The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, July 17, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    35cefcfp Oregon taf esman-
The City and County.
Fi-'im Daily of Saturday July 13.
The "fficcri or Olive Lod.-e, No. 18, I.
O. 1. K., ll h pubicly installed by the
officers f the Grand Lodge it Reed. Oper
limine this (Saturday) eveaiag, at ao'eluck.
An inviiation t the public.
Th numbers of the Order this city,
together with llio Daughter of Rcbckah,
will uirU Mt O M FU-wii' U!l at S o'clock,
wliere a pree.-si n will toruM". and pro
vended iij rt Salt-m Brass Gaud, march I"
the Opera House. op r.xKRcmui.
Mn.i- by the Bund.
Opening Ode by the Choir a4 Biembem
ot th Order.
Prayer by tbe Grand Chaplain.
Iuie by the Choir.
Installation Ode. -
tSITalLlTION ov ornt'Eits.
M kmc: by the Choir.
4RAT10X bt rmr.i.oiapmi.
ISescdtctii .
Stupes hsin.Jti. Morris died in North
Xirtli ulcm thw moraiog at .nearly hour
very mlden!y. lie Bad just Cuifthed break
fast aud sU-tined oat doors ta amoke his
iipc and vaa taken with a severe cougbin
apeil, aed it uppAsed that be burst a blood
vessel s he threw ep a large piece of one
efkislangs. He exclaimed "l am going
to die," and fell upon the ground. He was
iastaatly c.rrkd into the uoue, but the
death rattle was touodieg ia his tkroat, and
he expired immediately. He wa an Irish
man by birth, and had only been in the
city line New Years, bat bai been unable
t work any since bis arrival. Mr. Haiti
more has supported kta ever siace, a be
was destitute of I'.tli nosey aud friend?
when ha eaaie here. Uu was a young win
ef about IS years, and it is i.ppaeed he bad
been of dissipated babit which doubt in
a great measure hastened his death.
More Bi rclakie. We owe tkese chaps
ae for furnishing us an oeeasisnal item
during tbe preseat dearth of local news.
Some one entered the residence f William
Cesgrore, an employe on the railroad, who
resides near the depot, during his absence
Thursday Inst, aud in tbe most a nee re in o
wious manner walked off with a .ilffer watch
and a small sum of money. The thief made
his entrance through the back door and es
caped nndiscevered.
Jack Brown was also awakened at a late
hour Thursday night by some one endeav
oring t open his back door. Who is the
mext lucky man ?
Freight Delated. There is great com
plaint among some of our merchants about
carelessness in the forwarding of goods
(roca Eaet Portland toSaiera. Two or three
nf thera inform us that seasonable goods
ordered for the 4th of July, which arrived
at Portland by tbe John L. Stephens, July
2d, have not yet come to band; and they
very reasonably complain of that way of
doing business, iaasinueh as tbey are sab
ject to a lafgo per cent. loss. Some of the
employes an the railroad evidently need
stirring up.
Nahtt Buys. A. L. Chitwood has
been troubled considerable of late bv boys
stealing bis skis, tad for the time being
appropriating thein to their own use. The
boys tried this game once too often, for on
Sunday lust, Mr. Chitwook managed by
strategy to catch three of them. On ac
count of their ago, howerer, be was lenieat
enough to allow them to depart without
corporal punishment. The names were
furnished us, bat for the present wo with
hold them ; but if the .trick is repeated the
boys may find their names figuring ia print.
A Quehy. We notice the workmen on
new Court Ilouse are engaged ia tbe con
struction of some iron cells above those al
ready built. We suppose that thry are
built far tbe comfort ef some high-toned
prisoner; or it maybe they are designed
for bridal chambers ? It is a question that
will bear argument, and we 'cave it for
older beads than ours. By tbe way, Billie,
hadn't you better engage one of those upper
rooms, if they are iateuded for the latter
use ?
Cuol.KD l-s OJ r. Aave Fawcctt stepped
into our snnctuui yesterday wbco the ther
mometer was "way up" out of sight with a
liberal supply of sherry cobblers and lem
onade for the use of tbe buys iu tbe office.
The way raid boys placed themselves out
side ol tliose beverages would have aston
ished any one nut acquainted with their tal
ents in tbat line. Mr. law. ett will please
accept our unnaiuioas thanks tor bis timely
Take With a Ft. Yesterday a little
chap by the name of Jimiaie Drake while
playiug around the house, suddenly took a
l and fell npna the floor. Medical aid
was immediately seat for and he waa with
some difficulty returned to caocinnsuess.
He was howerer finally brought around all
right, but nut until he had thoroughly
frightened hi friends and relations.
FirxcaiAL. Although t.e hour was an
early one yesterday, there was quite a large
crowd ia attendance at the funeral of Wm.1
P. Johncoa. Rev. P. S. Knight conducted
tbe services in aa impressive -saner, and
bis rems r.s on the occasion were very ap
propriate. A large concourse of eititens
followed the remains to their Wual resting
RETnotvo Home.- J. M. Garrison and
L. Williams returned from their mountain
trip yesterday. Tliey report having had a
good time, but it seems a question of doubt
as to the number of deer they kilted. Tbey
don't ataro about having anything auid
about the trip, and we will "spare their
I'vive News, Keuoruer Patterson bad
a cse nf "drunk and disorderly" up before
him Thursday night. After a patient bear
ing he was fined five dollar and costa. He
paid his fine like a little man and wcat on
his ruy rijoieiu.. As it was the trst of
fence, we withhold names.
A CoRaei Ttox. Ia publishing tbe list of
officers of the Champions of the Red Cross,
in yesterday's issue we said that C. E. liur
rows had been elected Chaplain. It should
bavoread 1. II. II .itc h, instead.
J-'rr Daily of Sunday Jttly 14.
Akremteo for Lartext. One Good.
low waf oo trial yesterday before Judge
Terry, charged with the crime of stealing
an ox . The facta in the case as aear as we
could learn are these : Early in the win
ter a Mr. Holt entered into a contract with
Mr. Smith, the proprietor of a saw mill at
Jrf&rson, to deliver at the mill a certain
number of saw logs. For this purpose
Smith let Holt have four yoke of cattle
which should become the property of the
Utter on conditio that he should pay for
l heui within certaia time. After deliver
ing a part of the logs. Holt it seems made
a side contract of some kind with Good low
who agreed to assist in delivering the rest
of the logs ; tbis contract as appeared
from tho evidence wis not signed by either
of the parties. After tbe two bad worked
together awhile a misunderstanding1 arose
and Goodlow, it teems, drew off, claiming
two yoke at the ctlh to allied the other
parties affirmed lie bad Bo right. A eivil
suit wai had to recover, but from soma rause
or other effected nothing. About June 1st
one of tbe entile in dispute escaped from
uoo.iiw and went back borne, which Mr.
ttnitn caused to be tied np. To replace
tbe missing nx. Good..;w went o Holt's
and drove home anothor ox, for which act
be was yesterdy tried for tbe crime ef lar
ceny. The caaa occupied a greater part of
tbe aiterooon, and after all tbe U'ltiinouy
was hoard tbe court placed the defendant
undira b.nd of Sl& to await the action of
the next grand jury.
Fnblle Inntnllatton nf Officer-
Olive LwdtfF, So. la, I. o. O.
- Adurew by Prsf. h. V. Miapson
luteresUiiK Exercfaten.
Lat evening a large crowd of spectators
assembled at Reed's Opera House to witness
the public installation of the officers elect of
Olive Lodge, No. 18,1. 0. 0. . At 8
o'clock tba members ef the Order together
with the Daughters of Rebeknh, assembled
at Odd Fellows' Hall, and marchtd from
thence in procession to the Opera House,
led by tbe Salem Brass Band. After tbe
opening Ode was sung by tbe choir, and
prayer by the (Jrand Chaplain, the foltow
u person were duly installed into the va
rious oR'itx-4 to witit b they Wire elrtcd' l.y
Hon. J. T. Appcrsbn, of Oregon City.
