The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, June 19, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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    38ifi Oregon talesman-
81LII. WIDIKSBAT JIM 19. 1872.
The City and County.
hUi TT' J J T la
wiviww asvuj yj jt sunc0wi wane lJa
fixALL Pox AT Alba&y. W. heard yes
: today that tba small r bad broken out
fts the family of Jack Alphin, at Albany,
fend tbat three f fail children wen lick
with it. Necessary precautions bare been
'taken to prevent its spreading, and the res
idents of the place do nut feel much
wlsrmed over it. Wo again urge upon oar
n cititons tb necessity of immediate
vaccination. The physicians consider it
essential to re-vaccinate in any ease
whom the operation has not been performed
for any number or years. They are all pro
pared to - attend such cases, and as "an
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
cure," we urge upon our eitisens to attend
to this matter at once. True, we bave no
canes with as at present, but we know not
what day it may break oat among us, and
. it is best to be on the guard. We are none
of as desirous of baring another such panic
as visited this city about two years ago, and
we should each on use our own personal
nuearors to prevent us repetition.
TfR Vs. mm 8ocitt. The German
citizens of this place met last Monday even
ing and organised a Turn Verein Society,
with the followin- officers : J. H. Haas,
President. Mr. Lamport, Secretary, and
P. I. Loosen, Treasurer. A committee was
appointed to draft suitable Constitution and
By-laws. Tbey also appointed a committee
to solicit membership. These institutions
meet with general favor wherever they hare
been organised, and are considered one of
tb best methods of -exercising the muscle
and promoting "general good health. One
lias been in successful operation in Portland
for a very long time, and has now become
one of the permanent institutions of the
metropolis. We can see no reason why one
canuot be successfully supported in Salem.
IMm uci eoursefa great numoer 01 our
young men who bave not auffioieat exercise
to keep them in sound bodily health, and
by this means they can find it. Their
Hall will be arranged with complete fix
tures, and everything will be carried on in
the most approved manner. We wish the
enterprise abundant success..
Saves Last evening some
ot the bovs on Commercial street secured a
large foot-ball, end whUo a crowd of them
were playing with it, Norman Parrish
started to cross tbe street. The ball came
toward him, and he and another gen
tleman tried to kick it at the same time.
Mr. . Parrish received a kick in the ankle,
which broke it, and he was conveyed home
in a back. This is rather a severe accident
to Mr. Parrish, but we trust his injuries are
not so bad as were at first supposed.
For the Tows Clock. Mr. Brown has
obtained nearly $1,300 for tbe town clock.
Fifteen hundred is all tbat is required to
purchase tbo olock. Everybody with the
exception of two firms, to whom Mr.
Brown has applied, have subscribed to the
fun-i. The necessary balance will proba
bly be raised in a few doys. If anybody
can do it Brewn can that's sure.
From Daily, of Thwrtday June 13.
(FotiRTB or Jolt Kxcnmiox. Rev. Mr.
t. Shaw, ef Albany, who has been chiefly in
strumental in getting up the great 4th of
July Railroad and Stoambout Excursion to
Portland, Dalles, Astoria, and Cornelius,
was in this city yesterday perfecting ar
rangements in regard to the Salem delega
tion. He informs us that the matter is pro
gressing most favorably, and that large
numbers are going irom the various towns
np the valley. Every possible expedient
bas been adopted to make the excursion, in
every way pleasant. The excursionists will
bare ample ear-room, and upon arrival at
Portland, tbey can put np in delegations at
the hotels, arrangements to that end hav
lng been made with all tbe principal hotels.
Beside tbe steamboat trips to Astoria and
the Dalles, there will be an excursion, also,
by Tail to Cornelius, where speeches will be
made by several distinguished gentleman
at tbe It. R. Co, 's new picnie grounds. An
extensive display of fire-works will occur
in the evening at Portland. All persons
desirous of joining the excursion from Sa
lem, shoald register their names with Jones
t Patterson, on or before the 1st of July.
Salcmites as Caxdidates. The Repub
t licans of Klikltat county have nominated
JVC tJartwright, late TJ. S. Attorney for
Oregon, fit joint councilman in the District
composed of Clarke, Skamania and Kliki
itat and Takima eounties, and the Repub
licans of Yakima county, bave nominated
Oregon Dunbar, late of Olympia, for tbe
same position. Both theso gentlemen were
formerly residents of . Salem ; and both
were students, some years ago, in the Wil
lamette Civerstry. Clarke county has not
yst had a say in the matter. It may de
cide for ope or the other, or against both
and insist upon a third, or "compromise"
Marshall & Co.'s Trcoosr Troop. A
pretty fair audienoe was vastly amused
last evening at the Opera House, by the
performances of Marshall & Co.'s Troupe of
Japanese jugglers, acrobats, equilibrists,
etc Their tricks are too numerous for de
scription and many of them almost too won
derful for belief. " Seeing is believing ;"
and tbat is the only way yon can believe
that they actually do things which yon are
told they do. Tbey will perform again to
night, and we advise all amusement hunters
t go sod see theta. .,, ,,
Personal. Mr. H. W. Scott, editor-in-chief
of thet)regonlan, was in the eity yes
terday and gave us a welcome call.' He
bad jnsl gone oat to the Umpqua valley for
week or two of recreation and rest ; but
bad scarcely more than arrived there when
he was hastily recalled by a telegraphic
jaessac announcing the dangerous illness
ef on ef his children. In this eity. We
are happy to say, however, that be found
his little one convalescent npon his arrival
here yesterday. ,
Rial Estati Market. There seems to
have been a sudden and favorable reaction
in the' real estate business during the last
few days. The County Clerk recorded ten
deeds day before yesterday. This is good
eign of activity in this .line. a4 is sur-o
laaueno boYiness men of everyklnd. Quite
number ' of emigrants are purchasing
Arms, with tb Intention of making a per
manent residence among us.
... TsnrLB or Hoaon Sociable. This af
fair was tbe most successful one of tbe sea
son. ' The legislative Hafl was filled with
lb friends of tbe .Temperance cause, and
each and every one was apparently enjoying
xbemaelve in the most pleasant manner.
The refreshments were of tbe choicest kinds
and in faet tb whole affair was a success
ia every sense of the word. It broke np at
a late near and everyone went home highly
pleased with the evening's entertainment.
Strawberry Festival. Tbe Strawberi y
and lee Cream Festival heretofore an
nounced by the ladies of the Congregation
al Church to take place this, week, has been
postponed till Tuesday evening, the 18tb
in sU, on account of tbe multiplicity of other
amusements this week. .
' BbiDGise inn River. In spite of the
sill's of the Herald against this enterprise,
tbe matter is progressing finely. Addition
al snrveyk have been recently made, hav
ing in view its final location, and tb mat
ter is in competent bands to put it through
successfully. i J . ?. i i .
Wat ' Esdobsb ' IT, Too. An ' exchange
says: "Don't Vorrow a newp.ip:r; near
ly all the prevailing epidenii-'-s ie spread
in this way. If you don't su i tbe small
pox, take your paper direct from the pab
li.hcr." . ' . '
Yesterday's Herald says, ' Tbe Jupe are
01ify.1lr1.w4na fair house ut 01uipia.", it
fl not to be wondered at, is it T '"
From Daily of Friday June 14.
From Dattox We yesterday met Mr.
J. Easterbrook. of Dayton, and be reports
everything 0. K. at that burg. Tbey now
claim a population of about 150 souls, and
are represented as being the most quiet,
peaceable, as well as the most hospitably
disposed people we have in Oregon. Their
free school has justbeen started under tbe
most favorable auspices, with about 50
scholars in attendance. This being the first
year they have had one it it looked upon as
a sort of experiment ; but from present ap
pearances it will meet with public favor
and a liberal support. There is only one
church established there as yet of the
Methodist denomination. The country
trade is excellent, and the two variety stores
in the village are doing a good business.
