The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, May 15, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    cefcfq Oregon ta.U$matL
The City and County.
Front Daily of Saturday, May 11.
The aTjraterlea f rata. Whmt er
Reporter aaw ajtd arbat be beard.
It iu a mild light The eld bood,
broad and benevelea. a Greeley' white
hit, had retired earl and ths littVa (tar
were wiakiag at each ether acrona the Mm
eipuH of May's unelned sky. Whis
pering knot ef uea foald be seea tyiog
and antteiag themselves oa the street er
tier and in shady Books. Soawthiag
in ths hreeie. The grocer taifieJ. it as he
gated pensively at a boqact ef withered
onions unsalable; the natty bar-keep
ten k oqiresnag mnacnee as be took a
solitary drink to keep op ths husiiiess ef
the bsase ; and ths substantial eletaier
frowned somberly apen hi fashionably at
tired wire model as thoagh he suspected
of being aa iaaepeadent RcpuUi
tianawao ir coroner, let, mere was
soatcUiag ta the fcreese.and the repen
ii ut erATssiaa appoiatea niatteU a
Smelling Caaiaiseioa ta fad eat what it
was. He had assessor sub-divided him
self ints Committee, Clerk. Bailiff, As., than
his attention was attracted by the suspicious
stctions ef several men whs were sneaking
across Commercial street towards the Pen
itentiary saddle shsp. , Ibe repMtec drew
noiselessly near as ths strsnge prooession
baited before that establishment aad saw
them Mle in, ons by oae, whispering a pass
word ts ssbm one whs held tb door. H
would never have learned ths countersign
but for the last geatletaaa ef the group
whose whisper wa like ths rush sad thun
ler st a tempest. The very lamp posts
reeled as he saorted fertb the eahalistic
word, " Posjsoi." Tipping pocssm
to the grim jaaittr with aa aftectatioa of
areleiBea, the reporter ilmmoi in and
onessled himself behind a pile hack'es.
There was a moment aicy whea mum
one turae sa a match. Shades sf fasten 1
what a conclave 1 There was 4oanf, fat and
fair, Dickydee, Uaeiepsalmy, Ajayem, aad
tiee-whaw-Lawsoa ! Dickydee haag
wolfs skia ewer the giaea deer, aad Suaaf
straddled a workman's horse aad announced
in a soft asthmatic teas that ha was ready
to begin. Cncfepsalmy with his aei
wrinkled as thoagh he " smelt sathia'
took the teor aad began ia sntoe that
brought every maa ot them ts his feet
caused Dickydee ts hit him ia the month
with a sheep skia. Quiet was restored sad
Tnclepssiiay resumed in gigantic whisper
" Whar hare we earns front ? tolas do we
desire, aad waw are we gwine 7" Dicky
dee Basted faim another with ths sheep skia
and tsld him not to bs sa loud aboat it
Uaeiepsalmy tbea-eeoled eft aad stated ia
effect the reperier had a Kusvari diotiea
ary with him that be was going retake
the comptien of ths Republican party by
going ts the Legislates, jshnf allowed
that this would iadeed he a eortaiaty and
tberefore a rebate ef the Srit water. Uncle
psalmy hereepoa tried te leak as though he
didn't smell anything. Vat failed aad sat
Ajayem taea get en bis feet and epok
sopuleu rally fur sea m'mwtes. He said
that he was not ia the sebakiag business
trot he was ba the tomb -stone See and
thought he saw aa opening far speealatien
in this independent movement. He held
liimseW in readiness tarnish staaghtered
indepeadeats with moaameatal msrhle
Tedaeed rams. Tms eeneroas oner was
ranch cheered, sad Ajayem taoagkt be bad
better quit.
Gee-wbaw-Lswsen then steed ea his legi
and msds a few remarks. The restless
spirit of a defwaot America savage had ia
formed him that there wsea geaeral dearth
of hraias ia the Republican party aad that
he was going te the Legislate! ia answer
to the universal want in that erganixatien.
It was trne that lbs Kepablkaa Csnrentivo
had not put him en tbeir ticket, bat be was
certain that their failare to ds se was i
ly in oversight, and The weald ge te the
Legislators just give them a pleasant
surprise. Mr. Lswsoa was also mach op
posed te esrrapttea, aad decidedl ia favor
of Lswsoa. i 1
Dickydee thea waltaed iota the ecater
and addressed them with hie pipe ia his
mouth, lie didn't knsw meek aboat the
Independent laj-ea. bat U pleased Bill,
aad then it was a matter ef business. He
belie red thai these Independent telle
would get sinubed, and be aad Bill had
slathers ef sioohes for sale. Us was going
on te gire a list ef price whea Jehnf
coughed sad he doabied ap. This speech
alas affected Caelsptalnty, aad he tried to
look as thoagh he didn't emcU anything,
but failed.
At this jnaetare I ohnf tried to gr ofl the
woxlea herse, but fonad that he wis waxed
fast. Ue eaduaveeed te eeneeal lavateir
cnmtUeoe, and spoke ia a very ot94 aad
persaasivs manoep did Xohaf. He said
4hat his whole heart was iat this movement
for aa iidepeodeat tbckeC The Democ
racy ef Ifarisa, far reasons wbieh atedesry
forhade him te meatioa, did aot ask wwt
little. There was ave mnney in the Lef-iela
turn, hut he had fsnnd eas nrtwe Demo
crats who wovM aoeept its empty huanrs.
For hicaw4f he was entirely dineresod j
he had by iodeetry aad applieatiea ac
i aired a Oovemwr, aad was satiated with
that p-seMin. Re bad net eke nny for
' weeks, so. badly had the eenaptioa ef the
Republiena County Coaventioa affeeted
faim. He ergwt them net te writhe enser
the svpelratiea ef ''ore beads'' (it was
sot wed whea he said this that the la de
pendents took off their hats tenderly aad
arranged e Heronry plasters they con
tained.) Ha would giveawmey ts the In
dependent eaase, hut he had donated ail be
had ia the rd e 'he Grand Koade In
dim nt sererat years ego, aad was desperate
ly pa or. .'as this sentimeat JUiaf pel
UtmmI. aad the reporter eseaeed aneb-
Cowwtt NasWeyesterairy met a gen
tie ism who had traveled ever oar entire
county during the Ust few days, and bs re.
psrtt everything meviagwith tbercgalarity
of dork work. The weather has eoa
hardly bL the farmeri desire, as it is
rather tee eeld te east them. Very little
wool ha beea beared as yet, hat within a
few days we may expect te see it eome into
town to targe enantities. Crops are ia a
splendid enaditisa, and prospects in that
line are mere eoeoersjpag than ever before.
, Polities runnrag high, and jnst at aeesmt
deinaaduig mere attontk taaa any ether
oae fubjoct. Greeley's aeaainatien doa't
seem to ge deaa worth a cent with ear
conn try rrieoas, aad hi support la this
county cannot materiaily assist him. Caele
Sammy Allen's "wsrms" hare eaased maay
a hearty laagh amoag oar yoemaary, aad
ths loderwodsa eaadsdntes wwl hardly
meet with tb smppert they anticipate.
Election aotioes sre posted ep everywhere,
and are hameronsly styled -aaaouao
fsr a gtaas! Ropnblicea mass mooting on
Jane 3rd, 1872. Taksn altogether oar far
mer are ia the best ef spirits, and holi
ness matter wear the moat eaooarajfing as
pect ja Marion Ce. - i
Hon AaniTS. Ws .yesterday visited
the sjadie ef Mr. C. A. Seed, ia this eity,
and were highly entertained n viewing
aome eftheiae paintings that are eo ex
hibiti . Mr. Heed is sow. engaged in
painting a large picture ef Mt. Hood for
the I rat ef Corbitt Maeleav, ef Portia d
to be eaug ia their riegaat counting room
Ths picture is about ftinc, aad one half feet
in width by six ia length and1 although
present in no aafiaished state already gives
greet premise and will wilbont dsabt do
credit to the artist wht has it ia bsnd. Ws
were alto shown some In land scape view
ezeeated by Miss Elisa Shirley a pupil of
Mr. Eeed. She U new enraged in painting
a scene in ths Alleghany Mountain which
bows fine artistic taste, nhe has already
painted several Ine views and evidently
has morn than ordinary skiH in that line.
Should she eon tin a to Improve a she hs
dens ia the oast she will win tor herself
Cams among lover of the art.
' Ridcctios or Bail. There was a peti
tion being circulated yesterday praying the
Judge of par Circuit Court to reduce the
bail ef Sam. K. May to luch figures
would warrant his bondsmen to allow him
to retara home fas order to transact some
important basins that needs hi personal
attention- la gtaneiag ever the signatures
ws find the mates ef many of ear most
prominent citiseai , thai showing that Mr.
