The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, August 13, 1872, Page 6, Image 6

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    1 V
eighteen hundred sod twenty elght,elght hun
dred and thirty-six dollars and rixtv-oine
For prmannt annuity In (pecle, per ec
ad article treatv el July twenty-nintu,etsbt-een
hundred and iweuly-nine. nix thousand
tix hand red and ninety-three dollar! and flfly
eight cents.
I or educational purpose, Are thousand
For permanent provision for payment of
meney. In lieu of lob ccn. Iron and Wee I, per
acond ankle treaty of Septtanber twentieth,
-enrhteea hundred and twenty-eight, and lenlh
article treaties of June fifth and seventeenth,
-eighteen hundred and forty-six, one hundred
and twenty-Are dollar and fifty cents.
For permadeut provisions for three black
mttb and assistants, and for Iron and stee,
lor shops, per third article treaty ef tastober
sixteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty-six,
ecoasl article treaty of September twentieth,
eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and sec
ond article treaiyof July twenty-ninth, eight
een hundred and twenty-nine, one thousand
one hundred and seventy-nine dollars aim
am, ntv.iniiv (JAMA.
For .permanent provision br fifty barrels of
salt, per second article treatr of July twenty-
r-intn, eignieen ntiutircu anu mwjuiww
hundred and eighty-three dollars ami' three
jmp IhIotmI am ftwn hundred and sixtr eiaht
Ihoosand nine hundred and ninety-eight dbl
lor and seventeen cents, at fire per centum,
In conformity with provisions of article seven
of trenttos ofJnne abb and seventeeuth,eigbt
mmm hundred and fortv-slK. thirteen thousand
four hundred awl forty-nine dollar and nine
ty aMMta '
For thM amoont to enable the Secretary of
tha Interior lo carry oat the provlaiou of the
third article of the treatr with Pottawatomie
luluai of November fifteenth, earhteen bun
.bad and atBTina. as modified br the treatr
ef March twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and
ixty-slx, by paying to those numbers of the
tribe who are entitled thereto under said
treaty provision a pro rata share of their tri
bal iiinds, nny-cour inouaauu duw;-m u
Un aitlhiftnMMDtL
For this amount to enable the Secretary of
the Interior to carry out the prorisions of to
fourth article of the treaty with Fotlawatov
nnes of Noremoer aneentn, eignieen nun-
died and sixty-one, as mocuneo. ny tne treaty
of March twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and
atxtv-slx. by pavlnc to those menv
tmn'ot the tribe who are entitled to allot
menfs of vbrhtr acre of land each the cash
value of the Mine, estimated at one dollar per
acre, the said amount to be reimbursed from
the proven 1 of tne sates use x-oawniainie
lanns, seven inousanu two uumuvu wiw ,
making In all sixty-one thousand two hundred
. and ninety-nine dollars and thirteen cents.
For permanent annuity, In money or other
wise, per second article treaty of November
seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seven,lbur
anaareu aouar.
For education, during the pleasure of the
Tml lent, one thousand dollars.
For blacksmith and assistants, and tools.
- iron and steel for blacksmith's shop,one thou
sand, sixty dol lars.
For one farmer, during the pleasure of the
Fie adept, six hundred dollars.
For third of five instalment on twenty-five
thousand dollars, being tbe first series, for
beneficial objects, under the direction of tbe
Fresedent, per four fourth at tlcle treaty .of
July 1st, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one
tnousana uouars.
For thirteenth of twenty Instalments, for
the support of an agricultural and Industrial
school, and for pay of suitable instructions,
wr 'tenth article imaiv of Julv first, ele-hleen
hundred ami fifty-five, two thousand five
hundred dollars.
Vor thirteenth of twentv instalments, for
support of smith and carpenter shop, and to
prevkle the necessary tools tberfor, per tenth
article treaty of July first, eighteen hundred
and fifty-live, five hundred dollars:
For thirteenth of twenty instalments, for
the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter,
and Dinner; ami a physician, who shall fur
nish medicine lor tbe sick, per tenth article
treaty of July first, eighteen hundred sod flf-
ty-nve, lettr tnousana one nunureu aoiiars.
For this amount, to be expended for such
goods, provisions, awl other article, as the
President from time to time may determine,
isx-ludin transtmrtation thereof, in instruct
ing In agricultural and mechanical pursuits.
in proTKiing employees, euuca nog cnnurcn,
nrociirine meillcine ami medical atlemtance,
care for and support of the aged, tick, ami in
firm, for he helpless oruhans of said Indians,
and In any other respect lo promote their
civilization, comfort, and improvement, thir
ty thousand dollars.
For third of five Instalments, in blanket,
clothing, farming utensels, ami slock, per
third article treatr of September tenth, eigh
teen hundred and fifty-three, three thousand
For permanent annuity In goods or other
wise, per third article treatr of November
third, eighteen hundred ami four, one thou
sand dollars.
For Interest on two hundred thousand dol
lar, at five per centum, per second article
treaty or uctooer iweniy-nrsx, eignieen dud
dred and thirty-seven, ten thousand dollars.
For Interest on eizht hundred thousand dol
lars, at five per centum, per second article
treaty of October eleventh, eighteen hundred
and forty-two. forty tbonsamidollars.
For fourth of fire Instalment, lor support of
a physician and purchase or me-ticines, one
tnouaana nve nunarea aoiiars.
For pay of a physician and purchase of med
Icine. one hundred dollars.
For fourth of five instalments, for supply
ing said trtbea with tobacco and salt, three
nunureu ana any aoimrs.
For Interest en one hundred and fiftr-seven
thousand four hundred dollars, at five per
centum, under the direction ef tbe President,
per second article treaty ot nut oner twenty
' first, eighteen hundred and tlilrtr-seven. sev.
en thousand eight hud red and seventy dol
lar. ' -
For lire per centum Interest on two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid a annu
ity, per eighth article treaty of August ev
ent h, eighteen hundred and fifty-U, twelre
thousand five hundred dollars.