Their hotel, under the charge of J. B. Riley
if one of tbe best in that section of the
country. They have three blacksmith
shops, one wagon shop and an excellent
livery stable. The citiiens are agitating a
new bridge to be built across tho Yamhill
river at tbat place, to cost in the neighbor
hood of $12,000. -Petitions are already in
circulation preparatory to getting np the
p!ins-nd specifications. This will prove
of momentous importance to tbe entire
county, and will add much to the local bus
iness .of Dayton. Tbe Flouring Mills,
owned by J. B. Harker, which have here
tofore been run by water power, are now
having tbe neocssary machinery introduced
to make them a first-class Steam Flouring
Mill. The flour of this mill has already
gained an enviable reputation in San Fran
cisco markets, and when run by steam pow
er will turn out a largo amount annually.
A large steam saw mill is also run by Capt.
W. S. Powell, ana.doiug an excellent busi
ness. The grain crops were never more
promising throughout Yamhill county; but,
as is generally tbe ease in this portion of
the State, the fruit crop is not very promis
ing. Cherries and pears will be very
scarce, with but few apples. With this ex
ception everything is prospering finely in
and around Dayton.
Texperaxce Mektimu and Peace Jt bi
les. The University Chapel was well filled
last evening to witness tbe Installation cer
emonies and listen to tbe Various speeches.
G. W. C. T. Jacob Stizel called tbe meeting
to order with a few appropriate remarks.
The Glee Club then favored tbe audience
with some good temperance songs.
installation or okfickiis.
R. W. G. T., C. Beul, then installed tbe
following as Grand Officers for tbe eusuing
G. W. C. T., Jacob Conser.
G. W. Coun., A. A. Bounty.
G. W. V. T., Henrietta Miller.
G. Secretary, James A. Smith.
G. Assistant Secretary, E. W. Ryan.
G. Trees., J. B. McClaue.
G. Chap., Wm. Harmon.
G. Marshal, Thomas H. Tongue.
G. Dep't Marshal, Icelia M. Anderson.
G. Guardian, Mrs. E. C. Griffin.
G. Sentinel, W. H-Moore.
P. G. W. C. T., Jacob Sliticl.
The "Hermit of Oregon City'' then made a
very interesting speech of a hair hour's du
ration. Short speeches were then made by
M. C, George, of Albany , ,Q'. W. .See'y,
Jas. A. Smith, G. W. C. T., C. Boal, and
G. W. C. T., Jacob Conscr. The meeting
broke up at a late hour, and was a conspic
uous ending to a most successful session of
the Grand Lodge.
Our Mrs. Dr. Sawtelle Meets With a
Failure. The San Francisco Chronicle of
the 8th inU has the following: "As we
suspected, the attempt of Mrs. Doctresx
Sawteilq to arouse public interest in her
woman's emigration scheme has failed.
Just ten persons assembled to hear her lec
ture on the subject. Doubtless, it would
be a good thing if we bad more women on
the Pacific Coast, but Mrs. Sawtellu's
scheme of getting them here to settle upon
and cultivate Government lands is vision
ary and impracticable. If Mrs. Sawtelle
will go to New Xorb ""d induce five hun
dred first-class cooks and house servants to
come here and work for moderate wages
she will earn tbe everlasting gratitude of
the people; but let berdrop bar Utopian
ideas of female settlement on public lands.
Tbe (dea is absurd."
Ax Extensive Torn. The Japanese
Troupe, which has just been favoring our
city with a couple ef onr entertaining per
formances, has an extensive tour before it.
The performers have been in this country
only a short time, having landed in San
Francisco about the middle of March. They
propose to give performances in every town
of importance on the overland route to San
Francisco, and will then go East and per
form throughout the Eastern and Southern
States ; and tbey may visit the old coun
tries before their return. If they meet
with tbe success they deserve tbey will re
turn to their own country with pockets well
lined with the "filthy lucre."
Pacific University. Frum a catalogue
sent as we find this popular institution of
learning to be in a flourishing condition,
under the immediate eharge of Rev. S . H.
Marsh, D. D. It is located at Forest
Grove, and during the past term bad 155
students in attendance. '. Every opportunity
for securing a classical education is offered,
and the efforts are meeting with abundant
success. The next term will begin tbe first
Wednesday in September. Information re
garding tbe school can be obtained by cor
responding with Mr. Marsh at Forest Grove.
Passengers est route for Home.
Passed Carlin, Nevada, June 7tb, to arrive
at Sao'.Francisco en tbe evening of tbe Btlu
Mrs. H. C. Pittman, Salem ; and J. H.
Ball and P. P. Talby, Cottage Grove.
Among tbe passengers per steamer J. L.
Stephens, which sailed from Sau, Francisco
.for Portland, Wednesday, we notice tbe
naan of Mr. A. J. Dufur, Centennial
Commissioner ior Oregon, and .Mrs. Dr.
Sawtelle, of Salem. ,
Csiaxoe or Base. Frank Lehigh, who
' for some time past bas had ebarga of tbe
Telegraph office at the Depot, has changed
place with James Fish, and will hereafter
bave charge of tb office at the Machine
Shops, while young Fish will assume tbe
duties at this place. While we are sorry
to lose Frank, we bave no doubt but Mr.
Fish will fill his place with equal satisfac
tion. V J '
" Alxost am Itm.' We saw a team
break loos yesterday, and instantly visions
of an extensive smash np, promiscuous
scattering of horses, harness and wagon,
etc, eta., rose up before oar hopeful mind.
Bat megin oar disgust to see the team
stop just because the unappreciative owner
eoldat see the fun and hallooed " whoa "
In stentorian tones. We wished he bad
kept still a while longer.
Firemen's Nohixatioxs. Tiger Engine
Co., No. 2. held a meeting last evening and
nominated A. J. BroWn for Chief Engineer,
W. W. Martin for Assistant, and seeonded
the nomination of the Hook A Ladder Co.
The company, also appiopriated $30 for the
town clock fund.
Held for Postaoe. List of letters held
for postage in Salem Postoffice, June 1.1,
1871 1 Mis Lida Anderson, Edwardsport,
Indiana; H. W. Cusbing, Albany, Oregon ;
Miss Flora lies, Eugene City , Oregon ; JL.
A. Williams, Centreville Oregon.
' T. B. Ricket. P. M.
Favors. Oar thanks are due Miles M.
filler for (nrninishias ni with accurate
minutes of the proceedings of the late ses
sion ef the Graa Lodge of Good Templars.
Mile being - en of 'em " was enabled to
take notes', which ; privilege was denied us,
we being on tbe outside. . . .-
No' Sxall Pox at Albast. Following
dispateb reeeired last evening from Albany:
"To Statisbax , .There is not now, nor
has there beea, a single case of small pox
in the etv of Albany. Pleas correct your
(Signal) J. K. Herrex,
City Recorder and Acting Mayor,
v Gastll A. Parker,
, City Councilman.
The matrimonial market is not as lively
this month as it was last.
The Eola small pox ease, we bear, is con
valescent. Small pox rumors are an uncertain thing
to rely upon.
Amusements plenty this week. Who
says Salem isn't favored.
Any amount of logs being hauled to our
several saw mills.
We are informed that Vivian contemplates
an early visit to Oregon.
The excursion to Portland and the Dalles
is the next best thing out.
" They are erecting the iron vaults at tbe
new Court House building.
A liberal advertisement is always n pay
ing iuvestment.
Street crossings are being repaired. A
excellent idea.
Bring in your eonceutrated cows. Bat
ter is a scarce article.
Later advices from Albany ssy tbe ruruor
of small pox in that city is a canard.
The Congrezational church presents
rather an odd appearance just at present.
Excursion parties are being talked of.
Anywhere to keep comfortable this hot
Our hotels have been doing a li.nd office
business ''lis week.
Mr. Rickey is again able to resume the
duties of bis office.
Boon sold and shipped a fine piano to a
Jefferson man yesterdsj .
Linn county cherries are being brought
into market. (
The bawlers and batters are busy prac
ticing. They don't propose to be beat
The city firemen are greatly inteiested in
the coiuiug election of Chief Kngineer.
Tbe nowly elected County Officers will
enter npou their various duties the first of
next month.
Tbe College Base Ball Club have accept
ed the Oregon City challenge on tho condi
tion tbat they pJay in this city.
A ohallenjre has been sent to the Corval
lis club to play our College boys a match
The Good Templars have given np the
prnjeet of their grand Fourth of July cele
bration. We heard of a rich item yesterday, but
from the request of two young ladies who
were somewhat interested in it, wo refrain
from putlicntiou.
