The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, August 27, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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"1 f H ,TU tm . AiurST 17. 117!.
: The. City and Cobnty.
From Daily f Wedn-Jday Ang..
Ot: (JsiA (Sne of the liontcs bt-
I'jngHiK W Xtm ttiem Dray and Hack Co.
"taiidireR in front of Myer A Son's
Clothifcs; store yesterday, apparently enjuv
'nj Squirt nap. Hi eves, at leant, were
.'Wed hi meditative silence, and ha ap
peared at peace with all the world. But
suddenly Le awoke. He most hate had
sonie unpleasant dream. He did not even
"top to notice his surrounding, but with
atonibing rapidity he played. a double tat
too on the dray to which he was hitched.
Hi heel were light, bin joints well oiled,
and the way he dished up a tirst-claiw sensa
tion was acatition. He did not exactly rel
ish the idea of remaining inside the Buafts,
nor did he really know how to get on the
oiitHide of them without assistance, and the
"'mgeotitDC was that he, with sag acitv won
tlry of imitation, coolly "split the "diffi-r-f'Boe",and
place one-half of hia body in each
of the coveted positions, and was for a mo
ment perfectly happy. He testified to this
fact by renewed elevations of his hind quar
ters, lie then showed a desire to lie down
. and roll over. He met with prompt assist
ance in this somewhat difficult achievement
by the excited crowd of rpectatora who had
gathered aronnd the animal to witness the
fun. They cut straps, unloosed buckles,
and by various other means endeavored to
liberate him. But then, just to be contrary,
the horse changed his mind and sprung for
ward, which detached him from the two
wheeled encumbrance, and exhausted his
efforts. He has since been sentenced to
three (lays se-teie rest for such ungentle-
. tnaiuy Beimvior oa the street. .
D.txp What. We hear considerable
TOmplaint among oar millers of being com
' pelled to receive wheat that has be threshed
out and brought into market both damp
and green. Thev find it impossible to man- into Jour, neither will it liear
Htonng awav without serious damage. Con
siderable of this kind of train has been
lronght into market during the last few
iays, aad-tha caiUta-s are compelled to re
fuse it as they eeanot take proper care of it.
We would thureeare. warn our drmers not
to thresh out their grain untd it is thonr
o"giilv4ry, and thus & thtmselvos eon
sklcraHe trouble in disposing of it. We
niane uus suggestion lor (tie benefit oi Dotn
the buyers and those having grain to sell.
Peesestatiox bv Teleoiupd. Yester
day fereaeen Chaa. D. Failing operator in
the Railroad's Telegraph Office at Portland,
was eafled" by the operator at East Port
land who sent him a presentations speech
over the lines, informing him that he had
lieep commissioned by the operators along
the line to present him with a fine gold
watch chain as a slight token of their es
teem for him. Fading then sent a dispatch
to every operator on the road between Port
land and Oakland, acknowledging the re
ceipt of the present, and thanking them for
the same. This it the first instance of de
livering a presentation speech by telegraph
that we have ever heard of.
Settled at Last. The City Council met
last evening and drew lots to decide who
was entitled to the office of Chief Engineer
of the Fire Department of this citv. Al.
Croasman was tne lucky man, and lie was
d'.-olun d eh c ted to the office. His resigna
tion was immediately banded in, but the
Council passed a resolution requesting him
td wiUidraw it and retain the office. But as
both of the contestant had previously
agreed to withdraw, it is considered doubt
lul whether CrtraHman will consent to ac
cept tlie .office uiidat the, existing circum
stoiiceq, Js;i:ifi :, 7
Malheur Isoiax Reservation. The de
scription of "this new liiesenatkm, given
ywtfcrday Wax erroneous. The following it
correct : Beginning at tlie mouth of the
north fork of the Malheur river, thence up
and including the waters thereof to Castle
Kock, thence northwest to Strawberry
ISutie, thence southwest to Soda ttpring oil
Silvtes river, thence down said last named
-iver to Malheur Lake, thence east to the
south tbrk of Malheur river, thence down
said south fork and including tlie waters
tliereof to the ilace of beginning.
Sr.RiorsLV Injcbrd. Dr. Carpenter in
forms us that the injuries sustained by
Charlie Mathews recent accident are mw
mora serious than at tirst supposed. His
lea; is broken just below the knee, and ow
ing to its sudden swelling, it could not be
set until last evening, f lie physician was
no vailed untd some hours alter the acci
dent occurred which will account lor the
delay caused by its swollen condition.
h'rtiMETitrNO Like Business. A petition
was received last evening by tho City Coun
cil Irani the incorporators of tlie Salem
Bridge Company, asking right of way for
the constractiou"of a bridge across the river
at the West end of Court stnt-t. The peti
tion was referred to tlie Committee on
Streets, ' who wUl probably report at the
next niouting of the Council.
Will Accept. The Turn Verein Society
of tins city have accepted the invitation of
the" Portland Turn Yereins to visit them on
Saturday next. Arrangements have been
made with the Railroad Company by which
members of the. Society can go the round
trip for S3 60. Tills will enable them to go
and return without any great outlay of
Cosftjted to His Bed. Mr. J. W. South
er has been very ill for several days, and
was yesterday considered in a dangeouscon
dition. Congestion -of tlie lungs we under
stand is the cause of his illness.
From Daily of Thursday Aug. 22.
The Goon Tikes Coming. Amid the
present complaints of dull times on every
band, it is really encouraging to witness
with what grace every one accepts the situa
tion. The merchants sits in his doorway
and when asked how bnsinces is, replies
with a knowing smile, "Oh. from fair to
middling," and he calmly folds his arms
while he glances up and down street in
search of a chance customer. The mechan
ics appisirs to enjoy life ; for as a general
thing they manage to find work at their
respective" trade the year round. The team
sters thankfully accept whatever jobs are
offered tliem and manage to make both
ends meet. The street sprinkler occupies
his elevated position and thanks his lucky
stars he is not as other men are; The dry
, good clerks spend their few (?) leisure mo
ments reading some entertaining novel, and
rush frantically when occasion requires
such an exertion to wait upon a customer.
Onr drnggists continue to mix p their
nauseous compounds, and make the outside
world believe Uiey are doing a rushing bus
iness.. The butchers kill, and "their custo
mers eat with their nsual avidity. The
grocery dijalors and batchers in fact worry
least of alt for people must eat. And thus
it is on every hand. 8alemites live well on
the promises of bright future. All her citi
J zens now look forward to better days and
are happy in the thought. Legislative
time and State Fait prosjiectg keep them
contented the balance of the year. No mat
ter how dull times are every one is making
a good living and what more do they want.
So mote it be.
Ye Mighty Collectob. H. D. Crook
of bridegroom fame has recently turned
collector. As such, he is undoubtedly a
success, bnt as an equestrian, he is hardly
first-class. Ho imagined ho was bnt a re
cent adventure has taken him down a peg
or two. He started out a few mornings
since on a collecting tour on horse back.
He saddled his horse on Commercial street
and jumped astride. Bat a sudden eleva
tion in tlie rear landed him about ten feet
in front of the animal with bis head where
his feet properly belonged. But nothing
daunted, he rearranged the saddle ami again
mounted, and this time a the aaddle was
not quite as near the horses ears as on tlie
former trial, the animal consented to carry
him, and he left for parts unknown.
j4A-PojuauTEmt,T We occasionally re
ceive a rejected number of the Statesman
from some ignorant P. If. with the word
rejected written thereon. We believe there
is a law requiring these officials to send us
a written notice of such refusals. We trust
the Postmasters will follow these directions,
and we can then find out what postoffloe the
paper is sent to, and can easily correct onr
mailing lists. In many cases, at present,
we necessarily spend much time in hunting
np the subscribers' names. There are nu
merous names on onr lists, precisely alike,
and we cannot always guess with certainty
which of the lot it is that takes that manly
way of notifying ns that he don't want the
paper any more, and is will ag to forgive ns
the small balance he owes.
