The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, August 13, 1872, Page 5, Image 5

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Kiippicmonr IN o. T.
AN ACT making appropriations for the cur
rent ami contingent expenses of the Indian
detriment, sud for fulfilling trenty stipu
lations wiih various Indian trilies, for llie
rear enllng Jane thirty, eighteen hundre I
ami seventy-three, ami fir olhec puxioses.
lie II emitted Ay 'ae Senate ttoutt
of Ktprtailnl'vtt of the United Staff 01
Jim'riri in Conyreaa atenb!td.
ThV the following sura be, ami they are
tiereby appropriated, out of any money in Die
treasury not otlierwise appropriated, for the
Iiurpose of paying the curreut expenses of the
ndiau department, and fulfilling treaty stip
ulation with lh various Indian tribe:
For nay of eight Mrperliitemleutii of Imkaa
affair., namely ; Two superiutewlents fir tlie
tribes rant of the Rocky mountain ; one for
Oregon ; one f r the Territory of Washington;
one for the Territory of New Mexico ; one
for California ; one for the Territory of Ari
zona : one for the Territory of Muutana,iilie
teen thotitand one hundred dollar.
. For pay of sixty-eight agruts of Indian at
fair, viz:
Five for the tribes In Oregon, viz; Warm
Springs, Klatnalb, Grand Romle, Silctx, and
Umatilla agencies;
Three l'w llie tribes in Washington Territo
ry, viz: N can Ray, Yakama, and S. Kukuna
1sh agencies :
Three for the trllies In California, viz: Hoo
)a Vlley, Bound Valley, ami Tule Uiver
agencies ;
Two for the tribes In Nevada, viz: Fi-l'tc
and Walker Elver, and Pyramid Lake agen
cies ;
Two for tlie tribes In Idaho, viz : Nez Perce
and Fort I la 1 1 agencies;
Four for the tribe in Montana, viz: Flat
Head', Blackfcet, Crow, and Milk Eivcr ag
encies; Nine for the tribes In Dakota, viz: Whet
atone, Tank ton, lonca,Cjnper Missonri.Oraud
River, Cheyenne Kiver, Fort Bertbohl, Si-se-ton,
and Devif Lake agencies;
Two for the tribes in Wyoming, viz: Red
Cloud, Shoshone and Bannock agencies;
One for Uie tribes In Utah, viz: Uintah
Vallev agency ;
Six lor tho tribes in New Mexico, viz: Al
utqtun, Navajo,! immaron,Meealero, Apache,
Southern Apache, and Pueblo agencies ;
Two for i he tribes In Colorado, viz: Los
Plnos and White River agencies ;
Six for the tribe in Nebraska, viz: Great
Nemaha, Omaha, Winnelago, Pawnee, tltoe,
and Santee amende ;
Three for the tribe In Kansas, viz: Potta
watomie, Kaw or KansasyindKicknpoo agen
cies ;
Ten for the tribes in the Indian Territory,
viz: Sue anil Fox, Qua paw, Neosho. Kiowa
and Comanche, Uj;per Arkansas. Wichita,
Cherokee, Creek, t 'hoc taw ami Chickasaw,
and Seminole agencies:
One for tbe tribes in Minnesota, viz: Chip-
pewa agency :
One lor the tribes In Iowa, viz : Sac awl Fox
Of Iowa agencv;
Two for the tribes In Wisconsin, viz: Green
Bar and La Pome agencies ;
One for the tribes in Michigan, viz : Macki
nac agency :
One for the New York Indians, viz : New
York agency ;
rour lor the tribes In Arizona, viz: Pa-a-n.
Colorado Klier. Plraa and Martoaiio, ami
Alnrui Pneblo agencies, one hundred ami
two thousand dollars: Provided, That it shall
be tbe dutv of the President to dispense with
the services of such Indian agents and super
intendcnls herein mentioned as may be prac
ticable: and where It U practicable be shall
require the same person to perform the duties
of two agencies or superinlendencies for one
For pav or special agent ior ine i.osnip
Western nnd Northwestern bands of Shosho
nes,in Western Utah ami Eastern Nevada,
one thousand five hundred dollars.
For three sub-agents, one for tho tribes In
Oregon, viz: Alesea sub-agency ; and two fur
the tribes in Washington Territory, via ; Tu
lalipand Qulnaielt sub-agencies, three thou
sand dollars.
For pay of clerk to snpcrintemlent for Cali
fornia, one thousand eight hundred dollars.
For temporary clerks to superintendents,
al.x thousand six hundred dollars.
For P6yf ninety Interpreters, as follows:
TwentyVste for the tribes in Oregon and the
Territories of Washington, Utah, and New
Mexico, at Ave bumlred dollars each : thirty
six for tbe tribes elsewhere, at four hundred
dollars each; seventeen extra for the tribes
elsewhere, at four hundred dollars each; three
for the Indian sen-ice in Utah, at Ave hun
dred dollars each ; one lor llie Shosbones and
one for the Utahs, at one thousand dollars
each ; one for tbe Wisseton and Wahton
bauds of Sioux, four hundred dollars; one
for tbe Sacs ami Foxes of the II ls
sisslppl, now in Tama county, Iowa,
four hundred dollars; nine for the Indian ser
vice in the Territories of Arizona, dorado,
- Idaho, Wyoming, and the State of Nevada, at
Jive hundred dollars each ; In all, forty thou
sand five hundred dollars.
For buildings at agencies, and repairs of
same, ten thousand dollars.
For vaccine matter and vaccination of Indi
ans, Sve thousand dollars.
For presents to and provisions for Indians,
ten thousand dollars.
For actual expenses Incurred, and that may
hereafter be Incurred, by officers of tho Indi
an department, in tbe rescue of prisoners
from Indian tribes and returning them to
their homes, and for expenses incident to the
arrest and confinement within the territory
of the United States, by order of such officers,
of persons charged with crimes against Indi
ans, live thousand dollars.
For contingencies. Including; travelling. In
cidental, current, and contingent expenses of
superintendents ana agents, ana 01 tue omir-
ees, fifty thousand dollars.
For flfita of thirty Instalments, as provided
to be expended under the tenth article treaty
of October twenty-first, eighteen hundred
and slxtv-seven. concluded at MedlclueXoilge
Creek, in Kansas, with the Klowas and Co
manche, and under the third article treaty
of same date with tho Apaches, thirty thou
sand aonsrs.
