The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, June 12, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    'gtleefjfD Oregon gfaiesman.
from Dairy of Saturday June S.
Csi School Pk-jhc About ten o'clock
vesierday forenoon the scholar, and patron
of oar Viirioui Union School begun eon
gregaUa;; in the grove back of the East
Sntcm school koaae, anl the picnic in
creased io numbers until about three o'clock,
at which time the crowd wat a very large one.
V e went at an earl; hour, and found a large
tinmber of children io the grove, and an the
building wax thrown open a goodly number
were withia ita wall. Ssriags were erected
in differ l parts f the grave, wiiieb, a.
usual, went m eiseircat demand auntac the
little f"lk. while croquet uJ sveuti inter
course kej the eider portraa of the crowd
in good bvaor. EverybsiJ appeared t be
njoyiag tbeaaaelrea and were ia no
Appareat baste fur the day to cod.
T he tpet f elected for t hie oocaeion wait an n ice
a one a esuld be aked lor. A shady grove
liut a few fcet froai the eobuol building fur
aiislied kado and eu( door saebcr while the
aehiiolhijase, with open Uwra and wiodowe,
"f urn tubed a pleasant place t nit. Between
twelve al uno obe Joiseg folka west at
their lunches, aad from every portion of tbe
. grove could be buurd the peal of merry
laagbter aesl shunts of joyeus parties. It
avaa about aa sleaau an affair ef the kind
jia &aa occurred this year and all went boaae
in the beat f spirit, and with Ku tkua the
usual fwciguo.
PaxsoKAt.. We retterdav net Ilev. W.
VV. Colbara, Chaplain ef the M assaclisisetts
States I'risoa who i out n llu coast en
yarllv private bufioest and at the asuue
time to look aniand and have loinethiag to
any aaoat Oregon aad U'asaingtua Terri
tory en hi return to bis Eastern home. Mr.
Colbarn la a bat may well be torated a eeif-
jjnado ibm ef the tkaua, having reached his
jireaeal rtaad-point foota hia owu personal
xertione. A peneral with baa beea ex-
preiaad teat be monH rraaarc ar-.tti aa ovur
the SaUbuth nod deliver eae ef hia iateruHt-
ing lecteroa ia tbe ii. . Chureu, of which
ilenismiaatiun be ia a proiaineat aaiaiater.
lie viait tie State Peailentiary te-day, to
make ebearratione la regard te ita inner
-workiuga. lie baa (orated aa ex col lea t
opinion of -Oregeu. and will no doubt do ,
uucb to uifueace emigration oa bia return.
FttKKWst Ptcvistk. We learn throagh a
prirato snare that a eewple of Japanese
studcats are beiag. educated at tbe Pacific
University f Fwest Grtra. They were
sent 'here abeat two years ago by tbe Jap
anese Kauwerameat, and are receiving a
thorough ooarae ef English edueatioa.
They show great proficiency, and are said
to be reaiaikably ouick te learn. One i
tbem ia bow preparing to eater cull? c. The
.Japanese roveruaeat is sending a great
number ef children to this country to re
ceive aa edecatiea. There a.e but few pub
Jio iaatitatsun of learaiag on this eeast bat
hare one or aaore of these ingenious chaps
receiving icxtructieu iu tbe English laa
funge. As ITirxcasAHT iloLTartx. Yesterday
ait the picnic grounds while a sen of Jadge
Bonkaiu's was agsged ia playing ball, he
met with aa aceiuVat that ettvjrired aim ef
the aae of three of bis favorite teeta, and
sent tbeia back iate bia moatb with rather
an unpleasant velocity. He missed catch
iug the ball, aad it struck hies in tbeaioabh,
knocking twe if bis teeth oat aad ruinia
tho third one. He teat the piceie grounds
lor tiie (leaxiM a inis is toe srst ac-
ideat wbii-h has occarred in Salem from
the too freient iw of the Base IlaU.
Lisgk tvxKHXL. te yesterday re-
ceived a letter froaa M. B. Mallory, f La
iraade, aad he say that H. . Sfeachata
was buried ia La tixanden tbe .'!lt of last
month, by the Odd Fellowa, ef which he
was a pronciaent aaeaaber. The funeral 'ua
the largest eae ever held 'East of the Woun-
taius. He ioke ef the high regard in
which Mr. licachaai tsc dteldathia ewa
liome, and said tbentire community sya
patbisel with the bereaved family ia their
iutu aOlietiosu
Si AcoiaifirT. tVe were yesterday in
formed of oa acci'leut that occurred at Eu
.gcoe City y which Mr. If cCuraack. fur
.nerly a member of the Legislature from
J.ane ceunty, was kiltow and his wife se
verely injured by a team runaiag away
with them aad throwing them eut ef a
fcuggy. Mr. McCornack lived but' a very
-short .time, tad his wife era aut expected
to live, at last oocount.
Am it ttk hwaix. Pox. Sane pcrteoe
- have Misunderstood oar item about mail
qx. The ecly eae that we have heard of
in the valley is at LukhIo, Polk eoanty,
.six or eight aailes below this city. It come
from Portland. There k uu case at a!! ia
or near Salota, tvor ae danger of aay. All
that ha been done or raid akoat it, here, is
merely precautionary. It m thought there
is ne daagur whatever tbat-Che disease win
'spread frose Ltnenln.
Tstoi Pir. RooKiia. By .private letters
from tbia geattemaa dated Jackaonvillc,
Or., Juae Srd-, we loans that era has aban
doned hiai'teastf goiag tkruaga to the L'a
ioa Paeitc by private eivewanee. He dis-
jp sed of his team at good advantage while
jit Jacksonville., and has takea the Overland
tge Route. He aad family ereiasplun-
did healok aad spirtta.
fa Salt Hi via. We saw a large canoe
feeing carried up .State tacvt at an early
hour yesterday tceroivg, aad on inquiring
its doatiaatiuo was informed that it be
longed to John F. Millar jind party, who
intended to prevision it w-ith worms vermi
fuge and preeeed ep Salt ivr at aa early
xlate. We wish them a safe journey.
"Hew's Xju Fc JUhilT' A letter
bearing tbe'fullowiog address was inailod at
the Saleaa P. ?. a lew daws ace : "Mrs.
Widow Bridget Eourke, ur Henry, Wil
liam, James, Xiehael or Patrick Bourke,
jtoua of sasae Widow, St. Louix, Mo." If
.somebody doa't get that Letter are will lose
our guess.
STKiaea To Sail. The eteasasaip Ajax
will from Portland ler Sat? Francisco, lit
2 o'clock tbs evenasg.
Froui Dnily nj S tutting J out 9.
FtKTHaa PxaTict cats. We hare re
newed the following particular regarding
the death of llua. A. McCoraaek f Eugene
City. Tharsdny evening ho ia company
with hia wife aad set'oral. frieud went to
the dept to loeetbw sen and daughter who
werotexutara Iraai Forest throve. After
they were all seated iu the hack the horses
beeves frighteaed at tbetraia ai-al gtarted
j,T at lull speed. Ihqy ran about three
quarter of a mio and a sudden lurch of
tbe wagoa threw tbe tMoupaBta out upon
tho ground. Mr. McCoraack struck upon
his head killing hint almost inataatly. His
wife broke her shoulder alado aud the bal
ance uf the pa'ty were badly kurjed up.
Waar Next? Tbe Librarian of the
Portland Library baa advertised fee a cat,
and want tbe animal brought to tbe room
between the hours of three And five r. II. If
tie cau find one that suit he will give ten
dollars for it. Wa have any aaeaut ef tbe
"eriiters" ia this town that we would glad
ly dispoas f U Mte-tenta of that price.
