The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, June 26, 1872, Page 1, Image 1

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    f -i I.
All snbscrlbers whose subscriptions are not
paid for the current year are requested to
pay up.
- Quite a number owe this paper since 1870
and the amount so due wouUi do it a great
dea 1 of good jnst at this time.
Llnes-itrawn around this notice are Intend
ed to call your attention to toe date a your
teand to'nrre you n pay n.
This anneal Is meant In decide 1 earnest
.and you a re particularly requested to give It I
The idea that newspapers are run wUfceat
i"h in fallacious verv. ,
.Ttse-wraotnit of JiJaridonl snbcripttnn 1TJ
sosmall that sol i.,-nr-ra (to not xealiso, Hie I
tmpertaaoeiiaotapt r'fmenW"btlAertm 4-
i inner tia r rry torciuie, proot at it.
lIereafbjw.llomuiU.'tJm tntWiapcr
should be addressed to C. P. CiUHiii.1, ur
to ")TaTliAi.'
In order Ouu-aJI Ike uttatneaaoT IfaesMuoern
mavbetvttladaanatn-eentUeaeUeraAd pur
s' baser of iUe Mier.all persons in arrears for
subscription at BartlsfBB, am earnestly ra
u.wttM to pay a promptly. ,
AitUars rifseswi as otoaerra that the
price of the Tuur OKB0U STATEUfAN
Is 1 oh per vear 4 a advance. Where pay
ment a delayed' Sur more tbaa elx months,
.Ml cent extra wtH be charred for eat six
nnntt.s of delay. Jut-enls will please forward
at once, anv aaWttpUon mantes now Inttielr
hands, and Wreafteras onntl ? puaafli M.
All ad-eruseaaeals artll be amsinue at
the exi-iratlon W sM far wins tkey
vera ordered.-. ; ., v -
Republican; omlnations72
-r PMaWnt,
. u. s. tMMrti
.Jl. B. WSea'aCfTiiwH Ua Cpawy. i
W. D. Msaa,f "ga-n.anjtsn Caonty.
Jaa. ' Uassley, of Douglas Ooonty.
tt I
"I wonkt snoi ttp tha potter nt thm AdWhni
radon to be a Ik (trough eMaieeaaent of every
law ; a fcltBfal-HecUon of the tax ptorWed
economy In the aJsata.Bnen of the
sauae,' and a prompt (payment of the ' deht of
the nathm : a red not! on of -taxes a rajsdh as
lie reqnlrensentsef the country arlll admit;
recttcUoa of taxation abd -teht tt be soar
Tanged as to afford the greatest relief r the
nrreaiest number;., banes. ff4 Jair ih-alug
van- Jh atJKT .aopie.tW Uss A" tint aur,
with al ittf lutittn(r cileil?!-d mar be
.avoided, without suirrenslariiig.air-'righi orob-lk-.Uiuu
due VJMe JloiUtd a reioraa in
rhctmnmeiifof the Indians, ami the whole
avll service of the eonntrr; and, Anally, in
DectiUi a pnre nntraanaMleA ballot, where
rvrv niaa entitled to -east a vote may do m
iuM mvjtkt I each election, without tear of mo
taatoa or proecriptJoii on aceoant of his poltt
4cai kaliti, i4liiy tr ooWa-.1
2fallodia Republic ui Platform
i-iwi"-1'- , ,';'..' .
The Republican jputtj .feieT'nitit States
AssewrtflAti Wkatimmi'fSMfveirifrtnia thecitv
fjaiiadalphia,mi the Ml ami )th davsoY
June. JH.'i, aiguu aeciares lunm anaa
jjeals to its history and announces its piMitiun
M- 11. ........,nJ """ "
'irHt- Ktinnr eleven vears of supremacy
it lias xcceuled with Krand courttKe the so!-
emndiiue of the llmefc It suppressed a gl-j
yitnuc ruaewion; rrm
lecreed rtwf equal ci
hhe iif
AileM iajpiaiuinlt i6r1miiialiy nfVd
w" lcuA4llhtfoedthein InfSf Ly
'''5? MTiSHJH!!1! iilL
an0&ateo4,uiNj.tijiMtyeCTtavir miriKiuy utnini iiu v yj x111
'rTefExWbuTO'i to:ite aju of
llrm UaJid,1he reJqUjiiH di-iTwof aarcnt Ifte&f tteciwhete in." the-lOney iliar
r, awl fniUate4a tn.-w policy oward Uie : v 7 ' . . "
'"Th Kallroadjand similar
M?i.imben-eneroasLy allied I
va.-n enteJ5i &, ta peflrrvenernesljf aided
imlufK K5i-tew?l-he Dub&mads
iM-iewr -i.uc piMfiwNH'ia I " ,
Vie:iiUnHedrjpeflSrr luiureftnide
.duuwMb.1. aud Ifcefaljl- c v r i "
jire tenMrfvrn toact
turn m rmteoieia eniDtiBiawi. auu tneiuii i
jfc:knowiorhfrirfeiiAne natnraiizeit cjuzea's l
The nMldnaacurnTbasimnrot'edlnlvauta'l
! under etraonUti' nunieny ana new
neantiatetl at Ihntuc. raias.
Thercvetwaa h,ve.lpMi..irefniy ou,lt4.I.WJ,lal,i; at ASr 'trktmettt : or
and hiiefapplieill
reductToiilJroni the na
I taxaticdLUie "l-
lic debt iiaa beeu refmaexl dtirmn tirHnt's
cr1tt ttie rate ot one hundred ntill-
ton dollars uer vear. A trreat 6 nancial crisis
has been avoided and peace and plenty pre
vail throughout the land. Menacing foreign
dtlliculties Imve been pwu-ettilly and honora
bly compromised, and tbe honor and power
or the nation has been kept high throughout
the world. This glorious record of the past
Is the irty"s best plele for the future. We
tK'li.rt the nennle will not Intrust tha-uv-
nt tnvjrny party or combination of mncnnv,
nosed uUbose raoMuetl'niaveresisti
Lrti tlita UestJIcirt naoi.'Tent-Y. V S.
f bsattd CiitiattJiW' Airit
ttiftealoyaieiit H
c nnHs slionM oa estatiitsneo
uallv matntaineil throughout the Cuwo-by
m.-lcnTaTSsDarooriafe Slate andtrederal
- UIMIk ' I
X euerat
resiei-Mo citizens, by reason oi race, creed.
i Wtiien hv ra.on of race.. -.riwL
olpr, or previous condition of servtttide.
. or previous condition ot servitude. .
.TUaWTta nirrru ssnnmi-mmto th
" jloaal Oust(tna. si)OMd- iw caMta) ty (
tained, bec)se they varerlapt ; not merlr
secured the amendments. vi .
natioaa.ontolw uV alOsan Avery Mm anT
sympafcbiafng with all iioopla who strive lor
gTeatec lilierty. 1
Fifth Any system of civil service under
whiuhtbjeKsahoriMaatejiositioiis of thetiov-
rniauBV4iiriikrel as rewanls for mere
jiarty zeal. Is flatafly demoralizUijand we
.. i
tberotore tavor a retorm ei tno syaiem oy i
laws whlcli shatfabnUsh th.iisnt natroii
i .... i ..w-. ....i
tMA0al uBHlitl.iiftiia lir leultlict isialtkm.
wUftuufpTarticaltv cJeating ttr BUE Vf t
Sixth -We are opposed tommer grain' or J
the public Janh to corpoMttioiia ana Aoaep'
.il W . , rut HKnulnil 1 h..t ffia tiAl.tmal (isnuin
shall be set apart for tlufree use of be peo-f
vitb-Tie Hmial
I revermeaftearravicaf
tne carreat "pxpeuiturt's, snoui lurmin a
moderate bala nee for the reinf (Ion nfthe prin
cipal of the debt; and revenue,exceto niuch
s mav be received fropi a tax on tonaccand
liquor's ouii! Jtv-ha jatKd Jiy drums -tviny
Mrtatiuas, tbe s-'MtW vf ulrich-slmaUi he'tw
djusteil as to aid in ecnrwig reiarmerative
waires UkJaborers ana to tiinoce the Indus
trie.-, vowlh" and prdauants- af tbe wjiplel
diers and mHere whose -t"alof'aa't ie-l'n-'
ion. Their pension sacreTteft f the
cation, and the widows and orphans ot those
who died far
care atheV
the neorrle.
-1 far their cpunlry aro. euUlle to OjeJ
PV1rS1etankt1a.'tei(i )
caaTbe nrtfrls-trusted only to tha jartyr that ThwtAns of thi-.IWjlrrLLL&inr)'r:lti'
1. -mrifh:wh.1Mm. nii.K.ri;.rwii. oemaaexnorjtam trmn tiie i!riii
tloii as will extend the bounty of the iiovern
ineiit to all our soliUers aod sailors who were
honorabi)- sUscaannswHkil ihojB Hum oImUi-
ty tm-ame oisann'n, witnoaj roBarn w ine
lengt h of their service or the C3rue of such dis
charge. .
Ninth The doctrine of Great Ciillti TWd
other Etirotieac tower eoncemlng alleKf-
am e "once a subject always a subject,". liav
Inir at last, through the efforts af the UenirtiH-
s'.au partv, been almrolonert, and the Amcrli
.i I. lea (if the right of the luOlvllual to trans
fer his allegiarM! Iiaving been accepted ny tne
Kuroiiean luiluuis. it Is the amy 01 oiiruov.
rnmeut to'rd"Wltti lealouscare the rights
of adopted citizens against the assumption!, of
Iiniiallionzed claims by their lormrr goveni
mentetand we nrg,the contlniieii and care
ful enconrageineot aad protection of volunta
ry innaigrttion, -
'Teulh The fraaltlne prtvllece ought to lie
.almUshed anl away prepared tor a reduction
in the rates of postace
Elove nth Among the i uesti ons which press
for al cuUiia n that wliicjt concerns the rt; la
tum olVS)tul anri Jnlmr, and the Kepublicun
imiv ri:;"jz''tl"'ty of so shaping legis
laliou A Miascare full prole.-! Inn and an am
ple linKCur taptlakand Air inlsir. whlclt
for c-i)nUii the largest opportunities, and
a ju.-t larnof mutiml prniits of those two
great servants of drllizauon.
Xwelnli--Ve hll that t'mgress and the
!resiltH have miy fiillilletl an hu)Kjriant
tliv ii their measures fir the suppression o
vliit'nt and treasonable orcxtnlzations tn cer
tain) of tlie lately rebellions mrion, and for
the prutectloii of the ballot box : arL there
fore, tho)- are eutttled to the thanks ef the na
tion, TUiHeenlh U'e denottiK-e repudiation ot
he national debt, in anv loiw or dlsgiil-u. asa
national crime. We wttaesa with priiie the
rednction of the princt)al of the debt and of
the rates of iraterest u sn the balance, and we
conllilently expect tint oure vel lent national
nrrenty wlli be perlecte.1 by the speedy re
imitjon of spe -ie psymfnt.