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ore
gon. C. M. Parmenter, N. G.; T. II . Cann.
V. ii.; 11. H. Gilfry, R. S.; J. W. Howell,
Treasurer. At the conclusion of these in
teresting and impressive ceremonies, came
tho address of
prof. a. c. MMFSON,
whb spoke, for a half hour on the mission
of Odd Fellowship, and more especially of
the growth of Olive Lodge iu the the graces
und Jicautic. of the . Order. The lodge
though among tbe youngest in the State,
was in a healthy coudition, its members be
ing alive to the interests of tho Order gen
erally. It began operations ia ISfiS with
but IS cbar'er members and now has a
membership of -48. The address through
out showed a careful preparation, as the
ideas were well connected and presented.
The aUdienre likened attentively until iu
close when the band played a .-tin-log air
after the exercises closed with the benedic
tion. Still Tret Comk. We met yesterday a
eouple of gentlemen who landed in Portland
about tea days ago, haviug coma from the
State of Michigan. They were accompanied
by thirty osher families all of whom
came to secure permanent homes in Oregon.
The two persons we speak ot ure now milk
ing a tour through tho Willamette Valley
to ascertain the most desirable localities
before purchasing. They complain bitterly
of many of our farmers because they pos
sess immense tracts of land without possess
ing a willingness to part with any portion
of the same only at very exorbitant prices.
They have also found a number of farmers
who own a thousand or more acres who
utterly refuse to sell an acre at any reason
able price, giving as a reason that they
were able ta lire without selling, and would
therefore cling to all they had. In many
of these cases nine tenths of surb land is
still rude and uncultivated, and will very
likely remain so for years to conic. This
seems to us like poor economy. In this
eountry as well as in any farming district,
a man's farm is his capital ; if be has more
land than he oan cultivate or use, the sur
plus is an investment for which the owner
gets nothi g in the war of interest. Let
every farmer who is blamable in this re
spect embrace every opportunity of parting
with portions of bis lauds at reasonable
figures, and in a few years the wealth of
our State will be largely increased.
A Crrr tr tb Sea. To-day there are
perhaps several hundred persons tented
within five miles along the ocean bench near
tbe mouth of Salmon River. A few weeks
ago not one cowld bo seen. We have been
there and can surely say that wo know of
no place more pleasant to pass a week than
on tbe ocean beach, 'where the wild waves
are continually rolling up and breaking
away at your feet. When there you havo
no burden of dust and heat liugoring about
you ; the rool wiod comes in Irom the sea,
and its briny odor brings cxhileration to tho
body. Occasionally the breeie comes from
the opposite direction, loaded with the frag
rance of flowers ; if it is evening then you
can take off your hats, and while standing
on the verge of old ocean, feel alternately
the cold breath of Neptune or the balmy
breeies from the Sowery hillside. Who can
wonder that people from nil parts of the
valley go to the sea shore for rest and invig
orution ? All who can should visit tho
ocean beach at some time dnring the sum
mer. Three months heuce we imagine the
beach will be deserted, when tbe heavy rob
of tbe ocean will only serve to tlcepeu the
slumber of wiatcr.
Tnrr Are after lti. On Thursday
afternoon one Thos. McClanc i'n Tuns.
Stewart, entered the stable of Iiavidson i.
Bean, of this city, and hired a horse to go
on a trip to Silverton. lie got his horse
and started sosuewhere, which was doubt
less farther away than Silvertoa as he bus
not yet returned. The owners of the horse
tbink it safo to conclude that he has played
a dodge on them and is now endeavoring to
dodge himself and horse out of tbe eountry.
A reward of$lOU is offered for his arrest. Tel
egrams bare been seut both north and south.
Sheriff Scott has the matter iu band and all
possible means will be used to bring the
fugitive to justice.
Kuow all Independent Champions of the
Red Cross, that I, George li. Taylor, Su
premo Champicn, and Organizing Officer,
do constitute and appoint Charles E. Bur
rows Deputy Grand Commander for the
State of Oregon and Washington Territory,
said Commission to b-: in force on and after
tbe present date, and uutil such time as a
Convention is convened, and a Grand En
campment instituted. Given under my
hand and seal this thirteenth day of July
George B. Tatluii.
S. C. A 0. Officer.
Salem, July 13th, 1872.
The Comiho Harvest. A trip any
where in tbe country at the present time
will reveal tbe fact that harvest is near at
band. The grain is fist ripening, and
aoou the rattle of machinery can be beard
in every field. Already the jolly hay ma
kers are at work and with tho close of the
present week their song will be ended, when
their attention will be given to the more
delightful employment of gathering in tbe
golden grain.
Personal. Hon. Jos. 0. Wilson, Con
gressman elect,' and C. W. Parrish.of Port
land, urrived in tbe c'.ty by yesterday morn
ing's traiu. George R. F. Swain, of tho
I) alius Republican, ii also in town and is
stopping at the Commercial. W. C. Gris-
wold, just from I' tub, came to tbe city by
the afternoon train of yesterday.
From Dally of Tuasday July 16.
Tempkrarce Organizations. Seven
years ago the Order of Good Templars was
planted in Oregon, and dnring this time U
baa grown from a feeble plant to a miithty
tree, whose branches hare extended over
almost every village and bamlet in the
State. The organisation has been a power,
and has .wielded a mighty influence tor
good. Iu chief aim has been to so regulate
society as to cause perfect peace and har
mony to prevail. This it has not fully
done, yet it bat done much fur tbe publio
good, especially as far at tbe young ia con
cerned. It seems that those who best un
derstand the condition of things have
sought out a new invention, whereby the
temperance organisation ia to be largely in
creased. Tbe organ iiat ion known as tbe
"IodependentChaupiona of tbe Red Cross,"
which has just beeu planted, bids fair Iu
make lor itself a record equally as proud as
have the Good Templars. It occur lo us
that there can be tenfold more done in the
ext five years than has been done in the
laat five. Tbe new organisation will be
priueiuklly composed of individuals who
have not been Bur probably would not be
come associated with tbe Good Templar Or
der ; hence the force ia simply doubled and,
the elToot will doubtless result iu tbe una
proportion. We shall he glad to see them
iu a rob hand ia hand, which they cannot
otherwise do, aa the field ia wide aad their
mission the same.
' Milked the Whoso Cow. On Piety
Hill there lives a young man of generous
impulses with a heart that always beats in
sympathy with bis fellows wherever a
suitable occasion presents itself. On Sat
urday evening last a rery interesting fam
ily living next door to this young man be
came involved in a difficulty thnt seemed
insurmountable. Tbe shades of evening
were fast approaching, and in a few min
utes tbe family cow was expected home
when some one must rally out and fill tbe
(See of milk-maid. The one usually per
forming the duty was somewhat indisposed
und was therefore not available, the in
genuity of (be other members of the family
proved vMal lo th emergency. Says ono
young lady, I wonder if young Jlr.
wouldn't come over and milk our cow.
He's a real good fellow and is always ready
to perform a kind office for us girls when
ever we ask bim. Yes I'm certain he will,
and I'll go for him said another ; so off she
trippled and was soon ushered into tbe
preeence of the aforesaid Mr. . Very
adroitly did Ibis young lady make known
tbe object of ber visit ; the yonng man
however was remarkably quirk of compre
hension, and really before being interrogat
ed upon the subject, generously proffered
his assistance. He t'lok the pail that was
offered him, ami to tho barn be went where
be seated himself upon a stool to await the
eoiuiog of the cow. Not having any par
ticular acquaintance with cows, hcnaturally
thought the first one that put in an ap
pearance t be the one in question, so
when the first onecsuie along he quietly
secured her and went to work with might
aad main. It so happened that several
cows belonged ia ti'.at locality, aud it hap
peaed also that when a certain member of
the legal fraternity weut out on that even
ing in search of fi family cow, she was
n where to We ee4u Where could she be ?
