The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, August 20, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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5?ccji) ) reon desman-
The City and County.
Frn Dnihj of Saturday, Any. 17.
-The usual quiet of our city was changed
into a fever of excitement yesterday after
noon about one o'clock, by the report that a
little boy had been drowned in the slouch
near South tSali-m. We immediately visit
ed the spot, and found a crowd of men and
boys enjja-jed ia dragging the alougH in
search for tile body. On inquiring, we
gained the following -'particular regarding
the had affair : There are a lot of saw logs
floating in the slough. Tho boys are in the
habit of Dwiuiming around among them,
and jumping from one to amitut-r for
allium m.nt. Yesterday noon, Eddie Towl,
a son i f E. I). Towl, f South Salem, in
'onipany with a son of Mr. Josslyn and
anotiHT small boy were jumping around on
these logs, when Eddie suddenly slipped
and Ml into the water. Young Jotwlyn,
with considerable presence of mind for one
of his age. grasped him when he arose and
helped him on tlie log again, but Eddie wan
apparently so badly frightened that he
could not 'hold u. and fell oif the second
time. This time it was impossible for bis
comiinious to assist and he sunk to rise no
more. The alarm was immediately given,
and a crowd soon collected on the
bank uixr the residence of Mr. S. A.
t'larke. Hoars were sooJt atloat and par
ties engaged in dragging the stream.
At length after marly two hours
search, -Mr. It- 11. Price found the body,
lifted it into the boat and it was carried to the
house where all that could lie done was done
to restore respiration but without success.
His spirit had returned to Him who gave it,
ami little Ediue's footstep is a sound that
will never le heard again. He was about
seven vears of age and a bright intelligent
ly for liis years. Mr. Towl being in
Washington Territory, the mother is alone
in this her hour of trial, but sympathetic
friends and neighbors have done all in
their power to assist her. The water was
oiilv fotiror live feet deep where the acci
dent took place. The funeral will probably
talk: place tomctinie to-morrow.
A llow ix tub Family. A case of domes
tic infelicity near Amity is reported. A
fanner who has a young, pretty and festive
w ile became satisfied that a gay artist of
Lafayette was too often a visitor at his
house during his absence. lie set a trap
and caught his bird ; in short, a pair of
birds, alsiiit nine o'clock one eveing, when
he suddenly and unexpectedly returned
from au ' absence of several days." Tin?
infuriated husband snapped a cap and tilt n
tired a bullet, through a raised window at
the gay Lothario. Tliea he went round to
the door and smashed that. Meantime the
bean and the beauty jumped out of the
window. The injured party, with au ally.
Rave chase, captured the male offender and
knocked him into a hole in the ground
alsiut sii feet deep, where, by stopping too
quick, he cut himself with divers and sun
ilry broken glass bottles- Tlie captors
lin'ailv pulled him out, and told him to
"git. The sequal is a divorce suit and
another ruined reputation.
The Crystal Palace Cibcxs. This com
pany gave their closing exhibition last even
ing to a small audience. During their stay
in this city they have given pretty fair satis
faction, hilt traveling circuses in this State
are genera ty second class affairs, and this
only provwiitself one of the same sort.
Managers cannot be wholly blamed, for this
fact however, owing to the few who attend
entertainment of this class. Oregon is
hardly far enough advanced ia metropoli
tan tastes to appreciate circusses, and until
it is, managers ninst expect hard times.
We think tins concern is full as good as the
average of those traveling in tliis State
which after all is saving but little in its
Turs Yerein-s. At the last meeting of
this society, a resolution was passed dis
jiensing with the sale of montlily tickets of
admission, and hereafter to admit no one
but the regular members. Therefore those
holding ticket of this kind had better make
the most of their time and thin become
regular members as there will be no more
montlily tickets sold. The Society is in the
most prosperous condition and bids fair to
become one of the permanent organizations
of onrcitv. New conveniences ire being
continually added to their hall, which in
crease perceptibly the interest felt in the
Shot Himself. Robert Ralston, ayonng
man who for some time was cmploved as a
tinner in Cunningham's store, arciuentallv
xhnt himself last Thursday night- He and
some other young men were scuffling to
gain posession of a revolver when it was
suddenly discharged, the contents passing
through his left hand and then entering his
side, killing him instantly. His parents re
side in Lebanon, about four mUes from
where the accident occurred.
Asothh. Gift Enterprise. Some en
thusiastic individual had a lot of cheap
jewelry displayed in a show case on the
how grounds "yesterday, which, with the
aid of a dice nor, he was giving ?) away
to an admiring crowd in exchange for their
coin. The only man who made money was
the owner ef ttte institution.
"Thk laow Boy." This addition to tlie
Crystal Palace Circus, will prove an excel
lent card. His feats of strength are truly
Astonishing, and his exercises with the can
non balls and dumb bells are truly wonder
ful. His performance on the rings called
forth the highest encomiums.
- Is Tows. We notice our old friend Mor
gan Baker in the city. "Morg" is a young
law student having jnst graduated at tlie
Albany (.V. I.) Law Institute. He is now
iw arching fur a place to locate permanently.
We should lie ph ased to see him perma
nently established in onr own county.
Frrmx Daily of Sunday Any. 18.
Ax Angsy Farmer.' Yesterday an old !
gentleman seated on a horse in the middle
of the street was making diligent inquiry
of the passers-by fur our City Marshal. Be
lieving that there was an item in that man,
we interviewed him. And this is the talc
he told us : lie said his name was Brown
John Brown. No doubt a descendant of the
man whose "body lie mouldering in the
grave." He lives" near Lebanon. Among
the cedars thereof. He once upon a time
hud two suits of clothes. Now he has one.
The othiT one is the one he was after. He
was away from home Fridav ; busy thresh
ing ; came linme in excellent spirits ; he
missed his Sunday suit ; coat, pants and
vest, gom' wherethe wowlbine twineth. He
got out of humor, then angry ; from that,
he got mad. He raved and tore around.
Then he slung a Colt's six-shooter to his
suspenders, saddled his war horse, mounted
him and started for Salem . heard a man
sav tie saw a fellow with a bundle of clothes
under his arm ; Brown grew wrathy again
and gritted his teeth ; nervously handled
the six-shooter and galloped oil Brown
X"t here vesterday at 12:30 to a dot ; hunted
the Marshal and found "ye local." After
relating his adventure he inquired where
the saloons were; we showed him; he sta
bled his war horse; struck out for Tom
Scott's ; and we haven't seen him since.
But woe lie to the chap that cabbaged old
Brown's Sunday suit. We advise hini to
look sliarp for that six-shooter. It hangs in
plain sight, being swung to Brown's old
breeches. Wo await the result, confident
that we shall soon have a coroner's jury
Imi'bovements at tub Faib Grousdm.
A niemlier of the Executive Committee of
the Oregon State Agricultural Society in
forms us that extensive Improvements are
in progriws for the coming State Fair.
Nearly wne hundred additional stalls for
cattle have lieen erected, and workmen are
engaged in building pens for swine,
additional stables for norm, etc. etc.
In accordance with the order of tlie Board,
the track has been changed, and the ground
surveyed for he building oflOO booths
for use of retailers during the annual fairs.
Twelve of these are being finished, which
will add materially to tlie appearance of tho
grounds, mid when, next year, the plans
already ommcnced shall have been com
pleted in placo of the dismal looking
shanticf which have heretofore been dis
grace to the Society, we are to have hand
somely finished and nicely painted build
ings. " Other improvements are in progress,
and nothing within the means of theSiioiety
will lie left undone, to make the fair of 1872
a triumphant success. From information
received by the o Hirers, it is believed the ex
hibition of blooded stock will be far in ex
cess of former years ; most, if not all of it
equal to the liest in the United States. We
acknowledge from tho Secretary of tlie So
ciety, a beautiful annual poster, giving nec
essary information in regard to the exhibi
tion. . Off ron 8as Faxcisco. Rev. P. 8.
Knight will start for hsn Francisco to-morrow
by the overland route. He goes in be
half (if the deaf mutes in this State, lie
will visit the schools in San Francisco and
witness tlieir workings, and make a report
to the Legislature of this State, and labor
to pass a bill assisting to establish a State
.school an a firm financial basis. He has
lieen appointed by tlie State officers to attend
to this matter, and will do all in his power
to advance the cause. He will probably be
absent shout two weeks.
