r Bcccfefi) ipreflou statesman: SALEM. TUESDAY. SEPT. 24. THE CITY AND COUNTY. From Daily of Wednesday Sept 13. Oca Ajtbtcb:e.-. Yesterday warning u ' we were coming dosio t ton from a late Ureakiast, were rverfaken hv Rev. J. i,. farrian, wlieW'h his usual galfantryoffered una seat in hh buggy . As hia riia a.ubetaii tial ono. nnd his hunts a matrnilicent sptci ' mt"n cf the equine species, wo gladly c- epttd a neat by his Mile ami wpre sooii un der way. Ax vie turned from Liberty stmt iVito Court, old black caught night of a port able steam engine wending itn way toward .Piety Hill. Immediately on making the discovery, he begun displaying liis. talent an a French Dancing Master. He commenced wfth tlio first five stops and with lightning peed proceeded to dish up all he knew in tnat line. The waltz, xrhottische, polka and highland filing followed in quieu sucers siua as the odious object opened up more plainly, to Ian sensitive vision. After he nad showed us every step he knew, he con cluded as a grand finale to climb into the carriage backward. As soon as he made this desire manifest, fearing we might be somewhat crowded.we instantly vacated and concluded to let the animal ride in our place. We preferred walking any way just about that time. Ourseat-mutu stepped out aim, as soon as he was fully convinced that the horse really did mean to ride. But we linally grasped" him by the bit and with the help of 31 r. l'arrish, convinced him his plan was a foolish one, and prevailed upon him to desist Hr. Jones' horse which was hitched in front of the Commercial Hut I, tried to leave, and carry the sidewalk with him and it took several men to show him the magnitude of the mistake he was about to commit. But quiet was finally restored, and the engine moved on up street while we walked down town, and ruminated on our narrow (?) escape. Visit to the PExmsnm, The mem lers of Iioth Houses spent a couple of hours at the Penitentiary buildings yesterday af ternoon. Carriages were provided for them, and on their arrival they were shown around the whole affair by the delighted Kuperin--tendent. The memlicrs appeared to enjoy it full as well as Billy did, and epreied their satisfaction iu grunts of approbation as one alter another novelty was dwplayed to their comprehensive minds. They visit ed the brick-yard and found inany acquaint ances, and reminiscences of Auld Lang Hvne were freely indulged in between con victs and members of our State Legislature. They visited the work-shops and talked over old times with the confined employes in time departments. They met old acquaint ances on every hand. Tiiey went up to see the female prisoners, but these would take no notice of them, and they passed on dis gusted. Billy failed to quench their thirst or allay their' appetites, and after a few mo ments," when the novelty of the thing had worn off, our visitors were unhappy, and returned to the city at 4 p. M., with their satisfy of penitentiary affairs. That Fibe. We yesterday made mention of a barn having been burned down belong ing to a man named Snyder, living on the north fork of the Santiain. We have since learned the loss will prove a severe one to Mr. Snyder. He ha been working hard for some time to establish for himself a good home, and his efforts were just beginning to be crowned with success when this tire broke ont in his fine large barn and burned up most of his grain and winter's supply of food for his stock. He has a large family, wliich renders his loss still more severe. L. Samtel Advebtisiso Aoent from Portland, arrived here on yesterday's train, and is now engaged in procuring advertise ments for a paper to be published hero dai lv during the State Fair for free distribu tion. Mr. S. is always up to something new in the advertising line and generally makes a success of anything he undertakes. This, however, is owing to the promptness with which he fulfills all his contracts. Our merchants ought to patronize his "State Fair Gazette." Legislative Dibectokv. Thco.L.Smith of Portland, has placed upon our table a etipy of his Legislative Directory which is complete in every particular It "givei each member's pedigree from the word go. and it will no doubt prove a great convenience to them both for individual use, and to send t their constituents at home. Members can be supplied by applying to Mr Smith. ' A MYHTEBmug Aftaib. A gentleman ar rived in this city last evening soon after dusk in -search of a coroner. He reported having found the body of a man Iving dead by the roadside about'12 miles below town, on the Lake Labish road. He had evident ly shot himself, as a ball had entered his Head, and in his right hand he held a re volver. We were unable to gain further particulars last evening. The Ftttebal Mrs. Thos. Cross' funer al will take place this afternoon at the Methodist Church at the hour of 2 o'clock p. a. The teachers and scholars of the M. E. Sunday School are especially requested to attend as are all the friends of the family. Erom Daily of Thursday Sept. 19. The FcjrERAi, or Mrs. Cross. Avery large concourse of friends gathered at the M. E. Church vesterday atternoon to pay their last respects to oue of the most highly ee teemed women in our niidst Mrs. Thos. Cross, who,- Monday evening last, was thrown from a buggy, receiving injuries which she survived but a short time. The church was crowded to suffocation, many lieing unable to secure seats. Bev. A. i . Waller preached an impressive sermon, and in an eloquent manner alluded to her many superior qualities as a wife, mother and friend, also paying a handsome tribute to her well known Christian character. The singing was rendered in an unusually im pressive manner, and everyone felt the deep solemnity of the occasion. The procession that followed the remains to their last rest ing place was the laigest that has passed, through our city for many months. As the procession passed through our principal streets each oue seemed to realize that a noble woman had passed away, and the busy hum of business was momentarily hushed as the funeral cortege wended its way tow ard the city of the dead. A true woman and a sincere Christian has gone hence to that bourne from which no traveler returns. Directobt Items A statistical glance at Smith's new Legislative Directory sIiowb the following factB : Every member of the Senate is either a married man Or a wid ower. There are only seven single men in both Houses. It must be difficult to gain honorable positions unless you are a mar ried man. There are twelve lawyers among the number ; enough toplead the cases of a whole community. Tiiirty-one of the members are farmers. That sounds about right. One capitalist appears on the list, and he is from our county. Two medical men are renuired to dish up the physic. One speculator is on hand as a stand-off for the lawyers. Several stock-raisers and a couple of fishermen are added to the list. Mr. Biles is down as an 8. S. Agent. Won der if that means Sunday School Agent? An editor's name is down among the officers elect. Hurrah for our side. Cornelius, w-ho has lived -in the State twenty-seven veara, is the oldest resident, and Onsteia, of Ijnion, having resided hero but two years, is the youngest Webfoot on the list. Thirty three of the members have resided in Ore son twenty years. So much for the Oregon legislature. ' Finally Arbested. Our readers will recollect that about two months ago David son A Bean, of this city, had a valuable horse stolen from them. The animal was recovered in Linn countv, but no definite -Um could be obtained to the thief. Sheriff Saoti. however, had a description of him and on the 10th inst. was informed that a man answering that description had passed dawn the road to Portland. A few days after that a man by the name of Thog. Mc Clane was arretted in Portland and figured in the Police Conrt on the charge of some minor offense. Mr. Beort "smelt a mice" and went below with warrants for his arrest which he placed in the hands of a police of ficer whdvwry soon bagged the game. He - wjp lodged in jail over night and in compa ny with Mr. Scott arrived in this city yes tirdaw A preliminary examination was held before Justice Coffey in the afternoon which resnlted in his being bound over to await the action of the Grand Jury in No vember next. His bail was fixed at $900, in defalt of w hich he was committed' to the county jail. A charge, of breaking into house near ' the depot was also brought against bun, but owing to lack of evidence it was not sustained. The