J I 1 1 1 ! 1 ?' 'i ! i 55ccti? g)ren talesman. SmIH 'lll'MUl, AUCST 13, WJ. The City and County. From Daily of Kedtutday Ayg. 7. - MEW BCTMLARIKS. " The Crime Mill IX- velopuir-'lv There no Burgulary items have become ... frcqoent la tbe states, Chat lume o' our ex changes accuso as of manufacturing them from whole clolb. While we plead guilty to the charge of publishing them very often, i-till we feel justified in earing that we en uearur in aucK to tbe truth. V are be ing continually called open to publish in me house-breaking Incident, and this morniop proves no exception. Three hou-ws have keen broken into within the past two days anil airteles missed. Tbe residence of Mr .Miner, oeiur Known as "Scotch" Miller was broken into Sunday night and hi: pockets relieved of seventeen dollars boio. i ob taieves crawled in one of th. r a A ... . . ironv winoows, and made their escape with out awaaenmg any of the family. Monday Bight siime scamp entered the residence ol Wm. Stewart, and relieved his pockets ol six dollars and a half of "Blthy lucre. The same night John F. Miller's house wa entered and a light that was burning in one of the rooms extinguished. The iruuers men commenced to ransack the house, but Mrs. Miller hearing an unusual Boiae. raised an alarm and the scamp: scaped. The residence of Mrs. Collin was entered at aa early hour Monday cvei -by a couple of men, one of whom caught her by the throat and tuld her if she raised any alarm they would kill her on the spot. The other then searched the houre but Snd inj nothing of any value they soon after wards took their leave. In the first three eases, the intruders aaesa to have entered , the bout through windows. John F. Mil lor on examination of the traces they left behind them is of the opinion that these thieves are small boys in our city who tako this means of earning a livelihood. Others imagine the thieres are Chipaoien, and Mr. Stewart thinks that he could dis tinguish the track of his'mao the following morning. Be they whom they may, their depredations should bar a stop put to then in some way. Orr for thk Coast. About the joliiest "coast rangers" we have seen start out this .saason left the eity yesterday for Salmon River. Dave Uowe bad the party in tow, and, really, it seemed as though be bad about all he could manage. The party consisted of Mr. Lawrence and his party, the Kinney sinters, the Misses Savage and Miss Mattie Urates. They had a lumber wagunwell filled with provision and orna mented on tUu outside by a fringe work of dangling pails, dippers and frying pans Tbe back containing the excursionists, ten iu number presented a free and easy aspect, and the fair damsels were dressed wiibmore regard for comfort than show. We wish them ull a pleasant tup and in.iy they re turn with rosy cheeks aud recuperated con stitutions. Orr roR the Uraxd Lodge. F. G. Scbwatka, Representative to tbe United Stutes Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows from this State, starts for Baltimore, Md., to day, to attend the annual session of that b dy, to convene in that eity during the pr -sent month. His wife will accompany him as far as West Virginia, where she will viiit aamug her friends and relatives. Mr. S-.hwtka has been a resident of this eoast for saany years, and now returns for the first time. Their friends unite in wishing the old couple a plenstint vnyano. CniF.r ExuiNKKii. Too Council, last evening, passed npon the evidence present ed in tbe contested election case, and bar ing decided tbe competency of a certain challenged vote, the result was that the rote stands a tie between Croasman and Brewn. Under the law, the contest will now have to be decided by lot, at,the next meeting of tbe Council. Tbe Street Lamps. At the meeting of tho Council, last evening, a motion was adopted, direoting tbe Committee ou Fire and Water to contract with tbe Gaslight' Company for the lighting of tbe street lamps ', at a price not exceeding $3 50 per month for each lamp, the contract to run from tbe ' txst of Aagost to tbe first of next January. ' Where be is sow. Calvin B. McDon ald, at one time editor of tbe Salem Union ist, and well known on this eoast as a bril liant writer, is said to be employed on the editorial staff of tbe Daily Globe, a new paper recently established at St. Louis. Xi&rge Baiiish. W. L. Wade, of North -Salem, has a large radish on exhibition at , fcis store. It measures sixteen inches in . length and fourteen-in circumference, and : weighs four pounds. It was raised by Mr. f Van Cleare, of this county, who thinks it i '"gets awsy with" any radish raised around here. F row Daily of Thnrtd iy Any. 8. BOSHES Y AT OKEttOX CITY. Trie Poatofllrc broken opni -Tbe Nate Robbed of about Four Hundred Dollar clue to sue 'Ibtevea. From a gentleman who came up on the train yesterday morning from below, we have obtained tbe following particulars of a robbery that took place in Oregon City Tuesday erening. The Post :B5ce was en tered and a large sum of money taken from tbe safe. The building is situated on Main street and is a solid brick structure with a store room attached to tbe rear of it built of wood. This room was easily entered bat iron shatters on the door sad window of tbe main building made the entrance into tbe store a difficalt task. Bnt whoever tbe thief was he was apparently well posted Tegardtng tbe location of Jb weak points and availed himself of tbis knowledge to a nieetT. A chisel was used and a hole of suScent site ta admit of tbe hsnd was made in the wall just below tbe window. ' The burglar then reached through and with out difficulty shored the bolt fastening the iron shutter which then swung open. This made the entrance an easy task and the house br. akers then proceeded1 ta March for plunder. The PostoSce in fbarge f J. M. Baeea, is in tbe same room, with a grocery store kept by Jacob Wertata. There are two irea safes in the baildiog, on of whieh belongs to Mr. Bacon and is used for the safe keeping of his own private funds and and the money belong lag to tit United States Mail Department This safe wm broken open by tbe use ef drills aad chisels id a largi M ef maney abstracted bnt what amount was not correctly kaewn when ear infortsaac left the city. Mr. Da con was out of town rusticating at 8oda Springs, leaving bis Deputy in temporary charge of his basin ass. A roll of green backs amoosting to something over two bundled dollars was missed and a consider abls) atnoanl in stamps. As this is a Moaey Order office there may bar been a large amount of money a band bat we were en able to gain any cxant figures. Mr. Bacon had a large and valuable eelleetion of old and foreign coins that he usually kept dis played Id bis show ease. These were also taken and their value is variously esti mated ; but they were probably worth about two bundre i dollars. The sale be longing to Mr. W ottman bad been drilled opea al-i but the inner box rsmauaea un touched end the general impression was that tho thieves bad been frightened away before their work was fully oompleted. Tbey only got about two dollars in silver from this safe. Taken altogether the villains did their work in a seientiflo manner and were probably old hands at the busine. The oase has been placed tn te hand, of the .nrhnrlttM who will o in their r-i- power to bring the scamps to jm. Lera-e Quantities of wheat arriving at tie Salam Mills on storage. Tbe prtoe of stood wheat is not yet settl.