,m""W ( fx-' i r - I I II mkixj Oregon statesman. The City and County. From Daily of Saturday, May 25. ItAXD RECEPTION. Attomrjfttral WIUIntaMt- Korenadvd. Sprhcit, aad m Oeneral IVood Time. Last evening a little before ten o'clock about one hundred sad fifty of General Williams' personal frienda and constituents, proceeded to tbe residence of Mr. E. N. Cooke to serenade bis guest, and show in a befitting manner their appreciation of him as a statesman, gi-ntleinu aud geuul friend. Arriving there, the 9 SALEM BltJLSS 1NI etationeii themselves inside the yard, be neath the foliage of some grand old trees, and pl;iyd a couple of beautiful pieces. At the close the crowd begaa calling for ATTOHKEY-GKXEKlt. WILLIAMS, and in response he soon made bis appear ance on -the porch and began an apology, saying that owing to the fatigue of the day aud a severe hoarseness he would out be able tu speak at any length, only thanking them for the honor they had done him in thus calling upon him to address them. He said that he had returned to this State part ly on private business, and partly to talk with the people in a good old-fashioned way. He had now been in the State about three week, and bad canvassed the south ern portion of it, and had found the Re publican party thus far working together in a united, harmonious manner, fully re solved to rescue the State from Democratic misrule and corruption on Jane 3rd. He said thut ho regretted to find HARK) COCKTr otherwise, owing to personal squabbles ; but be hoped that when they met at the ballot box they would lay such matters aside, and with one united struggle roll np a round ma jority throughout the entire State. The coming election was not only uf local inter est, but it was of national importance, and he urged upon the friends of tbe party to work together, and if old Marion would only do her duty (as he felt assured she would) one week from next Monday the State would go Eepublieau by a handsome majority. He alluded to our county as be ing the BANMER COCSTT of the State, and be said that he felt aured she would give her usual Republican majority on this occasion a she baa always done in the past. Again thanking the crowd for the compliment paid him he said he would talk to them to-day upon the po litical issues of the times, and for the time would ask to be excused, and to bid them coon SIGHT. Three cheers wera-tben proposed for him which were given with a right good will and echoed back from the bills of old Polk, which seemed to say, "We will help you," and after the band had played two more piece the crowd broke np, and each voter went home resolved to do all in bis power to swell tbe majority which Oregon will roll up for Republican principles on June 3rd, 1872. Reallt Essk.ytial. Realizing how of ten local reporters are accused of deviating from tb truth semi-nceasionally we copy a portion of one of Mark Twain's lectures in excuse for the habit. He said : " A re porter has to lio a little, of course, or be would be discharged. That is the only drawback to the profession. That is why I left it. I am different from Washington ; 1 have a higher and grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lio but I won't. Reporting is lancin ating; but then it is distressing tu have to lie so." Thcro now. Can yuu blame us any? Especially when items areas scarce as they are in Salem seven days in tbe week. Jude not thatyebe not judged." Grajd Excukhiuk ox the Foceth. Following are the rates of faro to all points and return i Port- A Ho- Cas- Dal land. toria. cades, lea. From Eugene A ret'n 18.08 fJ.OO 9.00 Jtv-tion 5.50 8.00 7.50 . W.00 Harrisbtinr44" Halsev -Albany 44 Jefferson " Marion . 44 Turner's 44 Salem " Brooks 44 Oervals 44 Hulihard 44 Aurora 44 Orea-'nClly 44 Clackamas 44 . S 00 t.00 3.oO a. -a 3.00 4.7S 2.25 2.00 1,75 1.30 .75 .50 7.75 7.50 .5t .00 5.75 5.50 5.2.J 4.75 4.50 4. 05 4.00 S.M 3.00 T.M 7.00 6.00 5..-.0 4.15 5.00 4.7i 4.23 4.00 3.75 3.50 2.75 4.50 t.00 s.50 7..50 7.00 6.75 6.50 e.tt 5.75 5.50 5. is 5.00 4.i 4.00 Personal. We clip tbe following item from yesterday's Orefouian- "Alfs" Salem friends will without exception re mark, " Them's my sentiments :" " We learn that Mr. Alfred Belt, who has been freight clerk oa the steamship line be tween this port anal San Francisco, for the last three years, has tendered his resigna tion to the company, and is on his last trip to this port, lie intends to engage in bon nes in an Francisco. Mr. Belt is a young man of very competent business bahila, and has many friends whose good wishes attend him. Pcblic Emteeprisc Joaos k Patter son have just issued a well arranged circu tar giving la a most concise manner somo valuable information regarding our State and its varied facilities encouraging emi gration. They propose to circulate them widely throughout the Eastern States, and they will no doubt be of great service to those desiring information regarding Ore gon. Cocsitt Orrics Casoibatks. These gen tlemen after a vigorous campaign in the northern portion of our State returned Inst evening. The Republicans were in excel lent spirits and reported everything in the political by -out in the most tattering cod sditioo. Xo Great 1.vkeX. O. A. Brown came down from Albany last evening, and porta that he bad drives all the Iadiaua away from that place, and that there was no eaase for alarm in regard to the recent report of imall pox in that vicinity. MARBian. 0or friend W. II. Barr and Miss .Sadie Cromwell were married last Thursday evening at the residence of and by Rev. S. C. Adams. May their future be a pleasant one. From Daily of fiumlcy May 2(5. Fro SoL Tnuaa Ousos. We were talk ing with our friend J. G. Holbert, yestcr day, who had just relumed trow an ex tended tour throughout the southern por tioil of our State"; and be says that bnsi- nesi ne sit loeked livelier nor crop bettor thai they do at tbe present time. Fall wh at is now twe feet high, and a very larf e amount uf it sowa, which gives the most Battering promise df an unusual large vivid. lie wtat a bent 0 miles) Swath of uiene, and says the railroad is being pushed rapidly forward, and a very large fordo of men and teams basily engaged. The country is settling np very fast, and the settlete between Eageae aad Oakland are expecting a large immigration during tbe ensuing season. Tbey bar advices fro n many Californiaas, who have become disialisfied with that State, owing to its lont and withering dry seasons, and eon template comiug to Oregon at an early day. lie says that he has seen some of tbe finest " land hs ever laid eyes on, during his trip and Wits much surprised to see it to thick ly iettled. New towns -are riogiog np in different portioas of the' State, and aew stores are found at nearly every cross road doi 14 a thriving busiaass, as money seems pic Bty aud credit, rarely asked for. Farmers an busily engaged in making Improve- acuta around their houses. Mr. Holbert noticed oae thing In psrticulor, an.d that wak thai the settler of that neighborhood seetiM'd more metropolitan In their ideas ant erected good and substantial, as well tasteful residences aud out houses, white their fences and general improvements seemed to resemble those seen in the East ern States quite as much or more than those seep ia our immediate vicinity. Tbe wool elijf has been abundaut and nearly all dis posed of at fiiir prices. VRAXD LODGE DEAIMON. The following questions were submitted to the Committee on tbe Btato of the Order at tbe recent session of the Grand Lodge of Oregon, and they made tbe accompany ing report, which was adopted. We have room