The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, June 19, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    Seeijfp gfregon statesman.
The City and County.
From Daily of Saturday June. 15.
Honso Entered at Ablqua. Bnrrlar
Arreaietf. frrllnaliinry
. uiaiulttt-d to Jail.
We hive been for tome time without
Iiurglar sensation but we got wind of one
yetenlar and. fallowed it up until we re
ceived full particulars front tbe gentlemen
who hud tea robbed. Mr. J. if. McCrsw,
living in the Abiqu precinct, bin f-r sunn-
time pat I wen engaged in teaching singing
chool at Gervais. Monday evoning of this
week was the laat night of the term and Mr.
McCraw collected the tuition of hi scholar!
and started borne the following morning.
On his way laither be passed by the resi
dence of Mr. Cline. This gentlesaan was
standing outside the Louse in company with
a hired maa named
Who had been at work for him but a short
time.' In the coarse of the conversation Mr.
McCraw mentioned the faet that he had
met with pretty good success in bis collec
tions and also remembers laying that be in
tended to he absent from hotne the follow
ing day. After a few more commonplace
remarks be proceeded homeward. Tbc day
following he left home about one o'clock,
leaving the house locked op. lie returned
abeat f ve o'clock to find a goodly portion
of his meaey gene, together with some jew
elry, clothing, etc The trunks and
drawers throughout the h.ase had been
thoroughly overhauled and
art itncLU wni mssiso.
At first he was at loss to iwiagiae who the
intruder could be ; but the following day
he heard ntat young Knwlmud had quit
work without giving his employer notice.
His sapicion were immediately aroused
and he applied for a warrant for his arrest.
Stcrea Porter issued it aad placed it in tbe
balds of a Constable. This gentleman pro
ceeded to fiilvertoa aad there fouad his man
quietly eating sapper at tbe residence of Dr.
Davis, fle was immediately
And guarded the balance of the aight in tbe
bar-room of tbe hotel in that place. On
searching turn they fouad some f the cloth
ing ea hies aad some of the asissing arti
cles in his possession. A preliminary ex
amination was held before Esquire Lewis
and he was beuad erer to appear at the
next term of oar C.uaty Court. lie was
brought to this city yesterday aooo and
lodged ia the
This yoang man had been ia tbe neigh
borhood but a few days and was but little
known and it may be that a clue may thus
be found to some of tbe mueruui burglar
ics that hare recently taken place in our
own city.
Dixie Cawp Meetim. We understand
there is an unusually large crowd in attend
an co en these grounds this year, and that
the interest takea in its progress, has never
been hcrettfora excelled. A large nutn
ber ef families are eaeamped ia tbe imme
diate viciaity. Ample provision has been
made for the accommodation of man and
beast. vVagon loads of eatables hare been
taken oat. and there is ample room for all.
Mr. Detnpsey has on haad a liberal supply
of provender for teasns. In fact every
thing has been done to make this meeting
one of the most successf ul of the season
Jt was commenced last Thursday, and
will probably continue until one
week from next Monday- Quite a
large dumber will attend from this place
next Sabbath. We would suggest that
some of ur haekmea rua their vehicles to
these grounds during that day as we havo
heard quite number say they desired to go
out but had no mesas of conveyance. Sev
eral private parties hive already engaiced
carriages and propose to spend tbe Sab
bath there. It is a pleasant drive and by
getting an early start oae can spend the
day in an agreeable aad we trust a profita
ble manner to themselves.
Te Oca CocsTar Reabebs. la conver
sation with some of oar country friends we
find there is some wrong reports being cir
culated throughout the eoanury regarding
small pox. We have made diligent inqui
ries of some ef onr leading physicians re
garding this matter aad witheut exception
they say there is not a single case in the
city nor anywhere aear it, nr has there
been any. Reports from the various cases
in tbe neighboring tewns show that these
parties are convalescent. And furthermore
owing to the fact that strict care was used,
bo danger need he apprehended of conta
gion. Oar country friends need have no
fears ef this disease waea they visit tbe
Wao's G-eixo to the Coast. We no
ticed a party starting I rum here yesterday
morning ea route fur a cooler clime and a
more healthy atmosphere. Yesterday was
hardly a day to snake one wish for sea
breezes and cool baths but the time will
soon he ea hand and many are already com
pleting arrangements for aa early depart
ure. Various poipts are brought forward
as presenting the greatest inducements but
tbe general cry is, "anywhere to get out of
the city." The Salmon Rirer Route is con
sidered as good a one as any aad a large
party contemplate a few weeks recreation in
the vicinity of Salmon river. These ex cur
sions are annually growing in popularity,
and it is am wonder, for tbey abound with
pleasure aad tbe memory of them is sure to
cause a happy smile.
To Whom it mat Coh;ej. The Com
mittee of Arrangements appoinicd by Capi
tal Lodge No. 11, I 0 G T. to arrange for
a Mammoth Temperance Celebration at Sa
lem, on tbe coming 4th of July, ander the
auspices of Good Templars, take this oppor
tuaity to inform Good Templars, aad the
pablic generally, that all preparations look
ing toward sucu a celebration bare been
- abandoned, for reasons sufficient. The
plan was a gosd one, aad could it have
beea carried out, it would without doubt
bare aeqamplished the desired results, that
of promoting the best interests of oar no
ble Order ia the young aud growing State
of Oregon.
J. M. GARnnox,
S. C. AriAns,
T. H. Cahji.
Committee of Arrangements.
Axother AccioitRT. Thursday noon
Jack Donaldson, who has recently been em
ployed on the A gricnlturul Works, cut bis
foot severely with an adxe. The wound
bled profusely before medical assistance
could be obtained ; bat as soon as it ar
rived tbe wound was properly dressed aad
yesterday he was doing as well as could be
Card or Taks Tbe following brief
resolution speaks for itself:
MeoUH, We, tbe pupils of Prof. Gatch,
desire to tender him a vote of thanks tor
tbe delicious ice cresm to which be so kind
ly treated ns Friday afternoon.
J. D. McCully, Frank M. McCully. Amos
strong, etaamei inareb, Ueorge Hughes
A. w . Bustt, wiiue Bell, W. J. Clarke, J
H. Whitley, Eugene Willie.
From Daily of Sunday June 16.
Rum Acrouxb. Capt. Bell, of tbe steam
r Albany, arrived ia town yesterday, hav
ing come irom sueoa v ista on Horseback in
the forenoon. . fie informed ns that on tbe
up trip last Thursday evening sbut to
hour of six, wheu about una mile abovo
Buena Vista, the boat rua aground and they
had been endeavoring to set her ifloat ever
since, until last evening when it was given
op ss an impossibility without more assist
ance. Capt. Bell then went to Buena Vis
ta where he secured a horse aad rode down
here where no immediately telegraphed to
Portland, staling the facts of lbs esse and
asking aid. A boat will probably be sea
-up immediately, when there will be no dif
ficulty ia righting matters np. Tbe boa)
was not more than usually heavily laden,
and it was owing to low water and difficult
navigation that tbe accident occurred.