Oft fob thb MonrrAiSB. p. l. Willis
and Seiie Smith started yesterday fora
two weeks trip amid the clouis on top the
mountain range. They started off on foot,
lending a imrU horse to earrv their trt
They say thev intend to spend the most of
tlteir spare time In study, owing to the
continual business hum incident to city life
in Salem, they were onaUe to concentrate
their minds on their books, and have taken
this mode of storing away useful knowledge.
together with the substantial food of camp
Co v btesies Extejtdkd. The Turn Verein
i Hoeietv of this citv have received an invita
tion to viait the Portland Turn Vereinanext
Saturday. Quite a number have signified
their intention of accenting tne invitation,
and negotiations are now pending to secure
a reduction of fare on the railroad for
members of the society.
Sat.f.h Tai.f.xt We ice br the Eugene
City Guard that Prof. A. L. Francis, assist
ed by Misses Lizzie Jordan and Anna Gil
bert, of this city, and Eugene home talent,
will give a concert in that city next Wednes-
uav evening, iney are a musical iriu, aim
will no doubt give our country cousins
pnte it treat.
Bettrked Home. Dr. Chance, who ftrr
some time past has been absent from the
city, returned home yesterday. W. B. Barr
anil T. J. Babcock, 'who for the past two
weeks have been sojourning at the head of
tiie Ilickreal river, arrived home yesterday,
as did also Messrs. Cosper and Farrar, who
liave lieen up on the Umpqua, in search of
health and recreation. Toe excursionists
report having had lively sport, and they are
now prepared to settle down to the routine
of business, with renewed vigor.
BDLTHrBT. Charlie Matthews.the well
known baggage master at the dejiot received a
severe injurv yesterday while assisting to un
load apiano'f'romoneof thecars. It slipped
from their grasp and fell, and in some man
ner struck Charlie ou the ankle, spraining
and bruising it in ashocking manner. Dr.
I'avton was called and relieved the sufferer,
who is now doing as well as conld lie ex
pected. A'taiN Heaeu Fiuim. o yikteidav re
ceived a copy of the Griffith Institute Advo
cate, a school paper issued by the Griffith
Institute of Springville New York. Prof.
L. L. Rogers formerly of this city is at
present one of the associate principals of
this school, and it is to him we are indebted
for the sheet. It presents a neat appearance
and is tilled with items of general interest.
IlETi BNrso to School. Quito a number
of young ladies arrived on yesterday's train
front above to attend the Sisters' " School,
w hich will begin to-morrow.
From Daily of Tuesday Awj. 20.
The New Indian Kesebvation. Mr. T.
B. Odene;d, Superintendent of Indian Af
fairs arrived home Suuday last from a visit
to southeastern Oregon. He has furnished
us with the following description of a Reser
vation lie lias just laid out : "Beginning at the
mouth of the north fork of the Malheur
river, thence up and including the waters
thereof to Castle ltock, thence in a north
westerly direction to Strawberry Butte,
thence down Silvies river to Malheur Lake,
thence east to the south fork of the Malheur
river to the place of beginning." The Res
ervation contains about lull, 000 acres of
land two thirds of which is almost entirely
worthless for any purpose to which while
men would desire to convert it. Within
the limits of the Rrservation on the middle
fork of the Malheur, there is considerable
land which it is reasonable to suppose from
the appearance of the soil would produce
good wheat, oats and barley, and some of
the more hardy vegetables. The winters
however are very cold and severe, and it is
safe to calculate on frost every month in
the year. The place selected for the
Agency is on the Ci cighton road three miles
below where the same crosses the middle
fork of the Malheur riv r. It is twenty
three miles from the Boise and Canyon
City military road, seventy-live milts from
Canyon City, and thirty-three miles north
east of Camp Harney. This Reservation is
designed for the occupation of the Snake
Indhuis now in that vicinity and roaming
over all that portion of southeastern Oregon
not occupied by the whites. Some of them
desire to engage in the pursuits of civilized
life, while others who are more under the
influence of their "war chiefs" prefer to
live as their fathers lived free from the fet
ters and restraints of a Reservation. This
latter class seeni to have but little respect
or sympathy for the practices of the "palo
faces" and would much rather be - let
alone." Mr. Odeneal will immediately for
ward his report to the Department at Wash
ington, and in due course of time necessary
arrangements will be made for the occupa
cv of the Reservation.
CaroHT at his Thicks. Bob. Fields, ono
of Salem's 'hiMsilums," was arrested at a
late hour Saturday night for breaking in the
windows of a Chinese wash house on Com
mercial street, opposite Farrar's grocery
store. He was arraigned before Recorder
Patterson yesterday morning and fined
twenty-five dollars for his momentary
amusement. He hurled several stones
through the windows, and the irritated
Chinamen came out armed with elulis.
chair-rounds and butcher knives, and went
for '"Bob" in a lively manner. He beat a
hasty retreat aud sough refuge in the Com
mercial Hotel. Afttr tlie excitement had
died away he ventured out once more, when
the night watchmen, who were on tlie look
out for him, arrested tlie young man. He
was conveyed to the calaboose, but he lie
haved in such a manner that they were
compelled to confine him in tiie county jail.
lumii, K'liiA uaa iiii si'iite Lime lkwi i, ' 11
considered as one of the worst boys in the
city, and has been carefully watched by
our policemen, but until now they have
iK-en unable to catch him at any of
his little games. This is, however, tlie
second time he has been up before
the Recorder, and the sentence pro
nounced on him receives the heartv appro
bation of all peace-loving citizens. There isa
class of young men in this city who take de
light in destroying property and disturbing
the public peace in any amaginable manner.
Tliis example we trust may have a bene
ficial effect on others of his clan and con
vince them of the error of theirways and
serve to check the villainies.
XACOHTr Boys. Tom Barker and a little
son of Mrs. Arthur, together with another
little chap of eight or ten snmmers, were
noticed spending money in rather a lavish
manner last Sabliath at terntsin, so much so
as to excite suspicion. They first went into
Holbert's store and invested in soda water
and sweetmeats of various kinds. They
then visited Pete Emerson's restaurant and
ordered dinner, which they paid for like
little men. Thence to tlie barber shop,
where they wanted to have their hair cut
aud a "clean up" generally, but the propri
etor noticing thev had considerable coin for
such '-small fry. interrogated thi m on the
manner in which they secured it. They
assured bim they found it, but he. fearing
they had secured the money by dishonest
means, refusl to wait on tlieiu. Sunday
night tlie Arthur boy went to tlie Union
Hotel and wanted a"bed, which was fur
nished him. The following morning Mrs.
Arthur was inquiring for him around the
streets, and found him there. She said he
liad been induced bv his companions to take
some money she had laid away. The little
chap had taken abont nine dollars from a
purse beneath her pillow during the previ
ous afternoon, and himself and companions
had been having a grand old spree on their
ill-gotten gains. Such boys should be care
fully watched, or they may some time find
themselves in a scrape, the punishment for
which they may not so easily escape.
Asotheb BtTtouABV. Our friend Ed. C.
Alexander missed twenty-six dollars in coin
when he arose from his bed last Sabbath
morning. As his pantaloons containing the
money were still under his pillow where he
placed them the night before he was at loss
to account for its disappearance. On com
ing down street one of his friends placed
the money in his hands and then told him
be had entered his room, raised bis head
from the pillow, secured the. coin and re
placed tlie uumentior bles without rousing
him from his slumwrs. "Ned" says he
will watch his own friends hereafter.
A Curiosity. Messrs. Barr and Babcock,
on their recent trip np the Ilickreal, found
a natural curiosity worthy of note. About
fifteen miles from" Ellendule they discovered
a natural bridge spanning across the stream,
which at that point was abont ten feet
wide. It was of solid rock, and formed
a perfect arch of nature's masonry.
They passed beneah it. and found itcomposed
of trap rock, a species of stone quite com
mon in this State. Now then just let some
tine find a "mammoth cave," and we can
defy the world to lieat us in nature's handi
work. Another Wbiidixo. A few invited guests
met at the Christian Church last Sunday
morning to witness the marriage ceremony
of Ben Belt to .Miss Minnie Payton Isith of
this city. Miss Minnie was dressed in ex
cellent" taste, and looked as sweet as any
bride that ever stood before an alter. Ben
was evidently resignxl to his fate and as
sumed the duties of married life in most
becoming manner. We acknowledge the
receipt of a liberal supply of cake aud wine,
and in behalf of this ollice wish the newly
married couple a king life and a happy one.