For interest en two hundred and fifty thou
sand dollar, at fire per centum, to be paid a
annuity, (tber having joined their brethren
west.) per elgthth article treaty of August Sev
ern a, eignieen nunureu ana nar-su, iwive
thousand-five hundred dollars.
For interest on fifty-thousand dollars, at
tbe rate of five per centum per annum, " to be
nald annuallr for the support of schools.
ner third article treaty of March-twenty-drat
eighteen hundred and sixty-six, two thousand
five hundred dollars.
For interest on twenty thousand dollars,
at the' rate of fire per centum per annum.
to be pah) aaaually," for the support of the
- Seminole government, a ner third article
treaty ot March twenty-first, eighteen hon
ored aa a suay-eix, one tnousana aoiiar.
r" i " BENECAS.
For nermanent armnttr In fanvth
article treaty of September twenty-ninth.
enty-flve thousand dollars, at live per centum
per act or June twentv-sevenin, eignieen
hundred and fortv-slx, three thotioamf seven
hundred and flftv dollars.
For Interest, at five per centum, on forty
three thousand and fifty dollars, transferred
from the Ontario Hank to tne uuiiea nates
a.iT-' m, of June twenty-seventh.
eighteen hundred and forty-fix, two thousand
o-ie nunarea ana utt .wu winnm nuu un
ror ;riu men suuuiit. h i-.
ofurth article treaty of September seven
teenth, eighteen hundnd and elghteeu, one
thousand dol lars.
For blacksmith ami assistant, shop anil
tools, iron and steel, one thousand and dxts
NEES, UVArAWS, cusr.irri-iir-u
For fourth of five instalments, for black
smith and assistant, -shop and tools, imu and
steel for shop, for Sliawnees, fire hundred
dollar. . '
For fourth of fix instalments, for pay of
blacksmith, and for necessary iron and steel
and tools, for Peoriaa, Kaskaokias, Weas.and
I'iankeshaws, one thonsaud one hundred and
twenty-three dollars and twenty-nine cents.
For permanent annuity for educational pur
poses, per fourth article treaty of August
third, seventeen hundred and ninety-flvejind
tnirtl article treaty 01 ssay icuin, ciguurcu
hundred and fifty-four, twothousand dollars.
For permanent annuity. In specie, for edu
cational purposes per lour h article treaty of
September twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred
and seventeen, and third article treaty of
May tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four,
two thousand dollars
For interest, at five per centum, on forty
thousand dollars, lor educational purposes,
per third article treaty of May tenth, eight
een hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars.
For this amount, to be experded In snch
Soods, provisions or other articles a 3 the Pre
terit may from time to time determine, in
cluding transportation thereof. In instructing
In agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in
providing employees, educating children, pr
curing medicine ami medical ai tendance, care
or ana support 01 tne aged, sick and inilrm,
for the helpless orphans of ?ail Indians, and
In any other resiMwl lo promote their -tvillra-ti'in,
comfort and Improvement, Htrentv-tlve
thousand dollars.
For fourth often Instalments, second se
ries, to be paid to them or expended for their
benefit, commencing with the year in which
they shall remove to and settle and reside
upon their reservation, per furth article trea
ty of April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and
nlty-eight, forty thousand dollars.
For transport inu of goods, one thousand
thousand lire hundred dollars.
VATION. For this amount, to be expended In rich
goods, provisions, and other useful articles as
1 he President may from time to time deter
mine, Inclutlinli transportation, in Instructing
in agricultural and mechanical pursuits. In
providing employees, educating children, pro
curing medicines and medical attuiMlance,carc
fur and support of Ihe aged, sick and infirm,
for the helpless orplians of said Indians, and
In any rospect U promote their civilization,
comlojt and improvement, one hundred and
filly thousand dollars.
For ninth of twenty Instalments, to be ex
pended under the direction of the President,
in tbe purchase of such articles as he may
deem suitable to their wants, either as hunt
ers or herdsmen, per fifth article treaty of
July second, eighteen hundred and sixty
three, ten thousand dollars.
For ninth of twenty instalments, to be ex
pended under the direction of the PreaklenMn
the purchase of such articles aa be mar deem
suitable to their wants, either as burner or
herdsmen, per seventh article treaty of Octo
ber first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three,
five thousand dollars.
For 1 inth of twenty Instalments, to be ex
pended under thediroctton of the Prestdent,ln
tbe purchase of such articles as he may deem
suitable to their wants, either as hunters or
herdsmen, per third article treaty or July
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three.
are tnousana aoiiars.
OOnllir BAKD.
For ninth of twenty instalments, to be ex
tended under tbe direction of Ihe President.
in the purchase of such articles,includiog cat
tle tor herding or other purposes, as he shall
deem snltalde to their wants and condition as
hunter or berdaraen, one thousand dollar.
I find seventeen, fir hundred
For nsnsuusssst amssrv. aa ida. rmtr tenth
article treatr of leptember seventeenth, eigh
teen haadred aa4 eighteen, five huadred dol
For blacxsmlth and assistant, shop and
teoltf, Iron aaat staei, to bs applied as stipula
ted in the seventh article treaty of February
' twenty-third, eighteen) haaatred and txty
seven, one thousand astd sixty dollar.
r or smHer, anrtng ine pleasure ox
President, sis Iwndred dotlara.
For permanent aanoity, la lien ef Inttrtrt
OS stock, bar act of Fohroarv nlnninentB.
eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six thou-
swira wnwn.
For liifcrest, in Hon of Investment, on mt
For third of thirty Insialments, lo purchase
eight huudred suits of clothing for males over
fourteen vears of age ; the flannel, nose, cali
co and domestics lor eight hundred females
over the axe of twelve vears: and such goals
as may be new led to ma ke suits for eight hun
dred boys and girls, thirteen thousaud eight
hundred and seventy-four dollars.