Fourteenth- The Kepublfean party Is mind-
fol o fits obligation tot be loal women of Amer
" 'V lea for their n'b .levoti'.iii to tbe ttaitse ot
-freedom. ThWr admission to nseriilness Is
recti ved wilh saiislaciion, atwl the honest de
mands of anr class of citizens for addiuonal
Titf-- hii(d he treated with respectful con Fifteenth We heartily apiiove of the ac
tion CC'oiigrcss In rebiUon to the reuelUoua
t.i at 1. od coj.- tn the growth of peace and
fraternal feeling throughout the land.
Sixteenth Tbo krinbll.-r-party proposes
to re.)iect the rights reserveU y the people to
themselves as carefully as the powers dele
.irwed hv them to the 'State and Territorial
govuranteniKs: It rliaapprovaa of any resort to
unconstituttnnal taw for the (utrpnaa of re
moving evils by interference with rtrhtsnot
aarn'iidrsred by the tsmple to either the State
the National OiovernjmenL
SeventeenUi It is ttie duty of the General
;ovenasnt tnadnpt ms-h measures as wiil
tend to encourage American commerce and
J&ihtmfi We believe that the modest
patnotiKujrthe earnestness of purpose, sound
.Judgment; rscaMical wisd-aa, ineorrnptlble Vo
vrewrttajiallbistrtons services of U.S.Grant,
tin ve ci snicnle 1 bim to the heart of the Asner
vi.caiipct!plend that vrlth him at our head we
a.arif oa f new march f vktory,
" "pN .' js'f.tia; "fiw, ,jt .
''" WsVauIlr rkur,
KUi.erw Extra, XXX,
ITIiddTinirafiran. 8fvlrts
, .. -AT ALt T13IBS.
V . V - :,
- B.C. K3XXEV,
Xov. 2;Htf Agent S. M. Co.
It je.
, i ,.x
VOL. 21.y NO. 44.
tVe aw iiirurmcd tlwt me B. (h&
smlth la engaged with the Herald in
the attempt to break down tbe rail
road utarpriaea f UtU SUte; od
that to the end thttttwr Herald's dia
tribes may be ixwde . effect eaJJie Apd
tliej are CntDtiuiB-tb ' Herald's ar
ticlea iuto German and cifcaJjitlng
them broadcast ia GMcmauy. . Thin, to
damage the sale otraHroad bonds in
that oountrjr. In tfe&'Httiy they iftity
ucoeed la nuking it man . difficult , tp
negotiate loans upon aaeh bonds, than
it has been 1 ic retoforo t eJt Ttwt Is the
only possible way in which tlteae little
minded anal malignant" creatures can
possibly In Jure B S&UtSkf Or' the
railroad outerprises of tltoSUte. Tlie
secret reason, for thkafate ma tic at
tempt to break down ft Oregou Ball
road Companiesand make it impossible
Jbrtbem to cotBUtMrrr isei
tirely of a polltkal ami penotol ' char
acter.1 Ben HoUadayMslsted the Re
publican party to gain kts recent vic
tory ' in this , State-'-VThureby be ".'
akted to deieat the coBBammatlon of a
deep-laid scheme of the Canal and
Lccibf Co. to further defraud the butc,
and fit the same iiue to make it prob
able that the Mcruld eitn, 'iirej but. a
short tiuui lougur upou the people, un
der Hie sanction of, Hid' Litigant, Jaw.
This touclied these meu, iu UiqU' ixvi
ets, and lience their exhibition of per
sonal spleen - againiB H oltadaj',- Arii
their rtpreheiwibbi efforts to uumage
the character ot Uie State abroad. .; , '.
i Now suppose that we-should" reverse
things awhile! , 3Jr. A. GoUUiuich ia a
large owner In th "Xock and Dam
dwindle Cccnpanyr suppose thut Mr.
IIollada pa accouat t personal . dis
like or pollHcal anger : should in
augurate a sj-stematiu effort to break
'aWv-n uiac "company aitogetlielvTaiiJ
to bankrupt Mr. Goldsmith. Sui)po-ie
IStata booda. upon tlteVawn f -wliicll.
OijlisiniUi ud TftU ftt(rWttihQlilLr!i
jMrrowed luwwri and to? make i n p-
ket3taKJture loanslft ieM0pftliy
i ix ' l-,-!. I .i...
M peniOM, wwxounF-in.
. r - . -
the Willamette, the- tricky,tsnone-t
T,ga.i'liii iff tK uiKAnJwMftSi, rn
v -v.o.. w v..
. , .-vJi , .LiJ . i i
toe Bicorurnuws. ,ooiu-m. vioiu-
would? anybody cmWgrffi otherwise
tlifnas extreine3 dauiaging?Jb the
property interests of the people of the
Willamette valiey? Mr. Goldsmith
should remember that such a warfare
can be as easily carried on as the
one lie and the Herald are waging
atrainst rtelladitv and
Ll.A r W. I l.i .
.fT' li.. fininrlW Knjg i.Q
-'" Vw.
u,ows- As for tnu Herald, the
people Will u Impose oi, uy wiui-
f it. iik t.i vii,
r re ic smrre. r " V"
. S ., ,?.- -w. .
gestive of freezingvoiees issuing
through the cracks ot grrveyara tences.
If ever morttf'siiair sfcoi.Vs .eiiii kt
i : ..uA l - f . . . i r. . I f . . . . l
1 1. .1 1 1 1 r" r 1 1 11 . biu i . . . ... i i ill . . i .... . r. .
. , r , , . , .
now i4hetiftie for the hirsute append-
-' t . -. . . , . ' t . r
affsito erect fiself like5 sireddecf l4niief
in IralilBJjht winds. Bedrock
spiteto aiaJiirpairi noj 4Thy Hwte
damned srkiLljlBrt won't down. The
Jacksonville Democratic Times is
of 'em JtopfiLi cad;rte'fto? ihoatl
aod while can, with only a small
play of imagination, see and smell the
stlphurou1iimes iue from tWangrv
deaJrrjrK we iiear 1t crmttiii a
Kaitem Dtniochttic iiress, as well as
thev.declarations of prcymneiiV'Uenio-
mrjVi' lftKiict4,UiaV-ilHl(pWt 'ftbrt
more (kMHfentton an linlorseiftent oi
Uie noininatlns ufre'lBy.aiJd Brown,
lltere TS at prtsent e- Judjearion
that the effort wHJ be suecesnful. It is
need less "to saj. that thi ctn-lcUon excites-'
profound regret '4ti ofrr niiirt.
With- the-endorsenu'iit-of- Greeley -aitdIie-failure-td-Hnake-a-IXmocrat-VudHAiatiOuthelieulocratic-party-as-a-
1 1 roin-the-nol i t ics-of-t he-X atfqji.
Tlie Herald is making ar prouigt.otjs
effort, considering its general ltribecft)
it', to show that Oregon Is top" dricQn
siderable a "patli" to -support ' s rauA
road, and tltat, tlierefore, Ben Koflti
day must get assistance from the State,
or fail. Mr. Ilolladay does
anything of the State ; bat aVthe -pS7
pleoftluj Staja are dadnWIly- ofthe
opinion that the railroad is a prime
uecessity, and must not be allowed to
ttil, the effect of the Herald's writing
mn'j be to convince the people that
tliey ought to lielp Holladay out ; and
they mat iustnict their represeutatives
to go for anything Holladay wants
rather tliau haye so vital an enterprise
as the railroad fail. Does the Herald
see the drift of its insane raving;?
Greeley diubs are not prosperous on
this coast.. Not long since one was
farmed, with great trouble and tooting
of old played-out horus, at Sair Fraii
cisco. ' Ttocraits didn't couie in with
satisfactorily alacrity Republicans
were -not oil it and Democrats were
mostly subject to the Baltimore Con
vention and, so the thing got sickly
and had to adjourn till after the 9th of
July, Atte 'that tlie ddj and ends,
the rag-tag and boo-tail politicians
will tall into each ot Iter's arms and
swear to be brothers and twins forever,,;
while the people will stand off and
laugh, and tiien vote tor Grant.
The condition of the public debt at
the . close ef business, oti-tlievsir
May, was" as follows : DehT ihe
United .States, less cash Mir the Tret
ry, 2,193,517,378.9 "ew-easV of
debt durinff the orecedlng month.
$1,228,061-78 ; -total detft :$pm
Mtrrh 1.-1 S9.-to date.. 33f.945.StU .07:
KoiJofhTyJurerest cJilfgeiisvlis;
decrease iu monthly iutareat Htharge,
$1,833,543.23; decrease in'anuuai-iii-teret
charge, $22,002,519.00. The to
tal decrease of- debt", since January 1,
1872, was a54.'733,9S8.t31.-s-v -v
I . VT-L -s. -s )
law of;th.uuk tsitAogast JJeT-
mout lias been violemjy.,,wiuking at
Grant, the BaitimoreVConveution
should not fail to (nclude hi ju prelim
luarV pioveediugs the good old hymn :
. 'A eaiitkitm Kstk a rotual ho stole -His
bags of cluuk he chunk ;
A many a wicked rmlle he suiole,
And many a wink he wunk.
a-, sonorousviif sad, luilftigry.
tadsra ,fronivvt!i. tbiief 'thr
1 f i
I ' t.- i m '
Two weeks ago. it appeared to be as
certain as any lutttre eveut could be,
that Ute Baltimore Conwentioa woukl
indorse' the (Jiocinnati oeratuees at
bncr,f ajaffltbog AaVaerapfe
ppoaidMi rrjbablJW( are
still,' that file contention win take that
mragnSSt,; Imileae
gates go back onilr uistructlons
but it is becoming evideut that such
indorsement eannot take place without
raising reapectabte storm oi protest
from tbe oW-thad todrock DemocxaW.
There are raany tbeasuid in every
State'Vhb 'wm oot i'mpjaorf Greeky
uuder any circumstances ; , and sjill
ether thousattde who, U the choice be
bevweeu' Greeley aud Grant,' wUi uii
toesitJitingly TOtelcr r lateeri y ilhi
mW&,& disiionViHiiiSA!
atiw ami lnflnerniarOeroa(rtir"e
comiog, 'dailyj louder And, 'ijioye. 'tre
qneoti ' The 'signs of tfie' that
Geleyi.vilt .net; by any fliaitw, get
away with Uie Baltimore Convention
without a struggle ; and that, hi case
hie does receive the indorse
ment tlie r0y ill be a clamor which nei
ther tbe Democratic nor tlie Liberal
leadets can mHWe Ipuk upon it as
a-rtaiii that thenrwill be afbolt of not
less iban oiieliini of thu? Democratic
party from the Greeleyj fusion, and
that it is not at alt -improbable that a
straight fferatscral'flcket' will be in
A batw:i' i,M.XKain'Jam.
