The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, September 24, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    haV laa V U ll It
- "IIIWIMl,lMIMsaaaMaaMaMaaaB '' ' .m.
If the
r than ,
it t o
s. Kp -
in all Ms
ut trim
and fur
w Purnl
4i h,ie
led wilt
1 15eccrc SS
,,;:r:- - r J
he cir
From Daily' of fit
May Sfjt,
iterday received
e follow inc lettt-rJwliic
explains It. II.
We were informed if the
cts as wc stnuu
them, but we cheerfully !
the corrte-
uou.. Tliere spptsrs to be
d with tlie afliur. vrhicU
. mvtKrv colineet-
pheii cleartd up
iy implicate iwiihcr TUrt-
m this sail ol-
v la,r-. . " e fnrtlier de
I elopements, and
ruoiwn tue letter in full:
Editoh Statikmas. Sri:
ISept 19, 1872.
-t wish to cor-
rect a statement tluit annea
I m the Staes-
mk of September lttli in r
rcard to tlie n-
lind dead on the
iiue oi i nomas Kenedy,
road leading from Gervais
ttu halem. Hi;
came tliroujih Salem tbe sa
Ine day tlie acei-
dent o mrred, and wa seen
was acuuainn rl with him.
lly personi Uii.t
Itlia Doay was
found about fire milt from
in Ik ad on hm carpet' sack
lud a revolver
liotitied of tl e
iu ins ng!it nana, i wan i
facte aim summoned a iurv
to hold an ii
11 him a above
quest on his bodv. We fuun
slat ., and after examining a-1
ll the witni .-H-
wis Knew anything about t;
Cuisick made a rxt mora ni t
lic niatU r, one
laniinatiori i'f
him. We heard of eiduice
iat we could
not get at tlmt time, and we
therefore ad-
journe4 until Saturday, ts th
evidence that he KastfsliU by
re is htroii"
Dome other
vi ui. iuC siausqeut oi
drunkard in a niistafce. He
uui being a
a aobtr.
Kmart young man. I have kn
long time, and I thoisht it w
let the statement ko uncorrtcti
I'wn him for a
wron to
Id. Vheuev-
er tl e jury give in thir Ti-rJAj
it at the County Ckrk'i olri
heard of hU beini insiuie t iiu; can aee
1 never
ly tune. Ills
rritiid live near Lhaa:ix(!.
Your? He"!':
Chasok ir Fv-V nnlif Jce the pro
prietors of Gill A Steel Uik.4 j"jre "J diis
city busily eiieaiwd in iiivoieinl a'1" Prt"
tiaratonr in s.f,ioinlt'l.aiiie ii
VV. It. liarr, for some time pal
o a. u. iioon in the sutiout
is negotiatinir for the stvk, ai.;
hrm will I known as W. K. 1-
"Mart" Chamberlain, however.
at the old stand for tlie pivseut
cuatomin with hia uaual uTaoe. J.I
7y ft x,h Mej)f- 21.
i ttnire rone!
ronrh tiim ui T
f ifer nitilled out Broke 1 1
f bruised bodtea.
Mr. John Gillert who arrivi
yesterday afternoon, from
lias fiunir-htd us with the partiii
incident of stage travel more
than agreeable.- Friday) night, a.
rolling along, with every appear.
ty, at the fistot JlTUe tliu.
south of iiiateburg, the stage
lurch and over it went, and ;
nail, baggage, etc., were deck
tip. Tliere were ten passengers
naps the unvcr, three ot the n
ladies. Toe driver, a man nan
received mranes from wlitiS
jimihtfiil if iu, itpi- reolver
-was badlv broken, and his toftV'le severely
cruslicl,and it is now tVamf fiat he has
sustained internal injuries of; a serious na
ture. The passengers on tbxf inside of the
coach escaped with less seriy" results, bnt
there were some bones hror n, and several
Mwsengeni were preth" tbrouglily waked
p. Mr. OUliert savs that fcand-boxes, bon
BeU, hats, hiavv "boots, ennoline, white
,vbjr'hwi miislin, and cassimere suits
were' iutTTla'mcibf'd aiid it was
sometime Ix-fortr w5Rlr,tor1- 8'
of the passengers-Mr. Gilf3" ,"on5thc
number escaped without a Fra,l'n- utUer
ronvevBitccM were f umisheil Blld. tlie parties
proceeded hi spite of thei acc-ident. Mr.
iillert came through from han F rancisco
in three days and six hours. !
Off AoAis.-Our visitors Fm mi or
less migratory in their hi"" Vl Jat"
Thev begin ths-king inU) SflfcIU Monday
morning, rush hither and vF" uPn "ur
streets during the .week, cnf'P stealthily
around o' nights, and Saturd' "I"1 "M7
.K..,.i ,i,u ,! ar,.n lor ron-
i..i f.. ... xr.mVay and
Un,l t,. retnrn alTlill Moll"1.' Bu K"
tlie crowd waiting at the Chen-
keta Hitel,
waiting for means of couveyai
pot reminded us of the metro
could not help thinking that !
vet be a place of considerable
-e to thede-
silis, and we
ialem might
The hacks and omnibuses were
and yet there was the usual n
KicKed lull.
m for one
idjourn. al-
more. The House refused to
though impatient members en,
lavorea to
me to take
Dnng about an adjournment in
the train. The Senate ailjonrn.
at an ear
umber of
lv iour of the day, and quite a
lire memoers wens otion.
Articles: Lost. We hail
eral in-
nuiriea vesterdav for articles th
had been
lost durinz the excitement of Fi
lav cven-
inz. One ladv lost a fine sandal
ixxl fan,
any one
t at this
valuable as a keepsake andreiiest'
nnding such an arncle to leave
olnce. Another lady a white kid g!u,
a set of gold fastenings, valued oi ROVonI,
of its l-in;: a gift and a liberal rewar"
"be paid for its return to this offii-. Jj
articUn were lost betw-en Pierr PJ1 tnd
the residence of Geo. H. Jones sj-
Mistake, Is Pat.t. A country cbaP 9tfx
tll one of our city parsons tlie otv'1' "f
as follows : ' HiJlo. Doc. that set P ujetl
von made for mv old woman work 8Plen
ilid." " I am not a tooth-maker," answered
tlie parson, and the countryman acknowl
edged that he was mistaken. Afi' " ne
was onlv partly mistaken, for tlia' parson is
in tlie habit of givuig lople cllslllt:raule
A CntXL Jori. As the tditor of
sympathizers a few days since j1 RnUemaa
inciuirtd it the Mercury
Lfv was a Weekly paper
le 'a"d "ith;r
still, "ies was the
will appear stiU more weekly' a.f,?r. tl,e rt
peal of the Litigant Law." probaMy more
ti-utli tlien poetry in UiaU j
From Driit of Twht'J 24-
A Hc.vter of Wolves. 0nr1r?der9 ftre
no doubt most of them acquiV'!twl T1 . our
voung friend Mile Miller, w n""m J."".1 re
porter for the Halem MerqPr?- "e '!?re
just heard a little incident o7 .V!0?? flfe'
as sheep-herder, among the fu Eastern
Oregon, which we consider P1? ,f note
A couple of the sheep liad "" and were
dragged a few rods from ctmV or tue Pur"
pose of future bnrial. It WM une "J","1
light eveniug tf the preser)' """i"; Mues
was King in his httle bed peacefully sleep
ing the sleep of beantv tn4 innocence. He
was suddenly awaked fron hw slumbers by
a sharp growl and gnashnB ?f tTth-, H'8
anger was nnbounded as u? imagined tliat
mountain wolves had ihided the sancUty
of his wild wood camp. Puch freedom was
audacious on their part M 5e ""Shtv hnn
tcr resolved to teach th.? . 1'?H)" of .SaIV p
etiquette. ShoulderingU" He,u7 rifle he
strode forth with manlv courage worthy of
stouter liearts than his. - Creeping stealthily
along, tliat he might tr0 enemy una
wares he reached the tfene, of conflict, and
bv the "mistv moonbtm olty light
saw the object of his sear,c,n mi ,ral!f d m"
trustv rifle to his shoulder, and filanced
along the sliining barr,untJ'u 8auJ'; w?
