The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, October 08, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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lcc.;fi) refion plates maiL
SAl.I-.M, Tl'clAY, OCT.
t',-,ut h'Ctli) of Si'ltux'irjf, Oct. 5
hulmj: Asxm statu r.r.i.
ntiU ntty'H ProwrtlliiffH - Am ln
...s4i Attpinlittice -' 4ft
Rjo u:'.r etc.
I jriiii tlm lat tlnco diiv Cue weather
lias l i ii in ry uml-;u-iUit during the tin.
lii'mu, a-.i.l v Vturuay was uo KM-iptioii to the
- m riii-.-. did nut ruin it
kr'tt''iiini to nicU ra nearly an bail
a k. -a mapy at hr:ne wan would iitim-i
.ti':i 'nJ.'l. But as usual H cleared ul .
;iUi;it ituuu ami ti-' isiluaee of the day vras
as u- I'lu! cmld wish fur. Tne
Li uislutuiv adjunrueil at mum and every
Wlv wfiut-il ini-nt on devoting the remain
der at tilt' d:i? i" pursuit of pleasure. The
road waslillxl W'tli veliiclui of various des-c-riptiiraw,
tlie rain proving an advantage in
the one reflect oi' placing the road and
grounds in excellent condition for driving.
I'nroiiiioiit tho day, the Pavilion wan
crowded. Ving an oxce-llcut place to practice
j, T'1" 8'''e HW,ta were erowdeil w',a
wi aj J forms Hcekiiiif rest, and the multi
tude savi-d to and fro jnst tlru in-dire
'oiifi:sion. It wan as ea-sy to find coin i'.i a
priDting nfiicf as to timl any one you were
l.sikinx niter. Coiiiiuith-es Wire busy in
their various department examining arti-
. on exhibition, anil awarding premiums,
and wi jc lmttoii holed m arly us jiersistent
lv is were Legislative mciulxra during the
recent Senatorial co:Hct,t. About two
o 'cI-U tLere was a r.uid parade of cattls,
and as there were a tp-eater nunilx r of tn-tri-
than ever before the display was an
imur-iiaily tine one. The fanners took
:-cul delight in thin part of the programme
jmd mny were on Inuid who had came
thither for no other purpose than to witness
Ibis view.
Tnc P.1CES.
This lieing tlie time specified for the grand
races ) tho week, there was an immense
rrowd in attendance. There were probably
twelve. hundred persons in the snind stand
alone, and when viewed from the judges
stand it presented a beautiful sij;ht. The
greater ptirtiou of them were ladies who ap
parently took as much interest in the resnlt
as did ,'tlie sterner sex. Tho ground im
mediacy iti.front of the stand was literally
p kid With men and lmys. Various esti
mates were made regarding the number in
attendance, but it was generally conceded
tlc-re weiv alsmt 0,0K) at tiio race and
nearlv ID.ltfX) on the ground. Pool selling
was l!-il;, and the bids lilx nil. The lirst
oo tlie pmsramnie was a trotting race, mile
heats. Ut 3 in 5 fn-e to all horses, first
premium 100. Second premium $73.
There were three entries ruade hut only two
horses started. .1. J. Welch entered lllack
Ihrd. JL P. I.ndd ent'-psj Honest Alice and
V. 11. I.indsley Hnmlsildt. The latter
horse iliA not compete.
First beat The horses were pent off in
KikhI s'.vle. Bird having the pole. Ance
kent iUx'ad the KieaU r part of the distance,
but in cufiun,; down the home-stretch, 13ird
laup l htl and tiew across tlie scratch alxjut
one length ahead, her time being 2:57 Ji.
Second heat Ance Rot tlie advantage at
the send ntf. and held it during the heat.
and at the outcome was about one half
length a!n ad. Time 2:5S.
Third h at The horses were again sent
off in good order. Ance having alsmt three
feet the advantage. Tliis heat wafwell con
tested rtu-h horse doing his level best, but
Anee again came out a trifle ahead, his time
I'our'rh heat The horses came np to the
serate.h iti line time, but at the word go.
l!inl made a lad break and before she could
again settle down t her work, Ance had
left her nearlv three lengths iu tlie rear
but the distance was soon lessened, and
o uniug down the home-stri tch, tho horses
Aver-' neck to neck and doing their utmost.
Anre however came in alsmt 18 inches
ahead, foul driving was claimed, and af
tT a lengthy ionsuit;iti'm the. udgea le-
ci i tt t!ie neat a draw. Ance a menus were
loud in their denunciations, hut taking all
tilings into consideration the majority of
tiie crowd seconed the decision.
Fifth heat The horsea started oir all
right, and bird soon shot ahead and held
that position the balance of tlie way around,
coming in ahead alxmt two lengtlia. Time
Fold driving was again claimed
and tlie judges decided all outside beta and
pools DtT with an equal division of the pre
mium money. This was considered the
wisest course" owing to outside pressure.
An impromptu pacing race was made be
tween Hill (Hrd's "Shoouy" and Phillip"
Frank." Tue latter horse took the first
heat and was distanced in the second. But
little interest waa taken in this contest.
At 4:.'W p. m. the grand race of the week
-ame otf. Running race free to all horses
two mile heats best 3 in 5. First premium
$150. Second premium $75. George lloss
of Tehama C'aL entered bay mare "Trifle,"
and Bill Uird entered his brown hose Buck
skin. First heat After several false starts the
horses were sent off together. Trifle soon
ahot ahead, but the first mile was a close
race, the horses being nearly abreast. But
on the second round Trifle took tlie lead,
and as the horses passed the judge's stand
the second time the little mare was about
four lengths ahead. Time 8:57.
Second heat The horses had a splendid
send-off, but Trifle would stand no loolish
ness, and took the lead, whini she kept the
first mile. When about liulf way around
Trifle's rider pulled in and allowed Buck
skin io lap her, and then giving her a loose
rem agaiu shot ahead and came out a good
distance ahead. Time. 4:0y'.
The race gave universal satisfaction, and
twas a fair, square race from the start. As
wtHin as this race was finished the crowd
broke up and started for home, having had
tnuiifh excitement for one day.
The riooinr lnjr TIk Cratril Still
I.liiiCer 'ler-iif Al ter ftbe Weelt'ji
Moili ilie ICMren, Ltc
Yesterday was a day of oscitement at the
Fair Ground, but of a different nature front
that of previous occasions. Every body waa
striking teuu and their various
homes. Tlie road was, as usual, lined with
-onveyaneeji of every style, but those re
turning tuward town were, as a general
thing, the heaviest laden. Wagons con
taining the entire faniilv, bag and baggage,
were often met with. I'he farmers' wagons
were full and running over with portable
truck of all discretions, from wife and ba
lm to the minutest details of -camp equip
age. Temjxjrary shanties were being torn
lown. provisions packed up. Men running
hither and yon in search of missingarticles.
the housewife imperintending the disposal
of household articles, the boys mid girls
trotting around in at archof missing bhbies,
lngs howling, horses neighing, sheep bleat
ing, cattle lowing, hens cackling, pigs
squealiug, and the restored infants yelling
at tin- tops of their voices, made tlie closing
day of the Fair a regular -Pandemonium,
it was an amusing sight-t witness the ex
citement that prevailed on the camp-ground
'luring tlie afternoon yesterday. The scene
baffles descnptioB, and should lie-witnessed
to be appreciated. An old farmer had his
load picked up and was just mounting his
wagon to wend his way home, when a sud
den quacking iu the rear made him realize
-that his premium ducks hail broken loose,
and as they belonged to the old lady they
lid to be recaptured. The whole family,
-onsisting of man, wife and seven children,
started in hot purstiit. The quacks gave
them a lively chase amid the brush, stumps
and remaining camps. Tlie old gent tripped
on a tent-rope and measured his length on
3lariou Co. soil.. The old lady tore tlie
j-kirt of her dress, nearly off, but the ducks
were finally captured, and they started off,
heated but happy. Scenes of this kind
were numi rous and heartily enjoyed by the
speotaUm. inside tlie grouuils stalls were
opened and stock turned loose , droves of
cattle, sheijr ud swine were herded with
care. -Manv of the exliibitors took tlieir
small four-tooted stock in tho wagons with
them. We noiicedone old farmer with two
shetp, four small pigs, a pet calf and a box
of poultry mixed up with the rest of the
family. Hackiucn from a distance were
preparing to start for home and caring for
their extra stock. Hide-ehows were exhibit
ing extra attractions to induce delinquent
Attendants to walk in and see the living fu
riosities, etc.i etc. Candy vendors were
selling prize packages at reduced rates, and
the cigar bovs were selling six Havana (?)
tigars for two nits. Everything was going
dirt cheap, as money was no object. The
.auctioneers had their hands fidl to dispose
of horsi-s and watches belonging to those
who, at the close of tlie week, found them
selves dead broke, many miles from home,
and compelled1 k take this means of "visit
ing their uncle." The women folks, above
all, looked tired and cross. One lady in the
pavilion relieved herself by giving her in
fantile elierab a rousing old spanking be
fore the assembled hundreds, and finished
up by saying: "Thar, now, take tliat and
see if you kin behave yourself-" We left
the baliy sobbing consent.
