Yankton, via Todd's Ford, to Rock
iort. Frcm Medarv to Lake Bonton, In Minne-
From Vermillion, via Turnersvlle, to Wick
From Orlando to Cross Prairie.
From Concord to Han eil, via Calvary, in
Fruii New Smvrnn, via Spring Hill and
Jjike Bercsford. 10 Hawklnsville.
From Cetar Keys u umplerville.
From Orlando, via Lake Marion aotl For:
Drum, to saent Lucia.
From Key West, via Charlotte Harbor, to
Tani) a.
From Fort Mead, io Charlatte Harlior.
From Okehumkee, via SuinKerville. to
Brroksvi le.
From New Troy, via Cook's Hammock, to
Deadman's Bay.
From Jacksonville, vi) Callahan, King's
Ferrv, Ci.Ieraine. and Trailor's Ilnl, to Cen
tre Milage, Georgia.
From Elherton, via Summervale, Cold Wa
ter, and ledar Creek to Hurt well.
From Penne d to WomlviPe.
' From Boston, via Old Groovervllle, Ama
cilla S.ation, to Moniicello, Florida.
From innie;svi lie. via Poole's Grove and
An'ioch. via Elverlon.
From Vahhtta. via I.onir Pond. Swilley's
Store, to Jeiimng's Post Office, Florida.
From Hearing to Luther.
From Washington, via Bilker's Ferry toE'
bertou. ILLI OIS.
From Millf rd. via Ash Grove to Buckley.
From Hull's T.a ion to Hlehtteld.
From E.ldyville, via Stouefort, to Saral.
ville. From Opdvke, via Harris Grove; to Webb's
Grom Tamaroa, via Winfield, to Spring
Gar len.
From McLeanslioro, viaMc Lausboro and
Tamaroa Road, to Ewhtg.
From West Lebanon, via Walnut Grove, to
From Ltifavelte, via Mtmlmorcncv, Pond
Grove. Oxford, Boswell, and Paxton, to
Xeedmr.'e. io V.'arh i dsbnrg.
Fvc-in B oe.m-b.n-L:, via M..r..anv il
h'e'-'r. at:d s;i!iv.a'er. lo oei.ton.
Fr ro New Br.ghun:, via Bush Creek
BarriM i' ie.
Fi'"in ,Iaeks"'U Corners to Phi'insburg.
From Pound to li-.u"..-!- Mill...
From Sta.e-Llck, via McViii, to North Buf-laio.
Freui Mclu'.ire'.o Ea!tou.
From F-tirview lo('e.n"fo.Cross-I.oa l.
From Wolf-viPe to Sini t.iiurs.
From Maldietown lo Beaiisvule.
From Union Court-Hou-sC, via Burnt Facto- '
rv. io Woojrnit'. j
"From Snartatiybif-j; To Gnwan ivi'le.
From Wa hal a. via Colonel's Fork. Ba.-lie- .
lor's Retreat, t u ket.y, Suow Creek, and War
saw, to Waih.tlia.
From C'.thuri.e l. Gecr-ze's Creek.
From Kie-hlan 1 S'alhui to Lnfayeue.
From Urentwuoii, via Miilv.ew, to Hardi
son. ,
From Purer to Tobacco Point. '
From Wa iietsro', via C'opeaind, Martin's ;
ttlitls, Gixs'Mills, and Lowry vide, to Ham
burg. " ;
From Troy, via Mi'.letivil.le, to Tiiitonville.
From Trezevau, via McLeniaiesvilie, to
From Ashevitlc, via West 1'nrk of Ivy and ,
Upier Laurel auu Indian Creek, lo Jonesbo
ro'. From Lawrenctbtirg, via New burg,, to
From Lavvreucebi'.rg to Wayiieslioro'.
i the .V..a.-.ce 01 lite Deiiarlnieut J
.iimrveac. -hawing the amount i
i;e i l.e l.eiai-iiiieiii ai i Iiie Ileum- I
lii-.g ! the vear: ihe au.ouni ol po-iae I
w -Inch accrued wi. hi : ttie vear: the ana.iitu
ei' euia 'e, a. n and itibidiie-: and the amount
ac. t'li:-." j ai 1 1 luring l lie year f..i- .virrv ii'vi Iiie
uta 1 show in;; how'iuitcli" oi saill ainounL was
lor ctirrvii.g ttie i.-iai: in pre-ceding vear-.
V repor; of the lines impose I on, and the
deduction- fcoin Ihe pay ef conlracter. tin le
d"vi:ig the preceding year, staling Uiei.anie
of Ihe coir, rue or; in." nature ol'the doUu-i-'ti-iiev;
the route on w inch li ocemve I :
wlien Uie 'ine was impose 1 ; and w he; her the
tine or de.luc'.iou has been 1'cnulted; and fur
what reaiua.
A coic of etich contract for c-irrv int; the
in til lie.vve-.'ii' the s a.e and for
ein civ'.i'i rie. ivi.ii a sin einoiil of iiie
a in oitut of pe-iage derit e 1 u uder ihe saute, so
far as the returns oi ihe Department will en
i'.ITe tt iobe done'.
A rri-ori -h .w iug a'.l em'rac's v.-'ai.-h l-,ave
b -en in ide bv' the i c. art me it, oilier than P.r
carr' i: g die m::i'. t-.v-mg ihe nnnu ef the
couiiaciot' : ihe ar ic e or; coiuractei
1' ' : ihe p'.ice w here the a:' ic e was ,o he j
er perto-'nie i ; tl:eam din. j
lli-c d:ta: .tilciilua ol ;
Ihe l'o-;naii-r I i
gL-Il.-ie- of the er
lice in chai'ire of :
caucv can I leet
s eciat a;;e!il
o-l-e.'lice. tl
And pi-ovided a'se.
neral uiay, vvle-n tin
tee reijlli re. Iila -.- -tie
ix-ciai aei'i.l meil I h
i-.-utany iihed : and w hen -'ten
iia'l have itii. en char re , t" -'. i.-'-.
lialiiiiiv of the silio-ie.--" of Hie
p-..-el I'e
par. in.
. f in.i
;'h,l;iie lln
iavv relet iiee
!, . '.- ol at.v
ai. ealtoi
! i-s-arv -.
i :
! hi. iv In i1 -
po in i-t.-r 1"
1 l! i
i . a
mai ."iii ileiuy.
wui i.i it I nr. -i un.
S: i'. 111. 'J'l.a' no in ce.
vaii'l i'.inl u.iie-s
l.o-t ncisicr oa whom it is
ve.-ii- i:s ...i;e : 1.
erat. on tiie up;i.i.-ii! iu ot tr.e reiiniter or
T.a'.et-e.faiec order, may cause a nee
e l--i:e I iii i:cu lla-ieel.
. 'that ihe pavo-c f.i m .'iiev -i-iier
it- Wlul-li Uil.'l'-ein 'IH therein.
.i.r.vt i. to Is- nu. i to any ..tie r ers..ii. a.ei
the p. ' or on whom it t draw n .-hail pay
liie -clae tl 1 1 1-.' per -oil ih't-. de-i 'lillle.;. p'C. -
v .de l lie s'nall f n ni-h such proof a the pot-luatei-
Genera' may pn - rilii Hint tiie in-lior-enn
iH i- -en;, .no, a::d that he is tin- per
son -:!' ..v .'ii" l lo receive payment: hut
p-e-re Uiatl one iad. reinenl -l.atl rentier an
..i.ier li va'il nor i.iv able, and th" i.o;
I'er. to i,b:;::u pavinent. "shall be rci.iiiv I to
aopiv in vvieiine to lie Posiina-ier General
l.'u a' new order ni ti '. i tliore.d. p-nii'i-ai ;-: the
ill oi-ih.-i-, S'l'i in.isl'ie. sileli pro- i i i ,ne
a,-''- dl lin- i r-euietit as Uie J ot-
:..i:..v-i I nelv l'enui re.
i l 'I ha? iili'ei- a ii!ili"v-eil'. ber ha heetl
1 iii'-l. if the p.'tvtia-er de-ire lohaveii
iii.ti'i.-d or chaime (. lie- p'-si master who i.
s.i'ei i lie order -lull U:n it ,l:''" ardl-iie
atelier in li"'i .fit, for whi -h a i.ev, ice
shall he exacted,
st:-'. 114. That the .'iii.i-ter i -suing a
r , alt twiiiiwuu ' i'. !
.cii'i.Hi of Iiie per .a wi;.. ot...aili"-1
ind tii-j re. urn ol i he order, n it Uie lee
I fori! shall in I'e relumed.
". . lie. llr't viiienever 11 Jll otiev - irder
ha- li.-e.l !oi. tiie iotmas'.er Getienil. upon
the application "of Ihe remitter or pavee ol
ucii .'r ier, nia'-.-niii-a dupu -uie Ihere..!' lo
be lsiii-l. wiiho',1 .iitiliie. providing ii.e
'ar;v io-ii;g lite s1li:I iuriii-ii a cer
ii!ic;i;c from Ihe p-.s. in iter by vvhoiii ir w as
pavable ll.tu ii had not l.ii':i. a id v.out'! not
i her. a tier is-. ;aii'i, aiit a tiirntar ceriiiente
from li.e e'i iii'i-ier liy whom a v.a l-si:el
Ilia; ii ici.i r..; iH-011, and v.ou.a no; tnereaiier
ie reuaid.
Si.i". IP;, 'i' any ;-rson who shall, v-illi
iut.-a1 i .. .ieiran-i. false. y make. l re. C'l'ii-lerf.-ll.
ei'itiave. or prim, orcjta-e or pr. -C'ne
to I.." la'-e.v lii L li". l..rgo. 1. clui'l'l-fl-i . t,
eiiei'i.V'-'i, or ptit.ti i. or wiKmg'y aid r as-
't-iiV, c 'iiutei ii-ri!'.'.
uivo-der i:i !ul..ail'ai
.1 or pill-f-'I't l!. toi-e.l lllot.e;. -order lsue-l
bv tii'; 1' '.t-i I'tice J a- aruaenl. or :;'..y..f u
. i...i -ler- oi- ae "al .-, or a ity uiaieriai sietna-l..ix-
or 1 1 .. i- .r -eiiK'l'l Ihei-eoli : an;, ivr-on
v. no .-iiii'i )a -e . .en! . i.i'.M.i-.' or i.i ociire
I. i- altered, or wd.if.giy- ai I or til.tin
lal-.. 'y a' i .ill-.i:.y s '-'h i.i".."- or.i. i-: a.iv
!io sinit. wi':, in' i-i .en an .,
or require Ihe charge
e,i .. mgner r.-ue oi ;,os;age I Hereon.
S;- l.'. 1 liitt no newspapers Miall lie re
ceded to couveved iiv mail unless rhey
are sUeicienily dried and iucio-cd iu projt-r
six. Iii!1 That when packaces f newspa-iM-rs
or iher rioibcals are nveivesl ai a
ji-it-iijce', direcUsl io imi-auiires., and the
, lJime of the siib-c rilers teiwhnm thev lt
er i--iting a lung, with tin- postage lor a inner In" .id
e iheiei'thy i vaiice, is l.auue.1 lo uie posima-ter. he shall
on Ha
L:-.d y in ikie::, 1.
. ),. or p:
I '- i
.n a
1 liver.' I ..vil
pit; 1 i Her. fa-:
I i io eoii.rac:.
