The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, August 27, 1872, Page 6, Image 6

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    relative to any cause, civil or criminal, which
which might have len brought and would
have been ortgiuallv cognizable la a circuit
court, or removed thereto under any act ot
Congress, pending ill or returnable to the
district court lor ihe said northern district ol
Georgia at ibe June apiinted lor holding the
next term thcreot, arc m-reny neciiuc, m .
transferred and wade returnable to Uiocli
cult conn constituted by this act, to be ho .(ten
Within the said district, and-sliall U heard,
tried, ami determined 1 hen in. In the tame
manner as If nriganally inatiluied i in or re
moved to such circuit, court. Ami the said
circuit court shall be governed by the same
general laws ami regulations as apply to oili
er circuit courts of the Uuited Siwcs, ami tbo
clerk ol' will court shall perftuni the same
duties and shall be entitled to receive the
iann' fees anil emoluments which are bylaw
established lor the clerks of other circuit
counsel' the United Slater, and shall beap
iMtlntetl by Ibe circuit judge of circuit: Fro
vided, That the present clerk of the district
court for said northern district sliall be tbo
clerk of the circuit court of said ill. trict till
another appointment lie matle in his place or
he be otherwise removed.
Sue. 3. That there shall be two terms of the
district court for the northern district of
Georgia, held in Atlanta, In each and every
vear, to begin on the first Moudavs of March
h nd September; aud there suall a'sobe two
terms of Hie circuit court tbr said district,
held in Atlanta, In each and overy year, to
begin on the secoud Monday lu March and
Sloe. 4. That all suits hen-after to be Insti
tuted in the district or circuit court of ehher
the northern or southern district of Georgia,
not of a local nature, shall lie commenced in
a court of the district where the defendant re
sides; but if there be more thau one defend
hiv. and the rest de In different districts, the
plaintiff mav sue in either, and send
duplicate writs to the other defendeuts, on
which the V aiutllf or his attorney shall In
dorse that the wrt.s thus suit are copies oi
writs sued out of the proier district ; and the
said wii s, when executed and returned into
the oflice from whence they issued, shall
constitute one and the same suit, and be pro
ceeded lu accordingly.
Sec. 5. That the rules of court heretofore
.idii pled, ami now of force In the district
court for the northern district ol Georgia, be,
mid thev are hereby .declared to be, adopted
and of "force hi Ibe soul, northern district;
but the tame mav be altered, modi lie I,
amended, or annulled bv the said courts.aud
new rules mav be a llied thereto in the same
manner as in other district and circuit
courts. The relnrii-davs of writs and execu
tions returnable no ihe said district and the
said circuit courts shall lie the first days ot
the terms of said courts respectively, but the
time for the return of wrlls may lie, by rule
of court, changed to any rules-day.
Sec. 6. That ihe grand aud traverse juries
which have been or which may be drawn for
tlie first term after the passage of this act, of
the district court for the northern district of
Georgia, shall lie the juries for both the cir
cuit aud district court; and all the acts as
such In either court shall be valid, as It said
juries belonged exclusively to the court in
which thev are acting lor the time being,
Sec. 7. that it shall be lawful lor the
requisite jurors, grand and pe lt, for either
or both of said courts, to serve .at the first
term thereof, to be drawn at any lime by the
judge of ihe said district court, either ol
the judges of said ci rcult court.
Sec.. That lira ninth and tenth sections
of the sot of August eleventh, eighteen hun
dred and fortv-elght, organUIng the district
court of Ihe northern district ot Georgia, and
all acts and parts of acts mi Haling against
this act, be, aud the same are hereby, repeal
ed. Approve 1, June 4, 1874.
AN ACT to provide for holding a circuit
court of the United aud tor the wes
tern district ot Missouri."
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representative! of the United Staiet of
America in Congress assembled,
That a circuit court of the United States in
ami for the western district of Missouri shall
hereafter be held at the city of Jefferson, at
the place of holding the district court of the
United Stales for the said western district of
Missouit, on the third Mondays of April and
November in everv year.
Sec. 4. That the said circuit court of the
Uuited States In and for I lie western district
ot Missouri shall in all things have and re
tain jurisdiction of all matters arising there
in ; that a circuit court of the United Spates in
and fur the eastern district of Missouri shall
be held at the same time and place (at the
cltv of Saint Louis! as now provided by law
for holding the circuit court of the I niied
States in and for both tho districts of Missouri;
that the said circuit court of the Unite! States
iu and for thu eastern district of Missouri
shall In all these thing have ami retain juris
diction of all matters arising therein; and
that the saidclrciiit courts of ilie Uuited suites
herebv esinb Ished in ami lor the eastern aud
western districts of Missouri shall, resjieclive
lv, have and exercise the same original juris
iflciion lu the said districts, respectively, as Is
vested in the several circuit courts of the
Uuited Slates as organised under existing
laws, and shall also sespectively have and
exercise the same appellate jurisdiction over
the district courts of the tnlied Siates tor
said eastern and western districts, respectlve
lv, as by existing laws is vested in the said
several circuit courts of the United Stales
ovsr the district courts of the Unitee Sales
In tbelr respective circuits. Said circuit
courts shall be called, respectively, the cir
cuit court of the United States iu and lor the
western district ol Missouri, and the circuit
court of the United States in aud lor ihe eas
tern district of Missouri, and shall be com
posed, respectively, of the jus: Ice of ihe Su
preme Court of the United Siates allolted to
the eighth judicial circuit, the judge of tho
eighth judicial circuit, and the judge or tho
district court for the western district of Mis
souri, in the said western district, aud of the
said two first-named judges, and the judge of
the district court for the eastern district ol
Missouri, in the sal I eastern district, but may
be held bv any one of sal I three judges in the
absence of the remainder. The clerk of the
clrcuu court for the present districts of Mis
souri shall remain the clerk of the circuit
court of The Uni ed Si ales In and for the
eastern district ol Missouri; and the district
uttoi nev and marshal for said eat em district
of Missouri shall act as such dis.riet attorney
and marshal In said circuit court in and lor
the eastern district of Mistouri as now provi
ded bv law. The circuit court in and lor the
western district of Missouri shall apiOlnt a
clerk of said court, who shall keep his olhVo
In the citv of Jefferson aforesaid, perform its
duties, and receive Its fees and emoluments,
subject and in conformity to existing laws
regulating the duties, fees, and emoluments
of other clerks of circuit courts of l lie United
States. And the district attorney aud mar
shal for said western district of Missouri shall
act as such district attorney and marshal 1 in
said circuit court In and for the western dis
trict of Missouri.
