The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, August 20, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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    re edify Drgfton talesman,
i i in jmmriwst
The City and County,
Fwm Daily uf . Wednesday Auyll.
Orr ox a Tramp. One of our Salem
voutW took mi kloa vetarday that he would
take s tramp- to th Eastern , Batten, with a
cousin of his, who took hitf departure on
yesttrday'n tntin. Ha intention were do
trted and frustrated in the following way :
The boy' father ruiis a brewery not far
from South Salem, and Ixinp; iti'the attire
of Mr., Powi'H on Commercial street re
queHted him to ride over with lilin. Mr.
P. desiring to purchase Rome lumber at thf
Sonth Balem Mills, (rot into the wagon and
rode orer with him. While seated in tlw
har-room of the brewery, theyounges: child
"f the proprietor came in crying, and upon
their inquiring the cause, aaid that Willie
liiul gone ou". Somewhat astonished at this
the father immediately drove to the deyxit,
where he found a value with his son's name
n it checked for Portland. He sent the
valine back home, himself taking passage on
the train for Brook's Station, where the
young man intended to embark, having
walked that distance to avoid detection bv
tlie visitors at the Salem depot No cause
for his conduct can be given, except boyish
Thk BrLUms. This newspaper Dailv
and Weekly lately added a uew feature, and
one tliat will be likely to be much liked bv
all its interior readers. Mr. A. J. Iufur a
farmer of large experience, and sound
views, ha been employed to conduct an
AfcTicultural Department, and Mr. Hneh
Smj.ll an accomplished writer has ljecn tn
gaed to travel and write up the Resources
of Orayoii. This feature suieradded to tlie
zormer excellencies of toe paper will . make
it popular not only at home, but at the east,
where information concerning Oregon, is
sonsht for and read with avidity. The pa
jkt is to commence, shortly, alio, an amus
ing story of which "Wraslin' Joe" is the
hero. We refer the readers of our Weekly
edition, to the Bulletin advertisement.
AitaavbT and Battehy. A complaint was
made before Justice Coffey yesterday by
Mr. Henry Welch against" Jos. Halpenn'v
for assault and battery. It seems that HaJ
jK nny has a farm rented from Mr. Cun
iiinham, of thi city, and Welch is tin
ployed bv Cunningham to work on the
larm and take care of the stock. Some of
the horse, under Welch's care jumped into
the stubble held, causing Hulpeiiny to use
abusive Imii-uuu toward luui at lint, until
his anger became so great he could not con
strain himself, and to satisfy his rage as
saulted said Welch. After considerable ev-
idenco had been taken, and a great denl of
lawyer a thunder wanted, the Justice fined
tlw accused $10 and cost.
Still FxiLrxo. Mr. Mansfield the man
who threatened to poison himself while
drank, is still in a very critical condition.
It is thought by his physician that he was
drugtd by some villainous scoundrel for
the purpose of robbing him. His mind
contuiualiv wanders, and upon mentioning
anything concerning his family, he almost
got wilii with lamentations, begging his
attendants to leave him and let him die. A
telegram was sent to his relations yesterday
afternoon to come and care f r him, as his
recovery is very doubtful. He is now re
ceiving the best of care at the Commercial
Hotel by some of our kind young men.
A Xew Covtndbcm. Our Indian Super
intendent's office received a dispatch, a dav
or two since troni Jbugene like this :
dead squnw here ; what shall we do with
Iter?" Odcneal, all unconscious of the
portentous impending event had gone
awuv, probably before the gentle
alw'gine had approached the dark val
ley ; ana -woodworm was lett all alone
to wrestle with the conundrum. A friend
suggested "make a nmmmv of her." and
then we came away. The Eugene connun
lnim is still at large.
Qt Ksnos Settled. The question con
cerning the opening of tlie Chemeketa Ho
tel was settled beyond a doubt yesterday by
tlie sismaturtw nf "Messrs. Laddt Bush.'and
Mr. Wtslev Graves to a two years lease to
the t'henie"keta Hotel building. Mr. Bush
will start for San Francisco to-morrow to
Tmrehuse the necessary furniture, earrs-ts
etc. Wy are happy to know that Salem will
again liave thennest hotel in the State, kept
iu as good style as at any time since its first
As Isctdext. Upon tlie arrival of tlie
Salmon river excursionists at Spoil's Fer
ry. Mnrphv, "the gallant," proposed a boat
ride for the ladies, while waiting for the
lar!e boat to come over. Ao sooner said
than done. Upon returning Murphy hauled
t:io noat up on tne uracil, ami all noarueci
the f; rrv boat, and upon caininz the oppo
site shore beheld to their sorrow, the boat
lately ia use floating listlessly down the
river with the tide. The ferrrman went
after it, but, Murphy paid tile bill.
Pwwv5At Mr." Tho-. McF. Patton
Gi-and-Msaterof the M.isonic Fraternity of
Oregon, who has been making an official
visit to East -rrf Oregon, returned home
yesterday. He was quite ill at Baker City,
but is now recovered. He brings very fa
vorable reports of the mining and other
business of Baker City and vicinity. We
shall probably have something to say to
morrow upon his authority, of Eastern Or
egon in general.
Handsome. The large building now in
course of construction, by the Sisters of
C harity, and to be used as a 9chool bnilding
when completed is to nave a spire nlty leet
in hiuht. finished at the top with a large
cross. It will be one of the most conspicu
ous Duuuings in tue ciry.
iNnrsTHiors One of our most promi
nent green grocers is building a brick es
tablishment nearly opposite his present
place of business, and durinc the nuiet
business honrs he amuses liimself in laying
brick with his workmen. "Industry is its
own reward." His name is Joscphus.
Cnrncu Dedications. Kev. E. Cnrtiss,
of this city. Superintendent of Baptist Mis
sions, st irtcd yesterday for Seattle, W. T.,
to dedicate tho new Baptist Chnrch on the
2."th. This is the best chnrch edifice in the
Territory. He will dedicate another at
Olympia September 1st.
Ectl'k.ved. The party of ladies and gen
tlemen, of which Murphy and (iilfry com
posed a large part, arrived in the city last
evening. They looked considerably browned
and dusty, but after paying a visit to a bath
house, tliey were recognizable to most of
their friends.
Will DEPAT.i-Mr. David Cole will start
for Eastern Oregon to-day with a large
drove of cattle. He intends to turn his at
tention to stock raising in that section of
the country.
Rae. Last evening we were visited by
refreshing shower, laying the dust nicely
and purifying the air. " It can hardly be our
fall rains setting in ; at least we hope not.
From Div'lij of Thurnday Auy. 15.
Railboad SwcroLDta. We met a gentle
man last evening, who had just arrived
overland from San Francisco who complains
of the swindling games practiced upon pas
sengers all along the route. The morning
that he took his departure from San Fran
cisco the through ticket office was not
opened in time for passengers to obtain
through tickets, so they were compelled to
pnrchase tickets for "Red Bluffs, paying
$10 to $12 for the same, and upon arriving
at that place were charged the same amount
for a through ticket as at San Francisco. He
says the trip is also very tiresome, having
flfty-eve hours heavy staging. And tak
ing the trip all in all, it is very expensive, as
well as monotonous.
Ixsajtb. Mansfield, the man that has
been lying dangerously ill at the Commer
cial Hotel, from the effect of drugs or pois
on, has become insane. Yesterday while
attempting to get him on board the train
for Mflwatikie he became perfectly frantic
with rage. He said he had paid $130,000
dollars to stop in Salem a year, and that he
had been here but six months, also insisting
that he would not go to New York under
any consideration. He will be examined
by physicians at aa early day on the charge
of insanity. Mansfield was captain of a
company during the late war, and is certain
that they will be revenged.
Scarcity or Items It has been some
time since we complained about the dearth
of local news. But wt now lift np our
voice and cry ont against (be dullness and
inactivity of our old item furnishers. Even
the burglars have ceased their labors. Xo
usual runaway items. Nobody has taken a
s nsational idea into their head for weeks.
What are we to do. Th4 time has arrived
when something most be done, and that im
mediately. We are naturally of a quiet die
position, bat we are becoming desperate.
We moat have an item outside of tlie old
beaten Jiatb. within tho next month, or a raam qr wiu tan upon some unsus
pecting individual tiuu crosses our way.
At H 3HT. at T.akt M J. M. Garrison
has at last tacafM alivo from the mountains
and returned to civilizat on. He reports
having a splendid time, hunting and fish
ing. Twelve dear and one elk gave up the
ghost to his uncrrin;rifle. A pair of beau
tiful velvet antlers prove, at least, one deer
did anffer death if not by rifle ball, by old
age. Hi also brought a bottle of water
from tho but springs, uhout sixty miles east
of Eugene, to t analv2ed by Dr. E. Y.
Chase. Tho fatted coif has been slain.
ilie wanderer has returned.
Altai. Vied Zad. yvdson, a notorious
character who served ont a term of
imprisonment in tne penitentiary, a short
time since, was arrested timr Vh)1:ih nn
Tuesday evening last by Deputy Sheriff
ijiraui. ao was uweg to fortiana yester
day by Sheriff Scott to answer to . charcn
of Subornation of Perjury. A partner of
tils kui w tue iJcjuwuMiary x.idi week to
-servo tho State three years, for tho same of
State Teachers' IxsTmrr. '?.ie State
Teachers' Institute is now in s at Eu
gana City. Tne exercises arc r ported as
very dry and aninVmsiting. Anions tin
?rsons present are Kev. 'r. Atkinson and
'. L. Eliot, of Portland, Iter. Mr. Camp
bell, of Monmouth, and Hon. J. Q. Thorn-
1 1 v or ;,lim. Kev. .Mr. ,,j.t delivered an
ddrevi TucjJay evening.
At Home. Mr. W. W. Martin and wife
returned from a protected visit to Yaquina
Bay yesterday. Mart. Brown and wite ac
companied them upon their rambles. Mr.
