6 J; Scccfcfj; )rcgott statesman. SALlC "tCESHAY, OCT. 1. THE CITY AND COUNTY. Jr'ruui JJi'ily iJ iitvn!uy -V..-;;.'. 2S. " A Sk'posed Case or AljniiiEc -Mr. Sin Tint, the Iuuiuu AeuX ut Uriiiid Itonde iJt rvatin. fimie. into the city last tveuini;, having in otiargu one Waiwito Have, uiidi r iimst liir the suriKaietl uiiirdu-t' liis His-tor-iii-li." Tlie eireuaistanets near us we ran iearu ure a follows : The aecuaed, with iu will! and ir sisKr, arrired ki Sa Jiib last ijnstUy evening. Dave secured a ileuiijoliu tii liliixkey mid reuu.hul Jiere iTt r uigUL Tiiey-all drank trwjy nml hail ji quarri l while in tumi. Monday murnm;,' thvv started tor iUvertor, wlh-re the demi john was a,'aiu ldiud. Kaju aJter leaving there he eimiBicneed drinking J1 after reai-luiii: li'i't: aKiiin he pi-w tuore abusive, and kk-Xod imd uruek tueiu both. Uiswife .Gut out of lls wayun, and lie flan turned his whole aiieuti-ui to the aluseof tlie re maining woman. l)uve called hu wife back to help fu-d ihK horses. Wlicn she eaine. nrsm examiBiiut lttr sister she. fimnd lier lt ad. lave sixuml tix; assistance of sonnf white fulkauul theiiiame back to Salem for a doctor, who, n arriving, pronounci-d Jier dead, and Rave the ludiiiii a certiticate to the i JIW t that tin; woman liad died from Ihe etftvta of a tumor.. The Indian went from lure over to the liesorvation, taking the Ixidv with him for burkd. Ho eontiu .ned diiiiV.iuf; all tlie way out. On arriving there, the Aueut t't wind of the utl'air, and the uhwWaan beJo:igiiigi Uie lttservatiiui, with the assistance of uuotl r nit-iiiciil man. In Id a KKt nioite.ni exntuiuation and gave it juj their opinion timt toe woman had died froiu tin' eiluc-U of the almxe rteeived at the hand of Wajmto Dave. Ho was imtuedi ately anest jii aiui brought to this city and lixhj.il in the calaboose- He is a desperate ca.se and wait routined iu the Penitentiary for auuie time, on the charge of murdering a former wife. He ra also implicated in tlie death of l lackaiuas Jot, several years af,'o. ilis preliminary exauiiiiatioii will probably tate plaa: to-iii'.y. SiLEMBvCs LifraT. Think not, kind readur, tliat we would compare our little -ity to " Strve Vnrkliy lias fjijlit'' the com parison wouldn't 1l Hut, alter all.aproui- t-nade down Comnv-niii strut or iState trt-t. at t!uH eaii of liie year, ahow no liftle hie and euterprti. Tht stores are lit up briiluuvtly, and are in. many cafiiv tillud with customer. Tlio ih v goods storm cs- Tvciailv nrewjit a brilliant aspect as the light from the numenjusas ji td falls upon the various launex. lot: clothing stores, whine sIiow-wukIows are tillil with fancy rticJiat, inok a w.ll again after the pas is lighted. AJittiring crowds stand iu trout t them and naze at the xaudy display Huread out U-fore them. The drug Hon s claim tiitir share of uttcution ulso, with their daizluig array of glass jars aud gaily coloruj bittli arranged uikju tlie shelves. Jiumeroii xestrijiis nrr. constantly pas sing to and fro. many of whom are of the fair sex. Small boys dodging m ana out, lend zext to the scene, while numerous ve hicles of various kinds da.sh up and down our wide and level strcctM. Truly, the scene i a livelv one. and we can bnt ri'alize that S. 1 m h; a not yet parsed in its cliecks. From Guaxk Hoxde. I). V. Thompson. Ooveruiiieiit Siirveyor.rctiirutd from Grand itonue vi.stinlay ou aiclc leave. He was taken ill scleral "days ago, wiiile engaged in the discharge of his duties, and has bji n compelled to suspend ope rations for a while. He, with his a.sL4taoU, has been engaged for some tune pat, in dividing up the gov ernment lauds on tlie above reservation into lots, to k: deeded to tlie liuiiaus, as dirtettd bv orik rs recently retivid trom the Iniiian liepartmejiX at VVasmugtou. The Indians are highly pleased by this gift, and the pro.4Hctaare tliat many of tliem will now settle down aud become more civiliz-ii than before. As maltei"s cannot Jriee.'d without Air. Thompson's assistance who, by the way, i ins posted regarding tvi ry foot of laud on tlie listrvati"ii the disxisal of Jhijii will be deiuved for a short time. U.vaCLV CIiakacteils. Wc have hoard numerous complaints of late, of a certain clxss of young lueu and boys w ho congre gate iu tiie 4,'ailcry at Heed's Opera House vuiings during" the perlormauceu there, behaving in a rude ungentlemanly inanutr, Hinoking, talking aloud, etc. Mr. Waldron has ustl moral suasion aljout an long as he propones to with this class, and unless there is an immediate change for the better lie will see what recourse the law allows him. We truMt this hint will prove sufficient. Still at ids Post. Kufua Mallory, Esq Speaker f the House, was taken severely ill, Wednesday last, while in the discharge of his official duties. He was compelled to appoint a gentleman in his place and retire to his house. Bnt having had a lounge brought in, he is now conveyed to the hail in a carriage, and although unable to Kit up he is always on hand during the balloting for t'. S. Senator and regularly announces Lis choice whtn his name is called. Cabinet Hall. We noticed two very large and fine specimens of antlers of tlie .Mountain Sheep, fetched from the Ocohoco aud now purchased and on exhibition at Cabinet Hall. 'J'tus in connection with a large collection of fossils, just received, are very ru-n aud interesting addition to the al ready large collurtioiL Ox UAyn. Our repnrtofial eyes were opened somewhat yesterday, when we ob served a new rival for reportorial honors. Near our desk, in the House, is seated Mrs. A- J. Dimiway, who is reporting the session for her own naper. Verily, the world is marching on. f Qi'AnTERLT Co-VFEBiiNCE. The quarterly Conference of the Salem charge JI. t church South, will commence to-uay at 11 o'clock in tlieirchurch edifio. Services tliis eviming at the usual hour of worship; also to-morrow forenoon and evening. From Dnibj of Sttturday, iSip'. 28. Ollt -SI KKOl 11US. Tlie time is 8 p. ml. and we are seated in the rejkirtonal sanctum of the Statesman cudgeling uur brains to get our items into sbajn-. ilatamid the cxci lenient that sur rounds us on every hand, how can you ex jnct lis. who are so easily carried away by tne "wind of doctrines,'" to settle ourselves to write anything to-night? Why, bless your sonl, Kind reader, haven't we had enough glory for one day ? Just think of tliti victory we have gained after a hard fought battle, and then ask ns to settle right down to work I Can't you give us time to celebrate a little? At least let us rest long cnoiign to spit on our hands for another hold. Imagine our surroundings if y ou wilt balein is one blaze of excite ment from the banks of the Willamette to the ouUikirttot the city limita. Every citizi na feelings are wrought up to the highest pitch, aud tnu only thing tuat troubles us is to rind some means ot showing folks how hap py we are. Uoikring won t do ; dancing is out of our line, uuanipagtie makes our hi ad ache, soda water is good tor nothing but to lizzie, and our plug hat won't bear tossing in the air. So wnat's to be done ? How can we express our "fctlinks?" We give it up. We are too ltill lor utterance. Words fail, etc. Hurrah for our side. "Hurrah for Mitchell !" But to return to our text, lmagiuc our surroundings. Through tlie open window cornea lie noise of an excited populace (to say nothing of tlie smell of gunpowder) ami on every band are lnuiea tious of a regidar jlibUee. . Infantile wretches of every hue. are running in vari. ous directions, suonting at tiie top of their voices "Hnrrafi forMitchLll." Womenand girls even join iu the excitement, and think Hurrah for Mitchell," i-v.