Finally he gave up tbe search, but on
passing a bara he spied his cow with some
one srrtistg aear ejrtractini; ber milk with a
vci-f.iarr An evlatmtion was demand
ed : toe lawyer e:ruled ; tbe young man
arose anJ went to a secluded spot iu the barn.
Chastened, hut Rot cast down, his innocent
mind retired within itself. He meditated.
The lawyer carried off the pail of milk.
The young tana stole softly back to the
house and insiaeatrd himself again into the
prrs'-nce of the yaung ladies. He was ex
tremely retU'eot. He told his story, an I
then departed, rsai not with a heavy heart,
for such wealth of golden sympathy as he
then received caa better be imagined th:m
told. He is bow preparing a work entitled
"What I kuow about milking cows."
A Nirr Scttk'C. On Saturday night last
at tbe witching boor of ten, two of Salem's
fair ones, ia e.Mupany with a couple of
braves, armed with stringed instruments
and a good supply of voice, undertook the
task of sereaading a lady friend. They
noiselessly approached berw dwelling und
found ber chain ber window lifted, doubtless
to admit the. cooling zephyrs with wbieb to
sweeten her slumbers. This gallant quar
tette, after seating themselves under the
window, bean the entertainment with their
choicest wb. Tbe music, so sweet, floated
softly in (be niht air. and through the
room in strains ?ufnVient to rouse the sleep
ing lady. Yes, she nwke, and spriniu
from her couch was heard to move through
nn adjoining room, fur the purpose of
coarse of proeurinir some handsome gift
to bestow upon her nocturnal visitors. Sonn
a form, clothed in saintliest white, appeared
at the window, when each heart below was
made to tremble in joyous expectation t.f 1
receiving the sweetest flowers. But what
what happened? The lady lifted a bucket
of water, and sooner than you could thiuk
its contents were sent full in the face of one
of the intruders, followed with the exclama
tion, rf. Suddenly a shriek was given
that might have been heard to the se.-t,
whereupon the lady prayed that she might
explain. The fact was simply tbis : The
young lady who was being so handsomely
serenaded mistook the music for thi music
of some cats, which, in her imagination
were disturbing her flower beds. We re
frain from giving names. The above state
ments, though, are .as true as truth ever
Tub IIottkst Yr.r The oldest inhabit
ant and tho thermometer permit us to o?,.
tie yesterday as tbe hottest lay of ih s
son, and while we write we iit in a a t
edgment. From all p dult of tbe c -u.(
tho dispatches have som'thinx t
the universal topic, ltcport. ft it" r
erir States show a similar sial f
only much hotter.. Yesterday tb -
stood m ire than 90 in the hj l -it
was in the full sun glow, a .1. -if 4, ;
try. It was enough to broil ia it,
knowing llio figures. We kso" '
wide this belt of tropical 1,-rr r i iu
we lie at present, and the ttpifft.
weather prophet, says nothing l gt e
ray of hope. We therefore can wii'j
and just quietly melt aw.-ir.
Viva Mkx Ahkkstku. Anion the pas
sengers on th" train of yesterday af;ero.
, r .i . i , . it, i .
0iunl lor 1 oriiaoii, wero nencrai i 411111. j
Superintendent of Sileta Reservation, and I
W. F. Williams, U. 8. Iteputy Marshal.
These gentleman had in charge five persons
whom they had arrested 011 achargcofselliug
liquor to Indians. Tbe names of the par
ties so charged aro Thns. Iloyle, Capt.,
John Howard and two others known as
"Charley" and "Shorty." The first
named is the one who shot and kilted Too-
toolum Jock, an Indian Chief, on the 4th
instant. They also had along nine Indians
hum tbey propose to ue as witnesses.
The V. S. tjrand Jury and Court will
louhtless mke it warm for these fellows.
Exccrsionists. Several p rsous yester
day armed with rod and line, hooks and
bait and with their old Wot hi s rm started
for the mountains after tbe speckled trout
which are now in full blast and waiting to
be caught and eateu in larce numbers.
Other parlies armed with baskets went for
blackberries. The course taken was in the
direction of Cedar Camp. We wish them
all a right merry time.
Statk Primtino. Mr. Eugene Semple,
State Primer, arrived in ihe city on Sun
day, acceiupanie I by Messrs. Cornell, Cur
ry, Carter and Hughes, all of Portland.
Tbe press to be used is one of (iordon's im
proved, the first ever shipped to this coast
It was set up yestarday in Cray's brick,
and operations will be commenced this
Pgbsona!.. Hon. A. I). Mcacham came
to the city by Sunday morning's train and
left yesterday for Eugene where he goes to
transact business. He returns to-day and
will remain in the city for a week when he
will return to his home in the Blue moun
tains. It ia the intention of Mr. M. to re
turn in the fall with his family and make
Salem his perm inent home.
New Maps. We were shown yesterday
by Cot. T. H. Cann, maps of all the sur
veys of land mide in Eastern and Southern
Oregon. The book is so arranged that with
the aid of an index on tbe outer covering,
any lately surveyed plot of ground can be
found on tbe map without trouble. Tbe
maps were executed by Mr. MuCIung, of
Eugene City.
Omxo To Mt. Hoon. A party consisting
of Rev. I,. M. N'ickcrson, L. Cheesbrough,
Jaa. ii!l and E. W. Hammond, will start
for the Cascade mountains on Monday
next. They propose to ascend Mt. Mood
before their return.
A Western man went to Channatiua
to tee tlie jjreat American trimmer de
vastating Hie underbrush of his farm.
"Mr. Greeley," he nid, "if the South
ern people could nee you whacking At
these bushes your vote ought to be
greatly Increased. Certainly, all the
bushwhackers ought to vote for their
chief." "Why. you blockhead, I aiu't
doing thU to Eft votes; I have been at
it for these fitteeu years." That pil
grim sadly but firmly announces his
intention to support Grant. He says
ureeiey naSn t any more sense of hu
mor than a short-homed velocipede.
Tbe Musical Union met last evening and
filled their hall with melodious sounds.
A pleasant breeze yesterday made the air
much cooler. ,
Tbe barn that was burned Thursday
night belonged to Rev. A. Myers. It was
worth $125.
Tbe lecture at the Opera House Thursday
evening was without an audience.
Tbe Champion of the Red Cross bad
eight additions to their charter members
Thursday night.
George B. Taylor, the Temperance lec
turer, will go to Oregon City to-day.
The name of the Tremont Hotel has been
changed to Commercial.
The AjaX wili leave Portland for San
Fraoeis it sewn oVIn.-k this morning.
V. R. Hyde has lately bevu appointed a
Notary Public for Salem.
The new Penitentiary will bo ready for
occupancy in ten days.
V room's shinglo mill, ten miles east of
Silverton, turns out fiom ten to fifteen thou
sand shingles per day. The shingles are of
the best quality.
Green grass don't "grow all 'round" this
kind of weather worth a cent.
A musical concert is to be given at Dallas
on Thursday evening next for the benefit of
the music teacher. Prof. Rulan.
Saiein is going ch mnitu to Yaquina, Sal
mon River and Fish Luke on or about Aug.
We are informed that Rev. C. C. Strat
ton has accepted a call to take charge of
the first M E. Church at Salt Lake City,
and will stun thither in about two weeks.
Tbe steamer Success is the only boat
plying between here and Oregon City.