brought in range, rn, "'ldch.y
changed lus mindani1 lus knees began to
tremble. His wolves .prored to be a liear of
immense size, and MiP38 curBKe weakentd
perceptibly. He cam? "n to hnn' .""Iw.
and he didn't want J"? bear m ,ms
nidi's tliat, he luulf,nJ r"1'111 grndge
against said Var. ad hadn 4 ,he Leart M
hiM.t him without V"9 cansc, ,,r V'
turn. The bi-ar canii first, and was entitled
to tlie ground. Bes,lle tmB dl? )j'ar
weighed more ouncf to th,? Vuad than
Mile. did. and wa" to all appearanci-s
"monarch of all he f 8u,eyt'd' ,and Mli' "
wasn't particularly P1"0"8 dispute his
hwav. Tlie lsar wf enjoywg his meal,
and' M:l.n condu rt.w.0ULd .P.1
breach of etiqnettf . d"IUlrb tbl,ra- a
short Miles wasVt Jafhcientiy posted in Uie
mvsterie ot bear Routing to tackle Bruin
on his own cround nvecuMrtt this season
oi uieyear. Xaki
kir1lt-tttiin iw i -
sum tvw,i ., fae nionster of tlie forest
and Jo back to e. P P-. Hia courage revive.1
the tbUowing tnf111??'
and he marched
Ijjroin track !
lorm to measure
At a Teimlar
u E'iiviubi.rvrr.
Wting of the Officers and
M. E. 8. 8. held at the
' Teachers nf thi
hurch last 8m
unanimously adopted :
as pleased our Heavenly
uebeas. It
ratner m His
finite wisdom to permit our
oeloved sister
Jin, Pluuia Cross, to pass
h to the "better land," and
i"iu mis eai
wnue we are
hocked at the manner and
departure we are forcibly
saaness of hi
reminded of
he all important fact that "in
the midst of
fe we are in death, and bow
in lmniMe j&ubuiissjon to tlie will of Al
mighty GodiT
Eiabi.yul, Tint in the death of Sister
Cross we tfcfeply realize that we have lost a
faithful tefcW- the Church of Christ a
wortliv fi fuaple, and suffering humanity
one of it, .Jruest menus.
(D, Aliai we an nereoy leiitux 10
ross and his afflicted" family oar
iJr'ther (
loving Qh
-rfuiljr tX)lJ
J tiling
ristian sympatnus, ana pray
inisnd them to Him who doeth
L-aauioroH, Snp'L
hristain Advocate please copy.
Hal FabE ri Pbkioht. We are rella
1lv informed thft Mr. Holladay has mag
lia'mmmisly commuted to carry freight de
signed for exhitnVon at the coming State
Fair at one half tV usual rates. Full fare
will be charged its delivery and it will be
returned gratis. fhis should prove a pow
erful incentive to xhibitors'of all kinds to
send on their live stock, poultry, agricultu
ral implements, produce, manufactured ar
ticles, in fact, anything and everything that
will add to the general interest of our State
Fair. Ample accomodations have been pro
vided for tue exhibi tinn nf all kinds of ar
ticles, and every artiele sent will be well
cared for by those having the matter in
hand, and evervthilrig indicates that this will
prove tbe mosi'smlceisful Fair ever held in
the State. Already) some articles have been
sent in for exhibition and more arriving
daily, i
'The ffcreeta of Kew"York" will be played
at Reed's Opera House this evening.
ill a
(I Sir
His sh
Anotheb Ercptios. Mt. Vesuvius like
the Mercurial establishment, is just now ex
periencing another eruption. Having re
ceived financial aid from tlw Lord knows
where it ban suddenly resolved to publish
i dailv, and tho first copy of this series ap
peared last evening. How long this erup
tion will last it is hard to tell. It may not
last longer thau tlie time needed to kettle
tlie senatorial question. Or it may last un
til after the (State fair, and perhaps it may
not pass in its checks until after tbe Legis
lature adjourns. We cannot predict its
longevity further. It is great on spasmodic
efforts, and not accountahla for its demise
at anv date. It looks as natural as ever,
and its local columns are well tilled with
State and Territorinl news. Its carrier was
taken aeriouslv ill last evening, and the de
livery by small boys was rather promiscu
ous. Wn.T rr meant. A large and euthusias- J
tic crowd aiseniblid in Iront ot the Che
meki ta Hotel yesterday afternoon, which,
on inquiry, we" found "to be a political dis
cussion between a couple of members of the
lower House and a worthy divine of our
city. All hands seemed very much excited,
and spectators were rreafly amused. The
divine seemed to have rather more on his
hands than he could attend to, and on our
arrival a sympathetic friend was leading
niin off bv the arm.
Tire State Librarian-. The time for
which this official is eh-cted expires during
he present session of the Legislature, and
alrvadv there are quite a numlx-r of aspi
rants in the m id. Among them are lawyers,
doctors, clerks, school teachers, and the
Lord only knows how many more. Each
man is coniiduut of his own" individual ca
pacity, a'inl urging his claims with notable
mergy. "All's fair in love or war;" so
pitch in gentlemen and the best man wins.
A ltKNcoNTKE. A jieisoual rencontre
occurred last evening at tlie Chemeketa Ho
tel between ex-Secator Nesmith and Mr. J.
C Mori land of Portland. The former at
tacked the latUr with a slap of the open
hand and afterward with a came, on ao
cimi t as is supposed, of a eorres
)ondeiice written by Mr. Moreland pub
lished in the Uregonlan, at the tune ot the
Dalle Democratic Convention. Mr. More
laud made no defence, having no weapon,
and lx-ing totally unprepared for such an
Asotheb Mabjuaoe. We met Ira Erb on
tlie street yisterday forenism and in answer
to our usual question ' Any thing new to
day i" Ho answered "Yes", I have got one
little item for yon: where's your notebook?
We found the article and noted said item
down verbatim and here is the result :
"Married at tne rcsitk'iire of Mrs. Keller,
Saturday evening Sept. 21st. 1872, by Jus
tice James Coffcv. Mr. Ira Erb to Mrs. Jane
Ledlbrd. No cards."
SEIT. 10. 1S72.
Com t mot at 0 A. m. Jn-ticos all
present with the exception of Thaver.
Pat Farley et al Kep. v. P. C. l'ar
ker App. Counsels for respoinltnts,
Thayer, Burnett anil Mother; for a-pelleut-'.
Watson, Willis a ml Giblx.
Judge Upton annonnwl decision. On
motion to tlismi appeal, ovemileiU
but a new nnderlakiiig was allowed on
payment ot ten dollars.
On motion ot K. Williams Xapole
on B. Humphry was admitted as an
an attorney.
Court adjourned until Friday morn-lug-
S'pt. 20th, 1S72.
Court met at 9 A. M. Present same
State of Oregon up., vs. McMinn
ville Water Manul:icturin!i Company.
res. Counsel for appellants lJoi-e. j
Htnnplirey and Hurley. For respon
dents Sullivan. Thompson and Mc-f
Cain. Motion to dismiss appeal ar- f
gued and submitted.
Jane Koberts re., v. Feudil Sun
derland ap. Counsel for respondent
Watson and AVillis. For appellant
Thayer and (iibbs. Argument con
cluded and cause submitted. '
Court adjournetl until Saturday '
Court met at 9 a. M. Present Mine ;
of ve-tenl:iy. j
V. R. Hyde was admitted as an At- '.
tornev of tiiis Court upon certificate of
District Court of Iowa. j
Tliere being no further business to "
transact the Court adjourned until ;
Monday at 9 a. m.
Court met at 9 A. M. Full bench, '
Botiliani excepted. j
Docket of the Third Judicial Dit- j
trict onlled, and tlie appearaces of at- j
torueys noted. j
D. M. Boone. ap vs. John AVay
mire, res. Judgment of Circuit Court
atlirmed upon motion of P. L. Willis. '.
By the Court.