-n if they dun't say it As for the men, they are liter ally beide themselves. On the Chenieketa corner a large crowd is assembled, listening to -the speaking, aud clieer al ter cheer rends the air as tne tun goes on. L'p on the Court House square, low. scott, asaistea bv sev eral others, are tiring the cannon, and it speaks in thnndex-touea after the bovs have sent the load home. The Salem Brass Band is furnishing music for the occasion. and tneir soul-surruig airs intensify tne en thushistu of the ratification. Botd hotels, juuging troru outsida appearances, are in dinging in an illumination, vnd every store presents a brilliant scene. In fact, Salem is " red hot" to-night, and to be cooped up here scratching our devoted head for a live i'jem is what we call roughness. We can't do it its too much for human nature to bear. Put yonrself in our place and you'll know how 'tis vourself. The Joist Assembly. Every available seat was occupied at noon yesterday iu the Legislative Hall by the crowd of curious spectators gathered to witness the result of tiie fifth ballot. At the calling of the roll Mr. Waldon was absent, h, was amusing to hear tlie numerous inquiries regarding Ids polities at that particular moment. But he soon made his appearance and tlie fun commenced. Mr. Bristow presented a let ter from Mr. Corbet t, in which he withdrew from the contest. Mr. Brown of Baker Co., immediately arose and nominated him as the choice of tlie Democratic party. This, of course, caused great surprise throughout the entire audience. The roll was then call ed, and as one after another announced their choice, tlie excitement was intense. Hands trembled as well as hearts, and faces paled for the instant. As soon as Mr. Mitchell had received the thirty-six votes necessary for a choice in was difticu.t to maintain order and before the decision was announc ed the pent np excitement broke forth into prolonged applause. The result, though not unexpected by outsiders, was received with . great excitement and the news spread like wild-tire. Telegraph operators were nearly overwhelmed with dispatches, and within an honr the election of Mr. Mitchell was probably known all over the State and at the principal political headquarters in the East. HuiriTT I V rPTT. This renowned play, is to be put upon tho stage at the Fair Ground next week under the management of Mr. O. B. Waldron. The Portland pc- pers speak very nighiy ot it anu it will no doubt Drove a creat treat to those who have never witnessed it Vivian the great char acter singer will also be on hand to lend his assistance m amusing the crown. Crystal Palace Cmccs. This well known exhibition will show at the Fair Grounds, commencing to-morrow and con tinuing diiriiifr the week. New attractions have been added, and it will no doubt prove a popular place of amtibemeut. A Thouhand Dollabs rca a Calf. Tim Willamette Fajmersays: "We learn tliat S. G. lieed, Esq., has disposed of the thor oughbred Short Horn bull ca!f "Ccntril I'wilic," U) Dr. W. F. Tolmie. of Victoria. V. I British Columbb. tobedeliTjredaf ir t..i: State l air. The price paid is one thou sand doll:u-s. The ire of liie -t'entral l'a c.uj" i-; the celebrated bull '-Bismark," (now in England), and "Acacia," hi dam, was iinporttd last year by Mr. A. H. Coch ran, of Canada, and is one of the tine herd purchased of him by Mr. Keed.and brought to tlus istite last fall. From all accounts, the equal of "Central Pacific," in qualities which constitute a tirst-class Bhort Horn, together with his high breeding, are rarely found in any country." The State Faie We yesterday paid a flying visit to the Fair Ground, "and al liiorgh we remained but a short time, we noticed considerable life and enterprise. Wo were nurjM-ised at the amount of busi ness alreadv done there. The stands have nearly all been taken, and are fast filling up. Families have already arrived in great numbers, and are encamped in the neigh borhood of the grounds. We also noticed some tine specimens of stock, of which wo will make further notice whin the right time comes. The circus is alr.ady there, and other amusements are constantly ar riving. In short, every thing indicates that the coming State Fair will be a succesa liuaucialiv and otherwise. Society Eurnoj. The Hesperian So ciety of the Willamette University had their election hist Friday evening, and" chose the following oflicers lor the ensuing term : P. H. D'.Vrcy, President ; J. J. fmhrie, Vice President ; W. H. Meisse, Secretary; Jas. A. llrigliam, Treasurer ; W. 15. Hawiey. Li brarian ; YY. U. Allen, Censor. The Socie ty opens up under the most favorable aus pices. Fob The Fair The Bulletin informs u that tlie perspective view of tile Court House in this city has lieen sent up here by the architect, "V. W. Piper, of Portlaud, for exhibition at the State Fair. This will ena ble our readers to see what a tine looking builihng it will lie when finished, it wiii prove an honor to our county and to the designer as well. Gone Home Tlie chief movers in the Coi bi ti enterprise packed up their iraiisand started for the depot yesterday on hianug the result uf the fifth ballot. Many of tin m did not even wait for tlie hacks, but with satchel and cane meandered their ways out, with a downcast expression of countenance wnich setuied iosav, "fSrweli, broiiicr Cral ford." From Itaiii) oj 'l'ueauwj Oct. 1. TWELFTH AXMAt MATE FAIR. Opening Scenes .4iuiweineiitJi-ltace Incidents, etc, MoNDAl'-jFIUST DAY. Yesterday being the opening day of the Oregon State Fair there was, of course, a slim attendance, and those who were en hand were mostly exhibitors who wi re bu sily engaged in arranging articles brought in for exiiilitiou. There were the usual class of business (?) nu n on hand for tiie sole purH,:sc of making money, many of whom wire willing to adopt questionable modi a to gain the point when honesty would scarcely do. Most of those present yester day were money makers; the mom y spen ders not yet having put m their apiiearance. ihe crowd on the grounds, however, was lull as large as it usually is the first day. THE ENTKIES as yet are few in number, judging from the books, but there are hunilrcds of articles on the ground and iu thr pavilion thai have not yet been enteral on the books. The rlcras were employed all day, and access to tnu lssiks was an utter impossibility. We took a walk around the grounds iinii wi.ru pleas ed to note the plesiliee of a great deal of live stock. The catilc pens are not Well till ed as yet, but by tliis eveuing there w dl be large additions, no doubt. The display of swine is as full as usual and among tncin we noticed some unusually tine breeds. Thu sheep-pens are remarkably well tilled ami the display a tine one. Hut, as none ot these articles had been entered on tiie books, we are unable to jiartienlarize. "During the day, however, they will no doubt lie proper ly labeled and we shall lie pleased to enu merate more lully. THE FAVXLLION as yet has but very few articles in it. Henry Haas ot this city, has ntteu up the does, purchased for Salem and placed it in a con spicuous place and an amazed crowd are constantly surrounding it watching it work. Dr. Chase lias a splcniuil aquarium on ex hibition, which in point of finish exceeds anything we have ever seen. J. H. Garrison of Portland has placed a large oil painting of the Xoothe fsriilge at tlie cascades wnicii is well worthy of note. The scene is a beau tiful one: the wafe rs of tlie Columbia and both shores brought out iu all their grand eur. It is richly framed aud would make a rare ornament fur parlor or drawing room. Mr. Garrigan also has two California views which are perfect little gems. The display of sewing machines is very large w ith both lady and gentlemen operators. A Oil RAT IMVIIOVEMEN'T. . Thromrl: the continued comulaints of re porters cud the persistence of Mr. Wilkius, the iTcsiueut oi uie aocietv, a marieii im provement has been introduced by which spectators can inform themselves regarding tne names oi me exuionors oi uie vanuus articles. Tlie entry card contains the name of the exhibitor, whieh maiics a great sav- mg of trouble in gaming information. It w jj thought by certain old fogies that were the exibitor's name knowu.it would bias the opinions of the awarding committees; but such we feel assured will not be the case. THE TBOiTING EACE. This was the main feature of the day and it proved an exciting one. It came off at 2:30 p. m., for horses that had never beaten thrte minutes, mile heats, 3 in 5. first prt mium SoO; second premium. f30. The en tries were as follows: F. A. Fletcher, "Fly ing Cloud;" W. J. Tennaiit "American Itoy;" J no. J. Welch. "Fannie Fi rm" and Henderson's bay horse. "Charlie." First heat Alter several false starts, the horses got oil well together, but "Ami ric.iu IJoy" shot aheadaiiii led his competitors thcwhule distance around the traca. Fannie made several bad breaks and was the last in the string until just alter passing the half mile post, when she settled down to her work and passed Charlie, the four coming in on the home stretch at a rattling gate in the follow ing order: American Boy. Cloud, l annin and Charlie. The two latter were distanced and American 1'siy won the first lwat. Second heat The Boy and Cloud got pret ty near an even start. The former. How ever, soon took the lead and kept it. although at one time had Cloud kept his pace without breaking, he coidd have won the heat. The Bov's time was 3:02. Third heat Cloud pressed his rival so close in the preceding heat he won friends anil several heavy bets were made that he would win tliis heat. 