i nnB7fiTiiTaSaaiaaaaiasas gfcefeSp Oregon statesman. The City and County. From Daily of Saturday, July 20. Ti KS Vhhiium. The Turner have now got their hall so near completiua tht they are at prwent pefcciing arrangements for opening it to the public. I will be ready for occupation Tuesday evening Best, at which time the society will have their first eaerci. Tbank V the liberality of gome ofiu teeinlier uU f -jf tiie fcemle- toen who have .l..ue the work at r.in;irk.i bly low inures, the entire outfit has been erected at a cmt of only about t20fl. Of thU uo only 7i remain unpaid which leaveii the society almost free from debt at the start. ., Ao initiation fee of $2 48 U charged for regular membership with $1 each month aa due. For the accomoda tion of such persona as may desire to try the benefits of this exercise one month be fore entering a regular members, the so ciety bis issued tickets ged for that time only which they offer for sale at $1 40 each. This ticket entitles the adder to the privi leges of the hall two ereaiigs each week during thetime for whieh it is issued. Af ter the first month arrangements may be mads which will ezclade all but regular members from the privileges of the ball. This movement is one which will no doubt meet with public favor and we predict for the eocietv a lastinc popularity. Those wishing to purchase tickets can da so by applying to J. H. Haas, President of the Society or to Thos. H. Reyoulds, Leader. As this is a society that is in successful op eration in every large city, we huve no hesi tancy in recommending it to the public 1 giatrontge. Their hail is nicely fitted up and an hmr or more spent in such exerci as their drill will give a person, will prove a lastinj; benefit to any who uiuy wish t join. W lien well drilled, their exercises are really graceful, an J their; performances in aablic give general tatiuacUoa. Let Loos it. Oar readers will no doubt remember the large eagle that Rev. P. S. Kniirht has had ia his possession for the past six moatbs. lie has been kept ia the ahed near bis residence, and every morning at-sanrise has stretched bis toag neck in tho direction of the rising sen as if be de sired to spread his wings and fly away in search of the shining orb. Mr. Knight withstood this pleading glance as long as be cdulil, until a few mornings since when he released him from confinement and took him in his buggy carried him up Mill Creek a couple of miles and let him go hit way. Instead of searing amid the elands as it would naturally he supposed he weuld, he merely hopped on one of the branches of a nsighboring tree and silently gated oa bis recent master as be drove away. Mr. Knight is now in daily expectation ef bav ins; it broucht to him by some astonished TVebfoot to stuff, thinking ao doubt it would prove a vilssble acquisition to his present collection of curiosities. He says that if that bird shoo Id now be broeght to him after-taking so much trouble to get rid of it, lie would be tempted to invite his captor to 'take a short walk for his health. Farewell old bird; may joa never again be caught "by an admiring cariosity hunter, nor ever atgaia doomed t confinement. Thk Pioxker Oil Mills. These popalar Mills have received a tboreagh renovation, And will commence running again ahont the first ol A a gust. Tbey will only ran daring the dsy at first, probably turning out about 230 gallons of oil daily. When run day and night their eapacitj is doable that amount. Reports treat different por tions ef the State show an increase ia the rop of flu seed, and they will find no dif ficulty ia obtaining a full supply. They will manafactare as large quantity of oil during the coming season an the increased demands for the article will warrant- Mower Oanca Bcsiaess. Mr. Rickey informs us of a slight change ia the charges on money orders, which no doubt wtlt be of interest to tbe public. Heretofore the charge on all order lsss than $! has bean ten cents each. Bat a recent postal law has re duced the rates to fire cents each for all or ders ef ten dollars or leas. This certainly eetas reasonable eneagb, and any man that would growl at these rates would growl if he was going to he hang, fa eoaaeetion with this e might also state that during the year-eediag January 1st, over $60,00 worth of atbney orders were sold at this of fice. The business increases every year, and this mode of sending money is daily fcecomiag more oaerersnl. SitrjT Orr. The water baa lieea shut off from the mill rare in order that Mr. A. My. ers may proceed in his work ef introducing tbe water power into his new Agricultural Works. The Railroad Company hare con structed a waste gate near the Oil Mills tat order that they may supply their tanks as aieual. fa consequence of the non-supply of water tin Salem floarisg Mills have us,pcndcd operations for a few days. It will only be a short tiuM, kewever, before weehall hear the busy hum of machinery witbia the walls of the new Agricultural Works, and ufcattera will move along with increased energy. From Daily of Sxuvlng July 21. Ay ADVKXTUBE F A 5W1HT. The Misfortune er Bsmhful Toots Cruel Pwrcsita sua! am lian Cruel Diuijrbter. Last evening about sunset ns we were -coming toward the ofliec Ured, disconsolate -and discouraged over the continued dearth -of items, we were accosted by a young man of our acQuaiatanee, who, with a smile on bis face, asked if we wanted an item. We answered, "you bet," with a no less joyous iace aod the following is tbe story be gave , s, in his ewn words aa Bear as we could mote theia down : "Well," said he, "yoa are welt aware that for some time past, I have been rather spooney over Miss Mollie , who resides on Piety Hill, aod at times I bare flattered myself that she too imagined that I was about O. K. But a recent adventure has convinced me it is not ! always best to trust to appearances, as they ; are ofttimes very deceitful, lier parents were never very partial toward me, but the , mother was more obliging tban tbe old gent. He sever liked me, and at one time forbid his daughter having anything essay to me. But buggy rides, ice cream and dances have often i dueed ber te ignore these instructions, aod by meeting at the house of a mutual friend, we would occa sionally be together ia.spite of bun. Well, last Sunday afternoon, meeting ber at Sab bath school, I asked her to accompany me to church in the evening, which she assent ad to and agreed to meet me at our friend's at the proper time. She was ps actually on hand and w started off in high glee. On our arrival at church we were escorted by tbe usher to a seat in the front part of the audience room. The church was filled and we were cosily chatting before the sermon commenced, when we heard some one enter the pear immediately behind aa. Glueing up, imagine my feelings en meeting tbe stern gase of her father accompanied by his wife. My courage began te ooxe out at icy finger ends, and I dared not look around the second time. Mary had by this time noticed them, and was equally astonished as tbey were never known to attend that church before. We were neither of us par ticularly interested in tbe sermon after that, and were both in constant drrad lest there should be a scene at tbe dismissal ef the congregation. But all things have an end. at at last did that sermon ; but it did seem unusually long. At the door