Matters were decidedly mixed up. and every
one was Lurrying bfand fro, packing up
and clearing out. Everything tiiat could be
eaten had been disposed of by that means.
Water and muskmelon rinds were scattered
over the floor. Prizepumpkinsandsquasb
es had been rifled of every seed by persons
desirous of raisiilg articles of like nature,
Home of our Salem ladies had fine house plant
completely spoiled by anxious seed hunters.
Fancy articles uf every description were
closely guarded. The Marshals were busy
in returning articles on exhibition, and the
entry clerks had all theg could attend to in
making out certificates and drawing war
rants on the Treasurer in favor of premium
holders. The entry books were in constant
demand, and we could not examine them, but
during the coming week we shall endeavor
to go through them. Au auction sale of
pictures took place during the day, and
manv line p.untings changed hands. Bev.
A. Myers, of this city, pun-based Garrigan'a
splendid piece entitled "The Tooth Bridge
at the Cascades," the price being $180 in
-coin. It is a magnificent article, and we
congratulate Air. Myers on his fortunate
purchase, as the picture is worth a higher
There were only two entries in this class
nid therefore but little competition. Mrs.
TV. B. Crowder of Albany carried off the
first nrt iniuru and Mrs. Susan C. Riley of
Caiiyfli City the second. The riding of
the ladies was well worthy ol the honors
b-stowd! upon them. The re was a large
crowd gathered to witness this trial and
considerable comment made on the result.
A ep?cial trotting race of a single dash of
onj miie for two year old colts was an
nounced and two entriesmade. C Wal
lace entered "Ben HolWlav" and Ilobt.
Henderson entered "Dexter" and '-Sinister."
Ilen carried off the blue ribbon.
Time 4.3'J. A trotting race, free to all
horses, mile heats, licst three in live, was
me last race of the Fair and drew a large
crowd. W. J. Tennant entered "American
Boy" and F. A. Fletcher "Flying Cloud."'
First heat won by American Boy ; time 3.08.
St com I heat won by Americ.ui Boy; time
3.07. The three last heats were won by
Flying Cloud, his time lsving 3.06 on tlie
third neat and C.05 in the reuiainin: two.
A large amount of moiiev ciatiigid hands
on tins race, owing no doubt to the "Boy"
taking the first two heats. Numerous dis
consolate countrv cousins were standing
around with their hands in empty pockets,
realizing, no donbt, the truth of tlie state
ment "thet you can't most always some
times tell about these things."
The long looked for time has come and
gone and the State Fair is no more a thing
to be looked forward to. The attendance
has lieen good, the entries numerous, and
the Fair no doubt a financial success. Wo
know not what others may think alsmt it
but i-peaking for ourself anil those connect
ed with the Statesman office, we aie hearti
ly glad of it. We have all been driven to
n:ir wits ends to get our paper out. After
all we imagine we but echo the thoughts of
many hundreds iu our State on this, the
last night of the F'air, when we say we have
had au "el -gant sufficiency" for one year
and perfectly willing to take a rest.
A Sewtno Mchdte Fkacas. Tho rivalry
among the exhibitors of sewing machines at
t'ne State. Fair has been very strong this
year, and hard words have been indulged iu
on se-eral occasions. Yesterday this sort of
warfare got so hot the Jlarshal ordered the
Agents of Wilson's Improved and Lyon .t
Finkle's machines tostap them and close up
business. We have only heard one side of
the case, and therefore make no comments,
but it does seem strange that personalities
should be indulged in to such an extent as
to endanger their own personal interests.
Is Tbotolk. Billv Barker yesterday ar
rested one George Vyaiit at Lake Lahisii
for obtaining drugs slid hardware under
false pretences. H-1 ptireh-ised a lot of the
former at Crawford's and tol I them to charge
them to E. Cart'.vright. He then went to
Wade s hardware store tud purcliaat-d an
other bill, asking th'-m to chalk it down to
the same person. Mr. C'artwright heard of
the proceidina and took out a warrant for
his arrest and his cae will probably be
tried this morning before justice Coffey,
A Suoirr Mistake. One of our country
cousins was examining a handsome bonnet
hung in a glass frame at the F'air Grounds
yesterday She gazed in silent wonder for
some time, and turned away exclaiming
"Well, now, seems to me that there's con
siderable work just for the sake of making
a hanging basket look purty." We were in
hopes the owner of the specimen heard the
remark, but it escaped iier notice, or we
might have seen the wool fly.
HorsE BitEAKrso. During the absence of
Mr. William Hen-en's family from home.
Thursdav last, some inquisitive individuals
entered fiis house and went througo it most
thoroughly. They chopjvd the bureau
drawers open and emptied tlieir contents on
the floor and rifled the house from top to
bottom. Nothing of any gn at value was
carried off, however.
Borsn Over. The man arresh-d Thurs
day evening at tlie Fair Ground for taking
a gentleman!! watch was brought up la-fore
Justice Coffey yesterday morning and Bfter
a preliminary examination was hound over
to await the action of the grand jury. His
bail was fixed at 150. and no oneai iKaring
w ho was willing to give that niuchas securi
ty for his pn-seiit-e win n wantid, he was
sent back to jail.
Escaped. Yesterday afternoon, a chap
confined in the Calaboose wrenched off
some of the boards guarding the windows
and succeeded in 'forcing out one of tin-
bars leaving an aiierture of sufficient siz:
for him to craw l through w hich he did and
skipped out of town with never so much
ceremony as asking leave of absence for a
few days" He lias not been re-captured yet.
From Daily of Sunday Oct. C.
The Sas Fbascisoo Circus. This great
show, after playing at the Fair Ground to a
rushing business, during tho week, liad an
immense h use in town last evening. The
continued large patronage it has had would
be sufficient assurance of the excellence of
the troupe, but in addition to that, we hear
it spoken of on all Bides as incomparably
the best circus show that has visited this
country for many years. From the grand
entree till the finale, everything is done in
that style which plainly indicates tlie artiste.
The boys .who do "tlie gymnastic and
tumbling feats perform remarkably well.
The riding is of the first class graceful
and daring. We think we should not do
the fair thing if we failed to etnnnieiKl th
clowning by Mr. Warner. He is properly
the "King's fool" funny, sharp, spai sling
and witty without being a vulgar buffoon.
The San" Francisco Circus is not a catch
penny affair, but a show wliich is all that it
claims to be. The day is past when one
horse shows like most of tnoso that have
been inflicted upon Oregon, should lie
patronized ; but we can conscientiously
conjmend this one. Whenever John Wilson
comes around with a circus, the public may
confidently expect a first-class entertain
ment. Psrsonau -Tames F. Orem has been ap
pointed Agent for the San Francisco Bul
letin and any person wishing to subscribo '
for that jiaper should cull on or addrtss
him at the Chemeketa Hotel in this city.
Off Aoaix. Most of the members of
both houses went ls;low yesterday after
noon having adjourned until 2 r. x. oa
The Golb Medal. We are pleased to
announce that the Beaver Hosiery Co., of
Jefferson has received a sjiecial premium of
a gold niedal for the best display in their
hue at the State Fair.
From Dnihj T amity Oet. S.
A IiF.tAPsE. Our readers will remember
that last spring Saieiu was for a lew week
literally overrun with burglars. During
the js"t few months this class of men have
rather let up on us, audwe have been called
upon to chronicle but few cases. But with
the crowd in attendance at the Stale Fair
there were of courses munlsT of villains,
blackleg and tliieves among the rest. Sev
eral caws of pocket-picking have come to
light, and an equal number of house-breaking
affairs. V e yesterday heard of still an
other. Mr. John Savage, residing a few
miles below town, on returning home Sat
urday evening, brand that during the ab
sence of liiuiself and family some one had
broken down an outside door and tered
the house, giving it a thorough rauacKiug
from cellar to garret. Trunks and boxes
had been broken open and the contents
emptied npon the floor. Even the straw
ticas on the beds were emptied of their con
tents in search of booty. A couple of lock
ets and some small arncles of jewelry, to
gether with a small sum of money, wero
carried off, and a considerable personal
property was destroyed by rough usage.
Another case of thettik place at the I'n
ion Hotel Saturday night. Owing to the
demand for sleeping apartments, m many
cases parties wi re willing for the sake of
rest to occupy rooms with entire strangers.
Maj. Jno. Uownie, an old pioneer of the
coast and the founder of the town of l)ow
nievilie, Cal., was one of tins liumlier, and
accepted a room with a gentleman wjio. al
though a stranger at the time, made him
self very famUiar before morning. Major
D. hung Ins vest, containing a splendid
watch and chain, upon the bed-post, and
laid hira down to sleep, "perchance to
dream." His bedfellow woke up first in the
morning, dressed himself inDownie's watch
and chain, and waltzed down stairs. When
Uownie awoke he missed his watch, and on
going to the window gaw his man across the
street with it on. Downie is an easy, care
less sort of a chap, and therefore took his
time dressing himself, so tliat by the tinio
be got out upon the street his man had
skipped away, and lias not liccn seen or
beard of since. Had Mr. Downie let the
police authorities know of it at tlie time it
might have bet recovered.
