The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, July 30, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    "teefcfp Oregon statesman.
The City and County.
From Daily of Friday July 27.
TtaeIrDiiierMi-ondHIoii-'ii It be
MesuediedT-A I'ubllc ttcnmud.
AVe hear continued complaint regarding
the dilapidated condition of the sidewalks
of this ciijj inore especially in the vicinity
of Piety Hill. There are numerous places
where the boards aro not nailed down, and,
from all appearances never were. They,
at least. re loose for blocks at a stretch, nt
present, and it is really Uiiger..i br -d-estriaut
Ut walk over tliew alter dark. We
hear of numeroui mishaps that hare en-daogere-i
life and limb during the Uut two
woatas. It was only a few days since that
an old Udy, through the defects of a loose
board, was thrown violently on the ground
and sustained injuries that confined her to
(he hiuM for sevaral day. Numerous in
stances of this kind will be the result, un
less this evil is remedied. Person now go
stumbling over I nose board and rotten
sleepers that at an early day may bo the
eause of broken limbs, far which the city
might be compelled to pay heavy bills of
damages. There 4a aa Ordinance in our
City Laws which compel a property holder
to keep the sidewalk in front of hi prem
ises in good repair. Why is it not put in
force ? We leave the proper authorities to
answer. We nails mention of this public
naisauce about two month ago, and for a
few days efforts) were made to abate it, but
the agitation noa died oat and the wulks
are in a worse euudilivn to-day tbaa they
ever were before, and are daily growing
more aggravating. It is about time our
City Council were inquiring into this mat
ter and that provisions were made to attend
to it as one of (be demands of the public.
We uudertitand soni of the public spirited
Indies on Piety Hill took the matter in bund
Thursday evening aud removed the aide
walk for aouie distance, preferring to stalk
on the ground rather than peril their lives
ia traveling on such sidewalks. This is, of
course, aa act that will prove ol so great
benefit. Uut mo trust it will wake up the
authorities to a realisation of the situation
Even on oar principal business street the
saoie evil exists, and it is a universal
nuisance on all the hack streets. We trust
our reotark assy be the means of abating
this nuian tn soone degree.
Tic Crofs.. We notice that some of our
exchanges report the crops a trUe short of
the general average in their several localities
We are pleased to say that such is not the
case to Marion county. Those who are
well posted say that this year's crop will
greatly exceed those that have been rtised
duriag the past two years. We were yes
terday conversiag with a gentleman who
has traveled extensively throughout this
and Linn county, and he says that the
crop aro looking remarkably well. In and
around the Forks of the Santisa the far
tners report their crops in the most prom
isiog condition. Wheat tbnt beiere the re
cent mine looked anything but promising
has taken a start forward and is becoming
well filled. Fall wheat never looked better
or gave more tattering assurances of pro
line yield. Oats in many places will turn
out from 60 to 7 5 bushels to the acre. Some
of the farmers around f?ei have already
begun harvesting, and their fields of grain
are. looking 8nely. The bay erop is mostly
gathered, all over the county. It bas far
exceeded the anticipation of a lew weeks
since. The cattle are looking remarkably
well, and literally rolling in fat. The far
mers residing at the base of Joe mountain
range are feeling jubilant over their future
A Micbtv XimtoD. Our Governor went
bunting the other day, and this is the way
the Albany I)cmocrat does him up, having
had a special eourinr from Clear Lake :
"The Governor hadn't killed any deer as
yet, but was expected to "fetch one at any
moment if they came his way and stood
long enough uader the swiftly-curling coil
of his lass-rope. Ha was certain be could
babble little lame lamb, anyhow. A a
(nightly Ximrod His Excellency is undoubt
edly huge." Our friend Dr. Belt is re
ferred to, in the following terons : "Xcar
the Governor's camp fire Dr. Belt was re
clining under a spreading tamsiack, sharp
ening his scalping knife and preparing to
raise the hair of the first nnlacky victim
who happened to straggle into tbe Gover
nor's lasso aoose. Hi grim silence amply
betrayed his deadly purpose, and our special
artist on the spot hur:ied away from (hat
blood-thirsty camp with a cold shule
creeping over his body and a strange fear
tugging at his heart-strings."
Pf.vitkktiart Affairs. We again call
attention to tbe opening of tko new Peni- ;
tentiary on Tuesday next. Wednesday,
the 31st insC, it is intended te remove frosa
the old quarter and take possession of
those recently constructed, at,d of course it
would be impossible to give a full a view of
tbe premises after occupation a now, aai
those who visit on Tuesday will find a snoot
favorakie opportunity to exauineevery part.
The purpose for which it is thrown opes, is
one that ought to interest every friend of
(he institution. A good library is a most
excellent help in governing thue who are
there, as the right to its use depends oa
their good behavior. Perssns who are in
terviewed previous to that occasion should
respond with the gift of such book as ean
be spared, aud also be" prevent at the ofen
ing exercise. Further notice will be given
on Tuesday morning, and the programme of
the day announced.
Heard Ckoii. The following item,
clipped from the Iieutwn Democrat, will, no
doubt, interest some of our readers who de
sire to know tbe whereabouts of this festive
crowd : " Tboo jolly fellows, J. M. Garri
son, EJ. Terry, lien. Belt, Emmet Wil
liams aud James Gamble, in charge ef that
noted Niuirod, J. 11. McCorioick, all of
aleia, passed through our town on Mon
day last, ea route for the UcKeuxie Fork,
to ebase the timid deer and slay the noble
elk. We are (irvmised a week's supply of
mountain delicncie oa their return. May
ame in abundance crawl into their rifles."
Tax Cbkukkkta. Mr. Bush returned
from Portland yesterday, and be informed
ia that negotiation are peading relative to
re-opeuiug the Chemeketa Hotel of tbis
city. No definite arrangcuwnts are decided
upon as ret, but a final conclusion will be
arrived at witbiu tbe next tea days. If
they prove satisfactory the bouse will be
immediately furnished, aad it will be thrown
open to the public before the next session
or the Legislature. " George," of the
Oregoniaa, may yet find oat that our fine
hotel is not a much of aa " elephant" on
the hands ef tbe stock-holders as be im
Ixsasc Peksox. L. S. Scott, Sheriff,
went nelow yesterday, haviug tn charge a
eon of Lewis Pettyjohn, who bas boea de
clared insane, and will be placed ia tbe
Asylum at East Portland. Young Petty
john has been acting very strangely for
many months past. He came into the city
Thursday afternoon and was using a knife
in rather a reckless manner, when Jim.
Fisher bad biro shut ap in the calaboose
over night. Yesterday morning his father
came into the city and took immediate
measures te Lava him conveyed to the Asy
lum, whore bo will be placed under medical
Wekklt AuntTHJXs. Our State Library
now receives a weekly report from the Pat
ent Office containing all tbs plan and spec
jfication of patents issued for the preceding
week. Tbis book being about twelve inches
square by four inches thick, and issued
every week, will give the public something
of an idea of the amount of business done
in this department in oue week's time. These
volumes prove a valuable acquisition to the
State Library,
The front door yards of many ol our eit
liens look beautiful, adorned aa ttiey are
with il..crj and creeping vine.
What's Tim Matter? There seems to
be an unusual scarcity of country produce
in the market at present. AVe town folk
can hardly find enough to eat. Butter and
eggs are a rarity, tbe latter worth two cents
and a half apiece. What in the world ail
our country poultry ? This thing is prepos
terous and entirely beyond our comprehen
sion. Fruit and berries of nil kinds are
also scarce as is the ease with vegetables.
We can see no reason for this, unless it is
because the farmers are so busy with tbeir
crops that they neglect the market. We
would advise our country friend to bring in
tbeir produce, for which they ean find ready
s.ile at any time.
XorAniK Pi ih.h: II. M. tiilfrey, Pri-
vate tfee'y of Gov. Grover, informs us that
J. J. Whittiev, of Albauv, and James II.
Frush, of East Portland, have been ap
pointed Notaries Public for this State W.
W. Latimer has received the appointment of
Commissioner of Deeds for this tate, to
reside at Baltimore, Maryland.