-d. Sj'oe ;i fvlnr sol", at CO c.s p.-r bush 1. Tm Sihut Clcb. Yes, they havecr; ganised. Business has commenced. "Any thing to beat Grant" ii their war cry. Snl liran P. C. has it bad. It broke out on bim last evening. Many () of our citizens witnessed the outbreak. It was red hot, you bet. Lawson was there, lie was hap py fur a while. Sullivan proved too much for bim and be went home disgusted. Sul livan said he was a truthful man. He was, in fact, a second Uvorge Washington. He could not tell a lie. He did it with bis little hatchet, though, wheo he at tacked Attorney General Williams. He aid he never wanted an office. Gwd idea. Takes a sensible view of the case. No one wants to give Uiui one. Sullivan worked hard last night. Pity he couldn't fatal have had more timo. Kept saying he would prove to his bearers so and so if be only had time. Too bad. Take a week some time between now and fall Sullivun, and go out into the woods and shoot youi mouth off to your hearts content. Nothing like getting your satisfy. Tell the winds all about it. ISreathe it to the autumn leaves Murmur it to the running brook. But please don't aggravate tbe people with any wore nonsense. You hare the gift of gab oh mighty Sulliuan, but you do sometime get monotonous. Seven ladies beard hi: speech last night They yawned occasion ally. There wan t much applause till Sullivan quit. Farewell P. C. Mariot county can't appreciate yu. The Contested Electio.n. A good ileal of disgust and dissatisfaction was tell yes terday by various and sundry iiiterej-teu parties, at the immense length of time t which the Chief Engineer contend elec tion ease has been drawn out. A mouth lias elapsed, the Council has met and ad journcd, taken testimy and heard argument. The matter has been referred and reports unon. and, after all, the case has come tt this complexion : That nobody had a ma jority, and that lots must be drawn to de cide which of the contestants is entitled t the office. "The honors are eoi-yv' and un der that aspect of tbe case neither f ifae contestants cares fur the office. The Ao nf m e'eerum was about all that tbe Strug rle was about : and now that it comes to pulling straws lor it, the boys are quite in different. They say that naymrfy could get to be Chief Engineer if he were only icky enough to eet the electing straw. Tbe question of worth and popularity cuts n fiirure in the matter when it comes to a game of chance. And so, the controversy has lost its principal interest. Thb Old Coirt Hoitsk. la view of the coming session of the Legislature many ol our citizens are fitting up their residence in order to have them appear well to out siders who may at that time take occasion to visit our city. Among other improve ments we yesterday noticed some woikuiei engaged in fitting up the front of the old court house building. The columns have been re-t-t in their proper places and ne panels put on. Mr. Lawson informed us that tbe entire front would be repainted, which will :u. terially improve its pre.eat appearance. We are pleased to note thit change, as the building in its preseut dilap idated state is an eye sore to our city, liu' before long Marion county will have by far tbe finest court bouse in the State. As I'ssafe Iinrnce. Our attention has been called to tbe unsafe condition of the bridge crossing Mill Creek near Turner' Station. The timbers of this bridge are reported in a decayed condition, tbe boards- loose and in some places missing, thus rco dering tbe bridge an unsafe one for public travel. It is to be hoped the authorities will attend to this matter and have it re paired at once. Rkcorhek's Court. A sui-picious look ing character was arres'cd Tuesday even ing while prowling around tho residence of Rafus Mallory. One of the night watch men took charge of bim and be was brought up before Recorder Patterson yesterday morning, who, after hearing the case, im posed a Sue of five dollars and costs, who h the prisoner paid and went on bis way re joicing. Frvm Daily of Friday Aug. 7. Love vs. Fri it. An amusing incident happened a few evenings since at tbe resi dence of one of our first families, illus trating tbe power of appetite over love, The young lady is well known as one of our handsomest belles, prepossessing and ac complished. The gent a fashionable and favorite beaux of the fair sex, and if re moved from all temptation would be perfec tion personified, but, alas, grief came knocking at the door, and things did change. It was the holy Sabbath evening, and bis heart clamored for ber presence. He hied himself to ber home in yonder grove, and reveled in her smiles and silvery rippling lasjgh. lie was tranquil, be floated in elysian fields and listened to tbe notes of angels' harps. But the fair daughter of Eve bethought herself of some nice ripe fruit, in ber mother's larder, and thinking bow nice it would be to sit at table with her adored Joeras, she brought forth tbe plums. Upon casting bis heavy, languid eyes upon tbe tempting dish, be forgot having just told her that he loved her worse than to bacco or anything good, be appropriated the entire contents for himself, as guests ought f rst to be helped. Tbis was one too saany for her sensitive nature ; there came a lull in the conversation, a little gaitered isot did beat tbe carpet impatiently for a moment, a sudden burst of anger, followed by a rush of crystal tears. lie, feeling in jvred, began to boil and foam within, in creasing rapidly till he bailed right over his shirt coliar, and in tbe deepest tones ol hatred struck a tragio attitude, said his say, after which he seized his bat and rushed frantically from the room, leaving her alone and weeping like an aocieui Niobe. lie casae to us in his hour of trouble to find re lief, and as ao open confession is good for the heart, he told us all. "'e condoled with him, and was successful. 11 is heart, though splintered, has recovered, but be has lost all faith in tbe fair sex, and de t ghts in murmuring, "frailty, thy name is woau." Aad now, we, in bebalf of tbis injured youth, do warn our unsospcit'ng lovers from eating out of tbe same dish with their affianced. Akother Dari.io Robbkrt. We are a;aia called upon to chroolole the oft re peated item ef another, and a bolder rob bery than has yet been committed in tbe city. Tbe residence of Mr. John Reynolds, East Salem, was entered by burglars on Wednesday oifcbt, and ransacked from garret to eellar. Mr. A. H. Young, a boarder at the house lost a valuable gold watch and a tpair of pantaloons. Tbe vil lain apposing that a (air exchange was no robbery, retired to tbe wood shed where he donned the aeater pants, leaving his own in their stead. Mr. T. was fortunsti onoagh t have another pair, so he is arouad town as usual, his appearance un changed except by tbe absence of his band soma watch and chain, as none was left in its place, s there no remedy for such oertrageoas villainy, can there be ao way of putting a stop to this pillaging, which has become of nightly occurrence T It has gone too far already, and now let everybody be on their guard, and try to bring the thieving wretches to justice. AoaicotrcBAL. We are furnished tbe following items of interest by Mr. Dsvid Xewsom of Howell Prairie : The harvest ing f grain is progressing finely in our recti' of the country. Headers and Reap ers are iu great demaad, aad tbe owners of them doiag a rushing business. We find in our travel that where wheat was not