) AN EXCLUSIVE TREAT FOR THE LADIES We have mad arrangements with the Ladies' Home Journal to furnish our store with their exclusive Patterns, each month, which ihe ladies of" Uost'iiurg ai il Douglas County can have for the very nominal prices of ten cents and fifteen eents each. THE PATTERNS ARE VERY PRETTY And a Chart Model is furnished with each pattern. The ladies will appreci ate this, as it bring! home to them the distinctive and exclusive styles of New York aud Paris. Furs, Wraps and Cravenettes creations of the weavers' art. ll the latest styles am ,iud Dress Goods, the textun very swelled I. ABRAHAM. Proprietor The People's Store THE STORL-: OP EXCELLENCE Roseburg Oregon Areloulturs i' ths Public Bobooli I'ruf A. M. Siiiuli ri, Nupt. IttiM'lnii'K Public nii 1 1 inii Schools, a lecture hy Pros I'. L Campbell, ol iht BsSM l HivcrsUy, on Saturday evening I'omploK' iogi-em. All toni'brrs of tb sombiM'n part of Iht' comity arc cxpvctwl to atU'Iul, A1.il Ikll II IsOIIS Willi lll'C IlltOIH'SlCtl In t tin lubjeel ot education art I'onllally III- Itl'l P, It. II AMI. IN, I'll Supl. t Cannon's Book and Statione ") Sto e THOSE Souvenir Post Cardi ROSEBURG VIWS Have Arrived THEY ARE BEAUTIES Set of Ten All Different 3CK Cannon's Book and Stationery Store. - ' Here and There Sf" y ' SVT ) 9"?' ) 7 OK s&n Q '.v - : icnvt-itrv 3H i COMING BUitil to MMf At the follow I tlstt-g: " U-wifl)Ui"ri:U HftTpOt ', " ll HoollfliBt TlQII1btw Co aV BUI IUum'U Oo EVENTS RoSSlEM! Tlu-Ktor P. J. Johnson, Jenti.it, "irave'a buihl ing. 4Stl Lunch at Jennings' Bakery. 74tf With your oil or gasoline stove use the CAL1KOKNIA toaster. Just as useful I on the wood stove. Its at Churchills. Ijkdies, remember that yon can ifet the Ladies' Home Journal patterns at I. Abraham's store. M-tf A glance at the show window of J. T. Bryan, the jeweler, 'will convince the public w ho carriea the ;"welry stock of Roseburg. 8y"t. j FOB . Battery Delicacies, Choice Confecionery. Delicious IceCream CAM. AT Jt INFORMATION AS TO RIPARIAN RKIiTS Boy your plow and harrows of S. K. Sykes. He has the best line to select from. 84ii If you lime any metal, sheet-iron or pip- w ork to do call on Winnie GsddiS. His work and prices are guaranteed In please. t For crown and bridge work call an lr. Busbar. SHI Insomnia and Indigestion Cured "Last year 1 had a very severe attack 1 of indigestion. I could not sleep at j night and suffered most excruciating pains for three hours after each meal. I was troubled this way for about three months when I used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and re ceived immediate relief, aaya John Dixon, Tullaniore, Ontario, Candada. For sale by A . C. Marstors & Co. JENNINGS BAKERY- Marster's New BlocK. Fire Insurance! J. W. WRIGHT Fire Insurance a Specialty. lur rec ord of honorable dealing and prompt payment of losies for the past fifteen yearo il a guarantee to the insuring . public of the absolute indemnity this agency will provide in future. With thanks to the insuring public for past patronage, and soliciting a continu ance of the same, 1 am, very truly, J. W. WRIGHT. I. J. Norman & Co. Cigars, Tobaccos, Confections, fruits Bakery Goods Always fresh SHERIDAN ST. NEAR DEPOT STEARNS & CHENOWETH OAKLAND AND O.N . A 1.1. A hT Benicia Hancock KoUry Hill Heversible Disc Plows aodlDouble Disc's Duffalo I'itti Harrow!, Disc Cullers, Bain Wagons, UejeeUe land Monarch Malleable Iron Binaai, no hot biacnita, but hot prices. Coyote wire fence by the car load. 83-U Have yon aeon it; the celebrated CALIFORNIA toaster? You will And It at Churchill's Hardware. Enamr'.ed Ware with a Ave year guar anty. Btranaky War. S8-7t The Plaindealer ha.1 a reuest from oae of its good friends and for some legal j suits i .formation, which required the opinion of some member of the legsl frati rnity, accordingly tbe matter was referred to Attorney -i.eneral Crawford, who an swers a- follows : "Your favor of the '.'1st inst., asking whether the owner of land on a river bank owns to the stream and if the own er of land on a Btream can prevent any one from fishing on the river bank ab );iittini! on iiis land an l also whether a