"7T TV" i---- ,.e....-r.jV. -6--- '- l&edsft) Oregon tatesmau. The City and County. Frnyi Daily of 6'attinlai Aug. 3. AnoTnp.li Birolart. YesteHaj'a Iler a',d complained linawe tlie Statesman had sot furnished these witk a burglary iuau if or iif time. Now wo like to I meeiHMiao datia;;, mid taeualuas m rustled r!.n4 yesterday mid sarceeaed in finding itctn f the nqiiire sort, ana here it ik Mr. tiioa, eUrt in J. V. WeaiherfurJ's drag etore, is tbis cit,Wres with bisempl.j-r. Tcsterthy (. fcaviag eeaian t rie -a boat ie was faueat priseJ l Si' "nt-i'W" J ".r mendis ,r wide if.cn. llo.se tu llr. WeatWrf.jrd. who isaediate1y areas t aed waat was the matter. Hut imagine his surprise when Jic eM 6 ad eeitiierJiis thirl our hi pant. Hut iia-toaaleljr be at taebappy pa-ee- of an eitra suitf clothing, part af wakh he Aonned, and prooeedea' to investigate further, lie first went into the kitchen, aid 4her f..urnl bis pantaloons. II'm sVut was found, ia the sittisg ruoai, wok the g4J oi.lUr-kuttoa iiior, aad era soHtiry lialf-doflar piece had feeee tafcea fraca tke panlalans pocket. The teiers ranracked liareau drawer, wt taoit nutbiag I'nau them, although the; contained etsnsieerahe'e jewelry, and there were (Several raluaUo trinkeU lymg uo toj af the Vuteau. Tke farlor mUa ransacked, and table oraa enents aad auofca aaaUered areend regara les f erpcese. Ad eotraooe wjm iae throogi the paatry wiwlow, the asper su6 o( vliok ha bote toooered fia- -eatiUtsn purposes. Kane f & fasaih beard any ainiuual aisiaes-auricg the night. It s-jeuts .strange that acotfcug wwse i takes fr-oau the lie, acd it. awi hardly yoeoifck; tin the werglart wan ic eearoh f tpiiU. Tke nvhoie prooee&ng is stIK a'sails1 ia earc terj, which w kinie taw axtksriLea will ec Icaver eVear. gakai eeea e. fatrrke 1 1 K.-Vr( ter x j;aag T rrit leeccny Meac Aji rjv I ue . Messr. Bert, Terrr,' and UcCansicit arrir4 huaae last eneaing, from an (extensive trip -among tbeaioaa-j tain. They wect aboat screnty-4ve sailes . ahone Eu getse w Delka.ir' i2t ipriaga. ' Wiiiiana acd (rau&le vett fmuAtAiiuf sinroae the aeuantakta to Fish Labe, Izxv'mz the party W uaae k.mm witbint tieai.' Joba (Sanrieaa icJt the farrw aa ooaucaav . it ilk aa 14 psoneor va a baertiavg Kitarsiaa, i aid 4iit cutretara at the tiax arord sjMta. The bye warded Kxae ay ov r caste, and their ttacfe-feod gia'inf cx, thef areee (cota pefied to CaC. aaoe witiiwct s iw He dhl act tabe hts ait with txia Crttai oaaia, nor a eenc f aaowey.; so the kf ia ais (Coat en a tree befoas leaf leg tint eaaujt, aad cnasiaWately aiaoed atwo bitjnoee it hk of tie aoekeu, witij a aube taftcmia; aiiau they aroald or ait for tuut aiuag the road. They dtd , but ao Jaa aaputrca, a4 they fiaaQy eoaciu-Vd ti wait aa iitagtr-, Jind left pnei-aka to aVcd kia waf ktm as test it eoofd. X taint, tiad reaaVcr. There i tkat iratceat v-imcA "MeGimty- tlve bUos .away uiu asi.vakere'''' xwid cbe untold 4angerc f tke Cascade rip: with out a eat ur aoutaf taosey ia ius auritrt. Ye, that aave te&s U shed pscpare t abed tbem cow. tte w eleetod te walk to E gfae aaditMtatn kqiei tiat urs ar rival tbe he atay ran aoruec aoate god Siimant:aa woas wiil aaVaace k mi cuSeiect bullion to a ay his Carte ii'wae. Tke bojs repait baviag bad a qsleadid titae. Tatey tilled taraAertke rl 4ivy juC and say "thews are ttk kt JeJV' They arete tiaedvtf twice o the auoaotaia ruad, bat were aly scravbed a trite ia rellin -dowa t&e bL There areuite , ncaiber f iavaiids at (ate Hat riags wbiah eoe (aias jBarry Medicinal uaJities. Tai Gaaia MaRceT. A pew.-tW.-ira w(l cnoww ia tkis eiawuraa-ity wku meeatlj: wentt Irelaad uu a rihs written parties ia tbiscitf regtrdiag (be graia -utar-aet iu iiveuL BrsLaut. Ui setter h date! , At Carrtib.wi, Iivaad, July ath. IV snake the fullswiag ctraots: -"TiVy ane not as wasteful sf iiigB! tgtrot in Lkierfotl as yoa aatieifuute. Froaa a esnwerratiun liad witk we af the fkas f ttr A Tenni liffe. teamed that Fraaoe will erjjnrt largely this year iatea4 of isaa isrting, as -was the ease last year- Chile is largely ia reanag werecpiwte as wheat axd eMcniga- ' meats of tkis seaiioa't wbeat avre 4aXy er riected. Oa the ceotiBeat geaerally tMvj tiad a raiay rrtof aad aaasaciiy okl weatwer, abwa kas kveffkaclt tke crops rcry snuck. The as are stay be Inid f tSneat Ilrilaia aad ftwlaod, the rrops here feeacg at least foarteca days beyond 1be average caa turity at this date. In Eatwpe the rof are caawiiened eaoelVtnt if the weather pcr tnits aaatariag, aad C belaewe the critical jioints are goai'idsred Jaied.r' This is from a repoaiVle UKce,aad we awwlbAit Itnowia tkat it milt be of ioteaest ta war country readers. ViA-rwra Ilsron. T. Pearce, af EoU, bas furowlipd at witk an aecwrate wearaea Tepixtfortlte ainsctk eaong Jaly 3Jt,frM which we collate tke fottewaag igures, tke meaa esteratr for tfae saonGi was 4( Ae- . grees, the highest beiag 77 a4 tke low est S3. WakadUctear ways aad elnsidy (days. Tke rain fall was aaly .lif aa in. Last year's recced fnr the aaane scmotb ebowsa aueaai teaa(eratare af 41" with a rain tMtt Ai afan iack. Tke weatfcer was warsBertban this ta Salesn, as at one tiaie the saesesiry went aa aa bigk as 9C ia rfce hade. Mr. Pearce's teeord. howerer, ea be relied apoa regardiag the weather at Eola. as be is wy aecarate in his Cgares, and kens tke press tbroegfaeaut the r alley posted 2m these matters. Tc CirjTtwTea ttLiTios. Tba Cwy Couaril was agaia ia sescioa last ereoiag over the eoa tested eieetioa ease. The At torneys atado tbeir argaaieato. at tke eiase of wbick Ceaneiuaiaa lliaarue offered the following resluta: " Resslved, that a omaittee af tare be arf oiated to exaatiue the rec-cU akowa. aad repert at the next regal ir saeHia;(rf the Coaneil." The r olutioa was sdapted and the Ckair appviat d Cauneilwtea Mnre, IlicAey aad Skiffas Members isf Ike eoauaittea. The Coaneil theo a.ljourned te saurt agaia a TaetJay veca Best. Tstti Eatta Kloliiixo .Vici.s. Thoee Mili. which far soaie tiate aaat bare bceo lying idle, have agaia begun opcrstiuna. They were aoatpeUed to sbat down est ac count of n-pair beiag taade at the Oil Mills, which deprived tbeia of tke asaal amount of water pwwer. Mr. Kinney iu forats as that there was aearly a tbeUMUid liushels tf aew wheat br Might into market yesterday, bat as yet oa filed price kas been agreed apa. Our fanners have evi dently beea rasaiar matters ( get aew wbeat ia saarket at this early day. The grain loaks plusapaad Sue. These an ills are skippiag ao tour at prcseat, but will Jirabably sja sa within a few days. Abestes. Depaty United States Mtr abal, b- Barker received a dispatch frm Marshal Vowog at a lata haur Thursday aveoiiig to arrest David A. Rowland who it was reported man m this city. llr. Barker fouad his man aad started witk kiaa for Fortlned yesterday afternoon. Eowlaod says he supposes that be was wanted as witness against the aaeo recently arrested for robbing tbe at ail oa the Caoyoa City road. Coiixtt Cot T. This eoart will aoarene iia this city Monday sett. Tuesday will be -occupied by Probate business, aad on Wednesday the County Commissioners' af fairs will receive tba atteatioa of Judge Terry. Considerable isapsrtaot bnssiness will be brought up tail session, and quite .si number of people from the country will prohably be ia tbe city. Hat. Hay scarce aad dear In this .market, just because taany of tho old .meadow bare been broken op for wbeat .and oats, aad not ao equivalent acreage ibas beta sown to meadow. Good new bay is in demand at $18 per too, and old it worth $I2M$U per ton. J'rom Zat7y o Sumlay Aug. 4. "Xotuiso or the Sort." Friday evening at an early hour a rumor waa rife ou out ttieetj that Mr. Kico aud son had been murdered by the Indians at Summit Prairie, at the bead of John Day' river. It wad but a abort time before tho report waa exaggerated to luch an extant t lint Miiee Millet mm included amuug the maKacred party. Various aoareea w-rc jffreo roeJiflg for the truth of the report, bat they all arece from au item which ap pom red ia the Aibmny Democrat issued on Friday aaoreiag. - They hal received it at second or third band. Yesterday morning Jtlnntc S. r.