SrppoBED Sctctpe. We made dili gent inquiries yesterday regarding a re ported suicide that was rife ou the street Tuesday evening and gained the following additional particulars : The body was found on the Lake Labish road about ten miles from the city. It was recognized as a yonng man by the name of hennady, son of Bar ney. Kennady, deceased. He was a young mail of deisolute habits and adicted to the rise of strong drink and it is supposed he waa laboring under momentary insanity when the rash deed was committed. His bodv was found bv the roadside with a bul let hole through the head and a revolver with an emptv barrel firmly grasped in the rieht hand. In his pocket were found quite a number of articles by which he was iden tified together with about fifty-two dollars in money. We understand ho has but re cently returned from California and that nines his return he has had spells of an in sane nature, lie has an nucic living on French prairie and other family connections in different portions of the State. We were unable to learn the result of the coroner' inquest. . The Episcopal Chtjbch. Bishop Morris writes that arrangements will be maile to supply wo puinit oi st. patus unurcu in this city every Sabbath during the session of the Legislature. Rev. Jno. Ilosenljerc will officiate next Sabbath at the nsual 1 s n ; - - iiviub ui wvrniiij. Crrmrn Notice. Dr. Doane of the M, E. Church Sonth will preach at the1 Baptist Church next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. x. Dr. Doano having been stationed here will preach every Sabbath hereafter. . : The Herald corresiyjiulnnt has finally owned np that Salom has mrf-rnl chnreho. wnruler how he round it out. The Theatre. Reed's Opera House was a little better filled bet night than on the previous evening, hut there were several political gatherings that took away a goodly portion of the thatsrc'ding people. .The Irish drama. 'Under the Spell'" was on the beards and it took first rate. W. C. Cros bio iu his part of Terrace, O'More established his reputation na a coni median, and Mrs. Geo. B. Waldron's Irish brogue was verv good. Fulford as usual held his own, wliile Carrv Lipsis, as Betty, made a decided hit. The side-splitting farce of "The Quiet Family" was again plaved to a delighted audience. This even ing" the great sensation play of "The Long Strike," with the telegraph scene. This is a piece of unceasing interest, and as it will bo the first time itlias been played, we ad vise our readers to attend. Waldron's role in this play calls forth some of his best tal ent, and his support will be excellent. Fmm Ihtily of Fri'lnj Sept. 20. Go away from Home toheah the News. We clip the following item of public im portance from the Missouri llepublican: While at church the other Sunday the Gov ernor of Oregon lost all his valuables by burglars. Discouraging to church-goers. ' Well, now that's news for us. We have been inside the Executive chamber quite often of late and interviewed the Governor as well as his private secretary, but not one word was ever whispered into our ear regarding this ailair. V e would gladly liavu given it a place in our columns had we lieen apprized of the fact. While wo do not wonder so much at the partiality shown the Democrat ic press in tins case, 'still we do wonder tliat the Mercury and Herald were both slighted and the item sent to a Wisconsin Grccleyite sheet. Now, the question arises, what were the valuables alluded to? It must have hap pened previous to the June election, tor they say Grover did meet with some severe losses about that time of which perhaps he did not care to nave, the Oregon public ad viited. And, then again, the closing remark is a slur on Christianity. We protest and will not take it for granted tliat because some one robbed the Governor of our Suto dur ing his absence, that we will be used iu the same manner. Taken all in all, we are in clined to believe the story is not founded on facts, and was simply inserted to till up. How is it, Mr. Grover? Just as likely as not Jasper W. Johnson was the originator of the idea, and took tins means of bring ing your name before the public. Wo call upon Jasper to own up, as ail open confes sion is good for trie soul. The Theateb. liie renowned fivo act drama entitled "The Long Strike" was played Ut evening at Reed's Opera House to an appreciative audience. Mr. Waidrou iu liis cua racier as Jioueypenny won fresh laurels, as did his wife in the character of June Lesoyd, Mr. Vinson as usual sus tained his part well, and Pull'ord, with his well-known reputation as an actor, needs no comment of ours to insure popularity. 1-'. Cleaves, as Dick Rubiey, actc-u his part ad mirably. Tue telegraph sensation was a new one, and of course took well, is al ways tile case. The tableaux were excellent and the music fine. Shakespeare's great tragedy oi "Othello, or the -Moor of Ven ice" is announced for this evening's enter tainment. The lovers of Shakespeare will no doubt turn out well. The laughable farce of "Art a Bell" will como iu as an afterpiece. The programme is a good one, and we advise our readers to attend. "The Streets of New York" is underlined for ta morrow evening. Ftseral Notice. Eliza, wife of W. R. Dunbar, died at the resiiler.es of her father, Thomas Small, Wednesday evening, at five o'clock. She has been an invalid for many months, and was recentlv brought home from the Warm Springs Agency iu hopes that she might revive ; but she" has been gradually failing ever since, and death has at last n'ut an end to her sunY-rings. She has proved a loud, loving wil'eaud a Jeetion ate mother, and her death lias made a va cancy in tue family circle that can never be reiilkd. She will be buried in the ceme tery south of the city. The remains will probably arrive in "the city about one o'clock, "at which time the funeral services will take place at the residence of Oscar Dunbar, on Pietv Hill. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Who they Were. A weather-beaten looking crowd of men, boys, horses and dogs appeared on the street" yesterday, and lor an hour were the subject ot conversa tion and comment in front of the C'hemek- eta Hotel. Senators and Representatives looliea at them in portect wonderment anu varied were the surmises as to the proba bilities ot their origin or destination, rney looked as though they might be a remnant ot some caravan just the plains across, so dust-begrimed thev were. Upon inquiry however, we learned that they were a party from Polk couuty, bound for the Samtiam mountains for a hunting spree. LOCAL, UKEYITIES. The Legislative wheels are grinding out business, slow but sure. Have you been to the theatre vet ? If not you have missed a genuine treat. New bulletin boards have been erected on the corner of Court and Commercial. The Chemeketa House presents a lively appearance from morning till night. The United States mails are running along with almost lightning speed. The Senatorial question is the ' chief sbujeet of conversation just at present. Politics are thick but Greeley men look rather thin. Grapes and peaches are ripo and plenty in the Salem market. Most of our farmers have begun their fall ploughing. The best way to live, is to live within your means and read the Statesman. Parties are busily engaged in fixing .up the State Fair Grounds. Variety is the spice of life is the evident opinion of the weather clerk at present. HI FKEME tOlKT. TENTH JUDICIAL DAY. Tuesday, Sept. 17. Court met at 9 A. M. Judges all present with the exception of Thayer. Ou motion of W. VV. Thayer O. F. Bell was admitted to the Bar. Rienliart & Oberhalt, lies., vs. Dulles Military lload Co., Ap. Cause placed on docket on motion of A. C. Gibbs. D. M. Boon. Ap., vs. John Way niire, lies. Cause placed on docket on motion of P. L. Willis. Willamette Freighting Co.. Res., vs. Sim tjtamms, Ap. Ciienoweth, Burnett and Thayer for lies., nnd Strnhaii and Kelsay for Ap. Argu ment concluded and cause submitted. Court adjourned until Wednesday at 9 A. M. ELEVENTH TL'DICIAL DAY. Salem, Sept. ISth, 1872. Jehial Kendall liesp. vs. Joseph Hunt et al Ann-. Decision announced by Jtidiie Prim. Judgemeut of Circuit Court nltlrmed. State of Oregon Res. vs. John Jones Ann. bucieiou announced by JiuIot Bouhauu Judgement of Circuit Court atlirnied. Judge McArther dissenting. ADranaiu & un. Apps. vs. Morgan 05 t lint lies. Counsel for appellants. Mitchell & Doluh, Boise & Willi. Bennett, Ketaiy and Wni. Miiler; lor resixmuents, 1 hsiyer, W HIU Mosher. Watson iSc ijine. Argument