If we may tifl..aUfl'ed be. hiquisi
tive, we wbuWlihrto' rfriat has
become. of Jthat: sabscriptroiii tortlie
ra i lrrisitMn ;psry Jot tje rr JdfeaioS of
the track, through tha city ? ; I ti some!
how, jdrojped;outpf oigll, duig the
ivi;nt political battle; flirt' as it is a
matter which seriously concerns all
our dtizens, without respect to rwlitics,
is it not time that the subscription tie
dug upj uowthat tye Jiay Jime to
tliik3nd attaip? hjli;nJ(A-isS?
How much has been already sub
scribed ? ( "fiit lt''e, jpfeseyl, condi
tion of the general riroposition for a
change or tlie rottd i And what can
be''et-'dorYe to ectife' ' tlie 'aWfrltf
chane 'a.'hea-llr:irifidliY SvfBch
the SaVnl'pifbltc Hv'ohhf jilfljojift
anwereu. e iook "on tne actxim
plishmet)t !t5t'-tlils' project as of the
most' Important consequence to Stilem,
uoj,Ruly iiia Imslness poiri of vtpi-j
out as seriously anecting tne seat oi
Govuiujut--Jith4attiMi matHiWlie
ifssist us
bv creating new interests centering m
iffiHn'f W!it:,wourJ W-rtafiAy v!iT(?
up the place to a degree of prosjwrity
it has Wot n&ffor years. - Lee W see a
renewed movement in the matfcr a
movement that shall seriously mean
busines.4-: Trot out ; that xabaef iption .
J1JE OH-Oyf TATE FAytv Mn.
We have received from Ur. E. XT.
m fum List for iST, containinjr the
rroceetlings of the Board of Managers,
a lisof the orHcersf itjeff wteR-; flie
foustittitioh,1 HuleV "of brdtir bfc.,
etc. The Annual State Fair will begin
Moiitlaylievtuiubef 13ft, otid'tihmr'
six days. The timewa-i .tied to ac
comniodate the county fairs in Wash-iiigtoiiiiidJLaaii-
J " . ?? - I
. Xhc jpor.?ojf 4he fireiisirer-shaiwj
tne' fc'xpeiidllures ot last year to 'havej
been $1-1,071 : and ' the balance opj
nana .an. iuiiu isa, ine re
port of the Secrefciry 'sTidWBThe inilcbt
i Joet-spf tlie Hoderr fto haW hecff.'f
that date,;about 9$,,,,.
The rrenmmi List seems to have
liecn arranged on alfberal scale, and
with bettor disxrtminnflon tlntn hiis
heretofore ruled,' tn favor of such ex
hibits as are of general mpd materia)
interest to tlie people at large.. .-
We are informed by Mr. Waite tliat.
in pursuance of a resolution adopttt1
by tlie Board of Managers at the Jan-
nary meeting, tlie Executive Commit
tee' itre about to commence an impor
tant -.series ot improvements, at the
grounds, some account of which we
may have, in a tew days. '.' "
The New York Werki says "that to
tolerate much longer the candidacy of
( ' f .1.1. I
jreeiey is ior tne uetuocntcy to cotii
mit suicide by poison.' To accept him
as its candidate is to commit suicide by,
art explosive bullet lodged fh its heart." '
It ii death aiiy way; straight Democ
racy is death; anil Greeley-fusiou is
death and afterward, damnation, . The
Democratic strait is pitiable. (Tb:
party had better take the benefit of
clergy and go hence deceutly.
Our people are again talking about
the importance of having the railroad
re-located through the city. Talk is a
good thing in its way ; but it bikes
coiu to build railroads. What is want
ed now is that tlie property owners
and business men come down with tlie
coin. The necessary amount, $30,000,
is about halt subscribed. There 'must
be some new names on the list and
some of tlie old ones may have to en
large their figures. It's business, now.
Now conies the Bedrock Democrat
and for an explanation of the late
election results, charges his Democrat
ic brethren with having sold their votes
for gold. It claims tlie State is largely
Democratic, but sorrowfully admits
tliat "large sums of money, judicious
ly disbursed, can carry any State ; "
which means as Pinch as to say that
Democrats are saleable, anywhere.
The Chicago Times, straight Demo
cratic says ! "Mr. Greeley has utterly
(tiled to unite the opposition to Grant;
he has succeeded only iu rendering the
disunity more pronounced and irrecon
cilable. As a Presidential candidate
for the opposit ion lie is already politic
ally vltai'. ! His election is among the
things that is impossible."
' The California Democratic State
Contention will meet to-day. The
probabilities" are that it Viff endorse
Greeley and Brown. The Soap Creek
Democrats of Oregou may as well get
their hats ready to swing for the
Katber; of- the. 4tMih1ican . psirty."';
Tti thai 'complexion nun; -coiih ah'
last. ,
' Last fall, Greeley thought the sug
gestion that lie might he the best Dem
ocratic candidate to run against Grant,
one of tlie most absurd things lie ever
heard. The people maintain that same
opinion still. .
Thj other day, the Herald was pro
nyuitetng T.en HpJlada a blunderer itt
finances. Yesterday it showed him up
as a remarkably shrewd financier.
Tlie Heiald is a talented blunderer.
i .4.i u&'yy.f
if! J (.ivr;t;.ta .,ii:jt(
!i..i '' a , ' -S
and croak hU-voltare orotic : Bew Hoi-'
laday hairnetfiirtth raUfortune." "Jtrp
U each Ptbethhitvc ha. strandad up
ou uxikeai vockm, in the Gulf Of Geor-
Wetshale'i e'heia
iuduJe In. ruuaxd hiiariry wrer tb
HUt.e'if- ,a'l;trV7.'---tiu
..-i-. 1 i-'i
Tlie Albany (N. Y.) reokig Timet
(DeuMcruiic) attribute the nominatfoti
of Henry 'Wilson fop Ue Vice ,' fhfe$
deocyVw e? spei of gujuner aga."uiit
the adinlaiatratioiiiOf Grant, t Just so;
the epseeh was a' bootuerBng whlcfc
termed nci Grari but Woufia-il IJlinV
'fW. severely,,1 lui.'.'fielJy,, te.oft
bites itaelfrli 1.1 -,.;i .?; t.l ir-i-:d-ut,
: -It n
I Alt urrcomiury cuugaat .priu
cone to Hie conohislom that Elections
kMehmtUM'adeMston: ( Trktj'!
W:hii t' the , orga'n,' .njasten' t(iipks '. also,.
Ho speiids tbU deistiroo hours. raw
Inournfully. droning'
it l. l
This world Is but a fleeting show
.ii tt'i
The Benton Democrat don't like the
f-hilodrtplil - -tticltcal' (.plntfortn.
iJYjfr.Ju'y Oilj, wt; shafl ;tsk 'f ho ;Dia-
oerat how it fikestlie Wicinnad'Ka.d-
ical" platform.
.:t (. ajM,-.-
,-iii i-
--Tnismr(Ro Brrmetr1 ;d.) 'in:
I'roseci'titig -AftortteV11- Cheuowetht
tK) 232 ; Fitclu. (D.)asS5. Joint Senators-.
Webster R. J30 W. Hall
(I).)2i0 ; J. F. Walton (R.) 313 ; ii
Fitzhugh ( DO 255." : Retjrrenta ttves
M. lUWy. au" ; G. lJyer.25d. . 4JoHnty
CoinmiswioiK'rs S. 'Brtideu,' (R. 273 i
IT: P. WMmey. '(R.I 277 V Vf. II- lliir.
SdiiUcraU 210; 'W,.ll.,Juckou.lU
3il., . County Treaeuntr-D. Wure,i
Jr., R.) .257 ; . Oammotr ( I i)
Stipt. of Schools L ' nackef R. $31 f
J. S. McVamara (D.) 211. Assessor
W. F. UiII aU-J a W. J'iwseu i,l.
251. Survejor Bridges .vl-).30i
O. Jennings (li.y 274- it'oroner Wi
ll. Smith (It.) 300 ; W. Tyrell ;D.)259L'
Total vole of Uicooutity; bSU, . . .
tiBANT Official.
Wilson (R:y
Burnett CD.1 803; ' Representatlve-i-
Thornlierry (R.) 302 ; .Julusoa,.;(B.,
2S'J; Clark (D.) 2S7 ; Ilaveltimo tl.)
;istTheTiff-4rwsrlt.''ltil', lUnth.i"
son VD.) 254.; ddrfc-fWIlsMt'-K.) 2S!5 ;
Itobinsou (D.) 2'JS. ComiuUsioners
J.ttce (R.) 2!)S; Babcock (R.) 262;
rfii!(u-efKlJ'.).t2J-a;- tMnitti' itWO
Treasurer Castle. CR.) 317 jMescua;
ger .(I).). 2G44 . Asr--Freuck (f.
313; King (!.) '2711. i School 8tiperin-
tftideut Holmes! R.) 30 ; Lester (KJ;
273. Survevor Johnson (&.) 209;
Kinsley (D. '2H1.
...... ..:
An Explanation in Itea-nrd to Jis Ins
, - rtebtetlitews., . .
' f .U.trit, June 20, IS72.
Mr. Eirrou: In your issue ot the
lillJi Jiuit., ypu favJhe of
ttu- ISecreuiy of the State, Agrictiltur-,
al Society isbovvs it ludebU'ducss to bo,
$5,000. So it does ; but when it is
kn.whttmti3.000 of thismim is pay
an1FTn"an'iiuaTJi(sF:nth'tiB QfJTTOoo aiC
ter Xoveirtlier'hek't, the' lrtdobtcdness
apK-:irs in a vervdifferetit light. The
3.Mmi'Yorhe'70 neres of Wind'prti
cltaset I last year, and Tlie Society will
itot ottly be Ue to metfc that, but add
HitHK-or lf),000! worth of imirove
iik'nts pri the gYotiyfls. bdfore thc.'lastj
payment UtU rme. ...The bociety owns. ..
at this time, about ;140 acres of fin'
laiftl, and tlie improvements which
have eost between 10,000 or $11,000.
pi.rTMAE xsd rrttsox&i, JJOTES.
l-'x-Prcsideut . Joiinsoti announces
tli:it he is an anti-Greeley man and in
favtfrof'a straight-out iiotiiinatjon at
Baltimore. .