Won't ha bare an assortment brought up
for inapactieo. Henry, you aae vvideatly
io for it
Mi !s Mchlk'i Cuk kt. Thil c lebrstr
d Pianist will arrive bv special train tbia
afternooi., and wilt givo uiw of bcr fcrauo
concert it Reed' Opera House Monday
evening. Nothing wo can fay cava add to
ber popularity ; but we urge upon our read
era to go aud bear her, well aware of the
fact that they will be amply repaid far their
Con i. a . Hum b. To State Juarnafa
Wasoington Letter of May 22, has this par
agraph : "Mrs. Dr. Sawtelle, of Salem,
left t.ere last Saturday evening for New
York, ta route for Oregon." She delivered
a IjcUio iu Sau Francisco una day last
we :..
After thb Electios. Taking into con
sideration tbe fart of tbe bitter animosity
which existed previous to the. recent elec
tion, culminating at times in personal abuse
and political slander, it seems almost as
tonishing how quietly everything has cooled
down. The candidates on either side have
taken their victory, it defeat, aa
the cane may be, in the moat matter-of-fact
manner, apparently 'not in the least aaton
iahed over tbe result, and now that the cam
paign is over, each and every one here havo
(alien back into the old ways, while public
and private matters glide on with their accua
toutod regularity. True the victorious par
ty lev! justly proud ot their recent victory
but as lr the ondi lates ihcinacltvs, they
bear their laurels iu a luodeat, becoming
utanoer, accepting them as a gift from tbe
people, and they will no doubt endeavor by
strict aad impartial discharge of their vari
ous dutiea to ahow their appreciation of tbe
gift, 'f bo defeated candidate with equal
grace accept the situation as it is, and hum
bly submit to tbe voice of tho people. They
apparently realize tbe truth of tbe old say
iag. Vox pomli, rax Dei, anil with rever
ence heed, tbe thunder tones of the majority.
It is the -renegade portiou of the defeated
party that feel tbe sorest over their lost
caua. The "soreheads," "oayuse's," "Dul
ly Varden's," "fusion candidates," etc.,
are the ones that we hear grumbling now.
The old "wheel-horse Democrats" are bet
ter aatured over tbe general result than
those who have recently flopped over into
their ranks, under the impression that it
was the most popular party of the two.
They have now found out their mistake
after it is too late to turn back. Their vote
has been cast and their inllucnce lent in the
wrung direction, .and from this reason they
feel most decidedly sheepish. Oh, well, de
luded brethren, "its never too late to mend,"
and whenever you wish to come back into
tbe ranks of true Republicanism, and will
promise strict allegiance to our principles
we will glally tnke you by the band and
Welcome you :i one nf u.
Pkecixct Orricnas. We to-day present
to our readers a complete list of the pre
cinct officers throughout the county :
Salem Precinct James Coffee, Justice of
the Peace; J M C Stewart, Constable.
Sautb Salem C P C ran gle. Justice of
the Peace ; Levi Mauiey, Constable.
East Salem R W Wilson, Justice of the
Peace ; li Cave, Constable.
North Salem John Brouks, Justice of
the Peace ; S M Hastings, Constable,
Aurora Chas Ruge, Justice of the Peace ;
Geo Kraus, Constable.
Butteville U A Cone, Justice of the
Peace ; H II llobuck and F II Mattheu,
Cbampoeg John Iloefer, Justice of tbe
Peace ; Hugh fosgrove, Constable.
Fairfield P G Magness, Justice of the
Pcaco ; Jasper Skaife, Constable.
Woodburn B F Cooly, Justice of the
Pcaco ; T Slaploton, Constable.
Labish Edwin Cartwright, Justice of
the Peace j B F Ramp, Constable.
Abiqua J II Palmer, Justice of the
Peace ; Wm Lemmou, Constable.
gilvcrton W II Lewis, Justice of the
Peace ; Lewis Pooler, Constable.
Jefferson G F Cram, Justice of the
Peace ; L C Conser, Constable.
Howell Prairie B Weisner, Justice of
the l'e iee ; R B Chubb, Constable.
Sublimity J T Lynch, Justice of the
Peace ; E T Perkins, Constable.
Lincoln J P Veaeh, Justice of tbe
Pcaco ; J G Coffey, Coustable.
Gervais J I) Taylor, Justice of the
Peace; P K Murphy, Constable.
Marion A J Shrum, Justice of the
Peace ; 0 P Adams. Constable.
Match Gamk. Our readers will recol
lect that one week ago yesterday tho Col
lege Baso Bull Club of this city went over
to Monmouth to play a game with tho biys
nf that village and were badly beaten.
They came home feeling rather sore, but
not discouraged, by any means. Cbal
leugcs were sent and refused, bat at length
arrangements were made by which the two
clubs were to meet on neutral ground and
test their superiority. The grounds at In
dependence waa chosen, und yesterday
warning at an early hour our boya started
for Use scene of action, accompanied by nu
woruua friends. They found the Monmouth
CWb ready for business, and "trouble be
gan" at once. W. Raymond of Corvullis
was chosen Umpire, and E- C. Terry acted
as Scorer for tbe .Salem boya, and Mr. Wal
lace tallied for tbe Monmouth Club, Tho
game was eallcd at an early hour, aud eaeh
club did their let el best, but tbe College
boys proved too much for them this time
and walked away from them to tbe tune of
72 to 34 runs. After tbe game was over
both clubs were invited to partake of a
splendid .dinner, furnished by tbe citizens
ef the place, which we are assured tbey got
outside of in a satisfactory manner. Tbey
arrived homo about four o'clock in the be.-t
of spirit and flushed with victory. Prof.
Galea then invited them down to Holbcrt's
Ice Cream Saloon, wbero they were regaled
to their heart's content. We congratulate
the boys on their success, and hope Uiat
they will now keep in such constant prac
tice that taey need not fear another defeat.
We hare just been informed that the Col
lege Club have received a challenge from
tho "Dolly Varden Club" of Oregon City.
Tbe game will probably come off sometime
during tbe ensuing week.
J"rei! Daily vf Tuemlay June 11.
Narrow Escape. Last Sunday tba wife
of Sam. Irwin, our handsome Aas't P. M.,
attcmled church in the forenoon, leaving
their child in the care of its "paternal pa
rient." Sjuu not being accustomed to
tending baby, and no doubt supposing bis
child, like himself, was food of coin, threw
a lot of loose change on the floor, and led
tbe little ae Us amuse himself while he
read the sews. This plan worked amat
iagly for a while, aud Samuel congratula
ted himself on his success as a nurse. But
soon au uausaal sound broke tbe stillness
f the air, and on glancing down upon the
child imagine his jonstcrnation to discover
it bud partially swallowed a two-bit pice,
and was badly strangled. The way Sam
went for that coia was a caution. He say
he never worked for coin with such energy.
Taking the child iu bis arms, after consid
erable diSeulty, be succeeded in getting
held of the piece and removing it. It made
the little fellow Mack in the face, so quick
waa the strangulation. That child's love
far the shining netal will bo doubt make
him a rich man. Saxu's self-conceit in re
gard to tending baby is not so large as it
IwrnovEn Sheep. Mr. John Minto,
who is among tbe most successful (beep
breeders of the State, had three of bia finest
bucks iu town yesterday for the purpose of
getting tbem photographed. Tbey were
very fioo animal and the taker of several
first premiums. Two of tbem were Ameri
can and the other a Spanish Merino, thor
oughbred, and model animals ef tbeirkind,
not only for wool but mutton. Mr. Minto
has fur several years been breeding in a
strain of hornless sheep, with tbe moat
gratifying sueoes. The lambs of his en
tire flock now have born a only about in tbe
proportion of five out sixty. He has also
bred in a line to get rid of tba tendency to
roll and wrinkles so often met with in tbe
merino breed, and hi success ia this lino is
qaite as narked as in the taattiY of horns.
Mr. Minto has lately sheared his flock, get
ting an average of six and a half pounds
per head. Tbe backs be bad in town yes
terday will yield ten to twelve pounds each.
Oca AsrawEK. The Mountain Sentinal
pabliahed at La Grande wishes to kow
whether it i Miles M. Miller ar Minnie
Mrrtle Miller who is local reporter for the
Mercury ? We would answer, it is Miles M.
who, although the paper to which bo wa
attached is defunct, is still among n and
aa jovial as if be budu't beeu connected with
a funeral this year.
