The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, May 01, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    See&q g)regm f desman.
The City and County.
From Duilf ij Sdturdug Apr. 27.
Onn Fklivii Picnic. Portland backed
out of her grand P.enic enterprise, bat Sa
1cm did 0", and yvrlerday was tot uM
fur regalnr joililratwa, mad we kad it.
About wen o'clock Iho weather looked
anything Inft encouraging, and fear were
4ntprla'ni4 tliat we were to Wnv a rainy
ly. Rut aWmt nine o'tkk it began to
lcr np at4 nn the sun ckooc frth ill all
it glory, awl Odd Fellow, jubilant, great
cd each brr with ruiilia fiw. A boat
ten o'clock the Pileiu Ura Bund a4 it
appearaane oa our street, and stttttoaing
themselves in front of the Odd Fellow
Hall, played dome lively am. It wa a
aignal for all to prepare fur picnicking.
Wig, uagcies, baelu, carriages and
dray were iatatly in good do and and
f-aleni stnrtede now for the Fair (i r !
Member if the OnUr having ceagregated
at the Rail, formed kite a proeeKioa, and
led by (lie Hand playing a march, atartod
kIuww Commercial Strict, atakiagaiinHUaat
dUplay with their gorgeous paraphernalia
and elegant tanner. lora and wiadow
were thrown open, and everybody Roeaied
to consider it jie aa cicitiag eccae. Ifor
ing an with aiartial tread they aoua reached
the grounds, each t arause himself a he
r. aw fit. Impromptu fuot-raee were
got up. in which many f onr yung .taen
participated, "ye local" aamag the reft,
and although a certain rluthier ia tbi city
proved "ira too aiaay" for kirn, still we
claim we came oat ncond beat; aad "know
all aaea" that in tbe w heel-barrow race we
claim the championship, Marphy or Reed
nut eaceptwd. Very aiany ladies graced
the eccarion with their presence andcheered
the KKor with their winning auiilus.
Lunch wa the at it thing ia order, aad
varum little pnrtie rottld be seen scatter
ing iu every direction, and itwii banily en
gaged in "cheering the inner ataa ." The
Him liall Club then appeared oa the
ground and cimeoccd thair match game,
urrnanded by a large erowd. Meanwhile
music wa procured aud one if the upper
hull appropriated for daariug purpose,
and IVr a C"uplc of lour eouM be snen a
tnerry throng "tripping the te" ia a must
jovial wanner, the hall being densely
crowded. About & o clock the assemblage
broke up aad returned to their home chuck
full of mluia'-tmn with this erenta bf tbe
day, but 0, how tired 1
Ujisk Uiu Marca. Oh, Heat! It is all
very nu-e to lie Vice Presideuc of a Dace
liall Club, but when wc have to record ike
Irlrnt of our owa duh, it ' rstlwr humil
iating. Hut it i our duty, to here
The College boy played the Marion Clab
yesterday afternoon, and after playing
even iuninga were obliged to stop on ac
count ot tbe raia. tbe tcore standing Oil
lege Club 10; .Vuriona 8. The recall
would have been, no doubt, different bad
the nine iauiuga biren played. The fielding
wo excellent ua both side, and "white
wahc" were frequent luit the butting
vii very poor na either fide. The players
need mure practice. Thi being only the
first game, the Msirioe ctill hare a chance
to redeem theaeelve. We hope they will
not allow the College boyst"gt away"
with tbeut the aecund time.
Wan Kxows Ilia ? We are in receipt of
a letter from f?nersenta containing the
following under date of April 2lth : "This
morning a young wan who ha been driving
-team for a widow lady a few miles from
licro, wa thrown from a horse aud o se
verely iojured that he died eooa afterward?,
lie had no relative arouail here, and gave
liia name a George Ckall. He eante here
about January tat. llo wa of light com
plexion, bad grey eye and Kjbt hair, hi
age being abontJI. Further information
regardiag him can be gained by addrcasing
John Fiher, Ualt, California." We give
the letter a place in onr column h'vjiing
thai auaaaof hia friends or relative may
ace it. aad be thu relieved of unaeoeasary
cuspenae a to hi whereabout.
Moxtgohfrt HeARn Frum .There was
a report around the streets yesterday after
noon that Montgomery who disappeared ia '
-tsuch a mysterious manner a few weeks
since was seen en our etrect daring thu
day. Bat we find it to be without founda
tion a lie ha beea heard from iu altogether
another directiou. He went to San Fran
cisco on the firt steamer that sailed after
tlis marriage, ia company with Mr. Colby
who it seem has at last given this elae to
bis whereabout. This we trust, will set
at rest all rumor that may have arisea a
to hi being foully dealt with.
Dar.Aitrvu.r Dcll. Everybody feeing
out to tbe picnic, yesterday made things
rather dull on Commercial and State streets.
Our merchant had an easy lime of it and
clerk samked their pipes and wore their
bats ia the stnee without interrupt!
But they will have ta ly around to-day to
make up fur it.
From D'Uly oj Suwlitj Apr. 2st
Fiww Si.f.tx Acescv. We yesterday
met Mr. M. N. Cfoaptnaa who recently
rived in this city from rileti, and be fur-
uished us with eosuo interesting items ia
regard t a utter in general i this reeer
vatioa. Tbe agoacy is now in charge of
tien.Joel Palmer and andcr tbe discipline
of tbe. Method itt church. The Indians on
the reservation number about seven bun
lred and are all rery peaceably diapwfcd
toward the whites, although they ocea
ioaally bare a little fracas aatoag tlwui
selves. They manage to raise most of their
owa food, sack a it it, bat as a general
thing it is not much sought after by the
white. FUk ahoaad ia great quantities
and furnish tbetu with meat. They raise
considerable craia. vats especially. U beat
does nut flourish well on the groand now
tinder cultivation batecrtaia portiona ot tlie
thousjinds f aeeo oa tbe reservation can
be made productive for this grain. In re
gard to educational advantages they have
been rather limited heretofore, consisting
only of such opportunities aa were given
them ia the gablatu school and sue h teach
ing aa tliey anight receive from the white
employes who are all engaged on certain
lays iu the week to reader tiiU assistance.
Bat arrangements aro new completed by
whieh a permanent school will be started
About tbe middle of next moatb. It is to
be auder tha superrUdoa of Miss Wood
worth formerly a student of the University
in thia city, ''here are some tea w twelve
white families residing oa the reservation,
all in tbe employ of the government. Mr.
Chapman recently endeavored to teach the
Indian the (ana af base ball, but they
couldn't see the fun ia it, and abandoned it
Slit their long established me ot " CofaoJ
oooeliar 40 W theta will c bouse aides
and forming ia two lines a short distance
part with clab formed like our "shinny
clubs" will eadearor ta knack a woodea
ball, about the t'lM of oar base balls, over
tbe Una of their oppose, which, when
done, win the gasna. Sure shias are aban-
dant at all times. This is a splendid place
for trout fishiag aad should aay of onr eit
izeas wish t take a urascraxcariion, they
will be well entertained at Siletx. Mr,
Chapmaa i enraged ia business eanneoted
with the Agency aad will return la a few
days. It is gratifying ta hear such a good
report from thi section of our State. All
under Mr. Palmer' emjdoy, as well a the
Indians in bis charge, speak rery highly of
him, and the affair of the reservation were
never ia a more prosperous condition.
Mxr-IUr Pk.iic Ib people ia tha
neighborhood of Woodburu are making
. preparations tor a May-jaj picnis oa the
18th day of May, Key. P. 8. Kight wUl
deliver an addres. on Education and Prof.
6. C. Simpson has been invited to dclivtr
aa sddress on Temp ranee. Vocal mnsio
will be furnished by Prof. McCraw, and the
Aunira Band will ats he proeuredT Our
WorHlburu aeighhora avidenUy intend to
make Him an extra occasion.
RuaawAT Ma II rax. llr. A. Eyerly,
who live near the Imlependrnca bridge,
jiiat below Ceo. Neamith'f farm in Polk
county, started yertcrdsy with hi team to
rouie down to Saleia. When near Mr.
Break' pliee, the hornet became fright
ened and ran away, throwing Mr. Byerly
riolectly from hi neat on the back-board of .
the wagoo to tbe ground aud forerely in
juring him. Mr. Lewi, the Daltai mail
carrier, coaiing along picked Mr. Byerly
up, and brought him to Mr. Mao Waller's,
where ho lett him, aud then coming oa to
Kola, he seat Dr. Jeffrie ap tu attend to
htm. Mr. Lewia eiwln not jadge how e
riou Mr. Byerly' injuries were, but ha
tkiaight kirn badly lmrt.