opened Court adjourned until Thursday at 9 o'clock", A. M. ODD FELLOWSHIP. Annual hewtlon of tue I'. S. limnil wuc a luminal .xbiilt -rw hcnuiluir CMMumlttes termed OUicur Eicclvtl Tor the tjutaiag a ear. Baltimore, Sept. 17. The report of the Grand Treasurer to the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of the United State shown : Receipts of the year t 7.4J7 : llislmrsemeiit-s. f4.7'J. Amendments to the charters of sev eral State Lodges were presented for approval. .. JNew standing committees were formed on the Degree of Rebecca and Foreiiru Relations. The election of officers for the ensu ing two years resulted hi the choice of C. A. Lointn, ot Kansas, as Jlost W or- thy Grand Sire; W. J. Durham, of Kentuckv, as Right W orthy Deputy Grand Sire ; J. L Ilidgely, of Mary land, was re-elected Right Worthy Grautl Corresponding and Recording secretary, nuu josnua vunsant. oi Maryland, re-elected Right Worthy Crrauu Treasurer. The other oilieer of the Grand Lodge will be nppointei by the Most t orthy urand hire, After the election of officers of the Grand Lodge of .Odd Fellows they proceeded to the regular order of busi ness, various resolutions pertaining to discipline, amendments ot by-law etc., were presented and reported. f The titio:i of 39 colored citizens of Ohio, praying that they be allowed to organize a lodge umler tue jurisdiction of the Independent Order, alter a warm and protracted debate, in which many ot the leading representatives took part, was laid on the table. Three California Governors have died and eight are living. The deceased are Mc Donga I, Bigler and Johnson. The livinjr are are Burnett iu San Fran cisco. WeTier in New Orleans. Latham in San Francisco, Downey in Los An gtltsCrjfiuifbrd in Sacninieifv flow U China, llaightiii San Francisco and Booth iM Sacramento. MeDigal and Downey were not elected Governors, but tiocetled rospectivelvUnruettatd Latham. ' " ' - 1 THE LEGSSL.ATtt.RE. Salem, Sept. 17, 1S72. Meuatora Itnve Intentions. After prayer, readlnz of the lonmal nnd rexut ot the Committee on Rules, 3ir. Buliltt in guve notice of Ms Inten tion to Introduce bills, to amend Sec. 2(5, ehiip. 53, title 4 : In relation to noil taxe : f;itrii-.-tioii ot ii road in Grunt and Baker counties ; ami an Hinendnient to the constitution. Mr. Webster cave notice of a bill ti define the boundaries of Coos coni'tv. Brown, ot liaker. a bill to define boundaries of Grant count v. Hills IScimI. S. B. 7. To regulate enclosure : and b. 15. , For relict Coos countv. were read 1st time. The following bills were read 2d time nnd referred : ,S. I. 2, delating to introduction ot evidence; S. B. 3, To regulate inter est on contracts ; S. B. 4. To protect churches, societies, etc. all referred to the Judiciary Committee. Scnntor resolve to jjo titulary. to the Peni. An invitation was received from the Superintendent of the Penitentiary, respectfully asking the honorable Sen ators to conic out and see him this afternoon. The Senators concluded they would. The NuicIllniTi Committee Report. This document was laid before the Senate by B. F. Burch, the Chairm:iu of the Committee. He stated that, the Committee had procured the printing ol 500 copies of the report ; that one hundred sixty odd copies bad been al ready circulated, ami tin: lialanee were in the hands of Syl. C. Simpson, Clerk of the Committee. Tlie report was promptly laid on the table, al! he Re publicans and Mr. Crawford (Deui.) voting uye. Additional oiiiiulttee Ap;o!iitcl. The President announced the ap pointment of the following commit tees: Railroad t'ornelin. Hannah. Tolen. Public Buildings P.-ittcrson. Strahau and Cowle. inco'-ii'Mrt'ions Patterson. ( 'ornelin and Po-.vrli. The Semite adjourned lo '1 v. 1!. 1'oUtJcx. After the Senate had eaten its din ner and smoked its pipe, it tackled the II. J. Resolution in regard to. rescind ing the hostile action ol a former Leg islature upon the Itthaml l.Vh amend ments. The resolution found the Sen ate in no humor to think upon the hal cyon (lays of yore, and it was laid upon the table till Friday. An Kxnminin ( oiuiuHfee. The Senate agreed to the Hon-e Joint Resolution lo appoint a commit tee to examine thelooks and accounts ! of the Secretary and Trea-uivr. Miaeellnneous beimtorlnl Conduct. ! i Mr. President gave notice of a bill to provide for a w agon road from Jack son to Grant 'ind baker counties. The President appointed on the Joint Committee on iu-ane. Me-rs. Hoult. Hannah and Tolen ; awd on Commitlee on Federal Relations. Brown, of Baker, Crawford aud Moore?. The Senate adjourned till to-morrow. HOI OI' KPItKEVrATIT. ' Smelling Committee' Report. It was lucky the House had prayer to compose the minds of the nieiiibers and prepare them for 'Hark, from the tombs;" for the next thing was the Smelling Committee's report. Mr. Cranor was rush enough to want the whole thing adopted ; luit the House wouldn't, and laid it on the table. The next thing was an invitation to go out and see -Villiam. at the Peni tentiary. The House, being amiable, said it would go. Bills Introduced nnd ltenii. The following bills were introduced: By Burbank, a bill to to provfcle lor times and places for holding Circuit nnd Supreme courts; Congle.lo amend the Portland Police Act; Langtll. to amend the act to protect niiuins claims; also, to Amend the Jackson ville charter ; Biles to protect game ; Simpson, to regulate the practice of medicine; same, to protect medical practitioners ; Caples, to relieve Judge McArlhur from duty ot holding court in (irant county read three times under suspension of the rules, and passed ; Caples. to provide for the construction of the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad ; Caples to prevent cruelty to animals. Notice of Bills. Mr. Patton save notice of a bill to provide for the erection of a Capitol budding; same, a bill to amend the soldiers relief act ; same, to amend the soldiers bounty act ; Kngle to repeal part of act regulating civil and crimi nal proceedings in justices courts; Riddle to provide for bounties on sealjis it certain wild animals ; Corwln to grant State aid tor a wagon rAad from lamliiil toCwtriop Pains, 'lillamook Bay etc ; Buly to change mode of voting from viva voce to oallot ; An drews, to provide for a loan of $10,000 to Union Academy, Union county. An In vetl;(tlon. Mr. Crawford offered a joint resolu tion providing for a Committee to in vestigate the books and accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer. It was adopted and the Speaker appointed Crawford, Gingles and La Dow. 3lr. Crawiord was grin ted leave ot absence and then the House took leave till to-morrow. Salem, Sept. IS, 1872. Employee. It wag announced in the Senate this morning that the Committee on Kn rollmenthad employed W. L.White as Clerk ; and that the Committee ou Kugrossment had employed W. A. Hjlbrook as Clerk. Bills Introduced. Senate Bill 9. relating to elections, was ordered printed. Mr. Fay intro duced S. B. 10. To orovkle torn waaon roa I trout Jackson to Grant and Baker counties; 100 copies ordered printed. Baldwin, a bill to appropriate f 10,000 for construction of a wagon road in Grant aud Baker counties. Mr. Welv ster. bills relating to assessors, nnd to amend the act relating to rights ot married wonen. Mr. Haiiiia, a bill to amend the act creating office of Register of L?nds at La Grande. " Amendment to (lie Constitution. - Mr. Baldwin introduced S. J. R. 0. to provide for amendments to the State Constitution. The proposed amend ments provide a salary for the Gover nor, 52.500; Secretary of State. $2,000; Chief Justice Supreme Court. 3.(100; Associate Judges. $3,000. Members Legislature in extra session, f5 per day ; extra session not to exceed 30 days; regular session 90 days. Limits State to debt $250,000, except in case of war or invasion. It empowers the Leg islature at any time to provide tor the election of Supreme and Circuit Judges, separately. Tlie resolution was ordered printed nnd made special order for Saturday, tlie 23th inst. Excused. The House joint resolution relieving Judge Mc Arthur from the duty of holding Court in Grant county this fill, came hi from the Hcnse aud was adopted. The term of Circuit Court iu that county occurs at the same time as the Supreme Court, and, of course, the Judge, heing a single man. can't lie in both places at once. The legis lature takes a reasonable view of the matter. A Democratic Caucus. The President announced that the Democratic mendwrsof the Legislature would hold a caucus tills evening. In the afternoon it was announced that Mr. II. K. H inn.