A lep.-.r' of th? e'erks r.wA o iiei- pel-sons l
employe 1 iu tie.' In par: meai dr.iii'.g ihe vear. !
or aav p:ir; thereoi, giving Ihe name of the!
persons; ihe lime liiey were actually em-!
p! I. and the em i ai l each : vvl-eilier lliev t
have been Useful. y euii'loye.i : whether the;
service-of a uy caa ' ..' dlpensel well with- i
out .!i".r.nie"ti to lii-e pu'olic. service: iiie; i
whetlier the removal of any. am! the appei it
uieiii of o:!',ei - in Ihi-ir siead, is retptiied for I
tin betier depatcil oi iiasii.ess.
A u pon oa ilieno':il business atid a:re:v i
ei "l:i f reitrti c 'iiutric-. !
And ll.e Postmaster G-tieta. -1 a'l c.T'-i'all
rf -uch repoiis :.i he ria:.- i a' tea; Fcloie
Pri-.itl.s C'ilice. c'.tl.. r,. '.:;.e'. u-.-epeia e'e,
a. id i.i such i,i;r.-.l---rs a-mav he ie ,i:i;clby
ihe e.Xiu-el !" ot ihe -trv ice ; .y a-.v.
S; c. it. That lite l'otui:isii r t-ieneral
snl.m.t to Conu-ii s ; at each aunt a'
H. :i'er.i?iii eif ihe at'i.-;!:; e.vp"ti,.e I d o n : li e
preci-i'.ng ti-eai vear. ar.uan e-iinia:e of .he
am 'lint ita" v-. I ie i'eii'.'i.'v i '- ' 'he
eiini: g licai '.;'. under each I the !'.'-
I. wviegtiea !-: 'I'taa-p r a i- u of tlieuiuis;"
'conii' i"ii e f lies nui-te.'--:" ",-i uip u-a-lion
of c elks in posl-oihces:" cinpen-a-llon
of le. ler-cari i.-rs ;" comjK i.-alion ol
blank agentsaiul aisi-tants;" -miili ilepre la
tious and special aeei.i.:" 'polage-ianips
a id I'iivf ope :" "si-.i.'. sieamh'-at, and b;iv
letter:" "dca I letters :" mm -Iwgs ;' mail,
lock, key, a ml stamps;' '-vviappin;.--;iper:''
".tiice l'ulllliure:, "a Ivei-tisiug :" '-b.i juices
to foreign conn' rie? :" -'rent, light, and fuel
for po-t'-oiUces ;' 's a ioeery :" and -mi-cel-
latieoiis." shuwitig tiie snnis paid under
each head, and the uaines of
person to whom p-tvmeuts are made
out of the mi "ce! lane- ui- f m l : b:it l he names ;
ot ersons cuip'ov e i i i de: b g '.at ions '
o;i the m ill, an! of o.her conU.ieiKial agent.-, j
r.eed not be disc.loe 1. '
Sfc. 10. That the P.-i-lma-t.-r General shall !
lay before Congress, during Use tir.-l week in I
Oiicil annual session, e i soiieuieiu 01
po-tnta -ti-r -lia.l ei-ae.
S: ".-.':). Thai all order aiv! regula'to:-- ,.f
the l'o'ina-ier General w hich m iy 01 lei'ia'..
a c'a tin. ov (o a i- ma uner an'eei the aecouti' -
i f tne postal s 'rvice. .--hall he ,-"i'litiei ta tiie ,
An iilor for the l'os'-eiiiice I e-tar iiieut.
sko.;: i. That the l'otu.a-er General ne-.v
estab i-h a b'ank rirency for die l'.i-'-t Pli. e
leiarim-t.t, lobe 1 icalcd at Wa-hii:gton I )ii
ti i.-t of Columbia.
Site. ."1. '1 hi' the Po-t uiasti r Ge-.ei a' nor
cnip'oy Ivvo -peciif .-e'eiii Ut ih- I'.ieiii.
c.itist. atal s'vh iiumber ef other ie eil
:u:e!.: as i hi g -o I 1 1" Ihe -ervi -e aid the -af -lv
of the mai . mav ve.;ui..'.
' Si;r. ;;t. Tl -at the .-a'ary ef ihe -pe. ial
agetu of the Po -' ittice liepariiin-o.i !.
at ;he ra'e of nof more Ihan oi.e thoe-an I
six htindre l dollars i-r aunnin: and tta-v
si '.a'l he ti ilowe I Ioi tra vi'iii-.L' a-i 1 inei let 'en!
ex("i.-i . wlii'e a -ttially entplo; ed in ihe
serv i.-e. a sum not excee iir.g live dollar.- a
st:i ;:.'.. That whenever .1 -! e.-ril tfri-el -re
;inrtd to ,.r .ii-liei-e i.av pa i'i -in
'iiev. he si. "pi. Is lore .-.teritu epo'i :.
dittv ,';'i-. e bond ill .-itch stiei and form, ai.d
V. li h sech -eelli'i; y, as tiie I'os' ma :er .e:.
erat niav ai i-i-ove.
Sh'. 111. That the Postmaster Goner;:' u: r.
riiip1..-., when lit"' service yeit i.'e- ;:. :he
Assi-tal.t P.!ii:isiers Geiie-ra! ai:d -';:--e'.e-leii.'e.'iits
su hi 1 lepari li.'. nt a- ec'.el i.L';.' t ;
and lie may allow them iliei. i .r net i v.-: e-i-
ln2:i:e aui. ltd. i i-xp-. nde'd he iii -.uii-. i i-'e-Mirv
i rave:: i i: expenses wlii'e .--.nph-. ,. i.
Su". ;;.. That Hie l"'n:a-'er i.. tn rai i i :'
ap-oi'e.t two aeeels lo Kioi intend :':e- r::: -vmiv
is-:-ii service, w ho shail i ..- nii ; o:'t - :
Ihe I'pj r ' ria ion : -r lie- trac-;. .i i;:: ..oa
! the mad. at de rate oi ivvo th-.usii 1 !':'.'
1 huii'lnil del 'ar r Mni.uni s.r-trv. vv i h
i a lowaece for lrave':i''g and u -'t lentai e -.p ;.-
si , w pi e ae'ivei' i inpiovc 1 in ihe setvei.
of n-'t more than live dollars a day ; ai.-l 'tie
Auditor . ;' ih.- Treasury tor 111 - !.-;- i:l..-,-I
'e a rime: it slril i charge lo t'i" :ii pr.i t i iti.'-i
for mai' irausp .ri.-uion Ihe Ararv and -r
of a.
in n
ch imi'
in I a 1
liri e
- !' nig i"i- Ihe s:in
l e l' io n.
tpiarlerlv le'iiri-
ic.'.'ino.inv 1 1 1 -
i l .i.e
a a -co
lU.'ill I',
i-.l- a nia
-i: arat iiiit
at. I
a'ievv p. ; i
aud to ll.e
and -'.'!!
111!.' Ol I I
In-!. !;:
e'erk. .
i:i-;e i o:
an i no -lip
.11 lie
1 .-tk
p - ini-li'
, litler. or ptil'll-
'er, or p:ili.l-i.. :i-r.-
i. eoi.lll.-rlei'e 1.
r. kii'-v. ii. g t he i-.i'ii'
: i -r.-i hieii. ila-re ti.
.!!e(eil -tied
el'l le- d.-e:
i It
' rit.'ii-ei- sn. 1. i.,t,.ii..r . - i.... 1 I, . ,i Alp
. speeuve ov, ners
-iisler sl.ail be! s.r-. 14a. That p-tn;a !i-i-s i hall nu'lfi JH-pie-ei'ted
to the j pui.lishei' of unx i.eivs-,i.,fi.-r. or other inriil
iav.n v. ithiu ,i;tei leal, vchieu ativ .ul.;riiier siial I aein--" u int-,,
it ll.e I os. tna.-ie-r i,en-I ihe same ft-oin the othee. ,r ne-itv: lo call
i for it for ihe jieriod of one moiuh.
si-.f. HI. Tlril itiii.llier-i of r.evv-t aners
ai d peri i lleais may .r..u. or wrue, n n
the ir publication"' .sen' lo re-riuarsiiirlls"!--.
Ihe a .die--oi'llie -i i... rilicr. and the dale
v nen tiie si.!;.-i-ipUoii expues, ami nmv u-clo.-e
therein b.llsiiii.i rts-eipts fir shbscrlp
lion there. o. wltlioai ..ui.jeclitig sun pnhu
cai ion i.i extra posiage.
t'.'. Hi!. '1 'ia-' -.uv ier-nn who shall in
cloee or .-oitc.-al anv leiier. iiii'iniirainpiin. i.r
o.-liei-liiiie-iii.ini;. iiieal-malier not eliai-i'd
with !o!"ei -o.!iK.e. or link anv w riting tn
uieiiioratel'iin I nereoti. ;ni. E deiifisif, i r ,'a'is,'
Hie s.mie to In- d, pi.-ite I. lor cu.H e ance hv
ui iii ai a ie.- rate inen le!"ie,., luil !.
f.r i'Vit; s.i.di orien.e, lorl'eit and jflv- :lc,
do t irs. and -oca hi:ti!-iii.iuer ,.r Inciosiue
shall no! lie deltvi-ro! until the isfage is
ltd i there..!, al leitei'-r.ii".-; but no extra
p..-, age shall he charted Piracanl .n:iUsi or
anptesM." i iii"uan eiive... or wmjiiM-r.
s,i". M;:. That .iintrn. lois of nun -enr-rtes
may cotivev, on; 1 1 ',e iiiai!;ihn--',t"rr
f..r -tale of di-trihtita n lo sulcrilioi-.
s; i . HI. That II". Po iTiias.'er ma.
pun ide by onk r tile lernis iism w lileli roilli -agents
iniiy le.eei'. e lroni piilillsiu rs or.-tnv
new- agent In ,-liaree lliereol.aii tde iver th'
Mime .'is liirecietl. it pre-aiuirtl .ind cal e l lor
at tiie mail c-ir or siearoer. packages of nevv
p iis rs and other pel i.slp a Is not received
fn-m or tnleiide-d lor deiivery aranypos:-oilice-.
sw. 11".. Tiitif any;iirtter who shad
nnia-.v.iiiiy detain Pi h ollice any leiier vr
otl-.e- nial'-iigii er. th in.tln-.' ot w iis-t; l p..;
p.iolii'"i;e 1 bv law. with indent, to prevent tin
in ileal and delivery i.i ih.c'iineto ihe is rsou
lo it Is ,-al Ires-i-il. shall, oa conviction
tl i.'vis-f. lorfei: and par mil nve
h'liairi-d dollars and Fiiuprisoi e ! nut e.x
eieiii'tr sixui'-nilis, a in i lie shai I tie forever
t:. i reaper iiicapaiile of holding ihe oi'.ice i.r
-: . I vi- That any per.i:i emnioye! In auv
ilel-nemei!. eif iiie posial se-rv ice. w h. "halt
u.itavvf.i'Jv iie;.-t:ti. .ie';:;c. or oik.u anv letter. -packet,
b or mad ,-f le.t.-rs intiii.-iisl to
him. or w Inch hai i have come iiii hi n-
se ion, and wlecii wa intended In lie coa
veve i br uriil: or call ie.1 or delivered bvaiiy
im;, mai'-ines.scnri'r. roultwiL't'iit,
leiier carrier, or o'lier pe-rson empiovi-d in
anv dei-trtiiK.-at oi ihe p.r:al -ervi.-c, or for-v-.
irde i ilir 'Urli oroetivere'd lroia auv p..-i.
o'.'a. e or lirra.:!i po-i-.:,.-e i-:alili-he 1 li;. an
ihority ol'the i'osini iti r i.pnera) : any such
'M-rsoii who shaii secreli". eiuhe'z. le, or de--il'oy
any le'lec. p-i,-ket. lug. or 1 .11 1 1 ol"
'e te."-. a ' , ai l, -hail" not eontnt.i
auv -ectir;tv- for or assurance rela'ii.g to
:iiii-."" or other liiiuir ol value, every t;ch
a-rson sliall. o i .-.invie: i .,i lheriof. f.,i-
siu-ii o.;-eiise. ..rieit an.i ;gy a is-uaity oi no:
i". '.'i: ung
.1- tide
, or :iii
ii euip.
ill!', sue
led 111'
I.i he in e. iorgi.
r alt.-te I. every such is lso
I gui i v ..1 l.'i.'iiy. aii 1. o.. -o
--..a ! be laipri-oli'-'i a. h.-.r
.- 1 1 ill, . iv o i.ol' inor. t Iiv
... 1 tiot evc.e I.i - nve thai
;,! till it, i'.- it- :.:.-l tra'iv,. ;
eh ai!"
or ior o
. Tha:
.'Seal -
1 111,1
l.oni I
Thai ill.- I
v rivu'a't..