From Daily of Sunday July 28.
Ot a Grmin. There is an old adge
that reads in this wise, "A new broom
sweep clean." This seems to be the case
at the Turn Veriea Hall just at present. It
is daily growing more popular at a place of
resort and promises to become a "fixed
fact." Merchants, Judges, Deputy State
Secretaries and men of all classes, indulge
in this method of "muscular development"
(as J. J. Murphy styles it.) Every after
noon there are ambitious aspirants fur fame
as Turn Veriens, and are willing to all but
break their necks in tbeir efforts. The hor
izontal bar swing and spring hoard have at
tractions that ean be superseded by nothing
in the amusement lino at the present season
ol the year. Aching bones, blistered
bands and heated bodies socui to have no
elfcct in quelling the excitement. We are
daily looking tor a fir-t-clasa item in the
way of a broken head, but we trust it
won't be our own.
A Ciia.h'K for P ih ack. As we go to
press there are iuJieations of rain. We aro
informed that the prayer of the
farmer just now is that the f?weet
Heavens will refrain from shedding any
tears over mundane affairs, so far as tbo
vVillatnctte Valley is concerned. Which
means, they don't want any rain. If the
elerk of the weather can be rea
soned with, they hope be will re
fect that there is, just now, a great deal
of bay and oat lying arouud loose, and
some wheat ; that any long continued non
sense would result in pecuniary loss to the
petitioners ; aud that the farmers can bet
ter afford to have short vegetable crops than
to have the spots knocked out of their sta
ples. If all the clouds that are lowering
o'er our houses, could just be piloted about
a league or so off shore, and permitted to
lay the dust of the Pacific, it would suit
the Willamcttes just as well.
A i. En's Ixi'KuVKiiisjiTs. The march of
improvement is steadily on the advance.
Tbe new Court House has a large numberuf
men at work on it, and is assuming massive
proportions. Tbe cells are all constructed,
and the brick work is progressing at a rapid
rate. Myer's Agricultural Works have
already made such a show in the world that
skeptics are willing to own that they will
soon see them in operation. Tbe Sister's
School is progressing with astonishing
speed. The masons have tbe brick work
completed to the second floor. It proaiLses
to be on-j of the most substantial buildings
in tbe city. E. N. Cooke's new residence
attracts the admiring gaze of every one, and
shows off in splendid style. Joscphus
Holmes has broken ground fur a new brick
store on State street, which will prove a
valuable addition to this, the business por
tion of our city.
Asd Still Avotkkb. A saddle horse
hitched in front of Jordan's harness shop
became scared at a bear skin which was
floppiug in close proximity to his ears, gave
a sudden jerk backward, pulled out the
awning post to which it was tied and started
up State street with it at a rattling pace.
31 ere ban ti, clerks, typos, bystanders and
"your truly" stretched our necks to tbeir
utmost length to see the sport. Tbe horse,
with awning attachment, was enveloped in
a cloud of dust, and turning the corner by
the old Beunett House, was soon out of
sight. The owner (who, Jordan asserts,
must be a good Christian, as he never ripped
out a single oath) started alter him at an
easy gait, soon found him bitched to a
ience and bruught him back uninjured.
The last we saw of tbe man he was repair
ing tbe awning.
Whbhe is he? Lafayette A. Williams,
who for some time past bas been working
for a farmer living about ten miles front
Forest Grove, started for his home in this
city about three or four weeks ago, and
since that lime has not been heard from.
His mother and family, residing in this
place, are desirous of knowing his wherea
bouts. Tbo papers throughout the state
will confer a favor on the relatives of tbe
missing boy by making inquiries concerning
his present address. He was a young man
about eighteen years of age.
A printer's devil who aspired to be a local
editor without having had any experience
in that line, expressed bis wishes in poetry
ia tbis wise :
If I was a lokle editur.
Wouldn't I have a time?
I wouldu't print a cussed word
For lessen a $ a line.
I'd get my grub and lickcr free,
k tickets to tbe shows,
I wouldn't pay for buggy hicr,
A wouldu't I ware good close !
From Daily of Tuesday July 30.
ns.Ti n.VKD Home. Frank Cooper, Flunk
Conway ami Iiillie lloons returned bonis
last evening after a ten Jays trip ninoni;
tha suuunLaias. They went Iruia here tu
Table ttock, where part of the party
weaken'!, but Cooper anil Conway, with
un'tanuied zi-al pushed on amid the snow
basks tb roe and Tour feet deep, and halted
nrar tbe base of Mt. Jefferson. Ou the
banks of Uold Cteek they found suuie rich
speciinous of lead and silver ore with a
few specimens of gold quanz. They report
the trip one continued hardship, but tha
view from the summit of Table Rock as
magnificent. Billie expressed bis senti
ments thusly while sealed amid the clouds :
"Silence and deathlike stillness, pains and
racks the brain, no sound can be beard
save lhi? heavy beating of our throbbing
hearts that also feels the strangely awful
silence. The rock upon which we stand
gray sentinel of the western slope is Table
Koek, scarcely less in grandeur than old
Mu Hood. We are eleven thousand feet
from tha earth below, and the terrific height
almost freezes our blood. Way off to the
Soatk we can see Mary's Peak, Diamond
Peak, Eugene City, Corrallis, Albany.
Aumsrille, Salein and Dallas. Toward tbe
North can be seen the broad Columbia
winding among a thousand hills like a silver
thread toward the Pacific Ocean, Mt. St.
Uelens, Mt. Adams and Mt. Baker, far be
yond Victoria ; and last but not least, Mt.
Hood. With this thrilling panoramic view
spread out before us, who could but ex
perience tbe feeling of tbe smallness of self,
the brief space of onr existence, and the
great power of II lm that rules the land and
sea, mountains and rallies, and all the
dwellers thereon ? Who hut a mad man
could stand unmoved, or doubt the presence,
of a divine architect. This is tbe Willam
ette Valley beautiful, beautiful garden.
So completely encircled with snow crested
mountain ranges, and guarded by higher
mountains, whose heads mount far beyond
the clouds. Occasional ridges covered
with tbe stately evergreen pine, break off
towards the valley, forming among them
selves grassy prairies, and watered by ice
eold rivulets, forced from the arteries oi the
larger mountains, gradually diminish, and
dUappear npoa. the level plain below."
Haymaking now engages the busy husbandman.
A Ten Year Myatery A Bojr" Father
at laat Neeures bis owu. Incidents
etc., etc.
Sunday forenoon's train bore with it en
route for borne at Ft. Wayne Indiana a
father with his ten year old boy, whose
history ha proved an adventurous one.
The gentleman whose nam was F. II.
Huutly, married a lady about eleven years
ago in the ibove mentioned place. Tbey
were in easy circumstances, be being at tbe
time a silent partner iu a dry goods house
in that city. The first year of their mar
ried life passed off very pleasantly, and
aUmt the close of the year, tbis stm was
born. u lieu it wis about six moiifbs old
it was etulcii from iis erudle during tbe
momentary absence of its mother in the
evening. On ber return tbe alarm was
given, and u thorough search instituted, but
without result. No trace of the child was
discovered for many years. The shock
proved too severe for the young mother,
and a short illness closed her life forever.
The unhappy lather then resolved to find his
boy, if be was still among the living. Ad
vertisements were inserted in the prominent
newspapers of tbe day, hut no clue was
brought to light. Time and money was
spent in a lavish manner, but with the same
result. The almost broken hearted father
gave up tbe search in despair, and his life
has been a gloomy one since then.
About six months ago he received a letter
from a man in Buffalo N. Y., with whom
he had dealings years beforo, ami whom by
some of the tricks of trade he bad ruined
financially. It was done in a business
transaction, and Huntley supposed it bad
bucn amicably settled. But this man it
seems had sworn vengeance oa Huntley, for
the hand he bad in ruining him, und only
awaited opportunity to strike the fatal
blow. Hearing 'hat he bad married, and
was well to do in life, he came to Fort
Wayne and began to work at bis trade,
bbtcksiuithiag. He watched his chance
and resolved on stealing Huntley's infant
I uu. It was easily lu-ciuopiit-ncu:, una rue
deed was done. He carried the child
with hitu into the country and hired a far
mer aud vrifu to care for it under the pre
tense it was his own. As he offered li lib
eral sum, the bargain was wade, and hu
went hi way.