A Hmrrrso Expedition. Mr. Paul
Richter and a couple of other gentlemen
from Portland, came np on the cars yesttT
day, with an almost unlimited supply of
shot-guns, honnds, pointers, setters, bone
snatchers, game-bags, camping parapherna
lia and cooking utensils,-on their way to the
Coast Range for a grand hunting expedi
tion. Tbey propose to kill, as we are in
formed, deer, blue-Jays, buffaloes, prairie
docs, rhinoceroses, ground squirrels, Amer
ican eagles,chip-monks. grouse, mosquitoes,
etc., etc., or so many of the aforesaid ani
mals,, birds or insects as they may meet
Seating Tocbnament. We acknowledge
the receipt of a complimentary ticket to a
grand Skating Tournament to be held at
Woodward' Gardens, San Francisco. Cal
lie Curtis of skatorial fame has the matter
in hand, and he knows how to cnt it
taroogb.. We might add for the benefit of
our readers tnat this is parlor skating as ice
is a ttrc article St nresenL As we arn
not of tlie opinion that we could carry off
that elegant badge we sen a our regrets witu
macks tor tne tavor snown.
His Condition. Mr. Souther was con
aidered much worse yecterday, and fears are
enbrkuned that be-cannot recover. The
best of medical aid has been employed, and
all that can be done has been d nu for his
relief.! His msny friendsawsit t-K final re
mit wtui anxious Hearts.
Th Swrf tjjT Mr- Waif job office
handi tave bjtnbusily engaged for the past
few davs in tjnr ont tickets, programmis
aw , . a ,j, tu.-! d tj iiit n is as nm;."
E; T'.vr :.'.t;A4tr..M's i''air
will ex 'eed a 1 other, in personal interest
Obeoon' TLrits. The markets ire liter
ally flooded with this delicions fruit at this
season of the year. The finest we have
seen Vet were some that arrived in town
yesterday from Polk county. These plums
would cause Eastern folks to open their
eyes with astonishment.
The Chemeketa. Workmen are now
busily engaged in fitting np this hotel. New
ranges are being erected, and a thorough
cleaning np process being gone through
with, preparatory to the re-opening, some
time during the coming month.
Front 7An7y of Friday Avij. 23.
Almost a Fibe at the Penitentiary.
Wednesday evening last, a few minutes af
ter the hinips were lit at the Penitentiary,
the chandalicr containing four coal oil
lamps, hanging near the center of the chap
el, which serve to furnish light for both
wings or tiers of cells, from some unknown
cause broke loose from the iron rod, and
fell to the floor with sufficient force to cause
all the lamps to explode. A sheet of flames
at once shot up with lightning speed, reach
ing almost to the ceiling ot the hospital.
Mr. Houah tlie night guard ran and raised
the bars from the tower tier of cells of the
first ward, which contains the trusties, and
at once ordered tlie prisoners to bring out
tlieir blankets and smother the Dames. The
. prisoners took np with the excitement and
sailed into the fire with their blankets with
a gallantry truly admirable, and soon ex
tinguished the fire fiend. One of the pris
oners, who is a great wag, on being asked
why he ran and got a brother prisoner's
blankets instead of his own, replied that
he had rather see his friends lose all their
blankets tlian to lose liis own. No damage
whatever was done to either tlie floor or to
tlie blankets.
TttE Euoene Concert. Prof. Francis,
assisted bv Miss Lizzie Jordan and Miss
Lmma Gilbert, of this citv. tonether with
Eugene home talent, gave "a concert in that
city Wednesday evening for the benefit of
the Episcopal Church. By parties who
came uiittu yewieruay we are inioruieu it
was a irrand success, the bouse beine well
tilled, and the net proceeds amounting to
abonl $75 00. A programme has been laid
upon onr table, and we notice it contains
some fine selections. W. It. Boon, of this
city, was among the vocalists, happening to
le 'sojourning in Eugene at the time. The
ladies of the Episcopal Church are under
many obligations to the Salem quartette for
uieu Kindness ami assistance.
New Hose. Tlie Fire Department of this
city lias live hundred feet of new hose on
tho way up from Sun Francisco. It is of
the quality t.vo and thm-quartcrs
inch leather hose, double riveted. It cost
almut $7o0. This gives our boys a good
supply, in case of an emergency they
could now throw six streams of water on
any fire that should break out in the busi
ness portion of our city. The department
ownai.ijU feet winch is as much us the en
gines require at present With this new
addition tlie boys feel confident they can
manage any fire that might break out.
Recordeb's Court. An unfortunate
Frenchman named Joel Carmine was up be
fore Recorder. Patterson , yesterday on
tlie charge of drunk and disor
derly conduct. He had been arrested
the night before by policeman Bew
ley, who supplied him with free lodging hi
tlie calaboose over night. When brought
before the Recorder he was very penitent,
and was allowed to go on his wav after de
positing $7 50 for his frolic. "Those that
dance must pay the fiddler" is tlie only
comforting words we can refer him to at
The Libbaby Rooms. During a few mo
ments' visit in the State Library Rooms
yesterday we noticed Mr. Simpson busily
engaged" in arranging a catalogue of the
looks in his charge to present to the Legis
lature. The rooms are being repninted and
cleaned up thorougidy. Some new desks
are to be erected for the use of the Supreme
Court, which will convene in this room.
There are many valuable works among
these books, wluch wUl in all probability be
used more during the next two mouths than
they have been since the last Legislature
Swamp Lands. Mr. Chadwick, State
See'y, has the list of selected swamp lands
made out, and readv to send on to the Sur
veyor General ot Washington. Maps, field
notes, etc., will be sent on with the list,
that there may 1 no difficulty in compar
ing tile State records with thoae furnished
by tho Government Surveyors. The list
comprises over -JU0,OoO acres"
Lvtbodccino Gas. The proprietors of
the Willamette Woolen Mills are having gas
fixtures put ill through the entire building.
It will take over 2,000 feet of pipe to com
plete tee job. The University is to be fitted
up in the same manner. This will add
much to the convenience of both buildings.
Anderson it Rhawl have both contracts.
Mabkixo Oct Tueib Reports. The
State officers are all up to their eyes in
work, making out their biennial reports.
They are nearly all completed, and by the
time the Legislature meets they will be fully
prepared to furnish complete records of tho
"deeds done in the body'
Articles of Incorporation. J. M. F ra
zor, C. M. Greenman and E. B. Collard of
Oregon City have filed articles of incorpo
ration of a company to be known as "The
Oregon City Hack and Dray Company."
Capital stock to be $4,000, with the privi
lagt's or increasing of diminishing the same
if they choose to do so.
Good Beadino. Gill & Steel have laid
Harpers Magazine and the Overland Month
ly upon onr table. They are both Htandard
periodicals, and contain much valuable
reading matter. The first part of Joaquin
Miller's new pocin, "Isles ot the Amazons"
appears in the Overland of this month.
A Correction. In our Sunday morning's
issue we said that I)r. Payton had been
called in to dress Charlie Matthews' wounds.
We were misinformed regarding this, as he
assures us such was not the case. Dr. Car
penter is the attending physician.
Sold On J. W. Smith has disposed of
ins urug siore. in inis city, to jit. rawiora,
formerly clerk on tlie Grand ltonde Indian
Agency." They were busily engaged in
voicing stock yesterday.
Kecoverino J. W. Souther was much
lietter yesterday, and strong Ifopes are now
entertained of his ultimate recovery. He
will probably be able to resume business iu
a short time.
Notaries Public. H. H. Gilfrey informs
ns that V. F. Trimble and Theo. Wygant
of Portland, have been appointed Notaries
Public for Multnomah couutv.
Commissioner of Deeds. Duncan It.