H. Woods, res., vs. Wm. Blmlett, '
ap. Upon molion of It. S. Strihan
for respondent the cause was ordered '
docketed and the judgment of Circuit j
Court affirmed i
Win. 1 la; kins. res., vs. S. H. Oliver, j
ap. Uixin motion ot It. S. Strahan.
for respondent, the casi- was ordered
docketed and judgment of Circuit '
Court affirmed. ,
Calef Tu-tin, ap.. vs. S. D. Grant, I
re. Attorney for appellant. W. M.l
Kaniscv ; tor resnondent, Boise and
Sullivan. Argument opened, conclud
ed, and cause submitted.
l'ioii motion of W, W. Thayer.
Hon. B. F. Dennison was admitted to
the Bar of the Supreme Court of Ore
gon. Court adjourned until Tuesday moni
The Ritual to be I(eTisel Flunndnl
tAtraieut Appointed OflicerB ot
the rnuii IiOdtce.
Baltimore, Sept. 20. In the Grand
Lodge ot Odd Fellows, this morning,
tbe decisions of the Grand Sire during
recess were taken up. The action of
the Grand Lodge officers during recess
in granting warrants for the Institu
tion of subordinate Lodges in Germany
was continued. The report of lite
committee on Appeals was considered,
amended and adopted. A large
amount of neglected business w:is trans
acted. It was decided that it would
lie necessary lor only the elective olH
cers of the sulxirdinate Lodges to re
ceive the Rebekah Degree before in
stallation. It was determined as ex
pedient to change the terms of subor
ates from six to twelve months. It
was resolved as inexpedient to ullow a
sulKirdinate Lodge to enact a local law
providing for the payment of a specifi
ed sum as dues and and relieve a mem
ber from further obligations during his
Haltimouk, Sept. 21. The Odd
Fellows Lodge in secret session last
night instructed the committee on Se
cret Work to prepare a revision of the
Ritual and report at tlie next session.
Much ol the unwritten work was trans
ferred to the charge liook. The
change takes effect on January 1st,
1S73. The Finance committee esti
mated the receipts and expenditures
for the ensuing year as follows: Re
ceipts including the balance on hand,
$5,949,003. Kxpenditures, f3,91.V296
The Grand Lodge adjourned nine die. j
feMlay. Previous to adjournment tne
new officers were Installed and M. W.
Grand Sire Logan made au eloquent
address after which he announced the
following appointment ot oflhvrs of tbe
Grand Ixxlge: Rev. J. W. Vcnnble,
of Kentucky, R. W. Grand Chaplain;
Caleb Rand, of Massachusetts; K. W.
Grand Marshal; Albert Cohen, of Ar
kansas. R. V. Guardian; J. W. Hud
son, of Wisconsin, R. W.Grand Mes
senger. 'o other city being designat
ed, Baltimore will be the place for the
next meeting of the Grand Lodge.
-Ilora o Greeley cannot understand
why diamonds should be considered
worth tlieir weight in carrots. Still,
being an enterprising man, be lias con
cluded to devote bis garden to the rais
ing of the vegetable.
Xow that General Sigel lias deter
mined to stamp Indiana for Grant and
Wilson, in opposition toSchurz. a Ger
man p:!er announces that the Hoosiers
will -fi-ht mit Sigel."
. Pennsylvania lias eleven German
newspapers. Only three of tliese fol
low the lead of Carl Schurz. The
other three are fighting for Grant and
Charles Sumner's "splendid leonine
race is rapuiiy sinking into pallid and
haggard lurrowg." So tnucli for buck
ing Grant.
Five hundred and eighty Communists,
condemned to transportation, embark
ed at Brest for New Caledonia.
It is reported that Edmund About is
to be tried by a German Court Martial
at Strasbourg on September 25th.
Salem, Sept. 20, 1872.
Mr. Bristow obtained leave of ab
. seuee till Monday.
Brown, ot Baker, gave notice of a
bill to provide tor a Deaf Mute School.
A number of bills were read .second
time and referred.
In the Afternoon
Brown, of Baker. Hoult, and Crys
tal were appointed select Committee
oil apportionment.
Mr. Watson introduced a bill to lo
cate permanently the State University.
The Senate concurred iu the 11 dis
joint resolution providing for a joint
Committee on Public Buildings ; and
tlie memorial in regard to government
aid to clear obstruct ions from the Tual
atin river.
The resolution authorizing commit
tee on State Printins: to employ an
exjiert, was taken up. Baldwin, Stra
lian. Myers and other Democrats were
oiosed to the preamble, and a some
what lengthy discussion took place.
The preamble recites that frauds have
been committed by the State Printer
and the expert appointed to examine
his work. The Senate finally ad
journed without having disposed of the
The House
adopted tbe memorial
ajking Congress for aid to clear ob
structions from the Tualatin liver.
Blirbank's amendment to rule 20
was Iot; amendment to rule 21 adopt
ed. Parts of the Message were appro
priately referred.
Bui-bank's resolution for a joint com
mittee on Public Buildings was adopt
ed. Bills Introduced.
By Congle. a bill to amend the act
relating to assessment and collection
ot taxes ; Biles to amend the act in
corporating Last Portland ; Stott. to
protect incorporated towns ; Simpson,
to provide for election of .Supreme and
I 'irctiit .Judge iu distinct classes ; La
Dow, to provide tor purchase ot cer
tain wagon roads iu Oregon ; Same,
for relief of Umatilla county ; Corwin,
to aid in the construction of a wagon
road from Tillamook to the Willamette
valley ; Corwin, to abolish the grand
jury system.
Several notices were given of bills to
lie hereafter introduced.
About Clerical (til In the Mate Re
imrtmeutH. Patton introduced II. R. Xo. 8
Providing that so much of Governor's
Message lis relates to clerical force in
the various State departments, he re
ferred to a special committee of three
with instruction to examine fully the
work performed and compensation al
lowed by law therefor, and the amount
paid on account thereof and report to
the House whether any Legislation is
required in regard thereto. Adopted.
Patton, Collier and Sheltou appointed.
Wouldn't Agree.
The House refused to concur with
the Senate amendment to H.J. R. No.
7. relating to appointment of Joint
t ommittee on re-apportionment as
suggested by Governor's message.
Tbe House adjourned.
Salem, Sept. 21, 1S"2.
Pen i ten t inry I ll est Is :l Ion .
Mr. Patton. from the joint commit
tee to examine into Penitentiary
building matters, reported that H. M.
IV France, of tlie Portland Business
College, bad lieeu engaged as clerk.
A resolution was adopted directing
the Committee on Public Buildings to
examine, the books and accounts ot the
Superintendent of the Penitentiary.
Ktate Printing.
The resolution in relation to an in
vestigation of State Printing Altair.
was taken up and made the syecial or
der for next Thursday. :
'Messrs Dolph and Tolen were ap
pointed on the Committee on Kmigra
tion. Messrs. Cornelius and Myers were
appointed on a Conference Committee
on disagreement of the two houses
upon a resolution for a Committee ou
One hundred copies of the rules
were ordered printed.
Webster gave notice of a bill to
amend the code ; Cornelius, a bill to
designate the University at Forest
Grove as the State University.
Senate adjourned till 2 p. M. Mon
Bariu, Congle and Blakely were a)-!
pointed on tlie Committee on Immi- !
The Senate joint resolution author
izing the Committee on Public Build
ings to examine book and accounts of
the Superintendent of the Peniten
tiary, was agreed to.
The iickiniw Contented Case.
La Dow offered II. R. Xo. 12. That
the Committee on Elections be re
quired to report forthwith to the House
all papers and evidence relative to con
tested seats for Clackamas county now
in their possession or which have been
submitted to them, and that said com
mittee be discharged from further con
sideration of that subject.
Mr. La I low made a s)eech on tbe
the resolution and concluded by mov
ing the previous question, doubtless be
ing under the impression that enough
had been said upon the subject. Ou
steiu and Clow wanted the yeas and
nays. Hirsch moved a call of the House
which was ordered. Two meir.bcrs
were absent. Two or three unsuccess
ful attempts were made to dispense
with the further call of tbe House be
fore it was agreed to. La Dow's call
for the previous question was not sus
tained, the vote being, yeas, 20; nays.
2i. Finally the resolution was laid
on the table by it vote ot 2'J to 20.