-i h id been ii I minted Clerk of the Judiciary Com mittee, t Wanted to get In. Mr. Baldwin offered a resolution to admit Mr. Mosher. ex-Seuator from Douglas county, to a seat and moved that the resolution lie referred to the committee on elections. Lost 10 to 1 1, The resolution was then laid on the ta ble. 11 to 10. Brown, of Baker, introduced a bill for the reliet of Baker county. The Senate adjourned. IIOl'SE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - In the mornlngf Mr.' Bnrbank pre sented a petition asking lor tht; incoi porntioa of Lafayette. . - . In Jlcuiorlam. Mr. Mason presented a resolution iu resiject to the memory of Hon. J. Ra dci deceased member of tlie last House of Representatives. Is was adopted md ordered spread upon tlie journal. Mr. llirsch presented a petition from holders of disallowed and 'scaled' State warrants, referred to tlie Ways aud Means Committee. Kills Endorsed. A bill to regulate holding of Courts; Cranor. to regulate trials for divorce; wiiue, to repeal certain sections of the Civil Code; Riddle, to provide for bounties on scalps on wild animals; OipleiNt provide for mechanics' and laborers" liens; Cooper, to amend the act r-:'ulatiug terries Kngle, to amend tlx act regulating civil and criminal procedures in Ju-th-e'scourts; Bushey, to incorioi-.ite the town of Rosebuig. To Auaend the Uules. Mr. Crawford gave notice of an amendment to the rule in relation to the printing of bills, etc. to provide that nothing should le printed without a special order. Thirty-one against sixteen vote to suspend the rules and adopt the amendment at once ; but failing of a two-thirds vote, the motion was lust . Mr. Collier gave notice of amend ments to rule 43. - Investigation of Penitentiary Mat ter. Mr. Burbank offered the following : J!ss"lretl. That theComuU'tee on Piili lic Buildings is hereby wstructed to proceed with tlie Investigation of the hook and account's and expenses of the CoiiiinissioiioTS on Penitentiary BuiMing and report to the House at as early a day a practicable, and that the Committee be empowered to einpio a clerk. Adopted. Inspection of Steam Tns Matters. In the atternoon. Mr. Patton offered 41 joint resolution relating to complaints .against Steam Tug A-toria and em powering Com uiiilec on Commerce to investigate. It was adopted. Stiver Improvement. Mr. Stmt, of Washington, offered a Joint memorial a-kbig aid from Con gress for tlie purjAi-e ol removing ol strnctuiiis from the Tualatin river ; re ferred to Committee ou Internal Im provements. Mr. Simpson gave notice, of a bill to permanently lociile the Agricultural College. Two hundred copies of the mechan ics' aud laborers' lien bill were or dered printed. One of tli IT-Uonit. Mr. Simpson's joint resolution re lating to the 14th and 15th amend ments, rescinding tlie action of tlie last Legislature, was taken np as the so cial order and adopted by a vote of 33 to 15. The House agreed to meet hereafter at 10 A. Jl. amri:30 P. M. Anoilter Amendment to tlie Rules. Mr. Burbank gave notice of an itiuendmer.t to rule 20, in relation to the riglit of a member to vote on kjues 'tious iu tlie event of which they are directly or particularly interested, or in case he is not within the bar of the limine when the last name ou the roll is called. Wafcon Roads to Kelt. Mr. La Dniv gave notice of a bill to purchase certain wagon roads iu the State. Tlie House adjourned. bALEM, Sept. 19, 1872. Proceeding; in the .Senate. Mr. Webster, this morning presented a petition a-Ving aid tor internal im provements i Coos county. Baldwin rejorted on mileage ot mem "bers. It was wholly uninteresting to -anybody but the members. Referne of the Uovernor's Messe'jre. 'lite Governor's Message was refer red, as follows. That, portion relating to apportionment, to a select commit tee; State Geologist, to committee on 31ining; State taxation, to committee u Ways and Means; State Lands, to enciiinittee on Public Lands; Bain I of" .Sdiool Land Commissioners, Public Instruction. Agricultural College. Mote aud Blind Schools, to committee oh Lducntion. Messrs. II. W. Corbett and Jas. H. Shtfer were invited to occupy seats wvhin tlie lor at their pleasure. The Senate adopted the House joint resolution for a lommittee to investi gate complaints against steam tug As toria. Jena$e adjourned till afternoon. Tltr ffeint After Dinner. Mr. Strahau introduced S. B. 17, to Tepilate taxation upon foreign insur ant oorporatious doing business in this State. Mr. Fay introduced a bill relating to trawling and incidental expenses of Judges of the Supreme Court refjjred to Judiciary Commit tee. 1 1th tout 13th Amendment. House Joint Resolution in regard to the lfth and 15th amendments was taken up and Mr. Dolph moved that the Senate ronenr. The Democracy not liehiff wreiwred to go back on Greeley witltout time for explanation. Mr. Fay moved that the resolution be made the special order for Friday, Oct. 4tU, which w'as agreed to. Oregon City Cannl and Iocki, - Mr. Britov ofTered a joint resolu tion that a joint committee of tin; two houses he appointed to proceed to Oregon City and examine and report upon the Cstnal and Locks. It was agwjd to, and Messrs. llristow anil Myssrs were appointed on tlio part or tlie rseuate. A State Printer Wnntrd. Mr. Fay introduced a bill providing for a special election lo elect a Slate Printer, November 5th. HOISE F IlfclRfcl: TATI VKS. Bill Introduced, F.te. By Mr. Patton. a bill to ante' id the SKiidier's bounty act; also, a bill to provide for the const ruction of a Cap lol lmilding appropriates ,?100.000. Mr. Burbank offered his amend ments to rules 20 and 21 aud asked that they be acted iimiii lo-iuorrow. Mr. Crawford's amendment to rule 43, providing that no printing of bills, etc-, ftliould be done with a direct order ot ti. House, was adopted, 31 to 17. Several meuiliers gave notice of bills which will be mentioned when intro duced. A number of bills heretofore introduced, were rend a second time And appropriately referred. Mr. Simp;on introduced a hill to amend sec. 35. chap. 1 1, title 3, Gen eral Laws ; also a bill to provide for permanent location of the State Agri cultural College ; 100 conies ordered printeiL together with the report of tlie Commissioners, ir. L,a Dow. a bill to regulate fences in Umatilla county. , A I'rlntiiii; Expert. Mr. Crawford offered a iohit resolu tion providing for the appointment of a joint committee to examine into tlie matter ot State printing, and with power to employ an exiWrt. It was adopted, 33 to 10. Tlie nays were Messrs. Andrews. Blakely, Crook, Curran. Grant, Hodgkins, Onsteiu, bhelton, Wright and VValdon. The CanHi nnd Ejocks. The House concurred in the Senate joint resolution to raise a joint com mittee to visit and exani'nm the canal and locks at Oregon City, and the speaker appointed as Mich" committee on tlie part of the House. MessrsPow ers. Cooper and Wahlon. The Houso adjourned. The queerest thing of this queer cam paign is the unanimity and apparent zer.l with which life-long Democrats rally to tin; support of Horace Greeley, their life-long antagonist aud traducer. Undoubtedly it is a good thing to let by-gones tie by-gone. Undoubtenly it is a good tiling in all govennments, to have eftetc jwlitlcal organization dis intergnite, and to welcome the occasion and their excuses for doing so. But after all, the politics ot this country have presented nothing on a conspicu ous stage so unlooked for. so incongru ous so grotesque, and, we may add, so thoroughly immoral, as the nomina tion and support of Horace Greeley by the Democratic party. 'The bland and bahv-fneed. hut bla y,!iemmis old butTel," is what an ex change irreverently term Dr. Givelev. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMY Republican Enthusiasm In Ohio. Henderson Accepts the Nomination for Governor of Missouri. SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' YESTION. COS- Greeley Coes on a Pil grimage. MEETING OF GRAND LODGE OF OUD FELLOWS. Sumner Declines to be a Cur. tlitlate. lToroia-ii lispatc;licH. EASTKIt.N XEWSi. Ohio In a BlHce of Republican Fn tliusiiuni. Dayton, Sept. 15. The Republican meeting on Saturday evening was the greatest political gathering for many years; there were 1,500 torches in the procession. TfLoaonrl Republican XoiniiiRtlon. St. Louis, Sept. 15. Ex-Senator Henderson accepts the nomination for (iovernor by the Kepuhlicaus and will take the stump in a few days. Soldiers' nnd mlIor&' Convention. ITrr?M;iiGH. Sept. 1(1. Large num bers have already arrived to attend the Soldii'rs" and Sailors" Convention, which commences to-morrow. Gen eral Buruside is mentioned as Presi dent of the Convention. Cireeley ntsirti on n M tnjj round lite 4 trrle. Xkw YoiiK. Sept. 10. On Wed nesday Greeley will start ou a West ern tour, embracing Pittsburg, Cotntn bus, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Lom ville, Nashville. Chicago, Detroit, To ledo. Clc"eland. Krie, and the conl mine regions of Pennsylvania. Washington. Sept. 10. Seimfor Wilson arrived last nibt, and leaves for Pittsburg to-morrow. The President and family return from Long Brunch next week. Kxniuinatiuii Tor t'Mtit-tshipH. The examination of applicants for admission to the Cadet Kngineer Corp at the Naval Academy commenced this morning, and will be continued until the 2,"rti. Over lifty boys were examined aud fifteen selected for ap pointment. Urnud IxmImtp of Odd Fellow. BALTI.VOKE, Sent. 15. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of the United States meets to-morrow. Canada and Prussia will be represented. Jell. Davis Comes to the Murf.ire. Cincinnati. Spt. 15. JclTcrsnu Davis spent Saturday and Sunday at Newport and Covington oa his way to Baltimore. Sunnier UocIIih'm to bi a Candidate. '. Lonkon. Sept. 10. Clurles Simmer j arrived at Liverpool ou Saturday (in visiting the American Club he received I the tii-.-t information of hi nomination i by the Democrats and LiU-r.il Kcicii- j beans of Massachusetts for Governor, j sunnier announces he would positively decline. F4Ili:it CVM. I4li(loil l'nper on the award of the ! Arbitrator Arrest vi a 1'oliUeai Writer in i riuiee. j The London Journal rejoices at the j conclusion of the Alabama claims con- troversy and cxpresstw hopes that the j foundation is laid for a permanent ! good uuder-fanding U-tvveen the two! nations. The Standard, however. I thinks the tribunal should luve award-; ed damages only for the depredations j ot the Alabama. 1 Count Schlopis. Jacob StaempRi and j Charles Francis Adams were the three : Arbitrators who voted to allow dam- , ages in the case of the .Shenandoah. I Cockburn aud Kvarts left tJeneva ou j Saturday. Sir Itoundell Palmer is ; looking greatly fatigued. : A London dispatch says Edmund j About toe well known political writer, ; has been arrested near Mraslmrg, j France by the German authorities, i Alrout is ihimght to have oflended (Jer- j many in swine of his late writings not! yet published. j THE OPENING OF THE SOLDIERS' i CONVENTION. j Mi:niiniA tai.ksofcontfj.tixu. : The lJinl.i-;m Ist-', Crand Lodge of Odd Fel-j lows. . i rOKKitir. DISPATCHES. EASTFRS XEWS. The Soldiers) nt I'ittMbnrgh. l'lTTsnt'IiCII. Sept. 17. Delegations to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Conven tion continue to arrive by every train. Most ot the delegations are marched first to the dry Hall, where the ladies ot the Subsistence Committee made preparations for their entertainment. I'p to this morning about 15.0(H) jier sons have been ted there. Shortly after 12 o'clock to-day, several persons congregated around the Mouougahela : House, aud iu reply to calls Generals liurnside and Fail-child delivered brief and felicitous remarks, which were re- eeived with rounds of applanse for '; Grant aud Wilson, lion J. I'.. Swit-I zer, of this city, delivered an address j of welcome. Governor (Jeary followed, j extending the most cordial welcome to the National soldiers and Sailor to ' Pennsylvania. Gen. 1'urnsidc trailed the meeting to older in a speech iu which he briefly stated the origin of the Convention. He congratulated tlieni upon the great success of tlie movement, paying, iu Ibis connection, a handsome compliment to the loyal men and women ot Pittsburgh tor their labors in behalf ot the comfort of delegates. nrrrhu hi, of TVvrth Cnrolinn, lnl?is oi foutcstiuic. e Xkw Yoiik. Isept. 15. JudgpMer riinau, of Xorlb Caroling, has written a letter to a friend regarding tlie on-tc-ted election in that iStale, in which he siys he would not think of contest ing upon slight, or captious groiuuU or to gratify party caprice, but if there is substantial grounds for doing so. as he believes th re is, and if it can Ui nade to appear according to law, then if people demand it it will be hi duty aud he will do it. The Hepnblicnn majority In Nnine. Augusta, Sept. 16. The Kennebec Journal will make public to-morrow the complete oliieial returns of tlie late election for Governor from the entire State, except some small towns which , last, year returned a total vote ot 83. i Returns give Perhaui 71.S24 and Kim- j ball 51.71:!. The majority for Pcriiam l.. it r IS 14 (UC-. "Vtietlier Snuiner M ill or Wont. New Yoiik. Sept. 17. A Tribune special from ltoston says Sumner's de Viinatiou of the gubernatorial nomina tion is not credited there by Democrats and Ltlierals. Sumner has leen rti ciaily inlbniied by telegraph of his uoniinatioii, but no answer ha-s been received. Urand IamIp of Odd Fellow. I5.LTIMOl!K. Sept. 1. The Grand Lodge if the Independent Order of tJild Fellows of the United States met here to-day at Odd Fellow Hall. Forty-one 3rand Lodges and eighty five "Encampments were represented by 127 delegates. FOIM.IUN SEWS. VoMlp about the ArbltratorwThe nrrst or About Culm prrrmrlnn tor War Ihli-rs eoiUlluieu ts Uliu uinuder Vtelui. XewYork, Sept. 17. A Loudon dispatch says tnat diaries Francis Ad ams and Jacob Staempfti dissented from the jiulgment of the Geneva Con ference regaining the case of the Retri bution, ibey ni-odissent lrom tl:c de cision regarding thu ii.deuuiity to be paid to America for the pursuit of tlie Alabama and other cruisers included in the Arbitration. The arrest of About assumes a seri ou aspect and causes considerable es-cit-nenfc He is confined at Strasbourg and hi wife and children are tiot per mitted to see him. A special says that representatives of the Cuban Junta are iu council, ar ranging for a loan of $20,000,000 for the purchase of nrtnv supplies. Pauis, Sept. 10. Thiers when visit ing the Shenandoah, complimented Commander Wells on the excellent condition of the ship aud discipline ot tiw crew, and expressed a hoie that friendly relations would always endure between France and the Unit'ed State. Wells replied, thanking him for the lienor conferred ou the American navy by tlie visit of the Chief Magistrate of 'lie rench Jiepnblic. Tie' lion. John Jay, United States Minister to Austria, has arrived from VieJiua. STEA1GHT-0UT DEMOCRATS IN OHIO. Counterfeiter Arreslc!. .Tii-I'TING OF LATE PRIMERS OF WAR. Tke Ku-Klux Business Letter From Attorney-General Williams. LIVINGSTONE WRITES ANOTHER LETTER. Forei u1 Uiil cIion. HAST KB X r.ws. MraiKhtKinU ot Ohio. Cincinnati, S-pt. 17. A call was issuiil tfMlay for a convention of stniii:ht-out iviiUH'nits at Columbus. to Meet a lJeinocratic- State Ceu tnd Committee, nominate elector and make other arrangements for the coin ing election. I'njilurt of a Uarnc of Counterfeiter. Washington. Sept 17. Aitoruey General Williams receive" I a di-patch from Holly Spring. Mississippi, from Cuitel States District Attorney Wells, staling that (lie United States'Marshal had captured lvid Flyuu, a notorious counN-rfi-iter of gold coin, and nine accomplices, wiih their IimiIs and a great unaiitity of mai.ufactunsl coin. I'lynn has btvu counterfeiting for forty years. Meeting of Soldier Vrlitooen. I'lTTSliriXitL Sept. 1. Atamcet- ing of prisoner of war ycterday an orgaiiizxtiou was ell'ected by the elec tion of General Harry While. Presi dent, wiih a Mimlier of Vicv Presi dent. Gen. White iu taking the chait made n appropriate address, w hich rcci-ivei pea applause. Ileso lat'nms weie adopted looking lo the erection of a monument to the mem ory of sold'wrs who ierished in relx-1 l:i-ns: al-o resolutions that the As- social ion nx-ct aain at Pitt-burg July Jd, 1 -73. About tlir Pnrdon of Ku-lilcses. Wasjiin rroN. Sept. 1. Attorney General Williams replieil to Alexau iler H. S'"plteiis" petition for the par don of all K-Klnx conlined in the Al bai.y prison. 1'be Attorney General denies tlie ih-gations of Stephens that the i-onviition of tl.e Ku-Klux w.l il legal, and that t'fir pardon would lie an aet of ju-ti.v :iml friendly teeling toward tlx- Smth. lie says to pardon all of tliem would have no more polit ical signiller.i;ce than the pardon of tho-e convicted for violation of other statutes. Anwtlier L-SKr from LJviuirstoue. Xkw Voi.tc Sei.t. 13. A Hei-ild sjiecia! from Bombay says that letters have Ii4-cii received from Dr. l.iving stone. dateai July 1-t. Is72. He was still :il Unyan.vambe, well, and wait ing (lie arrival of StanWy's second ex pedit ion. ilUlter Xouilnntion iu Xorlli Cnro linn. WaI1IN:TON, S'pt. 1. I.i'wis E. Johnson, .