THE ROSEBURG HOUSE IAIVB1 JOMiS, I'ropriclor Kitten $l.'Hi M-r day 8fld upwind New Brioki Ni'w Prompt Services. P, Depot Qroandi PttraisMngii Opposite thf Title (tuarnntec&Loan Co. IKi'iKIII'hll liHKi.llN I 0, Minimum, I n'.: lunl li i Hamiltoh, HtSJJ Kill) . i . Otlra In '.tin I otlrl lliciM'. Hav Ilia miljr lioin plrlr art of alt-tlart petit In DtMltt Cottlf AUIru la ate! ' MlMlM Tlll-i fiiriilih..) DtHgliettWStf lnn-1 atd mlntiiK timmi llav, alao a omn;Un-ae nl Tracing. "f all tnwiialiif C i . lio gtttefjrg) ONtMi D x. larot Mj Mil. Wl.l maaa liliir cr I n I Sapil ut any town skip KOSEBLKU BREWIMi & ICIi COMPANY Tin' l.argeai i ml Bttl Kquipptd Brtl ery in BoMtwra Oragira, liimpimrir Hi it im a Reputation through out iht Count lot lu PURITY nl parity bum Btalth, Hrcwed only Imin selected llsilcy anil ObotoMl Hopt, Special II re wed llolth- lm liir Simclsllv direct delivery In y oil r rcaidciire In 'iinlilli'i nl unit mar nr lie-re. TELEPHONE 141 l in v Appeal to Uur Sympathies Tho bilious ami da-cttc are constant sufferers anil ippttl to our sympathies I baft la not oni' ol tin-in. however, who may not I..- brought Imi k to health and hnppillt-aa bf tbt Use ol ( 'I.:iim I . i l,i I II ' Stomach anil l.lvcr Tablets. Theae tali- ' Invigorate lilt ItOOIMb ami Iimt ami atrcngihcn Iht digettloo, They also regulate tin- bowtlt, fat ale iiyA.c. Maratcra & Co. ( mis Bay Option l hold aii option (or 80 dajai mon on v. tillable t'ooa liny peniiiaiila property. at 100 poi si re Adlotnlng tnrngi ha aold for tl'-'f PW acre. ( an t handle al under the option t'l ad wtah aome one to take H of 40 in ica trai l J'artic ularn addriin . C. M., III! Wah., St. ikune, Waah, Rtcnanibtr that onr Ittdlng tailor, J. A HoDoognli i "tdi on doak, with a tllii tine of the bttl Haml'lel- the market produce. Holt rand) to put upauit lo pl-aae the moat fiiHtidlou. Mr ia taoond to none on tin- PaclAc OOMI aa ii Btttl and milker, and hi atafl nf work men cannot be exceile-l. You IV 00 Id do well to call early and leave your order, liemi niber, what til Wtll, wear well Onvtntttt ovtrcottlogi In many different shade. B8tf, "Entnoltd Wan boyond eotnpara", Slransky Ware. 8871 TIMBER CLAIMS AND HUMES1EADS LOCATED 1 have Home good claim, farm ami ranch lauds (or mile, nttOntblOi in "lie ol the moat benutiful valleys on the oaat, write or phooe to Wu. Mi Ponraa, Camat Yallao, On mytlltta or- from Rattbaig tla Urrlli t'uiui A FAMILY SAFEGUARD Or. flra arrangM with tht Mm of Dr. B K'hce lo haadlc her i.u.ou. Uaclc'a Onal Thrual and Lang i I 1'hr beat family lafeguard U a reliable household uicdtclnt Uiat wtu cure croup couha, colda, cbilly Muaatiom, rumuna on aud ii oar. uir throat and bronchial affectionn that will keep the children proof againat all ooalagiou diKaaes. OjSuch a medicine ia Boachec'i Gennaa Syrup, which has a record of jj yean in the cure of couauuipUon, catarrh aud all lung and bronchial troublea. trine fame of German Syrup at a cea . aumptive cure, tlact itt purchase by In. Green from the niece of the fanioui Dr. Hoachae, haa ezteuded to all parts of the earth. It haa big tale everywhere, ia l Two tine, a jc and 7jc. A. C. MARSTERS DRUQ CO NLWS OF THE DAY FROM ALL SOURCES Items of Interest Gathered and (ondensed For the Busy IMaindealcr Readers Orrjon iMIc Ntwn Opvtrnor Obatnbarlaln ha-i appointed T, Q, Balltjr, ol Pendleton, to till Iht placa vacated by Chltf Jottlot Wot?tr ton, who HTM inadt ftdtral j I u, I'oiiiami manufactories art li aring that tba thorttga ol ears niu teriootly hurt lli ott industries, u it contlouri much lollgeV, l i i lonrth iinnuitl tattlon ol tbt OTt goji Uuod i:. ihIm ANOtiatiofl li In tat Ion hi C vallti