UNPAID Kl'BSCRIPlIOSN. . All subscriber whom subscriptions are not paid for the current year are requested to pay up. . Quite a number owe this paper since 1870 ami the aatouuts so due would Ue It a great deal of good Jam at this time. Lines drawn around lhl notice are Intend ed to callyour attention to toe date on your tag and to urge yon to par up. This appeal Is meant 'in decided earnest and you are particularly requested to give n Immediate attention. The idea that newspaper are run without cash la fallaclous--very. ...- The am mat of individual mtiscrtprtoris ts so email that svilisr.ribert. do rjr realize the important,! prompt payment, but the pub Usher lia cry forcflile proof of It. ri si.8 wotice. TJereafte. all coTareni&sitlovia to lid paper should lie addressed to CP. ( kamjai l, or to St.itmas." In order that all thebnaAneasof theeoiuwrn may he nettled as between the seller and pur chaser of the paper, alt person in arrears ftir subscription er advertising, are earnestly re .mesl si ts tar no nrumutlv. sted i .AKeaxaare reuuesceu to owmi towiin vtVjo of the Wuxlt Oresom Ftaikbhan a $3 00 per year tn advance. Where pay ment is ile laired for more than six atom Us, AO cents extra will eenerged for each six months ot delay. Ajreats willptaeseforward at onoe,anv subscription monies now la their li.lwU, a nd hereafter as promptly as possible. All advertisements will be discontinued at he evprratton of Ifee Uaoe tor which they were orle red. AGENTS FOE THE 8T1TES2LLS. .Astoria.. -. - .Aurora Amity Ashland.... Albany..... Aumsville... Baker Utv. Betliel Bridge pont . Brownsville...... dtuena Vista. ..... llutteville Sell C G. . Getehell L. Anplegate JL VoCliuse . .. D.unMO W. r.McCreary -J. H. Hawlev J. Holkiishead . , W. B- Kirk . W. W. Beach ...... Postmaster Cottage lirore D. C. 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They are nnaaturat' 'mental onditKns and ystially hare eorreipowllng atises. If tfcerels noapreta mn f de itpaadevcy, it Is a symptom of physical disease, in aiaa cases out of ten the stomach, the liter and thaviowelKmrs respondble fottbccloraf w hich cesu upon the praln. In all saefe) eases lmieeifiate and perasanent relief may be ob tained fey the nse of KestetteTs Stomach Blt- ' ters. -If tha digestlre organs are weak an in- ' vigorant i s necessa ry ; 1 the liver is disorder ed aa alteratlre Is required ; if the bowels are tioaMlpated or irregular a gentle aperient la needed. In that aniens vegetable remedy these tfcree medicinal properties aie om miugled with several others f a.aeareely less . iapnrtaat clunrlif, and hence it speedily mres every species of hypochondria arising from material causes, bv removing theeaases themrwlves. In tha summer, when disorders at the stom ach and bowels, hi lions complaints and all diseases which affect the assimilating and se sretlve organs are epcciaUr prevalent. Bie imports nee of baring this i a valuable tnolc, alterative and corrective in every dwelling, and within the reach of all who travel by land ' or water, cannot be reresUmated. As it la a otaple article tfcrrmghout thecouotryit would be next to tmosahie to find a settlement, near or re mote, anprwvHed with astooiothla famouK vi-getahle restorative. JuneiO'TidHCwn TO 1HE UTTFOKTUNATE. EWREME0S! NEW REMEDIES ! ! Dr. Gibbons' Dispensary, 23 KKARXET PT, Corner Ckmmieritial, fian i'rand, private en trirwe mi Commensal, e- lahlishdiin inlt.'4.or tbc treatment of Sexual and 'Seminal la.seases, suA 4ionorrlw, IrloeL, Strii' lure. S-)hilis in all It forms, Silnal Weakness,' JmoieD-y, etc Man Hi san. lot' years standina. ind V Icerated iegs success i'uliv treaieti. 1)11. (ilftBONtS lias the pleasure ofaniioun.v :lnz that he lias returned fnaa visitliig Uio principal hv)iiiaUj of Lurope, and has ru tfttnwHt iiracUce. The lioctor has ?ared nei:her time nor fmoncy in seeking ont new remilief, ami has returned with tiicrus-rd facilities lor tiicallo vUlUou of lunnan suOerl g. KeaiJainJ MeaJtiiewt. Skauiual emissions In the consequent of sell aliuse. This sohBtrv vice, nrdejuaved si-xtial indnhtetaw. Is practiid by the yottthof both .ees toanamrast iitilimilel extent, prmltu-ing villi nnerringcurtuinty, the foUonlugraorlikl ; Ayinitom, unbji cimliated with ts-ientitic medical trcatrnent, viz : Sallow rounU'iBikV!, iark spots amlct tbe ee, tain in the lie d. ringing In tlic ears, niu like the rnstlingol' leaves anil rattling of clartrx.t, ormtsiiMW nlioiu the UiiiKi, oonfuwd vlslrsi, blunted in tellect. kvHH 04" ,na(ioniie, diadenre in ap-jiroa,-liimr sCnnr.TH, a dislike to form new a.-qtiaiiiaucen. a 'lispositinn to shun stKety, hncii,: lusbesaudvart'mserntionsa1ioHt Hie iit e. furrcil tongue, fetid breath, coughs cou umpion, night sweats, taononainia and f re silient Insanity. If a relief is not oltalnel, the snffervr should applylromnliately.in jst sumorhv letter, and have attire etiecjeti by 4tls aew and A'ietiliJlc mode of treating thi liscase, which never fails of ettecting a quick 3ud udicalure Cared nt Home. Persons at a distance may wenredathnme, liy aildrexKiiig a letterto lir. iiblmo, stniing oase, symiitoius, lengtli of tmie tlx? dlsav Jtascon'tinneil, and have medicine promptly forward led, free from damage and curiotity, to say part of the country, with full and pl.'ii n'b nvtlons Iitt nm. KvtiKliwingfloincoinia re-'Mcwd let ter throujih the Post Oflice, or ITells, Karco A t ., a pa.',kage of iBedKii will be for warded ti any part of the X'nion. . AilcorresfioiHlence strictlr confidential. Addretw . iS.i! K. liXKliO, Hox w:i sto Francisco, CaU Fi Itl (leoillw ly MAKBIAUE Vt'IDE. EVfTEY OXE HIS OWS fWCTtsK-Beli a pirrste hi struct or for married persons, or cboae about to be married, to&h male and fe male, in everything concerning til 2 puytdnhary and relations tt our sexual system, and die production and frrevention of otrs)ins. In glutting all the new iliscovesleA never before given in the Entrll langiHae, bv Wat. YOUVt;, M. IK Thtsisreany-avalualila and Intetcstlng woi-k. It Is written 4n plain lan Ifiiae for the general reader, and Is ill ustrated vfitn numerous ungranngs. All young mar ried iwnple, or those contemplating marriage, and.liavtna the least Impediment so married me, snouiii read tins nook, tt taaeloses secrets lhat every one rtiould be aconainted with ; etlll t tea book that must be kir.kel npand not let - iisbiushm imiw. it win e eent many ao Iress ow-rwelpt of fifty cents. Address Dr. v . WK. YOO'G, So. 6 Gpraee street, above .fourth. PhlladeliWa. . CriTAFTlA ( T E I A 'D UTFOEIT-V A TEL y-Vowmter what may bo year disease, before area phh yom-elf ander the care of any one of the tjUACKS -native and foreign who aV vertlse In this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Voung's Bonk and raadit carefully. It wtll-llie mtiausof saving yo many adallar, ,toht tieaUh. and posslbfy yew fife. llr. Vanng an to consulted on any of the diseases descrnied in Ms publications bv mail or at tale ttlce, No. jsrwc. atreat, above fourth, rhllabelMa. '-. Jail TERSOXS WlSHIVtJ TO rtJRCHASK X ihotce Cedar and Yew Fence Posts Una cpring at cheap rate, . will p lease leave tkoir rARRAR BKW, Port offl Bnildins, Salem, Oregon. Flrturv utlv.1?. dawtf . . People's Verdict, Ttaa Klnger Kewtn XarhUia atill y S. 