For re -ond of ten instalments, for the pur
chase ol such articles as may be considered
proper by the Secretary of the Interior, for
one thousand eight hundred persons Faming,
awl six nunureu persons eiigugeu in agricui'
lure, thirty thousand dollars.
For nav of nhrslcian. teacher, carpenter,
engineer, Girmcr.nnd blacki'hu per tenth
article treaty 01 jiuy inira, eigmeeu uuniirea
and sixty-eight, six thousand eight hundred
uoi lars.
For second of three Instalments- to be ex
nended in nresents for Ihe persons who ktow
tbe must valuable crops, under the same act
ami treatv. five hundred dollars.-
For pay of second blacksmub, and furnish
ing iron ami steci ami otner materials, uma-r
tlie same article of said treaty, twu tliousaiid
For Ihlnl of thirlv Instalments, to purchase
four hundred suits of clothing for males over
fourteen years oi axe : the flu unci. hose, cali
co and domestics lor four hundred temalj
over Ihe aire ot twelve years: and such flan
nel and cotton arotsls as may be neeleil lo
make suits for four hundred boys and girls.
six inousanu nine nuuureu ami inirty-jevei
For third of len instalments, for tne pur
chase or such articles as may be considered
proper oy tbe Secretary t tne interior ror
eight hundred persons roaming, and four hun
dred persons engaged in agriculture, sixteen
tbousaud dollars.
For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter,
engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, six thou
sand eight hundred dollars.
For last of three instalments, to be expend
ed presents for the ten persons who grow the
most valuable crops, five hundred dollars.
For transportation of goods that may be
purchased tor the Shoshones and Bannocks,
mteen tnousana uouars.
For this amount (o be expended In such
goods, provisions, or other articles, as the
President may from time to lime determine.
Including transportation, in instructing iu ag
ricultural pursuit, in providing employees,
iducating children, procuring medicine and
medical attendance, care for and support of
the aged, sick, and inUrm, for tbe helpless or
phans of said Indians, and In any other res
pect to promote their civ Illation, comfort and
Improvement, forty thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity la clothlnrand oth
er useful articles, per sixth article treaty of
Aovemoer seventeentn, seventeen nunureu
and ninety-four, four thousand five hundred
For pay of second blacksmith, and furnish
ing Iron, steel and other material, two thou
sand dollar.
For third of thirty instalments, to purchase
clotbliisT for males over fourteen vears of aare:
for flannel, nose and calico, and domestics re
quired tor temaies over twelve year of age;
and for such flannel and cotton good as may
be needed to make suits for boys and girls,
one hundred and fifty-nine thousand four
hundred dol lars.
For third of thirty Instalments, to purchase
snch articles as may be considered proper by
the Secret rv of the Interior for nersons
roaming and for persons engaged in agricul
ture, two hundred and thirty-six thousand
For third of four instalments, for purchase
of seven millions three hundred thousands
pounds or beef, and the same quantity of flour,
for twsjutv thousand persons, under tenth
article treatv of ADril twenv-nlnth. eishieen
hundred and sixty-eight, aud for subsistence
01 iaauoneioux, one nuiiioB tnreu nunarea
and fourteen thousand dol lars.
For pay of physician, five teachers, one car
penter, one mi Iter, one engineer, one fanner,
and on blacksmith, ton thousand four hun
dred dollars. - t
For last of threw instalments, lobe expend-
n in present to tso tan persona ms en
the most valuable crops, five hundred doUs
For transportation, and tha necessary ex
pense of dellverinc goods, to bo pnrchased
tor the different bands of the Sloax Indiana,
ander treaty ot April twenty-ninta, eighteen
hundred and slxty-eisdn, sm swadrsd and
arty taonsand oollara. ,
A it T nstnt fa . trc 1
For first of ten Instalments, to be expended
under the direction of the President, aa ner
seventh article treaty of August twelfth,clgh:
eon hundred and sixty-live, one thousand two
hv mired dollars.
For third of five Instalments on slxtv thou
sand dollars, belnc the fifth series, under the
direction of the President, per fifth article
treaty 01 January tweni y-eixtn, eigmeen Hun
dred and uflj-llve. two thousand four hun
dred dollars.
For thirteenth of Iwentv Instalments, for
Ihe suDiHjit of an airrictilttiral ami iiiduftrhil
school, and for pay for suitable teachers, per
eleventh article treaty of October
sixth, eighteen hundred aud fifty-live, two
thousand five hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty instalments, for
Ihe employment of a blacksmith, carpenter,
iarmer and a phvsloiau, who shall furnish
medicine for the sick, per treaty of June twen-ty-alxth,
eighteen hundred and flfiy-Ave, four
thou sand six hundred dollars.
For support of a smith ami carpenter shop.
and to provide the necessary tools therefor,
nve nunureu aoiiars.
For ninth of ten instalments, for the pur
chase of goods, under the direction of the
Secretary of the Interior, per eighth article
treaty 01 uctoner seventn, euinieen nunureu
and sixty-three, and Senate amendment of
March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and
sixty four, ten thousauddoHrrs.
1 or mutn 01 ten instalments, per etgntn ar
ticle of said treatv, for tbe purchase of provis
ions, under Ihe direction of tbe Secretary of
the Interior, ten thousand dollar.