,d hi;. i!ab c
t iea- t vv
-: l'ia-i e:
,-. lor I hi
'.Utter '
a ni i
! I.i,'
lepll-lii'Hl '
f v. hieii mav r.
ti... I-i-!' .: ,nie ,
'i l li i : hat
!h"i:.-ed hv .aw
io. and l"t- win -ti hitlV he de 1'!
to Ha- pa- tv
of anv rem-. 1 or ii:-..-e! .c ;-; r
iper or o-i.rr ) "i.. !.. il -hall pay ti e
din- thereon, such newspaper or. .'her
d .-li.ih I i xc -pte l fr. 'ni li e opera-
: nils'..
Si 'I
. j mad"
. ! 1,: ",
. . po-tl,
nice, ii
el' tllC d.l
i.'.le -.
r i .
'.. ,eia
f. om ...
he -t
i le- P..
I ... -
a p -till :
If O!
iv. Tir
'ter t
' . hun a i er t
!:..; . n i
e Al' 1. ,.r
.,,ed Itf-t !
I. ..p. b- dee I
I I.
el. 1 ha: t'r
I p'.-t-"llici
1 .''.. . I ....
it, an 1 he -
'' ie ,
'" I
et -e
l a.
I. T
. .-h ill i, -
I le lliel.l fo
",ar iii'.'iit,
:i'. 1
i.i' v'.iiei.ev
'-I hi: -1
1ihiv'' i u! .'ar.-, n 1 lin-
rivint 'l i;.t iii ' Thuri nr.. yi-ar, or n:lu it:
ii iti-s'if !'1!! ei iv o(i!t.
ri i . 117. .'ti n.iy ,r-"ii v-V.( Ki.nM lakt
mv h Uer. .t-ta: .mi'1, t-r pri.-Uc'. ulu. li tul
i.. .'.;;.;; ;t'-v ar;'..-li "I'lalUf nr t-ii-:u-ih'it-i'i
:;: fia r tii- or ltran.-U )k-i-'lU,
' , nr Iv i.i ?t It t.f.' v tnaiWaiiit r, or
i !ii'"ti h i Kmh In ai v i -l-'t'iV. T 4 r bra
-'-t.!) 'n'c. .-r Ui Wiv ci'-ic'Jv of any 1- t tr nr
: ti' u ric-r. Iv.-i-H'i H ."-lia'l tiavi- lu-cn
.. riM to lit. ).:-..; (a uie in ii whs Oiriv'--I.
v. i' i) v j?sii:n '. t) 'ru.-t tin- iMrr.-MH.(-t
; j-rv in' i Ihi l-ii-iui-. i.r MVi'i'l.i or
nit. i-r. i-r ! -vn !,i', 'i. v u-
lit' I:. m-., -lt'., ''ii .-mn n ilu-n'ol,
,y t'v.-vy .-',i, ',i mi': .'it t'-.r; Ml, iin-l ,'iv a t?u
"y ii'H ,- ",-ri-.;i!.; nve (i-iiiilrv.! uttltai -r
i " 1 !i j ri - m i- I .v l..r I -:li:r in! '.'i-:ii nir
it. i
" i-V. t-r-iiP Ink, jcuui-V:
1 H-r 'k:!i i.-at ii n ii a ;i .;
' t --'
ru.v. v.
a r- !--
:. tin-
lit' h
.- Ut :
From Timmoviioitl, U r:lr.g Valley, to 1
Stvchf n. Creek.
r nmi Biack-b'-ir-, via Irices Fork, to Cow- ;
an"s MiMs. ' ;
From Uai'tUt Valley to KnoK
Fnra int (njieiulvn via T'tn-s Gti flcms
Branch, ami Fia Kidire, to Ke Valley.
Frt-iu Laurt! (inivcm rarterbirp.
From Kuflaio t-inp tn i;etrlie!ii.
From M-'iuu Airy Iiepoi to lavi's Mi;l.
From Mar. in. to Draer Vailey. !
From Vlcker's Su ich to rriou'b Fork.
the expetKiirures inalolV'in the ,'oniinernt ! ci,,
fuuil oi' his lie U:i alrirnake ;
itioiii et Hit- n-e-i-i'.-uH -nii-i
iva' r.-.i'w.iv ntvi,T: ani io:he ai'!:"(.v.a
tl ui for i -a' tV;o- !;hv.-rv s. -t ni. ! i.r - : v
au'1 pr ,ri ni nf - h: - tvi-i! ai: lr'..i lf ' r
tha -crvi.-i: an-l -a arv aii'! mt -lioMi "I
the Fp-i i! ap-itls nr,p''.v; l :n !'"; m ' -cr
!fr et'r :. -tn Ibe ail out of ll.i ! i --f.t
n" ll.U' '-'T. i.-t.
M"r. :iTt. 'lhnt 'In- I -t ma.-!.t v t ii-iM-ral ni:1.
e-tab ii ro-i lout raai! aj'Tt.-i :it ;tic
): (t' lanamu an I A phiw a P. N - i r.i
i a ia.) Havana, t nl ii.' an-l uv. 1 'i nr'-.
ami su.-h oihi'T i"rt-iu'ii port-- at w l : ulio'l
n'v mail "H-aniors i.-iu-li to 'a:ul :.!"! !-i-flw
mails, ar- m:iy in hi- jH'L;iiont prcm-'tf
tbr '!li.i"t.'y ot the toivi-jn mil'! c.'rvi.",: atrl
rn:iy pav the a.u'n.-t'lnp'oyt-tt bv but) at u-)
the i 1-ori:- nt uppvvr;aMn ir U'.Mi-p -tvia-
iion oi ine mui a i i-iniaiid' -iiit,eii-.iii',;i
for tlieir mt ice aniitho mvo-'irv rvp.-o-M'-x
fur ofli.-t1-! out, clerk -Iii r oili.-e- ion i un-.
auM oilier in.-idi.'tita.1:, in be ailivtvl him a;
each of -uch
M r. 'M. Thai the IN.-tmtier (ionetal v-:y
anpninl tv. unvitt in ch.nre of tin njai!
b'tanl of oa.-ti of the mail sIomiimt- on tho
ro'ite iie'ueen ai r r:mcico. .j.-iomu.
Itt-fHot'ii s:ni fr rancl-co an l liiaioi!
. a..p
i I.i-
.ii i i ;
it; -
t i.
-. a i 1 vi
, n-i m- r
"; :i' p. - r
;IJ iv' ai;
h" I' -.iii
! I- .,rp
u an t
A a :
- i-'l '.
i 1 -."It'! if. -
-.1 a:i
' J-i: ' li
V ,i'!W"! I"
a i-, aii
lll l,,,'' -iri;
i ' r 1..
Hi! t-i
!"' I
I' -
,. 1 ,
t .nit. i
j- ,i v. oi. :a -curri o'-
v...:'c:: r p'Hi'o i, r
lo. t-.i-ia-.e i. J! bo
... 1 a fM-j iii knr-w-
- r c:i;i-o io 1 .i 1. ..r
.; t.iv -c-a . -r . .air. .-nca .b-.-cti-: n'i--'..'ri
be l".-iiri-'i c .i'ly 'ef ta.-h-au
i. or, .'"'jvi ! -a i.n-ri"-f. i -
h rid-i.s'. I'i" i;ncl r.' ii-ir- !aui
in-l !;u. "t' :iui'. i-'ttii-o: lit; in-i:'.
;i av. or tio'h, .ice .-'..!'; to the cir
i - .!!'; a :.:raa"i".. : i.n1 oa.-n--..
. I'ba: i. s.;tii ho a '.via! to.
:i , i.or Jo i- j -;- i'-i ,.i
ir!.i.:, a'lv. : .:.' r c r.'iv;iv- co;:-
U'.a--' 'o.-tt-r:-. -o- it M-tt J.ii-v'ol.-
o:hrr .inia ' 'or;-! i "i! t-ri t;
i.i!ii-i'iT!ii.' -,-iu nx- a. '.ir.1 io
u-'ivo liciran-i itio c i
-o oi -biai;..t-.L; m-auv tai ;-r ta
. a p.'i.ii' v oi not mt,v Jh.nt
v !". r- -- iU.ii ore bai:-
! ioif.(i'-, wi h --; f j.iu-. oi. s
-b ii ii p. i-o-i i i n; co!i ie. i in, in a .y
c-;i' i , "T 1 In v ii a ' oii nf i hi - s v,.m;i.
". I a. 'i'l. r p .-' ai! tiiiiiboia' ti-r
-':;'ii hir iii:.iii'.'.. mi vi .-,'.. -li at it:;- ono
of :..'s-.:i- i' ;..,- Im ch oaul a- rv t.'-iu- t
a'.i. s ii' !- I ii v..ii- if I i 'ic-t h a. ton,
-i v..t. tbt. til!p..ri l'a!o. In ! c- l.vU-'l
f.v- ii
l nan
V. I"" !':
b--l.l b".
an I "'I i
: v a - ;
'leein -ni:'. ie:t;. con iiioiu- l l.e
i-.-li.-r-"-" ! a l daues iin.i p. ..-:
hi'n hv law or tie- I" ' e-a
"i t he-1 i.-..i rtitieiit i a a i v ! !',
b il e-ier ile i a Il lao '.e- -erdi
ho, hi ot (he l-l-itha-ti r sliall Co,
Ih.nal c 't'ditioii ,.i- the hililiiit!
of a I 'hrie- a id ol. eea i..n- i
vv nil th" inoiiov-.i'der hn-i'.e--.
ri'sc-h i io:i. or reinov a! of a .
hol.'i - I it:! t'l' iheiveie 1 io ill''
Ihe l"-t oilice I "'parliee
Pcir: ied . oil: 1:1 vv e-i hiav
I'd he i'l.eiiiu
"f -he Se,'! he!
,.f t'
i. Tied
ii v. h
,a- l.-e
a-.aei 1
'.'. Tit.'!'
..- p-.-l;
,d ."m a
'1 hat
aii ih
li lll.lil-tll.ltler 'iepo-i.od for
ii .-,: lea: one toil ia:e ol
i aid a i-'-oiiir. d 1 . :;,vi .
i t .. .' s de-; ma" ion. ,a..;r-e 1
ate. to hecllecied ..a .ie-
I a-i" ri.i'-hr-.iter, op whirl.