'Tlaln', Tl X IS7I, ioW aver it. 800 ni ore than anroth- r maculae manuiauturen. New Ktyle. Ivilh for family .ann Mannfac tnriur iiurpoea, now for le at A. X. GILUKKT A Crt.H A7r :i:'llm Bout ami Shoe Sture. O 1 VOL. 21. NO. 43. THE UXiSSLATlBE. Enough l now known to enable n to Ktittc pretisuljr Uie political charac ter of the next Lislatare : REPUBLICANS. Senate O Webster of Coos ; J F Watson of Douglas ; Richard Crystal of Polk ; Saml Brown amIJ II Moores of Marion ; David Powell and J X Dolph of Mnltnomab, W W Bristow of Lane ; Sam Hanna of Union ; tT K Coroeliua of Waslilngton ; J W Coles of Yamhill 11. Bouse Jackson, X Langell and E F Walker ; Coos and Curry, 3 Riley ; Douglas, D Busbey, J F Coop er, and George EidJle ;Lane, N Map- tin, C. W. Washburn, and A. S. Powers; Benton, Ben Simpson Ja& G ingles; Polk, J. C.Allen; Marion, Rufus MalJory, T McF Patton, Wm; Darst, Jos. Eagle, John Downing; Yamhill, A B Burbank and T R U;tr rison; Multnomah, J F Caples. !Sol Ilirsch, B Congle, J D Biles ; W.tsh Ington, Geo II Collier and Thos. Stott ; Clatsop, John West ; Clatsop, Colum bia and Tillamook, Sam'l Corwiu; Graut, C X. Thornbury, Sam'l Jolin son ; Qackatuas, N. X Matlock, L T Barrio mid John D Crawford 32. Total Republicans on joint ballot, 4:5. UEMOCKATS. Sesate Jaekson, J D. Fay ; Jose phine, E X Tolen ; Lane, A W Pat terson ; Linn, X Uonlt, R II Craw ford; Clackamas, John Myers; Was co, Monroe ; Grant J. W. Bald win ; Baker, A H Brown ; Umatilla, Thos. Lewellen; Benton, R S Stra han 11. House Total ot 17 members ; to tal, on joint ballott 2$. The above calculation gives a l)em- oeratic Isenator to Benton cotmtv. elect from tliis county will u.se an Hon orable endeavor-i to effect that result ; and we lelieve they will be supported by the Republican majority in both houses. H'e have taken some patna to asoettalu the views of many of the members elect on thii question, and we can say that we find a pretty gen eral concurrence in the proposition that the seat of Government question, having been once settled, should not be rcoiieocJ; and that it Lj time the State began to provitle itself with "public buUdings. It was cliarged by the Democnicy, prior to the late election, that it was tue design of Mr. Holla uay and the Multnomah ' Republicans to lay the foundation for a removal of the Seat of Government to Portland or East Port land. We denied the charge on the best of authority the authority of Ben Uolladay and tlie Multnomah Repub licans. We understand, no'V as then, that they are in favor of commencing the Capitol at Salem at once. So far as we know, the Republican members elect from other counties iavor the proposition to make a liberal appro priation, at tlie next session. We deem it not rash to predict that such appropriation will be made and that the Legislative Assembly of IS74 will hold its session in a building built and owned by tlie State. There are nu merous reasons, beside any local in terest, why immediate attention should be given to this matter reasons which the Republican majority cannot fail to recognize and act upon ; reasons affect ing the weal of the Republican party, and the general interests of the .State. In advance, we feel . authorized to pledge the next Legislature in favor of an appropriation tor a State house. At the late election tlie Republicans carried tlie .State by nearly one thou sand majority ; and this against the Democracy backed in some localities by a considerable number of Republi cans, who voted for coalition tickets for various reasons of a local character. Next Jail, at tlie Presidential election, very nearly all such Republicans will vote with their party for Grant and Wilson. We do not now know of any Republican who liolted the regular ticket or who. failetl to vote any. but intends to supjiort t!ie regnlnr Presi dential nominee. We do not see any room, therefore, for doubt that Grant will carry the State by at least twelve or fifteen hundred majority. The prospect is gloomy for tlie Democracy, truly ; but their party is in tlie throes of dissolution, anyway, and tlie event will serve to render the great Ilemo cratic funeral of 1872, in respect of gloom, a brilliant success. The only thing we can ofler the Democracy, un der the circumstances, is crape. The Jacksonville Times, Democrat ic, puts op tlie following ticket : " For President, Geo. H. Pendleton, of Ohio ; for Vice President, Ex-Senator Buck alew, of Peunsj lvaiiht, on a Bedrock Democratic platlorm." After awhile, we shall probaoly see tlie Times pall ( down that flag and raise this : " For President, Horace Greeley, the High Protectionist, of Xew York; for Vice President, M. Gratz Brown, tlie Free Trader, ot Missouri, on tlie platform of Anything to beat Grant.1 " How stable and faamutable are Democratic principles, to besure ! One of the best caricatures of the campaign is one which apjiears in Pomeroy's Democrat of May 25th. It is a picture with the title, 'Tlie Whole Hog a la Cincinnati','- representing Horace Greeley, Boss Tweed, Connol ly and Carl Schurz as pall bearers, car rying between them a coffin, labelled "Democracy." It preseuts the Demo cratic situation precisely and graphic ally, in ease Horaee slioukl get away with the Baltimore Convention. According to the Toledo Blade, there is not a Republican newspaper hi Ohio opposed to tlie re-nomination of Presi dent Grant. There are about one hun dred of them in the State. THE ItOynXATIOS OF W1XAOS. I We are just beginning to mcelre the Eastern paper published the aaoculne after the nominktiooa at Philadelphia. We find in aaaay of them 0m opinion expressed that tfce nooiiaatkm of Hen ry Wkson strengthen the tieket; and we frequently eet with expreaaions like this, from ttv N.Y. Tiavea : "Mr. Wilson owes Ma nomination. In great measure to "his own hard eervioes and high character, but must also thank Snranter for some share in bringing it about. The delegates were determined to express their opinion of the shame ful slanders Sumner poured oat against tlie President, by giving his fellow Senator & plaoe on the ticket." The ST. Y. Herald says "the nomina tion of Grant was a foregone conclu sion, and that he was not only the strongest, but the only available Re publican candidate, ami that Wilson was substituted for Colfax on the grotiud of expediency ; that nothing but an "opposition coalition, the Dem ocrats included, will suffice to make an impression against Grant and Wilson, and the only available basis for such a coalition is an independent ticket, not of tl etock of the. Liberal ticket of Grfyiley and Brown.'' TJie Tribune thinks, orratlier, hopes, the nomination ot Wilson will lose the Republicans tlie States of Indiana and Pennsylvania. The X. Y. Sun also thinks Grant will lose Indiana. The general tone of the Republican press is, however, exultant and confi dent. It is claimed that the masses of tlie people are more thoroughly and uni versally for Grant than ever before. The nomiuatmrrs-have been received with enthusiasm every where, Grant's as x matter of course, and Wilson's with entire satisfaction ; and the Re puUicaii party, with an unbroken front, has already begun its march to a glorious victorv in November. THE KEPI KMC AX PLATFORM. It is rare that political platforms have no nonse in them. Tlie National Republican platform lias far less than the average, of that element in it. In tlie main, it deals with farts and prin ciples in a straight forward, strong ami inauly way that cannot fail to have a magnetic effect upon the public mind. Its recital of the record and achieve ments of the Republican party might tie taken as a model of comprehensive ness. Oiie ot its most clearly defined characteristics is adherence to principle and right nothing is put upon the ground of policy ; but every declara tion is planted uinm the unassailable fmtndatiftn of right as recognized by good men everywhere, and principles that have been proved in practice to be correct There is no shuffling at any poiut ; no dodging of any question or