7 -iV i $ecrfi? vpreon talesman. The City and County. From Di'ily of Saturday Aug. 10. OI K EXCIIMOXbTh. 1'nmp Seeiiess SenM.1 JIunlnKfl -Happy .Momenta, Ae., Ac. TV received thin communicstinn from the "Scribo"' ly jc'tcrd.!-' until, but on account if space itg publication waa de ferred until to-day. Our invincible friend seat it mil to the iiostofflc at Grand Rontle ley a sri-ntlerrnin rvturnin; t i rW) ii.it i,.n. nnd tf him are indebted fur tbe f!lnur inj sketch : Oin Seamm: Cahp. Monday evi nioc. Fnipsr Local : Having been enraged in analyiinjr and eollertinz various kinds ot stones, rea mn, shell tl -h nd bacon, I have oezlected to forward to you tlie pnss ing incidents of eur emp life. Sinca toy last writing a creat mnsv change have bi-t n made, in r Viti-hea and household affair?. Tho only change that lias beun unnecessary if tii.it of Miss M 1 R h and Frank llintU-y. as ostlers. They present a very pwtaresue appesrnace. while enajed in searcbin for horses in the tall IVro, or combing the burs from their flowing hair. Dill Waldo, having tried hi hand at cuok tng and washing dishes, resigned in fartr of Murphy, who n aeemrat of his standinr collar I t the beans barn up, as lie eouhl cot look down into the kettle. He was iinniodiiVtdy discharged, and is now resting upon his laurels. Henry (Silfrey -xanted 10 borrow one of Murphy's chokers, but d'sl not succeed, and is now chief cook, assisted by Miss A s, and d-iin'4 finely. Hill "Waldo has been paring the beach all day long, with his shol-gna trying to bag a sea (full, bat t the time of writing hns not been successful. Mrs.W s insists that the gun is not loaded, but it is just as well. Henry Gilfrey and Miss C n were down t the caTcs ibis forenooti, and managed to get wet tbrnagh, but they did ot enter the caves as the tide was cominjr irt. The ladies and most of the gents have become accustomed to sea bathiug and en joy it Bogely: Bill Waldo is generally the first to get ready for bathing, bat npon arriving at the beach, amuses himself by cba:ng the smaller riffles that do not pour over his boot-tops and wet bis feet. Mur phy has either developed very rapidly, or . hit suit has shrank considerably, we can not tell which. It requires the aid of an assistant for bin to get them on, and -when he does, unique would be a poor sug gest'ea. Salt water does not agree well with Gilfrey 's "psnier," 1Tb are going to have some literary excercise and mnsie this evening amend the camp fire. Frank Bewley is to deliver the opening address, to be followed by declamations, Ac. by members of the party. Although severed from the bosoms our of families we are happy and content. Smith has been growing romantic for some time, ut to-day he has got bis satis fy. He was trying to climb an almost per pendicular cliff, nearly one hundred feet high, 'bat upon gaining about half the dis tance -missed his footing, and down became, rolling, tumbling and boancing like the water at Lodore. After reaching the bot tom he quietly rubbed his numerous braises nnd scratches, remarking the while "By jingo! I must have slipped 1" He is now i convalescing. The night is coming on, so j I will say farewell, dear Local. You have I the sympathies of the entire party. More anon. SCRIBE. Trip ts rut Coustrt. We yesterday took a chart trip iiita the country in search of an item given us by a farmer, but failed to find anything trae concerning the report. Our informant told us that a painful acci dent had happened to a man engaged in threshing at the farm of Mr. Swart, about jur miles east of this place. We immedi ately chartered Darbin's blacks they are our favorites and started for the scene of the accident. We found to our great dis satisfaction that the dust was several inel es -deep and the wind blowing in onr favor, thus carrying aeload of dust with us. This, added to tie sultry heat, made it rather un comfortable. We noticed a kiln of brick that had just been burned at Baker's brick yard, wlilh looked well and betokened first-cla.s wo,-kmcs. Far mers are bury hauling and thrrsjiug wheat. It is an easy m itter to discern the whereabocts nf a thre-hing machine as a cloud of dust is cvntina.'tlly rising from U like sruake from a locomotive. Upon ar riving at our destination we fuund the re port to be wholly untrue. Who, ob, who can imagine our sapreme disgust. It was well that the pcrsou who istforuied us was not present or swnetliing terrible woald have occurred. Wa bad a pleasanlcr drive coming home, and we are oow perfectly alm and serene. W would like for our Ttind friend to call apoo to-day. He has anissed his calling. Hs should cither be a lawyer r an oditor we cauaot tell -which. Visit ts tub PKrrirjAltT. We Tester iay paid tbhi institution a visit, aid were pleased t see tb workiags so complete, and mcthodie.il. We wero kindly shown through the taiMing fcy Judge Holteelaw, Warden. In the bakery two eonviet were -at work Making broad, that would equal .any found in our best bakeries. The tailor shop ais presented a basy appearance. The library already obtained is e com posed of good and wholesome reading Jtlthougk not largo, is very goa Tho 'orick yard presented the liveliest nppenr- Ance, as the poor unfortunate eoneicts keep en a doi; trot nearly all the tiaic. Alter inspecting the cells, dungeons, Ac, we 4.iok our departare feeling as though it were better tn be eva a local editor these lull times, thua to make brick for the .State at sach small wages. Ontee Citr Rodbkbv. We were shown a letter received by Jir. T. U. Hickey frum Postmaster Bacon, etf Oreg City, con timing the robbury at that place. He says tho amount taken ras $1,02S fsur hun dred and ty'ty oWllars iu currency, and the remainder iu ewiii. Tiie thieves were n-t looking fr stamps, so none were takea, al though every bos: the office was apeaed in search of currency. Mr. ii. is not a wealthy (nan, aad this loss will be greatly folU Ooe bandred aad fifty dollars be . longed to the V. &, vhich he wkI be com pelled t Tcpbice. Dorj,t Rt xa way. Through ffce Vind ucss of a dray fcsrse aeiooging to the 8. D. i U. C., and one belonging to Wat. An derson, wo are faraishod with ear "usual ' runaway item. Tbe horse beleaging tu the hack eowpaay started first, the other following suit. They ran np State street to the Co' stable, where one of them eime Co a halt, bat the etnor continaed on his wildcat ear ap ta Cumaiereiil, down Com mercial to Court, Jo a Coort ( his place of i rest, bat just before stopping ran over a beautiful aha io tree. Horses auhart. Nor IfARKKa. Prof. A. L. Fraacis, late of Eugene City, wishes as to say to bis frieads female in particular that he is not, nor has ever been married. He bas no farm near Kugene City. No young widow and three childrea or anything of the sort. lie is etill single but "engaged io tuning piano. The report circulated, has proven detrimental to tbe Professor's equi libriunt. We woald ask those who have congratulated kiiu to tuko back their coin plimeoia, as they aro only wasted a tbe desert air. A .MiLtTABT pRowESSoasmtP. We learn bt Mr. F. G. Sehwatka who started for thu east two or three days since, took with him a petition signed by President Gatcb of the University, and numerous others. asking that the Willamette Unireraity be de.