jr And they appreciate Good Oroc riea, like other people. Thanksgiving Will Soon be Here and yon will find our store he!idnnrtot s for anything and everything in the line of "Good Things tO Eat." ( hir price! are right, and wc deliver gooda at your door on shurt DOtioe. CLINK & W00LS0N, Near the Depot JEWELRY IS A LINE Where taste should predominate. Here you will find some very exquisite piecea of jewelry Rins, Pina, BfOOCbea, Watches, Chains and Kohs and the price leasonahly consistent with quality. IF YOU CET IT AT SALZMAN S. THEN IT'S RIGHT SALZMAN'S MARSTERS' DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES PERFUMES SOAPS TOILET ARTICLES RUBDER COODS PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH ii THE HODEL H. O. Wilkinson, Prop. The Choicest line of Wines anil Liquors including the FajDOOJ lirand trOid Grand Dad" Kentucky Sour Mash. l ine I me of Domestic Jackson and Oak Sts. Own Yoi'ii own Homi Own it nowi ip paying rent. I live In Btvenldi lltlon io lioHoiiurg, the Queen City Houlhern Oregon. I want you to live .ere too. Local ion, soil, health, terniH and prices, nil cm reel. Send for pic tured folder, or see mo at my ollite. I'm n MrnMl ; me you'.' i p Loan Baumi Roieburgi Oral Railroad Men Have to Live! DRUG CO. STATIONARY SCHOOL SUPPLIES WINDOW GLASS LIME AND CEMENT ALL KINDS OF SPRAYS aud Imported Cigars. koseburg. Ore. For the boll nl everything in rainy weatherwear a) ths noit reaionabla prices, Him .Inhi'pliaiin'a. We are heod qUftrtOn ttt$ riiin-i oatH, ruhhera, rulil.er lioota, oil mill mbbw clolliing- in fact lor cvcrytliinz ncieni-iiry to keep you warm ami dry in wet weather. For your gnus, Hiiiiiiiuiitinns and sporting gOOjdl ice S. K. Sykes. S It f i COAST STATES WILL HANG TOGETHER Co-operation l I lie watchword by which the Pacific States region will ex tml influence and prestige, The movi - nui in tiling Urn Pact&c stall.", Onrob, Oallforolti Washington, MahOi Utah um. I llm (errllory of Arizona into bur- noolooi anil ootabiaad aBort (or pro is meeting with great lavor arid Is being 'nvoriiiiiv commented upon iy the press nml iill)lic of the Pai ilii' Slate Tin commercial hisllna 111 I hose of I In I'arlllr Kiati'K which are not alri'alv or ganized into it si .1 1 1 "ii ' i .il Ixsly are taking steps to i.i in.- about (bti Import' Ml result ami when tbtl II accompllibed wliiili ;iro,rilsna to be in llm not iliatmil fntiirr the state commercial Iselies will all work together into one central association repres tiling tin.' whole Paci llr Stales r(i Mi Tim oMtral aatooMtloa win be imiit iiion 100 Dd lines. It will rapWMl " highest tjTDO of DOtvpOlltiOal, OtHIDOTll Ive work for progri in the history of tin. wi'Ht. llm hundreds anl MM llimiaitiila of MM who will be brought together in or in association through this no I ml btsly arc I In- men who h 1 1 1 ' i r t lint commurcial organizi- i tioua am numls-red an. on the men WBO have bopi for the MM Their effort is MMlOtb 'or thi'y share results with the I ml of the community. Tim state nun- menial orgftnlUtlOOl in turn an- n o rMMtativool the spirit of oooneTetivs i ITort ill llm several states, Thi'y mean that all tin. commercial btsllas in any 0M of th pMiflo States have "gotten tOgOtbor" .in. I are working with united Mori through an established organiv i- Sooiety Meeting a: F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13. Holds regular meeting! on second and f artb Wednesdays of Mcb month. W. W. Thai kkaii, W. M. N. T. J I WITT, Secretary. BP. O. K LKH. Roeeburg Lodge No. :i-'i. Hold regal-' eommanlca " lion at I. O. O. F. Hell on eeoood and fourth Thursdays ol each montb. All memberi requested to attend regu larly and all visiting brothers are cordi ally invited to attend. C. B. Cannon, K. K. W. H. Jamikson, Secretary. 'O. D, lit SEPARATE BATTALLION fo.N. ii., uieie at Armory Hall evert rhursday evening, at e clock. F. B. M a mi. in. Oapt. FOr A.. Court Douglas No. :I2 For enter of America, BMll each Tuea day evening in F'oresters' Hall. Vir itiug brothera always welcome. Ham. Staikkkk, C R K H I.knox, Rec See K N Hoovki, I'hyaieian O. U. F. Phlletarian Lodge No. 8. I Meets in Odd Fellowa' Temple, cor- ner Jackaon and Oaia atreeta, on Hattirday evening of each week. Mem I bare of tba order In good iianding art invited to attend, C. F. IlAHfaTKIt, N. 6). N. T. Jawarr, Hecretary. Kof P. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meet every Wednesday, in t. O. O. F " Hall at 7:30 p. m. Member! In 'ood iianding are invited to attend. Jab. A. 1'i.kky, C. C. M. F. WMOBT, K. of K. A s. LILAC CIRCLE. No. 49, Women of Woodcraft. Meets on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each montb at the I lO. O. F. Hall. Visiting memberi in i good Handing are Invited to attend. Myktlk I .ono, Guardian Neighbor I Clara Bokkn, Clerk Second and Fourth Thursdays. OE. 8. Roeebnrg Chapter No. 8 Holds their regular meeting on ths V Brit and third Thursdays Tn each ! in mill Viailing members in good iianding are raapectfullv invited to at tend. Mn. K.J. Stroud, W. M. Free Johnson, Kecretarv. II NIT ED ARTISANS, ftnpqua Ah MBbly No. 10.ri, inneta second and fourth Saturdaya of each month, in Native Sons' hall. Viaiting metnliera w ill receive a cordial welcome. A. C. MARaTKItH, M. A. Minn ik Junks, Secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Oak Oamr No. 126. Meeta at the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Roaehnrg, every Ural and third Monday evening. Viait ing neighbor! always welcome. J. M. Hhumiks, C. 0 N. T. Jkwktt. Clerk When You Have a Bad Cold. You wajit a remedy that will not only give quick relief hut effect a permanent cure. You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration eany. You want a remedy that will i iiunter iti t any tendency toward pneumonia. You want it remedy that ia nlggunl and aafe to take. Uhftnborltln't Oough Roroedy nMti all these reqtiirementa and lor the paedy ami pornMonl cure of bad ooldi stands without a peer, For sale by A Oa Mtiralers. u The California toaster on tl e stove will prevent your rce, breakfast food or milk from 1 itrning. Ill at ObunbUU'. Mm new iubtcrlbi r ara being tddtd to the PlatndMlM Hat every day. tion which provldoa the machlnry for effective work on a business-Ilka barli. Even the moral snpKrt which one sec tion of a rtate or one city in f iitatn may receive from all other portions of that commonwealth has a tremendous mm men-mi value. A spirit ol helpfulness In a stale existing between the different regions enhances the opinion in wliirli t Is held throughout the world and has a value not measurable on a cornmerehil Imsli. Ily organization this spirit finds a BTI I '-r outlet In vigorous and lot -I US OOd action. The different ehsmtiersof commercisl bodies are rapidly preparing for com bined tatc effort and the whole I'aiillc Htates reigon w ill he in a U-tter position than al any lime In Ha history to take advantage of the attention now focused upon it. Knn Kun More laughs to the minute than you ever heard of. At opera haure tomorrow night when you ice "Hooli gan's Troubles, " Manager A. Shnleman, of the Itose burg Farm tart Co., was transacting bOeioaM in Portland last week. Harry llatlleld is now one of the salesmen at the Churchill big hanlwa're -lore. An important business change was made this week, by which T. S. Woolson, of Portland, purchased the interest of Mr Chapm in The leader Ona-ery, located near the depot. Mr. Woolson isanex pOtiancbd business man aud will lind his llrm doing a good business in this city. He is highly pleased with Kosebnrg, the DMfilti climate, anil particularly, with the business prospects of The I.eiVler, which, as its name indicated, is one of the progressive establishment! of the (ily. The seeret of good health is found in Osteopathy. Consultation free. 2tf J. W. Ueckley was up from Riddle, Saturday, attending to some business matter. i. J. Bacher, leading resident dentiit. 