Sec. 8. That the United States circuit court
lor sai I eas eru and western districts of Mis
souri sbal 1 have power at anv time to order
adjourned terms of said circuit courts, res
pec Ively, at which adjourned terms any
business may be transacted which could be
transacted at anv regular terms thereof. A
copy of said order, in the eastern district of
Missouri, shall lie posted on the door of tho
court-room, and advertised in some newspa
per printed in the city of Saint Louis, and a
copy of sai 1 ordor, in the western district oi
Missouri, shall be ixwied on the couit-room
door and advertised In some newspaper print
ed In the city of Jefferson, twenty dnvs at
least before said adjourned terms shall be
Approved, June 8, 1871.
XS ACT for th rollef of certain offloers ol
the navy.
Be it enacted Ay the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United Slates of
Aemrica in Congress assembled:
That In conformity with and to carry Into
effect the recommendation and conclusions ot
the board of officers organized In pursuance
of the "Resolution for the relief of certain
officers of the navv," approved July first,
eighteen hundred and seventy, the President
of the Uni ed States be. ami be Is hereby, au
thorized, by and with tbo advice and consent
oftfee Senate, torcatore Commodore Joseph
F. Gresn to hto original port tton on the navy
list, next below Rear-Admiral Boggs; to pro
mote John I)e Camp to his relative
position as arearHiiiinirai on mo rejireci list ;
to promote t 'olninodore Charles V . Ticketing ;
to the grade ol commodore on the retired li-t, I
with the retired iiy of bis advanced rank : lu I
advarjee Captain Kgbert Tompson In rank 1 two tin. u.-ami live hundred dollars.
rxt lielnw Captain TlKiiia-G. f'oil iu For Fori Jcliersoii. Garden Key, F'.oiida,
promote Ciiniiiaudir Samuel 11. Franklin In, lni-iyM wo ihmisatid live hundred dollars,
take rank next after Commander James S. For Fort Jackson, Mississippi river, Louis i
Tliorntou ; to restore Commender Kdward Y. I una. sixlv-four I lions nd dollars.
McCaulev to liis original rank, next after
Commander W. 1. Whi ing ; to restore Com
manders John II. Russell, A. W. Johnson, I'.
C. Johnson, John Walters, A. K. K. Ik-nbain,
Austin i'endergi-ast, and W. I'. MoCaun, re
spectively, to llieir original places on Ilie nav v
Approved, May 2, 172.
O'K.VERAL JlTl'lt No. 100. J
AS ACT supiileuientary to an act entitled
"An act to aid In the construction of tele
graph Hues, and to scvuie tolhegovern-
nient the use of the same for postal, inllita- i dred and lil'tv thoui-antl dollars,
ry, and other purposes." approved July For surveys for military defense-', one htin-twenty-fouth,
eighteen hundred and sixty- i ,iied am tiiiy thousand dollars.
Be it enacted i;i the Senate and House
(J Rrprcnent itives of the United States of
Amei train Congrtss- nssembtcd,
That thelnternational OceauTelegiapliCom- !
linv sliall have the right to pre-empt and use j
public lands at the following stations in Florl
day on the line of telegraph belonging to'
sail telegraph comiiitnv, to-wlt: at the two
ends of the cab e on Slnabel is and, the sta-
turn at Puma Kaa, near the mouth of the
Caloosatiatchie river, the s ation at
Fort ; v
.ii-ors,ine iomi w nere ine ine oi leiegraim
! crosses Ihe CliMis:ihaic4iie rivar, the station
: at Pine Is ami. and the stations at liranch
river, Harlow and Tuckertown, ench fony
acres; such lands being public lands, and
now actually used bv the Internal louai
Octan Telegraph Comiiany of the S ate of
New York: Provided. That whenever any
one of the smallest legal subdivisions at any
one of the stations designated is less than
forty acres, by reason of the land lying adja-
1 cent to the Gulf ot Metlcn, or any bay or
river, the sal I company sha'l pre-empt only
siu-h sinaMe-t fractional sub livi-ioii umhi
which the buildings and offices of the compa
ny are located.
Approved, June 4, 1872.
AX ACT aniendatorv of an act entitled "An
act donating public lands to the several
Stales and Territories which may provide
colleges for the benefll of agricultural and
mcchanlco! arts," passed July second,
eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and acts
amendatory Iherelo. .
He it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assemld'd.
Thar the lands granted to the State of Ore
gon, for the establishment of an agricultural
col legs, by act tf Congress of July second,
eighteen liundrel and sixty-two, "and acts
amenda'ory theYelo, may be selected by said
State from ady lands within said State subject
to homestead "or pre-emption entry under the
laws of the United Spates; and In case where
land is selected bv the State, the price of
whkrii Is fixed hy law at the double mini
mum of two dollars aud fifty cents per acre,
such land shall be counted as double the
quantity toward satisfying ihe grant
Sec. 2. That anv inch selections alreadv
made by said Stale, and the lists duly filed in
the proper district land oflice, be, and the
iniuio uere..,, couiiiuien, e.xccpi so inr as
ihey may confiict with anv adverse legal
right existing at the pas-nge of this act : Pro
vided, however, That the State shall not re
ceive more than ninety thousand acres, the
quantity granted hy the act of July second,
eighteen hundred and slxtv-two: 'Provided
also. That such lands shall not be sold bv
said State for less than two dollars and fifty
cents per acre; and where settlement Is
made upon the same, preference In all caes
sliall be given lo actual settlers at the price
for which said lauds may be offered.