'Hie horses came to the trateh neck and neck, lut Cloud soon shot ahead and led the Buy about a) yards, until coining in on the home stretch, when the latter put on strain and lapped his rival; but an nntortunate break slac.Kin d his pace and the Cloud passid the stand one length ahead. Time. 3:00. Fourth heat Money was now being put up in a lively manner and tin" horses were sent otf in good style. The Boy took the lead from the start and won the heat and race, his time being 2:39. POOL SELLING. We notice this style of betting ha. taken the precedence this" year and the bids were very lively for a while. While w- would not favor betting on horse races, still if such tilings must be, we consider this the li a it narmi'ul way of doing it. AMUSEMENTS. There are the nsn:il number of means to amuse all classes. "Humpty D'.tmpty" was billed for lsst enening and we are informed by those who have witnessed this popular pantomime in Portland, that it is immense, and provocative of laughter from beginning to end. J. Wilson's and Kyland's circuses are both on hand with their usual number of side-shows. Therevoivingswingsare be ing erected, and all will, no doubt, to-day be filled with pleasure-seekers. The Thea ter Comique was niifoldinc canvass yester day and will open up to-day. A well filled menagerie is on the ground which immense- ' ly amuses the little ones. In fact, there are plenty of ways of disposing of your loose change. BRAXCH STORES. We notice qnite a number of our mer chants have opened branch stores at the grounds. Capt. L. 8. Scott has a "general variety" of refreshments for the inner man an 1 his stand proves a popular one, owing to the fact thatevcryliody knows Billie Trot ter and Lafayette V illiafns, who have sole charge of it, and wait upon their customers with both grace and unruffled good nature. The Overland Branch Store is in charge of Gholson Coffey and his customers find him a g.-uial chap, as well as an excellent sales man. Both Lampson fc Taylor and 3. G. Holbert have candy stands and dispense sweetmeats to tlie gathered thousands. The Aurora rooms are again opened, and hun dreds can find food and refreshment within its ample walls. On every hand we find something to tempt one of the five senses, and our otiiv difficulty is to keep our coin in our pockets. BADLT SEEDED. The Grounds are still very dusty, and the public were loud in their complaints. We would suggest to the managers to provide more ninple means of supplying this de mand, and thereby plca-so ti.e crowd in at tendance. Cheebe. Mr. Warren Cranston, of the Waldo Hills, left with ua yesterday a very fine specimen of his cheese of this vear'a make. He has made this year about 20,1)00 pounds. It goes in the market among tlie best brands. Mr.- Cranston has for several years obtained high premiums at our State Fairs, for cheese; out thig year, he informs ua, he will not compete, though he thinks he has better cheeses than ever before. MtrBBArx Amovo the Cattle We learn tliat a number of deaths have lately oc curred among the cattle, in the Waldo fiills, from a disease which Li culled by different names by different people, but which is pniliably murrain. The Tueatee. The Opera House was unusually well tilled last evening to witness Boat-dale or the Ilillu Ball. This piece u; one that is bound to draw well. No play was ever mt upon tiie stage in Oregon tiiat I experienced such a run. Every act contains one or more pleasing features, and as the play progr Sies the interest increases. namron s .r-iiioi crrav is oneoi ins oesi roies. and he is admirably adapted to it,andplavs it hi th most artis'tic manner. Mrs. Wal dron, as Rosa Leigh, is decidedly at home, and sustains tiie character wtli. Fulford, as her brother Matthew, shows a wonderful knowledge of tlie maimer in which it should be Waved, and t)u settles down to business and plays it iu a most acceptable manner. Mrs, Fdlfurd, as Florence May, has won the liearty approbation of all who have ever witnlssed her rendition of the character. Crosbie kept the audience in excellent hu mor, while Mrs. Stewart, as Tabitha, helptd matters along amazingly. Vinson and 1'irn-y acted the villains to perfection in ttieir " respective parts. Tlie sensational ilraina of "The Octoroon" will be repeated tliis evening. We advise our readers to t M early, as there will no doubt be a Urge crowd in attendance. Iteserv ed seats can be secured without extra charge during the dav. ST.IIE FA IK PKOtiRAMIlE FOR TO UAY. Entries for premiums will be received at the Secretary's office during tlie day. Bnnnins race, at 30 p. m. for horse, luare or gi Wing, a years old, single dash of one mile : 1st premium S75 ; second pre uiuin 13. Trotting race at 3:30. for Oregon bred 3 year olds, mile heats 3 best in 5 ; 1st pre mium S-W ; second premium $25. INFOltlJ A I IOX WAXTIJ), John . Lally. when last heard of, was in Albany, Oregon. Any information re garding him will be tiiaukfully received by tiie undersigned. AuorsTrs Lally, halem, Oregon. Oregon papers please notice. lit Skwiso Machines Joe Armstrong, not to be outdone, conies out with a new adver tisement this morning. He may lx- found at the Fair Ground during the "balance of tlie wtttk. A Salem Poem. The New York Inde P' lidi nt of the I9tli ult. contains a poem from tlie pen of Mrs. Bi lie W.. CisAe, of Sultm, under tlie tide of "Twenty Years." Care lor ougli"t mill folds. - ssion :is lher- is liu sMhiest nueasiue.s of the Che.:, vi'.U ditliou!ty ot' breathing, or huti.-a-limi !' i-nugli, lake dining the day a lew Hrowu's liniiu hia! Troche." twT If you have a discharge from the nose, oUensive or ulherl-e, smiat loss of Ihe sense of smell, ta--;e or hearing, eye--warer-ii:g -r WVJlk, lee! (illlJ and suq.i.l or ilehlh'JI-u-'i, j-aiii r ores-Mire in the hea'l. take ,viil eai i, vis may re-l a.sured that you have ihe Vaiarrh. Th(Si3iuii.s annually. whh'Mii i,i ni ii:, 1 1 itl' l lit- 5)iiMV .viiimnin.. !cr- j iiiiiia:e ill rotisunipiaoii and end ill the rave. j .o ijsca-r Is m .-onmi'di, lm-re tie-cKive. ' ir l:ss uuiV-rsUKMi hv Xiti v -.i.-l.tlis. t'-r. Zaire's Catarrati remedy is a icriv; Svili.-. l-r atarraiior coid iu ihe hia I. S!d by lrng-g'-LS. 1IKI.P, OKI l-CtllsiJ! TboHsiiiiils of )ierso:iK l i bad health, and tlics sKucrii.g With iliseaM-, leei thai it' Ihey (t'i Uflt ;rcl relief soon, tt wiil lie ho lale. Tiiey ri thai their mala ly is gradually lie.iroving iheir I've--. To a:i sii. h we ray, in lailh, try 15i;is.T-L's PiLLn ami SAii.sAPAKI.LLA. They have cured lhu.-aii'l wiiv uere in lesjior, ioi'l w hy ni you. u 1l KLKI. S'pt. 2l 1ST2. ItiiW I':iNKPl. Tim Njii'.itc lor the lvlief ot Coos nuitv. ila- bill for tin- ii-liel' of linker i coii.it v. tlif tiill to iiiviik- for tin; coii j stiiictioii of .t wagon r.i.id tlinmgh i (inmt ami Hakt-r -oM!itii'. itml Hie I l it! to i:-orwr.ifi Ho-d'htirg. were I si vera lly read lliiril time ami p;tssi-d. j Joint Nrnatorlnl 4 oiitenCion. I At the assembling of the Joint Con- vi-utioii llw! H.IUU-S ot J. II. Slater noil X. JI- Cramir were witlulrawii. A i vote Uing tnken the result wa :is fol- lows: I Kr MiHliell Messrs. Urown of j M irion. Conielitts, Cow ie-, I !Ii. j ll.iuiisi. iloorcs. rwc!i, U'utsoii. I lli Ilarin. lhislicv, Burl-aiik. Craiv j fur.!. Cnrwiii, Cooper, t'oDgic ':i!