Mr. La Dow's resolution seemed to
be an attempt to get the case before
the House before it had even been pre
sented to the committee
Tlie Judiciary Committee were iier
mitted to employ a clerk, and alter
some routine work the House adjourn
ed till afternoon.
This afternoon a resolution' was
adopted requiring the contestants, from
Clackamas comity to present their case
to tbe Committee.
Freight TnrlfTon the Columbia.
Mr. La Dow offered a resolution di
recting tbe Judiciary Committee to in
quire whether it would be Constitution
al to regulate the tariffs charged on
freight by the corporations navigating
the. Columbia river, and if they find
atlirmatively to report a bill for tliat
purpose. Mr. Clow obtained leave ot
absence till Monday.
The House adjourned till 2 p. M.
Salem, Sept. 2.'t, 1872.
This IhwIv got its scattered elements
together at 2 P. M. and then it went
gravely to work. Several of the com
mi'tees to whom matters had been re
ferred reported them back, with va
rious recommendations, mainly favor
able. Introduction or Bills.
By Mr. Bristow. a bill to amend tbe
act to prevent fraud in elections ;
Dolph, a bill to provide for a record of
patents, decrees conveyances, etc.;
Webster, to regulate civil and crimi
nal procedure injustice's courts.
The Judges Provided for.
Senate bill IS, to provide for the
traveling and incidental expenses of
tbe Judges of the Supreme Court, was
Notices or Rill.
Mr. Watson gave notice of a bill to
provide for the disposal of tide lands;
also, to amend the act to appropriate
Muds for the construction of a steain
loat canal at the Willamette falls.
A message was received troin the
Governor giving the information that
he bad signed the bill to excuse Judge
MeArthur from holding court, this
fall, in (irant county.
Beyond this, nothing was done call
ing for remark, here.
Work for the Sinti Printer.
Mr. Burhank o.Tered a joint resolu
tion providing for the re-printing of
200 copies of the laws of 18(M, and pro
vide each member a copy. It was re
ferred to a select committee An
drews. Patton and Covwin.
Numerous bills were referred, or re
ported back from committees, no final
disposition being made of them.
Bills Introduced.
Bv Mr. Patton to amend the law re
lating to the duties, compensation,
etc.. of tlie State Treasurer; Hodg
kitis. a bill to amend the act regulat
ing fees ; Caples. a bill for the protec
tion ot outdoor religious worship, etc.;
La Dow, a bill authorizing the loan of
10.000 to create two academies in
Umiitilla county.
Notices of Kill.
By Caples. a bill to provide for the
lormation ofeccleeiastical corporatious
relb'ious and charitable societies, etc.,
nls" a bill to amend tlie charter of
Kast Portland ; also, a bill to provide
for compiling and printing the laws of
Oit't'on ; Mr. Downing, a bill to regu
l.iteClie s-ile ot poisonous drugs; Mr.
Clow, :t bill to change the mode ot as
sessing property in the several coun
ties. The House adjourned.
Oolcl Comes Down.
Important Results of the Arbitration.
Interesting Political Item.
loi-oijjr" Ui!!iM.te;lios.
A Void Corner In Wnll fctreet.
XkwYouk. Sept. 17. The situa
tion of Wall street this morning was
alarming. TiieCennaris held ou tena
ciously to the Erie corner and the
Smith & (Jiiuld party were eager for
another fray. They had calculated ou
the condition of the importing interest
and found that the squeeze in gold
brought down some of the heaviest im
IMirters iu the city. They had estimat
ed the resources of the Treasury De
partment and felt certain the Secretary
could not come to the relief of the
street. Tliere came indications that
the Treasury Ivpartmetit would not
remain passive, and at noon the offer
ings of bonds opened at the Treasury
were found to amount to nearly $r.
000,000, at lOJi rl 2,34. with more than
the usual promptitude. The annouce
ment was then made that the Secre
tary would take threee millions in
stead ot one million, as advertised,
which would indicate that tlie Secre
tary intends and is prepared to Sell
more than tbe advertised amount of
i;oM to-morrow, and thus aid iu break
ing the gold corner.
I'be eli'ect of these tactics was felt in
gold exchange, where prices suddenly
tell to ll."P4 the lowest of the day.
The rate of coin drnpcd to one ix
teenth er cent . against three-quarters
percent, this morning, and gold oper
ators breathed freely. Nothing more
than a running tiiibt could be kept up
in the money market.
4rnt on tlie IteonltH ol' the Arbitra
tion. Washington. Spt. I'.). At Long
Branch, President (irunt expressed
himself to a reporter as pleased with
the result of the Alabama Claims. Ar
bitration. The contest, iu his opin
ion, was not for dollars and cent, but
for tlie preservation ot amity between
the two countries, with a full and firm
maintenance ot national .dignity.
Those were the points contended for.
and tnese point's having been achieved
the nation should he satisfied.
A Survey of tlie Pacific Coast.
Xtw YoliK. S'pt. 10. Tlie man-of-war
Portsmouth is now in lirooklin
Navy Yard, tilting for a Government
exploring expedition to the Pacitic.
She will go into San Diego and Lower
California, and then survey tbe waters
of that coast.
(irniit to Dlx.
Xirw Yokk. September IS. A letter
from President . (irant is puhlishrdsi-ou-gratulating
( Jen. Dix and the people
of New York ou his nomination tor
Governor, and predicting his certain
Tnmniiiny loplir the Unlllotinr.
The Tammany Committee yesterday
struck from tlie rolls of the organiza
tion the names of 100 men whose po
litical conduct is objectionable.
;cn. IlnnkK don't Win.
Boston. S-pt. IS. The labor re
formers of the Fifth District nominated
James M. Bull'nm of Linn, for Con
gress. The final vote stood 4'.) to 17
tor Banks.
Itids for lioltl.
There were ,T bids for gold to-dar.
1 to-d
amounti'.i' to $10. !. 000
11. $1,000,000 sold at 14.
Defalcation In the nub-TreioMiry
Xkw York. Sept. IS. The Com
mercial Advertiser states that the de
falcation in the sub-treasury amounts
to over 100.0(10, and that tlie defaulter
is James I. Johnson, who tiad charge
of the stamp department. Johnson
was originally from AlUiny, and was
appointed six or seven years ago by
-sub-treasurer Van Dyck.
Wvs Indians at Washington.
Washington. Sept. 1". The Grand
river and Sioux Indian delegating
onlled uon Secretary Delano to-day.
They made the usual speeches, com
plaining of poverty, begging guns and
ammunition, and want the railroads
passing through their country torn
up. The Secretary wanted them to go
farming, and promised them imple
ments and to put them in a better
country, where they can have the ad
vantages of civilization.
Dnth of the King- of Snellen The
Incarceration f Kritnunil Ahonl .
Execution of three oinninntstn.
Lonhon. Sept.. 10. A Stockholm
dispatch announces the death of King
Charles of Swden. at Zclaud last even
ing. Pakis, Sept. 10. Tbe German au
thorities of Strasliourg consented to al
low tbe w ife of Kdmutid About to see
him. but prohibited others. His case
is now being examined. It will take
one week.
L'Oline, Descbamps and De Aiville,
Communists, were executed yesterday.
8a tony die1 bravely his last, words be
ing "Vive la JltpulAviw. Down with,
A. T. Stewart Declines Nomination
Mayor of New York.
Straight-out Democratic Conven
tions. Xoroigcn IipntltoK.
IntercKt to be rlrt-KcKlitrjr of I-e:
Washington, Sept. 20. The inter
est ou the coupons due Novemlier 1
will be paid upon the 21st upon rebati
The authorities decide that post
masters are required to register lit
all letters containing currency to 1
redeemed, addressed to the Treasure!
A. T. Stewart Deri Ine to be- Mayor
Kuutor about tov. Curtin.
Xew Yokk, Sept. 20. A. T. Stew
art declined to allow the use ot b'
name in connection with tbe candidal
for Mayor.
A Philadelphia letter i-ays Go
Curt in' acceptance of the nouiiiiatii
by the Democrats and Liberals as cai
didate for. delegate at large to the Coi
stitntional Convention, is in the ham
of the Liberal leaders and will soon I
Wnll Ntreet Affairs.
