THE TWICE-A-WEEK Wlmtiacnlcr. , Vol, WWII ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1905. No. 06. Nole the Strong Ieatures of Asbestos Sad Irons A HOT IRON A COLD AN OLE The Handle -Cool, itrong, fits t he hand. The Lock Steel spring, Hint-, quick, safe, sjmple. The Hood Lined with asbestos; keeps lient in core; protects 1 1 it 11 (1 from heat; clean, neat, secure, noiseless. The Core Solid from - center to circumference; holds beat; smooth, frictionless, proper shape, full weight. The Stand Asbestos-covered, steel hack. The Whole Set Handsomely nickel-plated; neat in proportions; comfortable, economical, at is factory. The Guarantee -Irons warranted perfect through out. Broken or defective parts re placed, free of charge, except postage, during a period of two years after use is begun. Ask to ce them Churchill, the Hardware Man . n v s. . .v v-r v v HERE IS THE PLACE TO TRADE ' If You h.imi 10 Gat Your Money's Worth Com and So Us. Wo Hituillo all Kintli of Boot and 8I1OOH. I lie Bent for t he money First-Class Repairing Done at Reasonable Prices L. COODMHN NEXT TO EASTGN'S GROCERY STORE ! V N .N "V V N. V N S THEY ARE ALL HERE! No matter what Watch Movement yegj want we can supply your wants. Our reputation for handling the BliST JISWRLRY is well estab lished. You Can Always Rely On what you Ket ai our store as Being Kxact- $ ly as Represented. This is an Important Item when it comes to buying Jewelery. Our Repairing and Rating Of watches speaks for itself. We are excelled by none and take pride in the Satisfaction which our work always gives. J. T. BRYAN, The Watchmaker. BUY SHOES AT A SHOE STORK We handle Shoes that are desirahlc, comfortable and fashionable. Our stock is very complete. WE ASK YOUR JUDGMENT If you Want to yet your money's worth, come and see us. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT ) Turns out good work with neatness and ' dispatch. fi PARRO' T BROS. EVERYBODY IS TRULY THANKFUL Many Delightful Family Reunions and Social Gatherings Marked Eventful Day. Bossberg in todajf enjoying the festivities which are attendant upon ! the proper obstrfSBOS of ThankHKiv iiiK'Iay. Most of the buHinettH houaea I are cloKcii for the entire day, while Hume few, including the grocera ami : meat market kept opun until noun, in order to accommodate the bostSSSSS who might have forgoten to proper ly look after the larder. many wan THANKFUL. The 1'laindealer representative took a little time yexterday, trying to as certain who was truly thankful and why they were thuHly, with the fol lowing result: Mayor Hoover "Because I was elected hy a majority of the people, and they can't count me out." V. A. Hurr, of the Uurr Music Mouse "Say, we ougnt to he thank ful, the way we are selling pianos. gon. .sam "Plenty of things. My fine business is one of the many that deterve notice." W. L Cobb- "Say, give me an easy one. Hut, really, our excellent realty trade is enough for anybody." CP. Harnard "For the splendid livery business, I an. truly thankful." Hon. A. ('. Masters 'That 1 am not in the 'roasting' business this year, makes me more than thankful." Geo- Kohlhagen "My fine trade makes me thankful all over and I am glad to furnish others good things to eat." Frank Alley "Well, I declare, I hardly 'n"w where to begin, for I have SO many causes for thanksgiv ing." Opera House Manager. L. H. Moore That we are not going to h;ive F. H. Churchill, the hardware man iy more week runp. They're kil "Yes, indeed, I am truly thankful for everything, which includes a bSndsoBM business." J. T. Hrvan, the jeweler "Well, I should sav that I have abundant cause ling.' County Clerk AS "Ain't 1 glad that the jtapers did not mention that I recently moved1 my bed and board?" J, l. Hamilton "Well, If TOO had for thanksgiving, if anybody has, for . :l" the Cod things coming your way. BU trade is most excellent." lniU 1 nave' "u ' M manktui. too. 'County Treasurer limmifk-"Now, C- I SBBOD " hen a fellow lias sav, when a fellow has all the good m' ' ,ninKs to enumerate, where things which are coming my way, 1 w ne l" beKm- l'm Rlitd my P'urisy why, he can't help but be thankful." " much better." City Recorder Oroott 'Clad I am I 1 Abraham "If you would ask me to know that the people of Koseburg ' something easy. I could answer it. appreciated mv efforts to give them but it is hard to tell all. However, good service. ' I'll keep up the pace." ,,ur sap business is one of many." Sheriff McClailen "No one has' ' I'- Marker "Among the many more oaosa for gratitude than I have. for which I am very thankful, I cannot begin to enumerate my rea- i " mr constantly increasing business." OBI for being thankful." Attorney W. W. Cardwell "Say, 'Cene l'arrott "Well, that is a P SO MSd they can't prove that 1 big undertaking, to attempt to tell . wrote that famous letter. My con why I am thankful, for there are so science is clear." many things. Hut our good shoe C. M. Heard "Well, not least tra.le is one of the manv things." am ,ng our causes is the good busi- H. W. Strong Now. see here, "ess wnicn nas oeen coming our way Willis, ask me something easy. Why. 1 r'Sht along." 