Approved, June 4, 1872.
General nature-Xo. lis.)
AX ACT to authorize the appointment of dep
uties' of clerks of circuit and district courts.
Be it enacted bv the Senate, and House
of Representatives of the United Stater of
, r J ...
y merica in Congress assembled,
That the denittv or deputies of nnv clerk of
anv conn of tliet' tilled States mav be apisiint-
e I by such court upon the application of the
clerk, and lie removalileat the p'easnre of the
court; and the coinpensaiion of any such
deputy shall lpald by ihec'erk ; and lu
caf of the death of the clerk, his deputy or :
iiepiuies snail, imtess removed or me judge,
continue in o luce and perform ihe duties of
the clerk, in his name, until his successor be
dulv apiointe l ami itia'it!ed: and for the de
faults or misfeasances In office of any such
deputy, whether In Ihe dfetlme of the clerk
or after his death, the clerk, and hisrstate,
and Ihe sureties In his official bond shall lie
llab'e; and blsexecntor or admlnlstra'or shall
have such remedy for anv such defaults or
misfeasances committed after his death as
the clerk would lie entitled to If the same
bail occurred in his lifetime.
Approved, June 8, 1872.
General nature No. 135.
AN ACT making appropriations for the con
struct ion, preservation, and repairs ol cer
tain tbrtificaiious, aud other works of de
fencs. Be it enne'ed bj the Senate anxl House
of Jiepresetttatices of Vie United States
of America in Congress assembled.
That the following sums be, and the same
are Xcreby, appropriated, out of auy raouey
iulhe treasury not otherwise appropria eii,
for the following foi tlioatious aud other
works of defense, viz :
For Fort Georges, Portland harbor, Maine, !
twentw thousand dollars.
L . I."..-. !.-., I. I ' r n .wl 1. u -!..... XI
k W I I Wll 1 1 tU'V. I UI..HIKI miuui, hi n I 11V,
foriv-two tliousaud five hundred doiiai-s.
For Fort Scaminell, Portland harbor, '
Mitlnp. lost r-t wo ihmifMllri flr hllndi-A.1 dol.
la s. lie it enacted by the Senate and Horse
For battery on Portland head, Portland 0f Jiepresentntiies of the United States
dIon.rbor, Massa- " America in confess assembled,
cbuseus, i-i.-lity-tlve ihousand dollars. That all the 'amis remaining un'lsposed of
For Fort Wiluhrop, Bos.on harbor, M.uki- in t he reserv a ion madefu the Ottawa and
chiisetis, sixlv-four thousand dollars. Chippewa Inulans of Michigan hy the treaty
For Fort Adams, Newpori, harbor, Rhode of July ihlriv-lirsr, eighieen hundt-ed and
Island, eighty-five thousand dollar.".. flllv-tlve. shall I restored lo market by prop-
F'or t'ort Imiependence, Boston harlior, er holli-e, under dli-ectlon of the Secretary of
Mas-achuselts, torty-two thousand five bun- Ihe lotet lor, as hereinafter provided,
dred dollars. Sec. 2. That said unm-cnpled amis shall lie
For F'ort Schuyler, East river, Xew York, open to homestead entry for six months from
eighty five thousand dollars. ; ibe passage of t his act by Indians only of
For fort on Wllielt's point, East river Xew said trilies who shall have not made selections
York, seventy-six Ihousand five hundred ' or purchases under said tie itv,including such
dollars. memliers of said nibes as have become of age
For F'ort Wood, Badloe's islaml, Xew York t since Ihe expiration of the ln years named
harbor, Xew York, seventeen thousand do!- in ih : treaiv ; and any Indian sn entitled shall
lars. i be permitted to make his homestead entry at
For Fort Hamilton, and additional batteries ihe local office w ithin the six months afore
In New York harbor' Xew York, forty thous- : said of not exceeding one hundred and sixty
and dollars. ': acres, or one-quarter section of minimum, or
For fort on the site of Fort Tompkins, Xew eighttv acres of double minimum land, on
York harbor, Xew York, thiriy-i wo thousand milking proper proof of his right under such
dollars; and for completing thd earth-work of rules as may lie prescribed by the Secretary of
the glacis and slopes inand about F'ort Tomi-1 the Interior: Provided, That the collector of
kins, Xew York harbor, fifiy-oue thousand ' customs for the district In which said land is
dollars. ! sit tutted Is hereby authorized, and It is made
For Battery Hudson, New York harbor, bis duty to select for such minor children as
Hew York, seventeen thousand dollars. i would be entitled under thli law as heirs of
For Fort Mifflin, near Philadelphia, Penn- ' anv Indian,
ylvsuia, seventy-two thousand dollars. I Sec. 3. That all actual, permanent, bona
'For a new fort oppotl.e Fort Delaware, fi le settlers on any of said lands who settled
Deleware river.Heleware.forty-twothousaud prior to the first day of January, elghlleen
five hundred dollars. , hundred and seventy-two, shall be entitled to
F'or Fort Mcllenry, Bail'.more harbor,
Maryland, twenlv-one thousand dollars.
For fort at Lazaretto point. Baltimore har
bor, Maryland, thirteen thousand dollars.
For Fort Foote, Potomac river, Maryland, '
twenty one thousand dollars.
For Fort Washington. Potomac river,
Maryland, twenty-one thousand dol lars. ;
For Fort Monroe. Hamilton roads. Vlreinla.
fortv-two thousand five hundred dollars. j fore made and regu.arlv rebrted and recog
F6r Fort Moultrie, Charleston harbor, ' nlzed a valid ami proper bv the Scci-e arv of
South Carolina, thirty-live thousand dollars, j the Interior and Commissioner ot Indian
For Fort Sampler, Charleston harbor Affairs, shall be patterned to the respective
South Carolina, thlrfr-'trve thousand, dot- Indians making H same : and all tales hero
For Fort Jackson, Savanrtah river, Georgia,
niuon thousand dollars.