-i -fated M ono of the Colleges entitled t Milk Professorship, under the act .r Congress of July, lsfifl, and that Lt, J-Vvi! Sehwatka of the 3d Cavalry, be de tailed to act as Prjfcssor of Military Cukheketa Hotel. The Oregon City Enterprise says Mr. Charles Logus of that place baa purchased a one-third interest in tho Chcmeketa lintel building. We dx sincerely bi.pc thnt this report is true, if Mr. L. can succeed in heaping it in runuing nrdci. Wc need another hotel, and tho Ctaemckctii is the one. AN'OTrjEit. We hoar th:il Capt. Johnson, of East Portland, late of Corvallis, c ame up to this city yesterday for the purpose of seeing about opining the Chcmeketa II tel. Wo have no information, however, of a defi nite character. Wiif.it. Seventy on'j is what the Sa lmi mill i pnyiiir f r 1 I wlie.it. From Doily of iSundity Aug. 21. A Wifk Does Xot Know Nek Husband It sceuis str:tnge that such a thing eboulcl happen. We have it from the lips of the father and husband, and is as fallows: About dusk, a few evenings since, Mr. S b was lying on a sofa in his sitting rooui on Piety liill sonnd asleep. Mrs.. 3. went out visiting about dark, leav ing the children playing in the parlor. The youngest becoming tired laid down upon the floor and went to sleep. As burglaries were "f nightly occurrence and the chil dren timid they could see and hear almost anything. The oldest girl imagined that ' she aw a robber pass tho window, aud im mediately hastened t j tell her father. Mr. S. remained quiet for a time, until be thought he beard a strange nii.-e outside, when he slipped up stairs to ascertain its whereabouts, lie had scarcely gained the itper landing when Mrs. S. returned. The little girl tuld her a'nout the mysterious fig ure, thoroughly arousing her fears. Just at this moment they beard a light step over head. That was sufficient. A gen eral stampede took place, intermin gled with screaming, capsized furniture, broken vases Ac. Mr. 2?. hearing the sinashiu and cra.-hing hurried down to as certain the c;mi!. Tb; nearer lie cum J to the frightened f.imi!y the louder they mini I sccesm. In a few minutes the entire neighborhood was on the ground. And by their united efforts the frightened dove was reconciled. You can imagine her feelings better than we can describe them, when she recognized in the person of her assas sin, robber aud burglar, her own devoted husband. Can't Swallow Greeley. We yester day overheard a conversation between two parties from the rural districts that illus trate the Democratic capacity for swallow ing Greeley. One of the gentlemen works at Davis' Flour Mills ; the other in another, part of the country. The following dialogue ensued : "How's Greeley in your part of the county V "Well I don't know, guess he's all right. How's things out your way ?'' "I tell you, our fellers don't stock on Greeley, and unless the Democrats nomi nate a candidate we are going to stay ut home and run the mill." "How many arc there down your way of that opinion ?" "Well there's twelve of us that works round the mill, and lots of others that say they wont go near the polls." That is all we heard, but that was enough to convince ua of the bitterness of the Greeley pill to Democrats iu the vicini ty of Davis' Mills. Our kprovemevd!. Tho improvements going on iu our eiry gives it a look of pros perity, if our streets do seem dull or local items scarce. The Agricultural Works hns reached its third story ; the M. E. Church, though not pushed so rapidly, is doing fine ly ; the Court House alreidy assumes a grand appearance ; tho Academy of the Sa cred Heart has finished its second tier of windows, and the residence of E. X. Cooke looks elegant. Workmen are busily en gaged on Holmes' new brick store, and tak ing into consideration other improvements going on, it does not require a second look to convince us thut Salem is not dead yet. New Rooks. Tho Willamette Univer sity has just received a large supply of choice literature to bo added to their al ready fino library. Prof. Gatch has been bu.-ily engaged for several days past, un packing and arranging them on the shelves. These books wero presente.il by most of the principal publishing houses of the coast to Ibis institution, we understand. A very fine orgun was also received, to be used at chapel exercises, and for those desiring in structions in music. Fixe Oiiuan. 1'ue ir.it Presbyterian Church has just received one of the finest organs now in this city Irotn Mr. W. U Badger, of Portland. The instrument was manufactured by Geo. Woods & Co., nr.d for richness of tone and great power is hard to equal. Mr. l'rauk Strong is exhibiting its superiority at that church. Persons who are fond of good music will attend the i Presbytcriao Church this evening, as a full choir, assisted by this elegant instrument, i will furnish it. Arrested. At a late hour Friday night j a man was (aught prowling around the ; porch at the rear uf the residcDcu of Prof. T. H. Gatch. It seems that he was drunk, and imagiccd that be bad lost a pair of shoes near the place ho was caught. He was lodged in jail, and this morning brought before the Recorder and fined for violatiug city ordinance. CiiEiiEKETA Leased. The Chemcketa Hotel has been leased at last to a compe tent hotel keeper. Mr. Bush will start for San FrafrHsco immediately, we are in formed, for the purpose of purchasing furniture, etc. It will be iu readiness be fore the Legislature convenes, so our pri vate families ueed not fear being compelled to take boarJcrs, daring the Legislature or I State Fair. Axotiieu Chance. Tho name of the Dallas Republican has been changed to the Liberal Republican under the super vision of Liberal Sullivan. That change will work about as well as the oue? last election. We would suggest the Liberal proprietor to change it to Dully Yardcn Republican the next issue. Cuexeketa Xot Hold. We were yes terday informed by Mr. A. Bush, that tbe report circulated by the Oregon City En terprise is wholly uutrue. Mr. B. has never beard of such a gentleman. The Chcmeketa still stands unchanged in pro prietorship. Departed. Dr. Carpenter and Richard Dearborn leit on yesterday's train Dr. Carpeater to visit a sick person at Marion Station, and Mr. Dearborn on rusticating tour te the country and sea eoast. He in tends to aaeet a party of ladies aad gentle men near Eugene, when they will proceed to Coos Bay. Taii Kottci. Rer. J. W. Miller givos notion that the Committee will meet the class in the first year's coarse of study, Wednesday, Augnst 2Stb, at the University building, Salem. There will not be tiaie to attend to the examination properly after tbo conference if orgtsrsed. Nans Csaxged. Tbe newspaper pub lished at McMinnrilie, Yamhill county, and formerly known as the West Side, baa been reduced in size and changed to the Yamhill County Reperter. It presents a very neat appearance. 