The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, August 27, 1872, Page 5, Image 5

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Or'tH lAL.
rsM;n at tm y s::conii skssion 'fs'ni: foil- j
AX ACT making npproprlpatlnns l;r the
tiMrt. ol ih. array fur the year ending
June thirty. eighteen' hundred and seventy
three, and' i ir o;hei- p-.trpost-s.
Be it vntctid ftf t'f Sttioie a tl finurs
nf Urp'ctn'iiliyea if the. Unitid State of
Aiwridit in C nyr,as oaemhUJ:
That Ihe following sums bo, and the same
arc hereby, appropriate I, out of any luouc
in the treasury not o' herwise appropriated, I ir
the supper hi th j army fji- i lie year ending
Jti 10 thirtieth, eighteen hu.ulreil and eeveutj
thive. Fiirfxpcnw of the Communling jCuera!Ts
OtUe, Ave tlnmsaml dollars.
For expenses of rforuiilnz and transporta
tion of recrulls, one bunilred and twenty
thousand five bundle I anil eighty dollars, "
For contingent expenses of the Adjutant
General's deparlmeut at the headquarters of
milir-iry divisions and departments, live ihou
Ktnd dollars.
Fur ih ! expense of ihe sina'-servioe of
the iivniv, twelve thousand live hue. lie I dol
lar. Fjr p-y of the army, and f,r pa-ment to
discharge t soldier for clot hi ng not" iliawn,
twelve million one hundred and live thousand
fire hundred and iduetv one dollars and
-thirty-two cents.
For allowances to ofilcers of the nnnv for
Iraasportatlonof theimeivesaii 1 th-lr ba;igae,
vvneti traveling on duty, without troops es
corts or supplies, two hundrcj an 1 forty
thousand dollars.
For general expenses such as the compen
sa ion of witnesses while tin court-martial
service, an I traveling expenses ofpiivmus
ters' clerks, and po-tat-eon leters, and i.k--ig-s
and - telegram received and sent hy
ntucers of thjaiiny on public business, mili
tary commissions and courts of iuip.irv, one
bund re I thousand dollars.
For of regular troops, engi
neers, and Indian scouts, two million seven
bundle I an I seventy thousand nine hundred
aad forty-four dollars.
For regular s.ipplies of the Quarternta-i
tcr's depjiinieul, to wil : For the regUiar
suppllei of the Quartermaster's department,
consisting of fuel for ntttcers, i-nllsie I men,
guariU, hospitals, storehouses, a.-.d ollices ; of
loiae lu kind for the torses, inuies, and
oxen of Ihe Quartermaster's department, at
the several posts and nations, and with the
armies In the Held ; for the horses of t he sev
eral regiments ol'cava'ry. the batteries of
artillery ,and such companies of infantry and
scout as mav lie mounted, a ml for The au
thorized miniber of officers' horses, inclint
lu(t bedding for the animals: ofstr.iw for
soldiers beiMingj and of stationery, includ
ing blank bonks lor the Quartermasters de
partment, eortltleatos for discharired soldiers,
blank forms for the l'ay and Quartermaster's
departments, and for printing of division and
dejiartinent orders and reports, four mil ion
For incidental expenses, viz: For postage
and telegrams or ttpMibft!i; extra par to
soldier employed, nmier ihe direction of the
ijtiarlcriuaszer's depart mtiitf, lu lite erection
of barracks, quarters, storehouses, and hos
pitals, tn the construction ef roads, and other
constant labor, for periods of not less than
ten days, under the acts of March second,
eighteen hundred ami nineteen, and August
fourth, eighteen hundred and nfiy-four, lu.
eluding those employed as clerks at division
and department headquarters ; expenses ol'
expresses lo and from the frontier posts awl
armies in the field ; of escorts to paymasters
and other disbursing officers, and 'to trains
where mili ary escorts cannot be furnished ;
expenses of the interment of officers killed in
action, or who die when on ditty In the field.
r at posts on the frontiers, of at posts and
other places wheu ordered by the .Secrelarv
4f War, and of non-commissioned officers and
soldiers; authorized office furniture, hire of
laborers in Ilia Quartermaster's department,
including the hire of Interpreters, :.pte, and
guides for the army; compensation of clerks
to oltioers of the Qoartmiater'sde-artinent t
compnnsatlon of forage and wagtiu masters
authorized bv the act of July tilth, elghleen
hundrodandthlrty-eight; for the appreheiv
sion of deserters, and the expense incident to
their pursuit; and for the followlngexpendt
tures required for the several rogtmeutsof
ravalry, the batter ies of light artillery, and
such comianles of Inlantry and scouts as may
be mounted, namely : the purchase of travel
ing forges, blacksmiths' and shoeing tools,
hjrte and mule shoes aid nail;, iron and stet 1
lor shoeing, hire of vertertuary surgeons,
medicines lor Dorses and mules, picket-roes,
and tor shoeing the horses of the corps named:
also, generally, Ihe proper and authorized
expenses for the movement and operations of
an army not expressly assigned lo any other
department, one million two hundred thou
sand dollars.
For purchase of horses for the ealvarv and
artillery, and for Indian scouts and for
such Infantry as may be mounted, three hun
dred thousand dol iars.
For traosiortalion of the army, including
baggage of the troops when moving either
by land or water; of clothing, camp, and
ganrlson equipage from the depots ot Phila
delphia and Jelfersonvllle to the several ois
ami army deiols, and from those depots to
the tno"w In the Held; of horse equipments
and of subsistence stores from the piaces of
ixirchase, and from the places of delivery u-
der contract to such places us the circumstan
ces of the service may require them to be
sent : of ordinance, ordlnanec stores, and
email-arms form the founderles ami armories
to the arsenals, fortilioailons, froniier osts,
and army depots; lrclght, wharfage, tolls,
and ferriages; the purchase and hire of horses,
mules, oxen, mid harness, and the purcha-o
and repair of wagons, carts, aud drays, and of
ships and other sea-going vessels, and boats
required for the transportation of supplies
and for garrison purposes; for drayage and
cartage ut tho several posts, hire or team
sters, transportation of funds for the iay ami
other disbursing departments ; the expense of
sailing public transports on the various rivers,
the Gull or Mexico, and the Atlantic and
Pacific; for procuring water at such posts as,
lr.-m their situation, require It lo be brought
from a distance; and for clearing roads and
removing obstructions from roa Is, harbors,
and rivers lo the the extent which may lie
required for the actual operations of the
troops in the field, four million dollars.
For hire of quarters for officers on military
duty, hire of quarters for troops, of store
houses for the sale-keeping of military stores,
of offices, and of grounds for camps, and for
sntnuier cantonments, and for temporary
frontier stations; for the construction of tem
porary huts and stables: and for repairing
public buildings at established posts, one mil
lion two hundred and titty thousand dollars.
For construction and repairs of hospitals,
one hundred thousand dollars.
For heating and cooking stoves, ten thou
sand dollars.