M. says he enjoyed himself better during
the last three weeks than ever before, and
they shall ever be remembered as the hap
piest days of his life. -
Material Aebived. Thirty tons of iron
arrived at Cape Foulweather, per steamer
Shubrick, to be used in the construction of
tho new light-house. 4Work on it has been
suspended for some time on acounnt of not
not having material. The lighthouse when
finished will be one of great strength and
Coiuiectiox. The father of the young
woman of whom we made mention a few
days since in connection with a slight mis
understanding with her divorced husband,
requests us to say that it was not her inten
tion to take the children from him, unless
satisfactory to all concerned.
nAjivTwrnfo. Farmers throughout the
southern portion of the State are very busily
engaged in reaping and threshing their
grain. A portion of them have their har
vesting already finished and in tneir gra
neries, where tiiey sav it can remain until a
batter price is ofi'ered for it.
Snao Boat. The snag boat was towed to
the head of Eola Slougn yesterday, for the
purpose of prosecuting its good work in
that dang rous locality. It will be some
time before another move will lie necessary,
as sna-rs and stumps are not soarce in the
vicinity of the slough.
Convicted. Gerov, the person arrested
on the charge of highway robliery in Yam
lull county, was tried and convicted yester
day at Lafayette. His sentence is for the
term of four years ae hard labor iu the
Boats Laid Up. The river boats have
Ukcn a recess on the Willamette at present
on account of low water and scarcity of
freight. They will probably commence
operations in a week or ten days.
Accident. During the performance of
the t 'rystal Palace Circus at Albany last
Tuesday evening, four gentlemen were
knocked down by a tlush of lightning, but
not seriously injured.
Sold Oct. Mr. Walter Jackson has dis
posed of his stock in the Woolen Factory
to Mr. J. Hoyt. At the expiration of his
present mouth he will withdraw from the
company and secretaryship.
Jefferson. Mr. Culver, of Jefferson, in
forms u.i thai business in thr.t tuwn is very
pood. The llosi'-ry Company nnd Flour
Mills are running "steady with increasing
From Dttilj of Friday Auj. 1.
Lost ix the Woods. Our friend J. H.
Albert and ludy met with quite an adven
ture a few days since while on a pleasure
tour. They, with some friends, were
camping out on the Santiam river, mid
lit aring there were some picturesque falls
about six miles from camp, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert concluded to visit them. They left
camp aliout eight o'clock in the morning,
the lady mounted on horseback, and the
gentleman in attendance on foot. They
reached their destination in safety, and al
ter rambling around for a few hours they
lost their reckoning und realized for the
first time that they were lost in the wisids.
They endeavored i'or sometime to tind their
way "out, but night overtood them and with
a spirit of resignation worthy of an old
mountaineer, our hero informed his better
half that they were elivted to remain over
night in the "woods awav from chmp. She
didn't exactly relish the idea but it had to
be done. He tni-u collected a largo pile of
tern, and with palpitating hearts they laid
themselves in tilt ir little bed. They" were
rem indi d of tlie old story about the" babes
in tlie woixls, and no doubt awaited with
anxious expectation for the robin bed-brest
to cover them with strawberry leaves. But
nothing of the kind liappehed, and tally
the following morning tiny again tried to
find their camp, but without success till
afternoon when they were met by their
anxious friends who had started out en
masse in s arch of them.
Not a Bueglak. A couple of musical
geniustswho reside in Salem met with rn
embarrassing adventure a few evenings
since, in which it is shown how easily per
sons may be deceived. The gentleman in
question concluded to call at a certain house,
but as the hour was rather a late one the
house was closed. Nothing daunted our
young men knocked boldly at the door and
awaited the issue. It seems that the family
had recently been badly scared by bnrglurs,
and the young folks lieing alone" they were
naturally timid. They inquired who was
there and Were answered that it was no one
who woidd hurt them. This did not suit
tiie inmates, and they requested the intru
ders to take a spin around the block. In
vain did our heroes plead in their musical
voices that they were liarniless. The occu
pants of the house were not inclined to ad
mit them. Things began to wear a desper
ate appearance. Lights wi re Bit n moving
around the bouse. A whispered consulta
tion was ht Id by our htrot s. and they re
solved to try once more. But at this mo
ment an up-it.iirs window was opened, and
the ominous click of a revolver was heard
upon the evening air. The young bloods
exchanged glances, and thinking no doubt
that discretion was the better part of valor,
took to their heels and retired from public
gaze. -
Ax Escaped Cosvict. On theeighth day
of last month two prisoners escaped from
the Washington Territory prison at Walla
Walla. Their names were Untiling and
Sella tier, the former an Indian who had
been convicted of grand larceny and sen
tenced to three years confinement ; the lat
ter, same offense, sentenced for eighteen
months. They went to I'orUand where it
is supposed Siehaifer still remains. Snelling
yesterday hung around the Sheriff's office
m this city until noticed bv the Deuutv
who asked him what he wanted, when he
owned up he was an escaped convict and de
sired to surrender himself to the authori
ties, Ho was sick aud discouraged, and
was anxious to lie taken care of. A tele
gram was immediately sent to Walla Walla
bat no answer received, the prisoner mean
while being confined in our county jad.
Information was received that the Walla
Walla Hheriff was in Portland and he was
notified of Snclling's arrest and sent back
word that he would be np after him to-day.
A reward of one hundred dollars had been
offered for the arrest of the convicts, a por
tion of which Mr. Scott will be entitled to.
Snelling is a shrewd Indian, and he was
probably in hopes he would receive medical
aid and be able to again escape the clutches
of the law.
Salem Bridoe Comtaxy. Articles of in
corporation were yesterday tiled, organizing
a company bearing the aliove name, having
for its objitt the construction of a bridge
across the river at this point. The capital
stock will lie $1(10,000 divided into 1.000
shares of a hundred dollars each. liufns
Mallory. W. W. Piper and W. F. Boothby
are the incorporators. As this movement is
one of vital importance to our local interests,
we urge upon our citizens the necessity of
giving it liberal backing. Let each one do
all in his power towards its furtherance
and we will all be benefitted.
Taken Below. Mr. Mansfield, of whom
former mention has been made through our
columns, was taken charge of yesterday by
friends of his from Portland." It is only
considered ya case of temporary insanity,
brought on by strong drink, ifis case was
a desperate "one on Wednesday, having
again had access to liquor, of which but a
very small amount served to drive him lit
erally crazy.
Larue SunntEjrr. The Willamette Wool
en Mills of this city mado the largest ship
ment of woolen goods yesterday that they
ever made in one day. The aggregate value
of the shipment was over twenty-six thon
cand dollars, which we consider a pretty
good day's work.
Ciirjrr.KETA HoTF.r.. Mr. Bush started
for San Francisco yesterday morning, ac
companied by Jfr. Van Wagner, to purchase
furniture for tlie Chemekuta Hotel. It is
expected the house will be opened in abont
throe weeks. The traveling pnblic will
hereafter find no difficulty in finding suita
ble accommodations at any season of the
Died. At his residence in Portland, on
Tuesday last, X. Williams, late of tlie Tre
tnont Hotel, in this city. He was about
fifty-five years of age, and has been an in
valid for some time, suffering a most lin
lingering death.
Message in W. U. Telegraph Office for T.
E. Loan, care Frank Corbus.
Frank Strong will relieve Walt Jackson of
bis duties as secretary of the V ulamette
Woolen mills the first of next month.
; The coast parties have all returned, full
of glee over their various adventures.
W received a letter from MUea Miller
yesterday, and be says "it ain't so" abont
their being killed.
Just ask Mart. Chamberlain if he is still
hungry, if you wish to see him smile.
Have yon seen "Jasper's" pictnre in
Frank Leslie's illustrated paper? If he
only was aa good-looking as that portrait
says he is, Oregonian's wouldn't smile so.
Our streets presented a lively appearance
yesterday. Circus day and many, country
teams in the city.
George Anderson, oar plumber, was taken
severely ill in Portland Wcdnpskavevenim?.
But we are pleased to announce that be has
nearly recovered.
Tom Cos has received the appointment of
route agent on the X. h C. K. B. He will
no doubt prove a general favorite.
Horace Greeley says the best way to raise
strawberries is with a spoon. Smart man,
that Horace.
Waldron, of theatrical fame, has leased
the Opera House for a season, commencing
Sept, 11th.
Huhscribe for the Cambaiom Statehmax,
and keep yourself posted in political, as
well aa local news 01 the day. .
Billie Boon has our thanks for personal
tivora received. He takes his spin to-day.
Reports are current that we are to have a
. rand wedding in town Sunday morning.
Guess who it is 1
Indiana Democratic Coianren-tlon.
Ohio Democratic Committee nta for j
Grant. !
Immense Frauds Discovered in
New York.
Kic'a Tilinin? Discover iu Utah.
Arizona Ilain Indian Sight
Peuntor Wilson in India cm.
Foirr Wayne, An;nNtlI. S-nator
Wilson addressed an iiniiu'iwf Hepali-ik-aii
meeting: in the' afternoon anil
another at War-aw in the evening.
He afterwards lett fr hi home at
Xatick. He is worn out with the can
vass anil unable to fulliil other western
engagement lor the present.
Democratic 'on ven;lou allid iu In
diiiua. IxuiAN.vrOLi.s AngiKt 11. Major
C. W. Morttti. a prominent Democrat,
issued a call for a State Convention to
elect deltgate to the Iouisvtlle t'on
V 'iition and denoiuiehig the nonihia
t on ot Greeley anil Brown, uetrlariut:
there are thousands of Democrats who
will nor. support them.
A len:ocril!p Ctinirmnn of Ktnte
miuiillc- D.-clni c-4 for rnnt.
Cl.F.viXAND. Atign-t 11. -The largts-t
isiliticul meeting ever held in this city
look place last night, to celebrate the
Xorth Carolina victory. It U estiitxi
ted that 12.000 to 15.00 persons were
present. J. W. Car-on, Chairman of
the Democratic vVninil Cotnmiifcv.
declared his preference for tir.iiit over
I'alortiiuntv for Harare.
Kxoxvillk, August 11. Kx- Irvs
iileut .lolmson made a political 3edi
last evening, lie suit! he va not a
candidate for any ofh'ce. and severely
criticised the a Iniiin-tnition of Grant.
The re-election of Grant, he said,
would lie a great national disa-ter. lie
accepted Greeley on the principle of
universal pressure of circum-tauce-lKyond
human control, which lias
limited the choice to two men. '
Sew York Deitiorrntic t omi Jt.'ef
Xf.W Yoi:k, August 12. Tire iJetn
ncratiu State Central Committee will
inert at Saratoga to-morrow to issnca
rail for a State Convention.