' Yomg Brenner, of Albany, was lately in
the city nod took an extensive (?) bugjey
Tbey say some one is endeavoring to tote
off our river hank to fill up a vacancy in a
town lot. What next?
We bear some complaints abont caterpil
lars, hut tbey are not as plenty as thiy
were last year.
These moonlight nights are creative of
the usual amount of sentimentality among
the young people.
Rather a dilapidated looking building :
Our present County Court Uoase. "But
there's , good time coming." i
Mr.'Tsylor's wrist is injured more than
at first' supposed. He thiuks it will lay
him up for some time.
The steamer Albany came np vesterday
and brought 2011 sacks of wheat from Fair
field for tbe Salem Mills.
The Dolly Vardens, of Oregon City, re
fuse to play the College bys on their own
ground. Meet them half way, boys.
This weather has rather a wilting ten
dency on paper collars as well aa common
One of the Japs created quite a sonntin
yesterday by appearing on the street iu full
Delly vardna costume.
Norman Parrish is doing as well arnuld
be expected. Both bones in his ankle are
tiRASD LOME, I. O. U. T.
Kill till Annual NeentsMs.
Tlus Grand Ixwljrc, I. O. G. T.. was
called to order at 10 o'clock a. m. yes
terday morning Dy .Jacob Mitzel, (J.
W. C. T., and ojiened in title form.
Ullicers present;
Jacob Stitzel. "G. W. C. T.; Man- A
Robinson, G. Y. V.T.: M.O. Georae.
O. Sec'v ; E. W. Kyaiu G. A. See'y ;
J. B. McClane. G. Trea.; Wui. Har
man, G. Chaplain ; C. Heal, 1. G. W.
C. T.
Following officers were appointed
pro tern : Mr. L. C. GrilHn. G. W.
Conn.; J. E. Houston, G. M.; Tilmon
Ford, G. Guard; G. II. Chitwood, G.
TIALS. Tlte Committee on Credentials re
ported the following persons as en
titled to a seat In thU G. L.:
Jefferson Lodge, No. 8 L. C. Con
ser. S. P. Johnson.
Excelsior. No. 9 AY". B. Carter.
YVestern Star, No. 10 F. M. Wad
worth, E. C. GriBln, M. C. George.
Capital, No. 11 Tilmon Ford,
Miles M. Miller, S. C. Adams G. W.
Buford. Carrie P. Swain, Jas. Coffey.
Multnomah, No. 12 J. A. Smith,
J. B. Garrison, Olive Clay, C. W. Hat
field, I. M. Anderson, Alice Ileroy.
(alternate), C. V. Leas, (alternate), V.
A. Hart, (alternate).
Willamette, No. 15 T. W. Black
well, J. D. Ioeey, L. Leland, (alter
nate). Ilillsboro, No. 17 Thos. Tongue,
S. B. Best.
Silver, No. 36 Martha J. Itoven
port, F. Wilbur.
Rosa. No. No. 39 .John Earl.
Columbia, No. 50 John Powell.
Milwaukle, No. 57 Henrietta Mil
ler. East Portland, No. 69 Alice Pease,
C. C Hall, Etta Tracy, W. II. Moore,
Nonpareil. No. 80 E. W. Ryan,
A. G. Walling, W. S. James, M. E.
James. '
Union School House, No. 112 R.
A. Barrett. W. H. Hawkins.
Amity. No. 116 Mrs. H. A. Langh-
ery, (alternate.)
Damascus, No. 120 E. A. Peddigo.
Eola, No. 129 Thos. Pearce.
Brownsville, No. 131 f. F. McCoy.
Fairtield, No. 1341). McKeene.
Dairy Creek, No. 135 Wm, A.
Mills, A. Luelling.
Middleton, No. 133-J. B. Bufflng
ton. Delavan, No. 159 J. E. Houston.
Holladay. No. 160 Geo. DcBord.
B. B. Freuhohn.
Hannan. No. 161 Wm. Ilarman.
Rickey, No. 162 A. Gesner, S. A.
S. L. Degree was thon conferred
upon James Cotl'ev, G. W. Btifbrd, J.
B. Burlington, Levi Leland, J. D.
Locey, T. H. Tongue, F. Wilbur, T.
Pearce. G. W. DeBord, M. M. Keene,
S. W. Leamon, W. A. Hart, Miles M.
Miller. W. II. Moore, Etta Tracy,
Alice Tease. Olive Clay, H. A I-nigh-ary,
Carrie P. Swain. Martha l)aven
port, I. A. Anderson, S. A. Cartwright.
' Resolutions were adopted that the
morning sessions of this Lodge be held
from 8)5 V. M tfl 12 M.; afternoon ses
sion from K p. M. to 5J4 P. M.; even
ing session irom 8 P. si. to adjourn
ment. That the rules ot order as laid
down lu Chase's Digest govern 'this
body In Its business.
Reports of the G. W.C. G. W.
V. T., G. W. S. and Wm. Harmon.
State Lecturer, were read and referred
to a Committee on Distribution.
: Lodge called to order by tbe G. W.
C. T. and oened in due form.
Minutes of morning session read and
L. Leland, State Lecturer, made a
Terbal report of I Iks work he had per
formed iu the lecture field.
Miss Henrietta Miller was appointed
G. W..V.T. proteni.
Mrs. Carrie F Young submitted a
lengthy report of her work during the
past year, which wa? referred to tlie
proper committee.
W. H. Smith, Thos. Tongne and
MLh I M. Anderson were apiointed a
Committee on Distribution of tlie sub
ject matter ot tbe officer's reports.
S., W. Learaon, of Capital Lodge
waa appointed Grand Jlessjnger lor
the present session.
Committee on Good of the Order
submitted a report whice was referred
to the Committee on Distribution.
DERS. On motion the time lor the election
ot officers was fixed for to-morrow at
It was ordered that all delegates
elected from County Lodges lie en
titled to seats in this G. L.
A committee, consisting of J. B.
McClane, J. B. Garrison. W. B. Car
ter, Asa Shreve, John M. Garrison, J.
C. Cooper and Mrs. Pearce, was ap
pointed to make necessary arrange
ments for a public temperance meeting
to be held during the session of the
G. L.
A resolution was read that a by-law
be adopted regulating the basis of rep
resentation to this body from Subordi
nate Lodges that this fcody may fir
such representation, but If no provis
ion be made then the representation to
be one rep. from each Subordinate
Toflge. Referred to Committee on
On motion adjourned to meet at
K:30 P. m.
Lodge called to order by the G. W.
C. T.. and opened In due form.
Committee on Credentials reported
Bi B- Brannan and W. F. Lemon, ot
Lodge No. 110, and B. F. Hawkins
of So. US, as entitled to seats as Reps.
The G. L. Degree was conferred upon
Alice Ileroy. C. W. Stars, E. C. Hall,
H. B. Best, John Earl, L. C Conser,
L. P. Johnson, Marv J. Hurley, R. A.
Barrett ami W. II. ilawkins, by P. G.
C. T., C. Ileal.
Committee on Grand Lodge Organ
submitted a lengthy report, which was
discussed with much spirit and finally
laid on the table without action.
Committee on Credentials reported
Mrs. K. P. Wolfard and Miss Addie
Wolfard, ot Silver Lodge, anil W. T.
Rlgclou and IUray Hewit, of No. 125,
entitled to seats iu this G. L.
Adjourned to meet this morning at
S o'clock.
Ixxlge was called to order at 8.V a.
m. ly G. W. C. T. Stitzel.
M iss Henrietta Miller was appointed
O. WJ V. T., pro tern.
E. M. Hartman (alternate) and J.
T Koss of A o. 45, and A. Stephens of
No. 74 were admitted as Representa
tives. Rev. E. Curtis, of the G. L. ofMk h
ijraii was introduced by P G. W. C.
T-, C. Ileal and admitted to a seat in
this G. L.
Special Committee reported that the
University Chapel had been secured in
which to hold a public meeting this
T he decisions made by the R. W.
G. T., of tlie R. Y. G. L. at its last
session, were ordered printed witli the
proceedings of this G. L.