May has many si Beers friend in this, bis
old heme. The Jndge, we understand, has
intimated that seek a petitioa would receive
bis early attention, aad relying on Mr.
May's honor, we trust he may be allowed
to return to bis family far a abort season. These miserable pests
are again with at, and are eimmitting seri
ous ravages with ear fruit. Lsst year we
invited oar readers to send n what they
considered a remedy for this growing evil.
A few responded, bat ao great good result
ed, act having strackths right remedy. We
therefore ask the opinion of parties again.
Cannot some remedy be brought forward
which will exterminate them T
Iaoa Cells. The Iron cells for the base-
meat ef toe new Court Route building ar
rived yesterday. There are eight of them
and tbey appear to be sufficiently strong te
restrain the roving propensities of anybody.
Front Daily of Sunday May 14.
Tan Usiok Picnic. Yesterday morning
came on cloudy, eold and unpleasant, with
every appearance of a rainy disagreeable
day, causing tnsDy per. tit to doubt the
uccess of the affair that has filled the heart
of nearly every child in Salem daring ths
past week. Eager eyes and beclouded faces
watched the skies, from the time of .their
rising nntil nine o-'clock, half dnuoting
whether or no to venture out to celebrate
the day, as wss at first proposed. But the
clouds toon began to break away, and old
Sol showed his face occasionally, makieg
hearts bound and eyes brighten, which but
a few boars before were inclined to weep
.tears of disappointment Soon the a!em
lUiud wade its appuaxauce on the slrutit, and
when their melodious strains were borne out
npon the morning air, remaining doubts
were dispelled, and. gladness ailed toe
hearts of all who intended to participate in
the festivities ol the day. Vehicles of va
rious kinds thronged the streets laden down
with joyous parties, while from beneath the
seals gleamed provision baskets, eoveroa
with snow white linen, that made our
mouths water while we imagiued their con
tents. Merry thrones dressed ia holiday
customes, were seen moving toward their
respective churches, each face being
wreathed with smiles, and each heart ap
parently free from ears. Bankers laid aside
tbeir Day Book and Ledger, merchants
their business perplexities, mechanics their
tools, and wives and daughters their house
hold cares, each and every one intent on
enjoying the day to its fullest extent. Was
it not enough to gladden the heart of any
spectator to see such bappy evidences of
happy hearts on every side? Indeed it was,
and we for one felt like throwing up ear
bat, and hurrahing for everybody. But we
restrained our hilarity aad awaited further
developments. Before long we heard the
band away down on Commercial Street,
and -stationing ourself ia a conspicuous
place, we noticed it wheel ia sight, while
following it came a perfect string ef gay
colors, resembling a "Dolly Varden" ribbon
on a huge scale. Rainbow colors of every
hue met onr gaze. The music baited and
allowed the procession to pass them, which
when done separated into two columns, and
the band again marched to the head, the
different schools falling in behind in regular
order. Then with musio playing, and ban
ner's displayed, took up tbeir line of march
for Bush's grove, in South Salem, where
they proposed spending the day. On ar
riving there the procession broke ranks, and
every one was allowed to enjoy themselves
as they saw fit. On reaching the grove
we found swings erected, and all ia readi
ness for a general good time. The crowd
was scattered around enjoying themselves
in various ways. Several parties were
playing croquet, and the noise of the mal
let and ball created a sound denoting good
nature.and pleasant companionship. Here
at the foot of a grand old maple we find a
merry crowd playing cardt, but mind you.
they were only conversation cards. Yonder
is a large circle of young folks engaged in
'dropping the handkerchief," aad it it
amusing to watch tbeiu as they madly rash
into each other' arms in their futile at
tempts to pass one another. The swings
are in constant demand and are ever oa the
move, while around each one is standing a
crowd of little ones patiently awaiting their
tarn. "Blind nu'i buff," and "Black
man" are games entered into by
both ' young and old with equal seal.
Seated and standing around in numerous
crowd parents, and children, young folk
and old, were laughing and chatting ia the
highest glee. Baskets and pails filled with
provender were scattered around loose, and
the contents were very soon in good de
mand. Little crowds carrying one or more
of these baskets would wander away a short
distance and under the shading limbs of
some friendly tree would spread out the eat
ables making a most tempting display.
Thanks to the kindness of some young la
dies, who took compassion on our woebe
gone expression, and who gloried in eur
natural display of cheek," we were in
vited te laneh with them, nnd were sooa
reveling in viands of the choicest kinds.
This was the merriest hoar of the entire
dty. Lond laughter and pleasant tallies
were freely indulged in. No strict formal
ity wii required, and each one felt at lib
erty to carry en to tbeir heart's content.
Jokes and witticism were ths chief order of
the hour, and many a hearty laugh was in
dulged in at some unfortunate one' expense.
Games were resumed after lunch wa dis
posed of, and the crowd was greatly in
creased as the afternoon paad away, nntil
aboat three o'clock when it was estimated
there were Ive hundred persons oa the
grounds. When we left the Base Ball fever
had just broke out, and a mateh game com
menced between two rival club of the city.
A large crowd was watching the progress
of the game, and cheering their favorite
sides as the case demanded. It was sun
down before many left the grounds, and
each one went home well pleased with the
entertainments of the day, and wishing the
various schools abundant success in thoir
good work.
Sastiam Lead Silver Mires. We
yesterday met a gentleman connected with
these mines, and we received some addi
tional fact in regard to tbeir development.
The Mercury of yesterdsy morning made a
serious mittake In regard to the reioarcei
of these (nines, which might lead to some
very oasatisfaetory result!. It states that
the vein of lead is only some eight inches in
width, whea In reality it is from eighteen
te tweatw inches wide, with a shew ef min
eral ia the walls, oa either side, of from
three to tea inches deep. Tbey intend to
commence operations aboat the 1st of June,
and put ea a force of from twelve to fifteen
men. Tbey will also erect a imelting ma
chine at aa early date, and intend te raih
matter along ia a lively maun sr. This
sain ha eely been discovered about a year,
aad it already give great premise of bid
dsn wealth. The partie who have the
matter ia head are men of great energy aad
wilt doubt d all in tbeir power toward
developing it resoeross. W trast tbey
may meet with the success they so richly
deserve, ia oentideratioo of the enterprise
they have shown.
Pebsoeal. Ths, genial face of G. M.
Stroud and I. ft. Moore beamed ia vpoa a
for a few moarsals last evening. They
were ia splendid spirits aad perfectly bappy,
having invested tea cents ia chocolate
creams, with which they treated the offioe.
Call ia agaia, gent. You are ever welcome;
it does as proad to greet yoa. -
, Mr. Rickey desires "a to state that the
southern mail elusc promptly at 4 o'clock r.
. ' Persons will govern tbemselre accordingly.
Ray.' Dr. Fkidhichses pastor of the
East Portland Lutheran Evangelical
Church, wa in tb eity yosterday, lis ba
been granted a leave of absence for a few
weeks, swing to poor health, and is improv
ing hi time by looking around the country.
Mr. Pridricksoe. ba interested himself in
furnishing hi countrymen with facta con
cerning Oregon, sad is now the correspon
dent of Norwegian papers, and doing much
to Induce immigration. Hi present trip he
hopes will be the means of securing home
steads for seme of hi peepl who intend to
come out during the coming summer. Any
assistance granted him wi(l prove a benefit
to our State.
F mm D'ifly of Tuaxlay Mcy 14.
Ratheb Sad ax lXExrecrEO. Sunday
evening about the time that Old Sol laid
aside his acepter ef power' and left the
world in the bands of fair Luna for the
night, ooe of our most popular young men
started out ta fulfill aa appointment with a
young lady whom be bad agreed to escort
to church. All seemed fair for a pleasant
evening and our young man' spirits were
more thaa usually buoyant over the prom
ised pleasures on hsnd. The lady in ques
tion was among the fairest of the fair, and
as they slowly promenaded along our
streets, toward the hoete of prayer, many of
our eitiseos noticed what a fine looking
eoaals tkey.were. They listened attentive
ly to tbe sermon, and no doubt were pro
fits I thereby, and at its elote, with due de
corum, protended -a tbeir way borne. But
during tbe br vtics a chsoge bad
taken plaee ia tlx aUnosbre of the outer
world. Dirk and forbodiag eloudi had
eriteaeed tb sfewm king was d.speting
with Lena as to which tboulj ruletho hour.