More rmtt'ls in w ImIi.
The Tribune says that a coumiittev
of the Council ha discovered indubi
table evidence of frauds to the amount
of 2(Xi,000 iu the building of the 1M1
ward market stations.
("iifnvoriiblc Weather tor Craps.
Chicago. August 12. Someanxiety
is felt about the effect of the weather
on wheat crops which are now Ix-ing
harvested iu Iowa, Wicoitiu, and
XotnMe Dentil.
South Bem, August 11. Mr.
Mathews, mother of ice lresideut
Colfax, (lied this afternoon, ajetl Ui.
hiiikincr Still in lloiiht.
A Washington siiecial says nmner
leaves , the fit V to day lor New York.
where he will remain fur several dav j
and then go to l!o-ton. It says lie has
not yet made up hi mind wlw-ther -or
not "take an active part in the ctui
paign, but may deliver one or two ad
dresses lietore the election.
Greeley will he tenth-red a grand
ovation at Lancaster. '. II.. to-day.
On Tuesday he vi-ifs the White Moun
tain, and will go next day tu l'ort
lund, Maine.
The ieiievi Arbitration Itiujr of
.Sp un In tl, rel lul .UutitL
Xr.w YoiiK, August 12. A special
from Geneva says tiie Tribunal of Ar
bitration required argument on these
jioitiLs: First, due diligence as to
principles ot law ; second, what was
the value of the commission held by
the Confederate cruisers, and how far
did they entail respousilify 11110:1 Eng
land when they entered her rts;
third, how fir did the eoaiing ot'
cruiser in English ports make t-aig-land
responsible tor their act. Thesv
points have lieen elaborately argued
liy Mr Konnilell i'almer ami .ie-r;
Kvnrta. Cnsh'mg and Waite. The faf
of tiie Tribunal's autilv'Ms of cases, .in
is seen in these points, is a trongy
favorable indication.
Madkiii, Augn-t 11. King Anin4
ens arrived at liillma yesterday ami
was cordially received by the peopV.
The King issued pardons to several
leading Carlists.
A Sew Jlininx (Seiijmtlwu.
Salt Lakk. August 11. There i a
great stampede of miners to tlie ntnu.i
tain in the Desert, west from here, hi
consequence of the reported discovery
of a gold and silver lodo 32 f-et wide.
asnyiiir $400 to the ton. Xews win
brought by a party of pros;iectors sent
out by the L'tah Mining Company.
The location is near Granite Kock aud
Cugaway tlisti h t.
Ruins Miners .liiblliuit -Au Indian
Los August II. Abun
dance of rain h is fallen in ibis section
of the Territory during tlie past week,
accompanied by thunder and light
ning. The miners are jubilant.
Lieutenant Hall and ten men ot the
5th Cavuhy. after following an Indian
trail 40 miles into the mountains,
came upon a party of savages iu a
strong position in the rock above. An
engagement ensued. The little band
was unable to dislodge the Indians,
and was finally compelled to retreat,
t-ergeant Leonard and Win. Vorter
were wounded-
Release of Ku-KIuxes.
Appointment of a ti;M:on.
Germany Said to Have Sold Anns to the
Culiiox-iilJi Iiwi:itflieH.
Kb Klux to be Kelemwd.
Wasuington. August 13. Colonel
Whitley, chief of the secret .-service
division, reports in favor of pardoning
Collins and seventeen other members
of Ihe South Carolina Kn Klux im
prisoned at Albany. Collins was one
of the prisoner- for whom Gerritt
Smith interceded, aud is nn illiterate,
simple minded man, as is another of
the seventeen. Whitely reports
against tlw pardon of, for
whom also a lveommeudation was
made by Smith, but make' no recom
mendation us to the remaining forty
six case. It U ntjderstoodVthat tho'-e
recommended for pardon will be re
leased immediately.
Eoaixlauu Polities.
New Okdean.s, August 13. Tlie
Pinchbeck Republican Convention
held a stormy session last evening.
General Hugh I. lampbeli spoke favor
ing aw. alliance with the Liberals aud
hidonsiug Greeley. He stated that ifa
rootiott looking to an alliance failed,
lie would withdraw from the Couven
vention. The proposition to fuse with
tl e Liberals was lost by a vote of S7
to 19 3, when Campbell, President ol
the Convention, with 87 others with
drew. Colonel G. W. Carter also de
clared for Greeley. Pinchbeck de
clared that Keplibliean government in
Louisiana tonal only be led under the
leadership of Giant, and, in a long
speed 1. favored tin; election of Grant.
The Pinchbeck party will now fuse
with tin Custom-house Kepublicans.
.''loveRM'iiU of U rant nnd KEieridnn.
Long Branch, August 13. Presi
dent GifvQt leaves to-morrow for Wash
ington attend a Cabinet meeting.
Genrrftl Sherkiati leaves Long Branch
shortly ior a tour ot inspection among
the w:eru military ports.
Afpoiutinent of a i;iho;.
Xkt yw;K. August 13. A private
telegrav.1 from Home to Bishop Me
Cioskey nmKiuiiet' the appointment of
lit. Ucy. Win. Henry filler. Ki-li.-j,
of Xats:lKT. to he Arvhblsliop of jtilti
iiioixv to rticcied tiie late ArciiM-Lti
C'olort-J hoider-i to be Pniil lioaaty
Hutl lrixe Money.
Was:-ungiox, August 12. The War
i)ertini'iit is-ued regulalious for the
iliscovei-r, identification and payment
of claiiuaiiti for pay. bounty." prize
nionej', fte.. of colored soldier, sailor-,
or murines, or rcprei-etative now
re-idunr wlij may have resitted in
any Slate -sljere slavery existed iu the
year SSfW. A -htet (iisliursiiig ollict
will if. cs-tnblisjicd in tlie Ailjntaiit
ienTaJ"s flice at Washington, with
ilisUir-Li,? itliecs at Loui-viHe. St.
Louis. asi,vjiJ,. Memphis, icks
bttrg. XattrlK-z and Xcw Urleatis.
ol.itii T vters Vdd-. csn a Su tler to
Mt 111 iier.
Lawikce, August 12. The col
tired citizen j lieU.1 a large meeting ti
night. .uxl among other things adopt
ed, was a. long and earnest letter ad
.'hessod to JjuiuiMM-, pnjtesting again-t
his o; Vu tiie ltciutblican iitirty.
al?f ru to CebcN byUeriusajr -
Ci.Kvn..xo. August 12. Dr. Miere.
of Auzieijtfr, writes to the Leader tro.'i
tinning the statement of I )r. Counisn-.
Cotin-sttl at YicniBi, that Germany slil
a riiis to tin SoutliL'ru Confederacy dur
ing tlte war.
CllKMif. August 12. Cen. Georjn
!!. McClellaii and wife, iituIGeti. 1L 11.
3Iarey. jiassad thnnigli liere to-uay en
route for ban Frauci-co.
hoodlum in 3;ei:tucUy.
t'.'ixcixx.m. Aupist 12. A Lexing
1oB ypeeial to tlw Gazette to-night
say Kev. .1. It. Strashurg spoke to a
meeting of ite tiblieans tin r-.
iim-aiv i-olored. Gabriel Burdett tol-
lon it.g him. but was prevented from
prorwi'iiig by throwing of rotten eggs,
ticks-ami stones. The meeting was
'tluitsally lirokeu mi.
l'-MVlrV-sii nl llivn v in tlir Nckittill
V.t In.lieft an AtiK'ri.'ttn 'i'cw
iitHeioii yrn lur iiHiiouniiiiiiiioii
I'nm tia-vii.
London. Augiw-t 13. A Time
?JuirkJ sneiinl ;iys King Auiadctis is I
reK,rUl to have signed a decree pro-
ridWi; for tin; gradual abolition of sla- 1
very iu uiii ami 1'orto llico.
T'ne . rew of f lie American yacht
:-cip(il3 have ! 11 dismissed for iiiMih--mtliiia'iou.
The London Xews discredits all dis-rjnVei':;.-;
rumors about the progress of
iirlHTrai ion at Geneva.
Xiv Yoi.k. August 13. A Ceneva
letter s;iys the American claims for )
l;niii's by privaieei-s sum up about
?i.jiKi.UJ(i. l-.n;iisi iiapersin the case.
:.o. e. r. tixetl the damages at !j.',IK)tl,
4 !(.. iiich it is coiitendcd should he
:i'h', if" indeeil anv guilt is to be laid
to Kiigland at all.
'(ksrel riint Metilns Mslppfrisr
.. n-i i'Hii-r:ne Jiivstt.luetiau
viiti n .':iiiiiwliite.
S.. 1'KANCIHL'O. AngtiM 11!. Coi-I
irwl ve,tcrs lurid quite a l.irge miyliii;
Jris' venii.g. -ieuoiinceil Oiveley anii j
SiiiiiM-Tjtiiti iiidoi-seil Grant. I
An-ivi-d Lrig l'erpeiua. from Co- ;
Jundii:! river.
Sai3:l Haikcntine U'ebfoot. Asfo-i
Sav V'i:.N t.- o. Angu-t V. 'I'iien1 i
is. ItiOVellil'l.t Ol! foot il'llojlg It'-llt'l-l
enit tn reijiye-; V. A. riper, iit'iniii- j
v fi-r t'oimresr from tliis i):-tii; to ;
wuhiiraw. ami then c:ill a Joint t-'on-
Ti l tioil of iieiijn -rats a, id i.ii'Ct:!! lie-
publican'- to tmoiinate a ii.w ai.,:i-1
late. I'ijici's l iiiiiiutition c.iii-es j
ts mucli (Ussatisiactiou among tue
Oeuioi r.its aiid Libi ral Kejiitb!:-i-ans.
that if such action is not taken
au ludeiu'tidt'iit auti-Sub-idy candi
!at is eertaiu to be put iu the lieid.
witli strong chsiMies of success. Clay
ton and Ueury laki r are spoken of
or tht- i.i h- endent noinitiatiou.
rtplliotiitt oars':ice f.eetirro
YSuriiloit lol ft. 1 iv -elKMil ,ti'
on I
'.ie I
rronlii-m ii.iiitl:c.; . - I:itru
VjouiKi E 1I"H At riv ili ol .-.cli'iili-.!