properly washed in vetriol before sowing, tbey are considerably troubled with smut, and tbe invariable assertion is that another year they will be a little more careful. We bare had some new agricultural implements introduced this season that work admira bly, and give good satis'aetiou. We are pleased to see such rapid strides of pro gress in tbis department, as it betokens en f t prise. HOBBIBI.E DKA1H. A Yeeng Man Lonea III Life. One of the most sh.kiug accidents oc curred about 11 miles southeast of Salem, it has been our duty to record for time. The circumstances of the accident are givenjus as follows : Mr. Pierce and his son were engaged in bsultng bay. Tbe wagon bad just returned iroui the field, and the half at the rear end of the rack had been unloaded. Tho youn- man. aged 18 rears, jumped to the ground mid started around the wngon ; his father ami brother, supposing that he was going l the house, said nothing to him. lie climbed upon the tontine or the wauon. readied ti and caught bold of the pole, "fed lu keep ihe loud m, which had been thrown off nl the other eud. But upon attempting to climb up be slipp.d and fell between tin horses, one of which was young and liery. and commenced kicking. Th'.s lrighteiieu the other horse, and they started to run, the waifon oassine over the bov's breast no stomach, and breaking bis left arm in two places, lie was immediately carried to the bouse and Dr. Carpenter sent for, but mcl leal aid was of no avail. The poor b suffered the most intense pain imaginable for two long hours, when lie died, liurio): his awful suffering bo would throw bis bro ken arm wildly around, never com plaining of its burtiug only bit stomach and breast, all the while praying and pleading to die. He was a quiet boy. the pride ol a fond father, anil thu hope o: a loving mother. So soon to fall the vie tiia of a death so horrid nn.l appalling. U"i know not the day nor Ihe hour wo may In called from earth, as death is life's antago nist. SorTiiERS Okeoo. We yesterday met Mr. Sutherland, a rasideiit of Dongln county who furnished us wilti a lew item- 'rora that county. Mr. S. informs us Ihu workmen aro engaged in building a bridal aeross the North Vuipqa. near H isebnrc and that work will tie su-ncii'led l-r th season upon the completion of tho rond t that place. A large mountain of solid rool iust beyond U-.seburg will eagae thei attention for sometime, upou the com mencement of operations tho coming sea son. The principal places of business and almost the entire town of Oaklam is removinz to the depot, a distance o about a mile from the old site. Ciop seem to be in nlut the same con d.tion as our farmers here in Murioi county. The late sown grain is ripening too fast to fill well, but an average crop expected. Mr. S. i vititing our eity S the purpose of proeurioi: a winters reM denee if pi,s-sihl. State Fsltt. The lime is drawing nca for a repetition of our .""tate Agnculiura Fair at this place. Since tiie la-t c.ibibi tion, considerable improvements ha e oct- innde on the R-.cic y grounds waieh i make it ik-a.-auter lor pariu-tpants am visitors. The grounds have been cniar and well attended to during the past year and from what the dirci-tors yay, persons who may attend this season will be uiu-.-h oettcr pleased than ben lofore. They in tend to tar cxrel all pa.-t exhihiliou? as more liberal rewards are offered in the dif ferent branches of industry. Paixfii. Arni'F.ST The little son ol Rev. A. Myers fell froin it ln.Mrr the Agricultural Works yesterday. .1 distance o! about fifteen feet, sustaining painful but noi dangerous injuries- IK- was enaeil in carrying waler for the workmen, and was ascending with n bucketful h-n he inised his footing and fell, cutting a gash iu his head about two- inches )on, one on bis right arm about as bad. and dislocating bis left wrist. A physician was immediately called, who dressed tbe little siifierei's wounds. At last accounts ho was doin finely. Off os tub Mokni.no Train. Ye Local and Ye Foreman of the Statesman departed ycstjtduy for the foaming surf, there to wander on the sparkling beach aud drink in the music ol the sad sea waves. It will re quire about a week for tbcm lo take in u cargo, when they will return and settle down in their now vacant chairs. Oysters, clams and landlords would do well to give them sea-room. Oar kindest wishes do accompany them, that is. that their "shad ders won't diminish or git any littler." Will Re-ops. The Leaf Mule School will re-op :n in North Salem September 1st, under the superintendence of Prof. Smith. The Prof, has been very success ful thus fur in his tedious work, bnt be is determined to do everything witbin bis power, for bis unfortunate fellow beings. He wishes all pupils to attend promptly upon the day appointed, so as to rlass them off as may be occssary. At least twenty-five pupils are expected to be in at tendance during the following term. Attemft at UuiKiLAHV. On last Tn- j day evening an attempt was tuntle to break ! into the residence ol I. N. (iilliert. It happened that there were two yottnt; men j staying at the bouse that niht, and urx n ' bearing the attempts to enter a window, -raised an alarm. The vaitrnntii fled, but I not very t-xpeditinusly , as one of tbein stojd by the fence until after tbe buys had fin- j isbed calling him pet names, when he qui etly wandered off. Houe Man 1.' s-actcrb. Congress made a provision that tlie rails tu be used in tbe construction nf the North Pacific R.ultoa.l . must be manufactured troia native ore, and by companies lnsiue the Lui'cd Mues. We -consider this an advantageous luw to all concerned as it encourages boiuo siian nfacture, and should be inserted in every charter fcercafter siren. Fatal Accidejit. A mun named lVil- liam Daltnn, while n"rkin upon the Locks j at Oregon City, on Wedue.-daY l;i?t, was instantly killed white cnijaed in guidina train uf dirt cars, that were being drawn up the grade by an engine nnd drtick. The strain upou the rope becoming too great it parted, rauin? the derrick lo fall unon him. i-rushintr him almost to atoms. 1 Asothkr AimtVAL. fShenlf J. M. Cay wood, of Multnoiiub, liroiiglit up t'ornrhiM Gilfoy, yesterday, to the Penitentiary. iil- I fuy is in fnr life, fir tbe murder of W. R. i Wales, at Portland. IXK'AL BREVITIES. Height of coolness tbe summit of lt. U-..U. Wild oats are s crop that grow most rankly by gas-liht. a j Troubles are like babies. They grow larger by nursing. Business in County and Probate Court is unusually light tbis month. There are 500,000 brick in the first story of tbe new Court House. A liberal ase of printer's ink is a sure sign of success in business enterprise. Tbe potato crop through, ut tbe country will be rather poor tbis season. Weather record remains unchanged. Oys ter stews and cofiee are not in great de mand. Ask B. F. Brown if be wsnts to ratify any more over tbe news from North Caro lina this morning. Eugene City is charged with baring a female sexton, and she inviriably reserves tbe best graves for tbe young men. So news from the eicurs-onists tbis morning. Our grape-vine telegraph is sad ly out of order, owing to tbe heated term. Prof. Francis has returned to this eity and does not deny the reports brought down down from Corva.lis this morning. No boats up or down for several days past. Low water and bat little Itei-ht is what's the matter. Trarel on tbe railroad is inereaaing daily. A trip to the front is a pleasant