School Children's Visit to Towa. Mr.
J. T. Royte, who ia teaching a school about
twelve miles east of the city, brought bis
bery of pupils to the city yesterday, and
with them, paid a visit to Mr. P.S. Knight's
cabinet. The little folks examined the cu
riosities of tbe place with great interest.
After leaving the Hall, Mr. Roy took
them around tbe city and showed tbera all
tbe sights. It was a regular holiday for
the little ones a day to be remembered in
after years. The example of Mr. Roy
might be followed with profit by other
Frou the Fnosr We understand that
work lias been suspended on tbe ruilrond
South of Oakland lor the prctcnt. T.ieru
is ' lion in the way'.' in the shape of
Smith's II ill, which is about 4,000 feet
through, and the question now antes
whether they shall tunnel it at a cost of
about $200,000, or scoot around it. It will
probably bo tunneled eventually. Mean
while many of the men bave been dis
charged and work temporarily suspended.
But it will in all probability be resumed
at an early day, and there will be no more
delay until they reach Roseburg.
Cbamgr or Timk. Our lawyers and
judges are agitating the subject of changing
the time for holding the session of Supreme
Court. It is now held in September and it
is proposed to bold it some time during the
winter as it is then urged that more time
could be allowed. Tbey are always hur
ried now from the fact that tbe judges are
anxious to start out on their various cir
cuits. Some are in favor of this plun, while
others urge two sessions annually, thus di
viding the business more equally. The
matter will probably be settled at the next
session of the Legislature.
Collision. Yesterday morning as Mr.
Jas. Rickey and Dick Carey were driving
into town together, and when near the Tost
Office Mr. Carey run his buggy against Mr.
Rickey's, crowding him agninst the side
walk and broukio one of the spoke in the
whocl of his buggy . Parties who saw the
transaction say tbe action had tbe appear
ance of being a wilful one on the part of
Mr. Carey, lie was arrested during the
day and a suit for damages instituted, but
the matter was compromised by Mr. Carey
paying all tho costs and tbe damages ou
the buggy.
' Map of Mars. Cabinet Hull has a new
euriosity in the shape of a map of tbe plan
et Mars. It was drawn by Mr. Walton, of
Douglas county, from a telescopic chart in
one of Proctor's works. It shows tho seas,
oceans, inlets, continents and islands of our
sister planet as they have been surveyed by
means of the telescope. We suspect, how
ever, that it would be as much of a curiosity
to tbe people of Mars as it is to ourselves.
Small Pox at Eola. We received a
letter yesterday from Mr. J. II, Ray, of
Eola, who discredits the report of a case of
small pox at that place, lie says tbe wo
man who was reported to be sick of that
disease was confined to her bed but a few
days, and is now able to be out.
Leo Broke. A little son of L. M.
Herren, who lives about five miles out of the
city, while swinging on a gate yesterday
morning, fell off and in some unaccountable
manner broke his leg. Medical assistance
was immediately called aud the child is do
ing as well as could be expected.
From Daily of Tuesday June IS.
Justice's Court. An interesting trial
was in session yesterday before J. J. Mur
phy, Justice of the Peace for Salem pre
cinct. During the recent issue of the Daily
Mercury in this city, James Coffee was em
ployed to deliver the paper to the sub
scribers. It has always been customary
for the carrier to establish his own loute
and be paid a certain percentage for tbe
number of papers delivered, thus making
him responsible for every paper he took
from tbe office. Mr. Coffee imagined bo
was entitled to compensation for the time
he was engaged in oanvassing for the paper;
therefore, when on its sudden demise, he
made the final settlement with the propri
etor he deducted tbe amount of one weeks'
wages from the sum he owed tbe propri
etors. This part of the joke Mr. Thompson
could not appreciate and, therefore, brought
suit against Mr. Coffee for the recovery of
the money. Several witnesses were cxam-
ned and considerable interest manifested
on either Slue. After a patient bearing.
Mr. Murphy decided in behalf of tbc com
Kutlove Killed. Wc heard yesterday
of a sad accident which occurred at Eugene
City last Saturday afternoon. One of the
men employed on the construction train in
the ect of uncoupling the rear car missed
his footing and fell beneath the ear, which
ran over his body, killing hiin instantly.
It teems that be was standing on the last
car which he desired to leave uu the track.
He stooped down to take out the coupling
pin, intending to jump ou tbe next car
while the train was in motion, thinking no
doubt that the uoeoupled ear would
keep up with the balance of the train lor a
short distance. But juu as he jumped, the
forward car shot forward with increased
speed, and instead of alighting on the car
as he expected, he fell on the track. Be
fore he could get out of the way the rear
car passed over his body killing him in
stantly. He bad been in tbe employ of tbe
company for some time and was well known
around Eugene, but be had no relatives on
this coast. We could not learn his name
from our informant.
The Dixie There were
quite a number of calemites out to
Dixie Sunday last to attend this gathering.
There were a large number in attendance,
and great interest was apparently taken in
tbe object for which the meeting was insti
tuted. Tbe ground resembled our Fair
Grounds during the time of our Annual
8tate Fair, so numerous were the campers
in sight. Plenty of provisions were on
hand to supply the wants of all. It will he
continued during the present week, proba
bly closing Sunday next. This no doubt
will be the most interesting day of the
whole session. Carriages have been en
gaged for months in anticipation ot the de
mand there no doubt will be for vehicles of
all descriptions on that day.
Torn or Inspection. A party of five
men consisting of T. B. Jack. Frank Coop
er, Jason Jones. Mr. Wbitlock aud E. 0.
Norton, the last named geDtlemca formerly
connected with tbe Mercury of this city,
will start this morning from Butte Creek to
explore tbe mountains in that vicinity and
find out what the mining prospects are,
Tbey are fully equipped with horses and
camping accoutrements and are fully pre
pared for an extensive tonr. Mr. Norton
has promised us an occasional letter from
his graphic quill. They are of tbe opinion
that rich developments await them. We
trust they may not be disappointed.
Odb CuMTT Ooprt IIoosb. Tbe con
tractors on this public bnilding are begin
ning to make a decided show in the way of
progress. Tbey have the foundations well
under way and tbey are built in a most
substantial manner. Tbey are now erect
ing the iron cells and tbey have a forge
crested on the grounds, tbns facilitating
matters to a great extent. Quite a large
force of men are constantly engnged and
from all appearances tbey will soon bo
resdy for the brick work. Everything ap
parently indicates that tbe contractors will
have no difficulty ia completing their work
within the time stipulated. .