The Rii liinojidJ'j.lJXy5ig enthu
siastic over "l ncle Horace. " "In pur.
detloemte - jtKlgmeut," It ' remarks, '
'J)Ci t'loctiqii of Mr. - Greeley. . tinder -
ATI(itllllf lll 41tllCt. ,.3 ' IVftllbl ( lU. -mi.
thousand fold better. Ibrtmth the North,;
and the Sourh, than
tliat of Jefferson .
Davis himself.
The Missouri Ileinoerat suggest
that-it .wonhr-be'u'grMwt thnc"'rw'ro.
organize, sonic, investigating comiriit-,,,
tees. One Is needed to ascertain the ;,
precise attitude of Mr. Sclutrz in re la- k
tiou to the Greeley and Brown tickef-J.
Another might make inquiry concern- r
ing tlie damages direct, and coiise-,, inflicted upon Grant's popu
larity by the oratorical efforts of Schurz .
and Suuiiier. J( , H . : i . . Ul ,
Speaking of the Kepubli&n party,:'
Senator Sumner said ; "I stood by its
c-adle; let me not follow its hearse.""
Consent. The vigorous infant has no
notion of dying a tlisuseut. If Mr.
Sumner desires to wrap the drapery of
his coui h about him and make a eold I
hotly of himself, the infant aforesjiid,.,
will give him a first-cUis funeral en
si tort notice. . . -!-.-.,, if
- ; ... '( ....
Even Tipton has gone backwi Gree- ;,'
let. He says: "A . great 4 tulstakf
was made in holtliug the Ciuciimati
Convention so early ; it ought tn have
been cstlled to nieet after the Philadel-' !
phi;v Convention." Wouldu't it haye
lieen still better to have called it after
the election in November?
. , , if
Hon. George V . Julian, says ju.
U tter to a Irieud : "The fictioii or lfc
convention at Cincinnati sIiqsv- that it :
will not fully meet the demands of tlie
hour. The penitence ot Mr. Jnllnri Is
a little late, hot is likely to he abiding.
The -iIt set up by the Liliemi Aaron
is not likely to have many worshippers
when the Moses of.,thc Republican
party appears." "
. i
. : if.
. A Sicw lac tor ltuor.
Tlie seizure ot liquor by the state
constable in Massachusetts furnishes ,.:
many refreshing little incident which
hcli) to make lite tolerablq in that dry
and thirsty land. AB "North Adams,
the other day, a resolute officer seized
a jar ot something and took it before A .
magistrate, when tbe following inter
esting examination took place : , " '
The attorney for the prisoner asked
the constable if he knew it was liquor.
He replied : . . . , , . ,
"Yes, it was Vttrn , I drank some
of it." ;' '; " : '
The prisoner, a woman, was called.
"Didyou liave any liquor in your'
hotisc when tlie state constable called '
there?" , '
Yes, I had some in a jar." .
"How long had yon had it f "
"About six mouths." i
"Did you liave it lor sale ?" i
"Oil, no, I don't sell liquor." M ,
"What did you keep this rum for?
I kept it to wash the baby."
"Have you ever washed the baby in .
this rtitn ?" ... -.1 1 ( . --.,
Oh. ycs.' ofteii ; I usetl to- turn the
rum out in a dish, wash the baby in it,
ami llieti I urn it Imck into tlie jar.''
There was laughter in court, and the
suite constable declared tkatbewPald
seize no more liquor kept in a jar.
Mr. Garrison addsr "You cinnot
separate Grant from tbe party which
put him in tlie Presidential chair, and .
which means to keep him in it if possi
ble another ttrm, being s itisned as to
his ability integrity and patriotism;
and, therefoivU) 8tiginitjuiig Mm as
a venal self-rHA.r titkl itu- unscrupu
lous (Usurper, 'uu virtually pronounce
tlie people to lie equally corrupt auo
j.'f--tf .v
tfrsm' Ikiily ni.f WadiKsd't June. 19.
Phi N(i(:ri-( - ? - ( . ; ' I :1 1 r
JackaonTllle U to have an artesian welt
Tnu-k-laytnj haa baea reeumetl oa the West
Hde Ballad,.H ., ,, . - t -t :
Jwias "-'- "t' - ( ; '.
The report thai small fW ia'mwvaillnir la
Tillaatsjok tiobtttyls suthorltaU;ly denied.
XUw Anna Ueblif will leave pregon to-day
Chaa. J. Craliam, ixilorefj, g(trl Totes for
Osooetknaa, at Portland, Stonday-miin 5a
Umtreil;Cfratii aios-'limf mortAlly- wonuded
Jsaei lmfluy, 4 , faii, JUwtay even
ag. .... ... .
Har sfaoksna. Dl jForl Klamttgb, waa buy
ing eaaaiiar, hwe to Jaokaoa aanaty but
week. . r. :t, pj. ,m -4 - I
TUVMiWIw was rm ever M killed by a
aratzb front. nt astufrday, waa' a tdborer
lay Ike tanaaef SaUtvaW -s-
f-tMtftertal Kbt'llnV. eajpe 3rW weather
CmSmim Portland,
' OmiUm lilwi wltwVMiblng
Geodaria A Staltb, ef w-'hiskv Onksh, Jacksou
mtMS s ,mmm t 4m: wea dts
siargo tost week. ..-..:,
Xbe GatifigiUaen Seated at JrWtlaad bn-
sliy, w Gat L. inory, lt. Wlu-ar JC
"rtnsata,.jKr Ward : and J. C, Mart-land, l
WsHp .'"i;r"f t . .:
Tha mndartt' Boise' jCtty, aav: the big
BWb-bi the WHfow Creek mines Is ritnning
bout A BhoossnH 'fncbes of water, jnuers
jbt)aat,and times will sooa be lively. ' 1
fillownf perBrmg'weTe elected at East
Partta4, Srondav, tir tbe ensuing year:
TriMmw -Memrs. J.C; Hiwthorne, Shaftnek,
Vaaidiewa, 6aMibaa aad MoMUIan. Kerd-er-.J.
A.. Newell. Assesaor-M. Matlln.
Twasattar iJb.Jawldaa.. - -
j 'jlSitei: Cly ima'a p'iwiltkjva.' -
i. .flnK((i! ii iiau-joiiara aire again twitt
tbcatwrlHie. ., ., ., ........ .
( 1'km tlaamsblp Ajax sniled from tan Fran-
else tier Oregoa Tuesday. "
i -Ibe Jtishxm Soott tirammar V;hool, Port
lanUiaiaa (Jus ytear aa inoreaae or twenty pei
ceuL uT pupils, from last year. . -. ' 1
- A.J. Moses, tried at Portland Tnjsrta-, f,r
(uraers, wasa.-tiuttel.
i ' Mft James Winfy- and famllT have Jdst ttr
rlved from Scotland and will settle ou a tarm
near.aatysoui. i ft-
Harrjr E. Harlow, a la3 of Ire years, son of
( 'Spb vhn Harlow, of Port-land, was drowne-t
lu Canca's Luke, Tatisilay. . -, i
; -netateHortljMlfiiraTT'aIr vriUVipen to
ils rat the Skating Pavilion, Portlamt
' -Charfes Vlvlaii, a lamouS smgist, ' It. eu
riMrre f Orert.n, and will warble for the do
ieetattaa of the Port landers. J . '
ffu Liuilytif Friikvf June 21. '
ff..!ifcf.(i. (.; ( .....-. iii( ; . ( -(' '
( West worms are Injoriag wheat In Wash-
il (gtons-uuty.
' 'jtleern'ph Kne win soon "be loefrterl froia
rtrtsior toCoj Bay. ', ; ;
.' The sTnltuomah t.'rauJ Jury hi sen-a ij ,
llias 8Bd twelve imlictuientti. ,
Thearn at Miller's ranch an) stage tialion.
Tnlsaxuiunly, ura btuned last Muwluv ,los
.'.Oolt, .,, ... . , .,. .. . .. .. .. ,
Mn-riAaeket tma mmpleted Ma contra. n
Ithe ttrrx-na aiiil itJalibniaa Mmilrnartti-atneeu
oalam r, ,,..,., :
A nan with the smalt pi)I appeare.1 on the
open street ui Portland, V-.ltiesday. Jl
nrae tiuUm m charge by tlie police arst sent to
IkoJ'taa honso. i..t . i.-... i- .
In tir- Orctit Tonrt ir Jacksen eoimtT,
8tstiwivfk, Haviil Hart was eouvicte.l of Itir
sieny ie a .broiling J- and Jiti Woodward
) leauetl guilty to horse stealing.
The iteritoii Fiemncrat savs the sphitihave
loa oap Oeekers when to And S13,iUU
V.ind t reaBUio. -o uVoubl. . . - t
. itm. saUnutli, of ikwtoa eouatv, was ae.
riouslf iiyured last Tuesday bv a runaway
jfiMit. rjne-sf the horses was kit left
Ex-Gssr, Saloman wrll stttnm Oregon for
e;ittta i-orentlv shlnncl 2t" hoon coles
laeuetrnK-a,-.;.. ; , ,,. ,.....( ,.
Tbeoaal raineraat Isike Wasfabigtoo. near
Seattle, luive gone ou a tr.luf i'jr iitliei,-
"R'aTla "Wttlta has gained In wealth elnco
last year S40MIM. ' - - " '
Ctrinkets are-Mrm irreat daiawretothe erots
In fei-wciimyol J'aliiha.. . ; ( , .. : i
inaneaesth als ara aowtbe feature a Oh m.
pi.u chcapus ought to tuaka llieu
jHtptfbtr. ,. , ,
lix. J. 15, Alleu is to deliver thQ otatlonat
Olyuipfs on the Fourth ot July. .''
' A disease .-.Ailed mntfntuiil ferer-ts jsreval!
tiicatiMnt the bia-oes at Walta Wallarcatis.
lupa-uuty fiatuaa. . i , ti , .,..itt J..-t :., i
Iha Vlymiila Tribnne, pohltslieti by tbe
Telerau tiewtaaper mau, Chas. troechha a
nei address, and appears in handsomesbape.
Vkfrt.. HaheTsbsiw Is Sisrreviiig a line fori Ih
V. ISallistXmnaay,Xram'reUtie to llut
UnglatttBay. Kcaafc Unkiwim. a prominent jaerohant of
Lt'Whum and Walla Walla, died aubUml'.- at
Sttn r-Btnelsoo, on tbe evening of the iJlh
The Montana Democratic Territorial ron
tcnllji will be held In Deer Islge C'itv July
;r - ' s
Kwv- 0. Keifs his sokl I be old Wbltaiaa
niisstoo to Mr. Cmts.'Monre for (he sum of
ism. riHTvareslx luuidred and forty a. ran
of jiok laodiii the trtar.: i ,, i ' ,
K. Jtu-kson; Keil Nt'Arthtlr nrd atiothnr
miner named .Morrow, recently decanii-rd
from ria.-ervi!le, Idaho, leaving" creditors to
wirsirn lothe tane-ol teS or tUeu thousand
Tha ClaAe Coimty Farmer's Clab is ofl-r.en-das
follows, thia, jr2jl'riJ.nilul, tie.