The GRAtx Market. Our millers report
considerable grain coming into town, but
as yet have no fixed price. But wheat is
worth in the neighborhood of sixty-live
cents a bushel, and oats about fifty cents.
The Salem Flouring Mills received about
10.000 bushels of wheat last week, and it is
now coming in at the rate of about 2,000
bushels a dav. They have made arrange
ments with "the O. C. B. K. to till every
car with Hour wiucn tney receive loaueu
with wheat. This will no doubt prove an
excellent arrangement for both parties.
Mohmofth College This well known
institution of learning will open the first
Momlav in September. A full corps of
competent teachers have been engaged, and
the new building is nearly completed, whicn
will add materially to the advantages of the
school. The ensuing year promises to ex
eeed all others in interest and general ad
vantages. Retubxid Home. A. J. Nicklin, who for
some months past has been residing at Fort
Klamath, returned home yesterday. He
has received a lucrative appointment at that
place, and will remove ills family there
within a few days. He reports times lively
and is in excellent health.
Quick Time. By the mail of Saturday,
Mr. Joseph Bernard received a letter from
Switzerland in just twenty-five dayB. A
mail trip across an ocean ana a continent, in
a little over three woeks may be set down as
very quick time.
K En; rued. Mrs. J. Ford has returned
from Soda Springs, and is so much im
proved in health as to again be able to re
sume practice. liesidence corner of Court
aud Capital streets.
Steamisb Day. The Ajox is advertised to
leave Portland for San Francisco Friday
August 23d at. 7 o'clock P. M.
Easter Stab There will be a special
meeting of Marion Chapter this evening at
7:30 o'clock at the Masonic Hall. A full
attendance is desired, as business of im
portance will be brought np.
"A Kllirlit Cold," Cooha.-Few art)
aware of the importance of checking a
cough or "suqht cold" which would yield
to a mild remedy, if neglected, often at
tacks the lungs. "Brown's Bronchial
Troches" give sure and almost immediate
Business is brightening up considerably
all over town.
Wells Drury, publisher of the Christian
Messenger was iu tlie city yesterday.
Geo. Richards and Mem. Chapman went
hunting recently, and managed to kill a
Potatoes are retailing at seventv-fivc
cento a bushel in this market.
The Salmon Beach party had a reunion a
fow evenings since at the residence of Mr.
P. L. Willis.
The Weekly Statesman is gaining favor
everv issue. Subscribe lor it.
Now is tlie time to advertise. Business
men make themselves known through their
local paper.
The weather is much c siler and every
body is la tter uatuml in consequence.
A tidi m swell was rec.-iiily di tecttd in
wearing corsets. He park his hair in the
We found another Greeley man yesterdav.
He was a stranger, and left Marion county
on the afternoon train.
We are pleased to announce the fact that
Oregon is not to lie afflicted with Geo. Fran
cis Train, as was for a time supposed.
Some of our farmers are eomplaing that
the bovs are rohhinir their watermelon
p itcluji.
Billie Stanton started for the mountains
yesterday in company with several other
Count Elinski is lecturing in Southern
Oregon. He is in route lor tlie eastern
Stati a.
Sheriff McAuliff of Walla Walla county,
was in the city ytatcrday after tlie escaped
convict SnelU'ng.
The circus packed up last night and left
town. They carried away very little coin
from Salem.
The latest Salem sensation is a somnam
bulist who a few nights since was seen wan
dering aemss the plaza in his night shirt.
Have Ton seen that thrilling account of a
boy 'being "kicked to splinters" w hich is
posted tn iu the Post Office. It is what we
call "Haulers pie."
Has Salem given up the idia of the re
moval of tlie depot down to this end of the
city? Again we ask where is that subscrip
tion paper ?
But few election bets have lieen made in
this couaty as yet. The Greeley men dout
seeni to hare much sand.
Wabratehms of an inferior quality have
but in their appearance. Condensed chol
era. Tlie Suite rooms are undergoing a thor
ough renovation preparatory to the meet
ing of the Legislature.
It has Uen found necessary to perform
another painful operation on Frank Wil
son's foot. It will lie attended to to-day.
The leaving of doors and windows open
thie nights is an unhealthy practice for
loose coin, plated ware and articles of clothing-
(From the Oregonian Aug. 19.)
The following are statistics, receipts and
shipments of Wheat at this purl fur certain
miiiuhsol last year:
Sep. milier.
1 KvewHujr
1.1. im
Total i-i centals 37.V.HI5
The exports to San Fraivtsio and other
ports during the same nerioil were as fol
lows: MiHiths.
... l.isi
. . .Ht.llTilt
. . . :i,;!S3
. -toiler
Nm eraiu-r
T.Sal Xo. centals 17t,ls7
The direct shipments to the I'nltec' Kmg
duiu during the same period were as follows:
2;i. I'JC.
' Sept. 2 sjjd'law, Cork,
! fc-t. i Imvenbv. "
M. 31
Nov. IT...
Jan. s....
Jan. H...
-. A-Urahuin "
. .Harrington "
Te reveptsof 'loiir ilurlng the same iTiol
Were5.rt'.i7 sa.-k while the exports Ioniii
Francisco looted up Ii4..:it; bills.
Tlieslupiuentsol Flour to other ports for
the s;tase seasun were as liillows: China, 12.
1 litik-.; HoiiAtwlu. l,t: hh!s.; and lo Vic
toria aud Piiaet Sound iirts, 22,:;7S bills.,
making a grand itital of 3.'i.ui; hhls.
llouimlir Produce.
Weat -Marlj-t still inactive. Wheat is
now ctroing forward as usual ai this season ,f
the year. Pajvuers stilhloc'ine prices offered.
Purchasers thi nt I hey cannot afford to pay
more than fl & per cental, sacked and deliv
ered. Flour Conrf'kriilite shipments went for
ward br sterner to-dav for Victoria and Piv
1 petsonnd. limitations are. Standard brands,
! i, 2.1 ; others -"- bbl.
Oats-Small lots arriving; sell at $1 60 V
j bsi U.
! Potatoes- -tJonil lots average le V tl.
I Ks-Stlll cjimcililc at 32,: V do..
J Uacou Mart el is dull at unchanged rales.
J nm-xllrd Pirin Salem postoilloe, August
20, W7-i
Alexander, John: Allen, Harvey C.
Beckett, Sam'l: Itonham. Mrs E K, 2: Uoy.-e,
Juhu; ltrown, Mrs .1 H ; Uri.niKiiigh, MissS.
tTeswell, Miss Mary, 2; Cliinils-rs. Win;
Cr-H-kev. satn'l. 2; 0K!ey, Miss Mary J;
Crosby, Airs John.
I.vine.(1ia-i,; Davis, M'm A; Hudson, It
B; Huvai, C M.
Edward. F S.
Unrdner, Mrs W W.
Harvey, Sain') : Hagcy. Mi's Marv :
ritt, Kev'J, 2; Howell. Mrs Doria; 'Hughes
Jones Mrs Kllen ;
son. Miss Kacil.lel.
Johnston, W O; John-
Kracr, Mrs Mary; Kester, K .1;, W
l!and. .James II ;
Lynch, Miss PrisHHa.
Metzgcr. tit-anviltp; Masseo-. Wm p ;
'or. Mis K'eaimr; Mnlllileii, Mrs Chtis
( uhhins, NaiK'.v); M.-( ormi. k, Joseph
Koval, W. a
OHnger, Miss Satlie
Oglesliy, M M.
Palmer. P D; Payne. Dr;
Melvina ; Pat ton, Mrs Annie.
Patterson, Mrs
Kamsev, W
Ifostrom, John ; Ruken-
broil, J K.
Wprlnger. T.uermitli : Swit.or. MIsMnrv:
Swii-k, T : Stewart, Miss K I) : Shaw, Mrs
Jane; Seward, J W; smith, KIleB.
Taylor, Wm; Tan-ley, Win.
WheeVvk. Sam"! 2 ; Watt. Mls M ; Wil
liam. Mrs Mary A ; Wittschen. John.
When calling for the above letters, (lipase
say advertised.
