AN EXCLUSIVE TREAT FOR THE LADIES We have madr arrangements with the Ladies' Homo Journal to furnish our store with their exclusive Patterns, each month, which tin" ladies of Rosenurg and Douglas County can have for the very nominal prices of ten cents ami fifteen cents each. THE PATTERNS ARE VERY PRETTY And a Chart Model is furnished with each pattern. The ladies will appreci ate this, as it bring home to them the distinctive and exclusive styles oi New York aud Paris. Furs, Wraps and Cravenettes ;t creations of the weavers' art. All the latest stvles ml Dress Hoods, the and textures, verv swellest I. ABRAHAM. Proprietor The People's Store THE STORE OK EXCELLENCE Roseburg Oregon County Claims Allowed r Cannon's Book and Stationery Store THOSE Souvenir Post Cards ROSEBURG VIWS Have Arrived THEY ARE BEAUTIES Set of Ten All Different 3CK Cannon's Book and Stationery Store. - ttat Here and There COMING EVENTS , Itosvl.iiry flii-ittrr tin BilKsl lo it)'ar nl 111 following dates: feV-(Wcek)Seoigte IlsrTH'r Co. " nttrtUtMl TmuMci Co. m Baas iimiM'o Co ji FOR j BaKery Delicacies, Choice Confecionery , Delicious Ice Cream jl CALL AT j JENNINGS BAKERY Marsters New BlocH. Fire Insurance! I. W. WRIGHT Fire Insurance a .Specialty. Our rec ord of honorable dealing and prompt payment of losses for the past fifteen yeare is a guarantee to the insuring public of the absolute indemnity this agency will provide in future. With thanks to the insuring public for past patronage, and soliciting a continu ance of the same, I am, very truly, J. W. WRIGHT. P. J. Johnson, dentist, Grave's build ing. 4ft! Lunch at Jennings' Bakery. 7411 With your oil or gasoline stove use the CALIFORNIA toaster. Just as iiBe'l on the wood stove. Its at Cburchills. State Engineer John H. lowi left for Roseburg last night on business con- 1 nected with his office, and will not be back at the capitol nntil Friday. Thurs day he will be at Mehama. Albany Capital Journal. Ladies, remember that you can get the Ladies' Home Journal patterns at I. Abraham's store. SMI A glance at the show window of J. T. Bryan, the jeweler, will convince the public who carries the jewelry stock of Roseburg. S9-7t. The Roseburg Plaindealer rails at tention to the success of Mr. J. C. Aiken, of Kuseburg, in the dairy busi ness. Mr. Aiken, whu sell the cream from 25 cows to the Roseburg creamery, has no hesitation in saying that he believes the dairying industry is destined to become one of the most productive resources of Douglas County. 'He figur s that he made a clear profit of f'-ll per cow on his herd in the past yeur re gon Agriculturist. Mondav evening the members of Roseburg Lodge No. Hi, A. O. I'. W.,' and D, of !l. No. 18, had one of those I enjoyable joint social occasions, for i which these orders are noted. And- fj,, cedent impromptu program was render-1 fajrv Boy your plows and harrow of S. K Sykes. He has the best line to select from. 84 if Mrs. I . (Mseti, of Roseburg, who has been visiting friends here, left for home this afternoon Kugene Hoard. Hue to the very bad stage road exist ing between here and Roseburg, our mail hss lately been having all kind of "time of ita own." Last Tuesday it did not get in until 1 p. m. Some remedy for this delay should be found and the proper means applied to produce a much needed change. MarshhVId Advertiser. (OOOCladad from lt Issue,) The following is the list of Counlv claims allowed at the November Tonn of County Court, l!Wi ; Kosehurg Furniture Co., roads 7 4.'i Mrs p Kotohcll. Indigent . . It's 60 II R Diiniiilea, justice court... II so Kelly ft Hanks, milgl ,v crlmac .' B6 Hugh Miller, dep sherllT Id 00 C K Wade, insane 00 I'laindraler I'litiCo, print, and stationery fi2 so Qttt l.ustafson, St tn Keynnlds .1 18 l J Jarvls, " " i hi f 0 Mloelll, " " ,'i QO 90 Stewart, loq I'eteraelm .. 2 00 H O Wllktuson, " ... 2 00 t l' Morau, " ... 2 00 Raj Mil alien, " ... 10 00 S T Scott, " ... r 20 J L Woodaoa, " ... l 00. J McCulloch, " ... I 00 t Callings, " ... I IK J 0 Young, commissioner 211 40 Arthur Marsh, St vs Karnes . . 1 Klloua Ueeil. stenographer I! Wright, grant! ju.y witness Jno T long, St vs lloyle " " Case " " " Kast ., " It Kllen el al N l'.lowett, lint Barker A M Sanders, " A P Harrington, " 1 Wimer, " A 0 McC.hohey, " I M Tonnyaon " Aaher Agee, " J R Plolmi, lumber M Mack, " 1 Kosepurg rurniiure company ,$ 4 If you arc looking for Furniture, Stoves, or Household Goods of any kind, call ut ur store and examine goods and get prices. : : : : : to to so ii 0B 0 OA 2 00 2 60 1 INI 1 00 i 00 1 M 1 00 1 00 l oo 4 06 I 4 Roseburg Furniture Company Jennings' Bakery has lilted up a nice lunch room. Everything neat and clean. 