- 11.11 Villi tl illfllllllN.
Salt Lakk. August 12. The Uocky
"Mountain Co:.fere!iee of tl'.e Metlmdist Church held its 'n--t x-siuu
in tliis city yestenlay.
Tiieve was jm tnimenso rrmv.l at
IhiIcjk'IxVjjcc H::l I:i-t night to bear
Mcld" tletitile li-ctme on mobs.
.n arnio! (ietitile oriiiiiz.ition is on
duty, but no trouble is anticipatid.
It. is reported that the school of the
I'lopliets is disorganized and discon
tinued. An inlervsfiiig di-wciy of Indian
mound lvl'u-s lias been made by Lieu
tenant t'i'hceli-r's cxpedilioti. at I'ro
vo. Among Ihe arrivals to dty are mem- I
bers ,f tiie !iniM-ri:il Soi-it tv of Alin-1
eralogv and Imperial Geographical
the Jltissi-in f Tovernnienf. to examine
the miuenil resources of the country.
Salt I.ak;-. August 1.1. A dis
patch from I air lew. San l'itco, says
iiidiiiisltnl attacked herders, shooting
two men ai d wounding others, tt ing
arrows. I lie settlers turned out audi
had a Unlit with the Indians, who i
retreated toward tiie mountain-, driv
ing a lot of stolen horses. The set
tlers pushed on to Thistle Valley, sm
veding ill the recovery of the horses
and herds.
Heavy Wagers Offeree!.
YO'dK DEIi't! EATIi.'
Terrific Storm in Kor.t-'cky.
O'Baidwir., the Bruiser, Arrested.
.la y asacs
(ALT FORA I A liiSr.i i CHLS.
Indian War Prospects in Utah.
-Ureelt jr ISloeka oat the Work to be
Boston-, August 13. A Traveller
special Kty? that. Greeley has written
the following letter tooiie of his friends
in this city :
Deak J cnGE Yours of the 3d finds
uie here. The new from North Car
olina did not jw-dty the first report:
but if we work Irani 1 am sure we ili
carry il in November We shall carry
New Hampshire. Connecticut, New
York ami New Jersey. This is the
extent of our work in the KasU The
rest will have to be done in the South
and IV est,
Heavy Wnstrji on tlte S-tlou.
New Yokk, August 13. It is stated
I hat Geneistl Hillyer tumounces his
determination to accejit the wager of
10.000 otnred iu the Daily News,
that Greeley vill lie elected ; "and will
also wager tlie value ot his house nnd
iot in 11a ilen i. two to one on Grant.
DsiMMrutic roil veil tiou In Xew York.
Sakatooa. August 13. The Dem
ocratic State C-eutral Committee here
to-day resolved to bold a Convention
at Syracuse Scptemlier 4th. (,en.
Cochrane and Alfred Wilkinson, Chair
man and Secretary of tlie Liberal He
publican State Committee, present,
concurred in the time and place as
iibove for their State Convention.
New Yokk. August 14. The World
says that the convention called yester
day to meet at Syracuse on the 4th of
Septemln r. : will" be distinctly Demo
cratic. Men of nn-iuestioned integrity
are to lie placed in power, and it must
lie boldly declared tlmt there is no con
nection "whatever with organized ring?.
; n. Butler not a Candidate.
Boston,' August 13 -Gen. Butler,
in reply to a letter from Jolm Jt-iley.
asking his purpo-es and views in re
gard to the next Governorship ot
Massachu-etts, said iu view ot Ihe iui-jjormni-i)
of the national contest, I
shall not allow my name to be used iu
the canvass for Governor, nor ir. any
manner to the the detriment of the
Republican cuu5e.
Hurricane and Itnin-Storai in Ken
tueky. Lot isvili.E, August 14. A terrible
storm, wind and rain, visited this city
and vicinity last night. Great damage
w;i. lone tit property. Tiie new build
ing of S. T. Suit & Co., whiskey deal-.m-s.
was blown down, the wall crush
ing iu an adjoining house owned by
Mr. ;i!cs- The entin: lo-s is fully
5U,tX)0. Several houses were blown
down in the southern put of the city.
Tlie whole country was overflown,
i'he crops, fences and houses were
wa-hed away.
'4 lie .flace-O'Iialdaisi t'ilit.
Chicaco, August 14. A Baltimore
special -ays that the Xew York ini
tliorilies have arrested U'Bahhvhi thi
iwtoiu and he is now ia prison. There
is no probability of a light now com
ing iQ'. Much excitement prevail
among the rouglis.
Tlie Price ol V. S BimiUn.
Xew Vohk, August 14. Olli rings
for bonds to-dav amounted to 5,500,
WJOal 14.14 to 1 3. 74 and 13.32.
Jn)aa and Corea Commercial es.
Sax FKAXClst'O. August 14. Ad
vices from Yokohama are to duly '11.
flic Mikado conlii.ucs Iiis viVits to sev
eral springs, Keota. his former resi
dence, Osaka, II iogo, and is now on
ins way to Xagisakia. lie is dressed
in foreign style, with attendants simi
iarly attired, ami ample gold braid.
I'he natives look on with ama.emeiit.
as the changes are inaugurated
through the late civil war. Kight
men of war accompany the Mi
kado. Much comment has been
made on the letter of Itorea. In
every wji v doe Corea slum ilie Japan
ese, and oilers to ilj;lit at any moment,
it threatens to attack and conquer
-Japan. The letter of the Mikado, on
is-iimiiit' power in Japan, to tho Co
nans, demanding tribute, was torn up
and scattered with contempt. One ol
the ambassadors was imprisoned aud
the oilier sent back to convey their con
tempt for the new rule.
In tea a brisk demand has sprung tip
since .last mail, with advancing rates
.si!l; Mocks increasing and quality very
good, fully 30 per piclil over last year's
rate-. .-ett'einciit.s lor tM bales mi ice
:it mail
ilxchanuf! on Xew York iu
active demand at 115 gold, and in ten
der, at tour months. 4s. S'.id. Last
vtar's rates ot settlement at 730 bales.
.vjtnt Inttem An recoil I mi to Ar
rive iiie K -urasKe lieiuK
puireil Men.ueiH iuu;uei .11:11, Ls,
-AN Khancisco, August U. It i
nmiu:ed that a Special 1'rea-nry
Agei.t arrived here ilonday t veiling
ami went to l lie .Mint to examine tue j
vaults, add is now engaged in com,, j
iie' the funds. It. is ""uiobabie that I
du re is noihing more in Ui.s than I
veiibcat.on of tne treasury.
I'he steamer .fapau brought this I
iiiorniitg aiiotlii r million dollars worth j
of .lapane-e ilscboo for ivli.iing and j
ttilticing to the new standard lor re-
coii. age. j
To arrive overland thW eveiiiiig
Jnhu rryer. Oakland, Oregon. j
Yau.Liu. Augti-t 11. One liau-!
dreil and fiiiy 1:11 pentei's are working j
0.1 the. Uear.-ai e. m:iki::g it more 1
-laufch llj.iu when -siie Mi..k the : Ala- J
bain. 1. j
Los Am;i i.;.-, Augn-t. II. The j
stetimers aiivcrii-ed to Mop :! ;i:i i'c- I
tiioiind San liieo, have been liottgn!
oil' bv Hoiladav A Co. !
i T in 1 viititi io:ti . j
An Indian W.r luiiuh.eol.
Salt Lakk, Angti-t 14. The In-!
dian tiiiit;e at Sriu l'it are M i iou-. I
t.ibny. a wcll-ki own chief, -ena- ;
-.void to all ;i-lioi.i cannot longer '
c intiol iiis Iribe. A di-patch to Aiieiit
Dodge, -ays liie Iii(ii;ius are stealing i
horses and killing men every oppor- j
limit. Gov. Wood-- last i.lglit iiiihIc a
ivquisithiii on (;cn. Morrow for troops,
which was immediately granted. i
An available lorce v. ill I e hurried
forward to the scene of outbreak. :
Gen. Or.i telegraphs tieu. Morrow
lie wiil furnish him any additional j
troops M-cessjiry to prevent an Indian 1
war. Ocn. Morrow reconsidered his j
intention to u-c force, aud instead will
gouith oulv his stall to the Indian:
camp', believing he can n-siure ace '
)( ,.
without a display or use ol
I roup -. j
I'ire in I3ip WimmI- Viiinei-m Snil.-d
laiiiiieiit ufi l i ensure. ;
YKToi.iA. Aug. 11. The steamer!
Ceo. S. Wriuht left Xanai.uo veMer- i
day t'H Sitka. " I
l'hereare heavy tires iu the lorests )
north and -outii of Xanninio. j
Th" Slipentliary Magistrate is tre-i
queutly .-iliseul. ami there are many j
complaints in conscqui-iKv. '
Steamer Culilornia sailed for S;u ;
Francisco yestenlay witii 04 passi-n-i
gets ai.d i il.'.Krtl. treasure. '
On the iiassajie. up of the California. -,
M'.chael l-'itgerald, a c);il-nasser, com- i
uiitti.'d suichie.
v.vssiiAi;ix i i:ih:i loitv.
TJ:e H iililiain ii Uilllt is-, Vnlley-i'iii-ai.N
( lainiile nnfi .ioei4.
; Kreni t '"i-rcsp :::'l.'iiv-iMif :br Orcui'iiian.;
Kn ir. Ass. U". T.. Aii-u-t 1. 172.
Sir: We l.:iv 1,0 uiicoiutorlably
wirm weather, but on the contrarv a
ci 1 I sjiri; .. .-iinl s-iinuier. Tlii.s is niv
iir-t spring and summer in thi- portioo
of Washington Territory. The pre
vailing coldness may be attributed to
the t'u.i that, in altitude, wean; from
1 I. -Joi l to l.J(N) net higher than the town
jot Vt aila VaI!a . Tiie prevailing wind
is from t!ie we-t. It d ni!;t!ess may be
! termed, as the -vtth -;-s of Kentou conii
j ty call it. the sea breeze. Suilice to
j say. that on an average it blows five
i days out of even. It mil f !!ow as
! a consequence that it i heaithv. and I
l.eiicve it is.