Ko. districts reported 59
No. legal rutcrs 2,088
No. persons over 4 and under I'M
years of nxe
Males 2,192
Females 2,121
Total 4.313
300 month of school have been taught
in these 59 districts, with an average daily
attendance of 1,678 scholars, making an
average daily attendance for each district of
During the year tho following amounts
have been paid for tuition, vis. :
From tbe county fund $ft.Snl.n.S
district taxes
' subscription S.slli.ij
Total $15,94il.37
Paid out for incideutiiU by the various
districts, &3U4.S3.
Eighty toachers fifty men and thirty
women have been em ploy ea (luring tne
year, at the average wages uf $44.23.
37 districta use Wilson's Spellers.
17 " " Webster's ' "
5 Saunders' "
Wilaon'a Readers aro used, with few ex
ceptions, by all tne iltstricla ot tne county.
40 districts use Thompson's Arithmetic.
19 Davies' "
There ia uniformity in tbe use of Clark's
Grammar, Monteith'a Geographies aud the
Spencerian System lf Penmanship.
Davies' and Peek's Natural Philosophy
have been generally used.
Tbe County Treasurer has reported the
following amounts for distribution among
the various districts entitled to tbe beneflts
of tho Common School Fund for tbe year
beginning on tbe first Monday of March,
From the 2 mill county tax S7.000.00
" fines, &c 385.00
Balanoe from last year's appor't.. 161. 1)0
From interest on Irreducible
School Fund
Coin 2,52s. OS
Lurremy 2,.').)1
Total $12,628.47
Which amount has been apportioned to
tbe districts, giving $2,335 coin, aud $5U2
currency per scholar.
This is nearly double what it waa last
year, and will doubtless add quito an impe
tus to tbe cause of common school educa
tion in the county. .
In looking over the educational interests
of the county for the last year, it is gratify
ing to be able to report a decided ndvance
over previous years, in many respects.
The city of Salem, which contains about
one-fourth of the children of the county, at
the last annual meeting voted a tax for frte
schools within the city. Tho results of the
year have been so satisfactory thut it is not
likely that Salem will ever give up free
schools. So it has been in many other dis
tricts. The Free School system is in favor among
the masses, nnd they arc ready to yield a
hearty approval of any good school sys
tem that will secure it.
Supt. Schools,
Marion County, Oregon.
To Ot:it Businkss Mkn. As will be seen
by a glance at our new advertisements, a
few of our business men havo awakened to
their own interest and shown their public
enterprUe by a liberal use of printer's ink.
We leel justified in saying tbey will profit
by their investment for there is no use
denying the fact the country as well as the
city people read their advertisements ; and
when they do their trading will patrunize
lho;e who they know are in busiuess by
having been told so through the paper.
We shall call upon tbe balance of our mer
chants during the week and solicit their ad
vertisements and ne expect to meet with
abuudant succc.-s.
Ukaxd I.oogb Delegates. Yesterday's
trains brought a large number of delegates
to the Grand Lodge of Good Templars
which convenes in this city to-day. A large
proportion of them were of the fair sex,
and it docs our reportorial heart good to see
their smiling faces. The delegates were all
provided with accomodations by the citi
zens of the place, and our city will no doubt
present a lively personal appearance for the
next few days.
Shall Vox at Kola. We hear that
there ia a case of small pox at Eola, I'olk
county. The town authorities have takeu
the precaution to fence up the main street
to that outsiders cannot break iu and catch
ic. Tbe disease having developed itself in
another place, it will be well enough for
people to vaccinate and to use all other pre
cautions against the contagion.
Miss Axna Mehlig's CoNCEttT. There
was a fashionable but not large audience ut
tbe Opera House last evening to bear MUs
Anna Meblig, the great Pianiste. The pro
gramme was a short one muoh too short to
suit the desires of the audience. There
was no very stormy applause for uuy part
of the performance, but there was a quiet
appreciation of it all, and two or three dis
criminative encores. Mr. Kestield was
twice encored, aud Miss Meblig, at the
close uf her last piece received a shower of
Lots of wool roiuing into market.
It is
worth its cents a pound.
Read our new advertisements nnd if you
wish to trade profit by them. Liberal ad
vertisers use their customers well.
Those tricky Japanese will soon be with
us. Be prepared to believe anything tbey
tell or show you.
Mr. J. Taylor slipped and sprained his
wrist yesteruUy moruing when coming out
of Price's store.
lee cream and soda water in good de
inaoJ. X. B. We indulge whenever iu
vited. Mr. Malheny'a littlo child was buried
llow about our grand celebration on the
Fourth? "Don't give up the ship.
Several weddings are tnlkod about. Xow
Bil'y dou'tyou aoeuse us of it agaiu.
The first eherrios of tbe season were in
market yesterday. They looked tempting.
Wheu writing manuscript dun't write part
ofa word and then make a long straight
mark lor tho primer to guess at.
. Don't forget Miss Mehlig's Concert Mon
day evening. She wilt arrive this al'ternorn
by special train.
What we like to see our streets crowded
with teams and the sideaalka tilled with
Tbe Bulletin says that aa the Sulem local
take " fl:es " in theirs, they won't publish
the I O. O. T. Grand Lodgo proceedings.
We will show tbem about that wben the
time comes. .
Mr. Bush says that Shannon was driving
his team when it ran away. A correction.
Charlie Hcllunbrand ba our thanks for
favors received.
Election cigars are a thing of tbe past.
Wonder if Greeley won't send us out a few.
That new pump in front of Strang's tin
(bop will prove a public good.
Our College Base Ball club play the Mon
mouth boy at Independence to-day.
Oar merchant appear to be having a
lively run of trade within tbe past few days.
Shade tree eoet but little. lon't nse
ibem sparingly aa tbey increase tba value
of your property.
lint very little country produce is coming
into town. Bring along your batter aud
Workmrn ar,c engaged in planting tbe
Coagregationol church. A good idea.
Manon Square is receiving a thorough
renovation, fiew scats, gates, awnings,
The iron door sills are being placed on
tbe Cisurt House buiMiog.
E. X. Cooke's new residence is being
rapidly pushed forward to completion.
Myers Agricultural Works already make
quite a show in the world.
The Democrats have given up figuring on
the joint ballot. The majority tciff come
Republican every time.
A grand Ratification meeting at Portland
to-night. Half fare for tbe round trip, and
a large number intend to go.
Remember the Japanese Jugglers give an
entertainment here next week. Their
trick are truly wonderful.
There was a private picnic party over in
South Salem. Somebody's birthday, so we
we beard.
Largest Political Gathering ever in
the State.
Tlie People Entliiialnstic over
tbe Philadelphia .Xomiii-
"The Band Still Playing."
l'oim.ANlv Jiuu' S. Tho jubilee Mini
ntilk-.itioii tnes'tiiig now in ir";n i
iiium-it-:. The !-ikv.-miiii ' which
formed at eijjlit r. m. w;is one of tin?
largest Politiciil procession ever seen
in thW t'ity. The throng in the sti-octs
amounted to a regular jam tnovinji
for tin hour towards the plaza.. At the
plaza there are now not less than Ave
or six thousand jieople listenhi"; to
Attorney-General William. The air
is full of rocket. The city is lit up
with fireworks aud illuminations, and
the cauuoti is constantly booming.
The enthusiasm aud rejoicing is tre
mendous. Men were iu the procession
trom all parts of the valley. The
mention of the names of Grant and
Wilson creates immense and prolonged
htuxas. As a ratification, the demon
stration is a rousinji success.
lantrss to June .
Bintlounl Uepublirnn Con veiitiou.
Piin.ADELi'HiA.Juucii.-The weather
is delightful to-day, and the city pre
sents a beautiful aspect. Flags and
banners are waving in all directions!
and the air is tilled with music.
