The weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1872-1878, April 10, 1872, Page 1, Image 1

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All sn'wcrl'ncr whoso iuib-riptlonare not
paid for the current year are requested to
iwv np.
ouite a number owe this paper since 1870
and Uia amounts so-due woaki do a a great
deal of good jw t tills time.
. Line lira wn ajwuad this notice are intend
ed to II vr attention to the uaui your
toirand to'rge yonto pay np. '
Tha appeal fet aaeant in UeoMHI earnest
tni nn are partfatilarly roqtwwuxl to Ire It
l)mnermte aunitton. - " . .
Taellea tba e wsybuers ase rot Without
otil 4l)Siav-very. ,- -Xhe
auet of linliMdiitl cubivrlpUons If
a mati M Mibscrlbere Ho uot leallae tt
taportmce dfprowipt ,pavriit,Ml tk pub
lWeibarrj torcUiteprootoftt.
1 1 iiir
n-Jtuu? x-. ci?s
Taj.WaCTAT-.oaawoiw flinm u
published every Weilnesday nortuns-
Contains a atlmfaavy of all tbe telegraphic
uUclmaodalltbecnrreot 8tatand Lo
cal news eiUtorials, orrepondefk-e, nlscel
buy, poetry, awfroai TV aJMibT tesres-
Mr." 1,m t.X fi-H
A firtt-cJaM Wtflklv hewtp&per.
fern A.O pwWr fWadtaiieaj. ' 9M
for six. month in advance. . . .jr-.
AdvertlaeBienU at abend rate.
VOL. 21; NO. 36.
$3 00 .per Annum in Advance
. , . i ' .Html (M.Vft'.'J i
' "h 4 . -.. ' . - : . ' , - J V-' . : .)' i
i . ; ; i ... , .
B epubl ifcari N om inatiens 72
ij. s
V a-., vim Piwaadnit,
rKRUBorui ixucTonst.
' A. B. sm,rfCati'U Cety
W. n. H,'f WaalpftoiiCHty'-
Fair OMasreax.
Joseph C. Vilson,
Of Waso9 Cou.Ujr: 5 f 1
rlti'BtstcfeC r-1 .' i '
3dMtrt,F. A. Ckenawe f Beaten.
3d Daatrfet, X. Humphrey of Uaa". " ..
4th PHisirt. & nartm of MulUMaeak.
CXTrffXTT tjciost.
IVyraOTtMtTya.- -term LaioicvT,
McF. artrox, Jons JViu-S-
tKO, JomTU
CMntr Oerik.-J- J. UuMMUic
Wei4ir.'-L..ojrs. '?
Trearer.-A Jt. -mpuS.
. timrwp.l,.M.. Jvusdk.
- (tout r.-T. ff,JMa.mi.
v ' -
. -thdCnJon Bejiublkan jiarty ' Orepm, in
i r CouretiUoil. maJu UkUUuoLiuaUon of its jirtiH
i.V ipUaud iwllcieii:
( J. t, the CoiiflituUim of the CnJt?d Mates
ami alliinjuncu.lUHUita ae lelse our unlai-
teruigallrgiaiu: U lis auulruy a Billing
," brtjei; to tts full ut legal cuuatnuiieu
- w jmd aoforoeBient owr constant li(iort.
t. That the success ul (lie prewiu National
Admluistrattoniu reiltioiug Uie public ilcbt,
. ' .limlul-Uuiiu-aiid miiui11zjiic taxailon, ailinin-
4ueriiit every Imuicta of -uublk; julairs niOi
aroonmay una uoioicucy. turvtuu wi hiii-
tra ilru.Jvil service, fulorclilg Hie Bias wkii
out kwr or lavur. yroliiing the uaiion'o
wardstrJUi paujnial rare ainst Uie uruel
-avarice i pe.ailiiliimaui iraini, aiul ntiin
taliunir irieiitllT reluiKms ilh torelgn Pow-
i. ha Iwen oiwh a t r-omnialnl tile appro
, lUkm u the great wajoray ol'lhe Aineruau
I pit. anujustly emille ti to the conlideiice
an1viinjiaatiatloii of uverv true Kepublk-an.
3. We regard the payment m,our uaiioiiHi
delif. Lb full conmliuiice Willi Jill I (sen I obU
gaiHus to our cretiiiont everywhere, aud in
r .auvonliiivj; with the true letter and Kiiirit ol
k'A 4ta.iotUJa.Mtng, a no loufcer a question In is
ue; bit thai we may be clearly umierstood.
tedeoouiiceall uwuisnnd degrees of repu-
uiaiMm oi Uutt deU, asallimiett in tne ttiuo
or.ttlc iartv and ii iiipHtliuer., iw not only
imlloiuil calamities, but uoyitivecritnea, and
we will never consent to a 'suspicion ol luck
I or honor oflitnlceiii iUtcoiuuieteraliM.'iction.
i t 4, U'e iatliait ot no diHiiiiclious between
' -cHizen -heiher of native 01 forelpn birth ;
nd tlitTelore we favor the granlinjj of full
imue-ty to the ie"pie of iIiomj .MateA lately in
relieiliou ; and ne liore pleilio; the full and
vflecUve protection of our civil laws to all
perMH vuliuitarily coming to or residing in
oor rano.
S"Ve liivor the encouiasement of rail
jroas-1 b''-tlie General Government of the
' United xtatos, and hold that u-h disn,iouioii
ohoukl be made of the public lamb, ar "hall
evirn the raine to actual Mittlers only, in
ptantlt jes not exceeding ltW acres.
. 1'liat wlii le we are iu lavor of a reventtc
. ftnrthe ittipport I lie General llovernmenl,
'by itatle uin Imports, sound policy niulres
such mUustuient of those duties on iiuporisas
to encourage the development of tlie Indus
trial utterevts of tbe wliole country ; and we
reuomnen't thai ptdh-y of national t . Iiartu'e
which secures to tlie' working meu lllieral
wagen: to ngrkruhure reinunenillw price ;
to laeciianlcp and nianufib'.luresan adeiuite
reward r their skill, lalxir ai enterjirise,
Ami to the Nation commercial prospenty ami
. 4nfloienleno.
7. We balicve tint popular education Is
the sole true hat, and liopu of a free govern,
vnent, awl sbaii vwnr oppose any liveishiu L
. or hitertp' nee With the common scluxj
w tluui UtMr lucttimite mrnsioe. nnf wi
. i)m tm avl ( lavorttism iry the last 1-ecis-.
7 tiaure ucwbf two hundred thousand dol
'lava, lake ijvim IheH-hm.l fund, were granted
to a corporation cinssilnK mainly uf lemo-vvMtratkt-iewitsns
ami buiiv ftivontes, for the
s v -tioiMtrjicUttn of a work wliich a not tier corpo
ration, entirely sound nnd ri'.in-ll)le, ol-teredU)C4istm.-t
for seventy-live thuu-uiid
Kin liars less; and lluit we are In favor ot the
passage by the Legislature of an.jHcleut
scIhmii law, such as sliall Mvure to all cltl
V sena of our ttaao a good connniHi school edu
cation. . We llnd no terms surtloieiit ly strong to
;xpres our disa)ij'val ot those Jlcts of file
lart I-egisiatuii: w Hereby the swamp lands be
lousiiitrto this State have lieen taken from
the naifilv sutib'i's. ainl ifivun withtHit limit or
1 stout coinneliliou in price to tlie laud grau-
'tietaiHl .iiaculntflr ; whereby tbe emoluments
-And iciUtiH -oi state otticers liave Iteeu uts
, oustlt(iikmllv increns!l. and the taxes In-
rural shonmnds of dollars by the creation
srof acw aiKt umieccesi-arv oiiim;s ami saianiw.
Iiir the purjsise ot provullng tor party lavor
, .Us; and whereby the citizen of yur melrop
,v tjlis bare leeB th-prtved of and denied the
right iff controlling their polk-4 authority.
And we equal!' coihU-iuii tlie auminlsiratiou
of onr State nflt'.rers and laws as euravagant,
tockkMa, illegal ami destructive, and we
rlgiuly cliargo all results as the acts
v'ot tbe'Ueiocra.ic irty.
m- ;- We are in tiivnr of the United State
S, V . V j01ng t ch h'morably dlhargisl sohlier
who servil in the armies of the Culled Sum's
tuput down the ruicllion a warrant for a
.. taomaatetid of 1M acres of public lands.
lu Tliat we denuiwl the repeal of the i
Kialhsil litliaint net. whk h was deviM.'il toti-
srt Jul u per lieinocraiic newspaters at tlie
'fnibUo expense.
-It- Tliartlie RoiMiblican tnrty of this State
-are 10 favor of tlie Genera 1 Government ex
tending aid toward building a railroad from
Port land, Oreuou, to Sci't Cake City, and
from Jackson county to llumbolflt, and we
lierelsn pledge 0111 party representatives to
the (itijrt ot the sxime. ' '
11. That the indiscriminate licensing of
.', , :orMtosell spiiiuiiHis llipiors wit bom be
ing plaved mult;r pnpi;r ruspmisiln lines for
the abuse thereof, having been found by ex-
ti . jwrtencc to protniKe the growth of criineamt
jMUpert-m. and thereby toserlously Increase
.Hie rate of taxation, the ltepiiblican jstrty
recogiUs the right and dmv f the law
"''""niakliig jHiwer to prevent and "limit tlie evils
rftDd abuses of stvh sale, so far as concerns! he
... v- public good and Ls consistent with ludividunl
i itberty, by refusing to license otlier llian Uiw
V tbkting ami resjioiisible persous W'ho can
'' iitrsUh sufli.ent snretlea lor gout conduct.