4 Smai.i, Pox. Wa learn from a geutle- man who hat recently arrived from below, that two cases of sraall-pox were reported at St. Helens. Cut as to the truth of such report we cannot say. From Daily of Tuesday Aug. 13. Persohal. Our sanctum wis illuminated yesterday by the freaial countenance of Col Charles Crocker, business manager of the Daily and Weekly Bulletin. Tbe Colonel is about to make a tour of the towns sooth ward, on business connected with the Bul letin. We commend him to all the jolly saints along tbo road. As .Uxfoi'.tisate Stf.I". A man giving lis name as W. F. Mansfield arrived here tin Iho Purtbad train lust PaUirday, and in his rambling 4ibost the city hecacce intoxi cated and attempted to take his life while under the influence of LUjuor. It seems ithat he hat beea cngnsed in a vineyard iteM Milwautte, juatl wishing t take a lit tle trip from tiie nn. wended his way to this city. lie was discovered by a police man to hare ia hU possesion a bottle of taciLinuia. fum asking liisn what he was S'dcg to do with it be replied with an oalh' 'iat ho was going u drink it. The police nnn told hint that it wi aid kill hint, and I'll at he hud l'vr take it 'ak ad tlmli it f -r I'loiM Wit : but Mr. M. in-Uid list it Li ao,aV business what be sir an k, and that it was the first time he bad ever been drank, and that he ought to be oioned. Uc, however, returned to the lrg store. woerj ke traded the poison f r Fliaida Water, aad started dowu Commer cial street. At a late hour he was foend watering about, not caring where, and was takea ut ciare and lodged in jail. Tut:rduy tuui'aiug upon exitmination it wo found that lie was in a very er ti.-ul unaition, being aJaawt insensible aud un able to spuai. He was immediately n mvreil to a hutci aoi niet'kal aid sum moned. At the Jiaso of our going to press Je bad improved iM:what. aud may be enii to be Kire!y t of danger. It is u( jMiaed that he bai drank a portion of the lauaanuia befofe returning tu tho drug art ore. The Exa Uih: KutCoue. A uumberof s'tar citizens wre greatly exercised yesti-r--iay on acooout t' a prediction ma Io by cum! scientific hioatie. that this earth of fir would fume in ertit;t w ith a monster vouiet and be forever and eternally burned tip, tho ashes bUwu aay and our existence entirely furgoJteH. We iiavo failed to ns oerxaiii or exjicricoce any unusual weakness jkT'WBnd ourut'irtal coil. It has not shuEod i':n lite least. Yesterday was lo bale bc -.ur last, rut we bate t:rviied :not it.av jttstty rejoice in ur cteape. Only think it. The esrth, with all that dwell thereon, to o hurried threugb the dark valley 'ue.'ilh the thaduw of Icatb, at oue fell tlow. Xot even a wa-le person left to weep and mimni for the antimely end of tbo hnrscn family- The Ubib has not yet comec for tbo consaiBinatinn af the world, when tho "jod, tbe bad- the jast and the unjust, to I wiR suffer alike. We hope that such an evost may be withheld at ieast a year. It aay be that the predicting astronomer has a -mii-take ia bis calculations, and that this fcru-ious coet will devour some other orb, as there are plenty t sparo before giving up iLke earth, ear present home. Mlsi'SPERTisniG. A man named Sta- I ges residing several inilew north of this city wis arrested by iVputy Sbcria' Barker last Sunday, on a charge of beating and mis usiax; a wotiiaa forajerly his wife, but who fjinee being divorced bas attain murrii d. It eeeias thut his divorced half bad come to tbe coiK:lusioa thst she wanted thu two lit tle troy for herself so she repaired to the xcsiAjuce of Mr. B. and there asserted licr intention tu shanjrhii, kidnap, or walk otf with them- Ho But seeing it under that diade tree, MMtestiAl, ufieringto divide she to take the yousgogt, nnd he retain the older. This wis not satisfactory. Her heart yearned for tho fir-t born. So did bis. Words were multiplied until be thought forbearance ceased to be a virtue, so be waded io, kniekin- her out of time at the first dash. Pile did not understand the wanly art very tharouhlj, and s ior threw up tbe sponge, aud to get even bad liim arrested and brought before a tribunal, where ho wa eimtted. 3ot llts Foot Is If. A tanner residing in P ilk county, near Bethel, aud rejoicing in a good growth of watr-iueloiis, succeed ed iu capluriug a tartar a few days sinee, in tha followiu; manner: The youngster living ia 'ie neighborhood of the "'melon pate'a" have a habit of visiting it between the hours of 6 p.m. aud 6 a. m , making sad harm! am mi th j vines. The farmer tirinjr of this rt of cotnluet, procured large bear trap, aad set it for the young gents. Upon goin down to the gard.n in the uioruing he saw a curly-baired youne tier staudin iu tiio vi. inity of his tr ip. The kind gentleman invited him in to breakfast, but he de -lined, saving, "I -ucsr I have got my foot in it. I won't cone back again if you will let me go ibis time " He wishes us to inform his young friends that he has removed tbe trap and they n.cii not tear to return. I.Anor. Finn. A very large tire was rig in; last .Sunday evening, several mile? dorvn the Wiilatnettc. Tho northern sky was briliiaudy illuminated from horizon to reuiih. Whether it was a bouse, or only timber, we have been unable to as -er'aiu. lint most probably it was the latter. Ot-T Again. Mr. John Booth, who ha' been dangerously ill for some time past, f are happy to see again upon tbe street. LOCAL BKEVITIKS. Merchants all going to San Francisco llurglar sick. No item this morning. Passenger travel nnd freight good on the r.iilroad. A heavy express came up on the train yesterday morning. Ano'ber Penitentiary bird due from Portlaud. V. R. Hyde, late of the East, sta ted on a visit to Washington Territory yesterday. Much unwcllness in town in consequence of "nice ripe apples," green corn, etc. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY Smnr.er Reported to lie a rros;ect ivc Candidate. Labor Reform National Con vention. The Republican Victory !n North Caro lina. POLITICAL NEWS AND SEN SATIONS. Secretary Delano Seriously III. Grant in Vermont. CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES. EASTERN SEWS. A Ncnaatlonnl He port. New York, Angut 7. It is re ported that tlie managers of the Louis ville convention are iuny aeternnneu to make Charles hutnner a l'resiilen tial candidate. (V. movement U on foot to make II. B. Claflin, a well known merchant, Republican candidate lor Governor. Lrbor Reform Coventlon. IxDiSAroLis, August 7. A. 31. Putt. Chairman ot the National Exec utive Committee ot the Labor Reform Party, issued a circular by direction of the Executive Committee reassembling the Columbas Convention ou the 31st of Augut. t The Xorth Ciu-oliua Election So lonicer any Doubt of a Kepublieiui M-tory. Ralekjii, X. C, August 7. Official return from all the western counties have been received. Aslie, Yancey and Caldwell are elected by about one thousand majority. The Democrats claim tltere lias Nien frauds commit ted, and it is thought the election will be contested, lhe Republicans hold : jubilee to-morrow night. New Yokk, Aujnwt 