From the N. T. Evening Post iltepulilk-an.) 1
A fJreeW will derive: lii chief
strenirtli lrom the DemocniN, say tlio
World, a h i-nn only lie elected
through, tlteir votes. a the contribu
tion olthe I.ilieraN to his support will
Is? lint a feather in the Imlainv. lie
intist naturally rely upon the power
by which lie becomes successful. J I is
caliinet in ti -4. he essentially lleinocrat
ic, and the nvucigt-incut take its tone
and color from those to whom the suc
cess Is Uic. Not so, says Mr. Tribune,
in his sipeech f Decatur. Illinois. The
Liberal Republicans are standina: on
He-publican principles ; Horace Gree
ley has been a Republican all his life ;
luis iWotetl hi (lays to Republican
principles; ha advocated everything
that Republicans have ever advocatetl.
"1 ontce Greeley has not gone over to
tlie Hemocrats ;M and, "when elected
he will not be bound as General
Grant is. to seWt the olllcers he ap
points from a particular sot of men
and particular party, .senator Trum
bull may flatter himself that a mon
grel Administration will be formed,
may perhaps liave received assurances
to that effiit but the circumstances,
and especially the arithmetic of tlie
election, will lie stronger than any
promises. If tlie Democrats furnish
ninety-nine in a hundred of tlie votes,
they will demand and get ninety-nine
in a hundred of the ottices. They are
not going to do all the actual work and
then surrender the rewards. What
tliey want is power ; what they have
consented to relinquish their own can
didate for, to take up the candidate of
another party, is power; and when
tlie end u achieved, they will not fore
go tlie single ami entire object of their
coalition. Having sacrificed their
principles for the sake ot making a
surer race, they will not sacrifice the
prizes when the race ha been won.
A clergyman writes to tlie Xew
York Times as follows :
It may be of use and satisfaction fo
vow to know the following political
facts : On the question of Grant vs.
Greeley I have yet to find a minister
of anv denomination who is out for
Greeley. I have taken a deal of
trouble to find out the seutiinents of
a large number of these men with
whom I am acntiaiuted. livinir in
Xew York, Xew .Terser and Connecti
cut, and nearly every one is pronounced
in his sentiments for Grant.
Another Tammany Thief in
A Heavy
Libel Suit
as a Cotton Specu
lator. THE POPE
1MI "
C';i lil oi"ii in li-intlict.
Indian Affairs in Utah.
onsrcttilounl Xomimition in I1H
nol. ( iiicaco, August 15. J. X. Kasson
was noiniuatcc. by Hie Republicans of
tie Seventh District lor Congress, in
place of rainier, the present member.
A Tamilian y Thief Arrmted.
Xew Yokk, August 13. .Tames M.
Ingersoll, of the notorious ring, was
til-covered on Fifth Avenue last even
ing by a detective anil arrested. One
or two indictment lor forgery have
fceen found against him. lie was this
Morning taken before the Court of
General Session, and held for trial in
the sum of 5.000 on each count. He
was immediately re-arrested ou a civil
suit, similar to those of Tweed and
others. Half a mil lion bail was de
manded, and he expects to get this
amount by sunset.
Maee mid O'ltulilMln 1m the (Ttitrhca
of Hit 1jw,
r?Ai.TlMni:i:. August 11. I-ate yes
tetd iv afternoon Maee was .-i.i'tn ar
rested ou a warn ut bom the Criminal
Court, as was also ,1m- Cohitru, at the
instigation of riiikncy, Ih-puty State
Attorney, charging Mace and Coliurn
with entering into a conspiracy in
Maryland to engage iu a light and vi
olate tlie peace and laws of the adjoin
ing State of Virginia. I'pon this
charge, which seemed to take the pu
gilist greatly by surprise, the accused
were held iu 'l1.0i0 each, to await the
action of the grand jury. A similar
w an ant had been issued for OTlald
w in and his trainer, who wereanvsted
this morning and gave the required
Meeting of Tnimiiniiy nnti Other 1 r
Kaiiizaliiin, Xew Yoi:k, August 14. Tammany,
and other organization acting in con
cert, met this evening and appointed a
committee of twenty-one to arrange a
mass meeting to indorse the nomina
tion of Baltimore. U was decided to
hold a mass meeting .SfpteinlRT 12th.
Itlnnlon Imuran Uovn for the t'liicn
jjo Tribune.
Chicago, August 15. The Times of
this morning publishes the following
card :
'l.orisYii.i.i:, Ky., August 12th.
The Chicago Tribune uttered a most,
infamous and utterly unfounded libel
iiiion me. for which 1 shall instantly
! commence suit for sfK'0.000 damages.
I A that libel will iloulifless he repro
i di iced by other unscrupulous journals,
I ask the favor of your readers in va
in ou localities to send me copies of
I such p:iier. so that I may institute
. suits against them also, ami teach
them that some men w ill put them in
' peril of paying dearly tor the inex-
i-usable license claimed by such men.
i nf libeling tho-e who dare to dill'er
with them and call tlieir souls their
, own. My olitical actions are subject
; for comment. If the editor had been
wiser it would have immediately
I struck hi mind that a man guilty of
such conduct a he charges nu with
would. long since have been attacked
in Southern journal and exos. by
locul papers where he rei-tdc. He ha
now the high privilege of proving hi
assertions or of paying for them. Very
Ohio Democracy Start lor Louisville.
.Iacksox, Ohio, August 15. The
Convention of Delegate tor the Con
grcional District, which was held
here to-day. elected delegates and al
ternates to Ihe Louisville Convention.
Doolittlo a a Cotton-Dealer,
Xkw Yoi:k. Angu-t 15. TheTimc
ha an allidavit of Thomas .1. t otinely,
formerly Internal Revenue luH-ctor.
with annexed letters, which Connelly
swear were addressed to him by Sen
ator Doolittle in the latter part oflS4.
in which an arrangement was made to
irive Doolittle, at th" latter'. sugges
tion, half the proceed ofthesaleuf
fifty thousand bale of cotton to be
sold by Connelly, it having been seized
from the rehci while General Rank
was in command at Xew (rleans. It
i also claimed in these letters that
Connelly's position wa obtained by
Doolitfle for that purpose. The Time
sav it ha the originals of these letters
in its possession.
Horace inakos n &Eeee2i.
Pokti.ANd. Me.. August 15. In the
speech made by Horace Greeley at hi
reception hire last night, speaking of
the administration in power says:
Fellow Citizens flu- deposed ami par
tially exiled Tanimnuny ring ha
stolen about thirty million dollars
froi ii the city ot" Xew York that was
it most "israi.tie rohberv. and hurled
it contriver and abettor from power
and splendor to impotence and infa
my ; hut thieving carpet baggers have
stolen at least tlncc times that a mount,
stolen from all citizens and impover
ished the needy, ;tnd they still flaunt,
their prosperous villiany in the highest
places ot the land and are aildre-seil a
Honorable and Kxceilencv. Ap
plause. I think I hear a voice from
honest people declaring that, tlieir
rascality shall he gainful no longer
at I'artiiest. till the fourth of March
next : by that time lliose criminals
will have heard a national verdict pro
nounced that will cause them to fold
their tent like the Arabs and silently
steal away; that. I trust, will be tin
end ot tlieir stealing at the cost of tlie
gootl of our country.
i oitt:i; x:ws.
i:iilisli VKiton Ut Anierlea (iinr
rel Ulltl Hie 1'oiie.
Lomhin. August 14. llon. Russell
fJurney and William Smith sailed to
day for America in the steam-hip Mo
ravian. Gitrney returns to ivsume hi
seat, in the American and British Joint
Claim Commission, which meets at.
Newport next month, and Smith, a
well known news dealer of London,
will make a tour of Canada and the
United Slates.
The Daily Xews has a special from
Florence Mating that it is rumored
that Cardinal Antonelli has quarreled
with the Pope, and threatens to resign
should the latter persevere iu hi ol
icy of hostility to the Italian govern
ment. Also that Antonelli requested
clerical journals to refrain from pul
lishing sjieeches of the Holy Father.
Latitude of hna Francisco Krpiibll
enii oinliiKtlii lor CouxreM
tjirnnt MeettnK n& Hnu Jotte.