Lidi W'arrr.a ash. I'erhafx mbc uf nor
readers wnald be glud tu learn that liiae
whitewmh is made from liuic well slacked.
liaslve two pounds anil a half of alum in
boiling water, and add it to every pailful of
whitewash. Liaie whi(ewuJi should bended
very thin, and, when it is taflicienlly bound
on the wall by aiean of alum, two thin
coat will cover the work better ; thi may
he used for the f rt coat thinned with wa
ter. Most, whitewathcr apply their wa.-h
t thick, and do nut mix a proportionate
quantity o uluoi to bind it; consequently
the operation of tbe brush rub off the first
coat in various part, and leaves an uneven
surface, and the original smooth surface of
the wall i eutirely deatroyed.
Ki.r.oTion of OFricr.FS. At a regular
meeting of Capital Ledge, Xo. 11,1. O. (i.
T , held last evening, tho following officer
were elected to serve fur the ensuing term :
S. C. Adams, W. C. T.; Mis Julia Buford,
W. V, T.; Mile M. Miller, W. S.; A.J.
Brown, W. F. S.; Mr. Sol. Hurbin, W.T.;
E. B. .Stone. W. C; Ira Erbc, W. M.:
Miss Miuuie Stuae, W. I. t.; Spcrry,
w. o. a.
(JoiiB Earr. We see a notice in one of
nur exchange that Mr. and Mrs. Hates,
Weil kuown iu aletu ii an actor and ac
treaii, are vu rotila lo the K ise!ii States.
It wa said they would t.p and play a few
nigbla at Kail Lake. They bad been (lend
ing the winter at Sacramento.
1'iimc at 1all. Tba Md Fellows of
Pallas and their jswuljed id very
well-ordered pi' nW-, . f?" TbarLiy . Mr. J.
X. Dolph, of Perilan I, deinwed the ad
dress. The attrnilanr was large and the
affair an unusually happy one.
flRAiir AT. The following pcrs' will
graduate at the Willamette I'mverxity this
year: Iluhhnrd liryant. Iiora P. .Siuipson
and Kva Wheeler. They pajned (tie liuul
examination satisfactorily yest. rdny.
Novel Caloric. The lawyers whose ol
fices are in the Court House have been
burning Patent Office Ileiorts iu their
stove for the past week, instead of wood.
Those literary eETusions are dry enough, we
should think, to be verv combu.tilde.
From Vniiy of Tnemhig Ayr. 30.
The Bare Ball Mai-Anr. The Base
Ball malady has joined the ranks of that
host of periodical and perambulatory infec
tions, including scarlet fever, tncuslos, etc.,
which call upon us in their proper season
for the benign purposes of corporeal torture.
We are now in a feverish state of Base Ball.
It haunts us in our dreams ; it hovers about
our breakfast ; it whizzes in tbe air anil
bangs against the roofs of houses. It has
come to that pitch of exulted frcniy that it
want to invade your local column and lead
all minor items captive in its train. Fur
in-it.ince. wo see a crowd collecting and hear
a man vociferating his willingness to bet on
somebody. "Who dected tu what?' We
ask. " Captain of the Snolloygoxslps' nine,
dogone it 1" Kxcluitni an excited youth.
Yes, Jimmy is badly hurt," we hear a
man say sadly as we pass. Out comes pen
cil and paper and the quirk inquiry, "Who
hurt when?' "Why, in the Uaso
Ball " Wa rush around tho corner to es
cape him and his confounded Base Ball,
when we pull np with a jerk against an ac
quaintance who salutes us with, " Hello 1
Going up to-night !" Luckily we haven't
pat away our pencil and paper, and will
nst catch thia item, sure. " Up where?"
' Don't yon know that the Slap-hangers
are going to send a cuaiicnge to ttio
' devil !' we shriek, as we rush on and on
with Base Ball hanging and whizzing in
our cars like a horrible dream.
Mt .MrAI. Union. Owing to the crowded
state of our columns in Sunday's issue we
were prcveulcd from giving this concert the
notice it really deserved. Tho Orchestra
under the leadership of Prof. Francis ex
celled all their past effort. " My Cottage
Homo" sang by Mrs. Williams, assisied by
other members of thu choir, was well ren
dered, a was the ' Indian Maiden' Song"
by Miss Iell Dunbar dressed in very appro
priate costume. " Lost and Saved," sang
by Mis Fromer, wa one of the finest
pieces of the evening and admirably render
ed. " Kathleen Mavourneeu," by Mr.
Emma Williams, drew forth a hearty eurr
as did Miss Lizzie Jordan's assurance that
Father will Settle tbe Bill." Tbe b'hoy
" Slap Banged " aruund iu the most reck
less manner, und " Joseph " warned tho
unmarried to " Beware of the Finuegan
Lasses," while Miss Lottie Sluper, assisted
by her dusky companions, bewailed tbe loss
of " Litlio Dale, with decided success.
Taken altogether tbe Uuiou hare shown u
decided improvement and it is to be re
gretted that they drew sosinall an audience.
Nearlt SuieiDK. Yesterday evening a
laboring niau who lives near tbe slethudist
Church, near tbe residence of policeman
Baker, eauie tu that ufheer und informed
him that hi wife wa lueutulljr deranged
and was at that moment making towards
tbe river with tbe iuteutiou of drowning
herself. Mr. Baker started promptly in
pursuit and cauie within sight of her aa she
was Rearing the river iu tbe vi-iuity of the
atejmer landing. She was bareheaded.
with a shawl thrown across her shoulders,
which he east upon the ground shortly
alter and rushed wildly oa. The officer
called tu her then aud as she turned and
baited for an instant, succeeded in reaching
her before she could accomplish bcr. mad
design. She refused to return aud auted
with such violence that be was compelled to
coll a carriage. She was taken home and
medical assistance called, aad was, later iu
the evening, reported to be quieter. She
was undoubtedly insane at tbe time, aud
but for the prompt action f the officer
would have accomplished her rash design.
JlrsTEUiots DiSAi-rxABAacEx. Three
remarkable eases of mysterkiu disappear
ance bare happeaed in Oregon within tbe
space of a few weeks. Jirst, aa industrioas
and temperate mechanic is seen at night
fall by hi friends, in Portland, and then
never again. Second, a man in Balem,
well-known and well -to-do, marries a young
girl, leaves a few handred dollars ia her
possession aad, without a word of warning
or of explanation, disappears from view.
And last, a wealthy farmer of Polk county,
happy ia his domestic relations and sur
rounded by every comfort, is about to (it
dowa to his hreacfast when he goes out os
tensibly te speak to some one, and never
ra-dpnears. Tbe history of human life is
full of such mysteries, inexplicable and
dark, from which the shadow never shall be
Ten Latest Fasuio.v Rage. The fe
male public mind is getting decidedly exci
ted ia the matter of the Dolly Vardcn
styles. Perhaps some of our gentle read
ers would like to know particularly what
the Doll Varden dress ia. It is a dies
with suuflower and cabbages and pump
kins worked all over it, and a lot of snake
squirming ia the background. Why, it is
enough to ire a man delirium trtmetu to
look at it. Whoever saw such a pattern ?
It's flash wall paper ran mad. When a
lady gets one of them ea, she looks ex
actly like some Japanese tea sign. Go
ahead, ladies, if yea are determined to
drive your luVers over the verge of distraction.
eve i weeks a strange incident ha hap
pened regularly at each weekly prayer
meeting of the M. E. Church ia thi city.
On the occasion alluded to a young man of
devoat appearance, ha often risen and an
nounced that ho desired the prayer of the
church for tbe spiritual welfare of Al.
Croasman, of the firm of Marphy A Crons
atan, as, wa use tbe identical language, "he
wa a very wicked yoang man." Now Al.
ia a moral youth, and stands no more in
need of "prayers", than the rest of uj.
Perhaps it i only an ingenious advertise
ment. Kverbody will want to ce the
"wicked young man," of course, and we
have faith enough in At's fincse as sales
man, to believe that few of them will es
cape the portals of the clothing store without,
depositing a "piece." If this is what it
mean it i the most remarkable advertise
ment on record.
Bonn. The Campaign Daily Mercury
was oshered into the world somewhat in tbe
vineinity of that mythical point of time
which separatee the middle of hilarious
Saturday night from the sobriety of Sab
bath morn. It is a modest little paper and
bear a gratifying recmblance to to its
boastful parent the Democratic Ring. of Sa
lem. It is only brought forward for the
purpose of the present election, and will
finish w:th the close of the campaign. It
is creditable to the energy and plethoric
purse of J he King that they are able to
sustain the luxury of a daily paper. It is
well gotten up typographically and its edi
torial columns are filled with uch matter
a our Democratic friends will persist in
ruining their stomachs with by endeavor
ing to digest it.