tbe old gent offered one arm to his wife and crooked the other at Mary with a glance that Said "no foolishness in this case." She did not hare the courage to refuse him, aad I was left to meander away alone. Tbe following day I receive 1 a note from the old fellow, laying fnrtbtr services on my part could be dis pensed with in bis family, and a postscript added by Mary herself assured me it was sheer folly to imagine she ever eared for me. I am now resolved that clandestine meet ings, although romantic, are far from being a paying investment." The young man de sired no name mentioned, but related the eirenmstanee for the benefit of bis own down-trodden sex. The moral is plain. THAT MUtHALH. Aaotner Card -aad the Lust of the nerlea. Editor Statesmax : I am the interested party in the card of Sam Clarke and others in your paper of yesterday, concerning my sidewalk. As you hare thrown oten voor lutnn to him. please allow me to make inv i.ta'emnt of the f.icrs In the rurr: He ha been trying to compel me to build a new sidewalk of greater width at an eleva tion not on a grade with my fine finished fence ; and as he has fiiled to succeed he is only showing his amiable disposition by trying to abase somebody. The Committee appointed to report on the petition of Clarke to the Council, after examining my side walk expressed themselves satisfied. Now I have got a better walk than any of the persons signing Sam Clarke's card. Tho Street Commissioner whore duty it is to look after walks, has never had to remind me of needed repairs. W. L. Morris. Cai-qht at bii own same. Why it is that a man whore wealth can be counted by thousands is capable of contemptible mean tricks that the free, open hearted laboring man who earns his money by the sweat of his brow, and lives (as the saying is) "from hand to mouth," would scorn to be guilty off, is a question that wil always remain unanswered. Bat sach is a fact that re mhins undisputed. A circumstance of this kind came within oar notice yesterday, and is worthy of particular mention. Mr. C , a gentleman (?) living bat a few miles out of the city, on one of tbe finest farms in this county, came into tbe city one day last fall, and stepping into Charlie Hellenbrand's Restaurant, ordered a dinner, remurking that he had some fat rattle in town that be would sell and pay tor his meal afterward. Charlie gave him his dinner, but be never settled for bis meal. Yesterday be tried the same dodge, having a load of potatoes in market this time ;but Charlie knew'his man. and told him that be could have no more meals until bis former one was paid for. The old chap looked somewhat astonished, and started up town in a hnrry. He soon came back on a bay-rack, and handed out his four bits, driving off in apparent anger, for having been compelled to pay an honest debt. How he brought in a load of potatoes on a hay rack is a question that still re mains unexplained. Tbe Lecti'rk. There were but few out to hear Mr. Elinski's lecture last evening at tbe Court House, but those who did attend were amply repaid. Tbe lecture is but a young man, and having only been in this country a few months, speaks our language with great embarrassment, and in such a broken manner that at first his audience find it difficult to understand him. But this soon wears off, and amid the interest we feel in the subject we can easily keep track of the discourse. The lecture is well written, and is full of interest. He will de liver it in Portland during the coming week, and thence will proceed overland to California. We cbeeefully commend him to the public in behalf of bis down-trodden countrymen. Fine Wool. Mr. John Martin, of this county, has a daughter now in Iowa Mrs. Gisb. A few days since he received in a letter from her a specimen of very hand some, fine wool almost as fine and glossy as silk taken from a five-months lamb. The fibre is three and a half inches long. Mrs. Oish writes that she will bring the lamb with her this fall to Oregon, when we shall have an opportunity to learn whether it is of some new breed. The wool is un like any we have seen in this country. New Arrival. We yesterday met Mr. Robert Reid who arrived in this city last Wednesday morning, direct from Bedford, Iowa. He intends to make this city his fu ture residence, having associated himself with Mr. A. Myers in bis Agricultural Works. He announces himself well pleased with tbe appearance of his new home. We welonme hiin among ns. Chaxoe Or Residence. Mr. John Ber ry aod family have mured from this eity. Their future residence will be at Siuselaw. Mr Berry was for some timo a elerk in Cun -ningham's Hardware Store, and was well and favorably known in this city. Orr for E.iQLASD. Leonard 0. Sim mons, of South Salem, left this city day be fore yesterday for England on a visit. He will probably be gone about two months visiting friends and acquaintances. Wc wish hiin a pleasant voyage and speedy re turn to his aged parents residing in this place. Good Wnr.AT. John Martin informs us he has a field of fifteen acres of wheat of the velvet white variety which will yield fully forty bushels to the acre. It is so f.ir advanced, that be will commenced gather ing it with a header, next week. From Daily of Tuesday July 23. A LI'DICROl HITrATIOX. A Mnalr Te.eber tn Trouble A Pro-fc-nMornhip ao fcafeirunrd- I'ltiinate We have a young man in Ibis eity whom everybody knows and respects. In fact he ia a general favorite, and especially so among tbe fair sex. He is what is styled a "lady's man" and is much sought after. Ho is very impartial in bis views, and allows no particular young lady to claim bis company twice In succession, and for this reason be is considered public property, and with him it is a rule "first enme first served," and when be leave a young lady we always ex pect to hear him shout "next," as does tbe barber to his waiting customers. It is but seldom that we can get a good joke on this gentleman, and when we do wo feel at lib erty to give our readers Iho benefit of it Sueh a joke bus recently occurred, and we have been at some trouble to secure the full particulars of it. Professor went over into the west side counties a few djys since to tune some pianos. He stopped at McMinn ville a few hours, and was anxious to pro ceed to Dayton from that point. As there was no means ef public conveyance be hired a horse and buggy at the livery stable and started on his wsy in high spirits. Things went well for a while, but, at last, on going down a steep hill, the breeching broke, and consequently the buggy ran on the horse's heels, which induced him to let By several times with his hind legs. In vain did tbe professor endeavor to tame his fiery steed by kind words aad soothing promisee. The nag kept ea kicking, and soon sent his boob through tbe dash board. Professor immediately prepared to beat a retreat. In this the nag materially assisted him by placing his heels in close proximity to tbe exterior portion of his person, and sent him spinning out of tbe buggy. The animal continued to beat a tattoo on tbe dash board until tbe young man picked himself up and grasped him by the check-rein. The horse finally, by a spring forward, ran one of tbe carriage thills through the ring oa the bit, at tbe same time placing both hind legs over the single-tree, which threw him stretched out upon the ground. Professor