Wilson has been appointed Commissioner
of Deeds for the State of Oregon, to reside
in San Francisco.
Personal Dr. A. D. Ellis, attendant
fhysician at the Insane Asylum at East
'ortland, is stopping at tlie Commercial
Hotel in this city.
Al. Croasman adheres to his intention to
resign the office of Chief Engineer.
It is thought construction trains will be
running to liosebnrg by October 1st.
O. A. Brown has returned to Salem after
a long sojourn in the vicinity of Yaqnina
Heavy clothing if at a premium at pres
ent, although it is one of tho rammer
The State printers are nulling matters at
their office on State street. They area jolly
Match games of croquet is what ails tlie
young folks on Piety Hill these days.
J. K. Gill started from New York for his
home in Portland yesterday.
Tlie Good Templar ceases to live after the
next issue. It has never paid expenses.
Billie Boon started for Portland a few
days ago. He went via Eugone City. , .
Now is the time to send in your adver
tisements for tlie fall trade, which soon nets
Quite a number of onr merchants are
preparing to go to San Francisco for new
Miss Schwatka has moved her milliner
rooms to one of the buildings opposite the
Statesman office.
T.'B. Rickey took a trip to the front yes
terday. He will probably return this after
noon. The "Traveler's Guide" has come to hand
with its nsual amount of interesting infor
mation. It will contain a lot of "Oregon
views" next month.
What has become of onr Srortsman's
Club ? This is a subject that should not be
protracted u it is to tie nrougnt ottore our
next Legislature.
Flax-seed is worth three cents a pound in
this market. We got "flaxed" cheaper than
thtt in our younger days.
Geo. H. Smith, employed on the Agri
cultural Works, in this city, had a narrow
escape from falling off the building tent
Jionaay. XiOoa out, oia dot.
The game of croquet is daily paining
popularity in Salem. It causes as mueh
comment as the base ball fever did a few
months ago.
The Boston Advertiser lias an able
article reviewing the political situation
in New England, and concludes in
these woi-ds : '-In Tew England,
judging trotn evidence accumulating
from all quarters, the Greeley ticket
is weaker than it has been at any time
since he was nominated. Many Deuio-
vcrafjS regain it aa odious and declare
, against it under all circumstances,
i ew Republicans are for it, and they
will not venture to siiow tlmir bands.
The two' states commonly classed as
doubtful, iew Hampshire and Con
necticut, were never less doubtful tliau
tlieyare now; and throughout 2evr
Kuginnd the intelligent, sober and
thifiightlul sriitiiuent which lias been
Jie.stra.ig loitress ol Keiuitilicniiisiu
1 in the days of its trial is loyalusever."
Indiana Democrats Repudiate the Balti
more Convention.
Jndge Barnard Found Gnilty
A Destructive Tornado.
Indiana DeniorriitM Itc pmlinte (be
ItalLiiiiure IfctrgHiu.
Fort Wayxk, Anjrnst 18 The tirt
Democratic Convention in support of
the Louisville Convention wan lu-kl
here last night. Resolutions rvpntli
atiug the Baltimore bargain and de
claring ill ftivor of taritt' for revenue
and instructing Hon. A. P. Edjpirtou
for Vice President, passed.
Xew yoKK.' August IS. Oiarfes
O'Conor was interviewed yesterd.-iy.
He refused to sfite whether lie would
accept the nomination of the Louis
ville Convention it tendered, but sid
he would vote for its nominees.
DeSarj1. t South Carolina, writes
to the Herald that the statement that
he has declared for (ireeley is lalseaud
Ulliciai returns from North Carolina
give Caldwell 2.(173 majority.
LonsviLi.K, August is. Colonel
Blantou Ituiiean, in an interview tor
the New York Herald, stated he
had received an assurance of S."KUHXI
votes for a stnii;lit-oiit nomination,
lie also saidthat before the election
the Democrats would see this was
enough to defeat tireeley, and would
Come nut in a body and elect OX'mior.
who lias already conseUed to become
a candidate.
JiMlire Itnmnrd Eonnil Utility el" "11
Slav t'liarifCM iu Ue lutieliietit
Troy jners state that the Court of
Impeachment pronounced .Iwhjo Bar
naul guilty of the violation of his oath
ofollice. living iintniinll'iil ot the duties
of bis ollice. being guilty ot eorrnjrf
conduct in his olliiv. and guilty of all
the charges brought no thirty-one in
Wife Murder mid AUeiased KskMr.
Boston. August IS. Tames XleKl
Iianey shot his wife. He disclim-gnl
two tiurrels of his revolver at hiss own
head, inflicting severe hut not danger
ous wounds. Mrs. McKllianey was
.shot iu the temple and died in tilteeti
91 urdersi.
Chicago, August IS. On SitnnJay
night, Kicimrd Walsh inched Andrew
Anderson out of his saloon for taking
liberties with his wile. Anderson
fell against a lot of beer barrels) and
bottles, striking his head with sneh
force as to kill him almost instantly.
A Coroner's jury acquitted Walsli of
criminal intention.
At Frederickston.Io.. ou Sitnnfcy,
Philip Scholtand Thomas Mfh-ws
quarreled and lought about pioiitics.
wlien Matthews shot Sliolt through tlve
hpad and killed him.
A Destructive Tornatlo.
bl'liiNGFlF.l.n, Mass., August I?. A
tornado which swept from frxlhig
Meadow to AValbraham on Saturday
morning, lowered everything in this
distance, live miles, its" course being
northwest. Stone walls and fhvr
fouocs were strewn iu every directs!.
A strip from five to fifteen nkV; in
width was cut through a forest ot !rje
Yellow Fever.
New Yokk. August is. The hark
Pelayo, from Havana, and the Lsig
Baleiir. from Central America, wish
vellow fever aboard, arrived last nigt.
'l'lieni are now twenty-eight iu live
quarantine hospital.
BY ATI...Vril AHI.K.
MnnlvjO Mory i Donbtetl, slid he
Ketlrnt Jiidiiiant From n Hnu
quct. London, August li). At the ban
quet given at Brighton yesterday. Sir.
Stanley, while responding to a toast,
thought lie heard expressions ot In
credulence from some of the guests as
to his meeting Livingstone. He vehe
mently retired with indignation from
the table, and subsequently left Brigh
ton. It is understood he will probably
return before the close of the meeting
of the British Association.
General Sherman arrived in Kdin
hurg on Saturday.
The Bellant Riots not yet Knded.
London. Aug. IS. Hispatchesfrom
Belfast at noon state that the disturb
ances there continued through Satur
day night into Sunday, and arts not yet
ended. The population are divided
into hostile Catholic and Protestant
mobs, and whenever they come in con
tact there Is a light.
San Francisco. August 19. A part
of the Todd party which prospected
the country southward trotn lhmver to
the Mexican line, thence westward
along the Mid and 35th parallels to the
Colorado, have arrived here. Two ot
the party. McLean and Beiitley, went
out hunting and never returned sii
posed to have been captured by the In
dians. They found in the country
along the 35th jiarallel an abundance
of alinandines, rubies and crystal for
mations looking like diamonds, but
which they are satisfied are not such ;
some of "these last weigh several
pounds. They apjiear to be merely a
flue quality of crystal. They appear
to have given the country a pretty
thorough prosectiig. and doubt the
entire diamond party.
Among the departures this morning
was John Lincoln who goes to exanv
f lie property at Eureka and Little Cot
tonwood for capitalists in this eify who
contemplate making purchases and
mining ou an extensive scale.
Arrived overland last night Mrs.
A. Robertson and two children. -L F.
Hawks, UritUh Columbia.
Since .January 1st Judge Louder
bock lias committed S3 boy's and girls
to the industrial school for various
crimes, lending idle, dissolute and
vicious lives, etc., and allowed the
parents of many others to send them
to St. Mary's or other religious schools
as an alternative. The industrial
school and count)' jail are over full al
ready, and a workhouse is inierntive
ly demanded for a class of criminals
liot yet fit for the State Prison, and
yet unfit for the industrial school.