Hoodlums Aoais. Parties iu attendance
at the Presbyterian Church in this city last
Sunday eveiiiug have requested lis to call
attention to the conduct of s crowd of young
men and boys who disturbed public worship
by running np and down tho sidewalk in
front of the church and loud and boisterous
talk near the entrance to the building.
They are well known, and will be carefully
watclied hen after, and should there be a
repetition of these acts tbey will be prompt
ly arrested. This is by no means the first
offense, and the practice has become rather
too common an occurrence.
A Habd-heabted Pickpocket. Some
light-fingered gent lifted sixty dollars out
of the pocket of our friend J. " W. lied way ,
the Oregonian's reporter in the house, last
Saturday, while on the street. Mr. Bedwav
has been only a short time connected with
the press or ire should donbt his having bad
so much money about his person. The
pickpocket certainly had nnmitigattd cheek,
and mast have also' been an ignorant sort of
a scoundrel, otherwise, hj would never have
cone through a reporter. However he did
happen to make a good haul in this case.
BEirRXEB to his Post. Mr. George A.
Edes, Collector of Customs for tlie port of
Sitka, having been bome on a visit of a
few days, returned to bis post last Saturday
by the steamer Geo. 8. Wright. Having
business at Forts Wrangle and Tongas, he
was compelled to eomo to Portland and
visit the places above mentioned on his re
turn. We might mention, however, that
Jf r. Edes was not very much tint of sorts
ovet it, as it gave him an opportunity of
visiung his family.
Mabkaoe Licchses. Fair week is pro
ductive of great results in this line, as the
.books show an issue of eight during that
week alone. There were ouly ten issued
dnring the month of September, but it tk
tober will only hold out as will as it begins,
we may look out for lively times among tlie
young folks during the coming winter.
"Nothing of the Sort." Mr. "Waldron
informs us that, there is no foundation for
the rejxirt that he is going to pUv at Vic
toria : not at present, at least, lie has or
ganized his excellent troupe for the edifica
tion of the "Webftet," and as long as they
give him a l'.lx ral support, he intends to
l. main with them.
Corjrrr O rnT.-lesU-rday was the ope- senator; Jackson 7th. kj
mgday for the October term of the Counti u 1 ii-itoi- Polk
Court, but owing to the absence of Judgci1 ' '!' 1 ... "'"' ' ' olk
Terrv at Portland, it did not convene until ",r x itmlilll 10th. N'li:
late in the afternoon. The judges of elec
tion for the different precincts will be i
poiutcd during this session.
Butterfield ,V Son will remain at the Fair
Ground for another week with their drove
of gnidtd Angora goat. Tiny have al
ready disposed of nearly --'HO at prices rang
ing from S10 to ?1". Parties desiring to
purchase should call early.
PEitsoxAt.. We met Maj. G-o. 'Williams
iion the streets yesterday. He has just re
turned from a protract) d stav in Eastern
Oregon and is looking well and hearty.
SAI.KM. Oct. -1,
ix Tin: ;xte.
Tlie State Indebtedness.
Mr. Myers from the ounmittee on
"Ways and Means, submitted a report
in aivonianci! v iili tli- instructions of
tl Senate, in relation to the nutstand-
inji indebtedness of the State for wliich
appropriations are necessary, as fol
lows :
Outstanding warrants, (ien'l. Fund 7,7e); fili
Agri'l. Fund K.s-2 ?
Sntinort of pnor
2.:il'. im
Convict Warrants
-oiivi'ving convK-ts to Penitentiary.
Outstanding warrants l'entv. l'liiet.
llieil'nt'l " .
Accounts tiled Incidental t'und
" Penitentiary btttl'iiug
Otits'aniliiia: warrants. Penitent tars
l'.t.iiTT 7.i
lii..'7-J Si
l.ll.f. CJ
i-.' iO w)
l,iu. ss
tulMing Fund 2.7-.HJ 411
insane Fluid ;n,7'.)7 t'A
Aeets. for conveying In sine to Assy 2J.(Hi lit)
for Public. Printing ". in" mi
Outstanding warrants, Prin'. iniid. 3,1(12 Dl
" ' di-alimved
by Investigating Committee ,'I,12S oo
Total unprovided debt 17"i,o.iU lW
Itoinh-d debt is provided for ami rc
ipiiies no appropriation.
The Committee lotind i! dil'icti't to
compute the amount of appropria
tions akvl lor, lliey not report on
this head.
ltrow.toi l'aker. frotn llie CfMinnit
tee on Federal Kd-itions. report) d
back the bill antlioii.'ni iln- (Jovernor
to comiui'isioii a ( 'otniui-sioner of lin
tnirition. and recoiiimetideil its ref
erence to the Joint Cointnitte.e on im
migration. HUN Iiilrtxlueed.
15y Mr. Myer. antlioi uii! the State
Ttea-tirer fo convert enm-nev in the
Tre.-iMtry into coin, anil to n-di-em tin:
Canal ami Lock bonds. By Mr.
I limit, toanieni! the act repi'.atin the
public rinline; allowing lite Stale
I'rinter IMI for iriiitiur the laws in
any iiewspajier. 15y Mr. Strahiin, to
i!i.-iui;' the time of mi-etni of the
l.egi-latnre to the 1-t Monday in l)c-
Tin Senate spent some time in read- .
iny; hills si-i-ond time, and i-on-idi-rin
in Cinimittee of tin- Whole the bill n- I
latin-; to taxation ot torein iticorpor-;
atious; the bill to .-nl.iiiit certain!
amendments to the t'oiftitulion : anil
the bill to provide for I In- eh-Ltion. iu j
November, of a Slate I'rititer.
Aiuendiueutt ti I In- 4 onslitiitioii.
Mr. Strakm moved to reter the bill j
j to submit articles ot :imenln.ent to
I the Coustiliition Io the Judiciary ("ntn- ;
j iniiiec. with instriii-tioiis to !- rt
j upon each proposed amendment sop- j
! amtoly. i
Mr. Conii-Iins moved to ain-nd. to
j instrtnt the committee to report an j
j additional article to repeal tin: provi j
i ion for the election of a State Printer.
I and to provide for letlit'.- the public I
printing to-the lowest milder. 1 Ins i
was airreed to. and the motion as :
amended was adopted. j
Tin- committee to visit and examine j
the locks at Oregon (":ty obtaineil j
leave ot abscm-e till next. Momlay.
The Senate adjourned till to-morrow. ,
Tlie 4'liirkniniiN Context 'nte.
Jlr. Martin from the Committee
FJi-ctions, presented a r. port on
case of the contested seats for Claeka-
mas county, accompanied by a resolu-
lion iledaring the sitting members en-
tilled to tlie seats. j
Mr. Clow presented a minority re-!
pot t and resolution in favor of the con-j
tet-.ints. and askinir that thev be id-!
lowed to appear by attorney at 7 o'clock
thii evening, to argue their case. Tins
resolution was lo-t bv a vote of 20 yeas,
21 nays.
The resolution of Mr. Martin was
then acted upon, the tpit-stion being di
vided -o as to vote upon each ease -ep-arateiv.
ate! the silting members were
declared esil Itletl to their seat! by a
VOte of CVO tO 0:IO.
Tliat p ut of the import ivl.ititig to
fees of witnesses fr coute-tauf was
referred to the committee on Claims.
Jin:ile .Sojrrn
bill to e;ifr-n:i!iisi
women wa-
t repoited back
j with a fii'ori
i Mr. I'aiton pn
' pott, with au
froin the committee
!e rei'iiiniueuilatioii.
sentis! a minority re
atin lalita-nl. allowiti-r
uoni-M to vote on ijtiestii
the -ale of Ii juo:-. ,i::d r
the pas-age of ! he l.i',1.
iior'ty repot-: was -ii'ini'.t
the bill. .M'll so, ne I
w hole m itii-r - i - :;!:
n- relating to j
iiimt!,."iili.ig !
A tioi her nit-
.-I .-nlv, !- to j
'-c'l ' -IO-! ' III'
!, little pn.f-l
Mini-il. A. (of bee hi:
neter su'o-c iu.',.tiv
of a si.;,;
Onivd :i
:ir r'i:ir-
; st. ne I
I'urii.uit, ti dies ti:sii .ViK r,.-i..'. ;:
The bill to grant aid to this lailr ad '
(tune up as the special order at 11 a.
m. A motion to recommit the bill,
with iiistractions to amend, was lost
by a vote of 10 to oH ; and the bill
then passed the House bv a vote of 2S
to is.
One thousand copies of the Cover-,
nor's message were ordered printed.
The Hou-4' adjourned till 7 p. n.
Salk.m, Oct. 5, 1S72.
I TI1K sfA.tTE. '
Mr. Hoult presented a petition ask
ing for revision of the liquor laws.
Bill Introduced.
Mr. Iloult from Committee on Coun
ties reported a hill to enable the peo
;ile of Cniou county to change their
county seat.
Mr. Crawford from Committee on
Kductitiou reported back the bill for
the organization of tiie Agricultural
College with a recommendation that it
To Encourage Immigration.
Mr. I)lph introduced a bill to en
courage immigration. This bill pro
vide for the appointment ol C. 11.
Lewis, W. S. Ladd and Phillip Was
serman of Multnomah, Henry Klippel
of Jackson county, and Kev. Theo.