Work on Court House, M. E. Church
and Agrirultural buildings proceeds steadi
ly. How could it be otherwise tbis hut
T. II. Cann has been appointed Lodge
Deputy of Capital Lodge, I. 0. ti. T., by
G. W.'C. T. Conser. '
Mr. E. C. Alexander, lately connected
with the publication of the Mercury, re
turned to the city yesterday. He has been
spending a few weeks in tho Southern por
tion of the valley which has greatly im
proved his health. EJ., we welcome you
All tvoiioinU-rtl lowttii. who htnl :i
toothache, determined to remove his
tooth in the Indian fusliio:i. Accord
ingly he bent down a sapling in the
woods, lay down himelt. und attached
a stout conl to his tooth and the sap
ling. Then lie. touched the spring.and
the next he knew he had jitmK-d over
a grove of ahont forty small trees, and
was trying to get out of a small pond
that he happened to alight in.
A citizen of Lawrence who had
bought some pills of a quack doctor in
Boston, lieeatne nervon-ly fearful that,
they might contain imison, and did not
take them, hut his wife becoming ill a
few days after, he gave them to her.
Finding them harmless he foolNhly
exposed his previous suspicions, and if"
his wifj doesn't experiment on him
the next time he is sick, she mu-t be :i
very weak woman.
AntMirecley Convention at Baltimore
A atiomtl Convention Called
Kx-taov. Stanley Dj 'in if.
The ItoltJng leinoemtic Convention.
ISaltimokk, July 10. S. J. Rayanl
in his speech on taking the Chair at
the anti-tireeley Convention to-day.
denounced the National Convention as
a culmination of a conspiracy lo de
stroy the iK'mocratic party. He said
the Democratic masses were not repre-
I sented then;.
I The Committee apoiiited yesterdav
I to prepare an address submitted a re
j port in which thi y assert that the ae
j tion of the Ih'iiMK ralie National Con
; vention. in tlx- adoption of a platform.
I the m iin f. a(iire nf which are ii-
titwf ivvlr lt-piMifSiit, and in tin iiom
iMtbti l r it- I'n -i h-iM-v of a liio-f
bitter ""I Impl -! b etH-my of the
I a in., t t; , ( i i.atirfinl dissidtH
. i .1 !' I ..... -. 1 1,- orgnrii.-irioii
lil 'i - 1' -4 b MltlWItt of
- - . t n- ni-
. , it ! ib rlnr
' ' - y ttx-ir
' tin
t i i i I'a'ir
; b-Wt1tll
i bsin-
. . r .t.1.
; sr ?r-UH-il
1 He mV !rvs
liw ! t tfsibn VI rtn t
a f Wat y afcaat It.
t )i
1"1- ii-xnm ilinii
of ,r-i v a :-l l'.nv:i al li.-iit iinore
crvstrsi t-nt httl- fiioiiieiit here. :i- tlie
1 H'-nit w ts .-mtu ipitiil.
The Time eilttiirial'y announces its
adlwrviHT to it t-irini-r inndl'ion ih1
declare that it will not supxrt Gree
ley, though it will wurk for the lila-ml
State ticket, and use similar exertions
on Congressional representation.
The Tribune hails the result .is a
proud triumph of love ot country over
party prejudices anil Hrsoual prefer
ences, and declares it a liual blow to
Lori.svii.i.K, July 10. The nomina
tion ol Greeley and Brown was re
ceived hereby the iJeinocrats with gen
eral satisfaction.
St. I.ot'is. July 10. The Democrats
had an ratification meeting
to-night, and a salute of one hundred
guns w.-i tired.
Frank Blair said the Democrats hail
siguali.ed themselves by the greatest
sacrilice ever made. The acts of Grant
hail justified the predictions umile by
the speaker in ISliS. lie was followed
by Col. II. W. Hatch, a Conttsletato
Sri:iN('.KiKi.i, (III.) July 10. A na
tional salute was tired in honor of the
nominations and an impromptu ratifi
cation meeting held to-night, addressed
by Senator Trumbull mid others.
Xkw Oki.kans. Julv 10. An en
thusiastic meeting was held iu;i3--ette
Square, with torchlight proces
sion, music and addresses.
Cincinnati. July 10. The Courier.
German Republican, will come out for
Grant, Greeley being tlie Democratic
candidate. The Vaiksfreund will sup
port Greeley.
Leavenworth, (Ks.) July 10.
One hundred guns was fired in honor
ot the nomination. A large ratilica
tioii is iu progress.
Memphis, July 10. The Appeal
and Avalanche liave suspended large
Greeley flags across the street, and
clubs are arranging for a ratification
New York, July 11. The Time
ot to-day says by the action at Balti
more Greeley becomes the Democratic
candidate, and thnt as such lie sliotilil
receive no Republican votes. Tlwt
not all the Democrats will support hin
and lie can have no claim on Republi
can or independent voters.
The World gays : "We bow to the
flecission of the" Democratic National
Convention, and loyally accept Gree
ley as tlie Democratic candidate for
President." In reference to any or
ganized bolt it adds that there will be
none, but if hundreds of thousand of
dissatisfied Democrats stay away from
the polls, the re-election of Grant
would be a foregone cettainty.
According to a Washington special
distch. Mr. Sumner yesterday
promised the Committee of Liberal
Republican to give active aid to tlm
Greeley ticket during the campaign.
Ex-Vice President Breckinridge,
who was in town yesterday, expressed
himself In favor of Greeley.
Detroit, July 11. The Post of this
morning, editorially says the Balti
more Convention, by its false practices,
false statements aiid false promises,
has attempted to sell and hopes to de
liver to one branch of the Republican
party the entire voting masses and or
gans of the Democratic party, under
the pretext of reform. It says the
only hoe for the future of the country
lies in the defeat of Greeley, and to
that end it will labor. It speaks ot an
utter want of principle and honesty.
and urges every honest Democrat to
oppose him.
Nceretarw of Tlntlonal Democratic
Baltimore, July 10. Hon Augus
tus Schell has bee'n chosen Secretary
and Treasurer of the National Deino
iiatic Committee.
Tbe Women go for Vrant.
Isabella Beecher Hooker. Susan B.
Antlwny and Laura De Force Gordon,
who were in attendance on the Con
vention, hoping to obtain from the
IJeraocratlc party a broader recogni
tion of tlwir right to vote than was
givpn by the Republican Convention
at Pliiladelphia, are very much disap
pointed by the utter rejection of their
claims and declare their intention of
working for the Philadelphia platform
and nominees.
T be an Earl Releaae of Dr. How.
London. July 10. Chief Justice
Cockburn is to be created an earl in
recognition of his services in connec
tion with the arbitration.
Lord Teuterden and Sir Roundell
Palmer go to Geneva to-morrow.
:Xew i'OKK. July 11. A Madrid
special says that Howard is Iree. An
order troni Madrid ottered his release
as an act of pardon, to which Howard
demurred, as an acceptance might ap
pear to be an acknowledgement of
guilt and an intention to waive the
right to compensation. He, however,
was turned or forced out.
(rent Mineral Discovery.
Salt Lake, July 11. Two men
from Illinois have just located a ledge
in the Wasatch range, which assays,
silver 250 to $1,100 per ton. Rock iu
sight, valued at over ?5,000,000.
Doinsx-rntle Oriran to b started
tsov. Man ley Dyingr Sinnll Pox nt
Ihe sitale I'rlaou HMliUcHtlon Meet-
San July 11. A Gree
lev cain:uign daily i- soon to l-e Part
ed. Democratic State Central Com
mittee in session to-day.
Large stock sales to-day.
Kx-Gov. Stanley was stricken wifh
paralysis ant is lying in a critical con
dition at tlie Grand Hotel. His
friends have little hope of his recovery.
Small pox has broken out at the
State prison.
Greeley Ratification at Los Angeles
a tame a flair.