For Fort Pulaski. Sivanrtah river. Georgia,
twi - uiy - llvc thousand dollars.
For' Fori Tavlor. Kev West: Florida, l'oi-tv-
tor rorl Saint flu lip, Mississippi river,
Louisiana, forty-two thousand the bundled
UI lars.
For fori at Fort point, entrance to the bur
lier of San Francisco, California, eighty-live
thousand dollars.
For 1ml ;, Lime 'iut, entrance to the har
bor of San Francisco, California, seventy-live
thousand dollars.
For fort at Aicuraz island, in the haiixir of
Sun Francisco, California, forty-lwo thousand
five hundred dollars.
For sea-coast mortar batteries, one hun
dred thousand dollars.
Fur permanent platforms for modern can
non ol large caliber, fifty thousand dollars.
I." or i.fiiiliiiuHiit:ii.s of lortili.-RI Ions, two hull-
Approve !, June 10. 1S72.
GENKKAl, ATIHE -No. 125.
AN' ACT Increasing the rates of pension to
certain persous ti(erciu descriocd.
Le it enf't'ed hj the Senate and House
of lieprcsentntires of the L'nitud states
r., - I, ,.,;,.,, in f'nn.nvs axsei,.hh-rl.
I Ti at tin-act entitled "An act supp'emen
' t.-iry lo the several acis re a.iugio iensions,"
: appro -ed June sixth, eighteen liundreil and
sixty-six, be so amende I lliul from and alter
; the i assitge of this act ail jiersons entitled by
law ina io-k pension man nereinaiter siwci-
lied, who, whi e lu t he mi iiary or naval ter-
-!... iV tl.a I 1 1 1 1 I a i..j u.i.l 1., Hi... .1.., .-
shall liave lost the sight of both eyes, or shall
have lost both haotls, or shall have lost both
i-et, or lieen permanently and lolaily disa
b'e I in ti c efme, or otherwise to "prnui
lienlly and totally di-ali!e.l as to ren
der litem utlcriy hetp'ess, or so near
ly bo as to require Ihe constant personal
a d and alteiidauce of another ersoii, shall
b..'cn itle.l toa pension of thirty-one dollars
and twenty-five ceuls per mouth ; and all per
sons who under likeciicuiii lances shall have
lost one huuii and one fool, or been totally
aud permanently disabled in the same, or
otherw lee so llsabeil as to be lncapaciated
for performing anv manual labsr, but not
sn much as to require constant persoi al aid
and attendance, sliall be uiiiuled i,. a petisinn
of tweniv-l'.iur dollars per month; ami all
persons who under like clrciini-iancer shall
shall have lost one hand, or one fool, or been
mially and pcrami.enliy disabled iu the
same," or otlierwise so disable 1 as to render
their incapacity to irform manual lalsr
equivalent to the loss ot a hand or foot, shall
be.en i.le.1 lo a jvension of eighteen dollars
iiermonih, Iriiiii aud alter the lourih day of
unc, etgn.eeu hundred and seveulv-two.
Approve I, June , lb72.
General, nature-No. 128.
Au ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to
provide for the desposition of use'ess inl'i
tary reservations," approved February
twenty-fourth, eighteen liundied and seveu-ly-oue
Be it enuctett ,the Semite and ILve
of Representutires of the United States
f America in L'ongress assembled,
, , ..... . .
inn, uic: CT.-v-ii.ini j oi ,i Al in., iiii'i nc n,
hereby, authorized and directed to tiausl'er
to the cost oily and control of the Secreiary of
the Interior, for disiiolon for cash, i-cconl-lng
to Ihe existing las of Mie United Stales
relating to the pub.kVltiujts, after appraise
ment, to Ihe highest 'hldiiei , and at not less
than the appraised value, uoJat less tlian one
dollar and twenty-live cengl psr acre, the
I'nited States ml'iiarv re-rva!ion at F'ort
Wal'a Walja. in the Terory of Washing
ton: Prnvi led. That the Secretary of Ihe In
terior shall, whenever injihis opinion the pub
lic Interests may requirlSrWrause the Ibrego
Ing reservation," or part or wris thereoC lo be
subdivided Into tracts of less tkan forty acres
e.-u-.h, or into town-lots, with he necessary
street or streets to make the sama accessible:
And provlifed (unher. That each subdivision.
together witnjhe windings, bunding materi-
ills, or other uronertv whi.-
or oilier property vi lii.-li mav oe tnereon.
shall Ik appraised and offered "separately al
P"b'" outcry, to the highest bidder, as here-x
inlieforo provided, but not In subdivisions of n
mifre tll8n f(rlv a,rea eai.h after whu.ll Kny
unsold land or lot shall be subject to sale at
private entry lor the appraised value at the
proir land-office,
Approved, June 8, 1S7-J.
General nature No. 123.)
An ACT to declare the true Intent and
meaning of sdclion two of an act entitled
"An act to estab'ish a uniform system of
bankruptcy throuchotit the United States,"
approved "March two, eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven.
lie it enacted by the St note and Ifoune of
Representatives of the United States of
America in Cungrens assembled;
That the Bowers and jurisdiction granted to
the severol circuit courts of the United States
or any Just ice thereof, by section two of an
act entitled "An act toestabish a uniform
system of bankruptcy throughout the United
Sta e-," approved March second, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, mav be exercised
in any district in which ihe jiowers or juris
diction of a circuit court have been or mav
be conferred on the district court for such
district, as if no such powers or jurisdiction
ha I been conferred on such district court ;
it being the true intent and meaning of said
act thui the system of bankruptcy thereby e-t-tab
l.-hed shall lie uniform throughout the
United Mates.
Approved, June 8, 1S72.
General nature No. 112.
. AN ACT for the restoration to market of cer
tain lauds In Michigan.
enier either under the homestead laws or to
iv for at the minimum or double minimum
price, as the case may be, not exceeding one
hundred and sixty acres of the former or
eighty acres of the latter class of land on
making proof of his settlement and combined
residence before the expiration of six months
from the ltassage of tills act.