(-s. 1 iMrst. Ijowntiig. Kngle. (; ingles. U:ir I jisiiii. Iliro'lt. .Jo1:iin. Laiigell. Mat ! lock, .hirtill. I'owcrs, rattici, S'nni 4 son. Tlioriilmrv. Wa-h'nini, anil Speaker Mallory Xi. Fort'orbelt Ii-tow. Crystal. Wcli ster, Allen, i 'lliicr. llih-v. Kiddie, Wos, iti,, ':tll,er !. P. I. I'rii-.i received l'i votes. I.. L. MeArtliiir reeeiveil S vote-. A. .1. Thayer reeeiveil 4 votes. 'i'lie result Ik ing aniioiiiiced tin; Con vention ailjoiinu (1 til! 12 M. tii-inoi-n ''A-. e Stnte l'rlniln rt-s nn Alrtmg. At 2 p. M. tlie S-ii:ite reitmeil emi siderat'um of the joint resolution pro viding for the employment of an ex pert to ine-i-iire the State printing. Mr. Fay (Mr. Moor.-s in tin- chair made lengthy remarks, eoiinnenliiig with iniiel! -everity upon the - inillii.g manner in wliieli tin- priiuiii"; had U e:i done, anii tlx' indi-posil io:i oi' some ot his jmlitical lric.'iiis !.. onler an inve-ti- t! that tlie reeon U of the last Legislature slioweil then- wa- swiiidiin: aiil ill it gei! that when aeain-t tiie !ireaiiil.!e memU-rs I'nught of this rc-"o!iitio:i tliev in effect shuuneil 1 an inve-tigarion. .Mr. Baldwin claimed tint the re-olntion iiid not call for an I investigation. He was in t'-ivor of an inijuiry. but did not think the pream-i lileand reiolution tlie proper tiling, j Alter some discus-iiwi and t he adopt ion of one or two amendment-. .Mr. l.ah.- win oIliTcl a snli-tittlte for the pi''-; amble, eoui liiil in miid-maiineii d j words, I nit. i; didn't take. St-ver.il j others oiler'-d ainendnp-its with ii.ei lairtio.' of aV'iidiii" the ili'-ecl ch.i:':.e i of fraud, containei! in toe original pre.imbie ; but they were, one a Iter i another, voted down, and th" j inf I re-oiii:iou was tiua II v ;uloptcd bv a dei isive vote. 1 he State Printer wit have to come to "taw." The Senate adjourned. iioi se or Hi:i"iH-M:"TATivfx. S'orilaad Police Hill. The Judiciary Committee to whom was referred the Portland Police Bill reported it back and recommended its passage. It. was read third timo and passed. It amends the existing law. making the Chief of Police an otlicer elective by the people. A Proper Courtesy l;xtcnJci. Mr. Engle offered n resolution invit i:g Mr-. A. J. Dimiway, editor ot the Xev Northwest, to a seat within the bar and directing the Sergant-at-arins to furnish her with a reporter's desk. It was adopted. .nisccllimcoiisi. The (speaker was. by resolution, au thorized to employ an extra clerk. A resolution was offered to give the officers of the House fame amount of stamps given to members; laid on the table. A number of bills were read second time and referred. The resolution in favor of proceeding with more than one ballot in mint cou- , vention, for U. S. Senator, laid on the table yesterday, wa taken up and lost. The House took a reeess to go into joint convention, for election of U. S. Senator. After the Convention. The House disposed of a lot of bills on second reading, by reterrins them to appropriate committees. Tlie bill authorizing the sale of the remaining: copies ot the Code, at was passed ; also, the bill to provide tor pay of mileage ot members. . The bill to give aid to the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad was made the special order for next Wednesday. The bill to transfer certain monies from the Soldiers' Bounty Fund to the Capitol buildinji fund, whs passed. BUI Introduced. Bv Caple-i, a bill to oncniirage iinmi gratioii ; Mason, a bill relating to ag ricultural lands ; Matlock, to amend the charter of Orctron City ; Crauor, to make an appropriation to erect an Insane Asylum ; Clow, relating to m ips, plats, etc. of counties. The House adjourned. SAI.EM. Sept. 2S, 1S72. Information wuited about Kmmp L.iiul. After several committee- hid report ed back matters referred to them. Air. Watson ollered a joint resolution re questing the Governor to furnish the Legislative. Assembly witli certain iu f irihation in regard to surveys, loca tion ami sales of Swamp Lands. It was adopted. ItilK l'llssed. llmtsi' bill to atiK'iul sectJim 3.". c-liai-torlJ, title- 3, (fi-i)er:!i Laws; anil tim 1111 to incorjionue Forrest Grove, were l):tsseil. The Semite ndjotirtnH till aflernooi!. l'pr,u reitssenililii-.g the St-iihle took :i i ttess to go into Joint Convention. Joint Convention :ie led I . .S. II. Mitchell Senator. The two Houses asseinliled at noon in Joint Convention imd prmeeiled to take the 5th ballot for I". S. Senator. Mr. llristow presented a ifiiiini'.iiii eation from II. W. Corlett withdraw ing as a cHiuliilate. Mr. Brown, ot linker, re-noininateil Mr. C'orliett a the cauilnlate of the Democracy. Tlie vote was taken with the following re sult: For Mitchell Me-sr. Bristow, Brown of Marion. Cornelius Cowles. Io!ph, Hannah. Moores. l'owell. AVat fou, Welister. Biles. Bariu, Bu-liey. Bitrbank. Collier. Crawford. Corwin. Coojier. Congle, Caples. Ilart, Doirn ing, Kngle, (jingles, Harrison, Ilirseh, loiinsou, Langel!. Matlock. Martin, Powers, Fattou. Kiley. Kiddle. Stott. Simpson. Thornbury, " West, Walker, Washburn, 'and Speaker Mallory 41. ForCorlittt Brown nf BakeivCraw ford of Linn, Lieiiallen, Myers, Patter son, Strahan, Ciirrau. Craut, Iloilg kiiuN, Wright. White 12. For Prim 14 votes all Democrats. Four Democrats voted blank. The result Iw-ing announced ami .1. II. Mitchell being" declared elected C S. Senator sor six years trom the 4tli of March, 1"T3, the convention was dissolved. The IMiblic Printing. The joint resolution relating to the Stiite priming was adopted, alter the whereases had lieen lopped oil. It provides that, tlie Joint Committee shall examine the charges that have been made ot trauil iu tlie woik. and report the "act to the Assembly. The examination rvimiml goes rack to 1)2. The committee is instructed ti report a bill reducing the con) pen sa tin:!, twenty-live per cent. The Com mittee lias power to send for persons and papers, and to employ a clerk. The preamble was stricken out by :i vote of 11 to 10, Mr. Cornelius being absent. The resolution was adopted lo to 5. A !ent lor 3Ira. Uunlnnjr- Mr. Del nil otl'ereil a resolution ex tending the usual reotori:ll courte sies to Mrs. A. .1. Diiuiway, which wa adopted. IntrtHliirtiou of ItillH. By Mr. Dolpli. a bill to Riuer.d the incorporation laws; also a bill relating to tiie election by the Legislature oi" Port Wardens for the (.'olnmbia and Willamette rivers ; aNo. ,-t bill relating; to weights and mea-un-s. : KtiK-illnt: Committee! Ko;wr. j Mr. Crawford moved to take the re- port ot tin- lnve.-tiginii.j5 Committee trow the tatile earned. Oil motion of Brown of Baker it was referred to : select committee Messrs. Brown, of Baker. Patter-on and Dolpli. 'tiistitntioiiI AEurncmratn. The bi!l providing for certain nmelidinetits to the Constitution being the special order tor this hour, it was taken up and made the special order fur Moud-iy. Sept. 'M. at o'ehwk. The SVuate adjounied till 2 r. M. Monday. )i(ii t: tty Ki:i5:7j::.Trivni. Hou-eniit at 10 A. M.. eiglit mein bers abs,.;it. Priyir by Kev. I. S. Knight. The House was occupied a great part of the nnu nhig li-lehing to leportsof committee-, amendments to bills, nio tio.is, el,-. Among some of the more important matters upon which action was had were the lollop ing : A bill providing tor the a -ss-uieur. and collection of taxes was introduced and. on motion, read lir-t lime tv title. A biil for the protection of out-door religious wor-'iip was taken up anil reterred to the Judiciary Committee. II. It. Xo. li'l. refi ll iii tohonie-leads. was introduced on have and read first time. Al-oa bill lo aid in tlie con struction of a wagon road to Tilla mook. Also a hill relating to the sale of intoxicating ii rpior. A bill rela ting to the organization of an Agri cultural College, was reported baik with certain amendments, which were adopted. II. Ji. Xo. 1. to rejx-nl an act entitled an net to protect litigants was reported back and its pas-age rec ommended, a tier striking out the word "gro-sly." in the second line. Amend ment adopted, ami the biil will be i lead third time Monday. II. B. Xo. ! 1'!, relating to mechanic's and other liens, reported and its passage recom j mended. II. J. K. relating to com i pensatiou of settlers iu Kastern Oregon j siiil'riug from depredations of Indians j reported, signed by President of the Senate. 