Th-' crops in this "ictionnre goiwl,
and the hay crop lii-tnt'. The lie.-iyv
sitow thai i'ei! I ere last winter, went oil
so gradually that the ground got well
s-iturated : hence the good gra-s.
i'a rming iu valley is as yet finite
him'eii: bill ii i.-ouiy abo!ir toiiryears
since the first settler came here.
1 thi.ik it a little to. cold lor corn to
snci-c d wi 11. It is not so good for the
proiiuction of the latter as Walla tVala
Most of the settlers here wili turn
their attention to stock raising. The
summer range is one of the be-t ea-t of
tire Cascade .Mountains. I .sti-po-e
there are ranging in this pres
ent, from O.tiiK) to litXKt head of cat
tle. A great many of the settlers on the
Lower Yakima drive bete in the
spring, and use this as the summer
range for their horned stock. Then
before winter sets in they drive down
to their respect ive claims on the Yaki
ma river. There seems to lie a mar
ket at Seattle lor all the beef cattle
that this whole country produce.
Seattle i distant about 1 10 miles ; the
road thither lies through the Snoqtul
mie pn. We have no outlet or in
let. Two high mountain shut us off
from Umatilla and Walla Walla; in
addition, we have tlie greater range,
Clickitat, between us aud the I Miles;
the distance to the latter is about 1 20
mile, and to Umatilla and Walla
Walla the distance much the same.
The former mav be said to be about
110 miles, while to the latter thirty
miles might be added.
We have no railroads, and our fu
ture pro-pvtls. in this regard, are by
no means encouraging. We liavc
been clinging to tlie idea that the
pres no - of the North Pacific branch
would greet us at no very distant day.
The outlook for Mtch a realization,
however, at this time or any other,
seem exceedingly problematical.
There has been a 'large petition, nu
merously signed, and sent to Wash
ington, praying tor a military road to
connect Seattle with the most feasible
ooint ou the Columbia river, say Wid
1 tin or some place above.
A cheerful giver put tlie following
note in a pair of pantaloons sent to
Michigan stid'ere rs : There, take
era ; last pair I've got. Don't get
burned ottt again."'
;l:erce'f illy rte-lfcaied to Hee-Wha Law.
mm. of Sa'eia. or I. C. Sullivan, of Polk
county, wlltioat an opinion a to whlcli of Ihe
two may be pre-Je-;inetl to perf-irai the gus-latiiryaaddi'-gustliig
i.'rfomianoe mentioned
br the coiK-liidins couplet:!
Ten Utt'e b-)!ter irelllnp into lino.
jne of Uiu bolit-U, and ihen tliere were
Nine 'i!tle imher-t. irs-antre'l by bate,
i'ongh; a hois- i)itni.-elvest anii ttien tliere
mr- elhl.
Klirlit 11 t e bolters :'a!mel to le eleven,
4at-cftiii,in't -ee 11, an1 1 tlieu there ueru seven.
Seven Bile bullrr- ptaylna silly tr' ks
Hm- (lii-j.-iwliil, uii l llK-n It ere were six.
!l::e lxl.'ei-s pet'iri; in :i hive.
h:e srt staii, sad lliea liieve V ere live.
K!ve li'T'c Wilier-" il;iveln Mr of ilnnv,,'
One g.4 IjHsfi), mil t hell Ihero ut-ie feur.
Fwnr iia'e V'Uers --ertin up a tree.
O e iitnih e 1 ocr, and i hei; I Ii u .e ere llirte.
Three Hfl'e t'fer t'lnc in (lie il -w.
Ouef-ui ihi t-ollc, a.i'l thciHlie. e were two.
Twn tu;e botter-tn'kiup very freely,
Oai j; ! inul, .ni l iIil- oilier ivont for lirceley.
One "ettle tiolrer sitttec nil a'or e.
u:iowi-;l eji dis own k '!', anil then there
v. ere n-iue.
i'M'.LKSi'KKW WIliK lio.'ts and SJim-s
arts ll re :,i s,iM-rse'!e atg-rlit-r, iKV-ause lliey
are tlie nw .1 i eii.ible --lui-.ibk' ilomH rip or
'mk. Try tiiem. All s-'-'''i'i " jr""'s
-!anije L I'.lmicll lnm.
Cl.emekela Lode, No. 1, I 0. 0. F.
E KAiVL All mee iaps Wedne-ilar evenings
64, nl r:k-li mrcivk e. at iM-i
t'ei.uws,- iJail, c '1'iiev l oiiniieiViut nml t'err
-irei'l-. A il Jin,uhers iu yiwiii siiiUilij: itoit
e I t-i ntieii.L JJvoi- ler S.ii.
XWUtiiiiietle liirumtHiieiit o
ti. I. O.O. F. Mirl-,.ii Hie ill.
uiei 'J't--l.iy e ei,inj-s ef ea:b
BjniKlia' oi l tell-ms Hall .-Diner
l nami ivial ami t'eiri Savels. All
M.j,in-iiiii; In-, .lirea in tr-wiil si.-mtim an- in
:;.-:t i -hTu'ihL llv orili-r ol i:. P.
iipl 11 ."i if
U. A.i Xawfll Vast, No. :l, ti.X.K.
iiiH'ts Fri''.r exeninxs ui'eaeh week. All
'IUit.'U'-iu iriii i-ianviini; in rte! 10 j
tlv.irl-i-. j
Aibi"--..V. Ill MM AN UK I'.. j
ItT.nrji 4!i J)k..;i;i:f. Li,ik-k .Meet at iMil
iVhewii llall (lie l'l Tne- lav eventiij! el ca.-li
in oil ll ' S o" .-!,;!,. All ISrr:hren. Willi llu-if
wi-.i-, iui-rxj t,iai:ilin, uivinvtietl loa'tenil.
liv eriicr N.
iuliu, July lib, l-7i if
Ajuu vertir IoU-) 13 I-O.O.I'.
vita k a: ? tt'.-Mh X i. m., at Oti I'o H;:!l.
'rr tnuuu.'.vwi in I K.rrv -rvt. Ail
Kr!n-r-- j 11 r-taa-Un aro in itt l lo al-
je.ul. liy i.-JtT N. U.
VU1U4 ilk I I I KS.
JTxe lirfat :ifurn3 rry: Uiv;, loiiir !
m ml ftitsUl Iuillior.
Ih VnV Iitlt'vi f!fa:ws M iii;iliens aiH i
ia ori'.t-r Mir lu.m iii - -' citi v. hiu ruk
. ! -ta Hf l ; li-.'ive I- a t-al' aui y la-anl J
4 tri! ;i m4--, kivns Un ltiVKI iiii'l j
KIJ'.NKaS vL- .:ar,u.". )t-r, ilU- l!-e'. -J.Sf'v
vj( r.-s-iore vuuiii!':il vi;Miv to ihe
va--l t'uDii, nii'f. hx piiriiyii u .re v.-ifin, j
at-ta-u '-(iiv rttr rnlivt-! a ! l -ii-fa-i-f. T:iv i
'IONIC jti-a .i i-M ii-r r-!iu:ti- lamiiv (tur- j
!'-. 'inri.U .M l'A ATI. A UK dU IU j
fhat ikth i- 1 e r m. li.e mi'-nr- -f i iipa'i-n. the '
'.-W'.-M.t'ir -r'e I i'H i !s in.) Vc-. i )H-vu!ir:rl :
i t itit-il- jiti:;i-;e itr t.i. iaarra-1 r ;
M.i.i'. jihjii or a: rlicwau u v.i ; iuai.-
S-Vr .s,i,f? Uy ail tlniirii-i: s imT-jkanU-- ami
r-ti-t-s. " j
To Jam;' M.-Uon.iM, an I wli KfVcr e'sc It
u:t C'UfOt'i'n : !
"V" TI;K i- tn-ri-liv jrivi.ii iltat.or. i ur lav. ;
iiu lJi av -! At;;-;. lTJ. lf v
. w !"mu - I 10 iiV'ivk A. 1. an-1 l'.ur oV:vk i
I. M.. 1 W ili ,r'Vtt.l tn.fll.1i p. li W illb-iiilll i
jiuA t r 4'. S. -t;i tn i.'U-fl, on ni iann aUmt !
t: lilt iu;h o" .i Fill, li'it;i, itnir ,ca 1 i
. i.i: -hrrs ..i.:i fivi av.- m.i ; r ) mn.-h ;
i j rt (M, a-liny In invc-;iry r pay ;
U . ot" -Nti i ki I, ami a r- my ;
Ju i an i n,-i-'.i.a!i'f .-haifs-a- It-. :-r my
rtf,', ;t ; : t;i i it. an I ialeu !.-tim e I i!ii t!u--c
it i" 'cl'i ul'htn. !'." ihe a. 1 J.r. i
Vj -iMua-.i, ou t!ir i: h .Mar.-h, I 71, lo N U- 1
m v. r at un savs.
Tli-f-i:'! --i.!iT:n t Uv, -rou-r a-. .r-Mf-t nf
i1-!y rn."an'l a- iitmit"."i.i; : the om
:iit' -ft i. r. wri- I'nviw! ;o .nu-ih;t: '
"!'r. I'lt-ivt, tiie iropn:!.r ot I r. Nui-'s ( a- (
"arvli lifimly, i-tn caviMi ant! m ) what ,
lie -a wii.-u (h I'llf. - r.''l lor nnv .
-a-c "i' a'anii wlu. li ho ra:tn.l miiv, yoT :
:,r : 'I lr( --'Hiit' -k-';!l".- ail'l !'i;m-- vvh :
A"H''I -.'ii:niii i' .-ii.-i)f. " fitmJ0tti j
il".;u'-i'.u .sr. - - a avrSi t'Aintot 1h? rurcl." j
ihi-i I r. ! lnm '."i'iiii S i ht S'l.-iri-"a', I
n-r't i-.'".:rt'-i -i-'t itt!v wil t h nr!v --,
f s rs i i or i:- ia 'W---'a ;i i.i.-: l;.c t hi-"can h !
ii'r. n-v, "r ) m: ru ;t, I'ti! !!ai a- a :aj- .
;..' a.i'l "ii!..-! oi.: f Jam 'ii I'.iviin's ;
vaiW va!. i;;r inj,',t' --.-iflio" ha - l
i ip i ,om .ii-' i a;.i ! jinl jt-jvcii lr.