O 4. Thai ail se e -lions bvImliaiiBbereto-
! lofore majle and reported w here tho same are
I regular a liii not In conflict w iih eiK-h selec
tions, or with any other valid adverse right, i
except of Ihe United States, are hereby con- ,
lit nied. and patents stall i-sue I hereon as in :
other cases according to law. !
s-ix'. .'i. That luiiiijii:ite:y after the explr:-t
ti.m el saii six inouihs, t lie se.-retnrv shiill j
proceed toresioie the rem.ii ling liimls to j
.narket l.v pub'l,: notice of not le-s ; linn llilrl
dm s, ami after such restoration they si. al be '
subject to Ilie general laws governing the ills- ;
position ol the puu Ic lauds ot the I ulred
S;ates: l'roviuel, That none of the lands
herein mentioned shall he subject to or taken
under any gram ol lands for works or im
provements, or by any railroad coni)auy.
Approved, jane In, IsM2.
iiiit.NKitAL NAft ltt No. i:k.;
AN ACT lor the relief ol Krtnth S. Tra p,
executrix of VVtlllam Tra.p, dece.isi-d.
De it enacted hy the Senate and IIuum
of lit'icsentaticcs of the United States of
America in Congress assembled,
I That the letters-patant gninleil William ,
I Trapn, a citizen of the Unl.eil Stales, dated ;
(ihe first day of October, eighteen hiindre-l j
I and forty-live, surrendered and re-issued on
the tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and
lorty-nliie, ami extended bv lh Commlssini - .
er ol t'aiKiits lor seven years Irom the llrst .
!ay of Octolier, eighteen hundred and lilt v
nine, ami again sitrienucrutt ami re-Issued l'i
two several divisions or patents numbered,
rcslieclively, nineteen hundred and forty-six
D Mil 111 M.O..U11 lllllllll'... I u.l.l r..l-f l .k.. Villi I. 11-
new and useful improvements m "barrel nut
! cliluery, be, and the same Is and are hereby,
; renew'etl, revived, ami extended lor the term
of seven years from and al u the sssgeol
i tins act ;aud the Commissioner of Paieuts.
is hereby directed, iisjii the presentation ol
said patents or re-issues, numbered, resiect
iveiv, nineteen hundred aud fort-slx and
nineteen hundred and forty-seven, or certi
lleil copies thereof, by making a certificate
upon such patent or re-issue, or certified copy
ttiereof, ot such extension, iihe lawful fee's
beint; first paitl llierelor.j In the name of
Snail S. Trapp, executrix of (Bid William
Trapp ; tine ihe Conimis loner i l I'a cuts h
lieleliy ihrc -'e I l Ihe siine loU-oli i".
e I of record in the Pa ent Ollicc and ihe sni 1
patents so reneweil, revived, ami extended
shall have the same etlects In Ib as II oi igi granted foi-iei miexieiidnig tollieeml of
the term to which they are extended by this
act: Provided, however. Thai such renewal
or extended jia'euts, respt; ivei.v, shall bo
oieu lo legal inouirv and decision in ibe same
iiuiuner as if issued under the general inw
regulating the granting of j a ents : And pro
vide I further. That no person, firm, or cor
poration shall be llaet lor any damage or
royally for having made, vended, or used
said improvements in said patents sH-cliie-l
prior lo the passage of this act ; and any such
jierson, firm, or corporation having made or
purchased and used said improvement since
the expiration of the said jiatents shad lie
entitled lo use the same without liability ilur
tlie term of sai I extension.
A pproved, June M, ls7
General nature-Xo. 131.
AX ACT to amend the fin ti section of au act
emitled " An act nri king appropriations lor '
Ihe legislative, etiectufie, anil judicial ex- '.
iensi-s of the government for the year end- '
lug June thirtieth, eihleeu hunilrel and '
seventy-three, ami fur oilier purposes." j
He it ennctt it by the Semite and Jhniit u, i
Jltpreientttlim of the L nittd Stntr o.' I
America in Couyre nnsciulii il :
That the fifth section of the act approved
May eighth, eighteen hundred ami tevonty
two, making appropriations for the legislative,
executive, and judicial exienses of i lie gov-
: ei umeni inr the year emiiug June thirtieth,
j eigh:ien hundred and scventi -three, sh.-i!l
not lie held to apply to materials, stores, or
! supplies sold to oilici-rs and M'diersof the
; anuy or to exploring or surveying expedl j
i lions aiithorizeil by law. and thtit'said sivilou '
! shall not Ik- held to repeal such part of par- :
; agraph lir.f-2. lievistst Army Regulations of
i eighteen hltmtd ami sixty-three, as rrs :
stores or simiifies r.nhirk- .-omlomiiiMl w-iil
! oe ten t irom their proceeds.
Approved, June H, ls.7-2.
General natuiik-Xo. 13.
AX ACT to prevent and puni.-h the instruc
tion of the administration of justice in the
courts of the United S-aes.
Be it enacted hy the Sennie ttnd Ilov.-e
of Jlepresentatin's of the United States
of America in t' assembled.
That If any person or irsons shall cor
ruptly, or by 'threats or force, or by threaten
ing fetters," or any threatening conimttnict.