this morning for only a part of the re port, but will furnish the rest of it in our next issue. Reporter QuESTioa Ko. 9. Has the N G a right to refuse a visitor admittance who is in pos session uf a traveling card, tbe AT P W and the P W of tbe 6th Degree? " Answer. .If the visitor it not posted in "the work" of the order to the satisfaction f the Ex. Com. he should be refused ad mittance. (Juestio-X No. ID. Is it necesaary for a Lodge to give a written pledge to the R W G M to abstain from the use of intoxicating beverages on any public demonstration after the R W G M baa issued a general proc lamation to all Lodges to celebrate the oc casion in any manner they tee Jit f Amswer. A written or verbal order is re quired at any such celebration. , But we question the propriety of a G M issuing a dispensation "to eelebrato in any manner members may see proper." Quxstiox No. 11. Is a P V G who is elected to fill vacancy as N G entitled to the P G Degrees, his predecessor who was a P G having served the majority of the term T Ahswer. He is. . Quxstios No. 12. Hasan Investigating Committee a right to examine an applicant for membership either by card or certificate of dismissal as to bis knowledge of the Or der? And in case he knows nothing about it must they report "unfavorable ?" Answer. It is tbe duty of the Investi gating Committee to investigate the appli cant's character and fitness for membership. The Examining Committee must do the bal ance after hit election. Qcestiox No 13. Is there any Inw re quiring tbe Warden to pass tbe Ballot Box to the V G and Sec'y when voting for can didates ? Asswer. There is not Questiox No. 14. If a member is elected on deposit of a card without the A T P W, or any order for the same, has the N G power to order bis came entered as an An cient Odd Fellow ? Axswer. No. In such a ease a brother should ask for admittance as an A 0 F without depositing his card. Qi'ESTiox No. 15'. Can a lodge discrimi nate in the admission of members by do nating the whole or any part of the initia tion fee. Is it right for a Lodge to donate a member's fee, except in ca.-es of sickness or misfortune T Axsweb. No, to both questions. Questiox No 16. Has an N G the right to declare a motion to excuse a member for non-attendance at a funeral out of order? Axswer. He has not, unless such mo tion was a violation of a By-law of the Lodge. Questiox No. 17. Has a Sub. Lodge the right when opened in the initiatory de gree to request a dispensation to confer tbe Degrees in less time than prescribed by law, or uuist such application for a dispensation proceed from tho Lodge when opened in the particular Degree applied for? Axswfr. It must come from the Lodge when opened in the Initiutury Degree. Qrr.sTiox No. IS. Is it the duty of the N G of a Sub. Lodge to ballot for Degrees the evening of application ? Axsn ER. It is. Qi estiox No. 19. Can a brother who has withdrawn from a lodge for the purpose of forming a new one, after such new one is in working order again rejoin bis former Lode in another way than by petition and payment of the usual fees? Axswer. We know of no other manner. Qtestiox No. 20. When a person ap plies for membership in a Lodge other than that nearest his residence, should the per mission of tbe Lodge nearest bis residence accompany bis petition ? VAxswf.r. It should. Qcestiox No. 21. What construction should Sub. Lodges place upon tree, lfi.13 in the Digest of the M W (i L of U S ? Axswer. We understand this Inw to ex clude all edibles or beverages (except water) from tbe Lodge Room either before, during, or after Lodge meetings. Questiox No. 22. Can a visiting card be used to gain admittance to a Sub. Lodge in tho jurisdiction where it was issued when the brother holding the same is not in pos session of tho current P W ? Axswkr. Yes. From Daily of Tuesday May 2S. SrsTOAT A mom a the Waldo Hills. Last Sahbath we took occasion to visit our old friend Ralph Gecr and take a little spin among the Silverton folks. The day was a beautiful one and the recent rains had both laid the dust causing tbe adjacent woods and fields to appear fresh and green. The erops along the road looked remarkably well. Arriving at Mr. Geer's we were treated in tbe most hospitable manner and after a sumptuous repast such as only his worthy lady can provide we were shown around his most excellent farm consisting of about 640 acres. He came to this country in 1847 and purchased his present home stead the year following giving $600 for the ssme. To-day it is worth over $5 an acre, and is as fine a farm as can be found in Ma rion county. He has about 300 acres un der cultivation, and nearly the same amount ploughed up and stocked down. He has about 20 head of horses, 50 head of cattle, and about 600 head of sheep. His stock is of the finest quality, and is looking re markably well. He has not commenced shearing his sheep yet, but the yield of wool promises to be very large. Tbe pros pects for fruit, however, are very slim, cherries, plums aud pears having been nearly all killed by the late frosts. Some of his pear trees, which for the past fifteen years have never failed him, to-day have have not a sign of fruit apex them. His grapes are looking finely, however, and ow ing to his extensive orchards he will hare fruit sufficient for his- own use, which is more than many orchard owners can say. He showed us the first Bartlelt pear tree that had ever been brought into Marion County, and remarked that it had brought bitn in over $150. It must pay to raise fruit at these figures. Leaving his residence about four o'clock we drove on to Silverton and fognd tbe little burg looking as calm aod peaceable as though never a word had been said about her political corruption, and before sunset of Jane 3rd our Dolly Varden friends will. Cod she will wheel into line with a huge majority for the Republican ticket. Arriving home at an early hoar ia the evening we felt highly pleased with our day's recreation. Avotpjkr Victim. J. B. Robinson, the well knowa overseer on seolion Ho. 11, after1 Ittiag up our depot side tracks in an excellent manner, aod getting his section ia complete trim, capped the climax Sunday by entering into a life partnership with Miss E. Pottorf, of Howell Prairie. Oh well, 'tis but human we suppose, and with all who know him we wish him much joy: Coapca CanisTi. Next Thursday, May 30th, the Cathode Church celebrates the great Feast of Corpn Chritfi, fn commem oration of tbe Adorable Sacrifice and Sacra ment. This being a holy day of obliga tion, all who eaa, are bound, under pain of mortal sin, to abstain from work and hear Mass. Those who are to situated as to be uoable to abstain from work must at least bear Mass. Cxiveksitt Adiiresb. We find the fol lowing paragraph in tbe Oregoniau of yes terday ; Colonel B. B. Taylor, editor of the Herald, has received and accepted the invitation to deliver the annual address be fore the literary societies of the Willamette University, on the 25th of next month.". From Silktjs. Recent advices from this Reservation report only four cases of small pox and they not dangerous. Therefore our eitixent seed have no fears of this loathsome disease from this section of tho cean'ry. Burglars Agaix. These light-fingered gentlemen still furnish ns with an occasion al item, and ply their nefarious trade just often enough to keep our citiiens on tbe constant look-out. But in spite ol this they manage to make a haul quite often. The most recent thing ol . this kind happened last Saturday afternoon. The family of Mr. L. T. Woodward loft their house about wo o'clock, carefully