had him then, as the animal was unable to move aa inch. After half an hour's hard labor the horse was released, the fragments gathered up, and slowly ait. I sadly the pair proceeded back the same road they bad come. Anoth er rig was secured, and our good-looking yoang man this time made his trip without accident. He arrived home Sunday morn ing and related bis adventure to an intimate friend of his, remarking at the same tima that he hoped "ye local" would not bear of it. ' Gome East. Our friend Jamas Gill will leave this afternoon by the overland mail route for Boston, Mass. Jim has won many friends during his residence on this coast wbo join with us in wishing "Godspeed" in his journey. Recovery or Stole Property. Our readers will recollect that Bean A Davidson bad a valuable horse, saddle and bridle sto len from them a few days since. Telegrams were sent north and south, and a reward of one hundred dollars off-red for his arrest. A telegram was received last Saturday night from tbe Sheriff of Linn county, ssy ing he had found tbe horse, but tbe thief had made his escape. One uf the proprie tors went up there and found the horse at a farmer's, where the thief had left him, say ing he wonld return for him in a few days. He went south, from there, lie must have feared discovery and abandoned tbe idea of taking the horse awiiy with him. We eon- gratulnte the owner on the recovery of thf auiinal. Heard Faov. We received a letter from Miles Miller, yesterday, writteu at Summit Prairie Blue Mountains, July 11th. Tkey had arrived at their destination, hav ing been just three weeks on the road. Tbey were four days crossing the Cascade Racge, a distance of 86 miles. Three days more were used up in crossing the Deschutes river with the Sock of sheep and considerable danger was experienced before the entire lot were across. His health is constantly improving aad ho writes in ex cellent spirits. Everything has passed off as pleasantly as could be expected and the chances are that he will remain up there all winter, for, to use his own words "I'm fat, ragged and saucy, and tbe dirt agrees with me." We are pleased to hear of bis suc cess. Gkx. Hooker. This veteran soldier ar rived at this city by the It o'clock train fram Portland yesterday. He was met tit tbe depot by a number of members of Rus sell Post J. A. R., but no formal reception was given. The Ucneral wishin; to immedi ately visit his old friend Gen. Kesmith, he was taken in a private carriage by Mr. Bash, who at once started with bim for the valley of the I.a Creole, tlen. Hooker will return heie, probably Wedncslay aad will go to Portland Ttwnt.la t . The Oi.b Storv. A gentleman entered one of our city restaurants yesterday and seated himself at one of the tables. A wait er stepped up and asked him which he would hare "beef, pork, mutton or ham and eggs?" "I d jn't care a d d what it is," replied he, picking up tbe Daily States man, "anything to beat Grant." He was evidently a discouraged politician. Dim' Roads. A ride oa any of our back streets at tbe present time is anything bat aa agreeable pastime, owing to the dusty ronds. Our Portland ceighbors were favored with a brisk shower Sunday night, which laid the dust and was a welcome vis iter. Why can't we hare one ot tbe same kind? A. 0. TJ. D. A petition was in circula tion yesterday in view tbe organisation of a society of Ancient Druids in this city. As this is an Order that has met with public favor wherever it has been introduced, it will no doubt meet with success in Salem Quite a number have already signed tbe pe tition and many more have signified their intention to do so. But This Wekk's Weekly Statesman, te send to your friends east, or elsewhere It contains an unusual variety of interest ing news relating to Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Only 124 cents per copy, in rappers. LOCAI. hreyities. The excursionists to the coast are daily becoming more numerous. The betels are complaining of dull times Wbo next? Our best business men are tbe most liberal advertisers. Letters from Omaha, Nebraska, coming through in six days. Jason Royal took his departure for Oak land yesterday. Sam E. May left for his home at Salt Lake City, yesterday afternoon. Business matters are dolefully doll. But Salem ain't alone in this matter. Sherry cobblers ain't bad to take this hot weather. At least that's what tbe boys say. A large number of Indians are prowling around tbe city. Serenaders are improving these fine moonlight evenings. There is more building and house repair ing going on the city than most folks are aware of. Jim Fisher made two arrests at a late hour last evenings Drunk and disorderly as usual. Weather cool and pleasant. Ice Cream and sherry cobblers are however still in good demand. Mr. Kemp, Mrs. Rinpertnn and familv, and several other started yesterday for Sil ver Creek fails. Afternoon matinees at tbe depot are no longer in fusbion. Mercury please take no tice. Billy Barker went below yeterday with Rourke who is accused ef selling whisky to Indians. Read the new advertisement regarding the entertainment to lie given by the Cham pions of the Hod Cross. Everybody and bis neighbor contemplate going to the mountains within the next two weeks. Lively times over in South Salem regard ing the sidewalk at the end of tbe new foot bridge. We are informed that S. A. Clrrke bas purchased the Fanner office. Success to him in his new embarkation in tbe news paper business. Don't forget the concert to be given by Prentice's Class in Vocal Music, Wednesday evening next. Mrs. J. D. Foltz has a few words to say about Butteric.'s Patterns this morning. The recent wager renrdina the superior ity of onr different Fire Companies bas been withdrawn. Mr. Prentice's Vocal Class were practicing in the Opera House last evrnin. Remem ber their Concert Wednesday evening next. We noticed some stray cattle in the Uni versity grounds yesterday. They looked very much out of place. J. Lee Henderson has oecepted a situa tion aa assistant book-keeper at the Willam ette Woolen Mills. "That's mine don't go beret" is a notice stnek up in one of our saloons. An origi nal idea that. A large Eastern mail arrived yesterday aftero'Mta. Letters coming through from Chicago in seven day's time. We came very near having a first class runaway item on State street yesterday. Small boy prevented it by hanging on to the reins. A contribution of seventeen dollars was taken up at the lecture last evening. A liberal sum considering tbe number present. Tbe Mercury will have to talk plainer United States tban tbey do at present be fore we can appreciate the local drives at us. Mr. S. E. Strong was taken suddenly ill a tbe street yesterday and carried into Jack Brown's residence. Medical aid soon brought him around alt right. Conductor Stroud has been bound over to appear at the next term of the Clackamas Couuty Court on tbe charge of aiding a prisoner to escape from an officer. Bail, $jO0. Geo. B. Taylor, tbe Temperance lecturer, is again in the city. He will deliver his lecture on "Salem Witchcraft," at tbe Opera House this evening. Messages for H. Jones and S. Young in the Telegraph Office at Salem. The Turn Vereins open their new hall this ereuing under the most favorable aus pices. The Champions of the Red Cross were practicing for their entertainment this even ing