Xew Yoi;k. Sept. 19. One miilic
ol gold was sold by the Treasury t
day all taken by the cii pie. Tlie a
omieemeut ot the sale of only a mil
lion cm ised great excitement in the
Gold-room' and a rapid rise in price.
Larger stiles by the Treasury only re
sulted to the advantage ol the clique.
Stocks were excited and unsettled all
day by frequent fluctuations. Erie
continues the special featnre. and tbe
corner shows no sign of breakin.r.
Pacific. Mail is the next most active."
XewYokk. Sept. 20 Affairs on
Wall street were generally quiet this
morning, and tliere was little excite
ment in any quarter.
Straight-out Democracy.
St. Louis, Sept. 20. A straigtit-out
Democratic Convention is cahed at
Jefferson City Oct. 4th, to nominate
au electoral ticket and appoint a State
Central Committee.
Indianapolis. September 10. The
Straight-out Democratic State Conven
tion met in the Senate Chamber this
evening, and was called to order by
Major W. C. Moreatl Dr. Sherrail
was chosen Chairman. About 1.000
persons were present. A committee
was then appointed to report candi
dates for a State ticket and electors at
large. A State Central Committee
was appointed to prepare an address
to tlie Ivniocrats of the State, and a
resolution was unanimously adopted
indorsing the candidates for President
and Vice President nominated at the
Louisville Convention, and recom
mending them to the support of the
Detuocracv of Indiana.
Catholic New--A Banquet to bcijlveii
to American lleprenciiiative.
BF.Itl.lN. Sept. 20. A Congress of
all Catholics convened at Cologne yes
terday. Much enthusiasm was mani
fested by the delegates, who number
Komk. Spt. 20. The oldest brother
of tlie Pope is dead.
An immediate decline in the price
of coal is confidently expected.
American re-ideuts at Paris are pre
paring a grand btiuipiet to tlie repre
sentatives of the l.'niled States at tlie
Geneva Tribunal.
ti:ls:;fias ir:-i::i.
The corn crop of the West is out of
danger of frost, and tho yield will be,
(ireeley is bridging the bloody chasm
at Pittsburg, i olutiibus and so ou
round the circle. j
President Grant has lieen visiting
the New Jersey Exposition.
Scliurz is stumping iu Wisconsin.
Kate of city tax Sail Francisco is
fixed at one per cent.
George C. Gorliam is stumping iu
California for (irant.
Indian affairs arc all quiet hi I'tah.
Iron has advanced o0 per cent, iu
San Francisco, causing a great demand
lor oid iron.
Tliere tire indications of a scarcity of
money for wheat purposes in San
Immense silver lodes have been dis
covered on the line of the C. P. It. 11.
nearllgden. An inexhaustible quan
tity ot ore is in sight.
The flour and wheat sent off from
San Francisco since the first of July
has netted $4,000,000. a large portion
of which has Ix'eu re-invested in wheat.
Another diamond party lias arrived
;.t Los Angeles with immense quanti
ties of precious stones.
Sporting men tire betting that Gold
smith Maid will not be-at 2:1S,,2 ou the
sacra in el lto race track.
The sfruightonts of Xew York have
called a St:iie convention to meet (Jet.
,'fd to nominate an electoral ticket.
The straisihtnut of Illinois nomina
ted, Saturday, ti full State ticket.
( )ne of tbe leaders of the straight out
Democratic movement reports that
( has. (,)"( 'o:ior has written a letter ac
cept inn the Louisville nomination.
ireeley made what, is called a "dis
cussive speech" before the Cincinnati
Chamber of Commerce.
S'tialor liayard, ol Delewarc has re- ;
turned from Europe. His health is
greatly improved. j
The examination of Edmund Ab'uit j
at Strasliourg, resulted iu bis dis-i
charge Sat unlay.
Oscar, brother of the deceased King
Charles XV.. has succeeded to the
throne of Sweden and Norway. AU
the dignitaries of the realm took the
oath of allegiance to the new monarch.
Another revelation ot terrioie crime
is pniini-ed from I'tah in a lew days.
Two and one-half to five dollars are
o:lered at Salt Lake City tor single
copies of the Xew York pa;ers con
taining tbe expose of the .Mountain
Meadow massacre.
Miss I'lin be Cousins was, on molion
of Gov. Woods, admitted to practice
in the courts of I'tah Territory Satur
day. .Miss Snow, daughter of the Ter
ritorial Judge was also admitted.
Greelev arrived at Louisville Sept.
The horse 1'rogtowii ran a three
mile race at. Louisville in :l:'.i ;1, the
best lime ever made on that track.
Tiki investigation into the burning
ot tin- Iiienviile was begun at N""W
York Saturday. A stevedore test i lie
that no combustible material was
The London papers are making it
lively for the emigrant ships, for abuses
and sufferings to which steerage pass
engers are subjected.
Sir John Coleridge and other distin
niished jurists are advocating a coditi-
cation of English laws on the plair- ot !
the New lork code a compliment to
American jurists.
The Labor League of London adopt
ed resolutions approving the award of
tlie Geneva Tribunal.
It is reported that a battle has taken
place at Cudibras, Cuba, iu which INK)
were killed or wounded.
Small-pox is still prevalent in sever
al parts of I'tah Territory.
The Moruian palters arc still excited
over the Mountain Meadow massacre
Among the overland arrivals last
night in San Francisco were Mrs. Ben
Holladay, Unroll de Utissiera and wife
and Count Pourtales and wile.
Tlie Hon. Edw. Tompkins of Aline
da, has donated 47 acres of land, equiv
alent to $."0,000, to the University of
California, tor tbe endowment or a.
chair to be known as the Professorship
of Oriental languages.
In San Francisco the only witness
for the defense in the Fair trial yester
day, was Dr. Lyford and his testimony
was to the sanity ot the prisoner at tbe
time ot tbe killing. In addition to his
testimony on the former trial he states
that tlie prisoner hail on several .occa
sions threatened to kill him.
Five hundred and eialith Scandina
vian Mormons arrived at Xew York
A female witness identities Foraester
as tin: man seen iu Nathan's house the
night of the murder.
It is estimated that the lives of the
citizens of San Francisco are insured to
tlie aggregate of f 8,000.000.
Knririen Itcnth nt ltocl)iirif Recovery
ol VIcllniM of the Stage Accident. 4
KosF.Ul'ltG. Si'iit. 215. Adam Patter
son, an old iiinl highly respected citi
zen of this county, died at his resi
dence last night. He retired to lied
seemingly in good health and was
found dead this morning. Disease of
the heart Is supposed to have caused
his death.
Tlie stage driver. .las. Simpson, and
C. M. Podger. the wssenger, who
were hurt by tbe upsetting of tbe
stage between Koseburg and Myrtle
Creek, a re -recovering rapiidly.
Fitic.liTEXKD. The lower classes in
Japan are afraid of the telegraph.
They cannot altogether see "how the
old thing works," and they are simple
enough to think that it is tbe device
of the devil, and that the wires are
coated with the blood of young womeu.
and that the census now being taken
is for the sole purpose of finding out
the numlier of available Japanese
maidens whose blood will do lor tele
graphic purposes. 'I lie idea is a cu
rious one. and it is, strange tliat tlie
Japanese should not understiiid the
explanatio 1.
From DaiTy of Saturday Sept.
STaTE xews.
Forest Grove is having new coat of paint
put on.
Scio wheat buvera give 60 cts per bushel
for wheat.
Trains on the West Side Railroad will
run, af ter Monday, to the new town of Gaa
tou. The project of a wagon road from Grand
Konde to Summervillo is beinjj agituted.
John Dobbins, of Vr'ashinjrton county,
had a leg cnt off the other day, which he
had used for more than eighty years.
The Oregonian tells of a horse that "got
his start in Yamhill" over thirtv-two years
Albanv lias got lots of vagrant Indians
and theleniocrat wants to know where the
Agents are.
The Albany and Saiitiam Ditch Co. ad
vertise for sealed proposal till K-t. 1st,
to grade, dig and tlume their ditch.