IX Thai itu-i'cpublk-Mn tany of.Oregon
l" in tnvor t' obtaining axsUtnnce frtiia the
ieneml lioeifTnweat lor tlie twtnitrih:ttaii of a
'.'wapm. nod from ibe rtty ort'ortlaml to the
Dalles, reeogutztng lliias a moot important
s v land aecssarv ha provetaent for tbe 8tate.
V- '.tt. .We MbM that" tin eoiitiniutrice In
, jiower of the Ueptiblleatt party In the only
i peril vtiMt (prreaiHJty- therelor wepotut,(o Us
( brilliaiii reconliii die Ialecivlt war; toa c'ftni-
, NT1. 'jlete nationality; lo a united sisierlnssl of
Ihiviy-si'ven State?.; to our Territories rapld
tv warming into state liA:; to a notion freed
from lite, laini of kuinau slavery; to an ele
vated and ciilitravlciii!nslii)i ; lonwr natlM
jU mwIIiii: at hne and abroad ; tr the work
sit vigonws reform tn all dls.-sreml a twists
if amk.vKy or trust: loan mteqaaletl foretgu
.Vrxlit; toasti-.-jjJul and snlldliuatk ial ys-
text-audio the anparaiidted peacs tisl atrus.
fierier nQ-whereiii our hroml domain, and
these arc ur iduimw for Ihe future.
f t aure presenauim iu national aua prot-
, !.. We ball the New Uemrtnre-' of the
. EUe IH-atocratV larty, taken by the aliiu rif
their.t:vmeiitlon In stven btafos.s tu mr
V , nyuton nfUus pihi.Jpie tor rrlih'.h the Uepub-
. .'Jill isrtvbsuiMljuikrll't(hjlit tMtl-Mxr
' (iMlin tW Tassivvolk-y" of that jwirty,
ilreaiiv aattatied tn several of tlie States, we
recogitize an ;i.'kuo. itslnsent ttt tlietr hos
lessiwas of success tu lhesaiiig Preatileiilial
Ul'SISEVt write.
Ilemfter. alleaiwinjcatlonstotlilspipsr
should ke addressed to C. If . CKAKuai.1 or
t " ST ATtSMAX."
In nriltrr that all the business of theeoneern
may hr settled hetweeu the seller and Mir
haaer tf tiae paer, all persons in arrears for
sub-nptlon or advertising, are earuestlv ro
jacstoa in pay op proaa jn ly.
Agtmtsare reuiiestisi to observe thatthe
lr rk a of the Wkkjclvrrooh Statisman
' t aetoe par year in advance. Where paw-
mem a. cienj en mr aaore man six tnomns,
AO cents extra will becliarged for achax
nioaths of delay. Agents will please Jiirward
r atonea,any hsorVtlonoBiesnowwitbetr
! "i faanda, a ad herealler aa jn-emptly a wetAl.'
All atvertisoaaenUi will lie discontinued at
the expiration of the Ua for whidt they
were entered.
Business Notices.
rsinMialadviirtisaientsanderfMshead will
be charged l.t cents a, Une. Liberal adver
tisers, in the reauiar adverU-ang oolamns.
. , wilk bnwever. We glsea UbeasM utiea under
, v -i tlitt fceao, wtUHmt esira naargB. j
, 1
- IKT. A Hva-Mtuorer-Saaifll Wesson
,u,i.-ni i ciiliei- in Saltia or Iietwecn Salena and
Ed. Cartwrtghfs hoaw, half a mile nonh of
Lake IjtbuJi lurldge, oa UM stage roau. tin
er will please leave It at the sheriff' othoe,
jbatenu Mwerai rewaru mcicu,
''MnrphvA CmastBan have Jm opened a
linn, ..Vlt nfMliWUfr ImlS. Which tllCV offcf
to the nubile at tow prtces. Call tnand exain-
ln their atock. .
CwrrnD--S1na Styles, at Murphy &
FIRST IK TMJt Fti-l-n. -Spring Goods, at
MurpUv& Croaamaa'a, . . . ,
' 'LATfeT SrXEs Bats -at Murphr
Croqtniau's. ', . , . , , 't
- .ah rave""111' fT"1055
aTw eflrtOT WU? jWraM to oi-
tderlW VftEWsMor; the Tuitit" of
and ; seciM rciUy.w- better
ilcllrtoa when engns1 l,
th! fri4ine of arttul lxgtiig.
hetatM altogether the rfniny
dolgor we ever saw. 'fle her tiny
'TCo conipaiiy wer flereJ t do
8nh work its i ixw prwicW for by
law ml is now p vrow f contruiv
tiaii at. the fiillanf tlie WiUajtiftte, for
tlu? sum of oie liamhvd aixl twenty-
To this we nwiwd by j)iiWHlung
i cojy of the ade by Ilie P. T.
Co. In writing te to tbc work fer
125,000, wtik-h ofl'ercontaiuwl a prey
option to alw Je terms of the.
bfll then pending in e Leglshttwe,
8kli(grlyri4erjdBent substtatt
iiig Uie n"ie tf tlie 44 People's Trans
portattnn Oe in Itm of tlie " Willam
ette Fafls Cnl and Lock C-
Tl HnaU had tlie hard?lml to
offer ta oiiTttct the locks for 123,
000, iA bs tnaRe the offer gon," In
cae the Ltslature wcrnld make the
amendhwnt above aentHuetl and
then to Tepcat iti former silly
atul tuiTTly detiiiil. Mr. Mi.;nl!y'
eornnrnnkation to the Legislature, Re
side the prwpesition, wtrtained alo
some ., explanation ef flie bill tlion
pemilng to grant; i P. a dif"
fcTOnVrnclAso i. ooni-tmct locks on
tlte -cast side of the river at Oregon
City. AVe pnbRhe(I this part of the
cornrrniaU-atioii ; and tlie Herald takes
up this part only, and proceeds to
prove from tliat alone tlielmth of its
original denml if above quoted. ?n
tjrely ignoring Hie existence of tbe
plain, direct proposal of the 1. T. Co.
to bnlld the locks for $125.(100. atxl to
do it niider tlie terms of the bill which
is now a law and' tuuler which the
Willamette Falls Canal and Lock
Co." are doing tlie work. Tim eva
sion Ls so -palpable, billing and tin
worthy,, 'tlutt there is not a reader of
even the Herald so stupid as not to de
tect and despise k.
"BOr. K. F. II. MOUSE.
In all human probability, tlie next
Issue of our paper will announce the
death of the father of the Wegniph
Prof. S. F. R. Morse. At two o'clock
Monday morning, he was lying at tlte
verce of death at New York City, his
physicians announcing that his death
might be expected at almost any mo
ment. . When he slwll have passed the
narrow line which ' divides this from
the invisible world, the earth will
have lost the man whose inventive
genius has led to one of the grandest
revolutions in" the world's social inter
course, to lie fonnil in the history ol
either modern or ancient times.
Samuel F. IJ. .Morse was a native
of Massachusetts, having been born in
Charlestown in April IT'.il. lleisthcre
tbrw gatlicred to his latlH;rs in his s-il
year, lilsfitther was .letletliali Morsu
tttltnC2ior of Xnr'. Ggraihy. . AX
an carry age, after liaving graduated at
Yale College, he was seut ta KtiRte
to study the ait of pttlifting. 'Return
ing home he aettled in Boston hut
afterwards retntrved to New lhiinj)-Sh'u-e,
and thence to South Carolina.
His success as a painter, 'however,
w:ts not great, f n J5'2, tlie Ideaof an
electric telegraph was first presented
to his mind bj- an account of some ex
periments made in Paris, liis active
mind seized upon this aud finally elab
orated the idea iu 1S3, into the practi
val slutpe. tifan eleetrtcaptiaratus which
has been since improvetl toliecoino tlie
telegraph now in Midi universal'iise
t.hroogliotit tlw civiltzel worltl. Con
gress, after the delay of nearly eight
years, appropriated $30,000 to enable
him to eon-truct a line ot forty miles
between Washington and Baltimore,
and In the following year, ho had this
small beginning in complete opera
tion. The invention brought him
some wealth, but beyond that, fame
and the honor of. tlie entire Christian
world which lie more highly prized.
The name of Samuel F. 1$. Morse
will live iu history while there
sliall remain any record "of his period.
Aceonllng to T'sop who was a most
wonderful inventor ot stories illustra
tive of human nature, tiierewas once
a Possum of an oliscrviint eye and an
inquiring tnrn'of mind, which, seeing
a cat engajjed iu carrying her litter of
young Iu her mouth, made hold to
catechise tlie cat. tlar: "Why dont
you carry your young in a pouch as
we opposstuns tlo? 'Dy? cat which
seems to have been a sort of Latin eat,
being thus" 'Interrogated, replied :
".Von PoxsiMvtx fhitnes" we are not.
all possum'.