He, for a few months, paid a certain sum
regularly for the support of the child, but
the remittance at last failed, and they
knew not the address of the supposed tuther.
Nevertheless they cadenvored to find him
under the name he hud given them, but as
it wo an nssumed one, they, of course,
failed to find him. But meanwhile tbe
babe bad grown to be a wiuwimc boy, and
tbev were in fact loth to fart with him.
They soon afterwards moved to this State
where tkey have now resided for about
seven years.
The boy received ail the care and atten
tion that two loving Learts with no off
spring of tbeir own could bortuw. He was
kept in ignorance of bis real parentage, and
supposed his present benefactors were his
own father and mother. He was carefully
schooled aod gave great promise of future
usefulness. Ilia foster parent loved him
as they would their own, aud when tbey
arrived ou this coast had made up tbeir
minds that the strange father was dead and
they were entitled to the child. But a
death bed repentance cause! the man to
confess tbo wrong, and the letter Mr. Hunt
ley received told his story. He immediate
ly set ont to find the family who had his
child, and learned with sorue difficulty that
they had moved to tbis .Sttte. He' soon
made the necessary arrangements, and was
on bis way within a short time. He arrived
at Portland on tbe steamer Ajax and com
at meed his search. Fortunately he ran
across a citizen of tbis place who knew the
family he was iu search of, and together
tiiey arrived in Salem, Thureiay last. That
afternoon tbey drove out to the man's farm
situated about twelve miles from tho city.
On arriving there, who should ncswer tbeir
summons but tbe very object of their
search. There was a strong family resem-
Uace, and after considerable arguing and
! comparing of dates and places tbe father's
I claim was indisputably established. The
i boy could scarcely realize tho change, but
i under fair promises aad amid the novelty
I of the situation, he was finally induced to
! accompany his parent back to Indiana,
j The fanner's wifo could hardly endure the
! tliaught of his leaving, but -hc was forced
to aeknowledge subtaissiun to tbe father's
Haim. Suuday morning the family came
i into the city and parted with the' boy amid
j the tears of all observers aad crc this, tbe
1 father and child so lung separated, and so
I strangely united, aro well no their way to
j tbeir distant home.
1'iiksskd Ituu K. A. Myers, of this city,
rceently received by express from Philadel
phia a few spee'tiiiens ot pressed brick man
ufactured by the Kxi-elsqor Brick Manufac
turing Co. of that city. In point of tini.-h
they far excel anything we have ever seen
in that liue. The pressure on each brick is
about 1(111 tons, and when the brick comes
out from under a pre.sxure like that it is npt
to keep it luipc. Mr. .Myers bus been re
quested to present the advantages of the
machine by which tbey are made to the
Stale Legislature wih a view to having one
erected at tho Penitentiary. The cost of
the machine, with the riyht tn use it iu tbis
State, will be about 2,OO0.
Indian ArrAius. Superintendent T. B.
Odeueal accompanied by Frank Stickler and
an Indian scout started yesterday morning
fur the Malheur country. About eighteen
months ago there was a large n mount of
Government land withdrawn from the
market with the inteation of laying out a
new Ue.-eri xtion for the use of tho Snake
Indians at come future time. Mr. Odencal
bas recently received orders from Washing
ton to elter thee grounds, and has now
gone for that purpose. His party will take
tho boat at Portland and proceed to Canyon
City, i'ort Harney and on to his destina
tion. It will be sometime before wo see
Odeneal's commanding form again.
Tus Calse. Rev. I. I). Driver
informs us that Hev. Win. Adaius, of the
Congregaiional Chureli, has been appointed
colporteur of the Oregon Bible Society to
canvass Southern Oregon. He is commend
ed to tbe care of Christians of all classes in
that section of tho country who aro re
quested to aid him all in their power in his
good work.
OfB " Bill." The Dalles Mountaineer
says: "A carpet-bagger by the name of
Bill tiriswold, formerly ol Salem, latterly
of Tammany Hall, Xew York, is going about
the country, mounted between the fore-top
and pnop-deek of a ferocious Cayuse,
blathering about the certainty of Greeley's
election to tho Presidency."
Dim. In this city, Sunday morning,
Michael Gleason. He bas been afflicted for
some time with a cancer on his throat,
which finally culminated in bis death. He
was buried in the Catholic cemetery yestcr
day afternoon, a large concourse of citizens
following bis remains to their last resting
litH AL HliEVIT.E.
The strains of a song we heard the other
"Oh h, no 1 we'll never get drunk any
as ore :
Oh (hie) no 1 we'll nerer get 'runkenny
more ;
Never garunk, nevagarunk, ncvagarunk-
enny more."
There is plenty of work and good wages
in the country at present. excuso lor
Bets are already being made on this State
giving Grant twelve hundred majority.
There are eighty-one pablis schools in
this eounty.
Salem bas been very healthy tbis Sam
mer : but this fact should not prevent oav
citizens from keeping their premises free
tnim all offensive substances. Tbe cellars
and alleys should be kept pure and clean
A twelve year-old boy sends us the fol
lowing recipe: uot maple surop aad
good bread and one raw egg a weak will
nock the measles hire na kite.
The Commercial Hotel bas received some
'important internal improvements.
Arrival of tbe French Minister.
Appointment by the Presi
dent, New England University Boat Bace.
Latest from the Ceneva Board
of Arbitration.
President Janrez, of Mexico, Dead.
c.iMFoni.i msrvresTEs
Arrival of the French Minister.
Xew York, July 24. Tlie Martinis
I)e Xoailles was yest-ril:iy introduced
to the President by the "Secretary of
htate, and delivered Ills credentials a
Minister Plenipotentiary from tlie
French Hepnblic.
Appointment by the President.
AVashinctos, July 24 The Presi
dent appointed J. 11. Proiidfoot, Sur
veyor (lenernl of Xew Mexico; H. VV.
Knowles Associate Judge of the Su
preme Court of Montana; li. S. Dyer,
Agent for Indians iu the Klamath
Agency; A. J. Simmon, of Montana,
for Indians in the Milk Kiver Agency ;
W. 1). Crotlien. of Indiana, for M.
qtie Puebla Indian, Arizona; li. A.
Wilburn, of Xew York, ot Pa pa jo
Indians Arizona; .1.1). Stout, for the
Pima and Maricopa Indians' Arizona ;
A. A. Tanner, ot llaware, for the
Indians ou the Colorado Kiver, Ari
zona. Murderer Lynched.
St. Pai'U July 24. A mob lat
night, at Kraiuard, Minnesota, took
out of jail and hung iu the middle of
the street two Indians arrested for
murdering a Miss McArthur.
l iiiveraity liuat Itnrr.
SruiNiFiKM. (Mas-O. July 21. The
t'iiiver-o!y nice took place to-day at.
noon. Harvard ietl until the last half
mile, when the Amherst made a niag
niticent spurt and crossed the line over
one and one-half boat lengths ahead.
Harvard came second, AmlWst Agri
cultural third, liowdoiii fourth. V'il
liams littli and Yale sixth. Tlie fa
vorites were beaten.
1 oiti:ij SEW.
1 he ltonril ol' Arbitration nt Work
A 'umn ol" llt liiy.
r.KXKVA, July 24. The Board of
Arbitration is now lairly at work, aud
labors incessantly. Cockburn lias re
mained in his hotel lor several days.
Xkw Yokk. July 24. A World ca
ble dispatch from Geneva says serious
embarrassment is cau-ed in tlie Hoard
of Arbitration by tlie i'.uglish protest
against the consideration of any evi
dence or argument throwing animus
ou the part of (ireat Britain. Kng
iauil insists that the introduction ot
this evidence practically admits tlie
consideration of indirect claims, which
were, presented only to prove other"
claims, which otherwise it would Ih
impossible to substantiate. Should
this evidence be excluded few cases
ean be received.
Dontli ol' 1'rewideiit Juarez Hiw Knc--eMr.