at Reed's Opera House yesterday after noon. Large quantities of hay coming into mar ket at prices ranging from tli to $18 per ton. Joseph Ingall, the man who shot Boone in Clackamas county last spring, died at the Penitentiary one day lat week. He had been senteueed fur lite. E. N. Cooke's new residence begins to present a fine appearance. Tbe cherry gripe" has been superceded by tbe encumber eolic. Tbe "Japs" are performing at Marys villa, Cat., to good houses. Short sermons are very popular during this warm weather. Straw hsts tell whieh way the wind blows now a days. Josephns Holmes contemplates the erec tion of a fine brick building on State St. at an early day. Norman Parrish is again able to be out on crutches. Tbe passen ger trains on tbe 0. A C. R R. are well fiiled with travelers every trip TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY tJen. Sheridan's Opinion about Indians. EiGov, Wise describes the reeIejGratz Party. Colored Greeleyites in Trouble. Various Political News. The Geneva Arbitrators in Session. CALIFORXIA IMSPATCHES EATi:il. M.WS. Vest, hberldan'a Head ia Klgbt. Washington", July 17. General Sheridan, in a communication to the War Department, says : "We can never stop wild Indians trom murder ing and plundering until we puuUU them. If a white man in this country commits murder we bang hiin ; if he steals a hotse wo put him in the peni tentiary. If an Indian commits these crimes we give him better farms and more blankets. I think I may say tluit under this policy the civilization of the wild redmen will progress slow ly." A Uraplile Flctnr of the Liberal Itciuocratie Furty. Richmond, Va July 17. Ex-Gov. Henry A. Wise, in a letter declining an invitation to address a Grant and Wilson nttifleatiou meeting at Alex andria, says : "it is entirely unlit for me to act with any political party at the present time and in the present at titude of ailuirs. This I have said that I cannot and will not-act with tins so-called Liberal Republicans. They are too liberal. They are so loose as to have no principles, and were ready to adopt the worst, as well as the best to suit the birds ot every leatlier uiat met toretlier in the halls at Cincinnati and Baltimore. They have, in strange confusion, mingled with white spirits and grey, so that the jiarty is a mon grel, autl would he all things to all men." Tbe Blacks ro fur lreeley Marabala. Ramegii, X. C, July 18. Samuel G. Robe, a colored Marshal of a Gree ley and Brown ratification meeting, was attacked and beaten by some ne groes last night and sought a place of refuge in the police Headquarters. lie staid a short time and started lor home, and has not been seen or heard from since. Another colored Marshal of the same meeting was beaten and his lite threatened by negroes. Varloua Political Item. Fort IjIcott, July 17. The Monitor to-morrow hoists the Greeley flag, un der the political editorship of Hon. A. Minlow. KniK, Pa., July 17. A large Grant ratification meeting was held this even ing. New York, July 17. B. Gratz Brown, for the first time since his se vere attack, visited the Liberal head quarters. !ST. Louis, July. 18. The Daily Globe, a newspaper published by Mc Kee fc Ilouseworthy, appeared this morning. Jt suports Grant. Xew York, July 18. The Republi can Xatioual Executive Committee held a meeting yesterday. The pro ceedings were mostly secret. Meas ures were discussed for forwaixling the canvass in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Xorth Carolina and West Virginia, Ex-Senator Abbott made a cheering reiKirt of the canvass in Xorth Caro lina. A suggestion was considered for West Virginia, looking to utilize the action of all elements in opposition to the Democrats and Liberal Republi cans of tliat State. A secret session of the Council of the Union League of America was held in the afternoon, at which a resolution to co-oix-rate with the Xatioual Commit tee was passed. The Bnrnnrd Impeachment Trial. Saratoga, July IS. The opinion is expressed that Barnard's trial is likely to result unfavorably to the accused. The Trial of the Boss) Thieves. Alhany, July 18. Tins arguments in the Tweed and Connolly cases were concluded to-day, and the Court ad journed till Sept. next, when a decis ion will be rendered. FOREIGN SEWS. Cbolera -Tbe Urnen Board of Arbi tration. Xew York, July IS. A Berlin let ter says Cholera is making its way from lln-sia to the Prussian frontiers. ;eneva, July 17. Board assembled an hour earlier tban uual. Proceed ings delayed somewhat in consequence of the different languages poken by memhersof the Court, which renders business tedious and explanations nec essary ; but all preliminaries liave been settled and they will take up the case of each ship seriatim. CALIFORNIA. NhiiMiieiil of Coin nnfl Wheat- -The Eneaperi Nun t'nae. San Francisco, July is. Tlie Sac ramento, for Panama to-dav. carried .44.000 treasure, including $750,000 in coin for Pent, and the first lot of wheat, 240,000 centals, ever shipped by steamer via Panama for England. It. is forwarded at the rate of four pound ten shillings per ton. The evidence in the Ansbro-O'Gor-man case this afternoon showed con clusively that neither Professor Anffivv nor Kdith O'Gorinan were in Australia as the detectives charged. Private de tective Allis was again put on the stand by Audrey's counsel to repeat his testimony, in order to lay the ground for a prosecution for perjury. The case may last a week yet. Petali'ma, July IS. A young wo man, a Mrs. Kinney, to-day shot a man named Cummiugs killing him in stantly, for slanderous reports put in circulation by the latter. San Francisco, July IS. The Dem ocrats and Literal Republicans are making arrangements for a monster ratification meeting on Monday even ing. The stock of old oats on band this year is just one-half the amount on hand at same date last year. The first lot nf new, lieing of the" black va riety, arrived yesterday and sold for $1 70. Good old brings $1 12 readily. Voorhees Receives a Sop and Goes for Greeley. Urief ToIitiel Item. Greeley!Eefuses to Support Blood-Sucking Newspapers. PERSONAL MATTERS. Attempted Assassination of a King and Queen. J CALIFORXIA DISPATCHES EASTERN XEWN. Voorbefn Uarn Bark on Himself ana In favor of tareelejr. Terre Haute, Ind., July 18. The Democratic Congressional Convention for the Sixth District held a meeting to-day and nominated D. W. Voorhees by acclamation. In accepting, Voor hees made a long and elaborate speech. In his opening remarks, returning thanks for tlie nomination, lie de nounced bitterly tlie course of the ad ministration toward the South. He said the south had urged the nomina tion of Greeley, believing his election would secure them peace and relief lrom outrages which had been heaped upon them. He prayed God their hopes might be realized, and that many Nortliern men might suspend their differences with Greeley on ac count ot the people of the South who would not do it on their own. If Gree ley were elected he would stand pledged by the strongest obligations that ever rested upon any honorable man to bestow on the South the bless ings of a great, kind- and paternal K)1 icy. It he did not, after the confidence reposed in him by tlie Soutli, bo would be accursed. Political Sews In Brief. Cincinnati, July 18. Tlie Republi cans of tlie Eighth District nominated for Congress