locking the doors ; and to make assurance doubly sure, nailed the windows down securely. They did not return until late at night, and on entering the bouse perceived no signs of its having been broken open. But Soon one of tbe iidy boarder having occasion to go to her room on the upperftoor found her trunk br- keuoeu and the eouienls thrown arouud the room with more regard to display than taste. Her fears were instantly aroused, and wilb the usual precaution of ber tex she glanced under the bed to find the intruder. But failing in this respect she proceeded to as certain ber loss. This on examination amounted to only about ten dollars which she bad stowed away in her trunk. Boxes were opened and toilet articles thrown around loose ; but a considerable sum of money which ws in her room , es caped notice or else the thieves were scared away before having time to examine all. Another room was entered but nothing missed. The person whoever he was had broken one of tbe panes of glass, thus gaining access to the nails which held tbe wiudows down and which were easily re moved. LOCAL BREVITIES!. Miss MehTig, the great pianist, leaves San Francisco for Portland to-day. Lots of people in town yesterday, but Dolly Vardens were scarce. Friedman's corner was used for varied purposes yesterday. Van-ious matters, from an auction down to an exposition on worms, were on hand. Young men who aim high in the matri monial line are advised to ascend Mt. Hood. Portland locals are eudeavoriug to create a MSusaiion over a n;iir ot tioitis touod on the sidewalk, and mysteriously asks "Where is the man ?" We give it up. Have you secured a ticket for Miss Meh- lig's Grand Concert? If not, wo advise you to do so. C. W. Scriber has been elected Assistant Superintendent of the South Salem school in the place of L. L. Rogers, resigned. Columbus Brown has issued 30 life in- suranse polieios during the last three weeks. Delegates for the S. S. Convention at Al bany start up this evening. John Dayton ol this eonnty has been pro nounced insane and will be sent to the State Asylum this morning. Only shout forty pounds of freight were received at this depot yesterday. Ralph Geer bas two cows of the short horn stock which yield half a barrel of milk daily. He has refused $200 for either one. We walked over on the new foot bridge yesterday noon. Can't we get up a procession of "plug nglies" on the coming Fourth. What say you, boys? Ye local on the Mercury was seen hunting arouud in the hrusb of blast alcin lor items Sunday. What luck. Miles ? Edgar A. Brown left on Monday morn ing to take charge of a telegraph office eu Vancouver's Island. Henry Stiles has concluded to try a Mor mon's lifo. He left forfait Lake City Sat urday morning. t PERSONAL AXD POMTll AI, SOTFN. John Morrissey, the gambler and prlze-tigHter, lias come out strongly in favor ot Greeley's candidature. Ex-President Fillmore is spending his oltl age in rctined leisure and com fortable affluence. His health is good, but he takes little active .interest in public affairs. Next to the Tichborne case, that of Horace Greeley a the great free-trade Presidential candidate inu-t hereafter take precedence as one ot mistaken identity.' "Poor Tom's a-coldl" Tom Fitch has returned to Salt Lake trom Wash ington, and has announced himself tor Greeley against Grant. He says he will stump Nevada for Horace. One of our Western exchanges has a caricature of spectacled Horace Gree ley playing on a harp marked 'Trib une." Underneath are the words 4-Ye Ancient Harpist Beguiling the Innocent Democracy," singing "Come ret in this bosom, my own stricken dear." The papers are publishing biographi cal sketches of Horace Greeley. One says : "We don't remember just where he was born, but his death, being more recent, we know all about. It occurred at Cincinnati, O., Friday, May 3, 1S72." Of four hundred and eighty delegates appointed so far by the Republican State Conventions to Philadelphia Con vention to Philadelphia, four hundred and sixty-eight have been instructed fur Grant. This is sufficient to nomi nate him on the first ballot. It is wor thy of remark that of these latter only ten are office holders. The force of the "Liberal"' outcry against the 44oiriee holders' convention can be estimated at its full worth in tlie face of this fact. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY EASTERX NKVYH. Tweertleduu) suid Tweedledee. Chicago, May 23. At the confer ence of Liberal Republicans and Dem ocrats, held at Springfield yesterday, the Republicans resolved to appoint a State Central Committee and hold a Convention on the 2t!th ot .June, to nominate a State ticket. The Demo crats adopted resolutions requesting the Democratic State Central Commit tee to call upon the State Convention, which meets the same daj to appoint delegates to the National (invention. A proposition is on foot to nominate a State ticket, aud the object sought is a coalition on the ticket. New York. May 23. The residence of Bergh, in upper Koeheel. burned yesterday. It is reported tltat $30,000 of l'. S. bonds were destroyed. The Hoard of Indian Commissioners is now in session at Filth Avenue Ho tel. They liad a long conference lat evening with General Walker, Com missioner of Indian Affairs, relative to the proposed sale of several Indian Reservations. The Methodist Conference to-day de cided to hold the next session at St. Louis. Friday next was appointed as tlie day, and the Academy of Music as tlie place, for the ordination of the new Bishops. Btokes AtTaiarned. Stokes was arraigned to-day to plead. His counsel, Johu McKeou, entered a social plea, the contents of which have not been stated, and tlie case was; adjourned until to-morrow. UoM Bid. Five bids were made to-day for gold, amounting to 15,000,000, at 113 to 114. The amount tor sale is $2,000,000. Terrible Tornndo. CiNCrxXATi, May 22. A terrible tornado passed over the country nortli- east or trie city yesterday afternoon. destroying a uum)er of houses and or chards In its track, which was about one-fourth of a mile in width. Democratic Convention. Louisvtllf, May 23. The Demo cratic Convention of the second Con gresslonal District of Indiana, met yesteruay, ana nominated S. . Wells, oi loyu county, lor Governor. renin aw tonal . Washington, May 23. Corbett called up the bill to authorize auditing of claims of Oregon lor suppressing I.,. it.,,. I lor.r. ...! which was discussed and laid over. Schofield reported a bill for the con struction of teu steam vessels of war. iron or wood, as the Secretary of tlie Navy shall decide, each to carry teir or more guns of large caliber, appropria ting ff3,000,000 for tliat purpose. The vote on the bill was prevented by dila tory motions liefore tbe House. Went Vlrsrlnln Krpublk-Miisl Endorae 1 real dent tsrtuit. Wheeling, May 23 The Republi can State Convention of West Virginia met at Grafton to-day and elected del egates to the Philadelphia Convention and adopted resolutions reaffirming their loyalty, endorsing the Adminis tration, condemning the Cincinnati movement, instructing tbe delegates to vote and work for the renomination of Grant for President and recom mending Senator Porneroy for Vice President. Tbe ArlaiuisuM Bpputtllcstnsi Opposve the Cincinnati FlaMonn. Little Rock, May 23. The Re publican Convention reafwembled to day and nominated Joseph Brooks for Governor. Tho Convention pa-wed a long series ot resolutions, mostly de voted to tlte condemnation of the op posing faction of the Republicans In the State in endorsing the Cincinnati platform and the candidates, and de claring they will notgnpiwi