pastime at this season of the year. : Hats with a thermometer attachment is tbe latest thing out. Yon can stand on your bead il tbe mercury is too high. Our millers inform ns that wheat is is worth only about sixty eentt a bushel. Considerable of it ooming in however. : Sullivan has taken possession of tbe Dal las Republican, and will hoist tbe names of Greeley and Brown as his candidates. This will no doubt have a great effect on the olceliJ-n returns of New York and Pcnn-yl V lliirt. t TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY NORTH CLB0L1XA ELECTION. The Latest Reports Favor the .Republicans. SEIZURE Of THE CUBAN PRIVA TEER. tRobberjr anal Outrage on the ToJtan Frontier Wm. Lisye Garrison Advises the 2fe- guots ip ua to trrant. War Between Egypt and EAB7QUAXE IN CALIFORNIA. Tier 'VortSj 'nrollnn KltH-tlon. Xi;w iV.aK. August 4. A ltiiUdyl s;)cnil UUlu; Ucrald gives the retiini fioui iij-aijr jiJJ the points in Xortl tjcnsdhot- Xbw come in slow art (ittii4t.J xid.Kjillictitig, and increast tlv ocinrsl dw.it. Democrat asseri fsV-irutudWiU'C is elected hy 1,500 t Ji-j)rt'i3ii'niis cluini the same tin 4.!:ittarell. He-publicans chtiiu about i.uM r UteinoeriUie vote ot lsl(j t uiidiiiiilit Saturday sixtv-thre -cniitaie fc'jv.Ml Keptibliean gniiisi rl l.voV over IImO. A later dispatel .-itutcs .that seventy-one counties givt ;ald"-U again of 2.737 over the voti of 1S7U, lenity: 2.2US to be overcom in the ri-iuxUiijig twenty-one counties UK- i iiusnivs that tlic returns ail not swJ lick' iT, to assure a Kepuhlicai victorr, Intaiow that IX'inocratic re norts are ejtirirenui The Time coiiciMtes. rlie-lett ion of five Iemocnit ic ('in'rrrti and acktiowlcdjn-s th. defeat f SeCi. Kalkk.h. Aii-rust 4. Ollicial am p-n-tial retwrus of seventv-llve eountie liKluce tiie Jciiiocratic inaiotitv o 1S70 t -Me 2.000. Tim reniainii venlir mutinies are inosllv small iiid will fsti materially chaise tin ,n"o;nrcs. lees aililicMtis com-tde tl :State bv 1.51)0 r 2.000 majority. !til. aniens- iiin is felt tit the re-u!t. I'lie Latest from orlh C'arollun, "kw Yosav Augu-t 5. A Times special say s Ua'jJwell has 1,434 nmjori !ty 111 s,-veuJy-Jr counties. Kettirn: tlmini tlx r'-tuaJuiiig counties will pro! ::tbly rethuK- llns inaioritv to 3J0. TU lust olhchi c-miut only will decide tin wesult. The Trtf iulw. World and Sim stil i:-hjim tho electkisi of Merriuian. Gain .111 uie jAiigrfSsjoiK1i iisfricts are n- purled. Scis-u-r the Pioneer. N tiw loiiK. Au-Mist 4. A viort JM'-p'itcli. .Kw;jpaiiied by ('a plait Uk-hie. vf Ok i-uttcr Minvasin, went :itioai-d tlie I'kwa-er yestt-nlsty aid timk jilinge ol Ixt by order of' President 'o'-Miit. fir violation of tho neutrality ims. LkiiU Jiaiit t'haveron, a Cuban, cle.hiaiukd of flie Marsha his paiK-rs .-.utile i.auie if the Cuban Republic. Ttiy were tvad by IJichie. iudor.-iiij; :ili.-.ui. a:il iutoiniii jjthe Lieutenant ! ihe Mar-leU" authority. Chaveron ;.it"Hesred in tlie name of tho Republic. lie nreit a gnu. Tint-w Ins sword over fund and i.ailed his colors 10 the mast. i'U' ollicer aud crew left tlie vessel in ih? hai.thol Marshal. The United :Stiiies oll'ux-rs luiloadcd tlieauns of the I'inncer. anil sjt(. will lie dn-i,e 1 and linaiit.-d. 'ilu-ca-e nil be bioujrht iHifoie tlie Courl, at Providence, on the 12ili inst. SBulrusrr oil flir 1?kr Frontier. liitowxsviij.K. Texas, August 2. A HtniM sjM-t-hil says tin- I'uited States Commission is h, session. There jssiuuh excitement on the Mexican 4lf. Sum: interesting l velop,iieuts have been slKtvii before tla- ('01 nniis s'hni as to Jin- Mexicans in Texa ?. It 3s sitpHscil that tlie a-rriculturali- ts ait shltially sitii:g catt-le lliieves. The efforts of Mexican olliccrs to n rover IjeJore Mexican authoriries iiave isruved us-iess. Cattle sTr-ti i i ti'- has inv:i growiiig since the relx-llioii." The ihv-ves seize and d tain asseis l, j- nu til tl' raiil succeed. I'orein iner-c-haiKlise. in hou I here for .Mexico, prior to -lu ly 1st, is allowed to enter Iexico tiinii-r tlie old tarill' rates. Lw-.tlenant Uiii ki-. of the State inoimt xl police, was before the (Commission Jim.1 gave evidence of an appalling TtMTi of murders; of numlier of ar- ! my otli.-ers. soldii i-s and courier who I vert; kiTed for plunder; State otlU-ials j ami eusiom Louse olliccrs were killed, j tlieii- hod i mangled, and men were ! kilSed even in lliownsville. Officers j weiv lie-ieginl at the mouth ot the itio j iraiidc and iminlered by jittrties cross- " afr in fail daylight. Xolhiii is sale; lrosa the t! ievi s. who are armed with j Spej ter :i ud Winchester rifles. Olli-I cei-s are slmt at daily. ! Wm. Lloyd iarriun o Naimner. lif-TOX. Aumist 5. Wm. Lloyd "Jartisoti, in a column and a half letter kMf'ssciI to Clinrlc Sumner, rt vii-w-iiig-tho S-iiator's ievut coiiiinunica liiu! to tw colored voters, siys : -I jirojaisc to s)eak witli o-'jtial )l:iiiiness. .ujkI as enrnostly to etituist-l my colored 4-ouiitryiiii-u not to follow your lead in this matter, tut as voters to move unitedly for the re-election of Crant, lVtr!Vt-ry cotisiiliratioii )eitainii;o to ira-jf saiiij- ai.d ii:i)iiiii-ss. tor llll - -iasc! ol cuiiaf nsihts. and oi etiiiai rioiits. and lor tlie fLITlilior-lios ,f o,.,1.! V.UISV. J'rfsiili-nt Vrant nnl Aim. Micrltlmi. Xkw Vokk. Attjiusf 5. A dispatch Inwu Alexin. (Iria siiys I'resiilent Craur is slaying with his frit-uds n one of tlie islands in tlie St. Lawrence. Gcii ttrx'J .Sht-riilaii is also them. lOKKH-iN r.M S. JLj-ptlmi -Alijsmiiiian Mar. I"Alil.s, August .5. A di-p.-ilch from Suez reports two thoii-and Kgyptians 3iihjicii.g ou Ahyssinia wiih a iew to coutytitr.-t. Kinperor Kassai is niarch iiigfn niK-t them; hut it is thought his j.-eat istvi taiii. and that Magdalia w i!5 irVeiitualh' fall into tlic hands of Ihe Juvadcr-. j UALIIORMA. LrirtliquKke S,iiorU. I Samx ts Cn v. Auiru-t 5. We were. ! last i;i-;ht .it precisely ten o'clock, vi ' nt h a very heavv 4-ai-thiiuake. l'lio I uncl'ititioti was li-om la-rtli to south El-Ul'tTiO-N uF lilE D2:UT. Democratf Ccne to Crief Agein. THE COLORED VOTE FIRM FOR GRANT, IxeHcr From ortli Carolina. THE SPANISH REBELLION. Calilbrniu liiJit -l-i-i. THE ELECTI05 IX UTAH. Oemocratio Suocess in Mon tana. EitCTION RIOTS IN CANADA. Another Mexican Outrage. EAHTEKX KEWS. nHluciton or tbe PuMIe Debt. TAPHrxGTOX, August 6. A Wash ington ?pf!cial says yjcn?tary Bout--wcH expijct the reduction in the pub lic kht for August will be oter twelve millions. More Dfaicratlf Defeat. IX)o.vn.l.E, August 5. The city fleaion to-day was carriexl by the Cit i wins' ticket ngainst Ihe regular Dem xTtic ticket, although the latter was snijaported by tlie Democratic and Lib sitiJ pres. CixciNXATi, Augut 5. At the elec tiaa at Covington and XTewport, the Independents beat tlie Democrats iMdly. Tbe Colored Tote Finn la Solid for Urnat. Obeklk. (O.) August 5. At a col oml meeting tt-night, it was resolved Ik to be Ted into the Democratic catr.p, and they urge all tiegroe to ir with full allegiance with the Ke ptihllcmi party. 1ittburgh. August 5. The col orwl vote here is 1,500 to 2,000, solid fbr Grant. tireeley "Swing tt Around tlie Cir cle. Providence, August 5. Greeley returned to Bristol this morning, ami hfld a reception at the .Bristol Hotel tills alternoon. lie was uus evening entertained by Captiln Miller, a prom inent Democrat, lie goes to a clam bake to-morrow at Silver Springs, Xorth Carolina The Situation. New York, August C. Both par- tie still claim Aortli t.arolma. 