Xew Oki.eaxs July 21. Xews n
ceived from Matamora says liotha
t-legraped Croui Monterey tluit Presi
dent Juarez, diet I on tlie night ot the
loth I'n mi an attack of apoplexy tliat
seized him at 5 o'clock that afternoon,
and ordered the Hags of the govern
ment to be placed at half-mast. The
news was received by all classes with
astonishment, ami was not credited
until continued liy a second dispatch
lrom ( ien. Kocha. Tlie Presidency de
volves upon Lerdo J. I) Tejada, tiliief
Ju-tice of the Supreme Court.
Xkw Yokk. July 2"i. Matamoras
specials confirm tlie death of Juarez.
il.lf OltM A.
A Jnpnnpe Inyor in tho Tr-lrirmph
ins ItiMinrMM A 4'onrlia-t ol' Author
ity Between the Civil mid .Uilitury
San I'ltANClftn July 25. The May
or ot Yeddo. Japan, is now in the
Western I'nioii otlice telegi-iphing to
the Mayors of Xew York ami Chicago.
There is a conflict of authority be
tween the military otlirers at the Pre
sidio ami the health otliecrs of the city,
which has arisen on the small-pox
question. The health otlieer charge
the military with violation of health
ordinances by sending a small-pox pa
tient to a place near Point Lotion,
while the military reply that they
make their owu sanitary regulations,
and are not liouiid to oliev the civil
ordinances. The matter will go into
The IiidiniiN Iteirln to Sliow Kiu;n asT
Sax Fhan isco, July 2.". Letter
from Camp McDowell represent that
the second delegations tf Apache, Mi-
javes. loutos, I'lnal and t'nyctero-
Apaches, evidently crowded by (ietv-
eral Crook, have come into Camp Mo-
Doivell, making representations i
peaceful Intention, and asking to te
taken upon reservations. Thev 1m1
not represent all the Indians ot all the
trilies, ami were told that whenever
they would cninr in a body and deliver
their arms and go on the reservation
and stay there, they should be protect
ed ; but it was useless for them to come
iu in straggling ivirtie under cover of
a white flag and expecting to draw ra
tion, retain their arm and return to
the field as soon as the troops went
hack to the forts, a that game hail
neeu nlayed too often. a
. ivy
Cliccriiiz Republican Xevr.
President ( lohnson) riiompson (with a P.)
Pennsylvania Politics.
Iiitliitii Hostilities.
Conference of Straight Democrat.
Interesting from L'tali, Mexico and
ortli ('arolinn Republican.
Xew Yokk, July 20. Corresnond-
ents of the leading city- papers, writ ing
-. .1. I- i:.. . ' . ' ,i i"
iioui .oiui varonu;i generally couceue
that that State is Republican.
More of the Rebel Archives!.
A Washington dispatch says more
rebel archives will soon be made pub
lic. Among them are letters trom
llaicomb, of Virginia, and Clay, asso
ciate of Saunders. They relate to
Johnson, who is referred to generally
by tlie name of Thompson.
llnrtrHuft Often to Withdraw.
Tlie World's Philadelphia letter
says: The Pennsylvania State Cen
tral Committee had possession for two
weeks of a letter from General Hart
ranlt withdrawing from the guberna
torial candidacy, if in the judgment of
tlie Committee they think it wise.
California for tiranl.
Governor McCook, of California told
a reporter here yesterday that the feel
ing in his. section is all for Grant, and
that one reason why the Western
iieople oppose Greeley Is because they
are free traders.
A Ktraw tJiat. don' point toward
Ex-fudge Thomas H'ilark resigned
from, the Tammany General Commit
tee. He is dissatisfied at the conduct
of tlie reformed Tammany and with
the nomination of Greeley.
A Eettir from Dr. Livingstone.
Xew Yokk, July" 25. The Herald
this evening received by cable a lone
letter trom Dr. Livingstone, addressed
to James (, Bennett, thanking him in
the roost cordial manner tor yte kind
ness aud generosity shown in fitting
out and sending Stanley to his relief.
Indian Troubles In Xinneaotss.
St. Pavu July 25. Governor Aus
tin received a dispatch frotn Brainard,
Minnesota, asking that troops be sent
immediatclv. The town Is filled with
Indians, and hostilities threatened. It
is supposed they propose to avenge the
hanging, by a mob. ot the two Chippe
wa murderers of Miss McArthur.
Tbe LoulNvIlle Deraoersitle Convene
ttou Looming- up.
Barton Duncan, 31. M. Pomeroy
and Bayard, ot Xew York, Van Allen,
ol Xew York, and other leaders of the
straight Democratic movement, lieid a
private conference in tlie Xew lork
Hotel this afternoon, to take step? to
organize throughout the Union. Tliev
report enthusiastic responses from ail
quarters to a call for u Louisville Con
vention in Sseptetnlier. The' say that
full delegation from ail the ."State will
lie in attendance.
Dratnntie Troupe for Oregon A w
tireelejr Iapi-r .Democrat In a row
I lie Husband ol' an Awtorla t.lrl
turn out a Thief Keapeet to Irei
steut Juarea Wheat fchlpaaentii.
Sax Francisco, July 25. G. B.
Waldron, the actor, leaves here by
steamer to-morrow with a new Tlie
atrkal troupe for Portland.
Tlie World, a Greeley and Brown
orsrau, made its appearance to-day
under tlie editorial management of
Col. Jen. Gatewooti.
Tlie friends of Thomas A. Wanl are
bitterly Incensed against Mr. A. Piper,
who received tlie Democratic nomina
tion for Congress frotn this District last
evening. Some of them threaten to
vote the opiiosite ticket.
Charles Gilbert, an old offender, who
deceived a respectable young lady of
Astoria into marrying him recently,
lias licen arrested here tor stealing a
watch from his landlady. He con
fessed the theft. His poor wife Is
nearly frantic at the discovery of tlie
diameter of her husband.
The various Consular flag will be
placed at halt-mast to-morrow iu re
spect to the memory ot tne late Presi
dent l&cnlto Juarez.
Vai.I-K.1o. July 25. The Greeley
ratification meeting has been postponed
till Wednesday.
From twenty to thirty car loads f
wheat are now daily arriving at South
Vallejo. Ship Neprnne lini-hed load
ing wheat and stills to-morrow uioi ii-
Political Sun Stroke.
Salt Lake. July 20. A call lor a
convention of tlie iieople ot I'tah in
favor of Greelcv and Brown, to be held
in this city to-morrow evening, aud to
nominate a JJelcgate to Congress, lias
Ik -en issued by order of the Democratic
Territorial Committee.
Two caes of . sun-stroke in tlie city
to-day. hx-Uovernor J. - eelev John
son wa taken sick yesterday from the
sime caue.
Tlie shipments of silver bullion are
unusually heavy.
Great Interest is felt in the forthcom
ing Presidential election. The Mor
mons generally are for Greeley.
eiieral Trfttluioiilalx of IU-Npret to
Matamokas. July 25. Public office
and places ot business closed to-day.
National and Consular flags half-masted,
and minute gnus tired in honor of
Juarez. The animosities exhibited
during the recent revolution have
given place to a better feeling. The
poVit'n-al opponents of Juarez acknowl
edge his great service to the Hepnblic
and unite iu public demons! rations of
resjiect to his memory.
Iuillan Trouble---Orange Ipiuoii
fttratiwit. Tonovro. July 25. Fort Garry ad
vices state that Indian Commissioner
Simpson is unable to make a treaty
with the Indians who show no tlisio-.i-tion
to treat, but propose to stop min
ing operations. Trouble is appre
hended unless a military force is sent
t here.
Johnson, Deputy Grand Master ot
Oruigemen of Ireland, arrived here
last night. This morning a procession
of a thousand Orangemen escorted him
through the city t the Park where an
address was presented to him and a
iiuuiIht ot speeches made.
I Till.
Confederate Manuscripts
Mixture of Schuri and Pleas
BoMnn Honors to Ujo Jups,
Horace (ireeley as a Letter-Writer.
Marriiitre of an Atcms.
Report l rom the Crop.