Hons, endeavor to influence, Intlmidaie, or
impede any grand or petit jury or juror of
any court "of the Uni'ed State" in the dis
charge of his or i heir duty, or shall corruptly,
or by threats or force, sr by threatening
letters, or any threatening communi
cations. Influence, obstruct, or lniiede,
or endeavor to influence, obstruct, or Impede
the due administration of justice therein,
such iierson or iersons so offending shall be
liable lo prosecution therefor by indictment,
and sliall, on conviction iliereof, lie punished
bv fine not oiceeil'ng one thousand dollars,
oi- by Imprisonment not exceeding one year,
or by Ixnli. according to theaggnivathmof the
offense. And if any iersoii or persons shall
attempt to influence the acilon or decision of
any gTand or pe lt juror upon any issue or
matter pending before such juror, or liefore
the jury of which he is a meinlier, or i?nain
Ing to his or their duties, by wi lling or send
ing to him any letter or letter, or any com
munication In print or wriiing in re'atlon to
such issue or matter, without i lie order pre
vloiislv obtained of the court Isd'ore w hich
Ihe stud juror is summoned, such person or
persons so offending shall be diemel guilly
of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to pros
ecution therefor by imliotinent or Informa
tion, and -hall, on conviction thereof, lie
punished hy tine not exceeding one thousand
dollars, or" by Imprisonment not cxceetlng
fix uionibs, or by both such fine and Impros
onmei t, aocording to the aggravation of the
Approved, June 10, 1872.
General Xature Xo. 139.J
AX ACT to extend the provisions of an j
aclentitlel "An act for ihe final adjust-j
men! of private land-claims in the Slates of ;
Floiida. Loiil-iatia, Missouri, and for other
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Jlejiresentatires of the Uniteii States
of America in (Congress assembleit.
That the provisions of the act entttled "An
act for the tinal adjustment of private laml
clalms, in ihe S ales of Florlili, Louisiana,
and Missouri, and for other puroses," ai
proved June twenty-second, eighteen hundred
and sixlv, lie, and the same are hereby, ex
tended, and the same shall continue in force
for a perio I of three years from and after the
passage of ( his act.
Six-. 2. That all persons c'aimlng land as
siiecifle I In the first section of said act may
have their c'aims confirmed, in acconlance
with the forms and in Ihe manner presc.rilied
In said act, in all cases where it shall lie satis
factorily proved that theclaimanis, and those
from whom thev derive title, have held con
tinuous possession of the land claimed, from
tbo date of the cession to the United suites of
the territorv out of which the Siates of Florlr
da, Louisiana, and Missouri were formed.
ApproveJ, JuDe 10. 1872.
AX ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to
establish a uniform system of bankruptcy
throughout the United States."
Be it enacted ly the Senate and Ifovse of
Representatives of the United Stales of
America in Congress assembled :
That the first proviso in section fourteen of
an aot approved March second, eighteen huu-
dred aa l nxv wri:, eutftlel ".iu a.-t to
labli-h a uniform svslem of Iwnkriibtcy
throughout ihe United Sta es," v nnin-lei
bv s;rikirg out the winds eiglreeii 1iiiih1i1
and sixii-l'iur'aiid ins r.h.g in lieu ll-.eivol
'eighteen bundle I seven j-one."
Approved, J"- e s,H72.
(lil'ilil.t Tli.S t liKM'KAt. NATt'HK- No. Li
JOINT I(F.MI.I TK'N providing lor a more
eflo-;lve system of iiiarati:iue on the xiutli
ern and tiulf ctxist.
Whereas exjs
pre.iil s s eni
riersre has proved that the
I ,iiar,imine on tlie soiitbern
md L'ulf i'm is Inellicietii to prevent the
ravages of w low lever m the ,-lLis und
tow ii- of tlv.; v.iou : l lierei'ore.
llfn.ilri'd li't tltr Sfirttc iitnl II i'.-o; l
Jiij,rc':ii!'-tiis the Vuittd Mtit: of in ' 'hijrets xxemlile'l.
That the s-cre:ary of War I. and Is here
by, directed to detail one or more medn-Jil
oili. e-. s ( f the legular aruiv, w ho shall, dur
ing the o-ii.i'ig season, vl.-i e.i. h town or
In -l oil III.. .ut ot tllM Ctltl' .if MfVi.'JI nnil
the Atlantic c nst, which is siiImc-i or liable
to invn.-loiis of elIow f. ver. and -!.a!l conter
with the authorities if such port or town,
with reference to the elali Mniniit of ainoie
uiilfoun and eOectlve system -f in.ii antii,e,
Hn, who ,a:i n.(.rialn'nil tact having refer-
,,,.. to the ombi e lks i f this di-ea-t- lu such
)rts or tow us, ami whether any systeinia
quarantine Is likely lo lieeU'eclivr in prevent
ing invasions i f yellow fever, ami, if so, wltat
system will leasi interfere wiMi the luteresds
'f commerce at sal lrts; and shall make,
ji'so, a dc'.tti'is r,-ori on U.i- ,ubiect to the
Se.-vet.-irv of War, through the Surgeon Gen
eral, on or Wrtoie the as-emb dug ol the third
session of l he Forty-second C'ongress, In Ie
ctmlier, elghlteu hiindied and st-veiuj lwo.
Approved, June C, 1872.
;i;i.MltAL SATl-RE-No. 11M.1
AN ACT to amtMid an act entitled "An act
regu'.vi g riK-ee ill ss In criminal oil',
an I I t o l.i i- purposes." .it'prnrcd March
third, ettrlitocii htiuured ami six
Be it eniicttd lp the .Si
! of Represmlatives of the I
! .-Iwici-.C'l in t n" yrf.i of .-.
II '
7 -:tet of
j That sec ion two of the a.-t entil e I "An
act reii atiug i nveeilings la inin ;i' case-,
' and for oilier plrpo.--es,,, Is-, aji I .l.e .-ainc is
i hereby, amended lo read us I'l'.i'vi:
j "SiV. That when tint i I' . h.i-:ted lie
: treason i r a caital ollence, the di f.-uilaut
shall be eutille.! in twenty and the I'niii d
i States to five iervniloi-y chal enues. On the
trial of anv oilier fetony, ihe del'einlaiit shall
I be entitled to leu .in I' ihcCuUe l State-to
! three i rcinptory clia!!enge-: and luall oilier
., i-.ill and criininat, each parly shall lie
jetiiitlisl lo three jiereinjitory challenges;
; and in all cases where there are seveml dc
! fendants or several p'aintiffs. the iartles on
! each si le sliall lie deemed a single parly for
the pnrpies of ail challe ges, whether to
j tlieari-n or linnet, or lo imlividnal jurrors, for
i cause or favor, shall be trie. 1 l-y tl.e ciurt
I without Ihe aid ol'trlers."