The Connnitte on Constitutions sul
mitted a report recommending the
adoption of the resolution olVered
Tuesday that the basis of Representa
tive from Sub. Lodges be fixed in con
formity with the uniform Constitution.
The G. L. degree was confercd upon
W. F. Lemon, J. T. Ross and E. M.
Representatives reported the condi
tion of the various Lodges.
J (i. BlcHkuey of No. 160 and J.
D. Lire of Xo. 23 were admitted to
seats as Representatives.
On motion it was ordered that Levi
Leland he employed as lieeturer for
five months during the coming year at
a salary of $125 per month, he paying
his own expenses.
It was ordered that the G. W. S.
codify nil resolutions, decisions and
laws passed by this G. L. at all of- its
sessions and print tlicm with the pro
ceedings of the present t.ioti. The
report of - Mrs. 'arrie F. Young was
ordered printed in tlie Good Templar,
and all important parts of reports of
Otlter lecturers prciseuted were ordered
priiifHl wirli the proceedings.
The bnis of representation from
Sub. Lodges to County Lodges was j
fixed at one for every 10 menilx-rs and !
one ot every traction of 10 exceeding
Adjourned to 1'., v. M.
Lodge culled to order bv tle G. W.
c. t. : , .
J. W. George, of No. 14, and Jacob
Ormsby, of o. 104, were admitted to
scats as representatives.
Tho officers for the ensuing year
were then elected as follows :
G W. C. T.. Jacob Conscr. of Jef
lersoii ; fl. W. Coun., A. A. Bonnev.
Buetia Vista ; G. W. V.T.. Miss Hen
rietta Miller, of Milwankie; G. W.
Sx:"y. J. A. Smith, of Portland ; G.
W. Treas.. J. B. McClane, of Salem.
After having a short teeess the Com
mittee on Political Action reported,
recommending that a committee U:
appointed by this G. L. to act in con
junction with tlie Committee appoint
ed by the State Temperance Alliance
to petition the Legislature lor a law
looking to the suppres.ion of the liq
uor trattic. The report was adopted
and J. 11. Garrison. Jacob Conser and
Rev. S. C. Adams were appointed on
such Committee.
Tbe time and place for Installing the
officers elect was fixed at S o'clock this
evening at tlie University ('Impel.
A resolution 'was adopted declaring
it tn lie a violation of tlte Good Temp
lars1 obligation to play dice, billiards
and all similar games in a saloon.
The name of Ames Chapel Lodge
No. 78, was cliauged to Beaverton No.
Several question were asked by mem
ber and answered by the G. W.C.T.
Tl report of tlie Committee on G.
L. Organ was called up, but before
xming to any conclusion, the G. L.
Jidjourned until evening.
Lodge called to order and opened in
hie form.
Miss Olive Clav was appointed G.
W. V. T. and C. W. Hatfield G. Guard
pro tern.
Resolution remitting the dues of
John Day Lodge No. 0 for the ensu
ing year to tlie G. L. was passed.
Finance Committee reported the re
ports of G. See'y and G. Treas. cor
rect. The question of publishing the G. L.
Organ w as again called up, and after
witch discussion it was decided to pub
lish a weekly, by a vote ot 27 to 17 ;
that the contract of printing the same
lie let to th lowest bidder ; that the
Hobscripliou price be fixed by the Ex
ecutive Committee; that the G. Sec'y
lie allowed $250 per annum additional
salary for editing and mailhg the pa
per, and that tlie G. W. C. T.. Grand
Jjecturers and Deputies canvass for
subscribers to tbe same.
Oh uxitiou a warrant was ordered
drawn on the Treasurer for $416 37, to
pay tlte balance yet due the printer for
publishing the Good Templar the past
Grand Lodge called to order by the
G. W. C. T.
Miss Henrietta Miller appointed as
O. W. V. T., and J. B. Garrison as
i. Guard, pro tern.
' Elder S. C. Adams and J. II. Lam
bert were chosen as Representatives to
the R. W. G. S. and J. D. Locy and
J. B. Garrison as alternate
Tlie place for holding the next ses
sion of the G. L, was fixed in Albany.
On motion tlte By Iaws of the Sub
'rditwte lodges were amended so
that members six months in arrears fur
lues be declared suspended, and those
neglecting to ay their dues for the
period of twelve mouths shall be ex
It was ordered that the names of all
representatives and past representa
tives in attendance upon this G. L. be
published with the proceedings.
A resolution of tlianks was voted to
Mrs. Carrie F. Young lor her efficient
work. - - -
On motion the assessment npon Da
vid Newsom for the support of the
G. L. organ was remitted 011 account
of his services In behalf of the organ.
A vote oi thanks was passed to Prof.
T. M. Gatch and the Trustees of the
Willamette University for their kind
ness in allowing tlie use of tlie Chapel
for the public meeting.
Resolution that a copy of the names
of all delinquent subscribers to the
Good Templar be furnished Deputies
for collection was passed.
Five hundred copies of the proceed
ings were ordered to be printed and a
copy furnished to eacn of the represen
tatives in attendance.
On motion the publication ot the G.
L. Organ was left entirely with tbe
Executive Committee.
A report was received and read
from C. II. Walker. State Deputy.
It was ordered that the Executive
Committee have the authority to annul
the contract tor printing the Good Tem
plar, existing between this Lodge and
Coll. Van Cleave, if, In their judg
ment, it is necessary, with the conseirt
of Mr. Van Cleave.
TEE. Tho Finance Committee reported
that the probable expenses of the com
ing year of this G. L. wonJd be $3,457.
to meet which there would be about
J3.S30 received ; further reported tliat
tlie salary of the Sec'y be 1500 per
annum ; that the per capita tax from
Sub. Lodges remain as heretofore ;
that lecturers be employed and work
under the directions of tlie G. W. C. T.
On motion report was adopted.
J. S. McKane. of Fountain Lodge
No. 65, was admitted to a seat as 11
Resolutions were -passed extending
the thanks of the Grand Lodge to the
W. T. Co.. O. S. N. Co., to Capital
Lodge No. 11, to the O. & C. R. R.
Co. and O. C. R. R. Co. for courtesies
extended to Representatives.
The thanks of the G. L. were re
turned to Jacob Stitzel for his earnest
and self-sacrificing labors iu behalf of
Temperance, while acting as G. W.
; Tlie G. I j. Degree was conferred
lipou J. S. McKane, by P. G.C. T.
Bill of $3 due J. M. Gairison was
ordered paid.
Finance Committee reported tipon
the report of State Deputy C. II.
Walker, and allowing him $45 for
his services as lecturer two months.
Bills for stationery, etc., presented
and ordered paid.
Resolut ion was passed that all ad
vertising, etc.. necessary to he had by
Grand Lecturers be paid out of the
funds of this G. L.
i;asti;kx xkwn.
The Arrrwt of Ir. Isnnitnn Wtint
ho NHJ'S aliotlt the M. . Uottk. '
rem New York. June 0. The Times
has the following. Dr, Lunnhan. iu
conversation yesterday, said he was
satisfied bis arrest was the n-snlt of a
combination between Mr. Carlton. Dr.
Curry and Mr. Depuy. who he feels as
sured induced (iooilenougb to swear
out a warrant, lie also says that
Abraham Nelson, now in prison at the
suit of Phelps, DiMlge & Co.. received
a large quantity ot valuable morocco
leather, a fraud which, wlirn discov
ered, led to Nelson's arrest, though for
some reason the case was stile pietitly
quietly allowed to drop. L'tuali.-tn
says he shall take no further steps iu
regard to the Book Concern, though
not one-half of the fraud perpetrated
have been ilic!oed; blithe believes
the Church !ia now received Mitlieietit
warning to take care of its own inter
ests, i'lii; present Book Concvni, he
thinks, is composed of honest men.
anil contend that their lahcrs liuve not
liceu entirely in vain.
Apr. I.iviiitone I'ounil Asriitn.