For purchase and manufacture of clothing,
camp and garrison equipage, and for preserv
ing and repacking stock of clothing, camp,
ami garrison equipage, and materials on hand
at the Sohnylkill arsenal and other depots,
even hundred and seventy thousand dollars.
For the necessary expenses of such sales of
storas or material'belonging to the army es
tablishment as may be authorized by law,
ten thousand dollars.
For establishing and maintaining national
military cemeteries, two hundred and fifty
tboosand dollars.
For army contingencies, namely, inch ex
penses as are not provided for bv ether esti
mates, embracing al 1 branches or the military
service, seventy-five thousand dol lar.
For pare has of medical and hospital atip
ptles, par of private ph vale tans employed in
emergencies, live hospital attendants e xpenses
of purveying depots, of medical examining
boards, and Incidental expenses of the me t
ical department, three hundred thousand dol
lar. For providing surgical apparatus andsp-
pi'ian. e for ihe releif ol' I ersons disnb ed in
the milit irv and nav il service of the L' idled
St.iles. and not included within the terms ol
any a v granliii,' nrtlflcial limbs, or other
sp '- i ll rdlof. te'i iliou-aii'l dorm s, to be ex
, . . 1 1 . ,., i .,. .;. . .I -...- i ,-i i r :intS.c:-.!.ar;.
iitW'iv: rnniicl. Th tl .1 re per' s'-a!l be
T i V' i '' rjx- - i iv ;' :i ; i . t 3 ; :vi i;..
-Iriwlnij .lie :.i::m- in : l'.-l ii of en.:';i h'V
hi;i rciiive I, a id hei aturean ! cost ol the
ainiara' us provi-'.e I.
For the Armv Melical Miireum and medi
cal ami ivher mvessai v w orks for Ihe library
of the Surgeon tieuei ei's i iillce, ten thousand
Knirineer tk'pav.inent at WlHett's imlut:
For protection ol jiontor.-bocits. remlelln
ponton material, nad for current expenses of
iteimt, fire thousand dollars.
For niodillcition and repair of buililings,
live thotisanil dol'.iirs.
For erei-tloii of new chapel, (h e Ihousan I
For repairs of instruments for general ser
vice of the corps of engineers, ten thousand
For purchase rf ste;e an I minlnmaterla's,
ami for simple photographic apparatus for
copbis ni'ijis, one tliousaiel ilollars.
For expenses of trials with trpe loes for
harlsir and land deteih-e, awl nuterial for
same, ten thousand dollars.
Kor ihe orduauce service required to de
fray I lie current cxj-ense.-i at the arsenals; of
receiving stores ami issuing arms and nthei
or luance s'.ipp'ies; of police and oftibe du
ties; of rents, toll, fue', anil lights; of a'.nlnn
ery and oftice furniture; of ti ols and instru
ments for use; of public animals, forage, and
vehicles ; incidental expenses of the ordnance
service, including those attending radical
trials and test of ordnance, small-arms, and
o;her ordiinncc supp'ies, two hundred thou
sand dollars.
F'or inaiiufacturlng metallic amuultion for
sm ill-arins, one hundred and twenty-five
thousand dollars.
For overha'tllng, preservings, niwl cleaning
new oidnaiiv-.e store-, on hand in the arsenals,
scve it v live tbou-and dollars.
For sea-coast canuou, and carriages for Ihe
; huuilre I a:id twemy thousau I dol-
F'or experiments and tests of heavv rilled
ordnance, twu huudreil and siwenty iluiusand
dollars: Provided, That this appr.ij i i:i;io:i
shall be ami'ie.l lo at least three mole! sol
lie ivy ordiiance, to Ii-' de -innate. I b a b 4ird
oforticers ( lie ;s injtsl b tlie Sccret.-iry 1
War, whi.-li resirt shall itk-Jude bodi classrs.
breech aud n.uzzl,) leaping cannon, and the
Isiwderand projcrtiles ntvessary for testing
lite same sluill be supplied from stores on
For constructing and tesling Mollat's
breevdi-loading He pieces, eight thousand
dollars; and tor testing James Crockett's
graduating and accelerating ,-artridge, and
lor experimenting wi h ent metallic cart
ri lge of Wil lis K. Misire, an 1 o her improve
ments in am:iiillion, live thousand dollars.
For purchase and manufacture of other
ordnance stores to till requisi.ion ol tnsips.
fifty tlious:iid dollars.
For manufacture of arms at the national
armory, one hundred and fitly thou-and flol
dollar's; Provi.lcc, That no iiart of thlsar
proprta'ion shall be expended until a breech
loading system for inusLe s and cat iii:es shall
have been adopted for the mi i'ary service
upon the recomnienda'ion ol'the b'-nrd lo lie
apiK-lntel by the Seerctary of War, which
board shall consist of not less than fiveoili
cers, as follows: one general olllcx-r, one or.!
uauce otticer. a;i I line? officers of the line,
one to be uiken from the cavalry, one from
the and one from the artillery : nd
provided ii:r:her, 'Ihat Ihe sytein, when s(l
adopted, shall lie the only one to lie used by
the i ird nan. e department in the manufacture
of musketsand carbines for Ihe military ser
vice: and no royalty shall lie Jiid by the
government of the I'nited states for the use
i.f-aid patents to any f lis otlicers ir tm
ployees, or for any palent in which said lli
cor or employees' may lie direct ly or indirect
Iv intcrsied. '
'Sii'.J. That hercafer It shilllie ll'ega! to
brand, mark, or tutno on the liodv if any
soldier by sentence of cOJrl-mrl d. ami the
wort! "corporeal" shall be striken from the
forty-flfth of the rules and article for the gov
ernment of the armies of the Uni ed Slates.
Approved. June $, ln7i.
itiENEliAL NATL'KK -No. HiL j
AX ACT making appi'oprUUious for tliu rc- I
Iir, prcsi'ivaiioh, aud completion feer-!
tain pub'ic works on rivers and harbors. '
and lor other purposes.
He it eii'icteJ the Senaf una IJoimt ;
rif ttepretntuttvet if the United Statet o, !
AiHtncn in Cvnyrenn anxtmldtd, j
That the following sums of money be, and!
are hereby, appropriated, to lie m'id out. of i
auy money In the treasury not otherwise ap- '
prnpriate l, to be cxwndiVl under the illrec- '
lion of the Secretary of War, for Ihe repair, j
preservation, ami completion of the following !
pub lc works hereinalier named : !
For the Improvement of lti Liith liarlior, i
Minnesota, tilt v thousand dollars: Provldeil, j
That no pall of said sum shall lie exiH-nded so I
as to in jure the liavbor of Superior city, WU- i
con-in. j
For ihe improvement of Supciior t'ity liar-1
lxir, Wisciinsiii, lll'iy thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Marque: l harbor,!
Mlcblgttn, tlliv thousand dollars. I
For ihe Improvement of Monomnnec har-
bar, Mi.-liiiin and Wisconsin, iwenty-iivc '
iiioitsauii (iniiurs.