- i - - e tell'ed p. i'e j r. j.,i !
ie.-, -l a:l hv l na.I v i le
i.e.! wetion; such prepa--
e l.r.-p il i rales -ha,! li :
.-( a on delivery.
io iiiitil-niaiier -oa'l he d. -
. is.a,i di.e thereon Ii.-ie
1 he
tnils'er i
sure; ie-',
in . Vice
id . i'e.
.eh pel'-,
. LI.
M :
i liu- rt-iil i! -lul
lie vv i
liiveiiiories and
From Marshficlrt io Caliot.
From Xorriaburg to Sou.b Danville.
From Gaiesviile to North licud.
From Kawiin's Springs to Seminole CTty.
lo Henry Kings, on
Depot, on v'hesa-
I- .....I.J I .....t X...I- v ..t i.-
eiu and keep, iu pre "tier I'ot'ks. lull and com- i .Jane no. wh" -had be a ilo.ved "if of the up
'.- propriiil inn for iraiiss.rtatt u "I the mall, an
ainiiia! sa iarv of two !li. iiaiid doDar e:i. ii.
Site. lis. That the Po.-tmasler .e'i:i ra! niiy
..ul,l -li O. ......... .el ton vv i h 1 ilo 111 li 1 sh lili'.
lint of I . :., ..,,;.., ... I..,,..,, ,.,.. i i, i.e. .. . 1
stich pioertv a,mav lic-prov-.ure ls..Useiiueiit-j ...lrRl.v t s,;.a,lu-iiai. i l ina, or at
'"'"' i l otohatna, Japan, v.rli sucn Planch ;n.-et.-
L- Slle l . , ' . I ,
cies in anv other ion in v niiia au-i oiipati a
I he slinil il.-e-ai m-.-e-ar--lsr ihe jtreni.- and
j ellieiei-.t Hlatiaeuieiii ol.e po-lai -erv ieein
i liio-e conn ries. and he mav pay tiie po-ia-i
agents em'.oyed thereat a reason-rue cons
! is'iisation lor" their services, pi ad.iiMon to
1 l lie' uevessary e-xn ri-i-s P-r rent, fin i.iuive.
! c!evk-inre. nil ! ilicideiila'
'f 1
Freim Pennshorouzh
Grass Knn.
From Winfield ti ss-oit
neake and Uhio Railroad.
l-roni iTaiin.- l-'eiTy tu l.'uion.
From Kiiuaviha '. il., via
Mill, to aiton.
Approved, June 10, idTI.
iGEXEitAi. XATrnti -Xd. 114.-
ihe statu
revise, cnioo idafe', and anienil
1 1 re.ali lo ihe Posi-Oflice 1l-
Froni Mansnn to Algona.
From West Side, via Levey, Boyer Valley,
and Helen, lo si:oim Lake.
From Jacksonville, via Pond Va'.'.ev to
From Cbillicotl.c to Mnntcrville.
From Lidora, via Mate Center to Ies
r rom Cherokee "o Sibley.
From Levey to Sac if v.
FroinCentreville, via Walnut City and lo
oiiinni. lo Tyrone.
Fr..m Ouu"mw-a, via Ortnanville, to Unlon-vl'te.
Fr m College Springs lo Achlson, in Mis-
From Delhi to Hartwick.
Fr un eodo-1-.-, via Fternerton,Jerrett, and
Lo, to E k I: .tl Is.
From t sb irne Citv, via valley of the Solo
mon, mi west una ui me sieaie.
From "sa ina, via LimUburg and Uutchin
eon. io Pomerov,
From Jewell City, via Burr Oaks, to Ited
From Eureka, via Chrinina, to Cottonwood
Fa' Is.
Fmm Tie teptain io Oxford,
From Jewed Citv, via Aurora, to Be'oit.
From t oncordia, via Aurora, to Cawker
Citv, hi Mitchell county.
From Hutchinson, via Sherman Pomeroy,
io vauip ouppiy, in iiuuan lerruory.
Frm Mayflel', via Cuba and Dukedom,!)
From VVliitesbure to Irestonbnr(r.
From Jamestown to Cumber'aud City.
From EreensbutK, via Vaughn's store, to
From Cumberland to Bottle Run Tannery
From Woli'sville to Smithburg.
From Oak Bliiflts landing to Edgartovvn.
Frcm Greeuneid to Conw a.
From East Bradford to South La Grange.
From Iosta to Eastern.
From Banaon to Indian Agency, at Big Stone
Krom Cosmo?, via Birch Coolie, to Beaver
From Montevedlo, via Clastes Falls to Mor
ris. From Blooming Prairie to Waltham.
From Brookvllle to Pkke lavilie.
it enncted by the Stifilf 'inilll'ue ,
'trjjreictiitilirea ft' tlte I. mt':d C-'iiien " ;
1 inea-ic'f 111 e.eill;' ev"l (mm ilthl rtl . j
That there shall be established, as the seat
of government ol'the Uul.ed S.atesof Amen-
ca, a Department to ba known a, the I'osi- ;
uiiice lifpariment.
St-J. i. That tlii: principal otlic.ers of the
Po-st-uilico iiepariiiient shall lie one Post
master General and tiirce .issisuinc i-osuna-
ters teeneral, who shad be apM.inied hy ihe
I'resideul. bvanil Willi meadviceaiinconseiti .
oi the Seuate. and w ho may be removed in the
same manner: and Ihe term of ollice of the
osimaster Genera! shall lie lor and during '
the term of ihe Preside!.! by w hom he is ,ip-
piunieii, and tor one month therealler, umess '
sooner removed.
Sec. 3. Tnat the Postmaster General may,
appoint the following emplo ees in the Pus'-1
,,,a,e iciuiaucui. oi.t ,.n,. s. ". "- ..." ;
1'osiniHSier Geuerai ami one ior eaca oi ine : PosiiBiistera General, one suierlii- j
tendeut of Post-t rflice building and ilisliurs- '
lust clork, one siui'-'riiiicnileul aud '.
one chief clerk of the money-orde r '
svstem. one btiiierititeniieLi and oi.e . Inei ,
erki f loreiiiii malls, one losigrapuer 1 ir
PotOi!ice liei ariineni. one assistant atlor-i
lmv -genera! for ilio t'os.-Uiiice Dei-artmeni, 1
one chief of division for the .nice ol mail dels '
relations, nne chief of divi-ion ol dead-letlei s.
one superlitteinleiit ot tlte uiaiiK-iigency, one .
assisiaiii suiverentetteieni ano iur assisiains, ,
lour een clerks ol c.ass tour, sixty-one cterkti :
olouis throe, litt.v cterKs en eia-s iwo. seven-ty-oae
clerks of class one. iil'iy even feniiile
c'ierks, one messenger lor ihe P.isiinasier
Geaeralaad oue lor each ol ihe Assistant!
Posimasier General, lour is.ain messen
ger. iea walclimen, iwe.ilv-nve lalxners, one :
e.igiiieer, oue assistant eni-iiiecr. foe car
penier, one astistanl carpemer. one tireunui
ami b ackststih, two firemen, three fema e ;a-;
borers.aausiicli.1 ntiinheroi'..empoiarvcieiks, i
reiaale c!erk, folders, watchmen, and labor .
ers as mav be required.
sec. 4. That the annual salaries of ofheers.
e'erks and other-employed in the Post-utlice ;
Department sliall be as failovvs :
Of the Pus. master General, eight thousand.'
dollars; , ,
Ol the Assistant Postmasters General, three
thousand live hundred dollars each ;
of the snjieriiitcndieut of the money-order i
sv-tem. three I hou.-and do! lars ; i
"Oft! e superintendent ol 1 foreign mails, three
thousand eloliars: :
Of the topographer of the Oftioe De- i
pirtuieiit. two tliou.sand live liundreil do!- j
jars ; . ;
Of the assistant attornee'gitueral of Ihe :
Posst-OUico Departmeut, lour thousand do I- '
lars ; i
Ol'the chief ofdivi'ion for the office of mall j
depreciations, txvunty-uve hundred doli.irs; ;
Of he chief of division of dead-letters, two
thousand five huudreeldollars
Of the superintendent of Poet-Office build- ;
lng and iss bi-raiiia ollicer, two ihoufaud three j
hi.ndretl dollars;
Of the chief clerk to the Postmaster Geni'r- ;
at, two thousand two hundred doi lars ;
Utlhecliief clerks io liu. Assisiant P"?i- :
masters Genera 1, ihechief clerk ol'lhe super- j
inieii.iant of tiie moni'j-order enlle, anil ihe t
chlefclerK to tho superlnteiideiit or foreign ,
mails, two thousand Hollars each ; j
Ol'the superintendent of ihe blank-axencv, I
onethoueaud eight hundred dollars; of Ihe j
assistant siiperlntenelent. one thousand six
hundred dollars: ef the four assistants, one j
Ihonsaud two hundred do! lars each: j
of the clerks ol class four, oue thoiuaud j
eisbt hundred dollars each; f
Vf the clerks ol'cuiss three", one thousand '
six hnnelred dollars ea.tfl ; i
Of the clerks of iv,e, one Ihotisand !
four hnudre I eio! lars r;i.-h : '
of the e'erks olclais oa ;, one thou -and tw o j
huneived eloliars each; . t
Ot he female clerk.', nice hundred do'lars
each ;
Of the messenger to the Postmaster Ganct-;
al, t ine hundred dollars; ;
Of ihe me-eegers to the Assistant Postmas- j
ters General, eight hiindrea and fairly deillars
each : !
O. th assistant me-isengers, watchmen, and j
labor, rs, ei-zht hundred dol ars each ; !
Of the engineer, oue thousand sis himelred i
;.i:nts ot all
uruueriv iicioiiteiiic: to tiie t inted Mates
the building, room, offices and grounds - i
onpio i bv him and under his charge, and to !
Id thereto lroni nine, to time an acc
lv io the taking of the same, and
count ol'lhe sl'e or di-posal of any such
projierly. aad lo reiiort the same to Congress
as afore--ai !: Provi ;el. That this -es: ion shall
no. api'lv to the seipp'aes of sia i'.nery ami
fuel which shall lie accounted for as now
provltle i bv- law.
ki-. 11. Tliat all persons employed In any
branch of the postal service shall be exempt
f.-oin nn l ta eiuty, and lr. ni servn i nn juries,
or from auv enaiiy for nciilee!. thereof.
Sli-. VI. That nei persons empfove'd In the
P'.ist-Oilicc lieparuuent shad becotne
interested in ar.y eontntct for car
ry in--, ihe mai:. or act a atreni,
wi'hor xviihoia coinjen.-aiio::. for any con
tra, t r or jerson otiering lo liecnme a eon-l.-actor.
in any hasinesshelore Ihe liel'iir.
nient a:.i! any pers?.n in oileii'lin-; sluul lie
ii.iine.lia eiy di-mfs-ts! from e'flicex and siiad
be liable lo pay so much money as would
have been reaiize l lium ai i contract, to tie
recoveivd in an action of deb:, lor iiie lle of
the Post -Uili.-e 1-e iiar.ment.
si e". lit. That ail bonds talten and contra.-is
entered into by the Post-Oilice l)v';urliiient
shall lie made to and will Ihe I ni.ed Naies ol
SM-. II. That no ierso-,i-employed P.i the
postal service shall rivei". e any lees or i er-eiii-i
es on ac-eoun' ol'the dull. to be 'sr
liirincd by virtue of his apiKiiniment.