IJomi'.av, June .". A steamer ar
rived from Zanzibar with news which
puts the safety of Dr. Liviugtontr be
vond doubt. Courier had reattied
Zanzibar from the interior with pi-i-tive
intelligence that- Dr. Livingstone
had arrived at L nyamveiulie. The
New York Herald explorer had let"!
that place with letters from the great
explorer himself, and was near the
otiireNioiirtl Oinndlnr Chnrsres n
onnpiracy tu W sstf Time -An Kx
rlthijf lHsni;e in tlie IIoiixi -An
Irntc 3leiub?r oil She ICuiiiiMnce
I'iunl Adjournment of onjrn-
Wasihnotox, .Time 10. In the Sen
ate Severing and Chandler said that
time had been wasted throughout the
session, in pursuance with an apre
meiit made early in November la-si. at
a hotel in New York between a prom
inent Senator, formerly a Republican,
a prominent Democratic Senator. Sir
tnerly a Republican, a prominent Iin
oerafic Senator, Samuel J. Tildeiw of
New York, and other Democrats wVich
he could name, to the effect that in. or
ganizing the new party during this
session Democrats should keep quaef,
and let the discontended Republicans
do all the talking. Ho further a-er-tained
that a Republican Senator
should lie the nominee of tlie new par
ty for the Presidency.
Fentou wanted Chandler to mine
the several Senator to whom he hud
alnive referred, and Chandlerdculimiug
said he did not lielleve a word ot the
Mr. Casserly sitid he liad spc&en
with other Democrats on tlie floor, xsu
tliere was not a word of truth in the
statement. Thurman also cuntrai3cl
ed the statement.
Mr. Chandler repeated the statement
and insisted on its accuracy, though, he not to name the Senators hero re
ferred to.
Tlie bill to remove tlie political disa
bilities of ex-Governor Vauceof Nrth
Carolina, and Geo. S. Houston passed
by 16 to 3.
The Senate adjourned sine die at 0;
o'clock V. M. i
In tiie House. Garfivlde prescwJed
the conference rtqwrt xi the Sundry ;
Civil Appropriation Bill. Demounts;-
commenced hlliuiistenng tor ilay.
Kelly moved to recommit the report.
Garlielde opposed tlie motion. autA se
verely denounced the course of tb mi
nority in opposing tlie Enforcetiient
amendment, lie declared it wass a
question whether tbe majority or the
minority should ruie, and said he nev
er would compromise with the o)poKi
tiou oil the demand that the EntiKve
11 tent Act amendment be stricken from
the Bill.
Mr. Brooks Insisted that the Enforce
ment Act was unconstitutional.
Mr. Bingham said the pretence tsf its
unconstttiuioualitv was the iuainrrara-
tiou of treason anil as dishotioralvU; as
was that ot twelve years ago.
At this Morgan shonted out thut the
statement was fale, and a scene of the
greatest excitement and confusion fol
lowed. As soon as Bigham could make him.
self heard he repeated the statenaenl
and declared that the course ot theOp
position was disgraceful, dishonorable
and treasonable.
Morgan, rising in great excitemetit,
amid cries ot "order" ami the incessant
hammering of tlie Speaker's ga,veL de
nounced Bingham's statement as a lie
a scandalous calumny gesticulating
and excitedly repeating -it is a lie."
and "I will thrust it down your throat,
and will allow no man to make such a
charge against my colleague."
Bingham was permitted to concfotte
his remarks.
Kelly closed the debate, saying it was
his coiivictiou that this method of pass
ing any law, however wise, was a most
dangerous one, for which the Repnbll
can party ought not to make Itself re
sponsible. Kelly's motion was then
agreed to 99 to 79.
The bill to abolish the franking priv
ilege after September 1st. was passed.
A message was received announcing
tliat the Senate had concurred iu tlie
Conference report on the Civil Appro
priation bill. The report was concurred
iu by a vote of 102 to 39 a party vote
except that of Farusworth, who' voted
with the minority. f
The House, at 9 p. M., adjourned
sine die.
Indisuaa Democratic Convention.
Indianapolis, June 11. There Is
already a great gathering of politi
cians hero to attend the Democratic
State Convention which meets to-morrow.
Iu addition to Democratic pol
iticians there are a number of Liberal
Republicans here, and a joint caucus
is to be held to-night with a view of
arranging a coalition ticket. Thomas
A. Hendricks positively declines the
nomination for Governor, and M. C.
Kerr and Judge Niblack aro now tlie
most prominent candidates. Mr. Hen
dricks will be permanent Chairman ot
the Convention.
How the Treaty Matter Stnnds.
New Yokk, June 11. A Herald's
Washington special says tliere is a
lailure ot the Treaty of Washington so
far as it relates to the Alabama claims,
and tbat when Secretary Fih showed
the President Minister Schenck's dis
patch with Eitrl Granville's note, rel
ative to the matter of disposing ol the
business of arbitration on tlie 15th
Insf., and to the pretenslous of the
British Government in their own lan
guage, Minister Sclienck was instruct
ed in regard to the abandonment of
arbitration to state to the British Gov
ernment that we decline to join in any
application for an adjournment if
moved by Granville. If the latter de
sires to witlslraw from the arbitration,
he must do so without asking the eon
sent ot this Government. If'siich no
tice of withdrawal, as Granville sug
gests, L given, it will be the duty of
the American counsel to reply to it di
rectly In such terms of selt-respect as
may be necessary. Bancroft Davis
has been instructed in accordance with
tlie foregoing.
Alafcsuna Irentorrnry Iudorei Urt
ley. MONTtJOMEUY, June 11. Tlie Coun
ty Democratic Convention adopted by
almost unanimous vote resolutions fa
vorable to tlie indorsement of the Cin
cinnati ticket by State and National
Conventions. Similar action has been
taken iu nearly every county in the
State where Conventions have been
w York CiMtoin Home Alfulrn.
Washington. June 11. The mi
nority report, submitted to the Senate
yesterday, charges tliat the extortions
under tlie general order business iu the
hands of Murphy were a monstrous
abue and a scandalous system of rol
bery. It finds the charges all true, (lit
tering in this re'iicct, totally from the
majority report.
KngllMh MiJIIyfchstllyinir ou the
New Yokk, June 11. A Washing
ton sjiecial say yesterday the British
Minister received a telegram from
Earl Granville stating that at. a Cabi
net meeting it had la-en decided to send
another note to Minister Sclienck, in
forming him tliat tlie representa
tives are instructed to go to Geneva on
on tlie 1 Jtli inst. and Mihinit to the ar
bitrators a request for an extension of
time, ou the (ilea that tlie difficulties
between tlie two Governments have
not been solved ; and remarks upon
the subject matter ot reference to ar
bitrator that tin: Brit-h Government
decline to put iu their argument as
required by tlie treaty, or to take any
other step in the arbitration at the
present time, and further, should any
adjournment lie ordered in accordance
with what England believes within
the authority and xwer of a court of
her .Majesty's (iovernnieiit, reserves
all its rights as but tofou-, to retire
from the arbitral ion w henever it may
think proper. No answer will proba
bly la: sent to the la-t proposition, as
the ultimatum of our Government is
in the supplemental article, and if the
Kngli.-h argument U not filed on the
l.'ilii. ii will le eui(-d a- a deMit- to
tcrminat-the arbitration, and a fail
ure of this arbitration involves ihe
whole treaty.
New Yj:k. June 12. A sijccial
dispateh from iii(loli avs (hat the as
semblage of Geneva arbitrators is the
gn at subject of ili-snssioii there. Xo
provision in the treaty require-a meet
ing of tin- arbitrators on June l."tii.
hut tbey had intended .1 meeting on
tliat clay, as both Government intl-l
then deliver their final pipers, or if
the tribunal a--nible tbey must close
their argument-. Tin- diliieuity of the
-asc i. that Lngiaml rcqiie-ts the
I'hiled States to join in a post , on incut
of the meeting. If England a-ks for a
poMjHiiiciueiit, the request involve a
con-cut to a violation of the treaty, or
to a purpose contrary to the American
views, l'lie general feeling in Europe
is tliat Lnelund i utnthl of t lie arbi
trator. It is sviid iu high quarter
that J.iissi;ui money i operating
against Jviglanu.
Count CaUcazy i mentioned as con
tinuing 011 this side of (lie Atlantic to
work lor tliat for winch lie was ex-
iiellcd from Washington. It is Ik--iieved
Gortsi.-hakoirs diplomacy and
purse arc opponents too loriniilablc to
lie safely encountered.