For pay or blacksmith, as per tenth article
of same treaty, seven hundred aud twenty
For transportation and general incidental
expenses of the delivery of goods, provisions,
and stock, as jies same article of same treaty,
two thousand dollars.
dre-l and slxtv two, forty-four Ihmisaml three
hundred and forty-live dollars and forty-six
For twenty-six of thirty insta'mentswf in
terest on scvenlr-llve thousand three hundred
and eighty-seven dollars and tweutv-eipht
cents, at 'fire per ceuttim. per fourth artic'e
treaty of Oceohcr thirteenth, eighteen hun
dred and forty-six. three thousand seven hun
dred and ixty-nine dollars and thirty-six
For interest on seventy-eight thousand and
three linndre l and forty dollars ami forty
one cents, at live pur centum, lo be expended
under the direction of the Secretary of Ihe
Interior, for the erection of houses, Improve
ment of tlMilr allianicuts of land, ptirvliase of
stock, agricultural implements, seeds aud
other beneficial lairmises. Ilmre thousand
nine hundred aud seventeen dollars ami two
For transportation of goods, three thousand
For this amount, to be expended under In
direction of the Secretary of the interior, at
such times and in such sums as he slutll deem
expedieut and necessary for the benefits of
the Winnebago tribe of Im'ians. in initirovlii
their lauds, purchasing stock aud agricultu
ral unpiuiuems. ert-c iig ni-uses, imiift
s:lisls, and in any other way promolina
their civilization 'and comfort, the said
amount to be taken from I he sum in Ihe
Ireasurv of the United Stales belonging lo
mi l tribe, one hundred thousand dollars.
To enable the Secretary of tbe Interior to
carry into effect the ninth and tenlh evtioi.s
of the act os July fifteenth, eighteen hundred
ami seventy, making appropriations ror ihe
current ami contingent expense of the In
dian debarment, and for fulfilling the treaty
.nipulaiiuns with various Indian tribes for the
year ending June thirty, eigh en hundred
and seventy-one, and for 01 her purposes, in
the manner therein provided, ten thooraml
and seventy-one dollars and eighty-four
cents, and that the minor children of Sophia
Foyles shall be taken and deemed a within
the purview of said sections, and snail,
through a lawful guardian, be entitled to the
benefits thereof; ami it is hereby declared lo
be the iniention and meaning of said ninth
and tenth sections to authorize ami dlre-4 the
Secreiary of Interior to cause to be patented
to each and every Winnebatro Indian, law
fully resident In tbe Slate of Minnesota at Ihe
ilatu of said act, in accordance with the condi
tions of saiil two sections, au allotment of
land, who liave not heretofore received the
same in quantity as provide-1 In the treaty of
goods, imp ements, and other
usef-il articles, and to a-sist them to livntv in
permanent sl-odes. and sustain Iheimelves by
Ihe pursi i ol ivillzed lifo, to be eeiided
under the direction ol' Ihe Secreiary or Ihe
luterior, twenty thousand dollars.
For the genera! iti:ldnlal expenses of Ihe
Indian service In- Montana Terrilory, pre -ems
of goods, ariciiliuial imp'emenis, anil
olher useful rikles, and to assist ihtm to lo
cale In permanent abmles, and lo sustain
themselves bv Ihe pursuits of civilized lire, lo
tie expended iimler Ihe iltrectlon of the Secre
tary of the Interior, twenty-five Ihotiraud
For the general Incidental exeuses ol the
Indian service in Nevada, presents of goods,
agricultural imp'einctils, and other useful ar
ticles, and to them lo locate in perma
nent abodes, and sustalu themselves ly the
purstiltsof clvlllzel life, tobe expended 111
ilcr the direction ofthe Secretary of the Inttr
rfor, ilficen thousand dollars.
For the general Incidental expenses of the
Indian service iu New Mexico, jn-esents of
goods, implements, and other
useful ariie'es, and to avist them to locate In
iwrmanent abodes, and sustain themselves by
the pursuits of civilized lit-to bo expeinlt-l
under the direction or the Secretary ofthe In
terior, fifty thousand dollars.
For the general incidental expenses of the
Indian service in Oregon, including transpor
tation of annuitv goods and presents, where
no special provision therefor is made by trea
lie.and for paving the expenses of ihe remov
al ami subsistence of Indians In Oregon, not
parties to anv treaty, and for pay pf necessa
ry employees, forty' thousand dollars.
is hertby amh- riz.-d and required to 1 repare
and 1 submit .to Congress plan for ui;blv
exili'goisltii g, as for as pnii,ie iht- H-iarat'e
claims upon the unrrmmpnt nr ih r niui
For the eeneral ln.-i expenses of Ihe
Indian service In Whlngton I'enriinry. In
cludiite traiisianlatlou td annuity aissis and
Apul fileenih, eighteen hiindreJ and fifti-! pre-ei. wncre u. ..jieci i Pr.n ,,,.,, nwm
nlaj, ! mcreior uy ireaiir i ixi iw ufiijnit inco
1 KDl)e 01 rcrnuviti ami nuiruiciKv iiuiwno.
not narties loanv treatv. and fur pay of nec
essary employees, twenty-four thousand four
hundred dollars.
For pay of twodarpenters, two millers,two
formers, and omroJacksmith, as per fifteenth
artkclo treaty of March second, eighteen hun
dred and sixty-eight, nine thousand dollars.
For pay of two teachers, as per same arti
cle of same treaty, two thousand dollars.
For the nurchase of iron and steel, anil Ihe
necessary tools for blhcksmith' shop,! wo buu-
ureu ana twenty aoiiars.
For fourth of thirty instalments, to be ex
pended noder tbe direction of the Secretary
of the Interior, for clothlnc. blankets, and
such other articles as he mav tliiuk proper
ami necessary, nndcr eleventh article same
treaty, thirty thousand dollars.
For annual amount, to be expended under
ihe direction ofthe Secretary of the Intorior,
in supplying said Indians with beef, mutton,
wheat flour beans, potatoes, as per twelfth
article same treat;-, thirty thousand dollars.
Fur lransiortalim of goods as may be ptir--hised
lor said Indians, seven tnnusand dollars.
For third of five Instalments, of third se
ries, for beneficial objects, tinder thcdlrec
lion of the President, per fourth article
treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred ami
flriv-flve, six thousand dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty instalments, f r
the support of two schools, one of which is to
be an agricultural and Industrial sehool, keel
ing In repair school buildings, and for provid
ing smtaoie lurnunre, oooas ami suiiiwery. ihe pnrairs pfcivi l-.ed We, including trans
per nan artwie treaty 01 June nignt, eignf pon,,!, ,nn ncc.sarv expx-nses of deiiver
een huudre.1 and forty-five, one thousand live n pro,.irton, , ,he idios within the Utsh
bumlred collars. ... ! mertiitrndencv. 111 lie exneniled under the
For thirteenth of twenty or losta.- (ilr(.i r the Secretary of tbe luterior.