Condon of Wasco as a lSoard of Immi
gration. They are allowed no pay ex
cept necessary traveling expenses. The
Board to mee; at Portland within 30
day from the passage of the bill, and
organize by tlie election ot proier of
ficers. Tliey are to have an ouicc in
tlie above named city to collect statis
tics of the soil, climate, lands anil re
sources, and disseminate information
thereof by such methods as tliey deem
proper. It asks for an appropriation
of twnty thousand dollats in semi-annual
payments provided always that
this State will pay a lurther stun of not
exceeding five thousand dollars per
annum whenever the-same amount
shall be raised and paidj oyer to the
Treasurer by private individuals.
Proper securities are required trom
the officer. The bill passed to its
second reading and 100 copies were or
dered printed.
Mr. Iolph introduced a bill for re
district imr the State into Senatorial
and Represetftative district-, and fix
ing the numbers of Senators and Rep
resentatives in the Legislative Assein
blv. Tlie bill provides. Tliat on awl
after June 4th. 1374, the Senate shall
consist ot thirty memliers and the
House of Representatives of sixty
member. The ratio of apportion
ment shall bo one Senator for every
three thousand and twenty-tie white
population, and every friction theteot
exceeding oue-lialf. "The ratio ot ap
portionment ot the Stare into Repre
sentative district slnll be one Repre
sentative for every one thousand lire
hundred and fifteen white population,
or fraction thcroof exceeding otie-lialf.
Si-xtiox .'. Marion eottnty shall
constitute the first Senatorial district,
anil shall be entitled to three Senators;
l.inn, the 2d. with three S-nators ;
Lane 3d. with 2 Svintors; Iloulas
4th. with 2 Senators ; tvoos mid Ciirry
5;h. with 1 Senator; .Josephine 0th, 1
-ijenator; Ben-
itth, 1 Sena-
iltoi-s : ('lack-
amas 1 1 tn, i en.-itors; .Mtiltiioni.'ili
12th. 4 Senator; W.-isbinjrtoti 1:1th. 1
Senator ; 'lnt-op. Columbia and Tilla
mook 14th. 1 Senator; Wasco loth, 1
Senator; I'matilla liitli. 1 Senator;
I'nion 17tli. 1 S-nator; Baker ISth, 1
Suitor; (Jt-itit I'.ith. 1 S'tiator.
The niitnber of Keprescntati'ves to
lie apportioned at the following-ratio :
Marion, six ; I.iuu, six: I.ane. tour:
Douglas, four ; Coos and Curry, one ;
Coos, one; Josephine, one; Jackson,
two; llenton. two; l'olk, three;
Yamhill, three; Clackamas, four;
Multnomah. seven ; Washing-ton.
three ; Clatsop, one ; latsopand Tilla
mook, one; 4'oIiimbia, one; Wasco,
two; Umatilla, two; Union, two;
linker, two; ( It-ant. two.
Senators lioldino; over, representinj;
districts coinpose-d of more than one
county shall, when th districts have
been chait;etl by this act, he consid
erefl S-uators of the Districts created
by this act in which they reside.
The bill passed its first reading and
was ordered printed.
A number of bills were read second
time and referred or ordered t iiirrosscd.
A iiiuulier ot bills originating in the--House
were received and read titst
!illlH Fussed.
The House bill for the
relief ot"
Baker county remission
of SLUM.
State taxes, fasseu".
The House bill, providinir for tlie
further organization of the Agricultu
ral College. I "asset! .
llenton County 4'on tested ''iiw.
"Mr. Dulph ottered the follow -in;
resolution : .
AVaki!I.s. At. Mie genci-il clerfir. i.
held the lith day of June. 1S70. A. M.
Witham receiveil ,"ic2 votes for Stat it
Senator from llenton ciinfy ; for tho
term of four years, while Hon. K. S.
Strahan n-ceivi-d only ."ill votes fiirthe
same oll'ice, and s,tid Witbtim ihtly re
ceived a certificate ot election to the
olliiv of State S-nator from said i-vnu-ty.
under the hand and seal of the
County Clerk of said llenton county,
and. whereas, said Strahan iniw holds
the seat, of S-nator from said county,
and saiil Witham, anil the jn-ople of
said llenton county claim that be. the
said Wit haul, is wrongfully, and uti-ju-tly.
and without authority ol" taw.
deprived ot a seat in this brr)y. anil
thereby th'.' people of said Heivtou
county are unrepresented
A'-si-c"', That the matter bo re
feired to a sK-ciai committee of three
to examine a:id report at th" earlte-t
practicable moioent -is tow hcl Ik-tot not
A. M. Withim i- entitled Ion s-at as
Senator from Kenton comity, and as to
whether or not X. S. Strahan now
wrongfully holds sui-h seat.
Mr. M vers moved to amend the res
olution by snh-titutlug CoiumtttiH' on for a special committee,
which was ngivcd to, and tin- resolu
tion was unaniinou-ly adopted. The
connnittei- w:ts in-triuted to report
next Wednesday.
The tvn.-iti- adjourned till next
Tuesday, at 2 p. in.
llll'.i: 4F
A bill was introduii-d to
ible the
city of Cortland to open and widen ir
The House spent some time in Com
mittee of the Whole on the bill to pro
vide for a road through Jack-on. 'rant
and llaker counties ; and the Senate
hill relating to incorporation of relig
ious societies. This bill was amended
so as to extend the privileges of the
act to married women, and w hen the
committee rose it agreed to recom
mend iN passage.
The mini mill Uirks till.
The House then took up to the regu
lar order of business, the consideration
of amendments to the 'anal and Lock
bill. The further consideration of the
matter was postponed to i o'clock 1".
M. Tuesday next.
H. 1!. o. ,'U w as adopted, requiring
the Committee on Investigation of the
('ana! and Lock to procure the best,
legal opinion w ith relation to the valid
ity of the bonds of that Company.
Itond t TilllMltOOM.
The Committee on Road and High
ways reported back II. K. .'10. relative
to aid to tin' Trask Stiver Wagon Road
Co. and H. .1. R. No. 17. relative to
stationing ofa RevemieCiitterat the liar
of the Columbia river was adopted.
Inrel:;ise of t!ie Colli',
The Committee on Ways and Mean
reported hack H. H. M to purchase 100
copies of Deatly's Code reported and
recommended its passage. The bill
was read a third time anil put upon
its final pa.-!!; the vote standing,
ayes ,'!1 nays ii ; so the bill passed.
I'ortlahfl, Ialtes A- Knit l.aKe KhII
ruiul. Mr. Ma'Iory called Mr. Ilurbank to
the chair and moved to reconsider the
vote bv which li. 15. No. T2, relating
to Portland. I.) dies & Salt Lake rail
road, was passed ; carried. . lie then
moved to postpone the-fiirther consid
eration of tl4- mailer to :i o'clock
Wednesday, which was agreed to.
Leave of Absence Willi ted.
The Committee on Canal & Locks
a-ki-d leave ot absence from to-day at
noon to day of meeting next week
On motion adjourned fo Tuesday at
2 p. M.
Indinn Stumped)-n rirovenf .'nlllp
Keeoverv mid Hi-cond St''iiii-ric -'I
he Indian grt nwii)- vt miielt
From the Kngene (hiard.
A Ve learn from parties jut in from
east, ot lint mountains that a short time
since Wm. Miller, of this county, .
started with a drove of beef ca.'tle for
Portland. When near the Klamath
Marsh the Indians, stampeded the cat
tle while lieing guarded in corral for
the night. Mr. Miller and his hand,
.mounted their horse and managed to
secure the larger portion of the cattle,
and started on the road. Before tliey
reached Corral Spring, near the eat
fork ot the De Shnte river, the Indians
again came on them, and getting be
tween the men and the cattle stamped
ed them a second time and drove the
whole hand into the mountains. The
next day Mr. Miller secured 2'J head,
wliich he 1 bringing into this valley.
The remainder he trailed across a range
of mountains east from the cast fork of
the le Shtites into the plain country,
when it was deemed best not to pro
ceed further. We understand that the.
Indian did not attempt further out
rage than to secure the cattle, and Mr.
Miller's party had but one pistol
among them," and that had but two
charge., hence they made no hostile
demonstration. The scene of the mid
is within !0 miles of Port Klamath, :i
military post.
A Tiew IxMlire nt Junction L,iftt or
Oasis Lodge. Xo. 41. I. O. O. F-.
was institute)! at Junction, last Mon
day, Septetnlier 30th, by-Oram! Mas
ter J. T. Apperon. assisted by Past
Orand Master K. L. Bristow and
brethren of the Harrisbtirg ami neigli
boring Lodges.
Tlie following named officers were
elected to serve the current term :
Ceorge Cunningham. N. C; W. S.
Lee. V. L; Jus. S. Pulton, R. S.;
Cilliert, P. S.; S. X. Howard. Treas
urer. . The foregoing, with .las. Gar
den, cotiVituted the charter members.
The Lodge being instituted, live ap
plicants for memliership were initiated.