roan who is fishing has the right to fasten his nets to trie bank of the river, has my attention. In answer, permit me to say that thaaa questions would tie effected in every case by the (acts in such case, and it is very hard to state a ,-eneral rule that would apply in all cases. ' However, it may lie stated generally that the riparian owner on a meandered navigable stream owns only to the edge of the t-tream, but where an nnnavigable -tream is the boundary of land, the ownership extends to the middle; hut il the stream is navigable, for any pOTpOM ; such as floating logs, the public has an '.isement to that extent and for that x r pose. The riparian owner in any MM does not own the water, but only has a right to the use of it subject to any use that may be held by the public in general. In case of an unnavigable -tream, the owner of land bordering on Mob stream would have the right to prevent any one from fishing on the l ank of such stream for the reason that .. wou.d be trespassing on private lands, nor w ould any one fishing in inch -tream have the right to fasten his nets the bank without tne permission of the owner whose land ia bounded by IQCb stream. ''If it is a riyer in which the tile ebbs and Hows, (the riparian owner owns to high water mark and aw coelu not pre vent fishing from the high water mark or from anchoring nets below aucb mark. "These are a few ganeraltiea that may possibly be of service to you, bnt I would not attempt to pees on any question without knowing the facta, which would be impossible beforehand Very reapeetfully yours, A. M. Crawford. For burnt-work ii-l on ' re a spe cial grade of heavy, cloeely-woven can vas is absolutely uecessary. We have it in just the right width, so that not an inch is wasted. Josephson's. . '.HJtl If you want cold ham or delicacies call at Jenniugs' Pakery. "HI Regular " and t values in little boy' si-a from three to Beven yMri only, will be offered for the next ten days at the incrediably low price of 18. 60, At Josephson's. U tf n ti kid 03 tf Who Hawv W dwarwa !! Herb. W. Ed warai of Dm MolnM, la., got a (all on an icy walk laat winter, spraining hi wrist and broiling hia kneea. "The next day," ha aaya, "they wera so tore and stiff I waa afraid I would ueve to stay in bad, but I rubbed tbain wall with Chamberlain's Pain Balm aud after a few applications all soreness had disappeared. For aala by A. 0. Maraten A Co. Local Institute at Canyonville. Arraogemeute have been made for holding a local teacher's institute at Canyonville on Saturday, Dec. B, While program c not be an nounced in full, the following s ubjects have been aaaigned: Arllhm c Jas. A. I)av f " k land. Ceo. A. Crane, of Dillard, and Lloyd Marquam, of Days Creek. History A. L. lirlggt, I'r. s. Slate Normal School, Uraii ; (ieo. Jone-, Hoaeburg. and H.JS. Stlue, I'nn. Cler. dale Public Schools. f; ram mar George Sawyer, l'rin Oakland Public Schools; Thurman Chaoey, l'rin. rl eek Pi blic Schools, and J. K. I at'.eiaoo l'rin. WHbu Pu Schoo I, Civic Prof. " ' aughm . Pi in Riddle Schools, i delation of School to Slate. Minerals of i regoo l'rof. J. L Kord, of Canyoovlllle. Regular $H, f; and f' values in men's fiiie trousers, including 'he very llnest garments in our entire Stock, are offered (or the next ten days at the uniformly reduced price of V Saw them in our window . At Josephson's. Kxclusive novelties in ladies' gloves at Josephson's. A Judicial Inquiry A well known IrUValllia man visits the drug trade says he has often heard drunnists inquire of customers who asked for a BOOgfa medicine, whether It was wanted for a child or lor an adult, and if for a child thCJ alim st invariably recommend Chamberlains Cottgh Kemedy. The reamn lor thit il that ihey know there is no danger from it aud that it always cures. Tharall not the the least danger in giving it, and lor coughs, colds and croup in is un surpassed. For sale by A. C Marslers A; Co. TbuHIIvs" udal awardad to Douglas county at the St. I.oiih Kx posit ion , for a tine fruit display, lo-s just been re I ceivud bv County Clerk Agee and is s miii to look upon. It will lie framed ; and will adorn one of the county