jr And thy appreciate (iood OroccricH, like other people, Thanksgiving Will Soon be Here :iiid yotl will liii'l our itorc lipadtiiirlcrs fur nnythins end everythiog in the lint of "Good Things to Eat." )nr priced arc rilit, ami wc deliver good it yoordoOi On slitirl notice. CLINK & WOOLSON, Near the Depot JEWELRY IS A LINE Where teste should predominate. Hi re you will .. find some very exquisite pieces of jewelry Kind's, Tins, Brooches, Watches, Chains and Fobs and the price leesonably consistent with quality. IF YOU GET IT AT SALZNAN'S, THEN IT'S RIGHT 5ALZMANS f"w"aaMiiiwitij i,i in ...inn MARSTERS' DRUG CO. DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMES SOAPS TOILET ARTICLES RUBBER COODS PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH i "THE HODEL H. O. Wilkinson, Prop. The Choicest line rf WlDM and LiqUON including the Famous Brand "Old Grand Dad" Kentucky Sour Mash. line Line of Domestic aud Imported Cigar. Jackson nnd Oak Sts. Roseburg, Ore. Qw. Yooa Qwu ll r-Owa it sow.) " "' ''"""" I" Mtajr i weather wear, nt he inoHt reasonable BtOp paying rent. HveJ in Riverside jJj,,, m JeoBpbjon'l. Wo nr.. I,e,. addition to RoMbuif i tho Qoms City IqaMton (or rineogUi raVkort, rnbbw nl loulhwu Ourou i wgnl oa to Hvo booUi oil tnd rubbor ploUtbui In fan RlrlTooi" location. ioll, hotlth, toraM tw vorythlog DtotHtry t keep you I ..II ,',..r... i Send Inr ni.- i lured folder, or eee inn lit my olllio. I'm in agrOMl ; are you 91 p LoOII BitMOM. RoMbarg, Oror Railroad Men Have to Live! STATIONARY SCHOOL SUPPLIES WINDOW CLASS LIME AND CEMENT ALL KINDS OF SPRAYS sLt I OB warm ami hi y in wei weailier. !'or your iiiiiih, flmiiiuiiiliuiia nod aPWUB ROOdl nee I, K . B k H. Hill' Pie social at Melrose. The Ladies' Aid Society of troop Bdl give s pie social . t Hi" schoolhoii Ha unlay evening, Dec U. All arecordially 1111 .!. Mi at Listen! Ilia you hear Mi. i ' 7 Uu.,.1 lor 1 1 ( l ( i I r I - il ii ii,' ii'- i, I tomb moil " rry otii in aiigul-h v r i I tunas iiml grime nepOtttod Mi Ih hi I y I hi DM 1 1 ne TkOOf I lent WtBtiwIl " r in- iast resting place of departed frloodl I n ilc based by llii'ir uiinghtlv ' ' ill' nod Mk lo .in a in a( to ohm more Maod mUtaiaad eonlBotod, w.ti, n,'o( tti(, UdJi) M liltU Pr,.HM. appearance of their nr-t c iming. .,,,, ,.,,.,,, wjUl ,,. ,,,, , ;, , , WW 01 inn oiii oner no wear umi , nnli' ol i'l' umi' In f rienil god trangOrr, Aiily to Manteie I r-iK fur Interna- Moll or :i'!n I'. A. lift Ii III II II , K.'HO- ba g. He Mill mi kM llu old look like tie He M'ctflly, '' I ('.A liorklnall Vi litor arknoM li dgi'K rvctipt of a groat big IOpoaod rhookagWiog pomp mn, from our good Iih ii I, Hon. Win. It ' lnrke, of MillWOOdi eYt Wlll not look Utt PMBOthlng HiM,iiiahe for the day llfeb ad 'Ik. old MiobfSM flu Tliaiikirivinv day the new Met ho lajtobwobi jiiHt built in the (,'aUii country, will lie dedicrted Hltli ilupie-r-ive cereiii'iiiuw. A grand haikel iliiim-r wiMk one o tin- attractions ol Iboor BiaioOi ami everyone Hill lie heartily irotoonM l.nkofbo'b liOH and IpOM for tbia i -ue liaa crowded out ai nie g.aBl reairir n .i ial affaira, which will appear in the I uei eedmg i'BUe There will lie rpeclil Thankagiving aervieea at SI . ( iirge'a Kpincopal ebiirch ai tOiSO a. m. There ill be an offering Inr ll,.