The Lodge start under hopeful aus
pices' with a good Lodge room nnd
prospects or immediate large acces
sions. How to Make Mosey. The Bos
ton Courier say tliat "a thrifty citi
zen effected insurance on the life of '
his wife to the amount often thousand
dollars, the other day, took home a
bos of the little red Maryland plums,
and enjoyed a whole evening iu watch
ing his wife eat them. UN enter
prise had its reward. Deducting two
hundred and ninty-dollar for funeral
exenes, he is now nine thousand
seven hundred and two dollar richer
than he was a week ago."
New York and Pennsylvania Politics.
The t;eorj;tn Klcetion Tlie Slate
Ijirely U.-Jtiocratle serious Itiooa.
Atlanta, Oa., Oct. 2. Returns of
twenty counties give Smith l)em.'.
nominee for Governor. 10.000 majority
If the same proportion holds in other
counties his majority will be over 40.
000. Savannah. Oct. 2. The Moniiti
News will publish returns of thirty
three counties, all of which will h c
decided iJcinocratie majorities. lt
turns from all parts of tlie State hnv
lare rains over IMS. Smith is
elector by nearly 50.000. The elec
tion has been one of the mo-t ipiii-t
and peaceable ever hekl in Georgia.
.Macos, Oct. 2. A serious riot, oc
curred at the polls this morning be
tween white and blacks. It com
menced with fiticii;V fights, which d
vcloieii into a lieri-e encounter with
brick-bats and pistols. In the course
of a few seconds about fifty shots were
tired, by which one white man was
killed and five or six negroes wounded,
two of whom have since died. The
all'ray lastexl hula few minutes, when
the negroes left the polls. The white
men claim the whole ull'air was pre
meditated on the part of the nejrrocs,
and it wnstlw.-ir intention to take lbiri
I'ie M:sesili of the polls; that they
originated tin; disturbance with this
objict. Tin negroes. Iiowever, claim
they were driven from the polls by vio
lence, and odxiM et no chance to V)ite.
They were addressed by the Mayor
titer in tlRMlay, who guaranteed them
protection; but. with few exceptions
they retii.sed to vote and went to their
Ati.ant.u ;a., Oct. 3. The thirty
liair ciuinties heard from j;tve Smith
;i-em.i a majority of l'.t,(i:!l.
Tle ifuna i:.Mmltlon.
Wasiiiv;tn. Oct. 2- Iu the course
of a convers:uu:i yesterday with a
ecnf Iciuan, lite President reti-rn-d to
tin- lni versa! Kxpositioti at ienna.
atitl le;iri! ilul a Hid representation
of Anu-ricni :rt anil iiulu-try woubl
be fmini in coiiijietiliou with the pro
ducts ot 1 jiropeau skill, even it no
( lovcrument aid should be printed to
exlii'iit ours iu other commies. He
a No declared his intention f asking
( 'oaD-s.-. for a sullicieiit, appropriation
to si-i.-d a delegation of United States
working men to Vienna for the pur-po--
of reporting umui the impress of
inihi-trial arts in Kurope, as revealed
by :Jie Kxioitioll.
The iti-IAlcMtion of Tfitjor Iteesi.
t llirAiai, Oct. X Washington
sjM-cial says tin- amount of money lo-t
by the defalcation ot Major Reese,
nephew of S)'na!or Sherman, is stated
to he 1,000. 'I'he S-uator who is now i
in I iiiifornia. was teli-;r:iphi-il to-day j
that his nephew was iu trouble, and
asking what should Ik1 done withhiui. '
Tin- Senator responded that the Gov- I
criimetit sluiuld iro-)-cute him.
ev TorU I'olillrs.
XnvYmiK. 4. The s:ri:;ht
ait. f i-inocrat ic Slate ('otiV)'titiin met
hop' to-day. John -1. Alien. Chairman
of (lie State ( otniiiittc. called it to or-)U-r
in ti brief sjH-ech, ta;i ig the ol
jei ts of the Convention. K. ii. .Millet
was elected ( 'hairman.
Ii)si(iN, Oct. .'!. The Liberal Re
publican and I etuiH-ratic Convention
of the iit It Collat es. ional District to-dav i
nominated X. P. Hank-.
1cbiein- VHitiu Xoiniiintioni.
Pllll.AIil'.l.ftllA. Oct. 2. The Liber
al Republicans iu Conlci-ence, of Chi s-
ti-raml I lebt ware counties, noiniuated
Frank Tavlor for Congress.
!lAt;l:ti;t Hi;. Pa.,' Oct. .'!. V. A.
S-hell. Labor eform Condidal
Governor, has
Rul kalew.
declined iu lavor of
sii-s i ;oti. ;
Xkw Yoiik, Oct .'!.--,'i'liere wen-
filtx ti bids for jjold to-dav, amount'inti I
to i-4..'i(Mj.00il, at 1 ::."() ill :7. One
uiillion was sold- tit 14 57.
( oiti:i(; M.Yt s.
Itlixli-rpest in Kii-;l:iiil -Kinlrnliou
Io Anierieii Keinarkitble ixoiliin
1 niui a (.erimiii ll.y .
i.ONIHiN. Oct. .'!. The rinderpest
has apieared in Tonjjfoss parish, AVest
Riding. Yorkshire.
During the. past tliree months 51.000
emigrants have sailed from Liverpool
for America.
Pa ihs. Oct. 2. The departures trom i
Alsaiv ami t.orrauie ot inlialutants
who ilecliue to assume German citizen- i
ship, a iv upon an immense scale. Ii i ;
estimated that 8.SIHI emigrants wSll
tttke up their residence in N.mrf
alone, while large numbers go to other
place. Kightecti htmdred left M.-tn
w ithin the last fortnight. Tlj- jMpu
lation of the city is now onl- Io.ikm.
4;corg!a Election Itctiirn.
More Troubles on the Texas
Discovery of a Charnol Ship.
UcwrKin l'.Icrtlon Itetiirn.
Atlanta, Oct. .1. In tlftyone coun
ties Smith's majority is 27,117
Arr.usTA, Oa., Oct. 3. Retttrn
froiii many counties in every portion
of the State give Democratic majorities
of 25,07li. Tlie counties yet to hear
from the Democrat claim will increase
the majority to 40,000.
Political Item.
Aliiany, Oct. 5. At the Straight
out Democratic Convention a full elec
toral ticket was elected, including
Peter Gilsey, John A. Goodlet and
Geo. Sprague for Congressman at
large. Resolutions in support of
O 'Conor and Adams, and the Louis
ville platform, were adopted. 29 del
egate were present.
Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 3. Senator
Wilson addressed the largest political
meeting ever assembled here this even
ing. The Republican demonstration
here was immense in point of num
bers. Indianapolis, Oct. 3 Tlie Repub
lican demonstration here to-tugVt h
been tlie largest ot thexaiiipaiK .
catli of the Oldest
Boston-, Oct. 3. Rev. R. rr th
oldest ordained Methodit mifitr of
Xew England, died at hi rs J
to-daj' at Salem.
TcxiM-nezlefUi AflUIr.
Xew Orleans, Oct. 4 i An- j
tonio special report that a parr of j
-i - . .-.ii.. . I .. 1 I . e I I
..i i.;,n- ts.i i... i 1
catt e th eves into Mexico and tt3ei,if
icatis were killed. Tbe Texan biim-l
.-in AUsides hoti-se, with liim in ir. On
Monday. two hundred armed jtmtT
appeared on tin? Mexican side ittl
river opposite San Filipp. Pot iTiii
son witii a company of trrrsirrti(i
Fort Clarke, was ordered tn J4-ifdi
Uieir movements.
Tlie reporter of tlie Mexican ImnU-r
coinniHsion U now in jvos-ies-ston ol tbe
Suit; LeMirttiient. The coiniiilsiMi
ers are on their way to Wasbinjrton.
It is underttood the United State
Government will take the ground that
it Is justified tn taking the protection
of its own citizens into iti own lutinU.
As lutervlew M'itti tue Japanese i n-
Washington, Oct. 4. At an Inter
view yesterday lietween tlie President
and Japanese Envoy, Minister Mini
in response, to a remark by tli Presi
dent relative to Uie recent new frum
Japan, stiid bi own advices up to ibU
time, diil not strtaiti the rejw-rt, lit
hoped soon to he able to lay full intel
ligence before the Government. Tho
President remarked that tlie pro-p-essionists
appeared too tar in ad
vance of public scnitmetit, which Mori
admitted, repeating his views of day
or two ago. tliat the best polivy ras to
M'lmit the progressionists t o tbiirisfi.tro
of power and assimilate thc to the
progressives by educ:ition. itori fur
ther said his opinion was progre4e
temieiicy would be irresistible. Fur
ther couversj tion was liad in reference
t the .fapaiiese loan lor the ctHiMrtic
tiou of Japanese naval vessels in New
York. The .fapaiiese Iea tion is said
to be in evident alarm at the publicity
give. i the late new; um;i the internal
.-liu.itioii ..: the Kuipire.
A (.linofly IKcoery at Sea.
.N't.M' Yor.K. Oct. 4. lames Uiian
arrivol ye-tcrday from Sydnej-, tipe
Hn-toti. " lb- reports that on the 0th of
S-pti-mlcr t!ie schooner Latuister. on
bii b In- a pa euer. fell in with
ati :il'a:ido:nil v--m-I on which he was
fou-el a kele;(u. crii-l.)-l in by f.illiii";
riint;. 1'ln-r- -re the other ke!e
t i .-. t - itr ef I:m 'i appean-d to have
I f iis.,r i i,tth io tlie other two.