Evatw: Vt-e PrestdenL S. W. Brown; scr
firr. Julius Scrtoto ; Treasnrer, Wtnutra S,
DoiiOrtt l;rcntlvolnmie, Aiei. Mlcbnl
onat liay Jiaydeu. ,, . , i
Tli iValla Walla Beat Estate Hecord say:
We invlersimid tliat a isirty wiil start but
from Uks pla.-.c shortly to snrvev a ronie for a
rail waorfcatweeu IMs "place and Giatid Konde
Valley. ,
A.IMsa City p-nier says: "Jack Thonpson,
me of the owners of tha' Keystone. lelg near
this citv, rei-entlv had s.ime of tbe ore nssav
e rwsmtMM ln. was (Ml BSingoldaiid
$LHt m m silver per Son.' .;:..
Tliomasli Kenny, lata Indian Pwp riit
tendent or Washlnetou Terrliorv, iitta. ked
CharU5tvtjor tilieOrramia rrrib
iiiwj, wjlh a cane, kiiivkedhlmdown. and beat
Hiuisrrarelv, Saturday Jast. Tlie casus lielJI
was rros-hN expose of Kennedy's official
traosadioaa aadr Una jatBra ctMioetpioiit re
ffa j i , -f . i. ,i.-
Tiif- tSTEST tko rriti.
.Ttiri (bblc. of NclrYork'' nsfcs the
following qiiestioir -Whnt is tbe fast
est time a trotting horse ever made a
mile ia . barnoss ( over . the Fashion
Course, at , Jong Island ? Answer
Defter trotted a liiU mile in harness
iu 2:16, in Juno, 1U7. ills time was
takcu scpararelv bv tlie jutlges in the
tii-st - beat'.5 - This Is Uie fastest time
trotfna on 'the Fashion or any other
traekin the St-ite". ' Joe Klliot,' tvlten
a thsvj'tar-oltl coif, rrotted a mile in
hjtrissl! hi 'M91:, . ' Flora - Temple
trwttexf ' a mile 'iu-rmrueM in ' 2:l'.r4'.
Thee flie the three' finest milox ever
trotted on Fashion Course in harness
hi plie. 1 ' . ! - J- t 11 -' -
A conunerctal contract has been en
tered iuto-bettveen thei Alexieai Gov
erumtMit I and the Paunina Kallroad
CoiuMiiy, the principal stipulations of
which are that tlie company is to run
a monthly line, of steamers between
Aoapnlco and Panama, touching at
Coma sco and Youola, State of Chiapas
arxi JsuJinu Out! and Puerto ; Angel,
-Stte of Oaxaca. . TIw Goveruraent
agrees to pay a subsidy .of f 3.50U a
tuoMh and remit all port, ligbtltouse
and Aitchoinge dutie. Tim first steam-'
er will conimuttce triaking trips on the
1st of July next, the 'contract to last
fer fiwe years. ;Tbe DiarioOlliciaL the
Mexican official journal, hails this com-
nrcial eittetotWa oie tliat will
yield sub5tant4i results, and. efrutjta
have no doubt of its entire success.
. .t n.u -,t. . . . I t'
The iew iratioual Repiibllcah. Corri
tiitt!c eterted E. D.' Morgan of New
York, Chairman ; TlHiam Chand
ler, Secretary ; and the following Exe
wtive Committee : E. D. .Moigau o(
NeW York, Governor Claflin of Massa
ehusitts. Governor Jewell pfConnectij
cut, Cattell of New Jersey, Morton of
Indiana; William H. Kembatt of Penn-
sylvanta, - J. V. Scaminon of Illinois
D. Cowan of Ohio. Dorlge of Iowa,
Snenoer of Alabama. Fnlroii of Marw
wind, Abbott of Nortl Carolina, itlie country h.-MjiolitWwl oraniitcreial
George C. Gnrhani of Ciilifornia, J,T relation, and rati saa hr comlrsle tlwt
i . .wriii or "iiiinesoi:i. and r lliiam
A. Howard of Michigan.
Tliel "New Tork evening Post feels
for tlie "indepeadeut'? Greeley press.
It, , says:.. VMr-,. Greeley's tergiversa-
I'ous, tncoDsistencies and caprice are
difficult enough at any time even to
keep track of ; but when It Is necessary
not oulr to follow hut to defend them.
tlie task is one which must needs move
the most hard-hearted to pity,"
:! .. .'" " i ' l t n
Though soldiers profess to love - the
wives ttjey leave behind tliem. they
s mebow, generally, go away in trans-
.. I Hi V
s6, 1872.
-I ft
! Eatt-
A flutmrtartHttr ftlanalalUam mm Bmm
UiasaawAi(eaalcal swtimt.
Mr. Beecber writes tq 0i Jetljtr j .
Out of my back windows 1 laok down
on four or flve;,! ysn. all 'well
kept and lying well open to the sou.
tioou after tbe grass spring rvn shall
see the gorgeous array of ifamilciioiis
as might make a florist farrrr enviens.
llicy jut our from "th8-dges of tlie
walks, they- crowd Tho"rirrcAr strii
of grass at the lower end,tliy fitirly
Ipstlp each other like'a crowd poorhig
out of a public hall, in their ssrila to
get jnto the light and opeik their gold
en crowns to the sun.
So brilliant are tliey ataJ so Inrdy,
thttt we are apt to miss the eentimeut
that lives, in ,them. Tliey ar not of
the flowers that impudently prtsh them
selves forward, demanding as to look,
at tiien) wltcthcr we will door law. .
With all their amazing: feriiliaiiej,
they arc still coy love rlowc-iw, ttt waft
for tbe.. sun, as a bride for the bride
groom, .For dandelions dot nvt wake
up in the morning before we do, Tliey
wait till the sun has long called them,
and they fling open their goJ(feo disks,
and stilus with a real delight o4, exist-,
etice, with a; etieer and atiniKktuce
whichought to strike joy into UaaLart
of a iriisiiutbrope,
Spou after ppoii is at Its lagfiosf. the
daii'ltdlon, th world . Is
hytgtt ' euoiigh,, and that tfc smt ran
iil;iqagi; The lest of the tla r. tikl-i tin
it-ell, Jhc goltleu tilanMtits with
the greeii lepalsf and retires to iwcdita
tipu.' ThuS jIt plays courtier In the
morning, auu mm iu the afltmoou. .
But. 'hitt a name J , Den -leuU, or
2),-dVeyn I .'
Or, if you fly roflicsystcitjfttfciiaiiie,
tlie llfirsh t'fr tirncuni. r , Slstll such jt
hoipe-lovlnfi,' radiaiijt creature be called
lion's foiA,,lieenust sonie' impertinent
pn'Ing botiuist fancied thst lie hod es
pied among its minor forras the slape
oa llon4 tooth? , . '
Just as soon aft' we have rot polities'
settled, business retormed. hnmau ua
trire elevated. Mr-. Bonner, I am deter
mined to form a" society for tie
rerorniatlot) of latiU-albotatuoalnairtrs.
UotJtiy has becq the Nrwh-;Ark ot
pedants. , Kvery alisnrd uiitm. ot'everj
pnigtiiatlcal prjofessor lut been tnrntd
into Greek or iJttln, ami hong about
the hc'K' ; of. unlutppv flower-. One
might' as Well 1 ting a olctt.aiary arouml
:i child's neck, hy, wjiy of onutuia-tit,,
to iinpoe pn .flowers siu.-i oturag.HMis
and outlaiidisii names as now defend
the science ofbotany from all approach, .
as a frt 1 defended by a nine ol t'liev-atix-tle-frise.
But blessings m those
elicerv.-ilktWxi citi'ihreiv ot.,th..s-tiii !
Thev are Imkii of brightness; their
wftoiolifc Ulskea swlhif Vrrf S - '
They irre"iioC flirR-rr for rite band;
tlu-y qre nop to be wont in tla booiu.
'fhey' Uo .not'love the houe, or tin?
pres'snre ot a cWe boorjiiet.' Their ltfi'
U ip the treti op:nair. ,'J'hey shiue otat'
on you along' your daily walk. ','TbCy,
crowd jour yard with golden coin,
which, good for nothing In tlie inarket.
yet may liave' tlie power to pouter more
enjoyuiept, than cviildgolde.n'dollarsor
ilunit..' ' " ' '
This is my utuuial tribute. To-day
I look out of my window and thank
God for the gifts which Jim sends n.e
by the hand of dundellolis! Do they
know my thoughts as a g:ie ou them ?
Is there hot some sympathy betwern
things in nature which wake up the
soul to flellgltt, and aid the soul thus
nroustnl ' i ' ' ', ' , '
ltehhid signs and signals, hack of all
articulate utferaricO. piuy tliere'not be
a subtle! rblattonship which will yet he
discovered, as connecting the 'inward
and the 'opt ward with .1 living relation
ship? - '
If the Revalutor .Tiihn had lived in a
liiutl where dandelions blossom, it
might be stiriniscd ' what he meant
when le tlcscri'ied Heaven as pavcd.or
rather planted with gold.!
Ul ' '' ' - . . i . i';' (" .
U-., I '"
From the .North Amcrt-an
States IJazette, Ma) '.