t tliem. Severe Storm nt t'ortrpw Monroe. FOKTKF.SS Monkof. May 23. Tin region was visited yesterday with the most violent storm which Ikis occurred for many years. Many houses were unroofed, orchards destroyed, aud other damage done. Mannlnarton , Virsrliila, destroyed aire. by Wheeling, May 23. The greater portion of the business part of Man nington, Virginia, was burned this morning ; loss about $180,000. Congressional. Washington. May 24. The House on motion of Mr. Miiynard, appropria ted $2,000 to reimburse the funeral ex penses of Farragut. On motion ofMr. Banks a resolution providing for a Committee of live mem liers with the Speaker and President, authorizing them to sit during the re cess to revise the Rules of tho House, was adopted. Bill granting to the widow of the late Gen. Robt. Anderson a pension of $50 a month was introduced and passed. The Senate -spent five hours on addi tional articles to tlie Treaty of Wash ington and then took a recess. The precise diameter of tlie amenid ineuts have not transpired, further than all seek to accomplish the design of the original article. The Vie Pi-enidenry Indian Atliiir. CHICAGO, May 24 A Washington special says the attempt to place a can didate lrom LVnnsylvanla oil the ticket with Grant for V ice President has lieen abandoned, owing to the failure of the leading men of tliat State to agree upon a man. The contest is admitted to be between Colfax and Wilson, with the chances thus far in favor of the former. The Board of Indian Coinmisioncrs yesterday awarded contracts to the amount of $500.000 among others, to H. B. Clarlin ; Dudley, Welling & Co.. and .Tohn Dobson. Commissioners Burnett and Stewart were to-day ap pointed to visit during tlie Summer Montana and tlie Upper Missouri Agen cy and Shoshone and Bannack Reser vations. They will arrange for a coun cil with the warlike Sioux on the I'p per Missouri. Other contracts will be Awarded tiext week. Will or tlM Late Profrmtor Jlorse. Nfw Yokk, May 24. The will of the late Professor Morse was admitted to probate. Dated February 27th, 1372, leaves the bulk of his property to his wife during her lite, and at her. death to bet divided into eight parts, one of which is to be appropriated to pay cer tain legacies. His biographer to be ap pointed by his Executors who arc to be allowed free use of his books and pa pers. His Trustees and Executors are Tho. F. Walker, Utica H. Day and Author Breeze. Bontoa Oemocracy endorses Ureelvy. Boston, May 24. The Tenth Dis trict Democratic Convention to-day en thusiastically ratified tho Cincinnati platform and appointed Greeley dele gates to Baltimore. Lewis W. Clark, of Manchester, lias lieen appointed Attorney General of New Hampshire. ItepubUran Convention at Arkanms. Little Rock, May 24. The Repub lican State Convention adjourned last night, after putting up a full State and Electoral ticket. The candidates for Secretary of State and Superintendent of the Penitentiary are -colored. TheOnlonninl Exhibition. Philahelpiiia, May 24. The Cen tennial Commission lias fixed on Alien ing the Exhibition on April Otli, 1S7. Invitations Will lie issued to every na tion to participate. t onuniswionrr Edinonda Acquitted. Detroit. May 24. The trial of C. A. Edmonds, Commissioner of the State Land Office of Michigan, by the Senate Court of Impeachment, which was concluded to-day, resulted in I he acquittal of respondent from all char ges. The Worklnimen nominate (irtinl. May 24. The National Working men's Convention, held to nomiuele candidates for President and Vk-e President met here yesterday and or ganized by the election of Col. Gilibins oi'Ncw York for ierniaiientChairinaiK Several resolutions were then adopt ed favoring a reduction of the National lebf; the unconditioniil settlement ot the Alabama claims; the enforcement of the eight-hour law; a low rate of in terest and National encouragement to ship building. I he New lork delegation recom mended that President Grant be re nominated. The Missouri flelegatiou recommended Horace Greeley. The ballot resulted as follows: Grant, 2lM; Greelev. o. The nomination of (irant was then made unanimous. Henry Wilson was nominated for Vice Presi dent. Thirty States were represented by 210 delegates. Wanted, a Ird, New Y'okk, May 23. The Sheriff's officers cannot find Gordon Gordon nl ins Lord Gordon, etc., against whom an attachment was issued yesterday in a suit ot Jay Gould. Conirreswiosial . Washington, May 23. In the Sen ate, Hamlin's resolution to expel the reporter of the Associated Press was referred to the Committee on Privi leges and Elections. Trumbull from tlie Committee on Judiciary, reported without amend ment the House bill repealing the re quirement of an iron clad oath of of fice, and the Senate bill to refund tax on salaries of State and Judicial offi cers ; also adversely to the House bill to allow persons accused of crime to testify in their own behalf in the U. S. Courts. The House, in evening session, passed the bill abolishing the grades of Ad miral and Vice Admiral in the Navy, and providing that vacancies in those grades shall not lie tilled ; also the bill providing that no officer on the retired list of the Navy shall be employed in active duty except in time of war. Washington, May 23. The Senate Finance Committee will complete the tariff tax bill on to-morrow. The door of their committee room is be sieged by pcrsoils interested fn items of the bill. The Senate went into executive ses sion of four hours and a halt on tlie ad ditional article to tlie Treaty of Wash ington, without coming to a conclu sion. It has been ascertained that comparatively few Senators wish to participate in the discussion, therefore it may be ended and the result reached this week. Toorheesj on the Mtnatlon. 'Terre Haute, May 25. D. W. Voorhees addressed three thousand persons in the Court House this even ing on tbe present aspect ot political affairs in this country. He explained his recent speech in the House of Rep resentatives at Washington, and strongly opposed the indorsement ot Greeley by tlie Baltimore Convention, and advocated the nomination of a straight Democratic ticket. The Heuate Advlsiea a new Treaty Ar- tide. Washington. May 25. The Senate this evening at 10 o'clock, after a con tinuous executive session of nine hours, by tlie requisite two-thirds vote'ad vwtl the President to negotiate an ad ditional article to the Treaty of Wash ington oti tlie basis recently proposed by the British Government, though in form somewhat different from it, but not altered iu principle ; the amend ment being desired to secure the recip rocity on the part of both Govern ments without detriment to either, and without placing the United States in tlie attitude of receding from tlieir po sition iu compliance of the require ment of the British Government. Political Sewa. Houghton denies his alleged sympa thy with tin- Greeley movement. All three of the Californ a Representatives are strongly for tlie renomination of Grant. Gen-it Smith is for Grant uncondi tionally, and Wendell Phillips is for Grant rathur tliaa for Greeley. Tlie revenue reformers seriously talk of uotniuatbig Adams in Anticipation of his endorsement by the Democratic Convention. Probability of Indian Trouble. Washington, May 25. General Sheridan iiUorms the W'ar Department that tliere are about 2,500 hostile In diatiscolleeteduear Fort Berthold. who declared their intention of opposing the progress of tlie work on the mil road this summer. They liave already torn up tin', ataliio of tlie surveying party " tlie Pwler river country. Stilting UulL Biw. Moo.t, and