-on of Keverdv John-on. is noininatel fort 'ongi-ess hy the bolting Kepublii-ans if Xorth Carolina. oiu:i; ncvvs. I'lforM of lire triislan t;overiint-nt lo l'reent l.iiilirrlUloii 1:iikIIIi JimiiiihN ou tlie K-auit of tlie A r bitrntion. IlKltl.tN. Sit. 15. The Government has is-mi-d a second circular iu still more threatening terms than the orig inal one aaiu-t emigrants, whom it declares will le treated a outlaws over whom surveillance and supervision nmt In inttutl. Despite the Gov ernment, emigration has been only slightly a fleet eil. l.oMKN. Sept. Id. The Tory jour nals are liitier over the result of the Geneva Arbitration. The Advcrti-cr says : "What a farce has liceii played at Geneva, where England has been adjudged to pay tribute to a bully who repudiates its own obligations." The Herald breailies defiance and hatred against, Americans, and says that a breach t.ctivn the two countries would have leen imminent. Of course, bad the arbitrators decided upon a larger sun for indemnity. Eng land would have pa iii it : if they bad awanlisl nothing, America could but show Iter teeth. What humiliation next await ? The Standard com ments Ukiii lbs award in a similar strain, and ay: "We went to Gen eva for justice sihI reconciliation, but instead met with invectives from the American 'mi!:el and a partially ad verse award dictated lather by a desire for compromise than by etpiity. The whole proceedings, iu connection with the arbitration arc entirely unsatis factory to England." Le Xord, a newspaper published iu llse intervsi ofliie Kussian Government leuie- tlK" n-port that the C'zar will de tfmud the abrogation of the treaty of fa i is. Wlwfit "ui Liverpool 13sS13s 3il. lirmois ssttite Fair opened well on Uie DJth. Joins Kiddle confesses to the murder A Callalran. at t'bieapo. Siniim-r has :irrivel at Paris, with greatly impaired health. flov. Xoye, of Oliin. returns from Indiana and says that St.-ite will go for 'in nt. j lviuc: Atnadeiis ot Spain stiys he is determined to subdue the rtliellion in .;u)ku Hvp thousand dollars has been snl seriVied at Vietoria for tin: I'avilion race. S-pt. iritli and 21th. five thousand dollars worth ot furs were seized by the Siieriffat Vietoria as they were being landed from the Meanier Otter. The San Franciseo money market is steadily growlii"; easier. Yestenlay the Iaiik of t'alilirni;i received if JOO," 000 from Xew York by transfer. Since July 1st. ,1. ships have been loaded nt Vallejo and Oakland with wheat for England. Goldsmith Maid and Luey Imve ar-l-ived in San Francisco and will try their ss?ed again-t Staulonl's horse at an early day. The earnin-rs of the C. 1. It. It. for August wcre'Sl.'iSS.OOO, and nearly $11,000,0(10 this year. The preliminary survey of the S. V. at. K. via San (iregorio 1'ass was coin . mciuvd yestenlay. A I'aris diateh says tliat Count de Poneset has asked an explanation of the Prussian Government respecting the arrest of About. News fioin Kootenai i encouraging. The mines are paying ou an average very fairly, but there' Imve been no new strikes of any importance. Goods of all kinds are Li fair demand, and money is plentiful. A Constantinople dispatch says it is understood some trouble has arisen re garding the annual tribute of $3,000, annually paid the Sultan by the gov ernment of Moutenegra, aud tliat war will ensue- The jury in the Fair murder cae is now full Nine hundred and fifty were called lietore twelve qualified were obtained. The names of the tweive are Wni. Englander, K. Ken-113-. XV V. Sherwood, M. J. Doon, Kohert Creighton, G. B. Merriam. Is.nlnrc Gaus, Lewis Kunk. II. XV. Isvu'.gton. A. Tre'iOhell. P. -MoGee a '.-l C. I'. McOu-ker. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Vlnerar Bitters are not a vile Fncv Drink, niaOe of Poor Ruai, WliiskT, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, eplced. and Rwertcncd to please the taste, called. "Tonics," "Appetizers," 'Restorers," ic, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. Thejr aro the Great Blood purifier and a Mfe-irivtnfr Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigor alor ol the .System, currying off all polaonous matter, aud "restoring tlie blood to a healthy condition, enriching It refreshing and ln vlgoratinzlwth mind and body. They aro easy of administration, prompt In tlielr ac-. tlon, certain In their results, safe and reli able In all forms of disease. No Person ran take tbeo Bit ters according to directions, and remain Ions unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyaprpsin- or Indigestion, Head ache, l ain in tlie Shoulders, couglis. Tijrht nes of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Erncta tlous of the Stomach, Had Taste In tlio Muu:h, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, lnrtammatlun of the Lungs, Pain in i.:c rc0nn of the Kidneys, and a hundred o!hT painful svraptoms, aro the offspring of Dvsm pMj. In Itirso complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better ruarantee of lu merits ihan a lengthy ad urUsemrnt. or t rinale C omplaints, In young r n:d. iimmcd or migl", at the dawn of .j't:iaii!i'm.l, or the turn of life, these Tonic :u-M iMsplay so decided na lnDuence that marked Improvement is koou perceptible. ('or Influmnialory nnd Cbronic 11 lirumntiaui uud I. out, DyHjifpsia or inoi.'-siion, biiious, H-'nuUent and lutcr inct. ut Fevers. Diseases of the illixxl. Liver, klMes and l'.laililcr, these Hitters have Is'rn neii. Knccesti:i. S'jcli i);sfses tru -all el i,y Vi'.ialed Llmirt. v.-i:lf!i is p-uer;,;i ; prndnccd by ilcraiifLUHi.t cf the 1 ngihlne Organs. tor Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tct trr, Salt lliicuni, liiou:tit-rt, Spcls, I'impU-s, Pustules, lluiis, Carbuncles, Klng-wurm Scald-licail, Sore K.ycs, Frysipelas. Itcli, Scurfs, DiscolurutioiiS of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the ?kin. of whatever name r nature, are literaliy die up and carried out of i lie system la a bhort time by tlie use of tliese Bitters. (!ne b ittle In such cases will i-Diiviuce the mo.st lacredulous of tlieir curative effects. t'leaiine the Vitiated Blood Whet ever you U:il ilstm purines bursimi. lliroiiRli ihe Ki.1 In Pimples. Eruptions, or Sores; - leanse it when you tfn.l it obstructed and tujrgbh ia tlie veins ; cleanse V. when it Is uul ; j lur feeling i will tell you irht-n. .'ieep t:,e blood pure, aa l ll:e heitaof t!;e : y;eia will tuilow. E'in. 'H'aiw It Tirf other Vortns, .r.rkuiii In liie sy&t.;ui of bo uiauy tliousauds, ;.re tltectually destroyed and removed, fays a distnuuVhcd pio .siol"ii : There u r-cimlyuu iiidividual on the face of the carih whose body is exempt from the pres ence of worms. It is not upon the healthy cl.inentsof the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits luatbreed tties,; livinit inousters of disease. o r-ystem of inifiieme. no vcrinil'Uires, no-.".:illielmiiii:ir-s, will free the Fystciu iroai worms like these Deters. VIi-c liunicul t)ieiises. Persons en pareil la Paints and .MmeraiH, such ai I'lumbers, Typesetters, l.old-beaters and Miners, us tle yadviir.ee In life, are tubject to paralysis ot the ilowe!. 'i'o iruard against tins, Like a dose of WaLKEU a inloak lilT Tc. us twice a week. Itilioiis, ISemittcnt and Intrr KiitK'nt 5-'e er. Witu li are so prevalent in liie altes of our great rivers throagh ont Hie I lilted Sian s. i speelally those ol the Jli.ssi-.sippi, ul, in, Jji-.st.un, Illinois. Tennes see, (.'uiuberluuil. Arkansas, Ked. Colorado, Dra.os, lliit;ranile. Pearl, Alabuma. Mobile. Savannah, Koanoke, James, uud luauy others, .iih tin ar vast tributaries', ttironKh out eur et:'.iro country iliiniii; Hie Summer End Autunia. uud remarl.:.blyso dunngsea r.o:is of unusual heat and dryness, are in variably ticeoiapuuied by extensive de rangements of liie. stottiacli aud liver, and oiler abdominal viscera. I,i their ln?at inent. a purgative, exertuz a powerful In fluence upon the&o various organs. Is essen tially neeessai v . Uiere Is no cathartic lor the iur,ose eyiial to Dn..i. Waukeh's Vise car iinTKiis, i.s they will speedily remore the dark -colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the Mine time siimuhniug the secretions of the liver, aud generally resioring Ihe licallhy Junctions of th" digestive organs. Srrofuln, or King's I.vll. White Swellius. L leers, Krysipeias, Swelled neck, neltre. erotulous lunammalHms. ludolent lallamaiauoiis. Mercurial Affection, (lid Sores, l.ntptions of the Skin. Sore F.yes, etc.. etc. In these, as In all other consniu-. tional Diseases, Walkkk's Vimcoak Urr THu.s have shown their great curative po ers iu the n.o.