Sax Fkascisco, August 15. For
the benefit of navigators it in authori
tatively announced that recent experi
ments have demonstrated that the
longitude of the United States Coast
Survey Observatory in Washington
Square. San Francisco, is eight hours,
nine minutes, .3833 seconds west of
The Republican Congressional Con
vention has just nominated Charles
Clayton, present Surveyor of the port
of San Francisco, for' Congress lrom
this District. Tliis nomination is be
lieved to have been dictated by Carr,
Gorhatn, Storr it Co., aud ail ,inde-K-udeut
candidate, will now certainly
lie put In tlie field.
SasJopk, August 15. A large cam
paign meeting lor Grant and Wilson
is now tieing held at the Opera House.
Hon. D. W. Kelly, of Pennsylvania,
is now addressing the audience.
Arrest of n lotniwter Indiana
Salt Lake, , August 15. Isaac
Moore, late Postmaster of Ogden, was
arrested on a charge of stealing a pack
age containing 10.000. mailed at San
Francisco to the First National Bank
of this citv. 1 le is iu cutodv iu de
fciult of $20,000 bail. Examination
uext Monday.
R. W. Raymond, 1. S. Commis
sioner of mining statistics, is on his
annual tour of inspection.
Gen. Morrow is trying to have the
Indians collected In one place for con
ference with the Government authori
ties, lien. Ord will be here to-night.
Gen. Sheridan telegraphs to use force
a once if required to ipiell the di
turbanoe. Further depredations are
British Claims Againstthe uni
ted Stbtes.
rJoisJcroun Time at a Col
ored Mcetiiifr.
California Dispatches.
CtniiDH Ajrniiifct the Intted Stated.
Xkw Yokk, August 10. A Wash
ington dispatch says that claims ag
gregating one hundred and seventeen
and a half millions have la en tiled lie
fore tlie mixed American and English
(.'oiiitiiis-ion, from ltritish sources, for
tlie damage sustained by the seizure
and confiscation of blockade runners
aud cargoes during the rebellion by
tlie American Government.
Kg Klaxeit Pardoned.
AVASiiiNirrov, August 15. During
the forenoon to-day the members of
tlie Cabinet llteti in town. Belknap.
Ctvswell and W illiams, visited Presi
dent Kraut on business iu relation to
die Kti Klux convicts at Albany State
prison. Tlie report of Col. Whitely on
llm cae, having been read to the
President, he directed pardons to be
made out o:i U-U-ilt of those epecial!y
nci!tnie:!i'd to Executive clemency,
f IVre are fmir io number, all old men,
and one or I wo in poor healt h. The
President will outsider the suggestions
of Col. IVliitely, relative to others now
iu prison.
TUe Xegrovs Mill Sniili Sumner.
Cincinnati, August 13. A very
1T2? inciting of colored citizen was
lteld Ik-iv to-night at Greenwood Hall.
Thev p;ivd resolutions acknowledg
ing tlie valuable services rendered to
t lie colored ram- by Sumner, but de
dariiur tlwt tln'V can't follow his ad
vice to support the party that always
lias been I heir eneniv. lliey will
unitedly support Grant.
A IUiinoe4roM Loose.
CnK;. August IU. While the
White & Warner menagerie wa ex
hibiting at Red Hud. Monroe county,
tlw' liiaile an experimental exhibition
ot a rhinoci-ros in the ring which rc
swltey disastrously. Tiie animal broke
away, stain pell the audience, killed
two men and wounded seven other.
ib'iuoli-Jied tlie museum, knocked
down the center-pole, rushed out of the
tent ami bolted into an unoccupied
lnme, wltere lie was caught. The
damage is about $UHH).
( tebote m.-cm Colored Mpu A
i - tkillT)iii .HcelliiKT.
j Xkw Yokk. August 15. A debate
U'twiieii William M. Saunders and
i Rt-v. 11. II. Garrett ou the Presidential
jtictti:i -i urreil to-night at Cooper
j In-titnte. Tin -re wa a large attend
j ,-uuv of white and colored people,
j lohii C. Soitle. colored, presiilcd. The
1 colored nrtion of the audience were
i largely in favor of Grant. Saunder
5 conimciK-iMl llie discussion in lavor of
i Gre-ley. and said Horace had been a
I RejHilil'H-aii for titty years, and a lit't--j
long advcu-ate ol frtfiloni lor every
j mo-. 1'ln' Cincinnati platform had a
plank in tavor of eipial lights, while
5 tlw Philadelphia party adopted Grant
i ism. Suiintler was freipicutly inter
rupted bv laughter, hisses and hoot
ing. Garrelt. sxke in favor of
Grant, and said it required great bra.
in an orator to elevate a arty who
murdered their children and hung
them to lamp posts iu Xew York. lie
3 said that a million ot colored voters
3 were satisfied with Grant's Adininis
! t ration for the past four years and
would re-elect him. Garrett's remarks
Ireii-ived great applause from the col
ored portion ol the audience. Saun
ders rose to reply, when a sivne of
i great confusion iKi urred. hundred of
J colored person leaving the hall. Sauu-
der conl inited sboutiiitr at the top of
i hi voice, dc flouncing Gaprett in angry
tones. The meeting broke up iu a
i grand uproar.
A t'lreiilnr to 'ntioiinl Knnk.
Washington. August Its. TlieCon
I (roller of Currency ha pieiuii-ed the
i following cintilar for distribution
I among thu national banks: in future
rejKirt of the ciinditiou of your bank
i eut to thi ollice, all checks payable in
; -pecie will be rexirtsl under the head
lot" check and other ca-h i'.em ;
; amount of the check must he stated
' separately, but extended hi the gen
i eral average of cash items of specie.
' which will include coin and all the,
j gold Treasury note only, stated sepa
; rately aud extended a heretofore.
j Hie t'olorril Totp In en York
A-.iiiist Ureelry.
j Xkw Yfil;n. August l'i. The
i Herald says of the colored meeting at
I Cooper Institute, I hat Saunders mgro
j 1 lenioerat. met scant comfort and no
I comtesy, bur wa called a liar and a
j traitor. It i evident that Greeley
I will encounter opposition in the col
j ored vote of this Stale.
Ex-liov. Wise nt New York.
I Il-nry A. Wise will addns the
j Deinocnit here soon, and tle-n leave
! to attend the Louisville Convention.
i Tlw IllniiBoiKl Exfltmeiil'- at an I'ntl.
(Jet-man (.runt Hoellntr- rf)j"l"'iis
o Arrive OverlnHfl.
San FiiANciro, Augut IU. It is
! runiored that Janin. who wa not ex-
! Irf'i'teil lvii-lr f-fiklll AriynMM tr cW-te
day. did not bring any diamond with
him. There i disappointment and
failm-e to connect somewhere. At any
rate the stfick t not sought alter, and
the company does not exhibit any new
It i lejiorted this evening that Ilar
pending & Robert have liotlght up
the entire stock of the original dia
mond discovery company at $1 per
share, in order lo prevent opposition.
To arrive overland thi evening C.
M. Lockwnod and Mi. Lockwood,
Portland. ( Iregon.
The German Grant meeting at
I'latt' Hall this evening is tully as
large as that of the Greeley Germans a
few nights since, being in fact a large
ii the Hall will admit of. Governor
Booth wa announced to speak, nut a
dipatch from Sacramento stating that
he i seriously ill Is said to have been
Indlaa Trouble not yet Nettled.
Salt Lakk. August 16 The Indi
ans in fvin l'ito county are still com
mitting outrages. General Ord and
Morrow have determined to employ
troops, and three companies of infant
rv will be dispatclied at once. Cavalry
from Fort Meele and other points are
now on the way here, and will be sent
forward without delay. There is no
doubt now that, tlie Indians are on the
war path, and they declare boldly
their intention to light. General Mor
row is still hopeful of making peace
without bloodshed. The Indian cause
of hostility is said to be the want of
food aud clothing.
rronnretlve Trouble w,th the In
dians or Portage I.n I'rairlc.
Toronto. August 15 Fort Garry
dispatches stat? that the Indian at
Portage La Prairie refine the annui
ties as provided by the treaty last year,
and demand better terms. They de
deelare that If they are not granted
tliey will stop surveys.
Alabama Republleiui Convention.
Montgomery. August 16 At the
Republican Stato Convention to-day,
resolutions indorsing the Philadelphia
platform and nominees, and in
favor of interna) improvements en
forcement of the Fourteenth Amend
ment, free education, and opposing
disfranchisement, except for crime,
were iaed. .