Hon. Win. Lawrence. Nkw York, July 18. The Tam many General Committee to-night rat ified the nomination of Greeley and Brown, and appointed a committee to arrange for it ratification meeting. Albany, X. Y., July 18. Tweedle Hall was filled this evening to hear Kenton on National Finances. He charged that the administration had no financial policy except to collect taxes under laws nf r?nnirns4- hnnl o-nlrl tn i blockade Wall street, and pay the debt, j Xew York. July 19. A Washing ton dispatch says the difficulty about Casey holding on as Collector at Xew Orleans is that tbe Administration Re publicans recommend no person to take his place, and the President, there fore, holds his resignation. llAiuusnuKfi, July 19. An inter viewer reports Cameron as saying that the opposition of Forney and his Press to Hartranft for Governor don't amount to a mtff of wind. ) Xl-'.w Yohk. July 19. A Washing- ion inspatt'ii ty tnar. tue terrer re cently publfslied by Reaves, from Sen ator Sumner, was written one year ago, while Greeley was in Texas, and when lie was talked ot as a possible candidate for the Presidency. Urcclejr Beclluea to be Bled. Mr. Greeley recently declined to furnish money to sustain a newsiaper in Washington, saying, "I do not con sider that a legitimate political expen diture. If people will not support a newspaper there favoring my election we must go ou without as best we may." The Liberal Republican Executive Committee say tbey are receiving let ters from prominent colored men promiMng to work for Greeley anil Brown. Peraossal Matters. Xew Yokk, July 18. The Marquis (leNoilles, the new French Minister, arrived this evening. The World says that Greeley is hard at work ou a new encyclopedia, which will be published soon. Xew Yokk. July 19 Colonel A. R. Eddy, Iputy Quartermaster Gen eral, lias been ordered on duty tempo rarily its Chief Quartermaster, Divi sion of the Pacific. FOREIUX SEWN. An attempt to Awswlnats tbe Kins; and teeu of hfmin. Madrid, .Inly 10. At midnight last hightail attempt was made to as-i-sinate tlie King and Queen ot .Spain. Tleir carriage was tired on. O.ie of tlie assassins was killed and two cai tured. 'lite King and Queen were d riving home from Pataco Garden, wlien thj wanld be assassins tired upon tliem. Xeither was hurt, however. The assaihurts of the King and Queeu comprised party of men who were conveniently jiosted in the street. One of the assaihuits was immediately kill ed by an attendant of the royal party. Tlie'greatestindignation is everywhere expressed at the cowardly deed. The tranquility of tlie city is undisturbed, although "when accounts of the affair began to be generally circulated there was much excitement. Crowds gath ered in the neighborhood of where the attack Iwfl been made, and at 4 o'clock almost tbe entire population of Madrid were Ijasteniiiji through the street. CALIFORNIA. IMed -Whrat for Liverpool 1-Prlee of I tun U'4aortmaiiAibro AIT.ilr Sax Fkancisco, July 10. Noah Mullenuore, of the Call, shot two weeks g br McCauslui, died this moruing Tlie bark Lizzie Williams has cleared for LiverpsMl with a full load of wheat. The India is nearly loaded, and the Aurora and Uobiusou Crusoe are load, ing for tflie same destination. After August 1st the City Ga Com pany will reduce rates to $1 75 per 1.000 feet. A lew years since the charge was seven dollars. Mrs. Iuntway. of Oregon, is lec turing in lavw of women's rights and tJeneral (Vrant to a fair audience at Piatt's Hall this evening. Her voice is not strong enough to lie heard over tlie quarter part of the hall, and as a imliiie snealCer she is hardlv a success, Tlie O'G ortiian-Ansbro-Allis-Auttrey case, was concluded tins evening, O'GflrniMi was acquitted. Ansbro was heW for libel on Edith O'Gorman and Allis was held in 5,000 lor per jury in tlie case. Politicsil Iiit.-lligjroiKM-'. THE IRISH It AND SPLITS. THE FLOOD IN ALABAMA Ucrman Papers for Grant Tlie Spanish Assassination Sensation CALIFORXIA DISPATCHES KASTEKX NKWS. For the Chnppnqnnrk. Xew York. July 20. It is retiortet that A. T. Stewart hits given tO,000 t aid the election of Greeley. An attempt to organize a Greeley Central Committee trom the variou Greeler Clubs last evening resulted a meeting which was characterized by great iituHon and disorder, It is reported that Ex-President Johnson will make two or three Gree ley speeches in Xorth Carolina, re plying especially to Secretary Bout- well Kepnulienn Mna Meeting;. CincAC.o, July 20. The first Re publican mass meeting of tlie campaign in this city was held last night in the open air. Ex-Governor Oglesby, Ke pnblitan candidate for Governor, was tlie principal speaker, niaaourt Denoeratlc Convention. ST. Louis, July 20. Tlie Demo cratic State Convention to nominate a ticket will meet at Jefferson City August 21st. A Split in the Irian Band. Boston, July 20. Clement, the leader, and iifreeu members of the Irish band, left yesterday on tlieir re turn to Ireland. Some memhers re main, who. it is reported, refused to follow their original baud leader, and have taken a new one. They will make tour of the United States be fore returning. The Flood In Alabama. MovrcoMERV, July 20. The dam age by floods amounts to $5,000,000, Houses along streams have been swept away by scores. The cotton crop is 90,000 bales short. Reception by the President. Long Branch. Julv 20. President (irant received a lame nutniier prominent citizens from the West to day, and also a number of Southerners, wiio bring reports or the campaign. Ueraian Papers Wheel Into Line. Xew York, July 20. The Demo krat and Zeitung, both Liberal Repub lican, came out for Grant to-day. (irrat Men Alive In Kansas. Atchison, July 20. Senator Pome roy has arrived and will soon enter non a canvass of the State. Grant clubs have been formed all through Northern Kansas. Exposition Bnlldlnsr Completes. Louisville, July 20. The comple tion of the Industrial Exposition build ing was celebrated by an immense mass meeting. Among tbe speakers were Gen. W . Preston, Gen. Juo. W. Flanel and eGov. Bramlette. The Exposition opens September 3d. FOHEIOH KEWS. The tirensHfler Rand Coneernlns; the attempted Anaaaalnatlon, London, July 19. It is reported that Parliament will be prorogued on the 10th of August. The Grenadier band U to give a se ries ol concerts at Liverpool. They return from America In excellent health, and are enthusiastic over their reception there. Madrid, July 1!). Tlie Kin"; and Queen asb-tetl at tlie Te Deuin in the royal chapel. The King gutweqttently walked through tlie streets and was clieered enthusiastically by the people oi'all classes, hastening to show their loyalty and sympathy for his Majesty. A crowd to-day attempted to take the assassins out of the jail and shoot them, but a strong loroe of police pre vented the act. A judicial inquiry Is actively pro gressing Into tbe circumstances of tbe attempted assassination. CALIFORNIA. I'olltieal Meellnsrv-M hrmt ajhlpiaenta Arreat r a Defaulter A Jteiaar lia ble Jleteor. San Fhancico. July 20. Hie Dem- ocratlc Congressional Convention, ia session tins morning, resoivea to auot ish the Congressional Committee and allow its dutica to be discharged Itrace forth by the Connty Committee, and postpone the nominations for Congress at least until next Thursday evening. A Greeley ratification meeting is to be held on the 27th. Frank PI