- ' l Shi, i. mi .in HoHiital. The Ladiea' liuild of St. (ieorge'i. church will give a concert and juvenile minntrt-1 in the near future Deputy s hi-r iff Sha-um ii on the tick hat today, and unable to pe at the offtce. At the meeting of Oak Camp No. US) W O. W. orblob waa belli Monday even ing, the following officers were elected to verve Juring the enauing term : J A BoBha i O 0 1 W A Normnn. A I. ; J M Throoe, clerk , A M Handera, banker . M Kickle; eacort ; 0 W l.aweon, W: H W l.Bwaon, H; K N Kwart. manager. Home excitement waa i rcaasioned over I be iiosition of clerk, t .ere taring no let a than three candidate in the field, but ! Mr. Tl r ne w in out. ! I' Fiaher was : appointed manager for the unexpired term of Mr. Buchanan. It i decided lo organize a quartette and I'rol A M Handera waa appointed leader of the aame. Hie order in IVmglaa county will eierience quite an impetus from the! recent vlait of Head Consul lloak and a cimpaigii lor increase in membership will BOM la' inaugurated. For the i ext ten diva only we uu' offer our tegular f P. .'id and f hi Kuppen beimer QoBTBOtOod Suits at tbo uniform ly low price of $:. Then- are nea, lanhionable garmetile. See our window, losephaou'a. US tf WANTKIi A amall hottae, gboOt 4 or 5 roi ma, furniabeil, close in. Stale price. Iave particulars at the Plain d aler offlce. Nil ANTKH Firsl claaa Chinese far e er for country. References rHjii:re.l Stale salary expected. AddrBBB ' It" caru.Koseliurg I'laindealer. 95 Si The line baiidkerrhief dinp.ay made in Wollenlierg Itnw'. ahow window i altra.ting noob attention. The "tur key" ia especially worthy of noti. e. Dr. J. W. Si range, w ho lias been do ing dental work in the north end of th county, will In- home tnniuiit and wi I I.- open hia dent aj oltice tomorrow morn ing. This all er noon in the city of Aurnrr, III., Kev. W. 0. Renter, pastor of tin Roaeburg Metliodiat ilinrch, and the daitghler of Kev. Thomaa, of Aurora, l were united in nuirriage, fie bride's lather otliciatiug. Rev. and Mrs. Keil lor will reach this citv next Friday, I lieu lientt y coiigratuliitions and botl HinlieH will be extended. Ktiameled Ware with a live year imar- j antee. Stranskv Ware. bs 7t Fisher & Bellows Company SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK: Any of Our Fine $15.00 Suits Any of Our "Gordon" 3.00 Hats Total, The two articles are yours for I V.'' 4aef aie 4.4 BB to - tt "nr Thanksgiving dinner ami In happy ll at the football game Tom. ay afternoon at ll'im Par... Admission 2 1 Mini 15 c!b. Tb picked learn from town will piny in ifi i e H fi otbsll tosat Thaoiiglvlog aftarii'Min. Make your presence I It hi ( clo-er f fi nr favorite I In- Hooters clnli will be out in In i Idtm with its oew yells ami songs tt heW ilinhigh MtMO to victory Thank- (ivl" d... POtl 'I take your faNe teet h to llm foO bull gMM Thursday afternoon for ft u are up' to , a them in our excitement h HiiUlf. Tin Indies composing section" and 8 l 4 In frl"tuls, Iihvi' just handed in tn tin) treaaorvi of theix:iely 1 1 III li'W.ir the I nililing (umi for tint new church. . li. .i i.i . .i i ..... Churchill Iimm a i:in' In' ol tin- I lirat"l J g -ph Hog r c.irving acta, In i mil' I'f in y nr rNM) f jr thank iivln. . Humor a& Philosophy Py PL'NtAI H. iMITH LIKE FALLING OFF A LOO. WhL- I mny iwt t- ;i kwh! Julr M that port of thlnai fAn'l I hop 1 am riot), it look to no nil tltoiiKh U" a " t f if OOUTM thn iin- vurlouH kltwl of pOf'tu und n nr i - i That Wnlt Whitman has a rlnch. He rlldn't have to sro rhanlnar around ( hrm i ark n rht-mlno rl U'l Inmi rv (Al u ,.oung a,iy io,,k. through the fam ily owtor book For Irt'aiily