7. Tlie follow ing dUpatcues were received this everi' lug: Ivilmixgton, X. C, AtlffUSt 7. To Hon. Wm. E. Chaudlcr There is 110 longer anv doubt. We have car ried the State by about 2,000. (Sitnied) J. C. Abott. Raleigh, August 7. Gloriou vic tory. Our wnolo btate tlcut Is elected bv a majority of nearly 2,000. The State is safe for Grant and Wilaou 2ow rejoice and toe glad. (Signed) -f .T. J. YocxG. New Yokk, August 7. Tlie Times' Raleigh special to-night says the re- turns from eleven of tlie thirteen cor.n-lie-t heretofore unheard trom givj Caldwell a net gtiiu of 47 and only two counties to he.'ir from. Cald well's majority is over 2.000. The Legislature, iill hut two counties, stand Senate, 31 Democrats and 19 Repitblixini. House, 63 Democrats and 57 Ilepublictiiis. Sew York. August 7. The Na tional Republican Coinniittee has di rected the liriiio; of one huuthed guns here, to-morrow in honor of tlie result iu North Carolina. Their dispatches claim 2,000 majority. Vratx irfiii to Mistoiwtlppl -Virgin-la tunrt-sisiiuiint NoiiiiimtioitH. St Ixu is. August 7. -It is stated that fJvatz lrnwn is guiip; to Missi sipp; tv pttrticipiitc in the cauvasss tU-re. Richmond, Aujrtist 7. Tlie Con servatives have nominated Elliott M. .Braxton, and the Republicans, J. A. Smith for Congress from tlie Third Distrkt. One of Dana's Silly In ventiotiN. Xew Yokk, August 7. A Saratoga ' special to tlie Sun says there isau- ' thority for the statement that Repub- ' lien ns meditate tlie nomination for I Governor of a prominent Democrat. ; with a view to checkmating the Lib- i eral movement. Male ot trtId -IOO Uium for Victory. Twenty-seven bids for gold were re ceived ttnlay, ainotiiititlg to nearly seven millions, at l-t.(ii) to 15.23. Two millions will lie sold at 15.2iJ. The Republicans tired 100 guns iu the City Hall park at noon, over tlie victory in North Carolina. .Secretary !Iano Seriously III. A Washington special says that a telegram was received at the Interior Department yesterday, from Secretary Delano's family, Mount. Vernon; Ohio, stating that he is seriou-Iy ill. ami fears are entertiiined ot his recovery. His on and other nieinlx'fs of the tamily have been summoned home. " dirasit anil Mieriflnu in Vermont, rrni.iNn(iN. Atign-t S. t; rant ami stiite arrivt il lierc ti'is luornitig and weiv rvifived with a national .-alntti and ringing of liells. A proceessiou escorted him through the stteets. which were throngi d with peojile. who hrudly cheered the President. After wart! the President and (Icneral Sheri dan received visitors for half an hour, and then took the boat for Whiteliull. .niMcclIuiieous es. Xew Yokk, July 7. A Doston spe cial says Gen. Butler states that he will make no particular effort to secure tlie iioiuintiou as Governor, but. if tlie. Labor Reform or Itepublicaii party uoiiiinate him he will not reject it. 'J'he Republieans of tlie Twenty fourth District, l'a., have nominated Y. S. lloore for Congress. New lOHK. August 8. Superin tendent Kelso has olYered a reward of $'2.0M) for tlie capture of Steiuer, the treasurer ot the r reucli band concerts at ( 'hicaoo. Comvi;i, (X. II.), Augnst S. I". II. Rolliiis resigneil the chairmanship of the Republican State Central Com mittee on account of the pressure of public business, o. C. Mooiv. of Nashua, was elected to fill the,vaean- or. CAIJIOHMA. liood wm Altont Wtir-nt- Political yieeliitKH ihmI ltejoivliiir. Sax Fkam'wo, Augn-t S. A ; special dispatch from Xew York says j the wheat and Hour market is strong. J I.os ANf.Kl.ES, August 7. The lie- j publicans are celebrating the victory j in Xortii Carolina with bonfires, music j and salutes. The speech by Judge I Kelly was an able defence of the Ac I- j mitiistratioii and 'President Grant. The meeting is one of tlie largest ever j held iu this city. Judge Kelly returns ' to San Francisco on Saturday, and I will sieak th"re on Tuesday night. 1 Salinas, August S. The Kepubli- I cans of Salinas City this evening cele- ! bialed the great victory at Xoith Car- olina by the thing of one hundred ; guns. t j Hkmcia, August S. Grant and; Wilson men lired one hundred gun iu honor of the Republican victory- in j Xorth Carolina. Ileiiicia is sound for j Grant. : San Jose, Angu-t S. The Grant ! and Wilson meeting to-night was j heralded by the silver cornet hand ! parading the streets, and bonfires iu I front of the Open Ilou-e where aj large audience, including many ladies, j are now listening to John F. Swift, i of San Franci-co. who is to be followed bv other distinguished speakers, j Much enthusiasm is. manifested. ! TIIE SEliUOKS DOVT Sl'MMlit. FOLLOW t'ei'.'Jjnitioi: oT Xliv lvi ry. MOVEMENTS OF GRANT AND GREE-! LEY. Cerrr.an Irrsmigration. DEMO'JUATir (0NVEMI0N 1 jimia;AN. Oulii ovitis Dispatclios, Full and Interesting Dispatches From Mexico. Montana Elocts a Democratic ueiegate. EASTEKX JfKWS. Suimirr Smilibrd Ain. Toi.eiio, Augu-t S. At a meeting of colored citizens this evening it was resolveil that the advice of of Charle Sumner to vote for lionet? Greeley is ill-timed, unwise, tieltisivc and ilet- iiiieutul to tlie best interests of everv colored voter. Itrjoirliis Oyr to ortii Carolina Xew Yokk, August S. riutlalo. Svraciise, .New Haven, llarttonl and Norwich are firing gnn iu honor of the North Carolina victorv. Wasiiinutox. Augu-t S. The Re- fiublicans this eveniiig tirrd ii salute of 20W guns in Honor ot tlie Aoitn caro- liuo election. I TICA, August S. Hcftrv L. iJsiwcs spoke to an immense concourse on the hnanciai policy aim actsoi :ne Adinm- itnitiou. Kose t oiiKling spoke tor iu hour. A hundred gnus were lired i in honor of the North Carolina victory. ' 3ovein'iit of iirmit and 4irreleT. Sahatooa, August S. The Presi dent and Mrs. Grant, with their two sons, accompanied by Gen. Sheridan and Gen. Porter, will arrive on the midday train to-morrow for Lake George. LAKE CEOKGE, Angu h t. lirant arrived at 7:30. A salute of thirty-six guns was fired. CONCOBD, N. H., August 8 Horace Greeley arrived here at nine o'clock, and was received at the depot by the Mayor of the city, a committee and delegation, who escorted him to the State house, where a short reception was held. 51. VV. lnppan made a welcoming speech. Greeley briefly replied, and was then escorted to the i'lKPtiix iioiei, wnere ne uineti, aim Afterwards held a reception. He pro ceeded to Bradford this afternoon, where he wil remain over night. teeretary Delano Recovering. Washdsgmon, August 8 .John De lano telegraphs from Ohio that his father Is better. iirrmna IniinleaRtfon. Xew York, August 9. The arrival ot German immigrants here last mouth amounted to 11,835. an increase of 2.061 over July, 1S71. Total since January- 1st, 78,38(5; Increase of 3U, 821 over the same period last year. 3Iirhlpnn Democratic Convention. The Democrats of Michigan issued a call lor a convention to appoint dele gates to the Louisville Convention, and indications are at present that the Convention will be fully atteuded. Xiscellaneons Items. Xew York, August 0. A number of heavv robberies have been commit ted at