8ooe large drsf rain brgaa to fall and
fair Luna hid her fre in perfect shams.
while rain aad wind ibowed full well thai
ths conqueit wis orer aud that the night
was resigned to the power that be. Our
eouple quickened their steps and were soon
beneath tbe sheltering roof of the lady'i
home. Fearing the it Tin might increase
and that thera was u time like tbe present
the young man bade hi hostess a hasty
good night and started fur his own home
with hasty strides. Tbe night by this time
was of Egyptian darkness and all the oh
jecti of earth were of one color. Inky
blackness met his gaze on every side but be
plod wearily oo, the wind and rain playing
ad havoc with his shiney bat and bis rai
ment of texture fine. But with face bent
down to escape the storm he plodded on.
Ever and anon bis eye would brighten and
his benign countenance wreath itself with a
smile as some pleasing circumstance of the
evening ran across bis memory. Taken al
together our hero was bappy in spite of the
surrounding elements and naught but shelter
frum ths storm could add to bis present bliss
Suddenly, however, his attention was re
called from the realms of imagination to
the sad realities of life by rather an nncx
pected circumstance. His Honor had not
been noticing the path he was pursuing, for
bis mind had been so filled with thoughts
of another that an abrupt turu in the side
walk had escaped his notice, and he ruthed
madly on in the straight but narrow way
and soon felt empty apace beneath his feet.
Suddenly percieving where be was, he pre
pared himself for a dive, fully expecting to
go off into mud and water over hit de
voted bead. Nobly resigoing himself to
bit fate, down, down be went, and presently
truck bottom. But yo Gods and little
fishes, what a plight that broadcloth suit
d shiny plug hat were in I Mud and wa
ter from top to toe. He finally picked him
self up and feeling around to see that no
portion remained to mark bis mad career, be
again started for home, where be at last ar
rived, and taking out his diary, made a mi
nute record of his exploit, closing with the
quotation, "Pride must have a fall, but
hat a fall was this, my countrymen."
Deaf Mitte School. Several persons
near town have made offers of land for tbe
purpose of encouraging the early erection
by the State of the necessary buildings for
this institution. J. L. Par rich offers a
black in North Salem, David Cole offers five
acres two miles north of town, and A. F.
Waller is considering the matter and may
offer a fine location and five acres of land
very near tbe city . There is room still for
others to make offers. The school really
reeds five or ten acres of land for ample
play grounds and garden purposes, bat it is
desirable that it be as near the city as pos
sible. It is to be hoped that before tbe
meeting of onr Legislature a good and per
manent location may be settled upon.
Dewaxd for Hocses. Just at present
there seems to be an unusual demand for
dwelling houses. Inquiries are daily made
at tbe offices of our real estate dealers by
parties in search of residences, and strange
to say there is scarcely one to rent within
the city limits.. Were somo of onr monied
men to invest a portion of fheir surplus
capital in good substantial dwelling houses
that would rent for twelve or fifteen dollar
a month we feel confident they would have
ao difficulty in finding occupants for them.
We would like to see some nice little res
idences go up, as it would add to the gen
eral appearance of our eity and at the same
time supply a great demand tor that ar
ticle. Guo Tbmflabs' Pic.hc. The Good
Templar of this and surrounding counties
are perfecting arrangements for a grand
picnic la this eity the coming 4tb of July.
Committees on Finance, Grounds, Printing,
Music, Public Exercises and General Ar
rangements were appointed by Capital
Lodge Saturday evening last, and will
make tbeir several reports and issne a pro
gramme in da season. Reports from va
rious portions of tbe State indicate a large
turn out, and a general good time may be
expected. Tbe best of vocal and instru
mental music baa been engaged, and prom
inent speakers will be on band.
Asctrer Curiositt. By the way, ain't
they thick here in Salem ? We were walk
ing along the street yesterday and met Un
cle Jimmy Campbell, carrying rather a cu
riously constructed cane. We stopped him
and examine! it. It is made of Barberry
wood aud nicely carved nnd mounted. The
following sentence is our veil in the wood
and encircles the caoe from bead to ferule.
"Union forever. James Campbell was
born in Greenville, Kentucky, on the 0th
day or April, 1807. G. P. Trullengcr
carved this fr J. Campbell in 18S3."
Deleoaves to S. S. Convertioh. The
Methodist Sunday School of this city has
elected the following delegates to the S. 8.
Convention, which meets at Albany
on the 28th of this month. Rev
L. M. NwkersoD, J. Q. Thornton and
C. E. Burrows. The South Salem School
elected J. M. Garrison, C. W. Scribcr and
Mr. 0. C. Swain to represent them at tbe
same convention.
Impobtakt. Subscription .were being
circulated on tbe street yosterday to tele
graph to John B. Gough, the celebrated
Temperance lecturer, to make preliminary
arrangement for him to deliver the oration
before the Good Templars, at their pro
posed pieaie ea the 4th of July, in this
eity. Should seen arrangements be made,
a large crowd will no doubt be in attend
ance to hear bim.
Rub Gold. This "root of all evil"
ba taken a tendency upward with tb past
few day and i now selling as high as
114 ia Saa Francisco. Greenbacks at
Buib's bank were yesterdsy selliug for SO
cents and they were baying at 87. Money
seems a very scare srticls just at present
and w hear many of onr business men
complaining ef tight times in that respect,
Nbw Cooitv sIoad. A petitioa has beea
pat ia circulation tor a wagon' road to run
from Gervats to Scott' Mill on Batte
creek. At this goes through rather
thickly settled pert of ear country it will
prove a great benefit to these living la that
aeighborhood. '
Female equestrian are becoming quite
" Redcckb Tabes. Ws bar been re
quested to state that arrangement have
beea made with the Railroad Co. by which
Representative to tbe Grand Lodge, I. 0.
0. P., and their wive, will be earried at 80
per cent of the regular rates, going to aad
returning from tbe Grand Lodge.
Railroad Tike Table. A correct time
table of the arrival and departure of train
on tbe 0. A C. R. R. will be found at the
bsad of our loeal eotuma. Changes will :
be made in it when necessary, and ear
readers may hereafter depend upon its ac
Public speak ing at Jefferson to-day.
It always pays to. advertise liberally.
Weather clear, but still eold and very
Every body is going to the Union Picnic
Affairs look bri.'k around the Sister's
school building.
Work again commenced on the Methodist
Where is our street sprinkler ? This duit
is growing monotonous.
A large crowd attended the depot matinee
Sunday afternoon.
Frank Wilson is able to be around the
house or. crutches.
Agricultural Implements are flooding the
city just at present.
Myers is evidently rushing matters on
his Agricultural Works.
Sunday evening' shower drove home
moonlight promeoadert.
Tbe ex-local on the Mercury wean a
' Dolly Varden " nose.
Hotels doin a fair business. Quite a
number of strangers in the city.
Salem received a good sized mail by the
last steamer.
A large number of hoop-polcs shipped
from this place to San Francisco yesterday.
What a naughty boy " Dear Henry "
must be, and bow kind in tbe Mercury to
show httn up.
Several parties having business before
Judge Deady went to Portland yesterday
to aitrnd United Stntes Court. -
Denaoerskry In Doubtinsr Stood.
Chicago, May 9. A Times' special
New York, written by the editor, a .
member ol the National Democratic
Executive Committee, says Baltimore
has been chosen as the place for hold
ing the National Convention by the
committee by a majority ol three to
one, and further states that the Con
vention will act deliberately and inde
pendently of all undue influences, lie
adds : Of course tliere was no formal
expression by the committee on the
Presidential "candidacy, but it was
plain enough that the Greeley business
was not in favor ; indeed the feeling
pervaded tbe committee tliat the Cin
cinnati Convention was a melancholy
failure. Nevertheless it was thought
the l)emocraey should await events,
aud it w.ts tliis imliey tliat determined
also a day for the National Conven
tion. General regret was expressed in
a private conversation, at tlie pnipl
taucy with which numerous Demo
cratic papers pronounced for Greeley,
and it was hoped these papers would
retrace their steps and the Democraev
everywhere would calmly await the ao
. t .. .1 V. .! 1 I . -
ium ui luc annual vuuveiiliou.
Democrats aa "Neeoad Fiddlers."
Chicago, May 9. Democratic State
Central Committee met here yester
day, tien. fceely, a member of the
Committee, aud a number of promi
nent Democrat, who were present, ap-
eurea to oe ol tne opinion that the
Democracy ought aud would support
Greeley against Grant or any other
wssible nominee of the Philadelphia
Convention. A large number of Dem
ocratic editors from various portions of
the State were also in the city. At a
neeting held m tlie atternoou it was
resolved that if the National Demo
cratic Convention endorse the Cincin
nati nominee, they will be heartily
upported by the Democratic press.