Orr ro the Mocstaiss. Onr young
friend Miles M. Miller, well known in our
midst, takes his departure this morning for
tbe Warm Springs Reservation. Owing to
continued 111 health he has been induced to
make this change, hoping it my prove a
benefit to him. He ees up with Frsnk
Carey and will assist in taking charge of a
large drove of sheep. He carries with him
tbe best wishes of bis numerous friends in
this city.
Fourth or Jilt. There is some show
after all of having a celebration here on tbe
coming Fourth. The Grand Army of the
Republic have taken the matter in hand
and at a special meeting of Russell Post,
No. 3, held last evening, a committee of
three was appointed to perfect arrangments,
consisting of Ira Erb, Jerry Patterson and
Maj. Geo. Williams. It is proposed to
bale a Target Excursion during the day
and to close np with a grand entertainment
of some kind it tbe Opera Houso during
tbe evening. We are pleased to see this
matter set on foot once more, and hope our
citizens will give it their hearty suppurc.
Larok Sale op Cahkiauk and Bt ctsr
Matkiiial. Tho Administrators of ihu
estate of W. E. Cooper, the well known
Carriage maker of Portland, sold out tbe
stock of the Carriage Factory on tbe 14lh
inst. consisting of a large number of fin
ished and unfinished Buggies and Carriages.
Messrs. Northrup i, Thompson, dealers in
Hardware, Iron and Steel and Wagon and
Carriage material, were tbo principal pur
chasers of tbe unfinished stock consisting
of Buggy, Carriage aud Phateon bodies.
with wheels for the same, and a large lot of
other material, which they are offering at
about half the usual price. For particlurs
see advertisement.
Gradcates. The graduates from Mon
mouth College, June 12th, were Miss Mary
Stump, Miss Sarah L. Churchill, Charles
E. Wolverton, W. D. Fenton, and Bruce
LOCAL 11KKVI l lt.
Overcoats have taken the place of linen
Fourth of July two weeks from next
Thursday. Where and how are you going
to celebrate it ?
A large amount of excellent sausage ma
terial yelps around town o' nights.
Strawberries ure getting plentier, but one
dollar a gallon is rather too steep for the
present state of our finances.
Our ciiy fathers will be petitioned
to suppress tile Iliusic.,1 (!) cow bell.
Cherries are coining info town quite
plentifully, but they are of an inferior
Waldron's Troupe am playing ajratn at
Portland. He will probably make this ciiy
another visit shortly.
There are now three occupants in our
city jail.
Butter is still in good demand. Our
country friends don't keep us very well sup
plied. The Japs have come and gone as well
as the Good Templars.
me roiina ot July excursion is being
agitated quite freely.
Portland is making extensive prepnra
tions for a grand celebration on the coming
Norraao Purrisb is suffering severely
from his recent injury.
Who is to be our next Chief? is the ques
tion mostly agitated in Fire Department
The Umpqua Ensign conies to us on the
half-shell this week.
Mr. J. A. Kemp has placed us under obliga
tions for a basket of the handsomest straw
berries we have seen this season.
Hurrah for the Fourth of July. It is
going to give Salem a visit after all.
Small pox excitement has about died
away here in Salem.
Vivian will proliably be in Portland within
tbe next ten days. Cau't wo get bim up
The steamer John I.. Sfphens brought
np a large amount of freight for this city.
rNnlices under the heads of ' Married."
"llirths." or u Died." will hechar&ed l (.
Obituary notices, Sjcletv notices (in Memori
am! and Resolutions will be charged 10 cents
jter line.
At Salem. June 15th, 1ST?. Nanna Evelyn,
infant ilainrhter of Jas. W. and Bertha" A.
Welch, of Astoria.
Stilo of Gold.
Funeral of James Gordon Bennett.
Monttelikr, .Tune 13. The Demo
cratic State Convention elected dele
gates to Baltimore to-day. The Con
vention adopted resolutions endorsing
the Cincinnati platform.
Worcester, Mass.. .Tune 13. The
Xinety-second District Democratic
Convention to-day elected delegates
to tbe Baltimore Convention. Tlie
Convention refused to instruct the del
egation for Greeley.
Coixmuia, S. C., June 12. The
Democratic Convention re-assembled
to-day and adopted resolutions endors
ing the Cincinnati platform and candi
dates. Lowell, Mass.. June 12. The
Democratic Convention to-day selected
delegates to the lialtimoreConventioii,
and adopted resolulions recommending
the adoption of the Cincinnati plat
form. Xetr York Xew.
Xkw Yokk. June 13. Two mil
lions gold sold to-day at $13 89 to
fl4 05.
The funeral of James G. Bennett
took place to-day. The Hags through
out the city were at half mast. The
remains were taken to Greenwood
'atknnl Steagertent.
St, Louis, June 12. The arrival of
Societies to attend the National &en
gerfest, last night and this morning,
continues. Over forty cities and towns
are already represented.
Witshlnifton f.
Washington. June 13. Senator
Wilson and ex-President Johnson
leave lor home to-morrow.
Prominent members of t he adminis
tration unite in the opinion that the
United States will not consent to a
postponement of the Geneva arbitra
tion. ' The British Government has satis
fied itself through secret agents, that
the Geneva tribunal is inclined to give
damages to the United States.
The Supplemental Article of the Treaty.
Jlaiite Iiepublilan Convention.
Southern and Gulf Forts to be Strength
. ened.
The fcnuplementnl Article.
San Francisco, June 9. A Wash
ington special saya that the Supple
mental treaty Article adopted by the
Senate concludes m follows :
"After consideration the President
has, with the advice and consent of
the Senate, consented to the establish
ment of a new feature in international
law for the guidance of both nations,
to tlie eflect that neither of the oon
tracting powers shall be held responsi
ble for the acts of its citizens as against
either Government in favor of any
belligerent Government which may be
at war, and consents that he will make
no claim ou the part of the United States
in respect to Indirect damages as
aforesaid before the Tribunal of Ar
bitration at Geneva."
Indiana Demoeraey endorse Greeley
IxirtANAPOLis, June 13 At the
Democratic Convention to-dav M. C.
Kerr and JohuS. Williams, both Dem
ocrats were nominated to Congress fo-
the State at large. George W.Julian
declined, in a letter to one ot the dele
gates, saying that he would be able to
lanor more effectually for the cause a
an iudceudcut citizen, and should do
so to the extent ot his 'ability. Wil
liams was nominated on tbe first bal
lot. Kerr on the second. William M
Eddy was nominated for Secretary of
State : M. ii. Hopkins, superintendent
Public Instruction ; B. IV. Manna. At
torney Geueral ; L. J. Price, Clerk
Supreme Court.