other well known iiostiJe chiefs are among the leaders of Utese Indians. Tbey are all well armed aod equipped. A Xurderer Delivered l'p. New Yokk. May 25. Governor Hoffman has delivered up Carl Vogt. the Belgian murderer, to the author ties of Belgium. The Kuppletnentol Treaty Article. Wasihxgnon, May 28. Conflicting renorts state that tlie vote of the Sen ate in Executive session on the Sup plemental Article to the Treaty of Washington was forty to nine. In any event tlie statement seems to be reliable that a number ol senators present did not vote at all. The pre cise language of the Article, as adopt ed, cannot oe officially made ktiown until it be ratified. It is certain that if die double Injunction ot secrecy im posed upon Senators sltail be respected by all of them it caiiix be known through that source. Although many Senators last night declined to give any hint, and relumed to converse up on the subiect, the result of the action of tiie Seriate was known within half an hour after tlie Executive session closed, and it is believed that Great Britain will assent to the modification of the Articles, as she, as well as the United States, is anxious for the Tri bunal of Arbitration to proceed witli- ont further hindrance. The subject will nert come before the Senate on the ratification of the additional Ar ticles. The Senate liaving concluded its in terrogation, its members are endeavor ing to prevent copies ot the secret cor respondence and proposed article from reaching out-nle parties, it may now prosecute investigations concerning the nuhlieation of documents with a view to empliatic action iii the premi ses. The X. Y. Prnut on the Treaty. New Yokk, May 2i. The Times commends the action of tlie Senate in adopting the supplemental articles to the Treaty as lieing in accordance with the views of President (irant, and says that the mass of the jieople, and jwir tictilarly the mercantile community, will approve of it. The Herald pro nounces the action of the Senate "si national humiliation," and questions whether the. people will accept the amended Treaty as a final settlement of the account with England. It says the settlement Ls lietween the Admin istrations, and not between the two nations. Sow Come the Free Traders. New Yokk, May 2G. A call will n linear to-morrow for a meethiz of j free traders ai tlie Steinway Hall on s tlie 30th instant. William Cullen Bryant will preside. D. A. Wells, Edward Atkinson and others will sjieak. The call says that the refer ence to the tariff" relorm and Congres sional districts by the Cincinnati Con vention was an evasion of the issue and absolved free traders from any ot ligation to the supHrt of the 'nomi nees. 1 he call looks directly to an or ganisation for the accomplishment to tariff' reform in the coming Presiden tial election. , Political. Namivii.i.e, May 21. A large meeting ol German citizens was held here last evening. They endorse the Liberal Republican movement and the nomination of Greeley and Brown. Voorhees1 speech at Terre Haute last iiixlit is universally condemned by Democrats here. fjtrnpeorUeneral Verona from Mex ico. Havana, May 2(5. Ex-insurgent Gen. Verona Is a passenger by the City of Mexico, on his way to New York. The Captain of the City of Mexico refused to accede to the re quest of the authorities to surrender him. he having embarked at Vera Cruz. FOKEIUX XIWS. Mteanuhip Collision. T.ONHON, May 22. The steamship Baltimore, eu route from Baltimore to Bremen, collided at midnight, oft" Has tings Willi an unknown, steamer. The Baltimore had a large hole stove in Iht luilL through which tlie writer poured rapidly, extinguishing her fires, but not before the steamer ran aground. Tlte coast guard at Has tings rescued tlie passengers and crew. Tlje vessel struck a rtx-k and will prob ably go To pieces. Froua Paris. PAins, May 23. Henri Roehefort and other convicted Communists sail to-morrow for tle petal colony in New Cakidonia. Distreiw ia Antloeb. New YoitK. May 23. Letters give a distressing picture -of tlie state ot af- tairs at" Antioch. The town is a mere heap of ruins shocks of earth quake still continue, tbe earth quiver ing with Volcanic movements. The people are afraid to approach the site to remove the large iminoeroi unour ied dead. A letter from the Ex-Emperor Xnpo- IPOU. Paws May 24. Mr. Taule publisli es a letter from Napoleon, dated Chisle hurst. May 12th, addivssed to the Gen erals commanding the t rench army In which he savs: 1 am responsible for Sedan. The army fought heroically with eten double its strenirth after 14.000 had been killed and wounded I saw tliat the contest was im-relv one of desperation. Tlie army's honor having been saved, I exercised my sov ereign right and unfurled the flag of mice, it was linpossihic tbat an army ot W),0l0 men cotikf save t ranee. witnessed the cruel, inexorable necesi- ty . My lieart was broken, mit my con science tranquil. AfTairH In France. PARIS Mar 23. The Prince and Princess of Wales are expected tor ar rive to-morrow. Paris journals wneraliy consider that tlte debates of the Assembly on Tuesday and Wednesday inflicted a crushing blow on the hopes of tbe friends of tlie Empire. It is under stood that a party of members left after the close of the impending trial ot iiazame demanded the Impeach ment of members of the last Ministry under the Empire. Thiers has given permission for the removal of tlie remains of Louis Phil- lippe trom Englaud and their inter ment at Dreux, in die Department of jcure et joire. CALIFORNIA NSWS, San Francisco, May 23. Tlie trial of Perada ys Camillo Martin, Spanish Consul, for $50,000 for false imprison ment commenced to-day in the Dis trict Court, before a jury, Perada testified that Chief Crowley and the Spanish Consul forced him, by way of uireats, to give np about $2,000, which, he says was his own prorjertv. The Executive Committee of One Hundred this afternoon ouopted reso lutions uenouncmg in strong terms tne action of the Board of Stuiervisors in granting railroad companies tlie right to dose streets on Mission Bay. John Lyneh. from Gold Hill. Ne vada, who caaie to this city on Mon- n.iy last lor medical treatment, was found dead in his bed at tlie Railroad Hou.se this moruinir. At tlie meeting of tlie Exeimtive committee or odc Hundred tins after noon, tlte Committee on New Rail roads reported no further interview with Stanford. The Committee were instructed to hold themselves in rcadi i less to continue negotiations with Stanford, to learn whether he has any plan or proposition to develop to the Committee. A meeting will be held to-morrow for tlie consideration of tbe Directors ot the new railroad. Super visors r oroe and Story informed the Committee to-day, that the order granting tbe railroad reserves in Mis sion Bay wa presented by request of Lelatxl Stanford, and that they were taken by surprise when the effect ff tlie order was pointed out to tbeui. The Committee say It is, therefore, clear case of attempted imposition on the part of Stanford, and provokes tlie prompt resentment of every honest mind. The Phelps Consolidated Mining Company was incorporated to mine in Devil's Gate District, Nevada, with a capit-U of $3,500,000. Interior California Dispatches. Santa Clara, May 23. Uncle Billy Force, an okl pioneer of Santa Clara, favorably known among sports men, rc-tired to his room at 4 p. M. to day, and when called at six, not an swering, his room was entered and Uncle Billy was found dead in his lied. Supposed to be a case of apoplexy. Labor I'll ton Addreaa tjeo. C. John on, wiil Earthquake in Xevaua. San Fhanci?co, May 