Ratification Meeting were held at
Saa Jose, and Barkersiield.
A Cireeloy Xewnpaprr Sold.
Senator .Sumner thinks he Will Walt
Tlio Lubor QtioMtion.
Coliti'W in Oiililux-iiiu.
(irnut Meeting; nt Kim-It IkImmI.
Rock Islam. (111.) July 11. A
large impromptu Grant meeting was
held this evening at the Court ilouse
square. Sieeclies were ' made by .1.
li. llawley and others, and 2.000
names were enrolled on tlie Grant
Club book.
Sale of a XewNpniier.
St. Loris. July 11. Hilson and
Ilutchcns have sold their interest in
the Times to Henry K wing for $.0. 000.
Tlie latter now ownes two-thirds tit
the paiier. It will continue to support
Junior Kttiuiier wnlti for the t'nt to
Xkw Yokk. July 12. A Washing
ton special says Senator Sumner used
the following language to tlie Demo
cratic delegation from Texas, who
called upon him yesterday to ask his
aid in the campaign : "I have a very
high opinion of Greeley, who I know
lalHirs iu liehalt of the same cause to
which I have devoted my lite. Of
course, I sympathize with the move
ment, but the linn? has not come to
-eak out. It may come, however.
At present no man is authorized to
sieak tor me."
An r.iiiplo.vem I'nloii The I'lifht
lour lnifoe.
The Kmplnvers' Central Executive
( ommittee continue to hold daily ses-
iotis here, and are making prepara
tions to form a combination of all the
employers in the I'nited States to
guard against future strikes of work
. men.
The Fight-hour League Executive
I ( ommittee assent to allowing the men
to remain at work on the ten hour
J system where they desire it. ami to let
j tlnis. under the eight hour system try
! to maintain it.
JIiw Meeting
iu Xew
A grand Republican mass meeting
will soon lie held, with Senator Conk-
ling as principal speaker.
'ew from Ir. Livingstone.
Lomox. Julv 11. A dispatch from
Aitleii announce the arrival there of
Stanley, the New York Herald's cor
respondent, and stivs that he starts for
London to-dav in company with a son
tit Dr. Livingstone, bearing letfets
from the great explorer to the British
Government as well as tor his tatntiv
and friends. Stanley says that when
he lett the interior ot Africa tlie doctor
was unwell, but. had determined to
proceed with his explorations and
will not return until he discovers tlie
source of tlie Xile.
lreliPHt RxnV Movement A E"cr-
nonal lllttieiilty Smothered.
Sax Domingo, July 11. B.tez has
iiliaudniied the frontier and withdrawn
his forces to Ar.u. It is reported he
inteiios to raise more men for tlie pur
pose of attacking Gahral again. Cabral
Is penniless and short, of ammunition.
now within Ilaytteii territory.
Port au Pwnce. July 11. The dlt
tlciilty between tbe American consul
aud the authorities of Sante Marie
ended in the U. S. Government order
ing Mr. Uassett, American Minister,
to allow the matter to drop, owing to
the incorrect ness of the consul's state
ment. Tlie Duke Alexia at Rio Janeiro.
Xf.w York, July 12 A Kio Ja
neiro letter says the Russian fleet, with
tlie Grand Duke Alexis on board, left
there for the Cape ot Good Hope on
tlie ath inst.
The 35th Parallel Railroad -PollM.
eal-A new Editor for Oregon Ap
rieultaral Premiums.
Sax Francisco, July 11. The
Orange procession did not take place.
The subscription books of the A. fc
P., or thirty-fltth parallel road, were
opened to-day and one hundred and
twmity thousand subscribed In a short
K. G. Snenth stated that he was
authorized to sign for A. llayward
any amount from fifty to five hundred
thousand, according to tlie liberality
of others. His subscription is not yet
The leading subscriptions to A. A
P. K. K. stock made to-day were : R.
G. Sneath. $10,000 ; "J. C. Merrill &
Co.. $10,000; John Bensky, $10,000;
Alfred Wheeler. $10,000; Fpnlerick
Mason. irlO.OOO; L. Pickering, $10,,
000; A. Dellatch, $5,000; D. C. Mc
Rucr, $5,000; VV. A. Aldrich, 5.000.
It Is reported that Henry George,
now at the East, who was delegate at
large to the Baltimore Convention, is
a candidate for nomination lor Con
Cress on the Greeley ticket.
C. A. Seck, late of the Yallejo
Record, leaves for Portland by the
steamer to-morrow to take a position
on one of the dailies there.
The premluns offered by the Agri
cultural Society for their next Fair
aggregate $s.000.
Ihe Greeley ratification meeting
will be postponed for one week, in or-
iier to make greater preparation.
Frank Plxley is expected to be on
Los Angeles, July 12. The Los
Angeles Daily Jews (Dem.) repudi
ates Greeley.
nates to July IS.
recley make a Speech.
Opinion ofthe Pi-cmm.
Severe Storm In England.
Destructive Fire In Michigan.
A Strike on the Central Pacific.
New Yokk, July 12. The speech
ot Dooiittle to-tlay notifying Greeley
ot the Baltimore nomination, was
unite brief and formal, after which he
introduced the members of the com
mittee individually. Greeley spoke as
lollows :
I should need time were I to attempt
to reply fitly and fully to this impor
tant and I need not say gratifying com
munication. It may be that I should
reply iu writing, but as I have ad
dressed a letter, which has tieeu pretty
widely considered to the Liberal Re
publican Convention, it may not lie
necessary. I can only say now that
1 accept your nomination in the same
spirit iu which it is ottered. Cheers.
I am at present in a position which
many may regard as a proud one, but
which is to me an embarrassing one.
Iieeausc it involves the temporary, and
I trust but temporary, annoyance of a
uiiscons: i uctiou of my motives on tin
part of some valued and lile-long
friends. I am confident that tunc,
alone is necessary to vindicate my mo
tives to all aud convince all. indeed, of
tlie patriotism of the course I am pur
suing aud intended to pursue long be
fore! was assured of such co-operation
and sympathy. Cheers. The time
will come, I hope, in good opportunity,
when the world will tiee that you are
none the less Democrats because you
have pursued the course you have, and
I am no less a Kepuhlican because I
accept your nomination. Cheers
Here Mr. (inn-ley's voice faltered
with emotion. lie recovered himself
and continued.
I am not much in the habit of re
ceiving nominations for the Presiden
cy. Great laughter. I am. in conse
quence, unable to reply as readily as
others might, llenewed laughter. I
can only say that I will be happy to
see all of you. or at least as many of
you as can come, to my humble farm
"house, where I shall be to-morrow,
and where we shall lie able to converse
and confer more freely than here. It
you come, I shall be happy to make
you welcome to tlie best Ihe farm can
afford. Laughter and cheers. Aud
so 1 simply bid you farewell.
Cii.vrc.v'il'A. July 1.1. The Demo
cratic Executive Committee ami oth
ers, visited Horace Greeley, at his
farm to-day. A dinner was served nt
1 r. M., after which Greeley addressed
a lew words to the people assembled
about 500 in number. It was Miniilr
a social gafliering. Short prevln-s
were made by several ltaltimore dele
gates. Tlie affair was quiet ; neitlier
lXmlittle nor ScJm-11 were present.
Tlie Stohrs Trial.
New Yokk.
tired at 2:30 r.
r. m.. to ask
clothes which
July 13. The jury re
M. and 'returned at ."
for all of I'ik"s old
request was granted.
At 7 r. M. tlie were sent for. and there
!eing no prospect ot agreeing, the
Court look a recess until 10:30 to-morrow.
It is understood that eight of
the jury Wert; for murder in the first
degree, and lour for manslaughter.
DCTKOrr. July 13. A heavy fire
visited Alpina on the night ot the 12th.