For purchase of clothing, as provided in
same treaties, twentv-slx thousand do'lars.'
For pav of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith,'d englneer,five thousand two huotlrd
For pay of physician and teacher, two thou
sand five hundred dollars.
For transportation of goods, five thousand
For this amount, to subsist and properly
care for the Auache Indians In Arizona and
New Mexico who have been or may be col
lected on reservations in new Mexico ano
Arizona, two hundred and nftv thousand do!
1 . i . 1 ...1 T-I . An t.ll
be expended only in behalfof those Indians
wno go ana remain upon aua reservations auu
retrain rrom nosuitcies.
Tor suhslstenne of the Aracahoes. Chev-
ennes, Apache, Klowas, and Comanche Indi
ans, and WichlU Indians, and transportation
of the same, who have been collected iion
the reservations set apart for their use ana
occupation, two nunored inonsana ooiiars.
Tor this amount, to be ernended in such
goods, provisions, ami other articles, as the
President may from time to time determine.
Including transportation thereof. In Instruct
ing in agricultural ana mecnanicai parsuus,
In nrovhlina emnlovees. edncatlna children,
nroeurlnsTmedldne and modical attendance.
ears lor and support of tho aged, sick and in
arm, for the blp)ess orphans of said Indians,
and in anv other respect to promote their civ
ilization, oomron ai improvement, seventy
five thousand dollars.
For this amount, to be expended In such
goods, provision, and other articles, as the
President mar from time to time determine.
including transportation thereof, In InstrucU
Ing In agricultural and mechanical pursuits,
in providing employees, educating children,
Drncurlna medicine and medical attendance.
care lor and support of tbe ageil, sick and In
firm, for tha hei pleas orphan of said Indians,
and in anv other respect to promote their com
fort, civilization and unprovement, thirty
tnousana aoiiars.
For ihU amount, to be exis-ioV-d In h-I
fooils, provisions, and other articles, as itoe
resident may from lima to time detrrmin ,
i k'.ltidiitg transportation thereof. In insirts i
ing in agricultural and mt hai al pnrxti'.
in provMlne employees educaiine; fW'dr.
rrv irii:i; m-.-di.-itu an! me aTi,-n-Lis r.
c irr for and upnrt of the wl. . k a 4 i-n-m,
f r hr Isi p n rplir' nfo'l'il fv
a in cvr' iih-r res)s-o. lo jvwii- ur
rlviiiza'.tati comfort ami mia-ivrni, any
thoiisaml dollars.
For third of Ave Instsmvnts of flie foiwlb
seiienfnf annuity, for licnericlal foctn, iKe
Ihoiisand five hunilreil dollars.
For fifth of ildrty Inrta'mcnts provided to
he expended undei tenth article Iriraly of Oo
loljer twenty -elgbtli, eigliieen hundrel and
sixty-seven, twenty thousand dollars.
For piiKhase ol clnthi ujc, as per same arti
cle, fourteen tftoosaml five litimwed dollars.
Foriay of jihysician and tenctier, as per
thlrteeeth article same treaty, two Ihonsand
live iiumlred dollars.
For ay of carpenter, farmer, blacksmith,
miller and engineer, a isr same ari4-:le, ttve
tiioUKiMd two liini'lrcl itollars.
r'or trans7ortatlon of goods for the Chey
eunrs And Arapahnes, seven thoumwl tie
hnadred dollars.
For fwrmaueut annuity In goalK.tiM'ee rtwu
saud dollars.
For seventh of twenty Insta'menta, for the
support of one blacksmith ami assistant, and
for tools, Iron and steel, and other article iitv
ccsstu v for the blacksmith shop, a per third
article treaty of April seventh, eighlt'CTl-hiin-rirudand
sixty-six, one iliousaiul live hnn-
ored aoi wrs.
For Mn-enth of twentv Instalments, for the
support of one school teacher, ami for the ne
ecsary books and stationery, as )ier iMnl ar
ticle treaty oi April sevemn; eighteen nuu
droil sixt-six, eiirht hundred dollars.
For seventh of twenty Instalments, ior the
Instruction of Indians In farnitne. and tiur-
clutse of seeds, tools and. so forth, as fier thlnl
article t realty of Apill m-vcnrti, .ighlei-n hun
dreil and sixty-six, eight hundrod dollars.
r or seventh ol twenty insial'meuts, of an
nuity, to m "m'v, o lie ul'l ier c.-i'ila, per
thini ail l. le 4i'c t ,. of Ami! seven, Ik eulilun
hundred and sixtj-six, six thousaudlive huu
dred dollars.
For seventh of twenty instalments of annu
ity in provisions, ammunition, and tobaccou
per third article treaty of April seventh,eight
een hundred ami sixty-six, one thou.iHl dol
lars. For seventh of twenty Instalments ol annu
ity. In goods and otluT articles, as per third
article treaty of April seventh, eighteen bun
dreed and sixty-six, six thousand live hun
dred dollars.
For transportation and necessary cost of
delivery of annuity goodg,nnd provisions per
sixth article treaty ol April seventh, eighteen
hundred and sixty -six,one thousand live hun
dred dollars.
For eighteenth of twenty Instalments, In
coin, per fourth article treaty of N'ptemls-r
thirtieth, eighteen hundred ami Oft y-lour, lire
thou.oiiid dollars.
For eighteenth of twenty Instalments, in
goisls, himsehold fitrnlt m e. and cooking uten
sils, per sotirth article tri'aly of September
thirtieth, lighteen hundred and tiny-four,
eight thousand dollars.
For eighteenth of twenty Instalments, for
agricultural implements and cattle, carpen
ters' and oi her tools, and building materials
per fourth article treaty of September thirti
eth, eighteen hundred aud titty four, three
thousand dollars.
For eighteenth of twenty instalments, for
moral ami educational purposes, three hun
dred dollars of wliich to be paid to the Grand
Portage band yearly, to enable them to main
tain a school at their villlage, per fourth ar
ticle treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and fifty-four, three thousand dol
lars. For eighteenth of twenty Instalments, for
six smiths and assistants, per second ami fifth
articles treaty of Septemlier thirtieth, eigh
teen hundred and liftv-four. live thousand
and forty dollars.