Sic-. l.". Tliat '-efoi-H e'lilenr.x tijioii the da
tiet. and before they shall receive any .-alary,
the Postmaster General and all iier-ms ene
pleived In the postal service, shall respes-tive-Iv
lake and subs,-i i-oe. Ijel'ore some magistrate
e'ir other c 'mjvetent ollicer, the to! lowing oath
or a'lirmatiou : "I, A. 15., do soetintiy swear
Inrallirm. a-Ihe case may tieitha'tl will
lieitlifallv erfoim ai! the duties required nf
me, anel al'sinin from evei-yilii"jr l'orhide.e'u
bv Ihe 'awslii re'.'ition to ihe'eslaliiishmeut of
p'osi-nflice-and posi-roads within the United
ft-, ates ; and i hai 1 wid honestly mid iniiy ac-
..-oitnt for and p;tv over any m mev be'.on'.'tng
totheiaid I'r.iied Siate which n.aycoine into
mv iioession or control : so htdp me, God."
Aiul this oath or aflirmatioTi niav iHt taken
befoie any olhcer. civil or inililarv. honllng a
conimision under IheUhiled State-, and such
oiliccr is hereby anthoiize ! lo admiiiBlerand
cer.ii'y such oa'h or aiii.n.atioii.
si-.e'. in. Thai every persou employed i i the
po;n 1 service shall be siil'j vi to a'l the pal. is,
Knallies. and forfeitures I t vio.ati'ui of the
laws re tilling ts such service, whetlier he
has taken llie e a'h or a.Hrma.lon prescribed
in the prece ling section or noi.
BkC. I"- Tliat teiegi-auts between the sever
al Deiin merits eif ihe government aatl Iheir
otlicersaud agent, in tiielrirausinii'in over
;hc lines of aiiv-comjiauy lo which has been
given ihe right of way, iiniher, or sta ion
iun Is from Ihe pttb ie domain, shall hare pri
ority over ail oilier business, at such rales as
the'Pos master Genera! shall annually li.x.
S"ie l.S. Thai everv-order, enlrv, oi- mem
or.itidnin whatever, on which any action is to
li based, made, or money paid,
and every contract, paper, oroh'iittion ma le
hv or with the Post ijitice ltepa; i menl, shall
have its irne elate aitixe I te il ; and every im-isji-
rel.'t'ing to contracts or allowances lbed
in ihe I e;i-:iuetil shall have the elate when
it was filed indorsed upon it.
Si -. 19 That Hie Postmaste'r General shall
ro r.ish a copy of his annual o-t'imies to tiie
Secretary ol "he Treasury prior io ihe first
of Xovemberio etui; year, which shall Is; re
lioried to Congre-s bv'thu .atter iu his regular
Sec. -20. Tha. the Po'-rmas:er General shall
transmit a copy ol" each postal convention
concluded with foreign governments lo the
Secreiary ni Stale, who shall l'i;rr.l-li a copy
of the same to ihe Consrestional Primer, lor
pub 'cation ; aud the printed proof-sheets of
a l such conventions sliall be revised at the
I Post-office Depart men'.
Si -. 21. That there shall be apiv.lnted by
. the Pres. lent, hy andwith Iheadviceand con
sent of the ""-enaie. nn Auditor ni I ne Trea.sU".
rv for the Posi-Otti.-e Department.
:-i r. tH. That Ihe sai l Auditor shall r,
eeive all accnuuis nrisinir in ihe I'u-i-iilice
Dei-artmem, i r re'atlve: Itireto. wi lithe vou
chers ncessai y in a corre.-t a ij isiincut there
of, and shall audit and settle the same, and
certify the balaaces i hereon to tne Po-tmasier
Genexal. He shall keep an I prest'rva all a.
ciaints ami vouchers lilier sett lenient. Ho
shall close, the accounts of the Deparinienis
nuarierlv. nud transmit to the Se.iretarv of
tiie treasury quarterlv slatciuents e.f Us re
ceipts and extendi. ure. lit: sliall reirt to
the Postmaster iienerai, when re'jutrod to do
bo, the manner and form of keeping and statin-?
the accounts of the Department, and the
ofliciaj forms nf paper to be used in connect
ion with i's receipis and expenditure. He
shall report toihe Poiinaster eieueral all de
liiifiUeiieics of s.s ma-tors in rendering their
c tottnts an't re-turns, en- in aying eiver money-order
funds and other receipts at their of
fices He shail register, charge, and
all xvarrnnis nixra the trea-urv Inr re
eeiiwsaitd ia-. meuls '.issued bv the Pustma-iier
General, when v.arrante.! b- iaw. And he
shail perform such other duiies in re'.ition to
the financial concern--) of the I.'epartmeiit as
may be assigned :u him bv the i-ecretary of
the Treasury, and make to' said Secretary, or
Ui Iho Po4iiiator Geueral, sticli reiiorli re
siectlng the tatneas eitbev of them may re
qJire. Stet. 23. Tiiat tha said Auditor eMail sujer
i'ltend the col !oo ion e.f all debts due the De
partment, and ail iietialtles and forfeitures
nnised for any viola ion of the postal laws
an I take all such ntber tn, asures as mav- be;
aathui ie I ly law to enforce! tho purulent of
s'ich deb: a i l recoverv of sucii ieiti
tics and foi-1'i.dtnres. He shall also sn;tu:'in
te nd the col lection of ail )ieiul;les and for
ieituresaii i .e under oiher staiiues where
such i.iaules and lorfeltures are ihe cmse-quen.-1'of
nnlawf'i! nets ailev i the iwf
lines e.r projieriv of the- Post-Oilice Department.
p ' ni l-te
d eiv,
:.:i'l " il'e
de-ii" i" 1".
II VV ii'-U ! ;."
' Km 1 I.e.".-
i- I i ee.
w hi. it, v
I'..- h i
ell 1 .
I" pr..
r lie
- il '
I I .
..-.ii I::.,
i a I '..ih.
: ; v e a io
-,. Tint i'e 1
Iiv roe' i a He
dd'v ."-rl.:i
n-e oi a, y ir
k-.-a paid lor
. for w Inch I
'i '1
-i ma -ti-i'G."i'
I- r I ra ti-iiiii ;
e-. I"
ill' '. '
il". le
i r. an
I i!
in iv 1-- done
'a-, d I- ,,f
band sa i'i h
!J . 1.7. 'i
."'ieil ol a :iv
d 1.. a-iieala-.,;
-i;-t'i le
I'. i'la p'
" . ll n- I.
le I -ae-e
r in vvhi.
ir. - .:.! .
.11 1
on ae :
i : v!n:iii:
' i l"'"
i-iiel -. II
e i :." .. 1
..'ii. r or ft, ;",
bv let '. ieii
inei"." iv P ..rrai.t
' li-
-1-. -nice
r-or. I'f -
.' ll.e
I ha' t-
, i.i r. -
i .
,1 1.
1 VI i-eti
pie .1
ll .-tic
e;i l se it
ot" I lie 1
ll v
h is so in :r'... i
r u.l : niiit.'iii
1 priat. e xcept
I local e-rroi-s ;
I ae
l ;i
Ot I":
ation ol iaiv
tii-m-tit r.--:-e:."
iiii.P-r I i Wi'Ieli
- a--1 oi e-1. o. :.
i'.i. That the Po-, ma -i.-r General r.aiv
emiiliiv a m.inv route-a-eents as in iv is- n.-e-
e-'siii v i.r li e prompt
lion of l he mai'. who shall be
auoi-o ria i"ti fa- iransporiat i.
al lite
i-i. tn .
i t .l! e
::-.. siiall 1
had .
: I tie rc
- trac-.
aie Iran-':
' iiitl I on: o
. l iT
or hi
a I a
or it
ef not le-s lilaa nine hnii i
mai -
e ! in i
mole than one iliait;
lsr aniiiiiii.
s i:e. 4o. I hat Ihe
apo'vint "!e."k- lor
and lii-ir.l.iitiii tl
ollice'. v. ho shai! be
lion fir tran-i
rate" of no; mi ii
dred dollar
nor m u't i
and two liiihtiie 1
' I !1 V. llien I
.IV .'in itn
: he i
Ost n ia -ter
' I
he mail in
. j ai l out of
ir! a, ion ot Hi."
than e'lie lli.'ii"
ant. tint t- 1 1'f
one tb'.u-aii'i
l.ei.'-n'.i m iv
of a--"i .in.:
raiivvitv po -In-
apprejn ,a-
niiii:. a: ll
and four liiiii-
h.a 1 cter.
t-.vo huitdred
1 er annum lo i he oi nei c ei
II. That lite acemmt of iiie p"ta-
service shall he kept ia sii.-h a manner a ;
exhibit the amount ol revenue- derive.! r.
pvelive'ty fioiil"!e-!e.r-iio-:;ii;f ;-'"l".o:v new
vii er, and pinipii'.e' pos-.-ire :" reei-iei-.M
loiters;' '!iox-reli!s a:.d itran.dl otiteo-."
'-posla'.-e-sianips and envelope-:" di a 1- e -
Km-..;' "Ill .-iti'l 1" nahie:" "rever.ite I'v ni
u lone v -order l.iiiiiess :' an i"mi-ce,!a::i'ic,s:"
and Hie auionnl of ei-en'litiire for each of
ihe ful low ieir obiects, rame y: -'Trail-p r a
lionof the mlil:" coi!ipei,-.nlou of p-i-i-maeters:''
'-.-oiiipeipatioii ed' lotei--ea n j
ers ;" " ce'inpeti-titioii ofe'erk f.-r po . olti-,-es;'
coiiiie'ii;;aiion of h'ank-nee-ti's
and al:tius : "mail d.-pre I ti'.oii
and spts-lal ae'-nts:" "litis ,ii-e-s!anip-:ii.d en
velii'es;""shi:i, sleamhoai.inul way letted--;"
'lie id-letters ; ' "m -il-liiigs:' "mull loek-aitd
kevs;" anil '-postmarking and canceling ,
stamps :" tvrtippin-t-pajs-'r :"' "!vir.e :"!. !.
ter-ha ance :"' otliee-fiiriiii ure :" -.'i lvet-ti ;
bV "ba'ar.ces to foreign collieries :" "rent. i
liltt. and fuel lor 'msi-ortiecs ;' and "ta:i"r.
ery,'an 1 iiil-ceil;t:ii'o:is..
"-d.o. t-. That itn.-.ladr.ed t-vney i.i '!.'..d
le t -rs for which to owner can lv foua 1 : n'i i
nionev taken irom the mail t" rootiet . i .ie- , ;
or oihei w i-e, which may come mt" ii.e ii.uei
eif any a-ent or employee of she I iirei;
S-ati". or anv other person w-iiaievor : .-i'i :
lines and penalties impo- d ior anv v ,.!nti u
if the postal laws. e:cepr sach pa-t as ur-.y ;
bv law'lielnngtolho iufornv r "f larty pro---ciiting
lor llie same : and all money deriv t i :
fn ni llie -ale ol" wa-te iK-irf--.- or o"hei- p'.th'ie -prois-rlv
of the I'ost-Otlice I -epirtnieiit. -i-.aii
be iepo-iie'1 In the treasury, under llie dl-
rec ion of the Postmaster Gem ra'. rtsauir:
e.f the nistii! revenue'. And the i'o-tiu:i:ei-i
G"tierai i herebv- directed to .-au-e io !
lilaccn lo .he credit of ihe Tre-is'irer of tm'
tdti'e.i States f.r the servk-e of ihe P
Ollice I lepartniert, the net pnveed- of lite ;
in. nev -order business ; and the receipts of
the l'o-:-l Mice lieiiarlinenl derived ti'i ni t!.i 1
source dii-.'ii'g eacli eiuarter spall t... en'i-.""l .
bv Ihe Auditor of Ihe Treasury for tiie P.- -Oilice
Department, in the a.--e.;tti!- nf said '
bei-irtnient, under ihe. head of "revt::i;:e
from nionev -order b-.isiiiess.-'
SKC. 43- Tlia1 all txruaiKD, box-rent, an 1 ;
other receiirts al poi-eifiices shail lie accoiia'- j
ed lor as part ol'the is'sial revenue-. : and
anv part thereof which the wis: master ha j
negltx", ed locoliect, he shall be charge 1 with ,
and held accountable fer tiie iaino as If lie ;
hail collec ed ii.