xley. J. H. IIogeneL Frisbie, Judge Slmfler and Dr. Slrort are exjiected to address the meeting. Vai.lejo, July 20. During the last week large quantities of wheat arrived by rail at South Vallejo. Thirty car loads arrived last night for the ship Xeptune for Liverpool. Cahson. July 20. The Republican ratification meeting this evening is tlw largest and mo-t enthusiastic ever held in this place. Reno, July 20. Col. Flnnego. a secret service detective, arrested Win. H. Lentz. ex-postmaster of Virginia City, tor embezzlement of jwbllc mon eys while postmaster. He takes him to Nan Francisco. Winnemccca, July 20. A large and brilliant meteor was' seen from here at 10 o'clock last night. It occupied sev- eral seconds falling, and Ut up the sur rounding country like a grand display of tire-works. A lew seconds after it had disappeared, a loud, rumbling noise was lieard, accompanied with a distinct sliock of an eart hquake, which lasted but a second, but succeeded in making many leave theier houses and run out in the street. Business Notices. SiKvlal advertisements under this hnad wl 1 1 be charged 15 cents a line. Liberal adver sers, in the regular advertlxing oolnmn. ill. however, be given liberal uutw-ea uudi-r this bead, without extra charge.) Wax Flowers. - Sheet wax. assorted !- oi-8 and white. Pattern, Tiwls, Fins. Ac., Ec., at Vteatberlord A ( o.'s Drug Sturc Overland STtuiK.- -The choisi xelecOtxi ot'CisliloiiiUile spring ixxU ut the Overland. Store. Mayljtf The Overland Store Is xethne amt-cln G'ods olieajKT than the amt iiiaiUy ofgoufb. itu ever ueiore onerei ill Mkieiu. MavKitt MM'IETY XOT1CES. Chemeketa Lodge, No. 1, i 0. 0. F. REGULAR meetings Wedueeday evening of ea-,h week, at 8 o'clock p. M., at laid Fellows' Hall, corner Cominevctal ami Ferry street. AH Brothers In good alauduic Invit ed to attend. By order N.ti. MayoTilf rrv : sojourning brethren in good tatilmg urv. In ueti toatirmi. iivoruerM Cr. apl 11 72 if ti. A. K. Unwell Post, Va. 3, O.A.K. meets Friday evenlnviofea.il week. All Comrades in good standing kavited to attend. isv orner, ApltiTitf. , COMMAShEK. ItF.HKKAH Deorkfj LoixiE -Meet sal OU! Fellow lL'itl the 1st Tueiav eveninc of each mouth at 8 o'clock. All Iirexhren, wuh their wives in good standing, are untied to atteml. Bv order of X. G, SNtlein, July tth, 1872 tf Amtl ternary Lwrigre, I S, I.O.O.F. Regular meetings Monday evenings ot vh week at S o'clock P.M., at kid Fellows 1UII. corner Commercial and KeiTV Snti. All Brothers in good standing are invited to at tend. Bv order N. t. Julyl7:tf MPtriAL XOIHKS. Remarkable I'nrv r Sir. 2 'lully. Sax Jose, Align 2. 1S7L Int. A. M. I.okvka A tu.-Scnue two Years since 1 wan taken down with lutla minatory Klieumatir'm, and was tor muie uute treated by two Phyxicians hut g no better. I tried nearly evenv remedy 1 heard ot, la it nothing seemed to do me any giU nutil aboia two w eeks ago I wan advised bv Jislge J. Johnson to try your t.V K WKKU'Kt.fi;iV. I pro cured tine Bottle and vfu entirelv cured bv tu For six weeks before taking the I NK 1 was compelled to go uimtcrirtchet. I consid er your Kemedv a grettl Massing to ntfertug humanity, and shall lwenk it my diay to iu- lorin all idieuinatic ol us great vinuue. lours, etc., AaKAX'll'LLl. Junelltt NOTICE. ORF.C Comi JOX CALIFORNIA RAILROAD lomtsini- Ijinil Ik.iMrttruMil fortlutuL Oregon, April 5, 172. -Sotk-e is hereby given Hint a vigorous prosecution will Ik; liMOtuleil against any and every uersoti who trespasses, ujsin any Railroad l.aivl, by cutting ami re moving timber therefrom betbre the same is Bol't.HT of the Company AND PA1K FOR. All vacant Land in odd numbered section, whether surveyed or unsurveyed. within a distance of thirty miles fnmthe Una of tu road, belong toiheConnitiiiv. I. It. MOIRES, April 10 dlm:wt. Land Ageiit. Dlraiey'a t'renie de Laa for I'baaa. Ing ami Preserving the Teeth, Beautifying the Complexion, and removing Freckle, brujHioiis, sunburn and Tan. A New Comb! nafon, equal to the tiest French pre)mraiious, and ree lr,m their ailouous ingredients. In vented by t;KO. S. Ml KLY.CIwmisl. inav 10 t!3m CABLK SCKKW WIRE Roots ami Shoes are sure to supersedo all others bemuse they are the most reliable--dnrlle -do not rip or leak. Try thein. All gennvne goods are stamieii. f.lunell lmw. MrST. BY the undersigned Morotav, July mh,lx? tween Salem and King's Vallev, a wal let, contalng a note for &30, drawn W Jesse Hyatt In favor of Myers A Kiggs; nnd two ccrlillcales ofdeiosit in Ladd A Bush's Bank one of N.YIO and the oilier of 020. A suit able row aril will be pnld the linilerliy leaving them at this otUce, or with the tindcrstgued. L. WILLIAMS, Julyl3:w2w. Salem, Ogn. E. BUTTERIC At CO.'S Out Puper PnttpniN, MRS. FOLTZ would InS.rm the ladies tliat she has just received a full assort ment of PATTERNS, embracing nil the late styles for Ladies, Misses, Boys ami I in fant's clothes. Call and select your liattcrn. Also, agency for dray's I nton Dress Chart, Julyl&liu IMnwoIuMoii. rsi HE partnership heretofore existing nn n der the name of Hamilton A Pettyjohn, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Wnu Pettyjohn assumes all liabilities and collect all outstanding detrts. He tei rest bote know ing themselves Indebted to the old Una to call in and set'.ie immediately. Junelftlin FENCE POMTK. PERSONS WlSfUXt; TO PCRCIIASK choice Celnr nnd Yew Fence Posts I his spring nt clieap rates, will please leave their orders for suc h with FARRAR BltON., Pout office Building, Solera, Oregon. Febrimrv 14th, 1S72. dawtf DISSOLUTION. fWlHE partnership heretofore existing tra M. der the name of Davenport A Wotfurd, at Silverton, Oregon, is this day (Unsolved bv mutual consent. The business will be here after conducted at the old stand by J. C. Da venport, who assumes all liabilities and to whom all debts due the firm will be paid. Those indebted will please call and settle Im mediately, as we wish to close up the arm business as soon as possible. J. C. DAVENPORT, D. WOLFARD. Silverton. June 44, 1874. Junetfxltiuwir XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. t)500 Reward Offered. I HAVE now 125. fWO of the best burned brick that have been burned In Marion county. I challenge all the brick vards to dispute this statement. And I propose to sell them cheap as the cheapest. JOHN BAKER, T.r. V. Salem, Jnly 43, 74-dwtf Bailee's Sale. To James McDonald, and whoever else It may concern : NOTICE is liercby given that.on Saturday, the 17th dav of August, 1S7I, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. n. and four o'chvk p. M., I will procceed to sell at public auction and fir IT. 8. coin In haw I, on my form about six miles south of Salem, Oregon, four head of liit steers, uliout live years old ; or so much nf said property as may be necessarv to ay the costs of said sale, and also my just and reasonable charges aa bailee, for nr care, attention and labor bestowed upon these and other cattle left with rae by the said J as. McDonald, on the Pith March, 1871, to be de pastured. WILLIAM WALLACE. July Kd. 187-w3t UNION HOTEL. Salem, i : t Oregon. rfiHlS IS TO INFORM THE TRAVEL ft ing public that I have refitted and fur nlslied this nonse throughout srlth new Furnl ture, Beila and Bedding, second to bo bouse ia Salem, and my tables will be supplied with tbe best the country affords. Call and tty me. Free hack to