1 House, adjourned to 2 o'clock Mon day. ;-ai.i:v, Sept. :ft). 1S72. I Till; SI'-.tATt:. I'lie Senate met at 2 p. in. Mr. Pres ut Fay in tlie chair. Mr. Cornelius ti nd Mr. Slrahan were aiisent. S!iti; I.-itlebtJ-fliiesH. Mr. Fay oil'cred a resolution msfmet- ing tlie committee of Ways and Means to in'j-iire into and report upon the State indeb!edi:ess. mil amount of ap- nroprialtons a-keil tor eonstructioii of public buildings, internal improve ments, etc.. at the present session. 1 he resolution was adopted. Iti lief for 15ticr oiinlj . Mr. Dolph moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill for the relief ot Baker county was passed. lie stilted tliat he found Baker county had re ceived credit for the amount of tiie re lief allowed by the Legislature of lsjiij. He had supported the bill under tho sujipo-dtinn that the county bad not. been credited it had not received any j lienoht bum it, because the county bad not complied with the conditions of the act of lSijii. Mr. V;:t-oii said be would vote for the reconsideration, in order to have au examination of the discrepancies between the accounts of county and State. The vote was recon sidered and the bill was referred to the committee ou Claims. A Rill to Knoonrna-e Immlifrntion. Mr. Bri-tow introduced a bill to en courage immigration by distribution of documents and information iu re gard to resources and productions of Oregon; ordered printed. The bills to amend the law relating to private incorporations; and the bill relating to weights and measures were referred. Amendment to the Constitution. The Senate joint resolution to pro vide for the submission of amendments to the Constitution was taken up as the special order. The first amendment provides for terms of the Legislature, pa v of members, oflicers, etc Second the election of Supreme and Circuit Judges in distinct classes. Third- Pay of State officers anil judges. Fourth All State buildings to be at the seat of Government. Fifth the State debt not to exceed $250,000, Bristow moved to amend by striking out the fourth and tilth proposed amendments. Dolph called for a di vision of the question, pending which the whole matter was referred to the Committee of the whole. Bills PiwMefl. The Senate bill to amend the ait to provide for the incorporation of relig ious and other societies; and the bill to amend the act creating the office of Register of State Lands, were passed. IM-ntion of felatc Land. A message was reeeiveil from the Governor giving information as to the location of State. Lauds under the 500, 000 acre, grant. The State Boundary . The House joint memorial Xo. ?. re lating to tlie northern boundary of the State of Oregon, was received from the House and made the special onler tor to-morrow at 2 o'clock. ortlaiid Police. The House bill to amend the act kuownastlie Portland Police bill, was read second time :tnd referred to the Senators from Multnomah. In Itelatlou to a Capitol BUliling; . The House bill to transfer certain monies from the Soldiers' Bointy Fund to the Capitol Bnildidg tumi was read second time and jeferred to the com mittee of Ways and Means, j House bill Xo. 21 To provide tor the cousti net ion of a Capitol building was read and referred to tlie tonmiittee on Public Buildings. The Senate then adjourne.J. IfOl it: OF ItrPRCSEXTATITES. The House met at 2 r. M.. pursuant to adjournment. House bill relating to liens of laborers and mechanics was read third time and re-committed for amendment of the last section which provides for the bill to take effect with out tlie lapse of ninety day leqnired by the Constitution. The Hoiwe bill to amend tlie law regulating fees of officers was reported back from committee with certain amendments and a tavorable recom mendation. It was re-rcfertvd to a se lect committee Messrs Patton, Hirsch and Stephenson. House joint resolution relating to the boundcries of Oregon, was adopt ed. A bill to amend the charter of Port land was introduced. Mr. Simpson introducr.il a bill to provide tor the purchase of one hun dred copies of the Code. A number of bibs from the Senate were received find read lirst time. The hill relating to' the organization of the Agricultural College was passed .'la to 7. The House adjourned. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY AX ADUnr.SM TO HEDKOCH ir.uo. CRATft. INDEPENDFNT DEMOCRATS DECLARE FOR GRANT. Straight out Nominations in Iowa- TRIAL OF THE TAMMANY THIEVES. Peter Cartwright Dead. A. I. 10 O OOLU. l-'ori'itxii lii 'll ijjouoo. CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES. TSie O'Conor neisKwrwryof Sew York (sue nn Adurt-Mi. Xfw Yoi;k, Sept. 23. A length v address to the Jemoeracy ot the I'ni tcd States is issued by a committee of tlie Louisville Convent ion. It explains tie object of the assemblage; opposed the Baltimore platform as tot lh-ino-iTatie ; contends that the Democracy did not demand tiie nomination ot Creelcy and the adoption of his plat form ; -ays the watcho'd is not any thing to irat Craut. but anything io prevent Greeley from heating ami de stroying the Democratic jiitity, and that (Jraut's election w ill be less a ca !a ui'y than that of (Jiveley. When the former i- cbo-eu. I tie n-pousibiliiy will rest on Kiltimore. w hi ;(i rel'n-ed tlie people either a I lemociatic nomi nee or a pl:if form. The address con cludes by invoking all Democrats, to vote for OVonor a:a! Adam.. it(!."IFii!'iit llemopratJ. .lo-lare for rftit. Xiw Yohk. Sept.. 2.V A conference was hi Id hen- yesterday by a number of Democrats dissatisfied with the Loi.isviile movement. .lames Worm II. I of Pennsylvania, presided, and J. II. j Wilson, ot Alabama, was made See- retary. Worrall made a speech favor- i-.i'Z tiie support of Grant ami Wilson. ' A Ve-n!i'tion was sub-cipien; ly adopted jurying Democrats to vote tor Grant, 'and calling on memN-r of the Na ! tional Committee to oimi.e in tiie several States aud Unite ill behalf of ci ndidates approved by t In - con fere; ice. The nomination of Dix fin" Governor ot New Vcrk. and others oa the ticket are commended, and an address or dered to he issued. A National Com mittee of two from each Stale was :i poiiiteil. O'Coiior lei:cr al ip Aomlnntion In Swua. DKS MotSV.S. Sept 2'. The O'Coii or lh niocrat helrt a State Convention to-day and nominated State officer for the sevenil offices: Secretary of Mate. K. Spiirvin. ot Johnson; Auditor. . I. P. C'assiday of Pottowat'.omie; Treasurer, 11. It. ileers. of Andulson; Attorney ( Jeueral. A. (i. Case of Floyd; Ilegi ter of Land Office. Dan SlM-nvood of Pottowattomie; Kleetor at Large. T. Monroe.-of Diihu .v; Alternate, Barlow Granger of Polk. Xotiee to TwppI and tie other 'HiicveM. Xt:w Yoi:k, Sept. 2(1. Attorney General Harlow yesterday addp-ssed an informal written notice to Tm. M. Tweed. Mayor Hall's brothers. Swee ney. Thus. Fields. Henry W. Genet Ingei-joll, I Ing i Smi li. Ym. Cooke and Xathanici Sands, 'nporming tSicin that their trials would commence in October. Death of Peter Cartwrltrlii. Xkw Yu:k. Sept. 20. Ttev. Peter Cartwright, the celebrated Methodist pioneer preacher, died at hi home, in Pleasant Plains, ill., yesterday, aged eighty-seven years. HON for tiolil, Xkw Youk. Sept. 2.). Fourteen bids for gold to-dav amounting to over $li,00O,0tJO at. tjblttU: 1.000.000 sold at ' 05 si 4 07. and 'S4.000,00t) was bid for at over $14. j I lilted 4rr(er of Amerlcaii Mechanles. Xewark. Sept. 25. The United Order of American Mechanics are hold ing a brillient celebration here to-day, 5.000 members participating. FOREIU EVVS. A Tlormter Cnnnl tobelnu by Prnuta 1. Mtliol h i'ri!io- I'M.lK Mews. XlAV YoiiK, Sejit. 25. The London Times of Sept. 14th copies the follow ing trom the rail Mall Gazette : The Patrie professes to lie able to guarantee the jierfect authenticity of the ft de ment which it makes that the Govern ment of Prussia has finally resolved upon the construction ot a monster canal to connect the Baltic with the North Sea, and the cost, doubtless, it say, will be defrayed out of the I rench Indemnity. The Princess Ilobenlohe, sister of Queen ictoria, i dead. Pakis, Sept. 26 Gambetta, in a speech at Albcrtvillo. in the l)enart- inent of Upper Savoy, last night, dtj maimed a dissolution ot the National Assembly. CAI.:t ORAIA. Trntftnre onrl Wheat Khlpmen The iloelort lllsneree ns to Irst. Fair' hanily Overl ind PwmitYm. San Francisco. Sent. 28. Nearly $24,000,000 of treasure lias been ship ped since January 1st. Three aud a half million centals of wheat has been received here since July 1st, and two and a quarter millions exported. As the doctors disagree as to the in sanity of Mrs. Fair, tlie furors will be compelled to decide the point for them selves.. The evidence tor and again.