The hall of the Convention i pocked
with people, no space being left iliuc
enpied. flu; delegate. were nil sealed
by half past 10 o'clock, at which hour
the Convention was willed to Older by
President Settles, and opened with a
prayer by Kev. D. Harper.
The Committee on Kesolutious not
being ready to report, it was decided
to proceed with the nomination of
President and Vice President.
oiiiliiut ion ol Orniit by AecliiuiHtluii.
Colton, of Illinois, moved that U. S.
Grant be nominated for President by
acclamation. It was carried amidst
the wildest enthusiasm, the audience
and delegates cheering, waving their
hats, etc.
Result of the Oregon Elcetiuu An
iioiini'est. Kev. J. F. DeVore, of Oregon, ros;
and Kiid : "Oregon has been re
deemed. She went Republican at the
election held last Monday. For four
years we have lx-en under Democratic
rule. Xow we are Republican in Re
resentatives and iu Legislators'
Cheers for Oiogon.
KeporlN o( Committee.
Oliver Ames, from the Committee
oti Order of llusiness, rexrted in lavor
of having the States called iu alplta
betical order, each beinj; entitled to
double its Senatorial and Congressional
vole, according to recent apportion
ment ; that the reports of Committer)
on Credentials and Platlorm Ik; first
disposed of. and that roll call be tlis
ensed with on nominations, but when
a majority was given for any candi
date the chair should put the tiuestion :
Shall the nomination le made unani
mous? Rules of tbe Hou-e of Repre
sentatives were generally adopted.
The committee on credentials reported
all the States and Territories as liilly
represented, anil there was no content
except as to Dakota and I'tah. In the
case of Dakota till four delegates were
admitted with two seats. In the case,
of I'tah, Hollisterand Could were ad
mitted. Judge Southard, of Califor
nia, moved to amend the reports as
to admit both sets of I'tah delegates,
and said he understood one set was ex
cluded lx'ca use composed of Mormons.
One of the members of the committee
said they were excluded because not
regularly chosen, -and another nicin
lier said that the Mormon delegates
distinctly refused to consent to a com
promise admitting both delegations.
Southard's motion was rejected.
Nomination ol tirmit.
AVm. Cnlloui, of Illinois Iu behalf
of Grant, of the Republican party, and
of all the I 'nion ; in the name of Li!
erty, Loyalty, Justice, Law; in the
interest ol economy, good government,
peace, equality of all ; remembering
with gratitude his achievements as a
soldier in the field and as a statesman
in the Presidency, 1 nominate I", IS.
Immense and prolonged cheering
greeted the nomination, the delegates
rising en uute, and- some minutes
elapsed before order was restored.
Gen. Woodford, otXew York, arose
and said that some distinguished edit
or who has lieen nominated at Cincin
nati was a citizen of that State, and Ik;
would ask you to patw before you
make a nomination which is au elec
tion, until she can second the nomina
tion. Four years ago she seconded
Grant lwcause of recognized obligation
of gratitude to him, and to-day she en
dorses him because lie has beeu tried
and found true.
Moiulitntiou of Wilson.
Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts,
was nominated for Vice President on
the first ballot, receiving 384 '' votes to
31'2i for Colfax.
Pini.ADKi.rniA, June 0. The fol
lowing dispatch was read to the Con
vention by J. X. Foster ot Indiana :
Accept for yourself and the Indiana
delegation nty sincere gratitude for
your gallant contest. I support your
ticket cheerfully. Men are nothing,
principles everything. Nothing must
arrest the Republican triumph until
equality under tlie law like the liberty
from which it springs is universally
acknowledged, and that the citizenship
of the humblest being is as sure of pro
tection against outrage anil wrong as
was the Roman citizenship of old.
The dispatch was received with ap
plause, and the chairman then at 10
minutes past 4 p. si. declared the Con
vent adjourned die. It is conced
ed on all bands that it lias been the
largest Convention in numbers, tho
most respectable in character and tho
most harmonious nnd enthusiastic in
spirit of -tn J political Convention ever
before hekriu this country.
The Executive Committee was or
ganized by electing the following offi
cers : Chairman, K. I). Morgan ; Sec
retary, W. S- Chandler. L'xeeutlve
Committee K. D. Morgan, ot Xew
York ; W. Clatliti. of Massachusetts ;
Marshall Jewell, of Connecticut ; A.
G. Cattell, of New Jersey ; Oliver P.
Morton, of Indiana ; William II. Kem
ble, of Pennsylvania ; J. Y.Scaminon.
of Illinois ; K. B. Cowan, of Ohio ; G.
W. Dodge, ot Iowa ; George E. Spen
cer, ot Alabama ; C. C. Fulton, of In
diana ; Joseph C. Abbott, of North
Carolina ; George C. Gorham, of Cali
fornia ; J. T. Averill, of Minnesota;
William A. Howard, ot Michigan.
In the evening an immense ratifica
tion meeting was held under the ant
pices of the National league. Mor
ton M. McMichael presided, and
speeches were made by Hon. John A.
Bingham, Governor Samuel Bard, ot
Tennessee, and others, and resolutions
were adopted indorsing the platform
and nominees and pledging its sup
port. fonsrrem tonal
WASiniTON,June 7. In the Senate
yesterday Mr. Chandler made a brief
speech showing that the recent state
ments made by Mr. Sumner regarding
Secretary Stanton's personal attack
on General Grant's ineompetaney as a
manager ot Natioualatfairs were with
out foundation. Rut that on tlie con
trary be bad bean I K. M. Stanton
many times speak of General Grant in
the highest terms.
. The Kpisntah Ilebellion.
Madrid, June 7. General Techojtie
telegraphs to the Government that L
200 Carlists are concentrated at Rou
cand, and he is preparing to attack
t rain Paris.
Pakm, June 7. In a debate iu tlie
Assembly ou the Army bill, yesterday,
Trochn in a brilliant speech submitted
a proposition that three instead of live
years should form a term of service in
the army and that tlie term may be
reduced two years by meritorious con
duct. (lii-eHa tonal.
Washixhtox, .lime 7. In the Sen
ate, the bill to reimburse tbe United
Slates Marshal's expenses lor taking
tlie ninth census according to theeotn
pensation allowed by the orginal. The
Act was passed.
The sundry civil expense to the Ap
propriation bill were taken up. The
ntotiuti of tlie Committee to strike out
the section allowing pay to mail car
riers In rebel States prior to May 31,
lijiia, was carried by a vote ol 3 to 27.
An amendment by Cole, authorizing
tlie Secretary of War to extend the
spiral service so as to take observa
tions fir the benefit of ngricuitniT; was
'flic conference report on the iK'ti
ver and Rio Grande Railroad bill was
agreed to.
A Grant and Wilson meeting was
held here to-night. Senator Sherman
Xuw Your, 7. Dr. Lanhani was
arrested on the charge of slander by
complaint of S. G. Gootletiough.
TorrifleBitiii-Ktoriu in Illinois Stork
llronnrd KMilronda I'wtroy -i-
Ileuw, Baratn, HridyesgHiMl i'viiee
Nwett Aaj.
CiiicakQ, June 7. There are re
ports of a rain-storm of unprecedented
violence, tu Wednesday uight, through
out Central IHinois. "doing immense
damage to property of all kinds. Thou
sands of bead of stock along the river
bottoms Jtave beeu sjrrowned. Many
lives are reported lost. Railroad
tracks. lirVdges. aud culverts liave beeu
waslied away, and in tlie lowlands and
Illinois river bottom lsouses and barns
have been floated off with their con
tents. Reports are meagre, as com
munieatiou of all VinsJs is much ob
structed. Race Itrtwecn
"auvlftaanlih Maid"
nnd "laicj- T1mm."
PinLAPFXiMii v .fviue 7. The race
lietween Goldsmith Maid" tuid "Lucy
Thomas'' this aftcrmxju was witnessed
by thousands of persons. Rain fell
hiring tlM litsf tri belts. The time
by !h
trotted out ImiIvxcu iaUs ami ui:tdo
2:2.13 3.