For the general Inviden'.al expenses of the
Indian service in l lah Territory, present of
goods, agricultural Implements, and other
uf-eful articles, and to assist them to locate In
permanent abodes, ami sustain themselves by
-- . , . 1. . , i iurc:ilon 01 ine necrerar
meuts, lor tue employment 01 one supenn- , ,wen,vve thwsand dollar.
luniliml iT lMih iiir imt turn f .!,. n.-f. n,f I
filth article treaty of June ninth, eighteen
hundred and fifty-five, three thousand tno
hundred dol lars. '
For thirteenth of twenty instalments, f r
the employment of one superintendent i f
farming and two f irmers, two millers, two
blacksmiths, one tinner, one gunsmith, one
carnler and one wagon and plow maker per
filth article treaty of June nlnlh, eighteen
hundred and fifly-fire, eleven thousand four
hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty Instalments, for
keoninir in renair saw and flourina mills, and
lor furnishing tbe uecessaty tools and fixtures
per fifth article treaty, of June ninth, eight
een hundred and fifty-five, five hundred do!-
For thirteentn ot twentr
insta'ments for
For the general In, -Mental expenses of the
Imllau service in Wyoming Territory, pres
ent of goods, agricultural implements, and
other articles, and lo assist them to locate Iu
I permanent abodes, ami sustain ihcmsrives by
tlie pursuits 01 civiuzeu 1110,10 iwexpemieu
under the dlre-4inn of the Secretary of tlie In
terior, five thausaml dollars.
For this amount to purchase siibsiotence
and clothing for the Imllans hvitted ujsn the
I'inlnli Valiev reservation in I'tah- and for
such other ob)e,-M as the Secretary ofthe In
terior mav deem nei:siJrv and alvl-ablo to
promote ihe civilization and improvement of
saui imuaus, ten lumisanu uouars.
F-M- tran-pnrtatlon and the necei-ary ex-
Keeping in reair tne nospuai ana pr.n imnr f ; ,u,,iv(.rv r and pro-
the necessary metllcincs and fixtures thereiif, 'islml.. tht! ,ml,.u. ril)e, , Minneaa and
For Ibis amount, or so much thereof as
mav be necessary, to purchase subsistence
ami clothing for the Teton and other liaivls of
Sioux In the vicinity of Fort Peck. Montana
Territory, and for such other objects as the
Secretary ot the Interior, with the approal of
the Preshlrnt, may doem necessarp and ad
visable, to promote Ihe civilization and im
provement of said Indians, five bumlred
thousand dollars. But this appropriation
shall be expended for the benefit of such por
tions of said bands only, and lor such time at
thev maintain friendly relations to tbe United
For nineteenth of twenty instalments, in
blankets, clothine. provisions aud stock, rer
third article treaty of Septeinlr ninieenth,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, five hun
dred and fifty dollars.
For third of five instalments, of the fourth
series of annuity, lor beneficial objects, to be
expended as directed by tbe President, per
miru artuie treaty 01 xsovemoer tweutv-
nlntb, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one
thousand dollars.
For eiahteen of twenty instalments, for the
pay of a teacher aud purchvse of books and
stationery, per sixth article treaty ol Novem
ber twunty-ntntb. eighteen hundred and fiflv-
four, one thousand four hundred and fifty
l IL1L1A. IKlBtS.
For third of fire Instalments of third series
to be expeuden under tbe dlreclfon of the
President, per second article treatv of June
ninth, eighteen huudred and fifty-five, four
thousand dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty Instalments, for
the purchase of all necessary mill fixtures
and mechanical tools, medicines and hospital
stores, oooas ami stationery tor scnooia, re
pairs of school building, and furniture, and
for employees, three thousand dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty instalments, for
the pay and subsistence of one superintend
ent of forming operations, one fanner, two
millers, one blacksmith, one wagon anh plow
maker, one caopeuter and joiner, one physic
ian, and two teacher, per fourth article treaty
01 june nintn, eigbteen nunureu and ntty
five, eleven thousand two hundred dollars.
the par of each of the bead chiefs or the
Walla Walla. Cavuse. and Umatilla bonds.
he sum of five hundred dollars per annum,
per fifth article treaty of June ninth, eight
een hundred and fifty-fire, one thousand five
nunarea aouar.
For this amount to be expended in such
foods, provisions, and other articles as the
resident may from time to lime determine,
Including transportation thereof, In lnstroet
itur in agricultural and mechanical nuraults.
In providing employees, educating children,
procuring medicine "and medical attendance,
care for and support of the aged, rick and in
firm, for tbe helpless orphans of said Indians.
and in any other resnt to promote their
civuisaiKm, ewmsort ana improvement, nity
inonoinn aouar.
-U-,; ; WraXKBAGOES.
la thouaaad nine hundred aixl nine dull
aad svle a at, ai five per oentaas.
foorth article treatr of Kovember first,
eiirhtesn hundred and thirty-seven, aad kitnt
resolution of July seventeenth eighteen ban
ner fifth article treatv of June ninth, didit-
een hundred and flftv-ll've, three huiidre I d.d- j
For thirteenth of twenty Insta'mcnts, f r
keeping In repair blacknilths', tinsmith"',
gunsmiths', carpenters', and wagon and plow
makers' shops, ami for providing necessary ,
tools therefor, per flfth arlU-.le trealy of June 1
ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five
hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twentv instalments, for I
the pav of a physician, per fifth article treaty '
of June ninth', eighteen hundred and tifiy
11 ve, one thousand I wo hundred dollars. I
For thirteenth of twenty Ins alments. f ir I
keeping in repair the buildings required for
the. various employees, and for providing the
necessary furniture therefor, per flfth article
l real r of June ninth, cieliteen hundred ami
llf. v-hve, three hundred ctol lars. .