-j slar:Hl for the upcr coun try I" Me i lb irtiMi o( the repnrr. At iriMia it ti iL(i'iiivil t!mt Frauk Oarcy bad reecit ed a duaatch from the Dalles verifying tie atateaaent. We interviewed Mr. Carey, add be deuied receiving any auch diafiateaL, but informed ua that Mr. Rickey haw telegraphed to the Postmaater at the iialiea, aadting him if any such news had beea received at that place. About three o 'clout he received the following answer' X. B. Rtctn : The stage hat just ur riveil, two days from Ochoeo. No men killed. 11. J. Waldkos. Thi dispatch ot tae public mind at ease rejjurding tlie saCety of the whola party, aal a univereai thanksgiving arose from tke liRiirt of enery tititen, and more es pecially from ttboae f their distracted rela tives. No puoiesuncat would be too severe far a person that stoald start a report of this kind wilhoat a feaadation of truth. ?ar eutire city waa edeutriSed with the newt, and tke actual might have proved fatal to mothers and w'uee. EeiVK JosEPBtti. l'esterday afternoon a team standing in firont of Holmes' store started down State street at a rattlingait. Mea hetd their breaut and women sbud domd.fts the reckless animals plunged mad ly oa in their wild aaeur. A little child was standing on the HuroMte side of tho fixer and the firry eds a-vre making ili rect'y for the iufant. Ituninative Uiind.s in fancy beheld the horses plunge into the stream and swim the short space of one half mile, rush out cpon the opposite bank and trasnple the smiling infaet into Polk Cwcsty toil. A thousand ('V hearts stood still. Was there no hand to sasre ? Secin iugly, nary. The ihorsea bad now run nearly a half block, and still (lunged on. ButbarkJ A mijjhty shout watt up from theawetahled multitude. Josephus appeurs upon site cene with a brick in etier hand aad ia an instant takes in the situation. An ezpruesion of determination tits across his 7xJ countenance, and his Ikaud is atretched forth to save. He bus rcsidved lo 4 or -die. Meanwhilu -a strax-ar has stepped &huh the crowd, aud yraspicg the bridle-reia f fehe Dear bnrsu, checked ibim ; our girUaat Josephus, of Grocery fumo,Says his poaaenM band on the other animal, and the teaaa -stands still. 3?be obild liM aiean wbiW walked home and eaten a beiarty laaeh, and Juttephus wears his honors. A Datwanois Acliiikht. Yesierd.-iy Biics a loud ccah was heard un Coiomcruial Street, aad every pedestrian involurft jrtlv dieaced his r iher head, and after fueling aroiutdto be sure they were unhurt found the noise bd be-'U occasioned by the falling of j the awning in 'front of Lours Kyrne'-fi Star j BiAmry. (The .iron stantl.irds which sup ported it had in ume unr plained manner sud'ioaly giircn way, and theentire structure I h id allon r.sthe sidewalk below. Fortu nately an ha)pened to lie pnssing be neath. Janes Coffey escaped a broken head, as be had but just stepped from un der the aiwting. This accident should in duce ocr merchants to carefully examinu the awQingc inifront of their tstorea and ee that they an perfectly .afe. AnjCTAIITfljir.NKRAL's REPORT. Col. A. P. Denaisaa. Adjutant General of the Ore gon Milita, arrived in (his city yesterday, submitted hi report to the Governor for exatninatkta, and filed it with the Stato Printer for rwblication. We understand that tlieC'tene! recommends a considerable modificatiiwi f the present militia law, placing tke organization upon substantially the basis of Aae National Guard Militia laws of a auasber of other States. Wastes w Btv. A singular looking old codger was ia town yesterday Wanting to buy a geauiae Greeley IRcpubtican, for exhibition ia tie Kortheast corner of the county, as be says the people out there don't knew how tke animal looks. He of fered tea eeatc suVcr, or a confederate five dollar btIL We referred him to Frank Cooper a; no lives jost orer in Clackamas c mnty. From Dtrihj of Tvesthiy A'ig. 6. Crvtal Palacc Circis. This cin'us will per for i in Salem the 15th and loth of August. We hare noticed publications from the proprietor f the "San Francisco Circus," waraing the public against "The Crystal Palace Circes. " We know nothing of either one ef thorn; but we will say that Mr. Rylaad, tke proprietor of the latter establishmeat represent 'that John Wilson of the former eaced much publications to be made for no otter reason than that he (Ryland) refaced t cam bine tbe ti un der one natae, aad tkoa by dividing forces make two "Maaiuisth Circuses" to travel in different directions, and thus humbug and bilk tbe people. For particulars as to the show, see advertisement and bills. A Valuabic Wo Crr. Our readers will remember that some time ago we pub lished an accouat of three young ladies throwing at aa iaugiaary goose iu the mill race one lovdy moonlight evening lesterday we were ebown a half page pic ture of the preceediag in an Eastern pic torial paper, and a condensed account of the adreature. Altbeuh the faees did not look very tatniliar, a person uuae- qtiainted with tbe parties would never know but tbey are life-like.. The object ia the water resembled no one we know, therefore our suspicious regarding bis name were no doubt wrong. Tbe pnety of ladies bad bet'U increased to Ave instead of three, and the bridge bast as familiar aspect. Taken altogether it only served to show how vivid an artist's imagination eaa be when won1 cu a are reiiuired for the atnuaemctit of the read tug public A Stkame Rumor. One of our citizens who returned from Corrallis last Sunday brings us straage ana painful aews regard ing the fate of one f our tuost popular yaaag men. trot, rnancis, be r ports has "weat aad gena and done k" lo spite of tbe taducements held out by ear Salem fair oaea, this wan baa chosen a Benton county lady as tke favored one. and already ready led ta tbe hyiaeaial alter, asd sacri ficed bis all at tbe feet af a buxoat widow with three aaaall children. Bat this is not tbe only ssauaer in wbick dame furtaae has favored aur a ice young tsan. Tbe widow owns a sploadid farm witbin a tew sailes of the eity, aad oar former music teadter will hereafter till the foil instead of tuning pianos. ScveotA. This morning tbe advertise ments of the Bishop Scott Grammar School, fur boys, and St. Helen's Us 11 School for girls, PartlaDd, appear ia our olutnns. These schools, aader thecretrol of Bishop B. Wis tar Morris, bare already attained a popularity much wider tbaaaur own State, aad both are ia a taost flatteringly proa persas eoaditioe. The last year tbe for mer bad 100 boys and the latter bad 193 girls; and these numbers will probably be greatly exeeeded the coming year. Exten sive additions aad improve merits hare been made to tbe Grammar school, and the ca pacity lor both day and boarding students greatly increased. Taking into account tbe efficient management, aad tbe excel lent supervision which boys have at this school , we know ef ao school ia tbe State, to which we should prefer to seed a boy. IIapft Mai. Wealluda to Gas. Scbwat- ka, who is tbe proud father of a aias pound girl, and as Gas. says, "she weighs just sixtn ounces to tbe pound." Next? OI K KXt l IIUMSTS. Arrival at the Const -UHtliinif veatarpa PrriMsiiHl and Utlierwisf . A1- The mail