Chan. O'Connor the Probable
Charles Francis Adams to fee
Ottered a Candidacy.
Various Political News.
Indian Trouble In I tab.
LoatsYllle Convention Take Shape.
Caicauo, August 17. Wanton Dun
can telegraphs to a gentleman In thi
city that ex-Senator Fitch, of Indiana,
will support the Louisville nominee.
Enough is known to sav that Charles
O'Conor will probably be nominated
by aeclaniaiion.
Thirty-one States have already or
gtinizeil and sent assurance of full
delegations. In some the delegation
will be doubled. Arratigements are
being made with all the leading rail
road to issue excursion tickets ut re
duced rates.
New Yokk, August 17. At a larpe
meeting whiih Democrats held at the
St. James Hotel last night, it wa an
nounced that Charles O'Conor would
support the Louisville Convention,
where this State would be fully repre
sented. Astiraiiee were received
from other State that they would all
Ik; fully represented.
The Rrpiilillcxii Majority 111 Xorth
A Kah-igh s.(-ial say that official
returns I'min N4 counties have lieen re-ci-ivd.
giving Caldwell 1)4.5 i." and
Merriman til.t(2 votes. It is believisl
that the latter will not contest the
election unless Greeley is elected Pres
ident. Wendell riiilliin tu the Colored men.
lio-Tow August l'i. Wendell Phil
lips in reply io ine reipiei oi a limn
Iter of colored citien to address then
n i; f ; i ; .
lilt iiiiv.i I iiv . iirviiiic.
speak, but gives hi view in :i letter,
in w hich he favor (fruit iu preference
... 1 .1. -. I.. . T.l.
to ii-eeiey, imiiigu ne agrees huh
Sunnier iu regard to the San liomiiigo
The Itiirmtnl Iiiipenehmrnt.
Sauatihi.v. August li. Tlie court
of iiiiH'achmeut in the Barnard cie
on Saturday wa iu secret session till S ,
1. M.. and adjourned to meet again in
secret session at 1(1 o'clock to-morrow.
Ddilieratiiiiis were closely kept, but it
i generally understood that a verdict
of guilty i given on several articles.
The llual verdict will probably be pu!
lished to-morrow.
Hunting lor a (andldatf.
IIoston, Aug. 17. It is stated that
at a meeting of Lilieral Republicans:
and Iieuuicrat here to-day it was re
solved to a-k Charle l-'ranci Adam
to become a candidate for (iovernor of
Massachusetts. A telegram on tlie
subject is said to have Ik-cu dispatched
to tieneva.
MrHiifat UeuwnM'jr in Mirtiixmi.
Il.Ti:oiT. Angut US. The straight
1) miicrat ot tin county, in conven
tion at Wayne to-day. nominated a
lull county ticket, and L. II. linwii
tor Congress wa re-noniinatcd.
I'roui Vnhintoii.
Wahin;tis. August 17. Kmilr
Iteyard wa to-day introduced to tlie
Pivsident by the Acting Secretary of
State, and presi-nted his credentials as
Minister Keidcut ot Nicaragua.
1 he President aud Cabinet liave
Jiually ileclined the invitation to visit
oni:ii si:tn.
It lots nt !!'! fun t The Arrnment He
lore l lie Arbiliatlon lloortl.
I.ONixis. August 17. Further ad
vices from llelt'ast confirm the serious
nature of the rising there. On Thurs
day several collision occurred between
Protetant. and the Catholic proee
sion. during which a large number
were injured. Tin- entire city was iu
au uproar, and distiirhamv were only
iiiehcd by tlie most active exertion
of the police Many rioter were ar
rested. I.omki, Au;ut 17. 2 r. M.
Dispatches just ivivived trmn 15e!fa-t.
state that the mit have broken oift '
afresh, and seven- lighting is now gv
ing on. The poliiv barracks and sev
eral house have been wrecked by the
General Sehenck. United State
Minister to Kngland. ha arrived at
.MaiiRik. August 17. It i reported
that ion Carlos has again returned.
Cr.NKVA. August 17. The supple
mentary argument of American coun
sel In-fore the Hoard of Arbitration is
piihlisbcd in pamphlet form. The ar
gument of Kvarts cover one hundred
page, and thi of Messrs. Cushing
aud Waite are les extended.
iHdiiiii Irouliles llrlirliom Miike a
Trluiiiiluil 1'iiiir.
Salt I.akk, August 17. Three
companies of I'nited States troops left
this morning for the field of Indian
danger in San Pete county. Cavalry
are arriving from the line of the Union
Pacific Krailroad and hurrying on. A
fourth company ot cavalry is ordered
by (ienerai Ord to this city to keep the
road oK'ii. General Morrow leaves
lo-uii;ht and General Ord on Monday
lor the scene of 0ierations.
J. 1. Page, a telegraph operator at
Mount Icaant, wa ."ttacked la-t
niirht by Indian wlien leaving his
otlice. and wounded iu the head with a
tuniahawk. supposed fatally.
Brigham Young and a party of
church olliivr are making a tour of the
northern conntie of the Territory,
and are receiving by the Mormon jieo
ple with piiH-esslons, music, flags ami
Menrclfy of Snllors Ilsinlrhe From
4lie liit-rlir.
San Fi:axci'o, Aug. is. The ship
Corsica, from Puget Smiid for Callaoi,
put in thi evening for a crew. Four
vessels are iu port awaiting crews. It
is impossible to obtain one-half the
sailors needed. Most of the vessels
which have gone to sea this mouth
have been short-handed.
OiiOViu.K, August 17. The Demo
cratic and Lilieral Kepublican C'-otmty
Convention met here to-day to elect
delegates to the Third District Con
gressional Convention to be held in
Marysville on the 22d hist. A resolu
tion instructing the delegates to go for
the anti-railroad man was voted down.
The ship Memeou linisU loading
wlieat to-day and nailed, being tlw
ninth grain vcol this season. The
ship St. Charles arrived to-day to load
grain tor Kngland.
OOlee Xo. 64, Fran ( Street,
POUTLAM), In the mt desirable lonlUles,
consisting or Irrs, HALK HLllCKi ami
BUlCKft, HOOKS ami STORES; also
I JIPROVKP FARMS, and raliuiblo im
onltlvate'l LAN US, bvnted In AU. irtsil
the STATE for SALE.
REAL ESTATE and other Proierlv
purchased for Coresp"iiilent in this CITY ami
throughout the STATES anil TERRITORIES,
with great care and on the moat ADVAN
LECTELl. Andalieneral FIN ANCIAL anil
AOENCY TtL'SlNESStransaiWl. lUwtl
: Fine City Lot for Sale.
ONE or MORE of those desirable and va
cant lota, adjoining Judge Cbadwick'a
residence, on "Piety llill," tor sale cheap, for
aslu or time gtren a portion of the paruhaae
money, If desired. Inquire of
At Sash and L)onr Shop of Cooke, Dennla 3t Co
J. trrrrzM.. c. c way. a. tatlok.
Real Estate! Real Estate!
kem. Umiras on drat floor corner Front
anil Wiahinpon streets, Portland. Oregon.
win attend io tlie mle ana purchase or real
estate In all parts of Uregon. Special atten
tion given to the Hale ol tannin; lands.
A:irll IU. ilAwU.
Operu IloiiftC Block,
CJT Attention In Called to the fol.
low Ins; DcserlpUons oT Property
1 &i me, 3 n"cs east of Snbtlmltv;
I C7 J loo at-.res in cultivation, house aiiil
Utrn. All under ftin,-e ami well wuiered
with line uprings. Price i,nuu.