Il'-iiw-''1'" i- roML' in -i:oti"-iii.c ilii-s farth to :
'u nu't viaii'ii ar, ami ;ii;-i.-a! s-ioiu-o i i
fl li'i fr .vi:;j I la- la.-t In i- !.- mi -
ar.'"i l In iii i I ihetlnw- lo rcrn-'l t' iho :
ur-Hy t r t a.arrh. lit -!ioii, U l;n hern j
ji-j.iv.-'y -Tovon tl.a ;!n- u -r,l m t x and i
:! tacfi.'il .s'lt'ii.r ix ;r,-f v.vr !h-;
' . I'm ttt It. It-mirp-'n l- iho i-nntvai v '. aiic iiiai It. -('- Catarrh
i:.-Tfit--i wili ?ik I'a-avrli. Ittt-aiii-. a
! w i' vl i: a;u -:. ;
'IT. nii :v It. ;nv I ti-4 tr. in d''lt nt s and, j
You ui;i lind it nt dnu .oi (.- all V4-r the .
A'. It.
C'o-.sisJy ,Si',"i!ir'N 7t;i;'t'. ;
V -"- J:-:kkisy ;ivkx that i
. 8 I In- 1! 'Mr. I ! I. i":l i. ;-1 ill I'm- iln- . iu
iv .Irii-'. -it. i 'C ! i . ii.lrn I al tin- uri.-i!
f I in- l nil m y I li t k i if -al I ,- mil n M ti l'-li. j
on ?lt i . Ia;.. ill,- 'J-i Ii Un f Aiiiril-.'. IsT!. a:i-l !
will, -ly i-v:;in,i-, lit-- A-i-itH-iit l:,ill-.
aii'i ,t.nTi-,-t all crr-'is in a'n:ili':;. ili-.-rn-Ihhi
ur ii.n i'i iiin-is. Jm.-'ir ,Hi-i-i-iniM-v.
Iv; ;m a:l i-siiil.s I:ilfi--.11,- hi I, Tv
! t ;o ji,i.-;ir ar iN- imtii :i i-I iI.-i,-i hIhiii
l.i. nii.iiH-i. THy.MAS :. siiAW.
August 7, ls7J. :!,--
r 5 '- virlnnr-l'ip oxNf in mi
?4 d-r ; h i.aiii' ! I a v njt.r: A. AV iliap',
a' vtii't 'ii. Mvvtii, tlu-'i-iy diss- d b
nriiuai O 'li-rui. Tin o:; i; o-- Kill be hiiiv
ai..; t-'-!id'i.'i:d a . ,,t ..!.t . . 1 1 , I i .. C. t a--a;-'.'r
. wlio a---i iai"- all alii and l
lii-!i a'l orU1 thi lirai uiil Ii, jai I.
''h"' hi I-. l- .-d i i'i'a-:. . a i ! and M-'t l j. uii
iii.- itatiM . a- u w i-!i t -,os; up ilto lino
loi.-ihio- as oim a.- o-K-i -a.'.
j. c 1'.vkhh:t,
Ik WoLb Xliit.
si.--rfoii. J m o 11,
oU!K-.7:.t'i :M
Aiu-; x-v i:ki to rrn-
f iit-h oiij i; i.i-imJi I .mOx-r ai 1 t.v-p.v--
W.i -;o;i a. i I 1 -ut ri i 'iirru'i. A -.n-v!:i;'"i
ii"i:f b.i; tl;r ni-.-i. w "l ikiiit i:. and
li-M- i in-very '-.' r-i t e.'iii !, we an u,itia,l
our an- i-i '.v a I v, c ; .
T. Lr.NM.Ni,IlAM ft CO.
"NTITI.I1 AN li!M 1N AN. !: T !'i:K-
v.-i! : 1
ilit: i.!il-i th-.-
!:i -' - . I' lli. ,-t. 1 S;i "i-ni. I
K- It ur i.-iim'-i by i lie Ci'iiiiiinn t'o-:i-il ,,1
tli,'v-ilv 1 Si i-lu:
S. .-. 1. Th.-it ihi. nnniT rr ki-pfMr ol nnv
ntiiinrt' rimiili. st T l:ir-i; ur ki-jil M-iiM:iilH
limn- l' ilui ,-li vcl Sal, ni. Is tn-ivl,, fivla 1-ili-n
an 1 ililln;'.-.l ,-a'isii, ur al:iming
Hii.-li to inr a Imlt within ilie liinu t,i
Kii I ,-i y.
Su'. '2 All in'i-ons owning or ti-i-j-lrif!
sii, li irilmalK t-aiiint a li('.'l,ai-. In'ii-livilinv .
Ill Ultil Vfnuir,. I lO Vl'llln.c -IK-h b.'ll i"i-iiii
-.ii'h mtln,-! iilfltlx Inn ,1-ti . ,fi-. ll.i . I ,nll.
nai-4-.e Ihv-omiuh i lie law nl wit'l cliv. I
Sn'. S. Any rou owuJui; or li.iin(r
Mi.-h aninuil wuai'intra brll. who eha'l iki-li-i
-r ii-t;iff l,i remove mi.-Ii hpll tnmi ik-Ii
:ir.:mal, wl;hin ten ilav-n al:er thin ( iriliiinik-e
nvisnie ihe la,', --liall lie li.ih e lo par a liue
I C M for ea.:h lay ihen all. r ih.-u M.vh lwll
ri-main- upon ivh unimalj lo lie nvoverr-l In
jiiia,- ion In Ilie name ol rlie,-lty nr Niletn
ln-t-ire t lie I it y lfvii--ler, a other a,;iloni, for
i'lilnii ol i'.M tiy i ir llrai.i.-, anitu
nn 1 fliTi-niilm-l : Ihe Hne -orollo, t(l to In
ja! 1 lino ihe i Ity Tre.tsm y.
I'.ise-I thrt Jinmt in i.'oiiiicili of llic Citv of
fa iiu. Anpi I 6, 1h"-.
j. m. r.vTTi:itN.
A ii. 10 L Hit Uo, -order.
Bids for Buildirig a Bridge.
r rmE rvi'KRsir.xED will pkll at
S Puhlkt Outcry a Hie lSr!v.ea,:r--w I'n.t
llnir liiver, near Aurora. In Marlon e.oumv,
.h'Kon. on Ihe roa I leading li-om Hs-ilcui to
Or -jjon City, on the 'iilduyof Sepleiiilier,
KI, al 1 o,.,io-k, p. m., to the lowew respon
xil) hiiider. tlie ooiilra. I lor bntliling a new
lot Itfe In Ihe pUiue of the o!! one at the
nU'Ve name 1 pace. The lencth of the main
slnneers Is 111 feet: Ihe wdlih of tlie bri lire
i- Id leet: the span I 1H4 let long. The
now Urtlfre la to lie eoverel and weather
IticnleL For further parU--.tilara aplily to
ibe nmlerslinie'I.
Ah nil a, .Marlon Cuuntr, Orr-jon.
.hr. 12,lisri " rt&w-m
$.500 Ileward Ottered.
SHAVE now 12J.AO0 of th, bent burned
brick that have been burned in Marion
.-.unity. 1 challenge all the brick to
li- pnte thl siaiemenu Awl I propose to veil
tin-Hi cheap aa tue cheapest.
Salem, July 21, Ti --diwtf
Mvtrtlfe. E'ltabeth Stapleton. having left
my bo-1 and boar. I wrhrmt cause or prnvo, a
tl in. I berelir warn all persons azaiimt har
bovj igor trntinz heron my fcwKint, & I
wdl u pay a iv bill of her conrraotl-iir.
Voodburn, July 49, 72 wlm.
I'ublKlietl by I- Kninucl,
General Advertitingr Agnit, 93 Front St.rcei.
iFlrst .stree'. liniioru-r anil JotjRrrn et
Kiinev (iiHHls, Tove, Onvkcry libswax iiil
l'laleil Ware.
A"str Home. Kir-1 S!., between 0S il
I'ini: Kverythliij; nU. B. L. LAglel
low, l'ri'p. " i
till. I., S1KIX A B .M KOI T,
livs. To i 77, First Strcc', Portluci.
Bnmian, the only illro-t Iimnirter of i;iixtl-
ins, &c, oor. Front ft Washington x
20DKSILLER & STATIONER- stvk in loi-'.',ainL
A'e. Front ctvl .Yo. 3 W'uxhiii'jtf.n rttri-rto.
a j, KIK. Wll.U AU A SI i, 1J Front m.
liiijMirtei's ami dt-aiers in
Uiiiis, Itil lea cud Itrvolum
ol every ile-,-riitloii.
Fi:iii!ir Ta. kle, Fan.-y, Bi 1.-. TTitl
( a(('f, lla-kels, -'r'iu liaines and
llal,y t an kifei-.
Aj-ents for llie "I'a'iiovi.i.'i IVm-iler Wnrt
alto, lur ilie -Wtux-'ei- & 1 iistw Sew
1112 M-k liiiu'-i."
Bevk, Jiilni A.. FnMit Hireef. prawtktat
V iii.-liiiiuker uwl .leweicr. Wuikdeuc
i'ur the Tra le.
a. sacneiaer, s,jtriH)
B knriiaui & lici-ihart. Yrst street, UHWfii
MM ;tk uii'l li utt, iiupovitriso ovt-iiiui-;,
Ki.. lnn l"iL'ii-i!hi.
5 Ju.-iiaiuin, A.. s.w.or. Yimt A T'lur
WA1-TKK l.r)S.
K FiMittStrifiH.
CI'at Ko Mi'inior-on Jfe "oX, H ft H:i Flrt St.
J l)ualt'i" in lnv ( jNnl.-, KatwT MilU't.-rv,
jjf 1oiin A KosHMitfliL IlK Front Sr. -imniii-L
-i oi Mtiivhaiita & dealers iu uregou and
I a itoriua lrdu.'i.
Cion f. ,). It. mantitu-tnror atd ileafvr in
a .I '(. Jlami, uad httHilU-ry IUud
u:m Kiont Si.
jf ;i-t;i'1 W. Co.. lut trout tnl. Mttr-
v"iiiliiicit Hals, "uru.iili-
4 &c La-ln:i'm, S. tt!iitai, !r fixmt sirwt.