I s I i r y -Mel In -l.iin that all oti
Uei I i-l .l tinio hunger. The
le- t nt i e. I botv the lltlllKt
I,'. j A , i)' ,) K I 4 ' 1 1 L-tirpK'S
. tr f--I 1 l!l I n- .!-.--; -t 1 I'Im-
I ,-' 1 ui- i ..nnd ill liis
t.i; i. .(-. i .) t-.'ii-. wire found
a 1 1 r . I p ilars louiid on
Im Kt r-J p- i:''-u to the authorities at
sviloev. wnii a xi. w of n-o rtaiuin
IIm- history of the I , !-n:i m.
I tllll H.N M.MS.
A PertuniK'iit ICi-iublir f.r Trance.
P.vt:!"1. t. .'!. In is rumored that
President Thii-r intends at the next
session of t be Asi mbly to nrjc the
definite e-tablNhtucut by proelamatioii
ot a permanent 'republic, based on
strictly conservative principles. It is
also said that t'asimier. Premier, is
now usuu; his iullncnce with the Rirht
I'enter of tin1 A-)-u;bly to hrin it to
fim'pt I he President's view.
Eiicimravinr? News From PcimsjU
iirorxiu St'clioti Ilcftirtis.
Tlie jltfdiiess Men tro f.-r (,rai:t.
'I tie l ull i lc-:l'il.
t'li;cAi;o. Met. 5. Tlw mo-r In
tense interest is felt iu all o!itieiI cir
cles in the State elections in I Wiio,
Pemisvlvania ami Indinia next Tm
(lav. Ilolli patties cotilMi iitly c'.nitii
Indiana by lO.IMHI enjotity. I-iiio-crat's
ap;-:tr to fi-i l pn-tty ci-rt.iiu of
carrj'in Pennsylvania. l!cpiiMic-in.
Iiowevi-r, have inlvice which lol
them to 1 Tleve that llirtnlnft will
have 12.1HHI t l-'i.OOO inn j.rif y. ami
carry Indiana by s.imki to lo.i". Obi.
is eni-t-illy eoticeilcd by Ix-lnotrjlt
Itete to R)-pllh!ir:in-. A V;iiii,roil
sM-.-ial -a vs tiie Keptlblic.iu .state ( oni-mittei-'s
c-t'uiiati,s on the il:n-- s:ali-s
aie, Pi'un-ylvania. l.tHKt; ( lrt? 2k-
OiHI: Indiana, Ad advrtis
from the latter Slate i..'uTit- that t'l"
' contest will tie one ol the mrr-t "i-x .it
' in w hich has evi-r iKi uneil, both par
I tii-s exirtin-; thcmx-lvc to I he ut
! most. The a;n-ate vote w ill t- vi ry
i ClIKWiai. Oct. 4. Tin- I-t" Wa-li-;
inirtoti special say cncoiinniiiijl yw
reaches here to-day from Peiiu-J !va
I nia. Pioiiiini-ut llepiihiiiaos wtitc
i that the stale N now crt I'll fr the
! Ri'publican ticket bv a h i ol-oni- i ia
! joritv. A ll ii nivi'i the I leiii.n-rats h ive
-orled to fraud to U-at I lartntitt.
their cll'itts will not -ta ois!. bu; b-
will lc elected by lo.nnO m ijoritv. '
Ciil.l Mf.l . tii. .". lieu. .1. II.
Geii-r. appointed to i He a cillt'-r -S!
raihf -out I leiniM-nt c Convention,
litis issii-i a luiiiili-sto ,i Itsi! k-m
crats of I Hi io.
i, -t.iti;iy; that ti. x t.-st
Tin-sif.y as t.i; Grii Ii v's
made next
strength in tU'i by a vote
the S,
rotary of Mate. Mi-ii!.t'ot should
think t in- I i -for." votii t' r A iil ! i.
aj in voliiii'or htm llii-r indirectly
silj-piit t their old i lii niv, Greeley.
i.eoruln Ileeltnn Ri tnrn.
j .Tl. nt . ( lot. 4. Kiettr i-ountii'S
! pive Smith -lu.ootl m ijority. Ri-turiK
i show that the Ifc-mocrat voted solid
'for smith, and the LiU-nl Repi('ili
! cans, white and black. Voted for the
1 Ic tiiiH iatic noiultice.
A l innnrliil I tlilhll.
Wasiim;tn. (Kt. 5. In a work,
on Finance now iu pre si ration by tn:
Asitant S'cretary ot the Treasury
Mr Riclianl-oii. he wys after ipiotiui;
tiH- law ot IV-binary. i;". for tlie n-
lilctioti of ciirn ih V : "At this time
i. amount out-t u'din i $:!.Y;.ii..
0m. nli ili is th.- limit In-low which
the c'n ii ' itioa ofl'iiitod states note
caniiot r-'hic-d witftinit Co:
i-!.a1 ; and the am. Hint out
b. tin. 'ii ,:, . I l!'A.tu tbil aiiiouiit
nu t i P ')'." '. aor!iri.-l by
l-i . t!-v.- p rve ..f i."..ti,-
r. l.rv.
Of it l-t :
t A . in
I '. t
I- ' t . '
CI O'- ia
mn- p.
ft if
ol tin- S.-C-
i n :
a i, I) -I ).nn-eif
i:e,-r t iepl f,ti
"J " ff'-"! er.
') of thn-.
: . r rtttlctilM
:.(, 'ni(io i. aiil
t f -. 'Iit tir
n ( uh.ll two
S 1 r
ft tt.i.
We, k .'.'il-i r- -lon il tl-r u.
iHtflni rMilorll at M. Ienl.
ST. I."t t, iKi. "s-cn t iry li.xrt
well arri-1 b rv at ii)ti and vlsjtul
tin- F-iir this alternooii. lie ike in
the 'Tt-mpli- tivnlbt Io a verv lartn
audience. ciino,-i mostly of the ul
stantial lmine men of the city.
Witliotif regarrl to politic hi pMccta
was a clear and eoncle statement of
the titiancitil i-ouditioii of the country
and was well received.
The IfumliifMt ?fen for lrnnl,
PlTTm'ltii. Oct. 4. Five hundred
merchant and manufacturing busine
men this evening reKndei I to a call,
and passed resolution declaring tho
charge against General Hartrauit sat
isfactorily dispelled, and advocating
tlie re-election of Grant.
Jnpnnee Affair. . '-
Washint.tox. Oct. 4. Mr. Mori.
Japanese Minister, received a telegram
from San Francisco to-day with the
latest advice trom Japan to Septem
ber 7th stating that the country is
(ptlet and Government affairs are pro
gressing favorably. Mori authorize a
denial of statement In recent tele
gram cnt hence and widely published,
including alleged anti-progressive
movement in -Japan, ami ay Caproti
anil Smith have not been discharged.
They ent to Jajuin under contract
for a number of year at stipulated nal-
rw, imdifiri remain if tbey cliooseto
lb.-rod of tlwir term. Mori. Intead
f l ii'g rniovef a Charge d'Aflalr.
roliiotjrii v ttHb-reil hi resignation
lit Ii r fir fin-!y private reason.
I tor; i k-l nmnir lie Win olllclatlv
li .-!,--, l-v M liovpniinetit tliat hi
,loarbK.l !.-. 'i aii-f.n'toHly jH-rfimi-
. vff rvi b-iv of it appreciation,
M r p k ri""l to that ot Mhi-i-'r
lfi-i.b-nf. Mile thanking 111
I .f-rtim, nf f r fhilistlngisMrcoii
i,t. r!t.n !w l i-i-te"! on resignation.
,i ib-tr to h relieveil will lie re-
1 "i-)-t -I. '"Ot l will rvnialn tx-re until
' ,
; inniD I , n -1. i s.
4 ppoln Intent.
Wiiltv.ToN. Oif. .". Tho follow.
In? Kevetille )trleills have been a
ixinfrsl : MTrkeepi-r. Kilwanl I.ii
idiHi(i. M'vit.ina; lin-ier, Sfeplwii
. In2. Tbinl )lfrlet. t iilifnrnia.
A rtv-ojlmbit h:i Ix-en caleitbitlnsj
Mit of bw um.-h dinner that energetic
ami appetitloit Insect cheat tlie hu
man rec. He put 30.000 flies and a
welirtwl loaf of sugar iu close room,
ami lour day after found but a tea
sprsMitul of atipir left. Therefore, lie
cnlctilated, a fly living the average life
and feeding mi thirteen-c-ent-i-ft-poiinu
ug-tr, ct fbe individual who keeps
Uie bonrdl:ir-l"! twenty cent. A
then- are annually about thirteen mil
lion flic to a hoti-se during the eaon.
the cot I $210,000 a year. This U
what take ofT tlie profit.
Jf any man attempt to haul down
tbe American flig, bail him on the
, .' -H. O.
Tlioiisanfis of pernoiis in bad beall n. ani
those suflering wltlnliseaM:, feel that ifi'wy
do di get, relief noon. II will te to We.