For the improvement of Ahnaiiee harbor,
Wis.-or.sin, twenty-live thousand dollars.
For Ihe improvement of Two Itivers harbor,
Wisconsin, iwcnlv-Uve thousand dollars
For thu Improvement ot bhchoygaii harlir,
Wi-s-oiisin, eighteen thousand doliara.
For the iiuprovemunt of Port Washington
liarlsir, WLscousin, til'iccti thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Kenosha harbor,
Wisconsin, ten thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Chlcuro harbor.
Illinois, ninety thousand dollars. ;
For the improvement of Calumet harbor.
Illinois, forty thousand dollars :
For the Improvement or Michigan City har- :
boa, Imllana, fifty thousand dollars. j
For the improvement of New UnlT.ilo har-1
bor, Michigan, five thousand dollars. I
For iiayment to the tireeuhavand Missis-I
slpi Canal Company, for so much of all and
singular its property and lights of prowrtv
111 and to the line of water commuiilcjtion lie
twecn the Wlscon-in river and the mouth of
Ihe Fox river, Including its locks, dams, ea
lut's, and franchises, as were under the act of
Congress for the improvement of water com
munication between the Mississippi river anil
l.ake Michigan bv the Wisconsin and Fox riv
ers, approved July seventh, eighteen hun
dred and seventy, reported by the tsecretarv
of War to be nee te 1, In bis cominunicaHou to
the House of Itepreseiitilivcs dated March
eighth, eighteen hundred and seventv-two,
one hundred and forty- five thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Frankfort harbor,
Michigan, leu thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Manistee liarbor,
Michigan, ten ihoutaud dol ars.
F'or the Improvement of Pere Marquette
harlior, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Peutwnter harbor,
Michigan, thirty thousand dol Iars.
For the improvement of While River har
bor. Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Muskegon harbor,
Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For ihe improvement of Grand Haven har
lior, Michigan, fifteen thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Dlack Lake har
lior, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of haygaluok harbor,
Michidan, fifteen thousand dollars.
Kor the improvement of South Haven har
lior, Michigan' twelve thousand dollars.
F'or the improvement of tsaint Joseph har
. I sir, Michigan, three thousand dollars,
For the improvement of Saint Mary's river
and Saint Mary's Fallsca-al, Michigan, three
hundred thousand ollars, of which sura fit
teen thousand dol Iars may be applied to se
cure the right of Way.
For the Improvement of C'hrboygan harbor
Michigan, fifteen thousand dollars.
-For the Improvement of Au Sable river,
Michigan, ten thousand dollars. ,
For the improvement of Harbor of Refuge,
on iJtke Huron, one hundred thousand dol
lars. For the Improvement of the mouth of Block
river, in Saint Clair river, Michigan, fifteen
thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Saint Clair flats,
Michigan, four thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Toledo harbor,
Ohio, fifteen thousand dollars.
For the Improvemrnt of Sandofky river,
Ohio, ten thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Sandusky City har
bor, Ohio, thirteen thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Ashtabula harbor,
Ohio, fifteen ttyousand eojlurs.
For the improvement cf Vermillion barber.
Ohio, five thousand dollars.
For (lit! improvement of Krie harbor, Penn
l yhanl-i, lifleen tnnu'-aud dol'ars.
"For the nnprovenit-i:! of Iuinkirk 1 arbor.
New York, iwentr-tive thoii-and dollars.
F.n- Ih- v in :,! i f I'ovi C iron har
bor. Vi-, el -lit ;l;i.ils.ii:. il! 'ars.
F r . e inr-r t-nii-'i' of K'oy l.'ivcr
b -r. Ol.i k'h iliourau-l do! ai.
For I lie improvement of Matniiee river
:;bove To!e-lo. Ohio, seven thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Monroe harbor,
Michigan, leu thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of UtilTalo harbor.
New York, seventy-five thousand dollars ; aud
the unexpended balam-e heretofore a pproprl
n:e I for building sen-wall nt ltufi'alo.
For the Improvement el'tilcott harbor. New
York, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement ot Oak OrcliRnl har
lior. New York, two thousand five bitti'tred
For the Improvement of Puliueyvllle har
bor. New York, ten IhoUi-aml dollars.
For the Improvement of Little Sodus harbor
New York, hl'teeii thousand dollars.
For i he Improvement of lllg siinlus harbor,
New York, tit een thousand dolhirs.
I-or the improvement of Oswesro harts. r.
New York, uue hundred thousand dollars.
For ihe improvement f Ogilensburgh
lior. New York, teu thousand dollars.
For ihe Improvement of Plaitsbnrgh har
Isir. New York, ten ihou-and dollars.
For the improvement of Jtnrllngtoii harls-r,
Vermont, thirty thousand dollai-s.
For the improvement or oiler ('reek, Ver
mont, from V ergennes to Its outlet on Lake
t.'hnniplaln. ten ihou-and
For dredge and snag boats on the l."piiei
Mississippi river, lorty-two thousand dol
lars. For the Improvement ef the Minnesota Riv
er, Minnesota, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of the lies Moines
rapids, Mississippi river, four hundred thou
sand ilol ars.
For the Improvement of (he Kvk I-i'and
nipliLs, Mississippi river, fifty tbou-and dol
lars. For the preservation of the falls of Saint
Anthony, Minnesota, and Ihe navigation of
Ihe Mississippi river above Ihe Mime, IH'iJ
thousand dollars.
For improvement of the Mississippi, Missou
ri, an I Arkansas rivers, i-nu-:y thisis-ind do'
l.iis ; for lmpiovi iiieii; f ih.-'LiitV Missouri
li.i..-. iIhim-vuhI dollars : f r lm;.rnveiin-i:t
i t ilie o.ia.hl!:i liver, in rkaosas. siiv
thou.-and dollars: and for further Improve
ment of I lie Oiuichita river, in Louisiana,
folly thousand dollar-.
For Ihe improvement of the Monneguhe'a
river tietween Morgantown and Newlreneva,
in accordance with the plan submitted bv
Central A. A. Iluniphreys in bis reisirt to
Ihe House ol I'epresenlntives date-1 Fetiruary
founei-iHh. eighteen hundre'l aud seventy
two, twenty-five thousan,! ilollars.
For ihe Improvement of the (ihi-i river, and
Ihe harbors thereof. Including lh repair of
the Cumberland dam, tw o hundred thousand
do' Iars.
For the improvement of the Osage river,
Ml-souri. twenty-live thousand ilollars.
For the improvement of Currant river,
Missouri, live tnousaml dollars.