Theu there a re boys and girls tint, yet
thoroughly corrupted.
The young man named Sonnonberg
was, as (supposed, fatally stabbed by
his step Cither, whose name is Kiss
lich. The latter is in jail at Mayficld.
San Francisco, August id. An
other delay occurred Unlay in the
Australian steamer line. The Olym
pia, which was to have started yester
day morning, but was postponed until
ttwlay, sailed at 1 o'clock this after
noon, but about 5 o'clock was seen
steaming back into port. It is stated
that the steamer, which hits been lying
idle in port for the last two years, has
peculiarly constructed Pteani conden
sers, anil the engineeas. who were
freshly put on board, did not under
stand them, and, finding they could
not make tlie machinery work to suit
them, returned.
San Dikgo. August 19 At Julian
City the toul yield ot gold from 1(H)
tons of nnselected ore, crushed lor
Golden Chariot Co., at Whitney's mill.
is $23,091 20. Tlie Superintendent of
tlie mine is now in town en route to
San Francisco to procure a ten-stamp
mill for the mine.
George Blair, just from Arizona, re- !
porta David ealir s train capture! by
tlie Apaches souiewlicre beyond Ari
zona City.
Stockton, August 19. A fellow
named John Kelly attempted rape
thi afternoon ou it little girl aged G
years, a daughter of William Burns.
The - r Lillian became alarmed at the
screams of the child and fled. Ittit was
arrested this evening ahd recognized,
ami is now in jail.
The water iu tlie San Joaquin river
Is falling fast, and it is thought that
navigntmtr will close In about three
weeks. Vast quantities of grain will
have to remain ou the mucins until
the winter rise in the river.
Salt Lake, August ID. Rev. Nor
man MeLeod will lecture in the Eas
tern cities tlie coining winter in behalf
of atiti-Movinons in opposition to Tom
Brigham Young addressed an audi
ence of oer 5.000 persons at Logan,
yesterday. Topics: young men and
maidens urged to marry ; encourage
ment of Sabbath Schools; advance
ment of Utah ; Xorthern railroad ;
immigration ot tiie poor; faith and
prayer, etc.
Suits are about being brought against
the supposed owners of the Townsend
House and other valuable property,
purchased from the Trustees in trust
of tlie Mormon church. The latter, it
is claimed, bail no title. The loose
system of Mormon transfers and com
plication of polygamy, it is expected,
will involve innumerable lawsuits for
the title of city property of immense
A Tornado in New York.
The 3l&ce-0'Ba!dwiii Fight.
The Wheat Market Tumbles.
Ouliloi'iiin JiwimtlioH.
Thieving Arizona Indians.
Destructive Storm In Sett York.
"kw Yokk. August 20. There has
been great destruction, it is probable,
to the crops by the recent storms
which swept through Central New
York. The storm iu" Sullivan county,
having a width of one mile, rooted 'up
trees, destroying everytning Doiore it.
San .itpoIies- Tlie Maee-O'HalclMln
Seventeen cacs ot suustroke oc
curred yesterday iu this cily and
Mace and O'linld win left here last
night for some unknown place. The
referees have not left yet. The fight
will not come oil' for a day or two. It
isWdieved it will be in the vicinity of
Niagara Falls " the Canada side.
Jwljre Itnrnard found Juill.r -Arrival
or lr. llounnl.
Ne"w Yoiik. August 10. The Sara
toga Court of Impeachment found
.lodge Barnard guilty, removed him
and pronounced him disqualified from
holding office. Only two members of
the Court voted against his impeach
ment Messrs. Lord and Johnson.
Dr. Houard. lately released in
Spain, arrived to-day "on the steam
ship Alexandria, trom ( :adiz.
A Pnnle In the Wheat Mnrkrt.
; Chicago, August 20. There is a
panic in the wheat market here. Ar
. ittmmodatiotis or chimes' have bad one
of the lamest, corners ever known in
this market, and prices lor wheat tor
cash or August delivery were run up
to $1 70 cents ht bushel. Yesterday,
the heavy receipt for grain and pro
peets of its continuance weakened the
corner and took prices down to $1 2.
This morning the market is broken
entirely. Wheat is now selling at
l 12.
Colored Hen Condemn Violence.
Cincinnati. August T.). Tin-colored
citizens ml led a meeting of free citi
zens i:i view of the recent attack upon
Tuhhs Oross, a colored (iivclov orator,
in Covington. Respectable colored
men condemn it. It is believed the
parties who warned Gross to leave
were persona! enemies, he having made
many such here.
A Scnnditl KiitlJftri Out.
Washington. August 10. Both the
President and Secretary Belknap deny
all knowl.-dge of the letter concerning
cadet Smith, written by David "!ark.
of Hartford, to General Howard, c
ies of which Clark alleges to have sent
ionium sews.
The ItellhNt ICiot.
Toronto, August 20. A dispatch
from Dublin last, night reported no
ressation of the rioting. The ISelfast
mob yesterday attacked three large
warehouses and made a complete
wreck of the interior, carrying off
portable articles and demolishing other
Merchandise. The magistrates an; le
oming convinced ot tlieir inability to
?store order, and have surrendered
fhe city into the bands of the military,
jwactically establishing martial law.
The commanding officer has issued a
jirocla tnat ion warning citizens to re
tiin in their houses, and stating that,
-rery person found in the streets will
lie looked upon as a rioter and treated
jKCi'ordingly. All public houses have
lwived orders to cloe and not reopen
until permitted by the authorities.
lAsipatches from .Belfast to-day say
that only two wounded rioters had
U"n received iu the hospital. Several
fijfits occurred this morning.
lltmy Receipt or tVlieat - IVot. Alt
to Arrive iloitli ou the lt--
erl 4,nnxlit Iu tt Water fepoui.
rN Ft:.NCs. August. 20. Pe
cetjitsof wheat from the country to
lay arv heavier than any other former
lay for two years. The warehouses
sine rapidly tilling up, and there is
hardly wharfage accommodation for
tlie clitiliarguig of cargoes.
H'lieat iu Liverpool declined to lis.
I'roi. Agassi, telegraphs from San
Di-ilo l lie Academy of Sciences that
he riH la: iu the city Thursday or Fri
day. Los ANttKIJCS, August 20. A letter
from Iran pah. Clark district. August
titu, says: Henry Miller, while on
the ivar from Soda Lake to Ava Watt's
district, n the desert perished troni
Mr. Sfctnsfield. en route for Salt
I.aUe, with his family, was caught in a
watt'r-srait. and lost his wagon, cloth
ing, pviwi-lons and everything. Tlie
family arrived at Ivaupah in safety.
wan riMi ou m .
I'caer inaile with the Sltwna Inlinn
15f Vei lor Counting '4'riidf.
Vic-row A. .Inly 20. II. M. S. R-out.
with riie Governor and party o:i board.
:n rived at four o'clock yesterday after
noon. l ace has been made the
natives, and the Skeena river is aain
open from the source to the mouth.
Some fcttOO were distributed among
tiie chiefs to remunerate them for tlie
accidental burning of tlieir villages.
Messrs. Webster & C.n. are building
a 300 ton schooner at Port Discover,
intended for the Coos Bay and San
Francisco lumber trade. .'
Indian Depredation.
Tlcson. August 20. Last week the
Apachs stole seventy head of stock from
tlie Papogos Indians, and got away
with tliem through the Santa Rita
Mountains and eastward. The Papo
gos followed the trail, and found
where 210 had been killed, and an
other place wliere eiht were slaugh
tered. After a chase, and knowing
how well tlie Apaches were armed,
tlieygave up the pursuit, the
wlwle seventy head. The Papogos
will not likely Hand this sort of peace
a great while. The Apache are con
stantly visiting the Sonorita settle
ments. Last Sunday they carried oil'
a Ut of wheat.