The Convention adopted resolutions
endorsing the Cincinnati platform.
Troopa Ordered to 3f ontuna.
JTew Yokk, June 13. One hundred
recruits from Fort Columbus. Xew
York harbor, have been ordered to Fort
Sliaw, Montana, for assignment to the
Seventh Infantry.
Tbe Maine Republican dominate
(si-ant lie ef,
Lewistox (Me.), Juuc 13. The
Maine Republican State Convention
met liere to-day. J. V. Porter pre
sided. Perham was re-nominated by
acclamation. The resolutions passed
re-ntllnn the principles enunciated at
Philadelphia. The Convention cordi
ally endorse the nomination ot Grant
and Wilson and promises them an elec
toral vote in the State larger than the
majority of 18(58.
In Peace lrepnrliiur for War.
Washington, June H The War
Department. Is strengthening the forls
on the Southern and Gulf coast. The
Xavy Department U accumulating
large supplies of stores. All naval
stations on these coast, in accordance'
with the desire of the Government,
will be prepared for any emergencies.
Speculation Concerning- the Geneva
Nkw Vohk, June 13. A Times'
London special says that the position
of the Government on the Treaty cre
ates great political excitement. The
Government believes the Treaty is not
dead. It U rumored that a vote of
want of confidence in the Ministry is
to Ik; moved in Parliament by Disraeli
or lionville, probably by the. latter, but
if so it cannot be carried. The gener
al expectation is that there will be an
adjournment of the Geneva Confer
ence. fjirant's views coucerulug Dr. Howard
Wilson Accepts the Nomina
tion for Vice President.
Great Storm in Xew Eiixluntl.
Wisconsin Democracy endorse Greeley
ien. rnnt Interviewed.
Xkw Yokk, June 14. President
Grant, in an interview with a corres
pondent at Long Branch, said he pre
sumed Spain would surrender Dr.
Howard, whose release was di-niauiliil
by this iiivi'iiuiii'iit. although the
course to lie pursued in case of a refu
sal of Spain to do so is a matter which
has not at all lieen discussed by the
Cabinet, lie thinks it an even chance
whether the Baltimore Convention will
nominate Greeley, but hopes it will in
order that the light may be an oH'n
one between the two.
(rent Storms in ew England.
Accounts of a storm on Wednesday
in all parts of Xew Kiigland, show
great, damage to property, aud some
kss of lite.
The Uatlant Eeinnle Colonel.
Teimie C. Clatlin was elected, last
night. Colonel of the Eighty-seventh
Wife Murder.
Ye-terday forenoon. Kmile Adda, a
Frenchman, whose wife left him on ac
count of liis disfiguration by small pox.
anil was living with another man, went
to her residence with papers of separa
tion for her signature. She refused ami
lied. He caught her, grabbed her by
the hair, put a pistol to her head and
shot her dead, lie waited until the,
police arrested him.
Thirty persons were dangerously, if
not fatally, poisoned at a boarding
house on Thirty-fourth street, by eat
ing custards.
Wilson Letter of Aeeeptanee.
WASiiiNCTON.-Iune 14 S-nator Wil
son's letter of acceptance is published
this morning. Alter giving asut"uees
of his grateful appreciation of the hon- ,
or conferred upon him, he recalled the
Philadelphia Convention of 1S5I, and
the changes which have taken place in
public sentiment since the growth ot
freedom from Ucpublican principlesaud
points out where the representatives of
an oppressed and despied race ot six
teen years since, now part c'pites in
terms of crfeet equality in the con
vention, and though they were scarce
ly less despised than were Abolition
ists of lSliti. they are now greeted
with the warmest demonstrations of
popular regard and esteem. He con
cludes by saying : '! gratefully ac
cept, the nomination thus tendered,
and shall endeavor, if it shall be rati
fied by the people, faithfully to per
form rlie duties it imposes."
Wisconsin Urniornitlr Mate Conven
tion. Milwai kie. June 14. The Demo
cratic State Convention met hen; yes
terday aud elected delegates to the
Baltimore Convention. It adopted
resolutions endorsing the Cincinnati
platform and Greeley's letter of ac
ceptance, and instructing delegates to
Baltimore to ratify the action of the
Cincinnati Convention and vote as a
unit. Strong opposition was made to
the resolution, several sjieakers de
nouncing the coalition wifli the Cincin
nati movement as death to the Ivmo-
craitc party.
Labor Strike in Xew York City.
Tm" oiill A 1joi1mI-
Arrival of the Imperial German Band for
the Boston juoiiee.
rois:i; xiiws,
Lnnor Slrlk-rn ArreMted Exeitement
on Aeeounl oi' tlie MrlKerr.
X ew Yoisk, June 14 It is reported
that the Grand Jury has indicted one
of the prominent leaders of tlie eight-
hour strike.
Six strikers were arrested to-dav for
threatening workingmen who refused
to join them.
Seven-eight of Steuiway s working
men have resumed work. The strik
ing piano men, backed by other strik
ers, have arranged to assemble at
Steinway's factory earl)' to-morrow
morning, to prevent workingmen from
entering. The police will be on hand
in force.
Five thousand machinists, iron
moulders and boiler makers, of Brook
lyn, are among the strikers for eight
hours of labor or ten hours pay, and
employers refuse to accede to their de
mands. In several instances tho strik
ers visited the establishments and
forced the men to strike.
Jny Uould I'led from Xew York.
Xew Yokk, June 14. A complaint
against Jay Gould, based on charges
of fraud as President of the Krie road,
has been filed. It was rumored this
afternoon that he had fled from the
city, fearing the results ot'a trial. A
warrant for his arrest will probably be
placed in the hands of the Sheriff to
morrow. Arrival I'roiu Europe.
X'ew Yokk. May 14. The steam
ship ltheiii, with the German Imperial
Band and Cornet Quartette of Em
peror William of Germany, with Herr
Strauss, Madame Pischas and Lentner
on board, arrived this evening. The
wife and daughter of Horace Greeley
were also passengers on tha Hheiu.
Shower of Sulphur Hurled in Ruins
Sakatoga, June 14. A heavy sul
phur shower fell here last night, and
this morning the ground in many
places was covered.
Philalku'MA, June 14. Fourteen
men were buried in the ruins caused
by the fall of the furnace building of
J. Moorehead & Co., at West Conslia
took, yesterday. Six were killed.
Four were seriously, and the rest wens
slightly injured. Tlie fall was caused
by pressure ot cinders on one side of
the arch.