-t temporary insanity is about equally divided. Xo Liverpool market, to-dav. Overland passengers It. W. Mer chant and Mrs. L. Merchant, Portland, Oregon. TELEtiRAn-S CDF.XSE. Dishop McCiiisky lias returned from Europe. Attorney-General Barlow says no compromise has been etl'ected with the Tammany thieves, to digcoulitinc their trials. Tlie Brazilian Minister of .Agricul ture is dead. Senor Barret fa was ai pointed his .successor. The elections for meinliers of Congress throlghout the country resulted in lavor of the Government candidates. i i The Utah Southern Railroad vill be completed as far, as Provo oeJt Xc vember. j The San Francisco Stock Bon, I has transacted over $700,000,00!) ot busi ness in trn years. O'CONOR WRITES ANOTHER LETTER. Xoliticml 3IiittiM. Burning of a Lunatic Asylum Terrible Loss of Li, "a. Forrester Goes to Prison. PENNSYLVANIA STRAIGHT OUTS. liaili'Oiid Imln-oyrlio. , FOREtGfJ !NTLLIQNCL EASTriti xrws. The Mihynx penks A(-nin. Xkw York, Sept. G.O 'Conor, in reply to the letter of Thos. II. Carroll, Mayor of Troy, in regard to his accept ance of the Louisville nomination, says ; "I am only one among forty millions. My consent or approval is not. necessary to any public act ot the many or the few. or one." The fore going is the only indication O'Couor gives ot his po-iiion iu the campaign. lottery Drnwiinc Intpouel -I'ollti- I.ol isvh.i.e. Sept. 0. The public library drawing is postjioned to De cember 7th. The demand for tickets has been enormous and a half million dollars has Ix-cn deposited. The Xational Colored Liberal Con vention to-day adopted a long pre amble ami ifsolutiotis endorsing the Cincinnati! platform and candidates, and declaring in favor of peace and reconciliation. AIii.w.u'KEE. Sept. 21. The Straight out Democracy had a convention to dav. and decided lo put au electoral ticket in the Held. Imhanai'OI.is, Sept. of. A large Republican meeting was held in this city to-night, at the. Wigwam, which was addressed by lion. .LA. lliugbam, Governor Jewell' and Gen. J. II. Baker. The Ohio I.unntie Asylum ConUuKra tion Ci.F.VKt.AMi. Sept. 2G. Lunatics at Xewbergare lieing sent to their re vtive counties. fifty lives were lost in the eontbinitiou. The loss by the lire was lrom'if475,000 to $500,000. Forrester. Xkw YoitK, S-pt. 25. Forrester, who sued out a writ ot habeas corpus which was to have l-en argued to morrow, directed hi counsel to with draw the writ on the lielief it would have Ui'tt dismissed. Forrester now consents to return to prison. Latkh Hilly Forrester left this morning tor -loliet. Ill- in charge of W. Words, for the Juliet prison. I'ciniHy Ivanl.l Mralgntoiitv. Piiii.Aiu'.i.rmA. Sept. 27. The Kx- eciil ive Committee of Straight Demo crats has called a State Convention at Hani-burg on the ltith of Octulier. to select an electoral ticket and take such action a- will be for the best interests of ihe party. ilallroiid liiot Impending. llKAKixis, Pa.. Sept. 27. There is great excitement here over the warfare between tlie Philadelphia it Pending and the Wilmington A Pending r.iil--roaiN. 't he inhabitant, are in great alarm at symptoms of impending riot, and a sx cial detail of one thoii-aud policemen has Im-cii ordered out. Tile Philadelphia t"c Heading road sought to olistruet the line of the Wilmington A Heading road, w hich was recently constructed as an oppo-ition line, and the matter is already in the courts. Last night a gang of Philadelphia & K.-iiding employees severely Ix-at live employees of the other company. Sev eral minor disturbance had taken place. The alarm still continues A I'tit n in li Ik M ilitinn. W -I!1N;tiin. .Sept. 27. Two com panies of t he Third Uegiment oi State Militia, returning o i thu Harlem ronl from a drill at U bile Plains, got into a light and n-ed mu-ki-t aud bayonets lively. Two were killed and twenty wonuded. roiti i; xnvN. Uitinltdln on 'l lilen mid tlie ItemU llr Vicwn of Cue i:iiilli Cliaurel lor. Xkw Yokk. Sept. 27. The Piiris correspondent who interviewel Gatn betta report him a saying that the Xational Assemble has been so beaten ( bullied bv Thiers that it ha U-- coine simply a register of the Presi d -nt's will. Thiers lie says; does' not represent either the country or the .eiiihlv. Coii-r ipientlv. between t la-iu the country i not represented at ill. He predicts that on the reassem bling "f the Assembly it will dissolve itself out of sheer despair. In any contingency a Itcptibhc is now the only possible government for France. l iner-, be thinks, unhotits jfepuoliciin Milicy and w 111 accordingly receive the upport of the kepubliesusot tlieconn- trv. i lule he think r ranee medi tate no future war with Germany she will, by her llepiihlicaii greafne, be come so innuentiai as to .sweep tne rotten German F.mpire from the face of the eaith by peaceful means. London, Sept. 2. Mr. I.owe. Chancellor of the F.xche'pier, in his speech at Glasgow la! night, severely condemned Sir Alexander Cockbuni for not signing the award of damages in the Alabama claims, and for pub-li-hing an argument which oiens up the question and renews 111 feeling. He says it is tlie dutv of Kngland to accent the award loyally. Tt:Li;CRAll! COXDEXSED. Xew York ronntv r xnense for this year are T2.000,(KX)"les than last year. The story that Forrester would enn fes who the real Xathau murder W;is, providing he was partloned. is nntrue. Between ?100.000 and $1S0,000 worth of silk were stolen from tlie Xew York public store last week. The Xational Steamship Convention have organized a permanent National Board. The Liberals of Newark, X. J., unanimously nominated for Congress, Jno. M. Randal!.' The English Court has gone into mourning tor the death of the King of Sweden. Tin: Spanish budget proposes to meet the excess ot expenditures over receipts by withholding the subsidies of the clergy. The Arizona rubies are declared by competent San Francisco judges to be mere garnets. Hon. C. A. Washbumc and ex-Governor Purdy, of California, arrived in Salt Lake yesterday. William Brigg. the only man in the United States wlio returned his calling as a ijntiiJJ'T. ha turned bis tiuck upon the profession and reformed. It is now asserted that the Olympia is not to te run as an opposition steam er to Portland, bnt that slie went Thursday on a special charter for a cir cus troujie. It is said efibrU are being made, which have not yet assumed anv olli cial form, to require the Messrs Laird, the constructors of tlie Confederate privateer, Alabama, to pay a portion of the sum awarded the United. States by the Geneva tribunal. The treasure, on board the steamer America, burned at Yokohama, has all been recovered, but all melted and run together in such a manner as to prevent indentttteatioti. State Auditor Graham of Louisiana, is again incarcerated by order of the tlie Eighth District Court, the Govern or' pardon being decided unconstitu tional.. Tiie investigation of tlie Harlem Court House job reveals the fact that one Lynch, a et of the ring, held a sinecure office and that four hundred per cent, was made on stone. Tlie Danish authorities prohibit the importation of English cattle ou ac count ot rinderjiest. It is reported tliat Lord John Ktis. sell is preparing a review- ot the pro ceedings aud award of tlie Geneva Board. The Straight-out Democratic Con vention, held at Jackson Michigan, nominated a full electoral ticket aud a full Stiite ticket. Ihe Sioux delegations on a visit to the President said that all they want ed was to be left undisturbed on their reservations: tb;-y didn't want to be crowded off. The . President gave mem assurance ot protection. A delegation of Coinanclies. Kiowa. Apaches and other wild Indians are on the way to visit tlie President. Greelev made a ppeech at Easton, Pennsylvania, in which he said lie was a protectionist, but if a majority ol Congress should pas a law iu tavor of other opinions, he would not veto it He thought a duty often per cent ou iron would be in favor of American industry. Xew lork detectives are after a "an"! known as the "Silver Thief gang."' The Maryland Commonwealth In surance Company have been enjoined trom issuing policies and ordered to uio!id business on the ground ot fruadtileiit transactions. The negotiations between the Holy See and tne Government of Russia are proceeding satisfactorily. Kingston advices say that the steam ship Virginia left Puerto Cabello on the 7th inf. with 500 coolies on the way to their homes iu China, with $70,000 of their own earnings. The Prince Alfred sailed from Vic toria. Friday with treasure amounting to $54,4!)