An adjournetl inortiitg of the f'snii
niisHioii hnving in charge the -preliminaries
And gnnenl orirani73itiit f the
Centennial. Kxliibition in tliis citv
I'hiLtilWphia niK Wctlnesikiy, Vlie
i.'id. with ihtutnen CVmmisioners antl
tti nlterndtos, rr-rewiiting ttrenty
threo Stitenj. Attlicclom of the wis'-k
tn-t-f Sittites -and Territoriesi were orH
eially reprnaKtited. The task accom
plished has Isfti rhielly ttiat of prt
paring lor final Wort. i
It is now riexilded that tlss Kxhilif
tioo HhnU OfMiit April l.. 17. ami
close alter six months. Tlie Exposi
tion will be lieki in Fainnoimt Park,
and every country is roqueted to be
present, and controlled by ft- own
Otaumifwiisi; ; TIk' Kxecutive Com
mittee have reported, iu a document
blending comprehensiveness with a
commendable detail thereunder, pro
prosing a capibtl stock t $10,000,000,
tn he nisisl by a IkkuiI ttt tiiiance
under a uatiArnl -clmrter. - By... thi
methotl the Commtsnlon will ho "left to
attend solely to tlsis ftnctiotrr thst
:ipMrt:lin immedintultr to the fuccefw
of the display, while : the fittum-ml
functional vest hi I ' body speeialiy
diargetl witli tlietn. A oatloual tt
piopr'rt ron : will lie asked only to de
I'ray the expenses of national rcpreseti
tatrres. i- ! ! . . . -
. The sab-committee elwrrged with re- f
KH-ting the most desirable form of the
building, postponed their decision
until a site was selected, and until the
sitn. should be wirvt'-ed and a decision
reachetl whether the buildings are to
be- permanent or- temporary.-' Tliey
favor a structure tlwt shall surpass any
pretleocsKor. 'The report ot the 'Corri
miiteeou Plans and Architecture is
now before a special Commit tcediarged
to select a plan lis a basis; and an
other committee are constituted to
place the matter liefore tlie people of
the country with a full definition of
the ends in view and the proposed
methods ot' rtmmipllslimeiit and the
lieneticial results to be exjiected. - Al
ready an offer iuts been made of speci
tnt'iis of uirUlK- niiwfc-Jg .aodrnxJels
from the estate of tlie Marquis ot Bute;
of rolhtiofi bf sli'the fbrld flsti ofthc
world, slntT, of the 'dtrfcrepl; 'xiloii' hutl
truiUof the globe.. iiitVuii Us k.i.-m
The Committee on Classification
liave adopterl tour, grand divisions-
national products that are the basis f
manufactures ;-(thc manfaetores resnlt
ing; the means of tltese reMiilts, ami
the otteetsof this activity, t This gen
era! clastiiicatioii is tnrtW'd out in ten
ilcparGiaeiiU, subdivided into as many
groups,-, having an equal number of
1 classes.' OtritsiS and artistic matters
will be used to accompuny those- prac
tical matters to which they most close
ly . appertain, . rather than exhibited
separateir .?n un ii:--.M-t. ',
' Tlnu tiie foundations of the great
display are so laid that tlie remimiing
work is chiefly executive. ! Tlie site.
the time.- the out-pose, the. method of
.raising funds and the amount to be
raised these we know. 'We know,
too, the broad patrotlsm tltat inspirits
the whole.awl the practiil dmirtarts
that aro wisely auticipatedj' We see
from the admirable plan KtoptiM i
whicii no much depends, and from
early proffers from foreirrj eottntries,
as well as front various Statr.-tht
our own iirterest'is shared wht rever
when the occasion arrives hr which
such wise lire pa ration has b-eu irtade.
it will prove wortny of the great event
in. which tt oriel riated r:ot tin-
worthy of the Nation, the State er the
City. There is very much to be done
even for nreoarat Ion. The decisions
attained cover only the preliminaries
and now thev are to be forfeited and
mrrietl into detail. ' Bntr the p ost
troublesome: work is ended, and the
n-nresenUtion of forty Btates Satur
day, against three-ami-twenty the pre
ceding Weduaaday-tha -ar&t spirit
:ind sound iudirmeiit shown, all certify
that the further work will be satisfac
torily srferted.
w i .
f - .
... j, ,:j
! V: i ;j.i 4 ' ft'
$3 00;per
I A.
A holsall cltli-ki-a new on the fence,
Cliijha-wti, Chappaijnal '' ,':":
Ile.-hoeretl loriireelcv -he had no sense
I h-t-.Juir-hof)-'l:l,:'''ll'i '
A IMarercbV-ka flew on the fence,' " ' '
Ooai-jtaipn,Cha.ppajU!iI : , ! '
; Aislwantior Uiechlckeu that hail no scuae,
Chap-rharschap, Chnppaqna !
' . 1 - . r ' -if f ' t1'V
Tlie Imb tailed cMrken got licked so quick,
I 0'hajyohap.olit-p, Chnpriaqaai . . . I i"S
! He. fell from too fence as dead as a sUct, ,
' ' Cliajssiltap-cbap- Chappatiuaf - -'r'
I.....;-. ,.. ..... i . . . , r
; So more will he ckeer Ibr the Old White Ilaf,
l)haM!bapcua,;happaijtui! - ",
: Ills bunos are uiunched by Uie Thomas cat,
i Chap-chap-cha's Ctiappaxnta!
Only oim Democratic paper hi Ne
hraska endorses Mr. Gretdey.
, .Voorbees of Indiana was foiled of
j elecfioii as a cclegat at fcirge jto tht
! Bald "jore" Convention' He was cleaned
j cut by the Greeley men. "r - "'I
1. ' ' '": .' ' TH
! Dan. V oorhces says that tiiere are at
; lea eighty Democratic members of
the House wh stand with htm, arid
j tliat JuitRlaii-Vi thi gidyipirat
: ic SenitoV for Greeley.
j ,,;Thetiiferef nKn'safs in his Golden
; Age :-i"MR.Cteyi our brotlier-in-law
tit New Orletfs. has not .resigned;
' liesigpHBtyiAf pot one of the dLstin
! uWliingTaTts of 'our family.'' , Ix'ecli
! cs are panarkjableor a.dlieiiveneja,",i .,
' Coo-wef F.iVney who is a sagacious
': -olserver, "iys the real secret of the
I Demot-ritlctnovetaeirt iti Ctvorof Hor
: tit-e Ilea iu.f lie fai that the Democrats
'-want tlie Government, awl txr get If
"will' support anybody or sell ,any
' liody."" ' ' ' ' ! ' ',' ;
, . . - i ' ' 1 -
The New York Wdrld (Detriot-raftc)
the fiiorulug after die lireidey -rati-.llcatiou
makes no etlitorial iiientioti of
, tlie all air, and contains a 'two-column
leader under tlie caption. ;. '"Tlie Cow
j tirdice and Folly of a lAyitostrtttU; Sur
, .render to Greefcv."'
I i ' -' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
i , Tlie IV-orld stoutly insists that Gree
!3y litis po such stretigth in, the Soutli
sis liis rluquer claiin. 'Some political
i ii-odies,"r it remarks, liko ex-Gov-i-reor
P. O. Hobert and some Confed-
,;nf e failure like General luibodesi
' aua le haste to launch their dug-outs in
fLhe hoe ot bning taketi on to fortune,
but UUe isouUsf rn people are doing
-iheir own tliiukitig. They know the
negro vote is solid for Grant, aud "the
-tide Is1' Wrltig.' und Greeley's hopes
Jtreittrandlng.1" r " '
' "CTigfalJ ot,Tcxas':ocs..Jor Greeley.'
"The last man lie "went for" was Gcn
emi Anderson, in Fort Sumter, when
tlie-t x-.S'oareJiaibecl ap ta a port
,lile from a row-boat ami summoned
tlie jinirriiKMi to capitulate. 'I'lie U-nn.-tssl
for the surrvtider of the White
House to the White Hat will meet
-vrtii a diffiTeut response. Grant js
.notnc of the capitulating klud. .
"TTilliam Lloyd Gan-isoii. oue of the
trti wnost of Usi original nbn)itionits
jrd the suiiet. - of Sum tier's ad
iliertts in the anti-slavery contest, has
r-!r'Y-cd' a sharp note to" that gentle
oua in Vbioh he says of Sumner's late
le-h tliat it is ill-judged, ill-timed,'
tid so extravagant in its charges and
hitter in k.s 'eTnaIltles as to neu
irrawze whatever of just criticism can
is futid in it. It will assuredly serve
Tiie purposes of the worst foe the cause
of imjwirtiid frcexinai has most to fear.
Tbe Daily Vokshlatt. which Is the
sirgau iif the imtnense German popula
hit ion tf lyouisvillc, says the "Cliiciu-'
uati fiasco has driven very many of
'Jistfs oppoueuts squarely into
(rant's amp. It applauds the
.-eech of Dnn V"oorhees, but remarks:
.Mr. Vowhees however, must have
Vuowu hi 3tdvaiK tlutt tlie Liberal
Jit-rtl wJU answer his exposition with
Mupid gritn uiaue and the populnr howl
f tirant's biols. ' Hn the people will
ilo have an' answer to make, and if
the cuois, lies, between Greeley and
Grant, all Deuiocnits whonbltor polit
ical swimilers win vote for' Grant.
AiI tlie lmmber of them is not small.'"
,BV JlC-ST.t
(Itroia ibe Mountain Sunlinel.)
On Witlneatl.ty last a ' messenger
from Iei-'s EiK-ainpmeiit on the Blue
MoiinT.iiiis twenty -five miles from I -a
Grande, arrived bringing the terrible
iiiteJligeiH) that Harvey J. -Meachnm
had met with an accident by which he
Pad - probably lost Ms lite. , 3Iedical
ait.-iiiii was procured and with
unusual Jiastc Uie physician, sought to
roach tlie side of tlie injured one. But
alas, tliey were too late. His-spirit
had wended its way hack to the God
w ho gave ir, and the family and many
friends left by tlie absent one could
only mourn his loss and find consola
tion in Uie tact that while ite lived, he
livtsl not for himself alone, lait for all.
I n his heart wa a temler spot which
rule -his wlinle action toward all who
t i in tit coutuci wilh iiim. Of a gen
ial ilLspivjiiuti. a pwKTOUt rutture, a
high sense at honor and nuinliness. he
a I all times and under all circumstan
ce was tlie stiuic. No num. left him
hungry ; tn noeded .issisUnti ever re But he Is giwic Jet the aympti
tliics of n" all he with the utaoy rela
tion and utrfiiularly with tlie wife
ami children he so uddenly left to tlie
en re of the world. Being a member of
the fraternity of Odd Fellows Har
vey .T. Meaeham was consigned to bis
earthly resting place with the syn
ptfhy, love and charity of Uie noble
order sympathy lor Uie . dear ones
left behind, love for the deceased, and
charity lor his iults, which, be it said
to his honor and praise, were ' as ftnv
as an almost perfect nature would admit-
' .
Mr. Meachftm was born Oct. 23,1823,;
la Orange cnuntj'., Induuia, 1j .
he emigrated to Calil'oruLi. and from
theuce to Oregoa iu 1S12, wltere lie
hs been a permanent resident since.