the House. WESLY l.RAVES, Prop. March L If XV lllnuietle KnnuuunM'st n 2. l.O. . Mectx ou the SL and 4lh. Tnelay evenings of each month at Old I'ellows llall corner Commercial and Kerry Street. All M1SCELLAXEOUS. WILLIAM DAVUMOS, REAL ESTATE DEALER, OtBeo- K. at, Froal Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. REAL ESTATE In this CITYand EAST PORT LAM), In the mnet desirable inrallilea, -noMxting at IX ITS, HALF BLOCKS ami BLOCKS, HOUSES awl STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un. enttlratt! LANDS locatof In ALL irtoi th JSTATK ftir SALE. REAL ESTATE and other PmrsfTly trtirv.hs! f'r I '"nnwm'lent In ttil t IT anl 1 tliri)rnit thr STATES an-l TERRITORIES, j with treat car am! on the uvMt ADVAN- TAtiEOLSTEHJIS. HOCfES an. STORES LEASED. LOANS NKUtlTIATED, ami CLAIMS OK ALL DESCRIPTIONSt PROMPTLY COI LE1TED. Anil a Oneral FINANCIAL ail AG KNC Y BUSIN ESS tntnwu led. iLtivU 30,000 COPIES ORDERED In advance nf pulilioatlnn, of the .Splendid NewCtiurob Music Hook called THE STANDARD, Thus giving the brightest prosiiect that It will be The Banner Book of the Season. THE STANDARD lias 400 race tilled with new and frenh mn hIo. It lncliMlre an Elementary Coune of the best character, with Interesting exeiviaes, tunes and easy eleei for practlci-, a tine col lect on of Metrical Tunes, and an extra choice llKt nf Sentences. Mounts and Anthems for C borax Practise. THE STANDARD BEARERS, Or, tn oilier words. Its authors, whose brilliant reputation as Clunvh Music composers will beur it on to triumphant success, are Mr. L. O. KMKRSON. of Ronton, and H. It. FA LMKIt, of Chicago. Men universally known among lovers of Sa- cre"! MUM.-. THIS J-TAil.VI5I Ia reaily! Send on your orders! Price 1 .'si. Per W., $13 50. Specimens sent, lor me present, ik nee, ior si s.y. Specimen pates free on application. OUVKR DJTSON A Co., Boston. C. II. PITsOX CO., New York. JulylStf. "Advertising Is the Oil which wise men put in ineir lamps." - Muucrn jrvv. L. P. FISHER, ADVERTISING AGENT, SM?M 20 AND 21, Merchants' Exchange, California Street, San Francisco. Solicits Advertisements and Subscriptions for tlie ok nous Statesman and for japers puhltsheii in l aiilornia, Oregon ana .evana; Washington. I tnh. Idaho. Montana. Color da. Arizona, and adjacent Territories ; Sand wich Islauds, the lirttun possession, ciuiia: New Zealand and the Australian Colonies; Mexican Ports, Nk-anigua. Panama. Valpa raiso awl Julian; the Atlantic States and Eurojie. ADVERTISING Has created many a new business; Haseulnrged many an old business; Has revived many a dull business ;' Has rescued many a lost business; Has saved many p falling business; lias preserved many a large business ; And lusures a success in any business. Cirard's S ecu ft. Stephen Cirard used tnsav in his old age: "I have always consid ered advertising liberally and long to he tlie great medium of success In business, and the prelude to wealth. Aral I have made it an In variable rule to advertise in the dullest times ns well as the busiest, long exierience having laught me that monev thus spent is well lnid out, ami by continually keeping my business lietiire the public it has secured many sales tliat I otherwise would have lost. Advertise Tour Bnalneaa. Keen Your Name before the Public. Judlrlona Advertlalna; will Insnre a . lortuue. If Bnalneaa la Dull, Advertise. If Bnalneaa ia Brisk, Advertise. CaSr" The man who didn't believe in adver tising has gone into isirtnership with the sher iff; and tliat official does the advertising. TO THE UNT ORTLTN ATE. NEW REMEDIES! NEW REMEDIES! ! Dr. Gibbons' Dispensary, 62.1 KEARNEY ST., Corner Commercial, .Sin Francisco, private en trance on Commercial, es tablished in In ls.vt. for the treatment of Sexual ami Seminal lilsenses, such a i.ouorrtvra, t.leet, strtc lure. Syphilis In nil It forms, itemlnn 1 Wwkww,1 ltiilMiiencv. etc. Skin lt oases, (of vears standiue and Ulcerated l.eir. success full v treated. DR. lilBBONS hasllie pleasure of announc ing that he lias returned trom visiting tlie piinciiuil hospitals of Europe, and lias re sumed practice. Tim Doctor has spared neither time nor money In seeking out new remedies, and has returned wit h increased facilities for the alle viation of human suiferl g. Nominal Wrsknrwi. Seminal emissions in the consenent of sell nbuse. This solitary vice, ordepraved sexual indulgence. Is practiced by the youth of both sexes toan almost unlimited extent, producing with unerring certainty, the following morbid symptoms, unless combated with scientific medical treatment, viz: Sallow countenance, lark spots under the eves, pain in the heid, ringing In tlie ears, noise like the rnntllngof leaves and rattling of chariots, uneasiness alxiut the loins, confused vision, blunted In tellect, lossnf confidence, diffidence in ap proaching strangers, a dislike to form new nciptaintances, a disposition to shun society, hectic flnshesand varl iiseruptiousabout the face, furred tongue, fetid breat h, coughs, con sumption, night sweats, monomania and fre iinent iuantty. If a relief la not obtained, llie sufferer should apply Immediately, in per sim or by letter, and have a cure effected by his new and scientific mode of treating this disease, which never falls of effecting a quick and radical cure C'nred at Home. Persons at a distance msy oecttred at home, by addressing a letter to Dr. t 'lbbon, slating case, symptoms, length of time the disease lias continued, nnd have medicine promptly lorwnrded, free from damage and curtositv, to any part of I he country, with full and plain directions for use. Bv Inclosing 10 in coin In restcred let ter through the Post Office, or Wells, Fargo A tWi., a package of medicine will be for warded to any part of the Union. All correspondence strictly confl'lential. Address DR. J. F. (UBROX. Box 19,57, San Francisco. Cat. Feb in deodlwly Ex 8. 8. Cussie Telfair JUST RECEIVED 1 ,000 BBLS. QRCAS ISLAND LIME, Whk-h we offer In lots to stilt. EVERDINC & BEEBE. I O North Front Street.Portland Julyl&d&wtf An Eatablianed Remedy.-"Baown'a Bronchial Troches" are widely known as an established remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarsness, and other troubles of the Throat and Lungs. Julyl6:deod:wlt ' The Wattling Businena. BESIDES attending to ordinary Family Washing, the nndersigned will WA?H Blankets.Quiltat, Coverlets, Ac. at S3 Cents A PAIR, and all similar heavy articles that familv washers cannot readily handle, ti!" All work done in a satisfactory manner. BIKD fl.M.KV, Salein, July 4th, ISTi. )dlm) CH AX. CAHTBELI.. F- WILLIAMS. New Grocery Store. FRESH Groceries and New Good nt onr atand on Commercial Street. Give ns a call and we will endeavor to please you all. C CAMPBELL CO. Jnljl9:dwtf MILLIONS OF PAIRS SOLD CABLE SCREW WIRE Boots ctb Olioes. JulylCtwlm Fine City Lots for Sale. tyv. or MORE of those desirable and va a r cant lots, adjoining; Judge Cliadwick'f residence, on "Piety Hill," fbr sale cheap, for cash, or time given a portion ot the purchase sooner, If desired. Inquire nf O. r. DE.VXIS, At "ash awl Dnnr Shop of Cooke, Dennis A Co June.Kf i i m MISCELLANEOUS. 