Three blocks in tlie business ivirt of the
town were destroyed. Mrs. Wet
brook was burned to death iu the street.
Her son, in his attempt to stive her,
was burned so badly that he died to-
lav. Remains of two others were
found Iu the ruins. Several men so
badly injured that doubts are enter
tained of their recovery. There wen
over twenty mills iu the place. None
of them were burned.
Losnox, Julv 1-- Tbe city jour
nals comment on the nomination of
Greelcv at Baltimore as follows: Tlie
Advertiser eoules.cs its sympathies
with Greeley, as a ncwspax-r man.
The I'osf. declare such a flagrant
rfhir'hi ml ''i will largely tend
to bring about the alKiiidounieut of a
system whereby the H-ople of Atnericn
have so long been deprived ot all jval
voice iu their choice of presidents.
The Telegraph styles Greeley a
"political wcalhcr cock." Tlie Stan
dard thinks that Greeley would not lie
an eligible candidate were it not for
his electioneering strength. He Is
honest as a partisan can tie, and be
occasionally shows glimpses of rough
good sense, but he is of violent dispo
sition, without regular education, and
devoid of anything like experience in
tlie administration ot public atfairs.
in fact he is a good yeoman ofthe last
Lommin, July 11. Storms through
out KngLind yesterday were very de
structive. In the middle and southern
counties and many other places, the
growing crop were prostrated and
destroyed. Several people were killed
by lightning.
Salt Lake, July 13. There was a
ratitietitiun meeting here last night of
the Greeley ticket. It was uiuinly
eoniposed nf Mornians, who are unan
imous for Greeley.
S.tx Francisco. July 1.1. The
stiH'k exeitenienf is nearly up to boil
ing point at the Boiirrl io-tlny. Six
teen thousanil six htiiHlreil anil ninety
five slum's were sold nt a single ses
sion. Sales at the open Board were
unusually larj" :md those at the afler
noon ses-ion of the oien Board linr
mtieh larger than ever and at gwier
allv advanced price.
The worKinen on the Central rx-
cilie whnrf and flepot opera
tions at Mission Bay. who have been
receivitip; 2 per day for eleven hour
labor. trek to-lay for $2 25 and ten
hours labor. There are about 125.
and tliere U probability of the sueces-s
ofthe strike.
A Nnntlntn Ferher gittn to are the 4tl
of July lie ten It And be wants
to know.
Tlie Albany Democrat tells the fol
lowing on a lijllow citizen :
"A good one happened at the cele
bration liere on tlie Fourth. Gen.
Xesmith wan one of the audience who
were intently listening to the impas
sioned and patriotic oration of Mr.
Curl, when a red-haired specimen of
tlie genu honvj lrom the 'Tural dees
tricks" sidled up to "Xen' and asked
him if he was "goin" to speak after
that man (meaning Curl) got through?"
'.No, sir," answered Nez, "I have no
idea of doing so." Tlie man looked
greatly surprised and disappointed,
buug his head for a moment, and at
last looking up with a still astonished
gaze, blurted out : "Well, ain't atty
htrty going to )K'ik oh f Aw? wfAer tide f"
Xez got out of there so he could have
an open Held to fly to pieces in case he
should "bust" with hilarou. laughter."
Pntteraon, Mark In ttte Mtitte. Re-aiym-The
tsovernor nnpolnt n
Nipplewentnrjr itate Printer.
Mr. T. Patterson went East a few
weeks since, ostensibly on business.
"Business' has detained him at tlie
East, and tlie places that used to knot
him, neither know nor care anymore
about hi in. It is said that having been
detained at the East, be sent his resig
nation to the Governor. The fact l.
however, be sold the office to Eugene
Semple before lie went away, and the
Governor, a long time since, con
firmed the sale by appointing, or prom
ising to appoint, Mr. Scinple. Tlie
news of the appointment Is just out.
A fair-headed, love-sick vonth In
Ohio presented his ,4giri" with a pair
of those new-fangled metallic garters
on Christmas. He thought they were
the latest thing in bracelets, and only
discovered his mistake upon requesting
her to try them on. He does not go
there any more.
A sagacious boarding-house keeper
up town encourages the practice of
drinking bitters before meals. He
says that a boarder who indulges in
cocktails is very expensive to feed for
awhile, but that tiis eventual loss of
appetite is certain and compensating.
A little boy's grief upon lieing re
fused permission to attend the I)an
ttury Opera House, wis in part as
suaged by Ihe assurance from his
motlier that if lie would dry his tears
lie might go up street in the afternoon
and see his father have a tooth pulled.
I am afraid," said a lady to her
husband, "that I am going to have a
stiff neck." "Xot at all improbable,
my dear," replied lier spouse, "I have
seen strong symptoms of it ever since
we were niarrieif."
Tlie fourth Quarterly Meeting for
East Portland Metliodist Church, will
commence next Saturday at 2 o'clock
p.m., with preaching by Kev. William
Roberts, Presiding Elder.
"CiiAPPAQfACKKKV ' is the Ro
chester Chronicle "s name for Greeley
ism. It is "as dangerous to the body
C'Uic as medical quackery is to the
y physical."
We learn from the Christian Messen-
?;er that, at the State Annual Meeting
icld at Eola, there were twenty con
OJliee- o. 61, Front Street,
rolJTI. A 1 1, UKt IV
REAL ESTATE In this t IT Y ami E AST
l'OKTI.AXli. Iu the m..t desirable lo-alliles,
.ontJstlng of I.OT, HALE HUH 'Jo an.l
MUS K, HOl'sES and STOKES; also
IMI'KOVKD FARMS, and valuable un
cultivated I.ANKS. in A I.I. iiartfol
tlie STATIC for hALK.
REAL ESTATE and oilier Property
fnr-ha-d.for I '.ri-ii"n.leiits in il.w (1T and
lliroiif.'lKnt the STATES and TKKIflTolilKS,
with (treat ,-ai-. a:id nn 1h.- most AllVAX
LEtTEII. A nd a rt-ncral FINANCIAL ami
AliENCY Bt'SIXESStraiiwii-,iL iltl
133 Front Kt., Portland,
C o m m i s s ion Merphant.
Oregon produce sold to best advantage ill
Portland orSau Francisco.' Dealer in
4 onatirumentNj Holiciteil.
Jan. ", ls7'2.
Ia full assortment
! -OF-
, Hardware, General Merchandise,
Calculated fw ,
City and County Trade.
Rouglit aa low. and will lie sold at as small a
inKit a those hn sell at cost.
t-ir't'oo'ls ilcllverisl to any irt of the.-tty
I rev of rtiargi!. djtw
Practical Watchmaker
Dialler In
IValchea, ( lorka, Jct-lrj,
M alrleaj anil Jrwelrjr Repaired.
C-Jf A inrnt fanrrm-nf if (iOLD nnd
ML YKH MM TCHES cimtlintl)t n hand.
All (itwinaad Wokk Wakuaxtko.
Died KnddenI) of Heart DioeiMe.