and many Hot igwk an alt on tin program. iiiKiiiinrf ii southern Ortgofl btva bean greatly helped by tbt rtctnl raina, imi it i pradletad t n t tin- tattoo mil in a lively ono Workol i in- o li A N. brum li Una to Wiiiinttu in balnn pot bad to completion , at tbt oontratt calli lot its completion January i. Howovtf, owing to the scarcity of laboi tin Mill bt Unpottlblt- W. (I, iiuii'. h iradnatool tin- I'adflc i niMTNitv, liat liaaa appotntad aodltoi of tba Baudall Dining Hall, at IUiuii i alvaraltyi Halt mm tbt Oragjon Intaroollafflata oratorical a low yuura agOi Tbt lotrar ooonty of Dm Kbtnath rlvi-r la batrlng tOlliallllng of n mining Ixioui, i h i n i. m tul liy iIih tiri-at Irriiiation projtel trblch liaa ntl bean opanad Dp Tin-Orison Mat liar AaaiM'iatloli liaa font on raoofdi EavoHng out ii tofM law (or all Hlali", ami will taki- ali-pn looking to tlm rarryiiiK out ol Huh iilt-a. By grata dHtlloi ihpiIkhU, thlttaa ki away witli alnit 7"i (ci't of tin- tOlaphOM Donpaoy'a cabla at tbt air Knuimia in I'ortltnd. Tbm far, no tract ol tba mi., ii"!- liaa bawi hyond, Alnotl ho apldamle of iliphtiitiria pn- valla at l'uiiillrlon. Nnw caeca ar Im lnw rtporttd every ilay ami it it hkaly that the achoola will In- cloaml, pooh. In Uncle Sam's Dcmtln. A general round-up ol luirae thieves lis been made in the ueighhorhiHMl ol Weiaer, Idaho, and three ol tho culprtta have Iweii MM to the euiteiitiai y, and othera have btOO apfirelo nded. Dr. W. M. Dally, a New York dentin charged l,0OO lor tilling four teeth for PrlnOO I on in of llatlenlierg, a ho prompt ly reliiaisi to pay the bio and hnf gOOt itcroa the watora. K 0- Mill, the New York capitalist, i planning to boild a mammoth, low pciand fatal In that city. It will be a 18 ItOry and will contain PHHi - li wi'l coat 1 1, .'-00,' 00. Ifnob bitter feeling ha la-en en- gondtnd in tba BpbMopalcharahdloottt ol MilWatOktt, IV It. i over the agitaliim ol the "High" nnd "Low" church iiics lion. Grant inien-at contiiiuea to mark tbt Inaomnot invottigntion wbleb batfettn in piogruna in Nan York City for Home weeks paat and the indicationi potM to Home very Iihim- manage inant. Two masked burglari were oanght, irying to effecl mi tntmiot into the lion i William 0a Rotkalalitr, at Unonwlok, Oonn. A whlatla warned them and thty got away, but the watch dog got a purl of the tfOOatnol one o' tfam. II. Mi WhitDty, ol Huston, whowa daaaocntlc uaodtdatt (or llaltnniit got amor at tht recent election, hii- botO ico rod by Pntidtnl Booaovtll lor having mltqunttd the latter. The governme it has sent several i rimer to protect American Inttfttl ill Hanto Dowbigo, ami otfan will follow if it is found thai they are neelel. The Vadaratad Cbild study Circle, Which has been in session at bw An-" gtlat, lias dtsidtd thai i he cheap theatru ha a very had InflUOBOf. I'. S Senator lliirton is again on trial at St. I.unis for having conspired to de- J I fraud the governiiieut. Across Ike Wtlers The Hultan of Turkey Iias declared that he will reject the demands made upon In in by the power of Kurope for Macedonian control, and he ia laid to he getling ready lor trouble. Witte, the great Kuaaiau premier, la ufferiiig severely Irom a bad paralytic troke and hit conditlou ia said to be precarious. Witte it oue oi the ablest men ol bis country. It now looks as though Canada would follow tba American idea of investigat ing tba way the insurance coinpaniat ol that country an doing buslnaat. King Haakon and Queen Mand wen given a gnat ovation at they took their departure Irom Copenhagen for Norway. Than art ruinort In London to the effect that tht Parliament will toon bt diitolrtd aud that ''Premier