Fifteen pounds is what Mm. Phillips' last
one weighed. Airs. P. Uvea near East Port
land. The railroad car shops, near East Port
land, came near being horned the other
day, by a hre raging in the woods.
Frank Tarton. of Albany, has bought a
horse for $300, to be paid when Greeley is
ikted President. That horse won't ci st
Frank Tarton a cent.
Bev. Daniel Jones, colored, late pastor of
the Mission M. K. Chnrch of Portland, has
h xjj transfers! by Biiiop Foster to tiio
Washington Conference.
LaHt Monday as the down train pasM-d
Mr. A, Haelileuian's farm, near Albany, tire
's communicated from tlie locomotive to
the dry grass inside of his pasture. Not
Much damage was done, though great exer
tions were required to extinguish tlie tire.
The following iietition is l uig circulated
in this St.ite : "To the Oregon State Legis
lature, We would respectfully pray your
Honorable lkxly to pass an Act at your
present ttexsiou. instructing judges of eler
tiou to r.ii ivo and count the women in their
Tarious pni'inets at the coming Novenilier
election. We desire to cast our votes with
our country's friends, and thereby lend our
innntnre to promote good government and
encourage wise and appropriate legislation."
Fnim Daily ( Sitiuloy X)it. 22.
Timothy liay is delivered in Eugene for
SL5 per ton.
J. II. Slater ate crow at Corvallis yritcr
dv. The Alliany Register quotes butter SO cU,
and eggs 30 ets.
Jawui 'Wheeler is Superintendent of tho
A'.lMny-S.intiam Ditch.
The 1'lkins Ilros. have junt complefr-d
new mill at Lelsinon.
IKhiIah countv is expecting the arrival,
Hoon, of twenty Pennsylvania families.
Ex-Oov. (lilibs addressed the Grant club
at Eugene city yesterday.
A Mr. Pf under, of Portland, has recently
imported a lot of Chinese din ks.
Mr. Walter Moft'ett's bark Edward .Tames
! has hit n chartered to load lumber at luget
i Sound for Shunifhai, China.
lU?v. D. K. Xflsbitt will gn to Sail I'mn
I ciseo hy ncr steamer toattt-nd the Synidof
j the Presbyterian church.
I Worl; on the Yaquina 15ay Hi;htlKUiie is
' proem. s;n finely, and the structure ill
j soon lx Completed.
I .luile 'Matiock. an oi l and resptctetl eiti-
& n of l laekanias county, ditd at his resi
, d nee near Manstie'.d, on the lHth inst.
! Tlie Albany Democrat thu cxpreiwei it :
i 'Vhai. wheat, wheal, in quantities per
! ft etly astounding, is now flowing into town.
' Everv null etui nun-house i-s Wane; tilled to
' The E ieiie Jonrual says: William Hnr
! ley. a plasterer, who has made Ins hu:oe in
i Eiiirene eiiy fr several years, fell down
i stairs at Jutictiou city nn Thursday nfeht
! ami broke his neck. pr'Klucinsiniitajitiicath.
I Mr. John Allen, of Washington county,
j was roMM.,l tie- oilier niiitby a man nanicd
Davue, of a suit of clothes. Allen jmrwiisl.
overtook the tmei at I anoy. am iUil linii
at a pistol's inou'.h, and now Davim tin
uices ill the Clackamas county jail.
! Tlie Herald nc.-s: "We are norryloan
! noiiuc- the serious illness of Hon. Jumeit
1 K. Kelly, our lnitd S:ats Senator. Mr.
! Kelly went to Clatsop Itirhis health, and re
I turmd on Tliursdny cveninj;. Vesterdav
I afternoon he was taken with a seven' attack
i of bilious intermi!:'iit fever, and onlend to
j his room by his attendiiiK physician.
! Tlie favorite pa.stime of t'lo llosibur'er.
now, is killing skunks.
There have ix n wveral dntlmfroiu flux,
in Douglas county, the past wi-k.
The O. S. X. Co. have laid the keel for a
new steamer, to run from Dallea to tho Cas
cades. The Monmouth Miwukit says n Rreat
many wills in that vicinity him; Uifnn
dry. Jast like a great many of tlie peoplo
over here.
The Columhia District Airrirnltnnd Si
ciefy held their third annual fair at Dalles
illume; the past week. The attendance was
larre and the exhibition hiily cmliubleto
all coneermd.
The Monmouth SIes'ii!irr says : "An
effort is In-ill made to A cun' tlie puhla
tion of a monthly paper, to lv coudncled
by the students of C'hitian CoUeRe."
I'.rnce Wolverton, a praduate of Mon
mouth ColleRe. lias lnti lv gone to Li'xini;
ton. Kentucky, to take a course in tho Uni
versity of tliat place preparatory to enter. ii",
ill" in the ministry.
For dispatching businesH, we think Police
Jinlue Denny, of Portland, can lie put up
against tli- world. He pnt thronh nine
eases in tiftoen minute, before breakfast,
Saturday, and thtutook an early lunc h in
A stable on the Crescent City road, at the
Mountain House, was recently burned, de
stroying thirtteu horses, tweuty-five setts of
harntsH and a larfte lot of merchandise in
transit for Jacksonville. Afc'sregatu loss,
alwnt Sfi.ono.
i'i:a hij M.itnv.
A 'hiit4r from Mr. BcM-lior" "l'Ie
Lecture 011 I'rprtchlmj.""
It was my lot. at first, to Ik; plaeetl
in a village with a mere handful of in
habitants in one of the Western States.
1 eonceive it to lie one of the kindnesses
of Providence that I was seiit to a snuill
place. I bad but one male member in
the church, and 1 wishetl him out all
the time I was there.
I prai ticed public speaking from the
time of mv sophomore year 111 college.
I was addicted to going out and mak
ing temperance speeches, and holding
conference meetings, so tliat I acipiir
ed consideralile confidence, lx-ing nat
urally very dillldeut. When I went to
tbe seminary I still kept up that habit,
practicing wlienever I had the oppor
tunity. At the end of my three years'
seminary course six months of which
however, were diverted in editorial
work, a loss ottime to my studies which
was afterward made up I went to :t
small town in Indiana, the last one iu
the Stat" toward Cincinnati,on the Ohio
river. It had, erliaps, live or six hun
dred inhabitants. It had in it a Mctlt
odist. a Baptist, and this Presbyterian
church to which I went. The "church
would hold, perhaps, from 2o0 to 300
people. It bad 19 female members,
and tbe whole congregation could hard
ly raise from f 200 to '230 as a salary.
I took that Held ami went to work In
Among the earliest tilings I did was
to beg money from Cincinnati to buy
side-lamps to bang up in the church, so
tliat we could have night "crviec. Af
ter U-iiig there for a mouth two I went
to Cincinnati again, ami collected mon
ey enough to buy hymn books. I dis
tributed them in tlie seats. Ilefore this
hymns had been lined out. I recollect .
oiie of the first strokes of management
I ever attempted in that parish was in
regard to those hymn books. Instead
of asking the people if they were will
ing to have them, I just put Ihe books
into tbe pews; for there are ten men
that will right a cliaiige alout which
they are consulted, to one that will
fight it w hen it lias taken place. I
simply made tbe change for tliem.
There" was a little looking up and look
ing around, but nothing was said. o
after that we sung out ol hooks. Then
t here was nobody in the chnrch to light
the lamps, and they could not afford' to
net a sexton. Such a thing was un
known in that primitive simplicity of
tliat lloosier time. Well, I unani
mously elected myself to be the sexton.
I swept out tbe church, trimmed the
lamps and lighted tliem. I w:i. liter
ally, the light of tbe church. I didn't
stop to groan about it, or nioetn about
it, but 1 did it. At first tlie men folk
thereabout seemed to think it was chaff
to catch them with, or something of
that kind; but I went steadily on with
the work. After a month or o two
young men. wlio were clerks in a store
"there, suggested to me tliat tliey would
help me. I didn't think I wanted any
help; it wa only what one mau could
do. Then tliey suggested throe or four
of us taking one month each, and iu
that way they were worked fii.
It was tlie "itest thing tliat ever hap
pened to them. Having something to
do hi tlie church was a means of grace
to them. None of them were Chris
tian voung men; hut I oMisnlted them
about various things, and by and by I
brought a case to them. '-Here is a
young man iu great danger of going
the wrong way and losing his soul.