Greenwich, Stanford, Norfolk. Connecticut and places ou Long Island bound. A Washington dispatch says there will be no more negotiation on the new loan until after the Presidential election. James Watson Webb, now In En rope, has written a letter opposing the re-election ot Grant. J. W. Forney is announced to leave tor tlie Pacific coat, to be absent two lljontlis. Long Bkaxcii, August 9. The four mile race was wou by Susan Ann in 7:40 Littleton, second; Milesian, third." Itoatvdl and Blaine In Uaine. Xew York August 9. An Augus ta, Me., dispatch says: Secretary Boutwell and Speaker Blaine, made speeches at the Republicans meeting hsst evening. The address of the former was" in defence of President Grant's Administration, and in which lie declared it to be one which has lx'cn of Ix-iietir. to the lm;iiics iiuii lriiir.itv. It has prevented linanciiil I'oiivitMoiis. ivHtiungiiig entiTiiris j everywhere. He eulogized the charac ter of the President, of wliom the speaker snip lie had nothing to a-k. as he ':iS reaily to surrender his position the 'moment it was wanted. lie took up the Cincinnati platform and de monstrated by his arguments that it proposed to "turti theSonth over to men who do not resct huni.iii rights. Grant' whole coure has I e ;u to reconcile tlie North and South, but at the same time to protect loyal men, black and white. AI.ItrOUM.V. vnl Sontltortnl I'lht Atlnntle Hurt Pnrilie ICiillroiKl .Mibfifriptioiiv --Wheiit .Tionttiun tlli-etioai. Sax Fuaxcisco, August 0. A dep utation of leading Republicans, headiil by Joseph Nelson, arrivnl from 'ir g'nia City to-day to consult withJ. 1. Jjiies. on the subject of the Xevaiui Senatorial fight. SulicriUrs to the Atlantic and Pa cific Railroad stock now inuiilier 1,321, and the subscriptions aggregate S7M. 000. Kighteen ships saill from this port with cargoes of wheat and flour in July against two during the saute period last year. Private dispatches quote wiieat a tiille lower iu Liverpool this after noon. A special telegram to the Democrat ic .va;e Central Committee -ays Mag-inni- t Democrat) e!ecteil to Congiv from Mo:iUitia over C-higgett iu;puli lican.) IIIXHO. Funeral of Jure Interestin); Po litical urns City ok Mexico, August 1. The funeral of Jaun-z was an impo-mtr sectaclc. The corpse was intern il in the Pantheon. The streets and hou-es were draeil iu mourning, and the prv Cttsu'um Inire tiuiuU'rles emblems of grief. Fully 70.01K) spectators lined the streets through which it pasMl. Nearly all the foreigners in the capitn were present at the ceremones, as w 1 us all the public ollicer- and fircigi, diplomats. Addresses were made y Minister Nel-on, ou behalf of the Di plomatic Corps, and Senor Virgil, lor the editorial fraternity of Mexico. The death of Jaurez is very generally regretted. Xelson. the American Minister, starts lor the United States September 1st on a short leave of abscntxr. Some demonstrations oecured at Tampico ou tlie reception of the n nv of the death of Jaurez, hi favor of Diaz against Tjeda. Congres meets for and extta session on Septeiuher oth. Various names ai-e mentioned iu connection with the new Cabinet, but nothing definite is known. Tjeda is a candidate for election to the Presiden cy, and the names of several cotniieti tors are inentioneil. Lerdo Baneo is a voluntary :isUtant in tin' investigation of outrages mni mitted on Anicrican citizens at Chia; as. The journals report that Lenlo will recall Mariscal from Washington, and it is rumored he has succeed. d Stanis (.'anadea. It is believed the revolutionists will disband when informed of the policy of the adininistnilion. Lerdo has commuted the sentence of death pronounced ou the kidnapper of Cervantes, to ten years' imprison ment. Angel Iturbide, son of the ex-F.in-)e?or, died at the capital on the Mime day as Juarez. It is reported that Diaz has decided to go to San Francisco, in concipieni-e of receiving no aid f:oin the people ol" Tepee. I i vii ti:i:ki iosy. Ils:ttrli From .Mimtiuia I tali Elec tion. Salt Lake. August 9. Tlie Jour nal's dispatch this evening from Mon tana reports Magiunie .ivniocnir T." alieud. The returns are not all in. The contest was hard fought. The Republicans are still hopeful for Clag- gell. Beaver county, in the outher:i sec tion of tin- Territory, gives do urijor ity for Maxwell. Delegate to Congre- the first county ever carried by (ren tiles iu Ftali. Creat rejoicing. Concerning Ku-Klux Prisoners failure t;i n si: in Louisiana. The Xorth t'aro'isia Vielory. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION- Mace-O' Baldwin Fight. GOLDSMITH MAID BEATEN. riiscllaneous Eastern News. Parliament Prorogued Speech of the Queen. Chilli io is. li.-siJ Ii . EEVOLUnOff II, PEEU. ICAXTEKX SEWS, liti Jilux ('uses to be Investigated. Wasiiixuton. August 10. The Dis- lia'ch stivs that since the letter of Ccr ritt Smith interceding for imprisoned Ku Kiux at Albany, similar n com meiidations have. : lieen received from iuliuential liepublicans. The n-port of Colonel Whitley, chief of the secret service, who has been directed ly tin I'resident to investigate cases, is to In the basis of the President s action, who has already intimati-d his willling- ness to comply with tlie suggestion in ado. I'olitlral Scan from Sew Orlonns, .ii-wuiiri, Sortli 4'itrolliin, anil New l oil. Xew Orleans. August 0. The Democratic and Liberal Cenfei-ence Comnnttce was unable to agree on a coalition ticket. Tlie Liberals nomi nated D. 15. Henn lor Governor and adjourned till to-morrow. ST. JOsEril, Mo., August 9. One of flic largest meetings ever assembled Jiere met last night to celebrate the Kepublican victory in Xorth Carolina. There was a large procession, with bands of music and liring of cannon. Several thousand turned out. Speeches were made by a nuinlier ot gentlemen, Holding the audience till midnight. Kalkk;ii, August 9. City quiet. Caldwell's majority will be from 1,200 to 1,500. All tlie official returns are not yet In. The Democrats demand Hint the matter be contested before the Legislature, in consequence of alleged frauds in many parts ot the IStilte. Xew YoitK, August 10. Blanton Duncan has written Senator O'Brien, asking him Hb organize a right Demo cratic movement here. It is under stood that O'Brien declines. Lt. Vrant at St. Petersburg. Washington, August 10 The Even ing Star bas a letter from St. Peters burg, denying the statement that the Emperor of Knssia declined to shake bands with Lt. Grant. On the cou irary, he was most kindly received, as was also General Sherman, not only by the Emperor, but by the eu:ire Im perial family. Battle of Brniser. Baltimore, August 10. It is under stood that two steamers have ,been chartered here for the Mace and O'Baldwin fight on Thursday. Tliey leave the city on Wednesday, with a number of men from this city, among them Joe Coburn. Mace will be here Monday morning. Tbe Biwi Uoldamlth Maid Beaten. Buffalo, August 9. The attend ance at the races to-dav was 15.000, In tho first race for f 2,500. the horse Rosalind burst a blood vessel while scoring, and in tlie first