1 have lots of things to be thankful Chief Dispatcher 6. C Morns for, chief among them being our fine " have reason for thanksgiving, for a fellow for being thankful, when his better half is about to come home after being away some time?" Hanker J. H. Hooth "One of the many things which make me truly grateful, is the way our line of de posits have been jumping up right along." Druggist Fullerton - "Clad I am to be in good health again, and to be baring such a good trade." Judge M. D, Thompson -"For the way in which Douglas county is mov ing along in all that means for her growth and prosperity, I am very thankful. Senator 0. P. Coshow "I think it would be a big job for me to under take to tell half of the reasons why I am thankful. Hut one of them is thaUl live in 'Old Douglas.' " Judge Fullerton "Well, there are a host of reasons why I am thankful, chief among them being the fact that Douglas county is the best place on earth in which to live, und I .want to stay right here." J. M. Hansbrough "That I, like the poet Byron, awoke one morning, to find myself famous." "See Paf "Of all mortals, 1 think I am the one to be thankful, and one reason is because I am a K. 0..T. M." Assessor Staley "For the fact that Douglas county is steadily grow ing in population and in material wealth, I am sincerely grateful.'' S. B. Flowers "I am thankful that although I am getting along in years, yet I am not quite so old as the Plain dealer had me, when it said I was in Ohio, when that state was admitted into the union." All the ministers of the city "We are delighted with the spirit of i brotherly love which prevails among the various churches, as regards one saosasffa MAW FAMILY KECMOX9. Family reunions are the order to day, and the reporter was almost overwhelmed when he endeavored to get these, for there were so many of them. However, he did get a few wi i h were as follows: W. A. Burr and family had as their guest, J. W. Maiden and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. t.'annon enjoyed the hospitality of the home of John Agee, near Wilbur. I "niggist W. F. Chapman and wife Wen with the family of John L Chap man, at Wilbur. County Surveyor Roberts and wife had Kev. Dr. J. A. Townsend and family, around the festal board. Mrs. May Kahler arrived from Seattle, yesterday, to spend the hap py occasion with her brother, Attor ney W. W. Cardwell and family. Jeweler A. Salzman and daughter, Miss Anna Salzman, were the euests for the day, of E. M. Atterberry and lamily. Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Williams, of Roberts Creek, were entertained by Mrs. A. H. Cox, and family, on Mill Street. Postmaster Parka and his good wife had Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Perry and Wm. Perry as their guests for a fine dinner. Mrs. S. F. Cobb had the pleasure of having fifteen members of her family gather around the table at the home of her son T. C Cobb. Mrs. H. El Pickens and family had as their guests F. M. Beard and family-Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Strong had with them, to enjoy the day, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Metz and daughter. Earl Strong came up from the state uni versity to participate in the festivi ties of the occasion. Mrs. S. Zigler, at her home on Jackson street, bad one of those good, old-fashioned family reunions. Gath ered with her around the festal board were: Mr. and Mrs. Autenreith, Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Bolter, Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Rice, Miss Zelia Zigler and Mr. C. A. Zigler. The home of F. H. Churchill was the scene of a happy reunion, the guests being Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Smiek, of Dixonville: Miss Jennie Cook and Miss Flora Wilson. Fee the past twenty years the families of D. S. K. Buick, J. C Aik en and S. C. Flint have been holding reunions on Thanksgiving day and to day Mr. and Mrs. Flint did the hon ors. It was a very delightful affair. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Albright, who were just married at Hubbard on the Continued on page 3. trade G. W. Kimball "Guess 1 am thankful that I am still alive and that didn't 1 get a snap in real estate? R. B. Mathews "Guess I am glad, after all, that my dog is not a rat tar- I am not troubled with the care of j tier instead of the fine bird dog office." ! thal he 8- A. D. Bradlev "Pshaw! Let me Will. H. Fisher "Of all people in think. Why, there are many things, ' this city, I think I have ample reason but I nuess mv handsome bays are ! to celebrate. Haven't you noticed some of them." vn&t a capital trade we are having. Dave Shaml.rook "I am devoutly Yes, 1 ni real thankful." thankful that Dooglai county is go-1 Thus. Gibson -"Thankful I am that ing to have a host of newcomers, and I Uw weather nearly always comes just that the Farmers' Real Hstate Co. j as I order it. Of course they some will locate a great manv of then.." times get mv orders a little mixed." Jim NswlSBd "Tell them 1 am I CUttl I Woolson -Together, Yes, thankful for our big trade, for - but. indeed, we have every reason to be sav. that alone, Is enough to make thankful for our growing trade." any fellow happy." I A. Salznjan "I am thankful all the D.C Baker ""Well. 1 am rejoiced time, for my nice trade keeps up all that we. now have one of the best the year around." equipped laundries in Southern Ore-! H. G. Wilkinson 'Can you blame Carpets Carpets Full line of all grades of Carpets on hand all the time, ranging in price from 20 cents to $1.45 per yatd. Comforts Best line of all-cotton filled Comforts we have ever had, from $1.35 to $2.25 each. Attention, Ladies! Blankets Full line of all-wool, Oregon-made Blankets; also excellent line of Cotton Blankets at reason able prices. flattresses Buy one of our cotton-felt or cotton-felt and silk floss Combination Mattresses, and you have a Mattress that wtlLLisfc a lifetime. The Ladies of Roseburg and vicinity will be interested in knowing thai I am preparing to jKJSSJ B. W. STRONG, take a limited number ot pupils in lowest prices consistent 1 w ith good values. q q ART EMBROIDERY q , q POINT LACE AND PAINTING THE FURMTIKE MAN Meet me at Fisher & Bellows Co. Monday Afternoon. Term of twenty-four lessons, ten dollars Single lessons fifty cents Mrs. R. Pargeter REMEMBER THE PLACE. When you witnt your Panama Hat clean.- I and blocked, or your suit r I and Oleined. I am also agent for B0, B. PRI0B, Clik'UKo'i) Leading Tailor. G. W. SLOPER, -3 03 .- o ROSEBURG OREGON ) ROSEBURG, OREGON