Ballour la vary likely to tender hit resignation. The Hpanitb M mister of War has pre pared a bill which calls (or tbt tppro priation of $4,200,000, for the punbaae of 200 rapid firing gunt of thtCruaot make. W, ,1. Ilrysii hs lift-n over In Jtptjfl iinil Iki is such mi enthusltttlt Wtlftlrd '' I In 11. ii 'loirs Hiit In- iiiin li;in'l u rliHir " LIQUOR DEALERS TO TRY THE INITIATIVE lly mi-ana of lli inltialivi-, Ihti liipior daalara nl tlintluto liopo lo a-ciir an am-iiiltncnt to tlm iornl option Uw al tin- c'Ticriil ili-itl'in next Iuiim, I 1 1 - tloni "' balog oininltttd dtmtndlng tbat an amtndmtol intimiaw, ilmllrr io tigV pmpoaad iy tbt .layiiM i.iii at tbt latl itttlon of i Imi tagiabitttroi bt MbnltMd to tlic voti-ra. Tba propottd tmandmanl troald gltt 10 aaeh prteinet In tbt tau- local a-ii-gottrnmtnl In tbt nnttarol protilhitlvoi No precinct coulil Ih- inaile "ilry" ty 1 1 vole ol tin- tdjotnlOg precincta nor ol tin- county in arblth II Ii iltoatad. Anotbar Importanl laatort ia tbt pro viaion Hint .10 pat cent m-i.-ii'i of III r cent of tba total I nre re-piireil to cull an V tact tofl in any precini t, groOpol pre cm la or county on I(h atttlofl ol pro hibition The pallttODI were ilniwn nttdat ibt dlractloa of the Brtwtrt' mni dTbolatala i.Hpior Daalart' aatooiatioa an i r ih-- Ing i t r i' u I ii I " I by BMMban of the Kovnl Arch, an orKnnixaiioii of the retail liipior dtattrti KIMBALL SAYS HE "IS NOT SORE' Mr. tii-o. W. Kimball, late candidate for Mayor of KoHcburgnuyH "he ia not sore over bin defeat for the mayoralty of ItoMohtinr. " Sore? Of courae not. Oeonre Wash- inirton alwava write letter to the pa- iM-rn when he in not aore. it'n a wav he has of expressing his gratitude for those who helped him to remain "happy und free from the carea of offi- Why should he be aore? The heat of the campaign was not intense enough to blister, nor wu the friction sufficient to rub the hide off. Soreness is usual ly caused by some sort of irritation, and Gaol g hus la-en tisi long on the turf to be irritated by auch small things as mu nicipal elections; beaides thut he is so smooth that it would require an unusual amount of rubbing to break through the polished surface. Physical soreness only is referred to for the reason that mental anguish or soreness of the conscience is not to he considered in connection with (ieorge Washington. Nobody ever lUaptcttd that such an immaterial mat ter at defeat would affect his fttllllgH, This is especially true when taken in connection with the fact that Mr. Kim ball In his letter of Nov. 20 accuses ccrtuin persons of fraudulent acts and illegal voting ut the recent municipal election; and also states if such illegal votes were not counted against him he would be tltcttd mayor. As tvidtnCt of his conclusions he cites a deed con taining the names of .17 persons as grantees. He furtiier alleges that some ITi; or J of these grantees voted liguinst him und thereby secured his defeat. Now Dr. Miniver was elected mayor by a majority of Ml voUm. By what pro cess of mathematics does Policy (ieorge tigure '2! or 2S votes to evercome u ma jority of Ml? All the old timers knew that George hud a patent multiplication table when he grew rich handling the tcbool lund business in this county: but they could not get onto his system. It's eusy enough now to see through after he shows us that 2i beat .V.I; und if it works with ballot why not with dollars. You never can tell whut an expert account gni can do. Why he even tigured a !' for himself out of a $2tkl job ex petting the county !.Mks a few years ago. "Figgers won't lie" therefore lit! or L'S voice according to Kimliull, would have wiped