History repeats itself; atul we find
tlmt as in the ancient Ksopbtn days,
"we are not all ftossums, in thisyoar of
our Iiord li72.s Tn Marlon crmtity the
'transiiortation -pouch Is tifl used by
all good and trwe Democratic mother
poss&ins. Iifc.IiU-kson county, for in
statioe It K oil tlie contrary, ijuite the
reverse, If we way judge of tlie matter
bv tlie e!itTwaHlinis we liear. In
Marion Dentnenuy is jxisstmi ; iu Jack-
sou ft is cat. S, when the maternal
Gropev possum shall "waut to know
you kuowT! why tlte .ttckson Dentoc-
riay don't carry on tilings, as we do
liere, at tlie Capital, tlie Litter will re
ply, of course, .Via PoHgiiiiint Oiuie.
Serfliner's, for April, conUios ft well
illustrated description of Mare Island
Navy Yard, Vallejo, California, which
M-Ul; especially iutercst the people of
this toast. torksrttes of Plant Life"
with handsome illustrations shows
something of the . rare and luxuriant
vegetation of tlie Tropics. "Hidden
3Sisiires,'; also illustrated, reats ot
tlie wonders of tlie mining regions.
With the nsual variety and excellence
of wctry and -etwieSfc this magazine
maintains Its weTl earned reputation.
Tlie Gahixy Is also received, and
while claiming- uo advantage from pic
torial display we find it contains die
tuual variety of solid literature aud
light reading. Justin McCarthy writes
about Charles Reade ; Nelly Hutchiu
toii gives tome diacrlmltiatiug reasons
why women cautiot lead hi journallsin,
while showing tliat they are favorably
employed, on many leadiug journals
and excel as correspondents.' - Ex-Secretary
Welles contributes a historical
essay about the administrations of
Presidents Lincoln and Johnson.
The litigant organ owned aud eon
trolled by Uor. Grover 'laliors in
travail this week, to prove' that the
failure of past lieglsLitures to appro
priate for public, buildings. lias, been
lue to the fact that Marion county
does not send Democratic Representa
tives to the Legislature. Tlie design
of the article iu fiuestion, though' art
fid ia plainly enough displayed! . f he
organ desires, of course, to- 'defeat one -or
more or the Eepublieau'candidtttM
for Representative ou the shallow
pretense that a Democratic tk-legation
could get appropriations lor public
buildings which Republicans could not
get. liit-tead, however, of considering
that proposition fairly, it resorts to the
usual Democratic strategy of misrepre
senting and" perverting the facta. , H
eontaiutt libelloua attack, upon, the
clKiracter and futegrity of Mr, Patton.
pne of the nominees for Representative
on tlte Republican ticket. It attri
butes tlie Ciilure to Micure tlie apro-
1ts3luin'Tfil8WmHK;fly'1rrra,1tir tlfe
following words ;
"One of the men now leeklng to
represent us rT. McK. Pattou had
an unenviable connection with that
secession, aud tlat insane asylntu bill.
It was he wlfn did the Irottiufi, 1k
t wee it Woods and hisctiueus, attU wlio
imckal thai very tpprojriution bill to it
?Mt." i
We hail supMsecl the organ man
and his master Gov. G rover were more
familiar, than this would indicate,
with the testimony taken by thfe
"Smelling Commission,'" inasmuch as
they have liad it iu their possession
for nearly a year. The following tes
timony found on page 61), Vol. II, ol
the "Joint High Commission V report
shows how ill-founded is this present
charge in the. organ. It must be re
collected tlitit Mr. Patton is the witness
of tlie "Smelling Committee," and
Gov. U rover aud his organ are estopped
from denial of the full force of what
Mr. Patton testified. Mr. Pattou on
the stand :
. Qcks. State if you have any knowl
edge or information in regard to the
causes which led to the disruption of
the Legislature in lsiis.
Avs. By Mr. Patton. I do not
10 not i
know of my own- persoual knowlexlge. f
i was acting as .vssistaut cicik oi ine t
House of ReptxistMiUtives when the
resigning members withdrew. I have
heard from niemlicrs resigning tliat it ;
was at tril uiteu to Gov. W oods. I was
not present at airy caucts. nor in his
conlideiice, and did not know anything
about it until it occurred.
Again, in relation to tlie "death"
of the Asylum appropriation bill. The
bill, making an appropriation of $40,
000, was regularly passed, -signed by
the presiding otlicers aud approved by
the Governor.
In House Jourifcil, page session
of 1W, tlie following entries appear:
SALKM, Oct. -2(5, 'IjS.
Mk. Si'kakkk : By direction of tlie
President, I herewitn tiaiistnit t. B.
-'u. 71 for your signature. '
S. C. biMi-sON. Chief Clerk."
The speaker uuuouiiced tluit he
had signed beiiate Bill Xo. 71."
Auut, in beii4ttLJQuniaJ4)iige
we rind a sfcttemeut from the President
of the Senate tlutt lie had signed it.
Tlte organ's article befotv us quotes
from the testimony of the ".Smelling
Committee"' to prove that Mr. Patton
was cognizant of Secretary May's acts
and connived thereat ; but in doing so,
it garbles even tlie "Smelling Commit
tee's report of Mr. Patton 's testimony,
making him say in the Mercury's cpio
tation quite a .different thing from
what he .-aid liefore the Committee.
His testimony before the "Smelling
Committee" placed tlie matter alluded
to in such light as entirely exotieritod
liiinseH from blame; and left the
wrong entirely with Mr. May. It
must be thought that the' organ is in
duced to exceedingly low straits when
it finds it uccessarv to descend to the
garbling of tlie "Smelling Commit
tee's" partisan, ami one-sided report iu
rder to make a point against Mr.
Patton. Tliat Committee would have
gladly made the point had there been
irouud for it ; but it did not do It. . It
has remained tr the organ to descend
to deejicr deeps vf meanness than did
oven the "Smeiiiiig Committee."
Even- now atrd then we see, of late,
in Itciiiocratic newspapers a iptasi coti
fession tlutt tlie Tammany thieves, tlid
steal some small amounts fi-om the
ax-payers of New York. Tlie' pos
sum organ over (lie way. the ouier.
day introduced an article ou frauds
with the head "Rivalling Tammany."
l'hLs sounds singular enough now when
it is remeinliered tliat tliese same ra
pe rs were as silent as death tin tbe
Tammany affair till the noisome stink
of Tammany's corruption had rilled
til Christendom; and singular, too.
when It is remembered that Tain many,
was the fountain head of what Demoe-
racv there Is left In tlie country i sin
gular, too, when it is remembered tlutt
Democracy, in the very face ot -urn ex
pose, elected the chief Tammany-' thlet
to the Aow i ork hcuate';' singular,
too. wheu it is known that tlie "Tam
many element is still tlte Itead and
front of the Democracy of the wlwle
country. Democraiy seems to be get
ting sadly wanting In respect to its
own natural parent. '
laeuios rsitie Mnutlen Kefuteil. 1
Tlie following is from our Washing
ton correspondent, and was omitted
fi-om the letter published yesterday on
account ot a lack of room. It dispo-
Lses of some slanders recently circulated
by the Democratic pres :
Gen. C. Hontce Porter's wealtli"'
to wliieh so many npwsjiaper para
graphs htive been devoted, amount all
told to air income of less than rive
thousand dollars a year. It ueeds uo
extended statement to show that stkh
an amount is quite insufficient ht ad
mit of any great extravagance of ex
penditure m living. . xne Etct WGen.
Porter lives In a quiet, genteel man
ner, gives no extravagant entertain
ments and. is as unjustly charged with
interest In. 'Holis and rings' as it is
possible tor a man to be.) . He ia a man
of irrea't reserve of manner, strong hi
liis friendships and is ever loyalbto
Um'ib. The same is tnw of.'Geus Bab-
cock. The statement lately nmrlt: ami
carefully circulated by the'Demrt rtH'
press that lie lield anil received tlie
salaries of four offices rounding np an
iimotuit of Mir nuite aoallinr to tlte
economically Induied, Is false to this
evfent : AVhile nerforiiiiusr the dutte
ot four offices, with credit to himself
and the Government which he serves,
he draws but one salary, that of Major
of Engineers in Ihe United States
Army. While these inisrepctitatiens
have been so persistently made these
gentlemen waited wKh quiet dignity
tor the opportunity which this investi
gation: has offered of clearing them
selves, completely and satisfactorily to
all minds honestly open to conviction
The RoseUtrg Eusigu says '"Demo
cpttk faces (iu Douglas county) are
growing longer each day." May
they,; like ' shadows, never become
shorter. " .. . , , ,
'1 VVe learn through private source
that G)y., W"oods of Ttab, has gone to
CtUilorjiia for a while, ouacuoutitof
bad health. Ills longs are said to be
affected. '
, The Herald says a grand Inquest Is
needed y, on the defunct Detnocn-.
ej of Xew Hamphshlre' and Connectl
ctiU , ITie "crowner's nxiek law" by
all means. '
Horace Greely after doing a great
dealer gymnastics ou tiio trapeae
"Revenue Relbno," iias concluded
that It is nothing but ft "juggling
ptrase." ' Horace hits the mark, now
and then, centre. ... :
The Jacksonville Sentinel give a
snrance that Mr. WUsou will get fnlly
the entire strength of tlie party hi
SoutlKirit. Oregon, and that tfni action ...