02 tf Correct styles in men's stiff hats at Josephson's. 03 tf J. K. Sawyers, lawyer and notary public. Office upitain in Douglai County Bank Building. tf The memberi of the High School toot ball second team are planning for a match gamewith the second team of Drain, on Thanksgiving Day. Stork waterproof sheeting at Joseph son's. 3 tf They wear like iron, those famous Oregon Buckskin pants. Made in Ore gon, out of pure Oregon woo!, they beat the world for warmth and service. You'll bud the right site at Josephson's 93 tf Walter Strong, of the 8rm of Worth ley fc Strong, orange packera, of River side, Cal., spent Friday in this city, as the guest of the Misses Jsquins, who were former residents of Riverside. Regular fs, 7 and (ii values in men's tine trousers, including the very finest garments in our entire stock, are offered for the next ten days at the uniformly reduced price of S. See them in our window. At Josephson's. M tf Exclusive novelties in ladies' kid glovei at Josephson's. 93 tf It lagins to look very much as though the proKsed new telephone office would soon be a fact for the material is arriv ing on the ground and the spacious new quarters in the new Mariters block, on Cass Street is receiving much of it. Two immense cables, measuring 1400 feet and weighing 5400 pounds are already here and will soon be placed. The big switchboard will put In an appearance some lime this week, and then just as soon as the force of expert workmen ar rive from Salem and Eugene, where they have been similarly engaged, then things will rapidly assume shape here. When the new otlice is completed it will be a veritable "thing of beauty and a joy forever." Regular t '. and $2.75 values in hi lies' tine vici kid and box calf shoes, in both ! turns and welts, will la- sold for the next ten days at the B)ecial price of Itt.tt. At Josephson's. Wtl K. B. Mathews is the proud owner of a tine pointer dog, which he values at $100. The fellow is 3 years old and his lather waB a "White Stone," while the mother ii a "Printer Boy." Well, the dog is a crackerjack, when it comes to running down birds, but, as the seauou is "closed" Mr. Mathews concluded to train the dog to catch rats. According ly he seta trap and got u rat as large as a squirrel, and then came the fun. Out in the street the ttap was opeued aud awy went the rat, with the dog in pur suit. But, not ouce coiild the dog even touch the r.it. lTp and down the street they ran, a crowd of people enjoying the I sport. Filially the rat got eutirely ! away. "If it had feathers the dog would l have caught it" jokingly remarked Mr , .Mathews to the bystanders. OhrysMtbaJnam lllOW Wednesday alternoon and evening, Noveiuher -'I'd In connection, w ill be booths having for sale home-made candies, ice-cream and rake, cilice and sandw idles. Please I ear this in mind and all come and have n good time. AdnUnoa 10 cents. Uoseliurg Is proving to be a better market lor farmer. who have cattle to loll than Po.rtliind. For instance, take veal. Portlun I I uyers pav only .1 cents per pound for ca'vis, while hero the Economy Market utters ft cents. I I i i . . THE DRUC STORE OF QUALITY . . NEAK THE DEPOT, R0SEBURC, ORE. We Invite Critical Inspection . We do not sell all ihe dru;j tha are sold in Roxburg, but WE SELL TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WILL HAVE ONLY THE VERY BEST AND PUREST DRUGS. I Don't forget this: Highest Quality in Drugs is a very important thing to you. We want an opportunity to show you our finely equipped and properly man aged Pharmacy. H H 4 TRY US I FULLERTON & "Hooligan's Trouble" at the opera house tomorrow night is spoken oi inthe highest of praise by Portland's three big daily papers. Yon will miss the fun niest show on earth if you don't see it. Thomas Carlon has been very ill with an attack or typhoid fever. Try Osteopathy for a sure care. 92tl J. A. Pitts wss at the county seat Sat u -day. Irom Myrtle Creek. He reports thst bii fsther, W. .. Pitts, is very ill with dropsy ailment. Tonsi litis is permanently cured by Osteopathy. Coniult Dr. btudley. 92U Judr-e C. A. Sehlbrede, who was once a citizen of this place but who is now It rated at Marshtield, was greeting bis friends in this city Saturday. He reports everything in a flourishing condition over his way. "Hooligan's Troubles" opera house tomorrow night see it sure lots of fun. G. L. Coon was in from Camas Valley Saturday on a business trip. B. F. Nichols, one of Riddle-! estima ble citizens, was greeting his many friends at the county seat Saturday. Attorney A. X. Orcutt was sttending to some legal matters at Drain Friday. T. W. Angus was in from Oardiner Saturday looking up old friends. Attorney J. E. Sawyers returned, Sun day evening, from a week's trip to Elk ton and Scottshurg on important legal matters. Mr. and Mrs. ' Chas. Watson were in from Peel, Saturday, on a shopping ex pedition. Letter List. Remaining uncalled for at the Ros burg postotfice. Adams, Mrs L B Kilburn, Mrs E C Adams, Henry Kay, Mr Thomas Bradley. 