!-. 44. That the postmasters may allow j
lmx holders who desire tn do so to provi ie .
lock-boxes or tlrawers. upon ibelr erection in
anv iol-otlice. shall become Ihe property .f
ah-1 11
I il -III.-
ol tee. iv r.i-.
rv ai i in : a i
h. : .
il -h:
1. fn-
"a w lit-re
li had ".ii
. li. "fna"
a! p. .li iea'
in lo ri".;:.
IV el
a new -1 '
".v.if ;
l'o tn
t-r i.
!ti:tk!! ' HP
1 . Ill'' I
i ha tie
lie p.-'
' -ll
ll route
il l 'l.'pi,
any c
in i- i
l.e it
a ed r
ih" ind .
siv . TI.
a r ee tr !,
lent'!'.!1 -v
nd .-ivev
an i projiei
r from h
a id a o o;
lane;'' ri I tf
.." er lere l
nd rel eriie
"'i!ai" la'oi
liiiies oft ii
i reoilii 'ei. l:ta i
v.-.-e . i tit oi.e Ii. ur
I'o-'llias er 1 ;elle:
e.i l"i - ". die "T
e Pile ef fee I "ea."
of Ih" ii:, I : at tiie.r
n... led hi u
iii ! ii.e I'o-;
. ll.e -.-.: ui-1-.-f-1- n
in I'.'in a til ile't-.i-t
an t h-" si.a'i cause I-' I
io die lte;-ir iii -i' -li"
ill-, re-i-iors. -Iiov.iii : i!
ai'i i a.s a;el depariiti ''- '
P r
e. the
-rue; er earn!
.""rf.i! mav
1-1 (
ll.ct.-l ,
rba ovo.-y i"-inia-f-r -'n.' Wf"
a s ich rirtn a- tin '
ill .i:vi.- of a'.i i.o-ta'iara;i
i-i a M of ,-rH po-(a' b",ms
t v re ".'-(- from la prvh.. ---';
. I i" -arf nii'-'J or anv oi' ii an.'iit
: Vivi-in'.s in numcv ioi p'i-:a
: i ,ol;v c. ( lv,
p-.l-t- of l,c
, vipl-:
lv kt :.; an t
vi.l sha'l I
r-f"i- fr.i
t o;,.-h
ea".;- o
;r nr-
-l.a ; b.
t ice..:! b
oi'ut r
ir K-'.-i-'
: Hie
o; u
; in tno o
Tiv " bv
v :i;lK(
tn iy i
1 ;t- mav I.
ia ions of th.
,a i b.' paul ofit
-if I'M bil-'ll..1".
'I i.;;; :'..r 'lit j i't".i i r -Ox-nvi" '-i
i; -;::.i,'rr.:ll" a a-; i-v ( .onovi I
!i a uuiltvri sy ':n of rcp-ua-
-l i be
n'.iii :t y ki.'iv. n :i .
. . f I ; in't-i'h i -c
. -''ii U- c.i:t;-,'l
i two c :a- w. 1.;
' i- -:.;! i-! -i-i, an t
ni i- :w; t'-..'- i-;,- i
:toa tar rv
pcr-ca l.-U -or p- -
j-c.i ,iit I .ar oint.
-i, -vili-r-. po-;a,r a.v 1.
.!'"i..: ;:it'-- pTi,i,ar:. i.
ii M,!'l b- tV-i
... r;,,- .tC nuv .
f ; (.- a vri .';ve coat ;
i :t! 1 r ( I'l-'tl .-.:: ru.rr
u u ... A.i-l :i a'1'l.'io: -AVr
i ! r t v. ii ai ti.i iLai
f.-:-.'t i.i v !-,ru".
i :" .v -!.( per :,! o;bfr
-ai i, n (.rt'e-j1 of ii't.;-
fca'.-T 1-r-, i!.c
cc 1 - .v i" for i.t i.-.-s
Mi' .';-;ii,!'-v. "' tn'ioT.ian i e v.;ir;
b p r ia "K i aav ! n:a a t-n hi-r a: i lr i f
t oi.or-oi'.it l; i-i , ctiainor..-i n,j - m
iiao; Hint;." .i-int'.-!-'!' i-l-al! accniai;
i ; i. -s;;e:o ia Hie iuart r in wbica it i-
.ct. a v
; i --a
.ii:,-.-- or Ira
1 .-. '! !' t
mv.-vrl .caoyrr. y,riy
-r carrv iHk' .miu.'I
-linrn. I y t ha;; r,;vi
a a l'liv.--, from
oi (o rcT'ilar sab-
cent for c-ach r
an-l !) wrt'uts li'i l
coi,n: f iie po-ia.' .-trvi.
J vi a.- i n", wpi-': m v e i' ri'.-'
P.i-. m:i.-;'r ,". a1 ; m -v ! i!a '
!-e proe. vo I .Iravciv.i ta h
aal ilM- a a'l ; ;.u -- .nb;e-.
lion bv a ay suv,',! a-nr of the
T-J.'7'li'i' e-t-ti p i-!uu-r
ilhiT r4p
i', a.nt C'f any
o her
r! :
.'fiill no Jiiia .r at hi- tih--o. br io :k
r.'it' 1 ihi'. i.r ti iu r nveo:;c c- f-1'- ma I
ni:::er. : bv r. ;--.! k-' ('it :; a branca of
iico. or 1 r i hi. le. i cry of iui:':a-i:a'r ni aay
'ssiiaancr vvla'ocr.
l-r. T.l. Tha lb.' l'o-tnt:is(er n; ra ! my
V(-pu;" a ",viru .it'in!'nt t";i".V"iii-;iiiy ca.i
M".iri.Tlv ,-v.MMinl ot a i-tiiintT. m ibe i-f-
(t that y.ich account contain- a true -a v-
ntciit nf the entire anvuni m niac, lto- 1
routs .chiiKO. ?ni'l in i''V. culUv'c-t or ro- ;
coivo la bi-:licc (birtii? tbr onartrr ; thar '
be has :,ot ki owin.r'y Mv!ivcr"i. or ;Hr:ii::te'l ;
t-b-. licavt'ic I, anv lii.ti '-mat ter n shicli .
the postal. .va r.ot" ar i!e iim? pai : tba-
-itch's ehibli-i truly ami fai hl'iiMv .
th fniire r'eip .'olWvir i nr hi "flice, a;vl
which, bv ltit fhli'viK'c. con hi bnvo iv-ea co -!-v:e
I : .ml tha: :! t-rt-ia- be c' lasw Hit?
jasi ;iv rUlit. An ! anv f i.fv '.wt?:iinc i'.ht
m ton bin tiab t; to tlw laias aiul ;
pe :a!llcs til" pt rjurv. t
M. . 74. Th U if anv iwtma'T -hill non-
led i rci-br b:- account . t'r vn- inoich
af orlbo time, an! iu rhe form af l ntmio r
ii -fi.-ribe I bv 'nwn.ul Mn. res-rain Urn of the
ro.iMrr iets-a'. hmcIi i -in ster en l j
Mtn'll'- slia'l f-Mlcir tbe p,iy ;oubic Hi
Htnoiint of thf irro-1 re -Nuts r.f Mi l oilier ''
'iiiri:i.: anv iirevit'O nr ab-.piiiil .c-u tl p:-
Hoi of liHic'; ;tn-l If, a the V.uw oi ttiaU no ,
aecoaal i-haU have bea riivtere l, they 'la'-t
forfeit and piy -i:.-h -am a- tho co-n r ai-i ja-
vv .-.'.-il i:tn-' v puva'cnl tbcr Mo. Ii ;
be rc. .ovenil in an a.tion efu'elu on tin. :
bon-b .
sy 7". That intmaer' :-haH eep s it - ;
lv. u jiltit.u buTuie,', n-iije;. li-p'hii
1"V s
iv 'IMS iia' :
to c r.n n.i
I ii'i'inini' i:.
.-hall l-.u.'.er
r o-i' h. a -iii in
a '
: l iv-ai:
loe Ihn.
ll Pliiv i
til: ei- a-
i'i- -.."iih1
i ' he mat i.
i. ih. un
m.iv de.
Ih" I'o
id s ic
.. wine,
ir. liT. Tin
level inly oa
)..-;!;"-i' iii.-- -an.,
mil eve. e I I vv .
revtucr is.-ta.""
aad :i : i - - .. i
stlc'.i Pia-iner a-
iii.n -ant
pill IV ;
i.aM b"
i ot Ihe
,e I'l.el-etol- -all
in a i-lit.'on tin
i eii-e-. Pn-'.-iid;
: tici
a era,:
I - Is
, ived
llie C nl 'ed .--tates and be snhis.t lo tin
lion and control ol'lhe I'osi-e uV.ce l.'e.Mr:
ment. and siiall pay a rental at least isual
that"!' other heixes in Iiie same ..thee, or. i f (
ttiere be no eciier bii.xes in such ollice, of lx
es in oilier oliices of the same class, H lil.-h 1
rental shall lie accounted for as other box-1
sir. 4.1. That any nfli.-er, aent. po-tina-- ;
ter, clerk, or o; her person einployil ia any.
hiaii. li ol'the jsistal service lutviti"ttenuor.iry ;
costoilv of any money taken from duid le -'
tt:rs: auv money derived from ihe saie of
waste l.-qier or other Mib:i.i pro. r;y of the
Post-Ollice liepar.meiit : or any money de- ;
rivesl from anv other source winch by law i !
part of the postal revenues, who shall wiifnl-
iv ue.e;!.x-.t to depo-it the same In tlieireasiiry ,
of Uie tailed sia:es. ortn some other leHsi. ;
lorv authoriitsl 10 receive the same, shail he
leeir.e I uitlveifeni!)e?.l-riieiit.iiiiil!'-sui;;eei
tea tine not e'xceeiliuc double the sum v ie- .
taiued. or to imprisonment not excee li'i; ' vear. or both, at llie discretion of Iiie ;
court" Andanvperson i.i"rus:e.d by law wiili j
tiieKile oI'lMisiaj-'e siampsor en-.el-
oiie. who shad refuse or nc.divt to a.vnuiit
fo"- the same, or who -hall p.e itre or le ii:lu
cate or imavvliilly dispose of llie-m. for auv ;
purpose whatever, shail le define I ,'tr.iliy nf ;
t-.nlH"Z.lement. and shall be subievi 10 the !
laim ieiieltv and ptinlshmeut a are proi ide l j
In this section lor the embezzlement of mole 1
ev. , , I
'fife, i,;. That Ihe niemey rri:ire.l for the .
tKi-ijirH-n-ioc in tli veir shall Ije ajiiimpi i-1
ales! bv iavv out of Ihe revenues ol the -er-
vk e. ' .. . , 1
Ssx4T. That payment r. money oe.: m the
treaurv on accouiil el the postal se.rx i.-esiia'.l
lc In pursuance ol approprialious made l.v 1
law. bv warrants of tiie Posimaster Genera!.
registered and coatite'rsiinte I by the Auditor .
for the I'ost-otiJce Lieparnuei-.t. and e -ipre.-- j
l! o:i their face tiie apuroprlatlait Wwhicii;
tliev bhou'd be ctarae I. i
si C 4J. 1 hat all ivmei:tson:ie-"0'.mi e-f the ;
tsi".!:! service sliall 1k" made to ier.oniowti"m
l ex- :
e l of '
21. That ihe aid Au Iilor, or the mav- i in ti. i pre laiions e
ihe sinio sliall Pe .er.iu".! m neone u
xtiititor: 1ml a"!van."esoi ll.sesal-y umsi
d to Invesll
post routi'
ihe ;
.de. I
fi- i. exi easesiu.iv lie ma leuv me'isier
e,e.'er.'il to
unatiihorie.l linii.. or v-haivifintr l-.r other ;
fund-, ad the puipic un mev .-oiieeie:! l.v tlu-ii, ;
or which mav'.-'. uie into Ul"!r po---essjoii. in.- i
til il is oidered by It." Po-ima.-ter l.enevat to
Ih' I rau-li'i-r" ! or paid out.