-g .;re 4 miles north of Salein on
the Slae rood. Fine house and
nueniHd orcham ; alHiiiilance of small fruit ;
rU h mil tor gardenius and good timber, l'rlce
t AXDW ACKE Inn wittiin one mile ol'
ilie-iHirt li'Hi.m? ; ii.h will; pi-k-.e $0 lo
$luu jier a.:re.
tp a a no res -h miles east or IJervni.s 40
Jmt Ut lu res prairie, all lenoed, 100 acres
line tlmer, khiiI ruiiinii uater lor stock;
la-ice, flu i;r acre.
i a.-rei on Kinjt's l'nlrle, in IJnn
E""" I .., AO a.-re in oiillivaiiou. ikmI
oro.liard, house anl U-irn. and plao well im
prove 1, all fi-noed and well watered ; price,
si,uoo, a lai--iiii.
a:reH 1,11 Kiu'.s Pniirie, line houne ami
baniauj gMtt improvement; price.
y Aares 9 lulU. t-t of Scio, lAm Co.,
"I r a4Tr&iii:ultiatimi.hoiif' an! Uini,
small orcluni, tH ttaterei ; priot, $15 jcr
aere . ni lo. east or Salem, splendid
houeaitd biini. irood orclianL alitin-
laib-e or:aiall fruit, fro.l spring ai the limine
and (ueniy ol MooW waler.iKia. res frooilplow
iamU 50 ol' flue timulhv uuvulow; price,
&.."). A rare harpiln.
J 1 ft a'"re ' niil-R east r.f Salem. 1VI a. res
"I I O open laiil. 140 nores in cultivation, 4
orchards, plenty ol' umll frui: ; good spring
ivauf lor stor I ; price, .s,oou.
Tfp ACRES 2J miles norlh of Sherl
"3rMit dan, VmiiiIHII .-"imlv, a choice
larin, ricii I. ander good fence ; 1.'U lU'rei
In cultivation: hiuw aiidlsirnand snuill or
ctiard; all prairie ex ceK enough ol'tiinU-r lor
itiiid ; offered very cheap andon ea.-yternis.
M ACHE- one-half mile Kouthof K. K.
Jfi dejMiiat salem: well suiteil lor gar-
louin ; jirice $M per acre.
H i4 ACKKS four miles north of Salem
M.J7 Maall iniproveiiients;
land well
livavl and
due tlinlier; jirice 10 )ier
nc re.
Off ACRES Iu Polk i-uiitv: 4 miles n
jLd Et w iif Snlem : K5 a. ro" In culiiva
ti"ii; K'id t.h:k water and range; price $15
per acre.
ti 4V"!tKS In Polk
ounty. 1 mile w
m mW f rileia; improvements gootl: 30
aci-irsin culUvaliiui; $"-,oil.
rrrv7 mii.. cr.titH .,r S. L.n,
iiiiMer ien,-e: simm! barn and honne
j acre, Iu quantUiek lo unit purchasers.
m ACUKS V, miles north eat or Ra
atar lem, on Abiipia creek : 7 a res
in uiilvaUoii; gooil range, well watered;
,; prif 11 ier acre.
ACKKS of land 4 miles nnrtlieast of
I f W silverton, wlih Saw-mill on prem
ise; price $1200 -very cheap.
j -g 4J ACItKSfimilesnorthwestofSnlem:
'mr fl Hr Ksl a're in cultivation; gmul
! range, well watered and gooil orchard; price
ll jier acre.
S 12 miles east of Salem :
I improvements: price t0.
! 0(tf 1 Af'KKSt miles northeast of Sit-
aV Tenon; valuable farm ; well Im
; pmied : irol new hoiie and barn : loo acres
In cullivailoa ; pi-i:e tloiKi; terms easv.
( ?i i ACKKs ha If mile w est rf Salem ; near
' rW fc-rry iaihiiiig; well Improved ; prk-e
j t inperaei-e.
ti ACItKS eight mlliw south of Salem,
M 9 W on 1 lie siae mail. 40 acres under
cuttivaaoH ; nearly all under fence: ordinary
lion, aud tarn ; gistl voung orcluinl ; price
F but, in
om mile s'nth-west of Sa-
n l'olk i-4iiintv. All under
I'. nrr-. acres In cultivation: final 1 house
nod larn: gool ymine orchanl ; verydesira
lle loralMn for gartlenlng pui-riofses; price
Iiri-Slnnd2.Hloi-.k5, Jones' B'ldltlon to
A Salem. Small house; price, $1,000.
Si'V" -g flf feet of Blwk No. 13. S.
i HHP W. corner Jones' a.lill-
tion io Silcm, w iih house and Improvements ;
pi-Ice, $7o.
fOT 4, ltlook 41, citv- ofPalein, tine house,
A well finished, near the CV 1. Church ;
pri., 'xi.
"M JOCSK and half block In Jones' addllion;
M I U story boiistk wtdl tinishedand grounds
well Improved ; price $"2'200.
IOTSSnnd 9. block 4. Reeds addition, va
A cant niul line location ; price $4.10.
UOl'SEanil m Robert's addition;
belonging to M. It. Moore; price $1.00.
RKSI OKXCK of I.. S. Dyar, on Capital 81.;
price f4."sl0.
IOTS .1 and fi. bbvk 2. on Church street
A vacant; price $-100.
KRICK store, north end Starkey's block
lire-proof; s rooms on secin(l fliwr
g.iuj brick w.m-house; prlc $41uo.
4I.vrsin AUanv, hear the court house
Ad price $700; impure of Thomas Montelth.'
nOIVK and to on Kront street, near bus
iness pin of the t ill : now occupied by
Mrs. J. U Starkev ; price $2100.
UOI'SEand kit, mm Hi Salem: near rest
deuce of II. linens; house unrtnlsheit ;
price JAW.
The Renting and FmwIiik of all
kinds of pniicrtr. Collection of Claims,
Cnnveyanclup, Ac, will receive prompt at
tention. For furllu--r Information aildrew,
Salem, Oreion.
C'lioiee lAt of Sinking
Tor the Coming Mnsical Season.
Tlx mtcLxiclarcz !
Ky L. O. Emerson, of Boston, and IL R.
Palmer, of Chicago.
Price, 1 50 ; 13 50 per dot.
Firm edition exhausted. Next edition al
ready sold. This Church Music Book, the
Joint product of the best talent of the East and
thi West, will lie used Immensely, both West
and East. Good for Chorus Classes. Good
for Quartette Choirs. Good for OinTenllons.
Good for Societies and Singing Schools. Send
at least, for specimen oopv, which will be
mailed for the present, post-paid, Sir 1 23.
iNotk. Jnst published, Strauss' New MAN
HATTAN WALTZ, flrstptaved, with great
success, in New York. Price, $1 00.)
son and Tllden. Price, 1 on.
Good, pnt tical. interesting High School
Sin tfl ng Rook. Alreadv hlghlv approval ami
widely used. Excellent also for Seminaries.
KPARKI.IN4. RI BIHt Sabbath School
Song Book. Price, 85 cents. .None who
try It can help liking It.
riLURIJTM HARP I For Social Meet
Ings. HO cents.
Very convenient size. Moderate price.
iiO tunes. Well selected music
UOLDE ROBIN ! For Common Schools.
.V) cents. An established favorite, which
has a large sale.
OT" Ma sic and Music Book mailed, post,
free, en recel)it of retail prices.
C. II. IMTsON ft t:o , New York.
National Business College,
H.M.l)eFRA'CF, . Prenldent.
W. S. JAME?, ... Secretary.
A Model Commercial College.
The Education for I lie Timet.
The Importance of a Practical
Education Was Never More
Apparent Than Now I
eil that as we grow In prosertty we grow
more practical, awl that It Is required of men
that tliev educate themselves practically ed
ucate themselves in the lie si manner possible
to meet the demands of the times.
Young men, the future welfare of this Coast
looks to 1'Ot 1 Are lOl' prepared to meet
its demands?
Demands of the Age!
The most Thorough, Practical, and Com
Tlie Course is so arranged and Taught as lo
enable the Student to maMcr It In
tlie Shortest Time Poscible.
Kacli Student after laving through the
Book-Koeper & Merchant
where, in tHe space of a FEW WEEKS,
he obtains the experience of an
Tlie Telegrnph lr part men t Is now fit
ted up with the liesl ot Instruments, and Is Iu
complete running order.
LLliE PAPEU. tT Address:
DeFranre & James,
Mutual Insurance Company.
CAPITL, $1,000,000!
JOHN II. KUnlMiTON President
;;. II. IIOW.4HD Vlee Frewident
II AKI.t K. MKY Meeretnrjr
N. H. .!! V Marine Secretary
II. II. BHii:iW....i-uernl MannKer
I. WsMFrmaa, H. olrmitith,
'. II. lwi. D. Mneleay,
I.loyd Brooks.