heat .1. .1. Burke, who was leading, dropped dead. In the nice for 10.000, Goldsmith Maid, American Girl, Lucy and Henry were entered. The race was very ex citing. The Maid sold In pools for 100 to $25 against the field. In the first hca-: the Maid broke and American Girl shot nliead. but was overhnnled by Lucy, who won In 2:18,' the Maid lieing second. In the second heat the Maid broke badly, and the Girl took the lead and kept it, winning by a length in 2:17j.j. Wiuhlncton . Washington. Aug. 10. The bank stateiueut shows a ios in reserve of live and a mmrtcr millions. The new French Minister wa yes terday seeking .icc.iinniodiitious f r f he Legation. It is the intention of the Freiicu Covernmeiit to lie ivpie-sented on a scale somewhat In advance of what has heretofore prevailed. W. W. Corcoran has sohl his county scat at Harvard, and donates the pro ceeds. $225,000. to the Gallery of Art. which he has already donated to the City of Washington. FOBEIU SEWS. I'urllaiueiit l'roroyiiwl (irn. Mier niau aiil Part-. London. August 10. Parliament was prorogued this afternoon. The following is the text of the Queen's spwch : " rejoice to inform you I hat the controversy which had arisen between my Government and that of the United States, in conse quence of the presentation of an Amer ican claim for indirect damages under the treaty of Washington, was re jected by the spontaneous declaration of the arbitrators entirely consistent with the view I announced to yen at the opening ol the session. In con currence with your action on the part of the United Kingdom, the Parlia ment of Canada has passed sets neces sary to give effect to the treaty wit'un the Dominion. All arrangements con templated by that Instrument are therefore now in progress, and I reflect with satisfaction thai the subjects with which it. has dealt no longer tiller any riilH'diment to ic! feet concord between our kindred nations.'1 Xkw Yokk, August 9. General Sherman, Lieutenant Grant and Secre tory Korie and lainilv. leave Liverpool September 5th for home. CALIFORNIA. Dlnmond Fxrltpment Dlotl ontol-M"i-i nittl Hnilor'tt 'oiit'iirlfit -l.'reoley Primaries -Sext I'renitlen t Alter tireeley. San Fit.VNtlK'o. August 10. Dia mond stock is barely saleable at any figure, and the excitement has died out. Vali.V.io. August, 10. The soldiers and sailors are exerting themselves to represent Vallejo in tlieir convention at San Francisco next month, to nom inate delegates to the Pittsburg Con vention. At the Greeley and Brown primaries to-day they elected delegates to the County Convention favoring the-nomination of .J. 11. Frisliee for Libera! Kciiihlicaii candidate for Congress. Elko. August 10. George Francis Train, tbe next President of tbe Unit ed States after Greeley, passed through here this morning en roule for San Francisco. lie intends making a thorough canvas ot the political situa tion of California. Mj Train stit;-s that when this is completed he con templates returning to F.urope. Mtl'TII AMERICA. Revolution in IVru. Linoston, Ja niacin, August 8. Advices from Peru to the 25th nit. tate that Gutierrez has inaugurated a revolution and proclaimed himself dictator. He :iamuti-d President Balta. People Were iniligi.ant and burned his bodv. Porta was then inaugurated President. The insurrec tion is over. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST I isr F l.i r n its itiniAlMx; J iim-jil!el Per iu rt!elii iKlollu:t-, Atiii-t M, ISTi. A'llin.-li, J".; ArnnM. nia. !'. linnet, llli-lia; It-nm-tl, .i. T.: Ha ke, t, J. Chapman, Mr-. M-ir-rcf K.: ("haiipell. i.; iai k, )li I la 1 : lofTee, V. I-; Cole, S:t"ilen. Ifcivis, ,1a".; f 'anion, L man. I.T. t. l.i'fT. Van.-v A.; KmiTv. Mr. ! I't-rn. "ajr-n. I.. V. 2. ti.-T'.n.-! -. Mi-s M irv ; ; l.ar-i.ou. Ml il!''.lf, Krt.-H'.tilcillt, 1 cil'ia ; ,-t.s ft : l,re i-i.; t , sun. Mr. . II mn;iTi. .! k-.v Il.tr-i-m. M. Y.: Il uti.-y. Mr.. Ann l.!ta : llu kr:i, J. Vi .; ilanri'i. l!en:. J i. k.n, T. It : J.-rx M.irdia. K..ir. Mr.. Miry J. 2: K'-inix r. Knlk.: Kmc. Ti-iii. . l-ir.Uc'l. T. II.: lawri'me. Aim : I Jin I, Mi M. i:.: I.fv.1-, I- rink : l.:iwrnc, Mi.s Kl'a: I. ra il. .Irani.'!!!-; I.aYrru.-e, M.f Mary K. n.vhi n. Aleirl: M, l:in"V. M irv L.: Ma.Mii. Iieiil-ii; Mrt.ien, .Janu s. Seal. Win. K'lyiniiiul, Mrs. A'mir.-i; li-fc-rlslV. II. fivai-t .. Mrs. ANm.': s,-hentie. Clui. (V; Mi'iru Marvl;.: sn-wart. Mw-l'k-v; Si-uanl. I..; !vi4t, .miss Aiire ; iin:n,M.. Tliiirlnirn. Wni. -J . Tlienm.s ?Ji Maajie ; TliniHs Mis:i liartn-l. W.tllaer, Mi-sSai-ili K.: W liilfomi('a:li- avliu-. When ealllnj l'ir tlsealinvp. letters, jile-ise ay mtverll-eil. T. n. ItK'KKY. r. M. MISC'KLLAXEGUS. CRYSTAL PALACE CIRCUS! An entirely New ami "Original CIECTJS. With a Fine Array it Sew I'nera, Sow Art, Srw HiiHie. Tliis rmm,'n" show havtiid Isitcl !he far pf riiti in ( 'a iliirnUi nitli the irreate-t iv-,-!, !f li'iiv "in lhe ay loMie lircjr'in St;ae Fair, aii'l Will Hfrrorm In SnleiM, Till RSHA V ami FKIUAV, AWi. 15 awl to. The iM-rleniK-s ot Ihi- p:nat -lviw of :.7 i-mnpri e ilie ln't ta ent th ti ouil-t la; lintutU Aninnr the many jre The lH't llllW KltOTIIKUS, Fliin? Men of the Alv. Tho Ffma'- Ariliats .-nut VallTliTi, l.OW ItVV SIsi KIJs, nis ilxj only tn rrina'.e rl lers nil the ,ast. SAMl'K.L an-1 MONTAUL'E, tlie unrivaled anil renowneil Acrokits. "Mailer JAMES LEK, tbe great champion princliml rl'ler. Mi LINDA, tho Charming A-vensionlst. Matrr FKLLCM, the Herv-ulcan Wawler. Four Clown -UINO, MCKF.RSUN, SAM UKLS and WILLIAM-?. Tlie SILVKU ClIUNET BAND, led hy Mon. Kalamlu:h. The Womlcr or the WorM, C'NOCEPH ALL'S. Also a Piaiaonn, new an-t laran Pavilion, all under lhe sujiervlsion of the Renownt?rl c irons .Manager, i,tu. t. it L. a .n i. Nolo, "Vt'edmsday, AniriMt lt til. liervaLn, Sntlirtlny, AiiKimt ITtli. auj-jnil-rlStwiw J. M. KEELER & CO. ft5 LIBKKTV ST., NEW TURK. ORCUOM ASD SORTII-WEST COMMISSION AGENCY Kor buying and Oirwardinit direct, via Ista- mus Itall nnd t.aie Horn, wim nih Frani-lscoconnortlons, all elassea ami varieties of Mt'rv.hanls-, and fur sale of Exports fnmi the North-West. Advances made on apnrnvcd ooncignrount. and onion, retiiertluily smiioite'i. All oniers and biislncsn will reoeJve pnimjil nttcntion. ' RefLrt'nte. XEWYOR1C: X.Y Natlnnf 1 E. Bank. ..leans A. K. AC. K. Tilton, 93 Liberty Mewra. J. L. BrrmTielt Brna.. Rankers. Messrs. Bentley, Miller A Thoma-s 64 .soiilh htreeu OREGON.- Messrs. Ijuld A Tflton, Bankers, Pori-md A. A. McUulIy, E.j., hIuul Hi CBA8. CAMFBn.L. E. WILLIAMS. New Grocery Store. B.1UESH Grwerlea and NewGooilsat onr E? atand on t'ommctvial Street, ;ive no a call and we will endeavor to nleie vim all. C.CAMPBEI.L A CO. Jnlvlttd&n-lf KEAL ESTATE: OPO. II. JON M, J. X. PATTnWON. lieal Estate Broker. Notary Public. JONES & PATTERSON, Real Estate Broken, Insurance aad Collection Ag-eata, - Opkka Hovke Block, Salkm, Oregon. tT City projierty bwght and sold. 70 USES anrl STOICKS LEASED. Farms and Wild Ijtnd lor Pale. Kptvlitl nttentlon given to Financial Ne,r:11alinii. ((inveyau. ing, ami UENEltAI. -i.i:.Nt v i:lsixjs. si AND 10 ACHE lots within nr.rinileorthe W t 'onrt House ; ri.