Wa Amu tiik Fii:st Man? This is
another one of those startling conundrums
which audacious investigators are propound
ing 'n this ago of bold inquiry and severe
analysis. The mould of age has ceased to
be a shivld against the relentless probe of
the truth-hunter, and familiar theories an
no lunger sauted by reason of ancient im
memorial acceptation. "Was Adam the
first man ?" was the subject of Ilev. P. S.
Knight' lecture at the Congregational
Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Knight
disturbed the honors of our reported ances
tors, by claiming that he was Not the first
edition of "poor humanity." His theory is
that tbe earth was in possession of an infe
rior race when Adam appeared, and he cited
passages of Scriptnre tu sustain his posi
tion. The lecture wa a studied and schol
arly effort, and a large and intelligent con
gregation listened to it with evident interest.
Canine "Discretion." As wo were
perambulating the streets yesterday in
search of moving accidents by flood and
field we noticed what may be termed an in
stance of canine discretion. Two small
boys were playing nt ball aud behind one of
them stood a fine black dog whose laughing
eye and gently oscillating narrative evinced
that he had an interest iu the game. His
office was that of " catcher " and he did his
work nobly chasing the ball down th
street or gracefully catching it in his mouth
on the fly, and invariably returning it to
his little master.
XoT Affinitiks. There is another case
of domestic infelicity at Jefferson. A man
and wife by the name of Custer were di
vorced by the Liun County Circuit Court,
some time aj;o, but repented after a brief
interval of separation and married again.
They have lieen living in Jefferson for
some time a..d have recently parted for tbe
second time. Better " ito it alone," as the
game seems to be desperate.
Siri-osm Dnon nini;. A woman living
on the bank ot the slough in South Salem,
snw a little boy in a frail looking can'ie en-
2cd iu fishing on the slough at some dis-
ince from the snore. Iter attention was
ailed away for a time, and when she looked
gain, the canoe was in the same spot hut
ts occupunt had disappeared. She suppo
ses that tha little fellow must have been
rowned though nothing definite is yet
Hei.o Fir Postace. The following let-
ers nre held fur postage in the Salem I. O.
April 29: Casey, lien. W., Dallas, Ogn.;
ewis, S. J., Pilot Bock, Ogn.; Loveridgo,
William, Mnllalla Osn.: Mvers, William.
Greenwood, Cal. ; Sloper, Henry, Inde-
pence, Ugn.
Will Rkcovkk. We lcaru that Mr. A.
Byerly, who was injured severely by a run
away on the other side of the river the other
lay, was Iwttcr yesterday. He received
several bruises and is still confined to bis
ed, but no bone were btokcu und there is
no doubt of his recovery.
TiMKi.r W.iiiino. The wife of one of
our ministers suggested in a sta-o whisper
the other evening, while her husband was
making the closing prayer, that be bad
prayed hwj eimnuh. He found the teruiinnt
sooner than they did in Olynipia.
Business is better.
The green grass grow all round.
Eastern mails arriving with more
Tho morale of Salem was never belter.
Pome gypsy girls are in town fortune
There i much whining about with fast
teams o' Suudays.
The schooner Elnorah, Yaquina. will be
ready for sea in two weeks.
A horse wa lying in Winter street yes
terday, in a dying condition.
Tom Rickev is disbursing " pub. docs."
with his accustomed generosity.
River rising " slow but urc." Portland
lailics plea.e take notice.
Dolly Varden youths, of the male per
suasion, part their hair in the middle.
Our young Indies are determined to lie in
the fashion if tbey have to dye for it.
Our bridge is to he lit with gas. A good
idea, and well appreciated by Sonth Salem
Dolly Varden till trouble the Portland
locals. Salem ha only slight attack.
San Francisco backed tint of ber anniver
sary picnic lo Marion county still ahead.
Geo. 8cbcll, killed recently in Sacramen
to, Cal.. by au accident, has relative in
tbi county.
Portland pieniccra hacked out on account
of rain. Poor excuse tor true blue Web
fcet. For tbe State new of tbe past week ee
tbe Mercury's copy from tbe Dailt States-
Portland still agitated over tbe missing
man Alexander. Leare huu alone and he
will ctiae home. He gave our city a, call
the next day after he wa drowned.
Fashion for gentleman have not changed
from what tbey were last season. Panta
loons are still worn on tbe street, and for
inaide wear tbe cocktail is much used par
ticulars a morning costume.
" Enrron Mcncrmr :" One A. W. Swee
ney huK, t see, rushed into print concerning
a bill of $4 for an advertisement in the
Dailt and Wkkklt Statmma. Mr.
Sweeney says : " This lst item is the only
instance in which I have known a charge
made for such notice by the press of tbe
State. Let brethren of the church note this
and govern themselves accordingly." Per
mit me to say that Mr. Sweeney is the first
man of any church who has made a "tem
pest in a teapot " or any demur to paying
for an advertisement in tbe Statexma.i. Let
the press of the State " make a note of this
and govern themselves accordingly."
CP. Chamdall.
April J9, 1872.
1'OfcTSTBllT. lDe statesman will con
tinue to charge for all advertisements
whether ordered by churches, merchants
or other business men ; but all item of
merely news relating to churches, announce
ments of service or subjects of sermons,
sabbath school, etc. etc., will be published
as usual, with pleasure and without
charge, for any church or sabbsth school
in tho State of Oregon or the adjoining
Territories. Let tbe brethren of all tbe
churches, including Mr. Sweeney's, " make
a note of this aud govern themselves ac
cordingly." C. P. C
I wish to publicly return fbe thank of
the relatives of Yolncy A. Martin, lntely
deceased, to the many kind friend who so
cheerfully assisted the family daring his
short illness. We feel very grateful that
so many showed their esteem for hint and
their sympathy for u by uniting with us io
performing the last sad duty which the liv
ing owe to the dead. Tbe services of the
Order of flood Templars, who o kindly
volunteered to perform their impressive
ceremonie at the grave, we fully appreciate.
Especially to the attending physician, who
manifested so mncb interest and sympathy
for ns, and who so kindly ministered to the
wants of him who has gone, we feel very
grateful indeed. Remaining, as he did, by
the Imdside of th differing one thronehont
the night previous to his death, doing all
in his power to relieve the sufferings of bis
last hour, and finally, when death claimed
him. still remaining, manifesting his sym
pathy forthe bereaved family, we feel it a
duty we owe him to give him this public
testimony of jur esteem. It will glndden
the hearts of the mother and sister, so far
nwar, to know that the beloved son nnd
brother was o tenderly eared for, hi suf
ferings relieved aa much as possible, nnd
that so many kind friend followed bim to
his last resting place. D. A. Miller.
South Salem, Ozn., April 27. 1872.
ItvlntionN of I'rnnrc and (ieroiany.
1'akis. April 24. Count von Aruini
has arrived in tlie city. It is reported
that he is instructed by his Govern
ment to itssure Thiers that the raxuit
reports In regard to France and Ger
many are groundless.
Tbe KtjMinlah Involution.
Advices from tlie Spanish frontier
state that tlie CarlUts have been vic
torious, and captured carbineers in two
recent enoajretiieuts with Government
troops near Hilboa and Biscay.
Kvening It is lielieved liere that
tlie inieudiiio; struggle between the
Government and the Carlists' iu Spain
will lie severe. It is estimated that
10. (KM) insurgents are now in I lie field.
The French Governinejit has placed
a coiiliui of troops along tlie frontier to
arret any Spanish rcl'iisiccs found in
her borders.
Kill I to llle tirmit I'rt'iicli Minis
ters. I'AIUS, April 5j. American resi
dents are arrauo;inir for a welcome to
Xcllie Grant. A ball will he. given in
her honor at tlie Grand Hotel.
It is now rumored that the Due tie
N'oialles will be Minister to Washing
ton, while Jules Favre will go to Kio
.lanicro as Minister to Brazil.
Kriiptlon of VcMiiviuw. April 23. The eruption of
Mt. Vesuvius is at its greatest height.
New craters have formed, and streams
of lava arc pouring down t lie mountain
side in difl'erelit directions.
Kniption of Mt. Voniivlus Dniiurr of
Uevusitntioii -A Neeiieof Terri
ble Miifiil"eriie'.
ItoMT, April 20. The erupt ion of
Vesuvius is increasing and becoming
more serious. Over one hundred iier
sous have lieen burned by the lava and
llames which burst from the earth un
der the feet ot the inhabitants. Terra
l)el Greco is in danger of destruction.