Tnev realize that their mnlwlv in graihmllT
ilemrovlnp their lives. To all each, wo ,
in kh faith, trr Bristol's Pii.ij am thev be cured IhoiiMixis
who were lii .lesjjair, and why not you. Uwlt
fmre for Cough and C old. A soon
a.i there Is the slightest uneaiue9 of lit
Chest, with fllfflonlrj-of breathlnp, or InilUa
tioii of .oiigli, take diiriiiff the d:iy a few
"J!iovn'i llrnnchtal Trivhes."
ltF.m:KAit Io-xjrf.k -Meetsal (Mll
Fellows il.ill tlie 1st Tuestlav cVJ-"i"g "I ich
month at oVlc-k. A.U llrclhrjtv, wuh tlieir
sri.cA, in gtml euniiiini;, areluvilt, il t" nitenil.
Uv onler oi'
alciii, July 4i.Ii. bf'ijlf
' If reu have it tOsliiirire froin Ihe 1H)C.
oJieiisne'ir otiit-rwi", puniai l of tlie
sciisf of smell, i.L-le or iicarlnK, eye water
ine or treat, 1'eel dull at uifiil or ilebtlita
ted, jii ii or pressure In iNwIiea'i, take lil
ea-ilv, voii niav reel assureil tliat you have
ihe i'aiarrh. ThoiibanUs ainu;illy, wltliom
iiiiiiiilesunjr Jiall' of the above symiitoms, ter
uiniiee in omxuiiiitiii ami enJ m the frrave.
So ili-s-itse Is o coiiiinon. more cioceptive.
or ie-s Tin-lerst(4 I bv jihysiclans. lr. trc's
I'liUo iali Uemeilv is a perfect 9oi-ia; lor
( a'urrah or cold in the hea.l. Hold liy Hrng-g'-ts-
NOdt l V XflU KS.
Olive Lodge, No. IS, I.O. O. J-'.
Meelerery fcatiinlay evening at 7::ttl P. M.
V i-iaiiK briitliers ai'u invl:t-ti ltt aitemt.
! 7:tf
ti. A.U-Kell fast, So. :t. ;... II.
itiivt Fri lay eenliisfs i,i' i-.s.-li uci-k. All
Cinni.U-s in ko,mI sUiii'liii iiivinsl In attend,
llv or-ier.
AlitOI t f. COM V. AN i it It
X Willamette Kneninpuieiit Nil
2. I.O. .'. Mwt on Ihe
ami 41 Ii. Tuetay rnlnys of eaeli
month at OM Fellows Hall corner
(.'"immerclal ami Kerrv Streets. All
fn-irmniiiibreihreulii t'l siitiiiling nre in
viiisi in atii-nd. llv order of CI,
apt 11 11 It
Chemeketa Lodge, No. 1, I 0. 0. F.
fJ Ktil'LAK meetiiiRs V.'e'lnelav evenltu-s
M- oi,-:i. li week, at 7 )".-1. k e. m., ai M1
Fi-itows il.-iH, rn-r (-)imim r,-tal ami Ferry
rii-ts. A 11 Brothers In irisxl stamliint Invii
ei loatteml. fly order of N.G.
Aauilversinry Iolare, 'o. 13, 1.O.O.i.
rte-iilar meetings Jpinilay evenings ol each
neck al oVIiH-k p.m.. al'Md Fellow s Hall,
rorni-r l.'otnmeivial and Fei'i-y Stn-cis. All
Jlriiliei-s in kmmI standiiij; are in villi! to at
tend. I ly order N. (i.
t 'omiaiiy. iiud Ieiarliii!.ii1. rortlaud,
in-jDii, Ajirii .i, Is7. -Notice is hereby Iveii
l ti.ti a i-omii liriisiviiUoii will be instituted
airmnsl anv and every person wlio trestwissos
ii-it niiv 11 n,n-id liii't. by ciittlni; and re-Hi--,
iii iimlier ilierelroin ls-iorc the satni'is
It' 'I I. il l ol the I'mniaiiy AMI 1' All) FOR.
1 ,.i.niii iiud in o-td numbered sections,
wtw-ih'-r s'ir-,-vs or nnsiirv eye'l. willilii a
il--:.ii ttf itiiriy mill-- fniii llie linw ol the
"u-', i-'olio's to t!n- ConiiMiiv.
i. it. JIOOKF.S
Arn! lodtin:wiC Land Agent.
rilllK jr.nirhl hrftofor oxlMinjr un
m -trr : he name nf 1 'avenju.rt A Wo It ant,
St-riiMi, t r. -?., thWiUir lissjt!vt by
m:!iai .tiMnl. Th luinrh! will he hrv
.ilicr .-n'l;.-rl al oM JJin'l by J. C la-
nttrr. wlm ast'tm. hII Itatilliries and to
wlitim a! .ipti- (in? f Im firm uill bepni-t.
TtfMf iinl tCral Will Jlls'AM" tall UI M.MI!U .1-1-
nM-KatcK , a- e wHi i cuk- uji ihe llrm
bti-auo x wkiu a ini-ibic.
J. '. lAVKN"PORTfc
riHE rAUTXKKslIIP hretof.r eMMlnjr
B ihhUt lit nam-- o Ca.v.'Tt & Fried mun
in .V.iiit tht Uy ililvtd by ui'itual eon-
Thr b iin !.! 1m hrffVr cnndih;fpl
a ihe t I tnd nf S. Kricimaii. All tlie
m rrnvrt'-l I'rmii tho iretnl nutiid
to t n liiian' i tirirrr tiud will be Mild ut
r rtnt.''M nf rti. Fbidiiic it impntwiblc Io
rn lfh ('- willitrtit runts'. intf tlie old
by rrnn.Tin a,! to Iium. 1 will be
r Mi'Mil i t ir'tib U klndfi !' pnHti, wbU'-n
rl 1 hiiiM b' !'l viH'jip for -Ati. I t-an
ti"t Irnl Hw-ti u:;rv and cintbr all In tliebt'itt
Vi.M ibf mat kc Hif.T'l.
mnm-tti 4 xi m il ol ihe i Uy of Sairm, that
li-rr -ti Cii;lM; rt,-t-l .nun the t.Hrt Initial;
ivrwi tt ottth Mill 'rt'k, toutli b Onk
m tf -t. mi tiw wfti Mide of i'iiii)miri:lal strttet,
n 'st wa(ki'rlt leet In width, built on three
t -liter, ano kiiik to be. In the lowest plaef
tiiv up fihe averairr irraite of the Maid loot
l rid-r. Within thin v ita fnm date.
.1. M. PAtTKKSUN, Kocor-ler.
S-i't. IT. 1-Cdiw;
On Marriage-
I Inppy Kellef for Yoimir Men from
I'io eitis-is el Frrors and Abuses in ojirly llle.
M.ihhiMMt resiored, lm(ieihiiints lo'Mai
vi;4ite reni'ncl. New method of treatment.
.'.' and remarkable remedies. Books anil
( irciiiars si-m free, in sealtsi envelopes.
I. Ninth M., Ftilladelphla, Pa. an In
stitution havhift a hifrh reputation for honor
able conduct ami professional skill.
aiipil "iiliwsm
! WTII.L TiK RE( EIVKD AT THE OF-a.-eot'the
Sii)ertnteniieiit of lnitan
i Afftirs. rsileiu, Oreirnn, until the lith Jay of
1 ( viotier.lsT-i, m furnish
.ViM!! fViim-ls of Ileef, iidI
,! s,uii'l r Flour.
,i '.iisn 1 iln., on Klamath Indian Kes
cr sHon. and
l".iH,iiiid of Flour al Klamath Ajpmcr.
1 He Iks f lo Iss delivered on Ihe block at
iv f. limes and iu suclHtiiantitiei as the Ajrent
I miinissnry tn cl.arjn! shall direct, after
the Wh of NovemlD-r iH-xt.
Tt-fl ir lo tie dellvere prior to tho 20tb
N tvemlier lel.
ibds must tie In writing nnd enlorseil,
lour I'l-oposiils," "ileef i'niiKisals,"' or
i lour oi ileef Propisal." I'lk-csi to lie
ia-,-1 in liiral ti?tidi-r notes.
It thi re-serve t to nject any bid.
nient will he made In currency oreh-kii
. on tap Assistant Treasurer of the Culled
s-a 'i, -slur, Francisco,
; i ifir i-rcciit be id on delivery and
ihe Isilance when tlie account Is approved by
i the v. isumi-sioner of Initian Affairs.
; T. li. ODKNEAL,
Suiit. Tmllan Affairs. Oreiron.
.Salem, Orepm, Sept. ii, ls72:d.tviw.
T nth our citizens with Lumber anj x
press v aeons, and four siiringOarrtaires. As
we employ none tit the Insjit workmen, and
ne the rorr best material, we can warrant
our wagons to Is" all we represent.
i $300 Reward OfTcrcd.
I HAVE now lli.OOO of the best burned
brick that have been burned in Marion
r-sinty. I challence all the brick yards to
dispute tills statement. Antl I propose to sell
them cheap as the cheapest.
Salem, July 14, '72 -dftwtf
.1, Marlon county, between the resi
dence of U. Jefferson and Salem, Saturday,
Sp. 21st. The liudcr will please leave it at
Ihe postoluce. H. JEFFERSON.