CUOfmymtUW mHi wttft .heftrty
As we anticipafetl Wednesday'1
-nonting, we Itnve tlie sorrowfiil intel
ligence that lrof. sf F. B. Morse is nt
"more. He died at Jew York Tuesday
itt 7 o'clock r. M. liis spii-it bad alrejtdy
depttrtetl wheu we wrote tin? article
headed with his name. '
The Democracy of Union county
have tound a man who is so indiflerent
about his occuiidtioii and character as
to stand up before a crowd atal read
Slater's speeches. . Recklessness in
that county was always admired, and
this adventurer is toasted and benzined
immensely. .
The Bedrock Democrat complains
that there is not a solitary copy of tliei '
journals ot the last Legislature, in
Kastcru Oi-egon. Then Eastern Ore
gli is singularly blessed. , We believe
i Kastcru Oregon (Bilker City) did. how
ever, get some school money from the
last Legislature which the State will
likel- never see again.
The New York World which is the
.Grand Rod-Eye oracle of Urn Demo-
cvatic uartv nives
the Possums notice
to support the nom
tliatthev mav have
inee of the Clndnuati invention, in
case he should appear to have "strong
Republican backing."
"Won't it be
interesting to liear Grover, Haytlen,
Helm, Burnett, etc., howling in cho
rus through this campaign for some
stroiigly-backed Republican? .
The Portland Bulletin say J "With
the prospect ol" u "PiLssive", platform
lsing adopted' by the 1 at the
Dalles, the faithful hereabouts are bu
sily engaged In looking up each for
himself, a convenient llnih to twist his
tall to and hang 'onto' until after tlio
June election." The Possums here
alxuiu have lx;eii duly "curled1 and
"twisted" since the -?M ot hist month.
There is nothing like being converted
If tlie Democratic temper, in ffetiei-il.
in Jaekson eounty, is anything near as '
1dous-lrftmt mpl:fyed bylhe TX-m--ocrtitic
Times in its last Issue, there is
reasonable ground to hojie the mem
bers of the "Happy Family" art- In
such a jolly uiuss as will carry lliciti
clc-tn past tlie June election. Let "cm
Ilight t bark and bite
For God liatli iik-nic Ibem so.
Iii tlie. proceedings of the .Jackson
Democratic convention, as published
iu the Times, we find an anti-Possum
resolution a full blow iu the face of
Gov. Miller's candidate for U. S.
S-nator. Tltere Is auothtr wsolutioii
which shows bow Iisiru it is for a Betl-i-ocker
to forgive tien. Nesmith for not
U'ing a wsioiil't during the late
relielliou. ;'
Why tlou't tin! Democratic press stir
up ' tho "Smelling Commission'
report? Why. if it is nrt a good
thing, don't I hey bowk according to
Ihe original programme? It cost the
State about $.,(!(KX a sum too large to
be lo-t wasted through Democratic
intuition. Are the Democratic news
papers keeping whist, on account ol
orders from headquarters? Havu -those
little transactions in school funds
by tlie present State officials, anything
to do with the general silence
Tin; Liberal Republican Convention
tit Cincinnati will meet On the first of
May. 'According to Greeley, it will
meet " uncommitted to any course of
action, whellicr with regard to mea
sures or tneti." That is to say, tlie
soreheads who will eonijKise it, have
no known principles and will lie as
likely to adopt one political code as
another.' The" object Being alone to
defeat Giant, the uiost reasonable '
tiling to anticipate is that : these pure
Republicans. T''tr e'fcioe, will make- '
shift to lie as nearly as possible, Tau
niatiy Democrats.
Nq.w that Tammany has been busted
antj, can : no longer corruptly carry'
eJcetUms in the neiglilioriug States, we
see New. Hampshire and Connecticut
;oiug Republlcjin. as they would ik-ive
gone all the time.. since lgtiO, but fsr
the sctim"' voters sent into tlietii
from N'ew York City. Imocrats
have lieen so long accustomed to
rylng tliose States witli corruption that
they cant imagine how tliey can Im;
carried hi any other way ; and 'we ac
conlingly find Democratic editors fig
uring up liow they were comtpted out
of tlieirasual Victories. ' ' "' 1
It Is a singular tdiueyucracy of tlie ,
linooraihyrthrtt Uiey have only the
slightest degree of Cifth In the tole
graph and tluit tliey are always wait
ing for the wagon.. ; A sliort time ago,
tlie Herald couldn't believe tlutt the ,
telegraph was correct when It reported
a Republican Victory, in Xew Hamp
shire and It threw itself back In Its
great? arm Hwif ' to 'wait 'composedly
for the luaiis.. Tlie mails came and
cenfiruied tlte dispatches ; but we liave
seeii in tlie Herald, no uotice taken ot
the 'result In New- Hampshire asre
ported by the wagon. Perhaps tlm
editor has got his back up and is indig
tiant ly waiting for another wagon. ;
1-Xvw come OonnccticuL i another
V Statrj' trpod which Democracy had re
lied Tor assistance "to lat . Grant,"
iiudigives Jewell, Republican, two or
three tunidred majority over all conv
pM'ttors and a plurality over the Dem-"
eratie candidate for Governor, of over
1,900- Thi Ivy telegraph. We SHp
pose, 'novi" we shall find the Herald
again unarm-to believe the telegraph,
aud aee tt throw itself back In asuhv
hie attitude to wajt agam for tlie
The Herald maunder through a col
umn aud a half hi the Issue of yester
day, to convince its readers that It ha
strong hopes of tlie OtucCunati Con
vention, tliat it will devise some
means to help the Democrats "to beat
Grant." In another part of tlie fame
paper is published the telegraphic dis
patch concerning the Connecticut elec
tion, that 4the Liberal Bepnblieans
did not give much support t the Deui
ernts." Wlien we look oa this picture
and then on this, tlie nwn'i driveKngs
appear so pitiful as to restrain tlie
laughter that otherwise would ring
out, at finding tlie juxtaposition of
such Cur hoes and such. utter disap
pointment. While tlie Herald man
and otlier Democratic editors- with
telescepe In hand, are "scanning the
fonrtituirter ot the heaveoji tor liand
breadih clouds that may give promise
of an anti-Graut shower, mm after
another, tlielr hopes defliy. - The
Iteople .satisfied with tlie Integrity of
Getnt's administration,' are inovitic:
in onlvuius of crushing weight against
ail hiitMBle. and gtktK them un-
iniblkansZ" did not give much support
to the Democrats of Conncrtitmt, so
tliwr -will not give much support to
tlien In Ohio, nor in any other State.
The "Liberal Rcpublicaus'' being but
a bctlou, will not have much support
to give anybodv. See tlie figures in
Connecticut, and judge wliathoK; tliey
give of la?lp 'to Grant." We ad
vise the Herald man to try his tele
seoHi in some other direction.
M.u. Bekuv, w hen Superintendent
of tlie Penitentiary, paid four dollars
ler liiy to brick burners and the
Smelling Coinitiissiou cut the claims
(Iowh to two dollars and fifty cents,
became they were held by Republi
cans; Watkiixls. in 1S71. jiaid four
dollars jier day for the same kind of
labor, and tliat was considered jierfect-
ly right by tlie met-ldlesoiue Commit
Mr. C. II. Walker of Dayton informs
us, that last euiicsday evefiyig was
the oucasioti of a pleasant re-ituioii of
the uiembers of Ofcitk ulal, Iifttj-ette
aivl Yautliill Lodges, I. O. O. F- at
(Ik- Hall ol Y'aiiiliill Lodge, No. 20.
Aeconling to previous refiuest, the
iJnrtlters o tlie above Lodges assem
bled to receive tlie last olHeial visit.
j previous to Grand Lodge, of D. G. M.
i 1. T. Apiier-tni. The tlmnks of tla;
BivtlhT. were teisletvd to tlie Deputy
Grand Master for his earnestness iu
promoting the Interests of the Order,
and tlie faithfulness u itli which he luis
pel formed his duties; which was rc--pondetl
to by him in feeling terms.
After a pleasant hour .spent under the
"good ol tlas Order," the Brothers all
adjourned to Riley's Hotel, wiicre a
collation had been prepared, after pa r
rakin of which the members returneil
to f lietr several homes, carrying with
them impressions which will never lie
forgotten, and which will Inip to ce
ment tlie bond of friendship now exist
ing. At a meeting of tlie committee aj
pi tinted by the roseotivc Lodges, for
tlie purpose of conferring with each
otlier In regard to tdcbratiiig the "-ld
Anniversary of Old Fettowalilp lit tt
I'uited States, it w.H dechleil to celi!
lirateat McMiiiuvilir. witlr apprtprl
;ttc exercises, to tx: followed by a bu-k-ettliiiiier.
Tlie Brothers of tlie Onler
at Dallas will be invited toparticiatc,
;H will lie also all members elsewhere.
It Is expt:ctl tlie Dallas Brass Ituid.
iiniler the leadership of Prof. G. AV.