For the continuing ihe work on the canal
al the Falls ol the Ohio river, three hundrea
Ihou-and dollars. And the Sere:ary of War
Is hereby directed to report lo I oegress, nt
Us next session, or sooner, if practicable, the
cotvli'.ioa of said c-ma', and lite provi-tons
n!.-essnry lo relieve the stune from Incum
brance, with a view to such legislation as
w ill render the s-anie free to commerce at the
earliest practicable peri-l, subject onlv to
such tolls as IU.-IV lie ins. c-ssary lor the
and repaia thereof, which sliall
not, after the passngu of this act, exceeii live
cents per ton.
For the Improvement of the Mississippi
river betwe.-n the mo'illi or tlie Illinois river
and the mouth of I tic Missouri river, twentv
tlve thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Ihe Mississip4
river between the mouth of the Missouri
river and the mouth of Uhi Mci-rlmac l tver.oue
hiindre 1 thousand dollars.
For the imiirorement of Hie Walmsh river,
Indiana, commencing at its mouth, fifty thou
sand dollavs.
For the continuation of the work now In
progress on the Tennessee river, lie low hat
lamsiga, Including the Muscle shoals, fifty
thousand dollars.
For Ihe Improvement of Ihe Tennessee
river, between Kuoxvllle and Cluittauisiga,
twenty-live thousand dollars.
For'the Improvement of Cfimtierland river,
in Tennessee, twenty thousand ilollars.
For Ihe improvement of the mouth of the
Mi-.-i-slppl river, Louisiana, one hundred ami
llt'y-tive thousand dollars.
For the improvement ef Tones bayou, Lou
isiana, twenty thou-and dollars.
For Improvement of Calt.tsicu pass, in the
Slate of Louisiana fifteen thousand dollars.
For Ihe Improvement of liar in ;,ilvelon
lay, ten Ihou-and dollars, and for improve
ment ol Ihe harlior of lialveston, Texas,
llilr'y-one thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of Cypress bayou,
near Jell'ersuu, Texas, leu thousand ilol
lars. For the Improvement of the Tangipahoa
river, Louisiana, two thousand five hundred
For removing the raft in lted Itivcr, Louis
iana, one liitndiu I and lllty thousand dol
lars. For removing the wreck of the gunlioat
' Oregon," pi the Chiftineie river, Louisiana,
six thousand dollars.
For dredging the liar a! (ho mouth of tho
harlmrnf Cedar Kevs, F'lorlda, seven thou
sand live hundred dollars.
F'or dredging the liar at the mouth of Saint
John's river, Florida, ten thousand dollars.
For Ihe Improvement of Mobile harlior ami
bay, Alabama, seventy-five thousand dol
lars. For the Improvement of the shi-cliannel lu
Charleston liarbor, (south Cavo ii a, thirty
eitht thousand seven hundred dol a s.
For removing obstructions in Ashcpoo riv-
r, isouth Cuiolina, one thoi amd three bi n
ilred dollars. And Ihe amount of Ihe appro-
iiritition ma ie by act of Congress, pprwved
uly eleventh, eighteen hundred and sevenl v,
for removing obstructions lu Town Creek,
near 1 'liarleston, -south Carolina, which re
mains unexicndod. Is hereby appropriated to
remove wrecks obstructing navigation in
Slono river, Soma Carolina, near Church
For the Improvement of Savannah harbor
aud liver, Oeorgla, 11 fly thousand dollars.
For Ihe Improvement of tho entrance to tlie
barlKir of Italltitmre, In Paiaisco river, and
Chesapeake bay, one hundred thousand dol
lars. For the Improvement of tho Rappahannock
river, below x'rederickslmrg, Virginia, fifteen
thriusand ilollars.
F'or the improvement of tho James river,
Virginia, lifiy thousand dollars
For the improvement of the Appomattox
river below l'elersburgh, Virginia, forty thou
sand dollars.
For the improvement of Aqtiia e reek. Vir
ginia, one thousand live huudreil dollars.
F'or the Improvement of Accotluk creek,
Virginia, five HioiiBtnd ilollars.
For the improvement of Roanoke river be
low Weldon, North Carolina, teu thousand
dol Iars.
F'or I he improvement of Cape Fear river,
below Wilmington, North Curolina, one hun
dred thousand dollars.
F'or the improvement of Queenstown har
bor, Maryland, twelve thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Worton harbor,
Maryland, twelve thousand dollars-
For the improvement of Cambridge harbor,
Maryland, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Northeast river,
Maryland, teu thousand dollars.
For the improvement of the Wkiomico riv
er, Marvland, five thousand dollars.
Ford. -auing and improving the channel of
ths Schuylkill liver from its mouth to the
Chestnut street bridge, Philadelphia. Penn
sylvania, fortv thousand dollars, of which
sum Biithclcnl "is to be used lor removing the
rock between Locust street and the said
For Ihe Improvement of Wilmington har
bor, Delaware, ten thousand dollars.
For the repair of pier of the ice-harbor at
New Castle, Delaware, aud for building a
new pier al said harbor, twenty-seven thou
sand dollars.
F'or the Improvement of Delaware river,
between Trenton and ltordentown, New Jer
sev, ten thousand dollars.
For the Improvement of the Hudson river,
New York, fortv thousand dollars.
For the removal of obstructions In the East
river, New York, Including Hell Gate, two
hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Providence rlvjr,
Rhode Island, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Pawtucket river,
Rhnile Island, ten thousand dollars.
For the improvement of the Passu; river,
between Newark and Passlo, New Jertey,
twentv-flve tbgilfatvl dollars. -
Tor the Improvement and removal of rock
in Port Clesler liarbor, New Y'ork. twelve
thousand dol 'ars.
For the itnpro' einenl of Koundout 1 arbor.
New York, leu tlHiiisiiiid dollar.
For tin inipr ni'-'i' ol tl ebreakwa'er at
it o. 1. i-:::: i, l.'!.'i.- l''?', lifiy lloi -and
-'erTb- i 'in-- -mi-!'! ! iv.'. i: u.-l. insr.
I h --lc Is a.i i' mid i inn .' K ill, :eu ;h..u-ai.d
For the Improvement of the thainrs river,
Connect 1 -in. ten thousand ilollars.
For the improvement cf the Coune.-ti.-ul
river lie'ow Harltur.l, i oniie--ti- itt, Including
Saybrook bar at the month f Ihe river, forty
thousand ilollars.
For Ihe improvement of the Connc-tk-iit
river on or above Lnfleld falls aud below
Holvoke, twrnl v-llve thousand dollars.
For ti.e linproiieine-t ol New Haven
ls.r, Conmvtlcut, twenty ihousaiid dollars.
For Ihe improvement of Ihe Iloiisatonic,
liver, Coni.ecttcut, III een thousand dollars.
For Ihe Improvement of BridgvHirt harbor
'onnis-iiciit, forty thousand dollars.
For the improvement of Norwalk harlior,
I'onncc'lcnl, between the store bridge and
the railroad diim-biidj:e, ten thousand dol
:ars. For the improvement i-f Port .IcnVrsvn
Harbor. Long island. ew York, fifteen tbou
sand dollRrs.
For the iinpnunnent of Pecoric river.I.oi g
island, New York, ten thousand ilollars.