The jieople are living from the town.
N'Ai'l.K-S April 2(5. A fresh enter
opened on Mt. Vesuvius to-day. Ash
es and lava threaten the villages on
tlie mountain side. The inhabitants
su e Ulceing. Thousands are encamped
in the liehls. The bay is covered with
luiats tilled with spectators. Tlie scene
is indescribably grand and terrible.
Tiie llames sometimes shoot to a great
height and masses of rock are ejected.
F.arihquake shocks tire distinctly felt
Ion t'nrloM a I'nuillve.
I'AKls. April 2i. It is now positive
ly stated on tbe liest authority that
! (. arlos left Geneva iu disguist; on the
night of the 24th. 1 le cannot yet have
reached the frontier. If captured in
Spain with arms in his hands he will
be shot.
Kruptlon of Jit. Vowmlii.
Home, April 27. Only twelve per
sons were killed and twenty injured by
the lava. The villages of San Sdia
tian, Menssodisoma and Pomemtfa an;
almost entirely destroyed, though the
inhabitants, escaped. Lava is running
forward to tbe villages of l'itoticclli.
t'ercola. Sr. George, I'ontlci. Terre del
Greco and Kesina. The inhabitants
have tied and been provided with Tem
porary shelier. Tbe lava is moving
more slowly.
Vir a sh rxGTON. April 25. Ix tiik
Sksatf, The Deficiency bill was re
sumed, the question being on the
amendment of Morrill of Vermont, re
stricting the jurisdiction of the Court
ot Claims. Tlie amendment was mod
ified by the adoption of several amend
ment?, ami then agreed to.
Iu tbe House, the discussion of l)r.
Howard's case was continued by Itoli
erts, Meyer. Hanks and Voorhees in
favor, and by Willanl. Pollard. Bing
ham aud others against the resolution,
until rive o'clock, when Banks pro
posed to adjourn and take a vote to
morrow. hawes wanted an evening session to
dispose of the case, and take up the
Tariff bill to-morrow. In tbe course
of his remarks he ridiculed what lie
called the intermittent anxiety for the
rights of American citizens. An ex
cired collniiiy ensued between Batiks.
Iluwes. Randall and Myer, the Speak
er in the meantime rapping furiously.
Washington, April 24. In tlie
House, the Goat Island bill was taken
up. A motion to lay it on the table
was negatived 'by a vote of 711 to 0',!.
Ilolman's first amendment, n-iptiring
a minimum annual rent of !jVi0.(KX),
was rejected yeas. SO ; nays. 94. A
second amendment, requiring tbe com
pany to refund the interest paid on its
bonds, was also rejected yeas. 7li ;
nays, 512. The substitute was agreed
to without division. The bill, as thus
amended, passed ,-eas, 101 ; nays, 8.").
Cox suggests that tbe title of tho
bill Ik! changed, so as to read, "A bill
to give the Kailroad Comany over
live million dollars worth of. Govern
ment property withoiitconsidention."
Fernando Wood. Chairman of the
I ongresiional causus, reterring to a
newspaper statement that theCnnven-
tion nt Cincinnati is in the interest of
Charles Francis Adams, asserts that
(here are no Ivmoerats in Congress m
f ivor of Adams, and jjives bis opinion
that tlie Democratic Convention will
nominate another ticket if Adams Is
chosen In Cincinnati. ,
It is understood that the Democratic
National Convention will be held at St.
Louis, on tlie Fourth of .lulv. althouvrh
neither tlie time nor the place are for
mally nxed.
Deatb of 9iotel Men.
Montoomehv. April 25. Kx-Cliicf
Justice, A. .1. Walker, of tlie Supreme
Court ot Alabama, and an eminent
commander of Knigbt Templars of the
State died to-day.
Manchestem. (X. II.,) April 25.
Wm. Clark, Attorney-General of this
State, died liere to-day.
Kii-Klnxfsm in MIWMMirl.
HoiJsKN, Mo., April 24. A mob of
seventy-five or one hundred armed
men, some masked, stopped au Eas
tern bound train on the Missouri, Kan
sas and Texas Railroad, at Gtuin City,
Cass county, this evening and murder
ed J. R. Ciiye. J. C. Stevenson and S.
E. Dutro. Stevenson was presiding
Judge of the County Court when the
recent liond excitement was raised.
Clive was an attorney implicated in the
ease. lutro was killed simply bemuse
he was in company with tlie others.
From the Polnr Expedition.
New Yokk, April 21. A French
trader who has just arrived at New
Foundlaiid, says that a vessel from
Greenland, the St. Pierre, reported
that Capt. Hall bad arrived in Green
land with the Polaris. As the trailer
understood it, the Polaris was not
Iromeward bound, but returned through
stress of weather or want of coal or
provisions. All well.
The t'inrlnnntl KMe-siltow.
Newt York, April 2G Tlie World
editorially sava : Should the Cincin
nati Convention prove wise enough and
bigli-toned enough to nominate Chas.
Francis Adams the Democratic party
will endorse that eminent statesman
with spontaneous and hearty plaudits,
and universal acclamations, tn that
cae it will he of little consequence
whether a Democratic Convention is
held or not. Tho Convention would
merely ratify foregone conclusions.
Chicago, April 20. Tlie Liberal
Republican Convention, Nebraska
City, yesterday appointed twenty-one
delegates to tlie Cincinnati Convention,
and adopted resolutions endorsing the
The Missouri KuKInx Harden.
New YOuk, April 26. Details of
the murder of Stevenson, Cline and
Dubro on the railroad near Holden,
Missouri, yesterday, sliowed it to be
one of tlie most diabolical outrages
ever committed, the bodies of the vic
tims being riddled with balls, aud
dragged outof the cars and thrown on
one side of the track. Cline was shot
first and Stevenson escaed into tbe
lwggage cur a nil barred the door
against tlie murderers, but the mob
broke in and tired a volley into tlie car,
killing him instantly. Dubro was
mortally wounded at the first Are and
left in tlie car, but a number of Mends
dragged the dying man out and tlirew
his body behind those ot the other vic
tims. A rexrt reached Kansas City tluit
Judge Forsythe.anotlier County judge,
was slKit and the body hung to a tree.
Great excitement prevails throughout
the country. Fears are felt that others
will lie murdered. Tlie perpetrators
of thi. massacre claim they liave no
oilier organization.
Relffii of Terror in Missouri.
IIoluen. (Mo,), April 27. Tliere is
tlie greatest excitement here on ac
count of repeated threats of a mob in
Cass county. Squads of suspicious
characters have been seen within a few
miles ot town. It is not known at
what moment there may lie an attack.
A number of patrolmen are stationed
at different jajints and citizens are on
the alert and will defend their home
steads to tlie utmost. Y. B. Nichols
one of the alleged IkmkI robtors, lives
Itcre. Also about twenty-five of bis
Ixindsmen, who are among our best
A KedMfer ttliot Ueatl in the Miwl,
MKVfiiis, April 21. Dr. Win. Da m
itoii to-day si ii t IViiuelt Jones dead
in the -tiei.t. Cairs.', tile alleged .se
duction of his wile.
Touoxro, April 2. Fort Garry
dispatches report of the discovery of
valuable silver mines and they are
said to exceed iu richness tbe 'wilver of
tlie Islet mines.
Wasiuniiton, April 25. The Senate
Committee on Territories has about
tiiiichnlcd tlie consideration of the bill
to prevent polygamy in Utah. Its
feature an partially the same as those
contained in Voorhees' bill, now under
consideration by the House Committee
on Judiciary. It authorizes the Court
to proceed against Mentions who prac-tii-e
polygamy, aud makes the fact ot
cohabitation and acknowledgment of
marriage stilHcieut lor conviction. The
bill will shortly lie referred to the Sen
ate after having it printed.
Tlie Senate G'oat Island bill' was laid
before tlie Senate and read once. Cole
objected to a second reading.
Corix-tt called up a hill declaring tlie
citizenship of persons born iu the Ter
ritory of Oregon and residing in the
State of Oregon.
Kelly explained that it was intended
to apply to persons bom under tlie
British ilag. j
("asserly objected to the bill on the j
ground that tlie assumed claim of all
I lie Territory of Oregon prior to the
treaty with Great Britain was ques
tionable. In the House the consideration of
the report f tbe Foreign Committee
on tlie -ase. of Dr. Howard was re
sinned. Banks speaking iu favor of the
resolution, which was adopted by 143
lo 4.".