Condition of Indinn Air.iir.
Salt Lake, August 21. Dispatches
from San Pete are favorable toa peace
able eitlement of the Indian troubles.
Tabby and Douglass, influential chiefs,
agreed to meet In council to-day with
portion of tlieir tribes. It is thought
the Cnita and White river band M ill
retire at once to reservations. Gen.
Morrow and troops are on the ground
-ready for operation if tlie negotiations
fill. The Shlrer, Kapolas. Elk Moun
tain, Utes and Xavajses. though still
hostile, will prohabiy be induced to
make pence. Richard Smith, not the
Indians as at lirst supposed, commit
ted the murderous assault on tiie tele
graph operator at Mount Pleasant.
Smith was arrested and oonfessed his
The Governorship of New York.
Straight Democratic Demonstrations.
Important Political News.
Onliloi'iii it Diispttt cIie.
State of Indian Affairs In Utah.
The domination for Governor of
Sow York.
I'tica, August 20. Senator Morgan
and Gen. Ltix decline the nomination
for Governor. Senator liobertson and
Win. Wheeler are the favorite candi
dates this evening. Sickles is also pro
posed. Lyman Tremaine will be Con
gressman at large.
The Tribune says that II. Seymour
and Santord K. Church positively re
fine to allow their names to be used
by Democrats or Liberals at the con
ventions, iu connection with the Gov
ernorship. It is believed August
Scbell will lie the strongest candidate.
Soldier Convention.
At the Soldier's Convention, Col.
Billiard declared it the duty of sol
diers of the Union to support their old
commander, and never agree to shake
hands with rebels across the chasm un
til they were willing to be loyal. His
speech was received with much en
thusiasm, and when the name of Grant
was mentioned the entire Convention
rose to their feet and cheered.
Illinois and Micliljrnu Democracy.
GAl.KSm ii;, 111., August 20. The
LiU-rals of the Ninth instrict nomi
nated X. I'. Worthington. editor of'
the Peoria lleview to Congress.
Democrats of .the Eighth Michigan
District apxinted delegates to Louis
ville, and resolved that, they will only
support men whose lives liave borne
testimony to the faith of the Democrat
ic party.
W AsiHNtiTON, August 20. Tlie Ken
tucky war claim, for which a special
appropriation bill was enacted last
session of Coiigorss. Anally passed the
third Auditor's office, amounting to
Ueoixrin Democratic Convention.
Atlanta. August 20. A straight
I emocratie Convention was held here
to-day. Seventy-two counties out of
i:2 were represented. Delegates were
appointed to attend the Louisville
( (invention, and Hon. Chas. O'Conor,
of New York, declared tiie preference
of tlie Convention for President.
I. ion.
Xr.w oki.kass, August 20. Jas.
I a is, colored, has liccii put on the
I'im bhack ticket tor Congressman at
large, since .ludge Dibblee declined.
TIm- (jireat "Comer in When.
Chicago. August 21. The collapse
of the gnat corner in wlieat continues
to be the absorbing topic ot interest in
commercial circles. Xo such day as
yesterday ha- ever before been seen in
the Chicago grain trade. The break
ing ot the corner brought down not
only the originator of tiie scheme, but
hundreds ot others.
From Urceli-y to Vrauf.
Il.Vi:TFot!t. August 21. At the Re
publican State Convention, held to
day. O. II. Steward and II. D. Smith,
prominent Republicans, who were an
nounced a for Greeley, declared them
selves for iraut.
roituus m;vs.
Tlie iSeli'n-tt Itiil - l ire nl ?Iarder
i error Kill ltum-Hiut.
Xkw Yokk. August 20. A London
spiH-ial says that the riots in Belfast
continue with unabated fury. The
city is at the mercy of a bloodthirsly
mob. Martial law was declared.
There are fears of a repetition of the
terrible scenes of lSiiti. All places of
business are closed at noon. A regu
lar iauie prevails and many respecta
ble people fly from the city. At this
writing the hospital in Great Patrick
street is tilled with wounded and dy
ing and the screams of tlie sufferers are
heartrending. Several women liave
I icon shot. The troops could do noth
ing without the sanction of tin- M; yor
who was at length compelled to order
thf- military to charge the rioters.
About a dozen persons were shot at
Bovne Bridge (so called) near the rail
way station.
f .ONI on. August 20. Later le
splte the action of the authorities, who.
owing to tlieir utter helplessness and
inellicieiicy. were obliged to snrrender
control of the city into the bauds of the
military, the rioters are vigorously
carrying out tlieir desperate deeds of
blood and plunder. Orangemen were
charged this morning, with fixed bay
onets, up Carrick Hill, but soon alter
meeting an opposing force Catholics on
the old Lodge road, engaged them, and
touht over an hour with gnus, paving
stones and bludgeons. Many em
ployees ot mills on the Antrim road
have cpiitted work to join the riots.
There is no knowing where matters
will end. The riots of 1SW! lasted
three weeks. It seems that the com
mandant is determined to en tore or
der, and accordingly intimates that
every person found on the streets will
be treated as a rioter. The public
houses were closed to-day. The sol
diers effectually cleared the streets,
and the rioters are now dodging around
corners, tiring stray shots. Orange
men in bodie- of threior tour hundred
issued from tlicirliead.piartersatSiiuly
Row and ru-hed through the principal
streets like demons, tiring iu all direc
tions. It is apprehended that they
will attempt to demolish several Cath
olic institutions, and large reinforce
ments of constabulary are accordingly
surrounding them.
Loniion, August 12. A dispatch
from Bellasf las; evening says the city
is ipiieter, but the trouble is not end
ed. The rioters captured by the civic
and military organizations were con
veyed to jail under a strong ccort of
troops, but no attempt was made to
wards a rescue, fhe niunicii:d build
ings jire strongly guarded, and the
streets are patroled by cavalry.
All the schools, and most'ol the
mills are closed. X'tue magistrates
are now on duty. Although the streets
were patroled last evening by military,
a crowd collected and the excitement
and rioting were continued. Thirty
rioters were arrested yesterday and
lodged iu prison. At midnight the
city war comparatively quiet, tlrongh
occasionally shots were heard. It is
reported that there were several per
sonal encounters between rioters and
special constables.
Political Vm-Tfim Pacific Rail
roadPresidency of the Mate I ul
ven.ity. San Fkancisco. August 21. Mr.
Forney is to seak before he leaves.
The' Catholic Publication Company,
capital $20,000, was incorporated to
day. Win. Sharon, of Nevada, has with
drawn from the Senatorial contest.
Piatt's Hall is again filled this even
ing to hear Nye, of Nevada, and Jas.
Laidley, Federal Assessor, speak for
Grant and Wilson.
Colonel Thomas Scott and party
leave for San Diego on the Caliloniiit
on Friday. Scott states that work on
the Texas Pacific will not be delayed
tor anything now, and car will run
uion that line across tlie continent
within ftve year.
The Presidency of the University of
the Pacific is finally accepted by Rev.
Dr. Gibbons, of Athens Ohio.
San .Iose. August 21 A large au
dience, including many ladies, assem
bled at the Grant-Wilson meeting.
Many were unable to obtain seats. All
listening attentively to the address of
J. B. Felton.
Clncsctt (Republican! Elected.
Salt Lake. August 21. A dispatch
to-night from Montana, says Claggett
(Rerublictu' L:i :i sinnll majority.
Tlie Chicago Times publislies letters
daily from its Democratic friends ap
proving it oppositson to Greeley.
In Warren, O.. thirty Republicans
have declared tor Greeiey and eighty
seven Democrats have declared against
AVhat Frank Blair said about Gratz
Brown was that "it would make him
drunk to sit down on a rotten apple."