issue, xhd no iiidetiniteness iu any dec laration. Unlike the Cincinnati plat form, it leaves no room for political mountebanking and juggling; it is a certain chart lor every Republican whether he live In New York, Missou ri, Florida, Oregon, or elsewbere. Un- i like the utterances of the Democracy, it is positive, certain ami clear ; it pre j seuts no evidence of policy-hunting, j On this plattorm, the face of the Re j publican party is set squarely- in a cer ! tain direction ; there is but one route of march, and the party, with Grant at its head, is to "fight it out on this line,-" whether the enemy march or eountprmarcn or go into camp. With sYith a positive code of tried and ap proved principles, and a standard-bearer whose record stand among the proudest and bet of the whole country from the time of Washington, the Re pbbficau party enters the contest with the vigor inspired by a victory alrcady assured. ER.nAX i:isitiHAr. The German correspondent ot the London Guardian says a curious phe nomenon is to lie seen In the north west and east of Prussia. An- emi grant mania is in full progress. In SeJileswig-Holstein it assumes extra ordinary dimensions; whole .villages are being emptied and people are sell ing houses and lands at ruinous rates. There is a wholesale exodus. Emi grant agents are busy shipping offthe people, the greater and superior part to America, and the lesser part to Queensland. Another correspondent writes : "A village with good land in ray district has only three families left in it, and they go in a week or two." This mania is last spreading the Poeu and East Prussia. Hundreds camp out at the railway stations waiting for the trains to convey them away. The Herald, a vilely abusive and in cendiary sheet, having been excluded from the privileges that all decent newspapers have on the railroad car riage by private courtesy in advance of tlie mails has declared its purpose to ruin Ben Holladay financially. There was once a toad that tried to swell to the size of an ox. The expe riment was disastrous to the toad. The Philadelphia Prc?s says of our Presidential candidate : "Grant is the strongest American with the American people this day living. We believe a dozen Cincinnati Conventions cannot defeat him. He is founded on the rock of principles defended and saved, and pledges fulfilled." The prospect now is that the bed rock Soap-Creekers and Long Toiuers will be called upon this year to give up their quadrennial custom of voting for Andrew Jackson, and to whoop vigor ously and vote early lor a mau who for a life time lias traduced " Old Hick ory." Tlie imported Pike who edits the Herald seems to have an idea he can break down tlie railroad enterprises now in progress in this State. He spreads his little venom all over his editorial page, daily, since the election. It looks decidedly as if '-Bro. Ike" has black mail intentions. A Republican friend suggests that inasmuch as Grover is politically dead, we ought to forego xiiy further com ments relating to him. We itave only to remind our friend that it is custom ary to make a few final and appropri ate remarks over the corpse, after it is decently laid out. That's all we are at. " " The New York World, having had a quarrel with a Brooklyn paper, has begun an expose of the 'ring-frauds iu tlie last-named city for tlie purpose ot Implicating its enemy in them. Tlie disclosures, as the reporters would say are rich. The World's action is com mendable, but its motive is base. SALEM, OREGON, ; KXEtTI BETim .-" -VOVOLAS-rfimaKU , Toe official vote of Dongbw enunty is avs follows : Wilson, tttl-i ; Burnett, 8G0. Claanoweth, 892 ,- - Fitch, 803 it publican Senators Wataoo, 883 ; Webster. 369. Dem. Senators Fitt- "tagh, 752; Hill, '784. Repahllean liepresentatives Riddle, 832; Coop- ra, ojo , zHtnuey, tx,-. ani. w?pre fwntatives Barker, 787 : Drain, 755; Hill, 731. Wright (Rep.), Sheriff, 6 majority ; Williams (Rep.), Clerk, 84 majority; Livingsson (Rep.). Treas urer, 90 majority. The whole Repub- f lican ticket is elected. The smallest majority. Brigs. " Suireyor, is 10V, .' : Jackson. ; ' '; ; Tlie Republican Representatives elected in Jackson comity are X. Lao- gell and E. F. Walker. The majori ties for these and the Republican couu- -ty ticket range from forty to one hun dred and twenty. vstos couvrr official. Wilson, 403; Bnroett, 611. State Senator Hanna, (R.l 307; Hetider-.. fhott, (D.) 379. Representative N'orville, (R.) 334 ; Andrews. (D.) 501. Joint Representatives White, (R. ' 316 ; Wright, (D.) 4SH. III KOI OF TlIK IMIED UKETH- Annual t'onferenee .Tletinic-SjMiMcw-ihciiM oi Ktiuiatera -Ui-aulutiuns. A(itel. TuitNEK., UiiN-, June 12, 1;S72. Ei. Statesman : Tlie Annu-il Con ference of the United Brethren has just closed its 10th session which was a very pleasant one, Bishop Dickson pre siding. Rev. Kleckinger, late ot the African mission, was iu attendance. . Notwithstanding there were some three or four transfers granted to some of our ablest ministers toCaliornia and the Cascade Conference the works in. tliis District will be nearly all supplied, it the Elder does bistltity. At present tlie Willamette District is supplied a tollows: A. Burnett, P. Philo math Circuit," Win. H. Palmer; Cala ponia, 51. M. Crow ; Marion Mis., J. i r. 51oher ; Clackamas Circuit, J. S. O-ihorne ; Yamhill, to be supplied; Tualatin, to be supplied; Columbia, to be supplied. Among other things the subjoined, resolutions were adopted. J. C. C A WOOD. JlKl-OItT FROM COMMITTEE ON E1HC.V TIOX. We esteem Ignorance the parent ot crime anil tlie foe ot all trno progress. Christaiuity has no more powerful ally than Education ; for by expand ing the mind mid elevating the thoughts, it prepares the soul to em brace the sublime truths of our lioly religion ; therefore. lirxulewl, 1. That we consider it the duty of all our ministers to give hearty sympathy to every project which has for its aim the ady;iticeiiietit of Educa tion. 2. In view of the great responsibil ity resting upon the minister f Christ's spel, we will use our endeavors to persuade young men. who contemplate Mitering the ministry, to spare no pains to prepare themselves tlnrough ly before entering that high calling. " 3. That we esteem i the duty of all citizens, and especially ot "lie ministry, to endeavor to create anil loster. in Ihe minds of tlie rising generation, a de sire for a lilmriii Education. 4. That, since in Philomath Col lege we find an institution which meets the wants of our church on this ciiast. we will endeavor to create a strong sympathy for tliat College among our own people, and get them to feel that, it is thrir College, to which they should end their money and their children and that we pledge ourselves to ue earnest exertion to extend the reputation of our College, and urge young men and women to attend it. The following resolution was also adopted : liwnlwl. That in Trof. .1. A. Bid tile and lady we have ju-t the persons nt-eded to take the lead in Philomath I'ollege. and if we, as nictnliers of tlie Oregon Conference, will do our dutv to make t vi Jrst--tmx tollrij. as well a they do theirs, it wiil be accom plished at no distant day. A Heavy Weight Goxe. The Washington Chronicle records this case of the death of the heaviest wo man of whom we have auv recollec tion : A colored woman, probably the largest ami heaviest person of her sex iu the world, died in St. Intis a few days ago at the age of titty-one years. She weighed between nine lumdred and one thousand pounds. Her di mensions were live feet ten inches iu bight, twenty-eight iitclws across the shoulders, and thirty-seven inches across the Inps. llcr arms were thirty indies in circumference. When she had been arrayed in burial vestments, it was found impossible tor seven men to lilt her. Finally the box was tilted on one side and she was rolled iu while the priest chanted the service of the tlead. She wtis then placed iu a large wagon, w hich proceeded slowly to the ceme tery. The wagon was backed tip to the grave, ami eight men and six roll ers combined their exertions to lower her into her narrow bed. ORAI lAHHil. CMMvIk TKMPJ.AK.S. Fiiianrinl ondil Ion MtatiHUca of the Order in Hie St:le. Tbe following facts are shown by the Grand Treasurer's report : Kkceiits Per W. B. Carter, '21) ; for dues. ss2.11(.8.");vlbr supplies. W72. 