Internal Revenue Receipt.
Meeting of the Geneva Conference.
California and Victoria News.
Internal Revenue Keeelpta.
Washington, June 15. Tlie Inter
nal Kevenne receipts lor the flcal
year ending to date, are over twenty
live millions already, and exceed tlie
estimate for tlie entire year. The
probable receipts from date to the 30th
Inst, will be fully five millions.
Indian Commissioner Appointed.
Washington, June 15. Tlie Seen -tarjF
of the Interior appointed Jas. A.
Garfield, of Ohio, Commissioner to re
move the Flathead Indians from Bit
ter Hoot valley, Montana, to a general
reservation in tlie same Territory.
Meeting-ol Anybody 4o beat ttrant.
New Yokk, June 15. The Even
ing Post says tliat the gentlemen who
are to meet at the Fifth Avenue Hotel
to concert means of consolidation, in
opiosition to Grant will not make
tlieir meeting for the ratification of the
Cincinnati nominees. They say they
have been made fools of once bv others.
and the Post says they do not come to
gether with the deliberate intention of
maicmg ioois oi ttiemsetves in precisely
tlie same way.
Tlie Mrlker The Pollee "hnrre up
on theau The 1'lot llilekeim.
X'kw Yokk, June 15. Tlie liiano
makers, at a meeting to-day, appointed
delegates to go to rliiladcjphia and
Boston and persuade men to strike.
A dispatch received from Xew 11a
ven states that, all the uiano makers
had struck yesterday and a number of
clock-makers and brewers strucK uus
morning. Employes of otlier sliops
will strike after being paid to-night.
This morning five hundred men re
sumed work. A number of strikers
gathered in the vicinity but the police
diitrgetl them off with clubs.
Tho Police Superintendent was ou
tlie ground 'ordering them not to aim
at men's liends. One rioter had his
shoulder badly broken.
The strikers bitterly denounce tlie
conduct ol the police and appointed a
committee to wait on the mayor in re
gard to it. There are now about 450
blacksniiilis in the strike and 5, 000
more will strike on Monday. Only
ten !osses have thus far acceded to de
Thlent ispleaaes the Awseiuhly.
I'akh. June 12. Thiers' demeanor
during the debate on Monday, on the
Aiinv bill, creatlv irritated members
of all political parties, and dissatisfac
tion with his remarks were openly ex
pressed in the Assembly to-day. Ban
dall. a demitv. eharired Thiers with
possessing all the arrogance of Xapo-
leon I.
Hill to Expel Jettultn Front tirrmRii . June II. A bill is lieing
prepared in the Federal Council pro
viding for the expulsion of all Jesuits
from Germany, even though they be
The Snn Junn Honndary tuelioii., June 13. The British F.m
Ifassv presented unexpectedly on the
10th" instant to the Emperor William,
.is arbitrator under the Treaty of
Washington, theiranswerto the Amer
ican ease on the San Juan boundary
question. Minister Bancroft submit
ted a replication yesterday. The Km
peror will deliver a decision soon, as
both parties have requested it.
English Political News.
IjOndox. June 13. In the House of
Con imoi is, this afternoon, Mr. llors
maii gave notice that he would soon
ask Mr. Gladstone whether the docu
ments to he presented to Parliament
relative to the Alabama claims would
explain why no record had been kepi
of tlte proceedings ot the Joint High
Commission; also, if there is any doc
ment wherein the. American Govern
ment assents to the witlidrawal of the
indirect claims as a matter ol under
standing, not ol" agreement.
Uru. MiemiHii Presented to the Em
peror of Ausirln.
Vienna, June 13. Gen. Sherman is
liere and was presented to the Em
peror to-lay. He dine to-night with
CtKint Andrassy. He goes to Paris
soon, wliere Lieut. Grant joins him.
Where Ilr. Livingstone It.
Xl.w Yokk, June 13. The Herald's
Iondon special says Bombay tele
grams contain information from Arab
sources I hat Livingstone is well, that
Mauley is at I'jijiand is coming to llie
coast with Livingstone.
Fnmine in !erin.
Lonimin, June 13. Tlie pacrs rep
resent the famine in Persia as worts
limn ever.
Tlie Snn Junn lloiimlnry ((nration.
Inin, June 14. In the House of
("ominous last night Mr. Gladstone
statml, in reply to a question by Cor
rancc. that the Government had re
ceived nothing oflicial in relation to
the San Juan boundary question, now
before the Emperor of Germany for
arbitration. In answer to inquirv by
1 1 itx.-t -i, the premier said the IT. s.
Government had declined to join the
British Government, in an application
for an adjournment of the Geneva
The KnnniMh 'ortea.
M ahkih. June II. The Cortes ad
journed ami the Ministerial eris'H still
liilrmliiiK Foreign Sows by Atlan
tic Cable.
Bkui.vs, June 14. The Emperor lias
instructed the Crown Jurist to prcKire
a report of the cases of the American
and British Governments on the snl
jeet of tlie Stin Juan boundary ques
tion. Lonimin. June 14. A Bagdad dis
patch says the ltoyal mail steamer
Carpinere was attacked at Bassotirth
by pirate, who killed and wounded
several persous and carried oft 34.000
Paris, June 14. The Government
has complete! a draft of a Postal Con
vention with tlie United States, and
Minister Waslibtirne has invited France
fii join the Emigration Congress, to lie
lu-ld at Washington.
Tlie Protestant Synod, now in ses-
j sion here, have jut passed through a
' discussion which resulted in a schism
' in tlie Church. Guizot, leader of the
Ortlindox party.inaintained thn author
t ity ol the Scriptures, while Kev. M.
Coquerell, leader of the Liberal party
justified certain resolutions in relation
to the divinity and resurrection of
Christ, the Lilierals demurring, at
which the Orthodox majority with
drew from the Synod.
Xegotiations with Germany lor tlie
gradual evacuation of France, as in
stallments of the indemnity are paid,
are proceeding satisfactorily.
GENEVA, June 14 Nearly all the
i gentlemen connected with the Boanl
of Arbitration tinder the Treaty ot
'. Washington have arrived. It is be
' lieved that the Board will adjourn im
mediately alter meeting, but that if
an agteeinent to adjourn could not De
reached, a prolonged session will un
doubtedly lie secretly held.
TheMenevn C'onferenee.
j Geneva. June 15. The tribunal for
the arbitration ot Alabama claim met
at noon to-day, at tlie Hotel de Ville.
All the inemlier were present as fol
lows : Count Sehlops, representing the
King of Italy. President of the Court;
Charles Francis Adams arbitrator on
jMtrt of the United States; Alexander
C-ockburu, representing Great Britain ;
Jacob Stemptliii, the Swiss Govern
ment; and Baron Ditiguba, Brazil.