-li soil ; pil.;,- to loo jieracre. Ai;lir72:dly J. KTITZH.. f. f. WAY. A. TAYI.Olt. Real Estate! Real Estate! J A OK KTITZCL A- 0., MEAL ESTATE AND MONEY Blin kers. Rix.ni- on lirst floor coi ner Front and Washington streets, Portland. Ui egou, will atiend tolhe Kile aud purchase of rttt estate In all rl.s ol 'Oregon, rptssktl atlen lion given to lhe sale ol l;t:niing lauds. April hi. ilAwlf. THOMAS H. REYNOLDS, R-kEAI-EU IN REAL ESTATE. SALEM. my Oregon. Sinvial altention given to the collection of account, rents, Ac. Apri:dil'wlt HAi. a. JONKS. J. X. I'ATTKKSON JONES & PATTERSON, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, AND- GENERAL AGENTS, Opera IJoilac EJIoeU, .vi.i:n, ... - OBEiiOM, 65T Altention 1 t'nllod to the fol- lowintf Ueseriptiouit or 1'roperty FOR SALE: -j'J acres 34 miles east of Suhlimltv ; a Cx" KHJ acres iu c.ii!(K:itio. house aiid Kirn. All under fence and well watered with line .sprlnjrs. Trice $2,000. f fl a.-res i miles north of Salem on On. thu suure road. Fine house .and sji!e'idl'l orchard ; ahundance of Final I lVult ; rich soil for gardening and good tlniher. I'llce 2,10O. AND HI AtTtK lots within one mile of " lliecourt heu.-.' ; rich soil; jirice $io to glou jot acre. S acres, 21 mi'est of (Nervals. 4ft 1 ai a.-res jirairh all tl'enced. loll acres line timher, Kod running water lor stock; li ic,e, 10 jK-r acre. "tf tfifc acres on King's Prairie, in Linn Bf" Co., mi a-res in cultivation, good niv!i:irit, hou.-e and lam. and pla well ini tiroved, all fenced and well waiereil; price, SI.oiki, a liaialn. IGO aTe on Klii'fi Pmirie, lino linuw and barn and gmxl imnrovemuuts: price. y i Aares 9 miles va-t of Svio. IJnn Co., IV ;i-.n8 in cultivation, house anrl ban., Miutll oivhuni, well waieruU ; trice, $lj per acre. 1 aero? 7 me eat of alem, 8i)ledid I i boiiM- and liarn. p od orchard, abnn Lince of small fruit, pMxiKurinK iM the hou aud iuutot Htoi'k water, 'Joo acres jroodplow land. ."oa-rf? ot line timothy meadow; jirice, $r"io. A rare Ixirgain. II Q acres 7 mile east i;f Salem, 250 acres T IO I'jM-ii Uind, 140 acres in cultivation, 2 orchard?., plenty of small fruti; good spring water for stock ; price, S,0(X). fl "O AriJES 24 ""Jes north of Sheri dan, Yamhill county, a choice farm, ricn nj, under pod fence; l"(?a.re3 In cu'tivntion ; house andliarnand nwill or chanl ; all prairie exc4t enouirh of timljer for wool ; offered very cheap and on easy terms. i 11 ArRI-:s me-half mile Foufh of R. R. depot at ?akin; well tfmicsl lor gar dening ; jirice "0 jter acre. M -9 W small im pnvements ; land well l".'Ued and joiim; line ttmlx'r ; price $10 jer acre. 2-6:4: vo IKsin l'olk count v: 4 miles n f Salem; m a-ivs in culliva- ln'ti : p.MHt sivk water and range; price $15 kt acre. "fl "fi iJA i:Ki in I'olk couny, U milw w jl x of Silem; improvements good; 30 acres in ctiKhalh'ii ; price ?-,mnt. ARi;s7 mile south nf Salom; all iimler fi'ive; roi1 barn ami bouse considerable hnprvemeut ; pri-e 11 ier acre, in nuanliltes tit suit purchasers 247 ACKKS l"i miles north eat or Sa in cultivation; piod ranRo, well watered; jirice 11 jier acre. -fl a"a tfa ACKKS of laud t miles northeast of Xi T " Silyenon. wiih av-mill on prem ises: ii ice $12(K) -very cheaji. M "S fl ACKESHmllesnortliwestofSalem: rarfl.'i Kill tu-res in cultivation: jrixst vjinire. well watered and gissl orchard; price ?U iei' a:re. 0ftt AlRKS 12 miles cast offalem; J f sy snr.ill improvtmenta; irice$3iuu. 'fPttT'k A'ltES4 miles northeast of Sil verron: vahmire larni ; well im proved: irood new house and harn ; louacres in oiilllva'.ion ; price $ltnm; tenns eayy. Pi J"Tb ACHKS halt'mlle west efSaleni; near 9w ferry iaiiiiiuj:; well improved ; price ili iwraere, -j OO ACHKSeliihl mi'cs south of Salem, -fi J 4 w on I he sl.i-c road. 41 acres uiidt r cultivation; nearly alt under fence; ordinary house and ham ; g nil voting oicbard ; price JM.2KI. 3()S HKS ine mile south-west of Sa il. In Polk eoutitv. All under i'enco; '20 acres in cultivation ; small house and lrn: Rood younc orchanl : very desira ble location for gardening purposes; price ii,:tii(i. CITY PROPERTY: OTS 1 and 2. ltlo. k 5. Jones' addition to Siilem. .small house ; price, l,um. OifV 1 fl I f'-'t of Mlrvk No. 13. S. O i " W. corner .loin?. addi tion to s-ilrm, wiih house and improvements; price, 3700. T OT 4, KlrK-k -r, clly of Salem, fine honse, iLi well tinished, near the C. V. Church; price, $a,5)0. HOUSE and half block tn Jones' addition ; It story house well flnlshedanrl ground a well improveil ; price 12200. "J" OTS Hand 9, block 4. Keerts' addition, va JLd cant and flue location ; price tV. HOl'SEnnd ljloisln Robert's addition; bolongltiK to M. Ii. Moon:; price 11500. RESIDENCE of U S. Dyar, on Capital 81.; price (IjOU. TT OTS 5 and fi. bloi-k 2.. on Church street JLd vacant; price looo. BKICK store, north end Starkcy'a block lire-proof; 8 rooms on second floor good brick warehouse: price $1500. I.nTS in Alhanv. hear the eonrt hoiw jt jirice ($700 ; lmiuire of Tliomas Monteitb, Aionny. TWOUSE and lot on Front street, near rms- JL iness part ot the citj ; now ixcupicu uy Mrs. J. 1 blarney ; price w-iw. HOCSEand lot. South Salem: near resi dence of II. Owens; house unlluLshed; jirice s.8. Tho Renting and Ieasliijr of nil klmla of property. Collection of Claims, Conreyancing, Jtc, win rw:enc prompt, w tenlloii. . Kor further InrormUion aildress, JONES PATTERSON, Salem, Oregon, Aprlitr CORBETT, FAILING & CO., IMl-ORTEBS OF Heavy and Shelf-Hardware, MECHANIC'S TOOLS, Iron etxxc3. SteeL Agent for tbe fale ot DUPOKT'S GUN POWDER. ol and 5. Front St., Portland, Osjb. Miiy 27:tlwt MISCELLAXEOUS. GILL. STEEL & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In BOOKS, STATIONERY, -AXD- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, State Street, Salem. (sole Oregon Ayeiittt lor Chickering and Emerson AMD Mason & Hamlin, A N I) Taylor & Farley Organs. Have just riveiTwl a large Invok-e of the above Instruments, which we offer for RentandforSaleon Monthly Installments I CTCall and examine our new styles ofOr pans, roatalnlnin? some of the tlnest combina tions and more variety of sound than any oth- j tr Instrumrnt oth-rel for sale in this ity. J A large assortment ol OI'KKA Ml !il-- ' wllh and without words. Also, a well-assorted stock of cct Jlusic. Orders taken for any iie;e of Musk pub lulled. A FULL LINE OF Blank Books, Paper Envelopes and Initial Stationery. ALL THE j i STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS now in use In our public schools constantly on hand. Alooa full line of iisci:llai:ois books now on hand. 6iT(ive us a call before purchasing else I where. MaiU'Tidiwtf XX. X. X3003NT, Commercial Street. t"ItOt,I2iAI.E AND KETAll, DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, Musical Instruments AND All Kinds of Musical Supplies. AGENT FOR THE Steinway Piano, AXD burdett oi;v:v. June?. CONSOLIDATION. HAVING cnnsollilnted with onr own the stoek formerly owned by J. It. M. HlItSCH, we are now prepared to furnish our customers