10; total revived and paid toUrand Ixlge. J. (107.05. 1 Usui kskviest.s ''''dries, $2,122. 37 ; balance in hand alter pitying all order drawn. S2'.).18. Assets .-itsh in himd. j29.18 ; st-p-plies per inventory, f 402 ; due tor IOtlges, $1.'15) ; tine for personal itccouilt1. 114; otlice prox:rty for in ventory. SrjO.j.42 ; total. J2.10il.00. Liabilities Amount due Lodges, $15.25. Statistics The following items of interest relating to the Order are taken from tlie (J. W. .Secretary's report : Number of Lodges reported last year. SO ; number of Lodges organized". Hi ; number of Lodges ceased working. 15; present numlier, 81 : initiated, 1,471 ; admitted by card, 153 ; reinstated, 81; total memliership. 1,61)5; cards grant ed, 240; resigned, 22; susjieiidet 1,462; expelled, 120; deaths, 7; total. 1,112. increase as per Lodge reports. ; to tal membership. April 'M, 172, with 30 Lodge to hear from, 2,313 ; esti mated membership. 3,318. Ireland's Dkitjpclatiox. A cor resKiident of the Ikiston Pilot, writ ing from Cork, says tliat the depopula tion of Ireland is going on Gutter t han ever. He estimates the weekly efflux at four thousand the very best of tlie people. From one jiort alone over two thousand depart every week. Whole hamlets are left to the old and poor ; anil agriculturrl laborers are not to lie had at any wages. The large towns.sneh a Limerick are fast goui: to decay. The correspondent is of the opinion that some strong efforts should be made by tlie United States to discourage this outflow; ami that theeinigrauts might do quite as well or ev;n better by re maining at home. Farm laborcs e pccialiy sire in the. greatest demand. It K however, useless to dLcnss this matter. It mnt regulate itself, and if anything were done, it would probably be a blunder, and falling of its purpose work only mischief. Afterall, the loss of Ireland in population is the gain of this country, ''particularly where the emigrants are of tlie agricultural class. Ci.osa op School. Miss Linio Boise has just clu.-'vl the second term of her Se lect School, nd yesterday gave bcr schol ars, totne tLii'v i,i number, a picnic excur sion iu the gr -v. bc;nd Turner's Station. They bad a g n time generally. 110011 ' '' ..' " "j Z' ''; ' i 2X Ll , . -J -T- WEDNESDYl JUNE From Daily of Wednesday Jn. 12. STATE XEWS. .' Jackonrille is preparing to celebrate the itfe or July. ' Wm. Bar, of Jaekson county, liaa a colt tiro mmlaa aid that weigh SKI peuuds. Tbe La ftraatt Sentinel report an excellent jroapeot tat eeieatervua lui nton couaty. Hi track af tbe Oregon California Bail roaU at laid to Santa's Uill,evtta mi lea tlila aMe orOakauid. ; Tbe body of Feter Roberts, drowned near Uiiwancia, Jvne M, was foaod yeatenlay. A man naaaed J. C Wilson died aadilenlv on board tbe tteaarer Ajas. buuday murutng. Tbe menfaHrt of Baker Coat, Grand Array' of liie Uepublic, Portland, hare voted to tura out oa tbe ltd of Jaty. .' Jamea B. Sew try. eon o W. T. Knrby of XaainiU uousty. died at Pnrtiaad. Momlay, of mail pox. Tbe Oregonian say tbere are imw no 4NM iif HMkAll UK in thfl . i I V 1 V. 8. Hart, eonvksted in tbe C. 8. District .vrt, of fraud, M aeattmced veaterdav to atx months in tlie JTeoiteatlary, tias motioa for a new trial bavins liuen deuiea. - Mr. E. Uager, Ticket Agent of Ike O. A C . R.. I bow ready to aell through tlcketa te all parta at the ITnUetl fetatee, either via via steamer to baa t ranclaco, or ororlaad via Yreka and SacraowDto. The DeasooraUi Ctaea, JaekaonvUla, save Tbe Oregon and Caliioroai Stage Couinaay enable at Gottotra-Md. Shasta ooumv, iJaiitor nia, wa burned to tbe ground laat ounoay, In wbicb twelve boraee and itarneas were eoo anuned. toget her with a laive amont of bar and grain. Lew a, not laaneil bat heavy. Front Dailjf of TjtHrifilay June 13. The Indian saUoe! 'aft jrand Jloade baa ta euiy-Beveu pnufih. . - i The eacli crop uf Wasro i s remrtil an cn- J tire l'uiiiire, all do accouut t( Uriwl. 5 i'niii- iusinc j.vttj.'iite hare !k!imi a diled to tha !.u;c Aovliuu viiuuu die laM wvk. Anna Mehlleis to have a complimentary benettt at Portland Friday evening. The Grand jury of tlic U.S. UlMrW-t Court i has i uiiicleil A. J. .Miws for forgery, and U. j . llittlur for adultery. t East Portland Remiblicaaa are going to run j . clear jiariy Licia-t at Lhe municipal election, j June li til. !Ziie people of Huliuardaiid vU-Juity. Mari on comity, are jirejarlnp inr a gnuiil punlc celebration of Uui 4tn of July. Tiiey are go i lug iu Ibr an old-lasuioued ruuwr. Eity thonuim dollars worth of real estate chanKOil hnniia at i'orl laoiil, Monday and j 1'ueviay. i CaL W. W. t'bapnian ban isftied a pm.-t-j nsinr a new railroatl journal, to liecallel A 'The Through Uiie." It will be devoted to the interests of the fortlaud, Dalles & bait i LakeiiallrottiL Fr'tm Vaily of Friday June It. Iieatvu county court house is to have a new roul". Mr. TXi. Mulkey, late of the Benton Demo I cral. is aliortly going to Pern, for -health. I A iMirretpondrntat Albany positively de I nis the report that there is una II pox at tliat iiluce. t 'orvalba people are taking steps to procure I aiirers.iic. Jlaytnr lins comniencel In the l"iniona val I ley. The hay and grain crop will both be I llpl'.t, itK-oneeiiuence of dry weather. 1 The PUamer Cahfnrnia rencheil Hortliind Wclnesiaiy afternoon, after a stormy iiasMige -oi' nine days from !Sau Krau,-idc4i. Judge John W. ;rim is to bo President of , tlie utvai. tliellutSMrn 4tli ot July celeltra 1 t.lou. The Aurora band ha.i been eng:u;e(l lor the itay. Mr. McEellar ha arrived In Oregon with t-n enty Inir.k of Him Eincolnhire breed, from Jii'w VuziK; direct. The O. A C. Itailroad track Is expected to lie rwKpletcd to Oakland, Saturday, l"nh inst. Jobn CLSaxe, Jr., a son of the celebrated yoet anil wit, is coming to Oregon. rtai. Unfit Saxton has returned from the Etixt and has aipiin assume i the ditles of 3iei vtiartermuiiier oi the iiepartmentol the Coltmibia. Ea.-o.era Ovecn Is man hlne on : the town f 'ore tiart jtot a kicior, and Ea Grand has Xt a bix band. - Til TERRITORIES. Tle ripnrilr of Stcilacooni will ucl.'brain 11m ! Ui. Wm. Rtitledffcfr., a pioneer of 1S.V, died nt Blacit river W. T. June 1st. Tlie Olympln Iaml Offioc disposed of 1:1, 841 acres of land dm lng May. Ann named Jlotand was found la Satur day lying dead iu his field near Vancouver. A aian named John KieiNchuer ilitsl sutl-dt-nly ut Vancouver last t?tiniL-iv eve::iug. Tlcart dlwase. A destructive Are occurred at Walla Walla Tuewtiy, 11th lust. Loss of property, ll'i,0tto. The I'laho tmiiers report the Unite river as veiy aiirh and doing a pi-oat deal ol tlaiuae. J. liounskr. a Boise City tailor, lias alwcon deil, leaving Ids creibtors to tret his alwence. Aa industrial e.xliililtlnn U to lie he'd at Olvmpia. cmmen.-ii(; (K-tolier 9th, and will contliiae for fonr tlas. Mr. J:imes Iewer lm arrlvel at Wallula with a hit of bkioded slieeis Imported from Canada. Fat-wood hadamraol ltole river in some places and cati.