For efu'liteenili of twentv instalments, for
the support of six Fmiths' shops per second
aii'ltitih articles treaty of Septemlier Ihlrll-
eth, eighteen hundred und tlfiv-foiir, one
etn, einieeii nunnre'i und niiy-iour, one
thousand iliree hundred ami twentv dollars.
For sixteenth ol twenty instalments, for the
seveiilh smith and assistant, and siipiort ol
shops, per second and fifth articles treaty of
September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and
fifty-lour, one tbntisaud and sixtv dollars.
Fur support of smith and shnji, during
the pleasure of the President, as per seventh
and twelfth articles treaty of April seventh,
eighteen hundred and slxiy-six, six hundred
For supjiort of two farmers, during the
pleasure ol Ihe president, as ir twelfth arti
cle treaty of epteinber thirtieth, eighteen
hundred 'ami fifty-four, and seventh article
treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred and
sixty-six, one thoimnd two hundred dollars.
For transportation, and nocessarv cost of
delivery of annuity and provisions fiir Chip
pewas of Lake Superior, three thousand dol
For sixth of ten instalments of the second
series. In money, per fourth article treaty of
ocioucr iourtn, eighteen Hundred and lortv.
two, and eighth article treaty of September
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and tluy-four,
and third article treaty of May sev
enth, eighteen hundred and sixty four,
lour thousand one hundred and sixty-six dol
lars and sixty-seven cents.
For sixth of ten instalments of the second
series, for the pay of two carpenters, per
fourth article treaty of October fourth, eigh
teen hundred and fortv-two, nnd eighth arti
cle treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen
hundred and fifty-four, ami third article tre
ly of May seventh, eighteen hitiidrsd and sixty-four,
lour hundred dollars.
For sixth of ten Instalments of the second
scries, In goods, per fourth article treaty of
October tourth, eighteen hundred and fortv
two, and eighth article treaty of September
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and flftr-fonr, and
third article treaty of May seventh, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, three thousand live
hundred dollars.
For sixth of ten Instalments of the second
series, for the sapjiort of schools,
per fourth article treaty of fiutober
fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and
eighth article treaty of Sciitcmlicr thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and fourty-two, and third
article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hun
dred ami sixty-four, six hundred andsl.xtv-six
dollars and sixty-seven cents.
For sixth of ten Instalments of the second
series for the purchase of t rovislons and to
bacco, per fourth article treaty of October
fourth, eighteen hundred ami forty-two, and
eighth article treaty of September thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and fifty-four' and third ar
ticle treaty of May seventh, eighteen hun
dred and sixty-tbur, six hundred and sixty
seven dollars and sixty-seven cents.
For sixth of ten Instalments of the second
series, for the support or two smith's shops,
including tbe pay of two smiths and assist
ants, and furnishing Iron and steel, per fourth
article treaty of October, eighteen hundred
and forty-two, and eighth article treatv of Sen
thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four,
and third article treaty of May Seventh, eigh
teen hundred and sixty-four, six hundred
and sixty-seven dollars and sixty-seven
For sixth of ten instalments of the second
..,crtes, for )y of two farmers, per third arti
cle treatv of Mav seventh, eighteen hundred
and sixty-four, three hundred and thirty-three
dollars ann thirtv-three cents.
For eighteenth of twenty instalments of
annuity, in money, per wiro article treaty ol
r eoniary twenty second, eighteen nunurea
and fifty-five, twenty thousand dollars.
For fast of twentv-slx Instalments, to be
paid the Chlppewas ot Mississippi, per third
article treaty of August second, eighteen hun
dred and forty-seven, one thousand dol
lars. For fifth often instalments, for the support
oi a scnooi or scnoois upon said reservation.
In accordance with third article treaty of
starch ntneteentn, eighteen hundred and six-
seven, iour tnousana aoiiars.
For filth of ten instalments, to be expended
In promoting the progress of the people In
agriculture, ami assisting them to become
self-sustaining. In accordance with third arti
cle treaty or March nineteenth, eighteen nun
dred and sixty-seven, six thousand dollars.
. For fifth of ten instalments, for the support
Of a physician, tn accordance with third article
treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred
' and sixty-seven, two thousand two hundred
For fifth of ten Instalments, for tbe pur
chaw of the necessary mediol nes in accordance
lib third ava, le treaty of March nineteen,
e-fh'csr, hundred and si'xtv-sevcu, thnee titiu-dr-t
..! ..
rw i r .! Till m, and mvfarv-costf de
li mi a'm ami provisions for llw UMj
I- t-f Mi-Mnni, in accordance with
4 jisksr-. im'y of March ninefeoti'li.
Nawl-c I a -si t xt -seven, (hi ec ttiou-
iMPt-i -r tut: v!.--i!i,ii. ph..;
-il'l,lHtlll.r.llllr 13111311
KiMil illl'l'.x A INLilANfi.
r"r ninth often Instalments, tn furnish
a I f whan with Ira vokeof good work oxen.
iwrutv tor-chai n. two hundred rrnbHnr
ors, ten plows, ten grindstones, one hundred
Sxrs. ttiamtictt.i twenty similes, and other
brming Inip'emrnts, per fifth article treaty of
May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty
fir, one thfHisainl live huislrwl dollars.
rr Ihe my of thonsand
eight huiulroil dollars, and two blacksmiths,
one thoasaml clglit hundred dollars; four
fiinn laliorcrs, two thousand fir hundred
dol lars : one physfc-lan, one thousand two hun
dred dollars : and medicine for the sick, five
hundred dollars, per fifth article treaty of
May seventh, eighteen hundred an I stity
fonr, seven tliousnmi seven lmmlred dol
lars. For ttos nmotinl. to be atuitled toward the
tupjKwt of a saw-inill, to lie built for the com- j
mon use of the tiilppewas of the Mississippi
and the Red Lake and Pembina bauds of Cbl-pewa-i,
as jier sixth article treaty of May sev
enth, ei-ateen hundred and sixty-four, one
thousand dollar.
For pay of services a ml trare'ine expenses
of a board of visitors, to consist of not more
than three persons, lo attend the annuity
pavsneiits to tlie Indians, and to Inspect the
fields; tiuildliigs, mills, and o'her linjirove
menls, stipu'a'eil In I be seventh article
treaty of May seventh, eighteee hundred and
Rixty-fmir, not exceeding anyone year more
thaii twenty days service, at five d'ol lars er
day, or more than three hundred miles' travel,
at ten wets per mile, four hundred and eigh
ty dollars.