Injiiiuii IH'inorrntJc Ktntefoiit entioii, June 12. The Dem
ocratic Mate Convention met at 10
o'clock (hi morning, a full delegation
beiug present from every county in
the State. A temporary organization
"was ilisMMiseil with and Hon. John R.
Cruilolli was unanimously -1 10 sen per
manent President and Col. Bayley
Principal Secretary. A committee on
resolutions and a committee to select
delegates to the Baltimore Convention,
were ajijxii.-iteil. A motion to appoint
a committee to select an electoral tick
et met with considerable opirsition.
but was finally carried by a vote of
ix-arlv two to one. Thomas H. Hen
dricks wa then nominated lor Gov
ernor by accia inatioii with enthusiastic
. SoIrt few ss iKrvlnml.
Bu.yimoke, June 12. At tho Ivm-
ocriUu- primaries yestcnliy a select
-onvMjtiou nominated delegates to the
JJeiuorratic State Convention. Every
ward elected Greeley ilelcgatos.
Ttie ttll.t.- in rulillr Schools.
New Yokk. June 12. The New
York State Suueriutcudeut of Public
Instruction ha decided again-t the ex
clusion of reading of the. bible in pub
lic schools.
Tnlinii Pysnpntliizem.
It is Mated that a large number of
Cuban sjiniiathizers, including Gen
eral Ryan, left here iu two schooners
and were seen oil" Barnegatc transfer
ring cargo to a vessel supposed to le
tlH Fannie. It is lielieved that their
ultimate destination is Cuba.
r;)nC Letter of Aeccptaiice.
Dcmorrats Preparing to Split.
Views in Relation to the Treaty.
Greeley's Net $till taking some
Uriuit'Pi Areeptanrv.
Washington. June 11. The Presi
dent wrote bis acceptance of the Phila
delhia nomination while at the Capi
tol yesterday, atter hi return front a
reception at the Executive Mansion,
to tlie President and Vice Presidents
of '.he Convention.
Ueuiorrnl ia fnvor of a Ited.roek
Washington. June 11. About
2.5UO prominent Democrat, represent
ing Virginia, Texas, Indiana, Ken
tucky, Illinois, Arkansas ami New
York, held a secret meeting last night
at the Owen House and resolved that
in tlie event of the Baltimore Conven
tion endorsing the Cincinnati nomi
nees they would take steps to call an
.tlier Convention and put a ticket for
President and Vice President in the
field. They have established head
quarters at Indianapolis. Colonel
Gray is Chairman.
Dover, June 11. The Democratic
State Convention met to-day ami
passed resolutions bitterly denouncing
Grant, declaring the Thirteenth, Four
teenth and Fifteenth Amendments to
the Constitution frauds upon the peo
ple and calling for a straight Demo
cratic ticket. Senator Bayard, ex
Governor Salisbury, Biggs and Wil
liam were elected delegates to go to
The TrrsUy.
New Youk, June 21. A Washing
ton special says tliat tlie President, be
fore leaving the city, told a prominent
member of tlie Senate Foreign Com
mittee that in his judgment the Brit
ish Ministry had no idea ot allowing
tlie Treaty to fail. Tbe drift of opin
ion among all classes liere as to the
course of tlie English Government in
regard to the Treaty is tliat of Intense
disgust and dissatisfaction, and a hoje
is expressed that our Governn.eut will
not attempt to enter into further nego
tiations, but leave to England tbe re
sponsibility of defeating the Geneva
Creeley Further Kndoraed.
TOPEKA, (Kansas.) June 11 Tbe
Conservative Central Committee to
day appointed delegations to tlie Balti
more Convention, a majority ot whom
pledged themselves to favor the ac
ceptance ot the Cincinnati nominee,
but will abide the action of the Balti
more Conventiou.
Washington, June 11. The Gov
ernment htis received assurances that
Dt. Howard will be immediately re
leased bvtbe Spanish authorities.
Commissioner Douglass has decided
that toliacco stored for export, can be
withdrawn at reduced rates alter July
1st. .
Members of Cabinet are all absent
except Rolieson, Delano and Creswell.
Internsitioonl I toot Knee The
(Onrush Crew Win.
London, June 10. The English
crew beat the Atlanta Club to-day
twenty lengths in a race of four miles
ami two furlongs ; time, 21:10.
Thf Alithnsua luo-,tln lu the IIoiimo
JiONPON, June 11. In the House of
Commons to-day Gladstone stated the
present condition of the Alabama ne
gotiations to be a proposition of the
United States for postponement of the
meeting of the Geneva Board.
Disraeli strongly opposed the pro
jwsitioii for the postponement, particu
larly while the heated Presidential con
test was in progress in the I'nited
States. He believed that the policy of
the Government would end iu disaster
and disgrace.
Gordon and Bent luck. Lord Yar
mouth, Sir G. S. Jenkiiison and others,
severely criticised the Government,
and expressed a want of confidence iu
the future proceedings.
Gladstone defended the Government
at great length, and closed with the
declaration tliat it would be a crime to
deviate tine lyiir's breadth from their
original position.
I I All TUiKI I OItl .
Attorney It n ten (lone to Washington.
Salt Lake, June 11. lS. District
Attorney Bates left tor Washington
this morning to confer with President
Grant and Attorney General Williams
relative to indictments under the act
of Congress of lSt!2, against polygamy.
He obeys a call from Washington.
Jn)ttn-i:iii il Steimipi Another IJer
iiihii Yur .teiftiitr t-iX-rt4Ml A
Miitioir livin tU-ll -MKt-f-ILaiit'uaN
San FitANCisfo, June 10. Advices
from .laKiu by the war steamer I If r
tha, state that the Great Bepublic, ou
her outward trip, encountered severe
storm, and a shipment of acids incar
Imivs on deck was thrown over to light
en her. All the blooded stock, horses,
horned cattle, sheep and goats sent out.
ou her by the Japanese Commission
was liindetl satcly at Yokohama.
Tin' German war steamer Nymph,
which ba liei-n on a cruise among the
South Sea Islands, is expected soon
utter the departure of the Hertlia.
The new diving Ik-11 apparatus, man-nfai-tnn-d
by Morcham iV. Aiken, for
working the submarine gold deposits
oft' Gold Bluff, wa tested this after
noon and found to work atisf ictoriiy.
The company are confident that they
will be able to raise the gold by the
bucket full.
L ANi.EI.E-. June In. Gov.
Iiowm-y. Chairman of the f'ailrnad
Committee of Thirty, leave hy steam
er to-morrow tor Sau l- rani-i-eo to con
sult with the Committee of One Hun
dred and otlicers projecting railroads
through this country., June H. The 1". S.
steamer Mohican ha U-eu ordered out
of commission, and illle take:i ou
dot k at Mare Island, to-morrow.
San Kkavix.ii. 'line 10. The
grand Republican ratitie.'tion meeting
to-morrow evening is exin-cted to be
an immense aflairand oen the cam
paign for the Philadelphia Convention
with great eclat. Measures are being
taken to insure a large attendance.
Santa Clit Z, June 10. The Demo
cratic County Convention wa held
hen- to-day and elected delegate to
the State Convention. The delegate
i!l probably go for the adoption of
Uii' Cincinnati platform and nomiua-
Stockton. June 10. In the 5th Ju
dicial District Court to-day Judge
Booker, in the '" trm-rnHi case of
The People vs. 'l'la- Stockton & Visalia
Kailroad Company, gave judgment in
favor of the -op!e, thus deciding that
the Company has no legal existence.
The Republicans of Solano county
are Killed to assemble in inasn meeting
at Vallejo Saturday next, to ratify the
nominations of Gratit and Wilson.
Hindis' HHttfrw F.lirht-IIonr Slrlkrr
-Detli of so old Fireiuan-loliLI-c-iil.
San Fkancisco, June 11. Since the
smash in stocks on the exchange list, a
larger number of our citizens are in
vesting in legitimate mining enter
prises than ever ln-fore. There are
sales of Eastern Nevada, I'tah and
California mines made here almost
daily, to local or Eastern capitalists,
and the demand tor mills ami mining
machinery is steadily increasing.