-dl tlie overtlow of a iitinila r of farms. Tl miners In and near Pierce Citv h.ive snffened froinently this pring, from "sluice" box rolMjeries. Tlie I.ewi.iton Sifmal says thefn.ifcc and t'lcarwn I er rivers were rising mpidlv .Itine 1st, ami it ireilU;ts as high it liter as iti IHtii. thnron lUmHir. formerly nf Salem. i the IteptHillcan candhlate for Joint-Councilman Iu tlie Klika.-a iilstrlct, W. T. W. 11. Sim-lair, Iniiectorof CnstoniawiOl known citizen d Wa-liiiiKton Terrliory, diwl on Whiilby's inland la-4 Wolnesday. Tlie read from Yakima vallev to Iopet Sntinills p"eatly olitrncteil by fallen trees, ami is now impassable for tintmcii. The Bonn! of Indian Connnls.-iomTS have api9.B&M Messrs. UiimeUniid Stewart to vh--It this summer Montana ami the upeer .Mi--sonrl Act'iK-y and the Shoshone and liiinuack Reservations. They will arrange for a coun cil wiub the war-like Nmii. Hoar Artt uim Mnrtl A fet. EiiKnyed an "Gris" of tlu; Cincinnati Times, tells tlw following: hen, in 18113, Ward conceived tht; idea of making a k.vtnre tour through California an undertaking in those'days he engaged tlie writer to aoconiiany him as agent, oU'er.'tng a salary that made the insig titiicant ay to ;i CleveUiud local blush with shame. Xot knowing that leo hm'rs, and espi;cialljr humorists, have a way of engaging even' man as agent who has a desire to travel, I made all preparations to go. resigned my sit uation, and anxiously awaited my summons. As 1 wtiited, variom articles of fur niture were sold to pay expenses. I ate up my stove, I remember, and think 1 drank up my bureau. Anil when nearly everything had gone, I learned tliat Ward had gone, too. tak ing another agent. I was naturally incensed, and resolved there would be a severe settlement tlie next time we met. I rehearsed the anticipated sim rrecjueutly. and resolved just how I would go to work to ami ihtlate hi tn. Our meeting was in Xew York, In JuiylSG4. I had beard of his return from California, and was prepared to empty the vials of my wrath upon hi3 head. We accidentally ran against each other ou Broadway. My slutn lieritig Indignation flamed up at once. I tliought of the cook stove 1 had de voured, and the various articles of my furniture drank up and was about to go for him, when Ward suddenly ruslied forward and grasped me by the hand, exclaiming : Why, Gris, how are you? When did you get liack from California ?" As I looked. at him 8)eechless with amazement, he continued : "They told me you came home round the horn, but I never knew you to go round a born yet join me ! Now Ward had a very persuasive way of locking his arm iu another's, and in a momentary lit of weakness I I Went ! " Ward,'" said I, sternly. "I owe you a licking on account of that Cali fornia agency business, but will put P, off until we drink." Put it off as long as you are a mind to," replied Ward, iu a tone of generous accommodation, as though 1 was speaking about returning him a loan. "If you owe me a licking give it to me when you get ready. 1 in iu no hurry. Don't care if vou never pay it." ' Numerous were the unavailing ef forts that I made to brings Ward to set tlement. When I would commence : "Now Artemus. about tliat California business "be would interrupt. "Oh, never mind that whipping. Xo hurry at all. Send it to me through the mail or telegraph it." The Chicago Post informs Mr. Gree ley that the eyes ot every merino slieep in America are on him, and that everv pig ot iron in our factories calls to htm in a metallic squeak to stand linn to his principles and do justice, though the tariff fall. t ' 19, 1872. : JMvBTII PAllt'IC KAIUIOAO. : t ' r : . . - i - " . ; Tlie land- grant,- snys the- Helena UentkL. am indicated by tha .route markoit on tlw map furnlslied to the Land CM lice here, extends to and be yond nearly all the principal towns in tlie Territory, including Helena,- Boae nuiii, Virgiiiia City, iJeer Lodge, Mis sonlit, Argent, Gallatin City, Kalers btug, JeQerson City, Boulder, Slieri dan, Sllvt Star, etc. 1 The land limit extend tlx m lies east of Helena. ' Ac cording to tint ntep. tbe road enter the Territory at or near the 'intersec tiou ot tlie 47 th parallel of latitude with tlie eastern bouuiktry ot the Territory, thence aoutb-easteily, following the Yellowatone river to the Bozeui:ut . divide, over, which it passes ; tbeuce north ot Bozeiuan City nine miles, and Hamilton four miles ; thence dowu the GaU atiu, tToaeing tbe ALtdison river , near or at Gallatin City; thence up ' the JeSenon river to the Big Hole, and following that stnearu tor a abort distance: thence through tbe Ix-er Lodge Paw; thence down tbe Deer Lodge UeUgate and Missoula rivers, leaving MJsaoola Ave - or aia miles aouUiwest ; thence aoutlMveteriy, leav- . lng Uie Territory 00 tba north Hide of Clark's Fork of tbe Colombia, aboat 13 of 15 miles north ot the intersec tion of tlie 48th parallel of latitude with the boundary of the Territory. i ' " 1 ' - ' The Washington correipt anient of tlie Springfield (Mass.) jiepniiliciti writ es under date of May iltl as fol lowing : t Friends of Mr. Greeley in Waslilng ton. who profess to know his plans and purposes, assert with jiositiveiiess that, he still adheres to his famous ed itorial published ,ln the Tribune before tlie meeting ot the Cincinnati. Conven tion, in winch lie pledged the support of tlie Tribune to the nominee of tlie Philadelphia Convention iu case tin: Democratic Convention should make a straight Iciuocniiic nomination. They assert that he lias never hesitated n moment in his purpose to withdraw bis name in case tlie liemocrats refuse to take him up. It is announced that Senator Schurz will sail for Eurojie, iu a short time to lie absent several months. "Horace Greeley's nomitiatton," said he to the Missouri delegation at Cincinnati, would be a burlesque, and his elec tion a catastrophe.' He flees jrom a ghost of bis own niLsing. Republican Nominations'72 for I'renident, U. S. CRAfST- i'or Vice President, HENRY WILSON. rllESIIlKKTIAL a.KtTuKS. A. II. 3ietriH.iii, of Umatilla County. VV. II. Hare, of Washington County. Jas. F. fciKlc , of Douglas County. gex. oitAvr's piaxcin.ES : "I would Kiun up the policy nf the Adminis tration to be a thorough (mforvemttit of every luir ; a faithful colle,:tiou of the lax provhle l l-r; ec4mrtny in the diburcnicnt of the .sarar, und a proniS. iaynn-nt of the debt of the nation ; a reduction iif taxes a- rapidly as tlie rtHiiiremenls of tbe country will admit ; reouollou of taxation and turutto besoar rancel a-i to aflonl the greate-- relief to the greatest numlier; honest ami fair dealings with all other people, to Uie end tliat war, with all Its hligliling conseqti'jnces may be uvoldeil, without surrendering any riglit or oik 3iratiHi due to the 1'niled .stales; a reform In the trttitment ot the lisiiaii-, ami the wlioto civil service of the count rv; an-1, dually, in Mutiriufta piire. utitrammellett Iwllot, where every man entitled to casta vote may do so jot itiKeat ea.-h election, without ur of m littlon or )ircriptt'n on a,.-ount of hir s;it kitl laitli, nativity or coltir." L. S. Git ANT. NalionalRepublicanPlatform AISIITFJ) BV TIIK NATIONAL BEI-CBLICAX CUNVKMTIOS AT 1'IIlI.AlJKU'UIA, JINK It, 1874. The Kepnbll.