' For pay of female teachers employed on the
reservation to instruct Indian clrls ln domes
tic econemy, one thousand dollars,
For elghteeth of thirtv Instalments of annu
ity. In money, per third article trea'v of Fel
ruiirv tweutv-sei-ond. elnh'eeu hundred and
lily-five, ten thousand tlx hundred and sixty-
six iioi ars a. d ix:y ix cenis.
For eigh'eimth of'ihlny ins a'niRiits itt an-
nutty, in goo is, per thinl article treaty oi'Keli-twenty-secooil.
eighteen hundred and nft)
tlve, eight thousand dollars.
For eiglrteeuth of thirty Instalments, for
purposes oi utility, per third article trenty of
February iweulv-secoml, eighteen hundred
and fifty-five, four thousand dollars.
For eighteenth of twenty Instalments, for
purposes of education, per thlnl article treaty
of February twenty-second, eighteen hundred
ami nfly-llve, three thousand dollar.
For this amount, as annirity, to be paid per
caiita to the Red Lako Band of Chlppewas,
during the pleasure of the President, per
thlnl articlo treaty of October second, eigh
teen hundred and sixty-three, and second arti
cle supplementary treaty of April twelfth,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, ten thousand
For this amount, to the Pembina hand of
Chippewas, during the pleasure of tbe Presi
dent, per same trenty, five ihonsaud dol
lars. For ninth of fifteen Instalments, and for the
purpose of supplying tbe Red Lake band of
l nippewas wan giiiing-inine, cntton-nianer,
calico, nnscy, blankets, sheeting, flannels,
provisions, Sinning tools, and for such other
useful articles and for su.-h o'her useful pur
poses as may be deemed for their Is-st inter
ests, per tlilrd article supplementary treat y
of April twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-
four, eight thousand dollars.
For ninth of fifteen instalments, for same
objects, for Pemlana band of Chipwwas, per
same treaty, four thousand dollars.
Forututhof fifteen instalments, for y of
oe black-smith, one physlclun, who shall
furnish medicine for the sick, one miller, ami
one tanner, per fourth article of same treaty,
three thousand nine hundred dollars.
For ninth of fifteen instalments, for the
purchase ot Iron and steel, aud oi her articlc-s,
for blacksmlthlng purposes, per same treaty
as alxive, one thousand five hundred dollars.
For ninth of fifteen Instalment s, lo lie ex
pelled for carpentering, ami other purposes,
er same treaty, one thousand dollars.
For ninth of fifteen Instalments, to defray
expenses ot a Imard of visitors to consist of
not more than three persons, to attend the an
nuity payments of the said Chippewa Indians;
each member of the board to be paid not more
titan live dollars jier nay ior not more man
twenty days service, and ten cents per mile
for not more than three hundred miles' trave',
ihrec hundred and ninety dollar.
For transportion of annuity goods and pro
visions, and Irou and steel lor blacksmiths,
for the Chlpewa of Red Lake ami Pembina
tribe, two thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, per second article
treatv of November sixteenth, eighteen hun
dred 'ami live, ami thirteenth article treaty of
June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and
ttltv-five. three thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity, for support of
light-horsemen, per thirtieth article treaty of
Octber eigtrieetuh, eighteen hundred ami
twenty, and thirteenth article treaty ot June
twenty-second, eighteen hundred and liny
six, six hundred dollars.
For- permanent annuity, for snimort of
blacksmith, per sixth article treaty of Octo
per eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty,
ninth article or treaty of January twentieth,
eighteen hundred and twenty-five, aud thir
teenth article of treaty of June tweety-seennd,
eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred
For permanent annuity for education, per
second article treaty of January twentieth,
eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thir
teenth article treaty of J u ue twenty-second,
clihieen hundred ami fifty-live, six "thousand
For permanent aanuityof iron and steel.
per ninth article treatv of January twentieth,
eignteen nunarea ana inenty-iive, aua tnir
teenth article treaty of June twenty-second,
eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred
ami twenty dollars.
For interest on tnree nunored ana ninety
thousand two hundred ami fifty-seven dollars
ami ninety-two cents, at five per centum per
annum, tor education, support of the govern
ment, and oilier ueuenciai purposes, unuer
the direction of the general council of the
Choctaws. In conformity with the provisions
oon'nined in tlie ninth and thirteenth articles
treaty January twentieth, eighteen hundred
twenty-five, and treaty of June twenty-second,
eighteen hundred and Alty-flve, nineteen
thousand five hundred and twelve dollars and
eighty-nine cents.
For third of five instalments, third series,
for beneficial objects, per second article trea
ty, of June twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and
fifty-five, four thousand dollars.
For thirteenth of fifteen instalments, for pay
and subsistence of one firmer, one blacksmith,
and one wagon and plow-maker, per fourth
article treaty of June twenty-fifth, eighteen
hundred ami fifty-five, three thousand five
hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty instalments, for
pay and subsistence of one physician, one
sawyer, one miller, one superintendent of
farming 0teratlons, and one school-teacher,
per fourth article treaty of June twenty-fifth,
eighteen hundred and fiRy-flve, five thonsand
six hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty instalments, for
salary of the bead chief of said confederated
bands, per fourth article treaty of June twenty-fifth,
eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five
hundred dollars.
For permanent annuity In money, ner
fbnrth article treaty of August seventh, seven
teen hundred and ninety, and fifth article
ircnir ua .August eeveinn, eigmeen numireti
and fifty-six, one thousand five hundred dol
lars. For permanent annuity In money, per sec
ond article treatv of June sixteenth, eighteen
hundred and two, and fifth article treaty of
Augum sevemn, eignteen nunarea ana nity
six. three thousand dol lars.
For Dermnnent annnttv in Snnrf h
article treatv of January twenty-tburth,etght-een
hundred and lwenty-six,and fifth article
treaty ot August eeventn, eujnteen nanarea
and nuv-six- twentv thousand dollars.
For permanent annuity of blacksmith and
assistant, and for shop and tools per eighth
article treaty of Janiuuy 4th, eighteen hun
dred and twentysMx, and fifth article treaty
of August seventh, eighteen hundred and flay
six, eight hundred and forty dollars.