Nearly all the Trade's I'nions of the
city have now agreed utoh the general
plan for strikers for eight hour, and
the indications are that at least a large
unrulier of them will demand increased
wanes also.
Flags are now at half-mast in re
sjiect to the memory of Joseph Butler,
an old member of the Volunteer Fire
Ih'partment and Exempts, who died
last night.
Piat t's Hall is well tilled on the oc
casion of tbe Republican ratification
meeting this evening. Gov. Booth is
now making the sjieecli of the evening,
in defense of Grant's Administration
and tho record of thu Republican party.
There is no outside meeting.
The Democrats who are opposed to
the appointment ot delegates to the
State Convention by the County Com
mittee are in consultation, making ar
rangements for a primary.
Shipment of Wine to tlie Iit t'r-lo-hratioti
of the Fourth -t'silllorntiOs
lOiic Itelpirnle to liwtiuiiili Wo
niHn feiiirruittatM .lllnew of tW-n .
San Fkancisoo. June 12. Ten
thousand gallons ot wine were -hipped
to the East by the shipGen. IcIellan,
A prominent wine dealer i confi
dent that the vintage of 1S-72 in this
State, notwithstanding tlie late frosts,
will lie considerable greater than last
The Fire I)c partincut will meet to
night and make arrangement for the
celebration of the Fourth of .Inly.
Colonel Rackerby. of Cincinnati
celebrity, visits San Faaneisco to-morrow
to inaugurate the Greeley cam
paign. A hiunlicrof delegates and symia
thiwTS visit San Francisco next week
to attend the Woman's Suffrage Cou
tion. General iKiuglas is lying dangerous
ly ill with typhoid pneumonia at his
resilience on tlie Calaveras.
Crant County Republican-
Portland, June 11. Grant county
which two years ago gave Slater. Dem
ocrat, fifty majority over Wilson,
this year gives Wilson one majority
and nearly the whole Republican coun
ty ticket elected.
Westther and Crops.
Jacksonville, June 12. The
weather continues warm and dry;
crops are Iu a suffering condition anil
flour lias advanced tb $15 per thou
sand. HOME
Mutual Insurance Company.
CAPITL, S 1 ,000,000 !
iK. h. HOWARD Vie Preftktent
4 II.4Iil.KM R. KTUBl Nerretnry
. It. EOOY Murine Keeretsirr
II. II. BlUi:iiOW....jteuerHl Maunirer
P. Wsmii , II. MoMmsslth,
C. H.swts. 1. Jlnrlenjr,
IJoyd Brooks.
lnt 1 F.erover
Ilesi 1. M. rreitets
Allmny J. A. t-rstwford
wiatoti J. Eowenbersf
tienernl Asrent, Portlsind,
Aaent sit Salena.
eo. rr. jon es.
-A Nil-
Opcrti Ilotisf Rlot-k,
-1T Attention Is Called to the fol
lowinsr Deserlptlonn of Proertx
M ACRES 2J miles nortli of Sh(rl-
farm, rk-h soil, nnili-r (ruml fi-ni-e ; Ma tu rt't
tu cultivation ; hnue and Imrn ami Knisll or
haril ; all prairie exi.-4-i enmih oftiinlirr for
woul ; vfferatl very cheap amlun easy terms.
9A ACRES one-half mile south of R. R.
depot at Salem: well suited lor gar
dening; price fid prr acre.
ft AXD10 ACRE lots tvilliin one mile of
W tlie court hoiiM! ; rk-h soil; price o to
S 1 o0 M-r acre.
-g t t ACRES four miles north of .Salem ;
1UV small lm)rovenients: land well
located and some Hue Umber; price $10 per
AtliES.4 miles somh of Salem;
9 mw known as Uh John Minto farm;
ell i mproved ; price, ,0UO -liberal tenus.
ft m M ACRES In folk cnintT : miles n
Ljkk of Sjilem ; ti." acres' In cultiva
tion ; piod stock witter and range ; piVe tVS
IH-r acre.
ft ACRES In Pol k county,! miles fnim
Salem; well improve-l; prk-e fio0
"I fft ACRES 8 mllen n c of Salem; 55
M. acren in cultivation ; pood house
and tiarn and tine orcliant ; well watered ;
price W.OUO
0ssr ft ACRES near Subllmltr. 15 miles se
4 9 of alllll ; all well leuced, with
(5ooit stock water; price, $.5 per acre.
11 tfVu'KKS In Polk county, 1, miles w
1 of Salem; improvements good; 3
acres in cultivation; jirico -J,UU0.
Cft ACRES7 miles south of Salem : all
Oill under l'enc; koikI barn and house
considerable ImproveiiK-nt ; price 111 (ier
a,-re, In quantities to suit purchasers.
f ACRES is miles norlh east of Sa
Al Lsr m lem, on A I (. u creek; 7." a.-res
in cumvatioii ; iwd range, well watirreit;
price ill per acre.
lbrh ACRES or land 4 miles northeast of
ScXJ'XF Si Iverton. Willi aw-uii!l on prem
ises; price $12110 very cheap.
3 fl AfKESK miles r.onliwest of Salem:
'iJLHsr UK' acres iu cultivation: jto.k1
r.-i HJ.-1-. well watered and g.xsi orcliant; price
Jll jracre.
ACRES 12 miles rust i.fM'i-m;
r Jl vjr siaili improveuieiiis; price SMtm.
iiP4 A RES 4 miles northeast of Si 1-
I i'si.' verion; valuable tarm ; w ell iin-
I inni itt, ii'uise 4iiii uarn , usiaciesi
in cull :v.-i:ion ; price slono ; teviuseas. ,
ftT ACRES hiilfmile west efSalem;
UJ' U-rry landing; well improved;
s:r aere,
ACRES elht. miles sfnilli of Salem,
M- UU on the htae roat. 40 acres under
ctiltivalion : nearly all under fence : ordinary
house ami baru ; gwd young orchard; price
ACRES thn e miles sonth-east of Sa
Si3 lem. on mill creek road. All under
fence and in cultivation : house and Inru in a
de-irahle hxallou ; a bargain ; juice I-.sjO.
sTSiTh ACRES one mile Muuli-west of Sa
Qjfrlr lem. In Poik oounlv. All nniler
fence; 2ti acres in cullivatioii ; siikiII house
and barn : Rood younpr or.-hard ; very desira
ble location for gardening purposes; price
MOI'SEand half block In Jones addition;
U story house well finished and grounds
well improved ; price i2(iO.
LOTS 8 ami 9, block 4, Reeds' addition, va
caut and tine hvatlon ; price Sloll.
6 LOTS in South Nilem, near school house ;
lrK-e HO0.
HOCSEand I J lots m KoIktCs aldlll.m:
belonging to M. R. Moore; price st.VW.
RESIDENCE of I,. S. Iar, ou Capital 81.;
price tloisi.
T OTS 5 anil (i. block 25. on Church street ;
SLA vacant; jirice $.kki.
BRICK store , north end Siarkev's block ;
lire-proof; rooms on second floor;
good brick warehouse; prK- flVsj.
2EOTSin Albany, hear the court hone ;
price 7o; lnqtiiro of Thomas Monieltlk
' V WOCSE and lot on Front street, near htw
1 JUL iness part of thee lu : now ivcuiiieil by
lr. J. h. Siarkey; prk.- 1W).
HOCSEand lot. South Salem: near resi
dence of H. "Owens ; Iioilm; unlinished ;
price $jO0.
The Renting- nnrl I-atiiiz or nil
kinds of properly. Collection of claims,
Conveyancing, Ac, will receive prompt at
tent ion.
f For further Information address,
Salem, Oregon.
c. yr. ROYAL.
Notary ruW
A Choice List of Property liolh In
City Country-
iii .
n hand for sale.
Special attention given to Renting Houses
TO Ij LEfTiXfi.
Legal Papers Drawn Up,
Tiixph lnll, Ac-., Aco.
Ituslness enlnisul lo our carp by
Absentees or Residents,
of the City, will receive care ful attention.
oreaon. lal nii. niimi given to the
eulludlon of s,-. mills, rents, Ac.
Real Estate! Real Estate!
lA 4H NTITZEI. A ( ).,
kern. Rooms on drst floor corner Front
and Washington streets, Portland, OTegon,
wll I atieml lo the snle and rnrctuv-e of real
estate In all pans or Oregon, ueckal atten
tion given to the sale of tarming lauds.