Liberal Republican or New York.
Ne-vv York, May 9 The Republi
can treneral Committee of this city
last night recommended that the As
sembly District Commissioner do not
send delegates to Klmira, and endorsed
the Ctneinmrn ticket and plattorm.
New York, May 9. The condition
of Buchanan Read continues very crit
ical, and his physicians are doubtlul of
his recovery.
hT. Louis, May 9. w estlich e Volks-
hlatt, the German org:tn, is against
Greeley aud Brown.
WashdjGTOX, May 9. In tlie Sen
ate tliere was a long discussion on Am
nesty and Civil Rights.
terry ottered as an amendment the
first sectiou of the House Ainnety bill,
which was agreed to by a vole of' 33 to
Boreman offered the second sectiou
of the same bill, which was also screed
ro ny a vore oi di to 14.
I ruinlMiU then moved to strike out
Civil Rights bill, but was lost by a vote
ot 29 to 30, the Vice President srivinz
tlie casting vote. Various amendments
were made, .tnd finally a vote taken on
the adoption of the Civil Rights bill.
amenuea as a gtiosciiuce to tne Amnes
ty bill; was lost. Ayes, 27 ; nays, 28.
1 ma brought the Amnesty bill again
before the Senate, when Sumner oircr
ed his Civil Rights bill as an amend
ment merely. Agreed to by a vote of
23 to 29, the Vice- President giving the
casting vote. The bill was further
amended, and tlien rejected yeas, 32 ;
nays, zz mere oems ies than two-
thirds iu the affirmative.
In the House, Wallace, sitting mem
ber Irom South Carolina, was declared
entitled to bis seat.
Tenneaaee Democratic Convention.
Nashville, May 9. The Demo
cratic State Convention re-nominated
fohu C. Brown for Governor. They
passed tlie usual resolutions, aud en
dorsed tlie Cincinnati nominees, and.
declared a Democratic nomination un
wise. The delegates to Baltimore are
instructed to carry out thee views.
Wilton a Candidate for Vice Preaiden
W line Colfax nj Siimitr tor
Chicago May 9. A Washington
special reports that Senator Wilson
says h lias fourteen States that will
go for him for Vice President. All he
now requires Is the support of ew
York. He is very confident of (suc
Vice President Colfax said yester
day that while lie was iu favor of
Grant for President, yet if it should
nappen ar, jr'miaaeipma that the Con
vention should agree not to nominate
Grant, he (Colfax) wanted it under
stood tliat he would be a candidate be
fore the Convention. Similar posi
tions are occupied by Speaker Blaine
and Henry Wilson.
A post special says that Charles
Sumner has announced himself for tbe
Cincinnati nominee!).
New York Charter Vetoed.
Albany, May 9. The Governor ve
toed tbe bill providing for a municipal
election in New York: on May 31st, ou
tlie grouud ot unconstitutionality.
The Women don't g-o ereeley.
New York, May 9. Tlie resolu
tions adopted by the Women's Nation
al Suffrage Convent Ion are hostile to
the election of Greeley.
The death of Buchanan Reade is ex
pected hourly.
Chicago, May 10. The Tribune's
Washington special has a sensational
story to tlie effect that a plot has been
discovered which comprehends the re
jection of Grant by the Philadelphia
Convention, and the substitution of
Senator Morton as a candidate for Pres
ident. It is alleged tliat ex-Governor
Burbank ol Idaho, a hrotlier of Mrs.
Senator Morton, now residing at O ma
la, has been sending confidential let
ters to the delegates already appointed
to the Convention, in which a plan is,
set forth and tbeir co-operation is so
licited. The dispatch says one of these
letters was forwarded by a delegate to
a Senator who will lay it before tbe
President to-day. While there is rea
son to believe some such letters have
been written by Burbank, there is also
reason for asserting that tbey were
written without Morton's knowledge
and that lie was greatly displeased ut
the unwarranted use of his name hi
them. Notwithstanding all rumors of
combination, plot to defeat tbe re
nomination of Grant, it is noticeable
tliat no He publican newspaper has so
far favored or hinted at such a move
ment. Bytrttaf sbePeaiviaHe lreas
The St. Louis Republican publishes
a list of one hundred Democratic news
papers. In various parts of the country,
east, west, north and sooth, which
have expressed themselves upon the
Cincinnati nominations, and classifies
them as follows : In favor of straight
out-and-out nominations by a Demo
cratic Convention, 11, including the
Washington Patriot. New York World,
Pittsburg Post, Philadelphia Age,
Baltimore Gazette, Savannah News,
Boston Post ami Detroit Free Press.
Speak well o the ticket, bur. await, tlie
action of tire Democratic Convention.
24. including the Albany Argus and
Times, IulsvllIeCxttrler-Joarnal.Clil-cago
Times, Richmond Inquirer,Cleve-
lana riainaeaier, ew x orit express,
and Mobile Register. Commend Ibe
tlie ticket to the support of the Demo
crats, G3, including the Cincinnati In
quirer, New Orleans Times and Pica-
avune. Illinois State Register, Du
buque Herald. Richmond Whig, Irish
Citizeu and Irish Democrat of New
York, Indianapolis Sentinel, Buffalo
Courier aud three Democratic papers
iu St. Lpuis. A majority of the last
named class are country papers, many
or them wealthy.
Nero Castle Belnsr Strengthened
New York, 'May 10. Information
lias been received by tlie Naval De
partment, from Savannah, to the effect
that Moro Castle is being rapidly
strengtliened, and tliat fifteen inch
guns pointing seawaid are being put
in position.
Workmen are clearing' away the de
bris preparatory to rebuilding Niblo's
The body of a man was found in
the Kast River yesterday with hands
aud feet strapped together. A sup
posed case of murder.
The Tariff Qaostion.
Chicago, May 10. A Washington
special says that the opponents of a
change in tlie tariff Mil art; preparing
to niiike aunt tier charge against It. in
the form o! a short bill, sweeping away
the internal revenue tax by wholesale,
and reducing the income of the ov
eminent so materially tliat it -will lie
expedient, if not necessary, to let tlie
present tariff stand. An attempt will
be made to run said bill through on
Monday nexj, under a suspension ol
the rules.
The tieneva Conference.
New York, May 10. A Washing
ton special says that should tlie next
exchange of dispatches be unfavorable
for arbitration, it is iu contemplation
to i-ue an immediate order for the re
call ot tlie United States Agent and
Consul appointed to conduct our case
at Geneva, in time to prepare for the
next session of Congress au exiiaustive
statement and vindication of our UOV'
eminent under tlie treaty, for tlie dou
ble purjtose ot setting the country and
adini nitration right before tne worra.
and of conserving our interests against
such future measures and opjiortunity
as may arise, fer the satisfactory set
tlement of the difficulties between our
selves and England.
Washington, May 11. A resolu
tion was reported iii the Senate, au
thorizing an investigation of ciiarges
of corruption In tlie Kansas Senatorial
The majority and minority reports
of tlie French arms sale investigating
committee were received aud ordered
printed. Sumner protested.
Alabama Onestlou at a Dead
ttnestiou at
Washington, May 11. The Ala
bama dead lock still continues. Tlie
American Government still persists in
the presentation of claims for conse
quential damages as tlie only practica
ble method of securing a settlement of
home international principle clearly
showing the responsibility of neutrals.
Kngland is becoming satisfied that the
treaty will fail, unless it submits its
case to the Geneva Board. She has
made new advances for compromise,
under which her punctilio and our
principle may both be saved..
Washington, May 11. The Presi
dent has signed tlie bill to develop tlie
mining resources ot the United States.
The President has nominated Medi
cal Director James C. Palmer to be
Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and
A desperate fight with canes and
pocket-knives occurred to-day between
tieneral .rones of West Virginia, and
Colonel Calvin Layre. of Alabama.
Jiotii received serious injuries.
New Yokk, May 11. T. Buchanan
Read died at tbe Astor House, at 11
o'clock to-night.
Washington, May 11. Tlie Senate
confirmed L. P. Beach as Surveyor
treneral ot Washington Territory.
The anIHiniBt Plot Exploded.
Washington. May 11. Senator
Stevenson will present a dispatch from
Richard Sinitlu editor of the Cincin
nati Gazette, telegraphed to Senator
Morton to-uay. Inquiring as to tlie
truth of the report of his engagement
in a plot to supplant Generaf Grant at
Philadelphia. To which Morton re
plied that he was not a candidate for
the Presidency, but was lor Grant
"first and last." He believes lie will
lie nominated and elected, and that no
combination can possibly defeat him.