For permanent annuity for iron and steel
ror snop, per eigntn article treaty ot January
twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred
fix, and filth article treaty of AiiKiiifceventu.
eighteen hundred and fifty-six, two Lirmtreil
and seventy dollars. , . . ..
- For permanent annntty for lbe pa "f a
wheelwright, per eighth article treaty nf Jan
vary iwt-uM-fourMi, eighteen hundred rfcd
twnntv-rix. and lit h iti-a v f August
seventh, rl'hleeu hundred anr i.fty-lv. siv
hn-i lie 1 !' ar. hlacksml h and na-l.-tanl, b'T ana
tools, eiitfit hundred and torty dollar-.
For iron and steel of shoji, Ihrif hundred
ami seventy dollar.
for wagon maker, six hundred dollar.
For education, one thousand dollars.
For assistance In agricultural oiseratlons,
two thonsand dollars.
For five per centum interest on two hun
dred thousand dollars, for purioseof educa
tion, per sixth article treaty of August sev
eutli, eighteen huudi-edamlflfty-ix,lim thou
sand dollars.
For interest on six hundred and seventy-five
thousand one hundred ami sixty-eight dollars,
nt the rate of five per centum per annum, to
lie expended under the direction of the Secre
tary ot'tbe Interior, uuder provision of third
article treaty of June fourteenth, eighteen
hundred and sixtv-six, Ihirty-lhree thousand
seven hundred ami lift y-t Igbt dollar and for
ty cents.
For fonrth of thirtv Instalments, tn supply
in tile iwrsons, six huadretl hi numlwr, over
fourteen years of age, with a snlt f gooil sub
stantial woolen clothing, consisting oi coai,
hat, pantaloons, flannel shirt, and woolen
mvka, as per ninth article Ireatr of May mjv
entli, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, eight
thousand fonr hundred dollars.
For fourth of thirty Instalments, to supply
cacn temalc, seven hundre I in number, over
twelve wars of age, with a ftaunel shirt, or
the goods necessary to make the same, a pair
of woolen hooe. twelve yards f calico, and
twelve vanis of cotton domestic, as per same
ari'cle, eight thousand four hundred dollar.
For fourth of thirty Instalments to supply
three hundred and fifjv boys aud three hun
dred and fifty girls under tbe ages named,
suyh flannel and cotton goods a may lie need
ed to make each a sidt as aforesai'l, together
with a pair of woolen hose lor each, per same
article, live thousand nine hundred ami twen-Iv-three
" For fourth often instalments, to lie nsed by
the Secrr-arv or the Interior In the pur,-h-e
of such ai-ide as. fr m l hoe to 'line, 'he .on-
ill Ion ami nwasst'les may liih-;iie lo b.; lum
per, tbe Miiunl ten (foliar., for each Indian
rooming, as per same artV-le, a sum not ex
ceeding five thonsand dollars.
For y of a physlcl-m, one thonsand lour
For third of twenty insta'ments, for pay of
teacher, ami fiimlsliing necessary nooks ami
s;a-loiicrv, under seventh article same treaty,
three thousand dollars.
For pav orsecoml blaekfmlth, ami Iron ami
steel, a" jperehthth article of the same treaty,
two thousand dollars.
For thlra of ten Instalment, to I nsed by
the Secretary of Ihe Interior In the purchase
or such articles a from time to time the con
dition ami necessl:iesof the Indians mav Indi
cate to be lirojier, Ihe aum of twenty dollars
for each Indian engaged In agriculture, a per
ninth article of the tame treaty, a sum not ex
ceeding twenty thousand dollars.
For third o'f four Instalment, tn furnish
said Indian with flour and meat, as per ninth
article of the treaty of Mav seventh, eighteen
hundred ami slxtwljht, one hundred and
thirty-one thousand four hundred dollars.
For last of three Instalments, to lie exja-nd-e
I in presents to the ten S?rson of raid tribe
who. In the judgment of the a-icnt, may grow
the most valiiab.e crops, as per twelfth anlc'e
of the same treaty, five hundred dollars.
For pav of eanicntor, miller, engineer, tor
mer. and' hlackwnlth. a er fifteenth article
of the same treaty, live thousand two hundred
For transportation of got sis, seven thon
sand dollars.
For life annuity to. nieC, per private arti
cle to supplemental itMtV-rtembertwen-tv-fonrth,
eighteen hnnilri'-amt twenty-nine,
to treatv of tvtolier third, etehteen hundre-.l
and elgbteen, mie hnndrel dollar.
For interest on forty-alx thousand ami eigh
ty dollars, at live pcrcemum.belng the value
of thirtv-lx sections of land set apart by trea
ty of eiirhieen hundred and twenty-nine for
e lncation, )tr Senate resolution of June thlr-li-enth.
elitlileen hundreti and tblrtv-nlne.aml
fifth article treaty of May sixth, eighteen hun
dred and nrty-six, two tnousnud tnree Hun
dred and four dollnrs.
For thirti-en Insta'ments on one hnndred
and fifty Ihoiisaml dollars, under the direc
tion of the Presiilent, per sixth artktle treatv
of January twenty-second, eighteen hundred
and nrtv-flve. six'llMiusand dollar.
l or thirteenth of twenty insialmeot. for
the establishment and support of an agricul
tural and Industrial school ami to provide
said school with a suitable Instructor or In-
strncinr. ner fourteenth article treatv of Jan
narv twentv-secoiid, eighteen hundred ami
itliv-llvn. three thousand dollars.
For thirteenth or twenty instalments, for
tiui Mitmort of a smith and carpenter shop.
and furnishing It with necessary tools, five
hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty instalments, for the
employment ot a oiacKsmun, carpenier, tar
iyot and nhvsfelan. who shall furnish med.-
rines for the' sick, per fourteenth article trea
tv of January twenty-second, eighteen hun
dred and fifty-five, four thousand six hundred
For fourth of five instalments, on one hnn
dred and twentv thousand dollars, being the
third scries, for beneficial objects, at the dis
cretion or the President, per lonnn article
treatvof July sixteenth, eighteen hundred
nd fifty-five, four thousand dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty Instalments for
the support of an agricultural and Industrial
school, keeping In repair the bnlldlugs, and
iirovidlna- suitable furniture. Iiooks aud sta
tionery, per fifth article treaty of July six
teenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three
hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twentv Instalments, for
providing suitable Instructor therefor, per
filth article treaty of Julv rtxteenlh, eighteen
hundred and flfty-five,one thousand eight hun
dred dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty Instalments, for j
keeiing in repair blacksmiths', tin ami gun
smiths" carpenters', and wagon and plow
makers' shops, and providing necessary tools
therefor, per fifth article. Ireatv of July six
teenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five
hundred dol lars.