1 tie tribune figures Merriiuau's majority it l.."W0. A Work! special savs il Caldwell gains in the same ratio in a urn ties to be heard from, he is elec ted by a small majority. A Herald dispatch siy it will take th? nilicial imnt to decide. I hilli;)-. t liaii nian of the Kepublicsii Slate Committee, figures Caldwell's majority at. 1,-100. The Republicans elect Cobb, Thomas and Smith to Congress. A '"tjiiwli" Joe Johnsou, St. Louis, August 5. Toe Johnson writes to Colonel Ashley that he hoes the Democrat- will give Greelev a hearty support. He thinks the over throw of the administration is neces- ir3 '-lie says : "Tell our old war associates they tire the people I love t all others 111 the world next to my .vile. FOUJKIUM EMB. The Results of" the Sp:uiiMh Rebelliou. Maiuud. August 5. The Impartial, -peaking of the Cuban insurrection, ivs; tiver 13.000 rebels have been killed. 70,000 have surrendered to the ipauish authontie. and 10.000 horses. 1.000 arms and 3.000 swords have been .uptured. (AI.IFtlltM.t. vurvcy of Stut p IUmiKtHrv I.fiio Sen tence l II I(llhtV S'OHtHMKtt-r NlenntMltivt S'o. Ift4tlttrk IMvislesial - Illlrw4tuctiuil of ('Hrn Vlixlai- uii-iit ul a Keveiiue SuH-rvisor. San Fkanoisco, August ti. Col. D. ' V. Vonsehiiiidt. haviuv; lieen awarded ; he contract for running the boundary ; ine between California and Xevada, I rom the Oivgon line to the Colorado iver. will commence operations next 1 .veek. V. 15. Kiag. late Postmaster of Lake City. California, convicted ol ' iH-iiiiig and wilfully detaining a let er containing 11 note for collection, uitil the tii-111 who. signed it whs ; nabled to dispose of its properly, was ; eiitenced to-slay. in the L'uited States 1 iivuit Court.lto impiisoiiineut tor two nonths and toiay a line of $500 and ; -,ts of suit or be imprisoned till thei ininiii.t is paid. ! l'l- X. I'. V. Co.. which has bought ! lit the Oregon Steam-hip Co"., boats! md prTiy. has declared its tArst i .livideiie l. payable to-day. J I. .. l'oppe ofSohouiii has arrived Ufv from lbd-tein. (iermany, with a ! large iU intify of young carp, which he ! hroiiht through alive. This is said to 1 be the lit-t lot of earl) that ever reached j America alive. He projits to go into' the business of propagating them ex- : teusively iu the water of California. L. M. Faulk. heretd'ore Supervisor of Internal Keventie, Collector of Xj- I vada. Utah and Arizona, has now been : apjioititcd for the entire P-ie'tie coast, ; including Ure-ron and Washington. UTAH IKKKl lOltT. WeleRnle Uleolloii I Ste Election in Moiitaiia. Salt I.aki August 5. Tho dec-1 tion is over, and was quiet throughout. Small sijnails of the Xauvoo legion i rotle about ihe streets, hut otherwise; no inirocr ilcmonstratioii. The j ' Mormon catuliilate is elected. Max ! Well, however, received a Ulhtisoiiie ' ; Vote, ai.d will conte-t tlie seat. For the tirst time thetieiitilc ladies voted ill Utah, and only one ot them was challenged Mrs. Stenhou-e. Her hal- lot wa- alt-.-rwanls received. Salt Lake. Au-ut 0. It is thought Maxwell. I'.tr iJe.cutite. has received I about :.,"( Rl votes in the Territory. : I w hich the Tt ilatne In ltevc- is a ma jor- i . ity of. -ill the U-zi vi-tes cast, as a l.-ii'e iii (! iio!i of the natives arc I neither native or naturalized. ; The l.ihcral Ties- .i--rti witlion! ; coutridietioii, lint the Si liool of the I'topliets hy direetioii (if Ilrihain Voting instigated and ns-istc-J iii the , outrages on atntilay night. (.'okinxe. August' fi. The election at this place ye-terdaj- resulted in a In rite majority tor (ion. Geonre H. , Maxwell, (ieiitile Delegate to' Con-j frte-s. ft is generally eoneeded that Mctiinnis, the 1 innoeiatic delegate for Montana, was elected hy ;i large ma- ; jority. " ; tANAItA. Clertiou Ilio,. Qt'F.HirK. Aujjimt .". A dispatch says: At ihe oeneral elections tor ihe Center and West Divisions yesterday. Caiichon men in the Center Division took Miss(.si()n of the polls and com inenced fetunil exces-es. Tho Kos men hamled together to repel attacks. . hut were too weak for their assailants, who were 'i.oOO stronjr. and armed with revoivi i-s. A tearlui eiicounti-r took place at the foot of Kii-tache . street, in which several lives were lo-t, ' while the wotindeil are :muilier!ess. ; Th" Doiiiiiiioti iiitillen.-anil field hat-; tery had to Ik- called on, as well as armed provincial police. The polN heiut; taken pos-es-inn of no tair rc- turns eiill'.il he made, hot I '.-nii-hiiii tlu. j l.-,.,.iii'l, I -;iiim,1'i;iii 7iinliil;iti- is ilt-i.toi-,1 . i ,..,.,,,.,,,..1 'I'l,.. v. riii, lu..,Li ... - " . . - I . 1 I wm are lo he exter minated hy the French, according to ; the statements of the leaders of the, French party. It is feared more hlood i will he -hed. as the Diamond Harbor hoys are going up to tow n to revenge the murder of their men. Tokonto. Angu-t ty. Anson G. 1'. ! Dodge has Ix-fii n-furued to I'ar'ii.-i- I liient for the const iiti-jiicv of Xorth ' York. HKXKO. Hiiurn -r '.iptiir, l In Texis arrl.s;! oil' to Mexico. and Matamora". August 5. Colonel ; Pedro aldi-z. of the Mexican army. 1 cros--d the Ilio (Jrande with an armed : hand and captun-d Ahr ihatn (Jonsalez. at hi rancho 1 elow Kagle pass. Texas. ! and brought hint to Mexicoa prisoner. - LATEST Futi.il aokiH CAROLINA. Tlie talc it 21cpub!iean. SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' REUNION Reign ot Terror on Mexican Border. ' SHCOT KQl ON THE S?0T!'-GEN. t'ulirornia Iip;it-Iie. MONTANA PROBABLY REPUBLICAN EAHTER-X news. Later from Xortb Carolina. Wilmington. August fi. The Star and Journal both claim Merriuian's election by about 800 majority. "Wa?higtox. Augu-t 6. A tele gram just received says the Republi cans have carried Xorth Carolina by at leat 1.500 majoritr. (Signed) W. W.Belkxap." WujarxGTox. Atigut 6. A comiir ison of the official returns with tlie re ported tnajoritii: 8 show errors in half the counties. Both parties are hope ful, though nothing but tne fllcial count can itecide it. Philadelphia, Aiignst 6 Judge Merriman telegraphs to Alexander K. MeClure that he believes be is ehcted by a majority of from 500 to 1.000. The Times Raleigh special says Caldwell is elected by 1,000 majority. A Herald dispatch claims that the la test returns give Meniwan 760 majori ty, according to Democratic count, but add that it is absolutely impossible to decide till the official vote is given. The Tribune says its returns elect Caldwell hy 400 majority, bnt. is not disposed lo give up tlie i&tte on the present showing. Washisotok, August 7. The fol lowing telegram, to President Grant, was recei veil this morning : Raleigh. 2T. C, AngtM 7. North Carolina has elected the en tire Republican State ticket by a ma jority Ringing trom 1.500 to 2.000. , (Signed) . Thos. Settle. Soldiers' and Sallora' Reunion. Baltimore, August 7. A meeting of the soldiers and sailors ot Mary land was held last night, to make ar rangement for attending the reunion at Pitubnrjh in September. Ou mo- t on. (veil. Agnn' resolution passed to extend political fellowship to Confed erate soldiers who longht atainst the L'uited States, exacting 110 condition exci'iit the cordial sumiort of Grant and Wilson. Jtefjru mt Terror ou the Xcik-nn Bor der. Xew Yokk. August 7. A Browns ville. Texa, special says the details of Mexican outrages as given before the Commission are shocking. Men were made poor in a single d;iy by driving off of their herd over the Ilio Grande, which i a weekly occurrence. Men were kilh-d for a dollar tribute. A reiga of blood exists iu the country. Tlie ppl are armed day and night. rtle of ItoiuK. Xevt Ycii:k. August 7. The olfer ings if louds to tne (iovei uineiit ti lav aJJiOonted to $0,500,000. at 11-37 il.V30; 2.000,000 were bought at 14-;Wi'ill-8S. iilel Jualiee t'lia.ie III. Xevt Yohk, August 0. The Tri btuie siaii that Chief Justice t;hase is snllering ojdy from a malarious at tack, iiis brain is unclouded. 