3 P Ufn Eutiv A'eui.-, nvaivy loauo-l
ho t-o-st rvliti'd.
lvl l-vt nit --!!( I'orilaad.
DRUGGISTS, I d Front m. orlirrt
tin-in nay -r.Min t ihf S'ast'C TerrUoi3s
fjrt-t'aiiy ti'.'v I hy ineii1 or trt.
FjMi.. lo i iii KniTiiurt Jind
K2A Car j nil .Uia.ersr S'uv trunk 134 to 1.1$
jiaa, fi-i t nuu srcc;. t ariA-a all kiadn
"1 he o.
v..r,:ni.X It.--?- 1m .--.,ti ilr.V I ' ci vi.
!.ii--i ii MtuvbttiU-. a. id 'Valfn Li i-u- j
int-i i- ii"od;tv j
-a hi ) i Iiiu'ry SsbV. .orr Fir-sf ad
nn-1 nil iiH.n u,uai oo !:an.;. '
Mifl A; .:'.lfr-.v-r. Kir' M'd -Ir.r--
ion -is. 1 -a ors ant .VLuiuumr-i'N, 1
Ciothi'.ix. Furm-hut iitHt-.
The Surges-. JIn-K Hoiueou Sbe C'kss:.
GA5, i. I.. lj.n:.NS, Maimer -
.-w I.I AGENTS r.K THE j
-llimt" SLWINi; 'MAV-lBfSE- j
CUV A si-:;? nnre-l. -l.'Z '
:i, !n., '"!i,t-Bl'.l,nvel-.lliil i.wli.r ill i
- n'l km :- 1 Ptx-I-, coTiiur I'lT.-t ami
Uiiitiltiirucr. 1',.. tlvi KirM -irli.'l. isljisipt,,!. I
ji;i-I ileaier in Siaplv t'aucy 1itvim,s,
Mi ill m-ry. I
5 -ri-ii ur. Ii. II.. nn'vr.i;ilik- Ar:i.t, ft. W. j
j i .-rn iwr F'.I' m nml Mof iiim .-ti-ii-'-s. 1,'hii- ,
ill. us .i.-!lMV- -J'lvUlIt' . I
fiiri.dwn. L. C. ft v, lu4 First M-xt-t. J
h A NIam!l:u:H'.riT!-aud di't'r in .Wu-iirv, '
U at. dir.- V:. '
St iMiar d, .-im. L-. OS Fmnt root, whole-
2 m t -I -aU'r iu itiitcericv, lx-rs, ;ron !
.iaio:ia! Vo. ;
Ca'el' ft o.. ;7 ! rnl ,m,'Tl'lt' ,
.s.M; dealer iii iirucs raint Oils ;
t-a-. ft,-. '
I j v i j i; Si ir.c Mdane. :-inui.tuce- !
I 1 I . 1 I J die. iiit ltT lecl. ivk MU.di." .
Ctmi..iii '.i t l;aiU;iigi." L . W. TravfV lli !
Frorii S: nM. j
- i. lnipsirirr i uriuiurt. liei-uny;, c.
ilntfn; i:io!:a' II- i?. ctr. Yrhi and Z,ht.j
sL on .;. M. Uadoljth, ivoprU'!or. im
J ;; a lonrU -i-aiin'r.
?fj7 ohi .1. ft c... !i Fii-iv who'e-a.e
Jklo. and ro'.ail dusiier iu Fine CUuliinj-Fur-nivian
Mai--'a I !um Fio!a'iranT. private
Mr I'miirits.i'nr. Ih an I si
ro-n I
itivei-. i
i. i o. rroprit-tta'. j
"Sarin. K. ft Co.. wTio t-tk- uranr in j
i.JI iTU' ami Liquors o. s. X. lt lK:k J
and F rain.:.-. mi. I
Ni 9 i4'' -v'hiih'i-r. 1 11 Front street, wjwu- I
, f si-ii!i I re ail i inltviumt-r.-.
v i-a r. Jol.u i;.. Fii-: :revt. Wsioh-'
;f I ni !or aii'l .li-wo'er. otrer- to tbe -ulnu: j
a ;l:a'a-mneiit ol a:ohe, (.im-ksar.'k Jew- ,
v rv.
'S !' er. ft Co., Front rear C. s'ree;.Nlra
TjJ. er in iiathe and l- rea;n Wine. Liu
I- I
it r-. and v iirar.
tr:lirup ft Tliomp-.Mii. Hardware. Iron,
s.eel, IIiili, SjKtkrs. llardwooil L aiVr.
Oivid-tal IItel, eor. First and MM'rb-oo
!-. nu ft c.Mk. r..prieors.
rsan t-li, Wa kn:n & Cornell, Ileal LtAN;
ti. '.n Front re.-l, lH-Mvrea Alder
a::d Wa-l:ii"4;on.
HiiotographicGoodSi tt
a-dvi. . C. Ueai and Moiwy Kro-L-
k-r, From si reel. Foil ami.
tjfMMrat.Tii. I. s. ft Co.. T"l av,Mr.-t im-j
ni, p'irlt-r - ot' Foreign and li iiiv.-; ic ijipwrs j
pi " :- Tlrtase, Front -TimM. On FltrH k j
Frovip'es Th w. !in. r.-pr."f--r. j
iero vi. s.. u Fr'-ni and tVi Fir-f ..dva I ;
er i;i Iarin;t-;, Nt'idierv, and Msstiery j
lt:i' tva-e " " j
4; nn m. ' " r !'!i, 1 if. . ifii ri in rii'iv
-ad a ad Ii ml-. Win low ail P Ari. 'a-
i a -d tenner, FT.. 1.7 Firt j-'ret), i!(-.rtr 01
riaiii.-, Orp.i-i -. M:oel Mav, .iuk ai
.! -i-.'TneM-.
tj - i i itK'M-. Mi.. Iii Hr-i siir-H-.. I'rn-jtfi-i
t ' a .0 Ap1 liievarv. a lari;e .tf-ck ol IVi itiu;-fi-v
a;id T'li'i'! A r, t.-1 .'s.
Hl.h.V l':ni-.n I-ru'-- Hliv.. lNf
''1 l-rii--, f';iinisi. litis. AViinl'nv ;:--, icr
I' 'Illl'l- . ,v,-.
i'.i'.Mi. I' :. -.n-...i-. '.-j l'i'-:.i -.ri-i.''.l .-1 t r
to I., v:: Te:i,.ci-s, ioi rci I Ltm.il1- t
and ioM luis'.
S'IOM: It. I... . ll7 Fraat Stra-et.
Walclimal-eranil .Mantilii.-timiif- .Irtiei
er, !- aiip'ilnii: I agent for ihe Wa'taam.L'rlii,
K. ITow.-ird .t l , t"lia. E, Jacor.anri ihvf'a'.
ilornin aiche: also, lor all ihe pro. Jn.1 ions
and iniponn'l thei aiUoinia Jewelry l'nmpH
nv, Sui ( ram-i-cn. S'lid for a cir-;i ar.
Watche ret aire I In Ihe verv lient aianucrand
VAi:i( ANTKIi toirive Kiti-la.-tlon.
Serry firox.. So. 17 h IrM -Iret-t. inanntu--tui-erK
and dealers in KuriiUnre. Bud-
ding. I 'arit'ts Ac.
' "he I'Tothlnz Store. 113 r'ront sfrwt.ffoih-
leg. Km r.T-hing (ioods, BHit and .hoe.
iiavni" x t'ragfr.
'1'iittT.-. il. H., Hi V 1M Front Kt. iHnk-r
a In Wagonw ami Agri.-nlnirariniileneiii
'B'yne, E. 1., n. k. cor. Kir-t nml t hik
"iIiu'it In Fine ltrandien Wioef, Eii-,U.-h
A'ei nl Porter.
y!er, .1. A., NT F'ront Mrcef. wholesale
B "dea'er In lintltr. Eggs Ijinl,
Tt,RT'tlliaiiis A Mers .H'eiititi! bio.-k.F'ront
V -tn-ft, Cimml-sSion MTchaiU and
dealer in rroduc-.
xr:w AnvEimsEMEvrs.
ihi.-lr rc;ail busineae, otter tbcu- euliru
at'k-.k for ale at cost.
To anyone wlnhlng to engage in the Furni
ture ItiMni-w. this is a rare chance.
The stock miiKl lie closed by Oct. 1st, and
will be sold at cost, only.
This is no Uunilmg. we iiie-iu bti-iness.
All iersons livieliicd to it, are repectflllly
requested to call and etle.
Furnlure Dealers.
Salem, Oregon, Aug- -Mh, 167i.
TTA"TFI. To energetic men and wo
T men we glre employmaot tb.U pays
from $4 to t8 vr ilar.
ii Wahingtou Boston, Maw.
Sn.. l;.i-,7.irli!i -li-e.'
i Ki-aim s, ArnMx M:i:t r,.-i s. I r.iv, ii g
; In- r.iri- rt-.
State Street, 3clem.
A-f-ent, for
Chickerins and Emerson
3P I -A. TVT O
EVlason & Hamlin,
Taylor & Farley Organs.
Which we offer fiir
Rent and for Saleon Monthly Installments
A Full line of Sch'xd and Mire',laneou
Hook constantly on hand.
Call ami examine onr Mock.
Augll ":-ilivlf
8 CiTiilicale lo teach s hool in Marloi.
comity are hereby nouiied tluit Fri lay, .-jep-
lemlier fi.1872, Li ap-oiuled as adu for general
Tlie examination w 111 be at Cabinet Hall In
;rts old's bid . till. g, Ik ginning at iilne
o'c'ock, a. m.
'None udmitted but those applying for Cer-
titlcites and tbotie inviieii bv the bui.-riiiieud-
Mai iou Co. t.:hool Snpt.
Salem. August Mth. d3:-iw
s V:.
rs" o r i j i :
i.ii Ltici- notice.
The Steamer Fannie Patton
Will leave her doi-k. foot of -t:i.e St., every
Tuesday and Friday Morning,
Al G o'clock A. M. fir Portland.
CTFareat Reduced Hales.
J.D. HIIXN, Aent.
Salem. Apg ist. 9. USi.