F'or the improvement of Huntington bar
lir. Long island. New York, lweiit-to
thousand live nnndred doPars.
For the iniprowineiit of I he Nanatiaugiis.
river, Maine, teu thou-and dol'avs.
For the improvement of Sullivan iier and
Sullivau falls Maine, twenij-live tlioiisjiud
For Ihe Impmvi meiit of Ihe Pem-bscM riv
er. Maine, forty thousand dollars.
For ihe Improvement of the Kenni liec riv
er, Maine, eilil thousand dollars.
For ihe improvement of Royals river,
Maine, ten thousand dol Iars,
For the improvement ef Pi llland liarbor
and Pack bay, Man.e, tony-live thousand
For t lie intprovi incut of Saco river, Maine,
lifieen Ihousand dollars.
For Ihe Improvement of Richmond's Island,
M:ti:ie. iwi-iuy ilioiisnnd dollars.
For riiiioi: v il k in i; i.ii.i:i-r l.aibor.
M i--achiiM-;:s. ii u tl o:i-aci -'.oliars.
F-r the improvi-ii'iei I if ll- m I a; Nr.
M is-iichiisevls, secil. -li i ll:oii,-:ind ilo'-
For the iniproveim-n f Taunton river,
Massachnseiis. ten ihousand dellars.
For tin iinprovemei.t ol Pi mouth lnwlior.
Massachitseil.-, Iwo thousand live huudreil
For Ihe Improvement of Fdgarlown hall sir
Massachusoits. twenty Ihomand dollars.
For the Improvement of Provincetown Lar
bor, M.issachu e'ts. five thusaiil ihillars.
For thvi improvement e-f Wells harbor,
Maine, live llmusind ilollars.
For removal "f rocks at enlrnuee ol Well
flee! harbor, Massachusetts, live Ihoii.-and
For the iinprovenien of the Merriuiac river
above Haverhill. Massachusetts, 1weuO-!lvc
tlioii-aud dollars.
For the improveim-nt of linxbury harlsir,
Massac huselis, ten ihousand dollors".
For the improvement of Waieham harbor,
Massachusetts, ton thou-and ilol'iirs.
For the improvement of the Lower Wil
lomette river, Oregon, fifty thousand dol
lars. For the Improvement of Ihe I'ppor Colum
bia river, lUejoo, titty thousand dollars.
For Ihe removal of Rincou roek. In the har
liorofson Fraik-ltcn, California, lifiy tlioii
snnd dollars.
For the Iniprovcnvjnt of the breakwater at
Wi'niington, California, scventy-fivo thou
tand dollars.
For tlie inqirovement of the Tombigliee
river, tsn thousand dollars.
For removal of rocks ai.tTSjr Haven har
lsir. Co:ine.-llcut, litteen thnsisand dollars.
For iuipmvt-iuent of i'.s h.s-o yp..i- tvniiii.
Ilw town of dovr, New Jlamp-lilro, lea thou
sand dollars,
For improvement ot Itlack River liarlior,
Ohio, twenty ihotiscrsl dollars.
For surveys and eaniliialioiis. with tlie
view to the iimveiirtit of river harliors,
one bnndnsl and ilfi v-tiioiisond dol'ars.
SB-, t. That tin secrelary of War is bere-
bv itrec!st lo case eXMinrtiatifms or sur-
vi-vs, or iKHh to lie mule at the following
lioiiiis. namolv! Ar Kevport liarbor. New
Jersv : channel between !late island and
New Jersev ; at I lonjuisey crei'k. New Jer
sev ; at Hear creel, 1 jvko Ontario, New
York : at W'aiWInitlHtiniU'bor.New York ; for
a breakwater jft RonseX V"i ou Lake
hamp'ain, Nw York: at Port Austin and
Port CrescenU Ml- higan; aifhe month of
l'eiisaukte river, Wisv-onsin; at Wankegan
l.ailsir. Illinois; Ihe Mncbbis river, Maine:
at Wickfmil harlsir and Newpswt liarbor,
lihoile Island; tho east side ol ?ro hl-rw-e
liver, bet ecu Field's jiotnt and Fox point,
Piod Island; at Poit Orford, Oregoi?: at
stero bay, pan liulsOlilsiioeoniitr, t'a'if-ir-nin
: fhe mouths ot' Nomoni creek and 0,-co.
qitan river, Virginia ; the bay or sound from
I'eieware line thnaigli Worcester ciainty to
I liiiKotaague inlet, V irginia, with a view to
an inlet at or nnar a pla-e called the Horn
macks ; for a ship-caunl l-twpt-ii the waters
of lialveston Ikiv and Saline lake, Texas;
Chester river at Kent Island narrows, Marv
laud; Saint Francis river, from CreenM'le
down, Missouri ; tiasconade river, Missouri:
Tomligliee river, lietween Fnltonand Colunv
bus, Mississippi; harlsir of Cellar Keys and
eh.iimel to same. Florida ; Nianlic river, Con
necticut : the bars al the outlet of Sabine pass,
Te.-as; Ihe Mississippi river, lietween Ihe
mouth of (he Misaonn river and the month of
the Ohio river ; west end of Hie pass at and
near Rio Unck point, Texas; the bar at Ihe
moiiih of Sabine river, in Salnne lake, and tn
extend op the main channelnel of said river
10 the town of iiezora; al the mouth of the
Nnches river. In Salnne lake, and toexlend up
the main channel of snld river lo the town of
itoonville. at the point where the Angelica
river falls into Ihe Nuches river, and lo ex
tend up tho main channel of said river to the
I own of Patlonia, Texas; at the mouth of the
Trinitv river, In Calveston bay.auil toexlend
up the "miin cliannel of said river lo Ihe town
of MikuoIIh. Texas; Washington harlior.
NorthCarolinaKdenton harborNoriliCarolinn;
lii'iutli of Mnckay's creek, North t aroima:
Chippewa river, lip to Chiptiewa falls. Wis
consin ; harbor at swanton, Vermont ; harlsir
nt lialveston, Texas: at Apalachlcola river,
from Cha'lahooi-lic, Fhnida, to Apnla-ht.-ola ;
at Chatuihoivhe river, from ('liimbns,
liisirgla, to Cliaiialioivbe. F lorida: at Flint
river, from Aibany,iiHirgla,loCfcattahiHvhe,
Florida; for survey of breakwater a Mi'ford,
t'oiinecdcilt : mou:h of Pine river, Michigan :
the harbor of San Diego, C'a'iforiila; mouth
f (irand Calumet river, Indiana:
Kanawha river, from the liillstotlic
mouth. West Virginia ; to complete tho sur
vey of the Sanies river and Kanawha canal ;
lor surveo of Camden harlior, Maine ; for a
sea-wall or breakwater at Triniilad liarbor.