Chicago. July 2". Crop reports
from one-lourth of the counties in Illi
nois, and from a number of points in
Wisconsin and Minnesota, indicate a
fall average yield of all small grain,
while the corn crop is immense.
More Confederate JlniiimerlptM.
Xkw Yokk. July 27. Sine; the
implication of Jacob Thompson's let
ter a number of persons have applied
totiie Treasury Department, offering
to furnish for a consideration other
Confederate manuscripts, representing
thattliey will be ot importance. N'o
further purchases have been made.
The Way Mehnrs Explains.
Xkw Yokk. July 2(1. Schurz. in a
leller to tlie Tribune, says the letter
qot.;l in his St. Louis speech was
written by General Alfred Pieasanton.
Utc om'inissioner of Internal Kevc
inie. and gives a letter from Pieasan
ton. dated the 2")tii inst., saying he
did convey a proposition to S-iiurz,
as a friend ot himself and tlie Presi
dent, desiring to site cordial relations
between them. That the President
did want SSchtirz's support in the San
Domingo scheme, and that S'hurz
oouJil have patronage for giving it.
Kennra'M Reeord en Amnesty.
Sr. Locis, July 27. The StaatsZei-
twig publishes a letter from Benjamin
F. i.oan (Schurz's competitor iu the
Senatorial contest) in which he de
clares, according to his recollection,
that Mr. Schurz. in a spweb at Jeffer
son City during tlie Senatorial contest,
utterly "denied all sympathy with those
wlw favor rebel enfranchisement, and
repudiated the action of those Repub
lican papers which undertook to com
mit him to tliat policy, and in the most
emphatic language assertea nts entire
tiuvotion to the most ultra doctrines of
tlie Radicals, who pledged his faithful
support of them.
The Japs at Boston.
Boston, July 27. Tlie Board of
Trade, iu connection with the city gov
ernment, will give a grand banquet to
the Japanese Embassy at Kevere
House August 2d.
" letters Written to Order by me
ll. CI."
Xew York, July 27. Among
Greeley's callers yesterday was John
Harris, colored, from Texas, who said
lie came in behalf of his people, who
desired some expression of sentiment
from Greeley on tlie negro question.
Whereupon tlie following letter was
written :
"Xew Yokk, July 2G, 1872.
Sir : Believing that cnual rights
lor all men, no matter what their col
or, is tlie true interest of every clas
and section, and the only basis ot a
true national and everlasting peace.
I am yours truly.
(Signed,) Horace Greeley.
Crenswell Goes lor Blair.
Postmaster General Cresswell goes
to Michigan to-night, where be will
repiy to tne recent speecnes Dy ex
Governor Blair, attacking his admin
istration of the Postoffiee Department,
Miscellaneous Political News.
Omaha, July, 27. The largest Ks
puoitcan meeting ever held in the State
tooK place at Lincoln last nignt.
tniy nve thousand people were
Detroit, July 27. Governor Bald
win declines tlie renomination, and
Spauldlng liaving withdrawn, the coast
is clear lor John J. Bagley, tho to
bacco king.
Trenton, July 20. The Democrat
ic and Liberal State Committees' con
ference to-day decided to hold separate
conventions on September 10th.
Buffalo, July 20. The Evening
Post, Democratic organ for twenty
five years, hoist to-davthe names of
Grant and Wilson.
ProR-reM or the Geneva Hoard -Marriage
of Nllxnon.
Geneva. July 27. The recent In
terruptions in tlie sittings of the Board
of Arbitration occurred though a nec
essary re-exa initiation of English
law ou questions regarding the con
struction of privateering vessels in
British ports, and also an investigation
as to whether the British Admtrality
usm1 sullicient diligence in preventing
those vessels lrom going to sea. Of
(lie four cases advanced England repu
diates three, and in the fourth she
contends that her Admirality - acted
promptly, although tlie police hesi
tated to take the protier steps to pre
vent her departure. The court is also
considering the question of allowing
interest on tlie amounts awanled. it
i stated that a majority of tlie Board
is unfavorable to such allowance. It
is regarded a probable tliat after the
investigation of each case the tribunal
will fix tlie amount of indemnity to be
paid by England at a gross sum.
Lonikjn. July 27. Christine XiIon
was married at Westminister Abbey
to-day to M. Kousard. The nuptial
were'witnessed by an immense assem
blage, including many aristocrats and
well ktio'vn artists.
New York Oiler the HoMpltalltr ot
the Itv to the Mayor ol YeiUlo-
reel rj lama.
San FkanciCo. July 27. Tlie fol
lowing disputed is self-explanatory :
Xew Yokk, July 20. 1.S72
Hon. William Alvord, Slayor of San
Francisco: Your message arrived
just after I had lelt lor my country
place oyer night, or I would have an
swered it immediately. I tlid not un
derstand that the honorable Kymi.
Mayor ot Yeddo, intended to honor
ihe Atlantic with a visit. Wejwill en
deavor in all respects to emulate, if we
cannot equal or surpass, tlie generous
hospitality of San Francisco. He will
receive every- possible attention and
facility. (Signed)
The German Greeley and Brown
ratillcatinu meeting last evening is
conceded to have been very large and
A new German paper, called the
lie lorui. is to lie started, and will hoist
the name of Greelcv and Browu.
A parsimonious sea captain, answer
ing the complaints of his men tint the
bread was Ixid. exclaimed: "What!
complain yon of bread that is made
from floury What do yon think of the
Amiscs? They ale 'shew bread,'
made .from old iKiots ami shoes."
Chemeketa Lodge, No. 1, I 0. 0. F.
ftj KtiUI.AK iiii'i'!ings Weclnr-wlay evenings
tj ol ea. h week, at SoVlivk r. M., at ii1
r chows' Hall, .atrm-r t:iiiiiM:ri-in! aiul Kerry
Mi'fei. All HniUiers in jruod simitlini? Invii
cl t" iitteii'l. llvor.ler N.U.
illainetle Encampment No
a. I.O. . f. -Meet hi the -At.
iindlih Til. tlnv ,'V'i.nlnir f,l
iwwiihat iM'l Fellows Hall corner
f ' oinini ivlal ini'l Ferry Nreets. All
ij'!iirmn lnvrhrcn ill .nxI sLaniling are in
vin-l to aiii-ml. llv onlur of .'. P.
opl 11 72 11
U. A. II Itllssell PHt, No. 3, U. A. It.
meets Fi'i'lay evening, ol' ea-h week. All
Loinrailes in"i;ol .-mnlinj; invitol toatten-1.
Itv onliT,
Aiiltt'T-'af. COM MAN 1KU.
Rkiikk lt I'KiiiiKK Loner. -Meets at M1
Fellows Hall the 1st Tuesday cveiiiiii: nl Ca li
month at S oVlo k. All Itrrthren, Willi llicn
woes, in it'mhI a inline, areinvitetl to annul,
llv oi-.ler of N. ti,
'Salem, July 1th, ISTi -tf
j .lnnnrnnry sfia;e, .o. i.,s.p..r
lli-punr mi-etini: Monilay evenine ot -a.-li
week at s oVIix'k r. M.. ai' Mil Fellow s Hall,
rorni-r ConiiiM'ivtal ami Ferry Mn-ets. Ail
Itrother in ifotxt stainlin are lnviit-1 to at-
" ,,r,l,"r -vi'
Jim iiai
M'M 1 11. NOTICES.
(tOLD -Jcm'vp liwMon, on Omutwrvuit
rt-i'l, In'Iwwi. Turn Vnirn Hall ni
Mat ir't. Tin' flmlnr will In- lil.tTally
wanled hv li-a in it at the Statksm an f-lk-p.
."00 Steward OtTercd.
I HAVE now 12".in of tlie U-st biirnt-l
lni. k li.ivu been burneil in Marioii
eoiiiuy. 1 .-h.illeniie nil the lik:k yanl l
ill-mie this sl:i: nii-nt. Ami I ini)se to sell
t hem i-lie;i a tin- .-hi-aiH-st.
JollS It A KICK, V. K. V.