Washington, April 27. The Cali
fornia delegation will oppose The
amendment to the jiost-il appropriation
bill, which provide an appropriation
of 1.0O0.(.HH for tlie steamship mail
service (double the present) lictweeii
some part of the United States, on
the Pacific coast" and China, on the
ground, as they charge, that tlie
amendment was put iu in the interest
of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co.
The Senate confirmed F.lisha P.
Ferry as Governor of Washington
New Yokk, Airil 2t. GeJu Sickle.
nod wife sail for Europe to-morrow.
He will return to this coujitry about
tlie 1st of July.
Judge Cardoza, in Oyer and Ter
miner Court, flu morning, granted a
motion bv Urahain. counsel for Stokes
for postponement of tlie trial till Tues
day, on account of (he death ot Gerry,
assoeiarc counsel.
Tlie Tribune says editorially : 'We
regret that there is reason for the state
ment that tbe Administration has al
ready abandoned its attitude on tlie
Alaliima question. The Secretary of
Srate has written to General Schenek
expressing regret at tiie misunder
standing which ha arisen concerning
claims for indirect damages lieeause
be conceived we had a rigiit to include
tlient under the Treaty ; and lieeause
they cannot lie amerak-dor withdrawn;
lieeause the Treaty contained no pro
vision for amendment except by coun
ter cae ; that we expected no award
would lie made for tliem ; we do not
wish any : we desire none may lie
made, and we hope Her Majesty's
i Jovernnient will fuTinit the arbitra
tion of tlie Geneva Conference.
Tbe JtoI Tronbtes is Jflmonrl.
St. Loris, April 27. Gov. Brown
to-day issued a proclamation ordering
the Cas county mob which murdered
Judge Stephenson. Clitae and Dntmn
on the railroad train, at Queen City on
Wednesday, to be dispersed, and en
joining on all law abiding citizens to
assist in bringing tire violators of law
to justice.
Xotuinntloii of a Register,
Washington. April 27. The Presi
dent lias sent to tlie Seuate the nomi
nation of E. B. Watson its Register of
the Land Office at Linkton. Oregon.
'lite ClnriiinnM MidoShow.
Cnic.MiO, April 27. A private dis
patch from Cincinnati says that the
otivenlioti, on Presidential nomina
tions Is narrowed to Adams and
Davis and tliut Davis is almost certain
of tiie nomination. There 1 no doubt
that the West will strongly oppose
vdains except Ohio.
A dispatch to tlie Times sav it is
reported tint a combination is formed
iu Pennsylvania and Illinois- iy which
Dav is and Curtin will be nominated.
t 'o n resisf on a 1
Washington. April 27. In
Senate, the Ilelieiency Appropriation
hill came tip, but ou' motion of Cole
wa bulled.
The naval appropriation bill wa-s
taken up and considered in the Com
mittee of tlx; Whole. Tlie amount re
ported by the committee appropriating
$.i.(XK) for surveying on the raeifk
coast was. adopted.
The 'ostotliue appropriation bill was
taken up and read a second time.
iSonie important amendment were
agreed to, and tlie Senate adjourned.
llie House, aner snenulns some
time in the discussion ot the tariff bill.
Willard, from the Committee on Rev
olutionary Pensions, reported h bill
amendatory to tlie act pensioning sol
diers and soldiers widows oif tiie war
of 1812. which passed. The House ad
journed. Sargent has introduced a bill amend
ing tlie Currency Act ot July, 1870, so
n-sonly to require goUl banks west of
the Rocky Mountains to redeem their
circulation at par in San Francisco by
an agency designated by tlie Comp
troller of Currency.
t asiswiinsi pneifle BattronsJ.
Ottawa, April 27. rn tlie House
of Commons, last night, Sir ffeorge
Carter Introduced abfll providing for
tlie construction of tlie Canadian la
'itie Railroad. According to tlie terms
by which British Columbia came info
the I'nior, tlie nmA it tn h com
menced not later than July, 1773, and
completed within ten years.
San Francisco, April 25. The
Committee ot One Ilandreti are mak
ing arrangements to properly - receive
tlie St Louis delegation on lu arilval
to-morrow evening.
The steamship Xeliraska, which ar
rived from New Zealand via Honolulu,
last night, touched at Pago l'ago.
Navigation is being reduced dv exces
sive harbor dues, rates of wharfaze.
I dockage and tolls as permitted by an
act ot the Jgisiarorc. The u. .
slyiiv-of-xvar steamer wa cliargwl full
pilotage and harbor dues at Auckland,
New Zealand.
The Nebraska brings 667,200 pounds
of Australian wool..
Wood, Premier of the Fiji Kingdom
Islands to in Australia endeavoring
to effect a loan, but go tar was unsuc
cessful. Elie Government of Quecnland of
fers i.1,000 for tlie discovery ot dia
monds. Several niagnificeut opals,
among them some of the largest known
iu the world have been found.
Kelrttse of Confemutnoim IJtis;niit
Odd Fellows l'lenie.
Afred Moulie, the irrepressible liti
gant, who imagine everybody in the
country i in conspiracy against him,
lieeause he did not get the amount ho
claimed for some barrels of onion and
potatoes which he shipped via Pan
ama from New York iu 1S40, having
been in jail on sentence for contempt,
passed by Judge Stanley, since the 30tli
of September, 1871. was this evening
lilierated by order of Judge Stephen J.
Field, of the United Suites Sup.enie
Com t, aud Judge Lorenzo Sawyer, of
tlie United States Circuit Court.
Tlie dispatches from nearly all the
interior towns contain accounts of tlie
auniversary celebrations by the Odd
Charles Burch. a safe robber under
arrest, escaped by jumping through a
car window of a train going at the
rate of twentv-tive mile an hour, lie
was captured next day, Iwwever.
Arrival of St. EoiiIm Exraralooftt'a -"
Honest lurry'' Melinpt.
Sax Fraxcico, April 27. Tlie St.
Louis railroad delegation was warmly
welcomed on its arrival at the Occiden
tal Hotel last night at eleven o'clock.
Harry Meigg is ying eveiy dollar
of all demands against hi n. both prin
cipal and interest, on presentation to
his agent here, and ha advertised to
tliat effect.
The Nt, Ixtitis ExrtirtloulMt Arri
val Iron tli Knot.
San Fuancisoo, April 27. The St.
Louis delegation liaving been sight
seeing iu .San Francisco and vicinity,
will commence the bu-i:iess on which
they came to-morrow with ti confer
ence willi the Committee of One Hun
dred and leading business men on the
subject of a o."ith Parallel Railroad.
The hotels are unusually full for tlie
season, aud present arrival from the
Fast state that the rush of visitors
from tliat direction to California will
be larger this than iu any former year.
Arrived overland, last night, D. P.
Thompson. Oregon City. Ogn. To ar
rive, to-night. JT K Gilbreath.
Brlarlmin Young- lti-lonel -Probable
Itelt-nxe of other lrioiM-r. -
Salt Lake, April 2'J. Brigham
Young, liaving dispensed with the U.
S. .Marshal, apiieured at the theater
last night. In alluding to bis release,
he says hundp-ds of thousands of ieo
ple. both in Utah and all over the laud,
congratulate and honor the old man.
The Tribune says iiuietude now exists
iu the city, owing to Brighatn's cau
tion. It is cx)ieeted the Probate Court will
to-morrow release, the other prisoners
charged with high crimes. Lake, April -JS. Brigham
preached at the Mormon Conference to
8.000 jieoplc. thanking God tliat he
was H.-rimtted to tie with his jieoplc
again. He defied his calumniators to
prove anything against his character,
lie declared his intention to impure
thoroughly who liad brought charges
agiiu-t him.