For thirteenth of twenty Instalnients.for the
employment of two farmers, two millers, one
blacksmith, one tinner, one gunsmith, one
cairenter, ami one wagon ami plow maker,
per fifth article treaty of July sixteenth, eight
een hundred ami fifty live, seven thonsand
fonr hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty Instalments, for
keeping In rejair saw ami flouring mills, and
furnishing the necessary tools and fixtnres
therefor, per fifth article treaty of July six
teenth, eighteen hundred and flftp-flve, five
hundred dol lars.
For thirteenth of twenty Instalments, for
keeping In repair the hospital, and providing
the necessary modtcine and furniture therefor
per fifth article trenty of July slxteenth,e1ght
een hundred and fifty-five, three hundred dol
lar. For thirteenth of twenty instalmcrota, for
Sav of a physician, per fifth article treaty of
nly sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty
five, one thousand four hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty Instalment, for
keeping In repair the buildings reoruired for
the rations employee, and furnishing the ne
cessary furniture' therefor, per fifth article
treath of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred
and fifty-five, three hundred dollars.
For thirteenth of twenty instalments, for the
Eay of each of the bead chiefs of the Flat
eads, Kootenay, ami Upper Pend dUrtellM
tribes, per fifth article treat; of July sixteenth
eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand
five hundred dollars.
Fer transportation of annuity roods and
provisions to said Indians, per fifth article
treatv of July sixteenth, eighteen hundred
and fifty'Jlve, two thousand dollar.
For tht amotmt to be expended ta eooa
goods, provisions, and other artiolee- a tha
President from time to time may determine.
including liasi-im tal lea thereof, ta mstraos-
Ing in agricultural and mechankal pursuit,
ears for and anpponoftheaewd, stek, and in
firm, forth heliless orphans of said Indians,
and la any other respect to promnte their ei
lllantloa,oOsfort. mad unpioi ement. thirty-
For Interest In lieu of Investment on lifly
oen! thousand five hundred dollars, balance
of on hundred and fifty-seven thouasnd five
hundred dollar, lo Julv first, eighteen hun
dred and svefily:tti-o, al five per centum per
annum, for educat or other bent-Ocial
purpose nndor lb drec'fonnf ihePr-i ienl
j-r ninth article triM. of Mav seventeenth,
eighteen h'lndret! and f'tv-Totir.lwo thousand
tight hundred and seventy-A'vc ttullnr.
For interest In lien of Inve'atnt on two
hundred thousand dollars, at five' per rentum
vr annum, per second article treaty of 5nu
nary fourteenth, eighteen hundred and forty
fix, ten thousand dollars.
For nineteenth Instalment or interest on one
hundred thousand dollars, at five tier centum
ier annum, for educational ami other benefi
cial purposes, per treaty of Hay eighteenth,
eighteen hnndred and fifty-four, five thou
asnd dollar.
For nineteenth instalment on two hnndred
thousand dollars, to lie mtd In eighteen hnn
dred and sevent y-three, wr second article
treaty of May eighteenth, eighteen hundred
n fifty-four, five thousand dollars.
To enable the President of the United States
tn carry out the provisions of the third article
of tlie treaty made with the Kick poo Indians,
dated June twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred
and sixty-two, the Secretary oftlte Interior is
hereby authorized -and directed to ascertain
tlie propnrtlonnte amount of funds, and the
cash value thereof,! o which any members ol
said tribe may lie entitled who have become
citizen of tho United States, as provided in
mid treaty, and, br converting so much
the seoun ies of snWl Indians asraav be neoc
sary this purpose, iy the same to each
person so emitted, under such role a he may
prescribe: Prowled, That no irt of said
money due or belonging to minor children
halll paid to them, or toanv person for
mem, nnin sam ciuMiren snail nave attained
tbe age of twenty-one year.
For second offlve intatments,to be allied
under direction of the President, at per sec
ond article treaty ofOctolier fonrteenih,eight
een hundred and slxty-four,fivefliniisaud dol
lars. For sixth of twenty Insta'ments, for kaep
ingin re) air one saw mill, one Untiring mill,
buildings tor the h aclumlth. carpenter, ami
wagon aid phnr linker, tlie manna als.r
scmsil ami lio-ii aUa- nr f-mnli artki'etrea-
ry of A-,uuer fourteenth, eighteen bundreil
ana i xtfiour, one tnonaamt dollars.
ror seventh of twent toAatroeiU. for tbe
isirchase of tools and material lor saw and
Imir mills, carpenter, blacksmith, wagon and
plow Baker' shop, and book and waitonui i
for the mnnvat labor school, as ner fourth ar
il le treaty f t tkitober iourteeatb, eighteen
nunnreii ann sixty-tour, one tboarand nre
biimlred dollars.
ror seventh of fifteen Instalment, for nav
and subslatence of one superintemleiit ofrr
mlnf, no farmer, one blacksmith, one saw
yer, one earnenter, ami one wagon and plnw
maker, a per fifth article treatv ef October
riinenin, eignteen numireu ami stxty-ronr,
six thimsand dnllara.
For seventh of twentv miealmenl. to eav
salary and subsistence of one pnvstaHan, one
miller, and two school teachers-as ner fifth
article treaty of Octolier fourteenth, elahteen
hundred and nlxty-four, three thousand six
nnnured ion MrK
For tlilrd of ten Instalments of thirty thon
sand dollars, being tlie fifth serle, under li
rectlouof llie Presiilent, as per fifth article
treaty of January thirty-first, eighteen hun
dred ami niiy-nve, one tnousana dollars.
For thlrtei-nth of twenty Instalment, for
siiprt of a smith aud car'ieiiier' shop, ami
to provide for Ihe necessary tool therefor,
ier eleventh article treaty ol January thirty
llrst,lKhteen hundred and fifty-live, five hun
dred dollar.