What do you think is the best means
of getting at him?" It made tliem
rather sober and thoughtful to be talk
ing about tlie salvation of tluit young
nail's soul, and tlie upshot was tliat
they saved their own. They very soon
afterward came into tbe spirit, and
were converted, and became good
Christian men.
Now, while I w.-is tliere, I preached
the best sermons I knew how to get
up. I remember distinctly tliat every
Sunday night I had a headache. I
went to bed every Sunday night with
a vow registered that I would buy ft
farm and "quit tlie ministry. If I have
said it once I liave said it "live hundred
funis, that I sjxiilt a good farmer to
make a poor minister.
I said H grcilt many extravagant
things in my pulpit, and preached
with .1 great deal of crudeuess. I
preached , a great many sermons,
which, after six mouths, I would not
have preached again. I frequently
did as many young men do. shaped
into .1 general truth that which was
truth only under certain circumstances
and with a xrtain class of people.
I was a great reader of I he old ser
nionizers. I read old Robert South
through and through ; I saturated my
self with South ; I formed inuvhot my
style and my handling of texts on his
methods. I obtained a vast amount of
instruction and assistance troin others
of those old sermonizers. who were as
familiar to me as my own name. I
read barrow, Howe, Sherlock, Butler
and hd wards particularly. I preached
a great many sermons while reading
these old men : and upon tlieir ui
courses I often founded tlie framework
of my own. After I had preached tliem
I said to mvself. -That will never do :
I wouldn't preach that again for the
world." P.ut I was learning, and 110
lxidy ever tripped ine up. I had no
iWrd of Elders ready to bring me
buck to orthodoxy. I had lime to sow-
all my ministerial wild oats, and with
out damage to mv people, tor they
knew too little to know whether I was
orltoilox r not. And it was. gener
ally, to tlieir advantage, liecause peo
ple are very much like tishes. Whales
take va quantities of water into their
mmitlis tor the sake ol the aniniacul.'e
it contains, and then blow out the wa
ter, whil; keening in the food. Peo-
pk: do pretty much the same. They
don't believe halt that vou sat. The
part tint is nutritious they keen, and
tlie rest tticv let alone. lluseanv
ministerial training does not hurt
tliem. but it is invaluable to a voung
111.111 who is getting the bearing ot his
new station and learning how to han
dle tlr ship that God has given him to
Bv Jam'JK r.iffev. J. P., September 17th,
187'i. Mr. A. H. W'addel.of Yamhill county,
and Mis Jane Heron, of Marion.
In Wasco county, near the Rev.
X. JDoaue.Kept. 17ih, 1872, Win. It. Marqiiiiw
of Umatilla and Muw Sarah b. Mulkey, of
At Salem. 22. John B. McCorniiek, and A. li. McCorniiek, aged
11 piiinJrs and 2(1 days.
Funeral service at J. B. McC'lane's resi
dence to-day at 10 o'clock. Friends of the
JaiailT ar invited to attend.
Ttic Ureal Xalarnl lnrirll ve, Tonic
uid IMsmmI I'lirllier.
Tht I' uk Ilittcrs rloaiies. trenjrtlicns an'l
yuis In irler the himi;iii system hen weak
;uil diasc I : lienec is a safe ami pleasant
rjinlial at meals keeps the BOWEI anil
JtiUNlCYS rejtuiar.aivl piiriflesthe BLOOD.
Tliev Trttl renre youthful vipor to the
watel Iituw. aol. 1v imrifvinir the svstem.
1 a-l as a tre prrventive of all disease. The
1 hesi AVri-IUl.lOl'S ALTKK.VHVE and
C cneiTt;ion tor onlimirv l'amilv piir
. Tliet.U M TANAl fiA for all the
I 111- Ihat iVesli Is lieir to.
I Kra ihe mildne!i of Its operation, the
ojiic and cvnlml ijuaatles makes it iee.iillarly
a nnned v iiitahle for KKM ALES, married or
iiic:e, y'inr or old, at the dawn of wonian
hix,l orit ilie turn if life.
for sale hy all uru&ists, merchants and
Altitun It. "72. dAwtf
On Marriage.
llnpjtjr Kcllef for Yolinif Men from
The elTtvis cf Krrore and Almses in early Hie.
Yji.Iio'kI resioied. Imiieillnieiits to Mar
najfc r-ir'wL New meiliod of treatment.
New unit remarkable remedies. BiKiks and
Cnwiiiars will tree, in aeuelenvptnprs.
Ail.lress. lliWAi:i ASSiH'.lATloX, Xo.
V. South Mnlh St., 1'liiladelpliia. l'a. an Ii
r.i3tiiutni hani; a hiah repiilatimi for honoi
alilc eoiiiiiict and professional .kill.
auir-1 "72:iUv6ni
Coniianv, Land Department. Portland.
MVjton, April i, ls7i -Nolk-e is hereby nien
thai a vijroroti pritscvnttoii will be iiistllulcd
ai;atiit anv and every person who trviis.e
upon auy Itallroad Land. Iy ciitrinit and re
inovinr uiulier therefrom liel'ore Ihe same U
111 H NlIT ti the ComiMiiy AN 1) PAID KoK.
All vacant Land 111 odd numhered seetlon.
whether surveyed or iinsUrveved. within a
h-ianoe ot' thirty miles I'm the llnu ol the
I'oad, Uelonirs to ilie ConiiKinv.
April 10 dl'Kwlf. Land Agent.
$500 Reward Offered.
IHWE now 1-rs.nm or the hest burned
liri,-k that have tieen liurnH in Marion
county. 1 challenge all the brick yards to
.lisput'e this statement. A nd 1 propose to well
thera cheap as the cheapest.
Salem. .fn Si, "72 -sliwif
Tcclter anil Chorister's Mat
or the
Its siicccascannot bcqnestloned. In beauty
anil variety of music iinsiiriMi.ed. It should
lie a familiar friend In everv I'holr, Conven
tion and Singing Class ! Trice, H 30; $13 50
ier dozen.
Let all the Sthhnh hoo try It. Its
Sinrkling liemsof Songs will be appreciated
hy every child. Price, 3i cents.
For llitili S-liools. Full of the best music,
arranjreif in i, 3, or 4 jarts. Widely need.
Price, tl 00.
Jnst Published,
Gems of Strauss !
223 large pages, full of the best Straiwa Mu
si;. Price, fi 50,
A perfect MuUum in Ptrra. Very large
number of the liest tune for Social Jt liftout
Meetings. Price, 60 cents.
The above tonk sent, post-paid, for tbe re
tail price, with the exception of The Stan
dard, specimen copies of which will be
mailed post-paid! for the present, for (1 25.
C. II. DITsOX A CO , New York.
Imported Leicester
I Tor sale at tlie state Fair 30 Pure llrwl
Leicester Uucks. imponeil from New Zea
land and breil by the New Zealand and Aus
tralian Land t o., and Ihe dim- prtureny of
idieep imported by tlie nbnve t'omuanv from
tlie celebr leal flol ks of Ionl Pohnarlh, Scot
laniL For further particulars applv to
Amitv, Vamhlll Co., Dgn.
Sci. ftwtil
II nlsh our citizen with Lumber and Kv
presa Wagons, and four spring Carriage. At
we employ none Imt the rHst workmen, and
use the very l-st material, we can warrant
our natrons to be all wc represent.
3P iJ TTQaa I
1. Celebrated
tlallcl, DavtM A. Co.
The Finest Organ Is now condilereil to be
Geo. Woodf A. Co.
fall and ee Ibr yourselves or neixl for
Price Ltatt and Circa la rs,
Solo Agent for Oregon,
73 Tint Street, Portland.
Ur. J . St. Coleman,
of San Francisco, and sev
ereral eminent physicians
of Europe have lieen so
oiieratlng during Ihe past
twoyearaana exjiennieni
ing in hiwtlt,il pra;llce
wiih the medicinal prop
ertles contained In the
Kik-nlrntus. and the re
sults snow tnat a a cure ir ren nu
It is belter than ttitinlne, as In lis test
cases where Quinine had been given tinsno
vensiully, HI were cured with Encalyimig,
alone. " . .