Any attempt by anylxxly to use his
(.Morton's) name iu that scheme for
Giant's defeat, he utterly condemns
aixi reprooates.
Gen. Butler says Grant will be nomi
nated on tlie first ballot atPhiladelphia,
ana will De elected by a large majority.
Tfce Trenty Rrpnbllrnu Conference.
Washington. May 12. While it is
generally believed from- newspaper
statement that tire Treaty of Washing
ton will fail, gentlemen in official posi
tions are not willing to make such ad
Ten or twelve Republican Senators
had a consultation with tlie President
last night at tlie Executive Mansion.
A Collector Requested ta Beala-n.
The President has requested the res
ignation of Casey. Collector of Customs
. V yt ,.. . .
at, rsew wrieans, anu nis ueputy Herr,
iu consequence of the revolations of the
Congressional Investigating Commit
Dr. Howard to be Jselesuied.
" Chicago, May 12. A Washington
Seclal says advices to the Government
indicate that Dr. Howard will soon lie
released, aud that the non-arrival of
omcial papers alone causes the delay,
rtneral of T. Rnehanan Read Tbe
jince-s; uaiu win I rise Flsrbt.
New York. May 12. Tlie funeral
of T. Buchanan Read takes place to
day from the residence of Ws brother-in-law,
J. E. Caldwell ot Philadelphia.
The preliminaries ot the prize fight
between Mace and O'Baldwin were ar
ranged finally yesterday, the parties
signing tlie articles to light in Virginia
ou tne lotn or July for $4,000 a side,
Basalns PMrrrender to arreet The
. American stoat cinb.
Paris, May 9. Marshal- Bazaine
surrendered himself on Tuesday night
to be tried by a Court Martial.
London, May 8 Tbe Echo to-day
has a complimentary criticism on the
performance ot tlie Atlantic boat crew
of New York. The London boatmen
all regard the crew as very able, and a
great btruggie u certain on June lOtn
aorta of tbe Withdrawn I of Ena
land From use Treatv Tbe ftpet-
London, May 11 Tbe Post of this
morning confirms the rumor current
yesterday that negotiations between
tlie United States and England in re
gard to indirect claims have been bro
ken off, and states positively that the
British Government lias withdrawn
from tlie arbitration provided for un-
ier uie t reaty or w ashlngton. The
Globe makes a similar statement. ,
A special from Madrid savs the
downtall of the Spanish ministry is
i'akis, ittav iz. ti am Delta, in re
plying to aa address from tbe deputa
tions of Alsace and Lorraine, said that
France must not speak of revenge, and
advised the adoption of the watch
words ratience anu lime. These
were key notes for France. She would
obtain satisfaction without resorting
mi ne nvnri.
Salt Lake. Mar 10 Tbe St. Louis
delegation arrived here this morning,
and will remain until Monday.
awing to tbe uiness of Judge Strick
land the U. & Court adjourned to July
Fifteen hundred tons ot railroad
iron is en route for the Utah Soutliern
Road. - It Is expected 607 miles will
be finished by August next.
I, OS akgeles. May 10. In the case
of tne State vs. Cyrus Sanford charged
wii u muruer, nie court nas nxea tue
bail at $3,000.
Salt Lake, Mayll-The railroad
delegation lia. gone home. Brigham
ana the fclders are holding Conference
at Provo. Gokl nuggets weiirhlne as
high a two ounces are found at Bing
ham canyon. . Crops throughout tlie
Territory are reported splendid. No
fears of grashoppers this year.
Addrena from tbe " One HsaSrol
Urand Am jr Celebration Tbe
s'reneta Fair.
San Francisco, May 9. Tlie "Exec
utive Committee of tlie Committee of
One Hundred telegraphed last night to
tbe President and Congress a very
strong address setting forth the posi
tion of San Francisco on the Goat Is
land matter and denouncing the Cen
tral Pacific management as the Erie
Ring of the Pacific coast.
The Grand Army of the Republic
are making preparations to celebrate
the 30th of this month at Mare Island
aud Vallcjo.
Tlie French Fair, up to this time,
has taken in over $10,000, and tlie
managers expect to realize $23,000 be
fore It closed up and all things disposed
From Han Franelaeo.
San Francisco, May 10. Two hun
dred and fifty natives of Alsace and
Lorraine repaired to the French Con
sulate to-day and took the solemn oath
of allegiance to the French Republic.
So far as known, not a single native ot
either province has yet chosen to be
come a German citizen.
The Monitor is out for Greeley for
The IVx? CooiH'rative Furniture
Factory, capital $100,000, with privi
lege to increase to $250,000 was in
corporated to- day.
Deberas. an old resident at the
Islands, was murdered by tlie natives
at Kapai.
Tlie total stock sales In the regular
Board were 16.223 sliares. Eastern
Nevada stocks rallied strongly. The
teeling in the market Is generally
A San Francisco girl, not over 12
years of age, wa arrested in Oakland
to-day for swindling several Jewelers,
milliners and others in tliat place by
representing lie'rseif as a daughter of
wealthy parent residing there, and
getting possession of valuable goods on
the pretense that she wished to show
them to her mother. She is said to be
equaled by few and excelled by none
in the confidence bu-iness.
Tlie second trial of McClosky. alias
Carlisle, for assault to murder, in tlie
affray in which the soldier McCarthy
was killed, resulted iu his acquittal
this evening.
The Improved Ocder of Red Men
expect to have the largest picnic of the
season al. the City Gardens to-morrow.
Annie Crosbie. ailas Salt I-ake An
nie, was found dead on Pacific street
Tlie Executive Committee of the
Committee of One Hundred, was in
session this afternoon. The proceeding-'
are not made public yet.
San Francisco, May 10. Tlie
"love and furnishing store of E. Brown.
No. 1104 Stockton street, was bumed
early this morning, and tlie premises
above, occupied by Brown and wife
and Mrs. C. E. Ringold, hairdresser,
badly damaged, the occupants barely
escaping with their lives. Brown was
iMully injured by falling from the awn
ing tu escaping from tlie burning
stocks appear to be strong to-day.
with an upward tendency.
Jack Hill and James Morgan are un-
Vr arrest for garroting and robbing
Jleiiry Barte, ot Oregon, or flio, ou
Broadway street.
lhe steamer John It. Stephens hav
ing been piratically rebuilt, sails for
Portland to-morrow ou her first uew
Weather cold damp and foggy.
The Bristol Mimug Company of
Nye county Nevada, with a capital of
$3,000,000 was incorporated to-day.
Death of Jim lve Korton-.To Assise
Wheat stuottiMoa.
San Francisco, May 13. A cable
telegram received yesterday announces
the death of Judge Edward Norton,
formerly of the Twelfth District Court,
subsequently or tlie California Supreme
Court, at Laiigham Hotel, London.
Iieceasvd was born at Canandagtia,
jn. 1., in isu.
To arrive overland this evening.
Mrs. McLean and children.
Wheat In Liverpool still advancing :
quoted at 12s 9d&13.
Home Thief Kllled-Rennbllean Matte
tVntrnl I omul litre Mue- bowmen.
Ykeka, May 12. A man called
Duff while running off a stolen horse,
was shot by tlie Sheriff. He died in a
few hours.
San Fraxcihco, May 11. Tbe Re
publican State Central Committee met
to-day and reorganized. President,
Alvinza Hayward ; Vice President.
Gen. John F. Miller; Secretary, Wil
liam Sherman ; Treasurer. Charles N.
ieltou: Assistant Secretary, Al. C.
Conroy ; Executive Committee, A.
Hayward, t. D. Asher, Paul New
man, C. N. Felton, J. F. Miller. Wil
liam Sherman, E. B. Mott, J. W.
Vandyke, John Martin. M. C. Conroy,
II. R. Reed, J. Segwick, and F. East
man. Tbe Reform Republicans will atav
organize for tlie campaign Immediately-
Frank Pixley will stump tbe State
for Greeley and Brown.
Hnekaon Coonty Pernors alls. Con
Jacksonville. May 9. Tlie Dei
cratlc Convention that met here to'drty
was altogether liarrnonlotts. The Bed
rock wing was in tlie ascendancy, and
fourteen of tlie conservative delecprte
finding that no compromise could be
effected, withdrew and left the Con
vention in the hands of tlie Bedrock,
who nominated tlie following ticket :
Beprcentatives. E.S. Mason, L.Wailr
and Klippel ; County Judge, J. N.
Black; Sheriff, J. S. Miller; Clerk, S
J. Day ; Treasurer, K. Kubler ; As
sessor, W. Gregory ; School Superin
tendent, J. B. Farley ; Surveyor, J .II.