4im. Itlx on Ureelcy. New Yokk. August 7. A letter from Geiirral John A. Dix, declining to atteiKl a Greeley ineetinir. L'ives the following rea-ons why he is opposed to 1 kit gentleman : "First, m-catise 1 believe linn to be as unstable as water, perpetually floundering, to carry out 'liat .scripiural illutnition, am'id the surges of opinion, and deficient in ul. reipiisites essential to ti linn and con sistent adiiiinistralion ot the govern ment. Second, because he has u-ually been fotii d among the most extremi ultr.iists 011 the great questions of po litical aud social duty which have Ik-cii brought under public discussion dur ing the last quarter of a century. Third, b.'cause he has been an advo cate, la this instance liersistentlv, 01 that most unjust and unequal com- 111eiu.il system which is destroy itij! our nicrcinlde and .hippiug inteivsts. Instpiiijl up enormous accumulation; of e;ii!li iu the hand of pridectei clashes to the oppression ami impov vr.sauieiit ol ail l in i l otuiii, he cinse lie is associated, in ivl.ition- iiioft- r lt-ss intimate, v ilii some 01 the ci.itrf jilunderers iu the city of Xe-v York, justly wariHoliu tlie aiireheu- Miui tktt. tliioiigii tin complicity o I. is JieJ I rail (li-po-iu.Hi. the same .-Vsit-iU of fniu-l or corruption which l.as di-grao-d the municipal govern oieut 01 this city may he carried l 111. it- iiif 111.1.11- cxlrviiics in the ad-ini..i- niliiii of the federal Govern- turiit. Fifth becau-' in the d.nke-t iir of tbe i-ollnlrv's iieril. when a tmJ-om-i coiiihiiiation had lieei loruii-d to overthrow the (ioverimieiil. he openly counselled the cow.trdij jiujuy ot uon-i'esi-l.ii.ev ami ai'-pne eeiy.i-111 Uie ilis-ultit 10:1 ol Die I mo. wlieiK-ver tlie cotton States shout nuike up fjji-ir minds to go."' AI.IfllllMi. Ofnt'j ,f JuTires 'oiiflriiief.vniellr iiul Kii--V tu. I. ellj iu .noii I. p tn A MliKM-aiiit. Sax Vua vri -"n. An-'. 7 An olli- cial disiat-li fi-oin Dr. Xovarro, Mex-u-ii Uoii-ul f. ji-nei-.il at Xew York, to lr. Kivas. Consul at sail Fra.ici-co, Confiriiis lle lea h of I'le-ident Jtiar-4-z. hut states it took ilac- ou the 1 St h of -lulv, aul not on the loth, a? r-.- 1)0114J. Chilton K. "in-hiw. who acted a Private .Svrttary to his father. Ad iiiiiaJ WinsJusv, coiiitiiUted suicide hy -lumtit. him-seif thl'oli:'!i tlie head at the I lx-idejitai this nioi iiii . lie was tiu si trricd. and arrived Iroia 1 auaina o,i ti- oa-til ution -hi! v '2'M. A l.-eMteu:,,,! Colo, ,ei Thomas t i v. V. S. A., r.veully ,la.edm there - tired lisf. di.-l of apoplexy, at the cor- ner of t iiw-rrt-ro and S-coinl -iieel-. this . veiling. . A;im U-"-J:T,?'lV:fili''u " -',.. Villi'-' :iigrin. is Iving 4-riticailv ill in Yir- i ginia. wiih cancer in the face. I.ir. Ani.i.i.1 . Aug. 7. lion. Wm. -D. Kelly. 4f I'l-nn-yivaiiia. is an-: jionncn! f sieak to-umi row night. C ltl lt.X S1IWS. PnrlinavTDt tt lx Prrfeil Si4lil I irllmi'-nl in Irelunil onll-ira-lion at Nlr-liiii-.oBro'l, Ituwi. ; I.xinS. August 7. Parliament! trill he prorogued on Saturday night. . Therr is smile exeiteiueiit in Ire'and j over rcriortnl gold discoveries near Kinsale. i Sr. PiTVAtMU'Ko. Augu-t 7. A dis pntch fnm Xis, hni-Xovgorod states th-iT a eoi.fi ngration is now r-ging in that city Tin- lire hrcke out in that ipi-ivter of tlh- pi-id- w here the annual ! fair is l-td. and Ins already destroy cd ; large :jnajil il V-s of vahtahle goixls. TT.l'.i. Trie I( lnt 1e 1 1 etion. S.m.t U.k.f. Angu-t 7. A scial from Ih-h-na. M.eitana. Ihis .-iftetiioon. s:iys Mnginnis Democrat for Ih legate ; is two hundred ahead, w ith Daw sou ; enmity to hear from, which is exi c-i 14-d to turn the M ile in favor of ( lag- g tt i'eptihlicau. : 1TAU TUKKITOKI. ' !.- f tiii.i r.om 11nilHTIi4" ! Iuiti'n l.ilnn outi Ibutioim uu j site Mini . Sxl.T Lakv. Angin t 7. A legi-tered linkage. Miil. lining 10.000, was stolen tviitii the mail U-twcen San Francisco anil this city. Xo clue to tin- ; Mil ir. Clver one hundred lodges of Ute In diaus are -Ui'iiiiiped ou liig l.ogan. levying coulrihtitions of food. etc.. on S4-Iliers. ;ii.os i ax ex. Harrowing mid itotliny; Xorc-.snry to i'resri tc i;ieir I'uOii(-(iv-iii hM. i The Veriiiont Watcliuiaii gives this j hint whicil may he ol value to Oregon j fartii-rs : ! The proper nianageineiit of grass ; lands will U-. before long, it it is not now. tiic key to sitcces-tiil agiiclilture in A met im. NVe tiiid a ililuciilly in inaintaiiiiiig the productiveness of our nieadou ' and ii-iuit's. even with an imal ton dres-ino of barnyard ma nure. There neeiU sonu thing more. I Xolonly abundant artificial liiaiiurcs j are necessiiry to maintain perennial j vigor, hut tht? mechanical process of; harrowing ami rolling an- needed. I 'l hes' de-troy nioss, loosen and open i Ihe -url'aee. admit the fertilizers to the j roots and iieveiit Ihe formation of Tutts of hi ; l:tg-. w h'n h in time would render the sodace u: even, liy lliese tne.-iiK grass lauds have liceu kcjit pro ductive for centuries in Kuropt-au 4X)tiutiie.s." ADVERTISED LETTER LIST' LIST F LETTi:Hi Kl:f IXI11 uiK-allel for in Mlvm (Kwiollioe, July :;1, Wi2: Allen, Ira; A -lams, Kev. William; Arm toug, Joseph i ; Allen. J. W. Itaiirle, B. V.: Beajrle, MiC. A: Bi-rne, Misn M. E.; Bagley, l-'cnuiu; Brumbaugh, -ndrew. "artcr Iavfl; Clark. Iila I.; Clark, Kev. Jtenrv; Crocker, !Samueli; Clark. 8. C; 4 'artp'r, U ; Cadwell, K. T ; Cond.lt, Virginia ; 'olby, J. A. Durall, Pavlrl ; Darr, Mr. Ann ; lolon, ii. 1).; 1W1T, AmM. Ila'airher, Minn Mary M ; (Jlenn, George G. S; Gesuer. Miaa Bomella. Il.-uitt, Rev. J. : Harman. II. J.; Holman. Miss F. A : HaviU-n, Mlsn Sarah ; Hunt rey, C IL; HufliDan, Amy E ; HtiBh., A. In low, Frank B. JetTrevA, A. M ; Jornw, Xfiss Lytlla; Jorv, Ml Mary ; Jone, Mnt Alktn. Keuyon, J. Gardener; Kenedy, William. Lynch, Frank K. S; Leach, Jenette. Meachen, A.; Merwer, Lticy ; Mlner, Ar Minr; Mnlkev, Mlf- Emma S: M.-Kinley, James: McKl'ulev. Merrltf : Maxrteld, Ero Miller, Roxaona 4: Mafree, Wll Mtin: Morrts, Ml& May 2 ; McXIcol, B. T ; M.-.llilster, Mahiila. I'rice. Joeei h ; Pearce, Charlea 2 ; Purdy, Miss (inula. Rimsey, A. 8.; Rhine, Jacob; Bandies, rierce. hhepparrl, Mn. Mat 11 -la J.; Stehman, Lt1 K.; Slarbwk. Mlaa Annie P.; Short. William Kmthers, Kobert; Steihen, Miss Artemecla; .-sales, C. J. ; Pmlih, Ml.os Amanda M 3; tsiimra, Henry ; Serettry of Rosa Lolge, So, 35,1. 