LiUsor Stale Ticket tor Tenusnwea.
XAsirvTLUi. June 7. The Labor
Reform State Executive Committee to
day agreed upon a Stau; ticket, with
John C. Brown for Governor and An
drew .lolmsim for Congressuu;u for the
State at large.
Katiliraliou ieiiiii by r
Kfrerilloii ol lusUaim.
X ew i iikk. June i . A lar'e rati
fication meeting of colored people was
held in Jirookivu to-ni-'lit
A reception has been given to Bed
Cloud aud others f tlie visiting In
dians at Cooper Institute.
WAsmsc.TOS, June 8. Both Houses
agreed on a Conference report on tbe
bill juiying awards to Southern claim
Conference report on River. Harbor
ami Fortifications Appropriation bill
were agreed to in both Houses. Tlie
only bill not signed, or ready for sig
nature, is sundry civil expenses ap
propriation bill
Senate met at 0 r. M. Resolution of
tbanks to Vice President Colfax for
his courtesy, dignity, ability and im
partiality as presiding officer, were
unanimously passed.
House bill refunding duties on goods
in bond on August first, passed.
TrpnMiry Stateauent.
Balances in the Trea-ury to-day :
Currency. .'),5.'7."22 ; win, $S7.33'J.-
25.S:0,0O() iu certifl-
Tho President to-day nominated W.
B. ( 'liecsebrough Assistant Secretary
of Legation at London, vice Max
Wondhull. resigned.
Iiiliaji stnsl J a in cw York.
Nkw 'Youk, June 8. Red Cloud
x iitl party, and a portion of the Japan
ese embassy, met to-day at a Wall
atrcet bunking house, while being
shown through, and were introduced.
The Indians visited the Custom House,
Stock Kxchango. Treasury, and other
point? of interest on Wall street.
A Can? of Abduction.
Ontakio, June 8. There is consid
erable excitement here over the al
leged abduction of Knfus Bratton, an
American, charged with robbing the
posjoiliee a IliU-lxiro. North Carolina.
) le was seized by a detective, chloro
formed, taken to Detroit, and thence
sent to North Carolina. Iemaud will
be mudc t:r bis extradition.
Tlie riiiIiMlrlhlA iosninve.
Washington, June 8. Republican
Congressmen are delighted with the
Philadelphia Convention and are uni
versally and strongly confident tliat
they will elect the ticket if the iHmio
erats endorse tin; Ciucluuatiii Conven
tion, which is now almost absolutely
'ointutlii Confirmed.
Washington, .Tune 9. Among tlie
nominations continued by the S-nate
yesterday are those of G. Wells, of
Ky.. Consul of Copenhagen ; Isaac
Wells, Marshal ot the Eastern Dis
trict of Montana ; Araham G. Hoyt,
Register of Land Office, Santa Fe ;
Wm. A. Granger, Register of Land
Office. X'evada.
Treaty with Japnu.
Iu about two weeks the Treaty le
tuveeti the United States and Japan
will be completed, nnd the Eniliassy
will etid their otliciul relations with
the Government.
The Indiana IH-ICKatea Interview Vice
I'rvxisleiat 4 oliax.
Washington, June 0. Those of
the Indiana Delegates now in the city
ou their way home from Philadelphia,
together with the Indiana Republican
Congressmen, called last evening upon
Vice President Colfax. Judge Denny,
of tlie Indiana Delegation, in a brief
address, expressed to the Vice Presi
dent their appreciation of his invalua
ble services to the Republican party,
aud their regrets as Indtauiaus ut bis
defeat in tbe Philadelphia Convention,
and t heir pride at his patriotic conduct
in joining them iu a hearty endorse
ment ot tlie ticket nominated, their
approval of his manly telegraph to tlie
Convention, and their high apprecia
tion of the honorable maimer iu which
he conducted the contest. They ad
ded the expression of au opinion that
if he had consented to make personal
efforts in hu own behalf, as all candi
dates are permitted to make without
los of character or manhood, the re
sult would have been different, and
they concluded with assurances bf
gratitude, esteem and confidence. Tlie
Vice President, in reply expressed his
pride and gratification at the friendly
assurances of the Delegation, and con
cluded with warm expressions of his
devotion to the Republican party,
wishing especially a decisive victory
in October in tlie contest in Indiana,
and he should join with tlieru in No
vember in cordially supporting Grant
nnd Wilson for President and Vice
President of the United States.
U re it ml lev eaitrdn don't Come over to
our Jubilee.
London', June 6. It Ls said tliat
orders for Grenadier Guards to nroceed
to America to participate In the I5o-
ton feace Juotiee nave been counter
manded on accouut of opposition made
in uk House ot Lords the ouier even
A nntldl
tx-tween Vietoriann
Victokia, June 6 The first of the
second series of international miitohes
commenced on Monday at Colwood
California, 60 aud 112 ; Victoria, 91
and 05, with six wickets to go down.
Stumps was withdrawn at 6 p. m.
The Yicttiruins wbh to play It out.
iiliforuians relu-ie, faying it is
drawn gniue. in iik-v ix-rsist in
the decision no more matches will take
A foot race, between Lawton of tlie
Californians and Powell of the Vic
torians, was likewise postponed In
definitely on the same accouut.
Another Telesrraiptiki C'ssbte Arrow
lite Knslistb lluMtnel Itismark'a
Losdon, June 7. Tlie laylnp; of tlie
additional telegraph cable to the Con
tinent Is completed. The line runs di
rect from the lowest point on the Stw-
rex coast to Eindeu, Hanover. Tele
graphic communication was opened
Blsmnrk U goirg to the Tsle of
Wight for the benefit of his health'.
British EKtlaantr of Our Danuac.
XKW YOKK. June 8. Tlie Loiidnti
Telegraph of tbe 2.-tli ot May states
t'uit Commissioner Cohen and Young,
appointed l5y the Board ot Trade to
examine the claims of the American
ca', consider that tlie total claims
amounting to $18,000,000 will be am
ply met by aJS.oOO.OOO.
Tlie reKrt ot the Admiralty Coin
inissioners on the claim for expense
Incurred by the Tinted States navy In
pnrsuit ol" Confederate cruisers con
cludes that the greater portion of tlie
cliiiiu r 7.IXH,0IXt U inadini.ssable.
atd that if Great Britain is held liable
fir four cruiser, the Alabama. Flor
id i. G-oriria ami Slieuandirih. tin
at sottnt could not extved L.-00,000.
CAI.I t'OltM A.
V.tuuir SIrnN llrmibllrstii ltil !
-vUvm ol tbv ui'WK utlral' .uiu-
Sas Fkaxcisi'o. June 0. The Younir
Men's Republican Club will receive alt
the candidates tor ineniliership without
restriction of aire or color, so that they
tie for Grant for President.
The re-nomination of Grant being
fully anticipated, no excitement what
ever whs caused by It. .o crowds
guthered around the bulletin boards.
and tlie matter was hardly a tonic of
momentary conversation in the street".
There is no show ot political excite
ment In the city, and unto this time
this promises to be the quietest Presi
dential canvass ever seen In California.
Democrats who won't vote tor Greeley
seem nearly as numerous as Republi
cans who won't vote tor Grant.
t rain Nnm Francisco.
San FliANCist'O, June 7. The Ex
ecutive ('ommittee of the commit
tee of one hundred presented their re
port on the Mission Bay railroad grant
and the railroad matters generally to
tlie committee in sessiou this after
noon, seventy members being present.
The report, which occupies nearly
three columns ot the Bulletin, was
adopted iiuaniiuou-ly.
(t is sealed 'hat the German steamer
Heitha will sail for Eui'o;.e i'ltursilay
The refusal of Judge Dwindle to
grant a change of venue in the case of
Sirs. Fair, was fully anticipated ami
excited no surprise. The order for a
special venire of 200 iitrors, returnable
ou the 24th lust., Is already in the
bands of an ollicer. and it is believed
that not much dilllculty will be found
in getting a jury.