Lynch ; Coroner, L. Davis ; Commis
sioners, Thomas Wright and Joim
rnin OablansU
Oakland, Oregon, May 10 The
weather continues delightful and tbe
roads are now In excelleut condition
for traveling. Mail and passenger
coaches are making very last time,
connecting with tlie railroad in this
valley, twenty miles north. Every
day lengthens tbe ntilroau, and hi a
short time passenger trains will be
running Into Oakland. Travel over
land is increasing.
Ex-Senator Nesmith passed ssjoth,'
to oppose Attorney General Williams
in debate, wlio is traveling overland to
Portland, and will speak lie re on the
18th inst.
DetnorraUe Territorial CenttnUoa.
Oltstpia. May 10. Tbe Democrat
ic Territorial Convention nominated
Judge O. B. McFadden tor delegate
to Congress ; W. 8. Dodge, Prosecut
ing Attorney, Second District; and
Jodu P. Judson, ProHccnting Attorney
Third Dlstrlet.
Ole Bull's violin, one ot the finest
ever made, is over 400 years old. He
has declined an offer ' $5,000, not
wishing to part with his treasure. His
txw is skigularly noticeable, being
longer and heavier than that nsed by
any' other violinist. This sparkles
with torty diamonds, set in gold at tlie
butt, and two at the point, and Its
estimated worth is more than $2,000. .
' The Supreme Court ot Massachusetts
has decided that a man who, with no
tice and opportunity to meet the char
ges, allows a divorce to be obtained
against bim npon the ground of any
condition of mind or body, or rellgioui
associations, which by law renders him
unfit for the marriage state, is not to
be granted leave by the court to marry
again, without proof that lie has
changed hi condition hi this resie"f.
Chemeketa lodge, No. 1, 1 0. 0. F.
EGCLAE meeting Werlneaatv vanlnrs
.eea',n week, at 8 eNsleefc l tL. a Odd
Fellows' Hall, corner Commercial and retry
atreeta All Brothers la good standing Invit
ed to attend. Bv order ii.ti.
Wlllaawette Enenaant
tent Ho
toe fM.
a. I.O. . l'.-TMtUua
Vx and sta. Tuesdav evenlnn of
X raontti at Odd Fellowt Hall earner
y CumsMreial aad Ferry Streets. AU
aflfoanting ervtnrea la rood standing are In
vltei! to attend. By order of j C. F.
apl 11 71 if
V. A. K Ktnaell Peat, Me. S, U.A.K.
aneets Fridav evening ot each week. All
OearaduK In gnut scantling Invited te attend.
Taken Up.
city en Thurntay April 4th, one sorrel
mare, five rear old about sixteen nands high
and snowing saddle marks, tibe will be sold
in sue month lime to pav eharce unless
sooner called tor. J. H. F1SHKB,
Apr. 10-tf. City Marshal.
False Tbeories Overthrown.
We lire under a new medical dlspensation,
very different from that under which so many
of ear forefathers died. Tbe sick are no lon
ger ttled till they faint, nor gorged with mer
cury, nor prostrated with violent cathartics,
nor blistered oa their shaven heads. Ever
since the Introduction of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters, twenty years ago, renovation and res
toration, not depiction and prostration, nave
been tbe watchwords of the Judicious portion
of tbe profession. The remarkable success of
till ftaaous vegetable prevenUve, invigorant
and corrective, has worked a complete revolu
tlonlaUw general trea tment of dl.'tcase. At
first the dogmatic members of the faculty
would not believe in It. "What 1" tbey ex
claimed, '-cure liver complaint without mer
cury, chronic rheumatism without colchtctim.
fever and ague withoutqniuinel Impossible 1"
But tbe most obstinate liasrodulty must yield
In the end to practical demonstration. From
that Uaae to the present dyspepsia, MHousnesx,
intermittent fever, nervous complaints and
constipation hare vanished urwler the opera'
lion at the great spculflc i u at lew ninety per
cent ef Ibe, 'alexin wliKh It In lieen used an
a remedy for luooe ailments, while as a pre
ventive of all maladies generated by change
of climate, sudden revulsion of temperature,
eutdeatlc notion in the atmosphere, and an-
whniewusne water. Its beneHclal effects have
been so ebvlout art uniform as to secure tlie
most perfect coniidence In its jiropprtles as aa
ImIUoltlon toexerclae,dlnVnlty of think
ing or reasoning, or concentrating the mlml
ii I urn any iiiisjeci, iasiinie, iaca oi nmuiuon
or enerrr, diachnnre talllrur Inlo throat, aome-
time profuse, watery, acrid, thick and tena
cloun nracoun, puruleut, nflowive, Ac. In
tiers a dryness, dry, watery, weak or in
flamed eyes, ringing in ears, deafness, hawk
ing anu congning in clear mroai, uicerauons,
death aad necar of bones, scabs from ulcers.
constant dettire to clear nose and throat, voice
altered, naxal rwang, offensive breath. Imftalr
ed or total deprivation of sense of smell and
laste, dizziness, mental deprexslon, lotts of ap
petite, indigestion, dyspepsia, enlarged ton
ails, tick ling cough, difficulty in speaking
plainly, general debility, idiocy and insanity.
AU the above svmptoms are common to the
dltease in sne of its stages or complications,
yet thousands of case annually terminate in
consumption or insanity, and end iu the rrave
without ever bavins manifested one-third of
the symisoins alnve enumerated.
Xo" disease is more common or tew nnder
ittod bv DhVHic.lanH. The Pronrletftr of in.
Sage's lauirrh itemedy will pay $500 reward
niri rji ,ti cauairu niHcn lie caniim cure.
fold by druggist a, or send smv cents to R. V.
Fierce, J. !., 133 Seneca street, Buffalo.N.Y
for it. A pamiihlet free. Beware of counter
feits and worthless imitations. Remember
tliat the genuine has the words "R. V. Pierce,
M. V., bole Prouritor, Buffalo, X. Y." printed
npon the wrapper: also has Lrr. Pierce's por
trait name and address on his private Govern
ment sunap upon eocn pacaage.
KUI1 Another Bemarbnblr Cure.
8ak Francisco. iov. la 1S71.
IB A. M. IrfjKYEA A tX For two vears I
wa arlltcted with Rheumatism, and tried all
the knowu remedies, but experienced noth
ing more than a temporary relief, the disease
always returning. Some months since, I con
cluded to take your Ink Weed llemedy,
and the result was a speedy and permanent
cnre,the Rheumatism being enlirclv eradi
cated Crumi the system. Tbe "UNKIsaleo
n tonic of the very highest order. It increas
et the aiHiutlteand inviiroeateii Um Imrlv. I
cheerfully bear testimony toils good effect
in ui mo, anil feel sure that it will do all you
claim lor It. Very trnly vours,
J. W. T1UPP,
(Of Mctiraw & Tripp, Att'ys-at-Ljiw),
to California street.
Company, Itivt Department, Portland,
Oreiron, April 5, 1HH. Notice is hereby given
I list a vigorous prosecution will lie Instituted
iigainst anv and every person who trespasses
upon any Railroad Land, by cutting and re
moving timber therefrom before the same is
UOl'GHT of the Company AX 1) PAID FOR.
Ail vacant I .and in odd numbered sections,
whether surveyed or unaurveyed, within a
distance of thirty mile from the line of the
roail, belongs to the Companv.
April lOdlncwtt Land Agent
pnlred to sell their valuable patent
Improvement on dental plates, In County,
butte or Olbce rights. Thev are bow eel I trig
out their latent in the Eastern States, tn Mate
and County rights, and would prefer to sell
In the same manner ea this coast subject to
oflice rights already sold. Any Information
ttaatmav he desired la regard u the patent,
can be had by addressing Dr. IL Smith, Sa
les, Oregon, whea be will refer them to a
large number of persons inat are wearing
)lates manufactured after Purvlne ft Smith's
latent. To see oae of these plates Is all that
ta necessary ta convince the most skeptical
that they are far superior to anv other style
iT plate tfcat has ever been in um.
apl 11 daw 1 mo
The members of this Committee, represent
ing the several precincts ot the county, having
h.MMted of the political bonnes submitted to
their coosi aeration, deemed it their duty to im
prove the tune at their disposal ia the inter
est ot ineir constituents, uy extencuag their
inquiries te the manasement'of business affairs
in tlie oily. Among other thinrsot importance
to their ceasutuents, thev found tliat in stock
ing a Hat, Clothing and Gents' Furnishing
Store, AL Onasman cannot be excelled in this
cilv, aad therefore ananiroonsly
Jtrmlnrtt, That hereafter we will patron
ize the Store of Murphy ft Croannan, In the
stank building, corner of Stale and Commercial
street, Salem, in the purchase of Clothing,
llatsand FurnishiugGoorta, 'tiring onr liberty
to bay ether goods where we please.