-t otstmate and Intractable cases. Ir. W Hiker' rallforniu. Vlsf ftur Biiiii uci ou ail (hese cases iu a. Minilar maimer. By pun: lug the Blood they remove the rausv, and by resolving nwiiy Ihe effc ts of the lunammation (tlie ti;l reular ileposOsi tlie aiTccied parts rr (eivp iualth, uud a perniaueut cure Is e.'feetcL 'J'Ih- Aperient and mild Laxarrre properties of Int. Walker's Viveoak Bit 'i'liiLs are ihe test safe-gnu rd In ra.su of erup tions and malignant levers. Their halsamir, healing, and stsittiiug properties pnsei t trm laimorsef the lances. Ttntr Seilative pnip- rne.s allay pain iu fac nervous sjstetn, sion:arh and liowels. either from lnflauima ttoti, wind, colic, cramps, etc. lUrecilons. Take of the Bitters on going lo bed ut night from a half lo one and one-naif wine-glassful. Kat gol nourishing food, such astieef-steak. mutton chop, veui Mn. roost lieef. and vegetables, and take .mi-door exercise. They are composed of imrcly vegetable Ingredients, and contain ::o spirit. It. II. JTIcnOAI.D &. COM Tlmgglsia A fien. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., & cor. Wa-sliiugton aud Charllon Sts N.V. SOU) BY ALL DIU OrilSTS i D"ALER3. Set it .24.l v VOOD PUMP I Best and mast Improved WOOD PIMP ow in use. For raising water for ItoineMtlc PurpoMMi. or for Burn or stock' Vrl). F.verv man who ha had experience in tbo .llffereni wa of r.ili-i g w ater, knowa THERE IS SO WAV OK !OlS(i IT SO t llKAl'LY. and lhal there is no I'limp so lumli'e. eonvenlcnl and free from imiMrting unheallhy clemeuts lo Ihe waler a, Ihe plain WOOD Fl'MI'. M:imif;:otnre 1 by the SALEM PUMP COMPANY. t'IMIER &. II A. VS. Snlem, Se)it. 2, 1870. wlV IKE BISHOP SCOTT GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A Iloanliru uud Hay Scimiil fr Uo.vs, Ptiriluml. nPHE SEXT TERM WIl.I. BEOIX OS TIIE lt cralier. A lnii ssion i niii;v PROF. K. w. I.AISO, or to IllIHd' MORRH BUg'i"72-Willl f f MINERAL AND HOT SPRINGS On the McKenzie River, sixty miles taist of Eugene Cltv. t -e of the walersfrom these Springs Cv Kit ItllKl MATISM, OVSHK.rslA ANII .NE4KLI Al 1. l llKOMC I1ISKAS1S. llathing arrangenienis complete and conve nient. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS by eminent phy siisans s!iw the waters to posses EXt EL I.KST MEDICINAL, and CURATIVE ViCALITlE:. Spleiuli.l Wagon Road to the Springs. K. 8. BELKNAP. Aug. It, li. lm-w Proprietor. STrH ELENrSH ALU A Boarding and Day School for Girls. rjMIE NEXT TERM WILL BEC.IN ON TOE -Atli ol S-seiteiiiler. Ear iv application for Boarders should he marie "to MISS KOUNEY, or to BISHOP MOUKIS. auginj-wim. The only Uellablc Covering for Ihe Foot Good Cable Screw Wire BOOTS AND SHOES. seplOrwlm A Voice from Nevada. From Virginia City a poor anflerer, almost devoured auve by aa ulcerous secret diea-, semis iu his ibanka and gratitude for his re covery to health, effected by those sterling good "me licines, Brintol'a UtrNrill aiKi I lllsi eliilshe.ltir over forty years; ihev have the ounll.ience of bolh diviors and paiienM. sepi;"7wIt.'Ul I I REAL ESTATE. J. STITZU. C. C. WAV. A. TATI.OH. Real Estate! Real Estate! JACOB S1ITZKL & '(., REAL ESTATE AND MOXEV IJRl kers. ltooins on Urst floor corner Front and Washington streets, Portland, Oregon, will attend to the aale and purchase of real estate In all parts of Uretron. Special atten tion given to the sate 01 tanning utnua. April 10. aaxu. GEO. U. JOS M. J. H. fATTEKSUX JONES & PATTERSON, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. -AND- GENERAL AGENTS, Opcrit House Block, HALOt, OltEiiOX. tT Attention Is Called to the fol lowing Dparrlptlon of Property FOR SALE: -g g acred St miles east of Sublimity: 1 100 aorvg in cultivation, h.Hiw? aud barn. All umler fence and well watered with fine springs, frloe ri,0o0. f & i.:res 2 miles north of Salem on I. Vine hmitM. mil y ihe Singe roa-l.. pplenill'l orchard; abundance of small fruit ; rU-h mil for ganlenitig and good timber. 1'tice i,lo0. KANDM ACEK lota within one mile of w the court house ; rich soil ; price fbO to flue per acre. f N M a. rrn. It miles enrt of (lervais, 4fl At Utt .-re prairie, all fence 1. lOfta-rc uiie limtier, rnuutng whit lor hciicI. price, 1U jer ocr. -fjfiicre on King's Pnilrlo. K x 9 Co., SO acres in coHnaii In Linn on, g orcliarii, house anl barn, ami plai-e well im prove.!, a!! fenced and well waiereil; price si,uuo, a oargaiu. t Aa.-won King's Prairie, line lionseaud barn and good improvemenu; price. Ol A acres 9 miles ea-t of Scio, Linn Co., aiu acreslnciilllvalion, house and barn, small orchard, well watered; price, U per acre. 01'Taere7 mile-east ofalem, splendid Oil hon-aj and burn, good orchard, abnn iao. e of small frul:, gxil spring nt tlie house anil plenty of stock water, ioo acres good plow 'and. 50 acres of line timothy meadow : price, $.i,tO0. A rate bargain. I D acres 7 miles east of Salem. J.VI acres T lO iien laud, 140 acres in cultivation, J orchards, plenty of small fruit ; giKHl spring water for stock '; price, 8,000. f "141 ACRES 2J miles north of Sheri TtJS dan, Yamhill county, a choice farm, rich soil, under good fern: I"i0 acres in cultivation ; house and barn and small or chard; all prairie excel enough of limber for wood ; offered very cheap ami on easy terms. Of A :RES one-half mile south of R. R. J'jb depot at Sa'em; well suite-1 lor gar dening; price 30 per acre. - fif"fc ACRES four miles north of Salem: B 9 small improvements; lnnd well located and some flue timber; price 110 per acre. ATB 4 ACRES in Polk cnuntv 4 miles n (15 HtTb w of Sa'em; . acres In cultiva tion : good stock water and range; er acre. "M fl fA1tES in Polk county, 1J miles w M I" of Saletn; Improvements good; SO acres in cultivation ; price $2,UU0. S"i" ACRES7 miles south of Salem; all JU under fence; good barn and house considerable Improvement ; price til per acre, in quantities to suit purchasers. Q lT ACRES 15 miles north eat of Sa Milt m lem, on Ablipia creek ; 75 acres In cuiitvutlon; good range, well watered; price 11 per acre. -g flfh ACRES of laml 4 miles northeast of Jl " " si Iverton, with Saw-mill on prem ises; price 11200 very cheap. -g M ACRES Smiles northwest of Salem; Ht M 4V MO avres in cultivation: eoid I range, well watered and good orchard; price 91 arr acre. , OOf ACRES 12 miles east of Salem ; I small improvements; prlcc3uno. j OilA ACRES 4 miles northeast of Pil 9 m "l W verton; valuable farm; well Im prove,! ; good new house and barn ; lonacres la cult!ra:lon; price Itonu; terms easy. I ACRES half mile west cfSalem: I J'.J' terry lamllng; well improveil ; ' ieraere, near prk j - f t ACRES eight miles south of Salem, ' fi Jl " " on I he suite road. 40 acres umler cultivation ; nearlv all umler fence: ordinarv hotie ami barn ; goed young orchard ; price I f l,ZUV. ! 0 ARES one mile sonth-wet of Sa 0lem. In Polk county. All under J fen.: 50 acres In cultivation; small house and Urn; good voung orchard ; vervdesira- j ble locatkm for gardening purposes; price f CITY PROPERTY: i j OTS 1 awl Blnrk ft, Jones' 'lill!lon to j SLA Saletn. pMo.il. huuso ; price, II, OK). r'V 4fikt fHt of BUvk No. 13. H, i J. m9l W. corner Jones' addl-1 tion to Siilrm, with house and improvement! : price, $7i. fOT 4. Tllock , cltv of Salem, fine house, J well tlnisheil, near the (J. 1. Church; price, KOO. nOVSE ami halfhlnck In Jones' aMII Ion ; H story house well flnlshedand grounds well improved ; price fiiuo. LOTS R and ft, block 4, Reeds' addition, va. cant and fine location ; price t450. UorSKand 1( lots in Robert's addition; belonging lo M. li. Moore; price 1.'UU. RESI1 iKNCE of l S. in-.ir. on Capital .; price ft-MU. LOTS 5 and 6, bhvk ii. on Church street vacant; price 4WKI. .(KICK store, north end Stnrkey's block MM tlre-pront ; s rooms on secind floor good brick warehouse; prlc tlMO. 2 LOTS in Albany, hear the court hone price J700; Inquire of Thomas Montelili, Aliianr. HOUSE and lot on Front street, near bus iness ?.-ut of Ihe cltv : now occupied by Mia. J. L. S:arkey; price JJU0. jTBOt'SEand lot, s.nith Salem: nearrpsl- BV den,: of II. Owens; house uuiiuislieil ; price ?8.iil. Tlie Ren tine .nnd lnlnr nf nil ktndsol pnierlv. (7olle-.llon of I'l.