-an party of thel'nited State assembloit in Naiioii.il'Conventiou in tlie city ol l'tulauVlphia. ou the oth and lit u days of June, 1872, apiln declares Its faith and a peals to li history aud nnnounce its tsjsltlon upon the iitestions botoie the country. First 1 Miring eleven years of siipremai-v it has ac-4iicd with p-raud courage ihe sol emn duties of the time. It suppressed a rt pmtlc rebellion: t-inaiu-4p.it eiU.tl.oiO slaves decreed the tip ml ciiuemdupoiull and estab lished universal siill'iaae. Kxhlliltmi; 1111 1 -ir-alluieil matrnaniiully. it criminally punished 110 man for political oilen&es, nisi warmly welcomed all who proved their loyalty by oliecinn the liiivs und dealing Jus! ly wlthfheir nciichbor. It has steadily uvnaed, w ith a iirui luind. the resultant dlsorilej-s of a irreat war. ami Initiated a wise lsdiey towanl the Iisliuns. The i'acitlc Ujiliro.nU ami similar vast enterprises, have been penenaisly nldeil nnd successfully coinluctU The pnl.ik- land- arc frei-lv jrtveii totu-tua; st(tleri; inunlm lion is pnectel. en.-ourain-l, ami the lull uckuowludiccmeui ot thenatiiralired . it lien V rights ha been se. ured Irian Kuropean powers The nat umal currcm y hn iaiproved in regula tion and the national credit has lieen susJain ed under extraordinary burdeus. and r.ew Ivnids liave lsx-.n ueKotinte! ai Imver rates. Tin? revenue luive been carefully collected ami honestlvapplitsl. la-spltetheanntinl lan;e re-ltvtlous fniin the rates 01 taxation the tmli lio debt bus Is-eu nslticed durlia; , mot's presi-ieis-v at the rate of ono hundred 1111 II lon dollar's i?r year. A (.Teat 11 nuiicuil crisis lias been avoldotl and 5ue tind vlenty pre vail throtudioiit tls" land. Meiuwtii fondpi illillcultiesliave lieen peacidully ami boiiorit biv oianproiiitsiMl, and the lienor and power oi iIk- nadon has liven kei hlirh IhnniKhoiit the worltl. This plorious rn-nrl of the pist Is the party's liest pledge for the future. Wo lsV.leve the js'oplo will not Intrust the (Inv ent to any paity or combination of men com posed of those whochielly h.-ivereslsteAlevery step In this Iwnelictal pn'ipress. Nx-jind 'omplete liberty and exact itiali tv In the enjoy nam t of all civil, political aud public riphts stsaild be estalilishisi nmt effiv-t-tuilrv maiiiudnod thronptxwt tue luiou. by efficient and aipnipriau( Sate and lural lepsiatlon. Neither the law w itsarlmlHls tratiim should ailmit of any discrimination in res-l to citlens, by rea-uin of nice, creed, color, or previous condition of sen it mle- Thtnl The recent amendments to tbe Na tional Constitution should be cordially sus Uiineil, Ivvause they are rijtlil; not merely toleraleil lm-ause they are law; and should be carried out according ti their spirit by ap propriate li-gisl.-illon. theenl'oiwmentof win. h can lie safely trusted oiilyvj tbe party that secured Ihe'ameiidinents. Kourth The National Government shonld seek to maintain an honorable peace with nil nations.prolceiinii ltscltUseiiseverywlH-reaiitl gymiaithuliuj Willi all iple who strive lor jrreator lllwriy. Fifih Anv system of civil service under which the subordinate positions of theiiov ernnieiit nreconslderetl as rewards IVir mere party ae.il. Is tatally demorallzlnR, and we therefore favor a retorm of the system by luws which shall abolish tbe evils of patroii a(te and make honeslv, eiliclcncy and lldellly esseutlal iiuilirtcattons lor public position, without practically creating a life tenure of olllce. , , Sixth -We are opposed to further grants of the public lands to corporations and inoiioj-oik-s, and demand that the national domain shall be set apart for tlie free use or the people-seventh The annnal revenue, after pavni the current expenrtttnres, should f.iruish a moderate balance for tlie reduction of tlie prin cipal of the debt; and revenue,except so much as mav be received from a tax on toliaocoatid liquors, ought lo be raised by dirties on Im portations, the scale of which should be so atliusted as to aid in securing remunerative wages to lalmrers and to promtse the Industrie-, growth ami prosperity of the whole country. ' Eighth We bold In undying honor the sol diers and sal lore whose valor saved the Un ion. Their pensions are a sacred debt of the nation, and the widows and orphans of those who died for their country are emit led to tbe care of the vjovcrnraent and the gratitude of tlie people. We favor such additional legisla tion as will extend the bounty of the Govern ment to all our soldiers and sailors who were honorahlv ili harmed, and who In time of du ty became disabled, without regard to the lengt h of their service or the cruise of such dis- hmth The doctrine of Ureal Itritafn and other Knroiicar. Powers concerning allegi ance "once a subject always a subject hav ing at last, through the efforts of the Republi can lutrty, been abandoned, and the Ameri can Idea 'of the right of the Individual to trans fer lils allegiance having lieen accepted by tbe Euros-an nations, it to the duty of our Gov ernment to guard w ith jealouscare tbe rights of adopted citizens against the assumitloii of tmuatliorized claims by their former govern ments; and we urge the continued and care ful encotiras-mneut and imitectiou of volunta ry immigration. .... Tent h- The franking privilege ought lo be abolished and a wav prepared for a reduction in tbe rates of postage. ' Eleventh-Among the nuestiotis which press for attention Is that wliicu concerns the rela Uon of capital and labor, and the He publican nnrty recognises the duty or so shaping legis lation as to secure full protection ami an am ple Held for capital, and for labor, which cre ates Tor eapHal the largest opportunities, and a just share of mutual prouts of tliose two irreat servants of civilization. Twellth-We hold that Congress ant! tlie President have only fulfilled an lm(srtant dutv tn their measures Sir the aiippressioa of violent and treasonable organizations In cer tain of the latelv rebellious regions, and for the protection o'f tha ballot box ; and, there fore they are entitled to the thanks of the na tion. - Thirteeich We denounce Temdlatlon of the national debt. In any loim or dt-culse, as a stnan. $3 00 per. national crime. We witness with prUU the. nshk-tinn of the princlial ot the debt and of tbe mtes of 1 interest itsin the inlance, ami M eoatkitintty exivct that oar exce I lent nnt ita ia I currency will be periocled by lb sjioedj r. imtfloB ofspecie pavnM-ni. i I'lairleenth Tbe UeiMibMcan party t mind ful "f it oblleaUun toUtu loyal women of Amur lea for their noble devotion to the cause, of freedom. Their admission to naefulnesa It received with satisfaction, atsl the honest de lnauila of any a lass of rltly.ana for ailtlltloaal rigrts should be treated with respectful ca gitleratiun. . ' Fifieenth--We heartily apiro e of the no tion of Congress In relation to tlie reliellltHin States, and rejoioe In the growth of peace and fraternal feallng threnghout the land. . , Sixteenth Tao ttepubilcar Jatrty proposes to respect tha, right roserved by tbe people to theaiaidvesaa carefully as the powers dele, giteilliy theia to tba State and Territorial governments, ft disapproves of any resort lo unconstitutional laws for tbe purpose of re moviug evils by Interference wUh rights Dot surrendered by the jwople t either the State the .Natloaal Government. Serentoeatli It U tbe tliitv of the General GoveniUMtU to adopt such measures aa will tend tu encourage American commerce and skip building. tig htceiali -We believe that the modest patriotism, the earmtstness of purpose, soand judgment, practical wisil n, incorrnutlble ln tegtity, and illustrious services of U.e.uiant, have commeude.1 him to the heart of tlie Amer ican people, and thai with him at our bead we suut to-uay 00 a new march to victory. LIST OF POST-OFFICES. B-U.r ?? E Auburn, Augusta, llakerCltv, Clarksvllfe, KTriiress Itanch, ' Kbloratlo, I iem, IltimlKildt Itasln, .lotilan 'aliey, l;ve Valley, .' WiLgville. Itenton. Alsea Vallev, I'orvallis,- King's Valley, I.ibertv, Little tlk, Newport, Newton, 1'hilsmatb, Starr's Point, Suimnlt, Toledo, Yaqulna. tlMkamaa. Barlow, lieaver. CON. (lietcoe. KUeiKburg, PortOriord. 