Salem. July 22, '72 -.Ltwif
l or CoiikIik, Colds and Thi-ont Dis
orders Use "l'.UOWS'S liKONClllAL. Tk--
i iiks," liavinR jiroTe l their eMl.-ncy by a test
nrinany years.
are sure lo sitK-rs,ilu all others lv,-iuv tliey
are the most reliable -ilurable ilo not tip or
leak. Try them. All genuine cls are;
staniefl. iJ line 11 Iwm.
fWlHK virtnershli heretofore eistinc-tin-JL
oer i lie name ol' liavenport A WvlCant.
a: ilvertnn, Oregon, t this .lay ilissolieil by
mutual eoiwent. The business will 1 where
alier eomliif It'll at the old staml by J. C- lH
venion. who assumes all liMlnliiles mm I i
whom all ileitis due tlie arm will licyaiiL
Those in'leb'.eil w ill please call ami setlie tuv-im-'liately,
as we wth to uUwe up tlx llrm,
business as noon as poiblu.
1). WOLF A Kl.
Silverton. June 24, 1S72.
llekeys Creme de I.ln t or CK nw-
hiir awl Preservlne the TeWh, Bcaiitslyaif:
the Complexion, anil removing; FrtvMs.
ErujHtons, Sunburn ami Tan. A Xew Cwrf
naU-m, eipuil to the U-st Freneh prennsllmis.
ami ret-lroin their poisonous InjmslienlTi. Iu
vent. -I by UtCO. S. IUCKKV, Chuiiat.
mar 10 ilrlra
IluilcrV Sale.
To J.-inii's MoItonaM, ami whoever el.e
may oineeru :
NOTICK i lierebv given that.on Satiinl.iy.
I lie 17lh flavor August, LS72, liersnrvu
Ihe hours of 111 oVInrk A. M. ami lour oVhu-k.
p. M 1 will proccee'l to rell at imbUe. aiR-tb-,
ami for L". S. ,-otu In haml, on my lsrm about
six miles south of Salem, Orciion, tonrlitwl
of fat steers, altout live years old ; or mwu li
of said -Moerty as may lie ii-esary -pay
the costs of aH mle, an1 also i&. any
just ami reasonable charge" as bailee, for my
care, alien (ion ami lalior liestow et upon (biue
ami isIht cattle left with me by the sakt J.t.
M,-Iximl'l, on tlie 12th March, 1S71, to U: ilc
pature(l. JiilvtM. 1872-w:tt
Remarkable Cure of Sir. Ab
PAX JsK, Augusts, ISTT.
ItR. A. M. Lohyf.a .- Some two ves-
since I was taken ilown with InflammtMory
KhctimatiMii, and was for some timetroateil
by two Physicians, but got no better. I truil
nearly evesy remedy I heanl of, but nMktna;
seeme-l to do me any good, until about two
weeks ago I was advised hy Jivlge J. Johnson
to try your I NK WKKII RKMKOY. I pro
cured One Bottle and was entirely cured by
It. Fornix weeks before taking tlie I SKI
wnscomiiellesl to go Usm crutches. IcxhuuiI
er your Kerned v a great blessing to siitTmng
humanity, amf shall ilivm il my duly to In
form all Khcumatics of lis irreat vlmies.
VouiK, etc.,
( omlnv. Land Itenrtment, I'ortlaml.
Oregon, April 5, 1H7-1. Notice is hereby given
that a vigorous prosecution will lie tnaUl tiled
ngaiui't aur and every iierson who t rcspnMAw
Ukhi any ltnllriMit Ijimt. by cuttlni; ami re
iiioving timlier tlHrefrmn ho-lorc tlie smuw- is
IIOl'GHTo the Company ANOP AIll Ft tit.
All vm-anl Land In odd numbered sections,
whether surveyed or nnMirrryeil, within a
distance of thirty miles from the linn ol the
road, belongs to the Comnanv.
1. U. MOOR ES,
April 10 dim: wit Land Agent.
Tho Irfsnt Resort !
As a rule, the most of Hie lk people resort
to Brtssors Nnrsaparllla sumI Pills ot
iv after thev bare tried all other mnllcines
nfter thev luire exhaust ed the helpof the liest
physicians, after they hare Inst all faith and
become disgusted generally ; and then they
expect to be cured In a few hours. These two
remedies are the best lhat were ererprei sired
and thev will enre mu, hut you must perse
vere wlih (hem a reasonable tin:e. tffi
Jnlv -ilulltiwlt
Opera House ESIot-k,
t-lT Attention Is Called to the fol
lowing; Deserlplions of Properly
2 M acres, 2 miles east of Gervaix, 40
- acres prairie, ill 1 fenced, lona.-res
line timlier, good running water lor stock;
price, (10 per acre.
-f "fca.-res on King's Prairie, in Linn
M s. " Co., 61) a.-res in cultivation, giMMl
orcliard, house and lutrn. ami lace well im
proved, all fenced ami well watered: urit-e,
1,UMU, a liargatn.
a-res on King's Prairie, line house and
njirii mm gooii improvements; price.
I A acres 9 miles east of Scio, Linn Co.,
TO 4.5 acres In ciillivation, house and lwrn.
final 1 ore hard, well waiered; pri,;-, per
JI'Taeres" unleseast of Salem, splendid
I I i Ikhis,. and barn, good orchanC abun-ilaiit-e
of small fruit, gos1 sptliig at the housv
and piiMity of 4ock watur. -iuiacrtfM srood plow
land, 5u acres of tine nmothy meadow; price,
A rare ljurgain.
I 1 D acres 7 miles east i f Salem. iV) a.-res
"z lO os-n land, III! ncn-s in cultivation, 2
or.-lutrds, plentv of small fruir ; gootl spring
water for stuck ; price, (,0u0.
m r fp ACRES 2 miles north of Shert
iB:JZi 'bin, Yamhill county, a choice
farm, rich soil, under gooil fern; l.'0 acres
in cultivation; house and lwrn ami small or
chard ; all prairie excel enough of timber for
wood ; olfered very cheap auu on easy terms.
M ACKKS one-half mile south of It. It.
JrMT deMd at salein; well suited lor gar
dening ; price Kl per acre.
(iANDW ACRK lot within one mile of
a the court house ; rich soil; itkk $isj to
loO jx-r acre.
f ifl ACKKS four miles north of Salem:
M 9 W Miuitl improvenH-uls ; land well
lo ated and some line tlinlitr ; price J10 per
f( ACRES. 4 miles south of Salem:
)ssv known as the John Mlnto hum;
well unproved ; price, $..0uu -liberal terms.
ip ACRES In Polk eonntv: 4 miles n
sss'db: w of Salein ;.i a.-ro In cultiva
tion ; good stin k water and range ; price 1."
ft 1 Ai'HKS in I'olk county, 1) miles w
fl Ww of Salem; lmprovemenls good; 3U
;u- re in cultivation ; jirk-e $2,tiou.
O ACRES7 miles south of Salem ; all
Cj9WW under fence; syvxl barn and hoiiM?
.-on-ldcriilile iniprovenienl ; price fll per
u'.i'e, in iiianlitles to suit lairchasers.
247 V.;
ItES l.- miles north eat of Sa-
nu on Abiutia creek: 7A acni
in ciililvatioii ; good range, well watered;
price i 11 per acre.
t i i ACRES of land 4 miles northeast of
llotr Silverton, wlih saw-mill on prem
ises; price 12 -very cheap.
414 A.
ACRES Smiles northwest of Salem;
range, well watered ami good orcliard; price
14 jier acre.
f0. ACRES 12
tjs J KF small impi
miles east of Salem :
provemenls; price Wouo.
ACRES 4 miles northeast of Si I--9
mW venon; valuable lann : well Im
proved ; good new liou-e and barn ; Ksi acres
in cultivation ; price Jl'ssi; terms easy.