J inii-ulleil for in Salem jmsiotUoe, April
iiHli, is;.':
Arniilil, Cluu
A la m , Mary
m.inton, .Mm
Itroivn, Virirlt
Hrown, luw W
Brown. ( I M
Itrowu, E J
. Tliiw
It ."Uinser. J
Bak.-r, Tliw
Hassy, Martha
rn-siir, .Mm
Barker, K S
Cuonse. Eell.N
Cornelius Absolrm
Cook, Marv E
Craft. Wm, Mary
I'avi l.-on, Siimh J I'cmilng, Mary E
Force, M;iry P
Erlcku, I'hrWiiiu
Kountaln. Calvin
Earrrnn, S P 3
lioff, Marthi Ann
Hiimlttiin. .1 P
Mvile, Jiilun, i
ll.irnin. M V 2
Ilolileii, Hoiai-e
Haw ley,
.leffrey, Saml
.lohnnm. K.k'liacl
H.iwley. Wm TtS
Ihunlltiui, Joicpltiiie 3
Miming, S M
Hackinwiii, Ja
John Ira
Jenktn, C!an
Jntiei, .lai M
Joiicis Silas
Kemer. K J
Kniilull. AinaniLi
I-imon. Sanih
ljoiigiljiu', Wm
Martin, Mi- M
M'in-. t'lareihf
M. Arthur, K.iik
McAnhur. MakoiTia
Molirvw, r"eli.E
Keilner, P M
kemer, Ju.i J
Ijiwrerve, Iinac B
IJ!Hc, l,H
Martin, Hen W
Marvin, M1tll1i.11
Mi-ad, Mary
Meilnev, tieo
McLemii. Mary A
Neal, Wm
Nnrnim, J
OMnger, Sarah 2
Prli-e. Eugene
Pavne, K t '
1'lK'lps. Karld
Perin, Iti'ey
Perln, Mary
Perkins Alouro
P.ltlH-. M
Pcnter, Tho
Putnam, Jas
Ram-cv, (ieo
Robtnson, Walter
TlioniiHiu, llattie A Tavtor, Jus
Tharm Ja- L
Van Cleave. TJ 2
Weisener, ( has
Witl-lieu. John 2
Wagner, A P
Wnghl, X J
William, John
Van Niiys, Rufus
Walker, Fannie
Wiliknns, Oeo
Wrlglil, John
Wotvlruff. Cha J
Wooils, lieo
T. n. RICKEY. P. M.
Colliery catastropliies are looking np
11m late Eristns (.timing had attiiii
etl the age of 7G years.
The average: temperature of Helena,
Montana, U the s:itiie us that of llrila
ilelnhla. M AltltIKI.
INotU es mi'lcr the heads of " Married,"
'lllrtli.s," or -llleil," will he charged 1 oil.
Obituary notice. Society notice iln Mwnori
uiiil and RixoliitliHui will lie charged 10 cents
m-r Urn;.)
At the residence of the liride's father, In
Linn ciMinty, April 21, by Rev. t MtramhT, J,
F. SnvnTe, of Marlon, ami Ml Margaret J.
Ihiy, ol Linn.
On April Sitli, IS72, nt thr resi
lilemeorthe lirMeV fatlier. by Elder W. D.
1 1wen. M:d. Oiirge Williams and Mlna Emma
Aiianis, all of Salem.
At Ihe residence of ttwliride'smothpr, Mon
tlav evening. April 21. Iiy Hev. leo. W. Izer,
has. A. Wheeler, of Salem, ami Mu Mary
C. IMrkwell, ol Porilaod.
Four miies north of Sa'em. Arit 21, IS72,
Infant sou of H. L. and .M. .M. McNary, aged
20 days.
At the residence of D. A. Miller, South Sa
lem. April 'Mil. of cn;tlon of the Innsaud
hroiK-hills, Volncy A. Martin, aexl 23 years
ami 8 nfiis.
This was (he admission drawn from one of
the leading physicians, in San Francisco,
when he saw Ihe effort of three bottles of
HrtHtor ssnmsiirllls na a patient whom
lie had vainly been trying lo cure tor many
weaks. it wa a case'of ml eruption, entin ly
cnrul by the Siirsaparilla. marl-wll
per iminth evxTywhere, Male ami
Female, to introduce the genuine improved
This machine will ntltch, hem. fell, tuck, hind
linml, (Vint, itt It. ami embroider In a must su
perior manner. Frk-e, only SLVfoHy Ik-enseil
ami warrnnlwl lor nve years. We will pay
(m0 ttr any machine, hlxh iirrce or low, tliat
will sew a stronjt;r, nwim bentifnl or more
elaMlc senm than ours. It makes the El ita
lic lets-Nllteh. Every b. ihkI slit, h can
liYCHl, ami still tlie elmh cannot lie pulled
airt without Irania; it. We y Areiils 11111
to 150 ir month, awl extienses, or a commis
sion rrom wni-.n iwiw imu amonm can lie
made. Forcuvularii ami term, a,iply to or
S. Marshall A Co.,
No, Wl Natwita Stnet,
ew Vurk.
CAt'TION. Do ma bo linnel npnn by
other )nle travellug Ihrmurh tlie country
S nlmiiig eff worthless cast-Iron machines utt
er the same name or otherwise. Onr Is the
only genuine a ail really cheap machine man
utactiired. Ai5'7dlw:w3m.
People's Verdict,
The Kinger Newlns; Marhlne atill
" Triuiapbsumt.
IN snld over 44.000 more than any oth
er machine manufactured.
New styles both for Family aud Manufac
turing purposes, now for -ale at
boot and Shut atorc.
Office- So. M, Front Htreet,
PORTLAND, In the moat ilesirnliltt liviiliite.
eonblstiriK of LltTS, HALH IIUK'KK ami
1ILOCKS, HOlKSniiKroUE!S; alo
IMPKOVKO FArtMS, ami valimlile nn-cnltlvnti-il
LAXIJH. loeated In ALL imrtsol
the STATE fur HALE.
HEAL ESTATE ami otlwr Pmiierlv
mir:haiel fur Oire-iMiiulents In tlil t IT ami
thpniitliout the STATE- imI TKUKIToKIKS,
with irrvnt -re nml on Hie mMt AHVAN
LOAN'S NKiiilTl.VTEl), inirt CLAIMS Or1
LECTEI. AmlslJeiiernl FINANCIAL ami
Knnkem, Nnieus, Ore iron.
' INTEKESTallnwwl on time denodlt for
perUulK of three iritfutlis anil m-ani.
HE POSITS HKCKIVKIi antl ikooiiiitu
kept aubjuct to oluvL.
VALUABLES nveireil on ilejKislt for
Rife fci'i'jii uj;.
COLLECTIONS ramie, ami all
ami Irunt hiiliiefttraii"Atel.
SKillT ami Tcleniiliio Evliani-e on
Portluml, San r'ra-.ici:o ami Atlantic Suitex.
tilt EES BACKS ami liorrrnment, anil
Slate S,;urUle bought ami oM.
Ajirli'llvrrw liu
PuKTLAMi, Feb. Pith, 1S72.
Int. .1. W. Van Iiks Bkkuii -vr ,Si'rj
Our ,-hlM, a little fclr! eluhl year of .tire, liu
hail lit anil .-oiivuIkIoiik- lor the lat two
years ami we hml trlml ni.inv it. . tors ami
inuny reuieihi without muh Imiielit, in f;ut
our 'itarthiir wan irettiui; .oniinnll wiin
until we Iwanl of vour worm Mnii through
alrli'tnl il ours. W thought iliat )iertiuiii
It niiirlil ilo sonii friKKt to aivo it atrial, uml
yon aiiiiiit imagine our Miriri-. wln-n over
joo wuriiis wi-re cHlli.. w ild one tioilie ol
yotir valuable worm rnji, an.l IVmn Ihi
iimi'ou we,erliiliil hlll never lie Willi .lit
11 !o Ioiik as iliere is a imnslble ,'lutin-e for II
loU'liaA. You are al liberty lo iublisli thi
if you ,'lino., ami mav II ilo iniii-li xihmI.
lfi'siH-i iftilly yours s. II. UM'ON',
Sj uiptoniH of Woriim.
A!terv.ate iwletics ami flusliin of thu
eiHinteiiam-.e, ilull exiiresnimi ol" the eve.
ilrowlne.Mt. itohinu ol Hie nof. a hWelleil
tiiier-llii, tongue w hltely furreil ami lliU kly
Mnv.kleil with nil nolin's. feteil breath, nil I
enlargoU nbloiiien, a linrtial or general iwoll-
nur or itiiiinxiiei, in 1111- !kiii. :i mru ii m
the li-ei, and (trltnlliiir ol the teetn, a sen
sation as It siiinetliliiir was lo-lu'r-l Iu the
tliroal. a irradiml waxtiiiit of the llu-h, Mrk-
ne-oi of (lit- i4oni:u'h, vomiting, a short uuil
lirvoouifti, ainttle MHii-imes vonu'.imis at
oilier limes finable, bowoi HomellmeH .'osilve.
at other time loose, ureat Iretliilnesd ami i
ratlbtlity of temper, iin In tiie stomach ami
Iniweis, colli:. Ills. cMiuvuisoiimiiui )isy.
The Worm Svrupi-au be wholesale ami
retail at tliei'tue of j W Van lien Bench,
rootn No. 3ri nml XI over the l'ostuflice.
A'ents wanlc-l all over Ihc State ami Ter
ritories. feliit.Uwtf
Still Another ltruinrknblet'ni-e.
San FitAsrtsrxi, Nov. 10, 1871.