Let all (be friends of the Committee follow
tlua wise exa mple.
ena. OKFii B In Republican buildina.
Mill street. Orders solicited. All business
lmtnitfy attended to.
I'ORTLAKD, Feb. 10th, 187i
Ie. J. W. VAX Des Bkruii XVar Sir
Oar child, a Httiu girl eight years of age, lias
had at and convulsions for the last two
rears, and we had tried many doctor and
eaaav remedies wlthoutmuch benefit, in fact
uur darling was gettlna constantly worse
until me beard of your worm syrup through
a f i lead of ours, we thought that perhaps
it asight do some good to give It a trial, ami
muexnnot imanine our surprise when over
saw wvrm were expelled with one bottle of
your vaiuanie worm svrvp, anu from this
thaeea we certainty shall never be without
tt so long as there ts a possible chance for ft
te kefsad. You are at liberty to publish this
afyttHeiNKme, aad may tt do much good.
atespecttuily yours, a H. OUTOX,
Njaaptonaa r Worms.
Alternate paleness and flushing of the
eemitenance, dull expression of the eyes,
rewness, itching of the note, a swelled
aispes-Up, tongue whltelv Ihrred and thfckly
wvr.kVed with red points, feted breath, an
eaktraed abdomen, a partial or general swell-
aqt iv pumngnens ei uie SKin. a starting in
aeiaep,and arlndlnaof the teeth, a aen-
aasioB as It something was lodged In the
threat, a gradual wasting of the flesa, sick
ettusrthe stomach, vomiting, a short and
aryeenvh. appetite sometimes voracious, at
eUter (tmeafoeble, bowel sometimes costive,
si ether Urnas loose, great fretfulness and ir-
rauwaiy 01 tern per, pain in the sumac n ana
ewes, cone, nis, convulses and palsy.
The Worm Ayrupcaa be had wholesale and
retail at the office of J W Van Den Bergh,
raises No. 3rj and X over the Pastoflkie.
Agents wanted all over the State ami Ter-
nomea. ft.-bSdwlf
People's Verdict,
Tfec fMnar Hewltia; Machine aUH
JX 1971, aohl over 44,000 more than any oth
er machine mann factored.
Xew style, both for Family and Manufac-
uiring; purposes, now lor sale at
A. !f. GILBERT ft Can
AprSIrtlm Boot and Shoe Store
M. lug pnMic that I have refltteA and fur
nlMhcd this honse throughout wtth new Fnrn I
ture, Beds and Bedding, second to no rxmse
in Salem, and my tables will be supplied wtth
tlie best the country affords. Ceil aad Uy
" uwa iu toe tionse.
Itova-d,,, WIY GRAVES, ftop.
w ror tilling ticks de.nverod to any part of
the city at reasonable rare.
C4-au omens tnouKt ue lea at jona Hugn
re. Mayl.-fcTtf
ftlbUab by tm Raaeaei,
On-rai AOtxrMng AgrmL. Trw Btrtrt.
rina Street. Iaroortere and Jobber ef
Faaey Uoada, Tsrs, Crockery Glassware and
Plated Ware.
Aatnr House, First., between Oak aad
i'lne Everything naat. B.L. Longfel
low, Prop.
Bancroft at Moree.
Ajent for Mai He, Todd C celebrated
coin PENS.
Iviwn, Blakeman, Taylor A tVsfVbntg Bors,
Juxt pttbluhrd, n fvll Uit of Lrgal Blank
Barnaul, the oalv direct Importer of Cloth
ing, Ac, cor. "Front A Washington eta
Largest Stock in Portland.
No. 79 Front atvt2fo. S Washington otrrett.
ECK, WILLIAM ft SON, 129 Front St.
Importers and dealers in
Onas, Hi flea nnd Revolver
of every description.
Fishing Tackle, Fancy tioorla, Beads, Bird
Cages, Baskets, Croquet Games and
Babv Carriages.
Agents for the "California Powder Works ; "
also, ibr the Wheeler ft Wilson Sew
ing Machines,"
evk, John A., 149 Front street, practical
Watchmaker and Jeweler, Work done
for the Trade.
at Baeneiaer, wisroniBirea.
Brigham A Keinliart, First street, between
oak and Pine, importers ol Stoves, Ran
ges, Kitchen Utensils.
uchanan, W, A., . w. cor. First A Tar I or
sis. cnenpesi rurnunre jiousein ron-
I t DD lt PC! BROS.
AJp X 111 1 O" 1 w Front Street.
Clarke Henderson ArCook, 81 A 83 First StT
theater in Jtt-v Good. Fancv Millinery,
JtC; ' '
Colin A Kosenli-ld, lid Front St. Commis
sion Merchants A dealers in Oregon and
California Produce.
Congle. J. B., manufacturer and dealer in
Saddles, Harness, and Saddlery liard
ware, 96 Front St.
CTtirrler, W. A Co., 103 Front street. Mer
chant Tailors A Clothiers, llats. Furnish
ing Goods.
De Lashinutt ft Oatraan, 92 Front street.
Real Klate Agents, money loaned
houses rented.
lul Front street, Portlaml.
nDIIPPIOTC C. H. Woodard A Co.,
UnUUUlOlOi 101 Front St. Order
from any portion oi the Slate or Territories
carefully Ml led by mail or expren.
Emil, Lowensteln ft Co, Furniture and
Carpet dealers stores from 134 to 138
First street.
Employment Agency. Witherell A Hoi
man, HO From street. Furnish all kinds
of help.
E vending ft Beebe, 10 Front street. Cora
mission Merchants and dealers in Do
meatic Produce.
W.ahion Livery Stable, corner First and
av Salmon sts., E. Corbet t. Proprietor,
tiood turn-outs always on hand.
Fixhel A Rotierts, cor. First ami Washing
ton sts. Dealers and Manufacturers,
Clothing, FiirniMhing Goods.
FreetanVl Dr.' B. R., Dentist. Offlce, Xo.
2, Dekum's Block, cor. First and Wash
ington sts.
ilfftSteel, 75 and 77 First street. Deal
ers in Books, Stationery, and Musical
The largest Music House on the Coast.
GANS, G. L. DePRAXS, Manager.
CST Agents wanted.
Hackney A Steeme, Grocers and dealers in
all kinds of Seeds, corner First and
Main sts.
Hambunrer, B., 133 First street, importer
anil dealer in staple Fancy Dry Goods,
endee, D. H-, Photoaraphk; Artist, S. W.
corner First and Morrison streets. Chil-
drens picture specisltv.
Henrichsen, L C. A Co., 109 First street,
Manufacturers and dealer laJewelrv.
ibbsrd, Geo. L., 98 Front street, whole
sale dealer In Groceries. Doors. Wairon
Materials, Ac
Hoibre, C alef A Co., 97 Front street, whole
sale dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils,
Glass, ftc.
TJ f r L? Sewiwt Machine, straight nee-
M I fill Pj rll linger fr1 "lr'k stitch"
lock stitch.'
t ompetition challenged. M. E
Trover, 11S
Front Street.
nrgren ft Shindler, Xos. 18 to 173 First
at. importer rurniture, ttemung, sc.
International Hotel, onr. Front and Morris
on ata. M. Rudolph, Proprietor. Free
Buss attends steamers.
Kohn, i. ft Co., 91 Front street, wholesale
and retail dealer in Fine Clothing. Fur
nishing Goods.
afson Doree Restaurant, private room
. for Families, cor. 1st and Fine street.
V. V oos. Proprietor.
M7rtinE7 Co., wholesale dealer In
Wine and Liquors. O.8.N. Co' Block
and San Francisco.
eier ft Schmeer, 111 Front street, whole
sale ana retail confectioners.
Miller. John B.,93 First street. Watch
maker and Jeweler, offer to the nublb.
a fine assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jew
elry, v-
Moeller, ft Co, Front near C. street, deal
er in native and foreign Wines, Llo,
uors and Cigars.
orthrnp. E. J., Hardware, Iron, Steel,
ttuos, spoae, Marawooa i.umoer, ac
Occidental Hotel, oor. First and Morrison
sts. Smith ft Cook, Proprietors.
ParrUh, Watklns A Cornell, Real Estate
Agents, 90 Front street, between Aider
and Washington.
Photographic Goods, u'S
Klce, J. M., 127 First street, wholesale
dealer In Ti nware and Stove.
Richter, Paul, 105 First street, importer of
Berlin wooden Carvings, Parlor Oma
meHts, fto.
ider, G. (X, Real Estate and Money Bro-
ker, W Front street. Portland.