ACRES hall' mile west efSalem; near
9W lerry lamhiig; well linprovisi ; price
J 0 ier acre.
fl ACRES eUihtiinile south of Salem,
M Ulr on the sta.-e road. 4U acres umler
culnvaiion : nearly all umler fence; onbnarr
lions,-mid liarn; gixil voiinz orchanl ; price
f k ACRES ore mile soiith-wet of Sa
9W lem. In I'olk county. All under
f.-nce; 3n acres In cultivation; small house
and liarn; gsl yoiiiia orchanl ; Terydiwira
lite lK-aiion for g.inlening purjioses ; price
rr ITS I ami i. It!o, k 5. Jones' addition to
M A Silem. .m ill Ihhi-s- ; price,
tt1 'V 1 i I i h 6ft "( "!vk Xo. 13. s.
C5 i -- W. corner Jones' addi
tion to -vile m, w ith house and Improvements ;
price. 17ml.
IOT 4. Block 1 city of Salem, fine house,
A well finished, near Hie C. P. Church;
price, M.KSI.
Hot'SE and lia!l'bio.-k In Jones' addition
U story bouse well ritilshedand gniundi
well tuiproveil ; price ?-22iKi.
II OTS K an 1 . blo.-k 4. Reeds' addltl
JLi cant ami tine local Ion ; price I4.1U.
on, va-
aoCSEand 1( lots In Robert's addition ;
belonging to M. K. Moore; price loO(l.
Tl Esl HENCE of I .. S. Dvar. on Capital St.;
B pri. e il.'sju.
IOTS 5 and ft, blo, k M. on Church street
A vacant: price Vs.
BRICK store, north end Starkey's block
tire-proof; M rooms on second floor
good brick warehouse; price ftvm.
ifi ItTSin Allanr. bear the court house
Am price ,ixi; liiiiiirc nl Thoma
hotnas Monteilh,
HOI'SK anl lot ou Front street, near bus.
i ness r.-irt of the cio : now oi'-cuiiieil by
Mr. J. L. Siai key ; price 2100.
nOt'SEau l lot. South Salem: near resi
dence of H. Owens; house tiuttuished ;
price rs-ifl.
rpiie Keii tins: and Ijeajrinsr of all
X kind of property. Collection of Claims,
t onvej-am-lng, Ac, will receive prom it at
tention. For furllk-r Information address,
Salem, Oregon.
Real Estate! Real Estate!
ken. Roims on lirst floor cornir Front
and Washington street. Portland, Oregon,
will attend Hi tbe sale and purchase of real
esiale in all r( of Oregon. Special atten
tion given to the sale ol tanning la mis.
April Ilk dAwtf.
Oregon. Special attention given to the
collection of accounts, rents Ac
mrATED. AC,EXT!.-IOO to 8230
i-r month everywhere, Male and
Female, to introduoi the genuine improved
This machine will stitch, hem, fell. tuck. bind
braid, cop I. unlit, and embroider in a most su
lierlor manner. Prt.-e.only lU.fnlly licensed
ami warraull for Ave vears. Vie will iiav
SIlHlO for iv machine, hl'irh orn-e or low. that
will sew a stronger, more beutlfifl or more
elastic seam than ours. It makes lis; El
tie LoeleNiiteti. Everv sec-om1 stitch can
bvciit, ami still the cloth cannot he rail led
np-irt without tearing it. M'c ny Agents 4100
to j-HO it month, ami exiienseit,oracoinniis-iii-i
from which twice that amount, can le
made. For circular ami terms, apply lo or
an li ess,
S. Marshall A Co.,
- No. 104 Nassiia Street. '
Xew York.
CAl'TIOX.-Ho not be lmosed upon by
otlier parties traveling through Ihe country
lalinimreff worthless ca-4-trou nw-hlnes un
der I he same name or otherw ise. turs Is the
only genuine ami really clK-ap machine man-
Heavy and Shelf-Hardware,
Iron and SteeL
Agents for tbe sale ot
ol and Front St., Portland, Ojrn
May 27:d4rt
Mv wife, Elizabeth "tapletnn, ha ring left
my bed awl board without cause or provoca
tion, I hereby warn all persons against har
boring or trusting; heron any aivxtunt, as I
will d pay any bills of her contracting.
Woodbum, July 19, "7i-wlm.
houkiiill: m:s:
Tlie panic that wool has had severe fall,
struck Cheap John so bad that he will sell
out a big portion of his Woolen Goods for
less than cost. :
All Wool l'lal is B'to J5 ots per yard.
Wool Itelaine25cts " "
Plain and fancy Itrem Cowls, very cheap.
Summer I'laiibj, 2S cts. ,
Shak!r Flannel, St ct-w6rth before the
fall, 7.'icts it yard.
Clothing, likewise.
Hats aud ToImcajo at cost.
IlKiU and Shoes very low.
Trunks, Valises and Carjiet Bags, wry
For Crockery, Glassware and Groceries
go to Friedman's. s.
Fancy White Trimmings and Jewelry, re
gard lessol cost.
Remember thl offer Is only for ten days,
till Friedman goes to San Francisco to bring
up new good. Meantime the old stock will
be sold down regardless of coKl.
LArjsit m:avhi
Tliat Cheap John will apear on the stand
lor tun nights only, commencing Tuesday
evening, July 3", 7 o'clock J". M.
Come all ye worklngmeh tliat can artake
ofajokeat Cheap John's eense. Remem
ber the poor man's friend is always on hand
when you have lots of cash, to relieve you of
It, In exchange for good, at auction prices.
heap John will decline running for Presi
dent. First Cratlflcalion meeting Tuesday,
July :I0, 7 o'clock P. M., at Cheap John's cor
ner. No small boys admitted.
July .KJ-dtttdwll
keep good Fowls than
poor ones 1
Oakland Poultry Yards,
Corner of lfith and Castro
Eggs for Hatching.
Kkox tiik Larhest and TIi-stBbed
Fowl is Amkkica!
Carefully lacked and warranted tn carry snle-
ly any uistance. llie va netted cempnse
Dark and Light Brahmas, ButT and Part
ridge Cochins, White Leghorns,
Haudans, Silver Spangled Ham
burgs, Black Spanish, White
Dorkings, Golden Po-
lands, Aylesbury Ducks, and Game, Se-
nght and Black African Bantams.
tj5Send stamp for Circular to
r... A,. A,.'. A A.A. A .
Importer and Breoler or Choice Poultry,
JH l. fiW, San Prancisco.
;eneral Aajent for the Povltby World,
a monihly magazine devoted entirely to Poul
try. The Iiest paper published In llie country.
?iib-riition. 1 (si per year. Agents wanted
for everv cit v and town ami the country. For
further Information, address.
tSan Francisco.
tKi?- Please state in what paper you saw
May 7 win3m:ileo13m
'Advertlsinir Is the Oil which wise men nut
In their lamps."-Modern Prov.
BOOHS 20 AXD 21,
Merchants' Exchange,
California Street, San Francisco.
Solicits Advertisements and Subscriptions
for the Okkgon Statesman and for papers
mbiished in t aiitomta. Oregon ana evata;
tVashlnnion. Utah. Iilnho. Moniana. Colora-
da, Arizona, and adjacent Territories; Sanil-
wich islands, the Kritlsh possessions, ( lima;
New Zealand ami the Australian Colonies;
Mexican Ports. NIcara&'iia. Panama. Valpa
raiso and Japan; the Atlantic States and
Has created many a new business;
Has enlarged many an old business;
Has revived many a dull bustness;
Has rescued many a lost business;
Has saved many r falling business;
Has preserved many a large business ;
Aud insures a success In any business.'
Girard'8 Setret. Stenhen (Jlrard nsed
to say in his old age : "I have always consid
ered advertising liberally and long' to lie the
great medium of success In business, am) the
prelude to wealth. And I have made It an In
variable rule to advertise in the dullest times
as well as the busiest, long experience having
taiignt me innt monev i mis spent is wen lain
mil. and by continually keeping my business
lietore the public It has secured many sales
tliat I otherwise would have led.''
Ad vertlae Your Bunlne.
Keep Tonr Kane before the Pnblle.
Judletoaa Advertlnlns; will Insure at
If Hiulneaa 1st Dull, Adrertiae.
If BnalnesM ia Brtok, Adyertine.
CiT The man who didn't believe In adver
tising has gone Into partnership with fhesher
i rr. and thai official does the auvertisiiio.
rfgi-nt can make Ihe altove amount by
selling Ihe tireatest Hook uf the
Age, tho
Struggle of '72.