California: ol the channel nnd liank nt en
trance of Salem harbor; on Merrimack river,
Massachusetts, from Haverhill lo Newbiiry
isirt, including Duck Hole and Currier
sholes; the New river, from Ihe mouth of
(ireenbrier. in West Virginia, to the lead
mines, in Wvthe county, Virginia; at St.
Helena bar, in" tlie Columbia river. Oregon;
for surverv for the removal of wreks of gun
boats steamers, and other obstructions placed
1 1 Yazoo river during the war, and for the
rosurvey of fiavanab liarbor: the Deleware
river between trenton and Kaston; for tbe
(.urvCT of the river St Mary's, In Ohio and
Indiana; for the nurvey of the Minnesota
liver above the mouth of the Yellow Medi
cine, Minnesota.
sec. 3. That in the examinations or sur
veys of all points mentionad In the foregoing
section, the Secrelarv of War bo directed to
ascertain, ac far as practicable, Ihe amount of
tonngo of commercial Imsiness during the
previous year at. each point, together with
such other facts as bear upou the question of
the contemplated Improvement, ami that be
communicate the same, together with his re
port of the examination or survey of such
isiint, to Congress: Provided, That so much
of the amonut herewith appropriated for tlm
survi-col rivers and harbors as U requisite
for contingencies, may be used for said pur
liose. Apiirove.1, June 10, l7i.
AN ACT to provkle for Ihe redemption and
. sale of lanos held by tbe United States un
der the several acts levying direct taxes,
and for other purposes-
Be it mated bv the Senate and House
cf' Rrprttentatirff of the United Stattt ef
America in Umgres auembled,
That al) (be lands now owned or held by
Ihe United Eiatta, by virtue of proceetbaji
under tbe act entitled "An act Tor the eollec
tlon or direct taxes In lnenrrecilonarvilutric's
wiilnn l be Cr.ue I s-ates.aud for oilier isu
)k.m s," approved June seventh, eighteen Inn -
i i-l n -nt .-Ixlj -two, and iinder ac siq.p'c
i:i. i.:ry tlier.--i. or upon ihe same sul.H c -i:n'ier.
:iiy be r.- I and restored 'o
"'-'" l'1''" " -r:l niiiM arp ica-i n ihej,?
lor i die Mv.eliiry . the t rea-urv, Ihroiij.!!
ihe Ci nili.issioi er of Internal lU-venne, win,.
In two tears from the parage of ibis twt. and
f irnlsb satlM'aclnry eudenci' to said Deter
ment that such )i r-iu or Applicant in each
case was, at the time tlie I uitisl States m--,tiirod-tiiIo
tbtrelo, Ihe legal owner of such
hind, or the heir al law. or d- iee, ior graii-ts-e.
iu goml faith, and for valuable considera
tion, of such legal ownr; but l-efoie such
icdeinplion shall In awarlevtaiidtitleresiortst
ou an v such niipiicatlon aud proof, such as
p leant slinll y Into the ireastiM ol'the
I ' niied Stales tne direct lax charged against
ihe Ian Is describe 1 in such application, to
gether with the co-t of adverti-ing ami of ihe
-ale of siii-I lands, aud all other priqu-r chai
ifes aeainsi ihe sain:-, and Inten-ts on m
I In m i he dale of Us assessment at ihe rate of
1 ten percenlinn tier a nr. tun. and Interest on
said costs and charge' al the anie rate, froin
the time they accim- l ui.d were iiMilile:
i-i-io iue-i, iinffMi-r. main hiiv oilier person
or iersous- than s-.u-h aj- lic-u'it sliall lnhn
ca-emake -atl-f.ictorv evidence tosaid I e-
Ritiiu nt that lie or " t hex. the acqulil
llon of title by Ihe I'nited S ates. and before
the pus.-,-te ol ihi-i net. made valuable aud
.-iin:ineut improvement on said land in
gosl lalih and under color of legal title. It
-luill then be the additionol duiv of such ap
plicant lor redemption to pay to such iornn
or s r-ons I lie reasonable value of such per
inaneul iiuproveinenlh at tbe time of actual
ieiUiiiHloii ; and if the applicant an 1 such
l;rsou or s-rsoiis l.-iil lo agrie upon and
Mtuicalily -etile such claim for im provements,
then i lie value thereof shall Is- assessed anl
reioried to the secrplury ol the Ticasiirv,
under oa Ii, by llnee coiiipi tent ami disin ei
ested I'ret-holiiers rt-siilenls of the count v or
tiarisli in win. h.-is ii land is situate, w ho shall
Is- apsiinie.l for that pur-use bv the I'nl-.ed
Mates ili.-irict judge of tin- district where ihe
lands are sllunie, iqsin Information Irom the
sevre aiy of Ihe Treasury thai a claim for
coiuis-nsjttlou lor i:.-h i'i inaiu nt luvlrovr-
! lueuls I-- sruli:i-r in a-i ca--, arid Ilia Ijtisfed
j ti llh-al io-Uiere I..' Il -had .-i'-ii iv Ho-
1 il'l I 1 -ai I IsiH'd ol ireeho o-r- lo s e in
iluir r.--:rt the ol s.u I iuin.-i-iucut.-,
j when U-.ey were made, by wlnim, and the
r.-asoiiaiiie value iie-reoi, as af.iresaul. and
any oilier facts Hint may lie in their juiimneul
material toa fair and just delerinina'ion of
li e rights of the ries. Thev shall send
one copy of such report to ihe "Seeretarv of
the Treasury, and tile a duplica'e thereof in
theotliceof ilieclerk of die highest court rf
I'M-ort of Ihe state, in Hie county or iwiri-h
where such land is situate. '1 he" reasonable j
l'.-es of said Utftrd sliall lie borne ami jsiiil
equally by the wrties to said controversv.
SH'. 1. That whenever Ihe furegoliig' coii
ilitlons liave beeiicianilied with, and redemp
tion and ri-storatt-m o( title has ls-en awanitsl
in any case by ihe t-ocreiary of the Trea-urv,
it sliall Iv the ilulyi fihti CommisKioner of
Ihe Inleiiial Revenue to make out a clrtltlcatc !
or release ol ihe interest and tl le of Ihe l int- j
e I Stales In And lo such lands, in dub'.k-ale, I
wnicii stiaii ne approve", lu wiiting, hvihe
Secrilary of the Treasury, and his approval
indorsed iliereon. and llu-n one copy thereof,
shall be delivered to such app'icant ami tlie
oilier tiled iu tlie office of sai t Cominls.-ioncr.
Sbc. x 'i'iwtt tlie Coiumissioner of Internal
Revenue, with the approval of the Secrotary
ot the Treasury, shall, as soou as mav lie after
the passage of this act. prescribed "and pro
mulgate sik h rules and regvlatlous, not Incon
sistent w itb tlie provistuu of this act, as mav
be necessary and pro-ir to faci itaic the exe
cution of this act aud secure the most rqieedy
and least exieusive attainment of ihe piiriare
hereof that is praclicabie.