24. The Na tional Labor Union of California has Ufiied an address to the laboring men of California in favor of Davis aud Par ker. Tbe will ot George C. Johnson. Con sul General of Sweden and Norway, was tiled for Probate to-day. The es tate Is said to be worth $1,000. R. C. Johnson and O. C Pratt, executors. WrxxEMtOCA, May 24. Two slight shocks of earthquake were lelt here at 10 o'clock P.M. yesterday. The Idaho is improving rapidly. A company of soldiers under Lieut. Rider leave here to-morrow for the scene of tlie recent Indian outrages in Montana. San Francisco, May 25. The Co coas Island treasure seekers have re turned a disgusted crowd. No treas ure was found. Jem Mace is to arrive to-night. The "fancy" are on tbe alert. A prize fight, for $200 a side, will take place at Belmont to-morrow. The principals are unknown biiid to be hoodlums. WENT IXDIEN. Havana, May 23. The Spanish gunboat DMille'has captured, under sti-ipicious circumstances the English -tciiitoncr William Julius and brought her to Nue vitas. I TA1I TEBRI'IOBY. Salt Lake, May 23. An English miner was killed by a cave in the Em ma mine last night. The city authorities are making vig orous efforts to close up houses of pros titution, keepers being arrested and heavily fined. Several well known parties are near ly ruined by the recent smash in min ing "stocks in San Francisco. There is very general satisfaction among all classes at tbe appointment of General Morrow to command the new military district of Utah. A narrow gauge railway scheme Is on foot for Little Cottonwood District. Woman Memorial-Democratic Con vention. Salt Lake, May 24. The women of Utah are prejKiring another memo rial to Congress against tlie admission and dominion of the Mormon Church. Much interest is manifested in the approaching Democratic Convention for the election of delegates to attend the Baltimore Convention. Present ap pearances iueicate that they will oj jKise the endorsement of -Greeley. Duel in Prospect Delesratescn ronte. Salt Lake, May 2'5. An unpleas antness took place iate last night on tlie street, between a well known Federal official and a well known citizen of Corinne.' during which the former struck the latter. A challenge was was given this morning, and rumor say a tight Is inevitable. The Mormon police are exciting pub lic indignation by the use of lirass knuckles. Several delegates from tbe Pacific States and Territories arrived yester day, en route to the Philadelphia Con vention. L tah delegates will leave on Tuesday. MK.XICAX SEWS. City of Mexico, May 25. Mr. Cleveland (of Ohio) and other Ameri cans nave been imprisoned and perse cuted and tlieir property destroyed. The reason ot these outrages is that the Americans demanded an Investigation of the indignities practiced before tlie L nited States and .Mexican -Mixed, Commission. BY STATE TELEURAPII. Mmall-Pox iu Athland. Ashland (Oregon), May 23. There is a case of small-pox within a mile aud a half of Ashland, in an immigrant family iust arrived from Missouri. The family are quarantined, and due diliganee will be used to prevent its spreading. Joaephine Count jr Bepnbllean Ticket. Jacksonville (Oregon), May 23. The Republicans of Josephine couuty have nominated tlie following ticket : For State Senator. Samuel Harkness; Representative. Sa'muel White; Slier iff. S. T. White ; Clerk, John David son ; Treasurer. Samuel Sawyer ; As sessor. Charles Beach ; Commissioners H. Woodcock and S. Daniels ; Sur veyor, Alexander Watts; Coroner, George E. Briggs. Dr. A. B. Overheck, one of the pio neers of tliis valley, died here this evening, and will be "buried by tlie Ma sonic fraternity to-morrow. Weather cloudy, with some appear ance of rain. Crops said to be guffer iii2 from drought. TOO THIS. The New Northwest says : "Gre yer & Co. now say that tlie lumber re cently purchased by them Is to lie used for scaffolding. Just think of it nearly one million feet of lumber to be used for that purpose I Tliat ex planation is entirely too thin. Just say you wanted to swindle the State, gentlemen, thereby getting back some of the corruption money you are using, and you will tell tlie truth." MISCELLANEOUS. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY rr costs no more to keen (rood Fowls llian jHwr ones I Oakland Poultry Yards, Corner ofl6lh and Castro streets. SeitMon oi 1H7S, Eggs for Hatching, Fkom thk Largest asd Best Bred Fowls ik America I Carefully rocked and warranted to cam- safe ly any distance. The varieties comprise Dark and Light Brahmas, Buff and Part ridge Cochins, White Leghorns, Houdans, Silver Spangled Ham burgs.Black Spanish, White Dorkinjs, Golden Po lands, Aylesbury Ducks, and Game, Se right and Black African Bantams. B3T" Send stamp for Circular to EO. B. BAYLKY, Importer and Breeder or Choice Poultry, BOX 669, San Francisco. General Agent tor the Poultry World, a roonthlT magazine devoted entirely to Poul try. The best paper published In the country. Subscription, tl 00 pur year. Agents wanted for every city and town and the country. For further in format km, address. 1IOX 059, San Franci5n. C-Tf Please stale in what )ier yon saw this advertisement. May, win.in:'lcL1in CORBETT, FAILING & CO., IMPORTKJW or Heavy and Shelf-Hardware, MECHANIC'8 TOOLS, . Xroxx q.xx3L SteeL Agents for tbe sale of DUPONT'S GUN POWDER. 51 and 55 Front St., Portland, 0?n. Mar W:d4vir PI art PORTL A ir ADVtAVf ISEMEN TS. business imBfflttaf or pobt- LAND, OWM. Published by L. tsnnraal, , , . Omend ArivertUing Agent, ! Prortt Otrttt- A OVERMAN'S DOLLAR STORE. Ko. 99 Elrw Street. Importers and Jobber of Fancy ;ootl, Tova, Crockery ti lass ware aod Plated Ware. A" stor House. First St., between Oflksnd Pine Everything neat. It. L. Lorigfcl low. Prop. BOOKS, STATIONER! AND PERIODICALS, Bancroft i Morse, Atari! fr Ms We, Tfxl.l IVs colelirated GOLD PENS, Ivi Km, II'akimAU, Tartar it fo": S-hoo! Bnols. JuAt yultlUhiil, n fun tin of Isqnl Rank Jirir thU Malt: B .irman. tlie only direct Importer of Ckh- injc, As.., eor. Front K W aliin-non t. CHAS. C. BARRETT, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, Lar-est Stock in Portland. Aro. 79 i-o-U and iVat 5 Wathingtun streets. KECK, WILLIAM A SON, 129 Front St. Importers and dealers in fUun., Utf lets and Revolver ol every dest:riutlon. Fishlnf; Tarkle, Fant-y GotsU, Deads, Bird Cages, Rackets, t'r-a-iiet (.anu and n.iliy .'arriiurea. Agents for the "t'kllforuia Powder Works; " also, lor the Wheeler 4 Wil-ou jew ing Maoluncs." Bivk, John A., 129 Front street, prat-dcal Watchmaker and Jeweler. Work done ibr the Trade. B UOKASU JOll PRINTERS. HlmOS at. uacneiaer, f ront "street. Brijchain lteiuhart. First street, between Oak and Pine, iiii)Hrters of Stoves, Ran ges, Kitchen I tenuis. B ut-luiiuin, W, A., -W. cor. First A Taylor su. meapesl furniture House In yon- Saint. "I a T lrivct WAI J t P X Hi 1 O"" u Frout street. 1larVjlIeniiernt Cook. HI A 83 First Stl lH-.-iluiK In Hry Uoods Fancy Millinery, Ac. Ac Colin A Roseiifcld, U8 Front SsI. Comml inu Merchants A dealers In Oregon and California Produce. Connie. J. 11, nianulacliirer and dealer iu Saddles Harness, and Saddlery Hard ware, SK! Front St. lurrier, W. & Co., 103 Front street. Mer ycliant Tailors A Clothiers, Hals, Furnisb- lngCioods. De Laslinmtt A Oatman, 92 t rout street. Keal Kstate Agents, money loaned houses rented. DENTAL GOODS. 