The following is President Grant 'fc
reply' to the letter '.notify iug hitn of his
nomination and asking his at-eerifcihet:
..' xErxTh' MANiioKr j. ,
VArjHros, June luth;
To the r Hon. Thomas riettle. Presi
dent of th National Hepublkran Con
ventioii, Paul Straboch and .pUier,'
Vicc-Presiilenls Gentlemen ; Your
letter of tliis. .date advising 'ine of tlie.
action of the convention held at Phila-'k
dcluhut on tlie 5th aud Gth of this
mouth, autl of uiy imuimous.noniina-
ttoa for the ireldenoy is iretrcivtBd; ' I
accept th 'iorflinarion, and' through
jo.! retnrn my heartfelt thanks td ymir
constituents: for this mark of llieir coor
fldeuce and mipport.' .If elected In
November and-pmtectetV by .a kind
Providence iu health and Strength to
perforr the duties of the high trirt
wiiferren", .! prorolse the same zeal ami
dcroda to Ute good of the whole peo
ple tor tne future or tn-rofnctal life as
sliown in the past. I'ast experience
may guide me iu avoiding nitetakes,
inevitable with novices in all profes-
miMw atKi in an -occupationst. rv nen
rerieved from the re'Donsibllltlesof my
pnxmt trust by the. election ot a sue-
cessor. whether it lie tit the end of this
term or next; t hope to leave to him as
exevtitive'a WAillUT at Jirr within
its own lKrderR. at pence with otiUide
ii.H'ioiiSj. with a credit at Iwuic autl
abroad. ,ini 'without "emlKirrassing
miesfliiris to tltrettten Its titttrre pros-M-rity..
.With the exprowfaiH t a de
sire to see, tlie speedy Itc-ilUig of all
bitterness of feeling between sections,
pnrties, or races ot citisens, and the
time when Uie title s'Vitiseu"? carries
alUhe protection aud privilege to the
humblest that it does to tlie most ex
alted; I TObscribe inyself. Tery respect-
iiuir, ytmr ooeuient servant, '
tSignedl. , , U. S.GKAKT.
George II. Pendleton lias written a
letter .recommending Mr. Greeley's
nomination at Baltimore. Tbe Demo-
c -its are of a very forgiving disposi
t .'ii.
1 MuUHi j S 7',
( . p .'):!,' 11 I,
Annum--in' Advance
.Its..;! 1 ( -.-Kibi
r, oi
"PtaklMliew by E. I
(HiMnl MtoertUing AfM,frml 0tert.
St ,'F 1 1 1 " . 1 ' iU"'- ' " IJ'.i-l 'g
KIrst Street. Innsirteri and Jobbers of
FaivytmdvTaya,Cndkt tilaiwwn saw
PlalclWare. ..
4 alor' ITouse, First between Oak ami
xm. Pine Everytalmt neat. M. Lw LeofrtM-
low.Trop., ;. , ... , ..
Bancroft A Morse, .
Agents for Mabie, Todd Jt Co'a celehrated
r.if-r -'GOLD PENS; ;-"-.'."
Ivison, CVi lvemau, Taylor ACo'stjcliaol Books;
Jiulpuliliihe a ullline vf lani, iXank
- prr thu State. '
. 1 1 - - 1 1 - ri M i
ainian, the only direct Importer of Cloth
1 Ing, c, cor, front Washington wU
,; tHAS. C. BARRETT, )
, '. I-arrest htoc.L hi I'ortlaixL t , , ( ..
AKatrO Frvntemit JV 5 H'MJ'tJs.'Cva ttnstij
BKCK, Wll JJ.VM A SOX, 129 Front St.
lniKirlers and dealers in
"' iiniia, Ririea ' 1 ' - ItrTolvertii :
" l'evrv ilr-nSsni. l- '
Fi-blnf Tackle, Kiiiv-v il.s, Deads Dint
' ItHres. Kasketa, I 'ron not tbames and
iiaiiv Carriagea, , ' t
Agents fit the "Call TornU Powder Works;"
. . also, ilir the oWheHer A Wilson Sew
ing Ma.hiiies."
HMU-lunakt-r ami Jeweler, Work done
li.r lh Traiie. ' " it?. i
. nacnetasr, " rruw aireet.
Brigham A Kcinhart, Itrst strei-t. lietween
ink at 1 Pine. Imoorters ut'bioves. Hnu-
ges Kit.-ben t'tensils.
Wuchantin, W, A., s. w. cor. First A Taylor
-' ... -., ... .11. I 1 1 ,v .... 1 ( I
bi Cheapest Kumllure House in Port-
VAlJTEilO r tr.t Street.
Cslarke Hen. lei a.u & Osik, SI A S First 81.
Dealer In Drj- Goods Fancy Millliierv,
Ac A.t. - .-.-.
""kknA Kosenfckt US KratitSL Cornrais
"ty -aon McjvIuiius A dealers lu Oregou and
California Produce.
Conale. J. B.. manoti.nrer and dealer iu
Saddles. ILiiiicn., and Sa( Idler v Hard
ware, Sii Trout St.
Ctmrler, W. A Co., KM Front street.' Mer
,cbani Tuika-s A Cksluers, ILHs, Furnish
ing GisslSj
De tjishnmtt A Oatman, VI Front ;.-4reet.
Ileal, Ksiato Akcois,. mone loaned
houses rented.
C. It. Wood
aMACo.. lul Front st rem, I'ortlaiid.
II. Wwdard A Co "
1(H Front St. Orders
from any isirlion ni the State or Territoriua
carefitliy Ifll.-l by mall or express.
Emir, Lowensreln ft Co, Fnrnltnre and
C.-risa.0caiors auires from UH to 14
'irrt street.
EmpliiynieiU Agncy."""Withereir"Ar"Hri)
ntau. (lO Fmni struct. Fui-niah all kinds
of helji. ' ' '
EvenUng A Beebe. 10 Front street. Com
mission Merchants and dealers in lo
inestic Produce.
f.":shion LYverv Stable, corner First and
P Salmon - (tn.. K. - Corbett. Pronrietor.
rood turn-outs alwavs on hant
"isbel A lioberteor. r'irst and Washing
F ton sts. Dealers and Maiiufactm-ers.
Clothing, Furnislnu? bloods.
Freeland, Dr. B. K., Demist. OtBce, No.
S, Iekum's Block, cor. F'irst and Wash
IngUinsu, "S ill A Steel, 7o and 77 First street. Doat
JT crs in Books, Stationery, ami Musical
Instrnments. i
The largest Music llou-con the Coast.
V - CANS, i '
'( -i ,.
G. L. DKPK.VXS, Manager.
. C;Jf Axents wanted. Jl
Hahncy Bteeme, firoeers ami dealers in
ail kinds ot i-sssLs corner First aud
Main sts.
Hamburger. B., 1X1 First street, Inijiorter
aial denier in -sta-ik Fancy Dry ttuods,.
Heu-lee, D. II., Pbotixtraiitiic Artist, S. W.
corner First and llorristai atreuta. Chil
li itiis ptoturpH rs-i)ilty.
Uennchst-n, I., c & t o., 109 First str.s,
iiannliictiirBTsand dealers in Jewelry, ,
Wtitclies Ac.
g jl Ibhard. ieo. I.., W Front street, whole
s' sal dealer in Groceries, Ixxa-a, Wagon
Materials, Ac. , . f
Holge, Calef A t o., '.17 Front si reel, w ho!
aale dealers in Drugs, Paint. Oils.
tilass Ac. ...
1 f I,' Sewuig .Mjs-Iuih'. straight uee
rl J ill CJ die, nmler liud, -lock am,.""
Competition cliallengeil. . M. E. Travel, 112
From Sttvet.-
Hkrrgn-n A Shln.ller. Ins tm Tit First
u inqairum F'umituro, Jbstding, Au. :
IiSi-mal ional HoU'L cor. PnnS awl VlonU- .
on sts. M. Itti.lolii, Ir.nirietor. Free '
Biisr attends steamers. .'
Kolrn, 4. A Vk, l Front at t-eew wboUtsUe ,
and retail dialer in Fine Clothing. Fur
nibmg snoods. -
a.ajn Doree. Kesraiirnnt . private rotaaa
a-vJi for Families, cor. lot aud t'ims street.
. Veos, Propileldii
"falftr-Er'ft "i:rU"whoSle dealer In
A." -M Wines and Laq.uoi-s, O. S. J. Cos Block
aad San Franc ta-o. .
eier A Scbmeer, 111 Proht street, whole-
ata aud retail (AKUtwUimars. i
"filler. Johs-B.,88 First street. Watch
i" m. maker and Jeweler, offlTs to the pobbo
a flue ammrtmaaa of Wahmea.CioAsand Jew- .
elry. , . ,
Moel tor. Co-. Fnmt near C. street, ileal". '
. era ia- naUe and fbrakm Wines. Uu--
on sts i i.ii
"((-Torthruii. Er J Hardware, Iron. Steel,
11 Hotv SpOkeSf Hardwood Lnmbcr, Ac. '
cck!ental Hoel,iwr.iFlritTiTid Morrison -'
KVuUlh A Look. I'ronrlfitors. , ,, l
ttSarrinh, Watklns A Cornell. Keal Estate
mT i Agents, ea Front street, between Akler !
Snd Waahjugtoa. , , . , t , .
Photograph ie Goods,
' ..." r lol Front'
C. 11 W cssl
ard A -Co.,'
Ue, J. M.. 127 First street, wholesale
dealer in Tin ware and Stove. " I
tuhtar. Paul, 1SX Ftrat street, importer ot
Berlin wooden Carvl-iys, Parlor prna-
ieit.-A. 'i1
klur, 14. C, Itaal Bstata aad Muuey Bra- 1
ser, vi t roni ireet, I'orttana.
osenlaum, IS. A Co., Tobacconists lm-
iporttirs of Forelga and DoreoatW Lluunrs
ussBouse, Front street. On First Class
mnc,tpies. no. nyan, TTopnctor.
Cjherlork, 8., HI Front ana 2 rtrst t..lea1
pterin "iariioea, Saddjej-y, asA -dillury
lolmrni,J., M Front mm, Oealev In Doors, :
r9 ."frsh am) Bltmis, Wlu'tow and Plate Glass
lijlnslwlincr, if, IS. First street, importer of
fS -Ptnnotv Qrgaim, fcoeet Muslo, Musical
"Lkitlrnire. S. (SI, hit' First street, flriirirlst
f!9. aad ApoUMcary.a iarmi stock of Perfume
-.. Bn, ( I . A (
LimithA jfin.vls.71 Fi-onl street. wlioWIe
f3 DniBtr, Paint, Ous, Window (Glass, I'or-
imery, A. . . , " .
iknow A rtoosj'jj First streei,rutures,Stold- '
n inga, rntmnS, Artists Jaaterlalis Drawing
liistrnrminls. , ;
iimltli. Put, broker, flti Front street. Dealer
tn lsf!nl Tende rs, Gorurninent Bonds i
Snd Gohl Dust.'