4rant Canyon City, I'anip Watson, tlrant. .lohu Hay Cay, iiayi-ilir, -l'iuiic citv. Applegate, Ashland Mflls, ' Central Point, Kagle Point, Grant's Paaa. Hot Springs, Jacksonville, l.bikville, Langell alley. PhoMiix, Rock P-.lnt, Table Rock, Willow springs, Yanax. JostephtHe. Klrby, inland. . late Creek, . Waldo, IluUe Creek, Canby, Clackftmas, Cletir Creek, Ctittlngsvllle. Pamasciis, Eagle Creek, tilal Tidings, Highland, Molalia, Milwattkle, Newly, , Norton, tlregtMi City, Oswego. CIlttHOp. Astoria. Istlillius, Knapiia. Neluiiem, Ski!iih, tsiimmer House, West port. Vooa. Coquille, Empire City, Knchanttil Prairie, North Bend, ltandolph, tolumbla. roitimliia City, Ciatskauie, It aider, s. Helens, Sanvles Island, .Vappoose. Doutclaw. North Canv oiivllle, Camas Valley, Di-aiii, F.lkton, Galesville, t.arduer, Kellomrs, Lskiiiglass. Mwtle Creek, 1 iitklaiid. Pass Creek, Uoseburg, scoilshurg. Ten Jlile, I miitia City, Wilbur, Yoncn I la Mai tnomnla. Kat Port laud. Port lam 1, Springville. TUbamk. lsrilaidi, NeLarts, Nestockttm, Tillanpxik, Tra.sk. riaatllla. Ce.-lls. 'nvn'. MitclaHI's istiuiun, .Marsliall, Metslowvillc, Pilot Hock, Pendleton, Cmati'a, Weston. I'siion. t "ove, Ijx I rand, North Powder, urn I tell. Sunmiervi'ile, I'lllOU. Vaiuliill. Amity. Itei levue, liayion, 1.. Havel te. McMlnnvllle, Mountain II-Hise, Noith l.imhil!, stieti.lan. West t liehallm, W heat la ml. Butte Disappointment, Cottage Grove, Coast Fork. Camp Creek, Cart Wright's, " Eugene City, Franklin, Junction, Jng Tom, Moliawk, Pleasant 11 IU, liatt lesnake, s-uislaw, isiiringlield, Willamette Forks. Linn, Allairy, lirowiisvillej Crawfordsville, 1 iansMid Hill, llarnsburg, Jbilsey, Iebanon, Peoria, Pine, .Sclis Soda Springs, Shedd's. r 9Iartou. Anrora, Attmsvllle, Ituueville, . ilriNiks. r'airlleiil. Pair Ground. ioi-vai.s Ilnbliard's, Jetlerson, Marion, Monitor, Newel lsville, Snlein. s-iiverton, St, Louis, Stayion, SubUmlty, Turner, Vernon. Wacom la, Woodburn. Polk. Ttelhel, UrldgejKirt, Hnena Vista, Hal las, Kola. Klk Horn, tvramt Itisidc, Inilciieudence, I- ilKMllll, Ltk-kimtitc, l.evvtsvii le, Monmouth, lVrrvlafe, lil.kreall, ua. Waaeo. Antcloiie. Jlridge Crock, IHsclntttes, II- hkI Hirer, Prlnceville, S-ott Siinnlh Hollow, Tlie Dalles, M'as,-o, VV illougliby. Wasb inirton . lli-aveiton. Cent revi lie, I 'oniellus, Kon-st tirove, itleihw, lireenvllle, Itillsboro, .M hllk-lom Sholls Kerry, 'I'avlor's Ferry, Tualatin, WajiaUi. Newts?ns. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. lMllavai te. New litmgioess. Port Anpelos, In.kc. 15;itt!et;rouml, Hi-nsh Prairie, M.-irlinVlSliitl, P.-kln, Ciitrni Hlver, ancotiver. oelinlls. Codarvtlle. Cheluills Point. Klina. il-)iiUin. Mootesnno, Sltso;, siiaron. Cowlilaw Castle Kock, I arrolliou. Free port, K.ilama, Monticello, tmk Point. Iolnartt. Crmiieville, I Vivetand, I'tsalaily. Jefrcnn. Kllrbitat, ltloi-k House, Columbus, GoldcutUtie. King. lVack Kiver, Kaolin, Seattle, Slaughter, Snoiinalmle, Spiak, White River. Lewis. lloisfort, Cowlitz, Claqitato, Glenrlem, Grand Prairie, Pumdhrey's Landing, Skookumcbuck. '" Vinson. Ari-ada, Uaklaml, Skokomish, Sherwooil's rill., Ilcrre. Kills, Fran kiln, Steil.-Kom, Taconut, Piwlfle. tmceMn1, Chluo-ik, Knapiiton, Usrerville, Itiversiile, I'nlty, Woodward's Landing. Nkauianla. Cascades, White Salmon. Ktevenn. Fort Oilvtlie, Ko-k Creek, Spokane Brttlge, C nion Flat. Wnkiaknaa. Cathlame),. Kagle CIUT. ' ' "Walla Walla. Delta, Pataha, ' Ttikanou, Tonchet. ' ' Walla Walla, Wallula. . : Whatcom. Fldalgo, Isi Conner, Samish, Skagit, Whatcom. l'ort lnscimry, Port iutllow." Port Townsend, KMa. B'akelelv, Port Madison, Port William, Port Orchard, Heaheck, TeekaleC Knnhotulsll. Iiwell, Mnkilten, Suohomlsli, Tuialiu- Tnnratoa. Ilcaver, Col Hank, liraisl Mound, Mlama Prairie, ilympla, ' Tumwater, Yelm, Takhaa, Attannm. Fort Simcoc, Konnewak, Kittitas, Mi See, Selali. Yakima. 'Money Order Oftbics. MISCELLANEOUS. M HIDE CO.HMITTED. As the result of an inai-tivestateof liver ami st-ma.-h, producing neadache, olxnse intd le.it, dullness, despondency, detneatia, and linally Insauily, Is no uncommoi) oc urreis e. AH these disagreeable svmptomsand badfeal in. are most certainly dispelled by the uscW lr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It revitalises aud builds up tbe w hole system. A ilttle book on Chronic Diseases seut free. Address ft. V. Pler.-w, M. 1)., linffalo, N. V. Gohlen Medical Discov ery sold by all drug gists. . JuncUtdlUwU Futal Delay! It is often the case tliat we sacrifice our Uvea by delaying the use of projjer remedies. A few hours lost is ofu-a fatal in acute dis eases. Fever and innammatioa waits for nn m in, Inn when unciieckei1, hurries on tomor-tln.-nllon ami death. Do not be guilty nf this ftunl .lelav. Use freelv BKISTilLH 8ARSA PAKILLA ami PILLS, la them you liave saletv ami health. t31 Jtmell7;dluwH GEO. K. V. MWAIX, EXERAL Al-CTIUNEER. rlla. Ore T gon. Okkk k In Republican buihllng. Mill street. Ur lers sollctted. All business promp'lv a'tewlsd to. . ma y f Annum in Advance rORTLAXD ADVEBTISEMENTS. -t ' i-TF-r'i'" i..t BUSINESS mBSXmfST OF POBT-"' LAID,'0EEiC3r.'-"- ' PoldlakMl kar blaMd, General AdvcrtiMHig jiffcl IB JVon fitrerC - ACKERMASfS DOLLAR STORE, No. W First 1st rct. Importers and Jobbers oi Fam-.v liotxls, Toys, Crockery Glassware and Plated Ware. "'' - A stnr House. First St. between Oak'anfl JM. Pino Kverytalng naaU, B. b, Loagtt-t lftw. Prop. I s ' BOOKS, SUTJONEEi ASB-'-fiElOBiCALS, ' Bancroft & FWTorse, , Agents for Mabie, Tot It Co' celebrated GOLD PENS, ! ' Ivison, BInkeman, lay lor A Coa Softool Banks.' J ut puUudiedy o full lias if jjtmal BUnJm or thiM State, j ,, Barman, the onlv direct Importer of Cloth - rug, Ac, cor. Front Sc. Washington ats CHAS. C. BARRETT, , WHOLESALE BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, Largest Flock In Port la ml. No. 79 Front trnti Xo. & Wnnlitngtvn kreeli. . , 1 -, ; r UT n. ,1 1. .' BECK, WILLLVM Ss SOX, 129 Front St. Imisirters and dealers in Vans, Rlflca Ke vol vera 1 of avsrv -deivriition. Fishing Tackle, Faucr l.ovU, Beads, Itinl Cage?, llaskets, Crrsiuet (iames and : j Baby Csrriagea, i Agents for the "California Powder Works;" : also, for the "Wheeler Wilson Sew ing Machine.'' - . Berk, John A, 12a Front street, pract ical Wabdnnaker and Jeweler. Work done , ibrtheTrado. . BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. HimeS A, Bachldr. 9S Front Street. . Krigham A Keinbart, First street, between oak ami Pine, Importers of Stores, Ran-, gtis, kiicuen Cleiisils. B iictiatian, -w , a a. w. cor. irst & Xavlor sis. i neapest f urniture House in Port- iauii. n A l-?Tti,rI',W2.. WALTER BROS. yrAJX LiXO a Front Street. Clarke Henderson A Cook. 81 A 83 First St Dealers in Dry Uoods, Fancy Millinery, Ac. Ac Cohn A Rosenield, 118 Front St. Commls sioB Merchauu A dealers in Oregon and California Proiluce, Congle. J. B., mainifacturerand dealer in. Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery Hant w are, IW Front St. currier. W. A Co., 103 Front street. Mer Vclianl Tailors A Clothiers, Hats, Furn.sti- Ing Goods. t DC Lashmutt A Oatman, 2 Front street. Real Estate Age at s, money loaned houses rented. . 101 Front street, Portland. DRUGGISTS, 101 Front St. Order li-om any nortlon of the State or Territories carefully filled by mail or express. Emll, Lowensteln & Co, Furniture ami C'jirjiet dealers stores from 1M to 139 Fii-st street. Employment Agency. WithereU-A IIol man, 80 Front struct. Furnish all kinds ' of help. . Iverding A Beclie, 10 Front street, Con -i mission Merchants and dealers in Do mestic Produce. Vashinn Livery Stable, corner First and r Salmon sis., E. Cornea, Proprietor. Good tnrn-outs always on hand. 