For thirteenth of twenty lr:alment.for tlie
sunisKt of an asrtcultiiral and Industrial
schistl, ami lay of ieacher,l wo Uiousaud five
Hundred aoiiars.
For thlrleenth of twenty instalments. for the
employ ment of a blacksmith, tcarpenter, l'ar
raeraud ihyiacian, who sliall furnish medi
cine lor the sick, four thousand six humlrel
dol lars.
Fir seven I h of fifteen instalments of aunul
tv ttn two hundred and fortv-two thousand
six-hunilrcd ami eight v-six dollars, for cession
of lands, per fourth article treatv of Mav
twelfth, eiahteen hnndred and fifty-four, and
Senate amendment thereto, sixteen thousand
one hundred ami sevent y-uinc dol lars and six
For permanent provision for blacksmith and
a sst slant, and iron ami steel for shop, per fifth
artvde treaty of October sixth, eighteen bun
dred ami eighteen, and fourth article trearv
f June fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four,
nine hundred and forty dollars.
For parmanent provision for miller. In lieu
of (riinsmith, per fifth article treaty of Octolier
sixth, eighteen hundred ami eighteen, fifth
article treaty of October twenty-third, eight
een hundred and thirty four, and fourth arti
cle treaty of June fifth', eighteen hundred and
flftr-fonr, six hundred dollars.
For Interest on fifty thousand dollars, at
live tier centum, for educational purposes, per
third article treaty of June flfth.etghteen hun
dred and fifty-four, two thousand five hun
dred dollars.
Fin-thirteenth of twenty Instalments npon
two hundred thousand dollars, per third arti
cle treaty of June fifth, eighteen hundred and
ti fly-four, seven thousand five hundred dol-
For permanent annuity tn good or other-
wise, per fonrth article treatvof August third,
seventeen hundred and ninety-five, five hun
dred dollars. -
For permanent annuity in goods or other
wise, per articles treaty of August twentv-flrst
eighteen hundred and five, two hundred and
fifty dyllar.
For "permanent annuity in goods or other
wise, per thinl ami separate articles treatv of
ret ember thirty of September thirtieth, eigh
teen bundreil and nine, three hundred ami
fifty dollars.
For interest on two hundred awl twenty
one thousand two hundred and fifty-seven
dollars and eighty-six cent, uninvested, at
five per centum, peT Senate amendment to
iourtn article treaty of June unn, eighteen
huudred and fifty-four, eleven thousand and
Ixty-two dollars and eight-nine cents.
Fer pay of teacher of manual labor schools
for all neoessary materials therefor, and for
the subsistence of the puials, three thousand
For this amount lo be expended tn such
goods, prortaion, and other articles, as tbe
Prist lent may from time to time determine.
inclining transportation thereof, in Instruct
ing in agrtouknral and mechanical pursuits,
in providing employees, educating children,
nrocartna- medicine and medical attendance.
care for and support of the aged, sick, and In-
nrm, tor the neipiee orphans ox said Indians,
and In any other respect to promote their civ
ilization, comton ami improvement, twenty
five thousand dollars.
For fourth often instalment, of such arti
cles of clothing, or raw material In lieu tbe ro
ot, for eight thousand Mavajoe Indiana, not
exceeding five dollars per Indian, as per
eumin article treaty oi June nrst. eianteen
hundred and stxtv-eigtit, forty thousand dol
For third of ten Instalments, to be used by
tbe Commissioner of Indian Aflalra in the
purchase of such articles as may from time to
time the condition and necessities of tbe Indi
ans may indicate to be proper, the sum of ten
dollar lo each person who engages ta (arm
ing or mechanical pursuits, say oua thousand
four hundred families, fourteaa tbonsand dol
lars. For pay of two teachers, two thonsand dol
lars, ,:
For transportation, of goods, tea thousand
dollars, - -t-
For third of five Instalments of third
for beweadl obfonta, al the maemtoeof the
r resiaent, per swsrta arrtcte maty er June
eleventh, eigMeaa hundred and fiAy-flr as
thimaiBudoHars. - - --
r rev tBsrtSMHtk of twentv lnrmet,fbr the
BWpsv of Mro sehoula, one of which to be aa
agrVtaltaoal and Indastrtai i:hoo, keeping ia
saenW schsjei bMlkaiv, and "for prowling
suitable furniture, book, and atatlouei T, per
fifth article treaty of June eleventh, eighteen
hundred and fifty-live, five hundred' dollars.
For tnUteentfa of twenty tnstabaenta,for tba
employment of eee sepertntewteot bf teach
ing und two teachers, per fifth article treaty
of June eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty
five, three thousand two hundred dollaia.
For thirteenth of twenty instalment, for
tbe employment of one superintendent of nrr
ming, and Iw fanner, two millers, I we
b sck.niilh. one tinner, one gnnnniih, one
carpenter, ami one wagoa ami plow maker,
per fifth article treatv of Juneeleventb.lahi
een hundred and fifty-five, len thousand dol
lar. Fur ihlrteeiii h ol twenty instalrorul. tor
pay of a physician, per tilth article treaty of
June eleventh, elgbteen hundred and fifty-fire
one thousand four hnndred dollars.
For thirteenth of twentv Installment, for
keeping la repalrth buildings for the variolar
employees, and for providing the neearv
furniture therefor, per fifth article treaty of
.Itine eleventh, eighteen hundred and sby
flvet three hundred dollars.
for thirteenth of twenty Instalments, for
Ihe salary oi such person as tbe tribe mav
select to be their head chief, per fifth article
treaty of Jtip1elsventb,elgbteen hnndred and
nftv-ure, fire hiindrod dollars,
i or salary of two subordinate chiefs, as per
fifth article treaty Of dune ninth, eighteen
hnndred and alxtythree( one thousand dol
lars. For seventh of sixteen lotaJment, for
Willing and clothing the children who shall
attend the schools, provkilnji tbe schools ami
boarding house wUh necessary furattarettbe
purchase of neceasa ry wagons, team, agricul
tural Implements, tools, ami an forth, ami d r
fencing of such lands a may be needed for
imriieulngand mrmtn purpuees for the choiil
three thousand dollars
For salary of two matrons lo take charge
of the boarding Scb'iels.two asristant teachers
one tarmer, ene carpenter, and two millers,
aevea thonsand six hundred dollars. -
For thirteenth of twenty Instalment, for
keeping in repair the hospital, and providing
the necessary ma lid nes and the furniture
therefor, three hundred dol lars.