We liave this from an authentic
A Democrat, who think tlte neces
sities ot bis party demand tlwtt he
adopt crow meat" as a permanent
diet. ay "II. f." evidently stands
for "Hard Grub."
Tlie St. Louis Democrat prints the
prulct of one hundred and fifty-two
Democrats of Pike county, Illinois
against tlie Greeley ticket, and rec
ommends it as interesting reading.
The I'tica Herald says : "Jeff
Davis, flying in female attire, is not
half so rrotcsue and cowardly as the
IK'inocracy skulking in the old white
hat and coat of Iloraou Greeley."
The Xew Haven Palladium (Demo
cratic) and several other Lastern ja
pers call msjn B. Gratz Brown to
withdraw from the Greeley ticket. B.
Gratz will do no such thing. Rig an
old saying of bis that "A bir'in tliand
"s better'n a hmiiio' pre (hie) volition."
Tlie Boston Hebrew Leader closes
an article expressing its gratitude to
General Grant, as follows : "With
these tacts before us, all will admit that
Gen. Grant is entitled, even if not ac
cording to tiie opinions of some to the
votes at least to the gratitude and re
spect of the Jewish American citizens."
It is so everywhere ; the liest busi
ness men are strongly opposed to Gree
ley. An illustration of the fact is giv--jj
by the Bridgeiort (Conn.) Stand
ard, which says : "Lately, nine gen
iVnien, each of whom are worth at
least a million dollars, and tour of
whom were Democrats, were collected
tngetlier o:i railroad business atacer
ain place, and the question of the
Nniug election being broached, all
declared for Grant, ou the ground that
la the event of his election, bu-iiies
men could calculate with some degree
f certainty upon what financial
-aurse to expect on the part of the
Government, and the prosperous con
dition of the past four years would be
(continued, but were Mr. Greeley elect
ed his uncertain and whimsical finan
cial views his tendency to fly oil" on
any ism or notion that once possessed
him and his strong-headedness, when
once set iu any direction, would throw
business into confusion and materially
damage tlie great financial interest of
tlie eouutrc. ' e cannot aflord, said
these gentlemen, -at present to make
a change, and it is for the interest of
t he great Industries of the country that
there should lie no such change as the
one proposed.' "
A little girl remarked to her mama,
on going to lied : "I'm not afraid ot
the dark." "Xo, of course you are
not." replied Iht mama. "I was a
littie afraid once, when I went into
the pantry in the dark to p-t a tart."
"What were you afraid of?" asked
her mama. "I was afraid I could not
find the tarts."
X K W ADV KRT 1 S !; M E X TS.
(i'l'i Kearny Street,
Correr Commercial St.,
KNtablislic'l in ls(4. fr the treatment ot"
Sevtal ami Seminal ln-ea-es. mu Ii as mr
i ln-.i. (leet. Nrt. 'iire. s phlll in nil its
forms, .'Seminal Weakness, lui.SeiK-y, el-.
!on l'i-'ac nfyi'ar Ktamlhig ant Clcer
jueil sucfes-ifiilly treat.!.
einlnal Wenkaen.
Seminal emission Uie consequence f PS'it
abuse. Tills solitary vi,-e, oriicpravetl sexual
liiclulp'nce. Is unii iU iil liy the youth of both
x;c loanalmost uniimilel extcnlproitu.-lnii
wilh unerrlnir certainly, the following train 4l
iiiorlll s iiirfouis. unless romttateii by tal
ent i lie lnuilk-ul measure, viz:
Sallow eouuO'nutu-e, itark sjiotx mxler the
eyes (Aln in the he i. nnina in the ear.,
u'oiso hi.o ih. rustling oi leaves am) rat
tling ol iha riots, uuea-iness attout the
iouis. ,-nnru"eil vision, biunlett Intelus-t,
toss of , '111111' ten.-o,. "itui'lruee In apro.ithinp
tnniirer.a 'tlsbke to form new a'jiiainlan,-e,
a jlsMk.tilon in shun wvlcty, loss of nieinory,
!uv!!.- flu-liesunil vari uefuptionsahitu I lie
la-e. furred tongue, fetid breal h, eoliths, eon
suaipliou, niht sweats, monomania and fre
.nieui iusamtv. If relief be not obtained,
lue sufferer slioii Id apply immediately, in tier
miii or by letier, and have a cure elbvted by
liis new .in I scienllnV mode of treatinu this
Uarase, never lulls of elle,-:inic a qiik-.k
mid radu-al cure. I r. ii. will giveone hiiu
'irei dollars toany jn-rson vvtio will prove
sjiiia.torilv to linn tliat lie was cured ofihis
,-oni)il.'tint by eiilier ol tlie an FmiK-Jsco
C'aretl nt Home.
liTn .it a disiance ni iy m- t t ltKI AT
lluMi.. by addies-lnif a letier to Ir. (.iIIh.u,
staling c:is nyniptoins. length of lime the tils
aseliuscontii'iued.iiiKl have nsli,-itie prompt
ly lonvanled, free from damage iindcuriosity,
tonnypurl ol the coiiniry. Willi full alid
jibiiii dioN-tlons lor u.--e.
Prrs.tns v rltluir to the Toclor will please
atalellie name of I lie siper they law tins al-vrlis.-ment
Ity inclosing $10 coin. In registered letter
ttir;ti the I'osi l ifli.-e. or I hrouti Wells, l-'ar-k
ro., a jiackaeof iiH-didne will lie for
uanted loany part of the I'uion.
A 13 .-.orresietudence strict I v coulidential.
Address lUt. J. K. l.IllltoN, .:! Kearny
street, su, Kiaii.-isco. lostoihce lUx l,U.u.
VV lu (leixllw Lv
tl O Al 10
Mutual Insurance Company.
JOHN II. KTIStX; TON I"r-slde:il
:i:. II. IIOU Uill ....Vlee lrellriil
4 IIAIll.O It. MUKl heereinr.v
N. li. Il H.irliie Seereliir.v
Al. Ji. Jil4.XI.OW... irf'iiernl nniiHicer
i I i: k i: t o it s :
lid: I I. M :
V. tV n.erMtiui. i:. rtldsiiilth,
'.(. It. 1 elei ,
l.lnfl ltrMk.
.v?ex I.. F. iirwver
-lie . I reneli
.4 limn y J. A. nlrl
lew Klou J. (.owe ii berg
t.furml Axeiit, Portland.
iias. v. m nR4WN.
Atrent Knlem.
New Grocery Store.
"MTIRRSH (.rweries anil New Goods at onr
Ms stand n oniniercial Sireet. ltvensa
rail and we will endeavor to p'eree von all.
11 nlh onre.lti7ns with l.nmtter flivl Kv
tiress Waens.and four sprtnjtifcrriafreii. Aa
we erakiy aone but the bi-Hl workmen, and
ic the very hel material, we can warrant
our vrazoiK- Ut be all we rqitwut.
Cut lnioi l?nttein,
MRS. KuLTZ would Inform the ladies
that she ha Inst received a full awort
ment or PATTKHXS, emlr.i all lha
ale vies lor Indies. Mlwes, Itoys and In
lanfs. lothe.. t all and selis t your paiteTD.
.Hso, aireiKty forliraj'a I'nlon liress l Uart,
Brut l amlly Hour,
linker Extra, XXX,
Niiperliiie and
!tiuidllne, Rthii and Short
KrmtwiiT TRICE IX CASMjp-3
Auent (. F. M. Co.
Km. 2:Htf
The Daily Oregon Statesman
isaiied every morning in the week ex
oepl Monday.
Will bo furnished to subscribers on the fol
lowing To City subscribers, by farrier, 25 cents per
week, payable to Carrier.
To mall subscribers, per year, 1& 00.
" " " six months, $5 00.
" ' three months, 3 00.