1 1 1 ' " ... . i I nDtTcntu wnnnrM uadc VII LUVIt llUUUkli iiniit. MAfiUFACTURlNC CO. BUCKETS. TUBS, PAILS, AND WOODEX WARE, Works at Oregon City, Ogn rnHE OREUOK WOO DEM WAE 1 MANUFACTURING COMPANY have recently completed their works at Oregoa City with the most improved machinery ; em Isracingttie newest nattemsand latest talents, imiorted at grcnt coot from Mass tinsel Is TIhi ESTABLISHMENT, in all Its appoint ment, will compare favorably with any other In the United States. The Compear are prepared to fill all order for CEDAR. MAPLE and ASH BUCKETS. TUBS. BUTTER FIRKINS, SALMOX KITS, WASH BOARDS, Shuttle Bobbins, Broom Handles, etc., etc, etc Particular attention Is railed to our ASH PAILS and BUTTER FntKlNS-an article far superior to anr heretofore In market, as causing no unpleasant taste or smell to the contents. From onr superior facilities we are enabled tn supply the trade on the most advantageous terms, and by prompt attention and excel'ent workmanship will merit success tn our line. Dealers are requested to examine our ware before purcliastng elsewhere. CiT" Address all communications to J. D. MILKS, Airenl, Portland, Oregon. Julvl'.dAwlm KEWAED FOB AX Incurable Case! SR. IX RICHATTS GOLDEN BALSAM! After ten Tears trial on this Coast has proven itself tbe only curative in a cfTtainclaM of diseases prnuouiiued by medical practition ers as incurable. Dr.LeEichaa'i GOLDEN BALSAM Ho. i eares Chancres first and second stages. Sores on the Legs or Body: Sore Kara, Eyes. Nose, -.; Copper-colored Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh, Diseased Hcalp, and all primnry forma of the disease kn.wn as byphihs. Price, (3 per bot tle, or two for $9. Er.Ls Riga's GOLDEN BALSAM No. 2 cures Tertiary, Mercurial, Syphilitic Rheuma tism. Pains in the Bones. Back of the Keck, CI. cersted Sure Throat, Syphilitic Bash, Lumps and Contracted Cords, Stiffness of tbe Limbs, and eradicates all diseases from tbe system, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse of mercury leaving the blood pure and healthy. Price, tS per bottle, or two for 19. Dr.Le Richau's GOLDEN SPANISH IN- tidote, for the Cure of Gonnorhcra, Gleet, Irri tation, Gravel, and all Urinary or Genital disarrangements. Price, fl.bQ per bottle. Sr. Le Richatfs GOLDEN SPANISH IN- tectlon, a wash and inj ection for severe esses ol (tonnorho. Infra mm story Gleet. Strictures, and all diseases of the Kidaeya and Bladder. Price, $1 JO per bottle. Alto Agents for DR. LE EICEATTB G0LDES "PILI18 lor Seminal Wi n knew, Nlrat i mis ioiM. ImpoteDry, and all diseases anting from Masturbation and excessive abnstii. Irice. f .1 jt bottle. The ecimlnA Goldkm Balsam is put up only in round bottles. On reo. ipt of price, them medlrlnrs will le sent to nil Twrt of the country, by eirtrens it mail, s-' ur- ly parked and free from obser. vation. fcole Agents, C. F. RICHARDS k CO. m m IVhnlesale aud Retail Druggists and Chemists, s W. ror. Clay ic Bansome btrei ts, tian Francisco, Cal. J wA Mavl7:Uwly GILL, STEEL & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In BOOKS, STATIONERY, -AXD- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, State Street, Salem. Hole Oregon ArmU for Chickering and Emerson IANOS. AKD Mason & Hamlin, A X 11 Taylor & Farley Organs. Have Just received a large Invoice or the above Instruments, which we offer for Rent and for Saleon Monthly Installments Cjy- ajl and examine our new style oror gins, crmtalnliiliig some of the finest combina tions ami more variety of sound than any oth er Instrument offered for sale In this city. A large assortment ol OPERA HflTrtC wlth awl without words. Also, a well-assorted stoca of Hhoet 31 hhIc. Orders taken for any piece of Music pub llKlied. A FCLL UXE or Blank Books, Paper Envelopes and Initial. Stationery. ALL THE STANDARD SCHOOL BOOXS now in use la our public schools constantly on hand. Al.o a full line of MISCELLAXEOrS BOOKS now on hand. C3TGive its a call before purchasing else whore. MavDTtd&wtf SALEM FLOURING MILLS. Beat Family Flour, Bakera Extra, XXX, Nuperitme antf TIiddliiiga, Bran aad Shart CONSTANTLY ON HAND. tsJHIGHEST PRICE IN CAS1I3 PAID FOR WHEAT AT ALL TIMES. B. C. KT5NEV, Atrent 8. T. M. Co. Xor.S3rttf NORTH SALEM STORE! W. Xj. ADE AT THE OLD. GREEN STORE Has rust received A FULL ASSORTMENT -or- IRT GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOES, CLOTHINO, Hardware, General Merchandise, Calculated fear City and County Trade. Bought as low, anil will be sold at as small a pr Hit as those who sell at cost. tirtlnods delivered to any part of the 4ty tree of charge. datw V. W. MARTIN. Practical Watchmaker AMD JEWELER, CUKMEKCIAL STRKBT, SALF.M. ORJD30K, Dealer tn Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, SOLID SILVER AND PLATFD WARE. Watrhsra susd Jewelry Repaired. JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER. A good anortmmt 0 GOLD awl SILVER WATCIIJSSeomlanUtfnhamL All GOODS and WORK WAttXAXraD. Aprl.Ctr $110 J. Amu a; OREGON STATESMAN- daily AND WEEKLY. the Daily Oregon statesman tuned every saoraina; tn tha week ex cept Monday. Will to fllrrdsned (6 UDscriber e the fol lowing To City subscribers, by Carrier, 5b cents per weak, payable to Carrier. To mall subscribers, per year, t 90. " " " " tlx montba, 3 00. " " " three months, $1 00. The Daily Ptatkrmak will contain, each day, a SUMMARY OF THE DISPATCHES to the Associated Press; all the Current Events of the 8tte; a faithful and rellablecollation of the LOG A. I. NEWS of tlie nt j and County; Sews from the neighboring STATES AKD TERRITORIES A careful resume of the GEXEBAL NEWS from all sources; Editorials npon the lira Topics of the Day; Carelully selected Miscellany, Poetry. Etc. It will be Republican In polKV-s. v Independent and fearless'ln Its opinions. The Daily Statesman circulates through every Important City, Town and Village In the State, and and along all tbe dally mall routes. $ X 'It a. therefore, an excellent MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS. Advertisements Inserted at liberal rate. Prices graded and uniform to all adrrr, tlsers. r . Tbe Daily 8tatfiiaji will contain avery feature of a LIVE NEWSPAPER. THE WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN circulates In every County, City, Town, and Hamlet In Oregon. Contains all the choicest matter, and A.J-I THE TV E W W published In the Dally. Subscription price of the Wkestxt Okboon Statesman, $3 00 a year, payable in ad vance, at tbe office, or to any of onr author ized Agents. The Weekly Statesman being read by everybody, is an excellent advertising me dium. Advertising at liberal rate. Send in your orders for the paper. If you have anything to advertise, send no tice to tbe Weekly tr atesbi aiv. All communications on business or corree pondenoe, tn be addressed to " Statesman," or to tbe proprietor" C P.CRANDALL STAR BAKERY, Cracker Manufactory AKD FAMILY GROCERY PROYISlTlT STORE Commercial St., Salem. I bava constantly oa hand PILOT B S, "E -A. D SODA, BTJTTEB, PICNIC. BOSTOir. LEH0N ana JEN NT LINO, Fresh Bread, Pica, Cakes. &c WEDDISQ AND PMIVATS PASTIMi Supplied on Short Notloa. CRACKERS AT PORTLAND PRICES. -All orders promptly flllsd ana goods delivered to all parts af the airy Pre ef Cbarg LEWIS BTRNE. March M, VOiit W. H. WaTKINDS & CO., Salem Oregon, largest and most complete assortment of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Etc., OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND. Saddlery Hardware and Findings. AT LOW PRICES. May&dtf PACIFIC BREWERY. LAGER BEER, BY KEG, 30 CENTS PER GALLON. a WM. (tOELLER.8. Julyftilew 1