Rosenbaum, I. 8. A Co., Tobacconists Im
porters of Foreign nd Domestfc Lsqnor
I) uss House, Front street.
Oa First Class
jlbv rriiK-.i
in Harnc
Thos. Rvan, PronrletoT.
1 Front and 6i First
S3 er in
rness, Saddlery, and Saddlery
Simon, J., S6 Front street, dealer ia Doors,
Sash and Bit nds, Window and Plate Glass
SMtnshelmer, H., 157 First street. Importer of
so Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musical
kidmore, 8. G., m First street, Ihmggis
Kv ana a pntnecary, a large aioca ot renunv-
cry ton t oilet Articles.
muh ft Davis, 71 Front street, wholesale
in-uvs, rants, oils, inflow Glass, rer-
, AC
(tljnow ft Rons, 73 First street, Ptctures.Mold
9 inprs, Framea, ArUaU Mate rials. Drawing
Smith, Put.
In Legal '
and Gold Dast,
Broker, 90 Front street. Dealer
Teaaera, Government jjooa
STOJIE, B.LHH, Ko. 1B7 rrwntMreet.
Watchmaker and Manunoturiag Jewel
er, Is appointed agent for tne Walthnm,ElgtB,
E. Howard a Ok, Chaa. E. Jaunt, and the Cal
ifornia watches : also, for all tbe productlotx
and Imports of tbe California Jewelry Compa
nv, 8a3 Franuiano, Send Ibr a ctrcniar.
W'atcbe repalrwi in the very best man nor and
WARRANTED to give laiUfhcOon.
'Vrry Brot No. 178 First street, nmnnfac
B. turers arsl dealers la Furniture, Bed-
qing. varpets, to.
f be Clothing Store, 113 Front ttreecCloth-:
JK. lng. Furnishing Goods, Boot and Shoes.
Harris ft Prager.
I m buttle, H. H- iii V lit Front st. Dealer
JL tn Wagon and Agricultural Implement
f V'nc, D- cor. First and Oak sts.,
dealer In Fine Brandies Wines, English
Aie aim n'rwr. ,
ffjyler, J. A., 147 Front street, wholesale
A dealer In Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard,
Bacon, ftc
Williams ft Myers i Central blouk,Front
street, CommlsSloa Merchant and
dealers in Prwluce. .
Halcin, Orceou,
Largest ami most oomilete assortment of
Whips, Etc.,
Saddlery Hardware and Findings.
Noz Pare Salve.
this celebrated salve In this city.
It eaa be seen red at tlie drug stores of J.W.
Smith and Weatburfurd ft Co.
jo;ies & patte.s::7
real utriTE, cssirrtfE;
i-AST- ,
Opera Honae Block,
AIM, ....
tar Attentlen aa CUlesJ aa k M
towina; Pirn Ip liana a
-f flf ACRES four miles north of ftalen:
lUu -arneU lnvpnraewient ; land well
located and some fine timber ; price 10 per
O r fa ACRES. 4 mile smith of An ten;
O sts VF known a the John Mtnto fkna ;
well improved ; price, fA.000--liberal term.
a M A ACRES la Polk county l 4 mile a
eJbjl- wofHnlem; (Hacre lb rnltlva
tum: good stock water and range? prtoe (la
ler acre.
ACRES In Polk cmmty,4 miles from
Salem; well Improved ; price 2500
-g fg ACRES 8 miles it e of Anient; S5
JL m VlF acre In cultivation ; good boar
and barn and fine orchard; well watered;
price 4,000
0ar Pi ACRES near Snbllmltv, IS miles
i 9 of Salem ; all well fenced, with
good stock water ; price, $5 per acre.
-f -g flACREA tn Polk comwy, l mile w
jX M W of Hnletn ; Improvements good; M
acre ia cultivation ; price tnuu.
G Iwfa ACRES7 mile south of Salem; all
C3JviJ under fence: good bars and banae
coosltierahle Improvement; price IU per
acre, in quantities te nlt potv baser.
OFil ACRES It mile east nfnalenil
39 well Improved ; gnnd bouse aad
Istra, and wel I watered ; price 14 per acre.
TB M g ACRE.. St mile nnrh ef Salem ;
Mfrl W go acrea In cuitivallon; all under
Uince ; prV 10 per acre.
4T A If ACRES 15 mile north east of fia
JUjk lem, on creek; 71 acrea
In cultivation ; good range, well watered;
price 11 per acre.
f (fa fm ACHES of land 4 miles northeast ef
M 1W Hlverton, with Saw-tnlll ea prem-
lsea; prfce 1-200 very cheap.
A -g A ACRES miles aorthwest of Salem:
4rJ.4 100 acres in cultivation; rood
range, well watered and good orchard ; price
14 per acre.
ACRES IS mile east at rales ;
small improvement; price 3000.
OOfnACRES4 mile northeast of Mt
proved ; good new house and barn ; 100 acre
in cultivation ; price 1000 ; term easy.
KA ACRES half mile west cf Salem; near
93 W terry landing; well improved; prlc)
50 per aero.
4f0 ACRES prairie land, 4 miles north ef
93 Salem; a nder fence; 2i acrea In cai
ttvation ; price 15 iter acre.
HOTJSE and halfbtock In Jones addHlea ;
it storv bouse well flatsbedand groand
well Improved ; price 2200,
T OTS 8 and 9, block 4, Reeds' addttfoa, va
WA cant and line location ; price iMX
6 LOTS in South Salem, near acbool house ;
price 800.
HOUSE and 11 lots In Robert' addition;
belonging to M. R. Moore; price tUMO.
UOCSE and lot of W. J. Plirmroerln Sooth
M L Salem ; honse well finished;
5100 a bargain.
TB ESIDENCE of I. & Dj r, on Capital St.;
price 4500.
OTS 5 and 6.
TT OTS 5 and 6, block 25. on Church street ;
1 vacant; price 500.
"VBRIOK store, north end Star key block ;
fire-proof: 8 rooms on second floor :
good brick warehouse; prior 4600.
2 LOTS in Albanv, bear the court boose ;
price 700; inquire or Thome M osteite,
nnOCSE and lot en Front street, near bn
M.M. lnesi
tness part of tbectty ; now eueanted by
Mr. J. L.
Star key; price 2100.
ROUSE and lot. Smith SaVm ; near reet
denceof H. Owen: house aaflnfahedt
price 350.
rTb KeaitlBft aasfl lea saa; Jt
X kind of property. Collection of Claims,
Conveyancing, Ac, will receive prompt at
tention. For further Information address,
b&wIbbu Oncoat
Notary pab
A Choice List of Property both tn
Olty " tks Ooxxxtxy
always en hand tor aale.
Special attention given to Renting House
Legal Papers Drawn Up,
Tuxen Paid, 9cis Sco
BuMnea Bulinslul toonreara by
Absentees or Residents,
of the City, wUl receive osjreftal atlassloa.
' Aprt:dftwtf
f Oregon. Special attention girea le the
ieclkm of acoounts, reata, Ao.
Real Estate ! Real Estate !
jacob frrrrzEX. A ce
ker. Rooms on flrat floor oeraer Fretst
and Washington street, Portland, Oregon,
wit 1 attend to the aale and purchase of real
aetata ta all parts of Orecoa. Inutsl
tton given to tbe sale of tannine land,
i April MX dftwtt
!TJ VdM. Mini VM.1.
Oakland Poultry Y.wtv
Corner oflAt ham)
Season of 18ro;
Eggs for Hatch: nc:,
Fkok tbs LAnnwrr assM
Carefully packed aad a ati ktMed terarry
tj any (ttMUC. mv rtnjatl
Dark and Light Erahmai, Buff and Part
ridge Cochins, Wbst Legtsarnst
. Houdans, Silver Spargred Hanv
buTgi,BlackSp9tij,Whit Dorkias, Golden Po
land, Aylesbury Ducks, and Game, S
rigrit aixiBJack AfricsM) Bantams.
K Start stamp tor Circular to
, : . B RAYLEY,
bnnnrrer and Bieetler at !T,ib PoaVtrr
Bui 8S0, gaa ITancisco. 1
fleneval Agent for tbe Potltbt Won.tx
aawthly (aagazine devoted entirely la Peal,
try. TbeliMpapeTimbtistwdintheeoaatrr.
tjubaiHatloa, ti 00 per year. A genu treated
for every cltv and tewa aad the cottarrv. in
ftirtrrBfurmatloo, a..lresT ' "
, baa FraocWe.
CSrr lease atate In what paper imw
thUalvertlseraeut. . ,