Tho Da o,y Statesman will contain, each
day, a
to the Associated Press ; all the
Current Events of the Stte ;
s faithful and reliablecollatlon of the
of the City and County; News from the
t neighboring
A ca refill resume of the
;i; news
from all sources; Editorials upon the live
Topics of the Day;
Carelnlly selected Miscellany, Toctry. Etc.
It will lie Republican In polltV-s.
Indenemlent and fearless In Its opinions.
The Daily Statesman
circulates through every imirtant City,
Town and Village in the State, and
and along all the daily mail
It s, therefore, an excellent
Advertisements inserteil at liberal rates.
Prices graded and uniform to all adver
tisers. The Daily Statesman will contain erery
train re of a
circulates tn every' County, CBy, Town,
and Hamlet In Oregon.
Contains all the choicest matter, ami
pnhlisnod tn the Dally.
Subscription price of the W f.ekly Oregon
Statesman, t'i 00 a year, pnyable in ad
vance, at the office, or to any of our author
ized Agents.
The Weekly Statfxmas being read by
everybody, Is an excellent advertising me
dium. Advertising at liberal rates.
Send in your enters for the pajier
If you have anything to advertise, send no
tice to Hie WF.KKLY fTATliiMAN.
All communications on business or corres
pondence, to tieaildressedto "8TATTasMAN,"
or to the prnmieior
HAVINtiennsolMafM with im-own the
"mi-It formerly owned by .1. B. A M.
I II list '11, we are now prepared tn furnish our
cn-loiuers wilh a large an assortweut ol
;, M -rchaodl-ea-can In; found in tho
cl;y. Hit j lvk Wli'l.- constsis, tn part.d
Hardware and Groceries.
A We.l Selected Stock of
Men & Bovs' Ready Made Clothing
constantly on han.l.
Calicoes, Muslins, DfLains,
and evervthlng usually founi In n Brst
class t)ry (iooilsslore can be fotiml
upon our shelves.
Boots cfcs Sboos,
of all varieties! together with
And a Lare Lot of Woolea Voods.
We invite the Ladlesof the cy and tlclnity
to call in and examine our stock.
CfTNo trouble to Show Goods.
WK AIM TO PLEASE, anil will sell goods
at reduced rates to close ont nor Unmenac
CfCall luand seens ln-Sre purchasing
elsew here.
Itememlier the plai-e.
Hermann & HIrsch.
I'oiwmerctal Street, Ralem, Oregon.
junei i: i.m
133 Front Kt., Portlsimt,
C o m m i s s ion Merchant.
Oregon prrah-e otl to best ft frontage ll:
I'ortiaiMl or San Franctaco. liewler tn
CoiiNliruinrulM .Sllrltel.
J.iul 2J5, 18TS.
National Business College,
H.M.DeFRANCE, - President.
W. S. JAMES, ... Secretary.
A Model Commercial College.
The Education fur the Time.
The Importance of a Practical
Education Was Never More
Apparent Than Now I
ed that as we grow In prosH-Tily we grow
more practical, and that It is required of men
that tliey educate themselves praclically ed
ucate themselves in tlie best manner possible
to meet tlie demands of the times.
Voting men, the future welliireof this Coast
looks to Toi l Are lOl prepared to meet
1U demands?
Demands of the Age!
The most Thorough, Practical, and Com
co jimkkci ;v jl.
The Course is so arrangotl and TaiiKlit as to
enable the Student to master It In
the Shortest Time Possible.
Each Student after passing through the
Book-Keeper & Merchant
where, in the space of a FEW WEEKS,
be obtains the experience of an
The TeleKmph lepriiienHs now lil
ted a with the bet ot Instruments, and Is la
cmpk-lc running orilcr.
For Kill. IN FORMATION, send forCOL
I.EOE l'AI'EU. ta5-Address:
leFruiite A Jaitifn,
JutJCKti lv
Self-Rake Reaper & Mower
Oregon Agricultural Works,
hnlerpri.-e tuis linisirled tweutv-live of
Superior Machines.
which he inten U tnbnlldi in order to test
Uicur merits in Ori'gon.
Fee line confident that tliey are the
uest iaciiim:
Manufactured, having received luo only
Grand Cold Medal
tthe last two United States Fairs for tlie
Combined Self-Rake
VTe can confidently recommend them to the
Seed for descriptive catalogue sent free.
Machines now at our office on exhibition
and for sale at the Opera House corner.
Orrgon Agricultural Worku,
C Send for Clrrnlnr.
Incurable Case!
AftfT trn yt-nTH trial on this Cowt hat
prrrven ItHclf the only rumtive in a rrrtain clara
of di8eflo prxuouuced by medical practition
er aa incurable.
res Chanrrs first and second tgw, 8cron
the Legs or Body; Bora hju-s, Eyrs. Nose. c;
dppr-colond Blot. h. Syphilitic Cilinh,
Diseased 8,-ilp, and s'.l priumry forms i t ih
tlitease knowu as Syphilia. rrice, li jxr but
tle, or two for $9.
caiva Tertiary. Men-m-ial, Syphilitic libcun-.a.
tism. Pains in the Bunt-. l?ickrf the Nc. li, I 1.
cerated Sore Throat, Hyphilitic Rush, Lumps
mad Contracted C rds. HtitTurM ot the l.iints,
sad eradirats all dis-acg Irom Ibesysttm,
whether caused by iiiflisi-rctii n or cLme of
merrury l. avine the blood pure and Lcal.hy.
Jrice, 15 fiet bottle, or two fur i9.
tidnte, (or the Cure of Gonnorba. Gleet, Irri
tation, Gravel, and all Urinary rr Genital
disarrangements. Price, f 2.10 per bottle.
je.tlon, a wash and injection for mvrre ranrs
of (i.MinorluB, Indammatnry Gktt. Strirturt a,
n:iil all dw-itKr if the Kidneys and lladdtr.
Jrict, $1.50 pT lrtle.
Also Agouti for DR. LE ETCEATTS GGI VE
PILLS fT Seminal AV. akmitf.. Nirl t J mi.
moii. lTin't''ni-y, and all cliwnura cnsirt; fr m
TMaMnrbatiun nnd t-xcriv aHtrMH. 1 r r f ,
-jr i .ttl. The fr- imiii Golukk Bxlmjm is
mt up only la rm-id bottlm.
On rrc fpt ot pri thn mdi'-,ti w'H
V- "V.t t' :ill pirtn rf thn omrtry, l;y i-xprta
r Tiiv.l, h'-ur. ly pa kudaxid ircc frum cber
Vl:"jHalf aud K'tail PmiKts and
Chemists, 8 W. arr. Clny it Bsnsoue yfc.
htretts, San irancisco, Cal. Jm
Will 9W twytiinf nseded la a family, from
th haTiert to the ligttact fabric,
Than any other machine.
If there is Florence Sewing M&
chine within one thousand miles of
Han Francisco not working well and
??ving entire satisfaction, if I am in
ormed of it, it will be attended to
without expense of any kind to the
19 Nw Montgomery Strett,
Grand Hotel Building, Saa Francisco.
Bnt fmr Ctrmt mmd mmj
th nmrk. AtUmt AgmtU wmntU ist
.Feb. I daiw lT
are sure in mipsrsme H other be,uae they
nrv inrr imm iT-iittiHo -oiiraoie no not rip or
leak. Try them. All genuine fA are
ai.-iini-M. ijuneu imw.
LAUD, 0SEG02T. .
. , Publtolied kjr Mm Huntarl,
General Advertising Agent, 9S tYont Street
ill First .Street. Importer awl Jobber ot .
Faucv tioals, Toy, Crockery tiliuaware anil
PlatolWare. , '
Astor House, First fit between Oak ami
Pine Everything uual. B. 1. Longlel
low. Prop.
Xos. 75 & 77, First Slret, Portland.