facilities are not of the best between this city and Salmon Reach, bence wo have bad some difficulty in receiving information regarding our Coast party; but thanks to an Indian scout who arrived last evening on tbe back of a tough cayuse pony, we have been favored with the latest news from their headquarters. Is Camp on tiik Reai h, Sunday evening. Friend Lc.w. : Owing to the laborious task of arranging camp, wj have not been v-ry rointnunieatti'- Horin tbe past two iti.v-, but sun J ibu inoui, ni..r ' iiietiitK ii our little camp I will write you a lew lines. We reached this spot at a late hour Friday night, and notwithstanding the many pleasant incidents of the trip, our party were all thankful we had reached our journey's end. We met with the usual mishaps attending a trip of this kind, but no serious damage was dime. Henley and Seneca Smith have Veen the most in dustrious members of our crowd, and we must give Bill Waldo the credit of being the ne plus ultra Nitnrod of the party. He. with bis rifle on his shotiMer Jed us through tbe wilderness with such grace that we now invariably call him "Old Mosc." I don't remember, however, that he killed anything. Henry (lilfrcy is a pretty good band at chopping firewood and assisting Miss S h iu the culinary de partment. When you say this of him you will have enumerated alt bis good qualities as an excursionist. In fact he and Murphv coustitutc the home guard the ornamental part of our crowd. Frank Bewley's labors as ostler finally became so onerous that he petitioned for an Assistaut Grooni, and Miss C n with her accustomed gallantrv volunteered to assist him in the arduous duties of bis office, and in appreciation of her text in this respect, an old curry comb was hedged at a farmhouse whieli was pre sented to her with appropriate remarks, ltewley's dog Ring evidently thinks that matters between the two have finally come to a focus. Saturday was spent iu fixing up camp. This morning we nil went iu bathing, and the party prescuted a gro tesque appearance as we stood for a mo ment by the ever, ever sounding sea, dread ing to venture among those angry waves. Murphy's suit is an ornament to his finely developed figure. The pants arecut bloomer fashion, and flounced just below tho waist. A standing collar sets off his outfit amaz ingly well. The suit is a fiery red and cut loose in order to give opportunity for mus cular development, (iilfrey's suit is of the same color, but the pantaloous are cut goring, and in the absence of a pannier be uses "newspaper development." Smith forgot bis bathing suit, and Miss K n kindly lent hiut one of her dresses, but to speak the truth and shame the devil, it don't fit him very well. Waldo looks grand in his buckskin gabardine and water-poof boots. Bill snys that getting his feet will always gives him a cold. Bewley's suit is a stunner. What do yu think? Gunny sacks ! M y R n dons u Dolly Varden suit minus the hat. Mrs. W s appears to have fallen away in fiesh standing in her suit. Rut poor Utile M a 5 h. She is scarcely discerni ble standing behind M y R n. L y H y resembles a mermaid as she gambols in yonder waves. Miss A s is very timid, and lias only wet the ub-s of her feet thus far. Hut "Lo," the poor Indian lias arrived, and I must close. Yours "til death," Si-ribk. V. S. Tell Al. Croasman we find no difficulty in distinguishing "Rollie," from tbe rest of the horses this year, and thanks to a running brook wherein we keep our butter, we have no use for his patent but ter hisase. ."HrTrusKn Homk. Several of our citi zens bare returned from their various trips, among the rest our friend 11. I. Boon, from a short stay nt Yaquina Bay. He says the hotel is well filled, and everybody is caj?ying themselves. He left Will Mar tin in care of Mart. Urown, of the Albany DetDccrat, who will no doubt put him through ia good style. We might add that Henry's first official act after his return was to load us down with literature nf vari ous kiuds, for which he bas our thanks. Water Pipk Mani factorv. The com pany wganized for the manufacture, of this useful article have secured a site in South Salem, a short distance from the Capital Mills, for tbe erection of their new build ings. B. K. Drake and Co. are now en gaged ia building a steam engine of -sixteen horse power for their use, and they will begin operations at an early day. Fise Map. We were yesterday shown a map of this State, drawn by Mr. Walton, the clerk in the swamp laud office in this city, which in neatness and accuracy excels anything of tbeluin& we have ever seen. It was copied from one brought from Wash ington ty Mr. Cbadwick, and contains the latest government -surveys. Mork HocsK-IinvAKiNG. The residences of J. W. Souther and Ferd. Smith were both entered Puotr.y evening, but nothing of any value wasituken. The scamps scat tered burned oiatobes around Smith's rooms, but did no other injury. Is there no way to put a st?p to'tbese depredations ? Another Hotel is Vtcw. Several ot our most influential citiietw were yesterday agitating the practicaltilitv' of building a new hotel on Mallory's corner. The par ities interested are apparently in earnest re garding this ides., and mean ausiness frotn the word go. IXM AL BKEYXIOEK. What is more difficult than earning mon ey ? Collecting it. The reporter on the Herald goes his whole 1-iigth ou wc.it her items. The bill slicker bas arrived an4 is adorn ing our outer wails. The hotel registers showed a number of new arrivals yesturday. The boats do not run above this city at the present time owing to low witter. Frank Cooper has luid o-une 6ne speci mens of petrified wood uimn our-tabte. All quiet along 4 lie Willamette. Tbe farmers are all to brsy too come 'to towa. A private letter from Stephen Maybell informs us be bas postponed bis visit to this city. 0r boot blacking establishment has al ready changed hands. Consideration ore bit. Mea are engaged in cleaning op tbe Legislative and Senate HaRs. Getting ready for biz. Mow has Xortb Carolina gone? was a que. tioa asked forty-seven times yesterday. We give it up. A kicking horse amused a largs crowd for some time yesterday morning no Commer cial Street. Tbe steaaier Ajax will leave San Fran cisco far Portland to-day witk a large num ber of passengers. No letter from oar excursionists last night. Wa will probably receive a lengtby one this evening. Thermometer still among the nineties. Clothing considered mora ornamentat than essential. There were a half dosen or so anxious souls, inquiriag. last evening, about tbe North Carolina election. The weather still remains warm and sal try. The mercury went ap as high as 82 degrees ia the shade yesterday afternoon. Dr. II. Staith returned yesterday from a trip up tbe Santiam, where he andlcis tarn ily gathered 92 gallons of blackberries. : Williams and Gamble returned-yetterdssr They killed three deer aed two bear after leaving tbe party. Why was tbe Oregonian carried up tbe read yesterday. Some of our route agents are becoming rather careless ia the distrib ution of way mails. More anon unless a reform takes place. i We understand that Salem is to have another book store soon. Rooms have been rented in Starkey's building. City Coaneil will meet this evening. It is ta be hoped tbey will inform the public who is the Chief Engineer of oar Fire Uepartmect. There waa aa unusual severe caseof ohild whipping on the street, last evenlnf, which elorited general rensnre. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY Proposed Reunion of Priso ners. ALL QUIET IS S'ORTII CAROLINA. The Savannah Iliot Ended. Colored Grant Clubs in Indiana. MEXICAX AFFAIRS. INSUKORDIN ATI0X IN ARKANSAS Royal Visit to an American F.eet. Great Diamond Excitement in California. EASTERN NEWS. Reunion of Prisoners In Kcttel Pruv ons. Pirrsianoii, July 31. I.Vneral Harry White and forty others issuetl a call for a reunion at Pittsburg. S;pt. 17lli, of all who wore prisoners in rebel prisons, under the belief that the proKe(l gathering will be a wurce of pleasure to okl comrades tint) of some usefulness to the country. letters should be addressed to General White, Indiana postottiee, Pennsylvania. The Trouble! nt Savannah. Savannah, July 31 Tlie street car trouliles have entirely ceased and the city is quiet as usual. Georfje Washington Wilson (white), t he leader ot tlie Ogeeehee wing of the Republicans, was arrested by the Uni ted States authorities to-tlay for dis turbing aKepuuIicatt mass meeting ott Monday night. Colored Urant Clubs Jn Indlnna. Evansvii.le. July 31. A colored Jmnt club was formed to-night. Five able sjieeclies were made by tioloreil men. Similar organizations have been formed throughout several townships of this county. ortli Caroliim Elcstiu. Xl.w Yohk. August 1. Advice from Wilmington, N. t"., sty the elec tion is proceeding quietly tlwre. rogrvas ol the ltarnanl Trawl. Saratoga, July 31. In tlie Bar nard case to-day it was proved that Jtartiard signed discharges in violation of the election law at his house Cotton Crop Dsunnad. Montgomery. Ala., July 31. Boll and army worms are ruining tlie cot ton Imitations. Wliere they made, a year ago. a hundred bales, now thvy will not make titty. Tin-re is great depression among planters, who con sider themselves ruined. Iiid for I". S. ItoiHt-ltitwks awn ate Aiiotber Itetreat. Bids have been revered for (Jovern moiit goKl to the amount of aloiit three and a quarter millions at 1137 to 1 .":!'.. One million will be sold at 15:)Si;15.i!. Boston, August 1. (Jen. Bank- pronounced for Greeley iti a letter published to-day. Mexican Airlr Redur-tlon sf the ational Debt. New York. August 1. The new Mexican Minister to Ibis Government, ystenlay slated, in an interview, that he 'bought the new Mexican Presi dent, I.eodro, would In-likely to pneifv" that country. I)iaz and Lcgrve are always making tumble, but will not be likely to do much liana under the new administration. The strongest relations of amity and good feeling are maintained towards the United States. The public debt was reduced during July over $3, 000, 000. The Kit Klux. unci Itorder Riiflliiiis In ArkanMW, Little Rock. July 31. The Gov ernor this morning issued a proclama tion regarding the cattle of tlie trouble in Poe co.tnty, saying : "I am ad vised that citizens iu the vicinity of loverare now armed and determined to resist tbe authority of tbe lannl its officers. I do not desire to place Pope county under martial law or sub ject its citizens to loss of property con sequent upon quartering militia in the county, but the law must and shall he enforced, respected ami obeyed, and if necessary the entire force of the State will be employed tor that purpose. FOKKitiX xr.rs. The Prince anil Prlnreaa of Wales Mt nud InNpert the American Fleet. New YORK, August 1. A London dispatch says the reception given by Admiral Allien to the Prim and Princess of Wales yesterday, at South- amptiMi. was exceedingly brilliant. Ten men-of-war were in the harbor. Tbe Prince inspected the fleet. Min- -ter Schenck, Gen. Sherman. Bishop Mcllvaine of Ohio ami others were present, at a collation on hoard the Brooklyn, and in tl.e evening, at a dinner party on the Itoval Yacht. I.t. Grant was also among the guests ot the i mice anil I'rincess. CAEIf OKMA. Ooubla About the Death of President IHiirea Deinorraey In noulhern CHlilbrnln slon't ICally worth nv cent. San Francisco. August 1. Advi ces from t'itv of Mexico, July Kith, via Havana, six days after the report ed death of Juarez, make no mention of such event, and speak of bis being called upon to resign. Either there is a mistake in the date of his death or he is still living. Mexicans liere are still offering any odds on wagers that he is not dead. Plackkville, August 1. Tlie nom ination of II. F. Page for Congress, was received this evening with much g,od feeling. His friends are prepar ing to honor it with a salute. Los Angei.ks, August 1. The Grant ami Wilson Republican club held its hrst meeting to-night. While this county is conceded to be hopelessly Democrat, there seems to be no movement for tbe organization of Greeley clubs. aen. Bank's) Kchnoii Why. Colored Citizens Repudiate Sumner. PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT. The North Carolina Election. Victory Claimed by both Par ties. THE RESULT THUS FAR DOUBTFUL. National Labor-Reform Convention. STANLEY IETED IN PAEIS. EMIGRATION TO AMERICA. California, Mexico, West Indies. EASTEH SEWS. Jen. Banks' Letter. Boston, August 1. Gen. Banks, in bis letter declaring for Greeley, says he is led to this against his wishes and interest, because he believes tlie per petuation of tbe present policy of tlie government is not for the advantage of tlie country, and that it will not tend to establish its former prosperity. Mob Law in Maryland. Baltimore, August 1. On Mon day night a mob of disguised men took three negro incendiaries from officers who were conveying them to jail at Elkton. They hanged one to a tree. The Cite of the otlicrs is un known. Colored Voter Renudianle Knmner and Adhere to fcirnnt. liOnviLLK. August 1 A meeting of-colored citizens to-night condemned thecfnirse of Sumner as unworthy of respect, and expressing distrust at any nllUnee with the Democratic party, which lias resisted etniinciation, civil rights and political freedom. They hellered Sumner's hostility to Graut the result of personal prejudice against the President, and they re solved to act with the Republican par ty, as Grant has been a Iriend of their nice. , Tekre Hai'te, August 1. A meet ing of the colored voters of the county w.-is hetd this evening. A resolution was passed acknowledging Sumner's great services to the colored race, but declining to follow him out of tlie Re- publican party. Tbey pledge them selves to supjiort Grant as tlie repre sentative of Republican principles and the best friend of tlie colored people. Public Debt Statement. Washington, Augttst 1 . Tlie pub lic debt statement shows a decrease for the past mouth of $3,427,6t7. The coin balance is $09,038,359. North Carolina Election 10,000 Ile nubllean Majority Claimed. New Yor.K. Aug. 2. The World's Raliegh sjiecial puts Merriman's ma jority at 50.000. The Herald editorially says it is un safe to hazard a prediction as to the result from the meagre returns at. hand, atitl that after all it is possible that the nc'jro vote will giveth"! State to the Republicans. The Tribune editorially thinks that the returns do not warrant a positive statement as to the result ; that the gains in the cities may be a grave de ception, being caused by the return of negroes to their country places ot reg istry. All reK)rts from North Carolina agree that the election was very quiet. Pern-, a Supervisor of Revenue, re ceived a dispatch front Columbus De lano, dated Raliegh, late last nig! it. saying that the l)emoerats argue up large mythical gains in the east, but admit losses in tlie west. The figures indicate t hat the Republicans have car ried the State by at least 10.000 major ity, and have sent Cobb, Thomas, Mc Kap, Smith and Settle to Congress. The following was received to-day by J. L. Delano : "We have not changed oiiropiniou since I telegraphed to your father last night. All is well. (Signed) PERRY." A special says the State has gone Republican. Xntional Labor Reform Convention. New Yokk, Aug. 1. Leading members