offices. J. M. LuapUTi one of the representa tive larmers from Oaklanl, was trans I acting business at the county seat last week. Al we also BobCfl Stephens, ! C. E. Kolwrts ami K M Ainlrews of the same place. I'or the next ten days only, our regu lar $11! shirtwaist suits will go (or $! HO ; our NUglM I'H values lor 17.80. Al ' Joeepbsou'l. W t( THE ECONOMY MARKET GEORGE KOHLHAGEN, Proprietor Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the Market affords. All kinds of Stoadc Bought and Sold. Phone 581 Roseburg, Oregon Koseourg rorainire company SOME HKill SCHOOL BITS OF NEWS lU the absence ol Pro!. Wggntr, when along to chapuront the foot lull tauuii during Ita nmuI Jauol in the nuthruc part ol the stHte, Mr. Blmur wum, ol the class of "Oil, took his place and HIM the ditiicnh position In a very eruditabla manner. Prof, Sihufer, ol the departinent ol biatory, io tbu state university ol ore got), Will deliver a luctUN in this city, tomorrow vuaing upon, "Pacific OomI History," and he comes under the ails picesof the I'niversity KstCUSion Course and hopes to arrance lor U course ol that kind to bC given in this city durtOg the winter mouths. A set of Ihe "New International" dictionary, consisting ot twenty-one volumes, has jllt been received at the High school, and will prove to l quitr a line addition In the already good library. This makes alsmt one thousand volumes and this will show very wall, sbao compared with any othef High srhool in Oregon. As the lirst term ol this school year draws to a close, the instructors can form some idea ol what kind of work has been done. In ans er to the Plain dealer's querv as to this matter, Siqier intCUdOBl Sanders replied "We have had a most excellent school year. Good work has bMO done in all departments and both teachers and scl ohirs hive lieen lalKiring to make the heel possible show ing ami they have done axcatdtogly well. To my way of thinking., it has been decidedly the last sc t. mi we have bad since I took hold of this work Of course this is truly gratifying both to tiie teachers, as well as to the pupils, and we know the friends of the school will be grately pleased with such a showing. " 4 i i i i If you nre looking for furniture, Stoyct) or Household Goods of Any kind, call at our store and examine i;ooils ami got price. : : : : : i I I i Roseburg Furniture Company P r FAMILY . GROCERIES All of the best grades of staple and fancy (jKOCIiKIES kept constantly oo hand. FARH PRODUCE And fresh fruit. Prompt service. Courte ous tteatment. Bed tek juices and good goods are our bids for your trade. Roseburg Rochdale Co. " nassa asw JT - . . at1 I he t.o-uperaiive urocery aiore. FARM IMPLEMENTS THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON, MILWAUKEE AND OSBURN MOWERS AND BINDERS, VICTOR RAKES, FEED CUTTERS ROLLINC DISC PLOWS AND HARROWS. HARNESS AND SADDLES A SPECIALTY BEARD &. CULVER ihe hardware dealers I Let Us Do Your Hauling S ' M 'T SVs make s ipseialty of bsndliog Trunks, HouMbolrJ Goods, t W and almost everything. The best of care taken of anything W entrusted to w. Lesve'ordeis at the HeClallen House, or si 1 ruse & Newlsnd'a. sr CITY TRANSFER CO., J F. D. NEWLAND, Proprietor 5 "O. TONSORIAL PARLOR T. D. VBATHSRFORD, Hropiictor Shaving and Hair Cutting) Hot and Cold Baths. The Up-To-Date Establishment. Jackson Street. Roseburg. Oregon Is na FRESH EVERY DAY We make up fine Candies every day. We are ag ents for Peters' Milk Chocolate, the Alden Can dies, and the FamotuRamona Sweets. Try One of Our Fine, fresh Boxes of Chocolates They are pit up frees every day. We make a specialty of putting up Fancy Boxes of Candy, Try us and see for yourself. If you want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If yon want to move a house II yondon't know FAT V V Call on or address ... fit Csatreclar aid BaMdar Koaebur Oregon. S BELL'S CANDY STORE, ROSEBURG, OREGON CALL ff STAIN hUKU PURE T It Hits the Spot. It Brings the Trade The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Better. TEN YEARS OLD QUARANTEED i AKii mat JAiuu a to. Uutillcri. Luc aaat . Ihk. niK r L B. LUTHEWES, Aieat, Koseiirc Orsfsa NO OTHER HAVE IT I