AsTtl'SE, H. I, "to. 17 Front tm-t.
ir Waauhmaker aad Manns.uring Jewel
er, Is appointed ago i it fur the Walthain.fch-ln,. .
t- Howard A Co., Chaa. E. Jaoot,and Ihef 'al
tlnrma watches ; also, tr all the aodn.-tioas (
ami importa of the Calllonua Jewelri- Com-
v. Ran -rrsiMlsW. tseivl Itar a ".-trenlar. ''
Walclies rejnaired lu the very best maimer and ,
WABKANTKD loRive satistactlnn.
I Very ton, .Vs. I7S First street, nuuiutau- ;
im Hirers ami dealers In Furiilinve. Bed
duig.Carpets, A. - c ;
Vhe Cl.Shlng Store. 113 Fmnt tarweTTlotie-
Ing, F m-iibiing tiomls, l)o.s and blMws.
Harris A Prnger.
ri 1uttl.-nr. IU " 1 V Mi Front st. Js
In Wagons and Agrbnilniral Imiilom
I ImiJcmema
'jw, E. D-n. w. cor. First and Oak sis., -.a
dealer In Fine Brantilea Wines, English
Alte atsa Pal tin. ' "' ...
"jlyler. J. A., 11" From stre.t, aliolesale
"L tleoler In Butter, Eggs,' Cheese, lanl,
B.uion. A.-. ' ' ' .
Williams & Mrers, .1 Central blork, Front
Street, tmMiitefsta ilorchaala and
dealers in Produce.
- ' 1 UEO. K. F. IWAI3S, -
gon. Offick la Kepttbltcaii building.
Mill street. Orders solk-tted. All bnlnes
promptly atlemletl to. ... .. raajf
bJjsd, piiLeotoet or.poii
mmamej. -'"-"
.r-4 1 tin f'i.t iik-14 ma
' Thi Wkkklt Orboos STATRntA!! la
published every Wednesday nKimng. i
Contains a tummary of all tbe teksrrapbl.i
dtapatchwlaaa alt lac earraaa. etata aod Ea
cai news, editorials, correspondence, mlaorl
larry, poetry, etc, from Ttra Dadlt Btati-
" -4 :-! -.6 '--j.--.-stw.lf V l-'!'
"'A First-das 'Weekfy Hewspipef." '
'" Terma, trt.OO rsSrvear in vanca."1 99 JO
fcrds iwmtbaiaaranoe.(
Adveruaementa at libaral rate.
" put
Bake l.
Aabnra, . -"'
Ba!ke!?citT. 'r' "''
Clarkmdl'eiJ o-sii r,
COM,-'" -:
ChJoaw.W? -
, i iii f . (-- -. t ,
tiam,. - , , ,
Humlnldt Basin,
Jordan Valkrjy
Kve Valley.
Ca-,WW) ,i?
John ImrOty,' j-1
Payvllle, . ...
Atsea Valley.
King's Valley,
ilewum, - i c
Starr's Point, '''
Ashkud atrth, ,
Central Point.
Kal I'rintL t
" . , tsraafa Pasa
JmtAKtmrui, i
r , J-lkville,
If Ivaai x, - ,-,
noca r m.
.Willow bprtngs,
Tanar. :' ;
R ' ' oaepkiae.'
Plate Cree,',
Bstlow, . ,
Clear sjreekv .
'jsr I -treMk.
Butte Dimppointnnal,
Cottage ttrore,
Caaat Fork, .... .
C'ainp Creek,
t rt wn rbe "a, " ;
Eugene City,. w .
"dllwnuklr, :
Needy, ,
Oregon CMy, - . Juaotion,
Inr Tom. '
f Mnlujwk. I , ;
41tUAOk... 1'leasanl HU1, .
I;i 1 Tl-,,lu-al
IstbllHlS, .
huislaw, ,.! ,'
I iiutpta,
. Neiiuieta, '
i kipnnoii,
; Summer llonse,
I WVU - ;
'"' ' Entna. '
llrow nsvllle,
Diamond ipll, .
-. llnlsey,.w
i' l"eom,.-''-"-
.. line, - . .
rvm, -
..-o.Ib Spriutrs
1 Drootts,
. Fairnelit,
Pair Ground.
' Jefferson,
' Monitor, ' '
. NewollsvUle, .
Rllvertoa, J .
81. Loula,
' Subiliuayv i -
'- cooa.
i t'oijiiilU).
. KinpirelttT, ; '
t;n.luuixl lira UV,
N'orth Uend,
V Uandalph, -
'- 4'olirusbUi.'
J oluuibiatUv, .
3 flats Wank",
' ltasier,
( ( 1 1 .. . CU (1
j Sauries Islaml, ' u
rs-aji loose.
North CauimiiVllle,
Camas Vafley,
Drain, , . ,
Galesville, ' -Gardner,
Kollopgs, - '
Mvrtle Creek,
Oakland, -I
'ass Creek.
Ten Mile,
rmprjna Citv,-"-'-Wilbur.,,.".
, MnUnasnaaw ,
F"ist Port laml,
Port Ian. 1,
bpriugville. ,
Nntarts, -Nesto.-,kton,
Wa.onda, ,
' Woodbtrrn.
r SSaAk.
Bueua Vula,
Eola, . . j
tiraad Renin, "
: i.uckinmte, . ,
ayitaa, ti l ! .i i Ri.skvanJl,
Aiitcueii'S siaoon,
Marshall. ,.
.Me-wlowTHle,' 1
Bridge Creek,
' Descnuttws,
Hood Jfiver,
watt's, -
fiianish Hollow,
The Dalle,
Wasco, .
Contxeviile. .... . .
Pilot Kork. i
' Inkm.
1 Grand," ;
North Powder,
Siimraerville, '
Amity, ' Cornelius,
llelleviHV I; FnreMUruva,
liavton, GleiK-oe, ,
Ijithvcue,- ""' Greenville,'
McMinnvUkv , llillsboro, . . ..
Mountain House, Middleton,
North Yamhill, Mhollsi Kerry, -
Micri lan, . . Taylor's F'e'rrv,
Went f hehallm, Titalntin,
Wheatlnad,; Wapate, ,..
New Dtmginess,
Port Augelos, . . , ,
llrnsh Prairie,
I nion Hirer, ,
Cbeunlis Point,
I lotiniam,
Sitsop, '
Sliarou. ,
Block llnnae,
Colnmbus, . ;
Klna;, -
Black Kiver, ;
Eacbu, . , ,
' (Seattle.
tslaughter, . ;;
While Biver. ,
Eetaisw :.
t nWlltl, .
t 'l.niuato,
' Glrndem;
lirand Prairie. :
I'umclhrey's Landing,
Arcada, .
Pkokoralsh, '
iiberwood's Mills, .
Castle Uocik, j
. ..i ....I,....,
Monti, ello,
tlak Point.
. Ellis.
. ( .
tMllauoom, - '
. Zacoimv
- . PaetCe. -
.jColtisiwk,,, w
Klvorslde, I , - U .
Womlwai-iit Landing.
'' 'ska-al: - '
Cascades. -White
Fort Colvllle,
Ko. k Creek.
Siiokane Btvlge,
' t Won Flat.
' Cathlamet,
, Eagle Cliff. , ',
Walla WaUa.
Walks Walla,
Filial ins I .a Conner,
Sandsu, . . tlkagM,
, Whatcom.
' t
I'.irt Dlfsiovery,
port I.udlow."
Port Ton BsnBd,
Blnkelnly. -
Port ibelison,
ltirt William, '
port Orcbanl, , .
Teekale. '
Tulaltp .
' Tamrataa.
Coal BanA, '
Grawl Mound,
Miama Prairie,
' Taklnaa. 1
Fort tsiincoe,
Mok See,
Moot'y Order Office.
'( 't Wbat the Weak Seed. '
. Why do tbe debilitated and feeble dread the ;
iiimmer ? It is because beat k an exhausting
element, and they are not In a condition to '
bear the new dram wpon their languid rye
terns, which they think must necessarily com
mence with the warm weather. But. cannot
this evil be obviated? Most indubitably tt
can. What these weaklings' need In tact,
a liat nine-tenths oi us need at this season is
an accession of physical labor, and this destd
erattmi can be secured, wlthont absMme cer
tainty, by a coarse of the rhtghtlei, yet mild
est, el all vegetable lonkw, llosUitlfr's stetm
ach Bitters. . , : . ( . , . . .
: "Thousands of men of baslness, mecbanks,
ami proi'rssional men, break AWn, imrtlaTty
erwlmlly, under wrr summer lalmrs, Mm-
ly Iwuause they hara eg touted to reiafoMa
the powers of nature in tbia, way. To per-,
sons who use the celebrated lnvigoran and
coiTc'tlve rejrnlarly In hot weather, the ex
hsn station whk- h cessive heat Is apt to pro- '
dnoc nuder other clrsuowtanoes ia va kavwn..
They aro not troubled with, naaaea, their ap
lietllesare good, their digestion vcllent,and
their habit of body all that can tie desired. '
This Sn-twenty' years has been -thenalSirm '
t.-nUmonv of all who have taken tlie Hitlers
as a stuiinuir torjcajid alteraUvr. . Its ll,a. ,
e t dne to the citre and '.rttptrlo(i. flihrtlff '
to the tenchings sclenoe, with
whkih Ha- medldnat Iswredlenu have keen
eulld Irom the vegetable ki ng him, the a'lml
rftble pftiricsrlions In whk-h they at e combined
and the tumpmllcd purity of its sttnuiUtlvs ,
JniMl7:dSt:wH ( ; "i
The? Best ! to W-rlel.
-i . . - . t: ( -i !; .
A- rfi ntU-nvan writes from New Orleajn. a
f..llos: fsi'nd me two dollars worth of voor '
r.HlsTOI PI LEU, haw tried aU kinds.''
anttdn not hesitata to sarihat HrMol'. ure :
tin- best Pills In the world. BUlSTOLS HAR
S A V A Itll.L A, tbegreat Wood purillerihoobl
be nol with the Pills, ' ' n
JttBnlSldlt-Wlt ,-i-i i.l . , , ..jit ,. . .. I.
, W- i- l.i ...... .
We do not wish to Inform roa. rra ler. tan'
Dr. Wonderful, or any nthefman, lusli-m .
ensl a remedy that o res all tliseaairmiml,
bdv or estate, and Is designed to make our
soblnnarr sphere a bhssfsl Paradtsa. to
which Heaveu itself shall be but a skle -4iow.
but we do wish h Inform yon that Dr. tsage's
t atarrh Remedy aaa oared Uxmsands of ,aes
of Catarrh la Its worst form ard faces, and
the proprietor will pay SJ00 for a ea so of this
li athsome disease tliat cannot ere. t..l
bv druggists.