Summaries of proofs and arguments
in support ot tlie case of England and
the United Suites, were furnished to
the arbitrators by the respective agents
of tlie two countries, Lord Tenterden
and J. C. Davis.
Court of Arbitration soon after ad
journed to Monxlay next at 2 p. M.
Further than as above stated, the pro
ceedings of tlie Tribuual are secret.
Insurgent Hanged.
Havana, June 15. It Li reported
that several insurgents detected in an
attempt to surrfinder to the Spaniards,
have been hanged by Diaz.
Movement of the nentoeraey Mn.
Fair's Trial Exhibition ol Palnt
in Ete.
San Francisco, June 13 That ir-
tion of the Democrats who insist upon
the ancient uares of the Demotraev
being adlicred to, completed their ar
rangements last night for tlie primary
ou the 17th, annointiiiff officers for the
ill'ereut jxills, and calling a ratifica
tion meeting to K; held in front of
lack Mratmau's headquarters, ou .Mar
ket street, on Saturday evening.
Tlie movement in tavor of calling
primaries for tlie election of delegates
to tlie Democratic State Convention
and members of tlie new County Com
mittee, instead of allowing tliem to be
appointed by the present County Com
mittee, is so strong that it is probable
that the Committee will be compelled
to rescind their resolutions and yield
the Doint.
The Sheriff Is summoning jurors for
was r air trial, sei lor tlie Z4ttl Inst.
A large number of paintings, many
of tliem of high order of merit, have
lieen placed at the disposal of tlie
Manager of Ait Association for the
first annual exhibition, which takes
place at the new hall, 313 Pine street.
Tuesday next.
SctTEK Creek. June 13. A de
structive fire occurred this morning,
commencing at 2 o'clock, in tlie store
house of the Amador Mining Com
pany, totally destroying the store
house, timber house, blacksmith shop,
aud hoisting works over both tlie north
and middle shafts.
A Question
Vnrier the
CIvU Klirhta
San Fhanckco, June 14 The col
ored population of tlie city have com
menced raising a purse to employ
counsel to legally test the question of
the right of negro children to enter all
the public schools on terms of perfect
equality with white children. There
appears to lie a decided repugnance on
tlieir part to allowing tlie separate col
ored schools to be maintained.
Water Supply for Nan Franeineo
Arrival or Tahiti otloil Sulhlen
leatn of K. H. Swatu. ,
Has Francisco, June 14. The sur
veys for bringing Blue Ijike water to
San Francisco are nearly completed.
Two hundred and forty bales high
grade Sen Island cotton, received here
from Tahiti, was shipped overland for
England to-dav.
Tlie death of R. B. Swain, ex-Su-preinteiitlent
of the Mint and a large
and prominent business men of San
Francisco, coupled with a rumor of
suicide, took tlie city by surprise this
afternoon. The facts are alleged to
be that he had been in the habit of tak
ing rttli-rian, and getting up in the
night to take a dose, it is reported ho
got hold of a bottle of laudanum in
stead. This morning his wife found
him breathing heavily and was unable
to awake him. Physicians were sum
moned and every "effort made to re
store hint to consciousness, but in vain
He died about 11 o'clock.
It is again rumored that the new ar
rangements contemplate the removal
of all the Central Pacific officers event
ually from Sacramento in this city.
ExenrHloiiWtn for Oregon Arrival of
Silver llullion Trouble Among the
San r KANri.sfo. June l'i. A party
of forty-nine Bostonians, provided
with hunting, fishing and vamping
outfit complete, are liere, touiid on a
summer campaign in Oregon. They
exjiect to knock tlie price of trout,
bear and buffalo meat in the Portland
market, down to a nominal figure
during their stay among the Webteet.
The Montana brought a heavy ship
ment of silver bullion not entered in
the manifest. Mot ot it was trom the
mine of Lower Oililornia, near Iji
San Francisco, June 15. The
grand mas meeting ot lieinncratie
voters at Piatt's Hall this evening is
comparatively a small affair. Of the
fifty Vice Presidents nominated seven
only appeared on the stage, and the
ayes in each case on a vote lieing put
numbered from five to twenty I.
Augustus Thompson presiding, and
Horace B. Jones doing the speaking.
The adopt ion ol resolutions accept ing
tlie compromise offered by the County
Committee in place of the primary
called for to-morrow, and endorsing
McKddy and Brown by the meeting at
Piatt's Hall lat night, is denounced
by a few of the Bourbons as a trick
and a fraud upon those who got up the
meeting for a different purjoe. The
primaries apjiear to be dropped, how
ever. I TAX l EKKl lOKY.
Salt Lake, June 13. It is reported
the cave in the Emma mine has
stopjied the taking out of ore.
An examination of the records of
the Endowment House diclocs the
fact that three plural marriages have
lieen celebrated during the three
months ending June 1st.
Salt Lake, June. 14. It is rejiort
ed that McKean's court was adjourned
by Strickland aud there will be no Dis
trict Court in Salt Lake until Septem
ber next.
Illinois, owned principally by par
ties who sold tlie E'lima mine, have
cut into and though a large body of
ore, and into excavations made by the
Emma licfore the cave occurred.
nnirlde Immigration Cannot.
Yktokia, June 14. -A few minutes
alter 12 o'clock ou Wednesday night a
shocking atla'tr occurred on Imam 11.
M. S. Scout, lying in the harbor of
Kiuimault. A young midshipman
by the name of Henry Francis Sinn,
while in the gunner. room, shot him
self through the liead with a Snider
rille. and almost immediately expired.
Yktokia. June 15. Tlicre was a
great Immigration Caucus last even
ing at tlie Ailiauibra Hall. The meet
ing was addressed by Mr. Ab'mgtoii.
It was resolved lt. Tliat the fishing,
mineral, agricultural aud tinilier ot
tered the most tempting inducement
to emigrants and capitalists. 2d.
That ( ioverinnent lie urged to use all
diligence to circulate reliable informa
tion concerning the country.
A case of small iwx arrived by tlie
Prince Alfred, and tliere is consterna
tion, aud rush for vaccination.
Accident at Vtnalndy.
L'tsalahv, June 15. Williams,
chief officer of the James II. Bell, was
struck by a spar this morning, break
ing his leg short off at the thigh.
Unfinished Buggy & Carriage
w o n. xs. .
HAVING pinvhasMlat llie nilmlnlstratnr's
alu the irlTU-il (mitten of tlie trvt of
:arrlHu Material t' the estate of W. E.
Citijier, ilveae;l, we are )irerred to sell to
iimni laotiu ers suit others at atwut
Buggy, Carriage and Phaeton Bodies,
With 1J, 1, 12, and 11 inch sjioke.