out Hoover's oil majority. It's a shame to see u man of this cal ibre hiding Ids light under a bushel. "Bom" Murpfay Of New York would pay him a horrible salary to do his lig- for him. He would have had Mel'lellan'.tigured in before Hearst got awuy from the sturting post. And by the shades of Woolley what a school , director he would make. George Kimball aore? No, he says he is happy and free from the carea of of. flee. Well even at that he haa no mo nopoly of hisfeclings, the majority of the people are just aa happy for the ' aame reason. Philosophical George! so say we all. Wewill help you all we can. But he says; "Citir.eusof Roseburg, contemplate the condition that now con fronts you. ' ' Well let's contemplate a few, Mr. Kimball had a ward healer at every voting place in Roeeburg on elec tion day, who wen working under a aalary, and it ia fair to presume that each was worthy of hia hire. It ia true howevtr that some of them did give him the double crott Hand worked for Dr. Hoover; but that ia hardly worth contemplating. Citizens of Roseburg an you going to meekly submit to auch an act? To what act docs the illustrout nameaake of the father of hit country refer? It couldn't be that he refen to the defacing and alteration of the assessment roll of Douglas county. It la hardly possible Hint ht nMMI 0) cull up tho r-rnKiiro of ; the name of W. J. Moore from the na gjanhMt roll nml the nulmtitiition of the narno of "'i. W. Kimhull in it-M plggg, It i-i hardly prohnhle that, thia in the act ' otnplalneil of, yet that ia just what , wan 'lone. Somewhere ahoiit the time "Georjri! the St.rniht" received the nomination for mayor of Roaobufg ht went to the AHHCHKor'K office ond had V. II. li'Mi-ra erase the name of W. J. Moore from the BataaarMnt roll and writ over it the name of fico. W. Kim hall in order that the roll miht ahow thai he wan the owner of real catate A iii n the city lirnita. Why did he do .that? Well there in a proviaion aome- MitM tiutt g ptraou to bt qoaUflad for ' the mayoralty mum bt the owner of reul state within the city. Now thia Mperb figiirer did not own any real ea-1 1.. o... ,.;i,. .,,,1 ii, r..,,. ,.,.oW .,,.1 hecoine an actual, liona tide, widl regu lated mayor even if elecU-il; not leing Mt nl that moment to flfJMN any laaly out of a lot (and ('lark not having put! hia name in the lint of grantee, in hi ilaaoll II - ... ...... a . u I os (). Hut the asaesHnienl had already la.-i in made and he waa out, he muatget on t hat aMHVHRmonl roll, anl he got ; there. 1 V . J. M'Kire probably don't know, yet that (ieorge the 'Smooth Uh(d hi j loU to run around on for mayor. It is not 1 verybody who woulrl care to have hi lots used a a candidates running ground. It doe not tend to increase the value of the property for specula tion and brings dispute uion the neigh borhood. Hut as Kimball didn't run fast enoigh to hurt the ground much. Moore probably wont kick. There are MM who claim that he didn't run at all. I His irait was nothinir more than a cross f between a foxtrot and a bad cold. It is only justice to say however, that he was liadly handicapped with a load of Kice, the track Flinty, hia joints Aiken and he had to puff Ufa a Bellows "P Church-hill or dodire West into a ark Alley. No, George ain't sore, why should he be? J. M. Hansbrougii Town Lots For Sale Choice building lots in Kinney's im proved plat ol Roeeburg, near Main street, good title. Price ISO per lot. Address, N. A. Richabimi. tf Hegttlar tf". and . " values in ladies' Bat tW kid and box call shoes, in both turns and welts, will l sold for the next ten days at the special price ol M Al Josephson's. 93 tf When You Have a Bad