April la dAwtf.
rfHE FIRST and Most Healthful Tonic
JL ever Introduced in ! be I nited States
i Tliee Bitters have been
in the San Francisco mar
ket for over tvektt
YEAK,and notwithstand
ing the many new candid
ate for public favor. I he
sales have etmstantlr In
Sole Agents. o and 411
Jtiay 9irec-i, b
IU Front Kt., Prtlsii4,
Com mi ssion Merchant.
Oretron produce sold to best advantage In
Portland or San Francisco. Uealer la
t'onaiffninent NoUrlted.
Jan. 4 1879.
Aft-T t"H ji-ani'.lrisl tB thml tmut lis
provtm itslttli onlyi u. r.t:vf ns i. tuinrlsMS
of dineimw pr)ii, Ly lu. Oust in.ttitiou
crs an ui.-urabl -.
rnn-s C!iaiit-r-. firs: :.n ! rec..nd r " "'
th i tf or 11 k".v: f' l.tM. . Ti se. A'-.;
tipp -rsrolorwl "ill. t -Ii n. M f l.iiliie lrrh.
li.srus I K -vl!, i.u 1 'l j-r.Mitiiy w ir I !!.
diseaso tiv; i'h S. ;!ni:.s. 1 ii. t, j- 1- r bot
tle, or trt ir 5J.
Dr. L? 3ioh.iu-3 GUIFH KliiU Kc.2
mrnT-rl'v, M T-nriuI. tsr-li-;.tr l lr.m.--
ti-lll l'sttil Jtl til- J 'U f. l'h 'kt'l Ili" i i. I 1-
rrmt-1 S .r- TiirMt, hvrlxtlitu 1 l-i;x..l
bn I V mtrurt -d C rU, stuliuM tt tin- Ijn.lw,
nuj r u till flm-sv-i.t inm tin--Mn-
wh"tbt-r f.tnl by inli-Tt In n it iVum
Pric., I , r Uitthi. cr two U r
D.'-Ln Eilbai's SPJEUiT JH-
tll-iti!, f r th Cum i f fliuinoTlion, Oh '-t. Irri
tation. rtravi-1, mi l sii Vritory -r (rnitl
disarrattj-nieut. I'ri.-. , f i.MI Ir bottle.
Dr. Lo Mtfi CCLDFII f PARISH IN-, a wish n-i t inif-rfion f rwrin-nx
ol i iniiortnci, l-.ifl inmi toy (ih t. htrtrtnrcs.
and alt t ij Ji.ii- .d ll!iuldr.
Pric--, 5I...o is r 1 tt!c.
TrM. Itn: .t'-:i y. :.:til r !I t :t . 1 1 j "C (n n
M ..-: firr.t; ;a : 1 "f"-iT" l-iir- ), $.i
tv r h .ul,. Tii p. -r.uiMi Ci.w Taijiaji r
.it np 0:1:7 r 'i'. LoffTf.
0:t r-: :;t i f rin xhif rT:'''tir will
hn --:it t .'( ?vrt( ct flff r--nnrv. i-y 1 xyr
p inai!, t- j ftiktilauJ ln-j fnau br- .
(. ... n r:s, s i , r. ( ley aiii
ii-it ts, San i'raiM:iw o, C'i.
Willamette Transportation Co.
P O T I O K .
? further notice.
The Steamer Fannie Patton
Will leave her dock, foot of Stale St., every
WelneAy ansl SHtnrday HoraliiK,
At 6 o'clock A. M. for Portland, and will
leareMnlem eveiy
MtMiflnr nl lliunwiay
Of each week at 5 o'clock P. M. for Corrallls
and Intermediate pb--s.
fiT.ireat Reluced Rates.
J. D. IJII.I:, Asrent.
Salem, Pec 15, 1S71.
Eortivpi!r and dlre,. via ls limn-
li'.ii1 and t ':is- Ifirn. wiih,-o coniuv I -ii--. nil classes
ait i v:i--te(les "I M-.-ivhan41-e,
iin-l for snU- of Kvjvk-im from
ilie North-el.
Adva-h-es ucide on .jpf-rovet consignments,
an-l orior re-rs-1l"ully .-'tli,-it-1.
All orders ami bu.-iiii- wUl receive prompt
N.Y National L . Itni-k.
losns A. E. At. E. Tllton, tr LHicriy
iiree. Mo.-r. J. L. Brotvnell A Bros., lt;tnkers.
Messrs. lieiitlev. Miller & Thomas, tH Smlli
Messrs. IjuM A Tilton, Itankers, Por..irL
A. A. McCullv, Esq.. Salem.
Sparkling RubiesI
A New Sabbath School Book
An appropriate name for this neat, com
pleieaud pli asing collection or musical gems
about l.Vi of them-, bv A. IIl'LL and II.
SAl'NDERS. ..c, :EM', KKESIf, HP1H1T-
"Never tinuble trouble tUI trouble troubles
Is the title of a favorite song by Wel!mn,
30 cents.
Is the name of a compact bonk of 210 afrr.
which can Iw carried In tbe rsa kei. ami ei
contain a very lary. proairtiiu ol the nsot
fopnlar palm tnne, )ilrlinal Kins:s. A,-.. Ac.
t would hedillirult tooompilea nmnmrn
ient honk f,,r The Vrr. Tlw Prater Me-t-liir.
or Svlal iuKin)t teftln.;
By A V m'I.I Price 0 cent.
Evervloily likes
-Kwbi.mj at Tllll
IBIiKX liAtt"
l- h. n-nts.
The TIiiiU-hI Trrnmirr,
Continues to he a Great Sih-aipM. tireal vari
ety ol Ihelmt V.l anl luwrumemai Miifk
lrk- tn U-ls. W n Clo. bill l.
The ahore Bu ks and Pkvcs si-nt posi.ii I
on re.ipt of retail price.
'. It. IHTSON t CO., New Xurk.
Heavy and Shelf-Hardware.
Iron and Stool.
Agents for the sale of '
51 and 5. Front St., Portland, Ojfn.
Mav 27:iUwtf
U. S. Internal Rerenne Taes
'I'ltE Annual I.l-r of Internal Revenue
Taxes for Revenue '.'axes for Marion
eotmty has been pl.-i.-et lit inv hands for col
lect ton.
Noii.-e Is herehr etven that I wfll beat the
post orllce In Salem on TVKSHA Y. June ISth.
for the pnriiose of collect hiR said taxes.
Iieitv (,'olltvlnr.
Iis(ltiIon or IrtncrNlilp-
"J"OTIT.I berebv (tiven that the Arm of J.
II. ,t M. Ilir-sh Is 111 If Jc I ay dissoUisl by
mutual emi-enl. Thei-tnnts'or the old tlrm
are now tn the hands nf Hermann A ITirsch.
and onie owing ns will pleft-ecall nd set
tle tmine llAiely.
J. 15 M. H.,
Salem. Ore-on, May 1st, liTi.
keep srood Fowls than
poor ones t
Oakland Poultry Yards,
Corner of ltt h and Castro
NrtiHon oT 1W7JJ,
Eggs for Hatching.
Fkox the I.ABorjrr asd TliwrrtBLD
Fowls ik Amkkica!
Carefully .-ke-1 and wsrranted to,-rrv snHs
ly any tlletance. The Tsriette oomirku
Dark and Light Brahmas, BufT and Part
ridjre Cochins, White Leghorns,
Houdant, Silver Spangled Ham
burgs.Black Spanish, White
Dorkin;s, Golden Po
lands, Aylesbury Ducks, and Game, Se
right and Black African Bantams.
CST Semi stam p tor Oren lar to
Importer and Ttrwler or thofc-e Poultrv.
UtyX B89, San Francisco.
General A (rent for the PoriTRY Wontn,
a monthly magazine devoted entirely to Pool
try. The best paper published hi the oonntrv.
Subscription. SI 00 per rear. A (rent ante.
ior every city and town awl tbe country. For
further tnSirmatlou. address.
San Francisco.
3T Fleae state In what paper you saw
this ad ertiaemenu
Maj " win;im:delSm