Buggy Geara, Ready Made Shafts,
iriiijy, lt
Also, a large and siiiertor assortment of
Half Patent, Iron and Steel,
Buggy, Carriage, and Ex
press AXLES.
From to 1 hwh.
The reputation of Mr. Cooper as a First
t'lnss Manufacturer of Itlit work Is a snin
eient guaranty of the quality of tho goods.
The Carriage utivk is thoroughly seasoned
and niaile ot the choicest seliv.ted Eastt-rn Ma
torlal. An nrumrtiintty is now offered u-h
as st'ldom o.vurs to get Buggy or Carriage
at a low rate.
Northrup & Thompson.
Commercial Street,
Musical Instruments
All Kinds of Musical Supplies.
a;ent FOR THE
Steinway Piano,
Boots Cf3 OllOOS.
Jiiiu-irri:w lm
Business Notices:
Snoi-lal advertisement!" n mler lhi heftJ1 will
be charged IS cenu a line. Liberal adver
tisers. In the regular advertising oolumns,
will, however. Us given liberal notfces under
this bead, without extra charge.
Weatherford Co. keep a full assortment
of Drugs and Paint, and In fatrt everything
tliat ia usually found In a nrst-las Drug
OvEBXA"DiToiiit.--Tbcchoieet selection
or fanhlonable Spring Goods at tlie Overland
The Overland Stoue U selling ft rst -class
lloxl i:hcR)s'r than the same iiialiiy of goods
were ever before offered in Salem.
OfOre No. front Mrect,
POUT LAM i. In the inost di-strable lu-nlltles,
ennslsilng of lA1, HALF IJU1CK& ami
IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable tin.
cnlllr.-tuil I. A MiS, located In ALL rts ol
tbe STATE for SALE.
REAL ESTATE and other Property
iiure-hatl for Corespondents In this t IT I and
throughout the STATES and TERRITORIES,
with great care and on the moat ADVAN
LEtTED. And a General FLN ANCIAL and
AGENCY BUSINESS transacted. d ti
Attention, Everybody !
If you wish your clothing made to order,
S. Cosliner & Haines,
Coninn'ivlal Strrect, opposite Statesman
Trade SuiU from $20 to $23.
PVTVTfS, Ironi sHfr to Stts
For sale at reasonable Prices.
Cuttin?, Cleaning and Reoainng
Special Notice.
PARTIES knowing themselves indebted
to us will please close their accounts Im
mediately, bvcash or mite.
Salem, Oregon, June 11, 1H7&
June ll:dlm.
IX-O-O-Q-O O !
Salmon River
Trout, Sea Bass, Oysters,
Clams, Came, Berries,
S li o 1 1 (iiithorin ,
Pure Air and any Amount of Fun,
Area few of the blessings enjoyed by the
IKrtrons of the Yamhill and Ocean Reach Wa-
Ron Koaci.
May, June, July and Aiifrust is the best time
to RO.
Tho road has been trreatlv Improved : rocks
removed from liver crossings; pr.tiles re
jttlrcl. and everything done to make it safe
and convenient.
Rlentv of Grass for animals on the Beach.
Forage may lie purchased en route, if de-
Get your tent, put on your old clothes and
go. tJuuewu
H.VIN(Iconol!dated with mir own the
stoek formerly owned bv J. B. A M.
Hilts 'H, we are now pivpaivd to furnish our
ciisiimicr-J Willi .is large an assortment of
t.cnerai Mcrchaiiiie a-can lie louna in the
city, our stock oftioods consists, In part, of
xn.Y qoods,
Hardware and Groceries.
A Weil Selected Stock of
Men & Bovs' Ready Made Clothing
constantly on hand.
Calicoes, Muslins, DeLains,
and everything usually found In a first
class l)ry (roods store can lie found
lipon our shelves.
Boots cfc? Slioos,
of all varieties, together with
II ,V. T K ,
i And a Large Lot of Woolen Goods.
We Invite the Ladlesof the city and vicinity
locati in ani examine our stock.
Zir N o trouble to Show Coods.
WE AIM TO PLEASE, and will tell goods
at reduced rates to close out our immense
ECall in and Keens before purchasing
Remember the place.
Hermann & Hirsch,
Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon.
Pinkie & Lyon's Sewing Machines.
The First of the Kind on
this Coast.
rsIUs machine i wan anted to do a trrealer
M. variety of work In a more durable man
ner than any oilier machine ever offered to
Ihe public. Simple In construction and not
liable to get out of repair. Those wishing to
purchase are Invited to call and examine this
machine. Mrs. Folts will take Measure in
e&iuutuii; its tpMHi (jimmies.
have just selected a line stock of
which they are selling off at cot.
Dressmaking, Tucking and Ruffling done to
Remember the place and give ns a call.
IRFftH BRKAU every morning. Pies
i and Cakes of every description con
stantly an hand.
F i in 1 1 y UroocrioM,
together with a select stock of
Cundie, Mills, Cigars and Tobacco.
Fam-y fakes of all kinds made to order.
lV)Htsdciiverel inany imrtoflhecitv free of
cluirge. fc4- VALL IX AXh I.E. VE
tot ft OHI'KHN.
t SVfE Proprietors of Ihts hotel take this
ft. means of announcing to the public that
hereafter Ihry will charge
Board, per week
4 and kVoflrina;
4 00
Tables are Supplied with best the Mar
ket Affords.
Their Itoora nrc Xlely Farnfhe1.
Forlm-vina- and forwarding' direct, via Isth
mus Rail ami Cai Horn, wiin kin
Francisco connections, all classes
aixl varieties of Merchandise,
and for sale of Exports front
the Kortii-Wust.
Advance made on approved consignments,
and order raspevt r,,"1 smVttwi.
All onlere awl business will receive promi
X.Y National Ex. Bank,
jlceus A. K. AC. K. Tllton, 95 Liberty
Misasrs. J. L. Browncll ft Bros., Bankers.
Messrs. Uentley, Miller Thomas, 84 Sonlh
Messrs. Lall Tllton, Bankers, ror.mU.
A. A. McCully, Esq., Salem.
Commercial St., fmletn,
Is manufacturing a large lot of
Of all styles, made o the liest Kasiern Slock.
Wagons made to order. Orders filled on
short notice.
Repairing done null Work Warranted
Salem. March 12. rtvtf
Wholesale and Retail Healers In
State Street, Salem.
Sole Oregon Agent for
Chickering and Emerson
Mason & Hamlin.
Taylor & Farley Organs.
Have just received a largo Invoice of the
above Instruments, which we offer for
Rent and for Sale on Monthly Installments
C-g- Call and examine our new styles of Or
gans, contalninlng some of the finest combina
tions and more variety of sound than any oth
er Instrument offered for sale in this city.