For repairs of bouse, mills and tools, and
necessary materials, three thousand avo hun
dred dollars.
For eighteenth Instalment, In part pavment
for relmuulahment of title to lands, to be ap
plied to beneficial objects, per fourth article
Ireatv of December twenty-sixth, eighteen
bundreil and fifty-four, one thonsnnd dollar.
For eighteenth of twenty tns a ments, ior
lay of lus riictors. smith, carpenter, farmer,
and physician, who shall furni h nn-dlcine to
the sick, per tenth article treatv i f Dvcenila-r
twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-fonr,
six thousand seven hundred dollar. '
. c or eighteenth of twenty Instalments, for
the support of aa agricultural school, and
Industrial s-hool, ami support 6 smith and
I s. nooi.
irpenter shop, ai
, aud providing the necessary
tools therefor, in conformity with tenth anl-
cle treatv of December tweatr-slxth. ehrhtem
hundred sad ftfty-faurtone thousand five bun
dreil dollars. "
For fmtrlh of thirty Instalment, for pur
chase of clothing, a per sixth article treaty
or Mav tenth, eighteen hnndred and sixty
eight, fifteen thousand dollar.
For fourth often instalment, to be expend
ed hy the Secretary of Ihe Interior, ten dollars
for each Indian roaming, say one thousand
' eight hundred souls. In the purchase of Sue a
articles as from time In lime, the condition
and necessities of tue Indian may Indicate tn
lie proper, as )r same treaty, eighteen thou
sand dollars.
For iranirtatlnn of goods, five thousand
For fifth offlfleen instalment of this amount
being thlnl series, in money or otherwise, ir
fourth article treaty of March sixteenth, eigh
teen hundred and fifty-four, twenty thousand
For seventh of len instalments, for kee4ng
In rejnlra grist and saw mill, and support of
b'ack smith shop, per eighth article treaty of
March stxteenlh, eighteen hundred and fifty
four, and third artlc'e treatvof March sixth,
eighteen hundred and sixty-five, three hun
dred dollar.
For seventh of ten Instalment, for pay of
one engineer, one thousand two bundreil dol
lars. For sevenlli of ton instalments, for pay of
one miller, per same treaties, nine hundred
For seventh of fen Instalments, for pav of
one farmer, per same treaties, nine hundred
For seventh of tea Instalment, for pav of
blacksmith, per same treaties, nine hundred
Eor fifth often Instalments, for support of
blacksmith shop, and supplying tools for
same, three hundre I dollars.
For interest on sixty-nine thousand one
hundred and twenty dollar, at five ier cent
um per annum, being value ol' fifty-four sec
tions of land Set apart by treaty of June sec -end,
eighteen hundred and twenty-five, for
edncational purposes, per Senate resolution of
January ninth, eighteen hnndred and sixty
five, three thousand four hundred and fifty
six dollars.
For Interest on three hundred thousand dol
lars, at five per centum per aiinum,to be paid
semi-annually, lu money or such articles as
the Secretary of tho Interior may direct, a
per first article treaty of September twenty
ninth, eighteen hundred and eixiy-five,afieea
t hiwisand dollars.
For fifth of fifteen Instalment, being the
thlnl series, in money or otberwlse.per fourth
article treaty of March fifteenth, eighteen
hundred and fifty-lour, nine thousand dol
For perpetual annuity, at least one-half of
which is to be in goods ami such articles as
may deemed necessary for them, per second
article treaty of September twenty-fourth,
eighteen hundred and fifty-eeven, thirty thou
sand dollars.
For rapport of two manual labor schools,
per third article treaty of September twenty
tourth, eighteen hundred ami fifty-seven, ten
t housm ad dollars.
For pay of one tarmer, two blacksmiths and
two apprentice, one miller and apprentice,
one engineer, aud two teachers, five thousand
seven bundreil and eighty itollars.
For pay ot physician and purchase of medi
cines, one thousand dollars.
Fur the purctiase of Iron and steel and oilier
necessaries for Ihe kbos five hundred dol
lars. For the purchase of farming ntensils and
stock, one thousand two hundred dollrrs.
For repair of grist and saw mills, three hun
dred dollars.
For transportation and necessary coat of de
livery of annuities for the Pawnees, two thou
sand dollars.
For this amount or so much thereof as may
be necessary for the erection of two school
houses, for the use and benefit of the Pawnee
tribe of Indians, including . dormitories
for the children attending the manual labor
school, and for providing school fur allure,
four thousand five huudred dollars.
For this amount or so much thereof as may
be necessary for the employment of three
teachers and two assistant teachers, and pro
viding tbe schools with fuel, books and sta
tionery, three thousand nine hundred dol
lars. PONCAS.
For ninth of ten instalments, second series,
to be paid to them or expended for their bene
fit, ten thousand dollars.
For this amount to be expended during the
pleasure of tbe Preatdentyln forntsbinc such
aid and asslsisnee tn agricultural and saeonsn
iual pursuits, including ihe working f the
mill, as provided by second article treaty of
March twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty
eight, as tbe Secretary of the Interior nay
consider advantageous and necessary, seven
thousand five hundred aoiiars,. - -
For this amonal er so much thereof Beamy
be neoasMuy, te as used at the dlsoreUea of
tbe President, to oarry ea tbe work of asdlnsj
and teatrnctinff h Panose in tswarts f olvlf
iaaaoB, with a view te their en.f-npnsrt and
. for nhslstaBB find sji-Mag, tea liinai sand doi
rs. -
a pnr- ' ; s ' - - t ' . V -
. - . . POTTAWAXOMIK8. - -- -
- For i sraiaasut aassaltyjn tUvar, pertourth
artloie treaty of Aageat Liara, seven teea-hne-dred
and awety-slve, fmar awadred and eight
een dollsrsaasi thirty-five cents. .........
For permanent annuity, m silver, per third
a rtlcle treat y of September lalrttet h, eighteen
hundred ami nine, two hundred and nine dol
t aft and eighteen ueets. - - --
JLl permanent-annuity. In silver, per third
article treaty of October secoid,eighU-n hun
dred aed eighteen, one thousand and fonj-tlve
dollars and eighty-seven cents..
For permanent annuity, tn money, far
ond article treaty of September twentieth.