Ksiietn I.. F. Urarer
Knlle 11. 51. Frrnrh
Allmny J. A. frawforsl
Iwilon A. I4wenbery
IIA1II.TON novo,
eneritl Agents Portland.
HAS. E. Bl BROWS, 1.
Airen at Nalena.
Self-Rake Reaper & Mower
Oregon Agricultural Works,
1 Enterprise has Imported twenty-live of
Superior Machines.
which he intends to build in order to test
their merits in Oregon.
Feeling confident that they are the
Manufactured, having received the only
Grand Cold Medal
at the last two United States Fairs for tbe
Combined Self-Rake
We can confidently recommend them to the
Send for descriptive catalogue sent free.
Machines now at onr office on exhibition,
and for mle at the Opera House corner.
Oregon Agricultural Work,
CSTNend for l lrrnlsr.
Incurable Case!
it m After ten ysars' trial on this Coast has
proven itself the only rnratlve in a certain class
of diseases pronounced by medical practition
ers as Incurable.
0r.LeBich2o,s GOLDEN BALSiHRo.i
ram Chancres first and second stages. Bom on
ths Lrgs or Bodr: Bora Kara. Eyes, Nose, ftc;
Copper-colored lllutchea, Syphilitio Cstarrli,
Diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of the
disease known sa Syphilis. Price, fs per bot
tle, or two lor til.
Dr.L'Richjfl'i GOLDEN BALSAM Ho. 2
cm Tertiary, Merrorial, Syphilitic Rbenma.
tism, Patns in the Bones. Barkof the Nerk, IL
cerstM Bore Throat, Hyphllitle Rash, Lumps
and Contracted Cords, fctiffnesa of the lambs,
and eradicate all diseases from tbe system,
whether caused by inilusretion or abuse of
mercury leaving the blood pore and nasi thy.
Price, ti per bottle, or two for $t.
tidote, tor the Cure of Oonnorhoa, Gleet, Irrl.
tation, Oravel, and all Vrlnsry or Oenita)
disarrangements. Price, 3.W per bottle.
Jectton, a wash and Injection for severe eaaea
ol UoODorhoss, Inflammatory Oleet. Btiirtnres,
nnd all diasaaea of the Kidneys and Bladder.
Tinee, f 1 JtO per bottle.
Also iftots fbrCB. IE SICEATTd G0LDE5
PILL8 for Seminal Wesknres. Mptit Imls.
Moim. Iropotency, and all diarssra ariaine arm
Masturbation and excessive sbiisra. frtc. .1
l-r bnttlo. Tlie ftenuliMt Oouiaa Bauam la
pill up only in ronnd bottles.
On reni Ipt of price, these medicines will
b sent to sll parts of the country, by expres
er mail, swnrely packed and tree from ooser.
vslion. Hole Agenta,
C. F. RICHARDS fc CO. yij
Wliolesale and Retail Druggists and TT
t'hcnitsts, 8 W.eor.CbiykBansoms ii
Btrecta, Baa Francisco. Oal. - A
The career of BrfatoPa Pit la and Wsir
psurUlai In the Pacific States, has indeed
been sylendld suvcess: hundreds and hnn-dre-hi
of Invalids broken down br the dis
eases peculiar to this climate, have beon re
stored by them to robnst beUb. Reader,
whv snndld thev not core von
11, "i. dlt wlt
6SS Kearny Street,
Corner Commercial St.,
Established In 1S54, for tlie treatment of
Sexiuii and iwminal Inseases, such aalionor
rhen, lileel, stri.-ture. Syphilis in ail its
forms, Seminal Weakness, innHency, e.c
Skin uisea: us of years' standing and Ulcer
ateil Legj- successfully treated.
UK. tSlBBONS has the pleasure of annoniv .
lug that he has returned from visiting the
principal hospitals of Europe, and has re
sumed practice at his Dispensary, 62 Kearny
street, corner of Commercial, San Francisco,
where bis old patients and those requiring bis
services mav find him.
Tbe Doctor has "pared neither time nor
money In seeking ont new remedies, and has .
returned with Increased facilities for the alle
viallon of human sufferl g.
HenalnaJ Weakness.
Seminal emission the conseqnenc.e of sell
nlmee. This solitary vice, nrdepraved sexnat
imlubrence, is pranicel by the youth of botk
sexes to an almost unlimited extent. prodnclneT
with unerrln cvrtalnt y, the following train cif
morbid symptoms, unless combated by set
entitle medical measures, viz :
Sallow countenance, dark spots nnder the
eye, ln iu the he d, rlueinit in the ears,
noise like the rustling of loaves and rat
tling of chariots, uneasiness about the
loins, confused vision, blunted Intellect,
loss of confidence, ditUdence in approaching
st rangers-a dislike to form new acquaintances
a dlKisMltion to shun society, loss of memory,
hectic Hushes and vari Miseruptiousabmit lbs
face, furred tongue, tetid breath, coughs, con
sumption, night sweats, monomania and fre
quent Insantt v. If relief be not olMalne!,
tlie sufferer sliotild apply immediately, in per
son or by letter, anil have a cure effected by
his new ami sclenttnc. mode of treating thla
disease, which never tails of effecting a quick
and nuilcal cure. I r. ti. will give one hun
ilred dollars to any person who will provn
salisfaclorilv to him that he was euredof this
complaint by either ol the San i'raucliico
Hit. (ilRROV Is responsible, and will give
to each pal lent a written Instrument, binding
himself toeilect a radical aud permanent cure
or make no charge.
Cured nt Ilotue.
Persons at a distance may no ri'ItKH AT
IluMK, by aMrMMug a letter to lr. ;ibbon,
stating cae, sympMims liMigth of time the dis
ease liascoiitliiued.anl liave ineilk-lue prompt
ly lorwarded, tree fnimilamageandcuriosUy,
to any art of tlie country, Willi full and
plain directions for use.
Persons writlnc to the Doctor will please
state the name of the paier tliey saw this ad
vertisement in.
Ky inclosing 110 coin. In s registered letter
through the Post otlice. or through Wells, Par
iro A ( ii., a iSA-kiige of medicine will be for
wanled to any pari of the I'nlou.
All cori'eqoii'leni-e slrt-tlv conflik-ntlal.
Addrens Hit. J. K. tilliliON, 61 Kearnv
street. San Kran. isco. Postollice llox 1.9fi7.
Keli lo ileodlwly
Will sew everything needed In s faafly, tm
the heaviest to ths lightest fabric
noRE Knm of work,
Than any other machine.
If there is a Florence Sewing Ma
chine within one thousand miles of
Ban Francisco not working well and
giving entire satisfaction, if I am in
form td of it, it will be attended to
without expense of any kind to the
owner. .
19 New Montgomery Street,
Grand Hotel Building, Saa Francisco.
8md for Circular uf Msnples mf
the srwrilc. 'Adiv Agent seifss? is
every plaee.
Feb. 1 dwlT
Cracker Manufactory
Commercial St., Salem.
I have constantly on band
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes. &c
Supplied on Short Notice.
ff-All orders promptly filled and goods
delivered to all parts of the city Free of
March 16. 187?:tf
Bent Family Floor,
Bakcrw Extra, XXX,
siti per fine and
Middling, Bran and Short!
Aeent 8. F. M. Co.
Nov. 23dtf
The Protirietors of the
Are determined not to carry any Summer
Goods over Winter. The Immense Stock nt
beautiful,Summcr Goods will be sold at great
ty reduced Prices.
Poplins, Grenadine, Piquet,
Plaids, ChambrcTt, Tafle
Lai, Alparan, Jaeoneta,
From 15 to 50 cts. per Yard.
Bleached and Unbleached
At the Lowest Rates.
Call at the Overland Store. No trouble to
show roods. Examine our stock before pur
c basing elsewhere.
YErirPMMiMflllvM band a vond iMfiil
! I. ment of Catllornla and Eastern Roots and
' hjieolal attcnJon paid to tbe manufacture
. of
or every style. Pepsed, Sewed and alto
j, tne
Celebrated Screw Bottoms,
Mad to order. Work and Ma riarssiteel
Noneftmt the best French brand used.
At the Overland mm VHjt Karket.
FROM and after this data, we propose to
sell as rood moats as tbe country mil
afford, at the nsnal summer rates, vtt : a to
12 14 cents iir ponnd.
' '' . f ' .