! 10. So great is the interest felt at San Francisco, in the coming trotting matches between "Occident"' and "Goldsmith Maid." that even stocks have lost their exciting power. The receipts of wheat at San Fran cisco lor the week closing yesterday evening, aggregated nearly half "a million eental.s the largest ever known in the same period. The jury In the Fair case are still out Sunday evening and will be kept out till Court opens in the morning. So far a can lie ascertained there is no possibility of a verdict. An arrival fmni Kamloops says everybody i busy hi that neighborhood aud money is plenty. The steamer North Pacific has been charted to carry the Directors of the Northern Pacific Railroad around the Witters of Puget Sound. t: iitititi. At the residence of the bride's father, on Sept. ailth, by ltev. John F. iK-iiny, Mr. James 15. Dicker to Stins Martha .Drips, all of .ll.irii.iii county. At the residence of the Bride's pireiitH iu JUiirioti county, by llev. John H. Rook. Mr. Isuac Nccdiiaiu of Liun county, and Mi.ss tiara M. Doty uf Marion county. SOCIETY NOTICES. Olive Inline, Xo. IN, I.o.O. F. Meets every Saturday evenli g at 7:30 p. M. Vi.-litnj; brothers are tnvlieil to attend. Sept. :if . A. R. Russell Pont, . 3,U.A.R. meets Kri'lay evenings ,,f each week. All Ccnira l-x in jrood suuelinj.' Inviteii to attend. 11) oner. AplGTitf. COM MAN DK It XWtllnmclte Eiirampnirat o 2. !... t'.- .Meel. .n ihe 2d. uiel 4ili. Tuesday evenings of euch month t iMd Fellows Hall comer 1 'em mere Ltl and Kerry Si reels. Ail soiuiirninp brethren in coed MRnoing ait- In vlie 1 in auciuL iv order of U. 1. aplli;tf Chemeketa Lodge, No. 1, I 0. 0. F. g 71 KiiL'I.AIt meennps Wednesday evenings I O, ol e.i.-h week, al s o'clock e. "v., at Md Kc. ioV ll.-4il,,-jriiert'oiiiiiier,-ial and Ferry slreei. All llroihers lit ood suuldiiiK Invit ei lo uiie-.iii. ISy order ol i.li. Sepi.VTidlm M'HIAI, XUH1.S. j:m:i PROPOSALS W1I.L I!K KKCtlVKI) AT THE OF-li.-eol'ihe Sucerlniendeut of Indian Affair. S iiem, ihvpm, until the 12th .lay of ivtoin-r, ls7-i, in liirnlsh 5o,0( ijjoiuls ol lieel', anil jii.Uod jxHiads ol Flour. A' I'Miiiu Vainax, on Kuiina'li Indian Kc crvaiU.n, and lo.ofla (smii'ts of Floor ai Jvlanvith Airency. 'foe liy'ri io tie delivered on the MiK-k at sii.Mi limes and In siv-hqiuioiiues a. I he Agent or i'oinniis-.iry In charue slui'.l ilirccl, alter lii 1ilh of Noveinlier next. The Hour lo lie delivered prior to tho 29th Nio'i-mbi-i' nexi. I!i Is most be in writing and endorsed, 'Flour l'niosalis" "Beef Pronoun is," or "Flour and H;f Pnpmala,n I'rtoea to lie mated in lejral lender notes. Jtis'ln nwrve 1 lo re-.t any Md. l'aiment will lieina leln eiirreiwy or cheeks on the Assistant Treasurer uf Ihe Lulled suites, San Francisco. Fifij iiercciit will lie pikt on delivery ani the lialance when the .Lvount Is approve ! by iht- Coininissloner of Indian Affairs. T. li. UPKNfcAL, Supf. Indian Affairs rli(jon. Salem, Oregon, sepi. li, ld7'2:tLkw-2w. OKtliON I Mi HITTERS. The Urent Nntural Hnnratlve, Toale nod liliMMl I'untior. The l"nk Itliters cleanses, strenjrthcns and puis in order the human system when weak and diseased ; hence is a sale and pleasant cordial at meals, keeps the BOWELS, and KJDN KVS rei-ular. and purities the HI.OOI). They will restore youthful vigor to the wasted frame, and. liy purifying ihe system, act As a sure preventive of aii diseases. The Im-si ANTI-RlLIOrs ALTERATIVE and TuNIC prearaiion for orilinarv lamilv pur poses. Thel.KAND PANACE'A for all the ills lh.it flesh Is heir to. From the mildness of ItA operation, the tonic and cimti'il qualities makes tt ie.-sillar)v a remedy stiltahle tor FEMALES, man-list or single, young or old. ill the dawn of wotnan liood or at the turn of life. For sale by ail drasrlsts, merotiants and stm-es. August 14. '72. d&wtf On Marriage. Happy Relief for Young Men from tlie eilecis ol Errors aitd Ahttses In early 11 Manliood rt-stored. lmiedinients to Mar riaw remove'!. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. I looks and Jlrcn!ars sent free, in sealedenvt'loies. Address, Ht)WAIil ASMItl A T1U , .XO. I, Ninth Ninih St., Philadelphia, Pa. an In siliiition ttaviug a hlh reputation tor honor- abieoondtiol anil protessional skllL aiunl ,'idjittbra ess.oi.VTio. ''HE partnership heretofore exiting nn 6 der ihe name of Davenuirt i. Wollanl at ilverton, t.iregon, Is ihtsdiiy dissolved bv mtiiiiat conseni. ine nusinest win De nere aficrcoudiK-ted at the old stand bv J. C. Da venport, who assumes all liabilities and to whom alt di-lh's due the nrm will be naid. Those indehied wiil please call and setife tm- ine'iiaiei , as wt wisn iu ciura up iim urw business as soon as poKstbie. j. i . mi r-.-N ruiti, I. WoLt'AKU. Silverton. June i. 187'2. Jiinei7.ilbi:w;f MINERAL AND HOT SPRINGS On the McKenzle Kiver. sixty miles east of Entrene i 'tly. Lse ol the waters from these Springs CrKKs liilbt KATmM. UYaPKeblA A.ND EARLY ALL CHKOMC DISEASES. Itathinr arrangements uomplete and conve- nieni. CHEMICAL AN ALYSIS bv eminent tihv- bleians shmr the waters to posses EXCEL LENT MEDICINAL and CURATIVE yl ALITIES. tiiiiumlio. wagon Itondto tne spriDgs. K. 8. BELKN AP, Aus. 14, T2. lm-w Proprietor. DiMolutlon. rjHE PAHTKERSini heretofore existing under tlie name ol C"a!vert ft Friedman In Salem la this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The business -arlll be hereafter conrtncteil at the old stand of S. Friedinrj. All Ihe stock will be removed from Uie present stand to r rledman's Corner and will be sold xit rrimllr M of cotU Kiitding it impossible lo ran both places wltliout neglecting the old stand, by removing al I to one hmise I w ill be enabled to lurnish all kinds ofgooiis, which wiil and must be sold cheap lor iji.1i. lean now feed the hungry and clothe all In the best mat i up maraet anonis. isalem, tSept. llod t XOTICE. T IS HEREBY ORDEREO BY TI1K I Coaimoii Council oi thecllv ol'Saiem. Ikat there shall lie const rticted froiii the foot bridge across, the South Mill roek. son in tooaa street, on the west side of Commercial Kreel, a sfclewalkearht leet in width, hullt on three stringers, and fame to be, In the lowest place, mi ly np to tne average grade ot tne sain iixa uriug3. minin ItiirtT itavs Irom iiaie. J. M. PATTERSON, Recorder. Pept. 17, li74:dw TO SHEEP FAREVIERS 1 Imported Leicester Bucks JTOtt. SATiFl rjnE CXDEP.SIGEEI AVILL OFFER P for sale at tlie Slate Fair JO Pure Bred Lei.ster Bucks, imned from New 7oa lniMl and brad by the Xew Zealand and Aus tralian Land Co., and ihe direct progeny of siieep imported ny the aoove company irom tneueienr ten nocks or Lord rolmartn, Scot- ami. t or turtner particulars aipiv to JAMES CAXTEKOX, Amity, Yamhill Co., CHrn. Sept. ftwM BOOT BL.ACEi.IXG ! TTfcAVin SCKEXAR WILL BLACK jLW Units for lis cents a pair, at the Lesif laiivellnl'. seir;-!:0:.U 2fEW ADVERTISEMEXTS. OREGON WOODEN WARE MANUFACTURING CO. . KANCFACTUKKU8 OF Buckets, Pails, Tub, Firkins -AXD ALL KINDS WOODEN WARE. THE Com) anv are prepared to fill all Or ders for Asii a-id Cedar Palls. Ash Kits, llul ter Firkins, Wasli Boards and Broom Itan illes, &c, . lifjT' Address anco-mmiinlcatlons to J. D. BILIJi, Axni. Ang.9 Portland, Ui-egnn. WOOD PUMP! Bttt ml issst Infrared WOOD PUMP Sow In ase. For rHlHinir water for Itouaewtic Purposes, or for Ilnru or atock Wells. Every man who has had exiericrK-! In the 'ltfl'ereiit wavs of ratsinit