For thirteenth of twenty Instalments, for .
the salarv of such person as the said confed
erate tribes aud bands of Indians may select I
to lie their head chief, per fifth article Ireaty
of Juneninth.eiKhtecn hundred and fifty-five, j
five hundred dollars. I
For survey of Indian reserves ureter treaty
stipulations, fitty-nve ihousamt uoniirs.
Mighisan, six thousand dollars.
ZONA. For completing the construclion of the trri
g:illug canal on ihe Colorado Reservation in
Arizona, twenty thousand dollars.
For this amount or so much thereof as may
be uecessary f-ir the erection, at New Bopr'y
depot, iu the Indian Territory, of a building
In lie u-ed as an olfice for the agent to the
Choctaw ami Chickasaw Indian, five thou
sand dollars.
For isiyment of interest on certain attract
ed ami non-paying State stocks lielonglng lo
various Indian t lilies, and held in trust hv
the (xvrriarv of the Interior, for the fiscal
year ending June thirtieth, eighteen humtre I
and seventy-! wo, viz :
For Inieresl ou the Cherokee national ittnn.
vor ihe surve'vs of exteilnr boundaries of i,.Ki.,.n rhiaiml thnv hundred ami twentv
imuan reservationi, anu wi'i-unnpi wiiiwn-, : (,,iArH,
of the same, one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars: And provided. That no part of this
appropriation shall be used for Ihe survey of
the reserved lands of the Choctaw, Scmln-
oles, or Creeks, or of tlie lands or the Chero
kees east of the ninety-sixth meridian, wilh- ;
out the consent of said Imllans first express,
ed in open council In tbe usual manner: Ami
provided further, That the Commissioner of
the General Land Office may allow for sur
veviug Grand Ronde reservation tbe same is .
allotted for the survey of other similar reser
va'.ions in the State of Oregon, out of any
money heretofore appropriated for that pur
pose, 'should he deem It just.
For thin amount, or so much thereof a
mav be necessary, to pay the expense of the
commission ol the commission of citizens ;
serving without pay, appointed by the Presi
dent under the provisions of Ihe fourth sec
tion of tqe act of April ten, eighteen hundred 1
and sixty nine, the sum of fifteen thousand
dollars; and laid commission Is hereby con
tinued, wilh the powers ami duties heretofore :
provided bv law : Provided, That any mem
ber of the' board of Indian commissioners is ;
liereba empowered to Investigate all con
tracts, expenditures, and account in onnneo- j
lion with the Indian service, and shall have :
access to all books and papers relating tkere-
For inlereit -m the Cherokee school fund.
two thousand .wo hundred and thirty dol
For Interest on the Chickasaw
fnnd, fifteen thousand one huclred and forty
For interest on the ChlcVasaw incompetents
fun-1, one hundred dollars.
For interest on the Choctaw general fund,
twenty-seven thousand dollars.
For "interest on the Creek orphans' fund,
four thousand and forty-eight dollars.
For Inthrest on the Delaware general fund,
nine thousaud seven hundred and ten dol
lars. For interest on the Iowas' fund, two thou
sand eight hundred dollars.
For interest on the Kaskasktaa, Weas, Peo
xiasand Piankeshaws' fund, three thousand
seven hundred ami twentv-one dollars.
Fot interest on the Kaskasktas, Weas, Peo
rias, ami Piankeshaws' school fund, one thou
sand lour hundred and forty-nine dollars.
For Interest on the Menomees' fund; nine
hundred and fifty dollars.
For Interest ou the Ottawa and Chippewa'
fund, two hundred and thirty dollars.
For Interest on the Pottawatomics' educa
tional fund, three thousand three hundred
and flftv dollars.
to In any BTovernmenl omce : but theexamin- Knr i-.nntlnnnt sinenses of trust funds.
tionofvouchersandaccountsbytheexecntive : three thousand dollars.
committee of said poard shall not be a prere- j it ,han be Ihe duty of the Secretary ol the
quisite of payment. Interior to make careful inquiry into the con-
iditlonin point if clvillzrllon of the several
ARIZONA. j tribes mentioned in this act, and shall report
. , , , , , . ' thcreoo in detail at the next session of Con-
For the general Incidental expenses or the ,rres, showing the progress of such tribes re
Indian service In she Territory of Artzona, .pectively toward civilization, with recom
presents of goods, agricultural Implements, i'mendations for such aid byfiirnlshlnganlmals
and other useful article, and to assist tbera j d menslls for grazing and forming as mav
to locate In permanent abodes, and sustain ' appear useful.
themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, : For the removal ofthe Flathead Indians to
tobe expended under the direction of the Sec- the general or Jocko reservation, set apart
retary of tbe Interior, seventy-five thousand j for nh Indians by the treat of July sixteenth
dollars. j eighteen ho ml red and fifty-five, according lo
...... , I the order of the President, made November
CALIF ORN IA. ; fourteenth eighteen hundred and seventy-one
, , 'six thousand dollars.