-ilms 1 oiiveyanc.lng, Ac, will receive prom nt lenlioti. For further Information aik'ress, JOSES A PATTERSON", Sa'-om, Oregon. Api-12:U REWAED Foa AN Incurable Case! X DR. LE RICHATJ'S GOLDEN BALSAM! Af tcr t-n vrara' trial en this Coast ha I proven Itself tho only rurstiv in rrrtain rU of Jismscrs pronounced by xutdlcal practition ers aa incurable. Dr. Le Bichan's C0LEEH ElLSlMKo.i- ("Trrs Cbancrvfl first and second ciagrs. Bori s cm the lgs or B.)Jy: Bore Kara, Ey. Kin, r.; Copper-colored Bbtch, Hyphilitio dtarrh, Biseaacd Scalp, and all primary lorm cf the disease known s Byphilia. Price, $i ptr bot tle, or two for $a. Or.LsBicbaa's G3LCETI BALSAl.Ko.2 enrea Tertiary, Uerrnrlal, Rypbllitie PJinuca. tisra. Paina in the Boom. Ut. kot the Krtk. 11. cerated Sore Throat, PypbillUc Hash, I.umpa and Contracted Cords. StifJnws cf the Limb), and eradiratca all dtsraara from the system, whether ca.us.xl by indlscretloii or il'ms of merenry having the blood pure and lualibj. Price, (3 per bottle, or two fur $9. Dr. Le Man's GOLDEH SPANISH AN- tidote, for tb Core ot Oonnnrhoea, Gleet, Irrl Ution, Gravel, and all Cnn.ry cr Genlta disamngementa. Price, ti-60 per bottle. Dr.Le Bichaa,i GOLDEN SPANISH IN- Jf tion, a wash and in) eetion trr severe eases of Goonorboja, Iafimmmatory Gleet. Btricttmra, and all diisiaca of tbe Kidneys and Bladder. Priee, $1.50 per bottle. lino Areata for DR. IE KICEATT8 OOIBEH" PILLS 'or Seminal -akne. Nlcl't Imls sions. Imnntenrv. snd all dlasssrw arl.tr frr-m Masturbation and xr-Mdre abnav-s. 1-rire. (3 n bottle. The frrnuine Goui Balauk Is pat np only In round bottlsa. On roe-lot of prt'-. these snsdlelnea; wni 1 sent to all 'WU of the country, by exrm-aa r mail, swnndy parked and tree from cbstr. vution. sole Agents, C. F. RtCHAItDS CO. V-TmlmBl and Krtail nrugirlsts and Xf CU iiiiats. 8 W. ror. Clay k flansosM bu-i i ts, baa 1- ranrlsca, cal, Mnvn:lrlT $1,000 Balwri Y'iM Cl'ttES Tl BTTB0X0KS NOT AfUr rsuSinc t " srrF. intH paix, RADWAY'CEADY RELIEF, IS A Gl'B ITlvRT rI.V. f THE ONLfATJI EEMEDT , TW loUJlly Sf4 udnotitaac H, Hr i W,lklMHi, I ' , ' ? IS FROjftl TO TWtXTT MIKtmS. Urn matur htiMatfw nnxm.lmt lha mmim Ik. f KHKL'MATI44iUn, latnu, Cr.rt,M, , Nvurmipc, eritnUvA ita 4mmm Mr wtr. , RADWf S READY RELIEF - wifcrroiii) ikstakt case. INFLAUMCN Or THE KIDNEYS. -Ns I AHMaIioN UK Tilt SLADDML -M Of THK BOWELS, '.-.t.L.sjiu.' Or I HE USW, DIHICI LT DKKATHI.NU, rAuriiATlON or Til. HKAXT, BOLI, DIPHTIHRIA, PITllUU IWtl'VMVA irOOTHACHK, ' ' ! :-ukalgia. rhecmathm. if: ACIC CHILLS. : CHILLS. .l IM KEAOT RELIEF W IM rh.r. Iht Mia ar 4iakltr atUU will 1 ! MM tamtln- at aur -III In taw LIA M1S.. srASMS, hotll STOMACH. .CHIL MFWOtTHLKK. IllAtKHILA- . (XI LIC. WlnU 1J, T11A UutaAXa. IIU.A1. I Aii 14 slWATt rarrv WtlW af Hm4 : KrUrf vita iW. A few fa. Mt laliKwMia MMatroMcMaaaf walat. f rnrawa iMaauy w biimt. a. a ilnaiaai (ER AND AGUE. FEVEBi) AG0Cr4 fcr tftr wtitt. TMf I Mflt nrtni til h thM rl4 HuU ill cm and A)ru4,4 til tBirr kUlatitm., Ulioos, ScarUo Typhoid, Jiew, u4 otWr frcvtri tsmlwrd br ttAV' Ai fLS W i4 M hAlVtAVS READY TH! BEAUTY!! D PUKE RICH nLOOI-lsieHISE 1 AND WCU.IIT CLKAH SKIN ASIV L'L CuMrLEXIWM ktCUKtLITO ALL. EADWAY'S Mil JSfet HAS MAI , f THE MOST AsTO.HISHINa - S SiQI.il. , 1K,1A BAPIU AKIL TMt CHA.S..I. I H-Ji' I :1SD, Ril iM. VMJEB THE INK!.- Lf ill: Jl Tut LI y.UiMUJ.L lltLU.Ai 1HAT fl Every j sI)a? a.-.areaao ia FkalA and V.I i'eiiit ia Seoa and Felt. ' THE &;1&GAT BliHH) PLRIFIEA. V SAMtPAlUUlAJI BESOLT itk iM BImX. mm, UMa. ENT mou. and otMr . uj.k9tmt th t-rtafli Ika vlfar af life, for U I waabt f Oja Mr w.lk m-m tm-ai mat. i kL Scnfab, STrUU.C aaatla. Cla. alw A- . fm, Vlott. hi tw Ihms, UoxA, Taaaara. Hislaa is I! ta GUarfa ul ctbrr aaru f IM ifMam, lm t Era., bind koai tHiaaarcal fraej IM Caa, lal lAa weiat.' ' lift prlneipU, r wtlkiji U 4rnUr mm f wvmm r ot .womb v natrMaWT.Miti few mu, to any prf4m it Ur fiiMr tf Usm fcru timm i. If th MtiMt. )V III tlMi 1 ,L . . m4 tMMaipouni1 md. iaV KI-mtM. 1 Willi new sutton j th. SAKS A FA -li 11 mm nvtm iM'twjr Mm itf ol tmly ( H known rcMMrdiJ .rm IX ' Wmr KIDNEY AXI t'rtmaYTT Ml4 WBl a ilel- UrmT. DtsJwlM. IttrlM 1 !( btiator of L'rtwr. hriffcfi Ui. LmmI ta .i mm km ihnw v L or thm watr U iMrk, bMi, mamm k lb w kite of et Uww lik HI vorsM,rivfct hi I ih yfrrmmcmw mm epotiU, mmd wkmm tkw m m prick- liavk autl aV-aa; ik Lo4 fni, fl.uo. hn, AttMOiianrr.. kricjjdnt (Mitt f With MltwUiH t whitt fitk, vr thtri mni wbiW bWrl f ion, lmruiiit m-d j tha Suikil ! I be . J WOKMS. TTmj otiTt iv -PIN, TAIE,t I Tumor wa a&d aura Km. lor roftMS 12 Yeart' Growth Cured 'lf ltndmy't ltrlwrnU Dr. l AADWATS I la, ritwanllv coatotl with wvat I', paHfv. clt.. au'l Mrttrtka. K4- r n.e run, mi :t i,ror if lh SOSMk. Kr4BMr, KitWtcMrr, .NwOM IMnnrt. Heaaiackr. 1 Wtiration. C'4MaMM. Itarl mmrtUm. ! MMia, B Imm, tilurn Ke.tr, iDftunnAriM of tow r , mj4 all 1 rmmmT ol ik Bowels, 111., Vwccra. Wl krraatc ta ckWt a Houlir raiw WI- iMiaimlac mm tuavrrary, Jbitwraic, ar 4mlm- Writmi viruy J YtfrllM. f RAtWATS PIIXS witt fraa W mU tbc afaa--r-aaMl dix.rvi. ordvrt. Pnet, Ifc SOLD KY DRfuGiSTS. ALSF, AND TKCE." fUA AM l. ' LA D WAY 4 Ca Ha.tt Wama Strwt. lafonnaua wortk UtouautU will b ms 8epCW:lr 11HE UNFORTUNATE. sewpIemedies! xew jemedies f DR. GIBBON'S BISPENSARY. C23 Kearnj Street, Comer Commercial St., SASrSMCISCO. Establlsl cd In 1W4, for the treatment of Sexual and Seminal lilsenses, snch aa lonoi- rhea. Glee . stn.-,ture. Syphilis in ail it Wc-tkiiexs, ltmolenrv. clc forma, Sem Skin Disco, i ofyearK' standing and I'lcer. cesHfully trealeil. aled Legs u SK luilnal Wnkaew, Seminal ci lilssion the onisequence of tsli abuse. This VIiiry vice, or depraved sexual Indulgeiu-e. pra,lccl by the youth of both sexes loanalikiost nnllmiledevteni.proiluclng with unerring Icertaintv, the following train of morbid symisloms, unless combated by cl enlillc mdlicall measures, via : Sallow ceiinleiian,-e, ibirk spots umler the eyes pain In tlhc he d, ringing In Ihe ear. noise like the 1 rustling of leaves and rat tllne nf elutritita, uneasiness about the imiis. cniiisenm vision, blunted Intellect. loss of conllden. dltttilence in annrnachina- lrangt-rs,a di! e lo form new acquaintances, bun aoclely, loss of memory. Ivan his eriiptionsabout the n disposition to t beetle flushes ai lih-e, furred tonf I ic, iciHi nream, oouglis, cn- weaU. aonnmanla and fm. sumption, nlgm oin'iit insanlrv. .If relh-f bo not obtained. the sitiTerer sltonld annlvimmedliatelT.in r son or hy letter, iknd have a care euected br ' his new and sclci StirUi ramie of treating thi'a disease, which nev-Wr tails of effe.mmr a aulck .uul radical cure. ,Lr. H. will give one hun dred dol'ars tonn.r person who will prove snrlsfactorily tohirVi that hr was cure.1 ofthU complaint by eiibr et the Sua Francisco ijuncas. ttirrillat Home. Persons at a dtstnlic may i, CT'RED AT HOME, liyaddres1g a letter to Ir. Ulhlw.n, staling ease, symptotas, length nftlme the dis ease luiseout lmied.nirt riavndWdneroini)t ly lorwanled, rree frsm damage and.-nrlortt v, to any part of ihe . fcutury, wlta full and plain directions tor tike. Persona writing to Iho Doctor will please atntethe name of Ihe taper tbev raw ttua ad vertisement In. I By Inclosing 110 eoth, n rnrtstered letter Ihronghlhe Post Ofll or IhriHUrh Walla. K.r. go Co., a rsv-kage" wnnled to any part of if medicine will he for- Hne u nion. All crreioiiilen,-e Wrk-tly eonflrlenttal. Addrasa UK. J. K IltBOS. Kearnv street. San Fran-isco. 1-oetoiHce Box 1.857. ' Feblmlcod'.wlj- Will strw everytihig ttti. the hsariest to tbs i f Bails', frees t fabric. IT IKIES HOKE WO more Knrm ASD Than any ether If then is ft Flore: a IT. china within one thorn d miles of San Francisco not wor Well and giving entire gatisfneti if 1 sat in wnded to itad to the formed of it, it will -without expense of owner. ay SAMUEL HILI 19 New Moatj ry Strert, Grand Hotel Building, Saa Fran Bh4 for Cirtmlar sme the work. AMv Agtnti vary plae. Feb. 1 dwlv 1 OREGON WOOBEN WARE MANUFACTURING CO. XAACrACriKiis or - Backets, Paits.ffi.bs, firkins ALL. KINDS WiODEN WAREr ' THE Comnanv ara pared to fill all Or, .Uls. Ash Kits,tiiU. iters for Ash and Port a r ter Firkins, Wash Boa ana wooin Usn. hip, .vo., . ' f j ' BUT Aildrcst all onmit'inl.-s-HoM to J. D. IM Wl, Ang.9 fortlnnd. oreg-m. 11 ' HOUR l KtiMniiMi)i. I V? ,) BTRONts OK 111 UKAtJ f m llrad, Rta, : tWorm, Sail llhaam. Erjala., An.. BUk Su, l,.nw la ll. 1 1, Tw, Cmn J urn m4 ii .ii, Kxun-at. i.m. Bora. ImIJ T.'ltTlit ftwaau,' mm tt Bpm, -mM all Mtu THE ". V 1 F K I v 6 IS 1 V VOIK. Vaohlnew acewin tmi be I 1 II I 1 1 IF . . n r-t