Cold. You want a remedy that will not only give quick rebel but effect a iernianent cure. You want a remedy thai will relieve the lungs and keep exectoralion easy. You want a remedy that will counter art any temi ncy towaio pueumoni . You want a remedy that is pleasant mid safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements aud for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds stands witbottl a peer, Kor sale by A. 0. Marsters. u All goods purchased of J. T. Bryan, the jeweler, will be engraved, "free of charge. Sd-7t When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and l.iver Tali lets. They are easy to take and prod on HO griping. or other unpleasant effect. Bold by A ('. Marsters .v. Co. n Executor's Notice Kottot Is berth. grrtAataattat atdtttlgntd liac been by Iht OaOtty Ootrl of Ii-uiitIh county, Halt tf Ortgtfa. tppettitg aeration ef the t'-tHIc el Martini Jane 'liedtr. (ttOttttft. ah partaat iihvIhk Blalni agtltsi -mi . -i,r. an- lier'b rttjttlttl It ttttttll tlat ttttaV 4ttty nrlfltdi u tat ttAattrttaratd al gotttHiigi Oia got, WttbtB ttl attatbl (rem the gait of thU aoiOB Dated this uii day of Rortnbtr, IMS, ABTUUH iTKAPKR, Mil. I.IK STKAPKIt. Ratwitri a the attatt ol aartha Jans Mrs iler, ilfi'eat vU. SU-5uk. I Fisher & Bellows Company I I SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK : f f Any of Our Fine $15.00 Suits f Any of Total, The two articles are yours for ttistt4ttt4tetttt tOy. aw MRS. H. EASTON it i-repared to wait upon old and nwwvuRtflmnraano frinnda with a lull and romplet lock of GROCERIES All 1 1 and ol th verv hnal Duality. Taaa aad aonaaa an pe-iialtioa oliciUxl. Your pntronai(ft 305 .lack son St.. PoaeburK " vn vavov-- 'fvanv. Cattle Rancn for Sale 820 acrea on Seven-.VIil (ek about Hvat niili-a .-lilt I, eat fromKort Klamalll. , Oregon. .Ml (abota. utott, large barn ample water anpply, will cut almiit 'eighty toon wild bay. Addreaa, with reference, r 0, I'-ox 088, lacoma, Wash, , t( MO'I '2 PENNYROYAL PILLS Sfvfe rvrd rolln-blo, they overcome wetvknoM, In crease vigor, bttnlfth plne. No remedy equa-ls Dk. MOTTS I'LSViVflV Al. PII.I.S SoM Lr DniKciot- and Jr. Mtt Cbemlcal Co . Clevrjlasd, Ohia Dr. William Indian I'ile ( .rif ment w 1 furc Blind, illCfUlfJaf ail'J iLcdiOfcr Ilt-n. liulMfTi - thf- t'lrnom. Ilftrji the Itchrtiv lonoi nctn M a fyiulilfa- L'lvm instant re i. Ir. w IhiniH Irn! Ian PlteOlaL mem 1- urt'irarfl f.- J. ! nml Ith- Injf nf the private purt. Krrry box la warraritf-!. It v (JruafaTist". tv nutll on re r iirt of prn ' M ci-nti ami II.imi. WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Prop. cit-vcUnd "hlo Congressman Hermann is suffering from a revere attack of ervcipelaa, which has confined him to bis bed at bis resi dence in this city tor over a week and the disease still continues though it is believed today to be partially subdued. G. J. Bacber tor dental work, Abra ham building. 2tf ! All our regular 84 values in men's M.JLM 111. m m sweaters, including the very beet in our . t entin stock, and guaranteed pure lamb's ick headache ia caused bv a disorder wool, are offered for the next ten dayt j ed condition of the stomache and it at the low price of 88. At Josephson's. quickly tnrtd by Chamberlain's 8tom See our window. 03 tl acb and Liver TabJete. For sale by A. i C. Marsters A Co. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE trade marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone wntf1nM a f-ketrh and dencr v ' ; mar quickly aartyrtain our opinion fr what her an Invention in probably pnif ntable. ' u n.uA. UotuPtrtctlyfNin&OeiitU... HANDBOOK on I-'afenu aentfree. HMett aueiify fur nwurtnir tatenta. Patenta taken tnrnuah Munn A Co. reoelTM . i; ii 'i- -. without en rye, In the Scientific American. A haniln-miely lltaatrated weekt I nrcent ctr- - r- f.. a eolation f any wcienlidc journal ear; t-ur rutin tha, L sold trail newpiiettierw. 