Carey, wili lie there to enliven the. ix'
The Walla Union of the .'tOtlu give
the follow itio; account of tlw deatli of
Andprson Cox :
At the time of his death, he was hi
the road about ten miles the other side
f Snake liver, returning iu a light
spring wagon from Col tax to W.til
twtrg. lie was accompanied only by
iii daughter, Mrs. Sutitli, at the time
lie was taken sick, and was uuabie to
lie moved, and .tiled on the prairie,
many miles from his home or any
Imu-e. His ailment was billions colU
which terminated fatally in a few
hours after the fir attack. Mr. Cox
was one of Walla W alia s oldest aud
most reflected citizens. At the time
or his death he lield tlie oflice of Ri
ceiver in the U. S. Latnl OllU itt this
place. He has hekl many ber io-i-tions
of honor ami trust, both in this
county and in Oregon, where lie lived
for many years prior to coming here.
His funeral will take place to-day at
Waitsburg, at 1 o'clock. lettek rncE.
From the Chicago Postal Record.
This olllce is tlie great deiiositorv of
the ignorance and carelessness of tbe
Here mav lie foutul thotisantU ot let
ters seut hither from all tin- Post offi
ces in tlie country,' some wlmlly un
Ktul. sttuie insulHciently jiaid. some
with revenue stamps affixed, some mis
directed, and others not directed at
When wo consider the loss ol money.
jewelry, drafts, important paers and
otlM-r vaiuaUh; articiej couiatiKii iu
these letters, we are astonished at the
carelessness of even intelligent men in
tlie transaction of tlielr business.
With tliis view, to save tlie tieople
rroiw these losses, and much vexation
and 'annoyance, we dixluce a few
simple rules which slmuld be observed
1, Direct your letter plainly, give
name of place and State, and unless
addressed to a t(irfcity, give the name
of tlie, cntiHfa also.
2 If nuiil letter, (not a drop let
ter,) be sure to affix sticurcly on it, at
leiixt unt 3 reiU't'e stamp.
3. Don't luita icent postaw stamp
on a letter to be sent by mail, if you
do it will be sent to this oflice.
- 4. Pent put a rtn-mut stamp on a
letter, if you do it will be sent to this
a. At Letter Carrier offices jvt at
lenst nm tin, tent postage stamp on a
drop letter.
6. At all oB-letter carrier offices,
put ot teaM one one cent itage stamp
on a drop letter.
6. Be sure to remember and da
these tilings and your frietit's and cor
respondents will got your letters, and
not the Dead Letter Office.
Fkee Lovk Fkcit. Mr. Iowdcr, of
Werutua, relieves his feelings in i
liers as follows :
Wliereas, my wife, Dora L., ha
abandoned uiv bed ami bottrd witltout
just caiise or provocation, liaving lieeii
lor many vears ah admirer or uw irec
lovc principles, cebsen tlie life of mis
tress to C. W. Fowling, a Baptist
preaclier, rather than the society of Imt
friends and relatives; this Is to forbid
all persons from harljorlug or trusting
her on my account.'
An editor in Cicero, Indiana, on tak
ing charge of tlie New Era. greets his
readers with this vigorous salutatory :
"It is tlie Cushion for an editor to write
a long introduction ou taking el targe of
a paper, but as we are well acquainted
with nearly every mati In tbe country,
it ls only necessary to say that we in
tend to do tee ntettse, and announce
that oar motto is Tint Atnnahty Dtllar
a Yew Im Adwiwos." This man evi
dently ' means business, and we liave
uo doubt his paper will be worth its
price. , .
.Fri Daily of Welnr,tlaj Afr. 3.
St Hie I tt Co. mild Uwt BionthU,0U0 worth of
real estate.
ltarll fell la tlie northern part of I hi valley
Monday after noon.
Twentv-flve men at Nctarts Bay hunt the
win oyster for a living.
George BUchle, aged ninety years, dloit at
Monmouth, March 28th.
1. A. I3olili of Portland has a bill of New
Jersey Colony currency as old as 177.
T. Patterson, State Printer, has gone east lo
dispose of Rights In Ixnnord'a Balance
A pedagogue of Douglas eountr, named
Kellng, was lined () last w eek for girl whip
ping. The steamship Paciflc, with a cargo of
freight, arrived at Portland at 12 o'clock on
Monday night.
G. U. Burnett Is publishing In the Christian
(Monmouth) Messenger, a series of "Hemlnls
cencea ttt byffone day in Oregon."
Mill No. 4, near Milwaukle, belonging to
the O. C. Railroad Co., 1 being removed to
a point a vrt distance below Portland.
Postollloes liave been estaljtlshed at North
Bund, Goo county, and Xnappn, Clatsop Co.
Those at Kernianavllla, Cooa Co., aad Salt
fek. Polk bavtf lwen VmiiHy-A jt .
The Battel In save tlie poamffi.; at Salt '
Creek has been discontinued lvano the lte
piihlk'.'imi h.irc all left the neighborhood, and
nubility rumains in keep ihe iSlk-e or read tlm
A rfliarlrari irtrty at ("orni'liiis. the other
night, M smoked otit" a Just-woiklisl couple by
topping tlie chimney flue at the top; all lo
calise the groom wouldn't come out when
they played oa their hai-ps of a thousaist
Tlie IVmocratsof Cooseounty have placivl
in nomination the following tk ket : Joint
ator, Win. Hall; Slieriff, ;. W. Sl'ier :
Clerk, Win. II. Jackson; tmunissioiKirs, W.
II. Harris and It. K. Kos; Treasurer, George
Camnian; Assessor, W. C. Paxsuu; S lusil
SuiierlntendenU J. S. McNamara; Surveyor,
Jennings; Oulegatesto State Convention,
It. II. Cowe, Win. Turpln and Jas. Aiken.
Frtmi Jhiihj of ThurMhiy Air. 4.
A istoluce lias been estnbllslieil at Beaver
ton, Washington county.
Tlie rtodrock Deimvmt wants Baker Chy
le buy a lire engine and go to squirting.
The doiieers of Jackson and adjohitng coun
ties are to have a reunion on the 5th Inst.
' Colored citizens will celebrate the Kllteentli
Amendment Anniversary at Portland, April
A " Mackerel Brigade has lieen organized
at Pnrtlaml. The inemlx-rs are all queer
There wa a ' fl " aul ' lxxs -leal her " ar
gument among the Hcinncracy at lloibiiij;
the other evening.
The Young Meu's Chnstuiu A-sivialion of
PortL-tipl, lia. r.veive l and U.-btirwiL dunlin
the year, aisuit 1,:HS.
The I'osMtm delegates to the l)euivratlc
Stale Convention at tlie lhilles arc to giat
children's ptVes- half ire.
A Columbia county bor kicked a circular
saw the other ilay, and now bi iauihasg,a
lo hoy htm all artificial foot.
J. II. Nell has lieen sekvled by tbe Ki-nu
cr.Usof J.u kson c.Minly to vote for all the del
egates in the Ik mocralic State Convention.
Messrs. C. v'Win'iingertsVi, Julius Kra
mer and N. Gollgelreu are elrsrled lo repre
sent Min. na Lislge. Na W, In tlie tirand
Isi-lgir, I. O. O. K.. wiilch will meet at Salem
in May.
A hatl-liree-l -Hirtcan, formerly of Marlon
county, named Mary O'.s-haw, attempted sti-k-Me
by swallowing a hill f miisI of arsenk-,
TiH s-liiy evening. It Is thmiv-bl tl-a'tcni
will be aa eminent success.
An emigrant, br tbe name or Win. Lent,
reached Baker Cllv la-t wia-k. who wa-jnst
eight d:i;,s In traveling from ortnmwa, Iowa,
to Iktker City, lie lias come to slay.
Crop prospect in M.irtmt county are Hatter
lug. Kail sown. wheat, which was thought lo
liave bueu sevundy tujurel by i,e severity of
the liist winler. Is sprlngUig Into new life,
and prmniMss a yield.
The OregiHilan says a considerable ad Iitlon
to the population if oregini may be exptNtefl
shortly fnan Tnaewell county, III. Twenty
seven loiti, most of them with fa in I lies, anil
every one a Black Itciaiblican, " will start
fnn there for Oregon this mouth.
A disipointod young IHharin of C1a.-ka-mas'cviiuty
has been suing a fair, but tickle,
damsel Torn breach of promise. Tw glrliiyM
she p.Ud him for bis laniaged affections 14 ,Vi
coin and a Isitlleof t'lovida water, and she
thinks a too bad tluit he wmit let her alone
Fran Vaily if Friday .I;-, ."i.
Base liall Is what alls the bny at Jacksoi -ville.
Typhoid lever Is prevalent among children
In Jsick'tHi count v.
Mary Weston, the courtezan wlio swallow
ed a half poutin of arsenic, is dea-L
Lafayette proposes to offer Inducements for
the railroad to cross t he Yutnhlll river at tliat
. Colonel W. J. Marthi.nfGalesville, Oregon,
Iwi.-i jipplUsl for a patent for a grubbing ma
chine. SMnge s In Southci n Oregon are making gocd
time now, as a consequence d linproris)
Thirteen out of fortv-nine s,-hool districts in
Yamhill falbst to make their annual report.
Careless clerks.
A Iny named Eaton, aged ten years, fell
through a wharf at Portland, Wednesday,
and w as drowned.
I-aPrew, alias Smith, mi esciel prisoner
fnsn the Albany t Itl.oou brk k sieve, has Keen
returiiol to Allmiiy.
Criminal law suits arc tlie staple amuse
ments of late among tbe populace of Skunk's
Hollow, Washlugtou county.