A large assortment ot OPERA MVKIO-
wlth and without words. Also, a well-assorted
stock of
S li C! t 31 unit;.
Orilcrs taken for any piece of Music pub
lished. A FCLL LINE OF
Blank Books,
Paper Envelopes and
Initial Stationery.
now in nse In onr public schools constantly on
AUo a full line of
now on hand.
C5Give us a call before purchasing else
WANTED, AGEXTS.-3100 to S280
per month everywhere, Male and
Female, to Introduco the genuine improved
This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, bind
braid, cord, quilt, and embroider In a most su
perior manner. Price, only $15, fully licensed
and warranted for live years. We will pay
1ini0 lor a. ly machine, high price or low, that
will sew a stronger, more ueutiful or more
elastic seam than ours. It makes the Elna
(Je LocliAtltcli. Every second stitch can
bv cut, and still tbe cloth cannot be pulled
ajmrt without tearing iu Wc pay Agents 100
to ti)0 per mon t h, and expenses, or a commis
sion from which twice tliat amount can be
made, l or circulars and terms, apply to or
S. Marshall A Co.,
No. 101 Xassua Street,
Xew York.
CAITIOS.-Do not be Imposed upon by
other parties traveling through tbe country
Slmingrfr worthless cAsWron machines un
er the same name or otherwise. Ours is the
only genuine and really cheap machine man
ufactured. Ara.V7&dlw:w3m.
New Goods I New Goods I
consignment of
Spring and Summer Goods,
Custom Made Clothing,
UootM n n 1 MhoflH,
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting,
Grooorios, JUtOm
t- Fresh Goods by every steamer. Call
and price our goods, and you will be con
vinced. M. M EYKK ft BON.
Independent Candidate,
riVJKCT to the farmer of Marion and
ri oouniiw. i sianu reaay lo repair
Reapers, Threshers, Mowers,
Agricultural Tools of all Kinds,
AwT all other kinds of machinery at shortest
South Salem liaclilnebli
At 88 per ton,
CUau and nice for Feeding, Sir sale by
Shaving Saloon 1
Hot mm (Mi Batta Always Hearty.
fttna-to Hatb, 50 t ta.
Three Balk Tlrketa, ... 1 no
heven " . . . j oo
Salem, mytt dtf C FLIEDXKR.
Wcrw Shoe (Shop.
east dde of Commercial street, opposite
the Overland Store, where he Is prepared to
Make and Mend Boots and Shoes.
The best of work done to order, and the j-nb
lie is Invited to give me a call.
sale and Kelall Drmnjtst, Saleai, Ore
ton, are tbe anthorized Arents for the sale of
iny Infallible WORM 8TECP, to whom all
orders slon Id be addressed.
Salem, March, 18th, 1S7J.
In accordance with the above we will eon
atantlv keep on hand a snppiy of Una invalu
able remedy. No family should be without
lu Druggists and dealers in medicine sop.
plied on most lilieml terms. We also keep
constantly on hand
Drmr and Fiunilr Mrdkrfnes, Teflet
Uooda, Perfumery, Brashes, etc
All (roods warranted of best qnality.
Dr. A. M. Hell's office at the .store, Smith's
niiH-.k, opposite Chemeketa Hotel, Cointaer
cial . kin, Oregon.
Direct orders to BELT & JOIUS.
Salem, March. 20, 1872.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Paints. Oils, Glass, Chemicals,
Patent Medicines & Proprietary Articles.
lor Medicinal Purposes.
Prescriptions Filled mi Utters-CkpoatiR
Drugs, Chemical, Oil, and
Pure Wines and Liquors.
Fnmil.v. PreparatlouM
At all hoars of the day a night, .by a
Competent Drugg-lut.
Pulton's Block, Mate Street, Kalna.
So. 2, Mores' Block.
Wholesale and Retail dealers in
UniyfS onct 31eIicine.
Pain la,
Oils, Varnishes, Wtestvw
Pure Wines Whiskies and Brandies.
For Medical purposes.
Family Medicines Carefully Prepared.
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
experience In the business, I feel cos 11
that lean alve entire satisfaction to all
who may favor me with their patronafrc.
My Roods have been bought low for cash, se
lected with the greatest care, and are war
ranted to be just as they are represented.
My olNect is to sell as near as possible for
cash ana at low prices. Fifteen years expe
rlence in Oregon induces me to believe that
I know the wants of the community in (trn
eral. and that wont It is mv ahn to (apply,
and hope, by strict, attention to bnsineM. to
merit a continuance of the very liberal at
ronage heretofore e xt ended to me.
J. W. NO! I HER.
mchialaw AMtlwrary.
lias hist received
Hardware, General Merchandise,
Calculated tar
City and County Trade.
Boncht as km. and will be sold at as small
profit as those who sell at cost.
K&Gonds delivered to any Dart of ttM otty
tree of charse. ? dA w
People's Verdict,
The Mapr Newlnv Dfsvrtiljie atttS
IX 1371, sold over 44.000 moreiban any oth
er machine manutactnred.
New styles, both for Family and Mannfao
taring purposes, now for sale at
Apr31:dlm Boot and Shoe Store.
Salem, i I i Oregon.'
ft lug public that I nave refitted and fur
nished thtshpnsethnMifrhont with new Furnl
ture, Beds and Bedding, seeond to no Ixmsn
in Salem, and my tables will be supplied with
the best the country affords. Call ad try
me. Free tack to the House.
has removed to G. W. GravV eorner on Stat
Street, with a well assorted stock of
Dry Goods. Clothing,
Sash Doors, Blinds, Moldings,
RUSTIC, and all the latest styles of tnsid.
and outside HnlHh, of the best quality of dear
cedar lumber ever used in Salem.
Scroll Sawinr, titan- Building aa4
Turning;, .
done with noitncs ami dlpatch. Manutao
tm ers of tlie celebrated
Boswell Fruit Dryer and Room Heater.
Also Manufacture the RANKIN PATENT
C?r Mi kinds and iimiitior Lumber
awl Shingles lur ' cheap.
Brut of work at lowest Prlre
Ci"T Please aivo oa a call. SEE OCR
ST CK, learn our prices, and give us your or
ders. Sit KIT A I. ATTENTION alven to ontor
from tanners, and InloraatUiMi freely alvea
grails to onr inlrnns.
(Next to Stewarts Brick, Commercial .)
Tbe best of Wines ami Ll-inors,
gars and Tolawco, always provided lor cus
tomers, f "
Droyln occasionally. tuolB
All Kinds or Feed
For sale by
M e Street. ilrsn.