The Issues and Cnndldmua of the present
Elllk-al campaign. History and Platforms,
evlew of (.rant's Administration. The Re,
ord of Horace lireeley. by Evereu Chamlier
lin, formerly of Ihe" Chicago Tril nine. The
Illustrations are drawn expressly for the
work bv Stephens. Entirely original. The
Hnest, both humorous and grave, lfyodwanl
lo make money send one dollar for outfit, ami
secure territory at once. Terms, Ac furnish
ed on application. Address,
Jul27:dtwtf San Francisco, Cal.
Out Paper l'utteriM,
RS. FOLTZ. would Inform the ladies
tliat she has just received a full assort
ment of PATTERNS, embracing all the
late styles Utr Ladles, Misses, Jloys and In
fant's clothes. Call and select vour pattern.
Also, agemry tor tiraj 's Union lire Chart.
Fine City Lots for Sale.
ONE or MORE of those itosirahte and ra
cant lots, adjoining Judge Chadwick's
residence, on "Piety Hill," (Sir sale cheap, for
cash, or time given a portion of the purchase
money, if desired. Inquire of
At Sash and Poor Shop of Cooke, Prnnu Co
VoU OfBca Durbln'a blo-k, upstatrt.
hesklence. Commercial street, Salem, Oregon.
March 88, T,dtf. . -
tnsultlngand Operathis; fnrgeonr
all Diseases of tbe Eye an J Ear. Office
Rooms, 38 and. 89, Starkey's mock, Milesn,
Oregon; mchl7
SALEM, ofcfiOOX, the oWest and large-
ln,:orporated School In the State, Class lent
Commen-lal, Xormal ami Selentiflc eonrseael
simlv. For full Information atblrws tbe I're
Ident, T. M. OA TCn,
tr X. TKKHYf ot Il'd Trustee.
Sept. 7. dAwly
dr. e. b. nsitm.
OFFICE -No. 1, 5100' riloi i. Hei-
dence Court Street, Opposite UBrrenuo
octll .
J. 1'. UBXBIW, M. D.
professional services to the cltlm of Dill
Ins and vidnlt y. nor.ldwtf
KesldciH-e on Liliertv street, nea :'J olf
site the Congrcgationel Church.
(Nilem, Nov. lth. 71. tf
gon. tlfice, up stairs 8. E. corner Front
aud Washington Streets. Sept.2l4w
pownx & fuxs,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solkitors In
Chancery, Albanv, Oregon. L.FLIXX,
Notary Public.
tJollectlon and conveyances promptly at
lendeil Uk QAwt,
(Worm Doctor)
Li made the entnzoa which Infest the bn-
imiii ityni'm s me-ioug Miiuy, anu astopci
his branch of medicine as a siectally, oners
bis services to tbe citizens of Ha lem' ami vl
clirtiv. il'FICE- KOOMS- ami ., over the Post
Olllce. Tlie celebrated Worm tynipcan lie
lut'l al his office.
February 11. 1H72. -dAwtf
J.' H M
Self-Rake Reaper & Mower
Oregon Agricultural Work",
Enterprise has Imported twcnty-tlv, of
Superior Machines, .
which he intends to build) in order to test
I heir merits in Oregon.
Feeling confident tliat tliey are the
Manufactured, having received llie only
Grand Gold Medal
at the lat two United States Fairs Ktir tlie
13 313 J3 T
Combined Self-Rake
We can confidently recommend them to t he
Send for descriptive catalogue sent free.
Machines now at our office on exhibition,
and lor tale at the Ojiera House corner.
Oregon Acrieultiiral Work,
eTNead for Clreolar.
Dr. Gibbons' Dispensary.
iVirner Commercial, San
Francisco, private e n -
trauce'on Commercial, es
tablished in In 1HVI, for tbe
treatment of Sexual ami
Seminal IHsease, such as
.onorrho. Uleet, sine
lure. Svnhtlls In all It
forms, seminal n easness,
Impoiency, etc skin diifc-Jw
eases, I of years slmlliigaVa
and Ulcerated Leirs, success fullv Ireuiei.
L)H. I.1HBONS liasthe pleasure of announc
ing that be bas returneil from visiting llie
princinal hnsiltals of Europe, and ha ir
umied practice.
The lioctor has spared neither time nor
monev In seeking ont new remedies, and has
returned with Increased facilities for tbe alle
viation of human suffeiii.g.
Seminal M enkneiM.
Seminal emissions in the eonneqiient of
aluu. This solltarv rice, ordepraved st-xiui I
Indulgence, is practiced by the youth of In h
sexes to an almost unlimited extent, la-ndiiclng
with unerring cortalntv, the following mnrl.i I
Hiii)4oms, unless comliateii with s.-lenl i lie
medical treatment, tlx: Sallow countenance,
dark s)iots umler the eves, rain In the be ii,
tinging In the ears, noise like the rustllnirf
leaves and rattling of chariots, unra.m.-
alsiut the loins, confused Tision. blunted in
tellect, lose of confidence, diffidence In ap
proaching strangers, a dislike to form uew
acqiutlntances, a disposition to shun society,
hectic flushes and rati -his ernptlonsahnut the
tin-e, furred tongue, fetid breath, coughs, con
sumption, night sweats, monomania and in
iinent insanity. If a relief is not obtained,
llie sufferer srsaild apply immediatelv, tn i-r
son or by letter, and have a cure eUaulrd b v
lilsnewand scientific mode of treating this
disease, which never tolls of effecting a iu. k
and radical cure
Cured sit Honae.
Persons at a distance mav oe enred at home,
by aildressing a letter to iVr. (iibbon, statlmr
case, symptoms, length of time tha dli-ea.-e
lias continued, and liave medicine promote
forwarded, free from damage and ennn.ltv.
many part of the country, with full and
plain directions for nse.
By Inclosing (10 In coin in a reentered Iw .
tor through the Post Office, or Wells, Fargo
A Co-, a Dackaee of meiUclne will he for
warded to any part of the Union.
All corresqondunce strictly oonfislewtkil.
Address DR. J. K. UU1BON .
Box 19,-7, San Franvisoo, Cal.
Feb 10 deodlwly
Works at Oregon City, On.
recently completed tbeir works at Oregon
City with the most improved mauhlnerv ; em
bracing the newest pattemsand latent pa'eni s,'
iminned at great cost from Massachusetts
The ESTABLISHMKNT, In all Iu appoint
ments, will compare favorably with am other
In the United Stales.
Tbe Conrnaoy are prepared to fill ail orders.
WASH BOARDS, Shuttle BooUns, Bnvm
Handles, etc., etc, etc
Particular attention Is called to oar MI
far superior to any heretofore In anarku . a
caiislncno nnpleasant taste or smell lo ll.o
contents. ,
From our snpertor facilities wears wb
to supply the trade on the most advanuur.1 u
term-, and by prom attention and excellent
workmanship will merit snoces In onr line.
lx alers are roincnted to examine our w aivs
lielore nundiastng elsewhere.
, tiS" Adlrea all ootrununi.jtlons to
J. D. HII.KS, Aretil.
, , . Portland, unvm
Julvl:dAwlm .
S ash.Doors, Blinds, Sloldi a t s,
RUSTIC, ami all the latest stvles of in i I
ami outside finish, of tlie best qiiallly o, c e ir
cedar lumlier ever used lit Saleak
Scroll Sawin?. Stair Duildinr; an I
done wlih neatnoMs ami diiiwilcb. M.innl .
tin ers of the oekilieated
Boswell Fruit Der and Room Healer.'
Also Manufacture tlM RAXKIX PATEST
CA1I kinds and qiuilltios of LlllTlbtr
and 8hingl6S f' sale clieap.
Beat of work at lowest Price
fir Please give at a call. SEE OUK
STO-JK, kxu-u our prices, ami give us .r-
6RECIAT. ATTEXTIOV given tn orUr.
from farmers, acsl Informatioa frea- cIi-kh
p-a'ls t -xir patron,
5 Mnyi;7!!:iUwiaii