I ApproveJ, June f. 172.
AN ACT In regard to the commencement of
increased Jy lo proiiimeii olllcei s in the
! nary.
j lie it eitiirte-l bif the Senate nntl urite iJ
! R'ircfntnticen of the United States of Amer
' It- l in Cunyre uiitenibltd.
That the c'atisc in section seven of the act
! of July fifteenth, eighteen liundreil and sev
1 enty, ;m.iking appropriations forlhenaial
serik-e lor Hie vear ending June thirtieth,
J eighteen hundred ami seventy-one, and lor
j oilier puriioses," which enacts "that herealter
' the increased jiay of a prniiMtc-1 officer shall
I coiiinieis-e from "the date he is to lake rank as
; Is given in his commission," lie, and the am.
is lien-bv ri'iKM'ed : ProvidedDial ils.tch offi
cer have been promote-t in course lo u.i
avacaih-.y, and stiat! have been In Ihe sirlhrin-
.. ,,f dute of the lilgher grade front
the date he isto take rank, he may be allowed
the Increased jiay irom tliat date.
Approve-1. Jiine.o 172.
l;i NKUAL NATURE Xo. 1 1 1. i
AX ACT to fix the pav of certain rear admir
als 0:1 the retired list of the navy.
Be it t ii .c'iil btf the Senate and Inuse
of llriresiit'itit rs of the United Slates of
America in Congress asenblcd :
That f i uni an 1 afierlhe thirtieth of June,
eighteen hundred and scveuty, rear admirals
on the retired list of the navy, who were re
tired as ca)Haiis when the highest grade in
the navy was cjiptain. at the age of sixty-two
years, or after furtv-live years service, and
who. after their retirement, were promoted to
Ihe grade of rear a Imlral, and perlorined Ihe
duties of that grade in time of war, shall,
when not on duty, be entitled to and receive
Ihe puv of rear admirals on the re.lred list.
Approved. June 5, 1"7 2.
iGEM-tRAL NATURE- Xo. 102.)
AN ACT further regtila'lng the construe lion
of bridges across, the Mississippi river.
Beitcnartcii byth SriifU and House of
J prr.f-n'rt'h-es of th?. t'nitcci Siat-s of
Anvricn in Congress assrmbltt.
That atl bridges hereafter constructed
over and across the M tsslssippl river under au
thority ol anv act of Congress shall be sub
ject lo' all the lerins, restrict inns, and reitiire
nientscontalne I iu the flf.h section ofauvt
entitle 1 " An act toaiuhori -e the construc
tion ol a liilg across Ihe .Mississldpi rier.
at or mar the town of C inton, in the Sta. e of
Iowa, a id other bridges across said river,
and to establish them as jiost-roads," approved
April llrst, eighteen humh-e I an t seveniv
two: and in hvatlng anv such bridge ihe
Secretary of War sliall liave due retard lo
the security and convenience of navigation,
to convenience of access, and tothe wants of
all railways and highways crossing said
Approved, June 4, 1872.
AX ACT to euab'e the President to up mint a
Paymaster General of Ihe army.
Be it rnacttd by the Senate and House of
ArpwcittatH'es in the United Stntcs of
Rmeiira in Congress assemble',
That tho sixth section of the act r.f third
of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine,
making appropriation for the siiiort of the
armv. is so far modiricl. that the President is
herebv aulhnrtied to aioiiii a Paymaster Gen
eral with Hie rank, pav.and emoluments of a
colonel, said apiioliitment to dale from Ihe
time the appointee assumed the dulles of the
oflice, to till the vacancy now existing.
Approved, June 4, 1872.
oeneral naturk-Xo. 108.
AX ACT lo correct an error In the act ap
proved February twenty-fourth, eighteen
hundred end seventy-one.
Be it enacted ly th Senate and House of
Represen'atiies of the United States of Amei -ica
in Congress assembled.
That so much of the act entitled "An act to
provide for the disposition of useless military
reservations," apiiroved February twenty
fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one,
as locales Ihe military reservation of Fort
Walla Walla, in "Oregon,"' U hereby ame oil
ed so as to read "Washington Territory," the
actual location of said reservation.
Approved, June k, 1872.
General nature Xo. 124.
AX ACT ooooernlnjj the elronlt and district
crinsoriheUrite-l Nates rr the district
of Kansas.
.V rftnr'cl ,j tht; St.
Hefirtttncttticr of the
.1 il'f.-.Vl III f tilttjrii.9 tin ,i
lint' if ut .flisc of
t'tn'fcl Slate of
1 ha! fn in ami after the ra-.-aire I' this act
the Mav ti rin ol il e . ir. ul- court, ami tho
ictolK-r tetiii of lb - dl .nict coiir. of the
I'nlteil States for tin; ds4irlc! of Kan. us. shall
lie commence 1 aid heM at the cltv of Leavei
worth, Kaunas.
Approvcl. June t, 1-C2.
tGK.NKUAL ATIT.E - Nl. Il l !
AN ACT to.- miiii'ti. ili.s
M-VVtlll'tlt Of .-U-.-dll'lt-l
and navv.
toau'li ri,;- Ihrt
;ii.-'-r- of r he a rmv
Fie ft riitrtr:'1 Itif the Smitte mij ,'oti,e ,.,"
H' fn esri.''s "f the t n Its. .Vnil, ..' Amsn-ic-
f in ('on. c our ,
Tha the act to nii'horiic the M-ti Vineiit i f
Ibe accounts of the ollh-rs of the aunv at d
n ivy, approved June twriiy-thlrd. eighteen
biiiiiln-d and seventy, shall .-.outlin e and lie
In f'irce lor two jears from June twenty,
thirl, eighteen huudre 1 atid Feienty-iwo.nii l
no h.i ger.