ISuc-keiH, Pails, Tulm, Flrkinn
THE Company an- prei ai ed lo fit! all Or
ders I'or A-h a id Ced.n I'aus. A-h Kits, nut
ter Firkins. H'a-h li.iardi au 1 nnwun Han-
vi" " A l ircs. all conininnica'ions to
J. I. HII.K,. Agent.
Aiig.fl fort 'and, Oregon.
Ty a Mn ai nit f ox soijk
lai m. The nan was rai.-ed on a larm
and is accnsti tned toall kinds of out door
, wi rk. Ills wife Is a first -c!a-s cook and a
nrvlel bmis-.-keeiier. No children. i,ood
references uleu ll reijnired.
nnp4:if s vvn re-fon.
On the M.-Kor.zie Hirer, ix;y lniies east of
Eugene i il y.
I -e ,.f tin- waters from thescSprlngsCrnEu
lilll l 'tATiSU, liYM'JI-SIA A.SD MvABLY
Al I. ( lllti'M' hlSI ASM.
llaihing arraiigcmmts comji'cie and conve
Illelll. CIIEMIi'Al. AN ALYSIS bv eminent phy-sii'ia::-
slime the waters to pow-i-s KX "Kl.
J.l.NT !i:iICIXAE ani tlliATlVK
Splendl I Wagon 1'o id lo tho Surings.
ll. S.BEEkSAI.
Aug. '-I, 11. Im-w iroi:rie:or.
j. ii. si'ki:nij-.k.
t urner Knmt nr.-i Kilinou Sirt-oU-, Iori
lainU orrg.'U.
This New an i Kli-jranl Il-vel, with New Fur
iiiauc itir(-ijhoLiit
Ilnlh INwini for tl-.r Ai-roniinoililtlou
ul loit'Ms. I'ree 4 onelj lu and
from tlie IIounc.
Cotniiany, IjiihI learltnelil. Port land,
i m-piii, April .1, 1S7& -Noik-e is hereby jriven
ihai a vliroroii.- pro-tvution will be luslliuteii
airaliiKi anv and every person who ti-esptises
iikiii any Kailroad Land, by cuuing and re
niovlii" tlmlier therein tn U-fore Ihe same is
I.HT of the .VXD P V1D FOU.
All vaiam Ijind iu oilirnnmbi-red section-,
whether surveyed or iinstirvevisl, w ithin a
distance of thirty miles from the linn of tlie
road, lielouits. to ilie Conijmnv.
April 10 dlntwlt ljuid Agei.t.
Advertising Is Ihe Oil which wise men put
in their lam." - Mtrn 7'j-or.
KOOHS 20 AD 21,
WSerchants Exchange,
California Strpcl, San Frant'ico.
Solicits A.lvertl-emcnts and Subscriptions'
fir th-. out to. n srATff-MA.N and for paier
t.iilili-lieil in ralit'iiriiia. Ore? hi and Xevaita;
Wa-htiiBton, I tali. Idaho, vp-n ana. Colora
ita. Ari.ona. an I a lincciit Terriioiies : tand-
wich Ih and-, the lln i-h Po--.--li u-. ( bii a :
New and and Hit Ali-Jr.i ian Co nnies: l'ort. Xk-araiia. Panama. Vaipa
v.ii, and Jajian; 11. c Al)an:ic Ma es and
11ms erra'eil many a neiv lm-ine.s;
Jl.iM-nliHvi-l many an o!d lnisines;
Has revived many a dn'l 1 n i -I cs: 4
Ma-i. rescued many a loM business;
Has save 1 many s' f.illli-.i: Ivtsiuess;
Ha- pnerved 'main- a lai-c business :
And insures a success in any business.
UiltAltli's Si-t-m.r. S:ei.ben (iiitud uwd
to say iu his o'd a(ie : "I have always consi I
ercl a Iver.i-inp lilsM-aiiy and lon' to fie the
irre.n meilium of success in business, aud the
pre'nde to wealth. And I have made It an in
varialile ru'etoailverlise in the duller limes
ai well as the busiest, lona evperien.-ehavina
latiht me that monev thusss-iu is well laid
nut, and by continually keeping my liusine-s
U'lorellie public it has secured, many sale
tluit I otherwise would have lost."'
Advrrtlae Your Bukinnui.
liofp Yonr 'nm before (he Pnblic.
Jndk-lonit Advert Islnar will Insnre a
If nusfiifsM la Dull, Advertinc.
ir BiMlnmsi la Brink, AdTertine.
KaT Tlie man who didn't believe In ailver-ti-lnit
has (rone Into tnrtnershipwlth ihesher-i-ir.
ami that official does the adverilsina.
Agen can nnlte the atsive amount by
selling the tinsatest Book of the
Ap;, the
Struggle of '72.
The Issues and Candl la'es of the present
pollfl'-al campeiirn, Hi-torv and Platforms,
Review of lirant s Admi nisi ration. The Re
ord ot Horace tireelev. bv Evereit Ciiamlier
lin. formerly of Ihe ChicaioTiilMinn. The
lln-trniions'a'W drawn expi-c'v for tho
work bv Stephens. Entirely original. Tile
finest, lioth humorous aud ftinvv. It yoll want,
to make money aewl one dollar for outtlr, and
secure territory at once. Terms, Ac furnish
ed on application. Address,
Julyi7:dftwtf San Francisco, Cat.
New Grocery Store.
FRESH Orocerlei and Sew Good-at onr
atiind on Commetvial Street. ('Wens a
call and we will endeavor to ii'eve von all.
W3n -
DB. E. V. tllAsr,
Vol. omce-iniililii'sbln-k, npsalrs
lle-i lence, Ci mmerciai troot, ha Icm, Oregon
March 2t). 72, dtf.
Consulting and ter:itlr.g Surgeon for
nil Diseases of the Eve and Kar. Office
l.'oonis, 3d anil 39, bWikev' Kiivk, Salem,
oii-gou. in,!il7
C A I.EM, OUEC.OX, the oldest and largest
17 incoi-ponin-i School In Ihe arr. t''
I JHiime-via!. Normal and Scientific dnrsesol
stiidv. Kor full Int. mini; Ion n'd:-,s ll.e fi-es-iltiit.
T. M. (i'.TCII,
r C. X. TEIIRV, Mv. of lid Xnistees.
Sept. 7. dAwly
DR. r. R. FISUC.
OFFICE -Xo. 1, Moonw' Block. Itesl-
Ueuce t-ourt Mieet. o;ipilie l-iilversltv.
IR. II. AKIi:X'i T.K.
1. lies). U'tiv' on UlsMiv sn ee:. lira '. - oppo--llc
the I ongnnratiiirf I t'iutrcli.
S-iieni, Nov. l!Mi, 71. if
i TTonXEYR AT .AW. Porlaml. Or.-.
1 gon. 0:li,-', up siaii s--. E. corner Front
ind Washhigiou Sttvt-is. .-v;
- rilWKLL A M.1N.,
VTTor.XEVs AT LAW and !5o!l, llors In
Chancery, Ailuui, Oregon. L. FL1XX,
Noiaiy I'ub:ic.
Col!eclkus and courvaucea iiromi:lv at
tended to. iLkwu
Heavy and Shelf-Hardware.
X2T023L tH3. StCOl.
Agenls for tlie -a'e ol
51 and ."iii Front St.. rurtland, Ou.
May 27:dJtwt
1872. THIRD VOLUME. 1873.
t;n i k av i-: i-: i v -v
and Wi'wkly B'dletin, irra'iflisi wl h I
ess a'nwly a. hlvve I. is de.erniliied
success already a. hlvve I. is de.erniliied to
still further improve the Pa.-r, and has se
enrei for the enauleg year
JIK. A. J nrruit
I1C':SI S'ALL, I(,,
CO!.. J. ss. r AHISII
will i;e
ioditok cmi:r.
The Loi-h! and Xews Column will be under
the control of Writers of ability.
On the first of Octolier we will coiumenco
the publication ot
of the celelirateil Mmi italnecr. Trapjier,
Fronliei-Mnan and Itcvfiar, who nveulir re
covered property In Port land, onon, valued
.11 lliiee quarters of a miliiou doilars.
i WiHkly
j nulla uf Jie
. .?0 00 per vear.
.. IWiwiar.
. . S 5i each.
Addre-s Oi-eiron KiilleUn,
Aug. 12, li. w3m Portland. Oregon.
? E havo a man that can make n ftrnt
wick as any man in mis county lor
YTCTE have a man that can make more
brick in ten hours than any man In
this county lor
J E have a man that can set more brick
than auy man iu this county for
WE can burn bucks as well and w ith lesK
w ins! and labor than any llrm iu tl-.lx
county for
O 1 , o o o
i rv gold oor tv .
N. B.-.Hut we don't PRETEXD to soil
brick in cheap as do some uf our lieithisirs.
W. WEATnU'.MJlill. J. v. WIJVTilr.U
Wlnfefuleand Retail Dealers in
Paints. Oils, Glass, Chemicals
Patent Medicines it Proprietary Articles
11 re wm A-n mqi oirs
lor Me Lciiial Purixises.
i'ri-sonjiiw.s f;!!i'!J ;.! M f!i.-i-fs ("crsciiif!.
Apr4'7id4wif t
Ex S. S. Gussie Telfair
1?000 BSLS.
Which we one. n lots to suit.
I O North Front Stroot.Portland
r1HE FITtST and Most Healthful Tonic
JL everlntroiluced in the Limed State-
Thesc Hitters have Im-cii
in the San Franc l-o mar
ket for over twkty
VEAux,and not ith-ssnd-ing
the manv new candid
ales for piiullc favor, lint
sa'es have cs.ustiuillv in
SoleAgema, 403 and 411
Clay Street, Sau Erau
0 (clsco. . .
Innnlre at N. HAAS, on Commercial Sireeu
nearly opposite the Cbemekela liixel.
August 18, ltffi . )w
OI 1-1 IfcV HALOO.X,
Commercial Hotel, Court St.,
O. H. SMITH, Proprietor.
The I-4 qnallty ol Wines, Llqoori and Cl
gara always od hand.
. biluarFtablesi
Of the L!e-t and most Approved Tauerns.
Open all XixhL
-- ;.i.. .1.. ;
v. . L-i