Il'iw cnfrmiiw l the announcement. Tlion-
ann.t- are -n-Klpnlv ivt-i Intoeternity 1 this
Cital niala-lr. Thl disease irenerallv" lias Its
orlirlnin Impure lito..! nlle.1 Willi irriiatilur.
potionon nmteiialit, which, oliviilatinir tliro'
the heart. Irritate it j delicate tiaMiies. Tluiuch
Ihe Irriiail.Hi inav at first I; only slight. n-o-
lifc-lnx a little mirutatiiui or irrejriiiiir .-b-tion,
yet hy and hy tlie dlwyisi. hn-otne rtnnly aeni
rl. ami inilanunatlonor hviaTlronliv.or thick-
ctitnar ofthe llnlnir membrane or of ihe valves
Is iiriavvnt. How wise to tive earlv atten
'Ion lo a rase of this kind. Cnuatiiral Ihrob
hlnit or iiain in the region of the heart should
admonish one that all ia not right, and If yon
would nrewrvp it from lurther iti.-ease. vou
must help it to heM rixlitly hy the use of stu-li
a reme.iv as snail remove utecaueoi tne
Iroulile. I'se Dr. Pii-r.-e's Golden Meilical
IMvoverv liefrp thctl?4-ase luw become too
seatuU and It will. by lis great hlooil purifying
and woiideiliil ref.-uiatiiitf iint?rties effect u
ierf-,t cure. It cimbiina medicinal pro?rtles
wliiob aot Aieclli.-ally iilxin the tlsfin-s of the
heart, brinuiug aixmt a healtnv action, soul
by all lirstlaw druggists.
A JHyatcryt
Ills indeed a mystery bow ome?nple.oth
erwlae aensible, are so short-slphteil and lOol
Uh as to so on from day to dav, ami mmub to
mouth, auilerina with Ihe stings and pains of
disease, whW.h. tv the use of a few bottles of
w.Hihl,io a iieried certainty, lie iTilicjtlly
eureiL Oo not Man I iu your own light, try
llu-ni. s
Io vmi want the foestSljoaj ever made, i
that will not rin or cwkj anart ? Then buy
Uiet AHLt SCXtW VYlltL liooteand Shoes
all have tin- Talent Stamp.
Jul lOrwlru
Nndden Chansrea In the TVeather are
irodttotivc ot Throat InscJtses Coughs and
Colds. Tliere Is no more effectual relief tobo
found than in tlie use of Hkown.s Biui.m iii-
ai. Tbuchis.
Salmon River
Trout. Sea Bass. Oysters,
Clams, Came, Berries,
Hhell Giithei'ini;,
Pure Air and any Amount of Fun
Area few of Hie li'esslnfr eiunved by Hie
iaironsoi mt- tninlill I anil Ocean lkvu.ll 111
jron uoau.
May, June, July and August lathe best time
Tlx- road haa been tv Imnroved : rock
removed from river enawtiura; frnue re
ailreL ami everything done to make it sale
auii convenient.
RlentyofGraasforanimalaon the Beach,
Foraae may be purchased en route. If do
rir(. Get your tent, put on your old clot hen and
go. IJ une lot I
.m. i. .itT-1. jucuire ol
So'eni. June C" - tf
Chemeketa Lodge, No. 1, I 0. 0. F.
REGULAR meetings Wednesday eveninm
ol'eae.h week, at 8 o'clock p. M., at Ofcl
Fellows' Hnll. corner Commercial antt Kerry
arreets. All Brothers in good atanUlns Invlt
etl toattetttl. Bv order N.U.
XWillnmette Knetuapfneat Wo
S. I.O.O. I'. Heeuun the L
and 4th. Tuendav evening of each
month at Odd Fellow Hall corner
Commercial and Ferrv Streets. All
sojourning brethren lo piod (Handing are in
Tiled to attend. By order of CP.
ti. A.R Ruell Iot, Xo.S.U.A.R.
meelo Friday evening of ea.-h week. AH
Comrade In good giauding Invited loattemL
11 v order,
Apl6T7&tf. COMMA N 1E R.
special sontw.
Renarkablc Care of Mr. Abnua
BAN Josk, August 2, 1871.
Dr. A. M. Loryka A Co. Sonic two yearn
since I was taken down with Inflammatory
Rheumatism, and was for aome lime treated
hy two Physicians, but got no better. I t ried
iicarlv eve'sy remedy 1 heard ot, but nothing
seemed t do me any good, until about two
weeks ago 1 was advlited by Judce J. Johnaon.
to trv vimr I NK WEED KElt;i)V. I pro
cured One Bottle and wax entirely cured bv
It. Fornix weeks before taking ilic I'NKl
wascomtielled to go upon crutches. I consid
er your itemedv a great blevaliiglo nulferiiig
Immunity, and i-liail deem it my duly Iu in
form all Kheuniatics. of im rreat virtues.
Yours, etc.,
Company, Land Department, Portland.
Oregon, April 5, 1872. -Notice i hereby given
lluu a vlgorou prosecution will be instituted
against anv anil every person who trespasses
iiion any Railroad Land, by cutting and re
moving tlmlwr therefrom li'fore the same i
JtOH.IIT of tlie Company AND PAID FOR.
All vacant Inifl In o-ld numlx-rod sections,
whether surveyed or unsiirveyed, within a
distance of thirty miles from tlie lino ofthe
road, ls.-loiu;s to the Comiattv.
I. It. MOORE8,
April It) dliu:wtC Laud Agci.U
Illeliey'a I'mnr te IJja for tlcann-
ing a-4.t Preserving the Teeth, Beautifying
the Complexion, awl remortng F'reckles,
Eruptions, sunburn ami Tan. A New Comui
liaUon, eipwl to Ihe best 'French preparations,
and ree fnan their tulsouous Ingredients. Iu
vented by I ; EO. S. 1 ICK E ", Chomtst.
may 10 d:im
CABLE SCREW MIRE Roots ami Sh.ies
are sure to suiic-rwle all oilier Isvause ilicy
are the most reliable durulili; do not rip or
leak. Try them. All genuine goods are
staiupeiL I'junell linw.
BERRY-IU'NTERS are herebv warned
1HK to iresia on Chltwood's Island.
The owner cannot aiTord to have his gat-dens
and crop destroyed. 1 have already suffered
much ilamage; and am compelled to pobl!.-h
this warning iu seiKlefense.
THE partnership heretofore existing un
der the name of Hamilton 3c Pettyjohn,
i this day dissolved by mutual consent. Win.
Pettyjohn assumes all liabilities and collects
all outstanding dels. He ilesiresthisi,- know
ing themselves indebted to tlie old iirm tocall
In and srt' ic inline. tuttely.
chok- Cellar and Yew Fence Posts this
prine at clM-an rates, will please leave their
orders for such with
Post office Rullding, Salem, Oregon.
February Uih, 1872. djwtl
''HE partnership heretofore existing nn
f der tlie name of Davenport Wolfard.
at Silverton, Oregon, is this day dissolved hy
nmtual consent. The business will be here
after conducted al tlteol.1 stand bv J. c. 1 da
venport, who assumes all liabilities and to
whom all debts due the firm will be tiaid.
Those indebted will please call and settle Im
mediately, as we wish to close up the firm
business as soon as possible.
J. K. l'AV tM'UK I,
Silverton. June 21. 172.
Fine City Lot for Kale.
ONE or MORE of those desirable and va
cant lots, adioininu- Jmlce Chadwick'a
residence, on '"Piety Hilt," for sale cheap, for
cash, or time frlven a portion of tlie purchase
niouev, it uesireu. xnuuire 01
At Sash and Poor Shop of Cooke, lemu A Co
BY tlie undersigned, Momlav, July 8th,ne
tween Salem and King's Vallev, a wal
lii. contalnir a note for 830. drawn )v Jesse
Hyatt In favor of Myern A Kurjrs ; and two
-eriiucaies ot .lcosll in Laud & iiiinH's liauk
- one of MOslO and tlie other of 820. A ult-
able reward will be jsUd the finder by leaving
mem at uuisonice, or wiin tne unieririiel.
1. W1L1.1ASIS,
Jnlyl3:w2w. Salem, Ogn.
CJATTRDAY, July 13th, lietween the Terry
?5 landlnir, ranomte Salem, and Mrs. Dan
iel's place, Tolk county, a Kl'KIAPaAt'K,
c.inlaiiiinp a: leet of 1'eather beltine. 3 inches
wMe; 3 una 1 1 c.istlmrs: a halter, etc The
Under will please leave It on tbe halcm ferry
b-ot. D. J. COOTEK.