of the Labor Reform Confer ence here deny any bolt from that body, but sav that body uuanimnusly called a National Convention, to be held iu Philadelphia ou the 22d ot Au gust. Connecticut Convention. IIahikokp. Aug. 1. The Republi can Slate Convention is called to meet here August 10th. Mirhlgnn Politic. Jackson, Aug. 2. An immense Re publican meeting was held last night, and addressed by Postmaster General Creswcll. who spoke about two hours iu defence of himself against the charges made by ex-Governor Bl iir iu his recent speech here. Senator Chan dler made a brief speech in defence of General Grant, and in criticism of Greeley's secession articles in the Tri bune. " i'orf.iux m;ws. Stanley the Discoverer of Living-, stone Petod Kmitrrutiun to Amer ica. Paws, August 1. The American residents gave a banquet to Stanley last night. Washburn presided. There were a hundred guets including most of the residents and correspondents of American journals. Washburn pro posed as the toast of the evening the traveler Stanley journeying to discov ery, and said hisachievnieut had added new honor to the American name, al ready renowned for such enterprises. Stanley responded and said that all the honor attaching to the expedition belonged to Mr. Bennett. He after wards entertained the company with an account ot his travels. He goes to London to-day. The dispatches from Geneva con tain nothing but speculations. London. August 2. Seventeen thousand emigrant sailed from Liver Hol lor America during the month of July. CALIFOItMA. Removals from the Mint -The I)la iimmmI Excitement t'nllini; otr Shipment of Climahnr-North Car oNiial'auxrewuaeN -Calilbruia Con KreMolnal SoauiuMtloMM. San FuAXfisco, August 2. Mr. Burt. Mrs. Hyderfeldt." Mrs. Noble. Mrs. Wilson, and MNs Corliss have been removed from the coiner's de partment of the r. S. branch mint. Mr. Huberts, frotn the assayer's de art incut. Causes not statcd.- The diamond excitement has fallen off very perceptibly to-day. and the demand for stock at advanced rates is verv limited. The number of the in- j credulous is largely increasing as tbe j subjeot is discussed In all its hearing. A contract was made here to-day ; between parties representing the Key j stone and other new quicksilver mines ii San Luis Obispo county, anil a firm 1 largely engaged in the China and r.nitsii muie lor i.uov ion oi ciiiuii bar to be delivered at San Simeon Bay at $50 per ton. The cinnabar. It is understood, will be shipped to China ill bulk and reduced there. Prominent' Democrats assert that lour out of eight Congressmen elected 5a North Carolina are colored men, nominated on the Democratic ticket Others strongly doubt the statement. V Al.LE.tO, August 2. A salute was fired in honor of John M. Coghlan, nominated for Congress to-day by the R publicans. Immense quantities ot wiieat are awaiting shipment at South Vallejo. San Dikoo, August 2. Tlie news of the nomination for Congress of Hon. S. O. Huntington, was received here with enthusiastic demonstrations. A salute of 200 guns were fired in honor of tlie nominee this evening. MEXICO. A Presidential Election Xkw Yokk. Aug. 2. A Matamoras special says that President Tejada lias Issued a proclamation of general am nesty, and calling for a convention for the election of a President. WEST IX DIES. Cuban Victory Over the Kpanlarda. Havana, July 30. The Cubans de feated a Spanish column which was conveying provisions lietween Gibara ami Ilalquin to Kimin Allan, the Spanish commander. The North Carolina Election. Tlie Result not Fully Known GREAT REPUBLICAN MEETING AT RICHNOND. President of Cincinnati Con vention Declares for Grant. KU-KLUX OUTRAGES IN MISSOURI. Wtunley ut London. A PARIS PAPER DLSCREDITS HIM Democratic Electoral Ticket of California. MOB LAW. AT SALT LAKE. The Xew Town of Oakland. ' EASTERN SEWS. The Korth Carolina Election. Chicago, August 3. A special gives a dispatch from Poor, Internal Reve nue Supervisor, to Secretary Delano, saving that North Carolina has gone Republican, but as the dispatch is at variance with all others received it is not fully credited. It is believed that if tlie State had gone Republican Senator Poole would have, so tele graphed here, but nothing has been received from him. The latest Demo cratic dispatches say that the State is Democratic but by less majority than claimed yesterday below 5,000. Washington, August 3. Supervi sor Poor, at Raleigh, telegraplied at noon to-day to Secretary Delano : "Kverything is brightening. Cald well and tltc whole State ticket is elected." Immense Repnbllcan Meeting la Richmond. Richmond, August 3. An immense Republican mass meeting was held here to-day. The number present is generally estimated at from eight to ten thousand. Senator Henry W iison. candidate for Vice President, and Governor Noyes of Ohio, made strong and telling speeches, which were re ceived with the greatest enthusiasm. Savannah Bio ten Dbicbarwed. Savannah, August 3. Commis sioner Wavne this morning rendered a decision in the street carcase, discharg ing the prisoners. The Maryland Lynching Natter. Chicago, August 3. Baltimore pa pers to-day, both Democratic and Re publican, call upon Gov. White to take immediate steps to arrest per sons engaged iu lynching a negro in Cecil county, Maryland, -on Monday last. An intimation is made that the Sheriff in whose hand ihe negro was when seized by the assassins, was in collusion with them and really know who tlie guilty parties are. Personal. New Yokk. August 3. Tbe Even ing News says ex-Comptroller Con nolly writes that he tloes not. intend to take part in the coming Pre-idi-ntlal campaign. He is disgusted with poli ties aiaf politicians generally. He de sires to remain retired and quiet. A letter from General Dix is pub lished iu which he states that he is not ju-tified in supporting Mr. Greeley without abandoning all his political principles. George Wilkes, editor of the Spirit of the "Times, is very ill of typhus fe ver. The linlrmsn or tlie Cincinnati 'on teution Prououncea for tJrant. Cincinnati, August 2. Judge Stan lev Matthews, who was temporary President at the Cincinnati Conven tion, addressed an immense Republi can meeting at Clifton this evening. In a powerful speech, announcing his de termination to support Grant and Wil son. The Ku-Kluxea Alive and Lively. St. Louis, Aug. 3. Government of ficials received information yesterday that Colonel William Lawson anil Thomas Ijiwsot:, bis son, were driven from their home, in Carter county, by masked Ku-KIux. Thomas was whipiietl. Both gentlemen are now in town. They lodged information lie fore I'nited states Commissioner Stew art, who issued warning for the per jietnitors of the outrage. Lawson states thai aeveril other cas.s similar in character occurred in Carter county, but tlie parties it-wui whom tl.e out rages were committed sin: afnl'd to ay anything for feartlwy will not he protected. Reccw of I rxf k A.wmtily Man te" Arraunullwaliml house Proof ol their Authenticity. Paws, August 3. The National As sembly recessed to-dav until Novem ber 11 th. PAlfts, August 2. The Temps is in clined to dotint the authenticity of the Livingstone letter publi-hed by Stan ley. It quotes the opinion of tbe (ier iiiau geographer, Ktepert, who dis covers various geographical blunders in the letters. He thinks part of the narrative was invented by Stanley hence tbe whole is valueless. It hints that it is possible that Stanley never sa v Dr. Livingstone. Lonion, August 3. The Herald's London dispatches says that Stanley was invited to dine with Ird Stan ley, Iidy Franklin and other di-tin-guished persons. A Herald's Loudon dispatch has let ters received by Stanley from Viscount Knfield, for Karl ininville and a son of Living-tone. Kutield. in the name, etc., of Karl Granville, acknowledges the receipt of letters and documents from Livingstone, delivered bySta.iley to Her Majesty's Ambassador at Paris for transmission to tlie Foreign Depart ment. Granville says In his letter that be has no doulit of the genuineness of tbe letters puqiorting to come from Living stone Livingstone's son says he has no doubt that tin; v lettert and papers brought to Iii in bv Stanley are from bis father 4 Al.ltOHMA. 