361Bruadv. NPW TiirK Willi v VU; IIWII i win Branch Offloe, a FPU Waabintftoti, D. C. Kor ten days onlv we will offer, at i greatly reduced price?, practically every list in our immense millinery stock, comprising all the latest ar l most sti lish shapes and mattrials. Among these is a choice assortment of the lamous (isge hats the finest made. See our window. At JottpbtOa't, 93 tf Hot ccffei and aandwiche ut Jetinincs Bakery. 7-ltf Chimney Sweep in Town ! Leave orders at Marsters' Plumbing Shop, on Cass St. First-class work guaranteed; no muss or soot in your house. $i.oo for ordinary flues, audlall ranges or stoves guaranteed to work. jttuaJ W t a- f Our Gordon" 3.00 Hate $18.00 $15.00 "HERE THEY GO. Y'ir.r price li oura. jProfila will ha 'overlooked in mi aale. I'ianoa, Organa, GniUm( Mandolina, Violina, gbatl .Mil Kir, ll-Hikn all to go. Twelve or fifin j of anch well know n piaiio a the Imnoua 1 Chicago Kimhall, the Kipular Ilnbart M. Cahle, the Jacoh MI, the WOggf Broa., many toned pianoa ; the iK-autilul liailey and many othera. Any man with a anlary of forty to Hlty dollars can own one of them) beauties. We will expert $10 down, and $H, or f 10 per month. See our ahow window for bargain in Sheet Music and Instruments. Call or write today. I 8 tl Bran's MiatcjUocaa. Choice Fruit Trees All the leading varieties of choice fruit trees, warranted first-class in every re spect. Yellow Newtown Pippins and Spitzenbcrgs a specially. At reasonable prices. At the Roseburg Nursery. Mam kcubotkx, B-l-tf 1'. 1 1. Box 02. No I'oi.-on In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. From Napier, New Zealand, Herald: two years ago the Pharmacy Hoard of New South Wales, Australia, bad an analysis mule of all the cough medicines that were sold in that market. Ont of the entire list they found only oue that they thought was entirely free from all poisons. This exception was Chamber Iain's Congh Remedy, made by the Chamberlain Medicine Company, Det Moines, Iowa, IT. 8. A. The absence of all narcotics ;n,ake this medicine the safest and best that can be had , aod it is with a feeling of security tbat any mother can give it to her little ones. Chami-erlain's Congh Remedy is espe cially recommended by its makers for coughs, colds, cronp and whooping cough. This remedy is for ssle by A C. Marstert v Co, n The Dally Newt of Denver, 'on December 29. 1896, eays: "It il 'rarely, indeed, that Denver is favored with such vocal execution and instrn- i mental as well. When it is said that the work of the Quartette it beyond criticism and the other performances the work of professionals, the troth it I told. It was a rare privelege, thorough ly appreciated by the audience, to listen I to the wonderful voices of the Quartette in their harmonious blending and sur- ; prising range, and there waa not a num- ' her on the program but secured an encore." You can enjoy the same treat that Denver did at the Opera House on November 2nd. Cured Consumption, tir i BB j-tt ! . :'r8- " : . . r . '. Mrs. i iieo. -..ijr ouBoniio imj sick ior tiireo months. The doctors said. that he had quick consumption. We procured a bot tle of Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup and it cured him. That was six years ago. Blntt then we have always kept a bottle in the house. We cmnot do without it. For coughs and colds it haa no eu,ul." 25c, 50c and $1. k Co. Sold by A. C. Marstert n f-lHC i XSaWCM