Ski". 7.1. That Iiie P'lstmr.sii r a' AVa-hiii"-- i
ton ami s""m.iii r a: citia w here .hereli
anas la it tre isitrer shall depo-it (he postal 1
eeveaiiesaii'l all in mev.- a vrr.iiiir at ih 'ir .l- ;
iiee wall sa.-li a-si -iaui lreai:rer a o.'u ii a I
once a week at. ). a-t. and a much ofiener n
ine I " iii i-ter ,i.'i:n-ai ni'tv dirts-e.
stc. 7;. Th it ;.s:m:i-tei shall prnmi'-'
reiH to the !'. ui.i;er n-nerat e-erv de-
'iti.ii(.icy. ll.'.'ieet. or llittlpcaclice of lti''C.o.-
t iaeiors.'t h.-ic atj.'nis. or carriers, v. hich may '
c .mi." io tln i r kii.nv-e le...
UK". 7s. Thai no pntr.i-iie;-. .'is:-i-l:i:i! P'l-'-liltciT.
iu"iii","i;itiii!i'.vo! in anv pi-l-atlici" I
sltnil he a enni ra ior or cecerno I i il any con-
tract tor can-vine ihe mail.
M . ;-.. That . i's:ma-:er .-a'l a- ;
ai-i'iii foranv in tery-o-liee. or irnle'-a'i i col- :
or '!' piivcha!. ..r 'otherwi.-s"". vend l.i.'trrv-,
like.: ii. r shall he receive or sen t .my '. -lerv
s.-heni". eir ilar. or licket fre v f p -i-i.t'l
atrl l r:i:iv vio'a ion of the .nv.e;i..
ofiiiis s.eti'-n 'lie i r-.n oiren.iias sha'l for and siv rif. v dollar-.
fW. ie. That ihe .-.impei-ation of pltm'-ler-shall
l" a live ! atiiiia! -aian. f In di- i
-,i hsl int.. f , e.-'r.' . exc i:-:ve of Ihe 1
inaert New York eif v. whose: salarv -hit)
is- -ix iioii-aii l dollar- per :ii.r.inilv The sa - .
arv ef li e l.r-tc jt shall In- ml more than
ur thoti-arl -hi ars i;or 'e-n than tine-;
ilt uuii'id '.i ll ir .; ef -sx-or.d i-'av", !:'--liia-t
ihne ti.iesir.l i!ollar. ba! not le- '
i hm tw 1 1 pons it, I i!, : of the third .-la-. 1
lessi!,aii two lhi-.o-.iii.! di.l'ar-, le t lpH le
than ".." lie. i-.ta ! doi ar-: of ih-fourth ns
ii--than ilii-i.-aiid lio'.iai . hoi not t,
Ihan tw o btiil lee 1 dollar : ef llv tilth e i
less rt.jii ivvo bar. !t ed .ioi "v-: and '.he ata-
r I .eliev
i- p"-. del
1-. Wlih W
have lse:. or mav ic
lia.u- . !' inean-' of p
OV-iel , of -hl ill -alK-Ot' l'loliev . Hat l'
tee. Iii" i '. .. :.n i.i aiiioen:. ;-: -uelir.ot
eX.'hit.i-i'' . ail ! ."i l.lii'.Il-ii h"l I'" p 's lee.-i
a i a a. ier - aeti ni it-a'i 1 r.eeii'a i""s il
ia .v .i'.-rai i x is. ileal : itlid llie e-.lieties
lab i-iiiiii" and enn liviint; sueti s- ;ein
chaiiire in t'" be iviid out of :i;e pr.'c
llie nio-iev - a-'Ier liii-iiii.---.
t-Ki". t 't. Tiiat llie i-tina-ter at auriiiev- 1
ord.-r oiH.-e shi' tl iue. in -itch m:ti.nei- and
I 'liu as (he l'o:in:i-ier ieaerrtl m t pre- i
rs-rils-. an or I.-r fn- a sp.s-iiie 1 .-teal ofmt.ra'y.
p'lvaiee hy Ii.e p'-t lil'l-'e at ai- other Ill-ill- t
ey-oi'der V-.-'iee vvlii.-h Ihe ff.--'tl appK' in
there for may -elit : in-' iioino-.i'y-'irdersha!l
Ih ti.-ivered' uiitii ihe amount the't'eof, .i e! '
ihe pro;"r fee iii 'refor. h ive 1-erii deKei:e I
V'i'h tl.e p'iini;i-ter issniiii: it : Provided.
Tiiti! the p iim i-ter of every city where
I. ranch pi-l-oflices or -laiion- are e;a!''"lsho I
and iu op. -.-.-i'i.i.i, siiii;e.; in his siipe-.-vi-iini.
i herete. aul hnri'.e 1. iindei" tne direction of:
iiie l..s;m i-:er i ieaeral. t i i.-sne. r to.tau-e
to !i I - -in I. by a. iy of ills a-i:ani or clerks
in cl'.-tr.' "i'braiich pes. -oliices en- -:;i.i ne.
pit-la! nt i.t". -orders i.ivalile :P hi own or a.
:i"y oto.r m niev -or ier oilice, or al any branch
p'tst-otliee .- stiitio.-i ..f his onii. or of a. iv
oilier tii'illee or.,er i.tli.-e. '. I lie r.-tni -er
tliereof mav direct : niidihat the pa-ein i-ie-,-and
lo ;iie;i - sha'l iu every ea-.' ! held
accoiiUT.iile iipin hi- otlicial liond f .r all
monev - re.-, ived bv linn or hi de-iuate I a
sisiitn's i.r eit'rk ia clntiv" oi' s'a tons from
thei--ueof mn ley-or iel- under tiie provis
ions of ihis act. 'and f .r a!! moneys which
mav ne into hior Iii"ir fi.-md.-. or ii' places!
ia his i.r : heir cu-m lv l.v re:ion ol'the tran
sact! m le. i hem "f in inet-order iitii!n .
And a'! Ith- provision of law now in force
l'.'.iHVliv.a" I he !- tie a, id piivtuelll of iivihov -orders.
a:.d llie di-posti oi ni'inev-oi-iieri'iHid
in tie-ct; -io Iy ol p . -:in iiei -. sliall appiv to
nil monev -onlers i.:ie! under the an.horitv
eivii le ihi-tict. and in all mou'eve, res-eivel
ti-oin Iho Issue liieris.1'.
i ,,.(-. Iii'.. Thai any pn-tiiri-ler who s,ail
; is-ue a iii'-aiey-or-ier wltlit.nt ieivitix; pre
j mo:i- receive'' Iiie ni me-y liierefor s..ali lie
; de. ne' I ;'.iil:y of a iut-ienieiinor. ait'l. on.-o-i-jvieti
i.i .Hereof, .-liailha" linel nol less tnati
t tif'v nor i.vire liitlu live liua lie 1 dollar"..
i: . 1" T ti it i.i ca f the ickne- or
uaavoi taiile- a! from his olli.-e oi'iln
;t"slni is.'.-i i faay la .n'ev-.r'b'r pe-l-"tliee. ho
1 mt-.. with the 'approval oflin- l'o-tin i-:er
, t.eneral. .tiiihoriie ttie chief clt i's, or s.iaie
' other ,-terk einpto-.e l therein, to act in Ins
1 pace, ami to disc a., rea ail l lie duties risiiiive I
i.v l.'t-.v , f siicn iM--tiiiasei-s . Prori .etl, 'I h tl
i th-o'hciil I Kind ;rive:i le. tin principal "I Hie
! otil.-e -ha: ! be lie. 1 K. ,-over an I appiy ("' the
' ad. i l llie jii'isiii apoiiie-l toaet hi hi - p'.ie..
In sii. li c-is.-: An-1 provi le i farther. Tiwi
SO.-U ..e'le.p I'l'iieer Iia;l. lor ih" iiine bei ic.
be sti'mee: p. a l tin- lia'.ilpi -s a ul s ipt :
; pre-s-ribe I by btw f ir lo- o.'liet.ii lili.-'. ! 'el
iti like u-e'- el' tin t..-tiii.lsvi" f o wiiein lie
, -Jill I act. ...
Mi". l.C. That no It sha;i In i
.'.. i for lao-e than IH'iv t..dai -. and llie 1 'es"f. "i" sliad is-, lor eir-ler ;"; ex
ten .ioi lars live cent., : ewe.!
ve.. It' -.,"..!l .t.iilai-s. u n
I ii-iwe itv and i.ot e-u-wiiuir Ihirt nodi-.r,
tit cei ecus; excv'l'.n-: ttiirty au l not " ti'it 1 .'-: v do. inr-. t w enty c.'a! ; e-xcete
i.i i'.riv-d"t:ar. 'weoiv-iive ce.i:--
!.i l'.s. "li'r.l i!ie l'o-iniatr i.-tiera. s'. a l
-iij.p1-. in inev-i- U r i.te.-"- with b auk ioriii
ol a ;i'ie I lir IU niev- T-lei--. v. ilic'l e.i.-ti
app.cant iiiii :iil : h hi .-am-, tie-
: h.
free .
f re ." '
it:ire i
I are,.-.
I'.,s'ni ist.-r i.i'i
flee l,"":,-r- i:pei
I'o-l-Mllie." I"
.-:. i iua oi.ill be
lid .il-s I Ill'lSl'-il
I J. Tha' a re
1. " in VV l. 'ill
d. which -I.