A sou of Mr. Win. Hall, North Yamhill,
wa-s accidentally sbot iu ihe arm last Sunday
evening; n4 ilangemusly hurt.
The Courier Is republishing in Us coultimns
Ute ltesrt of the "Mnelling Committee." 1 1
tmi 1 not faslldbius aliottt his newspaier hash.
All the school districts in Washington coun
ty have levied a lax stitlicleut to keep up a
c-hool for fnvn six to nine months dining the
"The Oregon Real Estate Company" was
Incorporated at Portland a day or two sitK-e,
by' Ben Itolladay, Wm. L. Halsey and Geo.
W. Weidler.
Mrs. Vk-ier' hook entitled "AH over Ore
gon and Washington Territory," has gone to
press at San Francisco, and will be delivered
in Oregon la a few days.
The building of the Oregon Central Railroad
has waked I lie people ujs and there Is now- a
general scramble for new roads leaiung to tho
various stations along tbe road.
.Some Yamhill people are worried about
somebody proposed amendment to the Con
stitution to recognize God and ,Chrlstiunlty.
" Trifles light as air " are very heavy on some
The Orcgonian says: "Onr advices from
several of the agricultural counties concur in
tlie atateoiunt that all the working forco of
men awl teams that can be made available t
employed Iu putting lu grain. The remarka
bly good weather Is affording great facilities
for this work. Beyond doubt the breadth of
grain sown will much exceed that of any for
mer year.
Mr. U. A. Brooks who arrived down from
Jackson conuly vc-erday, Informs as lluit
tlie placer mines lately discovered tn Qiunt
Va'ley, between Link river and Goose Lake,
arocmahgeHiflerable excitement, tn on
ly In Jacksrm connty, but lhroohAiit all
Southern Oregon. He an parties about start
ing from Eugene. The diggings are reported
good, but tt la But kuown bow extensive the
district may be.
To tiw Front. We noticed long
trains moving to tlie front yesterday
loaded with railroad Iron, and mate
rials tor track construction. Evident ly
Hallett Ls rushing matters, along the
route. "Twas ever thus."
' The way to keep your silk umbrella,
Onlv lend vonr cotton one.
fknttlels exporting large qttantKIr of on
ions and mtatnes.
The Walla Walla Firir Grounds are lo be
sold by the Sheriff for del.
Ber. W.IL Stoy, formerly ofTrtnltvChnrch,
Port land, is stationed at 'Deer Lodge, Mon
tana. Sarah Wlnnemu.'va, "Qneennfthe Pltlte,',
has thrown herself awav upon a voung Llen
tennnt. at Salt dike City..
Itumjituloopi" Is Ihe euphonious name of
a river whk hempttesititot.ray'iilliu-bor. Xo
wmnler Ihe harbor is dangerrns.
Tt Is said rht women of Olympia hare voted
down all anplk-atlona for license lose 11 Honor
and all the saloons are consequently selling
without licenses. . ;
Anderson Cox of Walla Walla, formerly of
Ltnu countv. Oregon, died suddenly a few
days ago of lilllous e.o!W aged alioia sixty
rears. Mr. Cox was well kuown tbrouglmrit
the Willamette valley.
Joe Cnrlewi mining claims, near the garri
son reserve, say the Boise Statesman, are
luiylng handsomely. An old channel has lieeii
strivk in the hills, which iropeutsvery rich,
and is now being worked.
Ol vmpla ehx'.tM a Mayor last Monda y. Gen.
W. W. Miller was a eandkbtte, endorsed by
the Tribune, the Courier and the Transcript.
With that trlumverate at his back, he ought
to have lieen, II he was not, elected.
A dUpatch from Salt Lake says that a eall
has lwn l"smsl for a Itepotdkmii Convention
loelec: iieUwites to the National Bepubllran
Convention at PhHa'hdphla. It is signed by
T'sn fitch, cx-Secreiary fuller. Maun, 1. H.
Well and others.
The Port Townsend Argus savs a move Is
toaet una Joint slock f-legrauh van
nnv, wHh a ifk wpaptwl oft,eattM-lii;
a It in- of telegraph from Ssittle, crossing the
Sound at Port Madison, thence down tlie wisrt
side to this p'ace.
A Yakima valley corre-isHsleiit oflhetMyn
pla Transcript write" : "Our w inter has laxn
verv wvere. but st-k has linne v-y well.
I mil now an honest farmer, work liard. and
.unhappy. This i-saline country, nl cli
mate, aisl money can be made here."
It lsprolmhle tliat in a few day therp w ill
be a surveying party made tip a WuHa Walla
ilr the prpse of sureytni on stsne i t 1h-iliSei-eiii
proi-d routes lor the Northern
Pacific Itailroad Omipaay.
Tlie construction of a railiixnl from Wal lula
to Walla Walla is one of the notable enter
prises to lie undertaken this year. The grul
ing lor thlsruid is all under contract, and Is
I,, be finished bi ihe 1st of July. Mills are
now in course of ei'cclion at Watlula wliich
will saw the tie and lunils r ntii!re,l
Tho follow ins appropriations for W:i!-b-ingioii
Territorv, lisvcls-cu maile: Tile usu
al salaries for fisleral otli.taU; u-iuil annl
!ks ir illfl'ereiit triia-s of Indians; gcmtral
tnciilentlal exieiii-es oflndlan senice, SCi,
tsiti; surveying, s7lt,tKt; asssing and col.
kvtlng iulemul revenue, I7,U00; ctdUvtiug
re-ntte from jsiblic laisi, WU,700.
The Boise Statesman favs: The Sillnre of
the salt Lake. Snake ltlver. Dalles and Port
land llallniad bill. Imels our people to look
alter and see If an oilu r course cuu lie taken
lo secure ratlrottd'conneellon wtth the Pacllic.
rnilrmd. Manv of our pisiple think tlmt Ihe
most feasible route to bnlkl a raiird and ol-l.-iln
Ihe cotniecllon. Is to start from Winue on the Central Pacillc, and coniu to
owybee and thence to this pla.;e."
The Walla Walla I'nlon says: Dnrln!: the
iiKHitli of March. Imsiness has been (juite live
Iv iu tbe Land oilice at this place. One hun
dred ami thirtv-one jire-s-mptiou ciatm for
i;,mKi acres, all' but ten of wlikjh werein Wal
la Walla count, have been tiled, fifteen
lioiiH-sle.-td npplk-.vllons for l, acres, all but
one of wbk h claims are In tliis county, ami
right bntslred acres have Imsmi paid formifler
tin; lionK'rHe;id aud pre-emption laws.
A gt'iillenian iu i New Etigliind
town Imrietl hi sixth wife. Shortly
ttfier the funeral lie met the minister
w ho iilliel.-ited, mid offered him a Ijyl
"Teenback. The minister- declined to
i lake it. saying la was not .H-CUStOtlied
In ittvept Kiy for siwh services. Ihe
gentleman coolly replied, "-lust as you
I -ay ; but that's wliat I've been iu tlte
' luthit of js-tylug-"
A Sinlbern ptiper advertises as fol
i tow : "Wanted, at this olllce, an able
i luulied. hiinl-featured, bad-tempered,
: not-to-le-piit-otl':intl not-to-hc-backed-'
down, frex-kled-Cieetl . young man to
j collect for this wtier ; must, nirnisli his
j own burst?, s.-ttlilltlKigs, pistols, whis
' ky, Niwie-knifc. and cxiwhide. Wc
1 will furnish tin" accounts.' such we
! proinis- (.-ousUint and laborious em
; phiymeiil.' - .
Mr. Nash of Plymouth, Ind.. Is tlie
. most grateful Iming we ever heard of.
' lie extends his thanks to his noble fel
j hiv-citizeus "for the kindness ofpitob
i ing his lMinsehold goods out of doors OH
, tlte occasion ot the huruing ot a small
! Utru near his house ou hist Friday."
i Tlte goods were badly atul uttnreessa
i rily siuadicd. and were in no danger
whatever in the house, but la; was very
j thankful to the good teople for llieir
i generous assistance.'
: It i said tlk-it I h-nver city, the rail
1 road centre of Cohir.ulo Territory, luas
j daring tlie hist two wars improvetl
. more rapidly than any otlier in tlie
i West. It is claimed -unl we liave no
I leason todoiiht it tlutt iJenvet to-day
luis a H)pulatiou of ft),:'!.
j So "really luis the sttH'k of short-'
j Inini cattle in this imtmrrj' improved
! under tlie hands of American feeders
j and breeders, tliat Knglish lirvcdcrs
! are now to lie found amongst the pttr-
cintsers at our purine sales.
The iron exorts of ( Britain to
Hk- United States hi 1S71 amounted to
nearly f:i8,(KKl.0OO in value. Iieing
more than one-half tlie iron exporti
timis. This stiitenu'tit tlis'stint include
the hardware trade, which foots up
m ar -JijOO.tKKi.
Tlie culture of rice is attracting tlie
attention ofngriculturi-ts in California.
The valley of Smi JWplin atul Sticra
iiii'tito river are said to eoutatii exten
sive w-u nip lands suitable for the eul
tiitv, the climate also U-ing f.ivoialde
and the soil rich.