0. G. T.; Swart, R. h. 2. Towner. Mlsa Ltuie ; Towner, Hiss Emma; Tock, Jaret. t'math, Charley. VH'lam W. W.; Wallace. Knthlnda ; Wliermann, Cmirarl; Wa lams, B. A.; Wash burn, L ; Wa'ker, Xamile E. When calling for the above letters, please fay a lverib-ed.. T. B. RICKEY, P. M. TELEGRAPHIC. Sl'EClAl TO THE STATESMAN. XOKTII CAUOLIA A To-Day it is Our Turu. Us NOW, ROOSTER, CROW! What We Know About North Carplin 2,000 Kepulillcnii Jlajorltf. North Carolina Answers "Here" to the Grant Koll-Call. Xkw Yohk, August 5. The Tiin-s 1. Raleigh) special to-night says. seventy- two futilities iTive t alilwell I'.Hi'i mt- jority. which it is believed can't l overvome. lmocrats win 1101 get, 11 a- vole of 1S70. MHi-riman says he w til contest the election before tbe Legislt- ture unles tlie Republican majority more than one thousand. Ihe Legis lature has a Democratic majority of eighteen on joint ballot. TheChar- 111:111 of tlie Koniihiicnn lomtiiiiife es timates the Republican majority at 000. X KV ADVERHSKMEXTS. HUBBARD COMBINED S:!fRake Reaper & Mower MAM'K.vrri llEU AT TIIE Oregon Agricultural Work, ' SALEM, OREGON. T ill K PUOPItlETuR IFTIIps WORTKT Kiueipri-e tuts imported Iweuly-Uvt. . lie-3: Superior Machines, vhi -hh- i'i'c:i 1 to b OM. m or tor to i-v heir ini-rlts in Oregon. Fiains confident that llu-y are the M:innracturcI, liavine rvc-iveI tbe onlj Grand Cold Medal at the la-st two Unite-l Starrs Fair for the- 33 33 2317 Combined Seif-Rake REAP2U AO II0WEE. We can onlidentlv re.-miriil ihemtofl pu'.ill.'. send for ilesk-.riptive i-at.-il-ji'.u .-fnit free Ma. -l'.ines ii-iw at onrofTlo- on exhibit!- a .-md fir ?aieat the Opera IS.u--e ouir. Ort'3in Agricultural IVurU., SALEM, OREGON. -Seii4l for Clrfulnr. Julv-r72:wtf ' THE BISHOP SCOTT GRAM MAR ' SCHOOL. r A l!:iartl.tu; and Ihi j School Tcr Itoy, i'orilm!. 1 f I': I K N K XT T LUM VILl. ftfXIX N TltX . ti ol !'4 ojiilirr F- r A'lmis-ion ,-iiiir -o f'ltliF. I! -AIM;, or ;o ISIsfli .1' f. iftP.ls. aiir''T2-Jm ST. HELEN'S HALL. A Bearding and Day School for ' Girls. rpilKXEXTTEKM W ILL nm;IN OX TIIE j j -lilt I "t4inl'l-. j Kariv aiM-'i.-.-iti-in for n-uir-lcrs i-h"iiht tic ' ma le to Miss; Koli.XilW r t HlSHOl! MoHl:lS. anjajilj-waik BOWIE WAGONS. ARK NOW riSKPAKKP TO FT'It- ! 'i-li our eltii'iic with I nnrfn-r mi-t l- ; (re-s w :iiriMi-. all'! i--.nr sirrncv .irn.-ipi--. .is i it- ,-mi, ov n- n but tu- t--f irknK-n. anil ' n o tin- vrry l-t material. ri- warrant ' our va;'in- to !- -i'l n-i-ro--it. T. CCXN1X4.;H AM CO. ll.VWllf. NEARIY HALF A CENTURY! : It 1 now over forty yours sinei- Krlstor ' Smnkiip-trllln mi4l I'ills were liiM inlr ilive I t-i lh- liuh'l.-. an-l nun. .iTertliltt Ion-; perl-M ol'ti i.-i!, tlu v are miivei -siIIt jetmitte-I . lo Ik? Hie lie-t nf nil reui.--!ii."s for impure li'oolnii-l liniiiors. s.-1-oful.i, i!tl n. .inl ,:oiiliiini-it ilieuni;lli-ln. W.I. ' allL'7.72--llt-vlt j RARE CHAN3E FOR BUSINESS ! i PARMENTER & EABCOCK, HAVixt; iii:cii)Kt to nwXTixt'K ilu-ir nsail luisines-. oiler llu-ir vnliru si-k-k for -aV- at .--'t. 'I'o a-.ivone wl-lilnjj to onCTirf- in the Furni ture lla.iiu---. tilts is- a r.ire v-lmn.-e. Tlie -to- k m is-tu- ,-'om"I lo iKt. lt, ami h i" U- -o!i I .-it ,-ost, for ,- h ltlTV. Ties i no 1 1 1 1 1 iH -c. we me tu liti-im-ss. Ai: ji.-r-oiis In 'elreil to iimdv re-rvt fully re-lllesleil loon'l :enl -poV. I'Ali MLM Kit & mTKlHTi. F ir- i nro 1 ea ers. Sa'cni, Oregon, Au. rttli, lT?. tlituivw votici- i-; hi:i!ki;y i;ivi:x that . tiif lli-ar.l of K:j'ia i..-itlon lorih--oiin ty of Maii--n. Oregon, wi-i rtiteml at liio oiti.-e of the i'-t-intv f'erk of sal 1 e inatv or.M ii-ion. ; (i,ij Hi'tay. tin- -; li -lav i f Anjni-t. IsTJ. aiil J will jiiili'vly eaini:ie tlie A-m-s-iik-iiI It-ills I an-l correct' all errors in va'.oation. ite-orii. : ih-ii or q;-.:i i i.-s of :,-i;i-l-. lots other i-rot er- ! : nml all -er.-on lnn-restel aiv lien 1 cl I ted to ai-n-ar at tin' titn-- and ila-" above I Hientionel. THOMAS f. H.M Asu-fWOT. ' A-.iLrat 7, ls7J. Sw-vv 3REC0H 3TEASVISK5P CO.'S; . ri:,v..iiJOA rs. j - J " - : otic? i: . FROM AX I) FTEUT1IISIATK,UXT1I. further notice. The Steamer Fannie Patton Will leave her dock, foot of Plate St.. ever" Tuesday and Friday Morning, At 6 o'clock A. M. for Portland. C.3J"Fareat Reduced Katei. J. D. BILEN, Afrrnt, Salem. Aggust. 9. 1ST2. OREGON WOODEN WARE MANUFACTURING CO. MAHUFACTUHER8 Of IIurkolH, Fail, Tub, Firkins AXD ALL KINDS WOODEN WARE. TIIE"Companv are prepared to fill all Or ders for Ah aad Cedar Pal la, Ash Klt, But ter Firkins Wash Boards and Broom Han dles, Ac, a-, fcar Address alt commnnlcatioiis to J. Is. IIII.KS, Axvnt. Ang.9 . Portland, onjgon. - Jlrown'n Bronchial Trocliew, for Pulmonary and Asthmatic Disorders, have proved their efflcucy try s test of many years, and hare received testimonials from eminent men who have nsed them. GOOD CABLE SCREW WIRE Boots and Shoes Last aa Ion? again as any oth er kind. angl3-wlm 1 i MISCELLAXEOUS. WIIXIAM DAVIDSOS, REAL ESTATE DEALER, OMrr o. 64, Front Street, PORTLAND, OKEGOX. REAL ESTATE In this CITY ami EAST POBTL AN 1), In the iii'wl it.jslratile livultites. i-.oiiMsiinK ol Mils, HALK BIK'KS an.l ULtiCKS, HOOKS ami STOliES; 1 IMPROVEP FARMS, and valuable 1111 enltlviiit-il LAN LS, WicatLil In ALL iartsiM the STATE fur HALE. REAL ESTATE nml other Propern unr.-hiLseil for C'oresi"ii(letits in tliW t'lT nii-1 llinnigliotit Oil- STATES ami TEKKITOKIES. ith im-at --tire :itl on the lmu ADVAN TAI.EOCS TERMS. IIOCPES an-1 STOKES LEASE1. LOANS NEiin-l.TEl. nml CLAIMS HI ALL HESCKIITIONS PltOMITLV OIL LECTER Aivlai.cnt-ril KINaNCIALiu"! AliENCY IlL'SlNESSlmiiM);twi. (lawn POPULAR MUSIC BOOKS. Now ele-t the Mttfl.-. Books neerle t during the next Autumn, anil.iirre-ab'y nvttpr youi Summer Leisure In e.vaiiiinliis, juiyim; anil Ringing from them. THE (STANDARD ! Price 1.50: $13.50 ln-r -toi. Ilestined to lie the H inner Church ilu- link nfth .Sfimm. Slneers, lewlers, tt-aehers!" 'Ually rounl' Ihe banner! KPARKMWi KI'BIF.S! Price Y cents. i r Sabbath Schools. None belter. THE PILMKI.WK HARP! Pn.-e 0 cent-. r estries and Prayer Meeting. Un excelled. Take with you, for entertainment at Sum mer Meson-, THE JH'slfAL TRFAVI RK. 21") la;je of new and jjopular Songs an." I'iaiiltirte t-ieces. or MIOWKR r PEARLS. Full of ihe best Vociil Dnets. Or, OPERATIC PEARLS. Full ot'the besi Ojiera Songs. Or, PIAXI'!- ALBUM. Fiilloftheoesi PUtno pieces. Or, piano-i or i e ;i:n. Full of the be-t Piano pieces. Ea-vh of the above five Wl;s costs tl 50 Ii lioanls. or S1 no m c'oth. lias nmre tlian Sm lare iiart-M tall ol'iiopnlar music, an-l eithei book is a in sr enter. auan; c-miia il;u to a lo-i-r ol inu-lc.. SK- iine-isoi the STAXIiARH sent. tr tin ii'tM.-ni, Kt-lp,iiil, for $1.25, aud oflheo.hei iKHiks fur the re:ail pnee. OLIVER DITSON CO., Ilos'.ou. C. If. 1UTMJX 4 CO , New York. Allfill. TO .'HE TJNFOSTTJNATE. NEW KtMEl IKS: XEW REMEMES: DR. GIBBON'S DISPENSARY, C23 Kearny S'.reet, Corner Commercial St. SANIEAKCISCO Kstab'iheti in ltv4, for tlie tvpnrment ol Scviia.1 an-l cmina! Itieeae'-, t-in-h tiooor. rtn-u d i'e , S;r-ture, phimri nil it t"inn-. Seminal Ve;iktie!-f, innxHencv, etv I'll. ;iIiliuN!5 hasiht- u.canre of annou-. hiirtliat he lia roltirnel trum viJlitig the iniiicij'a' hrvila' f Kunnw, Rn'l lias rt- r-iniH-'i pnioiive at inn i)ifjHriiry, t.jj Ktimy whfre hi- nUl juilienisand Hnwf requirtng hi rxL'rvices mav inn! luni. Tin Doctor hai "iwrxMl neither lime nor ltfiH-y in -ffktuf: mil new remctiep,. ami ha u:nriil with Uiorra-e-1 lor tUo alle viation ol' human mtU'ert . Kemiunl Wealinefts. Seminal emission the cserjirenee of tit :itrt:. Tin solitary vu-e, orlt-piavctl yexiial itrliriMve, t- iu-Hv-.; V-ei hy Hit' yoiuii ol" both i-e.e loan uliiiost uniiniiHft extent, iiro!iu-injf with nnerriirjr ceitainty, tin; following tmlu of inrliI i ttiitmr. ttiiteeij c'nnliacel by k:i t ntilK- ineiiual nrea-mes, viz: Sallow counii naiice. ibirk. npots nIer the esiiri i'1 the he tl, riiiriii in the ears, hoIm. hke 'he rniilnj: of leaven and ratr ;;h:it ol rhurM;. tuiea.Mnesrt about the Jt.in-. I'.onl'iH'il vWi)i, bluntest Intellect, of v-onihleiKVt flilhtleiive in approav-hinff M raner,a 'tl-hke tn form newatXjiiaintaiK'es, a ih-jKiMUoti to "hnn ?vitty, lo.