Si i - I ' I. ei. .';t n.e i "-,
hi:. 'I i.e.: I.-r ' lie e iea' . r -is-tni'v now-p-iper-. i .e i o - i
a w ."i k. i"l I'l 't i-e ." "
known oilie of j,;-. lib.--ti :
s, riis-r. ."it the r.fe of. 'tii
o rices -r iraett'.ll t li'-'.-. i'l.
su-. i-.l. Tint t-rsou- -known as re-nlar
,i,.v!e.-, in new spa js'.-s and 'tertodi.-a is m;i
re an i i ;'..!!-nii! l.v each Ill.'tli slicil ipei;.-
n; of ii, ti-. uiay -"ii'tire, an.t j -iy
rial ha:l i ran -, pro ladl. as r- "e-tliir in mi.-Ii
t..e olli- 1 p.bec.-.'pr,-w ho pi' i.ti.ifi-r.v in a Ivan -.".
ji-tr. tin lit : ' si r. lt,J. Tiiat : ie I'.'-I'ii'i -'er .eiier t' ii.iy
ein.iered i p.-a-s-rtls". bv -.-i-e'.-'ati":'. an .itr.cavii, in forie.
he luai! j lo l,e litken 1"' the ic iiiisher, or .) liieeit ik,
a-eiit. or -eivinit ill!.." pub'i-iier, of mtv
ip s'aa'.l he aken liisir, new s-aper or .: i-..-r )s-..-to"iiea! whi.-li niay t.
iy ip.'i-'i'I" 1 lnail-iii'lller. law lie sent t'i le-ei ar siuwrioer". witeoui
iii. l w iieti the - pint wa de- orei'iviii'-r.: of ;ns!a-e .V ttie i.t'i.-e.
I lie retllie.-l to the ei.-. t. the'.-U'eet the fed her hi" li.-r any other
.-1 In Ihe on.: a priliu-- pruorieton, cierk. a.-nt. or emptovts- wi li.n
la.-i." evi !en. i sii. h .ietivei'v. i hi i;ii-w!tsie will solid, ciiil-i" or ) nnit to
si r. I-'.'. The.. !'. i'o -'Mil. -e 1)'. art ment. j tse-eni Hin-aidi Hie nui't, w ithon" proimynioni
or it. revenue, sliall un be l aid for the loss j bv iio-ta'.;i siatiips. nay copie- f such news
eifan". reiiisreie" mii'-nriiicr. p'.p.-r or other peri ; iiatnin-,' It. except a
-i i-. l.Ki. That mai'.tli e ma iter shall tie di- j b',,ia-!i l.iind r. e.t.-ir siib-s-riU-r I lii'ri'"ti . .lad
vi'l-si :iiioiI.reec(a-i's : tit's;, b tiers : S.S-OH ! i if a iv- such or is-riiii. al sjeii!
rerfti'ar iirih.itig matter ; tl.trd. lin-s ell.-meotis p. :hr. uiilii'.M'uliv s.-t.t. with Hi- l.n.i-.vied.-i"
in-.t'er. or coa-.-nt of sn.-h proprietor, nr hi iu-eiit.
M ". I'-.i. That mailab!.' ma'ter of I've lir-' " cierk. servant in cltar-" of sik-Ii bu-inoss, or
.-!as shall embrace all c u re -d.'ii.ionce, ii sii h af.i iavit sha'l. when ror;iiind by the
wlioiiv ,,r par lv in writlns. HhM.- Joi u.:t-ier iienen.1 ar any p-c!al aiat-nr of
i-a i'i-eript-atid coi-.-,s-,s oroofhes-ts (ctss-; iiie it'.i.-'j I'i partineui, lx" refii"e1, the
ia -between authors and pn'liliher-. ; irvn puli-y ol ihe .".reuse-, or rotti-iix to
Sir. 132. Tint in i.laiiie mattes ol th.-' eo-j make the aili'lovit. shall I'-rfeit and paylliiy
on 1 clas tha1! enilira.-e all ma: er exclieivo i dollars in aach etise.
K in nrieni. and recnlarlv i-i:e I at s a esi ! t,-.. It3. That .i mailable mn ter of tbe
IK'riotls fr. m ".known oKiee of publication, I thirl e'ass. ex.-e. a herein staled, imstajru
Wilhop" a '.!: i.n bv wri'tui.'. mark, erit;o. i shall be charce I al the. rule of.ono ceut tir
Skc. in:. Tint mailable nutter of the third each two ounces nr fraction thereof. Double
c'a- slitili enihraee a;l phainplets. ecasinnalj the-e rates shall be charjisl for h.-eiks, sam
P'thic itions. fran-ien- ihii.iiii.'I". iniua-j pies of metals, ore, mtueral, and merctian-ine-.
han l-Lill. pasters, un-ealel circular.-, t ejlse.
i.r.s.s-,iu-e-. 1. kk i. iss.k-niiiniis.-ripts, proof-, sr -. Id. That pacta gen ofwool.ii, cotton,
siieet. conee'e 1 pi'- f-heet. map. I ria s. ,,r iiiu-n eliMhinj:, not exceeilinjx two )itmuds
ena-ra, iini:. b'ank. tlexih'e I a tern-, samples In weidit, inay I sent tlirouih llie; nitiii t
.d'ai 'ivhaii'li-' noi exc-eeaiiiir twelve eiunces ; any non-eoininlci..iHtl ollicer or private m
in vve li;. :iiii;ite c ti 1. phomn-raphi." p"r. ; llie army "f ihe Ciiltt-l States if ireat-.L a:
letiei-eiive o.,,-. n..-:al euve'opes and wr.!- ihe rate ot one cent for each one 01111. e eir
lier. car I-.' liial'i mid orniimi iua! pas r, j fraction tliereof. suln'oct I" such n-jriil.nion
pliot'i-rrapl:,,, repre.s-:.-tli"iis of ililie-n-nt as the I'ostniasier (.eneral may on-scnlic.
1,,,., s..,si, eiuiiii . hiilli-. r sKs. h-itm. i si". Iim. Tliat the rate nf I -tilted S ates
a i I all nthet in .tier whicii miv l.e iiiviareti 1 is-snc-e on li.tiii-mt'ier eniiooi- res-t-ive-i
liiti ali e bv law. and it'l other nm
nil .ve llie vve.-'iii nre-s-nbed I y law-, which
are mil, irom titetr form or lia'ure. li lbie to
! ;.ov. del i.-.', or oiherwise iaiare the con
tents ol llie in lii-bnc or ihe por-on of any uac j
eticaco l in Uie po-tai service. All ltiiids
I. lsoi.s. -a-.s. .'Viiln-lvt! maieria.s. .tim o"-
s,-i-ue liooks -tial! Is-ev
All m ittel- ef Iia- lliird
aud other "rinie l nutter. Innk-iiiitiiu-cripi-,
proof--liis'i. .-ind ciirrec-e'd prisd-sliee'ls shall
not exceed ivve've ounces In weight. 'id all
matter of Iiie third cl.-ts- sliall be siuiject I
exaiunia-i'iii a vl lo ia-es of po-ra jo a. here-inafie-.-
provided, samp!,', of nu'tals. ore.-,
ami in".:ir:ii.'ji.-l sisvinrpis ha:l not exceed
shall is
from iiii-ef-rn countries w ith winch dilfereitt
rates have not been e-tab!ishod by s"-i:ii ,-op-vention
or oilier armnement. when lor
warde I bv vessels renularlv euiployeii In
ti-aiisirti::I'ii the mail, -hall Ik ten cents
for each hall-ounces or fraction tliereof on
leLt,rs. iinle-ss reduced bv order of the Post-
is eacli on newsja
iwo cents per ea"h
iwo oiiivee. or iia, in. 11 1nere.11. onpami n-
lets. jierio'ticais, hook, and other pruilesl
mat le., which postage shall lie prepared on
matter sent and collected en maiieri-ts-eive-.l:
av.d ie. aveiltl loss to ihe 1'iiUeil smies in ttie
pavment of liallances, Uie. Peistmasier i.en
enii may oo'iect the nnpii l postage on let
ters from forei.en conn. ries iu colli oriis
tudod from 'he mail. , master tie.-teral ; tw o c,
lass, evce'.i iinr h.sks j rtrs: nnd no; exeee lin
Iwelve ounces 11, v.el '!)'. illl'l
1.1 exaiiin. ilioii and I" i-al.-s ..I .sia.-e as. eo.uir.ilem.
l i re iiiafer-erovide l. sif..b'. That all le'ters eonveye-l by ves
mi- 114 Tin' no in-kajp. v.-c:iruins -.iire 1 seis not reguiai-iv emnloyid in earrymjr the
that) lour uoiitids sto.i b; nsvixfl lor cuii-j m,,n shail.'if for dciiverv within the I nlied
ve enicebv math except books publisliel or j states, be rated with double postftjee, to cover
ci vnl.C' d b .-oreio!" "f tloiier. s . i Hie fee in l to the vese!.
Si 1 r. Thai ill"" l' eit-nerat shall ' Six. vr.. That for Ibe piirivse of nwllnt;
f"".',-lti-h In the po-t-einicet.
s il-
" thiVil 'etll,
half oil -,i" :
liaiit-riits- iiutiis
untunes, and 10 men o tier
lie in iv .Win exi-h'tnt. p -siai
ti.viiiaate l in iiaiv." of the meittc
i eeit crnais of n t.teh shilil In-lie'
f.r ;v."al j.'ini w. 01 oi
1 ..inh'.p-'t.s. and 11 in pro;ies-
1 :
11 .is
; feu ilif.t tot
it-: ex."
betier ssial arraieements Willi loixti'iiciuu-iii'.-.
or toeiitinler.ict tlieira'beie oeasiiree
atbs-tin; eir pn-tai Inn-recur! Willi Itu in,
the t'ii master ee-iieral. ''V a'l.lxvtth the l
vic and 'n-ein "f the Pre'Ment. may nfe.
liaiia'e.iud c in-Iti U '-la! Ireaiirs or coc-
vi.ntlii.i-. and mav re tu, or uvrea-c in
i-.-t-i of neistae,. on' mail-matter
Iweeu iiie l ull
tries. . , , ,.
SKe I V. That the riwtnwterirf'm'ra! shall
preui're isisi.i ie 'an.- of stiiiable deoone
in.Vi.iii, which, wh -ii tt taehesltoiiiall-matlei-.
.-In" ! evidence ol I'ae lav nient of the l.v-l-
al! le s.ili' s-l to letter- ! ae tliert-en.
1. Tli-t' the l"os masteri, euerai sunn
.iveve. .iv
-a Slates ait'l l.iix-isn cotin-
Tc.i' th t.liinser;.'ni.r;il m.iy
1.. r,.t: -eot ihe in 111:11 r ofv. r.u-
lind 's u-ias: t r ibe nulls all m eter
1 vvidi te: :er-t"-tiike' nor hiw t'liiiv
i- a ilia '1. -o the I miv be '""in-eni'-nilv ex-
. ..i i' -.""e" : aid it !! so vt-ra;.-
jj i ;.ti i -e ' ire :. il
'".' ,'.- -. ...... r. eilw. ..:;. e .1'! -,irt en it..!,;., le, ;er ami new.-t:HPcr tnvel"
,1 ?..'.;.-v '1-i.mivo th"! wiii-'i". an.! er- f ,e;H's, wiih -uch water-mark or oiher "
...'.'....s i',-'.'-,, ,,'-ir,i- pot cti-iv ,..! wen ! a --.liii- t ct.i-.iiierl'eti-' as he may neeni exjiedl"
1. ' e-"iiv '-. ie .iv lil-f.titikel. vrln-ii ft .ni. and v Ph i-t.ire-.-t:inip xvitfi such ele
' , '. . ,: '.. ..ho -. .'. . ie;- it- n. for ih. . .... ;, ... 1 . f nt .tb'e doi nni,ii-,i-v..- a-, lie may
. t .'. . '". II I l."r ' Uere I - up -ll 1 i.r,' ;. lllVpl I'- S-1 I lie: . "i, . rfo.i 1.1, s,,i , , .r
' - s "