Mi'. 4. That if. al the expiration of ihe time
het-H i before -a lowed for re.lcuipiion, there
shall remain auy f said lands uui eileemed,
li shall then be tlie duty of the said Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue, under the di rec
ti m f ihe Secretary of the Treasury, lo pro
ceed lo sell al public auction, as soon as may
lie consistent w 11 h the ptililic interests, the
lauds not redeemed and restored, and lo re
lea aud convey tlie same to the piirvbasers
In the maimer aloresaid, and lu the nu-au tUne
and until so sold lo release, tlie mine.
Set. a. Tliat ail lanls now owmsl by the
1'iiite I S;a:es acquired under tlie provii-ious
of any of the I'nited Stales direc.-:ax acts,
iluaied In the Slate nf.NHith Carolina, lu
c'udingall tracts or lots of land purchased
nnd '-army and navy'' sales, not paid for In
full al Ihe present lime, shnll lie Included In
Ihe provisions of this act: Provile.1, however.
That Ihe applications of iliepnrehasers under
"army and navy'' sales shall, for six months
afier the lasnne of this act, have pra-slence
so far as relates to Ihe land purcliascd by
Km1. 6. That all monov derived rrom the
-a e of "scl-isd-fann" la nils, umk-r the pro-vi-
ions of se.-.tloii eight of an act entitled -An
act lo continue In force and to ameml 'An act
lo establish a bureau lor the reilef nf ft-Rcd-m
-u, and refugees, and for other puris-ses,' "
approved July slxteenlh, eiglit5-en liun lied
and slxty-slx.'and which money l now In Ihe
en-tody of the Freedinen's biirenu, lie, and
Ihe same is hereliv appropriated for thv use
and support of free public schools in the
imrlslu- of saint Helena and Saint Luke.
South Carolina, in equal parts. tnlieex-nded
under the direction and control of a special
board of three commissioners, who shall be
appointed by and act under the direction of
Hie Secretary of tbe Treasury, ami shall be
duly sworu that they will fall I'd nil y discharge
tlieir duties aj such commissioners, and shall
give such good and sufficient bonds tlierctor
as said Secretary shall require, and who sliall
not receive more than one hundred dollars fier
year each for Ihelr services.
SKC 7. That the provisions of this act shall
not be construed lu apply to or embrace any
lands forms, plantations, or lots which are
now. In whole or in (art. used or occupied by
the Cntte4 States for national cemeteries, or
forthe burial of the dead, or other public
purposes, or have lieen set apart to any
such puriise, or which, umler Ihe instruction
of the President of the President ol the
Vidtcd States have been reserved Sir mili
tary or naval purposes, or such lot of land on
Hunting Island, South Carolina, mav be
necessary as a site for the erection of a light
house. Skc 8. Thai tlie premises know and desig
nated as bhvk one hundred ami twenty-three
on die plat of the late commissioner's of di
re, t taxes for said State, in the town of
Ili-a'.ifort aforesaid, now occupied as a court
house for Ihe county of lleaiifort, in sal 1
State, lie, and the sanic are hereby, released
unto said count v, for the public uses of said
couutv; and that all sums of money due to
the 1' iiltod States on account nf sai 1 premises
lx and they are hereby, released in favor of
said ciuniv.
sw. 8. That section two of an act entitled
"An act for the relief of purchasers of land
sold for direct (axes In the lnsurreclkmary
S ates," approved May ninth, eighteen hun
dred aud seventy-two, be, and ihe same is
hcrebv, amended to read as fol lows :
"Si-i', 2. Thai in all cases where ihe owner
nf any land sold for taxes as aforesaid, his
heirs'or assigns has reeovered or shall re
cover I he same from the purchaser, his heirs
or assigns w ithout collusion on his or their
part, bv the judgment of any Culled 8-ates
court, bv reason of a failure, without his or
their fault or neglect, of the title of the pur
chrscr derived from said sale, the (Secretary
of the Treasury, on the payment Into the
treasury, by t ho clerk, of the money deposited
with him as aforesaid, and on being radsfled
that any purchaser, his heirs or assigns with
out blser tnelr collusion, baa been evicted
from or turned out of possession of any such
land bv the judgjnent of any United States
court. In ihe manner before mentloued,ls hore
by authorized, out of any money In the treas
ury not otherwise appropriated, to repay to
the person or persons entitled thereto a sum
ol money equal to that originally paid by the
purchaser of the land so recovered, If the
same has been ualdliito the treasury, or to
anv rson legal lv authorized to recelvo the
tame for tho United States"
Approved, Jnne 8, 1872.
(tiE-NKKAL SATVRE -So. 121. j
AN ACT to amend an act relating lo soldiers'
'' and sailors' homesteads.
lie it enacted by the Senate and Ifouee of
lle,rettHtatiree of th' United Statu of
America in Conqnet auembled.
That the act entitled "An act to enable
honorably discharged soldiers and sailors
their widows and orphan chlMred, to acquire
iiomesteatis on ineptiunc wunnw - m,,, ,
States" approved AirU fintrth, eighteen bun- 1
I msi IHU Bnwi . V, , - ' " - , .
hereby, atnenled to at torrid as follows: I
I 1
Thai every private soldlsrand ofllcer who has
served in tbe army of the United Slates dur
ing the recent rebellion for nlr.ely days, or
more, and who vs. lierornbly dtschaigeit, and
l.a reitiairi 'I loa! tothe geu-n.menl, ii clwl
iitt; the- tnM'is niusfi-retl imo the service ol'the
l'i:ied states by virlure of Ihe third secllon
f an a.-t eniitic-l --An :.ct liiiikligat propi la
lions for cnniileUng ihe defenses ol Wasb
ir.gtou, and lor other ),"' npirovrsl
February thirteenth, eighteen hundred and
sixty-two, and every seaman, marine, and
ofii e'er who lias served In the navy of ihe
I lilted Staitis. or In the miriue coris", dunng
ihe relx-llion, for tiiuely dnys and who was
honorably oWliargee. and lias remained loyal
to ihe government, sluill, on coinplinu.'e with
ihe provMnns of an act tntitle.1 "An act to
secure honiesteails to actual settlers on the
1 ubli domain," and ihe ads amemlatory
i hereof, as hereinalier modified, lie eutith-d lii
enter iijs.hi and receive ia:enls lor a quantity
of public lands 'not mineral: not excluding
one hundred and sixty acre, or one quarter--is-.tion,
to Is? taken iu' -nnpnit form, accord
ing to li-gal sulNlivisiims, Including tho atterii
aie resi-rved sections of public lands along
the line ol any rniln ad or other public work,
not ntm-rwi-f' reserved or approprlat'sl. find
th -r Inn-Is n m entry under Ihe home
tend law (.i' ih,. I'nited Males: Provi
ded, That said homestead settler shall I
al'uwed six tnunihs hs-aili.g Ills hetne
s ead. and filing his declaratory stuteiiK-nt.
w It bin wMch to in.ikc his entry aud eoti.-iiK-ncebis
sertU-meiit and improvement : And
provided also. That the lime w hich Ihe home,
-lead settled shall have seived in Hie aruiv.
i aw, or ine corps aforesHid sliall lie de
ducted from ihe i in-- heretotore required in
pet foe! tit ie, or -l .li harged on aivount ol
wmnds received, or disability Incurred in Ihe
lire of duty, then Ihetemi of enlistment snail
l:e ileducteil from Ihe time heretofore required
In -rl'ect title, without reference to the
'englh of time he ny have served: Provided,
however, That no liatent sliall issue to any
In meslea l settler who bus not resided tt ou,
improved, and cull lna'ed his said homcslead
l-ir a rlid of al least one yearafter lie sluill
,-oiniiM-nce his improvements as aforesaid.