- of nwmory, l.e.;u- flnsht" arwl vari nefunti'onr.alont the l.uf, f:trre 1 totr.?. tiU brvath, eouh, oon .;imptioi:. inhi ie:tt. monomania and fre- jtieat in;i;.ii v. If rehi-i he not olrtaiiie!, the i-ii lit ivr fhtitihi apply iiniueUatel,v,iii iier on or ly lc:ter, ami have a cure ellW:el by hw new and -temilir innle of Heat inp thi 'hv;H', hich never failw of efftvtinpa quU:k jin'l ni!i.at cure. 1 r. i. will t;lve ine hun Mi e 'lobars to any fier-on who wiil prove Nifl-facturily tohun that he w cured of thi- eomp'aint by either ol tbe S.m Ki-ancirvo o.n:i.UN. 1K. (1T1I.()X lt reponiWe. aivl will ive to each j-U h-n t a written Inurnment, binding lnmnelf to ftttv; a radical and permanent cure or make no charge. urcl at Home. lcrons nt a distance m:iv ite Cl'RKI AT 11 OIK, by a hlri'in.a a letter to Dr. ;iblKnt .laiitiKcse. symptoms length oftime the dis ease lutscoiuinue i.ar.il havemedit-ine pnnnjit ly Innrarded, fi ee fn m damage audctiriosit v, Im any part of live country, with full and Iaiu direct ion?-ir u.-v. Person wrliiiic to the rtoctnr will plea-e statt-the iiameol ihe paper tlwy jrw this ad-vir;iM-menl in. Hy inc'oKhi'r ?10 coin, in a reelfteml letter through the I'osi t flice. or ihr.'Ujrh Wells, Kar &t & - o., a package of me iicine wiil be ior wanled to any pan of tlie I'nion. A!l cor re -;"tn it-n ce strict 'v coutidential. Adtlres 1-K. J. F. t;iy?Itt. W. Kearnr street, San Francisco. I'ostotlice liJ. lj(. Feb pt iIfoi:wl.v REWARD FOIl AX Incurable Case I DR. L.E RICHATJ'S GOLDEN BALSAM! pnven itself ih only nirativo m a ct ncin clem if JitiH pr.'nouiiced by uitdical practition ers as inc lira lilt. Br.LsBichaa's GOLDEN EALSAHKo.i rursChancrrs first rnd nvriwl p egf s.Prrnon U ffs r ISmly: r nx Kth, ly Nt sc. Ac.; i " 'pppr-eopc rl HI t.-U-s, TbiUiio .tr.uh. Di.-it'as r S r-tlp, tnl nil primary forms t i U.v i.scasc tn w;i r.s fcypbila. lice, Optrbvt tle, or twj tjr SJ. Dr.L?Ri3h:a'sGjLEEN BALEM! Y.2 rarT'rtbrr. Mor-nrial, Fyph-litic Tl fT,i,-s. lisiu. Pi; ns ia t :e Uuinu. I .it ktf 1 1 N. L. 1 1 icnit' d Sr TitA, typluliUc J.; li, 1 i mpsi aai C n'net l c r.l, Ktitriu of il e 1 k, nnd era..U at"i l Uifi u- a frrm lhorit'XU. wh th'-r raa-.' I by iiit'.i rtli. n or il v.-c of ner.ut vl -a i iho b?(n:d jnre&ud 1--1 Ly. Price, 3 p-r Urulc, or two U r D.1. Is RiVs C3LCEN J?.i;iH lli- ti forth? Can of Ooiii-Tr.r;t, Gbrt. Iiri-t-it.on, Gravrl, and fill I r m 4 r OruiUl dl.siraa., meats, rrice, p r bottle Dr. Ls Bblm's C3LDEN SPAK1SH 15- ; 1 -ti in, a wvs-h and injectkm ft r per n r?.w '( 'f.tnn irb en. In;iummptiry Oliet. Str:- ti-rr h, r ail ail diaH.- of the Kidney i and lilzudtr. J.- , -, tl.jO per b ttle. Aleuts frr DR. I.E KICHAPS CC TXZi TlijLS f-r -mi:ial AonhicM. Ni; It : Pup it-n y. and til (".mws tiiMTT fi- n M:isTnrl:itioii n .t I A'f-.sivr 1 n. r r . f ; T b tt. Thrt ' m:w Oi Litx B.'.LtAji in i ny onlr iu r m-it iK'it"-'. Ox !-jpt- of pn t-. th mrtT'rfw HI r.nt t.a!' iris -f the ci:nt"y. bv t.t r ss rm it, w-nr- ly pn eJ and Jreo frutn obbtr- r. f. ricHAnBs co. V.'Jv:.ir.7- and lb-tail Trojr;:Tt and t .. irrtK. t W. -r. uy v Kmisuuio :ir. tft Sa 1 rai:c:acu. Cui. JJ k M iv17: Um lr Wni aw Terythlng naaiad in t tunny, fan th beariasttothalifhttftialirlc IT IOE! MOBE WORK, MOKE KINDS Ol WORK, AND BETTER WORK, Than any other machine. If there is a Florence Sewing Via. chine within one thonrand milea of San Francisco not working well and giving entire satisfaction, if I am in formed of it, it will be attended to without expense of any kind to the owner. SAMUEL HILL, Agent, 19 New Montgomery Stmt, Grand Hotel Building, San Francisco. Send for Clnmlmrw tmd MHnplea f tho work. Aetivo Jgents wmntod im omry plat. Feb. 1 (UwlT All Kindt or Feed 1 For tale by dtf ttte Mrcet, !. M Sllill MISCELLANI OtTS. National Business College, POUTLAXD, ORECiOV. EXK4XTIVE Ori'It'EIWj H.M.DcFKANCF, - President. Secretary. A Model Commercial College. Tlic Kduculion for lie Tinics. Tho Importance of a Practical Education Was Never Moro Apparent Than Now ! T 1SCXIVERSAI.LY A( KXOWI.Kn; I . 1 I ., urn.HHrilv !- irfltU' K Fl mil. .cup--" ........ -n ... . - - mre jiraotK-al. an-l Ihm tt I rwiiihvl ot men I hat thev e ln.-ate ihemelveK pra.-tl.-all y ed iitnte thenu'elvej' in ihe tie-i nwnner lauwilile to mt-t the ilemandti of I lie 'lines. To inp men. the in; tire nemreoi iri-i n lrmu ii vol t Am V1 nretiirel tn meet jjniaiiU? A COURSE OF INSTRUCTION TO HEET TIIE Demands of the Age! 4 Tlie most Thorough, Pra--ti-al, atl Com prehenslrr COURSE OF BUSINESS TKAIM5K EVE ISTRODftT.D BY AST , C C I 31 12 IC cia r on - BUSIKE3S COLLEGE, THEORY AND PRACTICE BV MEANS 11 F BANKS & BUSINESS OFFICES. The Tourt f.- o arrangol irrnl Tanijrht a; to cnab'e the fludent to mn-'or tt In tike Sborl4j.t Timo l"i-!ib!4;. FMh .:uiTcnt af.T lessaip.throngh the THEORY OOURWE. BEOUTES Ay JCTTA1 Book-Keeper (Merchant whci. in th fpoi-i- of a FEW WEEKS, ttr o'.iaiii8 tin; rpik;!L-e i)f an ORDINARY UFE.TIMK. Tlic Tclpsmiih lpiatrtmpt s now flt tt' up mill llic W ot ai:"(TiinK-iitt, an-l i la-omplc- nnmUigorler. For Fl'l.l. INFORM ATION, nai-l f .r(MI; LKl.h. l'AJ'KK. U A-nlrw: Di'Fmiicr i Jumr. l KTL AS I, OK Ki .-.N. Juiit-SO'i-.vMv II O 31 Mutual Insurance Company. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CAPITL, S 1,000,000 I JOHN If, ItF.DIMiTON Prrtthlrat HH. II. HOW AKlt..... Tare I'mklral 'HABI.I K. S I OKI" .. .-r-IKrj- ?f. 1(. UB1 Miirla frrtrjr. II. 11. IU4UUiilW....Uriit'rl Maunrer- PIKECTORS: OREGON BRANCH; PORTLAND : r. WnwmMiB, R. (ioatbiinltli, :. H.iwla. It. Mnrlmy, IJ071I ltrooks. Knlvm I.. F. Jrr- Itnlln I. M. Ii-t-nrlk Alltnuy J. A. 4i'ntf4rft ljewiKtoii J. Ijowenbenc HAMILTON l(TI. ' I'Piirrnl Aimit, Portland. 1 ( HAS. 1- III IIK4IWN, 1 Aaciii aKalem. j .Uvl4 31 12 V ha- rt-nioi.fl tn ti. W. trav i-ornor on Stat,-.tri-, with a well assortel mock or Dry Goods. Clothing. nOOTS VD SIIOKS, CROCKERY AND CROCERIES. JWrC'A$H I'AH) VOli HIDES. Jan-13:tllf DANIEL LOWER, Front St., Perttand, Commission Merchant. OreMi pmdutrt sold to kest adrautafrc lu l'ortUtiM iH'itei FraircWx. lH-altrr ia CALIFORNIA & ORECON Erodiice. AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Vnijpinirnt Soltrlted. j,-m. 2.-.. 1.S7I NORTH SALEM STORE! AT TlIl-;vM ;ilEtX STORE A FULL ASSORTMENT unv i;ovDs. BOOTS k SHOES, . CLOTHLNtJ, Hardware, General Merchandise, Ovulated fur City and County Trade. Ttnitrlit low. ;irl will lip wiil at as small a prolUaH those wlio xell at con. tSjf-tJnrnl.- ilelrtvroit to anr port or thcltir t vc of char.'ii. ilAw STAR BAKERY, Cracker Manufactory ASD FAMILY GROCERY -rn PROVISION STORE Commercial St., Salem. I hare ctantly oa hand PILOT B E, E I SODA. BUTTER, PICNIC, B08TOX. I-EM0XaB4 JES.NYLIXi, CBACiCEBB. A1J0 Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes. &c WEDDIS0 ASDUtlVATE PABTJES Supplied on Short Notice. CRACKERS AT PORTLAND PRICES. A11 ordari promptly fil)d aod joodii deliored to all parU of thu ity Free of Chars LEWIS BTRNK. March 16, 18T2:tf Academy of the Sacred Heart, ALES, OKHHHt. Th Tenth Annual Senaim will comraen. OB Mnnitay, the 19th of Atifrnw. I'uiala wh ITO(meatteTlln K-hool ro requlreil to ho ! tit ' the opening or ihe Seatton to Cacllt ute rrmiiaro'awiifloJMion. angSdiwiw .1..