For the general Incidental expenses of the For the purchase of goods and supplies for
Indian service in California, pay of employ- the Indian service in lieu of such as mav be
cos. presents of goods, agricultural imple- iost or destroyed In transportation by water,
ments, and other useful articles, and to assist , anj only to be nsed to the extent of such loss
them to locate In remanent abodes, and sus- twenty thousand dollars,
tale Ihesmelves by the latrstilU of civilized j For fulfilling treaty ohliatlions of the Unt
itle to be expended under the direction of Ihe ted States with Wvandottr Indians, as provld
Secretary of the Interior, eighty-live thou- ; ed In the thirteenth article of the treatr coo-
sand dollars. eluded February twentv-thtrd, eighteen hun-
. . , dred and sixty-seven, the following amount
COLORADO TERRITORY. ascertained to be due bv the board of commis-
' sinners, appointed by the Secretary of the ln-
r or tne geiicmi intiuciuai cAung u, iiwt tenor, per tncir report oaten Marco socona
Indian service in Colorado Territory, pre- ; eighteen hundred and slxtv-nine, viz: taxes
sents of goods, agricultural implement, and j unjustly collected bv ihe territorial govern
other nuerul articles, and to assist them to lo- j ment of Kansas In eigeteen hundred and flftv
ate In permanent abode, and sustain them- ! nine and eurhteen hundred and sixty, to lie
velves by tbe pursuit of civilized life to be ! refunded, eleven teousnnd seven bumlred ami
txpended under the direction of theSecre- three dollars and fifty-six cents; to enable
lary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. the Wvandottes to establish themselves In
I their new homes in the Indian Territory, five
DAKOTA TERRITORY. j thousand dollars: In all, sixteen thousand
' asvfn hundred and thrMi dollars and flftvwilx
For the general Incidental expenses of tbe . cents, to be pakl under the direction of ihe
Indian service in Dakota Territory, presents
nf goods, agricultural implements, and other
useful articles, aad to assist them to locate in
President ofthe United States.
For this amount to asulst the Peoria, Kas-
kaskla, Wea ami Piankeshaw Indians to es-
permanent bodes, ank sustain themselves by tablish themselves in their new home, tbe
the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended I
inner in airection ot secretary oi tne inte
rior, twenty thousand dollars.
For the general Incidental expense of the
Indian service la Idaho Territory, presents of
said amount tobe taken from the Invested
fund of said confederated tribe in accordance
with tbe stipulations contained in the twentv-
fourth article of the treatr with these and
other tribes of Indians, of February twenty-
third, eighteen hundred ami si xty-seven.tweh-ty
thousand dollar.
Sac. t. That the Secretary of the Interior
S..HOI for anuiii les ami allonsn.-.-. ..r ,ii.i...
l-l eil Indian trlles, and .1 so f. r piot id.ncon
a ui.lli-rni basis for all Iisiians whoaiec d
lecie I at the fame agrncv : Provided, That
no annu-.ty.ei! her of n o..c'v or gwsis. pro idol
loi inthUact, ,hall l 'ald to ihIk-s wlucb
are at nr with Ihe Cured States.
SH-. . That the Sc-rcian of the In'rrk r
be aud he is hereby amht-rizetl lo -virnd lor
ihertmoval nrihedilpicna Indians, to the
Mlti'e Earth I jiLe reservation, iu Minnesota,'
ft r iheir sulisis-em-e for six miultsar-r ihrlr
removal. and tor iuiprnvrments on Ihe raid
re-ei villi. .i, iLe lu.'i'llc I lia'au. e i f ai
prt pilalious heretuli-re mailr lor Mk-h r,mt -nl,
sub ii-tt-nce, and to forth, ami !. ou tkr
Imoks of the Treaury 1 'eirt'en-,irssinilng
In ihe aiarn-pali- to lir.y even Hi. si, a ml ami
eventy-nlne dollars ai d fonv-ftair --i. tw
For this amount or so nim-h I here, f as mav
1 ne-x-ssary, to euah'e Ihe Stvtetarv
Interior l carrv on the work of al-'ing and
imtruc'lrgthe Indians ..nthr White Eanh
rest rva Ion, in Minnesota, in rhr arts fclvllt-za'i-ui,
wlih a view to their i-e'f suptrt. con
iliiione l uiH'n the assent .f ti e AllsnwliU
haml of t hipja-was, Am espresHsl in t,,
coiin.-l'. in theiiMial manner, lo tl:e settle
ment of the Oiler Tall band of I'll layers uim
Ihe Wl I o Ijirthresorva iin,wlth eipal right
In re-ie-.t to lands wiihlultsbiuudari-,tuci:-ty-five
thousand dollars.
Skc. 4. That the Stvretary t.f the Interloi
he and he is hereby authorized In his I'ltcre
lion to apply ibi- Ist'ance ou hand f the ap
Iiroiiriaiiou of one humlretl ihout-and dollars,
made by the act t-f July fifteenth, e gblreu
hundred and seventy, entitled "An.ict lor the
support of indns.rial ami other scIukiIi-among
the Indian liibes not otherwise provide-1 for"
and so forth, at such times, in stu b arms, jind
for such Irlliesaud Lauds as, in opinion,
n av I required.
For this amount, or so much thereof as mav
lie necessary to i ay the expenses of holding
a general council ofthe Clierokee.Creek.Sem
inole, and Choctaw and Chlckai-aw Indians,
in ine lis nan lerntorv, as provided uv tno
treaties with said tribes in eighteen hundred
and sixty-Mx, for the fiscal year eudlng June
thirtieth, eighteen hundreil and seven! t-:hree
fourteen thousand dollars, or sinuch tberepf
as mav lie necet-sarv : l'rovldeil. Thai ariv
0 her Indian trilie s-rniaiit-ntly lo. nte-lin snlil
Indian Territory shall lie. aiid is hereby authorize-!
lo e'ect and send In sai.1 general
council one ilelegnte, and in addition one del
egate for each one thou, anl Indian--, being
iiK-mliers f such Irils-, on the same terms and
comUtious. and with the same rights and priv
ilege, inclmllitg right to compensation, as Is
Krovided ror delegates ofthe tribes herelnbe
re mentioned ; aud a surtlclnt sum to v the
1 er diem and mileage of such addilli nal 'dele
ga.os is hereby appropriated.