with as larjre an assortment ol (icneral Merchandise as can be found in the city. Our slock ol'Uoods consists, In part, ol iDUEirsr ooois, CLOTH INC, Hardware and Groceries. A Weil Selected Stock of Men & Bovs' Ready Made Clothing constantly on band. j Calicoes, Muslins, DcLains,1 and everything nrnally found In a flrst chuso llry Geo Is store can be found upon our sneives. Boots eft? Slaoes, ofall rarieties. together with II A. T H , And a Larsre Iot of lVoolen (ioods. Wp Invite the Ladiesof the citv and Tlclnity to call in and examine our stock. WNo trouble to Show Goods. WE AIM TOPLEASE.and will sell poods at reduced rates to close out our immense stock. fcir-Call in and sec us before purchasing elsewhere. Itemember the place. Hermann fit Hirsch, Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Jnnell:d2ni J.C. WRIGHT, (Successor to Uraforage & Wright,) PIONEER STORE, DEALER t Family Groceries, Crockery, Classware, Cigars, Tobacco, Notions, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Soap, Candles Lime and Salt, 63T Agent for Imperial Fire Insnranoe Co., of Lomlun. CoMMERCiAi. Steekt, Salkm. COOKE DENNIS & CO.. MANCFACTTBE SashDoors,81i nds, Moldings, KVSTIC, and all tbe latest styles of Inside and outside rinlsh, of tlie best quality of clear cedar lumber ever used In Salem. ' Scroll Sawinir, Stair Building and Turning', V r done with neatnnss nnd dispatch. Manufac tm era of the celebrated Boswell Fruit Dryer and Room Heater, Also Mannfacture the RANKIN PATENT SCHOOL DESK. tfy All kinds ami qualities of Lumber ad Shingles r le clamp. Best of work at lowest Prices Please give n c" SEE or;K SToOK, learn our prices, andgire us your or ders. SRECIAL ATTENTION jrlvcn to onlcr. from farmers, and lnfonnft ton freely given gratis to our patrons. Mayls72sU6m MISCELLANEOUS. "Adrerttsine Is the Oil arufch vim moa r . In their lamps?- Modern frov. ,r ADVERTISING. AGE NT, . . BOOSISaO ASD-Sl, l MercHantfy'Exchange, California Street, San Franclsa Solicits Advertisements ami Subscrlptloi forIheOHWX.fi Htatksmak and for par ' imlillshed iu California. Oregon and Xevad; Washii'Ktoii. Clnh. Idaho. Molilalia, tailor. !a. Ariiiona. ami adia.-eiit TerrHorirs : San. -wic.h Isiniids. the Itriiish Tossesftons. China ; New Zealand and the Australian Colonial v Mexican I'orts, X k-amfciia. I'anama. Valpi nil so and Japan; the Atlantic States an ' Europe. ADVERTISING Has created many a new bui-inesf : Has enlarged many an old biisinew : , llns revived niany a dull lm-liie-s: Has rescued inan'v a lost Imslness: Has saveil many i fnllliis; kuslnrs; lias pns-rvsl inaiiv a liirire busimss ; Aud insures a success In nn v busi ness. (iiitAHis Sh rkt.-Stephen filrnrd nse4 to tay in his old ae: "I have ulwav consid' ereit aitvertislnir libt-rnlly and Idiig' to la- thu great mtslliiin of siKxi-ss'ln huvliiess, and the prelude to wealth. And I liave made It an in - variable rule toadvertiso iu iheilullest limes as well as the busie-4. Ion ei-rieu.-e havinn ttiught me that money Dins s-nt is well lakl out. and by continually keeping my business lielore lhe public it lins secured inanv sales tliat I otherwise would have lost." Aflvertiwe Your Buxluena. Keep low Xano before the Pnblic. JiMllriotui ArtvertlHlnir will IiiSitire a irBnslnns I Dnll, Advertise. If BiiHinent i Brisk, Artvertia. EST" The man who didn't bellewln olTer-ti-infr h" pone into mrtnershiii wllh t be she IV iff. and that official does the aiiveiiivlri. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY IT. COSTS NO MOKE TO keep (rood Fowls than jwiur ones I Oakland Poultry Yards, Corner ofl'!'h ami Castro stive Is. ioatsoii of 1-"?, Eggs for Hatching, Kbom the Laboest asi Bet Mi:k Fowls I AmkkicaI Careftilly pneied and warranteil tocarrj-sale-ly any distance. The varieties comprise Dark and Light Brahmas, Buff and Part ridge Cochins, White Leghorns, Houdans, Silver Spangled Ham burgs.Black Spanish, White Dorkinjs, Golden Po lands, Aylesbury Ducks, and Game, Se right and Black African Bantams. KST" Send stam p for Circular to tiEo. B. DAYI.EV, Importer and Breciler or Choice lJoullry, BOA (B9, fait franciscn. General Accht Tor the PoVLTKY WOHLn, a monthly nvutaine devoteil enllrcly id I'oul Ht. The be.-i uiper publlsliedln the country. Siibscriiiilon, Jl on kt year. Apeuls wanteil tor every city and town and the country. For further information, address. ItttX .-S!. -an Francisco, rieasc state in what paper you saw thlsaihertlsement. May7 win3m:ileod.1m J. B. SPKKNGF.P. A. TAYLori. METROPOLIS HOTEL, Corner Front and Salmon Streets, l'on laud. Oregon. This Xew and Elegant liotol, with New Fur niture throughout, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF GUESTS. Bath Room Tor the Ammnoilatiosi of uei. Free t owh to inil from the Home. C3TCOME AND SEE SPRENGER & TAYLOR, - - PROPS. Julyl7:dwtf WM. ENGLAND. WAGON & CARRIAGE MAKER, t'osntnerctal Nt., Haleui, Is manufitcturtng a largo lot of !-li-iii U WnifouM, Of all styles, niaileo the best Easurrn Sock. Wagons made to order. Oplers fllled on short nmice. j Ri-pniringjone and Work Warranted Salem. March 1 itawtf Pimples on the Face. Eruptions, Blmches, s.-rfulus Incases, and all sore artsinK from impure blond, are cured by lir. llerce'stoluen Meiiical Hiscovery. aiir7-llt-m It SALEM IRON WORKS. B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor, ALE7I, OREGO. Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Grist Mills. Reap ers. Pnms and all kinds of styles of machine ry made to order. Machinery repaired at a short notice. Pattern making done in all Ita various forms and all kinds of Brass and lnsa Castings furinshed at short notice. ifeblud&wlf.l J. IT. 8TAIGER, CAPITAL BOOT & SHOE STORE I KEEP constantly on hand a good assort ment of California and Eastern Boots and Shoes. Special attention paid to the manufacture of CUSTOM MADE BOOTS & SHOES Of every stvle. Pegged, Sewed and also the Celebrated Screw Bottom, Made to order. Work and Ota guaranteed 'onebnt the best French brawls used. Junet.ll' SALEM FLOURING MILLS. Best 1' anally Floor, Bakefa Extra, XXX, Baprrftnc mm Hiddlingft, Bran and Short CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ermoHiKr price tn cash PAID FOR VHEAT AT ALL TIMES. R. C. , Agent H, F. M. Co. Nov. JJdtf SALEM DRAY & HACK CO. Forwarders and Shipper, CITY DRAYMEN &HACKMEN All fretghtlng within the city done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Carrlnges constant I v In otteridanoe to eon rer passengers to cnrs'or boats or an city drives bet 12. 1T0. iltf W. W. MARTIN. Practical Watchmaker AND JEWELER, COHXFItrtAt. 8TKKF.T, SALEM. ORFfSON, Dealer In -Watehe, Cloeks, Jewelry, SOLID SILVER AND PLATFD WARE; Watches aa4 Jewelry Repaired. JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER. . EST A gantl rumrinvft of GOLV mt SU VER ll'.t TCHX coiuUihUh n .hantl. All Goods and Woua: WABKAXTki. Aprltttf - ' tx. R. r. SWAIX, Al EX EE A L AUCTIONEER, Dal'ae. Ore-. .W gon. Ot -i k-1 lteMib!t-:iii iMii'dlug, Mill sirect. urrlcrt solt uiii. All b'i ine promptly a'lendidlo. m.ij-atf 'm It S" - ' I, 1 s 1 1 1