PR A. M. Iiuyea A to For two year I
wa alhU'teil with Itbeumiilism. nml tneil all
the known reme'lies but exin-nenceil noth
ing more than a femiiorary relief, the illneane
always lvtiirniiig. Siinemoiiths-ttice, I e.on-t'hiili'-l
to take your I nk Weed Remedy,
ami the result V n merly and permanent
cure, the lietuc entirely eraili
cateii from Ihe iyiein Tlie " L'XK 1 alfm
a touk; nl the very highest nrlvr. It increas
es the appetite and invifrorates tlie lmly. I
cheerful! v Ur testimony toils cowl effei't
iin me, ami feci sure that it will iloall you
calm lor II. verv tru v vnnrs,
(Of MctJniw.t Tripii, Atfymit-Lawl,
tns California street.
Cominv, Ijio'I liopnritueni, Portlanrl,
in-gon, April .1, 1H72. -Nolii-e in hen-by given
thai a vlgoniu iinwi-utliHi will be
nganiKt anv ami every person who trespisHe
iiin nny K.tilriml Lanil, by cutting ami re
moving ttiniier tnereirom miore itie jime 19
i;ill'.HT of I he (iimuiny AX l PAID r"OH-
All vacant I.aml In oil numlMireil smlons
whether "iirveveil or uinurveyeil, within a
li-tam of lliirty miles Innn tho llnu of til
roaii, lielonjrs to tlie Coiiimnv.
Land Agctit.
April 10 dlm:wtt
preimml In sell their valuable intent
:oilirovenii'ut 011 dental plates, In CVhiiht,
tate or illtice right. Tbey are now selling
lit Uielr patent lit Uie Eateni State, In state
ind County rights, and would prefer to sell
n the imc manner on thin coast uliect to
Dice right already auhL Any Information
hat ma v be ileslreil in reganl to Ihe lutent.
in be Imd by addressing Ir. H. Smith, Sa
111. Oregon, wlien lie will n-fer them lo a
irge nuinlierjM' permiim tliat are wearing
late manufactured after Purvlne A SmitbH
aienl. To iee one of thee platei l all tliat
neceniirv to convim'e tbe moit skettlcai
lat iIh-v aiv far uirior ti any other style
1 plate thai ha- ever buen In ii'e.
apt 11 iltw 1 mo
tltllK FIRST and Mo-t 1 1.-alt liful Tonic
j A. evertiitriluceil in Ihe l nited Slates
The' Hitters have lieen
in the San Franc two mar
ket for over twkkty
YKAKS,auil notwithstand
ing t lie many new candid-
ale lor mimic tavor. the
-ale have constantly In- I
Sole Agents, 40st ami 411
Clay Street, San Fran-
Dr. Iiucll klaxon
7 IM - a niMaiO
I cnmjilele 111 ilK'If. but onenatui'altv sue- I
s- is tuu oilier in a vtusn course. 1 ue ixkies
erfit muesi of Tnluahle Material
lor .Huate leaeliersj.
this soo ;ahiex,
(SilNU (iAltllKN 1ST DlMIKl,
Is for the little ones. Here arc Simple Ele- I
tents, Knsy rtxercises, aiKHU2.iU tunes, many
i tnera inc woetet
Flowers of Melody.
fill: 3 SOi (iARDEX.
(StlXO (i AltlIRN 2D rtlXIK.)
- jowrtl Jlnwn'a Celehrnted Element.
"iO Exercises ami Kininrt in the "Practical
inline. lid song.'). itlNicreil Tunes, rnce
(Song Uardfji 3d Dook.)
Resume of the Elements. Musical Cate-
il-m. Vocal Culture iwlth plates). S Exer
sts and Solfeggi na. 2oe two, three ami lour
art Songs and lilewl. Price 1 00.
Tlie above books sent post-iiaid. on ro cint
1 retail price.
UUVMt ll K HOsIim.
H. Iltaon & to. New York.
liri;:!i Lynn A Ifraly, nucago.
Nez Perce Salve.
M- this oelebrateI salve In tlii cilv.
It ran bt; seenred at Uie driur stores of J.W.
nun ami eatuenoru s t o.
lias just received one of tbe
irgestand Most Complete Stocks of
. ,
in ukintn vuuus
er offered to the people ofthls vicinity. Her I
sUv-k has been sehv.tod wllh ereat care
ami isso vane. 1 that It Is impossible
to enumerate a hundredth
part thereof. Call ami
see for she lias the
and you cannot fall to be plcancd.
'amping, Bleaching, Pressing
Ac, done to order.
flair woven Into Switches Fringes etc... etc.
: -ira in tne-e bramdies wilicitul ami tniis-
tion giiaranteeiL Jlair JSottKut and
RFnoTKD. I have removed my exten-
e stock of gooil to the largo ami r'ouiimsU-
m nonrrooin iwo mam mirth or postrmico,
. Sur key's block, where I will he pleased to
an my okt customers
piidlm c. M. SCIIWATKA.
of Salem. Notk-e Is hereby given tluu
o assessment rou is in mv possession, ami
it tbe taxes are due ami must be paid he
re the Una day of June, 1374, under penal
of five per cent to be aiUled thereto If not
: ki netore that date, at mv office, tn the of-
- e ot Jonea A,(!relHHise block.
J. vy . iiMitn, Lily Jiarsnai.
Mlvni, Ap:-ll loth, lu -td
Notary PulV
A Choice List of Property both in
Oity cto Oountnr
always on hand for sale.
Sxlal attention given to Renting Houses
and r
Legal Papers Drawn Up,
TnxcM lu.ltl, ice Jkc.
Business entrusted to onr care by
Absentees or Residents
of the City, will receive careful attention.
Real estate! Real Estate!
ke rs. Hooni on llrnt floor cirner Front
ami Wanliingion si'reelii, Port In ml, Oregon,
will at ten. I Ui ihe sale ami purchase of real
estate in all rt of Oregon. Special atten
tion given to iho nale of fanning uiikI.
April Id. il.twlC
uru. a. Junks
Operu Ilouae Block,
Attention la tailed to tlie fol
low Ins; nenerlptlon of Prierty
itti ACRES, t miles south of Salem;
) Smw known a the John Mlnto Inrni;
well improved ; price, 1,000 -liberal terms.
TI l ACRES in Polk county ;
4 mile n
Hh wofS
Salem: Macro in cultiva
tion; good stock water ami range; pnee ui
per acre.
-g -g K ACUESIn Polkconntv,! mile from
M. iJ Salem; well Improve'!; price (iVM
-g "T f ACKES 8 mile n e of Snlem: M
JL a.-re in cultivation ; go'i-l houe
ami inrn ami tine orunaru; wen wateroi;
prtoe -,000
ACRES near Sublimity, 15 mile e
3 a J of Salem : all well fenced, Willi
gooil stock water ; price, 5 per acre.
-g -j ACRES In Polk county, miles w
I IvF of Salem; Improvement irooil; 30
acres in cultivation ; price i,unu.
O M f A CUES 7 miles sonthof Salem; all
O'-J-Vr under fence; good barn ami hoime
coniteralile improvement; price (11 per
acre. In quantities to suit purchasers. '
4)- ACRES 12 miles eat of Salem;
JtttJ well Improveii; good boune and
barn, ana wen waieren ; price fit per acre.
f ACRES 54 miles south of Salem;
a'-J: 9 0 acre tn cultiraUon ; all under
fence ; price 10 per acre.
M m ACRES 15 miles north eat of Sa
jsss4: lent, on Ablqua creek; 75 acres
In cultivation; good range, well watered;
prk-clll per acre.
-g fffc ACRES of lamlt miles northeast of
Silvenon, with Saw-mill on prem
ises; price 1200 very cheap.
a m ACRES6mllesnorthwestofSalem:
m lnr miqb in v.. 1 1 11 1 o mil . ..
range, well watered and good orchard; price
14 iter acre.
ACRES W miles east of Salem;
small improTcments; price 30tKk
O ACltKS 4 miles northeast of Si 1
Ol" verton; raluable farm; well un
proved ; good new house and barn ; 100 acres
In cultivation ; juice 4000 ; terms easy.
RA ACKES half mile west rf Salem; near
JVr ferry landing; well improved; price
j0 ir acre,
Ol ACRES prairie laml, 4 miles north ot
tO Snlem: under lence: 'i5 acres In cul
tivation ; price 15 per acre.
6 LOTS In South Snlem, near school house ;
iirk-e 0011.
HOUSE and 1J lot In Robert ' addition;
belonging to M. IL Moore; pri 150U
nOCSE and lot of W.J. Phimroer In South
Salem; bouse well finished; lirk-e
mi a bargain.
la-Ice V(L
S. Dyar, on Cailial .;
TT OTS 5 and G, blivk 25. on Church street ;
vaant; price 50(1.