74 1 f Housekeeping Rooms Ask at the Plaindealer office for particulars. They are in a very desirable part of the city. No children. 88 tf A match game of football for the championship of Southern Oregon will take place at the athletic grounds in Ashland next Wednesday afternoon at It o'clock, between the Ashland Norm. 1 team and the Roseburg High School team. This will be the best game of the season so far and is being looked foi wanl to with much interest. Occurring o i Wednesday, it will give the busineis men of the city a better Opportunity to see it and an effort will le made to have the stores close during the hour of the game. The Normal will adjourn its work for the day at 2:40 to give all the students a chain to attend Ashland Tidings. "Hooligan ' Coming LtOU Mills Lumber To, 1'inb'r S K Sykes, " " Warren Iteatty, " " G K Houck, J A Peteraeln, " " U A Clodfeller, " J K Birmingham" C !. Joboaoo, " " Jno T Long, " A K Nichols, commissioner . . . S K Sykei, grand jury wit Clint Vaughn, " R Grout, lumber H T McClallen, aherifT feet. . . . O C Setber, overpaid taxes . . . F U Long, " " ... . . N Agee, expressage W J Moon, " S Van Houlen, E V Hoover, " Jos Graham, Wm Abeene, " B 1' Drew, fruit inspector U O Grout, lumber Livingston l fro . lumber Ilevlew Pub Co, priming and stationery Joe Smith, roads W K Miller, indigents Kruse .V Newland, initg. aid election G W Alderaon, indigents . . J H 'ann, constable Hoy Mcl'lallen, prand jury . . . A F Hrown, overpaid taxes G E Houck, insane and imlg . Jno T LiOOgi St vs Heynold. . . . Dick Cleveland, " " .... HfJSIocum, " " Q W Kiddle, In i'cterseim n :ir 2 00 2 00 10 00 6 20 5 20 1 IS.) 1 00 10 80 2 :w 1 so 1 so 2X0 2S 18 00 1 SO OS 0 15 1 00 1 00 1 00 i oo 1 00 S8 SO 11 10 .r)S oo 06 70 2 IX) 20 00 4'.i M 10 16 2 OO to 8 75 11 40 :io 1 no w 4 so FAMILY GROCERIES All of tin- licst grndcH of staple and fancy (iROCb'KltS kept constantly on hand. FARH PRODUCE J And fresh fruit. Prompt service. Courte ous treatment. H' I rock prices and good goods are our lids for your tratle. Roseburg Rochdale Co. Jk The Co-Operative Grocery Store. FARM IMPLEMENTS THE CELEBRATED BAIN WAGON, MILWAUKEE AND OSBURN MOWERS AND BINDERS, VICTOR RAKES, FEED CUTTERS ROLLING DISC PLOWS AND HARROWS. HARNESS AND SADDLES A SPECIALTY BEARD & CULVER the hardware dealers ed, including musical selection, recita tions and addresses and ending with some tine refreshments. If you have any metal, sheet-iron or pi pe work to do call on Winnie liaddis His work and prices are guaranteed to please. t I, J, Norman & Co. Cigars, Tobaccos, Confections, fruits Bakery Goods Always fresh SHERIDAN ST. NEAR DEPOT STEARNS & CHENOWIiTH OAKLAND AND YONCALLA have Benicia Hancock Kotary Side Hill lieversihle Disc Plows and)l)ouhle Disc's Buffalo i'itts Harrows, Disc Cutters, I llain Wagons, Majestic and Monarch , Malleable Iron Manges, no hot bltouiU, but hot prices. Coyote wire fence by I the car load. BJM1 plot of "Hooligan's. Trooblee" bristles with diverting situation! and brims over with startling climax. i. Wholesome humor permeates every line. There is an arrav of catchy mui-ic, charming songs, pleasing dances ami specialties galore. The presentation at the ICosehurg Theatre on Nov. 21st, will bet be comedy event of the season. Young Sam wishes to announce that he has now the most complete stock of Japanese ware ever offered for sale in Koeburg. lie especially requests an inspection ol his beautiful new goods. China lilies for sale. BS-tl Parbapt one of the jolliost affairs ever attempted in this city will be given by the members of Protection Tent, No. IB, Knigbta ol tba Maooabaai This is one ol the moat progressive orders in the country and the local tent is no excep- tii n, snd is fully abreast of the In The coming event will occur Friday evening, Decern!) t 1, and judging t y some of the reporil which are floating around, it will be one of the greatest things ol its kind ever seen in tbis part of the country. The members are on the qa vive over the matter and nothing will le left undone to make It u inoceei Many visitors will be prion t from , adjoining tents to participate in the For Sale by ! festivities of th occasion Several can u didatoa win i tskeu "over the road, ' which is said to mean much, and there will he "something doiug" all I lis