Sv. 5. That the Presi.lent of tbe United
S:ates and ihe Secretary of the Interior are
hereby authorized to make an appraisement
of the Cherokee lands lying west of the
ninety-sixth meridian west longitude, and
west of the land nf the. Osage Indians, in I be
Indian Territory, and south of the southern
Hue ol the state of Kansas, ceiled to Ihe Uni
ted Sta'es by tbe Cherokee Indians under
their treaty of July nineteenth, eighteen
hnndred and sixty-six, for Ihe settlement ef
friendly Indians, and report the fame lo
Congress: Provided, That tlie Secreiary of
tbe Interior be, and hereby Is. authorized to
negotiate with I lie Southern Cheyeiiues ami
A rap hoes for tlie re'imiuirhmei'it of llieir
claim to Ihe land ceded to them bv the second
article of the treaty ol October twentv
elglil, eighteen hundred and si xt y-seven. out
of the cession wade by tin? Cherokee in the
treaty of July nineteenth, eghieeu hundred
ami sixty-six; such relinquishment. If oo
tid ne I, tube In consi-leraiion id a sufficient
ami iernvirwnt location for Ihe sai l Chev
i line-ntd Arrapnto-s, upon Ihe Units ceiled
to the Uultod b,a es by the t reeks ami Sem
Inn'es In the treaties of March twenty-first
aud June loitrteemh, eighteen hundred si.-vlj-ix;
ami ihat Ihe retary report the action
taken by bitn under this provision to Con
gress at Its next session.
fir. 6. That the Secretary or the Interior
be, and he hereby Is, authorized to exieud,
for the removal of ih.- Winnebago Indians, tn
Wisconsin, from their present hims in that
S;ate to the Winm-lmgo reservallon, la Ne
braska, or to such other location a- may be
selected for them, and for their subsistence
during such rt-inotat.and at their new homes,
lite sum of thirty-six thousand dollars, or so
much Ib.-rcof as may be we-essary, aprnpri
aled by the act of" July fifteenth, eighteen
hundred aud seventy, for the removal of
stray bands of Poitavvatoinies and Winneha
pocs from Wisconsin lo the tribes to which
they re-pec:ively belong.
Sec. 7. That It shall be the duty of the Sec
retary of the Interior to prepare and cause to
lie published sneh rules and regulations as
he may tleem necessary or proper, prescrib
irg the manner nf presenting iseixa-s arising
under existing law or siijailaitrtris, for com-
Jieiisation for depreciations committed by the
ntltans, and Ihe degree and character of the
evidence necessary lo support srs-h claims;
he shall carefully Invesilgnie all such claims
as mar be presented, subject lo the rules and
regulation preiared by him, and report to
Coneress, at each session thereof, the nature,
character, and amount of such claims,
whether allowed by him or not, and the evi
dence in-on which his action was based: Pro
vided, That no inyment, on acconnt of said
claim shall be made without a specific appro
priation therefor by Congree.
Sloe 8. That with the consent and concur
rence of ihosc bouds of tbe Chippewa Indian
of Lake Superior, located on Lac de Flam
beau and on Lac Court Orielles, nd also of
the Fon dn Lac bauus of said Indians, ex
pressed In open council In Ihe usual manner,
the Sevreiaey of iho Interior be, and hereby
is, authorized to remove the said lnnds of
the Indians from the tracts of lands which
were set airt for them respectively and
withheld from sale for their use. In accord
ance with the third and fourth clauses of the
second article or the treaty between tbe Uni
ted Slates and the Chippewa Indians or Lake
Superior and the Missippt, concluded Sep
tember thirtieth, eignieen hundreil and fifty
four, and to locale mid bands of Indians
upon the tract ol land set apart bv the sec
ond clause of satd article for the La Pointe
band of said Chippewa Indians.
The lands rendered vacant under the pre
ceding section of this act shall be appraised
bv three competent commissioners, one of
whom shall be the United States scent for
the said Chippewa Indians, ami the other two
shall be appointed by Ihe Secreiary of tbe
Interlo, with the approval of the Presklent.
Should thero lie upon any of the lands to be
thus appraised any Improvements made by or
for the Indians, or for government rail-poses,
the said commissioners shall appraise Ihe
said Improvements separately. After the
said lands sball have been appraised, as here
in provided, Ihe Secretary ol the Interior
shall be, and hereby is authorized to offer Ihe
same at public sale lo the highest bidder, in
tracts not exceeding one hundred and sixty
acres each, at such place In the congressional
district in which said lands are situated as
may be dosiguated bv tbe Secretary nf the In
terior, ninety davs notice of which shall be
given by advertisement tn at least three
newspapers of general circulation published
iu said congressional district; and if not sold
at public sale, it mav be sold In tracts of not
exceeding one hum (red and sixty acres to
one person, at not less than the appraised
value, and upon payment therefor to cause
patents in the usual form to be issued to said
purchaser or purchasers for said lands : Pro
vided, Tuat no bid for seperate tracts shall l
accepted which may lie less than the ap
praised value of such tract, including the Im
provements, If any, thereon : And provided
further, Tha' bids for tracts having Improve
ments upon them shall state the price for
both the land and tbe improvements. The
proceeds or such sales tales shall be Invested
or expended for the benefit or the Indians in
terested, in snch manner as the Secretary of
the Interior, subject to tbe approval of tbe
President, may direct.
The commlssieners to be appointed by tbe
Secretary of the Interior, under the provis
ions of this net, shall receive compensation
for their services at the rate of six dollar for
each day actual Ir engaged in the duties herein
designated, Iu addition to the amount paid by
them for actual traveling and other ueurssa
expenses. The sum of seventy-five thousand dollars,
or a mnch thereof as' may be necessary, be,
and hereby Is, appropriated, out of any mon
eys In the treasury not otbernise appropria
ted, ont of any moneys in the treasury not
otherwise abpropriated. to be expended under
tbe direction of the Secretary ofthe Interior,
for the appraisement and sale of the satd
reservation and for the removal and estab
lishment of said Indiana, a hereinbefore pro
vided, tbe sum so expended to be reimbursed
from tbe proceeds of the sales of the lands of
said Indians authorized by this act.
Approved. May 29, 1S72.