Ssjc. 1. Tliat any person entilleil. under the
provisions of the foregoing rtvlion, to enter
a homestead who may have heretotore enlored.
umler the hoiiw-t:?i.'l law's, aipmnillv of land
es than one hiiRilnsI and sixty rcres. -hall
In- s-ri.u'ted lo eicer under tlie pro isious of
I li- a,-t, sn much land contiguous .otlie nact
iiilnii, e I in the tlr-t i nn y as, w hen adderf to
Ih -qi-antity previously lu'itereil, shall not ex
ceei oi e hiiuilrfsl and sixty acres.
skc. 3. That in case cf the death of any
person w ho would be entitled lo a homestead
under Ihe proxislnns of the first reel ion of
i lii a, t bis widow. If unmarried, or In ease of
her death or marriage, then his minor orphan
children, by a guardian duly aptsiinted and
officially accredited at the liepartment ol" the
I.i'eiior, shall lie entitled to all the hei.ellts
enumerated In this act, subject to all the pro
visions as to settlement and improven-enis
I herein contained: Provided, That if such
person died during his term of enlistment,
the whole term of his en'istment sliall liedc
dnc.tod from the time heretofore required lo
perfect the illle.
sn. 4. That where a rty at tbe date of
I is entry of a tract of land under the liome
sti a l laws or subK-qiu-nlly thereto, was act
tally enlisted and employed in the aiinyor
navy of tne United States his servi.-es there
in, shall, in the a I ml nistration of said honie
stc.i l laws lie construed to lie equivalent, lo
all intents aiul purposes toa residence liir
the same length of time upon the tract so
entered: Provideil. That If his entry lias
Isien canceleil by reason of his absence" from
iai-1 trad while in lie military or naval set vice
of the United States, aud Bitch ttact has not
ls-en disjioseil of, his entry shall be restored:
And provided further, That If such tract
l as liven db-iosed of, said parts may enter
another tract snlijeet to entry under said
laws: ami his right to a patent theretnr may
le determined by tbe proofs touching bis
residence ami cnltivationof the first trad and
his absence therefrom In such service.
Rm 6. That any soldier, sailor, marine
ofllcer. or other jierson coming "wllhlrt' the
provisions of this act may, as well by an
agent as in ierson.cnter upom eaftt homestead
by filing a declaratory statement ns in pre
emption cases : Prorlde-J, That said claimant
In person shall within the time prescnlied
nuke his actual entry, commence settlements
and Improvements oh the same, and thereaf
ter flit till all the requirements of this act.
Sn. 6. That tbe Commissioner of the Gen
eral I-and ofiice shall have authority to make
nil needful rules and regulation lo carry into
effect the provisions of this act.
A pproved, June 8, 1872.
(tiENF.BAL NATVRK- No. 130.)
AN A( T to amend section live of an act en
. tltleil "An act making approprialions lor
. the civil and diplomatic eense of the
government for ihe year eighteen hundred
and forty one," approved March three,
eighlieen hundredand forty-one, and to au
thorize tho proper construction thereof.
it enirtril hy the Sewtte and If mine
if lirpresrntittlrc.t nf the Uuitnl States
f America in Cimyre .ii6ei',
Tha! Ihe provisions of the fifth section of
the act entitled "An act making appropria
tions for tlm civil and diplomatic exienses of
the government for Ihe year ehrhleen hun
dred and forty-one," approved March Ihree,
eighteen hundred and forty one, which es
tablished and limited theoomjiensnlioii of c-ol-lis-tors
of customs slmli be amended and shall
U'construeil loapply toall surveyors of c-ns-loms
ports perlbrnii'ng. or having perfonned,.
tlie duties of collftiors of customs, who shall
be entitled to rtveivc Ihe same comiensatiu
as isallowod to collectors by sold actofMarih
three, eighteen hundred and fortv-one, lor
like services in the settlement of their ac
counts with the trersury : Providwl. That the
fees commissions, and emolnments nresv-rib-csl
by law and collected by them shall amount
lo such maximum allnwauce.
Approved, June 8, 17J.
lliKNFIt.VL XATl'BK- No. lHt.
AN ACTforlhclielfer seciirily of bank re
serves and lo facilitate bank clearing-house
Be it enacted hi (he. Scnatt and flmitf,
rf lieprtintativtt of the United Slates of
America in Conjreet aetenitiled.
That tbe Secretary of the Treasury Is here
by authorized lo receive United Stales notes
i n deposit, without interest, from -national
Iwtnking associations in suns not less than
ten Ihousand dollars,; ami to issue certifi
cates therefor in sivh form as the Secretary
may iiresorthe. In denominations of not lees
than five thousand dollars: which certltlcat3
shall he iayable on demand In United Stales
notes, at the place where the deposits, were
made.- -
Skt. ?. That the Tnltcd Slate notes so
deposited In tbe treasury of the United Stales
shall not be counted as part of ihe local re
serve : but tbeclrtifia-ates issued rncreior may
lio held and counted by national banks as
art of their legal reserve, and may lie ac
cented In tho settlement of clearing-house
balance at tho places w lie re tho deposits
tlterefor were made.
Sw. 3. That nothing contained In this act
shall be construed to authorize any expansion
or contraction of tbe currency; and the Unit
ed Status note' for which such certificates are
issue-1, or other United states notes of like
amount, shall be held as special deposits in
the treasury, and used only for the redenqi
tlon of such certificates.
Approved, Juue 8, 1872.
General, nature -No. 105.)
AN ACT to take awajr the eirc.nlt court jur
isdiction of the cistrict court of the United
States for the northern district ot Georgia,
to create a circuit court In said district, ana
for other purposes
Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of
Rrpreitntalivet of the United Statet of
America in Congrett a$tembled:
That so much of anv act or acts of Congress
asvesJs In tbe district court of the United
Slates for the northern district of Georgia tbe
iwwer and Jurisdiction of a circuit court be,
and the same Is hereby, repealed: and there
hereafter be a circuit court held for Mid
district, presided over as the circuit coort
now is or hereafter may be, in the southern
Sit 1 That aU aodon, tulte, levjtlloiif.
causes, pleas, process, and other proceeatnfs