time. (Jmbrallaa Mendad I an now prepar (1 to attend to Ibis for vou. hikI iny Insomnia and Indigestion Cured worg , ,ora to please y.m. My rales 'LMt year 1 had a very severe attack i are reasonable, and! will call for ami not sleep at I deliver the articles thus needing repair, The Exact thing Required lor Con stipation. "As a certain purgative and stor iach purilier Chamberlain's Stomach and Lifer Tablets seem to be the thing re 'lUired, strong enough for the most ro Mist, yet mild enough ami safe enough for children and without tnat terrible griping so common to most purgatives," say K. S. Webster & Co., L'dora, Onta rio, Canada. For sale by A. C. Mars ters iV Co, u Herb Y. Edwards Injured. Herb. W. Kdwards of Des Moines, Is., got a fall on an icy walk last w inter, spruining his wrist and bruising his knees. "T he next day," he says, "they were so sore and stiff I was afraid I would haie to stay in bed, but I rubbed then, well with Chamberlain's I'ain liaim ami after a few applications all sorenooi had disappeared. A. C, Marsters & Co. Hot coffee and sandw iches at Jennings liukery. 7-1 if O. .1. Ilacher for dental work, Abra ham building. I'-tf K T. Pierce was in from Ten Mile Thursday and reports everything as of yore, out his way. Attorney C. S. Jackson, who is back from atrip to Qlandale, reports tiiat city us nourishing. He says the streets are being graded and graveled and put in excellent condition. The many friends of Miss Hazel Jew ett will he pleased to hear that her health is much improved and that her physician gives very encouraging reports of her condition. For crown and bridge work call on Dr. Ilacher. MM A FAMILY SAFEGUARD Let Us Do Your Hauling . Wo make ;i riporialty of handling; Tronka, Honaehold Goods, ami almost avarjthing, The boat of osrs taken of anything entrnitod to as. Losvojorden at the McClallen Hooao, or at & Newland'a, CITY TRANSFER CO., F. 0. NEWLAND, Proprietor O. K" TONSORIAL PARLOR T. D. WBATHBRFORD, Propiirtor Bhaving and Hair Cuttittg. Hot ami Cold JJatlis. The Up-To-Date Establishment. Jackson Street. Roseburg. Oregon If you want to buy a farm ! If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want to rent a house If you want to build a house If you want to move a house If roOdOO't know i'AT L L lluf t,,,ricr,n Call on oreddress... t t, MBbIBFIOO, 11 t'oatraclor aid builder Itoschiir Oregon. Have you Been it; the celebrated CALIFORNIA toaster? Vou will find it at Churchill's Hardware. Knunieled Ware with a Ave year guar antee, ritrausky Ware. SS-7t of indigestion. I could night ami snltered DQOSt excruciating pains for three hours after each meal. I was troubled this way for about three months when I used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and re ceived immediate relief, says John Dixon, Tullamure, Ontario, Candada. For sale by A . C. Marsters & Co. Kor bom '"WOtk cushion covers a spe- clal grade haevyi ologeljr1 woreo ean VaaiaabaO le .. necessary. We have it lu Jutt the light widtbi so that not an inch is wasted. Josephson's. UOtf Leave oraeri ui my place on Mill ntreei, (MMM W. A. (iiiKSK. W. M. Uarvitf is ui the city from Myrtle Point, where he is in the livery business. He says he makes frequent trips to this city with his stajjc, bul that he rimi-t net at least L'5 for each trip, ebether he hai one or several paeteu gers. rhaebryeanthemuni show will beheld in the building formerly occupied by Fisher it Bellows, instead of the Matth- ew's hall as advertited. Dr. r,tn srTftnpes with lbs Klscs ol IJr. Bo. y f. handle heiefaaioeeUofils's tiiut Tbroet and Lueg cure, QThe best family safeguard is n reliable bouaehold madlcine that will cure croup, eougha, colds, chilly sensation, running eves and none, sore thront and bronchial affections that will keep the children proof against all contagious discuses. QSuch a medicine is Boachee'i Germag Syrup, which has a record ol 35 years ill the cure of consumption, catarrh uud ull ImiK and bronchial liouhies. SJTne lame of Qenuan Byrap ns a con sumptive cure, since its purchase by Dr. QrtOM from the niece of the famous Dr. Boachati has extended to all parte of till! earth. It has hij; lalai everywhere, is I'l'wo sizes, 25c and 75c, J A. C. MARSTERS DRUG CO CA IX FOR IT STANFORD PURE RYE A .s K FOR IT It HitS the Spot. It Brings the Trade The Whiskey that pleases all Nothing Finer. Nothing Batter. TEN YEARS OLD GUARANTEED JUKI, JACOB & CO. Distillers, Cincinnati, Ohio K. B. lATUWft Agent, Roseburg, Oregon TAKE NO OTHIiR MUST HAVE IT