water, knows THERE IS NO WAY OF iMJlN'r; IT SO CHEAPLY, and that there Is no Pump so durable, convenient and free from Imparting unhealthy elements to the water as the plain VOOI PUMP. Manufactured by the SALEM PUMP COMPANY. FISHER & HAAS. isalem, Sci. 2, 1872. wif THE BISHOP SCOTT GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A Hoarding: and Day School for Boys, i'otiliitid. T HE N EXT TERM WILL IiKrJIN ON" TIIE ol" !"Mlt"iili. For Admission apiilv lo PROF. U. W. LAINX;, or to BISHoI Moliltls. align i2-w.in The only Reliable 'overing For Hie icot-Uoofl Cable Screw Wire BOOTS AND SHOES. seplKwIm Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE! THE Mission and Pacific Woolen Mills 9 Depot, Nos. 517 & 519 Market St., ''--- SAX FKAXCISCO, C'AL., offer to the trade A larc iii vcIl-sekM asjcrlaeiit of WOOLEN GOODS MANUKACTUIiED AT TIIEIK CliLKBKATED MILLS, Consisting of IlLAXKETS of every description ; HOUSE IILANKETSand Bl'r.GY ROBES; H01t.SE aixl SLUIt'E Blanketings, various widths ani qualities ; CLOTHS CASSIMERES and TWEEHS of every dcs."riuiion ; GENTS', LAI1IES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHAW in ireat variety: OPERA awl FANCY FLANNELS; HIRTIN'G FLAN NELS ; TWEED, CASHMERE and FLAX X EL Sin HTS and L" IERWEAR,W AT E It PR OOFS and EEPELLAXTS, various shade and styles. Knit All-Wool and Merino I'kokkwkaii and HivUEUY for men, women aisl children, vtptvially adapted for the Pacidc Coa. Woolen Yarn in all Shades, by the pa. ka(r-. All Goods in our line manufactured "t oKiiEit"'at i-hort notice, and at the tatrrtt market prices. Price lists sent on application. Mission uJ Pat k Vh SIj, Depot, Nos. 517 & 519 Market Street, SAX FRACLSCO,CAL. ang27"72:daw3m-in LET ALL THE WORLD REJOICE! IT IS A SUCCESS! TIIE VREAT WILKO SEWIG SIA- chine Company, of Cleveland, tihio, has gained the vic.l'irv bv making the only First l 'la.se Sewing Ma.-hine sold lor less than ty dollars. Tliey will do all kind of work on any kind of goods. PRICE, - S50. For particulars address MIXER A- PEARKOX, 7S First Street, Portland, Orepn. For Sale at J. A. EIPrtKrOX'S Store, Cominer. ial Street, Salem. sei. S2, 1S74. THE HOME SHUTTLE Sewing Machine. HAVIXG ESTABLISHED AX AGEXCY at llcrnandei' Book-tore. I am now pre pared to furnish Machines at Portland Price. All kinds of Needles on band and old Machines of ail kinds repaired and war ranted. All the late Improiements attached to the old style Home Shuttle for the addi tional price of Bve dollars. m. m juc.virKU:. Agent at Salem. Oct. 1st, 1874:6m RARE CHANCE FOR BUSINESS ! PARMENTER A BABCOCK, HAVING DECIDED TO DISCONTINUE their retail buslua&e, offer their entire stock for sale at cost. To anyone wish! na- to encase la the Furni ture lliusness, this 1 a rare una nee. The stock must be closed by Oct. 1st, and will be sold at cost, lor ci h only. Tms is so Hombut;, we mean business. All persona Indebted to ua are respectfully requu&ted to ca'l and settle. F nrnlt ore Dealers. Salem, Oregon, Aug. 5th, 1874, iw6w American Exchange (Corner Front and Washington Streets,! JORTLASD, OREUOH. qriMBY & PERKIXS, Proprietors. free t'oarh to and froaa the Haunt. Sei. 7, lSTidiwtf COOKE DENNIS & CO.. MANUFACTURE Sash Doors,BI inds, Moldings, RUSTIC, and all Ihe latest styles of Inside and outside tinlsh, of the best quality of clear oedar lumber ever need ia Salem. Scroll Sawlnir, Stair ' Building and Turning, done with neatness and dispatch. Manutao- tuters of tbe celebrated Boswell Fruit Dryer and Room Heater. Also Manufacture the RAXKTN PATEN'T SCHOOL DESK. All kinds and qualities of Lumber and Shingles fur i41" cheap. Best of work at lowest Prieen EST Please five n. a call. SEE OCR STOCK, learn our price, and give us your or ders. SREC3AL ATTENTION (riven to orders from fanners, and information freely given g-rat is to our patrons. MavU74.iiwBin mun ' Taken Up. TWO BAT HORSES, A1J0UT FOCR. teen hands hljrh. Apparently alsmt 12 years old; black manes and tails. Unless called for within three weeks from date, they will bo sold al public auction in pv charges J. W. FISH KR, CUT Marshal. sepl:.1w PKOFESSIONAL CARDS h.b. jf?rp, n. i. OFFICE -Otiposlte the Chemeketa IToeJ, wltli Ir. Payton. ltesidenoemi Lllieo v Street, second bouse north of Eranirelkvtl Church. aeplf DiL PAIXT, HOXeXPATHlXT. THOSE PREFERIXG XHis MfLD Ash efficient method of treatment will Bmt Dr. Paine at his offl,-e in the l)iera House, l'p Stairs. Saturday momintr medical advice And treatment will begiven free of charge in Jhosa nnable to pay lor the services of at Irttyslctan. aug.S7dAwtf DR. E. Y. 1UASE, HRVTLT.OOL., LATE STJRGEOJT V. K Vol. Offlce DnrWn's blix-k. np stair Residence. Commercial street, Salem, Oregoni March 38, 7i, dtt It. has. tiixsosr, OCULIST AND ACRIST. Consulting and Operallng Snrgeon for all Diseases of the Eye and Ear. OflVa liooms, 38 and 33, Starkey's Block, Salem, moon WIUAXLTT l-SITEKSITT. CALEM, OKEUOX, the oldest and laiw J Incorporated S-.hool In the State. Clawicitl ommen-ial, N'onnal and SclentlUc onursesol sdidy. For full Information address the Pres cient, x. M OATCH C; J5vTFBY S5- or W1 Tnisteee Sept. 7. dAwly DR. E. R. FISKE. o OFFICE-Xo. I. Moores' Block. Km. tlence-Court Street, Ojipostte Cnlversitr. octll DB. II. t ABPEXTEB. HYSICLX AXI) SURGEON, Offlce ami A Residence on Liberty street, nea-'y oppo site the Coiiureeallnort Cluirob. Salem, Nov. Will. 7L tf CAPLEN k MORELAXO, I TTORXEVS AT .AW. Portland Ore- .!?"" ,"n''- upstairs S.K. corner Front anijw anhliiKton Streets. Sept.SlcUw MABY r. kAWTEIXJ 91. I. ' OFFICE -At residence, on Court Stree, next door to the Court House, sepitlf Iit. I.. N. MU , 33 EKT TIJST. OFFICE -Overly Id ii Bush's Hank. Sa lent, Oreiron. scic'lrtf DHLOGM AND MEDICINES. SALEM DRUG STORE! J. W. Crawford & Co.. DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, and PATENT MEDICINES, PERIIUEIIIIN, TOILET ARTICLES .D .OTIOXH. Pure Wines and Liquors. PRESCRIPTIONS AND X'-niuilj- l'rr'pnrutioim CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED At all hours of the day and night; by .t Cnmpctcnt Druggist. Patton's lilork, Ma to htrrtt, Mnlesss. sepU'tf W. W KATHKl'.KOKU. J. W. WEATHER WEATHERFORD & CO. Wholesale ami Retail Dtlersln 23 1TTJGS, Paints. Oils, Glass, Chemicals EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY. Patent Medicinei 4. Proprietary Articles. pi Mr wixiji Ann Liqi om, lor MedK-lnaJ Purpoww. Pr"-"!: F N irl inHfffrt forpflrW. WEATHERFORD 4 CO. Airt 7Mirtf ii IM- KLLA.N EOL'S. 1872. THIRD VOLUME. 1873. TI I K W EEJCLY OREGON BULLETIN. EXCELSIOR OUR MOTTO. rMlE PROPKIKTOR OF THE PA1LY I and Wfwklv Rnlletin,rrailned with the ocess alravly ...hieTeit, (s determine)! to still fanner Improve tbe Pauer. and has se cured for tbe ratuing year ytit. a. j nrri R TO WRITE UP AV AGRCULTURAL DEPARTMENT, II II SMALL., ES4?., TO WHITE CPOX THE RESOURCES OF OREGON, COL. J. It. PARISH TO HAVE CONTROL OF THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. JAS. O'MEARA WILL BE EDITOR I1V CHIEF. The Local and News ColtiTrm will be nndei tbe control of Writers of ability. On tbe first of October we will eomtnence the publication ot A SPLEXDID STORY, ENTITLED W It A H LI IN JOE. AN ADTIBIOGRAPHY Of the celebrated Mountaineer, Trapper, Frontiersman and Bepjrar, who reeetKly re eovered property In Portland, Oregon, Tallied at three quarters of a million dollars. TERMS: Patlr $10 00 per year. Weekly 3 00 tier year. Clubs of Ore SO eaofa. Address Oi BsUlettas. An. IX 7. w&b fort land. Orecoa. J. B. 8PRESOEB. A. TA1XOB. METROPOLIS HOTEL, Corner Front and Salmon Streets, Port land, Oregon. This Xew and Elegant Hotel, with Sew Fur niture wrougnoui, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF (WESTS. Bath Room for the Aevwa pehstteei TUnwnU. Free imatrk SMtsl e His... UTCOME AND SEE US SPRENGER Sl TAYLOR, - - PROPS. Jnlyl7:iUwtf J. H. HAAS - HAS ON HAND LATE STYLES JEWFXJtT ASD FANCY ARTICLES ' SOLID SILVERWABE WATCHES ASD, CLOCK frBepainng none, and MUtttaetton roar- aoteed. rntton'a Block t Mate Ktreet, Kaleaa. LJ TENTS. TENTS. TENTS, May be Rente by the WEEK OK 3IONTH AT THE. SALEM BAG FACT0EY, South Store, CheaiekeU Block. TENTS AND WAGON COVER For Sole and Made to Order, - U CHKKMUIOCGH CO. JnMi:r 1 'ii 3 r t I