Barman, the only lireot Importer of Cloth
ing, Ao.,cor. Front A Washington st
Largest Stock In Port la mi
Vo. 75 Front and JVo. 5 Washington wtrretM.
BECK, WILLIAM PON, 129 Front 8t.
Importers awl dealer in
(Inn), Kiriesj and Revolver (
ofeverv rtcfc riptlon.
Fishlnir Ta-kle, Fancy tionils, Dcnds, Bint
Cages, Baskets, Croquet tinmen and
Baby Carriap-a.
Agents lur the "Caljlornia Howler Worka; "
also, for the "Wheeler & Wilson tew
inc alachilMas.,
Be, k, John A., 129 Front street, pracikal
W at. hniaker and Jeweler. Work done
for the Trade.
L Hacneiaer, irom atreot.
Briluun & lteinhart. First street, between
( mk and Pine, importers ol' Sim es, Kan-
lies, Kitchen t'tensils.
"tfucliarian, W, A., s. w. cor. First ft Tavlor
sts. I heapest Furniture House In Port-
UArl Lj I O Front Street.
C1larke"Heiwierson A Cook, 81 SS First 8U
Ueulers lu Ury Oo.sU, Fancy ililllnery,
Vc &c.
CohnJt KoseuleTl,"lt8-Front St. li .nimls
Kiui Mercluints & dialers In Oregon and
allforiiia I'rislu.-e.
Connie. J. H . manntiolurer anil dealer In
Saddles. Harness, and Saddlery Hard
ware, W) FTont St. '
C furrier, W. k Co., Kfl Front street. Mer
chant Tailors A Clothiers, Hat, Fiirngh
lug Goods. w
De Lashmutt A Oarman, K Front .street.
Iteal Estate Agents, money limned
houses rented.
lul From ureet, Portland.
nDIIPPICTC C. H. Woodard ft Co.,
UnUUUlOlOi lul Front St. onler
l'rom any portion of 1 he State or Territories
carefully tilled by mail or express.
Emll. Lowensteiii ft Co, Fnmltnre and
Carpet dealers stores from 1S4 to 138
First street.
"Mmplovment Agency. Wltherell Hol
I i man, 80 Front street. Furnish all kinds
of help.
I7t venling A lleeba, 10 Front street. Com--d
mission Merchant and ilealers in Jo-mestfc-.
B.ashion Livery Slalile, corner First ami
B1 Salmon sts., E. Corbett, Proprietor,
troorl turnouts alwavs on haud.
f.fishel i. Roberts, cor. First and Wsisliimj-
ton sts. Healers and JUanufactururs,
CliKliiug, FumishinE Uoods.
fcThc larpest Music House on the Coast.
G. L. DePRANS, Manager.
f Asents wanted.
Ha. hiH y A Steeme. Grocers awl dealer in
all kiii'l.i of Sceils, corner First and
Main sts. ,
Hamburger, B., 133 First street, inirter
and dealer in biaple Fancy . Ury Goods,
endee, I). H, Photngraphio Artist, S. W.
corner First and Morrison streets. Chil
livif pK-tnres specialty. t
Henrichsen, L. C. A Co., WD First street, -Manuttcturersand
dealers hi Jewelry,
Watches Ac. . . :, to. L., 98 Front street, whole
sale dealer in Groceries, Lloors, Wagon
Materials, Ac
wipe, Calef A Co., ST Front street, whole-
Rule dealers in Hnigs, Paints, Oils,
tilass, Ac - "
k M Sewing Machine, straight nee
J il lu diet, under frel. "b k stitch."
vmieiition challenged. G. W.Traver, 113
Front Street. '
Hnrgren A Shindler. No. l to 174 First
st. Importers Furniture, Bedding, Ac
International Hot eL cor. Front awl Morris
on sis. M. Rudolph, Proprietor. Free
Muss attends steamers.
Rolni. J. A Co. SI Fnint street, wholesale
hikI retail dealer In Fine Clothing. Fur
nisluitg titssls.
Matson Iloree Restaurant, private room
lor Families, cor. 1st and Pine streets.
Q. Voos, Proprietor.
Mnvin, y.. A tic, wholesale dealer in
Wines and Liquor, O. S, N. O's Block
and Sun Fraucls..
Meier A SchmeerTlll Frontetreet, whole
suleand retail t-'onlectloners.
ille"rrj"n B.r3 FlrstJrt. Watch
if I maker and Jewoler. offers tn the isibllc
a line assort ment of Watches, Clucks and Jew
elry. Moeller. A Co., Front near C street, ial
ers in native aud foreign Wines, Llq
uorsaud Cigars.
"V"ortlirtip A Thomiwon. Hardware, Iron,
.W Steel, Hulls, Spokes, Hardwood Lnnilwr.
Occidental Hotel, cor. First awl Morrlwn
sts. Smith A Cook. Proprietor. -
Ji:irn-i. W.-ukins A Cornell, Real Eoale
JL Agent. 90 Front street, between Alder
and Washington.
Photographic Goods, Si
' lot Front street.
H Uler. (.. :., Real Estate and Money Bro-Km-ker,
Front street, Portland.
Rosenln'tni, I. S. A Co., Tobacoonists Inv
poilers of Foreign and Domestic l.tiiors
Uus House. Front street, tin First t'las
Principle. Thos. Itvan. Pn'prletor.
fcJhei-K-k. s.. 1 Front and 2 First sts.. deal-
er In Harness, Saddlery, and Saddlery
k?lni'ii, J., .si r ront street, denier In Iloors,
55 Sah and liiiwls, Window and PlateGiass
inshHmer. H., 1.17 First street, importer ol
" I'Uinos. Organs Sheet Musle, Miul al
tTki Iniore, S. ;.. 12;t Firt street. Druggist
and Anoibe.rv. a large stock of Perl'um-
ei-v and Towet Article.
tinllliA ImvK ,1 From stnvt, wh. leHie
Drug. Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Per
fumcry. Ac.
Snow A ltoo,7:l First t reel. Pktures.Moll
ings Frames, Artists Materials, Drawing
iiiiih. I'm. Itroker, DO Front slrtx-t, Lealer
in I,ei:itl Tenders, tioverument Bonds
and Gold Inist.
STM:. ,n. I... Xo. 107 rront Mrm.
Watchmaker and Miinufacturiu: Jewel
er, l spigoted agent for the WaUhnm.Klgin,
K. Howard i'tt Chas. E. J.vH.and the! al
iiornia watches: a'so. for all ihe prodih-ttons
and Imports of the t'alll'ornia Jewelry Coni-'
nv, San Franriiwn. " Send for a 'circular.
Wnl.-he reiwired in the verv best manner and
W ARB ANT ED to give sat I-tact ion.
' I'eiTT Bros., Ko. 178 Firm Xmet, mannflio
S tlirer awl dealer In F-nrnltiirA. UmI.
dbig. l anwis, Ao.
' 'he Clothing Store. IU Front street.! lot h-
lng. FurnUhing Goods, Boot and Shoe.
Harris A Prager.
1 1 utile. II. li.. Hi V 144 Front t- IhttUr..
in Wagons and Airriculliiral Imnlemeui
' ( J'e, K. D., tt. w. cor. First and Onk M.S.,
dealer In Fine Brandies Wines, English
Ale and Porter.
fBVTer, J. A., lit Front street, wholesale
1. .lealer In Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lar.L
Ba.-on. Ac.
Wtiltams A Myers. Central hlnck.Front
street. Commission Msnilmta
dealer in Prodnce.
A Boarding and Day School for
-A tit of Heptombcr.
Early aptlk-xtinn for Boarder honld hn
ma.le to MISS BODXV, or to BISHOP
MORRIS. ang87--wim.
A Bearding and Day School for Bojs,
SStl of !SItori1oi-.
Fr"Ailnils'oo'iipnlv to PROF. E. W.
i.Aixc or to bimioi' Morris.