0 J Miller, Mrs John X Burnett, J C Miller, Mr John F Barker, Mr J R Pope, Mrs M R Demming, Mr Geo Riley, Tom Foster, Mr N A Stang, Mrs R J Hitomi, Mr M Saxton, Glen Hawkins, R D Tenny, Mr J L Wiltiami, Mr Turck, Beter Johnson, Mr Will Warren, Mr Thomp son Williamson, T II Persons calling for these letters will please state the date on which they are advertised, Nov. 20, 1905. The letters will be charged for at tue rate of one cent each. C W Parx P M. Every ladies', mitses' und childrens' cloak in our entire slock, including a good assortment of desirable, strictly up-lo-date garment-, will be on sale for the next ten days at heavy reductions. See our window. Josephson's. 93 tf Town Lots For Sale Choice building lots (a Kinney's im proved plat of Rosehurg, nesr Main street, good title. Price $60 per lot. Address, N. A. Richards, tf For the next ten days only we wtti offer our regular $lti 50 and $15 Kuppeu heimer Guaranteed Suite at the uniform ly low price of $i:i. These are new, fashionable garmeuls. See "ur window. Josephson's. M tf A Judicial Inquiry A well known traveling man who visits the drag trade says he has often heai d druggists inquire of customers who asked for a cough medicine, whether it was wanted (or a child or for an adult, and if fur a child they almost invariably recommend Chamberlains Cmigh Remedy. The reason for this is that they know there is no danger irom it and that it always cures. There is not the tiie least danger in giving it, and for rough, colds and croup is is un surpassed. For sale by A, C. Mareters St Co. TRY US RICHARDSON V. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Oris cent pr word. Act tassrttSSI ; oval ye w.ml lor each insertion thereafter; SO werds. lesf $1 per month. No advcrtlemcnl li for leM than 2r cents. For Safe Yon may expect results from Mr classified column?. Good Buiiness Opening About $i',Ml necessary to handle it, cash or oeceis ble paper. Good reason for selling. Bosr particulars address Rox 669, ReeebtMg Oregon. 88 tf FOR SALE. 15 head of Angora roata John Dnerner, Wardton, Oregon: HOTEL FOR SALE-Fine openim tor the right party. Good reaseat- Saw selling. For particulars, make- noiry of the Plaindealer, where iofonnatiesa can be bad. 8-tf For Sale Scotch CoIHe pope, 'rim. $2.50 to $15, the finest kind. Also Brown Leghorn and Plymouth Rock chickesos and Tolouse geese. Siberian oats saarS cheat seed. Address E. A. Kruse, Rose burg, Oregon. 84 8k. Now is the time to buy your bestirs sr. stoves. See the new Trilby sold hy & K. Sykes. (Utf COWS FOR SALE Two fresh iwlk cows for sale. Cal! on or write- JL Green. 4 miles south of Rosebrrrg. 9911 VETCH! VETCH I VETCH '. fssr vetch seed call on or address Frank: Wi For Rent FOR RENT The Robert McClaikusf farm containing 895 acres, situated1 ess Deer Creek, about three miles fsm Roeeburg. Apply to F. W. Bensver. Roeeburg, Ore. Ml 41 FOR SALE OR HEM The Dixi.nrilJs Store. For terms etc,, inquire of I F. Rice, Roeeburg, or L. H Smack, Dixonville, Oregon. 89-I-n Help Wanted. Salemnen Wanted Cash adn weekly ; good territory oen ; onttitfro Some are making $100.00 to $150.Ct sa mouth. Why not you? Address i WASHIXtiTON XUBKKKY CoiSrAKT, 77tf Toppenisli, Wasliinyisn. Lost and Found. LOST Cheap purse, having chain, at tached. Contained nearly $4 rn t li ver. Fiudtr leave same at the Vftnia dealer and receive reward. JSltf Ring Lost A solid gold ring, witfc Py rites setting, lost. Reward offered. CalE at Plaindealer office. ftfrtf LOST Pair of gold-rim speetsclsau Finder please leave at the I'larauamJear otfice. & Found A pocketbook, on one el ggffj sonata roadi. Owner can have sanu s-jr calling at this otlice, proving property, and paying for this notice. Stf LOST A lady's silver watch, oj faced, with initial "M" on back. Was attached to a silver chatelaine. Re turn to Maggie McClullen, or leaw at. this office. Reward. lUt: Miscellaneous. TEAM WANTED Team of horse, weight about 1100, wuntetl. En iia'n at Farmers' Real Estate Co. BlS-iB: HOARD WANTED Room and betas are wanted, in a private family. Itmin particulars for "W. A. S," at tram Plaindealer office. Ou-tt.