1'olltiriil Libera! Itenlliran.Ienio crntlc Electorul 'I tcUet. Sax Fhavisco. August 3. S. S. Tilton. late President ot the Republi can State Central Committee, was elected President of the Liberal Re publican State Committee to-day, and G. IV. Corbet t as S-eretary. The Liberal Republican and Demo cratic Mate Conventions met separate ly to-day. Kaeh named three electors. Then the two Conventions, met and indorsed tlie ticket, which is as follows: F. M. Pisley, San Francisco ; Dr. J. C. Shorb. San Francisco; F. H. Ro seiibamn, San Francisco ; Joe Hamil ton, Placer; John Yule. Placer; Peter Ilouahne, San Mateo. Tlie first, third and fifth were named hy Republicans. The alternates are. as follows : Judge A. Hogan, Santa Cruz (lH-m.); A. Sherry, Sin Joaquin (Rep.;; Juan B. Castro, Monterey '(lK;m.); Judges Rob ert McGarvey, Mendocino:. Rep.;; John Daggett, Himiboldt ;Iein.;: A. J. Spencer, Santa Clara (Rep.) Spencer's son is ou the Graut electoral ticket. Both Conventions had a full attend ance. l TAII TERRITORY. A .Hortnou Mob llrenk np a Polls. lri.1 Mertliiir. Salt Lakk, Aug. .1. The Lilieral I'nion meeting to-night, iu front ot the Salt Lake House, was broken up bv a Mormon mob. Great excite ment. Gentiles much exasperated. and but for tool heads there would have tieen blood .shed. The mob had the countenance of the jKilice. Another meeting immediately con vened at the Liberal Institute. Armed guards were placed at the door, and some ot the Mormon moo attempting to enter were roughlv handled. Sev eral got iu unknown and commenced a disturbance and were instantly eject ed. Stones were thrown and glass broken, but tho speakers went on and the meeting finished with music and singing amid wild enthusiasm. All auti-Aloimons. and In some instances Mormons, condemn the outrage last night as of the grossest -character, and a disgrace to the whole country. It is the exciting topic of conversation ana occasions more bad feeling than has oecn known among tlie l.inerats lor years. The Salt Lake Tribune will to-morrow make a call tor troops to protect the polls. OREUO. Tlie new Town of Oakland. Oakland. Ogn., August 3. The new town of Oakland, about one mile south of the old town, is growing up fast. Tlie Western I'nion Teleirr.inh Company have removed their office to the Railroad Depot, the present south ern limit of the Kailroad teiegninli line. Since the Abraham Brotlicrs have concluded to commence on Monday morning nulling down their fine store and warehouse and other buildings, in cluding dwelling houses, there lias been a perfect rush for comer lots. Between four and six p. m. to-day. up wards ot two thousand dollars worth of lots were sold. A part of ooe lot, 33 front, brought $300. The railroad has made a great change in this vicini ty. Times are livelier than ever be fore known at this season ot the year. WILLIAM DAVIDMOX, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Office Xo. 4, Front Ittreet, rOUTLAXD, OREGON. REAL E8TATK In this C1T Yam! EAST PORTLAND, in the most ilestrable lo-aluien, t-ontlstlna- of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS and BLOCKn, HOUSES and STORES; alsu IMPROVED FARMS, and valnnhlc un. cultivated LANDS, located in ALL isirtsol tbe STATE fur SALE. REAL ESTATE awl other Prmw-rtv piuvhiKeil for CoreHtonilcnts in tlits f IT anl throitfrlKMtt the STATES and TERRITORIES, with urrrat care and on lite most AKVAN TAtiEOLS TLRMS. ltofSES and STOKES LEASED. LOANS NKmiTlATKD, and tl.AlMS iK ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY COI L K T K I . A nd a ( icncral H N A NCI A 1. a w I AtiENCY VrsiNEhgtrnitKhand. Uwtl DISSOLUTION. THE partnership heretofore existing un der the name of ltorenpnrt Woltard, at Silver-ton, Oregon, is tluadav dissolred hy mutual enrwent. The business will be here after ooniliv-led at the old stand by J. C. Da rennort. who assume all liabilities and to whom all debts due the Arm will be paid. Those indebted will please call and settle im mediately, as we wish to close np tbe Arm business as soon as possible. J.V. DaVEVPORT, D. WOLF AM. Sllverton. June '24, 1H.7& Jiiner7:dfit:wtf MM-IETY SOTI tUt. Chemeketa Ledge, No. 1, I 0. 0. F. REGULAR waJetuifr Wis Inesilay evenhiKs of each woelua d o'ct jck p. M., at Oild Fellows' Hall, corner Corota erclnl and Ferrv atreeu. Ail BrotbaswWi ST" si standing- Invit ed to attend. By or'-H f . . r yy Willamette U3-.uipnieiit.o 3. 1.o. o. r.--itteeiK.n tlie u V and 4th. Tuepant ewnlnra of each X. mwittaat Oad rttiiown Hall i-orner t uw.mervl.il aiwf Ferry Streets. All sojourning brtfUjrun In K"oo standing are iir vUed to attend. By order of CP. apl 11 7 U meets j'rMav w mine of en.ih week.- All l.'oinra It ftv order, Aplinsif. OMMAKUKltl Rkkekah 1'KuttiE Lo,i-:Mectat Odd Fellows Hall the 1st rek-.. evening ol'ea,-h mouth at oVInck. A II BnrtVrtii, with their wives. In goou stuiuiii & Tvtuiuxn i" iiiii-ii-L Bv onier of N. ii, Haleiu, July th, 187.i-l Anairemary Lodjr , .Mo. IS, lMJO.f. Regular meeting Monday evenlnea ol ea.-h week at H o'clock I'M., at Ottd Fellows Hat I. corner Commercial and teriy Streets. All Brother" iu good standing arc invited to in tend, lty order X. U. Julvl7:tf MX IAI, .OTH KS. Bemaraablr S'nre mr Ur. Abraus Tuiir- Ban June, August 2, 1871. Dr. A. M. Lorvka A Co. Some two years since I wastuken down with Inflammatory UlieumattMii, and was for some time treated hv two Physicians, hut got no better. I tried nearly evesy remedy I lieard ot. but nothing seemed to do me .inv good, until about two weeks ago I was advised hv Jiidip .1. Johnson to try your I NK WEED REMEDV. 1 pro cured One Bottle and was entirely cured bv It. Fornix weeks before taking "tlie INK I wa.- compelled to go upon crutches. I eoiiHid er voitr Itemedv a great biesning to uuerlug Immunity, aad shall ileem it my duty to iu l'ui iii all Klieiiinatic-i of its great virtues. Yiui-, etc., Adkam U llv. Jnnelltf NOTICE.! OREGON A CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Uomianr, li"d De..tmcnr. Portland. Oregon, April j, l7i. -Notice ; hereby given llutt a vigorous iiro!ie,-ntlou will be Instituted agalnnt anv and everv iierou who treKpassos uimn any Railroad Lnud, by cutlli.; and re moving tlmlier therefrom before the same is IKIl'liHT of the Comisiny AND PAID FOR. All vacant Land iu odd uumliered xeciion?, whether Hiirveyed or unsurveyeil, within a distance of thirty miles from tlie line of the rojid, Ijelongb to the Coiniianv. i. It. M(RES, April 10 dlntwtf. Land Agent. H'urning. My wife, Elizabeth Staploton, having left my bed nud biatrd without cause or proveva lion, 1 hereby warn all persons axainst har boring or triiHUug heron my account, as I w ill n nav anv bills of her contracting. TIM. STAPLETON. Wooilburn, July 2"J, Ti-w lm. BroiickltiN. This Is an Irratation or InAamation of tbe bronchial tulies, which carry the air we breathe into the lungs. It unset, from a cold settled In the throat, from Catarrh extending tothese iiarts. fr,m s,-rot'iilous affections, and t'roin severe use ol'lhe voice. The irratallon from this latter cutn-e commences in the I trynx and yldtin, which are the organs of the voice, and extending downwants, pro-ibh-es hoarseness, coiijiliing and spitting mt, couw mailer, sometimes mi veil with bloMl.A It it. chiefly il.iiigeroiis from its tendency to sprad inlothe Imors, mid urmlnate in "con iimaiou. It is In the cure of severe and ol siiuute cases ol this disease that Dr. Pierce's Oolden Mistical Dlsi-nvtry has achieved un paralleled sncctMs, and won the loudest praise from all who have Used it. It Is sold bv all rcsjwvtnhle druggists. july31, llt:nlt Vain KcgrelN ! How many there are In this city suffering w-iid di-ease who look liack with the deepest regret iisn the time and money they have tlnounawav In trying new remedies, only to tlnd themselves det-Aveii. Take our advU-e, all is not lost : use HrHtolw smrtnriirllla niul fills, t !u-y conuiln a great and reliable ctiniive tsiwer." 