Approve I. June 7, ls72-
IGtEltAl. NATlKE-.Nu. HVt
AN" ACt to amend an a.-t ewi'led "An act lo
regulate Ihe din'oinnrtc and conu'ar sye-
liimu .il' ih, I'l-.i'-oil S, ' nMi:-nvi.l An.
toius oi (tie i ni.c'i -a.cs. i1 rii.oi 1.1 n n-
gnsl eighteenth, e ighteen hundred and fllty-
J- i' snurM 6.1 (i-.S nut anil Jhrnse of
fi ,tr',S'-nta'.ives of (A- ("niif iS'ali.s of
America in Congress ass mljletl,
Th.v Schedu'e C of section three of an act
en'l'leil "An act to reg-il-vc i he iliti oma ic
audconsii ar systems of the Ui i'e l S n'es,"
approved August eighteenth, eighteen
dre I and fiftv-six. be It amended so as lo a td
t ihe cons-ifs i:i Iirazl! a consul a. Santarcm.
Approved, .June R, 17-'.
GENERAL NArrilE -Xo. 101.
AX A"T revive lo the entrvand e'earanco
of fern-boat ni 1 oj .boiideil cai-s jns-ing
I'r it'i one sta e t ai ither through foreign
con l lo is tet-rl oi y.
'. it c i'.c'i" ! tij S' liato und ir.-c
of l!eprecnlati'ri nj the United States
of A iici i:' t in Uonijress ussemlled.
That vessels nsel exclu.-ivelyasferry lioats
carri Ing tvissenei-rs. li.-igg.-ig.', gisn is. "ware,
and merchaiidi-e shi.l not ! n-ouiveil lo
enter and c'eir. nor shall Ihe masters or per
sons In charge of such vesse s lie rtsiuire l to
present nymlfests, nor to ny eutvaiii or
clearance fees, nor fees for receiving or cerd
f.ving inatillets, but Ihey shall, Usm arrival
In the United States, lie require i torejiort
such litmmufe. gofnis, wares, and merchandise
; to the proper ofll.-er of tin-custom-, according
j to law.
sec 2. Thai the nii'road-cars or other ve
j hicles laden with gis Is, wares, and merchan
i ilise. sealed by a c-isti in officer, iimler the
I proiioi:s nf "sect Inn six of the act of July
twenty eighth, eichteeu hundred and slxlv"
six.nhd ihe regntatlons of the Sc-retarv of
Ihe Treasure, lAssing from tint1 rt or placa
in the United Slate' to another therein,
J Ihroiigh foreign conilgiious lerrltory. sl all I e
i exempt from i he payment ol anv lees for re
I ceiving or certifying' manifests thereon,
j Approve 1, June 4, ls72.
! AX ACT toamend an a..: entitle,! "An act to
! es'abllsh and prote r: national ,u-m -teries,'
approvtsi February twenty-.-ei-onil. etgh.een
hurdred and sixij-seven."
j Be it enacted fcy th' Senate and House of
I llepirt'ntJlivtt of the United States if
i A merica in Conaress o.isemhle i.
I That from and after the passage ot this act
j all soldiers and sailors honorably discharged
j from Ihe service of the United" S-a'es. who
1 may file In a destitute condition, shall be a'
I lowe4 btinai in tlie nat iouat cemeteries of tlie
I I'ni ed S ales.
Apiroved, June 1, 1872.
AX ACT to create an additional land district
in Florida.
He it enacted by the. Senate and House
of Representative of the Unitert States
of Anisric i in Congress tissvinbletl,
Tliat that portion of Florida lying east of
of the line between ranges fourteen and 11 f
teon cast shall constitute an additional land
district, ami shall be known as ihe East Flor
ida district, the oflice lor w hich shall be iocs-
ed at Javnesvi lie.
Sec. J. Thai there sliall he appointed a
i-giler and a receiver lor said land district,
and who shall lie entitled to the same com
pensation as Is, or may hereafter be, pre-scnlx-d
by law Tor like ondcers of the other
district in said state.
Appprovc, June R, ls72.
'GErKAI. NATURE -Xo. 127.
AX ACT to provide for tilling vaconcies In
certain oflcs In the several Territories.
'c ft fiiac'ed by Ihe Senate and noils'!
of Jlcpresentatire.1 if the United Slides
in Congress assemlji-d,
Thai In any of the Territories, w henever a
vacancy shall liappen from resignation or
death during Ihe recess of the iegi'lallvo
council iu anv office which, under the organ
ic act of said Territory, Is lo be filled by ap
pointment of tho gov'erncr, by and with the
advice and consent of the council, Ihcgovem
er shall fill up such vacancy by granting a
commission, w hich sliall expire at ihe end of
the next session of said legis alive council.
Api roved, Simo 8, 1872.
General Xature Xo. 13S.
AX ACT for the relief of John C. Beaumont.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of llepresentutires of Uie United State
of Americ t in Congress assembled,
That the President of the United States,
by and vvnli the advice and consent of the
Senate, restore John C. Beaumont to the posi
tion ol Captain on Ihe active list, to lake po-i-tion
at thu lis of the list of captains: Pro
vided, That the passage of this act shall not
entitle the said John C. Beaumout to di-aw
any additional back pay.
Approved, June 10, 1872.
General nature -Xo. 144.
AX ACT lo reiieal so much of section six of
an act entitled -'An act making appropria
tions for the support of the army for tbe
year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun
dred and seventy, and for other purposes,"
approved March third, eighteen hundred
and slxtv, as prohibits promotions in the
Engineer department of tbe army.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of this United Slates
of Anuriai in Congress assambled,
That so ranch of section six of an aot en
tttled "An ad making appropriations for the
support of the army lor the year ending June
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and
for other purposes," approved March third,
eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, as prohibit
promotions and new appointments in the Lu
gineer department be, and the nam 1 berby,
repealed: Provided, That nothing herein
coniainod shall aulhorUa promotlou la said,
department above ibe grad of ooiouel.
Approved, Jane 10, 1873