The most soccefodul eeriineiit in
tiuiiuiactttriiig teet sugar iu this coun
try is reported from Alvarado. (Jjtl..
where a factory has lieen built ctipahle
of haiidliutT (Hi tons of In-ets every
twenty-four hour ; "iiHl.tXHl isitiuds rif
snpsir were inaiiutactunl in 1S70 at a
fair margin of profit, and it is thought
tlie products, of 1S71 will lie double
that of 1S70.
A Danhury German is named Wach
schleigheiishatnel. How would you
like to stand on a lwck stoop with the
tliermoincTer eleven degrees below
zero and call that cluip in to breakfast!1
California-bred horses are proving
superior in sjieed. endurance aud gen
eral good totalities to the In-st raised iu
the Atlantic States or Europe.
Auotlicr venerable Virginian of tlie
colored jaTsttasiou, has Cillen a victim
to tlie poisonous influences of tobacco.
He smoked and chewed for 110 years,
and was tut off (fine-cut) iu hi prime
at IIS.
It Is recorded ofSydeuy Smith that
lie was once asked" by Laudseer. the.
celebrated animal (Kiintcr, to sit for his
nortndt. "Is tbv ss-rvant n tlor. that
im should do tliis? was the n-pl' of
Uie witty divine.
One of the editors of tlie Cincinnati
Enquirer recently saved the cook of a
canal-boat from drowning, ami lias re
ceived a letter from the girl's father,
saying : "You saved tlie gal and slie's
your'ti." No cards.
Newspaper rivalry Is at Its licight hi
Osceola, so tlm editor of the Osceola
1 h-inoerat conceived ot a plan whereby
la; sould utterly annihilate his antago
nist and secure an iuqiortaiit item tor
tlm exclusive use of tlm readers of tlm
Democrat. He engaged a uian to at
tempt his assassination just liefore his
paper went to press, intending to make
some journalistic capital nut of It. But,
unfortunately, his accomplice did not
aim badly enough, and gave the editor
inch a dose of stmt that be was too
nitidi hurt to write up tlm affair, and
f tlm oppositkai paper had tlm Item,
with "full particular." exclusively.
Tlm wrong man now "bangs his di
minished imail," and. more yet, he has
only himself to blame.
' Tim Chicago Journal lias found a ne
tor tlm Imrnoeratlc party, it is to re
mind Christians not to be remiss in
tlicir spiritual obligation. Tlm Elev
enth Commandment Is "Mind your
own business" and now we have tlm
twelfth? "Tliou shalt not be a Demo
A widower wa recedfUy rejected by
a da nisei who didat want a "warmed
over" man. ! ,
' - s-v. -. r. ' .
IFrom our ow n CorresiKiDdcnt.,; i
Washington, Marclt 6, '72.
Ed. Statesman i ' Tlie exdterhent
over the Senate debate on the sale t,
arms is subsiding. Senator (Jonkllng's
propliesy that if Uie investigation was
not hurried up it would prove a post
mortem ' examination,' was literally
fulfilled, tor at the time tlie vot was
being taken in tlie Senate on Uie reso
lution to investigate, tlie investigation
liad been nearly completed by a com
mittee of the House, before whom Scii- .
ator Sumner had been invited to tes- ,
tify, but wlio faited to cotue forward.
Tlie triumvirate of txialeoii tents,
Sumner, Sdiurz and Trumbull, have
no doubt been pleased with tlte field
days of display which tbetr eloqoenoe "
has called out, when tbe gallexies have '
blossomed like conservatories of rane
flowers, wlien female beauty, sllki,
velvets and ermine ha ye invaded the '
lobbies, cloak rooms, and even - the
floor of tlte Seuate and tbe desks of Ute
" grave and reverend selgnors " them-.-',
selves were yielded to tlie oppressed. :
sex." ' . . " .
The crowded llls and : corridors,"
the intense hiterest manifested in the
debate, put all tlie speakers ou tlielr-:
mettle and prolonged tlie debate be-r
yond the importanee of the question it
issttc. orthti grioaortteritry.Mr.'
Corbett was tlte first to call atteotWiti
lo the fact tliat seventeen dtiys h:ul
lmeii wasted in tlie discussion, and h
tin able speech revised I lie whole Hiib
jeet, showing its iintinus and tlie' ob-'
jects sougiit by it. . Mr,. Corbett'sr
spw-ch cluscd tills iMiate, which liatl
reached an important iu no way com
mensurate witii tlie merits of tlie ea-e.
autlwhieh it may he t-iirly said lias fajleil
utterly In the object for which it was1
instigated, wliich was to bring Gen..,
Grant, through his administration.
Into tliscretlit.
The question fif presltleut'utl can
didates is agitating the public mind to
considerable extent here, just at pres
ent, ami is becoming contagious
throughout the country. The ripples '
of otlier waves may extend to tlie
Pacific coast liefore it settles into tlie ;
ocean of permanent nominations.
There are candidates wanted " fir a
third party which proposes a coalition
ot tlai disaffected Republican element, .
tlie Democrat, woman suffragists and
working men's associations.
Tlie " labor reformer's " nomination
of Judge I "avis, of Illinois w an
aiiomoly hi polilictil economy. Judge :
Iavis is a man of wealtli, has made
bis money diierty in real estate specu
lations, tiie loaning of money, and the
practice of penurious economy. He
owns real estate m v incago to tne
value of $300,000 and there is nothing
iu his habits of life or thought : to at
tach him to the interests of the work
ing men. He belongs to tlie old W'hig
Conservative school of ideas ; is op
posed to woman sufl'rageand lias never
lieeii allied with reformatory or pro
gressive schemes. Nobody knows
that lie Ikis ever had a quarrel or cause
fr quarrel with the Republican party.
Scheming politicians are iierstutdiug
him that he will le taken up by tlie
third party above retorrcd to. If by
cliam-e the election f . Judge -Ikt vis
slmtUd become tt fctct. he would quar
rel with this party before he hail been
in tlie White House three weeks.
Mr. 'Parker Is a man of moderate
means ami ability ; is a strong partLsati .
and it is thought will decline tlie nom
inal ion for Vice President ou tlie
ticket with Judge Davis.
Among tho candidates for prefer
ment at tlie Philadelphia Convention
James Wilson, of Iowa is Skeu of as
tlm - wirrn raUrwtd- ouidklsto far
President. Mr. Wilson's witlidrawal
from the fowa senatorial contest in
favor of Mr. Alison, was probably
done in view ol this more ambitious
prospect. Mr. Wilson will find him
self very much iu the condition tlie -Irishman
did, who liefore coming to
this country Ind hntrd fabulous stories
of its wealth ; tlutt money could be
found on the streets for tlie picking up.
Clkincing to find a dollar bill iu this
way, sliortly after landing, giving It a
toss over his shoulder significantly
said, " Here's for luck, be jaber."
Mr. Wilson will be as apt to receive
tlie presidential nomination for which
lie threw tlie senatorship over his
shoulder "for luck," as will Pat to
find tlie wealth for which lie threw his
dollar away.
In the mean time in spite ot in
trigues and political combinations,
otqiosing factions and illsoiganlzing
elements. Gen. Grant tried by tlm re
sults ot his administration which tlm
people are weighing ami considerine.
will suixssfulTv weather tlie storm
raised for artlsau purposes and led
by personal hate. Four year mwMif
the beniliccnt rule whidi lw reduced
the public debt three hundred millions
at the same time decreasing taxati.Hi,
establishing peace abroad and enforc
ing law and order within our own bor
ders, compelling tbe resjiect of foreign
powers aud developing our own na
tional resources, will place us as a na
tion foremast among tlm power of tlm
world. The testimony given la-fore
tlie Custom House Committee by Gens.
Buheock and Porter in regard to their
connection aud influence with theC'tts
tom House pftidals, hits completely
pricked tlm bubble industriously blown
and filhrd with emptv wind of accusa
tion in regard to these two' gentlemen.
Iii my next letter I will give your
readers a history of proposed legisla
tion uku measures now pending be
fore Congress in regard to Indian af
fairs, concerning the opening of tlm
Indian Territory to white settlement.
This is a subject of dm interest not
only to 1 lie States and Territories im
mediately surrounding this country,
but to the entire west, whose interests
must be deeply involved in such legis
lature. H.-M. B.