6.VI. julyai,',2;.lld:wTt Itallce's Sule. To James McDonal't, and whoever else It may concern : "1"yi)TICK is hereby given that. on Saturday, il the 1 7 1 Ii ilav of August, lS7i, between l he hours of ID o'clock A. M. and four o'clock f. m I will procceed to sell at public auction and tiir L. S. coin in liami, on my farm about six miles south of Salem, Oregon, four head of fat steers about live years old ; or so much of said proerty as may be necessary to pay the costs of said sale, and also Wl, my just and reasonable charges as bailoe, for my care, attention and lalxir liestowed uion these and other cattle left with me hv the said Jan. McDonald, on the lilh March', 1871, to be de pastured. WILLIAM WALLACE. Julv22d. 187-2-w3t Academy of the Sacred Heart, KALEH, ORISON. The Tenth Annual Session will commence on Monday, the loih of August. Piiiils who proisiee attending hool are reiuirtsl to bu present at the ojiening of the Session to facili tate regular cl.'issillcalion. aiiKifcd.t tvJw CRYSTAL PALACE CIRCUS! An entirely New and Original CIECUS. With a Fine Array ot 5iew Face, Xew Acta, "Sew M ualc. This Immense how having vlsltwl the larg est cities In alil.H-nia with the grmtest sik- chss. is now on the way to the Oregon Mate fair, nmt "H ill Perform In Naletn, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, ACO. 15 and 16. The performers nf this great show of 1872 comprise the tie si intent mat couiu ue lounu. Among tne many are The I it CROW BROTHERS, Flying Men ol the Air. The Female Acroliats and Vaulten. LOW RAY SISI'KRS, also the only two female riders on Hie coast. S AMl'EL and MONTAGUE, the unrivaled and renowned AcroiKiis. Master J AMES I.EE, the great champion princi)iai nuer. Mls LINDA, the Charming Ascenslnnlst. Master FELLl'M, the Hetvtilean Wonder. Four Clowns - LONO, NICKERSON, SAM- L r.LS and WILLIAMS. The SILVER CORNET BAND, lei by .nons. ivaiamiuk-n. The Wonder of the World, CYNOCEPH AUS. Also a siwcions. new ani laree Pavilion, all umler the siiiervlsion of the Renowned t. irons Manager, , t.o. r. It 1 L,A D. Nclo, Meliielnj, Atlirust 14th. UervaU, Kntnrdny, Aiurnat 17th. aug6"72-18tw2w IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY rr costs no more to keep, good rowls than poor ones ! Oakland Poultry Yards, Corner of lfith snd Castro streeta. NeHHon or 187a, Eggs for Hatching, fkom the largest akd best bkko Fowls in AmkkicaI Carefully pn'ked and warranted to carry snle- ij any oisutncv. i no twnetiea ctnnpnso Dark and Light Brahmas, Buff and Part ridge . Cochins, White Leghorns, Houdans, Silver Spangled Ham burgs,Black Spanish, White Dorkinis, Golden Po lands, Aylesbury Ducks, and Game, Se right and Black African Bantams. Ci Send stamp for Circular to iEO. H. BAYI.EY, limsirter and Breeder or Choica Poultry HOX 6A9, San Prancinco. neral Agent tor the Povltby Woblti, a monthly mauine devoloil entirely to Pont trv. Tbe lst isiper imbtlshedln the country. Siil)scriaion, i no per rear. Agents wanted lor every citv ami town" and the country. For lurtner inhumation, auuress. BOX 3V, San Frarndsco, ST riease stale In what inper yon saw thlsadt ertlsemcnt. .Mav7 win3m:deeil3m E. BUTTERIC & CO.'S Out Pnpcr Pnttcrnei, mflta FOLTZ would Inform the ladies that she has hist received a full assort ment of PATTERNS, embracing all the lute sly lea Sir Ladies, Misses, Hoys and In fant's clothes. Call and select your pattern. Also, agency tnr Oray's I'nion Dress Chart, Jiilvllm MISCELLANEOUS. 'Advertising la tbe Oil which wise men put k their lamps."- Af-nlem iYor. L. P. FISHER. ADVERTISING AGENT. MMS 20 AND 31, Merchants Exchange, California Street, Sun Franrtst-o. Solicits AiVerl Ivenieiits sml Siilis, riptions for the ok Kit j.n Stat nM ax and tor paiers pitlilisheil hi CalirirfnW. (.rrrafoB and Nevada; Washington, I'tah; ldntio, Vlontna. Colora ii:i, Ariit.'iui, and .-vljii-.-ent Terr sovWts ; s.ittl wich Islaol..hc llriiish Piisses, China; New Zealand and the Australian f'otouies; Mexit-an Ports, Nicaragua. Pa-nam, Vnl raiso atid Japan: the Atlnntk: StateH and Euro. ADVERTISING Has oroated many a new business ; Has HiiLirgiVVmaiiv an old bu.-lness ;' Has reritrMl rhany'a'dnll laisinessj Has rescued' ihah'y a-lost business; Has saved mtniy r rdllng business; Has preserved many a1 large business ; And insures a success In any business. tilttlRD'S Sktret. Steiiheri Girard used to sav in his old age : "I ha .'e nltvavs conskl- eretia'hrertising lilivrally and long- to lie the great medium of success' iu hufcfties, anil the premie to wealth. And I have wattle it an In variable rule u advertise in the dullAM times as well as the busiest, long exieriene having taught me that monev thus tfpent is vestl laid out, and by continually keeping my business before the public it has secured many sates tliat I otherwise would have lost." Adrrrtlac Yrar Bualneas. Keep Your Xante before the Public. Jmllciona AdTertlalnic will Insure m r orlune. It Bualneaa ta Dull, Adrertlae. If Bnalnewa lit Brink, AslTertlae. , t&T" The man w ho didn't hoHeve In adver- ti-sng has gone Into partDersliip with iheslier- .i di m. aud that oru. ial bv the advertisinr. S2,500 REWARD W E have a man Hint can make a. good brick as any man in this county f.,r . & 3 O O. WE have a man that can make more liri. k lit ten boura than aur man in this county for S OOP. vv E have a man that can set more brV k than any man ia this cainty lor & 00 O . WKcan lairn brl,-ksas well an-lth If- wisidand lalsn-lhan any flrro itwiu couutv for S3 1 , O O O I IV GOI.l) O O I i . COLLINS & CO. N. B.-Riit we don't PKKTEND to sell brick as cheap as do some ol iMir nelglitinrs. Jiui,:u.V w;ll MILLIONSOF.PAIRSSOLD CABLE SCEEW WTHE Boots cfc Slioos. Julvlftwlm WAVTED. AGEXTS.-olOO to 250 ir iiHiuth everywhere, Male and Female, lo Introduce the genuine improved MARSHALL SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem. fell, tuck, bind braid, copl, quilt, ami embroiiier In a most su perior manner. I'rice, only sl, nitty ih-ensea and warranted rornve years, we will pay 1kW iiira.iy machine, high nrrce or low, that will sew a stronger, more beuttrul or more elastic, seam than our. It makes the Elaa tic Ijocaitltcli. Everv second stit-h can hvciit. and still tlie cloth cann be pulled aKirt without tearing It. n e y Agents 1100 to jri'ift .r month, and etnse. or a commis sion from which iwk-e-that aramml can ne matie. Forclrculara and terms, apply lo or a-hlress. S. Marshall Co., No. I'i2 Nassua street. New York. CAUTION'. -Do not be lmnnsel npon by other parties traveling through the ctaintry palming en worm less caw-iron ma, nines un der the same name or otherwise. Ours Is I be only genuine and really cheap wtauhlne man ufactured. Airi5'ri:dlw:w3m. rUAS. CAXPBELL. E. WILLI AHfl. New Grocery Store. FRESH Groceries and Xew Goods at eur siaml on Commercial Street. Givensa call and we will endeavor to please you all. C. CAMPBELL 4 CO. JulylftdAwtf si,ooo INTIIIIEE MONTHS Agent can make the above amount by selling the Greatest Book of the Age, the Struggle of '72. The Issues and Candidates of the present political campaign, History and Platforms, Review of Grant's Administration. The Rec ord ot Horace Greelev. bv Everett Chamber lin. formerly of the' Chicago Tribune. The lllustrations'are drawn expressly for the work tiv Mepnens. Entirely original, l tie finest, both humorous and rrave. if vofl want to make money send one dollar for outfit, ami secure territory at once. Terms, Ac. furnish ed on application. Address, L. BANCROFT CO., San Francisco, Cal. Jnlv27:dwtf CORBETT, FAILING & CO., IXP0RTF.R9 OF Heavy and Shelf-Hardware, MECHANIC'S TOOLS, Iron Azxca. Steel. Agents for the sale ol DUPONT'S GUN POWDER. 