Geo. W. Lyon, aged 45 years, a
native of New York, ranchman, living
in the vicinity of Iigtiua Mcreed,
drove his team into the upper end of
Lagitna Honda reservoir near the
almshouse this afternoon to let them
drink, when they nut out into deep
water with the wagon and both horses
aud driver were drowned. A similar
accident occurred to a peddler in the
same locality some fifteen years since.
The Fourth of July meeting this
evening appointed a committee to se
lect, another committee of 200 to make
all arrangements for the celebration.
The Republican County Committee
met this evening and indorsed the
Philadelphia candidates and platlorm,
received a circular trom the State Cen
tral Committee requesting immediate
organization In all towns of the state,
and passed a resolution calling for the
immediate organization of wan I clubs
in all parts of the city and tlie raising
of funds to cany ou the campaign.
Interior Calilorniit Iiptlrlie.
Pktai-Vma. June 7. The news of
tne noiiiuuttion ot urant and uson
was warmly welcomed by the Repub
licans of this place. The party unani
mously, endorse the ticket.
T his is the warmest day of the sea
son thermometer iW in the shade in
the afternoon.
AlT.ritN, June 7. This morning a
son of Geo. Einsmary while out gun
ning by .some means accidentally dis
charged his gun, tearing away tlie
right side of his neck, severing tlie jug
ular vein and causing almost instant
YttKKA, June 7. The sixth annual
picnic of tbe Yreka Turnvercin com
mences to-morrow anil continues three
The nomination of Grant and Wilson
was received with real satisfaction by
the Republicans ol this place.
Passengers overland report tlae
roads, stock and coaches in sislcudui
condition and travel is increasing.
Krtort that Jnllaaa will ttf maart Ur
Karate lor itrerifjr rarailr ol uie
San Fkascito, .lime 'J. A nitiKr
is 111 circulation, la-H'd ii)mmi letters
from prominent svinitiithivr with the
(Jnt'lev inovenieiit at tho Jitst.
Hon. tJeorc V., of Indian:),
will visit tin; Tacit'ic const iiimI stump
California for the Cincinnati iJatfonu
mid caiiiliilat".
The turnout of tlie Fort3--Xiuers to
day was a very pictert-siitic and at-
tnctlve affair. TIm- t'nii;xraiits cross
ino; the plains an l coining UstO' Caltor
nia; the poltl hunter put ui'-: out Hr
the mouutaiiis with their implements
and gruh jweked upon mrileH atxl
hoises ; the llrst tage concls tor lIa
eerville aud ( 'oloma, from Sucraiiioii
to; the miners retuniinjj Com tho
placers; Indians; native Ciilifitruiaik
etc., were nil Mitlilully rvpresvtitetl.
itid tlie variety ot costumes irave a
striking effect to the procession; 'ltiey
cairieii an immense white tl-ig with a
grizzly bear depicted on it. and the
musicians all wore the costmises of
travel. The mariners, about 200 offi
cers and men, from tlie German frigate
Jlerth-i, inti relied in the nrocessioii.
Passing through Alontgomcry street,
the procession uouutermarclwd in front
of the Pioneers' Hall which tliev
cheered. Then returning to Oilili-niLi
street, passetl down to tlie German
Consul's olHce, clHjered it, tlieii
marched to the City Gardens to spend
the day.
Indian 'ewa.
Los AxftEt-K", .T tine 9. Tlie Arizo
na Miner, of the 1st inst.. lias the fol
lowing: "Gen. CroVik returned to lit
headquarters near Fort Whipple, early
this week, from a conference at Oatnp
Grant, anil isarranglngfora campaign
igaiast the Apncnes.
The volunteers and soldiers under
Capt. Xlckcrsoii. from PrescoM and
Fort iv hippie, niter a harp rule or
seventv miles, overtook the Indmir
md recaptnretl about 2,000 sheep, flic
Apaches i-scared to tlw mountains.
It is reported that camp errant ami
Camp Crittnden will be abandoned.
A party ot savages rooDetl a nouse its
Gen. Crook sent I.t. Vogel and
thirty-eight men of the First cavalry
to scour the mountains south of 1 res
Commercial Ht., Knlem J
Is mnnnCicttuing a large lot of
S$Irinif Wnjfoms,
Of all styles, made o tbu best Eaem Slock.
Wagonamade lo onlcr.
shan't noti-.
Orders tilled on
Rrnnirinxaloiivnnal Work Warrantral
Hislem. Mnr.-b li .trtf
133 Froaat Nt., Portland,
C 0 m m i s s ion Merchant.
Oreson produce sold to bent advantage in
Portland or San r"ran.-.l9co. Dealer In
Covtaltrn men t Hllcltl.
Jan. 25, 1872.
Dr. Gibbons Dispensary,
Corner 'utnnii-mal, San
Fisni.-i'. jinvate s-a -I
ranre mi Cutnmer.-lnl, -lalsH-hnl
in las IS.V1. lor ihv
treatment H' ninljf
Semutfl I asiswes.
Slh ll .Ttf ;
Vl, MrU-stS1;
iomirrtiiKt. t
lure, lilli.-: ia all ttKJall
i.. ,.,.- w... wii i'.-iL atO
mi"ia'ii-Y. el'. ltn i't
eas. if ivai stamina
ilitil t''erli I I. s;-1. t.inv ,i,rA....
Mr. i.ll:;iiiN 'e. mnvei aimisin.--
iiiBii'iit in: Irii- nr.M-d film " '"K
j siiih-itl h-'li:il T Knri.if. .u.-t lias n-
i 'i'lie fin. lor hn ftin-il iieltlirr line" w
' iiwney In m-kLIii nut .ivw ri-iii.sliec. and lius
1 lituriied vi! Ii iiK-rea-ssi fartiilies lor lite .'illi'-
vtatlon t' human siMl'eri)
( Keaiinnl iVrakn.
J Stujiiuil eniissliuia In lliefinisciini til rl veil
alnu. This lailitary vke. eriieiiniN Kt ie'lwl
lnfl!ulHi3,-i is ,ia.ifc-l liy die yMitli sit ImkIi
:w.- i4iaualniusi unlimited'Xtita'tn';
MUhaTu-miiareerialiiiy. tin' flliviiiitm'rliid
H)f!ijitm. unNss ,-nniltitisl wall M'.ieLtlln.
iiuidwsl trtM.'iil. vl. : Sallcw oninttnuiicsj,
il:u k iJitn lui'ter the eves "ln In the held,
rinirius In Hie ear. noi.w like the riii'l llii)C'f
leavcK an 'I rallllni.' of ohartit., uiiMiaiinfi'
nlMitit tlist hans. onl'iiMsl vi-i'iu. liliiiiteil lis-telltis-t.
ktfc ol cAndileiit-e. 'll!tiU'iK-e 111 ap-)ima.-lrtn);
atraneT. a tlilk-to lunn new
a.(iiaintniuei. a disy(s.lfiiiii to hun K-Jel y,
Ink-lir lliislicaielvarl luseriiptionsalioiit tlsu
tu-e. fuire.l Inutnttt. liiii bieuth, -oilj;h. ,in
uiiiiilii. ni'ii .viti-. ononuinln and fre
ipient in-auilv. it' a re 1 serf la int outalnssl,
tlie siiflereriikuulij Uil ituinnnaK-ly. in i r
ur liv letier, and liv artnv eflWlwl by
hlf new and srlentiflV mo'ls li-eatint; tlila
Uf.tit. utiV h never ialUut e3eJ:iK a iiUt k
and nsyit.'al''iire
Cured at Home.
IVtmiiui 2t A (Ustaik'e ni:iy im i-uivl at home,
tiv :iddr"4n: si letier to lir. (ill.loii, Aatlnt;
ra-, symptiims, k:nt;fli ist time tlie .llsieaMi
hacnutinue-l, and kare nmli.tiie ircntly
fH wanlei, free fiian dausaice and cininMty
loiiny wrt of the .-nuntrj-, with full aud
jilnin dins'ttonrt furusi.
lly iih'.liMliipr HOiu fin la a r.":'-tred l.-t-ti'l
thmitjrh Hie l'usl inline, r Wells, Karx
A" '.. a i. knne ineillrine will be fur
wwrded toany jmrt of tlie i'nion.