RICK store, north end Starkey's blm-k :
lin'-iiroof : 8 rooms on second floor;
good brick warehouse ; price 4300.
O LOTS In Albany, hear the court bouse ;
lrk5e?00; Inquire of Thomas Mootellh.
I AlUlllIJi
M FEET on Commercial street, north of
rJb3 Starkey's block, with dwelling house.
0g FEET on ComniervlM street ; now oc-O-bl
coined by Kelly A Scott's blacksmith
HOUSE and lot on Front street, near bus
iness nart of the c.ltv : now occupied by
Mrs. J. U Starkcy ; price 2100.
HOI-SB ami lot. South Snlem ; near rel
dence of II. Owens : house unnutshed ;
price 1")
Tlie Kentlna aaid Iiaalna; af all
kimls of property. Collection of Claims.
Conveyancing, Ac, will receive prompt at
tST For further Information address,
Salem, Oregon.
The members of this Committee, renresent-
liiL- the several nrecinrts ot thecouotr. havinc
disposed of Ihe political business mibniitted to
ilieir coniqiienuioii, iievmeu I, tircii uuiv w
nrove the time at their disnosal ill tlie inter
est of tlieir constituents, by extending their
Impiine to the management 01 Dusinessanaini
inthecitv. Amongotberthingsotimportjince
to their conbtituents. they found that in stock
ing a Hal, dialling and Gents' FurninhiiiR
Store, AU Croaanan cannot be excelled tn thut
citv. ami therefore unanimously
"K-nlrrri. That hereafter we will patron-
ire tlie store of Murphy A Croaman. in the
Hank buiklinR, cornerul'SuteamlCommercial
"treet, lem, in the purclume oT t liShing,
Hals ami FunihillKuood'ninao lilxjrty'
to buy o4 her good where we please."
11 all tlie friend of tho Committee follow
thi" wie example.
April liUU
tealerh in all kinds family
j M-J Uruceries and Provisions; also
Of all fUnd" Cooper-Ware, wholesale ami
retail; aiso, an aimis
t'SMsejr ail
All of whk h will ! told cheap, for cai-h or
Merchantnliie 1'rmtu.e.
I '.onier-Ware ami Soaim furiiihlied to ileal
cm on the mont reasonable terms.
tmil dellvereil toany irt of tlie fit y
1Ti-o of Clinrj;e.
Shop ami Store one door north of It. M.
Wade's, Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon.
from Marion Station to NealV niw
mill, I lort a buckskin purse, m trked '. I.,
contalnins: are hundred ami elaitty (IWI
dollars in gold ontn. Anv person nmlluK tlie
same will be amply rewarded by leaving It a:
this office.
Apr!: I2w
and Retail 1rujqrlsta. Salem, tlrr
gon, are the authorired Agents for tbe sale of
my Inutilibht WORM STKL'P, lo wboa all
orders should be ssldrewed.
Salem, ftbrrvh, hAh, 1872.-
In accordance with the above we' will con
stantly keep on hand a supply of tha? Invalu
able remedy. Nntamllv should be without
It. Druggists and dealer In medlcta sup
plied nn most liberal terms. We also keep
constantly on band '
Drag int Fnntlly MrstteinAt, Tnllel
dKHMlat Perlusoery, Hntabes, etc.
All goods warranted of best qualltyi
7)r. A. M. Rell's oflice at the More, Mmtth'a
Rlm'.k, opposite i!hemeketa Hotel, Commer
cial St., Salem, thxgon.
Dlrvvt Or ler to ftEIVT cV JOIIS
.Salem, March, 20, liiti.
Wlioleale am! Retail Dealer la
Paints. Oils, Glass. Chemicals,
Patent Medicines & Proprietary Articles.
lor Medicinal Purines
I'rr-srripliinis Filled and 'Mriiifs Comptiondd.
Air4 7id4wif
Irns, I'lifttiifHlH, Oila, and
Pure Wines-and Liquors.
I"" 111 1 1 - lIItt 11 1 ( ioilM
At all hours of the dnr ami nlghl, br a
Competent DrujjgUt.
I'nl ton's llloek, Ktate Nlreet, Nnlmss.
So. 3, Mores' Blork.
Wholesale and Retail ilcakir in
Yvui ttntl ZMtll;ltn"',
Palntn, Ol In, Vamlnlin, W Inflow
Pure Wines Whiskies and Brandies.
For Medical purpose.
Familv MwlRdnes Carefully Prepare!.
Prescriptions Accurately Compoitndcii.
experience In the bustuew),! feelconrl
that lean (rive entire satl'faclion to all
who mav tavor me with tlieir patronage.
My good have been bought low for cash, ar
lected with the (rreatest fare, ami are war
ranted to be st a tbey are re present I.
Mv object Is to sell as near as poibm for
rash" ami at low price. Fifteen rears expe
rience in Oregon induces me lo believe that
1 know the want of the enmmitnltv tn rro
eral, and that want It la my aim to supply,
and hope, bv ntnct attention to btmlnea. lo
merit a continuance of the very liberal pnl
rouaite heretofore extemled 10 me.
J. W. stllUIER,
mchl.1daw AHtieriry.
BREYMAV BROS, are now reoetvlns;
their Spring Slock ami offer to the citi
zen of Salem ami surrounding; country the
most complete ajmruneut of good In their
Hue, consisting of
Ilvwta anIWlMa,
llata an1 ripi,
Wroeertea, rte.
Wr rail ep' lal attention tomir f neaanrt
ment ami new style of l-nUes irresatiomls,
such as
Fine TiubWv (loth. Potriiam, Jt
b mi new, Klsrkand t olo
m. BrUltaatM. Ptqa
alel le, Urenndinev, Flairwl
BroriMicai, LsiwnH aMl
Ladles Fancy Cooda of all Da
t'arpeta, Lmm fwrtalna, and WIsMlaw
Are more oomlete than ever. Pat-
em are all choice ami new and price aa
low a anvwhere on the coast.
We arc Mill Agent for the sale or Woolen
fJooilii, Manufactured by Ihe Orea-on t.'ltr
nufactunnK Vo ana nave now a run
nsMortnient of Blankets, Casstmero, Tweeds,
mneis, etc, which we oaerto dealer at
Manufai turer's prVe. BREYMAX 1JUOH.
Wantad-3HO,M I Paundl of
Wool, lor which we will pay the higliest mar
ket price In Cash.
Preaident of the United Statee-
Or Salem,
lected assortment of
Dry Goods, Clothing
aOTIU.tS) HATIS avrv.
Katber than to lose Ihe election. I wilt soil
Best Black Silk fur 2 SO per yard worth
1 no.
Fine rrencn Merino, cu par yaro.
Empress, 50 eta per yard.
Fine Summer Plaid, good, for 25 ots.
Wool Plaid Drew lioKis, 87 ots pur yard.
Fancy Colored Alicca, So cts pr yard.
Fancy Poplins, 90 cts worth 7S .
White Trimmings, lower than era.
t heap Laces In abundance.
Tidies. Feti-sklrt. Fancy Balmnroto. Para-
swtl, .SockinK and (,love, very leva .
Needles, 4 perstiirs. cents.
Four lAuer Pin. ' ,-ih.
Four siiools cotton Thread. i cts.
Four Cigar, 2j cents,
fri!" Tobwreo at Rednrr RNtesa,
And If I am elected I will give vow all a
chew of Tobacco.
My fine clothing at 50 ir cent, less tha a
tbe worth of tbe wool. .
Trunks, VaHse. Cariirt ibara hoat.
;laaml Crockery Ware, very chewp.
Ixigar, bmt liraml. 7 to Iu mnnds bw 11.
Coifee, Tea ami i.'andk, by the ptaual.
mmieMk, 'lHp, In the yard. In thit, all
mv gorabi I will ncnrk
t will sell my Itowtnaitd MtsMia less than
cost, and iiunK:rous other articles.
Remeintior tliat this offer U only goml till
Ihe next electimi. YtHir next lrenldeul,
ImrlHn'H t:imer, Haleia.
AprfdJIwIm '
r. it. JtiNr.x,
Real Entale Uroker.
Niary Fiiblio.
Real ttt Brokers Inanrwaiee Md
4'olleetion Ajcitita,
tiTCity proiierly bought ami sokl.
Farms and Wild Land fur Sale.
Or SpecUl attention riven to Financial
Negotiations, Cnnvoraucitig. and ,CN'tt( AL
AliEXCY lttlNEo.