51 and So Front St., Portland, Ogn. May 27:dawt W. H. WATKINDS & CO., Slalom, Orojjon, largest and most complete assortment of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Etc., OUTSIDE OF POUTLAXD. Saddlery Hardware and Findings. AT LOW PRICES. MayS:dtf J. M. KEELER & CO. S LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK. OREttOX AXD NOBTH-WEXT COMMISSION AGENCY Forbnvlng and forwarding direct, via Isth mus Rail and tfepe Horn, with Han Francisco connections, all claasea ami varieties of Merchandise, and for sale of Exports from the North-West. Advances made on approved consignments, and orders respect tuMv solicited. All orders and business will receive prompt attention. Reference. ygyrrojtK.- X.Y National Ex. Bank, alosns A. E. AC E. Tilton, SB Liberty fcree. Messrs. J. L. Browne 11 Bros., Bankers. Messrs, Bentley, Miller A Thomas, 84 Sontli Street. OBEQOX: Messrs. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers, Por'-itBd. A. A. McCitllv, Esq.. Kalem. TENTS. TENTS. TENTS. May be Rented by the "WIsJlsSK Oil MONTH AT THE SALEM BAG FACTORY, Sonth Store, Chemeketa Block. TENTS AND WAGON COVERS For Sale and Made te Order. L. CHEESBROCGIt a CO. Jnlvllrtr ' . REAL, . ESTATE. J. STrrecf.. . C C WAY. TA.'TATI. Real estate J'Rfeill Estate !' SAVOV SlTTTtCt,.4f )lltn i REAL BATBdArTnt J01fYa-. kers. Bomaon fllltfTrs1rtlFrorA, and Washington streets, Portland, Oregon" will attend to the sale and purchase of rev estate in all parts of Oregon. Special attac,' tlon given to the sale of farming lands. April 10. dAwtf. THOMAS H. REYNOLDS, DEALER IS REAL, ESTATE. SALEM, Oregon. Special attention given to the collection ofaccoarjts, rents, fte. Apittdtfwlt OB0. U. JONES. 3 j ?TTJCKId JONES & rtftt-HSiiriJ REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE,' AND GCIISRAL ACENT8, Opera ffentae Block, HAXE.H, (SKEWOn. Attention la CaHesl fy tb AtHV kwAr( Hesafrlptlona ef Prnpfttf 5 AMI 10 ACE lotawkhrn one mile I he court house i rlcir soli i prV e t to' 100 ir acre. O 1 a,;re, rmlaaasM of OrTVaw, h Jm Ht a.-.res prairie, all frnveil, fuo acre line timber, good running wiftar but stoat; price, 10 per acre. -g tr're Kliisr'sr PralrfrV In Elhn IUI Co 60 acres in cultivation, oood orcliant. house and barn, ami nlace well lii proved, all fenced and well watered; price, ll.oiiu, a bargain. tf a-'res on King's Prairie, tine house and a J i barn and good improvementa; price. t-i,ii. I ft acres, t miles east of Scio, Linn Co.. Ivi Vi a-reslncuhlvatinn,houseanl ham.- small nrchanl, well wai ered ; price, 15 per 0""aerei7 miles east of Salem, splendid 111 house and barn, good nrchanl, alan -ilais-e of small fruit, good spring at tlie houstt and inly ot si-k water. Sil a. res gomlptow. ,u one timotny mess low ; price. - - jr nan; uarKwn. 1 Q acres 7 miles east t.f Salem. IV) a. res HO open land, 140 acres in cuillva'.ltm. 4 K-ctutrds, ulviilv of small fruit : snrlnv ater for sttick ; price, SH.0O0. 4r ACRES 24 miles norlli of Sberl l dan. Yamhill -.ouulv. a i hot,-.. farm, rich sua I, ursier good lence: 150 acres ill cultivation: house and ham and small oi- chard ; all prairie except enough of timber for wood ; onereu very cneap and on eaay terms. 1 Al-'RESone-lialfmlle south of R. R. J'i depot at Salein: well suited lor rai - leniug; price t0 per acre. tftfk ACRF.S four miles north of Rnlem; --JliT small Improvements: land weii ocatcdaml some line tlmlier; price flO per acre. Qlin ACRES. 4 miles south of Salem; OmVF known as the John Mlnto farm; well improved ; prate, $.l)00 -liberal terms. O f , ACRES in Polk count v; 4 miles n JmfMz w ofs-tlem : & acres' In -culllv- on; good stock water and range; price II per acre. -g - ACRES In Polk county. 1J miles vv JL al " of Salem; Improvements good: 30 acres in cultivation ; price Cuuu. Grk ACRES 7 miles south of Salem; all CjlJF under fence; gomi luim and house considerable Improvement; price 111 per acre, in quantities to stilt purchasers. e S" ACRES IS miles north east of Sn JimHk lem, on Ablqua creek; 75 acres In cultivation; good range, well walered; price f II per acre. f fl rfc ACRES of land 4 miles northeast of AVFvF Stiverton, with Saw-mill on prem ises ; prtae 11300 very cheap. A "i ACRESOmllesnorthwestofSaleni: w mjkt i no acres in cultivation; got -a range, well watered and good orchard; price f i, pt-r acre. f" ACRES 13 miles east of Salem; fLM-9J small improvements; price 3000. tif ACRES 4 miles northeast of Si' JmJ verton: valuable farm : well iin- proveii : good new house and barn ; 100 acres in cultivation ; price $4000; terms easy. Pi f ACRES half mile west cf Salem; n.r " vF ferry landlnr: well lmnroved : nra-e t.'i0 per acre, -g f ACRES elghtimlles south of Salem, JLvfer on thestaireroad. 40 acres nmb-r cultivation ; nearly all under fence; ordinal y maise ana oarn ; good young orchard ; price l,ioo. f ACRES one mile south-west of & O" lem, in Polk county. All nnder fence; 20 acres In cultivation; small bouse and barn ; good young orchard ; verv desirt- inc iwaiwu tor Karttening purposes; price 11,300. CITY PROPERTY: OTS 1 and i. Block 5, Jones' a-HlUon to A Salem. Small house ; price, (1,000. "1 if f Block No. 13, K O .A. W W. corner Jones' addi tion to Salem, with bouse and Improvements ; price, 1700. f OT 4. Block 95, city of Salem, tine boose, M-A well finished, near the C. P. Church : price, 300. . HOUSE ami halfbiock In Jones' addition ; U storv house well finished and c-rounda well Improved ; price $2400. OTS 8 and 9, block 4, Reeds' addition, Ta 4 cant and line location ; price $450. II OUSEand H lots in Robert's addition; ueionging to at. u. Moore; prtoe $1900. R ESIDENCE of U 8. Drar, on Capital .; . tu-i.- auniL OTS 5 and ft, bla-.k 2.V on Church street A vacant ; price $.M0. BRICK store, north end Star key's block tire-proof; 8 rooms on second fltnr good brick warehouse; price $4500. 2 LOTS in Allatnv, bear the eomt bonse price $700; Inquire of Thomas Montetili, Allainy. HOUSE and lot on Front street, near bn limu is rt nfthAMlr. nnw tn ,m.i i... Mrs. J. L Starkey ; price $-2100. HOUSE and lot. South alem ; near r-l-denceof IL Owens: house unfinished; prW-c tVlMl. Tbe Ren Una; aassl Le laur ar all. kinds of property. Collection of Clalais. Conveyancing, Am., will recelra prorapt al-. icmion. CSf For further information addreav JONES ft PATTXHacn, Aprmf n- MISCELLANEOUS. NORTH SALEU STORE! AT TIIK OLD 6ZKX.8COJtBi iUsiiastsauelred . , . . . A FULL ISSOBTLIEIIT -or-; ' ' " - DRY GOOHSv ' : 1 ' J tiWjeSBaES, BOOTBftMrOE", ' CUMTOSl , HarrJvtir, General Merchandise, Calculated fcr City and County Trade. Braight as low, awl will be aoM at aa email L profit as thnse who sell at oost vri. doUremJ to M, part of the el'y dfta UNION HOTEL. Salem. i t Oregon HI9 LS TO IXrORM "THE th irt i" I lug public that Itava;riTLi?.,rIL nlshe,l this honae u'nm,rut w, ??.1J ",r me. Freeha.-ktotfeHrwe "Kt u