District Clerk.
Salem, Sciil. 21, lS72:tf
I'lara posts.
choice (-Ur ami Yew Fence Posts this
sirliK at cheap rates, will please, leave their
opiersfor such with
Pot office RulldinR, Snlem, Oregon.
Febrwrv 14lh, IsTi. lwtf
Has just received
I.IIY fit ) IDS,
Hardware, General Merchandise,
Calculated for
City and County Trade.
Bought as low, and will be sold at as (malt a
protlt as those who sell at cost.
JS"tfomt delivered to any rt or tbe city
iree of charge. dAw
Itliiis Sarah Ilndcy
Establishment on Commercial rst.,
In tlie rooms formerly occupied by V. W.
Jones, near the Union 'Hotel, where she will
lie pleased to see her old customers and many
new ones. ang-297i:(llm
J. W. Crawford & Co.,
Druga, ChemlrHlH, OH, and
Pure Wines and Liquors.
Fnmll.v IVeptirutiouM
At all hours of the day and night, by a
Competent Druggist.
Faltoii's Mock, Ntate Mf-ept, Sulrui.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
ID H. TJ G- iS ,
Paints. Oils, Glass, Chemicals
Patent Medicines &. Proprietary Articles.
for MedU-lniil I'lirisiscs.
Prescriptions Fillod and SMit-iues 0miptiun.cil.
Stay be Rented by the
South Store, Chmneke'a Mock.
ForSaleand Made to Order.
L. CIIEE!sKKOt(;il (X.
Corner Front and Salmon Street", Ton
land, orifjon.
This Xew ami Elegant Hotel, with Xew Fur
niture throughout,
Balh Ruom for tlie ArroinimHlnllMi
ofsiuewt. Free '(Mtrli to Mud
from the lloiiMe.
"the home shuttle
Sewing Machine.
at Hernandez' Itnokstore. I am now
luejiared to furnish Maohiues at Portland
l'ri,e. Allilndsof Xeiillei on hand aad
old Machines of all kinds repaired and war
ranto L All the late Improvements attai-hed
totheolct Myle Home Shuttle for the addi
tional price of live loltar.
Agent at tjalem.
Oct. 1st, lti72:fim
Great Attraction!
Fresh arrival of Seasonable Goals at
We are now openinz and daily reiVlTing
newtSoods for the Fall and Whiter Trade,
and invite especial attention toour new Drem
(vooitu of tlie latest fiishion and itylefi stK-ta aa
Black and t'olored Kilkn.
Japniieoa tillUn In nil Colors.
Tamltie and Bombasine f lothn.
Milk C'natn (lotba.
Brocade Popllna,
IriNh Poplin,
Black and colored Alpaca. Figured and Strip
ed Orientals, Kojs, Empruas, etc
Also a fall line of
suitable Trimmings to match.
We also invite attention to onr well known
brand of
of which we have received an entirely Jnew
lot of all colors, shade ami at the same old
Joseph Kid Gloves at one dollar per Pair.
A line and selected stock of Gents and Boys1
Clothing-, especially made to order for our
trade, and have a larger stuck this fell than
ever before.
Also the well known
Gents furnishing moods of all descriptions.
At usual a large selected stock ot
Tapestry. Oilcloth 4-4, 5-4, ft-4, R-t, Hemp
Uojie ami Chains, Matting, Ruga,
and Window Curtains, eto. ' -
And evervthi tig pertaining to HOUSE FUE
Brevman Bras, beinir still agents far theO.
C. M'Pg. Co. offer al Wholesale and retail a
new lol of
Having bought our stock for cash In Saa
FrauciMcoanilXew York, we are enable! to
sell onr at extreme taw prioes and peo
ple visiting Salem during the coming Fair will
do well bv calling al
e. wnaJAva.
New Grocery Store.
FRESH Groceries and Xew Goods at our
stand on Commercial Street. Give ns
call and we will endeavor to please von all.
THE undersigneil, who formerly worked
In the city of Salem, has returned and re
opened a shop near the
He will do Nrst-class work ami at reasonable A
rales. J-iltl MAKK. I1A1 !...
Backets, Palla, Tub", Firkins
THE Companv aie prepared to All all Or
ders for Ash anil' Cedar Palls. Ash Kits, But
ter Firkins, Wash Boards and Broom Han
dles, Ac, .
H3r Address all communications to
J. D. UlLIi, An4.
Aug.0 Portland, Oregon.
T-Jffl 'l5?J!.,s1' tZsi&&
H. R. JEWil'P, 51. D.
OFFICE Ojiposlte Ihe Clietnoket Hotel:
with Dr. Payton. ; Residence on Lilierlr
Street, second house north of Evangelical
Church. j , seil:U
efficient mellind of treatment will And
Dr. Paine at his office in the Opera House,
I'pJUairs. Saturday roorninjrinedksal advice
and t rent men t will be given free ot charge to
those nimble to pay lor the servic. of a
physician. ug.27dAwtf
DR. E. Y. (HAKE,
Mm Vnl I MM... I iuiltii.1. kin .1 .
ltusldence. Commercial 8treet,Salom,urcKon.
li. 11 Is, 1H I.
Cousiiltlnganil Oiwratmx Minmmn rr
all Diseases of the Eve and Ear. Offlco
Itooras, 3& and 39, Starkey's IHmk. KaleM.
Uresim. n:hl7
UALEM, OKEGOX, llie oldss4 ami Urge
O lucorixirated iSchool In the State. C1.hI,I
I'ommercial, Normal anil Sclentlllc ."oitrHwol
stlKlv. For full Information Sfldrinw t Irs h.
Hent, T. M. GATCH.
)T ('. Jf. TtKRV, Sec. of Hd Trnstem
Sejit. 7. ihtwly
int. e. r. fiski:.
.OFFICE--Xn. 1. Moores' Block. Resl-
ilen-r (')rtirt Street. (Ipitosltc L'iilvi'rlty.
Residence on Llbertv strw't, noa -'y ojyo
site the Congriynllonel i.'hurch.
Saktn, Nov. luth, 7L tf
ATTORNEYS AT -AW, Portland, Ore
gon, onion, up scnlrs 8. E. comer Front
ami Wahlintijii Stn.ets, SeiK.gliUw
OFFICK At residence, on CottrtStreo,
next door to llie Court House.
DR. I.. N. Shit ,
OFU'E Over Ladd &. Ilunh's lUi.k. Ra
leni, Uregon. si'ii'l:if
J.- am; to asls In taking care oi a child
nine or ten months old, in a lanuly of tbire.
(,osi wayeii giten. Iiuiuire at
Sejit. lHTititlw.
chine ('imny, of Cleveland, Ohio, has
gained ihe victory by making tho only First
Class Sewing Machine wild for loss than slvtr
ilollars. They will do all kinds of work on
any kiml of giNsim.
For jartlculars address
73 First Street, Portland, Oregon.
For Sale at J. A. KIPPERPOX'S Store,
Commercial Street, Salem. ' ft
Sept. -ii, lt?7i.
A Board in' and Day Sobool for Dors,
Jsiil orHoptiMnbor.
For Admission npplr to PROF. R. W.
330,000 OO
To be sold within the next sixty days at five
per cent, advance on
Eterii l'rieei.
Dress Goods worth from 25 ets. to II 00 r
yartl, will be sold from 16 eta. to 50 els. per
Kid Gloves $1 00, worth (1 50.
Balmoral Shoes tl 75, worth ti MK and
other articles In proportion. The. Goods
By order of the partner,
Go to the Overland Store,
Where you will get tbe most, goods for tho
least money.
CsmIi paM for Rirttrr Mnd Ens.
Commercial St., Salem.
(Successor to UzatOYage ft Wright,)
Family Groceries
Crockery. '
Coffee, Tea,
Soap, Candles
Lime and Salt,
Aftent for Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,
of London.
Commercial Street, Salem.
Fine Cltr Lot for Sale.
OXE or MORE of those desirable and a
cant lota, adjoining Judge Cbadwioka
Testdenoe, on "Piety Hill," for sale cheap, for
cash, or time given a portion of tne purchase
money, if desired. Ioqu ire of
At flash and Door Shop of Cooke, Dennis 4 C
Practical Watchmaker
Commercial Stbctt, Salkk. Orxsoh. -
Dealer In
AVatchca. Clocks, Jewelry,
Watcbea u. Jewelry kailsi.
t" A goad anortmrnt mf HOLD sad
BIL VKH WA TVHEX ootuUtmUy . n kawt.
All Goods and Work W AKBAimn.
J. ST". HTAIG Jblll,
IKKEP constantly an hand agondaasort
ment of California and Kattern Boota aesl
Special attemloa paid to the namnfaotwra
Of every style. Pegged, Sewed and also
Ibo .
Celebrated Screw Bottoms,
Made to order. Work and Dts guaranteed.
Xoneltmt tbe best French brands nsad
Forwarders and Shippers,
AU freljhtlu- within the city done at short
notice ami on nxwrnitile terms.
Carriaget) constantly In attevbii"' to ooti
vev pasfienpss,.,, U cars or boats or on city drtrvf
Sui li.lS7il. iltf
, it