Summer Reading,
tiet the Lives ofthe Great Muric Mailers
Of Hrethoven, ti : of Handel, : of Mozart,
'I is: oi MrmieiKxIion, tli.i: ol Koaxtni, -1 ;.;
oi' Chopin, 1 50; or of Scbaitmaun, $1 7.
These are no Heavy Biographies,
but arei-liarmln-rly written and Tory enter
taining oooks, aa are
Mozart' Letters, i vols each, 175:
Mcethoven's Letter. $2.
Mendelsaohn'8 Letter. S vol., each, II 73 ;
Reminiscences of MendelHshon, (1 7a.
To hare a Jubilee at home, aend for
For a good work on Composition, buy
PRAtTlCAI. IIAKno Y. 93.00
To make Sabbath S-hool children's erea
arkle, (ret that Gem of tneScaxon, the Ned
Sal:th School tMng llook, entitled:
ami iiarry zanders, ,aq. .so
The above Books and Pieces aent rostiaiid
en receipt of retail price.
C. H. 1UTSON 4 CO., New York.
Willamette Transportation Co.
further notice.
The Steamer Fannie Patton
Will leave her dock, foot of State St., every
Wednevdaiy and Nntardajr HoralnK,
At 6 o'clock A. M. for Portland, and will
leave Salem every
Moattnjr and Thards)jr
Of each week nt 5 o'clock P. M. for Corvalll
and Intermediate places.
CSri-'arcat RedtkscI Rates.
J.D. BILEN, Ajreat.
Snlrm. iHv. 1.1. 1871.
THE Projirletors of (his hole! laka Hit.
mcanxif announcing to I ho public that
hurenfier they will ennrge
Bonrd, per week
3 OO
Tables are Supplied with best the Mar
ket Affords.
Tbetr Rooam arc Jllcely Fwatslrrd.
Khnvlitif Saloon !
Hot und old Bitths Alwaya RtMly.
KlHgrle Rnth, . . . .... no s'Im.
I tare Both Tleketa, . . . M
Seven . . . 3 o
Salem, mv-r. dif t'MKUXKIt.
ale and Retail DrufQrtati-. Ralen.Ore
con, are the authorised Acenta tor tbe aale nf
mylnfcllible WORM SYRUP, to whom all
order should be addreed.
Salem, March, 18th, lSTlr
Inaceordance with tbe above we will ear.
atantlv keep on hand a aupply of thfe Invalu
able No family ahonW be without
It. Drugirtat and dealer In medicine Mir
plied on most liberal term. We alao keep
constantly on hand
Drag nnd Family HrdlrliM, Toilet
(MMMta, rtrnuwiTi Braalie-,
All (rood warranted of boat quality.
Ir. A. M. Relt' oflicc at the SI ore, Smith'
niock, opposite Chemeketa Hotel, Commer
cial St., saU-m. Oregon.
itrtvl h-ders to BELT A JOHX.
Salem. Marclu k 1872.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
X 3TL XT O m 9
Paints. Oils, Glass, Chemicals,
Patent Medicines it Proprietary Articles.
; lor Medicinal I'ttrxMe.
i Prescriptions Filled and Hedifints frapocrdft
. Apr4T2:dwtf
; Drug. CheuiirulM, Oil, und
! Pure Wines and Liquors.
Family PrepnratieiiM
I At all hours of the day night, hy a
Competent Druggiat.
Pnttona Block, Ntate Street, frnlena.
Cracker Manufactory
Commercial St., Salem.
I have constantly on band
Fresh Bread. Fies, Cakes. &c.
Supplied on Short Notice.
All order promptly filled and goods
delivered to all parts of the city Kree of
March 16, 1872:tf
Works at Oregon City, Oo.
: recently completeil their works at (ingmi
City with the m Improved machinery ; , m
' lirsvingthe newet pattern anl latealpntnla,
imHrted at grent cot from Maanacuuai-tt.
The KSTABLISHMKNT, In all lu ai i-.lnt-ments
will -omre favorably with an oilier
In the I'nited Slate.
The Comnanvre prepared to (III all onlrra
WASH BOARIM. Htuiule Bouulna, Broom
Handles, etc., etc, etc
Particular attention la called lo our ASH
PAILS and Bl'TTER FIRKINS an article
far aiiperior lo any heretofore In market, aa
ran slop no unpleasant lame or aroell to tlie
. contents.
, From our superior facf lilies we are enabled
I to supply the trade on tlie moat advantaei-ons
terms an-I ov mnil n m i' i ai.i cMTiicia
workmanship will merit auuveM In our line.
liealera are requested to examine our wares
before purchasing elsewhere.
t-ir AiMresa all oomraunK-ation to
Portland, Onyon.
Dr. Gibbons' Dispensary,
Corner Commercial, San
Francii-o, private n
trance on Commi-lal, e-
lahll'hed in In IXM, for the
treatment of Sexual ami
Semliuil IMaraae, un a
IwmomHWi, wleet, St
wrc. Svniillls In all
forms, seminal Wenknea,"aa
laspouncy, ata. takln
takln dla-vjV
eaAi. (or year
and t'lcerated Inrs. mxteaa fullv traa
I)R. UI BBOX s iuw I he uiwasure of amiHiH.-
ins tltat be has returned lrom vtstttii Ihe
prlrv lpal hospital of Europe, aad haa re
sumed practice.
TheUoctor has snared neither ttra nor
money In seekrag out new remedies, and haa
returned with increaanu Oaotlttte for ueallv
vlatlon of human Miffert: a. t
NenalaiiU Wnkmi.
Seminal emissions In the consentient of snit
abuse. Tlii solitary vice, ordepraved ,-usl
innuigence, is praciiceii Dy tne yontnor both
sexes loan almost nnllmiteii extent, proilifc liir
with nnerTiiutccrtaintv, the following m.H-bi.l
svmptoms. unless combated with dentilta
meuicai t mat menu via: sallow ooanteDnncru
dark siiotsumler the eyes, pain In the he .d.
nnrina; in ine ears, noue line tne rnstitiuor
leaves and rattUiur of charlota, aneaaiuena
about the loin a, confused vlslnn, blunte-l In
tellect, loss of confidence, dltodence In aa
proaching strangers, a dislike lo form new
acquaintances, a disposition to ahun scletv,
hectic flusbesand vart-msernprionsabmit taw
lace, furred tongue, fetid breath, coughs, .nni
sumption, night sweats, monomania an-I fm
tiuent insanltv. If a relief ta not ohtauml.
Ihe sufiTerer should apply i-r
son or by leuer, and have a enre erfecte-f hv
his new and sclenuflo mode of Ireatina thix.
disease, which never falls of effecting a .intclt
and radical cure
- Cured nt If Mae.
. - - - " x' i . vfiuijini, nia 1 1 1
case, symptonw, length of time the tfhw n,
liascontinueiLaiKl liave medicine prorainlc
lorwanled, free from damage and curta il v.
I iv lilri.,.tni. . lair.. in fi . ' 1 1 i . .
. ' ' .' , tiu lull .tr,
plain directions for use.
IIIi'WmIimt .in 1,1 ..Jn In - r-i-.-.I 1 .
n ,.. v. ir-' -
ler through the Post Offlce. or Wells, Knw
warded to any part of tlie Colon.
.ii M iTJstj ihii nce t n.-i I v con n lonf ia I
Aildrew IK- J'. V. lilBltOX.
Box K7, San Fran. k. o, Cal.
Teblo deodlwlv
Heavy and Shelf-Hardwarc.
A.X3.C3L Dtool.
"St i
Agents for the sale ol
-1 und 55 rront St , Portland. Oa-i.
May 2'M.twl I