'Jishel A Roberts, cor. First and Washing -l ton sts. Dealers and Manufacturers, Clotliing, Furnishing Goisls. INreeiand, Dr. B. R., Dentist. OmVo. Noi 1 i, Dekuin's Block, cor. First and Wash ington sts. CI ill A Steel, 75 and 77 First street. Deal M ers in Books, Stationery, and Musical Instruments. CRAY'S MUSIC STORE. Tlie largest Music flotise on the Coast. STEINWAY PIANOS, BURDETT OR GANS, G. L. DkPRAN S, Manager. AOI.E AGENTS FOB THE "HOWE" SEWING MACHINE? 62 Agents wanted. Ha.-hiR-y 4 Nwrnc, tirocers and dialers in all kinds of Seeds, corner First and Main sts. Hamburger, li., i: First street, import -r and dealer in Staple Fancy Drv Goods, Millinerv. endee, D. 11- Pbotigrailiic Artist, 8. M MM. corner Fl rst ami ainmsmi streets. Chil- 1 1 reus nctures sptv-ialty. Uenrichseii, L. C. A Co., UM FirK Street, Manulactui-ersaiid dealers in JeweU-v, Watches . IblwriLtrtsx L., H Front street, wbole salutlcaier iu lTiocries, Doors Wagon Materials. Ac. ' Hoilge, Calef A Co., U7 Front st reet, whole sale dealers in lirttgs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac. H,M y Sewing Ma.-hine. strak-ht nee J il j die. under teed, lo.-k stitch." ouiietitioo ciiallenged. M. K. Traver, 112 r roul mm, ti lirgn-n A Pliiodler. Nos. liKi to 17i r'irst st. Importers Furniture, He. 1 ling. Ac I iiU.'rnatioualHiNel. cor. F'rtnit and Morris on sis. M. Builolpli, Proprietor. Free Buss attends steamers. Kohn. J. tt Co., HI Front street, wholesale ami retail dealer iu Fine Cl.Kliin. Fur nishing Hoods. Massmlmree Restanrant, private rooms for Families, -Ar. 1st awl Pine streets. Q. Voos, Proprietor. Martin K. It CoT7wholcnIe dealer in Wines and Lkmors, o. S. X. Cos Hlo.k and .San Francisco. 31 eier & Sc.hiueer, 111 Front street, whole sale ann retail 1 oniecnoners. Miller, John B.,83 First street. WaU-h-aiaker and Jeweler, offers to the public a fine assortment nf Walche,Clocksand Jew elry, r . Moeller, A Co., F'ront near C street, ileal ers in native and foreign Wines, Llq Bors awl Cigars. Nnrthnip, K. J., Hardware, Iron, steel, Hulw, Siokcs, Hardwood Lumber, Ac o .vidental Hotel, cor. First and Morrison . smith a toog, iropnetors. Parrish, Watklns A Coruell, Real Estate Agvnts, 90 F'ront street, between Alder ami Washington. PhotographicGoods, C. HVtoist ard A Co., street. 11 Ic-e, J. JI-IS First street, wholesale neater in Tinware ana sstoves. Rlebter, Paul, 105 First street, importer 01 Berlin wooden Carvings, Parlor Orna mests, Ac. " R ider, ti. C, Real Estate ami Money Bro ker, m w ront street, romana. It venbaiim, I. S. A Co., TolccHilsts im portcrs of Foreign and Domestic Liquor Rnss Honse, Front street. On First Class Principles. Thos. Kynn. Proprietor. hcrlock, S., 61 Fnnit and 2 First sts..dl 3 er in Harwwa, Saddlery, aud Saikllery iiarttware. Slmon, .V! Front street, dealer In Doors, . . sasli and Blinds, Window and Plate Olass Slnshehner. H.. VJ First street, imorter of Pianos, Organs Sheet Music, Musical Instruments. ksfmore, S. ., Ii3 First street, In-iiggiM. 3 and Apothecary, a largo stock of Perium- erv ann ioii avts-iss. mlthA Davis 71 Frisit street, wiHiirsalu 5 Drugs Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Per. fiireery. Ac - - now A sm, 73 Flrststreut,PictariM.Mold ings, r'raines, ArtlsU Materials, Drawing Instmimmt. Smith, Put, Broker, o Front street, lhmler In Legal Tenders, liovernmenl Bmsts and Unld Dust. STOJIE. B. I, o. lttTI-nmtMrm. Waluiimakerami Maiuifacturing Jewel er, Isappointeil agent for the Walthain.Elgin, E. Howard a Ou., Chaa. K. Ja.-t,and thoCal ilbrnia watdics; also, tor all tbe nroducttons and imports ol Ihe t jllf.inila Jewelry Conim nv, Raa FratK-isi-o. fieml for "circular. Watches remireil in the very best manner aud WARRANTED to give tatinntctloa. r I "em- Bros.. Xo. 178 1 lrst street, manufac R Inrers ami dealers In Furniture, fied- ning. airets, ae. hc clotbliig nt ore, 113 Front strect.lJToth- mg, f unuslunel' i ng ls is. Hoots and Shoes. Harris & Prager. Villlc. II. II., Ui V IU Front st. Ileaier In Wagoa and Ajrrk-nliwral Implements yne. E. II., n. w. cor. First ami Oak sts., dealer In Fine Brandies Wines English Ale and Porter. fVvler, J. A.,W Front street, wltolesal'e J t. ilealer In Bulter, Eggs Cheese, Lard, nation, w. WiiBams A Myers, a Central bln-.kjront street. Commission Mercbanls aiul dealers la ProtUfc-e. All Kind of Feed For sale by XI. EC. PHIOE, -l r Mat Mr! . hnlsm. -"yrrrr: rr-r VEEKLY ORCCCri CTATZrJLI d.FTCR ArtaALLTTroprUtCr. TM Wkjcstlt Cmwicnt toTLnatAj Is published every Wcduasrlav mormng. Contains a sammary f all e telegtipmV. dlspaic ha and aU tba snrMl Mat aoA. Lr cal news, editorials, corresptimJenoa, miseel- uji orau li via AAavjAsuaiv am mr' Law. ; , .. ., . A First-class Weekly Newpapr Til 1 1 1 ft- SkA l .s - SM tor six months in advaaua. -auvarusements at liberal rates. ORE bO N. STATESMAN, DAILY AND WEEKLY, Th Daily Oregon Statsaman - - ... td every storniag in tb weak ex apt Honda. "Will be Airaisbed te-subscribers tm the fol- lownig ."" To City subscribers, by Carria-, K esaprr vreok, payable to Carrier. To mall subscribers, per year, (8 ML six saoaths S H v.tir. t three months, $ as. Tbe Daily Tatismaji will contain, each day, a ' ' ' ."1 M9H ; 1 1 t f I r $. SUMMARY OF THE DISPATCHES - -.-.I ) : - "I ' ' to the Associated Pre ; all the -i.-: : : ;-t Current Events of the State ; . a tilthful and rellaUlecollaUon of the LOCAL NEWS of tbe CV,y and County; Now from tbe Desrhborins STATES AND TERRfTORJES j A careful resume of tbe ' ' J GKTVlill AL NEWS t from all somve; K-IUortal upon the live Topics of the Day; Carefnlly selected Miscellany, poetry. Etc. It will lie Republican In polllkw. . Independent and f tearless In Its opinions. tkf ... ' ; -1 1 ;!," The Daily Statesmanl circulates through every Important City, Town and Village in the State, and and along al I the dally mail routes. It . therefore, an excellent MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISERS. Advertisements Inserted at liberal rates. Prices graded and uniform to all adver tisers. TheDAftY Ptatwmaw will coirtitla evrry fbnturo of a LIVE NEWSPAPER. THE WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN circulates la every County, (Jay, Town, and Hamlet In Oregon. Contain all the choicest matter, and A. H X Til 11 IVEWH publlslssl In the Daily. Subscription price of tlie Wkekly Osibooi Statehkaw, fs 00 a year, rsryable In ad-van-e, at the office, or to any of onr author ized Agents. Tbe Wkkuy Statesman being read by everybody, Is. an excellent adrrrnstng me dium. Advertising at liberal rate. Send In yonr order for the paper. If you have an.vthing te anvertue, ttce to tbe Wrkklv frATKHMAX. aead ao- All commomVaHoti 011 tsiMneaa or corre pondence, to be ldreaed to " 8TATSHMAK," or to rhe proprietor! ' -'" C r.CBADALL! mdckllaxeous. 4 TIIK - WM ssw everytiing umiti ta fcadry, tnsa . ti ksarisst is tha llgites tttric. . , IT IMtEft MORE VOIK, , ' MORE lUXDft or WORK, axd Rcrrn iresut. Than kny other machine. " ' It therein a Fsorenee fSevioff Mai chine within one thonnand . milea of oo xnuiciHoo not working well ana giving entire afttiftf notion, if I am in formed of it, it will U attended to withont expense of any kind to the owner. ' SJJaTJEl HILL, Agrot, " 19 New Hontgomerj Street, Gnne Hotel Bulldlsg, las Frindsco. BX fmr Cirtmtmr mnd ammpUt mf turn ror. esttw Aftmtm avwry fiteea. Feb. 1 dwlv ' ' "