101 rrout street, l'ortland. nDIIPPICTO C. H. W.s.lard A Co., UnUUU OlOi 101 FrontSt. orders from anv oortlon of the Stale or Territories carefully rilled by mail orex-es. Itmtl, Iweii lein A Co, Furniture ami .A CariHBt dealers stores from 1M to 13K First street. Employment Agency. Wltherell A Hol mao. 8(1 From street. Furnish all kinds ot help. Everdins: A Beebe, 10 Front street. Com mission Merchants and dealers in Do mestic Produce. ,aaion LiTery Stable, corner First and ( rood turn-out always on hand. ITJishel A Rolierta, cor. First and Washing 1 ton sts. Dealers and Manufacturers, Clothing, Furnishing (roods. Ireeland, Dr. B. R., Dentist. OiBce. So. . 4, ik-kum's Block, cor. First and Wash ington six. 1 ill A Steel, 7.1 and 77 First street. Deal JT ers in Books. Stationery, ami JI usual Instruments. CRAY'S MUSIC STORE. The largest Music House on the Coast. STEINWAY PIANOS, BURDETT OR GANS, G. L. DePRAXS, Manager. XOLK AGE.NTS FOR THE 'HOWE" SEWIXO MACHINE, ffj!" Agents wanted. j3 Hac.hney A Steeme. iSrocers and dealers in all kinds of Seeds, corner First and Main sts. 1 W ambiirger, B., 133 First street, importer M - ..H .1. 1 i .. i. 1 L. ...... i...iin.. .miunory. endee. D. II, Photographic Artist, S. W corner t irst and Morrison streets. Clul flii-iu iia pictures specialty. Henrichisen, I.. C. A Co., 109 First street. Manufacturers and dealers iu Jewelry, watcneii sus. Hil)lrd. Oeo. L., 9S Front strwt, whole sale dealer in Groceries, Doors, Wagon Aiau'nais, ac HkIio, Calef A Co., 97 Front street, whole sale dealers in Drugs, Paints, Oils, HOIf I? tewtng Machine, straight ne V i I Vj die. under teed. Mock stitch. ComnrtitiiHi hallenged. 31. t. 1 raver, IIS Front Street. II nrgren & Shindler. Noa. IMS to 174 First U su liniKirtvrs r urniture, ueauing, ac. Tnternational Hotel, cor. Front and Morris- M. on sts. M. Kudoliih, Proprietor. Free Buss attends steamers. Rohn, J. A Co.. 91 Front street, wholesale ami retail dealer in Fine Clothing. Fur- niMiing (joofis. IfAfJalson Doree Restaurant, private rooms i'a. lor rami lies, cor. istana jrine streets. y. ium, Proprietor. Martin, E. A Co., wholesale dealer in Wines and Liquors, O. 6. N. Co's Block ami ran r rancisco. M eler A Scbmeer, 111 Front street, whole sale ana retail (joniectioners. ".iller. John B..93 First street. Watch- 1" I maker and Jeweler, offers to the public a One assortment ot Vt atcbes, Clocksand Jaw elrv. " oeller, & Co., Front near C. street, dcal- X' M. crx in native and foreign n ines, Uq- nors awl Cigars. """orthrnp, E. J., Hardware, Iron, Steel, -a. nuns, tspokes, iiaruwotsi L.umocr, Ac o sv-idental Hotel, cor. First and Morrison sts. muo cook, Proprietors. arrish, Wat kins A Cornell. Real Estate Agents, 90 Front street, between Alder anl Washington PhotographicGoods.ct - ioi r roni street. tee. J. M.. 147 First street, wholesale ileoier In Imwareand btores. ic liter. Paul, llk'i First street, imiiorter of MM Uerlin wootien earrings, far! or Orna ments, sc, R ider, (i. C, Real Estate and Money Brq- aer, rroni street, rnrtiana. R R iwenbknm. I. S. A Co., Tolacconlsts im porters of Foreign and DomexlW Llqnors uss House, Front street. On First Class Principles. Tnos. ityan. Proprietor. Sneroar a. q., ni r nini aim m s irai is..aeat er in Harness, Saddlery, and Saddlery imnn, J., Sfi Front street, dealer In Doors. Nth and Blinds, W Indow and PlateUlass iiislielmer, H.. 1T7 First street, imiiorter of ' t-ianos, tjrgnns, snect music, jnusicai instruments. tsi kidnuire. 8. ti.. lit First street. Drnevlst and Aiiothecary. a large stock of Perfum ery aim rouet Article. lntlh A Davis. 71 ' Front street, wholesale Drugs, Paints, Otis, Window IrlaiK, Per- lumen-, ........ X- U TJ Vi.. 1 M..I.K lugs. Frames, Artists Materials, Drawing imiin. i iu, itroker, bu r root street. ieaier In Legal Tenders, Government Bonds ana (iom ixist. fc2TOE, H.I.., Xo. 107 Front titm. 5 Watchmaker ami ManuDH-turing Jewel er. Is appointed ajnut for the Wallham.Klirin. E. Howard 4 Co., Chas. E. Jnc4,and tlie Cal ifornia watches: also, for all the productions ami iniportsof the California Jewelry Compa ny, San Francisco. Send for a circular. Watches repaired In the very best manner and WARRANTED to give satiMaction. a 4crry Bros., N o. 178 First street, manufao tiirera ami dealers In Furniture, Bed oing. varpeis, c irpel Mphe Clothing Store, 113 Front street,Cloth M. Ing, Furnishing (ioods, Boots and Shoes. Harris A Prager. luule, 11. 11., Ui V Ut Front st. Dtnlt-i M. In Wagons and Agricn I ttiral Implement I a ync. E. !.. n. w. cor. First aud Oak sts T dealer In Fine Brandies Wines, English Aie ami i-orier. rgv)er, J. A, U7 Front street, wholesale l dealer In Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, I Wit . HI, Williams A Myers, A Central bloctcFront street. Commission Merchants and dealers in Prodncc, MISCELLANEOUS. W. W. MARTIN, Practical Watchmaker Ajtn JEWELER, Commercial Strkkt. 8alkx, Ormdox, Dealer In Watches, dock, Jewelry, SOLID SILVER AND PLATFD WARE Watch and Jewelry RepsUred JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER E2T A good assortment of GOLD ami S1LVBR WATCHES eonstaMiH n hand. All Goon and Worst W abbastid. Aprlfttf .'... DBUGOS AND MEDICINES. XOTM'E." . MESSRS. BELT JOHSS, WHOLE saleftBd Retail Liragfriata, Salem, Ore -iron, re the authorized Arrnts for tbe sale of my latalnble WORM 8YRLP, to whom all orders should be addressed. , DK. . W. VAX DEX KERCH. Buiab, HmkH, lath, Uii. In aitcordjnte" sVitli the aliove we will con Mantly keep on hand a, supply of this Invalu able remedy. Ho tamlly should be without It. Drusyists and dealers Ih rhedv-lhes sii. plied on most liberal terms. We atao keep eonstautly on bund BrsMra amd Fstmily Sfedtelnea, Tbilet Uosada, Feriunaerjr, Hi-rahe, ee. All guml warranted of best qualitr. lr. ,. H. Rlti olliceat the More, .smith's ItWvk. tKii t ttwiaeketa Hotel, t'nnimcr OiS It-Ill, UK-'tfUH. IMrivt lrlei t 6. .c:;7.N, Siilein. March, IVi W. WKATHBBFOBn. J. W. WF.ATBKK WEATHERFORD & CO.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In I 3FL XT G- S3 , ' omirale Ul II t.gi V Msjf VI IU J J VllVylll IViUIJ EXTRACTS, PERFUMERY. Patent Medicines & Proprietary Articles. I'VItE WINES A'H I.tqt OltS, lor Medicinal Purposes. Presenilis Filled mi Medicines Compounded. WEATHEHFOKD A CO. Apr4 TCdAwtf SALEM DRUG STORE ! J. W. SMITH, PEALF.R IX Drills Chemical, Oil, und PATENT MEDICINES, PEKFI'JI FRIES, TOILET ARTUXEN axi xorioars Pure Wines and Liquors. PRESCRIPTIONS AND ITuiiiily 1'rejmrutiouH- CAEEFULLY COMPOUNDED At all hours of the day a night, by a Cninpelent Druggist. Pntton's Itloek, Ntate Street, Kaleua. ESTABLISHED IN 1857.: CITY DRUG STORE! SALEM DISPENSARY ! ! Xo. 2, Mores." Kloek. J.W.HOUTIIKIt, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY! Wholesale and Retail dealers in OIOKAIA, I'alnta, Oils, Tarnlnhpa, Window UISM, CHOICE TO 1 1 AT PERU MFRT. Pure Wines Whiskies and Brandies. For Medical purposes. Family Medicines Carefully Prepared. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. AVINGHAD OVER TWENTY TEARS experience in the business, I feel conti deui that lean give entire satisfaction to all who may tavor me with their patronage. My goods hare been bought low for cash, se lected with the greatest care, and are wr ranted to be just as they are represented. My olsect Is to sell as near as possible for cash and at low prices. Flfleen years expe rience in Oregon Induces me to believe that I know the wants of the community In gen eral, and that want It ls my aim to supply, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the very liberal pat ronage heretofore extended to me. . W. MH T1IEK, mchlSdAw Apotneeary. MISCELLANEOUS. COOKE, DENNIS & CO., MAJiUFACTCJIE Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moldings, RUSTIC and all the latest styles of Inside and outside linisb, of the best quality of clear cedar lumber ever used in Salem. Scroll Sawinir. Stair Building and Turning, done with neatness tint! dispatch. Manufao tui ers of the celebrated Boswell Fruit Dryer and Room Heater. Also Manufacture the RAXKIX PATENT SCHOOL DESK. All kinds and qualities of Lumber and Shingles 1' "Ata uhuap. Rest of work at lowest Price 3- Please give us a call. SEE OUR STOCK, learn our prices, and give us your or ders. SRECIAL ATTENTION given to orders from tanners, and Information freely given gratis to our patrons. NOTICE. OREGON A CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Cfflnianr. Tjtnd DenAitment- Portland. Oregon, April a. 1872. -Notice is hereby given tliat a vigorous prosecution will be instituted against anv and every person who trespasses upon any Railroad Land, by cutting and re moving timber therefrom before the same is BOUtiHT of the Comjtiny AN D PAID FOR. All vacant Land In odd numbered sections. whether surveyed or tinsnrveyed, within a distance of thirty miles from tlie Una of tha road, belongs to the Companv. L. k. -nuuttr., April 10 dim: wtt Land Agent. THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE l FOR President of the United States, S. FRIEDMAN, Op Saux, IF HK CAN SELL OUT HIS WKLL SE- M. Id-ted assortment ol Dry Goods. Clothing, OTIO?rS HATH, ETC. Rather than to lose the election, I will sell the Rest Black Silk for fl SO per yard worth mo. Fine French Merino, 871 cts jr yard. Empress, Soets iter yant Fine Summer Plaid, good, for 25 cts. "Wool Plaid Dress tioods, 37 cts per yanl. Fancy Cohwed Al)sceji, 50 cts per yard. Fancy Poplins, fto cts worth 75 eta." White Trimmings, lower than ever. Cheap Laces in abundance. ThUes, Felt-sktrls, Fancy Balmorals, Para esol. Stockings and tiioves, rerv low. Needles, 4 papers for 'is cents. Four papers Pins, i" cts. Four spools cotton Thread. 15 cts. Four Cigars, 25 cents. gT Tobstera at Rednred Bntem. And If I am elected I will give you all a chew of Tulskcco. My fine clntlungat 50 per cent, less than the worth of the wool. Trunks, Valises. Carpet Hags cheap. tilass and Crockery Ware, very cheap. bogar. best brands, 7 to 10 pounds for II. Coffee, Tea and ( smiles, by the pound. Domestic, cheap, hr the yard. In fact, all mv goods I will nacrillce. t will sell my Moot and sitioem loss than cost, and numerous other articles. Remember that this offer ls only good till the next election. Your next President, N. FHIEUMAX, DurblnV Corner, Salem. Apr-Jttol&wlm CIGAlt WTVINIJ. BILL IE STANTON, Opposite Statbiman Office, keeps as floe Stock of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, as can be found In the city. Smokta? Tobacco nude a Specialty. Fine Cut Chewing ASD NEW BRANDS OF PLCG TOBACCO constantly on har-L CTCive me a Call. MavStt rf hi Saaa. r I FTTa : MISCELUlfrKOUS. Mueosdorffer's SPRING SUMMER STYLES Are now Ready hd ferSl -if- tor. Morrison and Front Sts, Portlands BOTH WliOLCfALE and RETAIL. UOOIKS OF IIIKOWX .HANt FA4TIKK AND OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, iarnlsbedto tlie Trade at RATES BELOW THE IMPORTED ARTICLE. Aurldutwtf REWAED FOB AX Incurable Case! DR. X.E RICHA1TS COLD EN BALSAM! Afta-rten vrsrs trial ea this Coast baa proven it-H thv only urstive la a otrtalarUaa of dlsesxvs pr mouiMed by iulicml practltkaa. ers as incurable. Dr. Le Bichan's GOLDEN BALSAM KM' rum Ch'snrrss first and s-ond Si, Horasosi the Ixrgs fr Uody: S.to Aan, rra. Moa. c. Coppvr -'ol red El. t. bs, Hyphilitle catarrh, DuwMd H -alp, and all prmiary forma ol to dis-rasA knuwn as Uypuilis. Pries, ti per bot tle, or twj f r $9. Dr.L'Bta'sGUEO BALSAM Ho. 2 enros Tirtiary, Mercurial. Syphilitic Rheuma tism. liui in tha Ilouxs. Ilaukof tbe N k. Ck cnit .1 n Tiirwt. Hypbilitic Bash, Lntopa and Contr.vt-l Cords, Stiffness of the Llsuba, and erstUVat.; all disras from tbe system, whether iau d by indiarretinn or abuse ol msrrury l'-nvtnR ths blond pnr and bcadthy. Pxioe, per UKtlo. or two Urn $9. Dr. Ls Ei;: boa's GOLDEN SPANISH 11- tidota. for tht Cnrs at Gonnsclw, Otest, Int. ttiOM, Gravel, and all unwary rr fltinlfasl disarransements. Trir-, $?"0 tottla. Dr. Ls Rhhaa's COLDER SPARISH II- jortion. a wikU and injection for severs raoas of 4ronmrbr-t, lnflaramntivy Glt-et. Strictorea, and all diw-ases of tho Hull ys and Blaoatc Pri!, $1.40 per buttln. Also Annts for Dit. tE EICHA1T8 00LBEI PTLT.3 for S-miiU'd Wt-aknrav. Klebt Hin. irnrvif -Mi -, ami an n laessra anaing I M:u(tilrhatlOfi and t-xeemtivo ahnw-a. Frtef. $S p r brtti i. Tim c-nuine Oouuui Salaam ji-.:t np o-.i't romid bottles. -. On !-! irt rf pries, .thess medh-lne wfH s..it t- s1! p trs of th rnuntry. by eipreaa -r mail, M". Tir.-iy pacaeaanu rreo irutu VtluU biu Arnta. C. F. RICHARDS ft CO. VP.i'Vi.sl ond Retail- Druggists and t in ini-rtH, S . ror. Clay t Han - t. .. Sua Francisco. Cat. Mayl7:.Lwly NORTH SALEM STORE! W. L. WADE AT TID2 OLD GREEN STORE HaVlnst received A FULL ASSORTMENT -OF- DRT GOOIS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES. CLOTHING, Hardware, General Merchandise! Calculated for City and County Trade. Bouchi as low. and will 1 sold at as small a profit as those who sell at cost. 63JGoods delivered to any part of the city Iree of chaise. uAw CAPITAL SALOON. JOS. BERNARD PPROPRIETOR. KEEPS always on hand the choicest of liquors and clears. i . Just received a large Invoice of the best brands ' Whiskies, Brandies, M ines, Etc. Give Joseph a call. (MayUTOf 120,000 Cabbage Plants for Sale. FIFTEEN varieties early and late, at O. Dk-kinson'a earden, north went corner of Marlon Square. Tbey are not hoi -bed plant, but in-own in the open air, hardy and fresh from the ground, as wanted. Can be sent by mail at .10 cents per hundred. MaySdotwSt SALEM DRAY & NACX CO. Forw arders and Shippers, CITY DRAYMEN & HACKMEN. All freVhtlns: within the city done at short notice and on reasonable terms. Carriages constantly in attendance to con vev passenpers to cars or boats or on city drives Sent 12.1870. dtf Situation Wanted. 4 YOtXXG man desires permanent sitiw- xm. lion or employment of any sort by which he can earn an honest living;. "Will lend bis employers liuo or I1O00. ls not afraid of a Ut ile work. Best of reference given. Address, Jt)SEPH SEYMOI R, May27:dlw iSalem, Ofrn. Xotioe. rflHIS Is to certify that I have this day sold -STL all my intereii in the BoodUndery M!a lem to Mr. E. J. Waller. All bills due tbe bindery payable to sne. FRANK A. COOK, Salem, May S5:dlw . HE.OPEN1NG r or MRS. VIERANI'3 Millinery and Dress Making ESTABLISHMENT, COBKKB STATE AMD LiBESTY 8TBEKTS, SHE takes pleasure in annotindng to the ladies of Salem and vicinity that she la atill at tbe old stand, and has just received a Large Stock of Millinery Goods Which she wtll sell fchcarar titan any la town. Fry It. BONNETS AND HAT 8 OF THE VERY LATTST FASHIONS. AlHO French Flowers of etery Style. Repairing. Altering A Bleach ing done at Reasonable Rates. She would I pleased to see her old enstom. ers aod as many new ones as wottld fkvor her witn mar patronage. May25:diw Willamette Transportation Co. NOTICE. , FROM AND A ITER THIS DATE, tTNTll. further notice. The Steamer Fannie Patton Will leave her dock, loot of State 8L, every Wednendajr Msssl Nntrmtaj snlaa;, At 6 o'clock A. M- for Portland, and will loave Salem every Monday ausd Tin Of each week at 5 o'clock P. M. lor Corvaliu anil Intermediate uUoes. CiTFare at Redoued Rates. .D. BILCN, AcenU Ralcm. Dec. l. 187 L Pete's Chop House AX D OYHTKJt NALOON. tr Meals at all Hours. J Three doors north ofChentekeu HoteL Irlvte Boons a for LusH. . V. f. EMERSON, Pror. AprMrtt ' $1,11