In the V. S. Marine Hospital where exten
sive experiments were made with Dr. Cole
man's Extract, everv cascof Fever and Ague
was cured with this remedy alone.
It tins also lieen proven In the same hos
piial, that when prepared by Dr. Colcireiu's
peculiar process It Is a most invaluable reme
dy Tor all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder
and ITtinarv Canal, and many eases were
cured with this preiwra ion alone, lliat had
lieen pronounced incurable, with any other
known remedy. For the'ediseases it can lie
confldenllv relied upon as the most effica
cious remedv ever oflercd 10 the public. I'n
like most other valuable remedies. It Is a plea
santconllal, and is not rejected bv the moat
sensitive stomach. The popularity which
Coleman's Compound Extract of Eucalyptus
lias al n lv attained has given birth to several
liase Imitations iionc but Coleman's is genu
ine. Dr. Coleman refers bv iermlssion to the
following w ell known gentlemen InJSan Fran
cI.m, who can vouch l"r its efficacy, from
personal experience and knowlede.
i. N. Arthur, or J. l. Arthur n. Agri
cultural Warehouse, cor. of California ami
Davis streets.
E. i. Matthews, Grain Merchant, 207 Davis
St reet.
Col. Wm. Wolfe, No. .',31 Market street,
formerlv Passehger Agent for the Cal. Steam
Nav. ci
Win. II. Patterson. Atty. at Law.
For sale by JiELT ft JOHNS, DRUGGISTS,
ciias. lax;ley ft co.
(eneral Aueuls,
Cor. Clay anil Hatterv Streets, Sa..
American Exchange
(Corner Front and Washington Streets,)
QUIMIlY & PERKINS Proprietors.
Free Conch to and from the Ilonse.
Sept. '. is72:d4wtf
Forluivlnir and forwarding dii-e.-t. via Isth
mus Rail and Cape Horn, with San
Francisco connc-ilons, nil classes
and varieties of Merchandise,
and lor sa'e of Exrts from
Hie North-West.
Advances made on approved consignments,
and order respectfully solicited.
All orders and business will receive prompt
S.X National Ex. Bank,
.loan a A. E. AC. E. Tlltnn, Sfi Liberty
Messrs. J. L. Rrownell ft Tiros. Bankers.
Messrs. Bentlev, Miller ft Thomas, S4 Sontli
Mcssts. Ijidd A Tilton. Bankers, Por'.--n(L
A. A. McCullv, Esq., Salem.
Heavy and Shelf-Hardware,
Iron txxxL StooL
Agents for the sale ot
51 and 55 Front St., Portland, Ogrn.
May 17:dawt
HIE FIRt and Most Itealthl'nl Tonic
ever lulnslikvd la the I lined Nates
Thcw BiticThaTbcen
imlirMD Francu-4J mar
ket fer 01 i'T T W KMTY
YKR.awl nntwithsuml
n the manv new camlld-
Lncs tor rMiidtc lavor. the
-ale have constant ly in
creased. TAYLOR ft BK.NDEL
-v,le Agents. 4im aiHl 411
'lay Mrcet, San rrau-
1872. THIRD VOLUME. 1873.
1. ' air I Weuklv Bulletin.irratintsl with Ihe
success already achlese-l, is determineil to
still further Improve tbe Paper, and has se
cured for the ensuing rear
nil. A. J Dl'Fl'It
The Loi-al and Xewi. Column will be nnder
the control of Writer of ability.
On the first of OCotier we will commence
the publication of
Of the celebrated Mmritalnoer, Trapjior,
Frontiersman ami Bejnrar, who ra-cnlly re
covered properly In Port land, Oregon, valued
at three quarters of a million dollars.
Clnba of live
$10 00 iier year.
3 00 )er vear.
i 50 ea. h.
Address Oregon Bulletin.
Aug. 12, It. w:im Portland. Oregon.
May be Renteil by the
South Btore, Chemeketa Block.
For Sale and Madsto Order.
U CIIF.ESIinoUtill c .
1S3 Front ftt., Portlnnd,
C o m m i s s ion Merchant.
Oregon pmdnce sold to lt advantage in
Portland or San Francisco, liealer In
Conslajnmentsi Solleltt-d.
Jan. IS. 1ST2.
National Business College,
EXfxx'TiTE orntxtoi
H.M.DeFRACF, - . PresldeaU
W. S. JAMES, .-- Seentary.
A Model Commercial College.
The Education for the Time.
The Importance of a Practical
Education Was Never More
Apparent Than Now 1
ed that as we rrow In prosperity we grow
more practical, nnd that It Is required of men
tliat thev educate iheintlresira.:tl.-ally-d-ucate
themselves in the best manner possible
lo meet the demands of tbe times.
Young men, ihe future welfare of thlsCast
looks to llll'i Are Ot prepared to meet
Its demand?
Demands of the Age!
The most Thoroupli, Practical, ami Com
prchc naive
-on -
TlicConrse-ls so arranged and Taught as to
enable tbe Student to master It In
the Shortest Ti me Possible.
Kauh Student after passing through tbe
Book-Keeper & Merchant
where. In the space or a FEW WEEKS,
he obtains the experience nf an
The Telegraph Department Is now fit
ted up with the be4 ot Instruments, and Is la
complete running order.
LLGE I'Al'EK. fca5 Address:
DcFrancc V Jamen,
H A VINtJ consolidated with our own tho
stoek formerly ownel by J. B. A M.
IllKSTII, w e are now prepared to furnish our
customers with as large an assortment ot
licneral Merchandise a can be found in the
city. Our stock of Uoods consists. In part, ot
Hardware and Groceries.
A M'e.l Selft teil Stock of
Men & Bovs' Ready Made Clothing
constantly on hand.
Calicoes, Muslins, Detains,'
and everything usually found In a flrst
c lass l)ry tioods store can be found
upon our shelves.
Boots c3 Slaoos,
of all varieties, together with
And a Large Lot of Woolen Goods.
We invite theLadlesof the city and vicinity
to call in and examine our stock.
esrNo trouble to Show Coods.
WE AIM TO PLEASE, and will sell goods
at rednced rates to close out our immense
E-Call In and see us before purchaslnf
Remember the place.
Hermann & Hirsch,
Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon.
(Successor to Ciafovago A Wright,)
Family Croceries,
Coffee, Tea,
Soap, Candles
Lime and Salt,
C3" Accnt rr Imperial Fire Insurance X-'o.,
of London.
Commercial Strf.kt, Salem.
A Splendid Assortment of
Ladies' Fashionable Dress Goods,
Consisting In part of
BImek suMI Colored Mlaus,
lrsali mm Freaela PvpUaw.
Jap e Mlka.
Black and Colored Alnaoaa, Mohair Bre
cades, Tycoon Reps, Delaines, Ac
A Full and Complete Assortment of
Ladies' and Misses' Underwear,
Hosiery, Cloves, Ac, Ac
Sept. SO, 1872:3m.
J tiree
Inquire at
rarnK PARTNERSHIP heretofore exlsttns;
under the name of lvert k. Friedman
In Salem Is this ilnjr dissolved by mutual con
sent. The business will be hereafter conducted
at the old stand of S. Friedman. All Uie
stock will lie removed from Ihe present stand
to Friedman's Corner and will be sold out
rvitar'llniM nf cot. Fliidiue It Impossible to
ran both places without neglecting the old
stand, br removing all to one house I will lie
enabled to liirnisli all kinds of roods, wht.'h
will and must be sold cheap for cash. I can
now feed thctmnfrry ami clothe all In the bust
that the market affords.
Salem, Kept. 18: lOd
THE partnership heretofore existing; nn
der the name of Davenport A Wolfard,
at SiWerton, Oregon, Is this day dissolved by
mutual uonieni. The business will be here
after conducted at the ok! stand by J. d Ha
ven port, who assumes all liabilities awl to
whom all dents due the Ann will be paid.
Those Indebted will please call and settle Im
mediate! v, as we wish hi oloae up the ana
business as soon as possible.
SltTPrton, June 31, 1K7J.