Happy is tbe man who has a little
home and a little angel lu it of a Sat
urday night a house, no matter how
little, provided it will hold two or no :
no matter how humbly furnished,, pro- ,
vided there is hope "in It. Let tlm
winds blow close the curtains. What
if tlmy are plain calico, widiout border,
tassel or any sndi things? Let tlmj
rain come down imap up tlm fire. No
matter if you haven't a caudle to bless
yourself witli, for what a beautiful light
glowing coal makes, rendering cloud- "
less, shedding a sunset through tlie'
too n just liglA enough to Udk by, not
loud, as in the highways not rapid, as
iu (lie -hurrying world," but softly, whis
peringly. with panses between," for tlm
storm without and tlm thoughts with
in to till up with, 'limn wheel tbe so
fa around by the fire ; uo matter if the .
sofa Is a settee, uticusliioned at that, il
so be it is just long enough lor two and
a kilt iu it. liow sweetly the music of
silver liells from tlm time to come fairs ;
on tlm listening heart then. " liow
uummfiilly sweu the chimes of "tlm
days tliat arc uo more." - Under stidi
circumstances aud at such a turn's one
can get at least sixty-nine and a lialf
miles nearer kingdotn come" than at
any other point in this world laM down
in "Malte Bmn." Maybe you may
smile at tills picture ; but there Ls a se
cret between us vis.. It Is a copy of
a plernre rudely done, but os true a ,
tlm Pentateuch of an original V every
An eklerly Rentleman traveling lo a
stagtvcoadi. was amused by tlm con
stant lire of words kept up bv two .
ladies. One or them at last kindly in
quired If the conversation did not make
Ids headadm, wlmn im answeretl with,
a great deal of nain-t "No, niadalu,
I have been married 28 years. ,
Kansas City now claims td be the !
greatest beef packing point tn the Z
United States. ; During tlm past sea j
45,53 bead were slaughtered there. Vi. , Is internal, ho eitcrtial.
if we' woaid five wcrfu giliids
we nmst think. ' '"-
.. , . , , , , - .,,'f- ,f-t-'"
A good medicine after ,too ranch
duck U n quack pifl, w are told. '
' Baltimore 'was tbe'jftrst city to adopt
gas light' This was IrrlCT. J' ' ' '
Very lishC'grri will.'tt is Uiougltt,
be a'laTOrlte eprhig color: " " "
Tbe unsolvable woman question
the question of age;'- ' "; "! 1 "
i - , t- - . - . . tt
'Beware;" said the potter to tlie
day and It was war-.- ' '"' -
1 Who ', wkvRfdiard tlie? nilrd before
he was n!mselt again F"- ' -
Tim mati '1wIk ' ran' away from, his
creditors rewired to stop ' nd take
arrest, -o , i j i i its i.-1
' It 1s said that Cork'screws bare Wink
more 'than oork jackets liare ever
saved.,. 4 . . 4! ! t.i wit
- ' Money ts a great lever in tne affair
of man ; so jrcat Usaver that some
of us tau never keep it, ( , , ; f4) ( k
Tlie irtnti wlio popped the question
by "starlight," got las , weetlcart's
cousentj in a twinkling- " ' '
Vt O- ." -T .S. f -t ..-1 ' '
In Chicago, .1 be other morning, a
voting mui liamed' VHumf arose
lrom tne hnsflmnt- tno Hngga Honc.
Abusing one's retatioti hi the 'rjfWm
of ene family. Is rdd t be one of
the sweetest oi diauestic privimgea.
" -. A celebrated anthor iy rfcat no let
ter U ever rowinenced wkliout tlm
first page U;hig an aology. j IU .
1 - It -as said of one wlio remembered
eveiytliitig Im Utit, but- nothing he
borrowed, tliat Jie lad lost, lalf, his
memory. '". . ' , "' : "'
It i about as easy to xhi a Itort
for another to drive with enjoyment a
it 1 to suit your friend to a pairof kill
gloves. - " - - ';. V c;
Tlm last seiisatlon novel is weTmar.
to be etitltletl -Tlm Poiaoned Gum
Drop; or, tlm Candy. Woman's Re
venge," ; , . .(
, Frencii dressumkers say that an
American t-tLstonmr Is wortli more to
them than three of their own cotnitry
inen. -i i. .
Open air and cold Water are recom
mended by- a celebrated physleiah as
tlm la-st cosmetics fur the t-oTtrprnximi.
' It' is' ti monfed point' afnofijj frish
theloglans whether or not Abraham
iniscegenated wliea Im fell in low with
an 'Agar. . , r j .... ,,. ., ,
Tlie only remark tlx Graud iMike Is
said to liave made in IndiaiuipolLs was,
Iloopenkoff, wiioopinettp a Vi-kl
A cynical tocleior say? tlutt tlm
earnest inipreasimi received by the
feminine soul Is of Imrnltimtitetmatiuy
as somebotly" wite.
A niali InTftA-f it ft fiau wIh wishe
to be unre amiable and ngre-able tliau
be can Im, and that 1 tlm tva-aiti w hy
almost all nmu hi love am ridiculous.
'"OM age Isoirning upm me " tlm
ttrchln said, wlien Im "SS atMtttifg np
ples lrom uit oliloiaa's garilMk .and
saw the owner coining, whip ;u hand. "
At u auction of niistvllanoons arti
cles lu the open air It begin to rain.
when a nystander advisni t iw anctton
tmrthat Im Md rmftet 'ait up" his um
brella tbe next Uiing. ' '
h yawned a narbrlor; "this
world is but a glooniv prison,", " To
tliose iu solitary. tontiucraeiiL," added
a witty young lady. . .. (
. A inau is iu no danger as long as he
talks love ; but when be Writes it, he
Is InijialiDg himself on his own I "tit
hooks. - ...'!, -.1 .,
' A ladies' tnan say he is never' sati
ned that his lady friend mtdeiswainl a
kiss, unless be tas it Iront their own
mouths. , . . ; , i , -
' A young L-idy wants ta know h Ik iIi
er a girl uiay .be sure a -nau lovers Iter
imuttii-ably wlmn he sits In ber pres
ence for an hour wKliotrt sjmaklrtg.
A man w ho was told by a c.lerg'man
to remember Ix"s wife;'1 repHev? tliat
Im liad trouble enongh with his own.
witltout , mueiuberiug , oUmr , wen s
It! t
A temperance editor iu drawing at
tention to . an article. Against anient
spirits in one of his papers. 1 say :
For the Efiexts of Intern persttr- 'see
onrinshle." ;..! -. t i t ;
A fEeniasitprt jlgnrasKJWTCHites that
tlm weight ol tlm salt In tlm oceans ot
tlm work! U just 47,040,000.0(10.
OoaOOO txis .,,'liiat salt, savors of
n-utlit. ...
1 1 .
Mr. George l1.' Pntiiani'. the retr-ran
puhllslmr. Is ruonnglng traste of tlm
new .Metropolitan. iVrt Masetmi, ,w
" k- ... : -..',..' (,.
Gen. Kilp-Omk hiv acvvplutl an of
fer fnHii tlm American Literary , Bu
n an f:t.000ln gold, to deliver 11
lectures in Calllrmila during the month
of May. '-.'! 1 t.-S'
Minister ' Rtibert ('. Wmtv has re
signedi bis position! of -fUreotor in tlm
Kuirna Silver Mum, but still hold tlm
stock lm liatl taken, in . It, claiming to
liave the fullest confidence- In its value
and profitableness. - "! s. k!
EllJSibeth Cady Srnrrton wafs recetitly
arrestetl at 'Wheeling. W. -j Vi on a
-laltn ot $100 datnagec tor not, I'ul tiling
a lecture engagenienta year, previous.
Sim escaped from her prosecutors on
the plea of being a "femnie -covert."
' Jean Ingetow, who I nov 4l" years
old, is the daughter of a country hank
er, and in money matters is nkvjly pns
vkled fim. ttlm live-s in great retire
ment, aud her quiet Loudon life is one
bt devoted purity and abounding
charlt-. Most of tlm proceeds of ber
books are devoted to fcenevolrnt use.
I have tmeb thitikinff. -sines I came
into the weetlng to-t light, .about Urn
losses I've met with since f signed the
total abstinence" rlcdge- f toll" you,
tlmre isnt a mati in Um'secier "who
luis tost more by stopfMug-drlnk 4hati
w liat 1 1 tare. Wait Ml till 1 tell you
what I nieau. .There was a, nice job
of work to be doim hi the shop to-tlay.
ami the bos called lot rue." ""Give it
to Mw;!' i says he. -'" lie .tlsfc best
baud in tire shop." , Well.. L.Uild my
wife at supper time, ,and , says . slm,
Why, Iaurie, lm ased to call yon tlm
worst. You've lost your, bud, name,
haven't you?" " That's a fat, wife."
said I. And it ainl all I've lost in tlm
last sixteen tnontln, either: lliad
poverty and wretchednastVoHniJ. I've
lost them. 1 had au old ragged, coat,
and a slnakln "bad hat,, and some
water-proof boots tlmt let tfrw wet out
at tlm toe as last as they souk It tn at
the becL . l'vkst. them. B Iliads red
fitce and a trembling Ik-iiid. aud a pair
of .haky legs, that gave ino"ira ak
w.trl PirtrtiYe now and then. T hud a
habit t trslng and f wearing; and
I've got cid ot Uiat. j i laid j .aching
head iomtitlme and a. heaVy ynt.
and.' worse than alt the rest,'' a guilty
conscientrl - Thank flod1' Vht lost
tlmin all !-tiTlmi f told my ife,what
she had lost. s"Vwh hid an oltji ragged
gown, Mary." says I.;.." Ami you liad
trouble,' and ' "iHwrowf iiHi a' " oor
wretdmd lionm,' Mui pleiity of aearu
achea, far yen hnd a itri-mmt)". drunk
ard tor a. huband. Mary! .Mary!
tlmik tlm LotiT tor alt yon hrirt I have
lHt since I signed tlm fjofhttaamiiriuu
pledget"' -.i,n-..ii " d;ri?id.-q
"'"A inAii wliose eyeslglit'ta? noi good
was myjmrrmnded So try rg1aei He
shy bo went and 'took SXur-at tlm
nearest driivkhig aalootiacl the result
was that his sight, was so niudi itu
jiroved tlutt Im tonld ime diathle."
T",s t'wlr
' - '- ;'. k-s.
s .