All corref-iondiMb'a. sliictls' .sonU'Sttntl.'il.
Adctre-w 1 Ii. J'. Y. I.IISKuN.
Box I3."7, San Krau j:a, I jst
Feb l'l deadfwlv
D It . i! UFE LAND'S
TIIE FIUT and Most ll.altlifn! Tonic
.' eTiTlntroiliiceit in the United (states
I The I!lttsrshavelMen
linttiestftn rran-.lsconi;ir-fket
f:r over tvtkntt
! p i:.i!.saud iintvithsianl-
ins; the inanynew t-andld-
i ates lor pulilir. lavor. the
tales hiive cousuinlly lu
, treasisl.
fSole AeenlH, 4UH ami 411
! t'lar .-striwt, sail Krau-
I Aprl"'72,dAwlin
Wholesale aad Retail Dealers In
State Street, Salem.
Sold Orrgon Agent for
- p.. j ,
I ChlCKering
and Emerson
Mason & Hamlin,
A N" I)
Taylor & Farley Organs.
Have just received a largo Invoke of the
above InstruiiKMits whl h we offer for
i Rent and for Sale on Monthly Installments
, C--fall nnd examine our new atylosofOr
, Kns, conuitntnlnij aomc of the llncst cimt)tna
( lionit and more variety ofaonml than any oth
. er Iiiatrmneiil offered for saMi In this city.
A law isKirtim-nl ot OPERA Ml'.SIt'-
with ami wltlKSil worls. Alan, a wel ktaanrl-
el otock of
li t MiimIc.
Order taken for any le.- of Music pub
lished. A FI LL 1JNE OK
Blank Books,
Paper Envelopes and
Initial Stationery.
ow in use in our public schools constantly on
AVnafull Hue nf
now on hand.
EjT'lilve iu a call before purchasing else
1 whore.
ll O 3X l'Z
Mutual Insurance Company.
CAPITL, S 1 ,000,000 !
JOIf - H. aFI)l;T li-rlent
UM. 11 - IIOVs AHI Vlee HrewUlrtil
CH.tKI.Rl K. NTWKV SeereHsry
X. K. tiDY Marine Seerelaary
H. ll. BIUELUvt ... .venerea .nanasrer
I) 1 K K C T O 1! S :
P. Wa-ernaan, It.ioMmiHh,
M. Vewin, I. Maeleay,
Meyd Itrooka.
Ssiaa I.. F.rsver
Dallen I. M. I'lftarh
Allmsav J. A. C rawl.
I vol Lou J. Loweaabcrfr
Uenernl Arut, Portlnad.
Asfesst at Naleoa.
private lustrtutor for marrted jernonn. or
hoe about to be married, both male and fe
nale. In everj-thlng ooncenilns; tbe iihynloloiry
vl rebkUona of our sexual nvstem, and the
s-oducUnn and prevention or otTxonnsr, in
hiding all the new discoveries never before
Iven in tlie tmrllsli lanintace. bv WM.
.'Ot; NO. M. n. Tlil la reallv a valnalila and
iletevtbw work. It la written In olaln btn-u.-tgu
for the general reader, and i llliixtraicd
,1tli numerous KuKravlnga. All youiiR inar
ied peo) ile, or tboe coiilemjilattng marrlaee,
ml havlna the least, ttniwdiincnt to nsarrleil
fe, liould read thin Isook. it dlxclotwHHecrets
tat every one should be acquainted with ; still
In a lxaik that nium lie locked nnand not let
.e alioiit the honi. It will be sent to any tvi-
rt'ffinn m 01 niry cents. -nrvf 1 yr
VM. YOl'XG. Xo. 416 Piirih street, above
winn, rnniei)itia. TKH A X I I "X KORTCX ATF.
So innttor whitt may Iw your due.-". Iiel'ore
mi place yonrnelf umler the care of any one
t tne miA.i native arm foreign who ad.
artlse in tills or any other jnper, get a copy
f Dr. Yonnfi'a Book and read It carefully. It
. 111 ix- me moans ot Bavin; you manv a dollar,
our health, ami possibly your fife. Ihr.
ount; can lie consuitea on anv of the diseases
e!riiiel in his publications bv mail or at hia
lc. So. 416 Spruce atreet, above Fourth,
lumoeiniis. Jam
Shaving Saloon !
tot an4 Cold Baths Always Ready
Injrle Bath, .....SO C'las.
Iiree Uatli Tie Is eta, 1 (Ml
evet. . a
alem, mv23-ltf
i i a s
Will aew amyihiag needed la a ttmfly, from
the btmvieM to the lightest fabric
Than any other machine.
If tiere g a Florence' Sewing Ma
chine -within one thousand miles of
Ban Fcaneisco not working ell and
giving entire satisf action, if I am in
formed of it, it will be attended to
without expense of any kind to the
19 Naw Montgomery Street,
Grand Hotel Building, San Franclaco.
Send for Circular mnd tampUa o
tin work. AtUee Anemia mmitted in
aacry ploc.
J'eb. I ibtwlv
Sparkling Rubies!
A New Sabbath School Book
An apianoiiriatc nnrne fnr Il ls neat, eom
V.'tPuad pliup-il'ivll'Hi oftsttu4Ral futna
(about 15(i of liH-ui,. bv A. lit 'I.I. and II.
SAL'MIKKS. Miisic, nkw, F'i!, Mniii-r-:l!
1'RH i: 33 K.V"M.
"Sever traab'e trouble Iitl IrotiMe ironbea
b the lit' nfa f:ivi.r!:e Sony by Wellinan,
ild eentsL
Js the nam of a eoniatct bok of tlQ nope,
which can lie carried in Uie nKket, and et
cantaiiiAa verj' larps jroKvtia of tbe mont
1sijular film tunes. ;rltual on;il. Ar-, Ac
t would be dirtV.ttlt tncmiialea moreeonven
ient hook for The Veiry, Tlse Prayer Meet
ing, or tyvjal Sininnf; MuettnK.
liv ASA JIL'LI- l'ri.j to emits.
Kverjdsmlv IAe
Loesrh. 40 cent a.
The Mussiral Treasure,
tVintli.nea to be a (Jreat Siiecem. Great vari
ety of the best Vix ul and luvtrusuental Muso
I'rice in lids. t 20; t'ln. t3: liilt 4.
The alKve Bixiks and Vlecen sent ostrauil
on recetfit of retail tri--e.
OI.IVKU ldTXIX & OO., Huston.
C. II. DITSON it CO., New York.
New Goods New Goods !
cuBajiiment of
prhiix itiiti Sum hut (oodit,
IMLl'IlIKl) 1
Custom Made Clothing,
liootM and 8I1008.
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting,
Groceries, H3to.
t-y Freoh tioods by evcrv uteamer. Call
and price our goods, and you will be eon-
lias received and is now opening the
Choicest Selection of
cverbrougtil to this city, comprising tho'
latest nm clUos In
DresS Goods,
Piques, Lawns,
Fancy Coods,
Japanese silks,
Suit Linens,
Cane Parasols,
"Dolly Vardens,"
Etc., Etc.
A beautiful lof of
Striped Cashmere Shawls,
Shetland & Real Llama Lace Shawls
Also a consign ment of "OREIDE GOLD
Ladies' and Misses' Shoes,
As we boy our goods in tbe Eastern Mar
kets for cash, we shall continue to sell at such
prices as to defy competition. For the next
days wo shall sell
SO Pieces Dolly Varden" Prints, at 13 eta .
worth 10.
leo Pieces Bleached and Brown Domestic,
at 12 ctx, worth 19.
SO Pieces Lonsdale. 4-1 Bleached Shirting, at
I cts., worth SO.
S3 Dozen Linen Handkerchief, at IX cts.,
. worth 1.