rerlpca) To find a wor.l to rhyme with Napoleon. He Just cut loose And used any word he happened to know how to spell. And as fur poetic feet (Ma, I In ozforda, broaans. rubber boots or aalters). He didn't need them In his business. ilf , "Msary he could walk on his hands.. That Is the Ideal way to write poetry. ITh plan should be submitted to the poets' union. i A mnn can write that kind with one hand Tleu behind him And his' mind wundcrlng backward To ihe old swlmmlna hole Or forward to the nest square meal. There are no rulea to cover the game iRulea are made but to be broken). Just strlnc a lot of words together , Across the line. (When you think you have aone enough i I'on l,Hi k and atari a new line.) s far a., -omathlna ocrastonally If you think of an thine to aay (If nut. It s no odds). If you run out of common words Oet a geocraphy and run In a Hat states or That a alL If It Isn't poetry, what's the difference Bo l"i K aa you can make a lot of peoptn think so? Henpecked. ft didn't navr to "She tiaik her pick of three men." "And ever aluce thnt ahe has been picking nt one." a Hunting s Victim. "Why la he going around In the day time wttb a lantern?" "Looking for Bfl honest man. of COVTBO." "Want to'exhltilt him as a curios ity r "No. he la going to try to Bell him mining stock." They Fool ihe Experts. Full ninny u gem of purest ray serene, A model of good dressing und good taste. May be, If we could peep behind the scene. Constructed only of the cheapest paste. Had the Will To. "There la only one thing prevents her from ailing him for u divorce." 'What la thnt?" "They are not married." $18.00 $15.00 1 I . THE DRUG STORE OF QUALITY . . NEAR THE DEPOT, ROSEBURC. ORE. We Invite Critical I nspection 1 We do not Mil all the dru; that are sold in Powborg, but WH SELL TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WILL HAVE ONLY THE VERY BEST AND PUREST DRUGS. S I il Don't forget this: Highest Quality in Drugs is a very important thing to you. We want an opportunity to show you oir finely equipped and properly man aged Pharmacy. TRY US FULLERTON I X4- FOI 8ALF-i!0 acre iruit farm. For pirti -ulitrs call on Mrs. Wm. Hniith at the snnljeam Photo Parlora. 48t J.N. Ryan of the tirm of Strange & Ryan, the job printers, bad a ratber narrow escape from losir.g an eye Tues day morning. Ke waa oat in the wood shed at his mother's home, catting some kindling and one piece which he tut prett, hard, flew np and cut a bad gaah in his forehead, OSt missing one of hi. eye. and making an agly wjnnd, w'jich Mr. Dn'iis dressed and which la now healing nicely. Mr. Hyan feel, thankful that it i. n worse. Mr.. H. C. Stint. m arrived Wednea- day evening from Francisco, where be baa been attending ner aaognpar, who wu in ill heath, but who accompa nied her home, much improved. Try Osteopathy for a sore cure. MtfJ Tonsilili. is permanently cured by Osteopathy. Consult Dr. Kiudley. 92tf Every ladies', misses' and children.' cloak io our entire stock, including a good aasoriment of desirable, strictly j up-to-date garment., will be on sale for! the next ten diy at heavv reduction.. 1 Bee our window. Joaephson'.. 93 XI Djn't ove look ihe fact that Thunday I. the last day of ia-cial sale on Strang. - ky Ware at Churchills. Calami see the new Electric Light .had ., nimsehtlU. Thev will more than double power nt your lamps. Don't 'orget in making ou your .bop ping list that Churchill has a good stock of Paragraph? set. and also of wood, and .'tins for burning. The secret of pood health i. found in Osteopathy. Consultation free. 92tf G. J. Bacher. leading resident dentist. 