SO Dozen Ladles' "Iron Frame" Hose, at 28
cts., worth 37.
IS Dozen French Corsettwu 91, worth 91 SO.
IOO Sea Side Parasols, at 91, worth 81 BO.
SO Dozen Latics' Hose, at 13 cts., worth SS.
100 Lace Collars, at 33 and SO cts., worth
?5. B. Our lsuyer has arrived from the
East and will be In attendance to display the
Cnasae reinl
tta-evt, SaUcaaa,
per month everywhere, Male and
Female, to tntroduoo tbe genuine improved
This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tack, bind
braid, cord, quilt, and embroider In a most su
perior manner. Price, only $15, fully licensed
and warranted for Ave years. We will pay
f um fiir a ty machine, high prtve or low, that
will sew. a stronger, more beutlful or more
elastic seam than ours. It makes the Elaa.
tie IiStrH-Mtltrh. Everv second stitch can
by cut, and still tlie cloth cannot be pulled
ainrt without tearing it. We pay Agents 100
lo i!W per month, and expenses, or a commls
sbiQ from which twice tliat amount can be
made. For circulars aisl terms, apply to or
S. Marshall JL Co.,
'o. 104 Nassua Street.
New York.
CACnoST.-Do not be imnoted upon by
other parties traveling through Ihe country
palming en worthless cast-iron machines nn
der the same name or otherwise, hirsts the
only genuine and really cheap machine man
ufactured. ,
Heavy and Shelf-Hardware.
Iron aTvnd Otool.
Agents Ibr the sale of
51 and 55 Front St., Portland, On.
May 27:dawtf
GEO. U. JO.VE!".
v;vri rtomc Rh1t
Attentlotl f ffrf Ur tfrsv fsaV
lowlnir Iaeseriptlsm Protseriy
1 ftf At 'R KS fmir miles nfih nf anlenT
JLvftLr small iinrovemiitts; land ell
lix-texl and some fine tlmlxTJ ptvr fW ptV
QO 4 AtllES. 4 mil- south nf Mleitlj
Olar" known lis ihe .I0I111 Mbitn hmfv
Well iiiTiirovetl ; prk-c, ".,iioo - liberal lraaa.-
tf fl ACRES hi Polk conntT : 4 mMei if
ii'i'x wof.Halvm; u". n. rv in csiliavn
thm ; ifood stm k water and range ; price ) v
x.-r acre:
ft At'ltKSin I'olk cmmr,4 mt'eafron
Nt'.cm ; well improved ; price tltot
fTifl Acil'M miles n e of Salem: M
M. " acti-s n rullivatlon ; awl bourn
and lutrn ami Due orchard ; well watered ;
price -',WiO
0ay Pi A ''RE near Sublimit v, 15 miles se
49 f all well fenced, wl h
good slixk water) wrfc'e; 15 per sr.-re.
t rfcAI'KEf b P"lk crsmty. 1J suiles w
1 I" of Snli-m; lm)rovetm-Ris good; s
: re iu cultivation ; price
A('K7 mi:w south bf Miens : frTf
w umler fence; jpsal laarw stifl hooa;
.-onderalile iiuprovinc7it : prive $11 prr
aciv, in nautttlea to itult pnrclusiers.
(m M ( ACRES 54 miles snfflh nf Palefn;
t i a w 61) acreit In c.iiltivatlou ; all unoer
leuce j M-ice SHI );r acre.
f ACHES 15 miles north vast of fm
Awl-M: on Abtiiia creek: 7." arr.
la tiiiivatlon; sroml range, well waieftM
pnee til pur acre.
Iflfm AC15KS of land 4 mlle northeast if
laes; price 1 1 200 very cheap.
M A ACHES fi miles northwest oi SalertfJ
M: W M ;i.-i(' in cultivation: !
ra nuc well watereil anil good orclianl; prl. c
OOrfcAITtES 12 miles east of Salem ;
ojtJJ email improvemvnu; price 3l.
OfrfcACItES4 miles northeast of Sit.
-9Aw verton; valuable tarm ; well un
proved : (fooil new house mid bam; looaexca
iii cultivation; price $KJU ; terms easv.
fiff I ACHES half mile wet rfSalcra; near
9W Terry tandinjr; well Improved; price
.50 )er acre,
Ckfl ACHES prairie laml. 4 miles north ot
Jw Salemtf under fence ; Sj acres In cul
tivation ; price $15 ier acre.
-SI ST SfW ACIIKA fli'lll mil.' a.mll, vTi lun
on the suu-e road. 4u acre" under
cultivation ; nearly all under fence: onbnarv
bouse and liaru ; mini young orchard ; nn. e
f0 ACRES three miles south-east of Sa
lem. on mill creek road. All under
truce and in cultivation ; hmirand barn in a
noirauie location ; a uargain ; price fmJU.
ORACHES one mile south-west of Pa.
lera, In Polk county. All under
fence: 90 acre in cultivation: snisll hottw
and barn ; good young orchard ; verv desira
ble location, for ganienlng piirposes: prk-e
HOUSE awl half block In Jones' addition ;
li story house well tlnlsliedaml grouixU
well Improveil ; price tiiuu.
T OTS 8 and 9, bloik 4, Reels' sfddltlon, va
JLsl cant and flue location ; price ItSO.
LOTS In South Salem, near school boose :
price o00.
WW OCSE and fj lots In Robert's addition :
belonging to M. E. Moore; price 15fA.
ESIDEXCE of I. S. Dyar, on Capital W.i
prscv fuw.
f OTS 5 and 6, blo.-k 35. on Church street i.
MlA vacant;. price 1500.
BKICK store, north end Starkev's block ;
tire-prool ; 8 mans on second floor ;
good brick warehouse ; price $45(10.
2 LOTS in Albany, hear the court bowe :
price 700; inquire of Thomas Monte is,
HOUSE and lot on Front street, near 1ms
incss part of the city ; now occupied by
Mrs, J. L. Starkey ; price 2100.
HOUSE and lot, South Salem: near rrl
dersceof H. Owens; house aanutabed:
price tWftO.
The Heating and I.esilava; asf ell
kimlsol property. Collection of Claun.
Conveyancing, c, will receive prompt at
tention. SST For further Information address,
A,wmr S.m, Oregon..
Notary Pub
A Choice List of Property both In
City Oo-iixxtxry-
al Mtai band for sale.
Special attention given to Renting H
Legal Papers Drawn Up,.
Taxes Paid, !teo., Jscar-
Bnslness entrusted to our care wf
Absentees or Residents
of the City, will receive careful aaaentloa.
Oregon. Special attention given to tb
oulieclsou of accounU, rents, tssv
Real Estate ! Rextl Estate-! .
jAi-nn s-rrrzEi. vo,
ke rs. Rooms on ttrst lloor corner Front
and Washington streets, Portland, Oregon,
will attend to the sale and purchase of real
estate in all parts or Oregon. Special atten
tion given to the sale ef tarming land..
April 10, dfturtf.
Forbnvlng awl forwarllng direot, via lath
raw Kail and ! Horn, with Nsn
Fraiwlwo oonnectlonx, all ebiMes
atat vartetn-s of MurctutnaUae,
and lor sale of Exisorts from
the North-vYost.
AdvnnismiKleon approveit cotstagntauasta.
lUidoninrorespectUilly soilclted.
All onlers and biMnesu will roxlre pnm4
S.Y Xattonal fc. Bank,
.lea era A. E. C K Tiltnn, l Llliony
Mows. J. I- Brownoll Bnss., Bankers.
Messrs. Bentley, Miller 4 Thomas, M iMtnth
, Messrs. LoVl ft Ttltoa. Rankers, Por. ind.
A. A. MoCiilly, Esq., Ntleis.
New Hlio Nliop.
east side of Commercial street, opposite
the Overland Store, where he ia prepared U
Make and Mend Boots and Shoes.
The be 4 of work dona U order, aud the Dab
Be is Invited to give aie a call.