92 tf M. L, Daniel, i. doing some cob- bier work lor Millikin, the shoe man. Miss Minnie Weatberford is quite ill at her home in Waite's Addition. Co.how a Rice won their case, Ben- on v.. Noonday Mining Co., in the cir cuit court at Eugene, aud got all of the damage, they cla'med. A son hat come to the home o' M. C. Weatherford. of Waite's Addition. Turkey picking and packing in Roae burg is now in full blast. The Economy Market, Kruse Newland and J. C. Barker A Co., are employing large num ber, ol pickers and in fact they are hav ing trouble to get enough help. They are shipping mostly to Seattle. The price of dressed mrk,ye in the local market ha. advanced to L'O cent, per pound. Advertise your wants in our elaaa fied columns. P ff" 4 4 4 4 TRY US PC- i ir . Je n. & & RICHARDSON CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS One cent par word. Brut InK-rtlon ; j reat ge won! lor each Insertion thereafter; 30 wuads ar le II per month. No adr. rtlement la lor lesi than cents. For Sale y)n fc nm Hr , w claBStfied colnmmu Good Business Opening About $2,0 necessary to handle it, eash or negotia ble paper. Good reason for setting, fba particulars address Rox 866, Roaeborflt ' Oregon. FOR SALE. 16 bead of Angora gowtr John Doer ner, Wardton, Oregon-. ggggj, FOR RALE Fine opo.b (of ,he rj)ht Good rwM For particular., maka inqoiry, of the Plaindealer, where informatteat . can be had. 8-tI 1 For Sale -Scotch Collie pope. fro, 2 W to 15. the finest kind. Also Browss. Leahorn and Plymouth Rock obiekssaw. snd Toloose geese. Siberian oats asaA c,eat seed. Address E. A. Krr.se, Rose-. ! burg, Oregon. 84 St g Now is the time to buy your heatin. the new Tri'by S. K. Sykes. 84tf COWS FOR SALE Two fre.lt ariili cows for sale. Call on or write J. Green, 4 milessonth ol Roeeborg. HkTi VF:TCH! VETCH! VETCH ! Tew. vetch seed call on or address Frank; Wixoo, Brockway. Oregon. 91-6t For Rent FOR KKXT The Kotwrt l.-4 'l.iU,., frm conUinillK acres, situated mt, i,.,.r Creek, about three miles sua, j Rosebnrg. Apply to F. W. Benseav Koseburg, Ore. Uu-tf FOR SALE OR RKNl The Ui.vuirim, Store. For terms etc,, inquire ef 1. F. Rice, Roaeburg, or I. li. Smu t. Oixonville, Oregon. 89-1-tu Help Wanted. Salesmen Wanted Cash adiaaueat; weekly ; good territory open; outfit fresa. Some are making f 100.00 to 1150.00 paw month. Why not you? Address: Wabhinoton Nchhbkv Comi'v. 7 7 tf Toppeuish, Washington. Lost and Found. LOST Chean purso, having chain at tached. Contained ne.irly (4 in i li ver. Finder leave same at the Plata -dealer and receive reward. t:i5. Ring Lost A solid gold ring, with Pyr ites setting, lost. Reward offered. IV12, at Plaindealer office. 8&tf LOST Pair of gold-rim epectaekjBL. Finder please leave at the 1'laindeaJas ofiice. SI F'ound A pockethook, on one ol tht otinty roads. Owner can have sani ij culling at this office, proving property, tnd pavine for this notice. h5 tf LOST A lady's silver watch, open faced, with initial "M" on back. Was attached to a silver chatelaine. Re turn lo Maggie McClallen, or leave at thi. office. Reward. M tl Miscellaneous. l'EAM WANTED leum of horses,. weight about 1 100. wanted. K11 oiri at Farmers' Real Estate Co. bu-7t HOARD WANTED Room and board are wanted, m a private family. Leave particulars for "V. A. S." at ttvs, I'laimlculer office. UU if V